#i cannot wait until the movie T_T
itmightrain · 2 years
My Beautiful Man showing us what a sequel can and should be!!!!
I'm so proud of Kiyoi and Hira ;-; the way Kiyoi came to terms with the fact that he can't just expect Hira to change without also changing himself. the way we got to see him learn that he has to explain himself and be explicit about what he wants instead of just waiting for Hira to understand him. Even just the way he went back to their house after their argument instead of waiting for Hira to reach out to him was such a huge act of emotional vulnerability from a character who has always been afraid to say what he truly feels. And he gave Hira so much grace in the aftermath of their fight while simultaneously making it clear that things need to change for him to be really happy
also, and i feel like i've rarely seen this done so empathically in tv before, but i love how when Hira said "I don't want to understand you" at the end of their fight, that that wasn't the sum total of what Hira is or is capable of. That moment wasn't the revealing of his whole truth, that was a bad day, and he's capable of better ones and hes capable of change and becoming less selfish and more understanding and getting out of his own way! he just needs a push and a little support in that. And we get to see him get those things and see him grow!
that kiss, with both of them sitting on the floor together, finally on the same level, and they're still them but they've grown so much and become closer and happier ;-; the perfect end to an incredible season
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elencelebrindal · 4 years
Favourite colour, music, film, anime? I'm curious
Uuhhh, sorry for the wait, this ask has been waiting in my inbox for a lot by now, but let me answer you. Some of these answers are really long, so I marked them with a title in case people are not interested in everything. Though, I don’t think many people would be interested at all, my life is not that eventful. 
Favorite Color
My favorite color is black (even though black is not technically a color, damn you art school why did you have to teach me that), closely followed by blood red and silver. 
Favorite Music
My favorite music... I don’t really understand if you’re asking me what genre I prefer, or who do I prefer listening to, so I’ll just go the safe route and answer everything at once.  I love metal (especially power metal, epic metal and folk metal, with a significance preference for its viking sub-genre), and I am in love with Blind Guardian, the first ever band I listened to. I still remember the first song I’ve ever listened, which is “Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)”. Being a Tolkien fan led me to discover them, and subsequently to fall in love with the genre. Among my favorites there’s also Nightwish, Epica, Alestorm, and I’m baffled by Sabaton and Korpiklaani. I do listen to a bunch more bands, but not as much and I don’t know as many songs. 
But it’s not my one and only love. Aside from metal music, I also love classic music (I am deeply in love with a ton of Italian composers alongside the others), dark cabaret music (most notably Aurelio Voltaire, Dresden Dolls and Emilie Autumn, though her style doesn’t really fall into one single category), and I go crazy with anime music and openings.  I appreciate the music of anime so much, even though a lot of people don’t think highly of it, and since childhood I’ve always listened to our “opening singers” (the most important I grew up listening to are Cristina d’Avena and Giorgio Vanni), so I simply cannot stop loving them.  On a similar note, I cannot have enough of movie soundtracks. Composers like Howard Shore, Ennio Morricone, Hans Zimmer... the list could go on forever. I never get tired of their music. Again, videogame soundtracks are on the list of my beloved music as well, especially the music from Skyrim (Jeremy Soule) and Assassin’s Creed (Jesper Kyd). 
Favorite film/movie
I don’t really have one favorite. I do have a list of movies that I could watch over and over again, though, and others I just have fun watching even though they’re not my favorites.  The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy are absolutely on the top of my list. As I said, I’m a huge fan of Tolkien, and I’m also a huge fan of Peter Jackson. Add them together and BOOM! I am a tiny bit bitter about the Hobbit movies, but seriously? I still loved it.  Right after them there’s ALL the movies by Tim Burton, Alice in Wonderland and its sequel on top. I love Tim Burton, so much I cannot even explain it. And Alice in Wonderland has a very special place in my heart. 
[story time, you can skip if you want]
Not just because I love the story and the craziness of everything, but because back in high school (my last year) we decided to do Alice in Wonderland with a twist for our theater lab, and I not only got to write the entire script, but also to play the Cheshire Cat alongside all of my friends. My best friend was Alice, my other best friend was the costume designer, a lot of other people I knew and loved were the other characters. It’s such a delightful memory for me that I never stopped enjoying Alice in Wonderland from that day onward.  I got so involved with my part that I ended up making an entire steampunk-ish cosplay of the Cheshire Cat from scratch, a cosplay I brought two times to a convention and I’m currently renovating after taking it apart. This is how much I grew attached to that play and to that character.  Some years ago, before this, we had a director guiding us for two years of theater lab. A delightful man that looked at me and decided I needed to be addressed as “Alice” because of how much I reminded him of her.  It’s just good memories. 
[end of the story time]
I also have the “classics”, like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the like. If it’s fantasy/sci-fi/something along those lines, I probably love it. Regardless of who made it, being it the writer or the director.  One particular movie that holds a special place in my heart is “The Fall”, and I cannot really pinpoint a reason why I love it so much. I just do.  There’s many titles I can tell you, even more serious ones like “The Imitation Game”, “The Danish Girl”, or “Dallas Buyers Club” and “Fight Club”.  Even though I prefer fantasy themes, there’s significant exceptions.  Old Italian movies are among my favorites too, but they’re just a drop in the ocean.  To close this, I’m going to bring you my love for the entire “Night at the Museum” ordeal and the entire “Jumanji” series (as of now, but I will never love anything more than the original).  I get really excited when I get to talk about this kind of interests, sorry T_T
Favorite Anime
Oh boy.  This sounds like it might be an easy one, given the nature of this blog, but it’s actually not.  In fact, I forgot Saint Seiya was my favorite anime.  You see, I originally watched it when I was nothing but a child, with a memory that obviously wasn’t so good at the time. This eventually led me to forget about how much I loved Saint Seiya, even though its characters never left my mind, and I started gravitating more towards Yu-Gi-Oh!, especially 5D’s. For the longest time I was convinced my absolute favorite was Yu-Gi-Oh!, until I finally started re-watching Saint Seiya and got hit by the memory train. 
But let’s not wander too far away from the question. What’s my favorite anime? Of all time is Saint Seiya, hands down. It has so much to offer, so much diversity, so much story and so many characters. Here in Italy, it has one of the most unique dubs of all time, with dialogues that are aulic (for the Italian fans who are curious --> l’origine del registro aulico dei Cavalieri dello Zodiaco è stato deciso da Enrico Carabelli e  Stefano Cerioni ed è spiegato in questo video, ed è poi stato mantenuto da Ivo de Palma nella serie di Hades) and filled with quotes from authors like Dante Alighieri, Ugo Foscolo and more, an “oddity” that made me fall in love again and again. 
Aside from this, I have another list, because I honestly cannot bring myself to choose only one.  Above all are Yu-Gi-Oh! (in order from best to worst for me --> 5D’s, Duel Monsters, GX, ZeXal, Vrains, Arc-V), My Hero Academia, and Sailor Moon.  Honorable mentions are Attack on Titan, Black Butler, Another, Pretty Cure ( spent basically my entire childhood/teenage years watching them, my favorites are the first two series), One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Beyblade, Tokyo Mew Mew... this could go on forever.  I’m a sucker for “old” anime as well, so a lot of them are mostly from the 70′s, 80′s, 90′s. Some of them I was so little when I watched it, like for example Card Captor Sakura (I was like three years old and I dressed up as her for Carnival), that I don’t remember them but they still have a place in my heart.  I wasn’t even fixated on one genre and that was it, I watched the hell out of anime and I still do (when I have time). 
I do also watch yaoi (shame on me, I know), and since I’m here telling you about my favorites: I love Dramatical Murder, especially (and you might not believe me) for how creative the story and the worldbuilding are. I’m also shameless enough to have watched the entire game in all its incarnations, so there’s that.  Not only that, I’m shameless enough to have watched more explicit ones, but I’m not telling you ;) I have a reputation here, after all. 
This took a long time for me to answer, and I’m sorry. I legit looked at this in my inbox, tried to conjure up some will to write, failed and went back to bed or to my books. Rinse and repeat for an entire week.  And to all of you who actually made it through this entire thing without getting annoyed/bored, damn you’re determined. 
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niwiwin · 4 years
115万キロのフィルム - 1,150,000 KM OF FILM
The song I’m about to sing is about what’s in my head The lead is of course you And I’m the supporting actor, director, and cameraman
Here is the story of the movie that I make with the film in the back of my eyes
If you laugh and say “that’s ridiculous!” then the hook is all good! Don’t get exasperated and wait a bit I think you definitely will like it Let me show you a little trailer of things so far The tears on the night of our first fight My heart hurt inside but let’s keep on watching We said sorry, made up, and held hands... Look, this scene here of you smiling is a highlight Such a slight gesture that cannot be captured in a photograph There are so many moments of bleak stories turning for the better Let’s cut whichever one out and make that bit there a thumbnail for now
I’m sure in 10 years or so there will be more people in the cast Even now I’m barely managing it with such low monthly pay, I’m overwhelmed already! I’m sure I’ll show tons of my being pathetic too
The day when our family name became one Those same old days Are all beloved days, precious days So that they won’t slip away, so that I won’t forget, I will keep on filming them
Now, squinting our eyes bashfully wishing for eternity Those times when we pass each other and depressing developments tried to tear us apart I will sing this song however many times with a loud voice So please just stay by my side Because I don’t want to even make the end credits
We won’t be able to decide when it’s a wrap So let’s just get blown by the wind I have prepared film for the span of a lifetime, approximately 1,150,000 km
Look, this scene here of you smiling is a highlight Such a slight gesture that cannot be captured in a photograph There are so many moments of bleak stories turning for the better Let’s cut whichever one out and make it a thumbnail
Come, let’s go find famous scenes that will emerge from now on Be it bitter or sweet, let’s get closer and taste it together until the film runs out
Let’s continue shooting as long as our lives allow
I love this song. Just so, so romantic. I often tear up lol. Movies are inherently romantic. Describing a lifetime of a couple being together as if making a movie, not forgetting anything by putting everything on film. I can’t T_T. He uses movie jargons, making the analogy stronger: lead, supporting actor, trailer, (plot) developments, end credits, famous scenes. 1.15 million km is the length of film needed to film for 80 years. A lifetime. Translating just for myself. I don’t know if the romanticism comes out.....haha
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happysunshinebois · 6 years
RFA reactions to MC saying “I could kiss you!”
This was the day that you and Yoosung would find out if you got into the schooling programs you wanted
You’ve been through four grueling years of college, hard work, and dedication together and it was finally time to see if you got into grad school
You received your letters in the mail in the morning and planned on opening them together
You drive over to Yoosung’s place, letter safely placed in the passenger seat
Once you got there you rushed to the door, bouncing with excitement
He opened the door and you sit next to each other on the couch
“We should...open these”
“Yoosung I want you to know that no matter what happens I am proud of you and I know that you’ll find a way to make a difference and do great things. You already have~”
You’ve embarrassed the poor boyyyy
“Y-you too MC”
“On the count of three we open them”
“I got in!”
“Omg we both got in! I’m so happy, Yoosung I could kiss you!”
Heckin BLUSH, man
Letters forgotten, you hug him tight and pepper kisses all over his face until he is nothing less of a tomato
“I knew we could do it~”
It was the longest, most stressful, and obnoxious day at work you have ever had
Were all the forces in the universe plotting your demise????
You didn’t get to the coffee shop until about an hour after closing
Of course you called profusely apologizing to Jaehee about not being able to come in
And of course wonderful forgiving Baehee forgives and it’s honestly nothing she can’t handle
You not being there took away a bit of sunshine in her day but she knew you were working hard and she’d see you soon enough
You really needed to get out of this job
When you finally arrived she had your favorite drink prepared with a cute little personal cake
“I figured you’d need a little something to brighten your day~~”
Jaehee you are the light of my life you are enough to brighten my entire day by yourself
“Omg Jaehee thank you. I needed this so bad. You’re actually the best. I could just kiss you!”
Blushy blush blush
“W-what? MC I don’t think that’s quite necessar-“
Too late you already had your lips on her cheek, curved in a smile
Both of you really knew how to make the other’s day happier
He’d been nominated for an award for his work in his latest movie
He told everyone in the messenger right after he found out
You received a call from him shortly after saying that he had a guest ticket and he’d like to bring you
The night of the awards you two sat together anxiously waiting for Zen’s category to be called
When his name was announced he hugged you tight
After his speech he came back down towards you
“MC! This is the best day of my life! I’m so happy I could just kiss you!” (I know I said MC says it but it flows better this way T_T)
He’s so caught up in the bliss of everything he doesn’t even realize what he said until you grabbed him by his tie and planted your lips on his
When you pull back his face is bright red and he covers his mouth with his hand
“MC...t-the beast!”
You just smirk
Now...business wasn’t really your forte but you promised Jumin you’d help with these projects and you were going to stick with it!
MC doesn’t break promises!
You weren’t really aware of the proper things to say and do
The lingo, the faces, and the names
They just didn’t make sense!
But you really didn’t want. To let Jumin down
He was counting on you
“Jumin pls I need you”
“Excuse me?” Feat. one eyebrow lift
“Jumin I need your help please teach me about all the business stuff I cannot make a fool of myself”
“MC you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself either way but if it’s what you want, I’ll teach you anything you want to know”
“Thank you Jumin! I’ll really owe you for this one! I could just kiss you!”
“Then why don’t you”~~~~~~
Happens late during his route when MC is slowly coercing seven back to normal(ish)
A grumpy boy
But you’ve been managing to get little quips back and forth when you call him so naturally you’d want more
You even got him to play hide and seek with you
He’s still in the living room, sitting on the floor, facing the corner
You call him from the hallway smirking to yourself with your plan in mind
“What? Why do you keep calling? I told you I’m-“
“I love you honeyyy~~~”
Deadpan “What”
You make your way to the living room, slowly getting closer to him
He’ll be trapped if you can make it juuussst a liiiittleee further-
He turns so you can see part of his face but he can’t see you, his cheeks dusted with a light pink (he looks so soft???)
“MC...d-don’t play around like that. You can’t just say something like that..”
You creep in a bit closer
He turns towards you now able to hear your voice double
“Luciel~ Do you love me too?~~”
His eyebrows shot up and his blush deepened
His back was in the corner of the room and he could see you clearly
There was nowhere for him to go
“You love me???”
“MC please it’s really not-“
“You love meee~~~~”
“Oh Luciel I’m so glad! I could kiss you!”
You don’t know how he did it but he ended up on the other side of the room in an instant, his whole face basically the shade of his hair
He held his arms out in defense as if trying to hold back an animal looking to eat him
You mayyyy have chased him around the apartment for an hour before he gave up and you were able to get him to cuddle with you a bit
You really must’ve fired him out because he was letting you caress his hands for quite some time
You brought one of his hands up to your lips and placed a small peck on the back of his hand
Sadly that seemed to wake him up and he was back working on hacking in an instant
Worth it!
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jkfortunekookies · 7 years
THE LAST 1.Drink: water
2.Phone call: My faculty  #I still have shit to do with that school #free me from prisonpls
3.Text message: My brother <3
4.Song you listened to: Scream HSM3
5.Time you cried: I don’t even recall.
6.Dated someone twice: .I don’t date haha
7. Been Cheated on: never ,but some guy wanted to date me even if he had feelings for someone else #Just had to put it in that category
8.Kissed someone and regretted it: Too many times
9.Lost someone special:  Yes
10.Been depressed: Yeah...
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’m 20...what can you expect lol
15.Made new friends: Yes 
16.Fallen out of love: Nope. It’s a miracle to make me fall for someone in the first place 
17.Laughed until you cried: Yes
18.Found out someone was talking about you: Way too many times haha #I’m apparently a great topic to talk about
19.Met someone who changed you: my followers made me happier <3
20.Found out who your true friends are: Yes
21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Who even has facebook? I deactivated a while ago. 
22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: In my old account, they all knew me
23.Do you have any pets: Nope but I wish I had a bunny 
24.Do you want to change your name: Never 
25.What did you do for your last birthday: I ate an amazing cake and spent  time with my family 
26.What time did you wake up: around 9-10 AM if I don’t have school
27.What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching High School Musical 2 and crying cause freaking Troy Bolton is such a hottie 
28.Name something you cannot wait for: The day I see BTS irl
29.When was the last time you saw your mother: Like 2 seconds ago when I went downstairs to drink water
30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I had more confidence and be less broke haha 
31.What are you listening to right now: Why try the weight - Ariana&Shawn Mendes Mashup 
32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes
33.Something that is getting on your nerves: Being too tired to do what I want to do
34.Most visited website: Youtube /Tumblr 
35.Elementary: Done, like 8 years ago 
36, High School: Done, 2 and half  years ago 
37.College: Currently dying to get tf out of there 
38.Hair color: Dark brown but red/light brown in the sun
39.Long or short hair: I wish it was longer. It reaches my boobs halfway lol
40.Do you have a crush on someone: That son of a fetus could be a great candidate to this title since I run a blog about him
41.What do you like about yourself: The fact that I’m genuine no matter what # staying true to yourself is what makes you beautiful
42.Piercings: I have lobe piercings but I want a helix piercing 
43.Blood type: A
44.Nickname: Hana Banana ( sounds longer than my name alone tbh lol)
45.Relationship status: Eating chicken wings as I drool over hot actors and Jungkook
46.Zodiac sign: Capricorn
47.Pronouns: Banana ( It’s not a pronoun, but shhhh...In my world , it’s a pronoun)
48.Favorite tv show: I don’t watch TV anymore # sorry
49.Tattoos: None
50.Right or left hand: right
51.Surgery: Never had any
52.Piercing: I was 2 years old and I apparently cried for an hour
54.Sport: Soccer ,when I was five 
55.Vacation: I was too smol to remember 
56.Pair of trainers: When I was 6-7. I remember choosing converse shoes for the first time in my life when I was five tho #Just had to add it here
57.Eating: Cereals,Sweets,Salty stuff,Rice,Vegetables,Meat,Chipotle. I eat everything but I hate tofu tho (fruits are good but I don’t dig some of them.) 
58.Drinking: Water. Water.Water. My parents’ healthy lifestyle rubbed off on me , so I don’t drink unhealthy/colorful drinks as much lmao. Coffee is good but only at times. I mostly drink tea but especially milk.
59.I’m about to: go eat supper 
61.Waiting for: the day I will finally post my updates 
62.Want: to finish updating my fics
63.Get married: Someday when I decide to give chance to relationships haha
64.Career: I need a job rn
65.Hugs or kisses: Both
66.Lips or eyes: eyes
67.Shorter or taller: Taller , cause my 1m65 dosen’t seem to satisfy me
68.Older or younger:  Older. it doesn’t matter as long as we connect on a deeper level.
70.Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms , because My stomach remains flat no matter what,but my arms don’t T_T
71.Sensitive or loud: . Loud # be happy and shout your feels
72.Hook up or relationship: None of them # I prefer stanning jungkook instead
73.Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker ALL THE WAY!!!
74.Kissed a stranger?: WHAT IF HE HAS SOME CRAZY ASS CONTAGIOUS DEADLY DISEASE ? WHAT DO YOU DO THEN #life is too short for me to die from kissing a random dude
75.Drank hard liquor? : probably 
76.Lost glasses contact/lenses? : no
77.Turned someone down?: Yeah... #cue awkward memories 
78.Sex on first date?: Good luck kissing me on the first date lol #who tf gets laid on the first date unless it’s like someone you’ve known FOR A WHILE
79.Broken someone’s heart?: Yes :/ 
80.Had your heart broken?: Yes
81.Been arrested?: Never. But I’d be down to get handcuffed by Officer Jeon any day
82.Cried when someone died?: Yes
83.Fallen for a friend?: Once you’re friendzoned, you are a friend for life.
84.Yourself?: NEVER LOL
85.Miracles?: Always
86.Love at first sight?: Kind of...a bit too much 
88.Kiss on the first date?: only if It was love at first sight.
89.Angels?: OF course :3 My followers are angels tbh ;)
90.Current best friend’s name: I can’T give their names because they’re not on tumblr and they might not like seeing their names here. but my bffs from tumblr are @jinssmile Madelyn, @jeylovestoblog Jey, @kookiewithak Maddison, @fetus-jungkook Haneul, @bangtannoon Alison, @polarstar17 Paula, @philophobia999 Jailene
91.Eye color: Brown
92. Favorite movie: Back to the future
I tag whoever wants to do this :) @Jungkook , I bet that son of a fetus will do the challenge as well if you ask him
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animeotakupooh · 7 years
92 Truths Tag
Tagged by @chronicfangirling and @merlionmen. Sorry it took so long you guys, I was waiting to get to my laptop. Which is such a story istg Thank you ^^
THE LAST 1.Drink: red wine, currently drinking as I write 2.Phone call: Mom 3.Text message: Applying a discount coupon on the place I ordered dinner from. 4.Song you listened to: Chained Up by VIXX 5.Time you cried: Friday night because I got some good news. 6.Dated someone twice: Nope. I make a specific mistake only once no thank you. 7. Been Cheated on: Yup. 8.Kissed someone and regretted it: One too many times 9.Lost someone special: Yeah. 10.Been depressed: Been to dark places. Never been diagnosed with clinical depression though. 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yup. Always better to throw up than keep it in tbh.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: grey, black, pastel green
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15.Made new friends: Yup. My new colleagues are close to me now. 16.Fallen out of love: With things, not people 17.Laughed until you cried: Yes. Not willingly though! I was tricked into laughing by a very bad joke!! >:( 18.Found out someone was talking about you: Not really but I suppose people do. 19.Met someone who changed you: Had an experience where someone I knew changed my thinking and world view for the better. 20.Found out who your true friends are: Not really. I’ve known them all along. 21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes
GENERAL… 22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: About 80 er cent. I don’t know how the 20 per cent got there. 23.Do you have any pets: No :( 24.Do you want to change your name: It’s a part of me and I am proud of it so no. 25.What did you do for your last birthday: Started a new job that week so nothing extravagant or special really. 26.What time did you wake up: 7:00 AM 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping ^^; 28.Name something you cannot wait for: My exam in June to get over ;A; 29.When was the last time you saw your mother: Yesterday 30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Nothing. I might lose important things if I do T_T 31.What are you listening to right now: Taeyeon - Fine. I am a total fangirl of any vocalist who can hit a high note. 32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No, funnily enough. 33.Something that is getting on your nerves: Waiting for my takeout food to get here T_T 34.Most visited website: Tumblr, AO3.  35.Elementary: A normal run of the mill coed school. 36.High School: An academically-inclined institution where I studied my ass off to get into a good college 37.College: One of the best ones in South India for my field. 38.Hair color: Brown with shade of cherry red 39.Long or short hair: Long-ish. I am growing it out. 40.Do you have a crush on someone: @merlionmen but she won’t accept it T_T 41.What do you like about yourself: My hair and my eyes. I like the shade of brown they are now.  42.Piercings: Ears, one each. 43.Blood type: O+. 44.Nickname: Long list. enough to give me an identity crisis but my favourite is Chuja (baby chicken) because that is what my family calls me. My second favourite is Rhumjhum. That’s one of the words for the sound of rain in hindi. 45.Relationship status: Single. Thank god.  46.Zodiac sign: Leo 47.Pronouns: She/her 48.Favorite tv show: House Of Cards currently because I have gotten into political drama recently. 49.Tattoos: Nope. I wish I got one though. 50.Right or left hand: Right
FIRST… 51.Surgery: Eyes. Vision correction. 52.Piercing: Ears. 54.Sport: Swimming. It’s the only one I can do. 55.Vacation: Hyderabad I think. Dad was on a business trip and I was two years old so I don’t remember it at all. 56.Pair of trainers: No clue.
MORE GENERAL… 57.Eating: jjajjangmyeon and/or samgyeopsal from my local Korean restaurant. It’s my current favourite. 58.Drinking: Apple cider. I drank it for the first time four days ago and I am hooked. 60.I’m about to: Go write a series on my other blog. 61.Waiting for: Monday. I am ready to get back to work. 62.Want: to write my series because I am excited about it xD 63.Get married: No thank you. 64.Career: Waiting to switch out to something that I really like so I’ll come back to this one.
WHICH IS BETTER… 65.Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66.Lips or eyes: Eyes 67.Shorter or taller: Taller. But shorter too because right height for teddy bears 68.Older or younger: No preference 70.Nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach 71.Sensitive or loud: Louder than I intended to be 72.Hook up or relationship: Hook up. Preferably no strings attached 73.Troublemaker or hesitant: None. I’m the responsible Mom friend in most situations.
HAVE YOU EVER… 74.Kissed a stranger?: No 75.Drank hard liquor? : Yes. 76.Lost glasses contact/lenses? : Contacts. Despite being obsessive about them. 77.Turned someone down?: No 78.Sex on first date?: Nope. 79.Broken someone’s heart?: Yes. Not proud of it. 80.Had your heart broken?: Yes. 81.Been arrested?: No. thank god 82.Cried when someone died?: Yes. 83.Fallen for a friend?: Yes 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84.Yourself?: Yes. 85.Miracles?: Kind of. I’m part wishful. 86.Love at first sight?: No 87.Santa Claus?: Never did 88.Kiss on the first date?: That’s just a complication. 89.Angels?: No. But maybe good samaritans and just kind humans.
OTHER…. 90.Current best friend’s name: @merlionmen who is my love of my life but constantly rejects me wtf 91.Eye color: Dark brown, but in the light it looks different.. 92. Favorite movie: currently, Star Wars franchise
Okay well... that’s me ^^;
I tag @saltykong, @that-weird-girl-with-green-hair, @squishybunny129 and literally anyone who is seeing this post. Even if I don’t talk to you. I’d love to start a conversation ^_^
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juneinsaturn · 7 years
Tag game \o/
Tagged by @omgxiaoch​ sweetheart ♥
I’m going to tag: @kuroiyaya​ @gabirmmoura​ ♥
1. Drink: Coke ♥ 2. Phone call: my faculty advisor (telling me things to do for the college exposition for this semester T_T) 3. Text message: a friend (encouraging me to write fanfic again :’D) 4. Song you listened to: Ängie - Spun and AnaVitória - Singular (I recomend their album AnaVitória ♥)  5. Time you cried: some weeks ago... watching Brave @_@
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: I’ve never dated :3 7. Been Cheated on: Nope :v 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: No because I’ve never kissed anyone, but I almost did 9. Lost someone special: Yeah, unfortunately :c 10. Been depressed: Yes... I guess. :T 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never ;)
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS:  Green, Orange and Purple ♥
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15.Made new friends: Yes ♥ 16. Fallen out of love: kpop bias count in this one? :’D 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, sir XD 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Don’t remember, but maybe .-. 19. Met someone who changed you: No, I guess... 20. Found out who your true friends are: No in the last year, but... yeah(?) 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: In the cheeks? Yeah :v
GENERAL… 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: have no idea o.o 23. Do you have any pets: Yes, seven cats ♥ 24. Do you want to change your name: No. I love my name (I just don’t use it in any social media, but I love my name XD)  25. What did you do for your last birthday: I went to the Olympic Boulevard in Rio with my parents, brother, aunt, cousin and best friend and tried VR for the first time \o 26. What time did you wake up: 10h :3 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: working T_T 28. Name something you cannot wait for: graduation ( I can’t handle college anymore haha) 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: some hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my self-steeme :T
31. What are you listening to right now: AnaVitória’s album (called AnaVitória aushuash :v)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Hm.. That’s a difficult one. I can’t remember anything specific :T 34. Most visited website: twitter and tumblr :3 35. Elementary: Yes, sir. (3 different schools) :3 36. High School: Yep and was the best part of my schooling life ♥ 37. College: Almost finishing (Amen!)  Museology ♥ 38. Hair color: Red hair ^^ 39. Long or short hair: Now is short, but I like long hair 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Again, kpop bias count in this one? haha XD 41. What do you like about yourself: My hair and eyes ♥ 42. Piercings: Nope 43. Blood type: O+ (I guess. I really don’t remember if its positive or negative lol) 44. Nickname: Juh, J[ay], eonnie (yes, I have friends who calls me eonnie), Juju 45. Relationship status: Officially single, but wanting to marry Yoo Kihyun or Lee Minhyuk :v 46. Zodiac sign: Virgo 47. Pronouns: don’t know... never thought about it lol
48. Favorite tv show: Criminal Minds ♥ 50. Right or left hand: Right hand 51. Surgery: Yes, in my feet. I was born with congenital crooked feet (I don’t even know if this name is right. Goddamnit, google translate!) 52. Piercing: Earrings count? 54. Sport: Videogames count? (When I was a kid, I used to play soccer and I was good at it) 55. Vacation: I always try to make a short trip or something. In the last one, I went to the beach :3 56. Pair of trainers: All star or espardilles (I love sneakers in general ♥) 57. Eating: Not right now. 58. Drinking: Neither 59. I’m about to: open photoshop and continue to work (I should be sleeping, goddamnit. If almost 3am here lol) 61. Waiting for: vacation \o 62. Want: My college degree, some money and a passport 63. Get married: Not now (I’m only 24 lol) but one day, maybe :3 64. Career: In portuguese (wich is my mother language) it’s museóloga. I don’t know the term in english. Maybe museologist, but I’m not sure (google translate says its museologist but idk lol) 65. Hugs or kisses: Both :3 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes ♥ 67. Shorter or taller: Height doesn't matter ;) 68. Older or younger: Age doesn't matter either. I like to be friends with people and talk to them haha ♥ 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice heart ♥ 71. Sensitive or loud: shit, don’t know .-. 72. Hook up or relationship: Friendship  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idk
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: No 75. Drank hard liquor? : Yep :3 76. Lost glasses contact/lenses?: When I was a kid, I kept losing my glasses. Now I lose them every single morning because my bed is always a mess when I wake up (I put my glasses beside my pillow before sleep) 77. Turned someone down?: Sometimes... yes 78. Sex on first date?: No 79. Broken someone’s heart?: Have no idea .-.  80. Had your heart broken?: Yes 81. Been arrested?: Nope 82. Cried when someone died?: Of course 83. Fallen for a friend?: A crush or two, but nothing too big 
84. Yourself?: Unfortunately... no :’D 85. Miracles?: Yes 86. Love at first sight?: Just for food u.u  87. Santa Claus?: No. My parents always said that presents comes from the money of their pockets lol 88. Kiss on the first date?: Yes. If both want to kiss, why not? Its just a kiss. :3 89. Angels?: Totally yes :3
OTHER…. 90. Current best friend’s name: Maria Helena, Carolina, Luisa e Yály ♥ 91. Eye color: green 92. Favorite movie: Jurassic Park and Tarzan, I guess
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shinyroserin · 7 years
92 Truths
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
Tagged by the amazing @nekolyssi <3 Thank you!
LAST… [1] drink: Water :D [2] phone call: my teacher  [3] text message: It was a meme(gimme all the dank memes) [4] song you listened to: BMTH-Doomed(live).I can’t stop listening to it… [5] time you cried: While watching the last episode of HQ.Those were happy tears so I don’t know if it counts haha but I don’t cry often:)
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: No.I’m glad if I can date someone once lol [7] been cheated on: No (As far as I know) [8] kissed someone and regretted it: Nope [9] lost someone special: Yes [10] been depressed: wait…what it’s like to not be depressed? [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve been drunk before(I become the clingiest person in the universe) but I never threw up.
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] Black [13] Black [14] Black(okay,I love purple and red too haha)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: Yes,but only here:D [16] fallen out of love: Nope.I wasn’t in love in the first place haha [17] laughed until you cried: Yes but I can’t do that in front of others :)) [18] found out someone was talking about you: No [19] met someone who changed you: Hmm….I don’t think so. [20] found out who your true friends are: Well,I don’t really have friends so… [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: Nope
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them:) [23] do you have any pets: 4 annoying doggos<3 they mean the world to me.                                                                                                                 [24] do you want to change your name: Not my nickname but the real one,yes
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: I don’t remember:)For me,it’s just a completely normal day:D [26] what time did you wake up: 9:00 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: reading manga [28] name something you cannot wait for: I can’t wait for my existential crisis to be over.That would be frickin great. [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: This morning! [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Oh no,that list is very long. [31] what are you listening to right now: it’s raining so the sound of rain [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: I think so?haha [33] something that is getting on your nerves: People who judge others without even trying to get to know them [34] most visited website: tumblr and youtube [35] elementary: oh boy…. [36] high school: Shhh.We don’t talk about those years.Let’s pretend they never existed. [37] college: Well,I study political sciences(kind of)it’s weird haha-and hard*cries* [38] hair colour: CRIMSON but naturally blonde ;) [39] long or short hair: long [40] do you have a crush on someone: Do fictional characters count?*cries* I don’t think I have one tbh,I just love them haha. [41] what do you like about yourself? My stupid sense of humor.I can make myself laugh,if I’m in a good mood, by just thinking about things I find funny and burst out in front of others.Now that I think about it,this sounds so sad lmao [42] piercings: I want a nose piercing so bad. [44] nickname: Lona:D [45] relationship status: Forever alone*sobs* [46] zodiac sign: Taurus [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: I don’t really watch TV:)so none. [49] tattoos: None…yet.(I really want one) [50] right or left handed: right!
FIRST… [51] surgery: Never had one [52] piercing: Ears? [53] best friend: It was this girl who I met in kindergarten [54] sport: Swimming.It was just a hobby tho. [55] vacation: Uh,well…it depends on what do you mean by vacation haha [56] pair of trainers: I have no idea
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: Nothing  [58] drinking: Aqua [59] i’m about to: read some more chapters from a manga [60] listening to: rain? [61] waiting for: motivation (I KEPT THIS ANSWER BECAUSE WOW SAME)-DITTO [63] get married: Not in the near future,that’s for sure haha [64] career: crying over fictional characters
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: HUGS!!! [66] lips or eyes: eyes O_O [67] shorter or taller: taller  [68] older or younger: Well,if you ask me,in most cases age is just a number.Tbh I get along way better with older people but it doesn’t really matter. [70] nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS [71] sensitive or loud: both?it doesn’t matter haha [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: I’d say hesitant :D
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? No [75] drank hard liquor? Maybe… [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? If I want to see then I have to wear my glassess all the time haha.How could someone lose them T_T [77] turned someone down: yes [78] sex on first date? Nope [79] broken someone’s heart? No.I don’t think so… [80] had your own heart broken? it gets easily broken so I’d say yes. [81] been arrested? no! [82] cried when someone died? yes [83] fallen for a friend: Nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? Believing in m-myself?What does that even mean lol [85] miracles? When I’m happy I do,when I’m sad I don’t D: [86] love at first sight? Hmm…not really. [87] santa claus? HAHAHA…..of course! [88] kiss on the first date? Why not? [89] angels? Yes!
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: *insert cricket sound here*jokes aside,I consider Alyssa to be my best friend around here(I hope you don’t mind:).In real life?I have some friends but all of them already have best friends so yeah…I’m way too awkward so I don’t blame them.My social anxiety does not help either. [91] eye colour: Green.Not the pretty one,the ‘meh-whatever’green one. [92] favourite movie: I don’t think I have one :)
25 PEOPLE?I will tag @biscuitplier because I know that crazy potato  won’t judge me…that much.Yes,I just tagged myself.
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Tag thing
I was tagged by @kwamimusings (thanks!!) for two things so I guess I’ll just do them both all in one long thing :P
Name: Aish
Nicknames: Flash
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′5′’? 5′6′’?
Orientation: Asexual :D and proooobably gay on the romantic side
Ethnicity: Indian
Favourite Fruit: Mango
Favourite Season: Hmm that’s tough... winter maybe?
Favourite Book: I can’t choose! All the Harry Potter books let’s just say
Favourite Flower: Rose!!
Favourite Scent: Lavender
Favourite animals: DRAGONS COUNT RIGHT
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Tea (I’m Indian and I live in England okay... tea is my whole life)
Cat or Dog Person: Both both both both both
Favourite Fictional Character: *looks at url* Gee I wonder! *looks at icon* It could be anyone at all *looks at header* We just don’t know??? *looks at blog description* No idea at all
Dream Trip: Can I just say space
Blog Created: I’m not sure because I didn’t use this blog when I first created it I think, but like... 2011? 2012?? Not sure
What I Post About: Mostly Miraculous Ladybug tbh, sometimes memes or other TV shows or just posts I think are funny
Do I get asks on a regular basis: Not really, just every now and then
Aesthetic: I always look like I’ve just got out of bed, pulled on the first thing from my wardrobe and not bothered to brush my hair. This is because it’s true.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
LAST ___:
Drink: Water Phone Call: My mum I think? Text message: My dad this time Song you listened to: Everything Is Awesome (yeah, The Lego Movie :D) Time you cried: Like a few weeks ago I think, omg it was over something really embarrassing
HAVE YOU EVER ____: Dated someone twice: Not even once :P Been cheated on: Only on the Sims 3 Kissed someone and then regretted it: Never kissed anyone at all Lost someone special: Yep Been depressed: Too much over the past few years :/ Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nah, I can’t drink alcoholic stuff, it tastes awful (but I have thrown up over drinking too much orange juice and getting hyper)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU _____: Made new friends: Yep! <3 Fallen out of love: Mmmm... idk Laughed until you cried: So much Found out someone was talking about you: *shrug* idk Met someone who changed you: Nah Found out who your true friends are: Yes Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I haven’t used facebook in like 3 centuries
GENERAL: How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t even remember but probably all of them Do you have any pets: No T_T Do you want to change your name: Nah, I love my name What did you do for your last birthday: Funnily enough I was actually on a flight to India on my last birthday What time did you wake up: about midnight. No, I’m not kidding, I went to sleep at like 10PM, woke up at midnight for some reason and then couldn’t get to sleep. I mean, I knew my sleep schedule was screwed up but I didn’t realize it was THAT screwed up What were you doing at midnight last night: Waking up and then trying to go back to sleep and accidentally inventing very angsty fanfic in my head
Name something you cannot wait for: When I inevitably buy the new Zelda game When was the last time you saw your mother: On Skype, earlier this week. In person, maybe like a month ago What is something you wish you could change about your life: SO. MANY. THINGS What are you listening to right now: the sound of my fingers typing this on the keyboard Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah Something that is getting on your nerves:  Me. I’m getting on my nerves Most visited website: this blue website right here probably Elementary: Somewhere in England :P High school: Somewhere in New Zealand, followed by somewhere in England again :P I’ve moved around a lot. College: Somewhere in England, again :P Hair color: Very dark brown/black Long or short hair: Short Do you have a crush on someone: Ummm... idk. I guess it’s kinda... dormant? (Not as dormant as I thought lol SHUT UP AISH) What do you like about yourself:  I like my eyes Piercings: Ears Blood type:  I have no idea and when we were studying phenotypes in biology, I worked out from my parents and grandparents that I could actually have almost any bloodtype, so there’s no way to know or even guess unless I get it checked Nickname: Flash ~ ahhhhh! Relationship status: Forever alone Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Pronouns: She/her I guess, since I’m used to them, but honestly I don’t mind they/them, I’m just fine with whatever tbh Favourite TV show: Take a wild guess :P Tattoos: None Right or left hand: Right handed
FIRST ____: Surgery: None Piercing: Ears. I was less than 2 months old, weirdly enough. Best friend: A cool girl called Micheala who I still talk to sometimes Sport: I think the first sport I was really into was ice skating, when I was like 4 Vacation: I think it was the Lake District when I was like 2?? Idk because obviously I don’t remember hehe Pair of trainers: Okay am I missing something here? I’m English so to me this question looks like it’s asking what were my first pair of that kind of shoes. Which I have no idea.
RIGHT NOW ___: Eating: Just finished a bowl of instant noodles Drinking: Water About to: Play the Sims 3 probably, knowing me, or maybe write, also knowing me Listening to: My flatmates finally getting up Waiting for: season 2 of ML Want: season 2 of ML Get married: idk, I really don’t care much Career: Something creative
WHICH IS BETTER ____: Hugs or kisses: Hugs Lips or eyes: Eyes Shorter or taller: No preference Older or younger: Uh... neither? Same age! Nice arms or nice stomach: Both, both is good Sensitive or loud: Sensitive Hook up or relationship: Relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: I am too hesitant for my own good so how about a troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER ____: Kissed a stranger: I haven’t even kissed anyone I know Drank hard liquor: No Lost glasses/contact lenses: No Turned someone down: No, unless I’ve done it unintentionally Sex on first date: Lol I’m too ace for that and I’ve never even been on a date except as a third wheel Broken someone’s heart: I hope not but I have no idea! Had your own heart broken: Mmmmmmkinda. Been arrested: No Cried when someone died: Yeah... Fallen for a friend: Haha yup *cries in English*
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ____: Yourself: I try to! Miracles: There can be miiiiracles, when you belieeeeve~~ Love at first sight: I mean, I guess you can have a crush at first sight, but not like love love? Santa Claus: SANTA IS REAL AND HE DABS Kiss on the first date: Depends on the person and situation Angels: Sure
OTHER ____: Current best friend’s name: I have more than one best friend! Eye color: Hazel/green/brown Movie: Right now, The Lego Batman Movie ‘cause it’s awesome
I don’t know who’s been tagged and who hasn’t and this is long so, I just tag: whoever wants to do it! Just say I tagged you! <333
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youngjaaes · 8 years
tag tag tag;
I was tagged by the lovely @tigerbaby​ and the beautiful @younqjaesthetic​ (thank you both so much ^_^) 
Tagging: @fluffyzelo, @actualyoungjaetrash, @daehdream, @daejaeslover, @b-ap, @bapofficial, @jion-a, @daehyunny, @daehyuns-leggings, @daefluffs, @kitty-dae
LAST:  drink - tea  call - my friend julie :3 song i listened to - fly by got7 time i cried - last night 
HAVE YOU EVER: dated someone twice - i haven’t even dated someone once been cheated on - no kissed someone and regretted it - i’ve regretted being kissed....? does that count? lost someone special - yes been depressed - yes been drunk and thrown up - i’ve never had alcohol before :/ 
IN THE PAST YEAR, HAVE YOU? made a new friend - tons! all my peeps in yjaynet and @fluffyzelo​, who I’m proud to call my friend :3 i love her fallen out of love - no laughed until you cried - too many times to count met someone who changed you - yes found out who your true friends are - yes found out someone was talking about you - yes 
GENERAL: how many people on tumblr do you know in real life? - none...none of them even live in my country do you have any pets? - three cats ^_^ do you want to change your name? - yes, because no one ever spells it right time you woke up this morning - 4:45 (i don’t even know why) what were you doing last night? - watching tv ayyyyy i’m lame name something you cannot wait for - B.A.P’s next MV have you ever talked to a person named Tom? - yes lol what’s getting on your nerves right now? - the fact that I have three exams the week of B.A.P’s comeback T_T nickname - stefi zodiac sign - leo pronouns - she/her fave tv show - arrested development tbh it’s so good college - not in college bro hair colour - light brown, but i dip dyed the ends bright red. however, the dye is really faded now so it’s this auburnish colour do you have a crush on someone? - of course....i’m crushing on yoo youngjae ayyyy what do you like about yourself? - what? nothing righty or lefty? - righty 
FIRSTS: surgery - my teeth back when i was three piercing - my ears when i was twelve best friend - my friend julie <3 vacation - i went to queensland and the only thing i remember is almost drowning... pair of sneakers - i was a cool kid, i had those light up sneakers bro 
RANDOM: eating - almonds because i’m lame i’m about to - make icons lol listening to - the movie i’m watching want kids - maybe...i would rather adopt  get married - probably career - i don’t have one ayyy / i wanna be a criminal lawyer tho 
WHICH IS BETTER: lips of eyes - eyes...you kow what they say, eyes are the window to the soul. i like boys with pretty eyes hugs or kisses - HUGS! shorter or taller - taller older or younger - older romantic or spontaneous - both  sensitive or loud - both hookup or relationship - relationship trouble-maker or hesitant - hesitant 
HAVE YOU EVER: kissed a stranger - no drank hard liquor - no lost glasses or contacts - my glasses have been missing for months now otl sex on the first date - no broken someone’s heart - no been arrested - no turned someone down - yes fallen for a friend - yes 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: yourself - no miracles - i’m not sure... love at first sight - if i ever experience it, i will heaven - nope 
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vaguevillainy · 8 years
92 Truths
The Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag! (or just tag your pals or idk)
Tagged by @meru-chanx3, thanks~ Also, happy belated birthday!
[1] drink: Water
[2] phone call: GrabCar driver
[3] text message: A friend
[4] song you listened to: Revelations by Audioslave. I’m currently in the midst of re-tagging my music library.
[5] time you cried: When I watched a vid about kids giving a message to their moms. I cry because of the moms’ expressions, they look so happy and relieved that their kids aren’t hating them.
[6] dated someone twice? Never even dated
[7] been cheated on? Never
[8] kissed someone and regretted it? Does my brother count?
[9] lost someone special? No
[10] been depressed? I don’t know the exact signs of depression, but I’ve suffered a lot...
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up? No
[12] Black
[13] Any dark shades
[14] Teal
[15] made new friends? Yeah, I guess.
[16] fallen out of love? No
[17] laughed until you cried? I don’t recall
[18] found out someone was talking about you? In a bad way? No, that’d be a living nightmare.
[19] met someone who changed you? How about a Japanese poet who’s been dead for years?
[20] found out who your true friends are? Yes
[21] kissed someone on your Facebook list? Uh... no.
[22] How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? About 85%, the rest are friends of friends. (For no reason they asked to be friends on the site.)
[23] Do you have any pets? Yes, a problematic Chihuahua mix.
[24] Do you want to change your name? My real name’s unique but a bit weird. I’d like to have another name for public use, but I guess it doesn’t work that way. It works for the internet, though. Hooray!
[25] What did you do for your last birthday? Nothing. It happened in the middle of my exams and everyone’s busy. I prefer it that way, actually.
[26] What time did you wake up? 5 AM on most days
[27] What were you doing at midnight last night? Editing e-book metadatas on Calibre. It’s nearly midnight again now!
[28] Name something you cannot wait for: GRADUATION
[29] When was the last time you saw your mother? A few minutes ago.
[30] What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? I was given my personal laptop recently and I gotta admit I wished it’d be something more recently released. Should’ve given more input on it.
[31] What are you listening to right now? Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low
[32] Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Maybe. I never know the names of some people I talk to.
[33] Something that is getting on your nerves: People getting hate but not realizing why or stupidly ignoring the signs.
[34] Most visited website: Tumblr
[35] Elementary: Does anyone have to know? I’m pretty sure most won’t recognize the name anyway.
[36] High school: Same for this one
[37] College: Not yet
[38] Hair color: Brownish black
[39] Long or short hair? Medium
[40] Do you have a crush on someone? No, unless you count famous irl people or fictional characters gosh I’m a complete otaku aren’t I
[41] What do you like about yourself? I have no capacity to remember people’s mistakes, so I don’t hold grudges. I’m generally socially acceptable.
[42] Piercings: None
[43] Blood type: O
[44] Nickname: Sasha (from my real name)
[45] Relationship status: Single
[46] Zodiac sign: Pisces
[47] Pronouns: She/her
[48] Favorite TV show: Not watching anything recently... T_T
[49] Tattoos: None
[50] Right or left handed? Right
[51] Surgery: Never
[52] Piercings: As stated before, none
[53] Best friend: When it comes down to it, @unearthlyzebras <3
[54] Sport: I do whatever I have to do in PE. I enjoy volleyball and basic floor exercises.
[55] Vacation: Nowhere abroad
[56] Pair of trainers: I have a pair of running shoes issued by my school and a pair of black-and-white(?) Sketchers for casual wear.
[57] Eating: Just finished my apples and pears
[58] Drinking: Nothing, I even forgot to bring my tumbler with me
[59] About to: Try to write again
[60] Listening to: Player switched to My World by Avril Lavigne. (Yep, still stuck in ‘A’.)
[61] Waiting for: Repeated question?? Spider-Man Homecoming and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
[62] Want: A lot of petty things. Let’s just say books.
[63] Get married: Slow down, man.
[64] Career: Overworked student, studying to save my grades a better future.
[65] hugs or kisses? Hugs
[66] lips or eyes? Lips
[67] shorter or taller? Oh, wait, we’re taking about preffered s/o types? Uhm... taller.
[68] older or younger? Close to my age, maybe.
[69] romantic or spontaneous? Can I opt for ‘noob’ to match me?
[70] nice arms or nice stomach? Just someone lean.
[71] sensitive or loud? Sensitive
[72] hook up or relationship? Relationship
[73] troublemaker or hesitant? Hesitant, to counter my spontaneity.
[74] kissed a stranger? NOPE
[75] drank hard liquor? What is hard liquor? Like, what’s the difference?
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? No
[77] turned someone down? No
[78] sex on first date? W h a t
[79] broken someone’s heart? Hopefully no
[80] had your own heart broken? Probably, considering the state I’m in now.
[81] been arrested? No
[82] cried when someone died? No (Oh, heartless me.)
[83] fallen for a friend? No
[84] yourself? Kinda
[85] miracles? Yes, but they don’t happen to me.
[86] love at first sight? Yes. Again, not applicable to me.
[87] Santa Claus? No
[88] kiss on the first date? Yes; not applicable to me.
[89] angels? Yes, the Biblical kind.
[90] Current best friend’s name: I call her Rin.
[91] Eye colour: Brown
[92] Favourite movie: Hard to pick one. I love Marvel movies and indie horror.
I tag @unearthlyzebras, @perplexedgecko, and @stephagustin. Sorry for always bothering you guys!
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epicrealistyoutube · 8 years
So, I consider myself fairly ‘late’ in the otaku world. Well, I did about 6-8 years ago. The only thing I’d known about anime at the time I entered college was how the Sailor Moon characters had abnormally long legs and how annoying it was that when they transformed, the enemy just stood there like a fucking moron and allowed them to do their thing without fighting back. >_>
I was pretty sheltered by my parents during my teen years, so I’d only even come across Sailor Moon because a little boy that went to my mom’s school that she worked at brought it in to watch every day with his class. That and Barbie movies. I know, weird. His mom clearly wanted a girl instead because she’d completely showered him with girly things year after year.
Anyway, by the time I got to college (2004), that was just about all I knew about the otaku world. That and Pokemon. Didn’t get the hype about Pokemon then, so I didn’t get into it too much. All I knew was that Pikachu was fucking adorable. He was the only Pokemon that I wanted to catch. lol
I was a gamer already, but I’d only had experience with the Sega Genesis and the Playstation 2. I had a ton of Genesis games, but of course, that old system started to slowly break down. I didn’t have too many games for the PS2 yet. By the time I’d met my hubby at art college, he’d come across more game systems than I’d ever even touched, more games than I’d heard of, more animes, and much more video game soundtracks.
I was somewhat jealous of that at the time, but I simply tried to catch up during the time we dated. I learned about more animes, Studio Ghibli films, and we played our first MMO together, which was Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst. Ya’ll remember that game? Back when it was popular? Now all the servers are practically down. Boo hoo… T_T
So, from then on, I spent a ton of time learning about and playing Final Fantasy, Mario games, and a million other ‘Japanese’ discoveries. It was awesome. This was a world I hadn’t even known about my whole life. I drowned myself in FF soundtracks during my long commute back and forth to college on the buses and trains.
Hubby and I have played a shitload of MMOs since marriage. I can’t even count how many I’ve played. I might have to dig up my old archives and make a blog post specifically for the amount of MMOs we’ve played. LOL
We don’t have much time for MMOs anymore because of the tribe of kids we’ve created, but now I don’t feel so clueless to the otaku world anymore. I’ve seen a substantial amount of anime now, I’ve played way more games, and I… well, still play our old Sonic PS2 game with the kids every now and then until we can afford a newer game system.
We still play Minecraft sometimes also. But only when the kiddos are down for nap or down for the night. Hubby likes playing the TerraFirma version more. I play a few Facebook games in order to cure my thirst for our absolute FAVORITE MMO EVER, Mabinogi, which we CANNOT afford to play anymore at all for lack of time (although in the past, we’ve completely ignored this and paid for it). LMAO!
My friend put me onto Yuri on Ice last year and I couldn’t have been more proud to be an otaku. That show was sheer fucking awesomeness. I’d never watched a gay themed anime, but it’s more than just a gay themed anime. It’s just all around beautiful. They’d better hurry up with season 2.
I probably have more to write, but for now, that’s my little otaku married life… with kids. Can’t wait until the kids are of age to be involved in more of these things. I’m definitely not going to shelter my kids the way my parents sheltered me. Fuck no. The world has a lot to offer, and the more you shelter your kids, the more clueless they’ll be about life in general. 
And no one wants that for anyone.
~Epic Realist~
          Otaku Married Life… With Kids So, I consider myself fairly 'late' in the otaku world. Well, I did about 6-8 years ago.
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lieberts · 4 years
@klavoir replied to your post “@klavoir replied to your post “*vigurously nods at all your thoughts...”
!!!!! EXACTLY. Like it‘s not about how they‘ll make the animation ‚better‘ esp with how advanced everything is these days (like if there ever is a remake they‘d 100% use CGI and things like that) but that‘s really not it? It‘s exactly the traditional art itself that makes it authentic and classy that it doesn‘t have to be remade? Like, remaking it would just ruin the whole setting, feel and atmosphere the whole work has.... oh and also!! I‘d recommend reading Pluto first - - and see how it goes since it‘s a lot shorter than 20thCB :0 I hope you enjoy it!! (There should be an anime adaptation of it tho this year but no news until now T_T) omfg WHAT ??? I NEVER KNEW he was underpaid when working for this show? GOD I swear........ heck why.... esp when it was so popular and well made I‘m. It‘s their lost tho yeah but still we could have had it all 😭 ugh imagine a sequel where Sybil is finally being taken down aft yrs aft s1 (& the potential parallels!!!!!) 😭 why
ALSO FJSNYJ LMAO ABOUT KOUGAMI i was trying not to be Biased (ik it wasn‘t a fanservice bc like literally all of us are waiting for him to comeback!! Esp after that s2 opening clickbait smh) his and Akane‘s reunion really hit hard gOD. We were being fed So Well with that movie
djkfhdfhdsf miss me with that cgi shit, i genuinely think that type of animation is so ugly like... yeah i know its easier and cheaper and im not supposed to be shallow and judge the quality of a movie based on how it looks, but it just irks me so much i unapologetically will not watch cgi stuff unless im 100% sure its a masterpiece, i simply cannot...... and the constant fuckign movie remakes oh my goddd society has progressed past the need for movie remakes theyre literally never good
alright, im gonna read pluto first! i have free time at the moment and im not reading anything else, so i might as well FINALLY do it. i know i will like it, i mean its urasawa so?? im sure its gonna be great but im just so lazy when it comes to starting something new it takes me ages to finally sit down and start lmao
godddddd a real pp sequel had such potential because the worldbuilding was done SO WELL in s1 imo and the system wasnt portrayed as a cliche cartoon villain but rather as a thing with genuinely good and genuinely bad sides so the whole conflict about whether it should be destroyed and what the consequences wouldve been was so so so good i cannot believe we will never see this........ and i knowww omg i really love the two of them together (not in the least bit as a romantic pairing tho) and it was such a pleasure to see how much they affected each others character development ugh this show bro
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yilinglaozulilbitch · 8 years
facts nobody ask for
hahahaha. wasn’t tagged, but I really wanted to do this. hahah just because.
LAST… [1] drink: Vita Cola (I think its only avaible in germany?) [2] phone call: My Dad  [3] text message: my lovely rp partner <3 [4] song you listened to: You and I - PVRIS   [5] time you cried: Last night (bc of finding dorie ..tbh hahaha)
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: yes (hahaha sadly)  [7] been cheated on: Yes (asshole. still)   [8] kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t think so [9] lost someone special: Yes. [10] been depressed: Yes, but I had therapy and moved away so BETTER [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: drunk? yes. thrown up? NO! Lucky.
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] Rose´  [13] Black [14] everything pastel
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: Yes! And So happy about that [16] fallen out of love: actually yes? idk it was just a crush last year [17] laughed until you cried: so often hahahah  [18] found out someone was talking about you: Yes. [19] met someone who changed you: everything here changed me [20] found out who your true friends are: kinda ... [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: No hahaha I kissed no one for ..years actually.
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of it actually? I don’t take request from strangers ;)  [23] do you have any pets: Noooo. [24] do you want to change your name: in the past yes. But now I love my Name!   [25] what did you do for your last birthday: I had actually bd two days ago hahah I eat out with my friends from my hometown and I will celebrate again this saturday!  [26] what time did you wake up: 6:40am  [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping xD [28] name something you cannot wait for: Saturday and more days to see a certain person [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: two and a half week ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing at the moment. I will fight for what I wish :D  [31] what are you listening to right now: PVRIS - White Noise (Deluxe Edition) [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: No hahahah [33] something that is getting on your nerves: people who are sticking their noses into my life. Or assume things from my social media, without knowing me?!  [34] most visited website: tumblr I think and youtube (instagram too) [35] elementary: -  [36] high school: - [37] college: want to go to one soon ?  [38] hair color: Blond with a little mint green. [39] long or short hair: shot  [40] do you have a crush on someone: hahahaha... idk. maybe? hahaha..ha... [41] what do you like about yourself: my dumb humor ..(And my eyes) [42] piercings: ears!  [43]blood type: I actually dont know...  [44] nickname: don’t have one, bc of a short Name? hahaha [45] relationship status: Siiiii-iii-iiingle  [46] zodiac sign: Pisces :D [47] pronouns: She/Her [48] fav tv show: Doctor Who / Voltron  [49] tattoos: APRIL I WILL GET MYSELF ONE!!!!!! FINALLY! <3 [50] right or left hand: both actually !! 
FIRST… [51] surgery: none  [52] piercing: Ears [53] best friend: the daughter of the best friend of my mother  [54] sport: other that school sports? Taekwondo!  [55] vacation: Ungarn   [56] pair of trainers: none 
[57] eating: nothing :D  [58] drinking: Vita Cola  [59] i’m about to: watching South Park and get ready for school  [60] listening to: PVRIS - ST. Patrick [61] waiting for: Saturday :D  [62] want: Hot Pot T_T  [63] get married: ...if it becomes legal ? XD  [64] career: want to be a teacher! 
[65] hugs or kisses: both!  [66] lips or eyes: Eyes!  [67] shorter or taller: nevermind that xD  [68] older or younger: don’t care actually  [70] nice arms or nice stomach: don’t care. If I like a person then I like the WHOLE PACKAGE!  [71] sensitive or loud: hahahaha both ... [72] hook up or relationship: I never had one of these both... But I wish for a relationship  [73] troublemaker or hesitant: both most of time .. xDDD
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? Noooo [75] drank hard liquor? Yeeeeeeheheheheeeees hahahah  [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? Noooooo (lucky) [77] turned someone down: Yes....  [78] sex on first date? Never had Sex before  [79] broken someone’s heart? Yes, and I’m not proud ... (but I was a stupid teenager) [80] had your own heart broken? .....yes... and the hurt lasted actually ...1-2 years.. [81] been arrested? Noooo [82] cried when someone died? ...Yes... [83] fallen for a friend? ... maybe..
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? on good days. [85] miracles? Yes. [86] love at first sight? ...I think its possible to have crush on first sight [87] Santa Claus? noooo i’m sorry.  [88] kiss on the first date? ... Yes  [89] angels? Yes
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: Hai :D  [91] eye color: Green  [92] favorite movie: So many many many many... 
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crystalsoul16 · 8 years
Tumblr media
Surprise munchkin: Yoosung was throwing pebbles at your window. You opened your window and notice his purple irises glow in the moon light. You smiled at him and waved your hand. He smiled back at you and simply said “I just beat your high score. ”
Ya see, originally I was just gonna respond to this in a joking manner with something like “You sonuvabitch! -middle finger and pouting emojis-” for shits and giggles. Buuuuuuut, then an entire goddamn scenario played out in my overactive imagination so now I’m gonna be a dumb and do a silly all out response that no one asked for because I couldn’t stop myself. Under the cut for length.
Why Yoosung decided to share that news in person instead of calling or texting, especially at that hour of the night, was beyond me. Of course I’m always pleased to see him, and even that moment was no exception, but…for that? I couldn’t help but grin and chuckle at the situation.
But, there was something nagging at me in the back of my mind since hearing those words. I wondered if I was just imagining it, but even after seeing him off and returning to my previous activities, it continued to sit in my thoughts, until I couldn’t help but address it.
His tone of voice seemed to be initiating a challenge…
Yes, his score was definitely better than mine. Otherwise he wouldn’t have come over in the middle of the night to inform me. However, it wasn’t that much higher than mine. With a little effort, I could easily reclaim my position. In fact, I could probably get it back before going to bed for the night. With that in mind, I took a glance at the time on my phone. Yeah, I had plenty time. And since I had no plans the following day, I could sleep in if needed once I was done. So with Yoosung’s teasing words echoing in my mind, and my own personal deadline set, I got comfortable on my bed, picked up the controller, and started up the game. The start screen dimly lit the room, and the corner of my mouth raised into a smirk as I narrowed my eyes.
Challenge. Accepted.
I fell backwards with a sigh, my head sinking into one of my pillows. I reached over for my phone to check the time. 4:32 AM. It took a lot longer than I thought it would, but it was done. I looked back at the scoreboard again before throwing my arms in the air in victory. It wasn’t by much, but there was my score, sitting above Yoosung’s once again.
I had to give him credit, though. His score definitely put up one hell of a fight. No wonder he decided to pull some scene out of a romance movie to tell me when he topped mine. I was kind of tempted to do the same now, considering the struggle I just went through. But he had a morning class, and he needed the sleep. I didn’t even want to risk waking him up with a text, so I decided to just let him know in the morning when replying to his usual “good morning” message. For the time being, some well deserved sleep sounded good. I didn’t even realize how tired I was until I had the game shut off and the controller out of my hands. It didn’t take long to pass out after my face was pressed against the pillow…
My eye peeked open a few hours later, my sleep interrupted by the sound of my phone receiving a text. Specifically, it was Yoosung’s notification tone, one of the few sounds from my cell that could wake me up without fail. And one I was excited to hear after last night’s achievement.
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I unlocked my phone and read the much anticipated morning message.
Yoosung★: Good morning, K! I hope you slept well!
I smiled at the sweet and simple message before typing out my own.
K: Good morning, Yoo~ I hope you slept well, too~ ^^
K: I actually stayed up kinda late last night, and I’m probably gonna fall asleep for a couple more hours in a bit ^^;;;
Yoosung★: Really? Well, at least promise you’ll make sure to eat some breakfast once you get up!
K: I will ^^ but your text is a bit late this morning… don’t you have class in less than an hour?
Yoosung★: Yeah… I slept in a bit so I’m off to a late start T_T
K: Oh geez, well I should let you get ready then. Just text me once you’re out of class, okay? I should be up by then
K: And good luck with your studies today~ you got this! ^^b
Yoosung★: Okay, I will! Sleep well, K
Yoosung★: And thank you!
K: Oh and btw Yoo…
K: I just beat your high score ;)
And with that, I placed my phone back on my nightstand and returned my face to my pillow, my lips curving into an amused grin at the sound of a couple of new messages. Any responses from him would just have to wait for when I woke back up later.
Ending: -Smash Bros announcer voice- SUCCESS!!
…and now because I couldn’t decide which case I liked better, ending #2!! Why am I doing this???
I’m normally not a very competitive person. With games, I’m usually in it just for the fun of it. Who gives a shit about scores? Maybe I’d care on occasion just to mess with friends, especially in co-ops that compare scores at the end. But overall it usually wasn’t a big deal.
For whatever reason, that was not the case tonight.
My tired eyes stayed locked on the screen, with prominent dark circles beneath them. My hair was significantly tousled from running a frustrated hand through it many times now. Exasperated mutterings spilled out of my mouth as I swiftly swiveled the control sticks around and aggressively mashed the buttons, each action causing very audible clicks from the controller.
Why was this frustrating me so much? It’s not like I had anything to prove, or anything to gain or lose based on the outcome. Yoosung certainly wouldn’t judge me for my placement, and I definitely didn’t judge him for knocking me down a rank. Hell, I even congratulated him on topping my score! But in that moment, I would’ve loved to ask him how the fuck he managed to pull off this score, considering the very real struggle I was facing in an attempt to regain my former place on the board. This was supposed to just be for a fun bit of teasing, mind you! Just so I could call him or text him or hell maybe even throw pebbles at his window at an odd hour and be like “hey, I just beat your high score”, but at this rate it didn’t seem possible. So why was I still trying?
Maybe it was because of the small gap between our scores making it seem doable. They were so close together, so tantalizingly close… And I had come so close to surpassing his points more than a few times now, with my fingertips practically brushing against certain victory, only to fall just short of enough points to claim it. Then I’d end up mumbling a string of curses, picking the controller back up, and trying again. Rinse and repeat for God knows how long.
After yet another failure and more frustrated huffs, I was about to dive right back in when my phone let out a sudden noise, alerting me of a new message and bringing me back to reality. I finally became aware of the sunlight peeking through my closed blinds, and wondered just what time it was. Warily, I reached for my phone to glimpse at the message and current time. I recognized the notification sound as Yoosung’s, so seeing his name on my screen didn’t surprise me. However… When the fuck did it become 8 in the morning?!
With my body now fully aware of how late I stayed up, everything suddenly felt heavy. I could barely hold up the controller anymore, I was fighting to keep my eyes open, and my body had a strong urge to collapse into the comfort of my mattress, covered and curled up in a nice warm blanket, with my head resting on a soft pillow. My eyes began to sting each time I looked back at the game, and with one large yawn, I knew it was over.
After shutting down the game, I let out a sigh of defeat and fell backwards onto my bed. It felt so nice to finally lie down, and I wanted nothing more than to give in to my body’s desire to just drift off then and there… But I felt obligated to check and respond to Yoosung’s message first, so I reached for my phone and checked the notification.
Yoosung★: Good morning, K! I hope you slept well!
I let out a tired and pitiful whine in response. Gosh, he was such a sweetheart… If only he knew that my uncharacteristically competitive side decided to make an appearance and led me to a busy and sleepless night… Well, I guess he was about to find out. After giving my eyes a quick rub, I started typing a reply, which due to my sleepy stupor ended up sounding far more dramatic than necessary.
K: Unfortunately, I cannot say that I had a restful night. For many hours, I fought with all the strength I could muster to reclaim my position on the board before daybreak. And while I came close to achieving victory numerous times, it was not enough to surpass your best. I must commend you for your skills, for while I know not how hard you struggled, if at all, to obtain your rank, you did well enough for victory to constantly elude my grasp despite my best efforts. And with that, I admit defeat. Thou hast truly bested me in this game…
K: ……Sorry, that was probably a little too silly... 
K: Seriously tho, great job with that score dude. You’re gonna have to show me how you pulled that off later
K: But anyway, I’m tired as fuck so I’m gonna go to sleep now =_=
K: I’ll be sure to text you or call you when I wake up. Good luck with school today. You know I’m rootin’ for ya~
K: Welp, goodnight
I honestly felt bad for cutting our morning chat so short and not even giving him a chance to respond, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. With my phone now on the nightstand, I curled up under the covers and started to doze off almost instantly. I heard a couple of text notifications from Yoosung, but decided I would just look at them later. For now, I welcomed the sweet embrace of sleep…
Ending: -Smash Bros announcer voice- FAILURE…
….I really got waaayyyy too carried away with this holy shit /)~(\
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