#i can't eve. tag individual characters
sleepinginmygrave · 4 months
⋆˚࿔ jupiter's aquarium 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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300 followers celebration<3
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welcome to jupiter's aquarium!!
thank you guys so so much from 300 followers omg, i can't believe so many individuals are following me and interested in my silly life hjjhjjh i love you guys so much<33
𓇼 ⋆。˚ this will end on the first of july! (i think, probably)
𓇼 ⋆。˚ this is heavily inspired by @urbanflorals' event because it was just too gorgeous hjgjhh (i really hope it doesn't bother you oml)
𓇼 ⋆。˚ you can request as many as you want! (just keep it reasonable hjhhjh)
𓇼 ⋆。˚it might take me some time to fullfill your request, please be patient! i also probably won't answer them in order, i'll just answer some when i have the time :]
𓇼 ⋆。˚ this is for followers and mutuals only<3
intro post
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welcome to our aquarium!! what creature do you wanna see? let me show you what we have!!
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⋆。˚[ sea creatures ]⋆。˚
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {eels} ࿐ྂ i'll make a small pinterest board inspired by you
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {sturgeons} ࿐ྂ i'll recommend one or a few musical artists/songs i like for you
please precise what type of music you listen to!
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {moon jellies}࿐ྂ i'll make you a moodboard or a stimboard for whatever you want
please precise what you want the stim/moodboard to be about! it can be inspired by you, a character, an animal etc (also precise if you want a stim or a moodboard!)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {octopus} ࿐ྂ i'll (try to) draw you something!
please tell me what you want me to draw! it will be shitty btw, please don't pick that /j this one is probably the one that'll take me the longer tho, just so you know
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {manta rays}࿐ྂ i'll talk to you about whatever's happening in my life (or just yap about my hyperfixations really)
(i am an Oversharer when it comes to my own life so this is great because i'm allowed to yap hehe)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {tropical fishes}࿐ྂ i'll assign you an animal based on you/your blog
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {turtles}࿐ྂ i'll tell you three things i associate with you
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⋆。˚[ sharks ]⋆。˚ (mutuals only)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {blacktip reef sharks}࿐ྂ i'll tell you what we would do together if we met irl
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {whale sharks}࿐ྂ i'll write you a letter :>
⇢ ˗ˏˋ {lemon sharks}࿐ྂ i'll assign you one of my favorite animal!!
the same as tropical fishes tbh but more personal :3
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queue ; 13 visits to go
we hope you had a nice time observing our residents!! thank you so much for passing by<33 don't hesitate to come back!!
again thank you guys so so much, i'm so glad for all the friends i made here<33
⋆。˚@urbanflorals ; tysm for letting me use your event as an inspo, i almost copied the presentation hjhgjhghh it's so so gorgeous
other moots!!; @bloophasarrived @starmanbutitsregulusblack @aesthetic-writer18 @this-is-me-lolol @in-the-sweet-november-rain @daydream-of-a-wallflower @ev-enhotterthanyou @silence-between-seconds @skeelly @thedvilsinthedetails @marylily-my-beloved @a-wondering-thought @a-beautiful-fool @sceirlose @hansenesque @holdmyteaplease @rorythinks @niallermybabe
(i don't have the energy to tag a lot of people sorry, also please tell me if you didn't wanted to be tagged!!)
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getcuboned · 8 months
The hardest thing for a show to do without absolutely Destroying its audience's belief in stakes is fake out deaths. It happens all the time during a season or even series finale: A main character dies, but then is revealed to be mildly/moderately/extremely hurt (throw a dart).
All the emotional payoff a character dying is immediately followed up with a cathartic return of a beloved figure. When its done right, it's Effective. That's why it was so popular, that and another reason.
The other reason is that its relatively Easy. It doesn't require the writers to change the status quo. Silly fun adventures with the gang go on as always without any real changes. This is so Cost and Idea effective, that it got overused and now everyone is jaded.
Now there's good ways to do this of course. AtLA comes to mind: Genuine threat of death, maguffin from last season finale which has been haunting the previous episodes comes into play, and the status quo changes: Aang is recovering from a serious injury for weeks, is furious that he died and failed Again when the world needed him, and he can't tap into god mode anymore.
So what's this got to do with the tags? Well if you know you know. Otherwise spoiler warning so gtfo already.
Sir Pentious, and I suspect Adam, did die a fakeout death, but the death part was genuine. Sir Pentious was not found in the rubble of the Hotel. Sir Pentious didn't respawn and explain that Adam's divine energy beams weren't angelic steel. Sir Pentious was Genuinely dead and the status quo has genuinely changed.
But! The show's premise is that the Hotel can help sinners redeem themselves. Redeption isn't a reward you seek. Its a condition that one meets on a personal, individual level. Sir Pentious came to the Hotel as a spy, and when he was shown that Charlie was willing to forgive him, it changed his understanding of the world. He realized that he could improve, it just starts with one good sorry.
Sir Pentious put aside his self loathing, his shame, his anxieties. He used his inventions to put himself on the line rather than keep himself out of danger (I mean that's what the airship is all about isn't it?). He fought for the people he cared about. He died to protect the ones he loved. And that transformation: from a paranoid worm of a human being (slimy? Snakes are not slimy), to an actualized individual willing to put himself on the line, earned him salvation.
Now Sir Pentious is an Angel! He's in Heaven! Even more so he bypassed the Pearly Gates and functionally respawned In the Seraphim's boardroom. Frankly He was one of the older sinners to be around so it doesn't surprise me the implication that he's powerful enough be worth the notice of the Seraphims.
So what about Adam? Why do I mention him? He was killed by a filthy janitor. Well. As another post mentioned: In the 10,000 years that Adam has been in charge of killing his own descendants because Lilith and Eve (where the fuck is she anyway?) screwed him over with the assistance of a short, dumb, naive angel (poor guy just wanted to share his ideas, look at him. 10,000 years later and he's hardly got a drop of malice in him that isn't put there by someone else), Adam has become Prideful, Slothful, Lustful, and Wrathful. Even one of those is enough to make you fall. Yet he was tolerated by heaven, most likely due to his extenuating circumstances.
Adam has died. He died full of Wrath, and Pride. He died because he was unmotivated to come up with a better solution, and unwilling to keep himself in shape. He died because of his Blood Lust.
So I think that very early on in season two, we will get to see Adam's demonic form.
Two fakeout deaths! But not really. Both characters have provably died and both (theoretically) will create a new status quo not just by dying, but by reincarnating across enemy lines.
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duckprintspress · 2 months
I think you're missing the central point about the les-for-les recs thing. Imagine for a moment that someone said they were creating a romance recommendation list for straight-straight romances which specifically excludes straight-bi romances. Not limiting their criteria to stories only centering m/f relationships or which have a straight main character (understandable personal preferences), but which specifically exclude the presence of bisexuality in the story even if those criteria are met.
You'd immediately clock that as biphobic, right? Because if it's not about what pov identity someone feels represented by, and not what flavor of relationships they want to read, but about feeling threatened or grossed out by an author saying a character's sexuality could, at one point, include or have included other genders...
If someone wants recs for wlw stories with specifically lesbian main characters? Awesome. With only sapphic relationships present? Have fun. Specifically excluding the presence of bi women? Wait, uhhh, why, specifically would that matter if the other criteria are met? You know, other than biphobia.
I think, no matter what, that people are allowed to have preferences, and excluding bisexuality still is a preference.
Taking the scenario you propose. Are they saying, "straight relationships with bi characters are WRONG and EVIL and HAVE NO RIGHT TO EXIST and people who make that are BAD PEOPLE" etc. etc., or are they just saying, "I'm personally not comfortable reading stories that include bi characters, and I want to make a resource for people who feel as I do." The first is completely off the wall and I would never defend them. But the second? I'd at least defend their right to do that.
Would I platform them doing so? No.
Should I have platformed the les-4-les in this case? Also no. As I said in my reply to another ask just now, I clearly made a mistake, and I own that, acknowledge it, and apologize for it. Make enough judgement calls in a lifetime, sooner or later everyone makes the wrong one, and in this case, I did, plain and simple. I didn't clock the biphobic aspect as solidly as I should have on my initial glance through. I should be reading more carefully and thinking more thoroughly before I reblog posts like that. I screwed up.
But I will stand by that in the same way that some people prefer a certain top/bottom dynamic and that this isn't inherently homophobic, in the same way that an individual can be uncomfortable dating a person - no matter the person's gender - if that person's genitalia doesn't match their preference, in the same way that individuals are always allowed to have things with which they are comfortable and things they're not, it's not inherently wrong for someone to want to make a blog that highlights lesbian relationships that have never involved a bi person.
And again, I'm not saying I didn't screw up by platforming it. I obviously screwed up.
But an individual having that preference isn't something I'm prepared to police at the level you describe. People are allowed to be uncomfortable reading a book with content that squicks them, and are allowed to create resources, request tags, etc., that help them avoid the content they don't want to read. We can't tell people "don't like, don't read" then get all pissy when they try to say, "here's what I don't like to read and I want to make a resource to help people like me find things they'll want to read." Even when the thing they're "don't like, don't read"-ing is something exclusionary.
And we are entitled to avoid the people who make choices we think are weird, dumb, uncomfortable, whatever. "Hey, those preferences scream 'biphobe' about OP. Blocked!"
I should have avoided the les-4-les blog. That was clearly my mistake.
But I won't say I think it has no right to exist. Only that it serves people with a particular mindset, one I don't share and shouldn't have platformed, and if it helps the people with that mindset, then I'm glad. Everyone has a right to read things they're comfortable with. Even biphobes.
And honestly? I'm debating platforming this ask and it's response. I'm aroace and before I knew those identities existed, I thought I was bi (because the way I feel about all genders is the same! that's what bi is, right? lmao, the confused-bi-to-oh-wait-ace pipeline...). I'm married to a bisexual/homoromantic woman. Anyone who thinks I'm a biphobe and want to platform biphobes, endorse or defend biphobes, etc., really doesn't know me, and I don't want to open a can of worms inadvertently. But like. As I started this post by saying...people are allowed to have preferences and I will continue to defend the right for them to have those preferences, even if they are preferences I don't share or even preferences I think are kinda reprehensible. And I would say exactly the same if it was hetero-for-hetero. Because yeah, it's biphobic, and I fucked up by platforming it, but people are still allowed to have that preference.
Sorry, I know I'm going around in circles in this answer. It's because engaging with this kind of thing makes me very anxious. So I'm going to leave it at that and shut up now.
(side note: I do not promise to continue answering/engaging with asks I receive on this topic. I don't think I have anything more to add to my explanation or to my apology.)
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hopeds · 11 months
rambling about ships/dynamics i yearn for while i sit in the car
saw a post in the tags saying how predespair tenko probably idolized peko and now i've just been thinking about them — especially in the sense of having adjacent enough interests but tenko encouraging girls to outwardly express their emotions while peko does the exact opposite. i think tenko would absolutely adore peko's fondness for cute animals and i think she would do wonders to help peko regain a sense of autonomy :')
thinks about their drs interaction where he calls her the lamb and lets her hold the devas so she can be less anxious with animals...
idk if my thoughts are coherent at all about them but i just think they can be . so cute.
but specifically ♠️ like they are in the trial for chapter 3
idk how much i ship it apart from that sort of dynamic because they're both such unstable individuals that i can't see much between them really being that healthy nor enjoyable tbh?
but them bitching each other out ohohhohoho
i will talk about characters other than tenko and mikan i promise. but ohhh my god i think mikan would make tenko's protective instincts go HAYWIRE
and again with the expressing emotions thing like i briefly elucidated upon for peko and tenko but i think mikan has a lot of shame about her emotions and also isn't sure entirely how to express them normally (like when she randomly screams/yells or when she says really. weird shit out loud unprovoked) and i think tenko could do. so much for that
another one of my dearly beloved ♠️ moments
idk how many thoughts i have about them offhandedly but i like them and i like them antagonizing each other
this one is more platonic in my mind ( ... sighs.. ♦️) but i think they'd get along so well because of their mutual interest in horror/crime/occult etc
like yeah hiyoko canonically dislikes her but as much as hiyoko torments kazuichi i think she expected a pervy gross guy like him to give her all the attention (as per her track record with her fans unfortunately) so someone else getting that attention kinda. sets her off
BUT when she realizes that sonia didnt even really want kazuichi's crush on her to be a thing i can absolutely see her softening for sonia
especially because sonia was kind to hiyoko and shows a great deal of respect for traditional japanese culture, something very close to hiyoko's heart
on that note...:)
not a ton of thoughts about them to prattle about right now to be honest but i have a soft spot for them and a soft spot for hiyoko antagonizing him
any combination of peko/maki/mukuro:
they're all similar personality - wise but i just think. idk. a lot of themes of dehumanization overlapping that makes me want to see them kiss
sry combining them into one but. god the thoughts i have about hajime and mikan are unreal and i like them
even with hajime's self loathing for his lack of talent i still think he's stable enough all things considered to support mikan in a way she needs?
ugh when she mentions wanting to harm him so she'd need to take care of him and he just says she doesn't need to do that. emotional
i just feel like. i don't know i just feel like they can be so cute
gentle/soft spoken/kind person just the kinda person that mikan needs... and i think she could show her so many video games and it can something that is so sweet
hmgmghmh ladies...
socially awkward x social butterfly like what if i cried.
also their drs interaction is SO cute and i just. weeps
self sacrificial x unable to depend on others... oh they're foils your honor
i've mentioned this in ims before but omg drif/other adjacent scenario where kyouko notices something Off about disguised!mukuro and then they just. they're gay your honor
oh i just feel like tenko can get through to her. i just know she can. even if it takes ten million years
dare i say something controversial?
hm. well. ♠️
in the sense of like. fuyuhiko not wanting to be reliant on the kuzuryuu clan and peko being the embodiment of it because she's his Tool/object as per the clan. and i can just see it getting warped somewhere down the line and i'm so fascinated by that
also like. normal romantic stuff but that can also go without saying i feel
okay so. jealousy over himiko aside. i'm so intrigued by the idea of like. tenko confronting angie about hiding her emotions behind her religion in a sense — but i can also see it going in a ♠️ sort of way tbh
ohhhh how i love them so. not a lot of cohesive thoughts but i LOVE them so much
nothing cohesive again but god am i a sucker for possessiveness/predator+prey dynamics teehee
also this isn't comprehensive! tbh i'll ship pretty much anything and i love writing ships, very rarely do i care about chemistry so you can just ask me
anyways if you're interested in writing any of these perhaps PLEASE hit my line or lmk in any capacity because i'm dying to tbh
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villanevehaus · 1 year
tagged by @thenelse to list 8 shows to get to know me better. thank u mutual Then Else it's always lovely to be tagged by u <3 these aren't in any particular order but here we go
1.sharp objects is the seminal haus tv show, the book even moreso. gillian flynn writes female characters and protagonists in a way that is just gritty and gross and as whole characters who make mistakes and have grudges and shitty opinions. as a bitch who used to self harm, used to have substance abuse issues, and used to have a horrendous relationship with returning to my childhood home, i had never seen all of those issues wrapped into one traumatized character before, let alone a woman! the show is shot in a way that deliberately highlights the messy and seemingly nonsensible ways that trauma influences people and all of it is just!!! she just like me fr!!!
2. bojack horseman (stick with me here) is important to me in ways that i really cant articulate in an ask so i will just list things that come to mind about it: cycles of familial abuse and inherited trauma, the clutch that addiction can and does have on people (he just like me fr), complex grief, the way that mental illness and mental anguish do not make sense, people-pleasing as a means of self-destruction, acts that cannot be forgiven being committed by your loved ones and navigating that going forward, committing the unforgivable yourself and needing to find a way to move forward, the consequences of your own actions, grudges, self-preservation, asexuality, being in your 20s and 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s, change as an individual, stagnation as an individual, and the way that watching bojack horseman is impossible to pitch because how do you pitch a show about an alcoholic cartoon horse and his friends princess carolyn, mister peanutbutter, lernernerner dicarpricorn, and bobo the zebra as something that addresses all those previous things i just listed.
3. madmen is so sleek and stylish and well made that every time i think about it too much i end up watching the whole thing again. the way that they capture sunlight and daylight through high-rise buildings also makes me a little insane ngl. the music and the camera movements and the pacing and the costumes are just so consistent! it's perfect background noise and it's perfect deliberate watching. i think for me this falls under the personal because my mum loved it but passed away before the finale so every time i finish it i think about what she might have thought about it.
4. wentworth has some of the most consistent character writing that i have ever come across. i haven't finished it for homosexual reasons (only watched s1-s5) but there are character actions from the pilot that come into play late s5. there are so many instances of a character making a choice that you loathe and can't believe they're making not because they wouldn't, but because that's exactly what they would do in said instance. also, women! fat women trans women ugly women women of colour indigenous women grieving women angry women vicious women soft women alcoholic women gay women bisexual women abused women abusive women elderly women young young young women screaming women vengeful women broken women healing women determined women violent women. the relationships between all sorts of women! mentor and mentee, mother and child, inmate and guard, boss and employee, new girlfriend and old girlfriend, loyalty to the point of ruination, stalking, coercion, use, resentment, rivalry!!! it makes me crazy
5. killing eve s1&2 were so so so special. s3 and s4 had their moments and i will not say more than that but characters like eve and villanelle hadn't been seen before and i doubt will be seen in the future. i also have +500k words of fic written about them so i feel like im contractually obligated to mention it
6. the good place ohhh the good place !!! the good place said how can we fault people who want to be good but were born into circumstances where they cannot be!!! there is always good to be found in trying to help others!!! what matters is if people are trying to be better than they were the previous day!!! how can we hold it against people who are not given kindness and love and support!!! the fact that life ends is what makes living it so beautiful!!! i am going to start crying
7. futurama was there for me in a lot of ways when i didn't have much else that was as stable as that 9:30pm timeslot. there is a lot of negative things/criticisms that i could and often do say about it but there are a few very special moments from a few very special episodes that mean enough to me that i still hold it dearly: the opera. the story that follows fry's brother naming his son after fry and how that son went on to be the first man on mars. when leela has the bee sting and wakes up from her coma and sees that fry has been waiting for her. when fry is given the opportunity to go into his sleeping mother's dream (from a time when she was alive- there's time travel, kind of, it's a whole thing. at this point she's long dead) and says "i have so much to tell you" before just looking at her and pulling her into a bruising hug. as someone who frequently has dreams in which i am able to speak to my deceased mum, that will never fail to make me cry.
8. arrested development sucks so bad but goddamnit if it isn't also the wildest and most absurd shit to exist. i reblogged a post the other day that was about it's impact on culture and it's true!!! "it's one banana Michael, what could it cost? ten dollars?", "dead dove: do not eat", "well, i don't want to blame it on 9/11, but that certainly didn't help", "good for her", "i don't understand the question and i won't respond to it", "oh mercy me, i forgot that were in the colonies!" ALL being from the same show?? insane. the humour of arrested development is absolutely coloured by the time it was made in but holy shit all of it is so sharp and hysterical. also the fact that sometimes if you're trying to explain a joke to someone who hasn't watched it you have to go on an insane tangent that is 100% just the events of the show that happened but it sounds completely nonsensical is [chefs kiss]
tagging @herbeloveve @lesbian-hannibal (ur url has made me realize i forgot nbc hannibal but im already here so NBC hannibal is an honourable 9th choice) @killinganya @killbillieve @horrid-queer @agaywithcoffee @annnnperkins and anyone else who wants to!!
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feuerspirit · 1 year
RULES: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have.
Hah, thanks for tagging me, sweetie! @12romy 💜
Lewis/Charles, F1 Lewis is behaving strangely, Charles thinks, barely meets him at the 2022 pre-season tests. Charles doesn't know what's going on and is afraid to find out.
2. Portuguese Sun
Pecco/Fabio, Luca/Alex Marquez, Aleix/Pol, MotoGP tiny drabbles inspired by the Portuguese Grand Prix
3. Tenth Symphony
Pierre/Lewis, Kimi/Seb, Valtteri/Guanyu AU: Lewis is a mafia boss, and Pierre is a musician. Drabble collection.
4. Write sins
Pecco/Fabio, Marc/Valentino, MotoGP A collection of small works in demonic-au, where Fabio is a demon, Valentino is Satan, and Pecco is his son.
5. Tell me about the future
Lewis/Charles, F1 They live in a really strange world, in which every child comes with a prediction of their own fate. A small message, a promise of the future, usually appears in early childhood, the first or second year of life, and for everyone it is very special and individual. The prediction can be long, some have convinced that their prophecy is like a poem, or maybe in a few words, but it necessarily has a deep meaning. Lewis gets his prediction in a year and a half, and for the first time he sees about five years and at first he can't believe it himself. Lewis's prediction consists of one tiny ink squiggle and says: "1".
6. this year I wanna be with you
Lewis/Pierre, F1 Lewis was here by accident. Stuck with thousands of other people two days before the new year at airports, while the entire Cote d'Azur is shackled by storms and storms. Lewis didn't feel much stress from the delay of his flight, although it wasn't pleasant. He had already celebrated Christmas with his family and spent the whole week before the new year on trips around Europe, finishing the remaining cases, without any haste thinking that he could have time to fly to his family at the ski resort by the 31st. OR: Lewis and Pierre were stuck together at Monaco airport on New Year's Eve. Lots of flirting.
7. Trust me with your secret
Marc/Vale, MotoGP For racing, they all wear special clothes, ironically nicknamed cases, which covered their wings, tightly pressing them to the body. The rest of the riders took off these cases, barely got off their motorcycles. But Marc never took off the clothes hiding his wings, it seems, and Vale was seriously wondering if this would change when Mark arrived at the ranch. Just a drabble where people have wings. Marc and Valentino are still racers
8. For good luck
Yassine Bounou/Dominik Livacovic, Football Unexpected night meeting of two goalkeepers in the same hotel, talk about semifinals and luck
9. Death's on my doorstep (I won't open the door)
F1 A collection of drabbles about survival in the zombie apocalypse. A zombie-hostel is trying to arrange life in a new world. Characters and parts will be added :)
10. I bet my life
Lewis/Max, F1 It's a terrible cliché that Max would hate, if he had the chance, but the last he remembers before the impact is the pungent smell of burnt tires and gasoline. And then only pain. He’s waiting for the familiar darkness that saves him from acute unbearable pain, waiting for his body to give up and his consciousness to slip away, but for some reason the darkness doesn’t come. Instead, he feels through the pain a soft touch on his shoulder and gentle hands carefully lifting him out of the cockpit with such ease as if he weighed nothing, as if his body was not wrapped in safety belts and tightly clamped by twisted metal.
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lizardsfromspace · 2 years
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I posted 2,841 times in 2022
That's 1,638 more posts than 2021!
1,072 posts created (38%)
1,769 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,611 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#incredible - 382 posts
#tumblr - 204 posts
#film - 149 posts
#movies - 131 posts
#star trek - 105 posts
#television - 104 posts
#politics - 70 posts
#uspol - 69 posts
#art - 58 posts
#writing - 55 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#how do you lose an argument against someone whose strongest point is 'peanut butter proves evolution is fake'. and then post it on youtube
My Top Posts in 2022:
JJ Abrams showing naked disdain for Star Trek, and openly stating he really was only doing them in the hopes of getting to make Star Wars one day, only to get his chance to make Star Wars & making it even worse, so bad he killed off Disney's scheme to release a new Star War every year into eternity...truly iconic
29,822 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
"Hi y'all, it's Chronomaster42, the only Youtuber with the ability to travel through, and control, time and space, here with another taste test. I'm here in 1976, and I'm gonna get some fries from Mickey D's before they changed the recipe, and then I'm gonna take 'em back to 2022, and get fries from the same McDonald's, so I can compare. Now, I've got my Nixon, uh, Ford? Carter? Era fries right here, so now I'm gonna"
*everything appears stretched and distant, and then the camera flies through space, through the sun, over millions of different Earths, past the faces of individual people in a thousand different timelines, splintered day by day, the long-dead alive once more, their varied futures lying before them. They appear to be screaming*
"annnnnd here we are, gettin' the new fries, today. I have to say, I like the old fries a bit better, bit more crisp, but Mickey D's fries are still Mickey D's fries, y'know? Anyway, I know some of you guys were freaked out at all the screaming time faces last video, but like, I'm used to 'em, and they aren't even audible to me? But y'know what is audible? That's right - Audible, use code -"
42,639 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
The people of London may sleep easy, knowing that *checks notes* the devs of a fan remake of a game that isn't even commercially available anymore are behind bars
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50,382 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
In the early 70s Sesame Street was created with an eye towards educating poor, inner-city children for free, and became a massive hit with all children. In 2016, faced with going off the air forever after facing conservative efforts to destroy public broadcasting since basically its beginning, new episodes became a timed exclusive for premium cable network HBO. In 2022 HBO Max, newly merged with and taken over by reality TV channel Discovery, removed Sesame Street episodes and spin-offs from streaming as a tax write-off and scheme to avoid paying residuals.
63,768 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
HBO Max: so basically we're going to erase most of our shows as a tax dodge in a week and you can't stop us
A Youtuber who makes two hour long & strangely ominous video essays about Lost Media: it'll all be on Archive dot org by the end of the week you son of a bitch. Also the forbidden original pilot of Caillou and the French dub of the long sought after August 27th, 2001 Spongebob bumpers
82,510 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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love-bokumono-fics · 5 months
Fresh Crops! April 15 - April 21, 2024
This weeks newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
The Wall Between Us - by Skullygal610; WIP, 20/25, 20k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationships: Female Farmer/Wayne, Female Farmer/Ex-boyfriend; Characters: Wayne, Female Farmer Additional Tags: Adopted, farmer, Hurt, Love, Unrequited Love, relationships, Denial of Feelings, Fanfiction, Parents, friends, Guilt Summary: It all started with a rejection. Scarlett can't seem to get over the loss of her best friend since she rejected his confession of love. Already dealing with her own self-worth and feelings while keeping up with daily life, things soon become difficult when a familiar face from the past comes back to haunt her. Wayne struggles to let go of the girl he loved. However, things never go the way he plans. His parents are across the world without him. Friends are constantly concerned about his well-being. He wants to change, yet she keeps pulling him back. Can they ever hope to rekindle their long-lost friendship, or will it become something more?
Until Dawn - by Flickwisp; Complete, 1/1, 2.9k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/F, Gen Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Claire the Farmer/Karen; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Karen, Gotz | Gotts, Thomas Additional Tags: established relationship but not the focus, spooky event, inspired by horror stories/games but also not explicit Summary: A sudden hurricane alert causes more than heavy rains and some falling trees. "Be careful when climbing the mountain. There are no wolves or bears, but you can't be too cautious. Know what I mean?." Once warned Gotz, but what did his words meant, well, Claire will soon find out…
Casual Prompt Fills - by TheBeckster; WIP, 4/?, 2.5k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: Gen, F/F, F/M Fandoms: Trio of Towns, Friends of Mineral Town, Rune Factory 4 Relationships: Forte/Frey, Arthur/Frey, Forte/Frey/Arthur, Henry/Lisette; Characters: Female Farmer, Frey, Forte, Arthur, Lisette, Male Farmer Additional Tags: casual prompt fills, prompt fills, one shots, Ficlets, Art, Dark Empress Frey AU, Unhealthy Relationships, Individual Chapters will be Rated, Tumblr Prompt Summary: The collection of prompt fills I have done for the Casual Prompt Events by Love-Bokumono-Fics on Tumblr.
Eve’s fun time - by Thefallen1986; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Animal Parade Character: Eve Additional Tags: **NOTE: Tags were Not Safe For Tumblr. Please See AO3 post for complete tag list ** Summary: Eve spends sometime in her shed…
Fact and Friction - by actaeoncross; Complete, 5/5, 6.2k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, Animal Parade Relationships: Daryl/Pony, Cecilia/Nami mentioned, Gordy/Matthew mentioned, Rock/Molly mentioned, Gustafa/Lumina mentioned; Characters: Daryl, Pony | Aya | Jill, Forget Me Not villagers, Wizard Gale, Witch Vivi, Harvest King Ignis Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Supernatural Elements, Suspense, Romance, NaNoWriMo 2023, Not Beta Read Summary: Struggling to come to grips with the death of her parents, Pony moves to Forget-Me-Not Valley. She tries to avoid being involved with sprites, gods, or goddesses, only to be drawn in against her will. Pony's only help to solve the disappearance of the Harvest Goddess involves three enthusiastic but not very helpful sprites and a scientist. She slowly learns that she cannot run from herself and to come to terms with her past and feelings—even those for the infuriating scientist.
Tumblr Posts for A Wonderful Life Characters - by actaeoncross; WIP, 44/?, 44k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Multiple Characters x Reader; Characters: Celia | Seperia | Cecilia, Cody | Gordy, Daryl, Flora, Gustafa, Lumina, Marlin | Mash | Matthew, Muffy | Molly Nami, Rock, Reader Summary: A collection of Tumblr posts for A Wonderful Life Characters x Reader prompts.
This is impossible! - by WolfyKnight5071; Complete, 1/1, 1.2k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Nami/Farmer, Nami & Muffy | Molly; Characters: Nami, Farmer, Muffy | Molly, Baddoch Additional Tags: Nonbinary Farmer, Hurt/Comfort, Explaining how they got their son lol, magic baby, Nami panics, Molly helps comfort, Finley is AFAB, Hugh is here very briefly too Summary: Nami and Finn have been married for just shy of a year. They had both been thinking of having kids, but given it isn’t physically possible, Nami never brought it up besides that small talk on their wedding night.
Burning Gold - by AppleBeryll; WIP, 2/?, 2.8k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Gray/Mary the Librarian | Marie, Claire the Farmer/Rick, Karen/Rick, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff, Kai/Popuri; Characters: Kai, Claire, Cliff, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Doug | Dudley, Rick, Popuri, Saibara, Karen, Mineral Town Residents, Gray Additional Tags: Slow Burn Summary: Claire seeks a new life, will mineral town be what she's hoping for ?
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Superman: Son of Kal El #13 cover by Travis Moore
So obviously I respect Travis Moore's art so much, but also like....
Why does it look like everyone is orgasming?
Special shout out to Booster and Blue definitely not looking specifically sexual😏
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tiasreadingnook · 2 years
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[ A/N: These are based on my opinion, standards, and experiences only. The writers in this blog are those whose blogs I read religiously. I weirdly have a high standard on what fics I can read without cringing and these writers are the ones on the top of my list. This is also for those new readers that are still kinda confused about where to start and where they can find writers with extensive and quality master lists. This is a continuously growing list and I will add more when I encounter others.]
This list are blogs that mostly make fanfictions of the characters Chris Evans, Henry Cavill, and Sebastian Stan plays.
Please read the individual warnings, rules, and tags in each of these writers' blogs or fics. Minors dni.
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@littlefreya - "The Eve"
When I was lost and new to the Henry Cavill fandom it was her stories that were the final nail to my coffin that will bury me 6 feet under the fandom. Her master list is everything and more -- smut, ddlg, dark, fluff, domestic -- whatever you want it's there.
@onsunnyside - "My Sofia Coppola"
Sofia Coppola is my favorite director when it comes to imagery and aesthetics -- that is why I consider Sunny as my Sofia because I SWEAR the first time I read Tarzan!Steve fic it was like a movie and none of her stories have ever disappointed me. I still can't believe I read her stories for free.
@evansbby - "New York Times"
I've said it once and I'll repeat it, I check her blog every day like it's the morning news. I am so obsessed with her stories it is unhealthy. She writes the most delicious and varied Chris Evans and characters fics which makes it exciting but also comforting at the same time because at the end of the day -- they're all daddy.
@kinanabinks - "Spicy Shakespeare"
I actually took a lot of inspiration from her in one of my series -- she is that good. She writes the most delicious smut with the perfect splash of angst, tragedy, drama, and smut that will satisfy that itch in your head when you're looking for a bit of drama in your p*rn.
@comfortcap - "Guilty Comfort"
My daddy issues FLARE TF UP when I'm reading any of her (ddlg) fics. Such a sweet writer with the sweetest, fluffiest, and sometimes smuttiest fics that makes me feel guilty and comforted at the same time ;3 I love reading her stuff after a long and overwhelming day.
@junipermuses - "Lizzy Grant"
Lizzy Grant -- aka Lana del Ray -- is how I imagine her fics would be if it was a person. Sexy, effortlessly cool, and so put together. The subtle but easy-to-digest plots builds up the smut so much that it's so satisfying to watch it all unravel in the end.
@buckycuddlebuddy - "hey god ... me again"
Her fics immerse me so much that she has me giggling and kicking my feet as I read them. She is one of the few "x reader" fic writers that makes me want to cry and scream and beg whichever god is listening to move me in the alternate reality where I am the "reader" / main character in her story.
@sillyrabbit81 - "Mother Nature Called"
I swear every time I'm on my period you will find me vicariously scrolling through her master list because the way she writes the daddies (ESPECIALLY SY) are so comforting, dominant, and caring that it just turns my heart, womb, and coochie into mush.
@angrythingstarlight - "Pandora's Box"
Once you open her master list you will read nothing but her works for days (trust me I've been there) . She has an extensive collection of works that are a top quality. Her works can range from sweet to downright nasty to the fluffiest domestic scenarios that will have you grinning at your screen at 3 am.
@hansensgirl - "The Witch"
I forget feminism when I'm reading her works. I cannot believe I'm giggling over a man bossing me over and controlling my entire life?! And she somehow makes it work and that's how I've come to the theory that she pulls some witchcraft shit when she writes her stories but hey ... I'm not complaining.
@pellucid-constellations - "All Too Well (10 minute version)"
She writes the BEST angst and that's coming from me whose comfort film is "Love, Rosie". If you're looking for a well-developed plot, characters, and story arcs that end with a lot of groveling, comfort, and a happy ending -- look no further.
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Dislaimer : I'm not trying to stir drama. I'm honestly asking because I don't know and I read many of your posts, and I conclude that you're an Ev*rlark shipper and appreciate G*le as character. Or like as you said 'platonic G*leniss' in regard his relationship with Katniss.
My question is : why do I see some (I can't say many) Ev*rlark shipper have posts in their blog tagged as 'g*le suck* or some kind other or even in their bio using some passive aggressive language hating G*le.
Does they really hate G as character or they hate the idea of G as another side of 'love triangle'.
I'm not here to debate about thg storyline or are they important to the themes.
I'm just asking about fandom behavior here.
Thank you if you answer this long winded question.
Last disclaimer : I like your blog content.
Have a nice day ❤
Thank you, very glad you like my blog!
As for your question, I will start by saying I am sure a handful of them fall into both categories. Surely one of two of the out there really do just hate Gale. Others dislike the idea of him being the third leg of a love triangle. I am sure a fraction of them IS that. Never met anyone like this, but I won't deny they probably in existence.
Me? I've never talked to anyone who TRULY hates Gale. Or even has an issue with him and Katniss's relationship as it is portrayed in canon. Beyond the occasional joking and silly exaggerated post, the general opinion I find on Gale from everlark fans is pretty neutral to warm. There IS some teasing we do, I will admit, and maybe possibly you're seeing some of that non-serious joking. When the whole of a movie series pits characters against one another and it becomes as ridiculous as the old shipping wars did, those kinds of jokes will happen I think after everyone gets a bit more mature.
I can't say about individual bios and tags, but for what it's worth I think that's the key I can say. Extreme cases will exists but for the most part, I don't think the vast, vast majority here explicitly hates Gale or his role in the story.
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greatnessordeath · 3 years
Come let's watch the rain as it's falling down
Tags: mature, aged up characters, swearing, alcohol, blood, pining, Wordcount: 4.7k
Notes: As I mentioned in a earlier post: this is the first chap of my wip slow burn Bakugou x reader fic (contains Halloween snippet). The future chaps will be posted on ao3 only (i think... I dunno. I like tumblr, but im quite confused with how to post longer fics ?) So i'd be superduper happy if you swing by :) Read it on ao3
Do not repost. Minors do not interact please
Chapter 1: After work obstacles Finally it's the end of the day. The glassdoors slide shut behind you and the cool night air embraces your figure outside the hospital.
You sigh exhausted and massage your aching neck. The overtime has been piling up lately and you’re not sure if you’re still a functioning individual. You could pass as a zombie right on the spot without any further disguise. Your skin is pale, the dark circles will soon become parents to a new pair of cute baby circles and your h/c hair lacks shine.
Then so be it, you think cynical to yourself. You don't care how you look. At the risk of sounding pathetic - it's all worth it.   You work as an intern at trauma surgery. Your days are a rush. A roller coaster ride, a box of chocolates, a lottery - whatever comparison you bring up, it all leads down to one truth: you never know what awaits you. Injured civilians, hurt heroes, the daily grind of accidents and disease and on top messed up quirks. But it doesn’t matter what you get, as long as you’re able to help.
You’re not gifted with a healing quirk like many of your colleagues who pursue the same dream of becoming a doctor. Your quirk is useful to say the least, but far away from special, or powerful. Your eyes ignored the physics of light which made it possible for you to see in the dark. That's it. You wanted to make a difference for people and fortunately you didn’t need a quirk to do so.
Your breath condenses visibly in the cold outside in small white clouds. The air is crisp and you love it. It clears your head and you can practically feel the weight lifting off of your tense shoulders. Despite that, you still pull the collar of your jacket closer to your neck. You can't wait to take a hot shower, wash off the stinging smell of disease and disinfectant, and bury yourself under your covers.
You check the time only to see that - again - it’s past midnight. When your eyes pass the calendar indication on your watch, your stomach knots in discomfort. It's only two weeks till Christmas eve. Maybe everything will be easier to bear when you have to endure the judging looks of your family as a mindless zombie, who knows? You'd just have to work harder to indifferently endure her nagging questions about your personal life.
‘Wow brain. Is this everything you can come up with?’ Another deep sigh leaves your lips. ‘ No, I can't, even if I wanted to. If I work any more, I’ll fall over ,’ you think matter-of-factly.
You’re well aware that repression is a bad tactic for dealing with pent-up feelings, but you’re only human. One, so desperate to seriously consider the zombie option for a moment and indeed one who’d rather volunteer 70 hours a week to avoid the stupid family dinner.
Of course it wasn't always like that but the couple years after your graduation passed so quickly. You threw yourself into work, finally you were ready to gain practical experience, after years of drilling. You made it to an internship at a well known clinic in Musutafu and you’re more than proud to be this privileged. You want to exert, make yourself worth the job and be the best you. You pushed your limits on a regular basis.
Although you never wanted to be a hero who fights villains, you adopted the motto of the hero academy not far away. PLUS ULTRA. Never give up, move on, go beyond . You burn so hot for your goals that your own moroseness makes you cringe occasionally. But you always smile it away. Of course, the lack of time that came with working long shifts and overtime resoluted in a puny social life. Work became your life much to the dismay of your Mom. When you cautiously dropped the info that you're planning to work through Christmas completely this year your Mom had looked at you like a deer in headlights.
At least you could talk yourself out with the fact that colleagues with children were preferred. But that usually only opened the door for the next dispute. Your desire to have children. Urghhh. Your only valid desires were the regular consumption of fudgy brownies and a good fuck. You feel the urge to hit your head against a lonely street lamp as you shuffle despondently from the clinic's huge parking lot and turn right onto the main street.
You like the quiet darkness of the night. It's the opposite of the hectic everyday life in the hospital and you appreciate the change. Given to your quirk you've always been more of a night owl than an early bird. When you walk down the stairs to the subway tunnel after a few minutes, you can already hear the rumble of the train. You’re lucky to catch it without waiting. The familiar screeching of the brakes is the only sound far and wide. You are often the only person on the platform - and today is no different.
You get in and sit down at a window place. You spread out your legs in the empty compartment and your sore feet enjoy the relief a lot. You share a whole wagon with only three more people. They are typing lost in thought on their phones, listening to music or already dozing off.
You look at your sunken face in the reflection of the glass pane and can practically hear your mother's reproachful voice. Your mind wanders to your latest phone call and replays.
“Hi, how are you, hun?”
“I’m fine.”
“Well, it doesn't sound like it. ...Extra hours again?”
“Yes. My colleague caught the flu so I'm covering up for him.” A small pause stretches between you and you already know what's about to come when your Mom speaks again.
“Would you listen to me for a sec and don't throw a tantrum, kay?” Your silence is approval enough to get her going.
“Your voice always sounds so worn out when I call you and… I’m worrying. Don't you think you’d need a break, too?”
“Mom, I told you I'm just a little tired. There's no need to worry.” You try your best to sound persuasive - like always without the desired effect. “But that's what Moms do! You’re my child, so of course I worry... I mean you can't keep doing this forever. You're young and beautiful - now's the time to live! You know? You should throw yourself out there and enjoy your life instead of giving your best years away like this.” You huff at that. “Drop it, okay? I choose this life by myself. Can you please stop criticizing me every single time about it? I am not having this discussion with you again.” “Y/n. This is not about your profession. This is about you working so hard for others while ignoring your own needs. Even you have to rest at some point! Think about it, hun. How will you help others, if your own body is collapsing?”
“You’re totally going overboard. It's not like that. And the last time I checked I was completely fine with sewing people together, but don’t mind me.” You retort sarcastically with instant regret. You’ve had this so often, you stopped counting. She always manages to flip the switch and you hate yourself for the lack of control. You don’t want to escalate things so you try to backpedal. “Listen, can we please stop talking about this?“ “You’re incorrigible. Stubborn as a mule.” she determines. “Stubborn like Dad, you mean.” You wear a weary smile and a twitch pinches your heart. You know she thought about him, too, based on the sigh you hear on the other side of the phone. “At least make sure you eat properly,” her tone softened audibly. “How am I ever going to have grandchildren, if your bony ass is useless to attract a handsome doctor?” “Mom!” “What? ... Come on, don’t make a fuss.” It was meant to be a joke but it only makes you swallow uncomfortable. Those statements  of her are pressuring you, no matter how lax they were said. You sure did wish for a change of subject, but not to open the next tinderbox. “I… I need to hang up now. It was nice hearing from you.“ “Promise me to take care of yourself, alright?” You hum in agreement. “Love you, hun.” “Love you, too. Bye Mom.“ You reciprocate the empty phrase with equivalent affection.
You lean your forehead against the cold glass and take a deep breath. You don't want to think about it, you just want to go home, call it a day.
... seven more stations. Then change and four more to go. You allow yourself to zone out and watch the endless blackness of the underground pass by. There is something soothing about it and you manage to collect yourself as you close your eyes.
When the train slowly pulls into the next stop, the doors open automatically and a small breeze refreshes the musty air. You barely notice, because you’re so used to it. You’re trying to remind yourself to buy wrapping paper when you’re going to go for groceries tomorrow morning as a noise disturbs your thoughts.
Suddenly you hear loud rumbling and your eyes search confused for the origin of the commotion. A dark figure gallops breathless down the escalator to the platform at a mad pace.
Well, the trains do arrive relatively unevenly at night - facts - but to be in such a hurry seems exaggerated to you.
The guy hastily takes two steps at a time and carries a large backpack that bounces up and down. You’re left to wonder what or who he might be running off, as he dares a big jump at the end of the stairs, but terribly fails. You can see how the extra weight of the backpack affects his center of gravity so that he stumbles and hits the asphalt hard. Based on the way his foot bends under his weight, you assume he has at least a fractured ankle if not worse.
Your helper instinct is activated immediately.
In an instant you jump to your feet and hurry to the open door without hesitation when abruptly a detonation shakes the underground. An incredibly loud bang roars through the tunnel and everybody gasps in surprise as the floor vibrates slightly under their feet. Dazzling lights blind your view and you put a protective hand in front of your eyes.
'What the...?'
You get the uneasy feeling that something is wrong.
"Excuse me, may I help you?" You offer to the fella on the floor when your vision clears again.
Your question doesn't seem to get through to him. But it shakes him out of his paralyzed state. Without losing much time, the guy gets up again. With hazel eyes wide with fear, he looks back at the escalator.
With your hands reassuringly raised you take more steps towards him. "Sir? Are you hurt? I'm a med-" you try again, but are cut off by another voice.
"You can't escape me, Extra!" "Out of the way!" The backpack guy yells and rushes towards you. Is he chased by a villain? Please no!
Just as this thought buzzes through your head, a new figure appears on the platform.
You freeze when an unmistakeable spiky blonde emerges from the moving staircase and a burnt smell fills the air.
“Still tryin’ to escape me, huh,” the hero shouts and takes up the chase with his signature explosion drive.
Realization hits you hard, but it's too late. When Dynamight is the pursuer, this will logically make the other guy the criminal. ‘Shit!’ Speaking of it - realization isn’t the only thing that hits you. The delinquent pushes you aside with a pained expression to get in the subway and you hit the ground. White dots explode in front of your eyes as the pain shoots through your head. The impact is so hard it even drives the air out of your lungs. You’re conscious but you feel strangely foreign in your own body. ‘What’s wrong with me? My natural reflexes did nothing! Wait… I can't move!’
You grimace with strain or at least you try to but your muscles won’t obey. ‘ Did he use his quirk on me?’ You can only speculate.
Out of the corner of your eye you can see how Dynamight's silhouette hurries past you.
"Eijiro ...!" He shouts urgently as his fiery eyes flicker over you for a split second.
"Yes! Go get him, Katsuki!" screams the redhead in response.
You didn't recognize another hero entering the subway. It must have slipped your attention as you were caught up with the whole situation. Red Riot kneels down by your side and looks you up and down for injuries. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now. Did he touch you?” You try to stir again, but every inch of your sore body feels so incredibly heavy. The pinky finger doesn't even twitch when you try to move it.
“… ca … n't m ...ove”, you choke out with wide eyes. His gaze softens and his kind eyes look at you knowingly. “Ah, thought so. It’ll be alright. He used his quirk on you. We assume he can paralyze people. But it won’t last long.” He tries his best to keep you calm. “Everybody get off NOW!” Dynamight barks in his usual grim voice and it echoes painfully in your head. You try to look out for him, but your field of view is too limited - and you’re petrified anyway. The few passengers shuffle out of the train immediately with angsty faces.
Red Riot takes charge and directs them to gather in a safe distance to the potential danger zone. He advises them to wait and faces you again. “You can’t stay here. I have to pick you up.” “Goo h… heel ...lllp ‘im?” Your eyes dart to the train again. “Trust me, this is a pushover.” He smiles genuinely, “I'd like to have you safe, just in case.”
You don’t protest because you can’t. The way he picks you up makes you blush lightly. Being carried bridal style by a stranger stirs something in you. The warmth of his bare chest is welcoming, the sensible heartbeat soothing against your torso. He's a hero - probably doing these kinds of things on a daily basis and albeit his very respectful touch, you feel silly. Hanging in his arms like a sack of spuds isn’t exactly how you like to picture yourself. “Ah shit. You’re bleeding.” He states concerned as soon as he notices the small red blotch on the back of your head.
A faint waft of hair gel tingles your nose, as he sits you down on a bench. He tugs at you to make sure you won’t fall. “Let me have a closer look…” He examines your wound diligently and smiles at ease. “You’re lucky. it's nothing but a scratch.”
He basically radiates off pure safety with his gentle behaviour. You do feel taken care of and it's nice in a way. But what bothers you, is the mere but heavy fact, that you’re absolutely helpless. You hate it. You don’t want to cause someone else trouble and the loss of control makes you uncomfortable.
“I suggest that you consistently try to move a finger so you won’t miss the end of the paralysis.” He says assuringly.
How the hell can he be as cool as ice while his partner is having a serious mission? What if something unexpected happens? What if-
He laughs at you and questing faces turn in your direction. “Your brows are already knitting again, I can tell it won’t take much longer.” “With all due respect, Sir, how can you stand here laughing and let your colleague fight all alone?” An older man basically voices your thoughts. You would have picked your words more sensitive, because as soon as it's spoken it appears a rude question. But the redheads' smile only widens. “That's easy. Because I trust him.” The small group of civilians including your muted self react startled. It's not uncommon for heroes to split tasks, but still... “Hm. What’s wrong with helping him anyway?” “See, he trusts me, too. He fights preferably when he doesn't have to worry about the safety of people who may be at risk. This is the best way for him to focus on the villains. My quirk is hardening, which I can use to ward off any harm they might be throwing at us. By getting you out of the line, Dynamight has the best starting point to apprehend the villain. As far as we know, this guys’ quirk requires a melee situation with body contact and Dynamight - unlike me - benefits from this. So we’re using this to our advantage. Plus, we’re at a dead end. He has nowhere to go and I think he hurt his ankle when he jumped the staircase earlier. So this is no real match up, believe me.” There is definitely some truth to his words. But you can’t help but wonder about his confidence. “Nevertheless, please stay behind me at any cost and be aware of the ones around you until this is over.” Fortunately enough it seemed like the guy - you refuse to call him a villain - didn’t want to harm people in the first place. Yes, he pushed you, but only because you were standing in his way. He appealed insecure, even scared, not coldblooded or calculating. God knows hurting people wasn’t his main goal. He must have been pretty desperate for an escape if he thought a subway appeared to be a good idea - with two heroes right on his ass. Obviously one doesn't plan on getting caught, when about to commit a crime, you guess. You don’t know enough to judge... Maybe opportunity made the thief in this case. You sit and wonder, only vaguely paying attention to what happens in the subway. The wagon with Dynamight is at least 50 metres away from you and it's unlikely silent. Naturally he can’t just blow up the train in order to catch the guy, but you can’t really picture him talk him out otherwise. ...It has been a long time since you were so close to a heroic operation, let alone be involved in the middle of it as a “victim”. Whenever you catch a glimpse of him in between people your heartbeat accelerates. He still is as hot as ever - if not hotter. He wears the fucking crown out of self-confidence with even more ease. The years made him broader, steps dripping of assurance, clear-cut features handsome as ever with those sharp crimson eyes. Dynamight … why he of all people? Like an old friend, a notable memory visits you again. You only remember fragments of that evening, except this one encounter. You can see it crystal clear as if it was yesterday. Back then, you were in med school and you had passed an important exam the day before. You had promised your brother that the two of you would go out together like in the old days. It was fun. At least for you. To this day your brother teases you about it and you can’t help but blush every time when he mockingly rants how shameless you’ve been.
Halloween eve, years ago
There's heroes and villains everywhere. It's not as packed as it was a few hours ago, but still the streets were roamed by many people. Despite Halloween being supposed to be creepy, most people plainly dressed up as their favorite heroes instead of villains. So a hero's popularity was pretty much measured by how many doppelgangers were walking around.
Needless to say, All Might fans dominated the street scene, totally refusing Endeavor as new Number One Hero. Bakugou saw loads of Froppys among the kids earlier that day. Even dumb Pickachu had fans. Seems like they’re making the best of the provisional license so far.
Unlike his colleagues, Bakugou savours the privilege of his rather bad image. People always hold a fair distance to Dynamight when he's patrolling. Especially on Halloween - nobody wanted to be the idiot who got explosions in their face for mistaking him for a clad friend. It felt inequitable. He was trying to improve his temper - but hands down - he got a long way to go. On the other side he was happy that there would be no pesky fan disturbances like selfies, autographs and chitchat.
Anyways, here he is now, walking the streets with drunk All Mights stumbling home from their night out. The smell of sugar, booze and happy chatter of the people enjoying themselves filled the chilly autumn air.
Bakugou can't help but think of the perfect cover this night would provide for crime. It would be so easy to dress up as literally anyone and hide their real identity. Piece of cake to get lost in the crowd with dozens of doubles, an opportunity he sure wouldn’t let pass if he were a villain.
Because the agencies are aware of that fact, too, they would double the patrols around Halloween. So he won’t let his guard down, even if there were only a few minutes of his shift left.
He continues to observantly strives the streets, always side eying the darker alleys, left behind candy cracking under his soles, as-
“Oh my god, look at you!” someone exclaimed loudly in front of him. In a split second his crimson eyes shift to the source of the sound.
Hawks and Shoto were standing arm in arm in front of him. Hawks had one gloved hand tightly wrapped around Shotos waist and he obviously had trouble balancing their extra weight. Red fluffy plush wings were strapped on his back and the eyeliner was on fleek. With the glasses and an ocher coat it all came together to a solid costume.
IcyHot on the other hand, was way too curvy to match the original. Bakugou could see h/c hair peek out underneath the heterochromatic wig and slender limbs being hugged perfectly in the familiar blue suit. The smile Fem-Shoto threw at him was somehow contagious.
You broke away from Hawks and staggered towards him with shaky knees. Of course you slipped and in a quick reflex Bakugou stretched out his arms to prevent you from falling.
You giggled at that and looked at him in awe. The orangey light of the street lamps gave his ashy hair a saintly halo. You shamelessly took him in and your eyes lingered disrespectfully long on his bare biceps. He halfway expects you to stretch out a hand and stiffens slightly at the thought.
“That's by far the best costume I’ve seen today”, you blurt out, “I swear, Dynamight is sooo hot! Could blow me up any time~”
Bakugou was caught by surprise and lifted a sceptical brow at the statement.
“Shushhh Onee-chan, you’re embarrassing,” whined Hawks with a hand on his neck. ”Come on now, I’ve gotta get you home somehow.”
You weren’t listening at all and grabbed one of his gauntlets to examine it closely.
“Wow, how’d you get them so realistic?” you asked with big eyes full of admiration.
“Oi hands off, Half’n’Half!” he growled dismissively. Resolute but careful not to make you trip again he drew them from your hands.
“Sooo mean~”
“Tch”, he clicked his tongue at you annoyingly.
You lifted your gaze and met his piercing eyes. He noticed your dilated pupils and the familiar smell of beer and smoke radiating off of your clothes. Your cheeks were rosy and glowing, the e/c of your eyes standing out to the red paint on your face.
“Damn you really take this shit seriously, do you? You into roleplay or somethin’?”
“Jeez, y/n stop it!!! I’m so, so sorry…” said the Hawksguy in an apologizing manner shifting his feet in discomfort but not daring to come any nearer to Bakugou. At least he seemed sober enough to recognise him.
"Don’t tell me what to do!” you snapped angry at what appears to be your younger brother and Bakugou bites back a grin hearing one of his standard answers out of your pretty mouth.
As if you were only realising now that Bakugou was still holding you, you straightened your back and made the attempt to stand on your own. Neither your heels nor your knees seem reliable, but you were sticking out your chest confidently.
“I'm sure handsome over here would say something if I'm overstepping the bounds, right?”
You throw him your best charming smile, boldly laying a hand on his broad chest leaving him startled about your straightforwardness.
There was no denying that you were indeed buzzed … and going for it.
But albeit pretty privilege, he couldn’t let you touch him like this. The last thing he wanted was involuntarily taking advantage of your situation.
“Excuse me Shoto, but this is inappropriate for me in public,” he answers with a playful grin and removes your hand.
“Huh? And beating my ass at the sports festival in our first year wasn’t or what?” You retort with raised brows and a challenging grin. You lean in close and whisper in a low voice “We both know you wouldn't stand a chance against me now~”
Goosebumps erupt in his neck where a hint of your breath tickles his skin.
‘I kind of wanna give it a shot just to see you fail’ , he thinks to himself and enhances the effort to keep his gaze neutral.
Meanwhile Hawks face was a solid beet red and he was visibly at unease about what to do about the fact that his sister was blatantly obvious flirting with frickin Dynamight.
He desperately bowed a full ninety degrees and repeated his apologies. “God, no! Honestly I’m so sorry she’s …” he wildly gestures in your direction in a loss for words ”like this. It's my fault she's had too much. I was going to bring her home anyway. I'm sorry if we caused you trouble.”
“Nugget, I can hear you! You’re so rude!” You turned swaying to your brother and raised your forefinger in a lecturing manner. “I'm the older one and I am fully responsibly aware of my limits. So would you please just shut up when I'm trying to make a move here. You're supposed to be my wingman !”
Bakugou snorts amused at the awful pun and apparently Hawks looked like he could compete against Aizawa in an I-don’t-get-paid-enough-for-this-crap-staring-contest.
After a  moment of silence it's you who addresses Bakugou again: ”Soooo, what are you up to in a more private setting, Boomboy?”
Before he could answer, Hawks steps in and grabs you by the hand.
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this. If you were responsibly aware like you say, you would’ve recognised him. Just let him be, baka.”
You tried to laugh him off, but the seriousness in his voice lets your happy-drunk confidence falter. “I - I would have… recog...nised…” your eyes flicker from Bakugou to Hawks as realization finally hits your brain.
You blink multiple times. “Oh.”
The grin on Dynamights face splits further as your cheeks begin to bloom in a scarlet hue. “I… “ You squirm to find words but not a single tone leaves your lips. He thinks it's adorable and watches how you let yourself be pulled away. You don't fight back anymore.
“My pleasure, Shoto. I hope you get home safely.” He emphasizes ‘Shoto’ in a way that makes your stomach drop to your knees and you turn to face him.
“It's Y/n. And I stick to my words...”, you bite your bottom lip and your expression is a flustered mess. “...Dynamight is the hottest.” You grin sinisterly over your shoulder as your figures slowly disappear behind a flock of people.
The last thing Bakugou can hear is the protest of your brother.
“-- I swear I'm never going to make you pancakes ever again if you don't stop simping right now!”
“What is your goddamn problem, Nugget? You know, sometimes I wonder how you manage to walk with this massive branch up your ass.”
*smack* “Ouch! Hahaha”
--- Whenever you remember this night, a lewd smile sneaks its way to your face. Yes, you were shameless but you didn’t regret anything. You had spent countless evenings imagining what could have been. Who would have expected you to run into Dynamight? To your own demise you catch yourself regretting what you thought earlier about your zombie appearance. You suddenly wish you wouldn’t have been too lazy to do a touch up on your makeup. Seconds pass and you shrug off the awful shallow thought. Now is obviously not the time to be a thirsty bitch. It takes you a moment to notice that your shoulder blades actually lifted. Awestruck you feel a strange tingling washing over you. Your whole body feels like it's dipped in a buzzing beehive. The prickling fights back the cool numbness and you gasp in joy as your muscles obey you again. You luckily wiggle your toes as the last bit of stiffness disappears. You stand up to the small group of bystanders, but your blood circulation is still slow. Your knees threaten to give in, but a sturdy arm helps you stand. “Whoa, you okay already?” “Yeah, at least I thought so.” You slyly try a pressed smile to the observant redhead. “Good. Do me a favor and take it easy, okay? You should let the emergency doc check you for a concussion later.” “I probably should.” You close your eyes to fight back the spinning of your head. “You sure you’re okay?” “Ah yes. It just took me a moment, but I'm fine. Thank god this is over.” You sigh with relief, as you regain your composure and detach from the hero. “Screw god and rather thank me!”
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supercityboys · 4 years
Chocolate Oranges
Summary: Love and holidays. They go together too well.
Relationships: Sambucky
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Alpine (Marvel), The Wilson Family, Avengers Team, Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Christmas, Christmas Party, Christmas Music, Christmas Shopping, chocolate orange sharing, Sam's head over heals ok?, New Years, New Year's Eve, I will put alpine in every fic I can y'all can't stop me
And that orange, it made me so happy,
As ordinary things often do
Just lately. The shopping. A walk in the park
This peace and contentment. It's new.
I love you. I'm glad I exist.
-The Orange, Wendy Cope
____________________________________________                    Chapter 1: Terry's and Hosting
“C’mon man. Just one bite and I’ll leave you alone.”
Sam hovered over Bucky as he took a singular, cautious bite. "Well....?" he asked. "Whatcha think Buck?"
He watched as Bucky let the chocolate orange sit on his tongue for a second, squinting his eyes in thought. Sam drew closer, putting his hands on his knees and squatting down until he was at eye-level with him and close enough to count his individual pores and see the small knick he made while shaving. Bucky squinted his eyes further. In response, Sam squinted until his vision was blurry.  
"Hmm…” Bucky started.
“Yeah? Spit it out.”
Bucky laughed. “You don’t want me to do that…” A couple more seconds. “It's good."
Sam sprang up from his position. "Aha! I knew you would like it." Barnes was so damn stubborn.
"I was just suspicious," Bucky defended, sitting back on the barstool. "Wasn't sure if you were gonna poison me after that three-bean thing you made."
"Hehehehe, my bad homie,” he giggled. ‘That one wasn't really my fault though."  It wasn’t. In fact, if Sam’s memory served correct, it was Scott’s fault. He’d just told Bucky that they should try it to open up his palette.
Sam gently grabbed Alpine from her spot next to Bucky and took it, setting her in his lap but she jumped down anyway. "Plus," he added. "How would I've poisoned you? You saw me take out the box."
"Anything that has to be banged against a table before eating is suspicious to me." He offered Sam a slice to take then took himself another.
"But it was good though. Riiiight ?"
Bucky sighed in fond defeat. "Yeah, it was good though," he echoed back.
Sam gave him a pat on the back. “Ha, told you so.”
They both held up their slice of orange as if giving cheers.
They tapped the tips of their orange slices together and took a bite. Their eyes never left off of each other as they were chewing. Sam didn’t know whether Bucky was choosing to continue their previous standoff or not. All that mattered was that he’d get to savor the flavor of the chocolate with Bucky enjoying it with him. Sweet and tangy, reminded Sam of the sweethearts he once mocked Bucky for liking. Crazy. All it took was time and love to find that perfect middle ground. What a beautiful concept. To taste the lips of your love without kissing them.
It had been every lately, Bucky’s smiles the most. Passing glances and prolonged gazes with that same smile over and over again. When he first saw Bucky’s eyes Sam thought he’d accidentally get lost in there- or worse, lose himself. The days went on and on and on, one on top of the other, continuing and cultivating each droplet of yearning as it grew like yeast. Alas, he remained too scared to ignite the flame to turn his yearning yeast into bread.
In times of panic, he’d search the room looking for that silent affirmation: We’ll work it out. Every day at every moment even when he couldn’t find them, he’d envision. Every night Sam wished he’d wake to see blue eyes and a free smile staring back at him, warm and inviting. The days and the weeks grew on. They wouldn’t stop. When he focused he could see his reflection in Bucky’s eyes exactly how he appeared to be without the smoke screens or mirrors; imperfections and all. When he looked down he would see Bucky smiling anyway. Beguiling and relentless, each timeless moment they shared would last. Searching forever the crevices of what love looked like.
"Okay, okay, okay! I found it!" A voice said, pulling Sam and Bucky from their reverie. Bucky threw Sam a sad smile and turned his head towards the voice.
"It's not that far from here either, only thirty minutes. We can pick a day then just pack travel together." Steve walked into the kitchen with his phone pressed to his ear throwing a brief smile at the both of them. He stopped behind the bar.
"Yeah, well. Yes. I know it's called carpooling not pack traveling, I was in a flurry for words," he spoke into the phone. "Oh haha, very funny. Ok. Ok. Yes. I know." He paused. "Love you too, honey. Muah, bye." Steve hung up the phone indignantly and turned to Sam and Bucky. "Can you imagine how much work it takes to get a billionaire to go tree shopping with you?" He asked. "It's a lot by the way."
"I bet," Sam said. "So does Pepper and Sharon know about that little kissy-kissy thing or...?" he teased.
Steve laughed and exaggeratedly looked side to side. "No, shh." He laughed again and clapped his hands together. "So what are you guys doing?"
"Poison tasting," Bucky said holding up the chocolate orange. Sam smacked his shoulder playfully. "Ow."
"Oh, Terry's! I love those."
Bucky snorted. "Well that’s too bad, you can't have any."
"There's more behind you in the Walmart bag," Sam countered.
"Hey!" Bucky gave Sam an up and down look. "Who told you, you had the authority to override me?"
Sam took his index finger and pointed it to himself. "Captain." Then to Bucky. "Sergeant."
"Okay? And?"
"He ranks higher than you Buck," Steve interjected with a shrug.
"You,” Bucky said pointing his finger at Steve, “stay out of this.” He turned the barstool back to Sam. "I'm prettier," he said haughtily, raising his chin.
“What are you talking about? My face was carved by angels, have you looked at me?”
“Pfff. Yeah, right. Your face looks like it was carved by the raccoons I feed outside of 7/11.”
“Buck!” Steve chastised.
“Bucky, no,” Sam added on.
Bucky looked around in confusion before realization set in. “Oh yeah. You’re not supposed to feed the raccoons or whatever,” he waved his hand dismissively. “I’ve committed worse crimes. I’m pretty sure the government is just happy I’m not violating the Geneva Conventions. Again.”
Sam made a dissatisfied face but otherwise ignored the statement, not ready to debate the semantics of Bucky’s extremely complicated probation. He turned back to Steve who was enjoying his chocolate orange immensely, already ridding of half of it. Then an idea came to fruition.
“You said Christmas tree shopping is on Tuesday, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, I was thinking since I’m not going over to my folk’s house this year maybe if no one’s going home or anything I could host?” Sam asked tentatively. He wasn’t sure if anyone was even going to do a big gathering or not and as far as he could tell no one was doing anything special. “Everyone can still buy a tree and decorate but as far as dinner goes it wouldn’t be too bad to have some people around since it’s only Bucky and me.”
Steve chewed thoughtfully for a minute, probably sifting through all of his mental tabs he keeps on everyone. After a moment, Steve turned to Bucky. “Are you in on this too?”
“I mean, yeah,” Bucky said. “We were just talking earlier about how empty it was around here. But if Stark or Barton want to do it at theirs it wouldn’t be a bad idea depending on how many people are attending.”
Another moment of consideration- and chewing- from Steve. “I’ll throw the idea by everyone at the next team meeting then. It would do Thor some good to have a celebration to plan. I heard he was quite the partier once, and T’Challa was telling me about how Wakanda’s winter solstice is different from here so I’m sure he’ll be free. Hmm…” he rambled, clearly already formulating a plan.
Steve grabbed his phone and started headed back out the door. “I’ll tell you the official plans after I contact everyone!” he said walking out the door and shutting it behind him.
Sam waited until a few seconds before speaking.
“Do you…?”
“Know why or how he got into our house? No,” Bucky answered. “But we do have a party to plan for.” Bucky stood and extended a hand to help Sam up. “Not that I’m objecting to it but why did you spontaneously decide to host? I thought you were going with your folks.” Bucky wrapped his arm around Sam and started to aimlessly wander throughout the house.
“Nah, I told them that I’d spend the day with you since I didn’t want you to be alone.” What can he say? Bucky had become family to him even before they’d moved in together. He thought Bucky deserved to spend the holidays with him too.
They stopped in front of Bucky’s bedroom door and untangled themselves from one another. Bucky kept a soft hand on Sam’s wrist. “That’s... really sweet of you, Doll,” he said, suddenly soft. The man was often quiet or stoic, and with friends, humorous. But rarely ever soft.
“Hey, man.” Sam placed his other hand on top of Bucky’s, fixing his watch back into position. “Ain’t nothing but a thang, alright?”
Bucky smiled. “Yeah. Ain’t nothing but a thang.”
“Anyways, you shouldn’t be so worried. It’ll just gonna be the usual group, maybe some few extras but it’ll be fine,” he reassured. He patted Bucky on the back turning to leave but not before adding, “You still have to meet my family on New Years’.”
“W-what?” Bucky sputtered out. “Sam? Sam?!?” he called out worriedly, but to no avail came to any answer.
Sam snickered. Ahh yes.  This was going to be a very happy holiday season.
Taglist: @honestlyfrance @lesbians-love-samwilson @intergalacticwarriorred @siancore @glittercake @sambuckyslayallday @pianistwriter80 @hamsamwhich @sambambucky  (let me know if you ever wanna be tagged!)
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