#i can't remember if i posted any of these guys before but NOW THEY'RE SCANNED YAY
t00thpasteface · 5 months
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herpetology sketches!
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doevademe · 2 years
At this point, I'm just visiting the Percico tag for a post from you that's how amazing you are. Really you've inspired me with my own characterization of Percy and Nico.
So I humbly give a triple prompt(whichever you choose is optional) the first is a reverse of the de aged prompt whereas it's Percy who gets de-aged whether it's before or after Bianca is optional.
The other one is another time travel prompt where when the argo crew goes to save Nico in MoA it's an adult Nico. So you have a Percy still conflicted about Nico's lie in SoN meeting this hot sarcastic mature version of someone he's always wanted to understand and protect.
The third is something I want to use in my own fic(supposed to be a short fic but then my masochistic self decided to turn it into a full on novel😅) it's Nico's name that Percy remembers in SoN. I've seen many spins on this in the fandom but most of them have Nico lying to Percy that they're dating and it's not... Like Nico at all.I barely see a side being explored where Nico is wondering why it's him and whether it's a cruel joke of the gods and trying to keep his distance while Percy just wonders why he has this sense of conflict and guilt and protectiveness for this stranger and how it'd change their dynamic after Percy gets his memories back.
Angst is optional but my masochistic self kinda leans into it(though with some hurt/comfort happy ending implications)
When the jar opened, Percy had expected to see Nico crawl out of it or, if his fears came true, just his body coming out.
Instead what had come out was a guy older than himself, about 19, looking around confused for a second before taking out his sword and stabbing Otis in the back.
It was a Stygian Iron Sword Percy was quite familiar with.
"Really?" Was all he said before taking the sword out of the Giant's back. Otis doubled over as the young man scanned around and found him and Jason. "You two, with me! I need help to finish them off!"
"Only a god and a demigod—" Jason started, but the guy stared him down.
"As I see it, we have a whole Big Three demigod set here," he said impatiently. "Trust me, you won't need a god for this one."
That confirmed it, then.
"Nico?" Percy asked uncertainly. "What happened to you?"
"I grew up, Percy," Nico said. "Now will you two help me or not?"
Without any words, both of them entered battle stances.
Percy couldn't help but stare. Nico did not look at all like he did in his dream. Gone was the scrawny kid who looked like he would stab you if you overstepped, and in his place was a handsome guy who was taller and older than him.
"This... was not supposed to happen," Nico said as a way of explanation as he sat on Percy's bed. "I'm not supposed to be here."
"Oh, so older you can tell me things?" Percy couldn't help but quip. Nico raised an eyebrow that made him feel ashamed, but he was too hardheaded to back down.
"Right, I forgot our relationship was like... this at this time." Nico sighed and moved to leave Percy space to sit beside him. Percy blinked. Nico never allowed anyone to sit so close, so he took the chance, not caring if their thighs were touching. "There was... an issue, in the future. I think the me you were supposed to find in that jar is in my place, five years in the future, and I came to... fill his place, so to speak."
"What happened? Are you okay?" Percy asked, concern for the son of Hades quickly overshadowing his anger. Nico chuckled.
He hadn't heard Nico laugh since he was a little kid. The sound was nice.
"It's okay," he said easily. "The other me will also be alright. Percy... the Percy of my time is holding the fort. I know this will make you mad, but knowing about the future is never a good idea, so you'll have to wait five years to understand this."
Percy frowned.
"Why do you always do this?" he said, voice shaky. "Why do you always hide things for me? Why can't you ever trust me?"
"Back when Hades gave you a lead on your mother... o-or back in New Rome when you pretended not to know me, and now this!" Percy continued, desperate. "Is it because of Bianca? Will that mistake follow me all my life?"
Nico remained quiet for a few seconds before a sad smile appeared on his face. Percy couldn't help but think that it made Nico look ethereal, almost as beautiful as Aphrodite.
"It wasn't your fault," Nico said softly. "It is mine. The me of this time feels... alone. More alone than you'll ever understand. The reason why is his secret to tell, but believe me when I say, that the me of this time has already trusted you with the only valuable thing he has left."
"And I failed him..." Percy hated this. He was supposed to be reading Nico the Riot Act, not feel ashamed about how he had treated him.
"I'm not talking about Bianca," he said seriously. "I'm saying that he entrusted something different, something precious to you. You won't notice it for a while, and yes, maybe in some ways, you didn't take care of it like I would have wanted. But that doesn't change that your Nico trusts you. He didn't go about things as he wanted, but at the time, he just did what he thought was best."
"It's my life, Nico," Percy said. "I know Hera would have cursed you or worse for telling me but... my mom, my girlfriend, you could have told them, at least."
"I could have," Nico said. "But Annabeth already suspected where you were, and Sa—your mom found a neat little note on her table, the day after I found you, saying her son was safe."
Percy put two and two together and smiled gratefully at Nico.
"What was it you gave me?" Percy asked. "You did something for me, Nico. Let me pay you back. I'll protect that precious thing, take better care of it."
Nico winced involuntarily. Percy found himself wishing he hadn't said anything, if it meant Nico never had such a painful expression on his face again.
"You can't know what it is yet," Nico said, crestfallen. "Just... treasure your Nico, okay? Every day, he comes closer and closer to just giving up. He cares a lot about you, and you give him a reason to keep going."
"He has a funny way of showing it, then," Percy muttered. Nico smiled and held his hand.
The gesture was so personal, so intimate, that Percy felt as if his face was going to explode from heat. He swore he could smell Nico's cologne from where he was sitting, and it was making him dizzy.
"That's true," Nico admitted. "But that's because I didn't want you to know I cared, because just like you can keep me from giving up, you have the same potential to destroy me."
Percy felt the words weight on him uncomfortably. All his life he had been told he could save or destroy things with his power, from camp to the gods and the whole world, and it had always been a heavy load.
Knowing that he could do the same to a person, and Nico of all people, felt like the heaviest load of all.
"You almost sounded like a god there," he said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Don't ever say that again," Nico grimaced. "But I guess it comes from knowing things I can't reveal, because, believe or not, I actually like where we end up."
Percy nodded.
"I'm not sure if telling you this changed the future or not," he continued, worried. "But I want you to know that things will be all right for us, at least up to where I'm from."
"But it won't be easy," Percy guessed. Nico smiled apologetically.
"I'm sorry," Nico said. Percy didn't know what came over him, but before he could help himself, he was hugging Nico. The son of Hades hugged him back. "But when have things ever been easy for demigods?"
Percy laughed.
The same bright light that came from the jar back then appeared, and when Percy blinked, in his arms was an unconscious, scrawny son of Hades, who looked fragile enough to break.
He lied him down on the bed carefully before running towards the upper deck.
"Hazel, Piper!"
"Welcome back," Percy said, smiling at him. "The younger you was passed out the entire time. He stayed there knocked out until I broke that weird sun dial."
Nico smiled shyly as Percy got closer and pecked him on the lips.
He still wasn't used to that.
"Do you... remember me? I mean, the me from now being... there?"
Percy smiled.
"It's super weird, I have this double memory of having to borrow power from Bacchus with Jason and... of fighting alongside an older you, and figuring out... things after you went back to normal that I wasn't quite ready to face."
"So, which one happened?" He asked. "Was it just messing with our memories, or did I change the past?"
"I have no idea!" Percy said. He grabbed Nico and gave him a fuller kiss. "But as long as you stay mine, I don't really care."
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castrovulcant · 3 years
The headstone was from Scrooged, he was sitting on it in that episode, at 41:32. Transcripts are here: https://subslikescript.com/series/Quantum_Leap-96684
They're really bad because you have to guess who's talking, but they're okay for remembering exact details of lines.
I personally don't believe that it matters what he brings in, so long as it doesn't jog Sam's memory, but also, he's about as high ranked as someone can go in the Navy aside from temporary positions for specific assignments, and he's so damn decorated that who's really going to stop him? Technically he shouldn't even be out of uniform at work but who's going to say anything? Only someone who wants a lot of trouble made for them.
I'm dying, I typed out a very articulate response but because I used the wrong phone to post the gif, tumblr was like "lol no, it's all gone now" and now this response is worded poorly.
I found the scene and giffed it, took me a while to find it, and I slowed it down as much as my phone would allow.
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Al definitely brought the headstone in to mess with the guy, the entire time it's there he's sitting on it.
The very first episode had Al in his dressing gown and jammies, so he just rolls with what he's got to do and it's not like anyone can really question it. Like you said, it would likely be a lot of hassle if they tried.
I said it in another post but doesn't Al technically have immunity on the project? They can't just fire him because his and Sam's brainwaves are synced with each other, anything Sam sees is usually an extension of Al himself. Even if they had the original scans of Sam's brainwaves, how are they going to sync up the new guy considering Sam isn't in their time period, and likely never will be?
Thank you for the link for the transcripts, I'll comb through them next time before I post any questions about the imaging chamber.
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starry-eyed-skz · 5 years
Jisung and Jiwoo Han ~ The Twins Epilogue : Pride and Joy
Haha wow, we've reached the very final of The Twins! Thank you to those of you who have read this story, and I hope you enjoyed the chapters. I would also like to say happy birthday to our one and only Jisungie, I can't believe he's 19 now 😫 Anyways, enough talking. Let's get into this epilogue!
Bold = memories, beginning & ending of chapter | Italics = thoughts
prev | epilogue
~~~Jiwoo’s POV~~~
“Jisung!” A loud squeal leaves my mouth as my twin brother picks me up bridal style out of my bed. "Put me down you jackass!" I smack my hand against his chest, him just rolling his eyes with a smile on his face. "Stop flailing or I'll fucking drop you." Jisung's laugh is still so relieving to hear, keeping my heart at ease. I pout and just lean my head on Jisung's chest. My body instinctively leans in closer to him as he starts walking down the stairs, not wanting to fall.
"You're fine JiJi, I'm not gonna drop you." His tone is teasing, making me send a slight glare up at him. I don't know why I'm even surprised, he does this every damn morning. I'm ripped out of my thoughts when I'm thrown on the couch, whines of annoyance coming from me and two others. Jeongin and Minho. "Jisung how dare you make me hurt my son?" I sit up hastily and wrap my arms around Jeongin, pulling his head towards me. "Excuse me," Minho's face is that of faux annoyance as the words leave his mouth, "I got hurt too!"
"Yeah but you aren't my son." I reply sassily as I play with Jeongin's hair, seeing him send a smirk Minho's way. My eyes drift to the floor where Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix are sat playing Mario Kart on the big tv, their playful competitiveness making me smile fondly. Changbin is curled up on the chair next to the couch, just barely staying awake as he scrolls through his phone. Cute. Chan and Woojin aren't in the room, but judging from the aroma coming from the kitchen, they're making breakfast. In my half-asleep state, I had forgotten what today was, suddenly standing up and tackling Jisung in tight hug.
"Woah!" We almost tumble to the floor before Jisung catches himself against the wall. "Happy birthday doofus!" I yell in his ear and give him a cheeky grin. "If I could have one birthday without you making me temporarily deaf, that'd be fantastic." He says sarcastically but his smile gives him away. "Happy birthday to you too loser." His arms lazily wrap around me and he rests his chin on my shoulder, laughing as Felix loses the current round of Mario Kart. A sudden knock on the front door makes me peel myself away from Jisung and walk over to open it, a smile instantly taking over my face.
"Shua!" I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my face into his chest. "Hi baby.." Joshua's voice is so quiet and sweet, making my heart calm down from what happened earlier. "Close the door please, it's raining!" Woojin calls from the kitchen, a small giggle leaving me as I pull Joshua inside to close the door. Chan peeks his head out of the kitchen, smiling gently when he sees Joshua. "Sup, Hong." Josh gives a polite nod as I drag him to the living room where he greets everyone else that's out there, Woojin yelling a greeting from the kitchen.
"Happy birthday Jisung, you too baby." Joshua kisses my forehead and goes over to give my twin a hug, giving him one of his birthday punches in the process. Well that makes ten. A laugh leaves my mouth before I get one too, having both of us Han twins whining and rubbing our arms. "Sorry, you guys know the normal birthday traditions." Everyone laughs with Joshua while me and Jisung pout at each other. "Speaking of which, which member of your group is sitting out of their birthday punches this year?" Minho asks as he runs his hand through his silver hair. "Probably Jeonghan, I don't know. They were discussing it when I left."
"Wow, great to hear that the boys are fighting over who's gonna drive their fist into mine and Jisung's arms today." I roll my eyes but laugh a little, not surprised about it at all. "I swear Jihoon is going to break my arm one of these years.." I mumble and slump my shoulders, shuddering while remembering how much his birthday punches hurt. He really doesn't know when to go easy.
Later that night all 23 of us are at a reservation that was planned by Jeonghan and Woojin, so many stupid but memorable conversations taking place over dinner. The past two years have been part of a long healing process, which has been very successful. After the universe had turned on me and ripped away three years with the people I call my home, I had finally successfully got back to them. The first best moment since being home was sudden, but not unexpected..
Hyungwon's arrest:
~~September 20, 2019; Jiwoo's POV~~
"JiJi, come here now!" Jisung's yell reverberates off the walls, making me jump in my skin. I instantly spring up from my desk chair and run down the stairs into the living room. "What?! Who got hurt?!" I frantically yell, my eyes scanning the room. "No, no! Your dickbag kidnapper is on the news!" My heart stops in my chest, my feet moving quickly to sit down next to Jisung on the floor. The other eight boys run into the living room as soon as they heard Jisung's words.
We all watched in silence as the news reporter was explaining why Chae Hyungwon is being arrested. I become uneasy in my spot when I'm mentioned, twiddling with my fingers in my lap. "He is the confirmed kidnapper of Han Jiwoo, twin sister of Han Jisung of Stray Kids. The words from the man himself has lead to one of his many charges." The reporter on the screen is gone as the footage from the scene of his arrest is played full screen with audio.
"I will find her! None of you can fucking stop me! I'll have all of you pathetic wastes of space slaughtered before you even get the chance to put me away!!" He continues struggling against the officers, eventually ending up handcuffed and in the back of the police car. I can't help the dry laugh that passes between my lips as the policemen continue to restrain him to stop him moving or trying to escape.
That day had made me beyond relieved, knowing I'm completely safe from him now. I still have all my scars from the times Hyungwon had hurt me, but I just try not to pay attention to them. Jisung and I have been going to therapy together, working through our trauma and problems side by side. My train of thought is suddenly derailed as someone taps my shoulder, making me look at Vernon to my left who's looking at me in concern. "Hey, you okay?" I just nod at him with a genuine smile, my eyes turning into crescent shapes. "Perfectly fine Hansol, just thinking back on stuff."
He nods his head and once again everyone is engaged in conversation. All of us are extremely happy and comfortable in this very moment, it seems so serene and unreal. The night slowly comes to an end after Chan and Woojin's "happy 21st birthday" speech. Seungcheol pays for the meal and we part our respective ways.
Almost instantaneously when I'm in mine and Jisung's room, I'm peeling off my dress and replacing it with my much comfier pajamas. Jisung is near his bed doing the same with his dress pants and shirt, opting for sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. I turn around and give him a certain look before grabbing my phone, him knowing exactly what I'm doing. As if on instinct my finger taps on the Instagram icon and I look for a picture of Jisung to post, writing a quick but sweet caption. The only noise that fills the room is the sound of our fingers dancing across our screens.
Jisung finally looks up to meet my gaze after having stared at the side of his face for a little bit, ready to post them. We count down from three together, pressing 'post' at the exact same time as our posts now enter the ether.
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I smile at Jisung as I finish reading his caption, no words being able to do any justice for how much I love and cherish my twin. He gets up and walks over to my bed, sitting down next to me and wrapping his arms securely around me. "I'm so happy you're here JiJi.." His voice is slightly muffled into my hair, but I still hear it nonetheless. "Me too Sungie, me too.." I wrap my arms around his, leaning into Jisung's warmth. "Hey Jisung?" My voice breaks our comfortable silence, making his eyes drift to me. "Yeah Jiwoo?"
"I'm proud to call you my twin brother."
~~~~THE END~~~~
I hope you all enjoyed this series! I had so much fun writing it and receiving everyone's feedback :) This is also my first completed book, so I'm proud I stuck with it! Thank you so much to those of you who truly loved my series as well as being patient in between chapters, it means sososo much to me!
Thank you for reading, and I'll see you all next post for another series or stand alone 😄😙
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