#i cannot express how excited i am abt this one
afarcryfrommymain · 1 year
WIP,,, day? It's Friday night, and I'm in a hotel room
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman
Ethan and Aphid back at it again
On a closer look, it's someone who's probably from Prosperity, I think they've been calling themselves Scavengers? The point is that he's not New Eden and worse for his situation. He's not a highwayman. It looks like a shake down. Either he didn't give the highlighter pink and electric blue adorned highwaymen what they wanted, or they decided to just beat the shit out of the poor guy for fun. Fucking Assholes.
"Hey! What's going on?" Ethan whispers to me and scooting forward to get a better look himself, "Oh shit,"
"palabrotas, hijo!" I whisper shout at him, panicked but still trying to keep him from swearing so much, "and be quieter,"
"What are they doing to him?" He asks, wide-eyed, "who are they?"
"It's those langostas, locusts, that your Father and I have been discussing as of late," I tell him, unable to hold back my disgust over them, "Highwaymen, cruel and prideful shitheads,"
"What do we do?"
He asked what I was trying to figure out. I should just walk away and go back to hunting with Ethan. Forget about this and just move on. But he'll die if I do that. He'll die.
I don't know him. Why does that matter so much when I have never met him? Why can't I just walk away?
"Fuck." I growl, "fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"What happened to palabrotas!?" Ethan remarks.
This is the one I was talking about that pairs with some art I had been working on, which is finished! Just gotta write now. Which is a thing I can do Yep yep.
(I don't have anyone to tag sry TvT)
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rosykims · 8 days
im very interested to see how different davrin is in datv compared to vows and vengeance since afaik the writers of the podcast are unaffiliated w the ingame writers. same goes to all the charas in general !
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i'm so excited for ffxvi
#tag later#i think i'll cry vv much#esp considering i cried already each time they released a trailer haha#growing up.. growing up huh#i'm rlly excited to see all the themes!!!! the story is v intriguing to me#n then i really just love final fantasy i cannot express just how much the series means to me#it's saved me so many times n was. a friend to me in times i had none#but.. i don't have a ps5 :<<#i rlly want to be there when the game releases but i guess not#i don't want to see any spoilers or art or anything abt the story at all online#i want to see it from myself so#idk the thought of it hurts but#someday. someday#valisthea looks like a place from one of my dreams. i imagined something like that before#jill is.. likely to be my fav ff heroine from the single-player ff games. i love rinoa but there's alrdy something from jill i feel#n then. clive.#he looked so happy n young before n uh now he's Hot too yes but#i'm really curious to see what happens in the story i rlly rlly am#i think it'll be very personal to me. i do think the story has stuff on growing up n facing the world n truth n reality#so.. in this time of my adolescence. soon i'll graduate hs. college is nearer than i think. not yet next year but it's v soon#n then. if jill is clive's love interest. that'll be one of my favorite tropes#ffxvi is. like a dream to me. i'm very excited for it n i rlly love it already yes but it still feels like something so far out of my reach#i know which of my dreams are attainable n which are not. more often than not i do admit i end up not reaching out#it breaks me. i think i've cried a lot this year due to that. but i'll keep my silence but i'll keep my secrets n i'll hide n#be a ghost cheering you on from the sidelines ig#sorry that song i think hurt me more than it shld#i'm rambling. hmm. i have stuff to do grrr#but yh. honestly wtf thinking abt it n 2022 feels like a dream sm happened but. huh. how weird
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kageygreye-skies · 3 months
didn’t think chappell roan would impact me SO much after finding her and her artistry but she kind of literally made me fully accept that i was a lesbian and showed me there’s space for me in the community LMFAO.
allow me to take you on a fuckin journey lmfao. heres a lil story about a recent revelation about my identity that dominoed from listening to the rise and fall of a midwest princess. lol
i found chappell technically whenever she released pink pony club lol i just had never processed it was her. (i listened to midwest princess for the first time a long while who and when it got to ppc, i paused my phone, and yelled, “THAT WAS HER? THE WHOLE TIME??”), her pop sound and drag visuals were something i found refreshing and exciting. discography went triple platinum in my household fr.
watching a lesbian drag queen rise in the public has been so lovely to see, as a queer singer myself. watching that same woman be so open about her experience as a lesbian, pay homage to other gay individuals and icons, turn down the white house for a pride performance, perform at prides in states where lgbt rights are consistently under threat,,, its beyond inspiring to me! and reminds me to remember what i really want to do with my career as a performer and the people i want to lift up and pay my respects to.
this ultimately caused me to want to brush up on the queer history i knew and start learning about the history i didnt. at that time my focus veered to history about lesbians.. because i wanted to search for lesbians that shared my experience.. if there were any that did.
i have had a strange relationship with my gender and sexuality since i was 13, coming out first as bi at 15, and nonbinary at 17 (although i experienced gender dysphoria long before then). i have used the nonbinary label since, but my sexuality was something i was never sure i could settle on. i flipped between id’ing as bi and lesbian for months until i just stopped using labels so i didnt have to think abt that shit anymore😭
the term lesbian was what felt the most right to me, after years of periods of trying to convince myself that if i jump through strange loopholes and squint a little, that i could potentially like a man. i would worry and think things like, “what if im wrong and i just havent found one that i can maybe like? what if there actually is a boy who is exactly like the idealized anime-ass version of boys in my head who is also soft and girlie and would wear matching dresses with me?” i would have to use plenty of implausible what ifs just to entertain the idea. i did this even despite the fact that i cannot and do not picture a future with a man, i have only questioned my physical attraction to men when they “look like girls,” i am almost always slightly grossed out when men express sexual attraction to me, and have not had any kind of intimacy with guys where i didnt feel almost completely disconnected. i didnt find men fulfilling. it took me very long to realize that if i have to literally FORCE myself into liking them…i dont like them lol.
i have never had to question my attraction to women, butches + femmes,, ever. i could spend hours writing both prose, poetry, music, screenplays,, just fuckin dissertation after dissertation about women.. and sometimes it has taken me hours to list at least 5 reasons of “why i like this guy” that didnt involve him reminding me of a woman. guys, the comphet.. was rough. very grateful i have a therapist lol
once i accepted again that i was definitely solely sapphic, i still felt my more-than-partial disconnect from womanhood excluded me from being able to claim the lesbian label, despite how right it began to feel. i was also worried that the people around me would think i was completely detransitioning to cis,, which definitely was not the case. although i am fine with feminine gendered terms and pronouns, and while my expression and interests lean slightly more feminine, my relationship with “womanhood” has always been messy and complicated. i remember first-ish experiencing dysphoria around when i was 11, although i didnt know what that meant at the time. for as long as i can remember, the concept of “being a woman” was not something i felt was entirely me.
i knew there were lesbians that were gender non conforming, but i was not at all aware of the intertwining of lesbianism and gender identity until i began reading more about lesbian history. realizing there have always been lesbians outside of the binary (the popular sunset lesbian flag was designed by emily gwen, a nonbinary lesbian), people who used lesbian/butch as their gender identity, cis lesbians who use pronouns other than she/her, lesbians who use/have used hrt (like me i used hrt for 2 years👋🏾😀) lesbians who bind or pursue top surgery… they were always there. i am halfway through the stone butch blues now and it has actually changed my life. not only did it increase my already overflowing gratitude for my lesbian and queer elders and their experiences… but it made me really realize there has always been a space for me. when that sank in.. i felt immense relief. and then i cried for a fuckin LONG ass time lmao
since all of this i have felt a lot more sure of myself, and have embraced myself in a way i think i have always struggled to before.
so to recap… i am a lesbian. and its pretty rad. and i also love chappell roan. she reminds me of all the reasons why i love being queer and is someone i want to look up to as i continue in my finally-starting-to-go-somewhere career as a performer. one day we will collab and ill tell her all of this in person (watch out yall! it will happen i can sense it😤)
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
Hello I’m here!!
Raaah I meant to talk about the latest chapter sooner but I kept forgetting :,))
But anyway! This chapter really hit home for me and I really resonate with Grian, and I feel so SO scared for him at the same time. The idea that he’s so dead set on hurting himself so badly and mumbo has no idea - along with the rest of the hermits - is very scary, and very effective.
And the fact that they’ve already witnessed him trying to hurt himself in such a way and they’re all trying to cope with that is so. It’s so good. The way you show how each person is dealing with Grian’s attempt is so good because you’re showing them all experiencing different forms of grief.
Mumbo yelled because he was afraid. Tango is trying to help Grian any time he can. Scar is trying to make him laugh. X is dead set on finding a way to save him. Pearl is upset with him. It’s such a good way of showing that grief can manifest in so many different ways, and no one is perfect- they do things like yell because they’re scared, or overstep because they want to help. No one prepares you for grief, and you do an amazing job of showing that.
I can’t express how badly I want to hold Grian’s hand. To me he feels like such a lost soul that feels there’s no hope for him. I have so much sympathy for this depiction of him.
It feels so.. “doomsday” to me?? If that makes sense? The way Grian talks about wanting to go outside and experience the sun and the grass and the sky for one last time before he leaves for good. I feel the bittersweet feeling he must be feeling; not wanting to hurt his friends’ feelings but simultaneously feeling like there’s no other option for him and he just has to do this, so he wants to have a good last day.
It pains my heart so much but in a good way- this is all extremely /pos I cannot express that enough. I think it’s so impressive that you’re able to capture such intense feelings through writing- that’s seriously incredible and if what I’m feeling when reading your story is what you’re after; you’re doing an amazing job!
Ok, I don’t want to overwhelm you so I’ll stop there- but needless to say I’m super excited to see where this story goes and I hope you’re doing well <3
- binge reader
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BINGER READER ANON MY HEART....... ohhh this is such a sweet ask and im so unwell abt it /pos
Words cannot express how happy i am that you're resonating so hard with my fic 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i feel so honored to be touching people's lives with this, i literally dont know how to articulate how much messages like these mean to me. And im just!!!! So pleased that you like what im doing with all these varying depictions of grief!!! From the start i truly wanted to explore different reactions and what i felt these characters would do when placed in such a fraught and urgent situation, and im indescribably glad im hitting the mark on what ive been aiming for.
Its been really enriching for me to explore all these myriad reactions to grief; i remember when i first wrote Mumbo in chapter 3, i was a bit worried about the potential reception-- but it felt so right to let him express his fear through anger. And with Pearl, ive loved taking a deep dive into her own fear and trauma and letting it play out in front of Grian during this situation. Literally everyone is so fun to dive into for all the reasons you've said-- Tango is in fix-it mode, Xisuma is pinning all his efforts on one desperate hope, and Scar is deflecting and trying to buy as much time as possible just to keep Grian alive a little longer. Their various reactions are so important to me, especially in how, like you said, nothing truly prepares you for grief-- and it often manifests in unconventional ways. Its been a real treat to depict that, and its something that i feel has some overlooked merit in the emotional realism department that im glad im able to bring to the table
Im truly so touched by this commentary, so don't worry about overwhelming me!!! Im just so genuinely happy people are getting so much out of my writing, its all ive wanted for such a long time, and finally being able to really reach people with it is a dream come true❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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soobberries · 1 year
I want to hear your thoughts on something- ot5! voyeurism. Who do you think would be into it?
I cannot get this image out of my head: one member (bf? fwb? or maybe you're just a groupie(?)) sits behind you, his legs on top of yours to keep your legs wide open. He's got one arm around you to keep you pressed against him, while his free hand is busy stretching you out with his fingers as his four bandmates are stroking their cocks, focused on watching the way your cunt is slick, dripping with your arousal with lust-filled eyes.
One of them will prob whip out his phone and start filming to send it in the gc & rewatch later because they don't want to forget the pretty noises you make, both from your core and your lips, as well as how hot you look with a fucked out expression.
Ofc leads to a very messy sixsome. 👍
LMFAO I am soooo sorry abt the way I wrote this, I am very clearly not a smut writer, but I needed to get this out because my brain is having a meltdown 🥴🫠 accept my sincerest apologies 🤲
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POHEW. Not a messy sixome >insert that thirsty emoji since I'm on my laptop and lazy to pull it out<
Please don't apologise for how you wrote this! I'm no true smut write myself so I can't say I'd do a better or worse job hehe~! Either way I'm just excited to share these ideas of course!
Hmm now let me think... I feel as though many of us are to an extent, voyeurs... I mean if you have to just think in simple terms of the consumption of porn and such. Plus if we want to give some level of validation to your scenario, we'd have to assume that they are all voyeurs, so let me discuss the scenario seperately to the general question of who I'd think is into it.
I also mentioned in a different ask that in theory someone can be really into something but in practice, not really. While I won't go into specifics like that other post, realistically, only one of them would be okay with true voyeurism...and i also don't know who it would be... Anyway being too realistic is boring so in a general sense, who's super into it?
I'd say resident weebs Soobin and Huening! Beomgyu closely after. The other two seem more possessive and while they'd be into watching you play with yourself, they don't seem to be into watching someone else play with you, get what I mean?
Now moving on, lets assign who's who in your lovely scenario hehe.
Idk my mind is so set on the person with their fingers being inside you being Taehyun lmao. We all know Taehyun is lowkey beefy so having his muscular arms and legs hold you down? sounds hot. Beomgyu is recording... It could be Kai but I just feel he'd be too focused on watching Taehyun's fingers slipping inside of you, mesmerised by how it seems to disappear so effortlessly, thinking about what it must feel like to have his own fingers inside.
I can't work out the logistics but I'd say it would make most sense to be fwb with Taehyun, and he openly shares your sexual escapades with the other members. And lets say you're friends with all of them to some extent or at least acquainted somehow... You at least have disgustingly obvious sexual tension with two of them (I'm betting on Kai and Beomgyu. Those two are just... intense.) Then of course after hearing about your sexual encounters on the occasion from Taehyun, as well as actually hearing you in the literal sense when Taehyun is fucking the living daylights outta you, the other two can't help but let their minds wonder on occasion. Perhaps one had a lewd dream about and the other secretly masturbated to your sounds one frustrating night lmao.
Either way Taehyun is definitely a little shit, enough to the extent that he'd bask in taunting the other members as well as you by playing with you in front of them.
It's easy to picture him dragging lets say Kai and Soobin (them being the most likely to take part in something like this without their pride getting in the way like Gyu and Yeonjun) to watch you since they were ever so curious. He'd ask you about the ordeal before, and ignoring the awkward glances and scoffs exchanged between you, Kai, and Soobin, unsure about what to do when actually faced with the situation, he'd order you to strip down and get on his lap.
Plus Taehyun manspread>>> ahem, anyway.
Once your situated on his lap, he pulls your legs apart, not really considering how embarrassing the whole thing would be for you, sticking his knees behind yours to secure the position, using his arms to pull you close to his chest, his lips trailing gentle kisses against your neck as he reaches down to rub circles on your clit.
Even if you were embarrassed, with the position and the way it feels to have him touch you, as well as the dazed stares of the other two, you'd be far too gone to really focus in on that feeling.
The other two, both with puzzled expressions, zoning in on your clit initially trying to get a grasp of everything, simultaneously being impressed by how well Taehyun knows your body as well as trying to explain why their pants suddenly feel so fucking tight. Taehyung would tighten one arm around your waist, leaving soft bites on your neck, and whispering all sorts of things to you "Are you extra wet because the others are watching?" "Feels like you're extra sensitive to my touch with an audience. He'd focus on you a lot more than the guys but he won't rule them out in that situation.
He'd probably call out their bulges and call them idiots if they don't plan to take this opportunity to touch themselves. Anyway I'm sure Kai is the first to pull his dick out, absolutely dazed by everything.
Then after some toying, Taehyun gets a second finger in no time,, starting to hit you're favourite spots, causing you to arch into him. Obviously hearing the ruckus the other two would get curious and even if they're taken aback by the site before them: Soobin and Kai touching themselves at the site of you crumbling against Taehyun's fingers, they'd simply lose sense of logic sooner or later, standing by the doorframe feeling themselves get turned on too.
Beomgyu, being first to pop out his camera, Yeonjun being the first to approach you directly kneeling down in front of you, ready to probably eat you out or at least ask Taehyun if he can put his fingers inside you, eager to see if he could also get you to make those same sounds you were just making.
Yeonjun's fingers and mouth busy themselves against you while Taehyun pulls you closer to him while he sucks on your neck and ruts his hips into your back, Beomgyu filming from the doorway as he rubs his bulge with his free hand. Once Soobin sees Yeonjun joining, he wills himself to move forward and attach his lips to your nipple and use his other hand to play with the other. Kai is the only one that remains dazed at the site, happily being satisfied without touching you for now.
I mean your senses at this point... how much will you truly process when there's already three men al up against you, making it their mission to just make you feel good.
it's putting a different meaning to tomorrow x together for sure...
Idk when it happens exactly but once you cum once, Taehyun for sure tells you to move so he can get rid of his pants, and when you stand this is the opportunity that Kai takes to simply come make out with you, maybe he'd take your hand and place it on his dick, hoping you'd help him. Yeonjun is experimenting with you still, basking in the way you squeeze around his fingers, and Soobin is in boob heaven so they're staying busy. Taehyun wouldn't hesitate to pull you back into his lap, shooing Yeonjun away so that he can fuck you like he wants to. Yeonjun doesn't even care much though, he's so fixated on your expressions instead, he may go help Beomgyu out if he's feeling fruity though idk... Beomgyu has been filming but he has to put the phone down at some point to focus purely on getting himself off... Then again when he sees what you look like with Taehyun's cock inside of you, he suddenly has this urge to also want to be inside of you...
Eh... I'm sure they figure out some way to take turns... He may opt to just shove his cock in your mouth though if the position allows for it.
Well as for the rest... I may have to consider actually becoming a smut writer and write the whole thing out hehe!
Thanks for sharing your lovely insights~!^^
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
hiiii i hope you’re having an amazing day and that you’re healthy mentally and physically!!
i just wanted to come on here and say that you have helped me a lot. my last year of high school was very tough on me. with the workload, fighting off procrastinating and my personal issues, i thought i would never see myself graduate. as a final assignment for my AP LIT class i had to write a novel and i was scared shitless bcz i couldn’t think of what to write abt and whenever i sat down in front of my laptop i instantly had writers block. but then i got this app and was introduced to your writing. you have inspired me deeply. and literally two days after reading your works, i was able to stay up and write 15,000+ words and received amazing feedback from my teacher.
the way your write— the way you give your readers the chance to feel EVERY emotion, to vividly imagine everything, as if we’re actually there watching everything happen. and then the way you interact with your readers is so precious. you are so humble and so intellectual. i think there is so much ppl can learn from you, just like me. you have a gift. i think your talent is far beyond our time. i just wanted to give you credit where it’s due and say thank you so so much.
i hope that you continue to write and share your gift and your light with the world. i wish you nothing but the best.
(p.s i apologize for this being so long 😭🫶🏾)
I actually cannot tell you what this message did to me? Like I’m actually sitting here, tears swimming in my eyes, trying to think of some way to express how grateful I am?? AND I HAVE NO WORDS??
This is truly one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me and feels like an honor that I don’t deserve! I can guarantee your assignment was beautifully written and that is all YOU!! Your hard work and creativity!!!
Thank you so much for being here and for taking the time to say this!! Like I can’t even…I have no other way to express how much I appreciate you 😭😭😭 I am so proud of you for finishing and I’m so excited to see where your writing maybe takes you in life!!!
I’m actually going to go sob now?????? Like actually???? It’s bad??? Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! ♥️♥️♥️
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diorgirl444 · 2 years
ahh im so excited for the gg matchups omg <3 i actually cannot wait - my latest obsession fr
my name is eva rose - eva's fine though lol - and i'm straight with she/her pronouns. i'm a sagittarius with a virgo moon and an enfp. (i think im an ambivert tho)
i'm 5''3 with auburn curly hair and a pretty petite hourglass figure. i have freckles pretty much all year round - but only on my cheeks and the tip of my nose. my eyes are blue but look green in certain lighting. ever since i was abt 5 or 6 ive always wanted to get a couple of tattoos but im not old enough yet 😭 i love the idea that your body can be art, and i think tattoos can express that so beautifully
i would describe myself as observant, fun, genuine, intuitive and witty. i like to get to know people & ask them questions, im pretty open personally. how much i talk changes massively depending on my mood although i do end up rambling about nothing once i get invested in the conversation lol.
im pretty ambitious which can sometimes cause severe burnout, but i hate pushing myself further than i can and i am learning to set good boundaries. i am a relatively anxious person, but im rlly getting better at managing that. i'm also a massive hopeless romantic and my love language is quality time - and sometimes physical touch.
my dream is to become a music journalist or to run a bookshop when i'm older, although i love psychology & history <33 i've been described as jo march & lizzie bennett & i agree, but i also think im a bit like meg tbh.
i feel most at home during autumn & during starry nights. i like adventures but at the end of the day i prefer being at home. i love art galleries, astronomy, late night conversations, biking and listening to music - i like the beatles, fleetwood mac, abba, lily allen, lana del rey, bowie.
my favourite things in the world are my cd collection & my family <3 (cd collection comes first ofc lol)
your perfect matchup is 𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐲𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐤𝐢 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <𝟑
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <𝟑
because stars hollow is such a small town the chances are you’d bump into dave pretty quickly but i think you wouldn’t properly speak to him till his band was  established.
in my mind you would write for the stars hollow news as their music journalist.. 
so when a new band, which goes by the name of Hep Alien, appears on the scene you know you have to go write an article on them.
what you don’t imagine happening is finding the love of your life there!!!
you invite all the band for coffee at luke’s to talk to them about the band and the minute dave sees you he’s smitten.
he thinks your ever so pretty with your curly auburn hair and sweet smile.
then you speak and he’s blown away because not only are you super pretty but also clever and love music.
your literally his dream girl ok???
(his friends notice this immediately and tease him for it after)
the interview goes super well and let’s be real you think he’s pretty cute too so you share contacts ya know just in case you need to talk again!!!
the pair of you spend the whole night on the phone chatting…
which makes it extra special when he turns up at your house next day with your favourite flowers and tickets to go see a gig in hartford together and could you really say anything but yes???
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <𝟑
i think you two are real creatives like your energies just bounce off one another perfectly.
dave is always writing songs about you to the point where if he released an album it would have to be called eva rose!!!
he remembers everything about you!!!
 be that the outfit you were wearing the day the pair of you met, your favourite book or even what lipstick shade matches your skin tone the best.
also you and lane; besties!!!!
your parents love him, he’s literally the perfect son in law.
your mom is already planning your wedding.
dave is also like constantly staring at you!!!
you’ll be like “what!?!” and he’ll just be like “you are really pretty, you know that right…”
it always flusters you, to be honest though like he’s always flustering you by how perfect he is.
he definitely tries to teach you guitar, like you’ll be sitting in front of him both your arms wrapped around the guitar with him just constantly kissing your cheek!!!
i feel like you’d call him davey as well and he’s have a super cute nickname for you like angel.
his friends tease him about you but really they’re just happy that he’s found someone who loves him so much.
you two when your old enough definitely get tattoos together.
move along rory and dean because you two are the cutest possible stars hollow couple and i’m not taking criticism on that!!!
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <𝟑
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hugs and kisses, flo <3
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scattered-winter · 1 year
Words cannot express how both hyped and terrified I am for your version of the Predator.
You’re really going to put the Paladins through the ringer, aren’t you?
You think could give us just the tiniest of crumbs about the Predator? I know you don’t want to spoil anything, but I just can’t wait!
HEHEHEHE if you've been here long enough u KNOW putting characters through the ringer is my personal specialty <3
OK OK I'LL GIVE U A CRUMB. JUST A TEENSY TINY LITTLE CRUMB. i couldn't resist giving predator pilots (iirc someone told me that the og was just a robeast without pilots but MAN. THE NARRATIVE POTENTIAL OF HAVING A TEAM BE THE LITERAL ANTITHESIS OF TEAM VOLTRON. I COULDN'T PASS THAT UP.) so team predator acts as sort of. the opposite side of the same coin as team voltron. each predator pilot sorta reflects the Darkest Side of their corresponding voltron paladin (remember when we were talking abt quintessence having potential for Good And Bad??? teehee) and so every time voltron comes face to face with predator it's like staring their worst demons right in the face <3 and team predator has a super fascinating dynamic that I can't WAIT to get into <3
the thing is, voltron is all about Balance In The Universe, right? each component works together to keep everything balanced for the universe to function as it should. and predator is the Antithesis of everything voltron is. (it's not Order vs Chaos because chaos is a big part of balance [exploding stars, black holes, et cetera] and chaos is in fact one of the components of voltron [red], but i would say its more like. Balance vs Unbalance. voltron keeps things together and predator works to tear it all apart.) so with all this in mind, the team dynamics are so so different especially considering that team predator are all the Worst their quintessence colors have to offer. so instead of being a good and nurturing leader like shiro, the pilot of the black dragon is cruel and overbearing and Needs To Control Everything. and each team member is like that. literal antithesis of their corresponding paladins. and oughhhhhh i am soooo soooo so so so sososososo excited for the Narrative i am going to dig my teeth into when the time comes
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lorelune · 1 year
im too shy to come off anon atm but tysm for the 2nd part after scrap metal. i quite literally screamed (internally, since i was with someone when i saw it) and after reading it, im well fed but just as starved for more OTL
idek where to begin w my thoughts, ugh, you write blade so well. SO WELL. like maybe ppl can write unhinged characters fine, but you. YOU. are so different with that. ill probably find the words in the future to describe what im feeling about this series(??bc it technically can be standalone) but all i can say is that im with the mind to print your writing out and eat it. like, chew it with my molars and swallow it, and then print another one to eat some more, maybe put some slices on my next meal LOLLL. idk, i want to consume it and have it in my veins.
i for real cannot come up with the words to describe this,,,,but i promise im not crazy !! (debatable tbh) i just really like WORDS and WRITING and this just made me just as insane as blade's probably feeling. it's beyond just being giddy bc one of my fav authors wrote for one of my fav charas and it happened to be a reader insert -- there is a fundamental nutrient being provided by your writing and it could have been for any fandom/show, and i probably wouldve had a similar reaction.
your writing has always been wonderful and captivating, but there is smth about the way you wrote blade's pov (brOTHER there is so much ART in the way consciousness was expressed, im frothing at the mouth--) in this and scrap metal that i think really showcased how well you write. like i said, this piece could have been for any other fandom (and i'd still read it bc you wrote it <3) and i know it wouldve hit me like a truck all the same.
this got super long bc it's late where i am but i really wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your work and the talent you have with writing, and this blade series made it so that i couldnt keep these thoughts to myself !!
ik this is only my 2nd ask but since idk when ill come off anon (bc im shyyy) i hope you dont mind me calling myself "slightly feral anon" LOLL (or if you have a better name it's up to you!!)
anon anon ANON (slightly feral anon = sfa anon FOR SHORT!!) thank you for the ask!!! and for reading and enjoying scrap metal and braised!!! 💕✨!!!! i am glad i could provide some fundamental nutrient rich chewable good brain feeling writing 🫡💓
TRULLLY blades pov is fascinating. it's what inspired me to write scrap metal to begin with!! i was thinking abt blade pov in present day game timeline and was like "damn he'd be fucking crazy :3c". i had such immediate brain worms and had to play around with it!!! the whole idea really grabbed me!! the prose hit too so hard like. this guy is not gonna think or feel in a way that is linear and its been SO indulgent and fun to write!!!
not to mention :3c i am excited to write more of these dynamics :3ccccc miss kafka does thing to me on a soul deep level and the relationship between her and blade and her and reader is so twisted and wretched and its so sexy of her. i'm excited for more of the yan olympics
SFA ANON!! thank you for this ask it has brought me much joy 🙏!! thank you once again for the kindness and for reading and sharing your thoughts, your feedback is very appreciated!!!!
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lesbiantvfish · 1 year
Quick post I want to make tldr, I may start doing commissions soon after some days of rest.
Had my dr appointment today, going to talk abt my health under the cut. Some bad news but good news too, this is all personal so feel free to skip over this tbh, thanks!
cw: this is a loooong post btw
I had been seeing this new dr at the start of 2023 after I had finally gotten the control of my insurance from my father, who does not contact me, he had disowned me when I was outed as trans/a lesbian when I was 18.
I had issues with contacting a rheumatologist and neurologist through my new doctor because I had not known she did not understand English entirely and when I showed the positive diagnosis for autoimmune, she asked about my family history and thought I had been telling her “no, I don’t.”
It turned out the office hired a translator for the non Spanish speaking patients, and I was finally able to understand the miscommunication, and get the referrals!
We also confirmed the hand tremors aren’t improving, and that it is not due to anxiety either.
Not so good news is my heart rate got worse, I was recommended to rest more even if I cannot sleep, and eat much more often than I have been. Since I do not have enough funds to eat more than I am, I am going to open commissions soon, if anyone would reblog that post or recommend me to a person looking to buy art, I would greatly appreciate that!
Thank you for reading, I might be away more to rest for a little while, I will do my best to recover my heart health soon.
In the meantime I might just post my kofi for donations, but if you leave one and I know who you are, knowing me, I will draw gift art as thanks. ❤️ thank you for reading this whole post!
However if you are also not doing well financially I’d prefer if you only shared the donation link, it is scary to think I am harming anyone through that, no one is obligated to tip.
I mean this even more to friends!!!! Don’t u dare donate lol, but feel free to reblog a dono post when I make it. *kissing u on the mouth like Bugs Bunny to Elmer Fudd*
Sorry if this post is a bummer to hear, no matter how my health gets you might know my type of personality, I am easily excited and love to love my favorite things and such, I know hearing about bad health might make people think I am not doing well mentally, but honestly I haven’t been more happy than I am in a long time. Coming back to the srmthfg and ghs community has really been bringing me more joy than I can express, seriously.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
RAAGAGHHHDWIFOEKF I think that it is definitelt canon tht solomon thinks of himself to be inferior compared to demons and the angels (who wouldnt) also when considering mc’s relationship with them it makes my heart so sad to hear him say things like that WHICH IS WHY IM GLD THAT LIKE .. om!nb is starting to explore more regarding his character!!!
And im so happy that youd enjoy the drawing OSKFOEJF Im like a fanartjst and fic writer combo (the one that makes fanart of their own fics too 😭) SO I WLD LOVE TO SHARE THEM W U !!! (and also maybe in dms every once in awhile if ur okay with that)
IM SOOO SO EXCITED TO HAVE A SOLOMON ENJOYER/OM FRIEND IN GENERAL LIKE i cannot express how much ive been rambling over this to my current friends so to share it with someone who expresses the same excitement and has the same ideas as me is super exciting nd fun !!!
SO TRUE AND REAL???? honestly it's about time he got more attention because like??? he's the only other human besides mc AND I KNOW BARBATOS KISSERS CAN RELATE TO THIS TOO but it feels like he's pushed aside a lot? you don't get to spend much time with him (or barb) at all :((((
omg i FEEL YOU i got my entire friend group into obey me at one point but im the only person that still actively participates in the fandom :C like they know what im talking abt but they aren't as excited as i am, yk?
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the-bi-space-ace · 5 months
(ok sorry to send an enormous ask but before i sleep, my comment on “For the Republic” kept glitching so I’m putting the rest here for you. lol)
“The touching, the entitlement, the lack of awareness that he might not want strangers touching him, was so far out of realm that he couldn’t even think.” <i’m going to start throwing punches!!!!!!!!!!
“Tech said a number, gave a code, and Echo repeated it back to him. His breathing would slow, feeling the soft tickle of Tech’s fingers between the ports on his scalp, his back, bringing him back to the Marauder slowly.” <- WAILING AND SOBBING VIOLENTLY. i can’t think abt him too hard
“Echo followed the line of his bicep before he remembered himself” <- ECHO. HELLO
I absolutely LOVE how flirty Quinlan is throughout this fic. Flirty, but still genuine, yaknow?? AND HIM PUSHING THE CHAIR IN FOR ECHO. OOOUUUUGHHHGHGH WHAT A GUY
“Maybe it was the way his arms looked in that get up.” <- QUIT IT WITH THE ARMS ECHO
‘“I am much more interested in how your night is going.” Not letting it go. Got it.’ <- PLEASSSEEE this was so funny
“He could forget there was an audience if it wasn’t for the exaggerated gagging noises coming from his very supportive and kind sniper.” <- as though you wouldn’t be swooning over Quinlan too, Cross
“He’s pretty hot.” Echo shot him a look but it only made that grin grow. “You think so too. Don’t lie.” <- I WAS RIGHT
‘“Make sure he’s good enough.” There was some sincerity wrapped up in that one but Echo ignored it.’ <- sobbing again. the batch’s care for each other is always so woven into how you write them
“If there was anyone that would encourage him and excitedly gossip late into the night with all the enthusiasm he could muster it would be Wrecker.” <- once again. with feeling. I Love Him
Uggghhhhhh just the whole entire scene with Crosshair. hrrrnngghhg emotions that cannot be expressed
Ace this was so glorious and exceeded all my expectations (rather like Quinlan. lol). Infinite kudos!!!! <33333333333
I saw your comment and all the glitching I’m sorry Ao3 was the villain of the story 😭
I love how everyone (the batch and all of us) are ready to throw hands for Echo the minute someone gets in his business. Like. Yes. I love that about us.
TECH!!! It makes me want to cry. I love portraying their relationship as quiet moments where they help each other, listen to each other, etc. IDK why but it speaks to me. I love them. They are beautiful and wonderful and I miss Tech I’m all teary eyed now 😢
Echo likes Quinlan’s arms. I’ve decided this. He likes his arms. Like. Me too, Echo. We understand each other.
THE CHAIR!!!! AHGDFKLJAHDKFJASLK HE PULLS THE CHAIR OUT. It’s such a gentlemanly thing to do and Quinlan is such a genuine person and he’s still a lot of fun I love him… after all this writing about him I think I just love him more now lol
AFJGHLSDFJHG THE DANCE WAS MY PARTNER’S IDEA. It’s such a sweet moment and I reread this fic from that point onward OFTEN I am not ashamed. Echo deserves a little dance with someone who likes him. It makes me feel so many big emotions
lol Rex is such a little shit. He’s not giving up an opportunity to stick his nose in Echo’s business. Echo had slight hope that he’d let it go but… nope. Not Rex’s style lol
Crosshair is a shit. Like. You know you’d like him too Crossie you’re just being a shit. He does turn around and become so damn supportive (in his own pain in the ass way lol) and it’s so damn sweet. Cross as a secret softie makes me happy.
WRECKER!!!! He is such an underrated character. He has so much heart. So much love and kindness. he’s a beautiful person. And he is so excited about this. He would for sure get snacks and gossip with Echo about the whole night and he’d have SUCH a good time.
The batch loving each other has me so emotional. I just wanted them to be happy and I loved showing their dedication to each other. I am endlessly happy that there are other people that love to see it too.
I’m really glad you liked this fic! It was a lot of fun to write and Echo and Quinlan are such a sweet pair. I didn’t expect to be so into a rare pair ship but here we are lol! I’ve found myself obsessed with them over the past few months and I can’t wait to write more for them.
Your thoughts are always a joy to read. I really appreciate you taking the time to give my fics attention, it means a lot to me. Especially after Ao3 worked so hard against you. Thank you for reading For The Republic’s Use and showing it some love 🩶
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miupow · 5 months
hi sorry long ask im coming out of the wood work (i logged into tumblr for the first time in weeks lol hi lia !!!!) to deliver a certified puppy anon cannot shut the fuck up ever take so pls take it w a grain of salt if i am wrong and a smooch on ur face.
tee bee aech i really dont think it matters if an audience can tell if a writer has had sex or not - and this comment is more like a general message on ur post + all the mooties who expressed insecurity 😔🫡 i do nawt want this to read as an attack and if i came off as um acktchually 🤓 ☝️ i would kms
like you said porn is about the fantasy of it all and imo whether or not you can deliver a cohesively written story/porn/smut etc is more important than depicting it accurately or with the fear that the sex being portrayed isnt good enough. i think sex is about passion as much it is about logistics and its a combination of the two that achieves good storytelling in porn - idk maybe this is the "idk but this guy Fucks" thing u were talking abt !! 🤔 its why theres so many background workers in like actual professional video-type porn; u need to get the right aesthetic shots, make sure the actors stay ready for hours and hours of filming, and make sure the editing is compelling enough that the audience stays.
as a writer and an audience member if two writers, one virgin and not, both wrote like idk breeding doggy style coming together with dirty talk and aftercare one-shot for the 40th time each the contents would be similar enough that like i do not think i would care if i could tell someones history based on how fast someones cock goes flaccid post nut because i was invested in the rest of the story. That and bc their sexual history is personal to them and its not my place to speculate based on like idk kpop idol porn lol. 😎😔🫡 its v reminiscent of irl fears of being s virgin/ not being a good enough partner at sex bc being good at it is something so intrinsically personal to a lot of people and their worth. so much so that we've made hierarchies out of it!!! 😭 but maybe i dont care about it in the same way others do so its importance is lost to me.
anyways thats my long long long comment and pls feel free to disagree or push back where im wrong i looove talking and thinking 💔. but. hi!! how r u!! i hope work isnt ruff 3: its been like two weeks i was in exam hell and while i am not free i am letting myself back onto tumblr for like approx 24 hrs bc my ults r at coachella and i need 2 see that 🫣
- 🐶 non
hi sweetie pie!! i missed you lots <3 it’s good to see you back!!! i’m working lots but i have the weekend off i’m so excited… i hope you come out of exam hell unscathed
i completely agree with you that it doesn’t really matter whenever or not a writer has sexual experience when writing smut. i didn’t mean anything critical by what i said and i’m really sorry if it came out that way; i just find it so interesting how so many nsfw writers are virgins lol i wonder if there’s a reason for that
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luc1d-dr34m5 · 9 months
I would love to know what the deal with dreadful harmony and happy chaos is 👀. They seems like fun together!
Yesss YESS YESSSSSSS sorry i am so excited as i type this rn just ajdjwjmJQHE HEHEHEHE THERE WILL BE MANY SPELLING MISTAKES IM SORRY
I might get some lore parts wrong since looking for other sources of GG lore is sadly not on my schedule so if u know other things then correct me
If it gets too long im putting it under a read more but but okay so basically so give a basis and such:
Dreadful Harmony was known as 'The Architect'. They are like, the other half of 'The Original' not in a literal sense but in a partners sense. They were Partners in the discovery of magic basically, while yes The Original still is the one who discovered the Backyard n got magic from there The Architect is the one who created a lot of the first spells ever. Due to this both of them are technically teachers of the Conclave and Asuka but to make sure theyre not confused, The Original is reffered to as 'Teacher' while The Architect is reffered to as 'Tutor'.
The Architect also has like, developed a magic theory called 'The Circle Theory' aka how circular forms of spells n such are the best way to express magic due to how imperfectly perfect it is and such, this one ill leave vague but basically this theory is kinda hard to grasp because theres a lot of intricacies in it. Asuka tends to use more geometrical shapes so while he can use Circle theory its a bit more taxing on him cuz hes not used to 'imperfection' in a sense.
Anhways on back to the YaoiYuri that is DH(Dreadful Harmony) and HC(Happy Chaos). The lore kinda changes here but tried to keep events close to canon/give explanations here. The Architect was trapped by the Universal Will like somewhere in the backyard bc they were the biggest threat at the time and this caused The Original to slip up and get caught as well. Anyways Things happen as plot like The Original getting out and wandering the backyard for years in a mad state but at the same time The Architect was absorbing all the info in the backyard like he was but instead of wandering theyre literally trapped and then The Original gets absorbed by the Universal will again so she can have an understanding of Human emotions only to like, fuck up bc of The Original aka Happy Chaos having become insane and flooded with pure human desire.
on the opposite end, The Architect lost all their humanity, their emotions their desires, not their memories, though, this does mark their shift to becoming Dreadful Harmony. Anyways Dreadful Harmony is like, freed after Lethargy's lore happens cuz Lethargy is like, DH and HC's missing humanity mashed together in a Valentine vessel HC got the Universal Will to make hence why Lethargy V. has free will i might elaborate more on Lethargy lore if wanted.
Bacl to DH and HC, their past relationship as The Original and Architect was romantic, they were abt to get married even. Its why DH's current outfit looks like a wedding dress in a way, cuz that was a very important moment in their life and yeah romantic love doesn't always define humanity but tbh these two are just, In Love. in general. Something that can be platonic and romantic and the spaces outside or betwene but the love is there and persists until now cuz like.
DH and HC call eachother their 'partner' and give like, diff answers each time asked if it was romantically or platonically. Even if DH doesnt have emotions nor desire they have Biases due to their memories and thus act upon said biases like how HC is so full of human desire he cannot truly love in the sense a normal person can. These two cannot love normally yet they still love eachother in their own ways. While HC lives for human emotion yet DH doesnt have any thus doesnt rlly deter the other so much cuz their love dosnt give either of them purpose.
If HC finds a purpose if DH is free from their prison theyll gladly follow along, filling up empty roles that oppose or support HC, either way they have the same goal for different reasons, HC cuz he cares abt humanity as a whole and DH because the world ending would be Horrible for the people they have Biases for. HC's reasons are selfless in a sense while DH's reasons are selfish yet regardless they aim for one goal so they go for it hand in unlovable hand clutching one another in a loving way.
They both are Wax figures, they direct and fill in empty roles as they see it in different manners and ways. Also demon imagery with Happy chaos and Angel imagery with Dreadful harmony is very intentional. Contrast babeyyy
Also to elaborate how their love for one another doesnt really count as a "Purpose" is cuz they both like Drama, Drama King n their Drama Queen, which is which u decide. Their love for ome another is so inherent they just know it'll always be there so why desperately cling onto it when its guaranteed to be there.
They are judt so RHRHRHRH TO ME not to mention the dynamic and relationship Dreadful Harmony has with Asuka is swimming in my brain alongside this just wkdjwnsnsn If things are confusing i can elaborate!! They are so silly to me.
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taegularities · 1 year
hi luvvvv, 🐼✒️ here
how are you doing? im glad you're back, i hope you're energized and taking care of yourself!!!!
getting straight to the point, i can't WAIT for cmi, and again, you're wrong to think we're not excited anymore🤨 sure the angsty arc was fun and all but we deserve all the fluff and all the lovey dovey stuff, we've been good girls (hopefully) SO YEAH idk how to express myself but im SUPER excited and i'm sure everyone else is too. it's offensive that you think otherwise🤨😤 it's actually so offensive and hurtful that we deserve the new updates sooner to make up for all the offending you've done don't you think🙄🤭🫣
ANYWAYS looking forward to it, but ofc take all the time you need and don't forget to take care of yourself❗️❤️
also i saw that u finished 2521😭 i watched it earlier this year and i still think abt it. it was sooo beautiful, and one of the best romance ive seen in kdramas. i love how it portrays the bittersweet feeling of knowing that everything is temporary🥹 didn't make me cry at all nope. i'm glad you enjoyed it too. what other kdramas have you watched? do you have any recs?
i apologise for the long ass text, my thoughts are so unorganized lmao😭 but yea moral of the story is that i'm glad you're back, you go girl🫶🏻🫂❤️
panda, i am so so sorry i'm getting to this so late, i hope you know i'm not ignoring you!! just wanna give good answers to your thoughtful messages and yeah 🥺 i really hope you enjoy 9.5! i saw you've been busy, so no stress at all, take your time!! and yeah, i still stress about people wanting it a lot :') like for the longest time i feared yall wouldn't wanna read it anymore once the angst arc is over, and even now i try to combat these thoughts a lot. vv worried the upcoming chapters might not meet your guys' expectations or tempt you anymore!! but we'll see. in the worst case, i can focus on other wips and there are definitely plenty of them <3
and yes omg, i finished 2521 a while ago and still think about it :') really did a number on me bc im a v nostalgic person who also cannot deal with the emotions that come with nostalgia, so there's that lollll. i think my favs are still a couple classics like it's okay to not be okay and pinocchio!! what about you!! also please don't apologise, pls give me essays anytime you want, ily, always 🥺🤍
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