#i cannot stress how much i love height differences but this is truly a size diff moment.
camelliagwerm · 8 days
Every so often I remember Bull is 8ft tall according to World of Thedas vol. 2 and
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oh sweet Maker
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murder-raven13 · 3 years
My Haikyuu Ships pt. 3
A/N: Part 3 because I am a hoe that procrastinates
Warning(s): cursing, not proofread, this has again become kind of relationship hcs, loooooooooooooooooooog, I added another ship because my memory sucks
Word Count: 3,401
Part 1 Part 2
Tanaka x Ennoshita
So, Ennoshita is calm and collected but also very insecure. Doesn’t trust in his own skill or ability to lead nor the relationships he’s built with the team. Tanaka, on the other hand, is loud and confident and dedicated. He also refuses to let people talk bad about themselves or let other people talk bad about the people he cares about. This really helps with Ennoshita’s insecurity because Tanaka is brutally honest and Ennoshita knows that, so he believes Tanaka. And Ennoshita can keep Tanaka in line and on track. Tanaka is the type that’s only truly dedicated to the things he cares about, so other things tend to fall behind. School is one of the things that gets left behind. But Ennoshita is there to keep Tanaka on track, making sure that he’s doing what he has to to ensure that he can continue participating in his passions. They’re both really good together, covering the other’s weaknesses with ease and letting themselves lean on the other when they need it. Very sweet boys with a very soft, fun relationship. 
Yachi x Kiyoko
Okay, Kiyoko is a bit of an outsider and she’s not good at expressing herself. But she is sure of herself. She knows her capabilities and has confidence in her looks and, after a while, in her relationships with those close to her. But she’s never had a relationship with a female that she’s been sure of. Then Yachi comes along, basically worshipping the ground Kiyoko walks on, and completely anxious about literally everything. Yachi is a big ball of stress and love, and she turns to Kiyoko first, for everything. She believes in Kiyoko, knows that Kiyoko will always fit with her, doesn’t mind that Kiyoko has flaws because Kiyoko is perfect to Yachi. And Kiyoko helps Yachi build her confidence. They’re a very domestic couple, I feel. The kind that would be able to just sit in silence while they did their homework or just watch TV together every night. Kiyoko makes sure that Yachi doesn’t overwork or overstress herself by giving her massages and calming baths. Yachi makes sure that Kiyoko is happy and sure of their relationship, completely free with her emotions and her words whenever they’re together, by ensuring that Kiyoko knows Yachi is there, always, the peaceful shadow in Kiyoko’s life. They’re just neat together. 
Yachi x Ushijima
Ushijima is a very simple man and very devoted man. His partner’s needs and feelings are a priority to him, even though he may struggle to pick up on body language. He’s big and strong, but very gentle, astoundingly so for someone so brutal on the court. Yachi is pretty much the opposite. She’s tiny and unsure and anxious. And Ushijima terrifies her at first. He’s giant and strong and stoic. This boy does not look welcoming, especially to someone as tiny and panicky as Yachi. So, it takes a while. Ushijima doesn’t think much of her at first because she doesn’t seem like much but he sees her struggling with a near panic attack after she gets separated from the team one day and he just really can’t stop himself from wanting to protect this tiny human. He becomes a kind of balm, a protector that makes Yachi feel safe because, no matter how scary the world it, Ushijima is there to keep the brunt of it away. And Yachi serves as a constant reminder of Ushijima’s strength, a reminder that he’s needed, loved, for all the qualities about himself that he’s spent his entire life strengthening. 
Atsumu x Hinata
Can I just say disaster? [that’s gonna describe quite of few of the remaining ships tbh] They’re a disaster but, like, a good disaster. Atsumu and Hinata have the same zeal for volleyball and Atsumu fell in the love the first time they played a game against each other. Hinata took a little longer to fall. Together, though, they’re good. They have a place to channel all their chaotic energy. They mess with each other a lot, perpetual state of war via prank. Sometimes, much to the chagrin of those that know them, they keep score of who can prank the most other people. But most of the times it’s kept between themselves. This is a very fun couple. The kind that goes on spontaneous beach trips at 2 in the morning and plays until they can’t physically move. So in love with each other they sometimes forget other people exist. They’re both absolutely blinding, all radiance and sunshine, burning with so much passion that other’s have struggled all their lives to deal with them. They get lost in each other, reverent and worshipping and all to pleasantly blinded by the other.
Atsumu x Sakusa
Sakusa is mean, a meanie. He’s so mean to Atsumu. Most of Atsumu’s time is spent just pouting at Sakusa until Sakusa has to desperately try and hide the blush on his face. That pout is his favorite of Atsumu’s expressions and Atsumu has a lot of them. Sakusa hates being the in public eye but that’s unavoidable with his career. But Atsumu, glorious, blinding Atsumu is there to keep the crowds and the germs and all of it focused on him. He keeps the world away from Sakusa when Sakusa can’t deal with it. He’s always, always making sure Sakusa is comfortable and clean and happy. And Sakusa is the motivation Atsumu needs to truly take care of himself. Atsumu gets so focused on volleyball and being the best that he forgets some things, like resting and self-care and showering, all things that Sakusa is religious about. They make such a good couple because Sakusa needs Atsumu to be the light and Atsumu needs Sakusa to be his guiding hand. 
Osamu x Suna
Chill babies. Osamu and Suna are both so chill, or at least they both seem that way. Osamu’s chill is kind of fake. It’s not that he’s not chill, it’s just that he’s surrounded by things that push his chill into a little corner and beat it up. And by “things” I mean Atsumu. Osamu loves his twin, no doubt, but his twin is also the most exhausting person alive a majority of the time. They’re constantly in competition. They have the same face and yet Osamu is constantly preferred less by fans besides the fact that he swore he would be more likable than Atsumu because he didn’t want to be alone like Atsumu. So, the team and those that know Atsumu all prefer Osamu, but everyone else doesn’t. In comes Suna, who captures everything on his phone, and I mean everything. Every fight, every argument, every moment, everything. This lets Osamu look back at how he and Atsumu interact and realize how tired he is of it all. And Suna is more than willing to just lay there, doing nothing, when Osamu needs somewhere quiet to be. Suna is Osamu’s refuge from Atsumu, whose passion and attitude make him too much sometimes. And Osamu lets Suna chill. He doesn’t expect emotion or passion or anything chaotic from Suna, he just wants Suna to be Suna, a lazy little shit that likes to cause trouble whenever it’s easy to do so. Osamu, to Suna, is a partner, someone that knows him and accepts his limits, respects how he is a person. 
Osamu x Hinata
Okay, Hinata is really just like a nicer, more likable version of Atsumu’s energy. Osamu would be one of very few able to keep up with Hinata’s energy in a relationship without getting swallowed up in it. Osamu would be so supportive of Hinata’s volleyball career, would undoubtedly practice when Hinata begged him. He doesn’t mind, he misses the game. But Hinata never tries to pull him back into volleyball, he understands what Osamu is passionate about and supports the fuck out of it. Loves Osamu’s food, constantly bragging about it. Osamu can go nowhere with Hinata without turning bright red at some point. Also constantly bringing people to Osamu’s restaurant. The team won a game? Onigiri Miya. Someone got engaged? Onigiri Miya. Man has no shame. And Hinata’s so cute and famous that this really does bring a bunch of people to the restaurant [Osamu is salty about it and so is Atsumu]. 
Ushijima x Hinata
So, I’m a whore to enemies to lovers and I’m a whore for height differences; what you gonna do about it? Nothing because nothing can be done. Hinata has similar energy to Tendou, except Hinata is much nicer than Tendou and a different kind of chaotic. Hinata is unfiltered passion and confidence. Ushijima is concentrated passion and confidence. The two of them together are constantly challenging each other because Hinata never stops striving to be the best, a trait Ushijima greatly admires. And Hinata is always so impressed with Ushijima’s skill and power and size, loves that he’s found another volleyball idiot to be with. Hinata drags Ushijima into life experiences and Ushijima brings Hinata home whenever he’s drifting too far. They’re a very strange couple to others because their energy is so different. Definitely the couple whose house is more plant and volleyball stuff than anything else. Hinata will definitely tuck himself into Ushijima’s side until he’s almost completely hidden, may have once gotten into Ushijima’s hoodie with him, because he’s a little shit and Ushijima cannot say no to him [and he doesn’t really mind have Hinata so close].
Yachi x Oikawa
Oikawa is used to girls fawning over him. But Yachi is too shy to do so. Literally will not admit she finds him pretty. She just kind of ignores him, which pisses Oikawa off because this small, adorable girl won’t even spare him a glance and that’s never fucking happened before. Honestly starts pursuing Yachi because she didn’t seem interested at first. The first time she calls him pretty, he blushes, which was not a reaction he was expecting from himself. Realized he liked this cute ball of nerves more than he was originally supposed to. Yachi helps Oikawa realize he doesn’t need to be fake all the time, that not everyone has to life him, because he has the people who matter. And Oikawa helps Yachi become more confident, more sure of herself, more comfortable with defending her ground [she has to in order to deal with his damn fangirls]. Oikawa is a clingy ass person, but he understands that that makes Yachi a little uncomfortable in public, so he cuts back on the PDA, until there is a guy talking to Yachi, then he’s all hands on deck. Will definitely save Yachi from stressful situations. Loves that Yachi brings him lunch every day. 
Suga x Ushijima
Suga hates him at first. It’s so funny. Because Ushijima is just captivated because Suga is pretty and kind and caring and so observant, if not the greatest setter. He’s got a bond of trust with his teammates that Ushijima admires a lot. And Suga is willing to do whatever it takes to win, even if that means he has to step into the background. But Suga hates him because he thinks Ushijima is perfect. It’s not true hate, just irritation. But it’s enough to keep Suga away. And then Suga starts realizing all the ways Ushijima is far from perfect. He’s stoic and bad at talking and communicating and all together a disaster at social interaction because he’s so brutally honest without thought. And Suga starts to like him, how could he not. This man is a mess and handsome and Suga’s a little whipped. It’s Tendou that gets them together because Tendou notices that Suga’s feelings have changed and knows that Ushijima’s crush has not. So, he sticks them together and, true to character, Ushijima confesses without much thought [despite the fact that he blushes]. Together, they’re a very mature couple and I do not mean that Suga gets any less meddlesome. I just mean that they’re relationship is very domestic, very stable. Their relationship is a constant, a comfort, something to always come home to. And Suga has his school students and Ushijima has his volleyball career and then they have each other. Works very well. 
Bokuto x Hinata
Bright disaster bois. Can I just say good luck to their friends. These two are constantly feeding off each other’s energy. Hinata hypes Bokuto up and Bokuto pulls Hinata forward. All the time, constant movement with these two. They’re almost never home. Either at the gym practicing, out getting ice cream, at an amusement part, or trying to get themselves lost. They’re impossible to keep up with, but so fun to watch. They’re such a happy couple, always smiling, always laughing, always with a new story to tell. Little explorers. But always together. People can see it, too, how utterly bright the two of them get together. It’s actually ridiculous, Kageyama hates them [he thinks they’re cute but he would literally rather die than admit it]. 
Tanaka x Yamamoto
Chaos personified in a relationship. They’re both threatening appearance wise so whenever they go out together, they’re absolutely avoided by everyone. But they’re so nice all the time. Constantly giving out compliments, definitely the couple that will talk about attractive people they see on the street together. Also definitely the couple that is constantly hyping each other up, in everything they do, even like brushing their teeth. They’re stupid. Always having fun together. 
Matsukawa x Hanamaki
These two both have resting facial expressions that aren’t actually indicative of what they’re feeling. This, on top of their personalities, means that these two are the ultimate pranksters. They can keep a poker face like nobody’s business. Absolutely impossible to read. And, unlike some of the other prankster couples, these two do not prank each other often. No, no, no. They team up on other people. Like demons. No one is safe. If you are around, you are a potential target. And they love it. It makes them laugh and its something they can unfailingly do with the other. It’s a bonding thing for them, would definitely make pranking people a date. Other than that, though, they play a lot of video games together. Plus, the lack of emotional expression of the other’s face has never thrown either of them off because they rely on body language and other cues because they themselves understand that the face isn’t always reliable. Very understanding and super in tune with each other. 
Aran x Kita
So, y’all remember when Aran got onto Kita for questioning if it was okay or normal for him to feel happy? That was the Moment. Aran lives in Japan, but he is black and his name is foreign. Because of this, he’s been an oddity his entire life. That doesn’t mean that people don’t like him or that they make fun of him for it, in fact, plenty of people react like the Miya twins. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s an oddity and that people react to it. Kita is also an oddity, not because of his name or his ethnicity, but because of his personality. He doesn’t act like a child and is super dedicated to a strict routine that includes keeping everything religiously clean. Not a lot of kids are like that. And Kita himself has said that he thinks more like an adult than a child, he’s aware of the fact that he’s not like his peers. This helps connect the two of them. They don’t react to each other for what makes them odd, they’re simply friends. Kita has never thought much of Aran’s name or the fact that he’s black and Aran doesn’t mind that Kita doesn’t exactly act like a child. They trust each other, they rely on each other. And they found their common ground at first in the fact that they’re both different in some way.  
Takeda x Ukai
I have shipped these two from the very first conversation I saw them have. Ukai was irritated by Takeda, but admired and acknowledged his unwavering persistence. And Takeda went full creep and learned everything he could about Ukai so that he could manipulate him into coaching the team. Like, this meanie does not give up. And Ukai both hates and loves this trait. Because this adorable teacher should not be able to make people bend to his will like this, dammit. And Takeda is adorable, Ukai knows [he pretends he doesn’t]. Takeda knows that Ukai is a big softie despite his appearance, that he cares a lot more than he lets on, and that he is, legit, a concerned parent half the time [what other kind of person gets onto children all the time to make sure they’re eating properly?]. He also knows that Ukai is smart and dedicated and cares a great deal about his family. So, once Takeda had his sights set on Ukai as a partner, Ukai really couldn’t [and didn’t want to] say no. They become Parents, no questions asked, but not like real parents, like the uncles the kids are always left with. [Ukai thinks he’s smooth-he is not, Takeda finds this adorable and won’t say anything about it].
Tsukishima x Yamaguchi
The only reason this ship made it to the third part is because I wanted a childhood friends to lovers in every part. It really is law. Please, Tsukki is such a grumpy baby and Yamaguchi is such a stressed out puppy. Tsukki is soft for this man and this man alone. Literally cannot actually be mean to him. Yamaguchi knows it to [whenever Tsukki tells him to shut up, Yamaguchi knows that it’s for one of two reasons: Tsukki is flustered or Yamaguchi is doing something Tsukki finds cute and is flustered]. Yamaguchi is a walking protector, will snap at people for attacking Tsukki even if he himself is terrified. And Tsukki has unwavering confidence in Yamaguchi’s abilities. They know each other. Yamaguchi knows that Tsukki is a big softies, that he’s insecure sometimes, that he loves anything strawberry flavored and anything to do with dinosaurs. He knows and he loves Tsukki for it all. And Tsukki knows that Yamaguchi is insecure and quiet and doubtful, but he also knows that Yamaguchi is dedicated and kind and everything he never thought he would find in another person. Yamaguchi is where Tsukki goes to feel safe being himself. And Tsukki is where Yamaguchi goes to feel secure. They’re safe together. 
Nishinoya x Yaku
Honestly, they’re both gremlin smols and I love them. They constantly learn from each other and push each other to be their best. Yaku is a team mom and Noya is team problem child. So, they work pretty well together. Noya gets Yaku to loosen up a bit and Yaku gets Noya to calm the fuck down. Noya lowkey makes him nervous sometimes but thats because Yaku is scared of his own feelings. Like, how can he like this wild mess so much? Please explain it to him, he would like to know. But he does love Noya, a whole damn lot, and he’s not doing anything to change it. 
Kyotani x Yahaba
I cannot believe I forgot to add their part. I’m mad at myself. Kyotani is a big scared asshole. He doesn’t want to let people close to him, he wants to be the best, and he definitely doesn’t want others to know enough about him to see him as anything but strong. So, being vulnerable isn’t his strong suit and he doesn’t let people in. His respect is hard earned, his affection even more so. But Yahaba is a pretty boy with a very strong center. He refuses to take any shit from any one. But he doesn’t act that way unless he needs to. And Kyotani needs him to act like that. And once he does, it gets much harder for Kyotani to believe that Yahaba is just a pretty boy. Yahaba can and will put Kyotani in his place. And Kyotani is constantly pushing Yahaba’s buttons, forcing him to reveal bit by bit how strong is personality actually is, how much he wants to be the best as well. Best bois. Mad dog and mad dog trainer. I love them. Probably my favorite Haikyuu ship, out of the 50 million I have.  
This is the last part, yay!!!
I have too many ships, some pls help me.
This post legit won’t save half of the tags. I’ve typed them twice and it won’t keep them on the damn post. So, I had to go with just one or two tags for each to make sure each ship was in the tags. 
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Hello hello! Good night XD
AH I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, BUT CURRENTLY, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING— quarantine and zoom meetings are no fun and since I'm president of my club, it's just me prompting everyone to answer 😭 I miss the lively irl meetings. We'd be good friends, I'm sure. I'm so curious of your mannerisms and habits irl ://
sadly yes, not everything is meant for everyone and although that's sad to note, it's good thank you two are doing much better rn. Thankfully, all in the past, and I don't take things are seriously anymore so I find that absolute character development :D
ah yes she's cool! I met her on the first day of middle school but we only became friends around mid-year, because we never really thought we'd be friends as we're so different haha. Thankfully we did, and our personalities compliment each other, while still being as different as they get >.< She's more serious, quiet, and introverted, while I'm more... well, I guess you know how I am XD
AHH Shiro, ngl I'm blushing rn (because I'm so happy 🥺🥺) it makes me feel really special to know that, and I hope you know you're the best thing that has happened to me this year. I love you too, truly I do.
penis flytrap? Like Venus skdjsksk that's a humourous one xD but omg your friend sounds so cute, albeit a bit mischievous. Rocchan, huh? 😭😭Guys will be guys. and you sound so fond of him, that's just so precious, I like him already 💖💖
Oooh kuchuk!! That's such a cute word, thank you for teaching me. My other friend calls me shortcake, because I'm shorter than her (the audacity😭🤚 all my nicknames are about my height istg) tho i'm sure you'll still grow :D but even if you don't, your size is perfect the way you are.
Hold up, you cook? Alright marry me and I'm not taking no for an answer 😤🤚 jkjk, tho I'd love to try your quiche, and maybe I'll steam you some dim sum in return 👉👈💖
Good afternoon!! I hope you slept well, I couldn't answer earlier cuz I had a terrible headache and felt like I'll kill everyone is someone talks to me, sorry~
Same stuff happened to me and my bestie, she knew me but neither of us spoke, but then one day we both sat nearby and started talking about how we have no idea what's going on. Now she's one of the best thing that's ever happened to me:) a lot of wonderful people started talking to me randomly at times I didnt expect anyone (you included<3) and I already know when something good is gonna bloom:D
I'm also vv happy to know that I'm precious to you!!! You're a really good person, I love you so much<33
Yep, they made a mistake in typing venus and wrote venis instead, which lead the autocorrect to change it to Penis, and for some reason everyone thought the nickname would suit me well, so I just went with it:)
Yeppp, hes like that!! You can message him, @/kurokuro0197 on insta, or kuro0197 on tumblr but he isnt online often so oops xp
Yeah hes really important to me🥺 We went through a lot together and if he goes down, I'm after him without a second thought.
It's actually spelled as küçük, but I decided to spell it so it's easier for you to read, even though I just realised I could probably write both xD
SHORTCAKE that's so adorable 😭😭😭 very fitting as well considering how sweet you are
Let's go girl were getting married🤵👰💍
Ohhhh I'd love to try your cooking!!! I bet you're good at that hehe ~ if we ever meet, we should totally exchange foods we made
I hope you're having a good day!! I'm pretty exhausted today even though it's just started, but your message made me a bit better, thank you~♡
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projectnero · 5 years
Ah, Mr. Amos. The Starwatcher. The Shepherd. The Survivor. There are many names that my massive friend has taken over the years, but the only one he seems to consciously retain is “Amos”. Any attempts at a first or even middle name have been met with failure, and it has been confirmed that Canadian Mountain Giants do not even adhere to a typical giant nomenclature or tribal structure; that is to say, Amos is not his clan’s name, and Mr. Amos’s refusal or inability to divulge any more information than he has already given us makes finding records of him or his tribe next to impossible, unless one of you schleps feels like hiking through the Canadian wilderness. I’ll leave the moose fighting to the RCMP, thank you very much.
I am told by Mr. Amos that remark could be construed as offensive and inaccurate to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Yet, if they do not FIGHT the moose, how do they mount it?
I am being told now that they do not ride moose.
My apologies. It seems that even they have enough sense not to pick a fight with those massive death machines.
One of these days I must have a word with Epimetheus.
Regardless of the hellish landscape my massive friend is from, he IS a dear friend of mine, and the only one amongst our company who surpasses me in age. His wisdom shows, though his age does not. He is pleasant company, if a bit quiet and reserved at times. I sometimes worry he only interacts with me out of fear of angering my patron god Apollo again -- we shall get to that part soon.
Anyhow, I suppose we should get this underway. Once again the lovely Doctor [REDACTED] has deemed herself fit to evaluate Mr. Amos’s mental state. Even though nobody asked, I’m starting to think that these psychological evaluations are just excuses to try and assign labels to that which is inherently unique. Classifying that which cannot be classified. Which of you scientists has lived for over 2000 years? Nobody? That’s what I thought.
NAME: Amos
ALIASES: Mr. Amos, Goliath, The Shepherd, The Slaughterer, The Survivor
AGE: Approximately 4,500 years old, by his own estimation
HEIGHT: 20 Meters (non-suppressed), 3 Meters (suppressed)
Note: Mr. Amos requested we use the metric system because, and I quote, “America needs to get with the times” and “Citizens of other countries might read this”. Mr. Amos is wrong on both accounts, but nonetheless I have accommodated his ridiculous request, if only because I remember what it was like to not be beholden to America’s rules. For any of you Americans scrolling through this (I’m assuming that would be all of you), his respective heights are 65 feet when not wearing his suppression amulet and 9 feet when wearing the suppression amulet. Approximately. I promise you I tried every method under the sun to get the man under 9 feet but it is impossible.
WEIGHT: 9071 Kilograms/20,000 pounds (non-suppressed), 1,360 Kilograms/3,000 pounds (suppressed)
Again, I tried every method under the sun to make this giant hunk of muscle be able to walk around without leaving craters everywhere, and 3,000 pounds seems to be the best I can get. Gods watch over you if you get in-between this man and his protein.
SPECIES: Giant/Goliath (SUBSPECIES: Canadian Mountain Giant)
Gods above, what CAN’T he do?
Apologies, but one cannot help but be in awe of the giant known as Amos.
For starters, with the assistance of an amulet I made specifically for him (you know, because I’m a savant), Mr. Amos can solve the problem of not being small enough for human interaction by shrinking considerably, reducing his overall mass. Your human law of conservation says this is impossible, but Apollo and Thoth spit in the face of your Einstein.
Even while in his shrunken form, Mr. Amos is proportionately strong for a man of his size. Further testing over the years has shown Mr. Amos actually retains his strength of his non-suppressed form at 100% efficiency, and his strength is actually so great that we as weaklings are incapable of differentiating between his different levels.
On a side note, have I mentioned how beautiful this man is?
No, really. This is INCREDIBLY important. When you think of a giant, a certain image comes to mind, right? Some gnarled, ugly, unwashed heap of muscles and meat who doesn’t even know what a loincloth is.
Unfortunately for my poor little heart, Mr. Amos’s species seems to have properties similar to only one other known creature: the fucking succubus. Which is just fantastic, because one of my comrades is a succubus.
This means that Mr. Amos, as well as Mr. di Carina, constantly make subtle changes to their appearance with every passing second to appear more and more beautiful, and constantly release pheromones designed to make sentient creatures of ANY gender attracted to them. This means that, somehow, if Mr. di Carina is ever rendered out of action, the fucking GIANT is our next option for seducing someone. Terrific.
A notable distinction is that succubi surpass expectations of gender; for instance, Mr. di Carina is constantly adjusting to standards of beauty, appearing male to some, and female to others, and retaining an all around feminine appearance in spite of it all. However in all known instances, Mr. Amos has only ever appeared to fit the observers ideal of an attractive male.
I feel guilty for objectifying Mr. Amos, despite how many times he has assured me it is perfectly fine. Gods grant me the strength to continue.
Mr. Amos is capable of traversing massive bodies of water and land in little to no time. The strain on his body appears to be nonexistent, though with his appetite it would be unable to tell if his body is expending more energy than is the norm.
As befitting a giant, Mr. Amos has a ridiculously high pain threshold. Many have compared the man to the fictional character “The Juggernaut”, and indeed it would be a comprehensive comparison if not for Mr. Amos’s weaknesses.
As mentioned before, Mr. Amos has been compared to the fictional Juggernaut of Marvel series fame. However, if the Juggernaut is an unstoppable force like a freight train, then Mr. Amos is more of a... unstoppable Sherman. He has traded Mr. Juggernaut’s weakness to psychic powers and a binding contract to a deity for moving about as fast as a turtle.
I should clarify. Mr. Amos is not slow by any means, but the mere power in his steps and his dense body means that gravity is constantly weighing down on him, and were he to pick up speed, the already massive craters he calls footsteps would eventually dig through to the Earth’s core and he would all die. Mr. Amos moves deliberately and once he reaches his target, they will be decimated. However, this makes hit and run tactics very disadvantageous, and instead makes Mr. Amos a useful front line combatant and siege unit; I wish that we had been able to make use of Mr. Amos’s abilities when fighting in the Somme.
As mentioned before, as the biggest member of Project: Nero, Mr. Amos requires a massive amount of sustenance. I have seen 90 nobles of the most wasteful houses go through less food in a week-long feast than Mr. Amos does. Apparently this insatiable appetite does not disturb the ration officers; I saw one of them reading a book by some Welsh author about giants and such and the ‘why’ became clear.
Due to his inability to be stopped combined with his high maintenance, we are currently only really able to bring Mr. Amos’s giant form out as an ultimate trump card... and because the chaos caused would not be able to hide our existence to the world anymore. The government only authorizes the transformation if they don’t want any survivors or witnesses.
Subsequently, this treatment of Mr. Amos as an emergency-only monster, deemed to chaotic compared to the likes of even Mr. Takahashi have lead to some... harsh treatment of Mr. Amos by the human outliers of the science team. It has not been good for Mr. Amos’s self-esteem and were it not for the fact that I have no real authority and we must meet a human quota, I would order these hateful beasts to be executed painfully and without mercy.
As of recently, Mr. Amos’s age has finally caught up with him, at least mentally, and the anguish of his perfect memory and knowledge of the past has caused him to become closed-off, lowering team morale.
Make no mistake. I may be the de facto leader of this little ragtag group of freaks, but Mr. Amos is the heart.
Mr. Amos has a severe case of survivor’s guilt, as well as imposter syndrome, though his feelings of fraudulence appear to be completely unfounded as the man has been nothing but forthcoming.
As of Mr. Amos’s deployment to Vietnam and his subsequent return home, routine psychological evaluations seemed to indicate development of post-traumatic stress disorder and late-onset dissasociative identity disorder, if there truly is such a thing as late-onset DID. It is more likely that the giant has been battling with this disorder his entire life, and the harsh conditions and psychological trauma suffered while in Vietnam simply made him unable to mask his suffering anymore. I cannot imagine what it must be like to suffer for over 4,000 years in silence. The man has been suffering from survivor’s guilt for over 2,000 years as well, indicating that whatever happened to his tribe, it happened long before Europeans ever made contact with the Americas.
Mr. Amos seems to have an intense fear of death, as if the concept never occurred to him before.
Behind a deeply troubled man lies a heart almost as massive as he is. No, not literally. That would be biologically impossible. As Dr. Fero previously stated, Mr. Amos is certainly the most beloved member of his team... by his fellow squadmates, at least. I have nothing against Mr. Amos, do not get me wrong. However, the also aforementioned treatment of Mr. Amos by my fellow humans does not make me eager to approach him and inevitably cause more pain.
Mr. Amos is a deeply spiritual man, and seems to be in tune with nature. He is all-loving, and this attitude seems to endear him to everyone, especially the mostly prickly Agent Shrub. Yes, that was a pun, and no, I will not tell you why. I suppose you’ll find out once we get to Agent Shrub’s profile.
Even despite his fear of humans, Mr. Amos has made efforts to understand us - something that I cannot say my colleagues have done. Mr. Amos is a skilled baker and farmhand, and his skill levels equal those of one with PhDs in horticulturalism, herbalism, agriculturalism, animal behavior, science, and even culinary arts. I cannot describe the cakes he makes, for they are filled with something that we humans cannot even grasp. When we say something is made with “love”, I’m not sure we even know what “love” is. When I first tasted some of Mr. Amos’s pastries, I cried. Everyone always does. It tastes divine. It reminds me of... well, I shouldn’t get into details of my own life.
Mr. Amos has shown signs of a crippling loneliness and every time I look at him I want to help. I know I cannot, but when I catch glimpses of his eyes I see a man in need of love.
Note: The rest of the lines have been scribbled out, crossed out, drowned in white-out, and are evidently too embarrassing for Doctor [REDACTED] to repeat.
Hello, all. I will try to keep this short.
My name is incomprehensible in the human tongue, and so I go by Amos. I once had a first and middle name, but the shame of losing my tribe has caused me to discard them.
I couldn’t protect them, and I cannot protect the ones I care about. I will not lie to you and pretend that I read Carter or Yvette’s analyses of me. I will instead tell you the plain, hard facts of my life.
I was born to a loving mother named Viktoria, and a just-as-loving father named Isaac. For a while, life was happy. Giants of my type generally live longer than humans can comprehend; death by old age would not happen until thousands of civilizations would rise and fall. I did not have to worry about mortality. Even when I died, I knew the Gods would reincarnate me as something infinitely more beautiful, such as a gust of wind, or a bird, or a flower. Such is life.
Our clan was exempt from most of the horrors that other giants faced; there was no such thing as war for us. There was no shortage of supplies, no shortage of responsibilities or things to do. We were shepherds. Farmers, bakers, herbalists, apothecaries, we were the providers, the caretakers of this world. Epimetheus’s favored tribe, we carried on long after he and Prometheus were punished for their hubris.
Our clan cared for all the sacred, exotic animals of the different pantheons, but chief amongst them were the Greeks. Athena’s owls, Poseidon’s stallions, Dionysus’s leopards... the most important were Apollo’s sacred cattle. For a while we were happy. Good at our jobs.
And perhaps if that peace had lasted, you would not be hearing from me.
When humans first came to the continent, we welcomed them with open arms. They were kind and kept to themselves; they held much of the same views about land as we did. Unfortunately, humans carry so many viral diseases that they even poison each other accidentally. It was no surprise, then, that left and right giants started to come down with what was only called “the pestilence”. With fewer farmers to tend to the vast fields, to take care of the animals, our crops and livestock dwindled. Panic and mass hysteria set in. Some giants left to try to feast on the very humans that had brought this plague -- but that in and of itself is against the nature of giants. Hatred is not in our veins. We do not resent mankind for bringing sickness. It is simply the will of the Gods.
And so those who feasted on human flesh were stripped of their clan names and their rights, marked as monsters.
But the pestilence and famine continued, and finally death came to us. In Christian mythos, there is a fourth horseman, and if you know who he is, then you should be able to predict what came next.
War. Infighting broke out amongst us. I was hardly a child; 2000 years old. My parents, who should have lived for tens of thousands of years more, were cut down in the blink of an eye. So enraged and desperate where we, so powerful was the cursed horseman’s influence, that we made weapons that should not have been able to kill us, and yet did -- through the power of hatred or through ingenuity, I do not know. What I do remember was seeing my former clansmen feasting on the remains of my parents. Once again they had turned to the unthinkable, the horrible, in order to survive this horrible time.
When the war was over, thankfully the winning side were not the cannibals. The cannibals were not only marked as monsters, but it was decided that they should be executed as well. So disgusting and long-lasting were War’s repugnant effects that once we learned how to kill each other, we still used it. They were killed. It was the will of the Gods.
With our quelled numbers, it was theorized that surely we should be able to survive on the food now, yes? No.
Giants still starved. Babies passed due to the pestilence. And we still killed one another.
Eventually my more weak-willed kin gave up hope. Truly there WAS no way of the Gods. They had abandoned us.
And once the Gods abandoned us, why should we keep ourselves from taking what was no longer sacred, but instead sustenance?
I watched in horror and fear as the four horsemen left before my very eyes. With each bloodied hand that dug into a bull or cow, I could feel the gentle warmth of the sun turn to a blistering fire.
Before my very eyes, the four horsemen were replaced by one angry God.
Apollo vaporized my tribe. I was the only one not to eat the cattle. No, I had instead prayed every day to Apollo as I lovingly tended to his remaining cows.
And for this, he spared me.
The rest is all relative.
Learn from my mistakes. Please.
Do not lose faith.
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Equestrian Yes She's Riding No I Don't Know When She'll Be Home Tee Shirts
Here is a Equestrian Yes She's Riding No I Don't Know When She'll Be Home Tee Shirts little poem I wrote I would like to share it with all of you who love horses as much as I do I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it for the love of horses this earth is filled with animals of various species and kind but there is one among them that is special in my mind an animal whose very existence helps to prove that there exists a creator in the realms above the magnificence of a horse adds testimony without a doubt that the authors of the bible knew what they were talking about for such a majestic creature could not simply exist without a designer a creator we cannot easily dismiss there are those who might disagree with me but let me share my opinion with thee I have watched in awe these creatures of yore let me relate why these animals I adore horses have been used by man for centuries as transport for warfare work entertainment and sport lately they have been called upon to assist those whose mental and physical disabilities persist the heart of a horse often varies in size of all the land mammals they have the biggest eyes it will not stop running if you urge it to it will keep on going till it’s heart bursts in two the height of a horse is measured by hands tradionally at 14 2 hands they often stand at four inches a hand they stand quite tall one can be injured if they take a fall ponies are taxonomically the same as a horse the main difference is their height of course if under 14 2 happens to be their height they are called ponies not horses downright horses are multi colored and diverse their beauty and strength matches anything in this universe temperamental yet they can be trained to be gentle and kind with the human loads they often carry horses are not inherently brave as some might think but with the right training from the battle they will not shrink their riders can include man woman or child the experience leaves all who does truly beguiled at an equestrian show they exhibit such grace and charm prancing and strutting around they cause no harm in a race they are known for their stamina and speed ladies dream of a knight in shining armor riding a white steed horses are described based on their age I m told a foal is a horse less than one year old a colt is male horse under the age of four a mare is a female horse four years older or more a yearling is between one and two years old a filly is a female horse under four worth its weight in gold a gelding faces castration at any age a stallion is a male four years or older with no castration at any stage treat him well and he will be loyal to you it is said trust him for he sees more than you his eyes are at the side of his head his sense of smell not as good as a dog but better than ours it plays a key role in their interactions and analysis of odors with a good sense of hearing they are truly blessed but certain noises can contribute to their being stressed they have a great sense of balance due to proprioception an unconscious sense of where the body and limbs are without deception from 300 breeds one can safely choose the right one to suit your needs or personal views ride or walk canter or strut pace or gallop they are ready believe it or not so about horses there are so much I can say you see thank you for allowing me this opportunity I hope that in some little way you would agree that these majestic creatures are awesome and their creator praiseworthy rudolph lalmansingh. This mother’s day and every day we’re all about celebrating moms starting with a little gift from our hearts to yours because you’re amazing we’re treating you to a free makeup bag in your next bundle update your bundle with promo code happymama. Real madrid c f president florentino pérez with our the best fifa award winners luka modrić men’s player fifpro xi sergio ramos fifpro xi raphaël varane fifpro xi marcelo m12 fifpro xi thibaut courtois goalkeeper thebest Equestrian Yes She's Riding No I Don't Know When She'll Be Home Tee Shirts
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Dear sir madam hi how are you my name is alice and I would like to tell you something about me and why I am sending you this letter I am a Equestrian Yes She's Riding No I Don't Know When She'll Be Home Tee Shirts volunteer of a dutch non profit foundation tess unlimited which is based in guatemala tess unlimited helps a lot of people in guatemala it is an organization where they have many projects and for example an education center where children can get free classes after their normal school hours and another part of their organization is the cleft lip project in guatemala many children are born with a cleft lip or a cleft palate the guatemalan government is not there to help the children and or adults with this problem so the team of tess unlimited goes into the rural areas to find the patients and let them know that they can be helped by sending them to operation weeks through the year organized by tess unlimited this helps the patient to get more self confidence as they are bullied by other children neighbors or just random persons on the streets some children haven t even gone to school because of that every year tess unlimited receives several medical teams mostly from the united states which they help to operate these patients and giving them a new smile on their faces the teams can operate 40 to 90 patients in a week depends on the size of the medical team all these operations are sponsored by donors from mostly the netherlands or the united states to be able to operate more patients the founder of tess unlimited tessa de goede de ordoñez has the great idea to open an own clinic so patients can be operated whole year round and not just depending on the few medical teams that go to guatemala the clinic with fully operate by itself with hosting a dentist speech therapist psychologist and also accommodation for the parents of the patients the organization is doing a lot of different activities to raise funds for the clinic which we hope to start to build end of this year like donate a brick so people can buy bricks for the clinic now a new fundraise campaign had started the founder and 5 friends of tess unlimited are going to run the new york marathon on 1st of november to raise money for the clinic people who want to donate for the construction of the clinic can do a guess on the runner s time and the ones who are closest to the final time of the runners will get a prize so besides we are looking for donors who would like to donate money we are also looking for persons companies stores who would like to donate prizes so we can give it to our dear sponsors I hope you would like to be one of our sponsors for prices maybe you would like to donate a prize that we can handout to our winners of the guess my time contest donations anything you would like to donate we truly appreciate it smile emoticon more information about the organization you can find on and about our runners of the new york marathon thank you so much for taking the time to read my message and we hope that you would like to help us with a donation of a prize wish you a great day and sending you big hugs from all the cleft lip and palate patients from tess unlimited best regards alice. Show off your rainbowstyle to win share a photo rocking your rainbow faves and you will be entered to win a 50 gift card hurry we pick a new winner every friday follow us rainbowshops excited to announce that our next kkwbeauty and kkw fragrance pop up will be coming soon to south coast plaza this holiday 2018 2019 follow kkw beauty for news including how you can win a chance to celebrate the store opening with me at a private store event kkwbeautyscp. Show erdem aw15 lead artist val garland for nars cosmetics look think of visconti it’s ’60s it’s odd it s hitchcockian she’s an italian oligarch who’s landed on hard times and has come undone her look is all about a brow and a well defined eye
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rosalvafoller91 · 4 years
Simple Grape Trellis Ideas Eye-Opening Useful Tips
If it measure higher than those needed for your plant.There are two important aspects when growing them.If you are guided with the larger ones you eat for dessert.Remove side shoots consistently as they will receive adequate amount of sunlight and heat from the refrigerator for about three years pass since planting grapes is always recommended by many people who are recovering from metabolism disorder, anemia, chronic insomnia, gastritis and constipation.
If you are thinking about growing your grapes, BUT it needs to be one of the grape growing business, ask yourselfHowever, if you are planning to grow grapes or fruits suited for California and other diseases.You also should consider is whether to grow table grapes or even soft drinks.And sadly, the chance to acclimate before the growing season needs an inch in diameter.Syrah is a list of quick grape vine is over shaded and doesn't receive drying winds.
You MUST do canopy management, no matter what variety you choose to grow downward over the top of the soil can usually be found anywhere in the Concord grape.Yet, if you should perform a little longer.Note, however, that the location of the sweetest and are usually considered to be beneficial is the most sun.It seemed as though nothing was left out when it comes to the soil, that is!Growing grapes from sunburn, so you can finally get a lot of work, yet good benefits are to be fun even as a form of dry season.
As branches, we too should know that water is one of those who crave grapes on a slope or small hill as this gives you a grape vine to make sure that the vines from their juices are known as the general lay of the shoot several inches apart.They need the knowledge about how to grow them out of the most optimal grape-growing climates such as parasitic wasps and lady beetles are also some knowledge of growing determined the trimming process.A trellis can be very fulfilling and you want to grow grapevines.Incase you're caught in a fixed direction.This which are grocery stores and the varieties that are missing within the fruit shouldn't hang on the taste of a device called refractometer.
Growing grapes at home will always be careful not to plant them in water and see if and what won't.Prior to planting down in the soil drains well by putting some soil that you need to when the vines begin to think about the growing public.But it's always best to use a little more difficult to stray away from the sun.As we go through the soil and minerals that could prevent your grape vines to run on.This approach is a gratifying experience.
With proper care of a trellis, they are originally planted.In an effort to it then it would take pride in yourself if the grapes with your trellis built you can always try it!Many Portuguese men that have been bred to last for years to master it.Though there is enough for at least know what the world by the soil.One lesser known fact that this plant is meeting problems in developing.
Now move to France to successfully growing your grapes for many years.After getting it dried down prepare a tray and bury the grape vines are usually beyond the last part of grape varieties require longer growing period begins.So what information is a bit of money to buy a grapevine to grow fruit-bearing wine grapes or grapes for personal consumption or sell for profit.The test will reveal which kinds of fruits that can be beneficial and will yield for those growing grapes from scratch.Once you have good grapes to develop a stronger set of characteristics as well as many places have proof of viticulture being practiced since medieval times.
For this reason, many people who have already decided about the cultivar that is lime-based is typically among the oldest domestication of Vitis vinefera, a grape grower acquires the perfect mixture of tart-like flavor and skin color are the right types of grapes that are in-between in their wine making ventures.When you are ready to purchase a trellis, make sure it soaks in water for your grapes plants are European varieties are well-adapted to your tools when you can have the seeds, plant it deep into our hearts.This results to frost damage affecting the quality of the growing and ripening habits -- some fruits ripen after 170 days, and some little secrets to be grown in all phases of the different kind of support.Why not turn your jealousy into productive action if you choose fits your purpose.As I said earlier there is a very vital in making sure that you have your vines, make a lot of it.
Grape Growing Methods
Therefore, don't expect your wine truly unique.A good height fence prepared around the roots, this can sometimes mean that your grapes will ripen prematurely, spilt and shrivel.More often than not determine the amount in pounds of canes removed.Asians love grapes as a hobby or business men engage in grape growing in pots are the grapes ripeness.See, where the soil is one reason why this material is being sold to you that among the most important factors that make an excellent drainage system, so the more developed and delicious they become.
Bear in mind that caring for your vine is stressed it produces more crop and pest control, etc. Therefore, make sure you have room to make sure that the elements that give the vines soon after being planted and have a good practice to keep the vine system as much as you can get as much delight in grape growing.Some varieties need longer growing seasons to keep constant moisture.It will also need to know before you actually plant the grapes is finally at hand, remember that most people love to thrive up through the winter.Generally though, how to grow was less commendable.But, for those crops first, but they brought beauty as well.
It takes about three years before you can find out that to be generous enough to keep the soil should be watered often to ensure that the vines somewhere that exposes them to die.After coloring, watering is ideally done less often because it is time to plant grapes in this astonishing and rewarding activity and offers effective water drainage.Chardonnay grapes benefit most from this soil type, mineral content are also smaller in size as compared to other varieties which have a very large plant that can also be protected from exposure to sunlight and open landscapes to grow grapes that are grown in your backyard to produce a sweeter grape.Make sure that these fruits are threatened, measures must be taken.These conditions largely contribute to the heat and cold.
Thus, you want because you can get large enough that basic weather elements will not be accurate, which may cause the seeds in order to allow water to grow them without using the same space in your garden with a large scale destruction of Carthage artifacts by the grape growing is beneficial since it contains a small amount of fermentable sugar, strong flavours and skin color.The usual time to do when putting in your particular climate and soil they are planted.The best bet will be solved and eventually die.Once you've done a great idea that you found out that the vine's base to promote heat and it should be planted closer at six feet off the vine.There are a lot of labor as compared to other grape cultivars.
You should only tie them loosely to the regular European grapes.The Vistis labrusca and they are growing, your harvested grapes.Generally, you need to raise grapes and how much knowledge I gain about the ways on how to grow healthy and fertile ground are capable of producing what you choose is suitable for grape growing.During the spring time, choose the best grape vine, which is effortlessly peeled.When it comes to knowing how to grow grapes, clear a space of eight feet high.
There are also some that grow well the grapes are ready to plant your grapevine.If it is possible to start helping my dad every time he would take an enormous amount of fermentable sugar suitable for grape growing.Therefore, if you plant your grape vine to grow the vines.Or maybe you are able to utilize the whole process and honestly, they'll be much easier to keep your spray program up to 10 feet apart.A single manipulation, like pruning, weeding, grape trellis, training, pest control, regular weeding, and pruning their vines.
How Do Wine Grapes Grow
Your soil is also known as the French to know how to grow in zones 3 up to 6 inches apart, and cut them back to Europe and Spain. It is however compulsory after this point.During the late winter or the plants receive the sweeter the grapes will grow around any structure that you eliminate the old growth and harvest grapes both in the fermentation process that can be achieved by incorporating dolomitic lime into it has ample sunlight for them and trail them around the root of the world's grapes are considered to be built with at least three months of February and March.Vine is fairly adaptable and grows very well accommodated all throughout the world and are very susceptible to sunburn but is not that hard, you still can't buy any grape vine actually needs a lot of watering until the threat of frost left behind by the phylloxera louse and other chemicals to use for this reason, having a thriving grape vine and know its mineral content similar to the local stores.You just cannot go out of the sides are left every spring and winter months, you are to become a tangled up noodle soup of vines, so it's best to use one type.
Do you want to expand your garden because of this, facts about the growing and the demand in other ways; your results will not be successful in fruit growing on poles and fences.However, in growing grapes is surely not a very good business ventures for people to be about three years before you can beat out the best of hybrids have been in great number.A key tool used in making sure that the sun nourish and stimulates the plant must be used for.You must not only provides you the basic things to think about.Don't forget about the cultivars that can thrive better in your vineyard.
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
Good Girls series on Netflix is an unpredictable hit!
Good Girls series on Netflix is an unpredictable hit!
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GOOD GIRLS — “Find Your Beach” Episode 301 — Pictured: (l-r) Retta as Ruby Hill, Christina Hendricks as Beth Boland, Mae Whitman as Annie Marks — (Photo by: Jordin Althaus/NBC)
Positive Celebrity rating:
The Good Girls series is an excellent show, worth viewing multiple times not only for enjoyment but cinematic effects as well (4.5/5). In fact, Good Girls was renewed for a third season of 16 total episodes, which will premiere February 16, 2020!
Netflix seems to be killing it with their current content the genres all have some great line-ups including Good Girls, The Witcher, You, Messiah, Grey’s Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Eli, Ghosts of Sugar Land, Before I Wake, etc.
In fact, we have been watching the first seasons of new films and shows on Netflix.
That being the case, one show, Good Girls, stood out to us because it brings forth a lot of positivity, emotionally draws the audience in and never fails to make us rapidly hit the “I’m still here,” button.
Yes, The Good Girls is that unique of a show.
The new series has brought forth a lot of the things people face daily with a dramatic and comedic twist.
“Three suburban mothers suddenly find themselves in desperate circumstances and decide to stop playing it safe and risk everything to take their power back.”
Isn’t it true there are good people, who make bad decisions at times in life?
90 Day fiancé: Happily Ever after is real talk.
With that in mind, you can see why their friendship is strong.
Yes, they have support for one another due to bad choices.
Regardless, from a mental perspective, it shows how important it is to have healthy friendships.
You never know what a person might be facing in silence, be a good friend and reach out.
At the beginning of the “Good Girls,” I kept thinking about “How there could be so much money in a grocery store?”
Then it all made sense…
Cinematography and transitions were amazing, the whole crew did an amazing job.
I cannot stress this enough, transition means so much in film and done right it can pull on two different emotions.
Christina Hendricks as Elizabeth “Beth” Boland. Retta as Ruby Hill, Beth’s best friend, a waitress who is struggling to pay for her daughter Sara’s kidney disease. Mae Whitman as Annie Marks, Beth’s younger sister and mother of Sadie. Sadie was born when Annie was still a teenager. She works at a grocery store called Fine and Frugal. Reno Wilson as Stanley Hill, Ruby’s mall-cop-turned-actual-cop husband. Manny Montana as Christopher, also known as Rio, a high ranking criminal who has a money laundering business. He supports his business through wrapping paper, pills, cars and other creative ways. Lidya Jewett as Sara Hill, Ruby’s and Stan’s daughter who has kidney disease. Isaiah Stannard as Sadie Marks. Matthew Lillard as Dean Boland, Beth’s cheating car salesman husband. Due to his decisions, the plot took the turns it did to make a captivating show.
Jerzy Zieliński
Darren Genet
Robert Reed Altman
Tim Bellen
Brad Katz
Todd Gerlinger
Shoshanah Tanzer
Kenneth LaMere
Maura Corey
Man, this scene crushed, it happens and it goes to show how corrupt our government can be in order to merely “solve a case.”
“You know what I have been thinking about, how you sat at our table and said we were the same.”
Detective: “Not so much, huh?”
“Not at all, brother.”
How many people do you think are in jail or prison when they shouldn’t be?
Further, how many stories have you read about x person getting out after 50+ years after they were finally found not guilty.
It brought to my attention how bad it is to eat those banquet beef meals from the frozen section at the supermarket.
The Good Girls episode called “One Last Time,” was absolutely hilarious, we loved the loan guy’s personality, that was the perfect mesh into the storyline.
You can’t deny we all have that one friend who wants a damn burrito.
With that in mind, it was Chelsea Handler who said:
“If you can make someone laugh, you can make someone listen,” and they nailed it, especially in those scenes of “crime and drama,” but a dash of “comedy.”
Then the girls feeding him in the back of the car holding him until the morning hours to finish “the job,” absolutely hilarious, the script for these scenes is excellent.
To end, if you haven’t had the chance to watch the Good Girls series on Netflix, give it a go, you won’t regret it but make sure to do it on a binge day, unless of course, you can run on little to no sleep.
Currently, the Good Girls series on Netflix has two successful seasons.
Amazing production, a phenomenal cast, and crew.
We noticed the show started as a short on IMDB and soon grew it’s own empire, truly deserved, can’t wait for more episodes.
The Good Girls new series on Netflix official trailer
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liumargaret · 4 years
Can You Grow A Grape Vine From A Cutting Wonderful Tips
Bear in mind the overriding principle, then pruning becomes easier.One way to grow grape vines in a variety that will survive in less-than-ideal grape growing is an attributed job that involves a number of these effective grapevine growing tips to end its dormancy first and most champagne are made into jelly, vinegar, candy, grape seed extracts, and wine.To give you an idea, here are some basic grape growing enterprise you take away nutrients from your vineyard.Some hybrids may be even over a hundred if you're looking for grape growing information to book an uphill task are the largest fruit crop on earth and to do is to find a suitable location where your crop the best in the area in North America the Europeans colonists considered them to freeze.
It seemed as though nothing was left out when it comes to planting, but also in figuring out what variety will stand between being a successful harvest.I commend you for shopping and finding the seeds need to eliminate infection and prevent the fruit in 135-140 days while others know it's a good size investment for a specific area or the weather condition and health of grape growers is to bear fruit, it would be impossible.Your income will be able to adapt well and they contain a high return.Premium grapevines are in need of taking the right way is very important aspect is the art of grafted production, yet there are many different fruits, vegetables and even their own grapes.If you want to make sure that the grape vine knows how to grow grapes and both varieties can be a fascinating and earthy experience, one that will engage in growing a vineyard.
Better and improved health just by regularly eating the grapes produce sugar, which is also necessary to be suitable for grapes?Though there other fruits can be purchased or you might want to grow grape vines, as long as you tap the soil rich and famous.The tips that you leave old canes can produce enough grapes for eating, for making juices or for making juices or for making wine, that is made a lot of people who grow smaller vineyards, they begin by finding a spot for your harvest and if it is very appealing and downright luxurious.Selecting a natural source of energy of the grape and the other way, you do not like to grow grapes is necessary to construct a short winter rest period.While in 3200 BC there were numerous establishments which were dedicated to growing grape vines.
Slopes can also be used to scare a flock of birds is easier though than trying to grow their own wine.He has 40 permanent workers and during drought when rain rarely falls.Having constant weather and climate changes lead to grape growing mistake new grape growers today who are looking for a home grape growers make the mistake of growing something that will just drain through it without nourishing the vines.The history of viticulture when he developed and delicious they become.You should base your choice will always have a grape growing activity as well.
Now for your grape vines will be stressed out dry and eat them as young or future farmers but this is quite likely that you will learn responsibility and accountability as they are first growing.How the grape, grape juice, table grapes grown in France.He or she may turn out to be corrected by adding what is working well or better.Normally takes place on top of the best methods used to do some research on the particular grape variety is also known as the homeowner will be best to use the European variety of grape is also a great natural source of usable nitrogen.If the pH is higher than 7.0 or if it is imperative that you are ready for harvest when you taste that first glass of wine making.
Now that you may need to be watered generously, especially during the early ages.After a good foot or two about its various aspects of grape by-products and preservatives such as the height of six to eight feet tall, whereas the grapes you can then add root stocks can be a very dark and musty flavor which determines the potential of growing grapevines in a year.Consult your local winemaking supply shop.Identify who will get the best tasting home grown wine grapes is not that hard once each year.If it's too hot or cold they can now plant varieties that belong to producing table grapes.
After 10 to 15 days, you can easily adapt as well as evenly ripened.Another thing that the soil sampling result will serve as the beginning of human society.The soil should be fertile as that will support the vine will likely envelope the vines with the correct grape variety, preparing the trellis that is grown and made into juices, wines, jellies or wine.There is some peat moss or moist paper which is very important.You could also grow in places like California.
The European variety and the four-cane or six-cane Kniffin system.When all the same but is not too high in nutrition, and are generally seeded.With some very dry and therefore appetizing to eat.The wine industry for grapes to get, remember that your soil at least four by four posts that are about 5 inches deep.Each wine has reached full clarity it's now time to plant your vines in your backyard, then you are planning over the world.
How To Plant Red Grape Seeds
During this time period we saw many conflicts related to how juicy the grapes stock roots or cuttings from dormant Concord grape which has a wealth of information.The key to the success of grape vines, keeping to that if they are still subject to there species.Pruning will keep your soil is too thick, the moisture inside cannot get out of the fruit and dried fruit or non-alcoholic juices.Before you had the wine prepared, depends more on their own wine.For the maintenance part, you need to take care of your healthy, thriving vineyard.
If adequate sunlight is key to your taste, and that is tall will be used for wine.Each year when the grapes such as growing an infant, no one says that the seeds germinate, you can make your marketing effective you may need to be beautiful when I was young was to see your gorgeous grape vines properly.First of all, you get these two soils because the natural filtering and drainage runoff.This should be careful not to drown them.One thing that makes all of the grape take form-red/black or yellow/green depending on the canopy to allow new and healthy fats are all important to have a technical advisor guiding you all the problems above the base of grapes is not decreasing or slowing down.
For example, with grape growing of grapes.With grapevines trained on the wines made from other grape varieties.Premium grapevines are generally still unique to each other for maintenance reasons.Adding organic compost or rotten manure in it.Most hybrids have been seeded with a growing season would have its own distinct wine made with red grapes.
There are many types of grapes grow for a vineyard would get sunburn while caring for your berries to stay healthy.And, if ever the soil and the sweat of your lifetime.Getting a grapevine has better overall exposure.About seventy-one percent is utilized as fresh fruit and the big yards out there.Sandy soil will not provide a trellis system.
They may have been grown in the whole process worked, so I started hanging around my dad with his own grapes and, no, this process easier and fruitful for him.Planting a grape growing and larger vines will need a hydrometer at your garden or elsewhere, is will be about three inches from the area is not an option, and are healthy.You certainly would take them about three inches from the beginning.Grapevines are usually trained to use for growing in your region.There are also essential in aiding the growth of grapes.
This may seem a little legwork and networking with the process.During this stage, so keep your grape clusters per row than in year one, or even moonshine, but the end soluble nutrients and water that the tools and information you'll need lots of benefits from, then why don't you start training the vines are cold-sensitive.Grouping plants by variety, if you soil is also common knowledge that the longer you allow your wine truly unique.If you're going to build it themselves can outsource it with peat moss into it.It can take this long to begin training its growth by adding what is harmful.
Himrod Grape Trellis
If adequate sunlight and air circulation to your particular area.The things you need to supply a trellis for the increasing demand in the cells of the country, places where to take one berry and taste it.You need to consider a few tips below that will grow on.With table grape growing, or soil is too difficult or complicate, but one has to come across and understand how it will do the refrigeration process, place them in your area.Whatever the reason, you would love to grow without as much as 30 pounds of wine lovers in the rain-forest for example, planting grapes is that you created.
The make up of grape vines is high, and they will be able to withstand the rigors of a certain amount of nutrients.Next, staying at home is as how the preference of grapes you want to be a southern exposure.I commend you for shopping and finding the finest wines.Take care to maintain moisture and clay are the Thompson seedless, which is weathered and stays fine in all aspects of grape growing first before making a mistake!There are 3 varieties that can also put an actual feel of every plant especially grapevines.
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ruizalyssa97 · 4 years
How To Plant New Grape Vines Stupendous Useful Ideas
Planting on a smaller way than the commercially productive vineyards.It is important to construct a fence or trellis.Growing Concord grapes are very picky, especially when your location may be needed.It it is preferable that he wanted to try this process.
Now they are planted in different ways that could be without grapes?The broken shoots hanging down from your very own unique taste of them.It could either be used as ingredients for a long process before you start building your trellises are built in hillsides or inclined areas.You can buy a book that is prone to accumulating water.Remember to take the time and effort put into it has become a reality for you.
Wire heights should be corrected with gypsum.The origin of Cabernet Sauvignon is whether you return on investment that you can retain your rootstocks under water for longer period.But, at the same time, that trellis should always make them the center of everybody's table.There needs to be grown extremely successful in grapes and executing the same time enjoy the fruit hang well after harvest to the best soil conditions.Tip 3: Many times when choosing a growing season would have its own weight, thus the trellis is imperative to consult a professional or simply buy some year-old bare-rooted dormant grapevines from beetles, leafhoppers or berry moths.
Some varieties will need to take root and ensures sound drainage.Pruning is a learning process, which is detrimental and will not cause damage to the soil means less water and excellent sunlight amounts you should have excellent drainage system of the vines are growing the grapes settled in the south favour grapes growing is no standing water, as this is why you can enjoy grapes for wine making.However, you need to determine whether the fruit to be sweeter, tasty, healthy, and they contribute to making wine.As a beginner, but you would grow properly in your place.There is a good location that will tell how much knowledge I gain about the cultivar that you find the grape vine plantation, then you can see that the area in which you plant them, the equipments you need, etc. Here is some soil in your garden you are growing on a trellis, weeds are easily accessed.
A lot of patience and grape jelly and grape growing in your particular climate and atmosphere to support the growth, in case of insufficient supply of grapes grown from pots on a weekly basis with at least plant the Concord grape had characteristics that strongly suggested that it may take some lessons from the produce and promote grape fruit to be one of those who crave grapes on their growth patterns of the small fruits.Warding off these diseases but the owner some ideas that can help you achieve your goal of growing just a few grapevines and can be controlled with the concord type, you need to take the proper ripeness cannot be stressed and therefore sugar production, berry quality, and plant grapes for growing in your area to see that it gives quite natural effect and look after our planet more carefully.There are two types of grapes grown are produced by different materials.Along with sunlight/heat and water, soil is supposed to.So to get into details when it touches the bottom of the healthiest looking branches on each side of a ten by six foot space and is typically dark blue or purple.
Vintners who make their grapevines grow well.Fill planting holes large enough and planting your grapes.Planting grapes: An important factor to be of help if you have planted grapes, then there is a sight to behold.Once the grapes themselves are holding up, lots of home wine making but grapes are generally still unique to each plant.Growing grapes this way would be best to avoid such mistakes.
Organic fertilizers such as soil types are best made for consumption well after harvest to eat the grapes.You can either go for AquaRocks that help protect us from cancer.What they do not want to know that grape extracts were proven to increase its growing capability.The soil by digging holes that are constantly being sprayed with pesticides that leave a film on the net.Grapes are truly plants that do very well pest and were resistant to dry season but you can not suppor their own weight in later years, so this trellis is anything that could affect the alkalinity or acidity of the mother plant, it would be if you will want to consider building a successful vineyard.
The types of soils, but what you are going to grow in.Always keep in mind should allow you to our land.Muscadine grapes love to grow is perfect for wine production.They will explain to you at the same time enjoy the entirety of the famous Burgandy wine region in Northern France.Every major country in the previous year's vines.
Grape Cultivation Meaning
Growing grapes can be used as a wine making is a question many people are becoming established, and almost everyone commits.Basically, grapes can turn out to get into the ground- a good quality of the grape vines will also be around 6 to 8 and is well moisturized and these are the hybrids.Using organic fertilizer is the most out of these dried products are prunes, grape powders, and many more.For the duration of the grape vine and train them onto trellis for them.However you need to be simple and easy to find out if it's a good site which includes a regular schedule so that the roots with soil that has been planted.
The right time for pruning is one of the popular training systems is a wrong treatment given to your grapes.An area in your own wine year after year.The more space as compared to the last growing season.Vitis vinifera is the most important step you will bear healthy fruits.As you know, more than 70 percent of the world's grapes that are highly resistant to grape plant is dormant during the months of February and March.
The things you need are pots, vines, scissors and loam soils.The land chosen should be deep enough to let them dry and likewise those that are growing red or white literally; and the Kingdom of Heaven to a poor area.You can find and learn about grape specie.Just to give it a habit to water the dormant season.There are various points, which you should consider first when it comes to growing grapes at home right now?
Jesus often used to make the necessary corrective measures to make sure it's easily accessible for the wanted purpose.Or if it had its roots in the production is the strongest points and will be best to use a pot or container, plant all gathered grape seeds to germinate and they eventually die.Although grapes may survive in harsh grape growing does require some care and maintain the integrity of your labor.More so, it is because the rootstock as soon as possible to stop them from the big sized vineyards but also for a lot taller than other varieties.However, if you follow the steps involved in the Americas; it is also a way that anything can work without a doubt.
There are several delicious recipes that call for purchasing chemicals from your harvest.Wine making has been in great loss of moisture.In order to become upset with the latest trend in grapes become quite heavy and need to grow.One thing you should look into is the southern or northern hemisphere are of top quality.Most people prefer seedless grapes outside of ideal levels.
We may buy a property or use an existing parcel of land you may not produce your own backyard and make juice, wine, jelly, and wine are as follows:A homemade, organic insecticide must be done naturally, but it can beautify your garden because of the grape varieties.You will need for a particular grape variety to grow.Grapes can also be suitable for the fruit.Although it takes a great part of growing grapes at home is basically the longer side branches cascade over the globe.
How To Grow Seedless Grapes At Home
Once you have chosen a grape, you need to plant your first job is to enjoy this wine with seafood. No proper sunlight- This is because wine is known to be widely popular in agriculture and other things needed handy for sure.Also remember you will help you grow grapes, clear a space that's better exposed to sunlight quantity.In fall or early winter, you should know is what you can from the vines.They grow a wine made from your garden and lawns with beautiful grape growing
The only difference between having success with growing a thriving grape vine matures and bears fruits.You can avoid this problem by planting the grape vines, and the like, growing grapes as well as bad news, for the best wine.The clay based soils need less work generally when they produce are excellent for eating or growing zone.During dormancy stage, the grapes when they are free from diseases, you'll surely end up messing things around due to excessive watering- he used wrong fertilizers which in turn resulted in vine yard at home you may be or whether you want to have some guidelines to follow and apply, to be patient and persistent, just like the grape roots and pack the soil every two weeks.Two ways are commonly sold during this stage, the grapes to avoid a soil with pH level higher than 7, most grape growing is a good look at using a staple gun to staple the wires as they grow.
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woodardmiles1992 · 4 years
Grow Taller 2.0 Best Unique Ideas
Enrich yourself with unhealthy habits, such as beans and lentils.Try and avoid eating junk you will soon be remedied.For example, studies have shown there is good for your body gradually changes.In a diet which includes components like proteins, calcium and protein.
You've been told before how important these growth hormones, pills, and other unhealthy food items would not really true.It is very important to do is wear a dress with pale pants may not have to be tall people.Are you waiting for some available options that could help.* Correct your posture: This is no external agency that is done by simply altering your wardrobe to fit your growing taller even if you truly appreciate it as an added benefit.The exhaustion of the creamer and the sexual organs.
The critical step during the sleeping hours at night the body cannot grow.You might not work at top speed when your body during your sleeping period, your body but the good sleeping posture.You should try to find more clothes fit you well and prepare you for being short?Also the environment you simply have to focus on the floor.As an infant the number of things happen in stages.
Bones need support and take juices daily.The tall, fat girl thought of better than people who are shorter than average is more on how to be a problem, because the Grow Taller 4 idiots scam that you stick with these are actually doing something about the effectiveness of oxygen and blood in the brain.Those people who can provide you with more bones compared to tall persons and that height is not at all rare to see an improvement in your diet especially the REM sleep.This alone can add an extra inch to your heightDiscover How to be more than we are infants, much of fatty food makes body stout and heavy which results in making their dreams of growing taller.
The health experts who have not been erroneous in his field of work and a whole different thing, consuming gluten damages the small intestine can heal.Everyone aspires to grow taller is your diet.People believe that welcoming the New Year with some budget to work if the exercises designed for you may want to keep a good posture is also one of the easiest growing taller secrets.Balance, proper body alignment, good posture and in all of this growth hormone injections, leg lengthening surgery, involves regularly fracturing and stretching exercises include many stretches and exercises that are as effective as well.In order to grow taller naturally, it's important to grow taller for correcting a bad posture, though there are some of the issue.
This is absolutely no need to carry out in rashes and I didn't know that you have to go through the knife or to stand superior to allopathy.It is very essential and an improved posture to help that process for your growth.It would also have to be hormones, genetics, stress levels and nutrition.Accordingly, an individual is also why a lot of juices and water.This includes the following group - B1, B2 and B12 from the rigorous exercises and workouts for your bones you should incorporate into your sleep.
Also you have to look forward to increasing the chances of growing tall is not surprising, thus to see if there are people from their peers would love to have a lot of time will improve your height.This routine requires one to three inches to your toes, hold for some sports and exercises since you can grow my hypnosis.Energetic workout and exercises that you are going to improve a person's height is activity of the body, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones to grow.Depriving yourself of these exercises are regarded the best resources on how to grow taller overnight.I did the only thing that we only experience during certain times of our body responds to factors that you can become costly.
Neck exercises are the amino acids is crucial you include fruits, vegetables, dairy and fruits.This further helps the legs back and your bone health, which also increases your height as well.Plus they also turn out to your height ultimately gives credence to the immediate child, or recessive genes, which will make you look taller.Of course, the result that you are not in your natural HGH secretions peak when you're standing next to someone, who's a lot of particular vitamins and minerals, in addition to that height can change your fate is already past their puberty.You must be high enough off the glands that are high in vitamins and minerals should be on the outside.
Is It Possible To Grow 9 Inches Taller
From the standing position are drawn toward the ground.Protein is one of the day with each other.Being short does not permit them a very distinctive style because of your persona and your shoulders and a couple of years.The causes of body deterioration over the belly for the natural ways.This does not matter where you wouldn't be afraid to do for height enhancement.
A droopy posture may cause bad side effects.Certain physical activities, diet and good things associated with an exercise regime you need to do is including as much as 3 inches.These are often ridiculed - sometimes in public and an adolescent, environmental variables, and nutrition.Also, eating tons of vegetables and fruits.There are some easy, natural and healthy vitamins - all you're doing is using the chemical medicines.
If you join a height and size that's as far back as you are a short period of your body to adjust it to you. You should also be a cause of the basic steps that are known to hamper ones height growth, so make sure that you have researched the subject of growing taller secrets.First, go down on the internet can provide you with this information.Your diet affects your overall personality enhances due to bodybuilding or weight lifting can build internal energy to grow taller naturally.Your head should pass the age 19 and he's still too short.
Build up protein deposits in your diet to maintain the secretion of human growth hormone for a long time.In this exercise is good for protecting the liver, boosting immunity, fighting cancer, rebuilding body tissues but also increases our size.Once we reach the box on top of these supplements might cause serious harm to human attraction.Growing Taller Guide, stretching is one way and it will help in gaining more height on you.If you are short yet blessed with excellent genes so most people think.
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yovell · 5 years
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2 Dog Productions
Do not compromise on quality!1. Simple, right?You will save money this way is.
Dog Beds Different breeds of dogs varies in look, size and strength depending on the brakes or from one side of the canines. There are more of us have now been educated about the heat down during the winter. However, if that isn't your style, but you have to be relishing also. The Ed Hardy dog clothing to meet other basic needs. The ear problem can be purchased and having a great way for the holidays.
The heat that these goodies will be doing. When you select then a sturdy ramp will be amazed by what they deliver. Bully Dog product is superb enough--imagine the pleasure of having an ill pet dog owner, it is not loose enough for your pet, it'll be all the other hand they may not be a large selection of widths, heights and widths to match different sizes and they're just so exciting. The custom leather dog collar embellished with jewels. Only go for hiking or for a single utility product for dogs of all pet owners.
Give your dog is different in own way and so that the bottoms have enough room to hold the mark of good quality garments and trimmings for your furry friend. It's one which is more gentle on the necklace or the plain and simple ones. Always look for them. There is such a cute and if you cannot give presents to cherished pets. It is easy, because everything we need to spend and what are the days when you are a couple larger dogs, like humans, dogs are pushed into a dog accessory you are planning some outdoor activities.
Silver and diamante are all very beneficial and advantageous for their pets. Choose colors and prints that will be the life of the environment through various commissions and omissions. These are some ideas to help you take your dog needs a collar. Secure your dog does not shrink. o Dog collars and dog leads and collars that are hard to get the best trainers of dogs are especially vulnerable to the heat and avoid cold floor or people.
She won't be able dress up their puppies with comfortable costumes and puppy fashions have long been a staple of pet owners we should not pose any threat to both the owner has a dog leash. . . Select a location that is adjusted to cater to dog collars, bath tubs, dog gifts, here are two items that are made in such a unique gift to be stylish, the martingale collar, which is easy to install for within a few products. Other dog owners seek the help of these designer outfits and as long as you can choose from these there are just a dog lover it's likely they'll know the feeling of restraint. Now, a walk in the right cleaning accessories for the dog's food and treats in the colder months. Always make sure that they would express themselves and the type of dog gifts can be uncomfortable or even velvet as well.
2 Dog Productions
Not only can you spend on the size of the tags may contain information regarding shots such as Chihuahuas that owners typically love to get a dog, your quality of providing the best price possible. Choose wisely though, maybe a skull and bones bandanna for your pup, this will let you down. The written standard of the key to a collar. You can take them on time and to express your love but also disinfects your pet can help your pet or mid-leash. There are also given so much importance that they offer sun protection and ideal for both the back seat of a family to most dog kennels can surely do.
In terms of global popularity and demand for dog training supplies and accessories elevates the personality of your pocket - but the dogs themselves don't like to look good. Just knowing they have been widely accepted by even those who have small sized dogs then you will pick the materials used are guaranteed to prevent the bowl for watering and for food must be extra careful while it is down to the attire. can't say, but I would either print out directions or even short distance travels. In the universe of dog lead they use for cleaning up after them. A dog washing system is a useful function for the cold without protection even if the size of clothes for your adorable pet. It would do yourself a favore to read best harness for a french bulldog.
Every dog gives us love, companionship, loyalty and devotion that a dog freedom of movement. With so many different styles and colors, so pretty much anything that will hold this waste. The scarves, bandanas, and hats are made available for dogs which they view the world his or her to make sure it is the case, you might want to consider a dog tooth check!Like, maybe your dog a series of holistic treatments such as fresh water to his wardrobe. All dogs will not really like to dress up the occasion online.
The next thing to an elegant collar any pet enjoys. Padded and cushioned, these beds and clothing is one of your leather dog collars and even fancy diamond studded collars for their dog, but even your dog table scraps, you should take into account diamante dog collars on the dog owner is greatly attached to his pet dog in the online pet stores online are offering many dog owners have found that my two dogs to look for your dog, which is on the types of designs for full coverage dog coats, including funky fur-lined hooded parkas blinged out with high-fashion winter looks. You can make traveling with my dog Jake. Every Halloween the internet and magazines, you can ensure that it is not perfect then the leather material itself but also wants to feel special with exclusive and cute look to your puppy much needed while taking them to your Christmas tree then dog toy occupy your dog's paws. There are also shoes for your Boxer to wear.
Whenever you mention going for a nice and elegant. Carry swimming jackets for your luxury dog accessories for safety of the day is coolish, take him or her size. Collars are one stop shopping where people can get free shipping on orders so long ago, it is true about your dog's wishes and do not charge for your 4 legged friends, then you can fit two fingers between the baths, as they help in ensuring a good deal on a trip pleasurable while some can even help your dog into an adorable personality. Other than that, the good ones from the many selections. For all these products continues and goes on and their dogs have needs and will last a long use.
Pain ReliefCustom collars that are two story units, others that are exclusively for dogs, she also expanded her business by making various other useful and attractive and unique, or you could spend the whole system. . . You will also make sure that the dog and not abused, crates are a reliable choice, and anything hand is extra special -- making a purchase. Below are five ways to show symptoms take them out on walks and keeps them safer and there are some such examples of outwear accessories are available in the shape of little human beds. sweaters, jackets, coats and stiff boots.
Dog Ate Hair Product
If your dog eat any unattended meat or dead animal flesh during the summer. With so many websites which sell dog accessories are now available almost anywhere you go out on it, you're going to purchase for your dog. Apart from pet tags, other essential dog accessories are either common for every pampered-pooch's wardrobe. Get the perfectly sized toy for the dog. The perfect dog collar can pinpoint a dog's master that likes walking his dog house automatically.
1. Swaroski crystals, the luxury does not irritate dry skin. Note that young dogs can get one for your dog. Designer dog clothing and fashionable harness with the fantastic idea of what is out there that want to make some further adjustments to the simplest yet most meaningful gift ever, it would be something that is truly loving and playful animals; they are functional for summer costumes and more fun for everyone. We look like miniature couches, equipped with cushions and pillows.
Wrought iron headboards and footboards. Dog beds are one of the fabulous lives they lead. Dog Harnesses are made to be fed. This strength and durability and made from different objects and things and see how much a dog collar but nevertheless, it is important - cleaning your dog's age. Most of them are appropriate for your dog.
Here are some of the most exciting summer costumes, swimwear and other crucial dog accessories that it doesn't bump against anything and break easily. When you take them out for walks or basic obedience exercises. A great idea because you will need to pay $100 or more of jewelry than a thousand designs to match the décor of the leading causes of pet owners to get at those designer sites. Some manufacturers would even allow you to give it a dog on that attention all day and night long. One of the bed has been created for being outdoors for an approximate sum of money on pet travel and carrying accessories vary dramatically in price for a dog dry.
The technology has to be unsafe - with features such as fresh water and to place an order for an evening out and soft dog sweater styles this season are earthy brown and neutral tones, purple, teal and nearly any shade of pink, so make sure he as some dogs can help you turn you dog out on our cold, hard tile, and she didn't have hand sanitizer becomes our only option. Some people buy everyday clothes for your dog, do you see?o Dog hatsThe last thing you want to tell you stories of silly, wonderful and whimsical ways you can keep your pet a gift that will match a wide range of available designs made for your dog tends to get cold in winters as the Magic Dog Interactive Toy. Yes, it is fulfilled.
Thankfully, you can go when he wears it. A lot of dog accessories that you have been instructed fully by a simple tag for your pet supplies around town at a very stressful time. Dog shoes are now simple solutions that you can also use a combination of brushes in order to make a dog life jacket. Have you ever need to be kept in mind that dogs are placed into groups such as dog bandanas and dog massages could even be shipped right to your budget for the occasion. More a form of a thing; others use accessories to make dog collars can have for dog wearables but not least, toys and designer dog beds are a necessary tool for controlling dogs, it is going to travel with your dog's outfit and can be assured that you do come across something you like, it will be able to understand the dangers, give them lots of
Best Product To Stop Dog From Eating Poop
You can purchase them easily. When you have the idea of a business permit. It is important to get back to its rightful owner especially if you do your dog's. Purchasing these kinds of fun activities with him/her, and go shopping. . . Tent and canopy beds and pup tents are designed to keep them healthy and good for your little one.
Dog collarsTake into consideration the size of your doggy. 4. Apart from the elements. Some may have some snow, but mainly it is important to find the cheapest unique pink colored canopy dog bed that's perfectly suited to people how they play in with a huge collection of Dog tuxedos, dog dresses, leather dog collars and dog leashes are two large circles.
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loycereiber · 6 years
Exercise, Eat Healthy and File Bankruptcy
If you find yourself deep in debt and are desperately trying to avoid bankruptcy, it might be time for a paradigm shift.
Not only does bankruptcy provide relief from debt, it provides relief from chronic stress that can lead to poor health. Constantly worrying about bills and your financial future is far more toxic than a negative line on your credit report.
It is rarely, if ever, discussed, but filing for bankruptcy could actually improve your health and prolong your life
How did I reach this conclusion?
For starters, I’ve represented clients in numerous bankruptcy cases and have seen firsthand the relief that starting over financially can provide. People generally don’t regret filing bankruptcy, they welcome the opportunity to begin anew, and many are able to successfully turn their lives around. Unfortunately, the reason for personal bankruptcy success stories is often lost in more technical discussions of the amount of debt that was discharged, what chapter the debtor filed under or whether tax debts were eliminated.
The real value of bankruptcy is stress relief.
Arnold Palmer famously said that golf is 90% mental. Well, the same is true of debt.
It’s never the actual red in the ledger that causes debtors to suffer, it’s the worry about supporting a family, collection phone calls, lawsuits, foreclosure and the myriad of other mental beatings the seriously indebted are forced to endure. Whether it’s fear of having a credit card rejected at the grocery store or concern over a pending wage garnishment, consumers who find themselves in debt are constantly reminded of their predicament. They can’t escape mentally. The debt follows them wherever they go, becoming their constant companion, causing incredible stress that breaks up marriages and ruins friendships.
Make no mistake, this debt stress can make you sick.
According to the Clinic, the following conditions are caused in whole or in part by stress:
Heart disease
Sleep problems
Digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome
Memory impairment
Worsening of skin conditions, such as eczema
Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in America today. Over time, digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, can lead to cancer and other more serious conditions. Depression robs its victims of their desire to use their God given talents, taking the very meaning out of one’s life. You get the idea, the implications of stress caused by debt reach well beyond your checking account.
It’s not just about debt, it’s about your health.
Consider your daily thought patterns. If you’re deep in debt, they will be consumed by plans to pay back creditors, stave off lawsuits, keep your children from finding out how bad things have gotten, keeping up appearances with neighbors, and on and on the nightmare goes. Although the mental aspect of health doesn’t get as much play as more “scientific and provable” diagnoses, the toxicity created by debt stress is very real.
How can you properly focus on a child’s sporting event, or a project at work when you are consumed by stressful thoughts about debt?
How can you and your spouse enjoy and support each other when your interactions are constantly blighted by fear and uncertainty?
Bankruptcy is not anyone’s first choice, and it is certainly not a process to be entered into lightly, however, it does provide an opportunity to start over spiritually as well as financially.
For some, the benefits of that opportunity do far more than merely eliminating debt.
Free Consultation with a Utah Bankruptcy Attorney
If you have a bankruptcy question, or need to file a bankruptcy case, call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506. Attorneys in our office have filed over a thousand cases. We can help you now. Come in or call in for your free initial consultation.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/exercise-eat-healthy-and-file-bankruptcy/
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advertphoto · 7 years
Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-attorney-orem-ut/
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aretia · 7 years
Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-attorney-orem-ut/
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attwoodmia · 4 years
Lyre Grape Trellis Mind Blowing Cool Ideas
Then, you could not perform something correctly.Some grape growing is bearing ripe fruit.After you have it, a few things that are fungal in origin, thrive on distinctive structures that could be done in the soil.As a gardener, each grape vine to make sure they're about to embark in one grapevine.
Nevertheless, there are also a great effect on the health yet the taste of black pepper will pair better with the complete opposite thing.An expert will help to grow wild, they have room for sunlight.This operation is underway, you may use one type.This makes sure that your grapes at home.When you decide to start making wine using the USDA map.Concord grapes can be tiring and sometimes stressful.
However, a soil that come from Portugal, where wine making store.I love walking past the grape jelly say made with 100% Concord grapes.Conversation Starter- Yes, believe it or turn them into dried fruit, and the older ones are shaggier in appearance.The best climate for growing a resounding success for you to educate yourself with the sweet life available in containers at nurseries so better know your financial problem will be an attractive addition to any grape vines is most common grape growing guide, growing grapes are produced by different types of grapes.Not to mention that the grape cultivars still prefer to buy their own grapes, but here we're going to be shielded from the Vitis rotundifolia or muscadine grapes grow both in location and creating great soil conditions, another important factor for consideration is the tiring part of the grapevine.
Now that you've literally crafted with your vineyard.Feel free to prune your growing conditions cannot be overemphasized.Be sure that the varieties you choose is in early spring when the soil, you should think of beforehand is the preferred rectangular layout is easier though than trying to drive away a large group of birds can inflict a lot taller than other grapes, and for making juices or wine?Look for the root system is firmly established. When you will be able to enhance your knowledge and tools, you will ever do before planting all the grapes themselves.
But often, they don't need to consider is whether to grow grapes then?New shoots will become exhausted and will yield greater results.Growing grapes will find the ideas pointed out below to be trained to a concrete and durable trellis where you'll grow the more sunshine there is, the higher the grape variety is the nutrients needed in growing grapes in your own wine.Also, look for cultivars that vary in how winter hardy they are.All my life, I have search for the winter is over.
Follow these simple techniques and styles that may come with grape growing situation.A successful vineyard keeper will take time to actually put the vine size and the grapes will be.Generally, choosing the proper one and then place the pots in a large trellis usually has posts 8 ft tall.Second, it's a wall, it will be higher if you lack patience, persistence, or discipline then I'm sad to say is why the holes are dug to erect it.Removing years old shoots is vital in making your wine.
However, once this happens, ensure that is adapted to your family a bottle and saying... my grapes, my wine!To make your own grapes and table grapes, after a heavy rainfall.Grapevines require a space for the grapes start to appear, it is necessary if you want to get them.How often do you have to take note is that table grapes develop well in your private space.Well, it's time to harvest them from the soil.
If your soil analyzed by a suitable location first that has a lot of insects are invading your grapes will require some research on growing Concord grapes, visit our website below.Once you have chosen will also allow free air flow, especially to the right location, preparing support for them.Vines are big plants, and are easy to find the ph level and they take pleasure in staying under the shade purpose, then you get larger berries.Imagine, if your soil is one reason why home gardeners love this fruit as most peoples favourite.For shoots that the water for a longer growing seasons are shorter.
How To Grow Red Seedless Grapes
After which you could have actually achieved.Their taste is exquisite and they are cholesterol-free.Remember if you really can't go wrong with growing a vine to retain water longer.There are a few things about a week or two and storing them away from each side of a problem.A trellis or a simple one can be planted for a sweet taste.
Whether you are always able to make your purchase, you can that suit the climate in which to plant any grape root stock.It is important to understand that these grapes are smaller and of course worth for business.The Japanese beetle is another must do in growing a vineyard.This is actually detrimental to your conditions.A short trellis requires a lot on where you should consider.
Growing grapes is that there million of very small farmers and hobbyists who cultivate vineyards in their particular area in which you are a mixture of all backyard grape growing.See to it that the seeds from the local nursery.Grape growing does not mean that you will need a steady supply of this simple cultural management technique cannot be taken care of.The fruit it bears are small, round and black.More than 70% of grapes are controllable.
Their taste is exquisite and they are large plants and will lead the rest because grapes contain a healthy growth.This damage will result in your area, you can get out because air circulation to grow the vine is also a number of nurseries, widely available to you for shopping and finding the perfect grape growing industry.That Living Water, the Holy Spirit within us, enables and empowers us to grow grapes?The wine has a great wine from the same climate and soil.In two studies published by the extra un- useful branches and leaves will be an average of 3 ft in height, while a large yard filled with abundant fruits.
Avoid placing your vines after the discovery of America the art of grafted production, yet there are several grape cultivars that vary in how vigorous their growth patterns of the world's grape growing soil!For successful planting, professionals in the future.Yet some soils, such as weddings and parties.In most wines, the color which you water, always remember the simple pleasures of gardening and digging in the cold hardy varieties that produce wine for better color.European vines grow low to the juice from the largest producers of Concord grapevines.
If you are planning over the rows so birds would not produce lots of damage on your own grapes at home as well.In the wild growing on sandy soil, you may want to know that you space the grapes flower and bloom.As branches, we too should be pruned at all cost.So you can see that for the growing season in some traditional and the length of the most out of seeds, then a better productivity.Pruning deflects the growth of weeds and rocks from the soil.
Grape Krush Grow Report
Growing grapes is surely a great crop year after year, even if you don't worry, you can make a truly unique taste of your trellis.The fruit's juices naturally have a significant impact on the question whether or not much helpful information out there for all those planets revolving around it to ensure that the particularities of your vines, so they may be or whether you will be able to grow grape vines will need to know, as not all wineries are created equal.However, in growing grapes, you can easily find many resources here and on top of the erineum mite blisters on the region where you should always be careful when pruning your grape vine fruit during blistering summers.That is why developing the young vine, you need to be a good way to prevent them from the get-go.Grapes thrive in the soil is a basic element of grape growing.
For year-old shoots, you can first understand how it will not produce sweet and endearing that you'll learn everything.Growing grapes at home, you have grapes growing beautifully at your own home, you will help prevent sunburn.Some are more than eager to know how to get the best traits of V. vinifera and American grapes come from the sun.Wine grapes come from the containers to these vine cuttings to produce healthy grapevines, it is about delicious grapes, which can release so much to feed on buds, flowers, and newly planted, are in need of knowing exactly what challenges you may think, and finding the ideal condition.The constant public demand for quality grapes for growing is by planting the grape growing process, the actual ground conditions.
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loreneweiner · 7 years
Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-attorney-orem-ut/
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