#i can't just blame that for missing games... doesn't help having a social life in hamburg with most people who don't care for football...
torunarigha · 5 months
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my first and last home game of the season 🥲 but maaaan what a game!! i dragged my dad there as well and he loved it which was great. we could see both kurves because we were sitting in the middle and they did not disappoint (ostkurve was the best im not biased). AMAZING GOALS well tabby penalty maybe less but Maza and that Fabian Reece goal???? will never shut up about it.
at the end the kay bernstein banner made me tear up... i hope we keep his memory alive by keeping this spirit up and good connections between club and fans.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
Gonta Character Thoughts
Someone asked me earlier today for some Gonta writing tips, and while I don't know fully how useful this wall of text is for that, it let me talk about Gonta as a character and about his motivations that I think some folks might appreciate either as people who like him or people who want to understand better why I'm so insane about him. It was also really fun to pull together my thoughts on him so I wanted to share!!
The main thing for me is that Gonta is pretty confident with himself when it comes to any situation that requires physical might. When it comes to lifting heavy things or fighting for his friends, Gonta is at ease and doesn't need to hesitate to consider if he Can do the thing. On the other hand, where he's a bit more nervous or hesitant is social situations. He's unfamiliar with and misses a lot of social cues and ends up stumbling and hesitant in situations he's never been in before (like class trials at the beginning of v3). In these situations he might look to follow someone's lead or even directly ask for help.
On the topic of familiarity, Gonta is also very well versed in knowledge related to bugs and survival, as well as nature, especially in the forest where he grew up. He is not very familiar with a lot of things other characters would take for granted as common knowledge (like computers, if its relevant at all he probably doesn't know much kanji). Gonta isn't Dumb but he is missing a cultural baseline for a lot of references and info that makes him struggle where other characters will have no issues.
Gonta's convinced that he's stupid because he lacks this baseline, and because of the reinforcement and teasing by those around him. He has pretty severe self-esteem problems, and he's convinced that all he's good for is his physical strength, as that's all people seem to value him for anyways. This led to a pretty bad complex during the killing game where he blamed himself for every single death ("if gonta could have just protected them this would have never happened. its all gonta's fault") which only got worse and worse. He's desperate to help out and be useful to the group so will go along with a lot if he thinks there's a chance he will be able to help. This is a major driving force for his character, especially in chapter 4.
Gonta is probably good with fine detail work (as he has to be to work with and mount bugs) but also will forget his strength if he gets excited or otherwise forgets himself. Very polite things like holding the door open for someone or offering to take someone's hand to help them down the stairs, or other things like that that aren't necessarily expected in every day life but definitely are of a stereotypical gentleman, Gonta will do whenever he can, but it's a very intentional thing. He might hesitate, remember he should be doing that, then go for it, which can end up a bit awkward. Gonta is very kindhearted by nature, so that will often come through even if he is a bit awkward about being gentleman-level polite. He's trying his best though.
Gonta is also very openly expressive. He can't hide or suppress his emotions very well most of the time, which means he emotes A Lot. He cries more easily than the other boys in v3, or really any of the characters in the v3 cast, and definitely cries more loudly and openly. But on the other hand, when he's happy, he glows.
The one emotion he tries his best to control is anger. A lot of Gonta's social isolation before he got lost (and even after tbh) came from the fact that he was bigger than the other kids and his neutral expression can be a bit intense/scary. He's not hotheaded in the way Kaito might be, but he's very careful with his words and himself when he's upset in this way.
Gonta will also make that intense expression where he grits his teeth and Looks angry when he's stressed or hurt. This can freak out his classmates to the point that he accidentally pushes them away when he needs their reassurance the most. (see: when you talk to gonta during the ch4 investigation, when he's freaking out about not being able to remember what happened and feeling useless, he makes this expression and Kaito gets scared.)
I need to stress though that Gonta is NOT aggressive. Almost every time in game where he considers physical violence as an option, he thinks through it carefully before acting (Defending Kaede before her execution, challenging Monokuma in ch4 before being talked down). A notable exception to this might be kidnapping people for the insect meet and greet, but that was less aggression and more Gonta being in a heightened state of emotion (convinced that everyone hates bugs, which upset him) so forgetting his strength.
Also, it's important to note that Gonta IS sometimes able to hide his emotions and tell lies, but it has to be very intentional and planned ahead of time. He can't suppress his tears at the loss of a classmate, and he can't lie easily (See trial 1 and 2 where Gonta very simply says that yeah he totally could have thrown the shotput ball or tossed ryoma into the tank /physically/, even though admitting this puts a target on his back). However, he was able to hide the truth of the outside world and the fact that he was likely experiencing some really intense emotions at the time from his friends as he and Kokichi executed their plan. Of course, the fact that they were virtual world avatars helps, but its not everything. I think he just has to plan to lie or prepare himself to put on a front in advance.
I know this is super long so just one last thing: Gonta will take a Lot of verbal abuse and teasing if it goes along with his already poor self image. Other characters will call him an idiot and he doesn't even bat an eye because he's convinced of the fact himself. That's why when Kiibo played back the audio recording of Kokichi during the Insect Meet n Greet the part that upset Gonta the most wasn't Kokichi calling him "simple-minded," but instead Kokichi saying that he didn't actually like bugs. He will stand up for himself (carefully, as he always acts when he's angry-upset) if other lines are crossed, though. Like in Ch2 when Kokichi says if Gonta keeps falling for his lies he will end up a victim of the killing game, to which Gonta says something like "Don't say that Kokichi, not even as joke."
I have more I could get into but that teeters more into personal headcanon territory on his friendships and backstory, so I'll hold off. but MAN I love Gonta and I love how genuinely deep his character goes. Its a shame so few people really get into his character beyond "sunshiney bug "himbo" ", there's a lot here that's fun to play with.
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tsunbunni · 10 months
It's been a long time since I posted Cieladd ( maybe 2 weeks? 1 month?), and so today it is the same. So I think about doing something special about today. I'm going to quest myself about Cieladd (more about myself ) and answer it. If you don't like reading then just skip it. But if you read it then I welcome you.
When did I grad myself into this ship? This is when Ciel and Lu got leak and announced in the game. I only ship them for fun because of how good-looking Ciel is and how I love Add so much (at that time, I'm AddEve fan lmaoo). But when I got to know Ciel's personality, habits, and even his past. I've become more deep into this ship.
Reson why I'm shipping Cieladd? Because they have a surprising similarity, and I don't think anyone can understand the suffering they went through, except them. For how Ciel and Add both lost their dear family (Ciel's sister/Add's mother), when they got new friend but end up losing them too, and how when they got into the revenge stuff (of course Ciel's revenge is done, but not Add). So when I think about if they become friend and Add just feel safe around Ciel, and then begin to tell him a few about himself to Ciel, Ciel might feel the connection between them and try to help Add out of his madness ( which I assume is in their's class 1, their both being inspire by each other or try to become stronger than the other)
Which class couple I like the most? Of course, class 3, Demonio and DE is my favorite. Oh how I love sad boy and mad boy. I always know that in which class, Ciel always thinks Add is the good person, even if this little boy is just up to something weird again, he is so nice and warm heart to cares about others ( Lu first and then the other, but Lu just can protect herself well and play around with someone in the El's team). How can he not care about the boy, who is likely more into something else than his own health. And more more but might too long to write it down.
Do I don't like the other couple in Cieladd? No! of course not! Class 1 is fun, because they just want to competition each other but in the cool way. I like how baby PT (add) admire big brother Ciel and become strong LP (and got Deadlord praise and both pratice with each other). And how cute DL keep miss baby PT and how end up Doom appear to have hair hide his right eye again and a fur coat. Absysser didn't know that Doom is that kind of jelous man, even if that it his younger self (how cute~Abysser loves Doom more and more after that) Class 2, RG (ciel) is care about MM (add), MM keep work and work and work! RG can't allow this baby to keep losing weight anymore. MM only let RG take care of him (because brother Ciel give him lot of cookies when their are basic class). There are grow up lover, or maybe old married couple? and damn Lu don't like sharing her dear (brother/bulter) with someone, but it's fun and their have set thing done in the end. Class 4 is still new to me and I haven't get to know well about them both. But I like to think that Add being a doctor and take care of Ciel depression. The change of who being the healer and who is being heal.
How long I can keep loving Cieladd? I don't know but I already into this ship more than 7 years now, I think I can keep going another more years? kekeke~ But I don't promise about the time I might post my arts, because I have things in my life too (and how I really depress too or scare of the unknow and lock myself up, nah~kidding).
Will I keep this blog ? Yes, this is my cieladd home, my first blog and the big step in social media (I was so scare of people and avoid communication with other). This blog is precious to me and Cieladd memories too. There some are happy when the first time I got a fan, having a lot of like and some reblog, the courage to open ask and answer some. There also sad one when I sad of how people doesn't like Cieladd, how I run away for few years unpost and hide myself, how I blame myself for being coward, making excuse,... But this is how I slowly level up myself. Looking back make my heart feel like warm and so glad that I didn't let thing end just like that.
Anything else to said? (I'm out of question to myself now =v= damn) Cieladd is love! Cieladd is life!!!! I don't care that I can't play the game (free player is hard) but Cieladd is still the best to me! Not only the reason I'm shipping them, but also the energy their give to me so that finally make this blog and bring love to people how strugger to find hope in crack ship that being hate for no reason (yes, everyone have to right to ship what they want. You don't like it then skip, pass, block,... don't talk harsh things ) Well, I don't want to keep people hope in this blog and I don't like keep my fan wait. I hope that you can find time and check my arts or forget about this home if you want (the game is old and not really famous tbh) I will always happy to welcome you to my cieladd home, thank anyone that keep support me and following me until now, you're all the best gift in my life, i love you all like i love cieladd. I won't be sad now, and will be back with Cieladd stuff, AU or random things like I used to. Thank you again, who read this until now (or none)
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miya-twins · 1 year
brain decided to be horrible today and think of the worst case scenario, aka one of the twins dies and leaves the other behind so here's my hcs on how they'd each handle it
tw for death, grief, unhealthy coping mechanisms and eating disorders under the cut
would not handle it well, and it'd be impossible to miss even for a stranger. he'd punch whoever tells him and try to fight hospital staff if he's there. definitely has a public breakdown. possibly multiple public breakdowns.
people would of course try to support him, he actually has a pretty decent support system of friends and family who all also knew and loved osamu. initially, their comfort helps, but there'll be a point at which they'll try and start nudging atsumu towards moving on and that's where things will really go wrong, because there's no way atsumu would want to move on. he doesn't want to get over his grief and lead a happy life - after all, what's the point of happiness if he can't lord it over osamu when they're both old men? this means atsumu will feel lonely and progressively more alienated from his friends and family, feeling like none of them quite get the enormity of his grief.
while the severity of it would depend on the exact circumstances of osamu's death, atsumu would feel some form of survivor's guilt, blaming himself and wondering what he could've done to prevent it (anywhere from "I shouldn't have chosen a job that had me halfway across the country when samu died" to "samu wasn't properly looking when he crossed the street because he was watching my game live on his phone so it's my fault"). and when he fails at anything, and especially when he fails to recover and grows more distant from his friends, he starts feeling like the wrong twin survived, like everything would be better and everyone would be happier if osamu lived and he died.
as for volleyball, there's really only two ways I can see it go, and neither of them are good. one would be that he throws himself into it even more - to prove to himself he chose the right path in life, and to give his mind something to do to keep himself from going insane. except he was already giving it his everything, and trying to do even more is inevitably going to end horribly, with an injury he can't recover from enough to keep playing professionally, leaving him aimless and feeling very much worthless. the other way would be for him to drop volleyball entirely, feeling like he can't play properly anymore anyway, and if his life path can't bring him happiness, he'll admit defeat and go with osamu's. considering osamu has no kids, atsumu would inherit onigiri miya anyway, and he can't just give it to a stranger or let it die when it's osamu's dream. his life. atsumu has no passion for the food industry, but he'll do anything to keep a fraction of his brother alive.
(and if we were talking something with more heightened stakes, like a fantasy au or a pacrim au, where it could be more directly atsumu's fault that osamu died by dragging him into some magical war or a jäger, and where it's also easier to leave his established social circle behind entirely, atsumu could bring this approach to the extreme, stop dyeing his hair and cutting it shorter and part it to the other side, then open a restaurant. not that it would make him happy, but it would give the world an osamu. sure it's just a pale imitation that'll never feel right, but even a fake osamu is better than an atsumu who's the reason there's no real osamu in the first place)
also absolutely would not take it well. anyone who knows him would be able to see it, but he's at least trying to hide it. he'd also force himself into numbness when the grief gets too much, so he can then have his breakdowns in private.
forgive me for taking the guy who ends up as a chef and slamming an eating disorder on him the moment something in his life goes wrong but. come on. he feels happiness at literally every meal. now imagine that being gone for the first time in his life. now imagine that not being gone, even when atsumu is dead. imagine the intense guilt and shame for feeling happy about an everyday thing that will keep osamu alive, that'll let him heal and grow the way only the living can, while his twin is dead. yeah he's throwing that right back up. that and every other good meal he'll ever eat. he'd try and eat as little as possible, and when he does get too hungry, to make himself the worst, least enjoyable meals possible. cold, stale, charred, slightly rotting already, as long as it makes him disgusted instead of happy, he can maybe keep it down.
(also imagine a scifi au where you can just. take small pills that are tasteless but contain all the nutrition you need. the twins and especially osamu would always claim a day where you take those pills instead of eating is a day you survive but not a day you live. osamu would be doing a whole lot of surviving and no more living)
while osamu does have friends and family trying to support him, he'd try to close himself off as much as possible. he's well aware that he's a ugly mess on the inside, and he doesn't want to unload that on anyone else. and he also doesn't want to acknowledge that he could and should do something about it. he doesn't want their help because it might actually help. thankfully the only one who'd notice how much osamu is really hiding would be atsumu, and well. he's not around, so osamu can do whatever he want.
I can't see osamu upending his whole life, he'll continue running onigiri miya - if he takes atsumu's favourite fatty tuna onigiri off the menu because he can't make it without spiralling, that's nobody's business but his own. there's no point in him starting volleyball again, because it's too late for that. osamu'd definitely regret quitting volleyball. sure he was happier with his career, but it meant he spent so little time with atsumu when they could've been together basically all the time like they were as kids if he'd kept playing. especially if atsumu was at the place he died for volleyball related reasons (likely cuz almost all his travelling is due to volleyball reasons), osamu would feel like he had to die alone because osamu left him behind.
basically both of them would be devastated. they're used to being two halves of a whole, in a way other people don't understand because most people don't have a twin. they can't escape the grief because everything is always a reminder of the other. people call them by their first names to differentiate them. their nicknames match. they have the same family and essentially the same friends. everything they own or did, the other twin offered his opinion on without being asked.
and yeah, it's damn difficult to try and be happy when even the concept of happiness is tied to a stupid-ass contest with your twin, and you hate losing but you hate winning by default even more.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
I know many people find it romantic that Iris suggests the annulment and I wish I could feel the same about it, but her character is just written so inconsistently. On one hand she is supposed to be sensitive enough to think of that solution and to give the speech about how TK should be Carlos' first marriage, but in the next moment she calls him Carlos' project in colorful imagery and we are expected to excuse that because she supposedly doesn't have the social abilities. I think I would be able to enjoy her character more if she hadn't been so obviously written as a plot device.
I have other reasons for not really being able to romanticize the annulment idea, but I can see why you feel this way.
I, personally, don't actually see her as inconsistent, but I can't speak to how realistic the character's schizophrenia is displayed on the show, I do not have irl experience with schizophrenia. I do have a lot of irl experience with autism. I have a few relatives that are on different places on the spectrum. Both schizophrenia and autism are nuero-developmental disorders that have similar issues with interpersonal relationships and cognitive dysfunction.
My stepson's younger brother (13) is on the autism spectrum - he is considered high functioning - he is very intelligent with excellent critical thinking and problem solving skills - to the point that he can make any adult in his life look dumb. But, this kid has absolutely no filter - if he thinks it, he says it. He isn't trying to be mean, even if what he says sounds like it. He can give some of the best descriptions of his games or stories that match those of sci-fi writers. There is no limit to what our brains are capable of. I think this is why I personally do not find the character inconsistent, but I can see why others would.
I would love it if the show actually explored the character they reintroduced, but like you said, she is currently being used as a plot device, and it can make it hard to connect with. I think we may be seeing her occasionally from now on, maybe an episode or so once in a while, we could learn more.
I feel like the only way for us to get any information on what Iris was like before she had started exhibiting signs of schizophrenia, would be if they actually did a "Carlos Begins" type episode.
What we know about her pretty much comes from Michelle in Season 1 while she was missing, or now from Carlos - kind of, and Iris herself.
In Season 1 Michelle when was talking to the curandera, she indicated that Iris had been a bit of an overachiever, athletic, and fairly intelligent (at least I hope so since she was in or at least had been accepted to medical school before she disappeared). We now know that she has been working with the same organization as Michelle, helping people that were in a similar position to her.
These parts of her wouldn't really just go away with her illness, they may be altered somewhat depending on the subtype & other factors.
It's hard to tell what parts of the character are just Iris and what the effects caused by the schizophrenia/medication.
In the end - the writers hope that we will just ignore the plot holes, conflicting character info, any sense of an actual timeline because they do tell a beautiful story. It is hard as hell to suspend reality sometimes.
So far, they have steered away from the only fear I had when I realized the manner in which she was being introduced. It is easy to make a character (or real life person) that has a mental illness or nuero-developmental disorders the problem or the bad guy in whatever plot has been cooked up - it is easy to blame it on the illness/disorder instead of the person. I am so thrilled that doesn't seem to be the direction they are going. I have been a Lyndsy Fonesca fan since she was on my grandma's favorite soap opera.
I have come to accept that reality and legalities were not considerations when they came up with this storyline - they also don't expect a bunch of us to dissect, question everything, so they don't bother with side character development or trauma recovery.
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butteerfly · 4 years
— Dating bnha boys ♡
headcanons 🦋
(don't judge me, I'm so insecure that I'm using the translator 🤡)
WARNINGS: mentions of non-con, toxic relationship y aggressive attitudes (yeah, I stan villains)
katsuki bakugo; shoto todoroki; izuku midoriya; dabi; chisaki kai; shigaraki tomura
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hates yelling at you, he can never do it no matter how hard he tries
you are his girlfriend for a reason so you deserve all the kindness in the world
loves to cook so you can taste the food
and since you both like spicy, extra spicy couple !!!
teaches you to use the knife carefully, holding your hands from behind and with his chin on your shoulders 🥺
powerful couple, you always train together
hates the idea of ​​deku being your best friend but accepts it
you have to hug him first
don't forget to hug him
In private he is very affectionate, but in front of your friends he only holds your hand.
possessive boy
If you don't talk to him for a whole day, thinks you're going to break up with him
is insecure with your relationship, but you fix everything by talking
You talk a LOT, that's why you hardly ever argue
you play video games on saturdays until 6 in the morning
you beat him in the middle of the games
pillow fight
Not a real fight, but a fight after all
He always throws you out of bed, he's so strong darling
he always carries you on his back
just love him, sometimes he's a bit rough with you but he doesn't do it with the intention of hurting you
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at first he was very shy
you make weird things happen on his tummy, don't blame him
he loves your smile
and your laugh
and also your eyes
this boy is crazy about you, so in love
play with your hair, so soft
he is a flower boy
And since roses are your favorite flowers, don't be surprised if one day he arrives with a bouquet of 100 red roses just for you
Rich boy, he buys everything he likes for you even when you don't want it, just let him be
you share rings, he chose them
you have dates next to the sunset
and always carry chocolates for you
your quirk is not the strongest, but he knows how smart you are and he knows you could beat him in a real fight
you are his pretty girl
always tells you how pretty you are
and he blushes every time you remind him how beautiful he is too
he has trouble socializing, so there are a lot of words your friends use that he doesn't understand
you explain to him very patiently what he does not understand
you always give him soft kisses on his scar and remind him how beautiful he looks
baby starts crying 🥺🥺
you mean a lot to him
You do not understand how someone as kind and adorable as Shoto, went so long without being loved in the right way, because you have no doubt that his entire family, including his father, loves him very much, but you also know that many difficult things happened in the Todoroki family, your baby went through so many things :(
you came into his life to love him and give him the confidence in himself that he lacks, and he loves you too much for that
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he doesn't understand how someone like you likes someone like him
but you always remind him that he is beautiful in many ways, he blushes
you take a lot of pictures of him while he's distracted, you actually have a whole folder dedicated to him on your phone
It's hard to kiss him without him passing out, but you always do it to get him used to it ;)
you sometimes try to cook together, but ...
nothing better than a pizza night and some disney movies !!
you would really love to sit on his lap and hold him tight, but he would definitely die 💀
your dates are always in a cafe, he buys you a strawberry cake because he knows you love them even when you only mentioned it once
baby has trouble controlling his own immense strength and always accidentally breaks glasses with his hand
For that reason, he always hugs you carefully, he's afraid of hurting you :(
loves to play with your hand, which is considerably smaller and softer than his hand
you are his best nurse
the way you touch his scars, without fear of hurting him or getting hurt, just makes his heart fall more in love with you
In fact, you are the first person who, after seeing his room, is not ashamed of his fanaticism towards the former number one hero, you think his admiration is incredible.
you are the couple who give each other confidence and motivation ✨
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well .. this is complicated
you met him in a very dark bar, with dangerous people around you, you should know that nothing good was going to come out
And that's the harsh reality
If some man looks at you too much while you two are walking in the city, don't doubt for a second that he is going to start a fight for you
too jealous
always has a hand on your hip, wherever you guys are
kisses with him are always passionate, long and very loud, he always bites your lower lip until it starts to bleed
It is difficult to be the girlfriend, sometimes he spends MONTHS by your side, and suddenly, one morning you wake up and he is no longer by your side, you know that he left
You have no choice but to cry, you don't know if the tears are from fear and worry, or that your heart broke because the reason why he left is that he got tired of you
you hate him because this lasts many more months than he spends by your side
and you hate him much more when he comes back full of wounds
your discussion is very intense at that moment, it even ends in mutual physical attacks
you have many burns on your skin because of his quirk
he feels something very annoying on his chest every time he sees those scars
but not everything is bad, to the surprise of many
always steal vodka from some store for you, you two love to drink together until you lose consciousness
some nights, he carries you to the shared bed and proceeds to relax his whole body on yours, his head rests on the crook of your neck
take advantage of the moment to leave hickeys on your soft and sensitive skin
he's a fucking vampire, the next morning your neck is PURPLE
He also tells you about how stain's ideology means a lot in his disastrous life
you listen to him carefully and he falls in love much more because you are the only person who really listens to him seriously, even when your relationship has many ups and downs
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I would dare to say that you are his girlfriend against your own will
he is fucking overhaul, he is with you probably because you are one of his whims
He is so cold, he never hugs you and never kisses you, sometimes you feel like you are nothing
but you have to understand something, his job and responsibilities force him to be heartless with EVERYONE
if you don't take a shower first, he won't let you sleep next to him
he won't even let you out of the basement if it's not for a good and justified reason
he always takes showers with you, it is the only moment he can share with you without a care
he even grabs you by the waist and kisses you really hard, which never happens
he is VERY possessive
you are HIS and nobody else's
for that reason he becomes very annoying on days when you don't want him to touch you
btw he doesn't care 💀
two of his men follow you EVERYWHERE
deep inside, you are one of his top priorities
does not tell you or anyone else, but constantly misses your presence and cares a lot about you
You better not get sick, because if that happens you are going to force him to use his quirk with you, and he may love you, but he is not a compassionate man
you love Eri, and you don't like what they do to her but you can't fight for her either, so all you do is play with her to give her something from the childhood she's losing :(
Kai sees this and doesn't like it, but admits that after playing with you Eri is less resistant, so it is beneficial to his plan.
Your boyfriend thinks that there are many things in the world that are wrong and the solution is to eliminate them, he also knows that you are wrong, but he sees a solution for you
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(look at his arms omg)
dating him is DANGEROUS
dangerous and frustrating
he doesn't care if another man fucks you, if he's in the mood he won't waste time killing people for stupid reasons
you are the stupid reason 💀
well .. your discussions are INSANE
you THROW things at him, you can't let him get CLOSER to you, you know he won't hesitate to KILL YOU
Kurogiri: *sighs*
you cry a lot after arguing, like a LOT
He may be a psychopath, but when he calms down and sees your tears all over your face, something VERY annoying settles on his skin
"oi.. sorry" don't wait for more
He lets you hug him all you want, he won't admit it but he's SOFT with u
I think your relationship is not official, you are the woman he likes the most and makes him horny, he is with you when he wants
hands on your waist whenever you're around
and you're with the only person who shows his face all the time, he says it's easy to kiss you
he loves to kiss you, just kiss you, that's reason enough for you to be his girlfriend
lets you try different skin care with him, but IN PRIVATE
you always wear tight clothes and he gets horny 🥵
When he's this affectionate with you, he kills anyone who dares to look at you
Shigaraki doesn't know how to love, the only people who ever loved him are dead because of him
He is very worried that the same thing happens to you, help him to love you
you are the only person who holds his hands without fear of being hurt
and he doesn't understand why, but you make something inside him warm in a nice way
— I really hope you liked it, I am very new to this and my English is not very good 💀
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mylittlegemlins · 4 years
Hello everyone 💖
- biological age
- mental age
- age of gems
-case spinel
Today I finally got the inspiration from multiple publications stating that stevinel is in fact a pedophile ship and therefore we should not support it. Since I am a multishiper and I am very much in love with spinel I could not miss the opportunity to defend this ship to cloak and dagger.
Many of these comments I saw in the English fandom and the truth is that the debate did not seem to go anywhere like:
-is a pedophile ship one has 6000 and 17
-the gems are ageless.
[And I didn't really see that they would get anywhere, especially with a lot of immature people insulting most of the time and let's admit that comments from networks like Instagram or Twitter are not the best place to debate
Let's start by getting some concepts straight: Pedophilia :
Sexual attraction of an adult to a child of either sex. (google dictionary) This means that there must be a crush on a person who is (usually) considered an adult at 18 years of age or older and a minor who can be a baby from 5 years old to a puberty of about 14 years old, and between an adult + 20 years old and a teenager - 18 years old. Pedophilia does not occur among people who are at the same stage of life. Like two teenagers or two adults even if their ages seem far apart, see the case of two adults whose age difference is between 30 and 50 years.
Biological age
Biological age is marked by the number of years since your birth that your body and mind develop and change. We human beings have clear concepts of life stages, we know when childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age begin. There are even approximate ages where one has to consider oneself an adult. Like 18 or 21 years old.
And a number of behaviors are expected depending on your age, for example if you've had a brother or a cousin and you've seen it since you were a baby you may have seen one of these little brochures of what a healthy child should do depending on his age. Mental age Mental age is measured by a person's intellect and knowledge, which may or may not coincide with biological age.
Since biological age is expected to coincide with mental age and healthy development is usually measured only by the time a person has lived. Now, how does this work for gems? According to the concepts of the series a gem is literally a stone with a physical form of light, like a hologram with mass, these share many characteristics of humans such as being able to think, feel emotions and imitate some actions that naturally do not need to do like eating and sleeping. In humans it is very easy to measure age only by the amount of time since birth, because they change, and as the pink diamond itself showed. Gems can change but they don't need to.
The gems society is characterized by having a defined and static role and if you don't comply with it you are dead. Let's start with the mental age: In the diamond society everything worked in a very simple way, if you were born and you had to be a mechanic, you will be one for the rest of your life, since you are born with the necessary knowledge to fulfill this role. You don't need to learn new things unless it is about mechanics since you will not dedicate yourself to anything else, you don't need to alter your physical form since you are not allowed to, you don't need to change since you must fulfill your work and nothing else.
Your mental age remains completely stagnant because it does not have the need to mature just to fulfill your work, the gems are born with the ability to speak, communicate and interpret ideas, as is the case of Ruby Leggy, who was born one day when he left for his first mission.
Biological age :
The same Pearl confirmed that the gems cannot be babies, nor to age, reason why the babys and the old age do not exist for the gems. To the being its body only a projection of light the form that can acquire is very varied and changes of radical way in some occasions, although the form that represents an adult woman, this form changes radically depending on the class of gems, lapis lazuli and pearl have a body formed of a young woman, the quartz gems have a much more muscular and robust body that is made much to a physical-culturalist man.
The clearest example of a male gem is Topaz, since anyone would think he was a man until the moment they heard his voice, and even though the rutile twins use the female pronouns have a masculine appearance.
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Gems like Fluorite are represented as a much older woman, even though their components may all be young.
She speaks very slowly due to the amount of gems that have to process the information within her mind.
And gems like Padparadcha have a much younger and smaller appearance, like some girls, compared to Sapphire because of her behavior Not to mention gems that are literally rocks and walls that are impossible to classify. All of these exaggeratedly different shapes make people interpret gems with different ages based on their behavior and appearance.
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amethyst is the example of a growing gem, perhaps the fact that it is defective has a lot to do with it, she crawls in her first seconds of life during the film and imitates everyone like an infant trying to form her personality from others, she had a much sweeter and smaller appearance in Greg and Rose's flashbacks, being carried by Perla and hiding behind Rose's lack, Rebecca confirms on a podcast that Rose was like a mother to amethyst, if the gems were adults without exception, why would an adult need a mother figure of another adult?
Her outfit accompanies her as she has comfortable clothes and a skirt, she behaves like a teenage big sister figure for Steven during the series by accompanying him, at the same time that he allows himself to mock and fight with him, having that love / hate relationship that many people with brothers can understand and as an adult when reaching the future.
Peridot is represented in a very childish way too, the people who ship stevidot did it because they saw a kid, suddenly she was the same size as Steven, she behaved childishly and Mr. Smile called her kid, so far it was only confirmed that It was from era 2, so it could be both 5000 and 5 years old.
Probably the gems need to get along as a team, if they have to coexist with many other gems, but in theory this does not go beyond a coexistence or friendship of work colleagues since dependence or romance leads to sentimentality, which for the mother planet is useless and even harmful. In short, from birth all their social and intellectual development is truncated and they cannot mature So for most gems on homeworld their mental age is almost the same from birth to destruction.
This was demonstrated with Peridot and lapis in the episode "The New Crystal Gems" Both are gems from the mother planet, one knew how to terraform planets and the other had extensive knowledge of engineering, however they fought over who was to blame for their failure using insults like "foolish" and comparing themselves with other people, a very childish behaviour. So much so that a human thousands of years younger had to correct them. Within the series we were unable to confirm if peridot and lapis had a team to socialize with. So it is likely that throughout their lives they have not had the need to socialize and live together, or even accept their mistakes. Peridot seemed like a child prodigy with so many scenes of childish behavior and her high knowledge of what she was assigned, while other gems like pink diamond were born as immature children and it took her millennia to reach maturity.
With the case of spinel it is completely different. In her introduction stanza she says "her cut is perfect and she is pink too, she will give you endless entertainment, your new spinel best friend" that and together with what later says pearl "she was the little pink diamond playmate". It gives us an idea of what spinel used to look like.
It even strikes me that pearl refers to her as "little playmate" giving the impression that some gems are considered bigger than others based on their rank/trade or size.
First, let's remember that Spinel is literally based on a cuddly toy that Rebecca loved but forgot in a garden and when she returned after a year her belly was black from the fading sun, the doll was in the same place but had already been permanently damaged. Rebecca wanted her character to feel old as "stuck in time" that's why she uses Ruben Hose style animation from the 30's and later in future she uses references to 90's video games to give the feeling that she grew up since she left the earth but she still keeps an old and animated essence.
Spinel is a gem that was born perfectly fine and flawless, besides being literally a living cartoon like a lonnytoon, was created only with knowledge of gameplay and fun to eternally entertain its owner, and that was all she cared about, making her best friend happy .
She was practically a child, all she cared about was playing and being happy with her best friend, something that a neuro-typical adult would not do. She spends most of the movie without leaving Steven's side, even when she sees that he is depressed she can't think of a way to comfort him and just tries to make him laugh, instead of asking him about the problem and trying to provide him with a solution. I can't help but think that she was playing the whole time, from her fight in her evil form and the time she was in her friendly form with the rest of the gems, since almost every battle consists of dodging the attacks as if she were playing tag, and using the gems as dolls or balls. He even says he doesn't want to play anymore when he's done with Steven 💔
And after being stuck in the garden doing nothing but waiting without moving, the phrase "stuck in time" becomes more literal since by doing absolutely nothing but thinking there is no change or maturity. It is not until after the trauma that she goes into a fit of thinking she has changed for the worse, but she was not thinking reasonably at that time. Her best friend left her and she wanted to kill a whole planet. What was she going to do after she succeeded? How would she get back to the mother planet where we had killed a new diamond?
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After the film she goes on with her life with the diamonds, the series did not deepen much in her development so she seems to be better, even after her scars manifested in tears and dark circles she still maintains an energetic personality, excited and wanting to help even if it is with a stupid song. Spinel is certainly not close to looking like a mature adult for her 6000 years of age, like many other gems.
As for her physical form I am not 100% sure what age she is approaching as the designs of the gems are very varied and extravagant. She has an adorable and childish design, like a cuddly toy, her height is in fact almost the same as Steven's (17 years old) and she also has good hips in some scenes. I would say that her shape resembles that of a young girl.
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Even people who are not very familiar with the series might classify her as a child or a teenager, but not as an adult. Because the logic of the human body and biological age cannot be applied to gemstones, this is the reason why many ships Stevenx gem are so popular, but adult human x Steven don't exist at all. Because they know that age only applies to humans.
I know I've focused a lot on Spinel but because of Steven being half human there's not much mystery.
His physical form literally fits his mental age. Let's also remember that Steven is not 14 anymore, he was 16 at the time of the movie and 17 in the middle of the Future series, there were many time jumps within this series and I think the longest one was right at the end, where it had been months since the collapse and since he started therapy, when he finally decided to move he could perfectly have been 18, which is the age to become independent, at least in the USA, he is not a child, he is starting his young adult stage, just 4 years old from the age Greg was when he fell in love with Rose.
Even if he were 17, he can drive, he can move, he can be independent and choose his own path, he had just left the nest and that is called being a conscious adult. Besides the fact that the separation of 18 years is used only for consent to sexual relationships before the law, but in practice it is the approximate age at which a person should already mark his maturity, that you like ships with minors is not a justification for drawing nsfw with minor characters, and it is not intended to defend that in any way in this blog, ships like the conniverse can work without +18 content in the same way that stevinel can have content without +18.
The gems can have an age but it is not at all similar to that of humans, since by the circumstances you are can remain stagnant during millennia or change in few years, the same for their physical form since you are not able to acquire a form of baby or old people, and its body remains of the same size throughout all its life, except for cases like the one of Rose/Pink.
I know that there are many people who don't like stevinel because it is toxic or because there is conniverse and I won't say that it isn't because the blog is not about that.
I know some will say that "but they are adults, no matter how they look, act and be like children." Well, it does matter, since we are talking about immortal aliens who are not born, grow, reproduce, or die.
The cartoons do not always represent human beings realistically, much less immortal characters. In fantasy a child can have a highly developed body or a PhD, and an adult can transform into a child with time machines and grow twice.
The fact that Steven falls in love with a gem whose shape resembles that of his age is as healthy as Greg, who fell in love with a gem in a physical form similar to women of his age, Who should have the appearance and maturity of an elderly woman for her millions of years, but the fact that she acts and looks like an adult is what makes her an adult character. His cousin Andy confirmed that he has always liked big women, so he could have fallen in love with Rose 4 years earlier too.
Spinel does not have to exercise a power relationship over Steven, her dependence arises from the fear of being abandoned and not because she is jealous of her other friends, when she leaves with the diamonds, it is seen that she is not attached to them all the time. He gives himself the freedom to meet new people through the halls of the palace and leave the diamonds alone when requested, proving that he is capable of changing for the better just as Steven told him.
So the relationship could work if the right circumstances are given, such as in the AU where fans give themselves the freedom to invent scenarios where the spinel does not try to kill him, where Steven is of legal age, where both are human, etc. And so with many other ships that can go from toxic to healthy in a few fanfic chapters.
We must not forget that it is a caricature and that everyone can have fun shiping characters. Unfortunately this age argument has become a bad excuse to hate a shipp or the people behind it.
And it's wrong to say this because reducing such a strong theme to something childish, fictional and fantasy can be considered an offense to the victims that exist in real life, this myth has given rise to what real people who cannot enjoy their tastes and what others find a perfect excuse to be haters without measuring their words.
Both children and adults do not perceive an adult and a child in relationships involving immortal characters even after knowing the series, this was never the first thought of someone who saw the characters together, in fact it was 5 months from the release of the film before I found out that someone was calling the relationship "pedophilia".
Because they don't grow linearly like humans do. Unlike relationships between human characters of a more realistic appearance as happened with Danny PantomxVlad where they can see first sight who is the adult and who is the child.
What they can see with the naked eye is how well accepted it is to insult the likes of others, that it's okay to be made to feel bad for making the terrible mistake of liking a ship, and that you have the right to insult the likes of others. if they do the same with yours. Which is too present in the Steven Universe fandom.
So no, they are not protecting children from pedophilia in the SU fandom, they are harming real children at the cost of trying to protect a fictional young man, making them insecure of their tastes, giving them the tools necessary to hate someone to death, and making them accept that their tastes are terrible and they must swallow them even if they are not doing anything wrong.
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Accusing innocent people of pedophiles, liking or promoting pedophilia is not something you can take so lightly, also it should be illegal if everyone can be a pedophile for simple and innocent things, the word loses its meaning and the subject is taken too lightly, reducing the severity of actual pedophilia and causing serios problems for people who ate wrongfully accused.
They both look good together to me and I can still enjoy comics and pictures of them together, and those who don't, live with it, and enjoy your favorite ship.
Well I really hope you liked this, I can't believe it's 14 thousand characters, remember that insulting comments will be deleted or blocked. Thank you so much for watching :3
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
03 - Music Room 3007
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Chapters songs:
*Dagger; Slowdive
On The Level; Mac Demarco
F song; Strawberry Guy
^^^ when including * in chapters next to a song, that means it is a song that will be performed in the chapter.
— Y.L. Perspective
      "Sunshine girl is sleeping. She falls in dreams alone," sings Toruku in a calming tone into a microphone, along with the strumming of a guitar. "And me, I am her dagger. Too numb to feel her pain."
     "The world is full of noise, yes. I hear it all the time. And me, I am your dagger. You know I am your wound." I join in, adding onto his
      The words we sang were truly upsetting. About a boy, a lover, who is aware he's hurting the girl he loves. I couldn't compare any relationship I'd ever been through to those lyrics.
      Although one had always caught my eye: "I didn't really lose you, I just lost it for a while." It was easy to automatically think of the boy I was duetting with when we covered this; for some time now, Toruku has had small feelings for me.
       One of the things that repelled me from a relationship with him was the idea that it would end horribly, and that it would potentially ruin our relationship.
      Not to mention how much drama that would cause for two other unproblematic teenagers who were only trying to make a living off of their talent: Hikishi and Giki.
      But today wasn't about what would happen between the two of us— today was her day.
     "I thought I heard your whisper, it happens all the time." And with that, the song is brought to an ending, followed by my gaze met with the blonde boy.
       "That was, once again, better than before. But I feel as if it's missing something." He explains, as he removed the wooden instrument from his arm and leaned it against the bean bag he sat in.
       Music room 3007 contained the following: I couple of bean bag seats, a coffee table, a vending machine, almost every instrument in existence in an extra storage room, tools used to record and analyze music, and posters + records we kept throughout the years.
       Truth is, music room 3007 wasn't even really a part of the school anymore. Sure, it was still on maps and the district still paid the electricity, cable, and water bill. But barely any students or teachers paid much attention to it, for it was stuffed behind the gyms, which were two large buildings that would block out any view of the smaller one that stood behind it.
      'I hope Sugawara won't have any problem with finding this place.' I think to myself, as I stand from the chair to turn the camera and microphone off.
      We would set up different amps, microphones, and cameras when recording a cover of a song. This time, it was a basic acoustic from 1993, named 'Dagger' by Slowdive.
     After turning it all off, I plop back onto the cushion. "I think we've don't this quite enough times already, 'Ruku. We should upload it already and get on to the second song. I mean, we've been here a whole hour trying to perfect 'Dagger'." I say, removing my uniform's blazer, and throwing it across the coffee table. Next came my tie, and I unhooked the first two small buttons of my white collared shirt. The music room got hot when so many electronics were in use.
     "Maybe you're right. We should probably get onto another song." He replied, running his hands in the bridge of his nose and down his neck.
      I quickly stand up from my chair and stand behind him, leaning onto his shoulders. "I think you're just tired. Are you sure you wouldn't wanna go home?"
      Toruku runs a hand up my arm, patting my shoulder, then sighs heavily. I couldn't imagine how tired he must be after today. His thoughts must've been wearing him down. "Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I don't wanna leave you all alone."
      "No need, Sugawara will help me get home, remember?" I ask him, followed by a moan of protest. It worried me that Sugawara and Toruku most likely wouldn't get along, especially since both seemed so compatible at first.
      Both his hands leave mine and lay in his lap. "And what's with this Suga guy, Y/n? Is he your buddy?" His voice echoed through the band room, stabbing the back of my brain while I think for an answer that wouldn't sound suspicious. I would say no, but who knew what the future could hold.
"I dunno. But he means no harm! At least I think so.." Tired from squatting, I lift to stand on both feet properly. Toruku slides his hand away from my figure and brings it towards his face. It covers his mouth as he once again sighs. "You seem tired after today, Ruku. Is it because of Moku?"
Hopefully, I hadn't overstepped any boundaries with what I had said. Hopefully, I was remotely correct about why he looked so down. "Yeah, it is. I won't act as if it doesn't bother me because I know it bothers you too. Although it's been three years, I still feel very guilty for going on without her."
'At least he knows I'm here with him.' I thought, moving to the bean bag I had been in just a few moments ago. By her, I meant Torukus passed girlfriend, and my best friend: the reason I practically stopped living at the age of fifteen. Honestly, Toruku and I weren't even really that close. I knew her as her boyfriend and he knew me as her best friend. And as close as we were to her, we were never friends. Moku's death only brought us closer to each other, stirring up the beginning of a rock band.
      "I know what you mean. I do. Thankfully, this birthday of hers went better than the last two, wouldn't you say?" I ask, leaning on my elbows that sat on my knees.
      "Definitely. The previous ones all ended up in fights and long makeups. I guess we're just more laid back about it now," He explains, getting up from his seat, and browsing the instruments that were hung on the wall. His fingers wrap around his belt loops as he stands. "I feel bad for getting over her so quickly."
       "I know exactly what you mean. Never forget that I'm right here next to you, Toruku. That we've gotten through this together instead of alone. Although I wish you had talked to me more when it had first happened, I was all alone!" I chuckle at the last part, even if it wasn't funny at all. "I think the life we made out of our relationship has turned out for the better. Look where we are now: moving to American in about a year to sign to a label. Wouldn't she be proud we've gotten so far?"
      "Maybe you're right," Toruku says, leaning against the back wall. His hair danced over his eyes barely, as they stared right at me. "Maybe you should hit up Toru and Hajime, ask how they're doing. They went through this too, you know."
      "Yeah, I know. I haven't because I'm afraid of what they'll say, or if they even say anything at all. They're both a part of a very different social class after all. If anything, I'll probably get a simple thumbs up on my message." My voice grows low, expressing my tiredness from this conversation already.
      Toru and Hajime were two other people that used to be in my friend group with Moku throughout our childhood. Both were loud and expressive and played volleyball, but they were also very kind and friendly towards Moku, Toruku, and me. Once middle school had started, the five of us grew closer and closer by the second. We joined volleyball clubs, hung out at our houses practically every day, and grew popular throughout the years. But once Moku had passed, we all fell apart. She was what held us together after all.
       Both Hajime and Toru decided to go to another high school, and Toruku and I went to another. After that, we hadn't heard a single word from them.
      "It's worth a try, Y/n. We wouldn't want to seem inconsiderate." Toruku says as he pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pockets, as well as a lighter. After lighting one, the smoke leaves his mouth slowly, as he continues. "I wish you would at least try to make amends between them. You were closer to them than I ever was."
     "I'll try. Just not now."
       After another hour of practice with Toruku, the two of us stood silent on our phones while we waited for Sugawara. Something told me that he had gotten lost. Either that, or he just forgot about me, which I wouldn't blame him for.
       But right when I was about to tell Toruku that we should go home, a message from an unknown number had shown up on the top of my phone screen that alarmed me.
      [Text Message: ###-###-####]
Hey, I can't find the music room. It's not on the school campus. Either that, or it's the most invisible classroom ever brought to this school.
     [Reply to ###-###-####]
I'm assuming this is Sugawara? Sorry, I don't have your number saved. If otherwise, the wrong number.
       After the second the message gave me a preview, I fully entered the screen. It had a profile picture, but not a contact name. Although, that was my very first-year-like of me to be irresponsible. [Sugawara] read the title after I'd edited it, and nothing more. Only a few brief messages that we had just sent to each other.
Hey, I can't find the music room. It's not on school campus. Either that, or it's the most invisible classroom ever brought to this school.
I'm assuming this is Sugawara? Sorry, I don't have your number saved. If otherwise, the wrong number.
Actually, right number! But seriously... I have no idea where the hell you are. Is it off-campus? I might just cry if I don't figure this out. I've been at it for a solid ten minutes.
Ten minutes?? Damn boy, you could've just asked to meet me in the cafeteria or something. Toruku and I have been waiting here for a while as well.
No need to apologize.
- you have started sharing your location with {Sugawara}-
Thanks. See you in a bit.
      After discussing where I was hanging, I decided to look more into this saved contact. 'Had I really been so close to him as to have discussions with him?' I think as I decide to read a few more messages above our most recent convo. They only consisted of homework answers, tutoring questions, and a few more comments about school festivals and such. A good ten invites to a volleyball game were stored in there as well. I hadn't realized how much he had meant to me just two years ago. Time flies, taking most of your memories with you.
      A few more moments went by before a knock came upon the room's entrance door, as well as the voice of someone behind it. "Uhm— hello..? Is this the right room?"
     "No, go away," Toruku replies in a deeper, scarier voice as he shuffled towards the door to reveal Sugawara standing there alone with a frightened expression.
      Suga sighed, putting a hand over his chest while he smiled. "That gave me a heart attack." He says, fixing his eyes towards my sitting figure. "Ready to go?"
     I nod, lifting from my seat and stretching out my arms while yawning loudly. "God, I'm tired," I mumble to myself, gathering my bag and the tie and jacket I had taken off, before slowly walking over towards Sugawara. "Isn't it after practice? Shouldn't you be all tired and worked out?"
    "Oh, no. Today was only focused on the new players, which honestly didn't go so well." He explained, finishing with a soft chuckle. Though I could tell it was filled with disappointment, for the way he looked down on the floor was purely depressing.
      But quickly steered the conversation another way to distract him from it; that was the least I could do. "Oh, well, today it was just Toruku and me. But thankfully we just recorded some extra vocals so we didn't have to record the rest of the teams' jobs."
     Sugawara distracts himself, taking small glances around the room as I explain to him what we did. He observes the different colors and pictures on the walls, the furniture we helped ourselves to, and the instruments gathered onto the wall. "It looks quite comfortable in here. To be honest, I'm surprised that the school even lets you decorate this place all by yourselves."
       "They didn't, they just don't know about it. It's quite convenient if you ask me.." I mumble, shuffling from one foot to the other. What I said was no lie, we were truly blessed to have had a room to ourselves here on campus. If it wasn't for the band teacher who had shown it to us, we probably would've spent our practice time in a garage where there's no AC or comfortable floors.
      Meanwhile, Toruku explained to Sugawara the reasoning behind each decoration, I check the timing. It was 6:00 PM, just in time for my mother to get home from work.
      "Should we get going?" I ask the grey-haired boy, as he's brought back to reality. He and Toruku sharply turn, pausing their supposedly intriguing conversation, as he nodded to my question.
       "I guess so. Well, thank you for showing me this place, I never would've discovered it if it wasn't for you two." Sugawara states, bowing towards the blonde boy with a cigar.
      "Alright, I'll catch you later, Y/n. And it was nice meeting you today, Sugawara." After I have a small hug to Toruku and said my goodbyes, Suga and I were out the door.
      Our walk began with the two of us climbing down a few stairs, and jogging towards where the sidewalk actually began. From there on, it was easy getting towards the main part of campus, and walking home would be a piece of cake. For Sugawara, I mean.
       "So, do you walk home every day?" I ask, tightening my hands around my bento box. The silence between us rested heavily on my chest; not a single word left his mouth.
       But it may have been because he was stuck in his own little world, for soon after my question, he blinked his eyes a couple of times and cleared his throat. "Oh, no— not really. I only walk after practice when I stay late. But on free days, like in the morning, I ride the bus."
       Nodding, I explain my way of getting to and from school as well. "Me too. Well, usually my mother would drive me before school even started. Either that or I would ride my skateboard and hide it in some gutter. You know how angry the school gets about skateboards." I laugh, hoping he'd approve of joking with school rules. But knowing Sugawara, he probably already knew I bend some.
       "Ah, yes. That's convenient. But how far did you live before moving into [Neighborhood]? Surely not too far, right?" He questions, looking down at me for an honest answer.
        I widen my eyes at this, making my answer to his questions obvious already. "Uhm.. no! Just a mile and a half away, not a big deal.." My head turns the other way while I giggle at Sugawara's shock. It wasn't a big deal for me at all, I didn't mind getting the few extra steps in the morning. As for him, he must have not had to walk that far every day to understand. I didn't blame him for being so surprised. It wasn't every day you find someone who voluntarily walks that far.
      "Oh— that's.. that's a lot! I'm sorry that you had to do that. It must have been hell! But thankfully you have someone to join you on transportation, right?" Sugawara gives me side-eyes, as a smile appeared on his pale face.
      "Yeah.. you're right." My sentence runs low in the cold, shaking as I shift from the sidewalk to the road. The pavement felt hard and slippery due to the transition from winter to spring, yet it was still freezing outside.
      "You know... it was strange bumping into you today. To be honest, I feel like I'm fifteen again. I think that's just how you make others feel, you know?" My words come out abruptly, but I didn't mind. After today's long day all I wanted was one honest conversation.
     Thankfully, Sugawara felt the same I did. "Spending time with each other must have brought back lots of memories, even if they were small." He says to me, observing the way my feet jumped from the curb to the street.
      The feeling he brought was like a scent from years ago when you're a little kid. Whether you're reading by a window, or running through a meadow, you'd forgotten it ever even tickled your senses.
     "It's kind of strange. Even if we weren't best friends, you still meant a lot to me. I'm wondering whether or not you're still the same, and if that could be brought back." I explain, drawing out my arms to make a tree-like pose while I played hopscotch with the roads. The keychains that hung on my badge made a 'clunk!' noise against the ID, meanwhile, I discussed. "We've both changed so much, Sugawara."
       "You're right, we have. But for the better, you know? I think at the moment I'm mentally healthier than in the past year. And as for you, I think anyone can see that. I don't mean that your time of grief was a mistake, but I'm happy that you've been nicer to yourself."
       "Yeah, me too." My words stutter, interrupted by the loud engine behind me. Sugawara and I quickly turn towards the noise, widening our eyes at how close the vehicle was. Suddenly, an ear-piercing honk is signaled from the driver, and I'm quickly pulled from in front of the car to under a streetlight in one's arms.
       The action is hasty and happened in just a split second, but enough to save me from being run over. Barely comprehending what had just occurred, I freeze in place just like the slippery road. And as the car honks off, I'm left, once again, alone with Suga. Only this time, uncomfortably in his arms.
     Lightning travels down my back once I realize I was being held by a stronger, warmer body. Both my arms were being tightly held by his, and my body barely being separated from his by an inch. I stared right into his eyes, as he did so as well.
     "Y/n, you. you've got to be careful. Be careful."
      Sugawara's words ring in my ears, as I rapidly blink to regain consciousness. Immediately after, a scatter to search for my school bag, which was thrown only a few feet away from me. After retrieving it, I quickly stand onto my feet and turn to Suga, who's already prepared to continue our walk.
      "I'll be careful."
      With that, the two of us continue our journey towards home in silence once more.
      I've gotta be careful with Sugawara.
Thanks for coming back to read :) I know my story is crappy but I've only been writing for a little so you could understand why. Please please vote for my chapters, thank you.
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courtneyyharper · 4 years
10 Christmas Gifts ‘for her’ if you’re completely clueless
Since it's apparently time to start thinking about that time of year I thought I'd jump on and attempt to give you some help in an attempt to spark​ some ideas. Whether you're using this list for ideas for your other half, your mum or sister, or even if you are that person that likes something on this list why don't you send it over as a wee hint... the irony of this is that I've banned my boyfriend from looking at this list as there's a few spoilers on here for his gifts! (Hope he enjoys a wee eyeshadow palette😬).
So let’s start...
I'm sure this will be a big gift this year and a perfect gift if you know they'll be getting a new phone or laptop! Perfect for a music lover or just the person that always needs to have the next big thing! I'd recommend planning to get a pair of these bad boys from Amazon or Currys during the Black Friday sale.
A gift my mum got me unexpectedly a few years back and I haven't looked back. Not just for the MUA or photography student in your life but even just for every day make up application and I know my friends always use mine for checking their outfits or taking selfies before a night out! I've shown in the product photo how you can get a full sized one or a desk sized one easily on Amazon, your choice. Along this line would also be a Hollywood mirror, the big vanity mirrors with the bright lights installed but they can be hard to source as they're so popular and you need to make sure they're the bright studio lights. Top tip would just be to check the dimensions so you know what you're getting.
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I wanna say this is a cult favourite. I don't know many girls who don't have one of these now but if your gift recipient is one of them then it'd be a great gift! They're a great idea for Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries because it means you can capture the memories and of course ironically take a photo of the polaroid with your phone and post it to Instagram!! They come in a variety of colours and you can purchase accessories and refillable polaroid packs for other special occasions after, making it the gift that keeps on giving.
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Another gift that keeps on giving. If they're a real music lover and always have Spotify going in their room, and with the lack of concerts this year, this would be a very thoughtful gift. You can get these lads pretty cheap on Amazon or fork out for the pricey ones from UO. The only downside is that the actual Vinyl records themselves is where this gifts will cost you the most, but at least you'll always have an idea for next years present.
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Now these guys can be quite boujee and I remember them being really popular a few years ago. If you type 'forever roses' into google or, probably better yet, Instagram you'll get a lot of companies selling gift sets of these specially preserved roses that can last for years. An incredibly romantic and surprising gift, this one can cost you big bucks but if you shop around enough you can get single roses for around £20 or major bunches for a few hundred but it's sure to win you major brownie points.
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This is the standard gift and perfect for a Christmas Eve bath. If you couldn't come up with this present on your own then please pay close attention to this blog because oh buddy you will need it! There are so many gift boxes to choose from at Lush and the great thing is you can't go wrong with any of them. Not to worry if you don't have a bath too because I also have you covered with these Lush sprays which are sooo good that you won't need to work out what their favourite perfume is for the third year in a row. (Also a great brand to support for its morals which is a bonus!!)
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Not only perfect for those cosy Winter and lockdown nights but also a great home decor item that is so popular on Instagram! These massive knit blankets can get incredibly pricey online, ranging from 20ish quid for a tiny one to a few hundred for the massive ones, so if you're willing to pay that then go ahead but top tip is to have a look in Home Bargains because they had these guys in all year for £25 and even Primark Home had a few in recently but I'd get ahead of the game for this one before they sell out...
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Now I'm not a massive jewellery fan myself but some girls just go ga-ga for a princess ring. If you're wondering if your girlfriend/sister/daughter is one of them you can identify these people by their less-than-subtle 'just gonna post this here xx' social media posts sharing the Pandora sales. I know most boys get scared to choose jewellery in case the person 'doesn't like it' blah blah but chances are unless they've told you somethng they specifically want or you've been missing some massive hints (ie. ring photos 'accidentally' sent to you) then they'll appreciate literally anything you choose. It's the idea you've went and chosen something specifically for them more than the item itself that matters. If you like it, they'll like it more. The big site is Pandora and many sites like it will have 'Christmas Gift Guide' sections to make it super easy for you. Top tip: you could do a wee price low-high if this is just an add-on gift and although it's horrible to say they will most likely look it up and check how much you spent on it... sorry about that!
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Now this is one you will most likely skip over because it feels like delving into a massive jungle with no map and no water and actually no shoes and no clue whatsoever of where to start. That's what boys feel like trying to buy girls make up and I really can't blame you. In fact, if you haven't been told exactly what to buy then who could blame you but if you're really looking to impress and go the extra mile and know they like make up then I'm going to attempt to help you as best I can and try and keep it really simple! So, first of all you'll need to somehow have a look at their collection when they're getting ready or be super stealthy and just double check they don't have the palette you're going to get them.
This is important. Right, so question one is do they watch YouTubers do make up? Because if they do then simply find out who they watch and check if that influencer has a palette or collab with a makeup brand because then your job is done for you!! If they've told you all about the James Charles/Tatti/Jefree Starr drama that encapsulated YouTube in the past then find out who's side they support because all three of those guys have palettes! James Charles x Morphe Artistry palette, Tatti has her own brand, or if they came out supporting Jeffree Starr and Shane Dawson in the whole fiasco then the Jeffree Starr 'Conspiracy palette' is for you. To each their own. These two main palettes I've featured on the left below for you to have a look at.
The top right palette is the new HUDA Beauty Naughty Nude palette and it's the one I'd go for if you're really unsure still! It's a new release so doubtful they have it and there's no crazy colours so can be used by everyone. It would be my top recommendation for make up this Christmas.
The three below that are all YouTuber/Influencer collabs with makeup brands that have been pretty popular this year. From the left: BPerfect x Stacey Marie Carnival III Love Tahiti Palette is one to get if you know they love doing colourful and adventurous looks, middle: Carli Bybel Palette x Anastasia Beverly Hills and far right: BPerfect x Jah Makeup Artist Clientele Palette are both perfect for more simple looks or if they don't go wild with colour and are both from big brands so will be very much appreciated!
God, this really could have been its own post where I explained it a bit better but alas...
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Maybe they're not as into makeup and prefer hair, or maybe they just love both? Then a Beauty Works hair styler would be a boujee gift for them. So, for this you can do the standard version of the products (gold) or you can do the newer versions in the collab with Molly Mae (pink). It's up to you. These products are pricey but great quality. First is the hair curler (Professional styler) which is great if both you and they love their hair curly, and you can't go wrong with Molly Mae's signature bouncy curls. The second option is a new trend in hair his year, The Waver, which creates the mermaid waves that I've pictured Molly Mae wearing below (and yes boys they’re different than curls) and a great gift if they already have the curler. Top tip: is to get these lads while ASOS have 20% off because you're grabbing yourself a bargain or if you're really on a budget many brands do these products without the hefty price tag.
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This year there is a major boom in the idea of gift advent calendars, so behind every door is a small gift instead of chocolate. Now what would be super adorable is to buy advent boxes online and fill them yourself with personalised gifts but luckily many brands have brought out their own versions! The best one I have saw so far this year is this PrettyLittleThing beauty calendar but it has been sold out for some time now! ASOS etc. are doing their own versions and there have even been adorable versions in the likes of HomeBargains and B&Ms where you can get candle or even alcohol versions.
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Well, I hope this helped even a little bit! If you're really on the ball you'll have noticed I haven't included anything like the staple Primark pyjamas or everything seems catered towards girlfriends or 'for her' but not to worry I've many more versions planned, including 'for him', 'on a budget', and 'how to dress up your present'!
Happy (very early) Christmas!🎁🎄
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Word to the wise, McKenna, get your missus off the streets unless you want her to get hate crimed Buster: Like I care what happens to her Buster: Hospital bills aren't in the realm of what I pay for unless they're Jay's Rio: I can assure you I care even less so regardless of how little you feel for this one Rio: get her out of my face, yeah, cheers Buster: Handle her yourself Buster: I'm out of the habit of doing favors for you Rio: Why should I? Rio: She's your mess Buster: She's never been mine Buster: Nothing to me, like Rio: Of course not Rio: 'cept the mother of your child, like Buster: Jay's not gonna wake up and scroll Chlo's social feed. I reckon we're fine Rio: Luckily for you too Buster: What the fuck's that meant to mean? Rio: Hardly keeping it PG are you Rio: at least Chlo has the deceny to keep it fake Buster: Why should I? Buster: None of them are sticking around for playdates Rio: Exactly Rio: don't need to keep a catalouge running for anyone but yourself Buster: If you've got something to say, say it Buster: Don't make it about my daughter when it ain't Rio: Well yeah, it is Rio: Won't be that long before she can use an iPhone Rio: put money on her figuring it out before you get a clue, anyway Buster: Fuck you Rio: Yeah, fuck you and all Buster: You wish, babe Rio: Still out here with the same shit chat Rio: a miracle you can keep Chlo invested nevermind the rest Buster: Not trying to keep anyone invested Buster: It's your problem that it still works on you Rio: Please Rio: Just keep all your bullshit out my face Buster: Says the girl in my inbox seeking me out Buster: Block me. It's well easy Rio: I know it's hard for you to process, but this ain't about you Rio: anyway, if you took your own advice, these messages would be falling on deaf ears so Buster: I know that you knew I wouldn't care before you even said her name Buster: But here you still are, like Buster: And it's my bullshit, yeah? Okay Rio. Whatever you say Rio: Yeah, truly my bad for reckoning you still had some decency Rio: How are you gonna blame me for this one? Buster: Never claimed it Buster: Your bad for seeing what you're desperate to see Buster: I can blame you for not playing by the rules you made up to suit yourself and leaving me alone Rio: You mean my bad for seeing through your bullshit Rio: I'll claim that, happily Rio: Come on, there were never any rules, it was the fucking opposite from the jump Rio: and you've hardly been alone Buster: You'd have more credibility at seeing through me if you weren't so full of shit yourself Buster: But go off if you wanna Buster: 'Cause we both know what it's really about, yeah? Buster: You wear that jealousy well though, babe, don't worry Rio: Fuck off Rio: I have standards, unlike yourself Buster: They ain't high enough to brag about though Rio: You've got that covered too Rio: Maturity of a twelve year old Buster: And? Buster: You're so mature, it's all just playground games what you do, but 'cause there's cash in it you tell yourself it ain't Rio: And, you're a grownass man with a child so sort yourself the fuck out Rio: This ain't about my job Rio: which you have no idea about so don't even go there Buster: It ain't about me as a dad either, which you know even less about Rio: Yeah, 'cos not everything you do affects your kid Rio: think on like Buster: She's a baby and she's protected from this as much as her psycho ma will let her be Buster: Catch yourself on and stop trying to cross new lines with me now that I won't fuck you Rio: Sure, that's your thing, wait until everything's totally fucked before getting out your cape Buster: Rather that than stress something that ain't a thing Buster: Life's too short, babe, you gotta calm down Rio: Shut the fuck up Rio: I know how short it is Rio: its you that's acting like that means it don't matter Buster: 'Cause you've got all the answers, yeah? 'Course Buster: Ask yourself why you're so obsessed with my kid Buster: I know exactly what matters Rio: Yeah? Then fucking act like it Rio: reckon you're so smart when it's obvious why the fuck I care Rio: don't recall how this goes when you mess it up? Rio: 'cause none of us can fucking forget Buster: Then act like it your fucking self Buster: If you gave a shit you'd know that I ain't nothing like that cunt Rio: Not me you have to prove that to Buster: And I already prove it to her Buster: So fuck you Buster: She ain't Edie and she never will be Rio: Fuck you there was nothing wrong with her Rio: it was him Buster: And I'm not him Buster: So stop Rio: You stop Buster: What? Having a life Buster: Didn't reckon being a dad meant I have to book myself into a monastery like Rio: You don't have to or get to treat people, women in particular, like shit Rio: and act as if that's never coming back on you, and fucking her up Buster: I've never treated a girl anything other than how she wants me to Buster: They ain't asking me to get down on my knees with a ring Rio: Whatever, Buster Buster: Not whatever Buster: You know it firsthand don't act like you don't Rio: I'm not accusing you of being a fucking rapist here Rio: but you're gonna sit here and act like you've never turned a blind eye to a girl's feelings just 'cos it suited you Buster: With Chlo, yeah, and I'm still paying for it Buster: Every girl I've been with since knew exactly what was happening and not. I know I'm hot but they are capable of having a convo with me sometimes Buster: If you wanna think different, chat away to my fucking sister, she's been in that camp way longer, properly knows her way around Rio: Jesus Rio: Just get her on the first plane out of here, yeah Buster: If it was that easy she'd already have gone Rio: Yeah well Rio: Good luck Buster: Well, what? Buster: What do you want me to do? Buster: Whatever it is, take more than luck Rio: I'm not here offering solutions Buster: Just saying you care and doing fuck all to prove it, yeah? Buster: I got that Rio: What can I do? Christ, wasn't as if it was a friendly chat Rio: can hardly wave her through customs Buster: You could help me Buster: Instead of being a bitch Rio: I'm not being a bitch Rio: but go on, how? Buster: Whatever Buster: Forget it Rio: No Rio: I'm being serious Rio: Go on Buster: So I am Buster: I'll sort it myself Rio: Alright Buster: Salvage what you can of your night Rio: Whatever Rio: Will she seriously not leave? Doesn't she...do anything in London or what Buster: She can shop and have brunch here too Buster: Swap my parents for hers, with the bonus pair of hands that's me Rio: More tragic than my life and that's saying something Buster: Shut up Buster: You're alright Rio: Don't worry, not looking for sympathy Buster: Not giving it Buster: I don't need to Rio: Hmm Rio: doesn't she have a dog? Rio: could stage a kidnapping Buster: Wouldn't wish that on her parents, they'd get all the blame Buster: They ain't that bad Rio: Alright, just ransom one of her shit friends then Buster: Like she'd actually care Buster: I'm ringing her, once she has enough missed calls from me she'll come running back Buster: Gotta raise the tally to the highest it's been or what's the point, like Rio: Gets her out of town, yeah Rio: but how are you gonna get her out of yours? Rio: maybe your 'rents can Buster: Not your problem Buster: Neither is the fact my parents would have to be around themselves to notice that she is Rio: Guess even their best stern phone voice ain't really going to cut it Rio: Surely there's a social occasion she's missing? Create a fake one, like Buster: Nothing to top her plans to seduce me into playing happy families Buster: But I'm the one who'll mess Jay up Rio: Alright, I didn't compare you to her, come on Buster: Nah, just the biggest cunt, going Buster: Cheers Rio: Not you as a whole Rio: just some behaviour but yeah Rio: said what i said still sorry Buster: Are you? Rio: Don't push it, I ain't gonna repeat the s word Rio: but yes Buster: You can, I won't tell anyone Rio: Yeah? Forgo the social media for that one Rio: Typical Buster: Hardly the first exception I've made for you, babe Rio: Lucky me Buster: Least you can admit that Rio: Idiot Buster: Behave Buster: I clearly ain't as smart as you want me to be but can't go that far Rio: Alright, ain't the first to not be on my level Rio: sure you won't be the last Buster: Shut up Buster: That's the biggest lie you've told me yet Buster: I easily match you Rio: And that's the most defensive you've been Rio: Oh, boy, some things never change Buster: Good. Things weren't that bad how they were Rio: Yeah Buster: You should go, reckon I've got through her thick skull finally Buster: Have some fun Rio: Oh, ain't even thought of a decent plan yet Buster: Don't worry about it Buster: No reason we should both have a shit night Rio: If I was anywhere Chlo could hunt me down, unlikely I was having a rager, isn't it Buster: Yeah well, you were the one trying to say you had standards, babe Buster: You working or what? Rio: Also saying shit was tragic, if your recall's that good Rio: Nah, rare night off Buster: All the more reason to fuck off and do something good then Buster: Ain't too late yet Rio: Do my best, McKenna Buster: Have one for me, like Rio: Done is done Buster: Sláinte Rio: I miss you Buster: Rio Rio: Sorry Buster: Don't Buster: That isn't how I wanted to hear you say sorry Rio: I know Rio: I didn't mean to say it Buster: I know Rio: Okay fuck Rio: bye Buster: Wait Rio: Yeah? Buster: I miss you too Buster: I'm not sorry Rio: Swear? Buster: Yeah Rio: What do we do? Buster: Do you really want me to answer that? Rio: Guess my answer depends on yours so Buster: You already know there's only one thing I can think about doing Rio: Me too Buster: Fuck Buster: Tell me we can't Rio: Can't now Rio: for real Rio: but I can't say never Rio: it feels as shit as it sounds Buster: I know Buster: That's all I'm sorry for, like Rio: I tried Rio: but it just fucked everything else up too Buster: you and me both, babe Rio: Jesus Rio: what's wrong with us Buster: Nothing I wanna fix Rio: Seriously? Buster: I want you Rio: I know Rio: it made me mental Rio: and that's only the shit i saw, never mind all the stuff i could imagine, and couldn't stop myself from Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you gave me nothing to go on Rio: Not good Rio: I could fill you in if that's what you want Buster: Is it gonna be worse than what's in my head? Rio: Safe to assume if it was I wouldn't be in your inbox now, would I Buster: No telling with you Rio: Charming Buster: Well, can't be, can I Buster: Not now Rio: I got this far resisting you, sure I can manage a few more days Buster: You reckon? Rio: No but you know Rio: if I ain't got a choice I ain't got one Buster: You could race Chlo to my door Rio: You'd love that, twat Rio: though doubt she's gonna be fast in those heels Buster: How pissed is she? Not gonna love that, am I Rio: Completely white girl wasted Buster: 'Course Buster: Come over a few minutes after she gets here then Rio: We can't do that Buster: I know but I really wish I was being serious Rio: Same Rio: Just have to see you around, like Buster: I'll call you when she gets mad enough at me to go Rio: Sounds like a plan Rio: She's determined but you're annoying as fuck so Buster: Fuck off Buster: You love it Rio: For my sins Rio: I give Chlo 3 days tops Rio: she's fake and we know it Buster: I'll get her to leave tomorrow Buster: You'll see Rio: You talk a big game, babe Buster: If it was all talk I wouldn't be saying it Buster: The proof'll come Buster: I'm determined too Rio: You're cute Buster: You won't be saying that when I'm right Buster: Then I'll be hot as fuck Rio: to yourself or me, like? Buster: Hilarious Rio: You know I got jokes Rio: and you know you're always hot as fuck to me too Buster: Tell me what else you've got for me Rio: Only all of me and whatever you want Buster: I'll take that Rio: Good Rio: not got the holiday home and yacht perks like your usual, soz like Buster: Shut up Buster: You know I don't care about any of that Rio: Giving you some credit, like Rio: Dunno what else you're seeing in 'em Buster: You really wanna talk about them? Rio: Not my first choice but as discussed Rio: not yet Buster: It's easy that's all Rio: You don't need to explain yourself Rio: I'm just jealous Buster: I'm just saying you don't need to be Rio: Not now I know you feel it too Buster: Did you actually think I didn't? Rio: I don't know Rio: Maybe Rio: I told you, couldn't stop thinking all kinds of shit Buster: Idiot Rio: Shut up Rio: said in this very convo that you won't fuck me anymore Buster: And you said you saw through my bullshit Rio: You know, being cocky is your thing Rio: but honestly, always said it, headfuck, yeah? Hardly been here before Rio: don't know what I'm doing or feeling half the time Rio: except I want you, that's all I know Buster: That's all I need you know Buster: It's alright Rio: Yeah? Rio: Good then Buster: It'd be better if you were coming here instead of Chlo Buster: Not to speak of the devil 'cause fuck knows when she'll appear Rio: She did stumble out a while ago so Rio: probably soon, assuming she ain't fallen in the river Buster: I ain't that lucky Buster: Had my share for tonight anyway, like Rio: I won't tell anyone you said that Rio: nothing but god given 🍀 Buster: Cheers Rio: People you don't wanna see are like buses forreal and the 2nd just showed up eurgh Rio: Don't get the wrong idea, Chlo, not following you out but I gotta dash Buster: Who's got you running? Rio: Just someone I owe a second date Buster: Where are you gonna go? Rio: Onto the next bar and hope I ain't been spotted Rio: though no one wants to leave so I'm gonna have to make new friends, cheers lads Buster: You could always come here Buster: Have a drink with me instead of for me Buster: And celebrate Chlo's impending departure Rio: Hmm Rio: How much space can you feasibly put between you and me, whilst still serving me a drink? Rio: 'Cos I don't trust myself at all Buster: Try me Rio: Alright, Tom Cruise 🍸 Rio: no need to try to impress me i'm there Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Can always just go down on you Rio: Stealth mode Buster: Good to know you've got a plan Rio: Always thinking, babe Buster: Can't deny that I ain't Rio: Then you'll owe me for missed time and then some Buster: Fine Rio: Seal the deal when I get there, like Buster: Promise Rio: Promise Buster: How soon can you be here Rio: Gotta give Chlo time to get in and leave you alone, so you tell me Buster: Just come now Buster: I wanna see you before I have to her Rio: How we gonna explain that one? Rio: Unless you want me to hide Buster: She won't remember Rio: I think she will Rio: Stalker of the highest order Rio: shocked she even knew who I was Buster: You've got a point Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: I know, babe Buster: [An annoying amount of time later] Buster: Okay Rio: Persistent bitch Buster: I don't wanna talk about her any more Rio: We don't have to talk at all Buster: You reckon? Buster: When have you ever stayed that quiet Rio: Sounds like you missed me and all my talk Buster: Yeah Buster: I wanna hear everything you've got to say to me Rio: Okay, work on my whisper Buster: Not that you're gonna have long 'cause you're gonna hurry up, yeah? Rio: Duh Rio: Wish I could say the blue dress has made an reappearance alas Buster: I don't care Rio: Trust, gonna make sure you don't care about anything but what my mouth is doing Buster: Christ Rio: I missed you so much Buster: I can't wait to show you how much I missed you too
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Alright, Birthday boy? Rio: how's the guest list looking for this shindig then Buster: 'Course Buster: My standard, which is good enough to blow you away, like Rio: 'Course 😏 Rio: If that's the case I'll put a bit of effort in, like Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Hate to bring down the average Rio: No spoilers though Buster: What good is a birthday if you don't get to unwrap anything early Rio: Like you ain't been treating yourself all day Buster: Jealous? Rio: 😂 Rio: You're so predictable Rio: and you saying I ain't gonna get a turn? Buster: You reckon? Buster: Depends how the party games go, doesn't it Rio: Know so Rio: Suppose it does Rio: know I ain't waiting in the line looking like this though Buster: Looking like what? Rio: Me, bitch 😜 Buster: 😂 Rio: Nice try though Buster: One of us has gotta put the effort in Buster: You're clearly gonna show up looking a state Rio: Winning by default ain't, babe Rio: 'cos dread to think what thinly-veiled racist stereotype all your friends will opt for Buster: Aiming for Harry level aspirations but land on Phillip Buster: Unlucky Rio: grandad got jokes Rio: press'll have a field day Buster: Standard Buster: You gonna wish me happy birthday then or what? Rio: Now? Buster: You need an audience, like? Rio: Ain't popping out this cake for just you, Christ 😒😉 Buster: Who else you got your eye on? I'll wish on it. No guarantees but you'll need the help, yeah? Rio: Please Rio: even if I will be a wingwoman down Rio: Indie sends her love, btw Buster: I can imagine Rio: Pervert Buster: Fuck off Buster: She's the one hung up, it ain't me Rio: Calm down dear Rio: that'll be why she ain't coming Rio: s'all jokes Buster: When she sees my costume she'll be kicking herself for the no show Buster: Can't blame her if she can't hack it Rio: Yeah? Rio: No doubt it'll grace many a social Rio: if its as good as you reckon Buster: 'Course Buster: Maybe I'll send her a sneak preview since you ain't playing along with yours Rio: 😑 Rio: Don't be gross Buster: Only jokes when you do it, is it? Rio: Awh baby, are you feeling objectified? Buster: Shut up Buster: You wish you could make me feel any type of way, babe Rio: Wouldn't waste a wish like that Rio: gotta bank 'em 'til my bday Buster: You only get the one, like Buster: Ain't that special Rio: Birthday, yeah Rio: Wish, nah Rio: don't you know where to find 'em? Rio: what you learning at Uni, honestly Buster: Whatever Buster: Take it up with my professors if it's gonna stress you Buster: I can always find what I need Rio: Good Rio: I'm happy for you Buster: Cheers Rio: Did you get to see Jay or are you seeing her after? Buster: Christ knows when I'll actually get to, but I'm trying to see her Rio: That's shit Rio: could always try sending Chlo that preview, might change her mind Buster: Don't Rio: Not trying to be funny Rio: Genuinely might work Buster: I know Buster: That's why I ain't Buster: Don't need her trying to jump me more than she already does Rio: Yeah not ideal Rio: can't you just...I dunna, palm her off on one of your mates and take the kid n run Buster: Who'd have her? Buster: She's in love with me, like Rio: Your friends aren't that smart Rio: but you have a point Rio: needs a new obsession and bit late in the game to sort one for this party Buster: C'est my fucking vie Rio: Bummer Rio: Good thing you're about to get shitfaced or this would be depressing Buster: Yeah Buster: Plenty of decent party favors with my name on too Rio: Thank fuck Buster: How many of your lot are coming Buster: Don't say shit they just show their faces or nah Rio: can't blame 'em, life's one big free for all in our gaff Rio: Erm Rio: Grace and Pablo will for sure Rio: Junie and Iggy will probably make an appearance at some point Buster: Christ, Grace ain't bringing all her friends, is she? Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Probably Rio: There's gotta be a more age-appropriate party they can move onto once they're suitably smashed Rio: welcome to my world Rio: fucking kids Buster: You love it Rio: You reckon? Buster: I know it Rio: Makes one of us then Buster: Poor baby Rio: Piss off Rio: don't have to be nice to you just 'cos it's your bday Buster: nah, just 'cause you miss me Rio: so what if I do Buster: so start behaving Rio: 😒 hmpf
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