#i cant argue the cas thing because i dont care about him so it doesnt register in my brain if he's suffered or not
roughentumble · 5 months
i need to get out of the supernatural fandom you people are raising my goddamn bloodpressure im gonna snap one of these days. AS SAM SHOULD HAVE
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spootiliousrps · 5 years
Suspicious Nature Part 7
[Beginning] // [Previous] // [Next]
“Practice.” Eve said softly. “Everyone starts off where you are now. So don’t worry, we’ll get there.” She said softly.
"By Sunday?" Cas asked, obviously doubtful.
“We’ll get there.” Eve encouraged. “If you can learn to fight, then you can learn to walk.” She smiled.
Cas squinted at her still not on the same page. "Doubtful. At least with fighting you have to have a strong stance... this is... this like walking a tightrope with strong wind." He huffed before chuckling. "I'll make you a deal... If I learn to walk in these by Sunday, you let me teach you how to fight." He offered playfully.
Eve’s eyes grew wide. “I’m too old, and too much of an Omega to ever contemplate it.” She whispered.
That made Cas give a snort of amusement. "I was born just as much of an Omega as you, Eve." He pointed out in amusement as he took a shaky step. "And as far as I am concern I've trained older people than you."
Eve smiled. “I just don’t feel comfortable around weapons. I feel better in heeled shoes and dresses.” She said as she held tightly onto Castiel. “You need to be in control. Don’t fear the shoes. Command them. Tell them what you want.”
Castiel glared down at his feet. "I demand you cease your wobbling!" He snapped at them before addressing Eve
"And I the opposite." He admitted. He took another step, this time keeping from tripping at least.
 Eve laughed. “Not like that. When you had to command your men, you changed your posture and the way you stood. “Don’t lead with your heel so much, as you walk, keep your toes on the floor, just for the moment.”
That made absolutely no sense to him as he attempted it. It felt like he was stomping. This was ridiculous and he was becoming annoyed very quickly. "I feel like a horse prancing about like this." He huffed as he kept his posture straight.
  “I know. You’ll get used to it. I promise. I looked awful when I learnt.” Eve promised. “Slide your toes along the floor and then place your heel down.”
The Omega gave an annoyed growl as he complied. He managed a few steps before wobbling and giving another curse. "Why cant I just were my boots. The dress is long enough no one will notice? What if someone decide to try their luck how am I suppose to fight in these?"
  “Hey, I’m just trying to help.” Eve said softly. “You can always take your shoes off, and apparently a kick hurts a lot. But no one will try it on.”
 "Sorry that wasnt directed at you." He sighed. "Just been a rough few days. My feet as dying... do you mind if we take a break?"
  “I understand. Let’s sit you down and take them off. We can talk cutlery and dinner manners.” Eve said, helping John to sit on the bed.
 "Thank you." Cas sighed in relief doing his best to try and reach his feet over the bulk of the dress and giving another growl of frustration when he failed.
 Eve smiles and knelt down, taking his shoes off gently. “Shall we take your dress off as well so we don’t crease it?” She offered, patiently.
 "Yes, please." Cas rushed in relief already beginning to try and get it off.
Eve chuckled and help Castiel to unfasten the dress. “It is very pretty, it suits you well.” She said softly as she hung it up in his wardrobe. “You’re lucky you have all these clothes made for you.”
Cas pursed his lips as he considered his reply. "Thank you." He mumbled far more softly as he moved to dress in his regular attire. "I only wish I had a say in any of it." He admitted as he tugged on his trousers.
“We generally don’t, Sire.” Eve said softly. “You were lucky to have the opportunity to get the Royal treatment. They are kinder and give you more options.” She said softly. “You could have worn anything within reason and they would have made it.”t
"You say that and yet I was stripped down and marched to my quarters. I wouldn't call that a kindness." He grumbled.
“No Alpha would punish us. Not someone like His Majesty.” Eve said, as he eyes glazed over for a moment before blinking. “He’s a good man, he’s trying his best to not only learn his job, but to care truly for Omegas. His father wasn’t a good man. You are in the unique position to help His Majesty in these areas, if you do this, he’ll break through heaven and hell if you asked.” Eve explained softly.
"All I've asked is for some respect and him to stop threatening my family and yet every time he hears something he remotely doesnt agree with it's always straight to torturing and punishing the only family I have. I would happy to assist it He wasnt such an assbut." He scoffed. "Trying or not he had a cruel streak that reminds me of his father at times. And yes I know just saying that could get me hanged." He sighed. "I just dont care anymore."
Eve sighed. “No Alpha is perfect. Get him somewhere open, not confined in his quarters. Somewhere he likes to be. And speak to him kindly and softly. Offers him something he would like, ply him into a good mood and then explain that you don’t like your family being threatened. If you’re lucky he’ll open up as to why he’s being an... assbut. And then offer to help him work on whatever reasons he gives.” Eve explained softly as she turned back around to face the Omega. “His Majesty is probably still in mourning as well and he’s not being able to process that.”
Castiel hesitated, blinking at her in surprise. He... hadn't really thought about the fact the man might be mourning. Even if he didnt care for his father's actions it was still his father... perhaps he could manage that. "That was... very helpful and wise... thank you Eve."
Eve smiled, “I’m just old, my dear. I’ve been around a long time. Shall we get on with your dining etiquette? If you do well, I’ll listen to more of your thoughts and give you my thoughts.” Eve offered.
"I... would really like that." Cas admitted the tension in his shoulders fading more in that moment then that had since the whole thing began. Honestly... he missed his talks with Gabriel... it would be nice to have someone to talk to now that he was stuck in the kitchens.
Eve nodded as she brought out a set of pristine cutlery with ten sets of knives and forks. “There’s going to be ten course meals on Sundays, each one with their own cutlery.” She explained.
Castiel groaned at the information but he sat up listening carefully as he counter the utensils.
“So all you really need to know is that you use the knives and forks from the outside in. Apart from the soup course and you use the round spoon. Additionally, sometimes you use a second spoon for dessert, but it won’t be out of its not used.” Eve explained as she pointed to each spoon.
"Out in. Got it." He acknowledged. "So, what will I need to know about being an Omega in that situation?" He asked adjusting them slightly.
“So you’ll all arrive for a set time, as you do you’ll take your seat.” Eve started. “Your seat, this week will be at the head table on His Majesty’s right hand side. As you’re the newest Aide. There you’ll give a minute or two speech about your credentials and what you’re planning on achieving in the role. His Majesty May have already spoken to you about what he’s wanting from the military.” Eve explained. “Five minutes after the arrival time the King will enter. Everyone will rise, and salute him. Once he sits, the Alphas will, and then you as an Omega. I believe His Majesty is planning on overturning this rule so you’ll seat when the Alphas do. But as far as I’m aware he hasn’t done this yet.”
"Good to know. I suppose I will have to wait until he does." He acknowledged. "It will be upsetting to most of the Alphas that an Omega is becoming an Aide but I would like to keep it to a minimum." He sighed.
Eve nodded, “You’re the first in history, so there will be backlash. But you are paving a way for everyone other Omega. I will help you as much as you can, and so will His Majesty. The King wants you to succeed, that’s why he was giving you all that help at the beginning.” She explained. “Don’t throw the help away for the sake of vanity.”
Castiel scoffed at that. "Vanity? If only..." He sighed. "I had appreciated the help... it wasnt that... But tell me Eve... if he makes it a point to provide me with more than a typical Alpha, would that not be special treatment?" He asked. "If I gain these things when Alphas do not, it become more than just help it becomes priviledge and I become the favorite Omega who slept his way to the top even if it is untrue. By refusing the help I am nothing more than an equal. Yes it will be far more difficult... yes it will be dangerous but then no one can argue than an Omega /earned/ their place rather than being handed it.... That we are worth it. Thay we /can/ do it. This isnt just about me... or my vanity. It's about all of us. I dont want to be given anything that would make my job harder in the long run... including favoritism."
Eve sighed, “Sire, I cannot tell you what do to, but I would take the help. Everyone would believe I am the favourite anyway, because of the job I hold, the job proves favouritism enough, people will believe I slept my way to the position I hold, so I would take the help. It could be dangerous, like you said, so I would want anything that will make it easier, even just for one day.” Eve explained. “His Majesty wouldn’t want the reputation that every Omega he sleeps with to get a high level job, so he would dispel the rumours, anyway. I would take the help and at least go to sleep feeling safe.” Eve explained, placing the cutlery set to one side and gently taking his hand.
"Perhaps." Castiel sighed, considering it. Even if he didnt agree with the woman she did have some valid points. He gave her hand a small squeeze in return. "I could also kill any Alpha that tries anhthing." He offered. "Eventually they'd get the picture and leave me be." He shrugged knowing that's not really how that works.
Eve chuckled. “That’s if you don’t get thrown in prison first.” She smiled warmly.
"Maybe." He shrugged. "I don't know Eve... there is a lot of ifs and maybes...  To be honest... I just miss home... not that there is a home to go back to after this." He sighed, glancing away, eyes sadder than they had been just a moment before.
“Why don’t you tell me about home?” Eve suggested. “We can try and make this room more homely if you wanted?”
Cas snorted at that, offering her a warm smile that made the still healing lip burn a bit. "That is very sweet but I doubt it would be manageable." He mused. "This room... it's too large and lavish. In the barracks all I had was a simple cot, the things I needed to care for my armor and a small wardrobe for my clothes. But honestly it's the people I miss... My men... the ones that were always there, always giving counsel or laughing in the next room." He gave a small sad sigh. "His Majesty has reassured me I can visit when I become Aide but... unless it's for business I dont believe that is a good idea. I have no doubt made most of them very angry and would not want to cause any more trouble than necessary. Still... it has only been a few days and I miss them terribly... And worst of all Gabriel isnt even here to help... His Majesty obviously despises him and after so many threats I wouldnt dare visit him... but I do worry about him."
“My sister works in the kitchens. She is as old as me. I’m sure she can swing it with the chef to let her look out for Gabriel, or many even train him.” Eve offered. “I’m sure His Majesty has a good reason for not liking Gabriel, he won’t despise someone for no reason.” She smiled. “Talk to His Majesty. Let him open up to you. He’s just as lonely and new to the job as you are. You two can help each other if you just try.”
"Oh... I wouldnt want her to bother herself.... Gabriel is quite a handful." He admitted softly. "Though it would put my mind at ease." He admitted softly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Obviously side stepping her words regarding the King. "You are very kind Eve... Thank you." He sighed. "It shouldnt be as rare as it is in the world but it is." He smiled at her.
“It shouldn’t, but if you work hard it won’t be rare ever again. Maybe even one day, your great great grandkids might see an Omega Queen in charge.” Eve said wistfully. “Come on, let have another try in your shoes and then I’ll leave you to rest.” She said softly.
Cas chuckled at that. “Yeah… Maybe.” He mused before his smile faded and he gave a childish groan before moving back towards the bed to put the torture devices back on his feet.
“Come on, I’m sure the last thing you want to do is walk into a room of stuffy old Alphas and look weak or even trip and fall.” Eve chuckled, as she helped Castiel to put the shoes back on.
“You’re right but I still don’t see why I can’t just wear my boots.” He huffed as he strapped them on and stood with a bit more confidence than before.  
“Because you need to prove that no matter what they do to you, you are better and will overcome it, and do their jobs ten times better.” Eve smiled, trying to instil confidence into Castiel.
The Omega shot her a side glare with no real heat, hiding a small smirk. “Must you always be right?” He teased lightly. “Its infuriating.” He chuckled as he tried to take a step forward. They really were painful.
“I’m old. When you’re my age, you’ll always be right too.” Eve smiled warmly. “Stop putting so much weight on your heels, try just walking on your tiptoes.”
Cas’ smile faded but he tried to comply, wobbling as he did so. He was certain he looked like an idiot but he did as he was told and slid his feet forward one at a time.
“That’s it. You’re doing so well. At least you’re doing this without me holding you.” Eve smiled. “No one is perfect straight away. It takes practice. I’m sure used to tell the new soliders that all the time.”
“Yes… though I feel a bit childish hearing it told to me at this age.” He mused as he waddled across the room, only almost falling twice.
“And you were trying to get to teach me to use a sword.” Eve smiled. “I’m proud of what you’ve done today. You’ve come so far is such a small amount of time. You’re a quick learning.”
“Well, I certainly try.” He offered, gaze still on his feet as he continued his treck. “I don’t think I’ll ever take for granted the Omegas who wear these.” He admitted softly.
“And here you were wanting to get away from your Omega side.” Eve smiled. “Is there anything you want to ask me about being an Omega? I don’t want you to be confused about anything.”
Cas paused considering it a moment. “I…” He began flushing deeply. “Apparently I am having a bit of issue hiding my scent. Is there something I can do?” He asked, as he moved to sink down with another sigh, feet already aching.
Eve sighed. “Share you heat. You’ve been so long without a heat, I believe your body may have... almost regressed back to a prepubescent stage. You’ve just come off the suppressants, so now your body is a teenager who has presented for the first time. It can’t control your scent or anything else related. Usually it settles down when an Omega shares a heat with an Alpha.” Eve explained softly. “That’s my best guess but I’ve never met anyone who has used suppressants before. “Your heat may be... strong as well. I know that whilst pregnant, an Omega doesn’t have heat, and after the nine months, it’s as if... the heats have built up, and is released all at once. At may be the same for you.” Eve explained. “So speak with an Alpha now, explain this and ask for their assistance. It will help ease the... desperation.”
Cas wrinkled his nose at that. “I think I rather be locked in a cage and forgotten.” He grumbled softly. “I don’t detest the idea of laying with an Alpha.” He clarified quickly, realizing how it sounded. “Its just… I don’t trust any of them in that aspect. Alphas are fine men in general outside of the bedroom but they’re aggressive sadistic beasts the moment the scent weakness.” He stated flatly as if he believed that that was the case without exception. “They want nothing more than to take what they desire by any means and leave their Omega as they please.” He gave another sigh, deflating a bit. “I suppose I’ll just have to figure out another way.” He mumbled already deep in thought, not realizing how serious his words had been.
“Castiel...” Eve said softly. “Make a deal with an Alpha. They can lay with you, but not knot you. Talk through what you want and don’t want. I promise if by the end of your heat, your scent will get worse and you’ll be in so much more pain. Don’t do that to yourself, just for unfounded stubbornness.” Eve said softly, taking his hands. “You’ll understand why I’m saying this if you trust me.”
Cas glanced at her evenly. “Unfounded?” He scoffed. “I might not have lain with an Alpha in some time but I’ve been with enough to know that nothing about it is ‘Unfounded’. And I would still need to find one that I could trust their word which at the moment is zero.” He sighed. “Maybe Surges…” He contemplated.
“He has a job that will take up too much time. You need someone who is their own boss.” Eve explained. “You are going to be in heat for the majority of the day and night.”
“Well, if he is assigned to me again then his only job would be to be with me.” He contemplated. “But that would imply I’d actually spend a heat with an Alpha.” He pointed out. “I have a lot to consider but I’m not sure of any of it.”
“Well you have my opinion, and...” Eve thought for a moment, “even if it’s not true, you can phrase it as it being you giving the Alpha your heat, and as such you can ask for something in return from them. Just... don’t throw the ideas away.” She hummed softly.
“Honestly Eve, I value your opinion to much to throw any of them away. Even if I don’t like them.” He teased lightly. “Can I take these off now?” He asked perhaps a bit too quickly.
Eve nodded, “but I want you to try walking around the room a few times today. I’ll be back tomorrow and I want to see you do it without help and without falling.” She smiled.
“I will do my best.” He offered returning her smile, very thankful for her presence suddenly.
Eve smiled and tentatively opened her arms. “I know you will. You’re a good man.” She said softly.
He hesitated before moving into her embrace which only made him miss his brother, the only other person he really hugged.
“You’ll do well. Just don’t try to do it alone. People want to help, allow them.” Eve said, before pulling back.
“I will do my best but if the cost is too great then I have to refuse.” He sighed, straightening as well.
“I know but you have to try. For all of us, you have to succeed or it will only get worse for us.” Eve said softly. “I’ve seen too much progress to watch it regress.”
“I can only promise to do my best.” He reassured. “I am just a man, though it seems like there are a lot of people who think otherwise.”
“We are all so desperate to show we can be equals. And you have the opportunity. Our dreams are to have the opportunity you have. But I will help any way I can.” Eve promised.
“I know… I hope to make the dream a reality.” He acknowledged. “But I am will still make some mistakes. I hope you can forgive me when I do.”
“We will. And I hope you’ll call on me if you need any advice.” Eve said softly. “I want to help you through this.”
“Speaking of which…” He mumbled softly. “How attached are you to your position?” He asked. “When I become Aide its my understanding that I can choose a number of advisors to assist in a great number of things. From what I’ve gathered most Aides choose military advisors but I feel as if I can manage that bit.” He admitted with a small chuckle. “Its etiquette I’m pretty worried about.”
“I’m too old to keep up with the young ones, but I don’t want to retire. It would be my honor to be your assistant, Sire.” Eve said bowing as low as she could with a fist over her heart.
Castiel’s grin broadened as he returned the salute with a shallow bow. “I hope you know what you’re getting into… It’s not going to be easy being an Omega assistant with the first Omega Aide.” He pointed out. “Could be dangerous… You sure you don’t want those sword lessons?” He teased playfully.
“I trust you’ll protect me, Sire.” Eve smiled. “Plus who would want to try it on with me? I’m old and saggy.”
The words caught Castiel of guard and it took a moment for him to realize what she had said before he burst into laughter.
Eve smiled and chuckled softly. “I’ll meet with you tomorrow at the same time. I want you walking around the room on your own.” She smiled, “and talk to a handsome, free Alpha about your heat. As your assistant, this is what I’m telling you to do.”
Cas shot her another glare still without any heat behind it. “Pushing me already I see.” He teased but nodded. “I’ll do my best.”
“It’s for the best.” Eve smiled before leaving the room and Castiel in silence.
Castiel watched her go, feeling a bit better with the world around him. She was right… about so many things but perhaps he should address one thing at a time… He glanced at the shoes, toss haphazardly to the side… One thing at a time… just not /that/. He ignored them before turning to his desk and beginning to try and find the words to address the King.
To his Most Excellent Majesty Dean Winchester, King of Shurley
May it please your Majesty,
 To permit an unworthy, but loyal subject to approach your Majesty's throne in this manner, as tradition will not let me do it in any other.
I would like to humbly, formally request and audience with his Majesty, The King. It has come to my attention that there are a few subjects which may need to be discussed. While this is not a formal matter, which is a bit unorthodox, I feel that there is many misunderstandings that could be clarified with a simple civilized discussion; outside the confines of the castle and its inhabitants.
Perhaps if the King could find it in his good graces to spare a bit of time, an inspection of the new Knight Commander could be arranged with his Aide to be? I am certain the time it takes to stroll from the Castle to the barracks could be plenty enough for such discussion.
I request this and nothing more, I assure His Majesty. I am settling quite well into my position and feel as if everything that has been provided is more than adequate to meet the needs of a new Royal Aide.
May your most gracious Majesty take these matters into due consideration, and may you be inspir'd by the King of Kings to do that which is right in his sight. I wish long life and happiness to your Majesty, and am,
 Your Majesty's most Faithful and obedient Castiel Novak, Former Knight Commander.
 Dean read the letter a few time, digesting and dissecting the words slowly. It was never something he would have expected to read, especially from Castiel of all people. He picked up his quill and a clean piece of parchment: Dearest Aide Novak, Nothing would please me more than to dispel the air between us. I fear that the future will is close together, professionally. If you are able, please meet myself by the main entrance after supper, today. I am positive that the cool air will aide in our civilised discussion. Your ever faithful King, King Dean Winchester. Dean wrote in his elegant cursive handwriting he was forced to learn when he was a child.
Castiel was on his way to the library when the messenger presented him with the letter. He mumbled a quick thank you before breaking the seal and beginning to read the words carefully. He sighed a breath of relief when the words seemed to be accepting rather than patronizing and aggressive. Now all he needed to figure out is what he would wear to inspect the newly promoted men.
That evening, Dean headed out of his chambers, ordering the guard to stay behind. He had a short dagger strapped to his waist and a sword hanging on the other side. He waited by the double front doors, looking around for Castiel.
It didn’t take long for Castiel to appear, dressed in his social formal Alpha clothing from his previous rank. He would have preferred something more fitting but he wasn’t quite comfortable dressing as an Aide without the title, quite yet and the clothing Celeste had made for him was long gone. Regardless he approached the King, giving a low sweeping bow per usual. Though he hid it well enough his own weapons could be made out against the line of his waist and his boots if one looked close enough.
“Your Majesty.” He greeted. “Thank you for the quick response and the opportunity for counsel.”
“Of course.” Dean said softly, as he counted the numerous weapons on his person. “It read that you had something particular to speak about. Is there anything particular on your mind.”
 "Well... Yes. I suppose there is." Cas acknowledged before motioning towards the hall. "Shall we walk?"
Dean nodded and held his arm open, to allow Castiel to go first. “Is there anything I can do to ease your transition? I’ve heard that you’ve enjoyed your session with your elocutionist, so much that you’ve appointed her as your assistant.” Dean hummed softly.
 Castiel nodded and began to walk, keeping his eyes ahaed as he listened. "Yes, in the short amount of time I spoke to her she showed quite a bit of wisdom. I am also not so vain to ignore my weaknesses, the largest being etiquette as you have seen first hand." He admitted. "She actually advised I speak with you about matters at hand."
 Dean opened his arms, “I am all ears, Novak.” He said as he watched Castiel closely. “This is something causing you some distress. Wouldn’t you prefer to do this somewhere, away from any prying eyes and ears?” He offered, wanting Castiel to be comfortable for whatever matter he is about to raise.
 "If I may speak freely, Sire?" He asked carefully, finally glancing at him, looking a bit worried.
 “Of course Novak, this is clearly eating you up inside.” Dean said softly, wanting to reach out and take Castiel’s hand to calm the Omega but knew better than to try it.
 "To be honest, Sire... I was hesitant to be alone with you. Our... record for such things is not very pleasant." He pointed out. "But I hope to rectify that. I believe it is a simple case of misunderstanding. Perhaps we are not seeing things from each other's sides."
 Dean nodded. “May I just say that, what I was giving you, I didn’t see as help to make you more than equals to your Aide counterparts. I can only imagine how hard all this is for you, I merely wanted to help you onto the same footing as the other Aides.” Dean explained. “A lot of them had been training for the position for years, I thought I was helping by giving you the education and privileges that they had acquired over the years.” He explained, his eyes soft and gentle as he looked over to Castiel. “Please forgive my ignorance, Novak.”
 Castiel seemed to soften a bit at that, shoulders seeming slightly less tense than before. “I… Know.” He acknowledged softly. “There is no reason to apologize for that. I realize that you were only trying to help, Dean. I meant no disrespect when I refused everything you were trying to give. I only ask that you see it from my point of view as well… Having these things would help tremendously but at what cost. As an Omega next to the King; you could be accused of favoritism and I would be given privilege. Neither of which we can really afford if we are to accomplish what we are attempting. Every Omega Aide that comes after me would expect the same treatments while the Alpha’s are not receiving it. That cannot be allowed.” He offered as they continued on. “I must learn on my own unfortunately. Though I do want to express my gratitude for your willingness to assist. It is appreciated.” He acknowledged, forcing a small smile towards the man.  
Dean smiled and nodded. “As you wish, though I do hope you’d come to me if you need anything. Anything at all. Especially with something such as Singer. I know you may have thought my actions childish, but when there is a man who has been set in the rules and etiquette and procedures for as long as him, sometimes the only possible way to make him listen is to shout and be loud and break etiquette.” Dean explained, softly. He gave Castiel a soft smile, “how about... a deal, I won’t threaten your family, if you come to me when you need a King’s input?” He offered gently, guessing that Castiel would turn down the offer.
The Omega consider it for a moment, considering his options. “To be honest, Sire. After the night previously… I didn’t expect you would believe me, or care for that matter.” He admitted. “Your reaction was quite the surprise.” He sighed. “I couldn’t exactly run to you and plead when my brother could be harmed for it.” He added before giving another tension draining sigh. “I suppose I can ignore my doubts and approach you when necessary.” He acknowledged. “Someone had suggested that you may be handling your new role… not quite as easily as you let on as well.” He added, turning to eye the man. “Perhaps we should discuss you’re ascension as well? Is there anything I can aide you with? That is why you brought me here afterall, isn’t it?”
Dean smiled softly, as he looked over to Castiel. “All I could ever ask of you is to grow into your role quickly, which I know you’ll do.” He said softly. “But if you are offering, my role is... quite lonely, if you know of anyone that could lead a supportive ear, one who is cleared to hear about aspects of my role, that normal men cannot hear, then I would be grateful if you gave me their names.” Dean said, his voice growing quieter, as he looked around
Cas paused taking a moment to appreciate the evening air as they entered the courtyard just outside the palace. He was thankful that most of the servants were tending to either their families or the supper clean up duties. He turned to face the King. “Your Majesty, I realize that I have come off a bit… aggressively during our first few meetings. I had no intentions of such things. I’ve asked your forgiveness once, though perhaps a bit superficially, so I will ask it again. Please, forgive me. I suppose it is a defense mechanism after posing as an Alpha for so long. I hope to change it though it may take time. That being said, I would be honored to listen to your problems, concerns… opinions as a man, rather than a King. I assure, this time I will not address them so poorly.”
Dean nodded, he tried to keep a calm expression but the relief in his eyes and the tension lifting from his shoulders gave him away. “Thank you Novak, I... it means a lot that you would offered your services.” He said with a genuine smile, aimed at the Omega. “Though, to ask you of this task and not give you something of equal enormity and as personal seems... unfair. I understand you don’t want to be seen as a favourite, but I do hope to return the favour.” Dean explained.
“I am no so sure, Sire.” Castiel countered. “Last time I attempted it my brother was threaten. If I do so again, I suppose I should be so lucky not have a pet or he would be as well.” He added, the only indication that the words were meant as a joke was the small upturn of his mouth and the amusement that shown in his gaze.
“Your brother shall never come into harms away, again. Unless he puts himself there.” Dean said with a small smile. “If you would like a pet to make your room more homely, all I ask is that you don’t get a dog, I fear they don’t like me to well.” Dean explained.
Cas gave a small chuckle at that. “A pet is a lot of responsibility. I think I have my hands full enough with Gabriel.” He replied as they started walking once more; the Omega grateful for the small breeze that allowed the relieved scent he was no doubt exuding to dissipate. His smile faded slightly as he considered the last few weeks, however. “If we are discussing these issues freely, Sire. I hope it is not too much to ask how you are handling your Father’s passing? I know your relationship may not have been the greatest but a father is still a father.”
 It was Dean’s turn to stop walking and looked down to the floor. “This is still too public for me to speak ill of the dead.” He said, his voice small and weak. “Many liked him, and if someone overhears me speaking disrespectfully, I fear it won’t help my reputation much.” Dean sighed. “But thank you for the concern.” He looked up at Castiel, sadness filled his eyes.
 Castiel's brows furrowed, his own gaze saddened as he saw Dean for what he truly was for perhaps the first time: A man who was both confused and saddened by the loss of his father. Castiel wanted to reach for him, to comfort him... which was an odd feeling. "Of course... My apologies, I should have realized the inappropriate location." He acknowledged, feeling guilty while also a but relieved of Dean's subtle reaction. "Perhaps if the inspection goes well, we may have a bit of time to discuss matters more privately?" He offered.
 Dean nodded and looked to the sky to calm him emotions before looking back to Castiel. “Only if you wish to spend the time with me. I do not wish to force you.” He said softly, continuing their walk.
 "I suppose, to find out if you are good to your word... I would have to." He offered. "Since you assured me no more threats on my family." He added. "Eventually, perhaps we will earn one another's trust." He shrugged. "I'd say that's a good start at least."
 Dean nodded. “I do trust you, I just don’t appreciate some of the ways you speak to me.” He explained. “I trust your consul or I wouldn’t have made you an Aide.”
 Castiel chuckled at that. "I suppose you have a great number of reasons to feel that way. I suppose I am not very... charismatic in tone." He admitted with a sigh. "It had gotten me in quite a few arguement with King John, may he rest in peace." He admitted.
 “He can rest.” Dean mumbled. “We’ll work on it together.” He offered. “I’ll learn to understand what you’re trying to say and not become so defensive so easily.” He suggested. “Was there anything else you’d like to speak about? How are you settling into your room?” He asked.
 "Fairly well, all things considered." He admitted, thankful for the change in subject. "Its a bit too lavish for my tastes but I suppose I will get use to it. I would like, with your permission to have some of the furniture removed. I lived a fairly simplistic life until now and I am not quite sure what half of the pieces are meant to do." He admitted a bit embarrassed but the fact.
 “I’m sure your elocutionist can explain and show you. Or if you’d prefer, I can.” Dean offered. “Then you can choose whether you want to keep it or not.”
 "I am certain Eve will be most pleased to give me the full history of each." He mused. "I would not want to take up too much of your time, Sire." He offered. "It is just furniture."
 Dean hummed, “is there anything else you’d like to speak to me about? Anything personal or professional, I don’t mind.” He offered softly. “If you are to listen to my troubles then I’m happy to listen to yours.”
 "Well, perhaps... professional." He admitted. "Eve mentioned it is customary that Omegas sit last at meals such as the one Sunday. She had mentioned you were planning to change this but that it has not happened. I simply wanted to make sure this was the case and it would change?"
 “It is, it’s in motion.” Dean promised. “But my work is backdated four years, and at the moment, I need to deal with the older work first, as well as anything pertaining to my security in the job.” Dean sighed. “I’ll nudge it up the order, so it’ll be passed for the following Sunday.” Dean promised.
 "Of course, Sire. There is no rush. I cannot pretend to know what Omegas have gone through, sitting last for one meal is nothing to complain about comparatively." He offered with a small bow. "Though perhaps, if you allow me to examine some of the precautions you are taking for your own security I can assist in that area? I realize I may not be an Aide yet but my experience allows me some insight in the subject."
 Dean shook his head. “It is the legal side of it all. So no one can claim I ascended illegally. So Sammy can’t force me to abdicate. But thank you for offering Novak, it means a lot that you want to help.” Dean explained. “Plus, I need to find new Aides. My father made them all swear an oath to him rather than the chair. The ones that haven’t retired, are still in the job out of the kindness of their hearts.” Dean sighed. “And the longer I make them wait to retire, the more restless they grow.” He sighed, forgetting himself and his surroundings
 Castiel nodded as he listened, knowing the way to the barracks by heart. “I see.” He mumbled softly. “How many would you prefer to have, Sire?” He asked curiously. “Have you given much thought to your brother?” He added remembering the mention of the younger Winchester when they had first interacted with one another. “If I may, Your Majesty, I still feel as if he would make a wonderful Advisor or Aide. It may not be traditional but… neither is an Omega. Perhaps he would be interested in the position... Though I do realize he has a different profession currently.”
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Grey I think he’s also uncomfortable because in this episode it shows Jo with black eyes.  And now he’s going to go drink like he hasnt in a while. Gray’s always happy when Grey’s upset
Grey And there’s those eyes
Jo Hiya demon!Jo!   ….The real question is has he actually seen Abandon All Hope before in its full LOL  …he really hasnt gone and had a drink in a while has he. Oh dear. LOOOOOL That’s very very true
Grey Yes.  >_> He doesnt like it.  At all. No he hasnt, not for a while.
Jo …Its a sad moment when its one of Jo’s favourites because she’s proud of herself right up until Ellen stays and she dies before she can do her duty… But yeah makes sense he doesnt like it.  ….The poor thing. You shouldnt have let me be mean!
Grey Grey hates the episode from start to finish and really really dislikes Sam and Dean during it.  And Cas. He deserved it, he’s starting his punishment early
Jo ….what on…get him to explain that because what….    LOL Well…glad to help then? *pets him and points him towards Jo’s stash*
Grey Because Sam and Dean drag Jo along in his opinion then Dean is the reason she gets hurt and it was their plan.  As far as Cas it’s because had he not “gotten himself trapped like a stupid shit” he’d have been able to heal her and take her and Ellen out of there when it got bad.  Oh no he knows not to touch her stuff, he’ll get his own
Grey And by drag Jo along he doesnt mean against her will
Grey He means like she gets caught up in their wake of self destruction and bad luck
Jo Jo would hiss at the idea of someone saying she gets caught up in other people’s things and she didn’t go because she wanted to. But I guess that makes sense. *gives him a chocoate for adding ‘and Ellen’*  He;s more than welcome to it, not like she’d notice/not just think she had it without realsing
Grey Grey knows she wanted to go but he also knows if the Winchesters had never crossed paths with her she’d have never gone on that suicide mission. He added Ellen because he knows Jo would have gone no where without her mom.  …. How much does Jo drink that her entire stash could be gone without her realizing she drank it?
Jo He should know that if she had never crossed paths with them she’d either have been a depressed little bar maid or gotten herself killed on her first hunt.  True true. ….well she’d notice the entire stash gone, but she’s got a lot of the same stuff or rather she’s got a lot of whiskey, scotch, rum and vodka and never knows how much she has of what and wouldn’t be surprised to find a fair few
Jo empty ones because she only tends to go restock when she’s out of everything
Grey That’s true but during AAH, Grey really doesnt care about anything but the fact the “Winchester Curse” is getting Jo killed just because she’s around them.  Grey would empty out her stash as he is right now
Jo …Well now Jo’s just pouting because eavesdroppers never here things they want to blondie!  Well best he not touch hers then
Grey LOL why is she pouting?
Jo Because… …she was really proud of herself uring that time. Like really /really/ proud of herself. …If Ellen had just unlocked the doors, given her the fuse and ran, Jo would have actually died happy that time. Because she was doing what she was supposed to do, what she’d always wanted to do, ever since she was a little girl and she was finally getting to do it and be treated like a mature
Jo adult and so she was really happy, honestly. The only thing that made her unhappy was that she was too useless to be able to do it herself fully.
Jo (Which meant Ellen died which she didn’t want at all)
Grey She always wanted to die for a cause?
Jo …she wanted to be a hero like her dad.
Jo She wanted to be treated like an equal and an adult and die saving people like her dad di.
Jo Die fighting too..
Grey That’s horrible
Jo You thought it wouldn’t be? This is Jo we’re talking about.
Grey Not the treated like the equal part the fact she’s always wanted to die for something
Grey See this is why Grey panicked
Jo *nodnod*
Grey She was all set to do it again
Jo Jo… wants to be like her dad, she wants him to be proud of her. That’s pretty much the one thing that almost everything can eventually be drawn back to by playing the ‘why’ game.
Jo *nodnod* Course she was.
Grey Now Grey is /pissed/ and having a fit
Jo LOL …whats he pissed and having a fit at?
Grey He cant stand the martyring
Grey Grey doesnt think dying makes you a hero if you go around seeking death he thinks it makes you stupid
Grey And selfish and a lot of other unpleasant adjectives he’s loudly yelling
Grey (remember that was one of the problems he had with Anna?  How she was all holier than thou about her being willing to get herself killed for anyone and everyone)
Jo Jo would like to clarify she’s not /seeking/ death and never has been trying to /die/; just… be something that she can be proud of in herself and that she thinks her dad would be proud of - its not about thinking the dying makes a hero but the motivations and the reasons behind whatever actions you make, whether you do die or not. She just wasn’t afraid of the dying. And now she’s pouting and
Jo sulking even more.   (Thats very true - though the difference is that Anna is holier than thou about it and preachy over it, while Jo is just 'if I die, I die; what matters is X’ where X isn’t 'that you wont’)
Grey Grey’s saying she’s fooling herself by saying she doesn’t go out seeking death, that all hunters do one way or another and if she really wants to do her dad’s memory justice she won’t keep throwing her life away like it’s nothing.  (Yeah but it’s still reminding Grey of the unpleasantness he had with her)
Grey Grey honey it’s kind of pointless to argue with her about this when you’ve already temporarily dampened the part you dont like
Jo Jo’s saying that if that’s his opinion than she should just stay at home and /do/ nothing; that he knows her better than to think she /wants/ to die given he knows where she /thinks/ she’s going and that he 'doesn’t understand!’ and getting huffy.  (True true. Poor Grey) It really kind of is, but… and thats cool
Grey He says doesnt want her to do nothing, he wants her to not take chances and not go running headfirst into dying.  And he says no he doesnt understand and he won’t ever understand how she thinks that it could ever be fine to die if she thinks she’s headed downstairs.  I’m still sorry about that, something started glitching and it was not beeping me or doing any sounds.
Grey (And the first song I get to hear after fixing sound is Heavy in Your Arms nice one playlist)
Jo She’s saying that she’s not and not going to, that he’s made himself perfectly clear in past and she’s not going to be so 'to use his word - stupid!’; And that that isn’t what he doesn’t understand.         (That’s cool hun, honest *hugs* dammit playlist)
Grey Grey’s asking then what is she talking about because there’s a lot of things he doesn’t understand about Jo and while he loves some of those things he really doesnt know what to do with the other ones.  (*hugs* Appropriate time to play it though)
Jo She’s saying that he doesn’t understand about family, the way it is with human’s - or at least not the way it is to her and that he might think he does, but he doesn’t get it and he doesn’t understand or otherwise he wouldn’t think that she’s throwing her life away trying to be something for her dad. And that she’s sorry if that was snippy but..  (It really really was.)
Grey He’s saying he doesnt think her dad would have wanted her to get hurt for him if her mother’s attitude is anything to go by about how family is treated.  But she’s right and he doesn’t understand about family or people because he’s not either. (*Trying to shush Grey because he’s putting his foot in it* this is why you do not just drink and drink silly monster*)
Jo Jo says that he didn’t know her dad and she’s a great deal more like him that her mom. That her mom never liked her dad hunting the same as she’s never liked Jo doing it, and that she’s not /trying/ to get hurt or die or whatever else for him - she’s trying to do what she thinks he would have done from what she remembers him of being like. And that it’s okay that he doesn’t understand and it
Jo 'doesn’t really matter much really’.  (Oh Grey, you silly little thing you.)
Grey Grey’s saying if her dad was a person who wanted her to go out and get hurt for his sake or the sake of pride he wouldnt have liked him. (Meanwhile Gray is watching with great interest)
Jo She’s huffing and saying that that wasn’t the kind of person her dad was either! That her dad was strong and brave and treated people right and he wanted her to be safe and able to protect herself and other’s. And that’s what she’s doing, protecting herself and other people who can’t protect themselves.  (LOL Why so? What’s he interested in mostly of what is thinging?)
Grey Grey moving into a silence and having some more drinks.  (He thinks there’s an explosion immenient somewhere in here and that sooner or later Grey or Jo is going to trip the switch and he’s going to get to see fireworks)
Jo Jo’s huffing again and muttering that he would have liked him.  (Of course he does…Whose he putting money on triping it?)
Grey Grey’s saying her dad never would have liked him because he’s a monster and he’s with his little girl.  "That’s like two big no no. First no no is touching his daughter and then second is being something he’d hunt in the dark.“ (Grey.  he thinks Grey is going to say something stupid.)
Jo Jo’s shaking her head and saying that she meant /Grey/ would have liked him. “Might have been his little girl but I was his only one and he only ever wanted me to be happy, whatever that meant - hunting, baking, riding on his knee and driving the wheel..”  (LOL …I never know with these two)
Grey Grey’s saying saying it would have been a mutual dislike because her dad probably would have shot him.  And he doesnt mind getting shot over Jo but it’s hard not to take it hard when that happens. (Grey is getting to where he’s noticably being effected by the alcohol now)
Jo Jo is making a hand for his bottle and saying that if he thinks someone like her’s something that he 'doesnt mind’ being shot over then he’s in no position to comment over what she’s willing to get hurt over or was willing to. “Whichever.”  (This should be an amusement)
Grey Grey’s shaking his head and saying getting shot isnt going to mortally wound him, usually and that it’s unpleasant but not anything he can’t fix quick.  Jo can’t just mend bones if she hurt herself. And he’s moving so the bottle is furher out of her reach/sight. (Stupid thing)
Jo She’s saying she damned well can, it just takes her a little longer than the 'rest’ of them, and that she used to have a /lot/ more scars than she has now that she’d be able to completely prove it to him that she can 'recover’ eventually, mostly. And that doesn’t change the fact he’s seemingly dumb enough to wear himself out over her, so her point still remains, and that he should maybe put the
Jo bottle down.
Grey Grey says she can’t have his bottle because it’s his.  And that maybe he was a little self-destructive there, so that’s exactly his point those kind of things are problematic for everyone.  And he’s sorry for being stupid.
Jo Jo’s saying shes not asking for his bottle just that he should put it down for a bit; that that was stupider than any of her own old habits and that the closest she’d gotten any time recently to anything quite that stupid was… not anything anywhere near that crazy. And how she doesn’t understand it’s alright for him to do something like that, yet he hates the idea that she’s slightly sacrificial
Grey Grey says it’s not alright, it was dumb and he knows it and he doesnt want Jo making the same error.
Jo She says that that just because someone wants something doesn’t mean it’s going to happen and snapping her fingers for the bottle.
Grey Grey’s mumbling he doesnt get why Jo doesnt want him to want her to be safe and that noooooo she can’t have it
Jo Jo is huffing that it’s not hi-… that he can want that all he wants but it doesn’t mean he’d get it the way he wanted it if he got it at all. And that he’s to hand it over or she’ll take it from him and drink whatever is left of it.
Grey Grey says fine take it, he’ll just get more
Grey You need bed Jesse
Jo Jo’s grumbling and setting it away from him regardless. She’s also muttering something about people drinking alone
Jo I’, good, its a Friday and tomorrow I dont have to get upa t all
Grey Grey’s got another full bottle and says he’s never alone while he’s in a meatsuit. (WAY TO BE CREEPY GREY)
Grey Are you sure?
Jo She’s pouting. A lot. A lot a lot a lot. And that she doesn’t want to think about that… she doesn’t have a word for Jack. (LOL CREEP FACTOR LEVEL MAXIMUM)
Jo wow, that was a misplace hands too far to the right, I’m sure - no work, no uni, no picking people up. Sleep in day.
Grey “But see I can never drink alone.  And asshole is the word you’re looking for.” (How creeped out does that make Jo?) Okay just tell me when you get sleepy and I will put this drunk monster to bed
Jo “Unless you’re talking to him while you’re drinking, it’s still alone.  I don’t even think that quite… just… He’s more loathesome than your brother, Grey! And put that… put that away.”  (A fair bit if only because she doesnt like Jack and she is often quite worried about what he must say and think and annoy Grey with)  No problemo c:
Grey “We can talk in here, I just don’t like to.  It’s not like he does anything but curse me for hijacking him.  You want me to call him a monster? Why?” (Of course she doesnt.  And yeah usually Grey ignores him unless it’s something about Jo then he walls him off)
Jo “Yeah well, it’s better for everyone that he’s in there the fuckin’ ..nrgh! I liked it better when you were being insensetive about my dad than talking about that ….that despicable excuse for a human being. He is a monster, of his own damn makin’. And because!”  (*nodnod* I’m guessing 75% bitching at grey 15% bitching about Jo and 10% other cruel remarks?)
Grey “I was being insensitive?  I’m sorry. He doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong, which is why he’ll never get his life back. Because why?” (Yep.  Accurate breakdown)
Jo “You’re drinking, you get /some/ leway.. Though you’re going to have to learn that my dad’s one of those things you don’t understand you’re either gonna have to love or just not try to work out what to do 'bout.  …sound about right. Fine! You drink away then!”
Grey “I’m not loving anything that gets you blown up.  Are you mad?” (He turns into an annoying four year old when he’s drunk with the questions)
Jo “Technically I was dead before then, it was mom who died in the explosion..  I’m not mad.” (LOL he does. It’s cute in a 'oh god here we go’ way)
Grey “…. Okay I’m not loving anything that gets you mauled by a hellhound and gets your mom blown up.  Really?”
Jo “I thought you…nevermind.  Nevermind, nevermind, nevermind.”
Grey “Thought I what?  Tell meeeeeeee”
Jo “I said nevermind, not important. ….god you’re ridiculous when you’re drunk.”
Grey “No tell me.  Pleeeeeeeeeeease.”
Jo “I thought you.. Well, I was what got me mauled by a hellhound and got my mom blown up, so I thought.. it’s unimportant. And I’m not mad, and you’re still ridiculous.”
Grey “No that’s not… I mean the impulse not you.  I still love you just not the part of you that wants to get you hurt and thinks you’re not worth anything.”
Jo “It wasn’t an impulse…it was the right thing to do…”  (I love how awkward Jo just completely got)
Grey “Nothing that hurts you like that could have been the right thing to do.  What’s the matter?” (Because of the “I love you”?)
Jo “…you don’t know what could have happened if that hadn’t occured though, Grey. …who knows what would have happened, I heard from Dean what he saw the future to look like and he hadn’t heard any news of what happened to /me/ in that world…  Nothing’s the matter.” (Yeah, though she got awkward a little bit the second she said 'I thought you..’ because she knew where her brain was going and
Jo made her slightly awkward then a little more awkward until the “I still lvoe you” really hit the top point thus far)
Grey “But how can something that hurts you be the right thing?  Okay.” (Did she really think he didn’t love her?)
Jo “Because I’m just one person…the right thing doesn’t always benefit the person doin’ it, you have to weigh one person’s life against the future of mankind…and in that? I don’t think I’d come out on top.” (No, but she was half joking and then realised she was serious and then realised what she was saying.)
Grey “You would if I was making the choice.” (She can comfort herself with the fact he loves her.  He doesnt understand her sometimes and he gets frustrated but he loves her, also drunk Grey is painfully honest)
Jo “Grey!” (She’s more just gaping at him not quite sure how to feel about the idea he’d pu her above the future of the whole of mankind.  But that’s slightly comforting, that even if she frustrates him and he doesnt understand her all the time he does anyway)
Grey “I know, I’m terrible and evil and a monster for saying it.  Not a good guy.” (*nods* Understandably. Yeah even when he’s spitting mad at her he loves her)
Jo “I..don’t think you would. And I don’t think you’re any of that. Just.. I didn’t expect..” (She’s just blinking at him and if he didn’t smell like a gin joint and wasn’t acting so weird she’d kiss him for it even if it is not what she wants to hear.  LOL True true. ….he ever get the same 'sometimes I want to choke you’ feelings about Jo that everyone else gets?)
Grey “I would pick you though.  I know me, there’s a reason I’m a monster.  I would pick your safety over an earthful of strangers.”  (Awwww. He wants to cuddly but realizes she doesnt want to be close to him because of the smell so he hasnt moved to.  Not exactly. I mean he does, just not for the same reason Anna does)
Jo “But…you like people, you don’t want to be a monster, you want to do the good thing, the right thing..right? So you wouldn’t. Even if.” (Ah, she’ll move in a second to cuddle so long as he doesnt screw up and upset her.  Yeah everyone gets it for different reasons.)
Grey “I do, I mean I don’t want to hurt anyone and I don’t try to hurt someone on purpose.  But I’m still not good. I’ll always be a monster. I would pick you.” (Incoming screw up probably.  And he’s getting so sad right now because now he thinks he is evil and it’s making him look like a sad puppy)
Jo “You’re good to me… Even if you say you’d pick me, even though you know I wouldn’t want you to. Stop sayin’ that you’re not good, Grey, there’s no reason to look like that..” (Yellow alert, yellow alert.. )
Grey “I just want you to be safe and happy.  That’s all.” (At least he’s not guzzling booze anymore just kind of toying with the bottle)
Jo “Do I look unhappy or unsafe..? …… *Jo snatches his bottle away setting it away before settling across and ontop of him* ..There, now do I look anything but what you want?” (Well, there goes his booze away in exchange for a lap and armfuls of female. …she’s clever. very clever Jo..)
Grey “No.” *Grey bites his lip putting his arms around her and burying his head against her shoulder* “But how do I keep you this way without doing something wrong?” (His heart is breaking)
Jo *Pulling her hair to the side and curling into him, she rests he head against his, smiling* “Forty-two..” (Poor thing..)
Grey *Grey stays there with her in his arms, wondering how much she’ll hate him when she finds out what he did to her*
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missjackil · 7 years
Time for Some Dean Meta
I don’t normally meta on Dean, but I think he has a whole lot going on and I want to share my thoughts on it.  Ill start with my theory as to why he is content on counting Mom as dead, and why he burnt Cas’s body. I feel like he feels done with the whole dying and coming back to life thing. Ill flash back to when Bobby’s wife came back from the dead, and Bobby had to kill her after a few days. While she was on the pyre, Sam says “Wll you got to spend a few more days with her, that must have been nice” and Bobby said “It makes this about 1000 times worse” I feel like thats where Dean’s head might be at. If theyre gone, let them be gone forever, so I never have to do this again.  Along with that, he needs to blame someone, and Jack is getting the brunt of it. Jack didn’t kill Cas, Lucifer did, but Jack is Lucifers son, which makes him guilty in Dean’s eyes. So now everything thats happened since LOTUS and everyone theyve lost is because of Jack, or at least that’s how Dean is seeing it right now. So now we move on to 13x3 and Dean is even more harsh than he had been. He even went as far as to accuse Sam of using Jack for his own needs and pretending he cares. Of everything in the last 3 episodes, this here is what I find most OOC  If anyone knows Sam doesn’t pretend to care. if he shows care, it is because he genuinely cares. In fact, in 13x2, Dean told Sam he’s getting too attached, so he knows Sam cares and maybe cares too much. So why this accusation? My thoughts below the cut 
I feel as though Dean is projecting onto Sam what he is realizing in himself. With Cas, Mom, and even Crowley, Dean only called them when he needed something. In the 9 yrs he’s been friends with Cas, I dont think he ever spent time with him, just to spend time with him, outside S5 when he wouldnt let him die a virgin, and that “You’re our brother Cas” talk with him in S11.He would call Cas when he needed help with a fight, or Sam was sick, or missing, maybe call him when they need to be healed, but never just to hang out. Crowley and Dean werent friends in that capacity, but Dean always had a soft spot for him, even early on when Sam wanted to kill him as soon as look at him, Dean would be the one to calm Sam down. By S10, and Demon Dean, they had some weird frienemy thing, but still, Dean would call him if he needed him. Mom was the same actually, Dean was angry and uncomfortable when she was being anything but his mother.  The drunk angel in 13X1 told him he was “Becky” someone who uses people and their things, and breaks everything and thinks its ok because its his/her world. Honestly, i dont think Dean means to do this at all. I just think he gets caught up in whats going on that he gets self obsorbed. However it has been mentioned a couple times throughout these later seasons, mostly by Crowley, that The Winchesters have a habit of using people, then they end up dead when they dont need them anymore. Thats really not a correct assumption, but it would appear to an outsider that they do this. But dont think for a minute that either Dean or Sam wouldnt be there ASAP if you need them. They definitely would. But even in the case of Benny, once Dean was topside, they only communicated if Benny needed Dean, or in the case where Benny was suspected to have killed people. Dean finally used Benny to save Sam when trapped in Purgatory.  Of all the relationships Dean has had, his relationship with Sam stands out. He’s the one person Dean likes to do things with. He calls him constantly, they enjoy hanging out together, they both want to retire together, or die together, and well into their 30s, they want to live together. On that same note though, Dean takes his hostilities out on Sam. Seasons 11 and 12 seemed to have ended that but we see now, it hasnt gone too far. My opinion as to why Dean gets so hostile with Sam, we need to go back to Seasons 1 and 2. They argue amd bicker through S1 but its pretty benign and theyre both dishing it out. In S2, its different, its more Dean losing his temper. I think, when John died, Dean wanted to take up where they left off with the family business, but expected Sam to fall in line like he did. Sam is fine with Dean leading the hunts, but he isnt gonna let Dean lead every aspect of his life, and there wont be any “yessir” I think this hurts Dean. Not so much that he cant make Sam do what he says all the time, but because he himself always did what Dad said, and he didnt have to.  If you listen to Sam explaining Dean to Jack, you can understand why Sam still thinks the world of him dispite the anger and hostility. He knows Dean means well but he gets scared, angry, frustrated, and his wires get crossed. This doesnt prevent Sam from being insecure at times, he knows Dean loves him.  Im not into demonizing either brother, or excusing all their behavior. They do definitely have a psychotic, irrational co dependency, and right now theyre very frustrated with each other. We saw Sam reading Drama and the Gifted Child, and having it turned to Depression and Grandiosity, two points of denial, On the surface it appears to be for Jack, but I bet he’s taking it in for Dean as well. Maybe 12x4 and the trip to the Family Therapist will do them all some good.  A girl can dream :)
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missjackil · 8 years
The Sam and Dean Dynamic as viewed by a not-so-bitter Sam Girl
I was inspired to write this after reading meta witten by @themegalosaurus . This is not to argue any of her points, but the blog was about how Sam (especially in his young age) was the taker, and Dean was the giver, and their lives formed around that dynamic. Ill just go right ahead and say I am a Sam girl, but I love Dean. I can also be critical of both, and still not love them less, because its more than obvious that even though they have a very toxic, unhealthy, co-dependency, at it’s core, its the most beautiful relationship Ive ever witness, in my personal opinion. With that being said, I will move on :) I have seen many fics and metas giving Dean a parental role towards Sam, especially when they were children, and I agree that even with going only with what canon shows us, Dean was very much “mother” and “father” to Sam, and in many ways, sometimes he still shows this side. What I would disagree with however, is that Sam was the taker and not the giver. I see Sam in many of the flashbacks to their childhood, giving back to Dean with gratitude, and he still does. When we see a childhood flashback in 1X18 Dean is making Sam’s dinner, but Sam doesnt want what he cooked, he wants Lucky Charms, Dean discards the food he cooked and lets Sam eat the rest of the Lucky Charms, but Sam also gives Dean the prize in the box. Sam is maybe 6 in this scene, he cant yet understand the value of money, or how little they have, but he already understands that Dean is taking care of him and appreciates it, and shows him by giving him “the best part” of the cereal.  In a Very Supernatural Christmas, in a flashback, Sam basically overflows with appreciation for Dean by giving him Amulet he was going to give his father. Even though Dean had been teasing him, and gave him stolen “chick” gifts, Sam appreciated what Dean had done for him and gave him the best thing in his possession. And since it was supposed to be for Dad, Sam was (un)consciously recognizing that Dean was being more of a Dad than John was. Some fic/meta writers will say Sam is taller because Dean ate less so Sam wouldnt go hungry. That’s not how it works. Like my friend had pointed out in her meta, Dean is a big dude too, Sam just happens to be taller. I could however agree that Dean may have made sure Sam ate before he himself did, and this could be why Dean eats non stop now and Sam doesnt, because often times, people who have had to struggle for food, tend to over eat when they actually have food. So yeah, that is possible. “Dean is bowlegged because when he was young and his bones were still forming, he had to carry Sam around all the time” Is a common one too, and to that I have to say no as well. Dean is only bowlegged because Jensen is bowlegged. It’s not anything ever mentioned about Dean. In any flashbacks or age swaps when Dean is younger, he isn’t bowlegged. This is much like Sam’s beautiful mole on his cheek. Young Sam never has this mole, because Sam only has said mole because Jared has it. Its not anything ever mentioned on the show, unlike his hair, or his muscles, that the writers WANT him to have. Jared isnt allowed to have his hair cut on his own, his hair is determined by whatever the show runners want it to be, but if Jared ever chooses to have the mole removed, he is free to do so.  I dont know how many of you read The John Winchester Journal, put out and licensed  by the show, but it gives some semi-canonical information about the boys’ early years. One part that I find pretty touching, and also affirming that Sam appreciates Dean and always gives back, is when John wanted the boys to take swimming lessons because it would be important for them to know how, in case they needed to on a hunt (which they did a couple times) both boys were excited about taking swimming lessons, but John could only afford to send one of them. Dean didnt want Sam to miss out on something he was so excited about, so he told Dad to let Sam go, he wasnt interested, so Sam got to get swimming lessons, and Dean didnt, BUT later that year, Sam taught Dean how to swim.  I love that! (especially when Dean does that perfect dive in Dead in the Water)  In their adult years, believe it or not, Sam is NOT the damsel in distress. My friend counted, from S1 till the end of S11 how many times each has saved the other, and Dean was only ahead of Sam by 4 saves, which is well within the margin of error even though sometimes the show will even make it sound like Dean saves Sam much more often, he really doesn’t.  Sam is needy. Is also commonly said by anti-Sam people, but he indeed is not! When he’s hurt or sick, Sam doesnt WANT Dean to fuss over him, Dean does it because he has the need to take care of Sam. Which is great, I love that quality about Dean, but Sam is just as willing to take care of Dean. In 12x4 “Baby” Sam tells Dean to let Cas heal his injuries (sustained by Cas beating on him when he was under the attack dog spell) and tells Dean to keep applying ice to his face (after the fight) and Dean says “Alright mom” to Sam.  And that end of the episode, theyre both beaten and bloody and Dean tells Sam to let Cas fix him up, but Sam says “only if you let him fix you up too” Dean says “Yes mom” again. Does Sam need Dean? No, not to fight his battles, or make sure he eats, or to have anything at all done FOR him, but Sam needs him just because he loves him and Dean is exactly the same in that regard.  Now I can completely understand favoring one brother over the other, for any reason, but Im perplexed by some of the reasons people dislike Sam, because most of the time, those reasons dont exist outside of fan fic and head canons. Sometimes I recommend people rewatch the series, with an open mind and block out everything theyve read on Tumblr and see if they really get the same idea about both of them. Put all your ‘this one is hotter than the other” and “this one would be with Castiel if it werent for the other” on a shelf, and just really look at their characters for what they actually say and do. You might really be surprised at what you find.
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