#i can’t reach the ground and all my markers have spilled beneath the seat.
basementeyesdream · 3 months
airplanes suck airplanes suck airplanes suck who the fuck invented these things
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collecting-stories · 6 years
Wedding Day | Floki
can you write some floki from vikings please? maybe it’s the reader and floki’s wedding day? and can you make it really fluffy :))))) thank youuuuuu
Wedding Day | Floki
This new ship had not been made for sailing across the sea though Floki was more than certain the small vessel could take them wherever they so chose. No, this boat, carved from the finest trees he could find between Kattegat and Hedeby, was for something far more adventurous. At the front had been carved the figure of Frigg the beloved. The figure alone, carved so out of wood that she appeared like a human clinging to the front of the small boat, had taken Floki more time than he would care to admit. Simply because he had gone in search of the perfect tree to form the goddess on the very same night that he had first met you.  
It was a festival night, he remembered well. You had gone with your sister and her husband to celebrate the summer months and the longer days. He was there with Ragnar, Rollo, and Lagertha but had left his friends to pray at the feet of the statue of Odin. As he had left the temple you were there on the steps, lingering just outside the door. He didn’t know it then but you had been waiting for him to come out so you might speak to him. Your sisters were all married to vikings and your brothers had all become vikings but the trade did not interest you. Not so much as the man who made their boats did.  
“Are you Floki?” You asked as he stepped outside. It would be one of many times that you would make the first move in the relationship.  
“Yes. Yes the very same.” He nodded his head vigorously, eyes bright beneath charcoal markings.  
“I wanted to tell you, I was with my sister to see the last raid off and I could not help but admire the craftsmanship of the boat. Unlike any I’ve ever seen.” You knew little about boats, aside from being made of wood and able to float. But it was the finest ship you’d ever seen and you had been longing to speak to Floki for sometime. He was a recluse in the woods, hiding away and speaking to the gods and making his boats. Or so your sister said. But you had begun to think that wasn’t such a terrible sounding life.  
“I am working on one now that is particularly tricky.” Floki replied, red tinting his cheeks and ears at the compliment. “It has taken some time to find the perfect trees. They cannot be any tree you know.”  
“Can they not?” You asked, eager only to hear his voice and watch his expressive nature as he spoke to you.  
Floki spent the rest of the evening by your side and, when the sun rose and you returned home with your sister Floki set out to find the perfect tree. He was going to make you a boat. It would be the most magnificent vessel he had ever fashioned and it was.  
The seat at the back of it was built up to appear almost like a throne to those who saw it. The entire boat, from the throne to Frigg, was adorned with fresh cut flowers. It was the last step of his elaborate plan. He was so giddy about it that he could hardly stand still as he waited for you to be ready.  
When he had asked you to marry him it had been at his home in the woods, as he worked on a ship and you sat watching him. And actually, it was you who asked him for marriage. But he was beneath a boat and could not hear you.  
“What did you say?” Floki asked, his head popping out from the bottom of the ship, or the top really. He had managed, with Ragnar’s help, to rig the ship upside down on a set of pegs just enough inches off the ground that he could crawl beneath. He was working on the interior of the ship and asked you to watch, for fear it would collapse on him and he would become trapped. And also because he liked spending time with you.  
“I said that we should get married.” You replied, the words coming out as easily as if you were asking a friend the weather. It was something you had given much thought and each time realised that more than anything you were calm and relaxed about the idea of Floki and you marrying. It felt natural, what was meant to happen.  
“Married?!” Floki repeated the word, jumping a bit at the proclamation and hitting his head on the edge of the boat.  
It took you and two thralls who had been on their way to the river to get Floki out from under the ship and into bed safely. After you thanked them for their trouble and sent them on their way you sat with your lover until he awoke. When he did he was more out of it than usual, the head wound making everything a bit fuzzy.  
He called your name, despite you being right beside him and, when he finally realized it was you smiled. “I have the most amazing idea.” He confided.  
“What is it?” You asked.  
“Let’s get married.”
“That is an amazing idea love, I can’t imagine where you thought of it.” You teased, kissing him.  
This had been no one’s idea but his. A boat to symbolise not only his love for you but your marriage together. Not grand, surely, but able to withstand the fiercest of storms. Flowers because they were delicate yet strong and beautiful like you. Frigg to watch over your marriage and keep you safe. He held his hands over your eyes as he walked you down to the dock where everyone had gathered for the wedding. He walked behind you, taking each step with you and guiding you as best he could over the terrain.  
“Floki, just let me see already,” You laughed, hands pressed to his as you walked with him down the embankment.  
“No, no ruining the surprise.”  
“It won’t be a surprise when I trip and crack my head open on a rock.”  
“Shush,” he laughed, “I’ve got you.”  
When you reached the edge of the dock he lifted his hands from your eyes and your hands flew to cover your mouth as you stared at the ship. You felt tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes as Floki stood beside you, waiting for you to confirm that this was a good surprise.  
You reached out, grabbing his arm with one hand and turning to look at him. The tears in your eyes had spilled out, taking some of your eye makeup with it. Little flecks of charcoal being carried away on streams of tears. “This is beautiful. You made this for us?”  
When Floki had set about making the ship he had been making it for you. That was always his thought. This was your boat, a gift from him as a show of his love. He hadn’t considered, until you said it out loud, that this was for both of you. Not the beginning of your love surely but a marker of how it had grown and how far it could still go.  
“Yes.” Floki replied, hand squeezing yours. “To begin our journey together.”  
“Hm,” You hummed in agreement, turning to place a kiss on his cheek, “to continue our journey together, Frigg willing.”  
I’ve had so much coffee today. 
taglist: @thinkingsofamadwoman @lif3snotouttogetyou @demonhunter1616 @breathlessouls @silverblooddemon @titty-teetee @mixedwiththemoon
(if you want to be tagged in any vikings fics let me know!)
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shawol9196 · 6 years
For the Vows of Love: Vows of Passion (Ch 4/5) (Het!2min; ~3.4K) AFF link
“We are from the same kingdom now, princess.”
“Am I married yet? There’s a contract, but no groom? Do not call me a citizen of your kingdom, not yet.”
Gwiboon sighs and keeps arranging fabric.
Gwiboon’s return marks Kai and Taemin’s departure. She explains their mission -- a diplomatic meeting with officials from the kingdom to the south -- and that the prince has not gone because of the engagement. Though Minjung’s relieved to hear that they’ll return within two days, she almost wishes the prince had gone as well, that she might’ve seen him off. Nothing has changed in their nightly routine -- he still comes in, touches her hair, then goes to his own bed -- but her feelings continue to. Fear turned into resentment, now turning into loathing. His letters haven’t changed either; they still claim shame at not meeting her, while still promising a future meeting. Gwiboon’s mood continues to sour with time as well.
Kai and Taemin are a marker out when Minjung is woken up. She tries to eat her breakfast calmly, but she can’t hide her excitement from herself, much less from Gwiboon or Sohee. Truthfully, she’s been lonely without Taemin’s odd company. Suddenly, there’s a calamity outside and all three rise to find out what’s going wrong. Just before they get to the door, a different servant comes rushing in.
“Is there a fire?” Gwiboon asks.
“No, no. It’s Kai and...and Taemin. They were attacked by marauders on the way back!”
Minjung and Sohee go running out of the room before Gwiboon can stop them. Kai and Taemin are coming in just as they make it to the front. Though both are still riding their respective horses, Taemin’s slouched over on his, Kai holding the reins for both. Kai dismounts as serverts rush to get Taemin down. Kai moves them out of the way, carrying Taemin himself into the main building. Sohee rushes after him. Minjung goes to follow, but feels Gwiboon’s hand around her wrist.
“I know you want to follow him, Minjung, but you can’t. The doctors won’t let you in.”
“Why can Sohee follow but I cannot?”
“She’s going to see Kai, to get a debriefing of the attack. She may be your guard, but do not forget that she is also a head guard of this palace. When and if he’s well enough to see you, he’ll call for you.”
There’s no annoyance in Gwiboon’s voice, no sense of anger or impatience, so Minjung lets her bring her back to her room. The afternoon is spent anxiously. No news comes out about Kai or Taemin; when Sohee comes back, it’s only to request to be relieved for the rest of the day. Soojung comes in around dinner time as a stand in. Just as they begin to eat, there’s a knock on the door.
“Enter.” Gwiboon says.
The door opens to reveal Kai. His hand is bandaged and he walks with a limp, but otherwise he seems fine. Minjung rushes to stand and help him to a seat and it seems to amuse him.
“There’s no need to fuss over me, princess.”
“Have you eaten?”
“No, I was about to but I thought I should stop and check in with you.”
“Please, you can eat with me.”
He chuckles and allows her make sure he’s comfortable.
“Are you alright?” she asks, once she’s sat again.
“Yes, princess. Just a few scratches, it’s nothing. Taemin took the brunt of it.”
Minjung nods, trying not to seem too upset. Kai and Gwiboon share a look.
“He’s doing fine, princess. I know you’re worried. A few cuts, but he should recover just fine. He said to send you his apologies, that you had to see him in such a state. The doctor wishes for him to be alone to recover tonight, but said that he could have a visitor tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Kai. I’m glad you’re not too hurt.”
It’s afternoon before Minjung’s allowed to see Taemin. He’s asleep when she comes in, so she sits down next to him in hopes that he’ll wake up. There’s a cut on his cheek, bandages on his side and shoulder. She traces just beneath the cut, pangs of sadness and some other unknown emotion hitting her as she does. To her surprise, he wakes up. She pulls her hand away, but he reaches out to grab it.
“I’m...touched, princess.”
Minjung can feel herself blushing as a small smile breaks out on his face.
“I...I was just...when I was younger I used to volunteer...used to go to the army and see the wounded.”
“How kind of you, princess.”
“How...how are you feeling? Kai said they said you would be alright.”
“I’m tired, but my wounds are just superficial. They hurt but I’ll be back to normal soon.”
“That’s good.”
Silence falls and Minjung realizes he’s still holding onto her hand. He lets go when she pulls away. Suddenly conflicted, she stands.
“I’ll let you rest, then.”
He simply continues to smile as she rushes out. It’s not until she gets back to her rooms, back to her garden, that she can put a name to the feeling.
Over the next three days, there’s a marked change in Minjung’s emotions. It becomes difficult to be around Taemin, to listen to Gwiboon talk of the marriage, to sleep in the prince’s presence. She becomes near hysteric and it’s clear that no one there knows what to do. Taemin heals enough to walk around, but becomes more distant, spending less time with her for fear of upsetting her; it only adds to her pain.
“Ambassador Yunho is coming by. He said he has news for you, Minjung.” Gwiboon says as she helps Minjung dress.
“From my kingdom or yours?”
“We are from the same kingdom now, princess.”
“Am I married yet? There’s a contract, but no groom? Do not call me a citizen of your kingdom, not yet.”
Gwiboon sighs and keeps arranging fabric.
“I don’t know what news Yunho brings.”
It’s noon when Yunho arrives. When he steps out of the carriage, Gwiboon pulls him out of earshot. They speak at length before they all move back to Minjung’s rooms. Gwiboon and Sohee step out, letting Yunho and Minjung speak in peace.
“Gwiboon says you bring news?”
“Yes. On the personal front, Boa and I are expecting again. On the political front, Crown Prince Minseok is set to assume the throne in two months time.”
“Is father well?” “He’s healthy, but he’s losing his nerve. Minseok has been making most decisions anyway, so he felt that it’s time to let him reign.”
“I see.”
“The crowning ceremony is to take place in two months time. Invitations have been given to the king and queen. They have assured me that you’ll be allowed to come.”
Minjung feels tears well up and Yunho looks distressed.
“Princess, what’s the matter? Are you ill?”
“Yunho, please take me home. Please, I’m not happy here, please take me home.” she begs, tears spilling over.
He reaches for her hand.
“Minjung, you know I can’t...”
“I still haven’t met him, how I marry him if I still haven’t met him?”
“You still haven’t met 8th prince?” Yunho asks incredulously.
She shakes her head, crying harder.
“In that case it’s no wonder why you’re so hysterical. Lady Gwiboon made it seem as if there was something else wrong.”
He pulls her closer to him, letting her cry on his shoulder.
“I want to go home.” she says when she quiets down.
“I know you do, Jungie. We want you to come home too. Just three more days, Jungie. Can you make it three more days? I’ll come for you, I promise. It’s the best I can do.”
There’s a knock on the door and one of his valets comes in.
“Ambassador Yunho, we must be leaving, sir.”
Yunho tries to let go of Minjung, but her grip is too tight.
“I’ll come back for you, Jungie. Either to congratulate you or bring you home. I promise. Just three more days.”
Watching Yunho’s carriage leave is the last straw for Minjung. She becomes silent and listless the rest of the day. Though she wishes he would, Taemin doesn’t stop by at all. Gwiboon leaves her alone as much as she can, though she makes it clear that she’s unhappy about it.
Once she hears the prince’s breathing even out, once she knows he’s asleep, she makes her move. She goes out to the garden, to the very back. There’s a bench there, just close enough to the wall, and she’s just tall enough when she stands on it to be able to climb onto and over the wall. She makes her way back to the outerwall of the palace, taking care to stay quiet and avoid any lights. The gate at the back is small, just a single emergency door. It takes some effort, but she eventually gets it open. She shuts it behind herself and starts running as fast as she can. Unlike at the front gate, the path leading away from the rear of the palace has far fewer lights. As she runs, Minjung wishes she had hidden away slippers. The ground is cold and hard against her feet but she continues running as hard as she can. There’s yelling coming from the palace and she knows it’s been discovered that she’s missing. She desperately tries to find some hidden away energy to run faster. She starts glancing side to side for a place to hide but there’s little along the path. The sound of hooves approaches and Minjung trips in her panic. The horse and rider block her path, so she stays on her knees. The rider dismounts and Minjung half expects to be killed for her disobedience. When they make no move towards her, she looks up to see Taemin. His face is emotionless and for the first time, she’s frightened of him.
“Taemin please...” she says quietly.
When he offers no answer, she feels herself start to cry.
“I can’t love the 8th prince. Please, Taemin. I...I...I love you and I can’t...I won’t....please, take me away from here. I want a happy life, not one in fear of a man that I can’t see. I’m so scared, Taemin, please. Take me away from here or take me home to my father or or or kill me...please don’t take me back there please don’t make me go back. Please, I beg you. Take me away from here. I love you, I love you, I love you, please.”
Taemin takes his coat off and moves forward. For a second, Minjung thinks that he might actually cave in. As he wraps it around her shoulders and helps her stand however, it becomes clear what he’s doing.
“The night is cold, princess. They’ll be expecting us to return.”
He helps her up onto the horse and begins leading them back. Minjung tries to hold her tears, but it’s to no avail. When they return, Gwiboon, Soojung, and Kai are waiting for them. Taemin hands the reigns to Kai and immediately goes to Gwiboon. The two walk a distance away before turning their backs to them and speaking at length. Kai helps Minjung down and she can’t help but to cling to him. Soojung tries to pull her away, but her grip is too strong.
“Your month is almost over, princess. It’ll be easier soon.” Kai whispers, lifting Taemin’s jacket from her shoulders. “You have to let go of me now, it’ll be worse for us both if you don’t.”
Minjung composes herself and pulls away just before Taemin and Gwiboon turn back towards them. Gwiboon walks towards her as Kai leaves to put the horse in the stable. Taemin remains where he is. Without saying a word, Gwiboon slaps Minjung across the face.
“You’re a foolish girl, Minjung.”
Minjung starts crying again.
“Since you’re so against sleeping in your bedchamber, you’ll be sleeping outside in the garden tonight. In addition, you’ll be without food tomorrow in punishment for what you’ve done. You should be thankful for how kindly my brother has treated you. I understand that you’re upset at not meeting, but there’s many a crueller fate that could’ve befallen you. You of all people should know that.”
With another slap, Gwiboon storms off. Soojung offers her elbow.
“I’ll lead you back, princess.”
As they walk towards her wing, Minjung looks back to where Taemin had been standing. He’s gone, along with her last hope.
It’s not as terrible as Minjung expects to sleep outside. Whether it’s because the garden is actually enjoyable to sleep in or because she’s exhausted from the ordeal of the night before, Minjung finds herself somewhat rested when Soojung comes to wake her. As she’s led back to her dressing room, Minjung remembers her food punishment. She tries not to think about the breakfast she would’ve gotten as Gwiboon dresses her in yellow. Gwiboon doesn’t speak the whole time and once everything’s finished, she leaves. Minjung tries to get answers out of Sohee, but her guard answers her as little as possible. Afraid to go out and get into further trouble, Minjung stays in her garden. Gwiboon comes back, bringing along some needle craft with her. They sit in silence.
“May I speak to Taemin?” Minjung asks after an hour.
“Taemin has gone away.” Gwiboon states.
“The prince sent him away?” Minjung asks, trying not to let panic into her voice.
“Did I say that the prince sent him away? Taemin left on his own. He and Kai are allowed leave of duty so long as the other is in well enough health.”
Minjung sits down, taking Gwiboon’s hands into her own. “Tell me honestly, is Taemin married?”
Gwiboon finally looks at Minjung. Though her exterior presents annoyance, there’s something soft and sorry in her eyes. “Princess, if I could tell you, I would. But as it is, it does not matter if Taemin is married. For all intents and purposes, you are. If you were queen, you’d have the option of asking for him as a concubine of sorts, but as you are only marrying the 8th in line, that’s not a luxury you have.”
Gwiboon stands and sets about putting her work away.
“May I speak to Kai?”
“Why do you want to speak to him? Do you think he’s not under the same gag order as me?”
Minjung repeats her request, trying to sound firmer. Gwiboon sighs and looks out the door.
“Kai is in the stable. I didn’t see you walk over there. But please be advised, princess, if you try anything foolish with him, your punishment will not be as light this time.”
Minjung stands and walks as quickly as she can. As promised, she finds Kai in the stable, brushing down his horse. She takes note that Taemin’s is missing, along with all of the gear normally kept around it. She knocks on a beam and Kai smiles when he looks up at her.
“Hello, princess. What can I do for you?”
“Did the prince make Taemin leave?”
“No, princess. He only granted him the leave he requested.”
“Did...did he leave because of me?”
Kai stops his work and looks up at her. “He didn’t give a reason, princess. He was already gone by the time I woke this morning.”
Minjung thinks she might cry again but instead offers an apology. Kai smiles softly once more.
“I know, princess. He told me...he told me what happened. It’s hard, I know. I wish I could offer you something comforting, but all I can tell you is it will turn out brighter than you think it will.”
Kai continues brushing his horse and Minjung walks over to the stall Taemin’s horse previously occupied. It’s been emptied completely. She spots something in the far corner and as she gets close, she realizes it’s a candle. Once again, hope burns within her. She quickly picks it up and drops it into her pocket fold. There’s a knock and she looks up to see Gwiboon.
“Minjung, you need to come back now.”
She nods and goes to follow. She turns around as she exits.
“Thank you, Kai.”
He nods and she hurries to keep close to Gwiboon.
“Your engagement will end in two days time. At that day, you’ll be taken to the capital and it will be decided whether you will be married or sent home. There’s a few things that I need to go over with you about the process of it all.”
When they make it back to her wing, Gwiboon goes into a long lecture about the pomp and circumstance of being around the royal couple. Most of it is the same as in her father’s kingdom and Minjung finds herself listening less and less as time goes on.
“Why don’t you go take a break in the garden, Minjung? You look a bit....far away and I don’t want to repeat myself.”
Minjung tries to make her way outside slowly but her feet carry her quicker than she’d like. It takes a few moments for it to register that Sohee has stayed inside with Gwiboon. Making sure that no one else is in the garden, Minjung makes her way to the mutual wall with the bedchamber garden. She reaches into her pocket fold and pulls out the candle. She looks at it for a moment before throwing it over the wall, praying that she’s able to find it later. She stays outside for a while longer before heading inside. She tries harder to focus on Gwiboon’s lecture this time, assimilating most of the information. She’s disappointed again when no dinner comes, though she knows by the setting sun that it’s time for her bath away. She lets Gwiboon lead her back to the wash room and tries to stay still as the attendants go through their daily routine. The oils in her hair smell different today and it strikes Minjung as odd. When they’re done, Gwiboon goes about setting her veil.
“Where’s my nightgown?” Minjung asks, timidly.
“The prince has requested you not have one.”
“He’s requested me to be clothesless?”
“Yes, you could say it that way.”
Minjung feels sick to her stomach. While she knows she deserves the punishments coming to her, the humiliation aspect of it all feels like too much. She doesn’t argue with Gwiboon, knowing that it isn’t her choice. For once, she’s grateful for the lack of lighting. When they arrive at the bedchamber, she’s happy to see her blanket is still laying on her bed. Veil removed, Minjung hides underneath it as best she can. She lays towards the wall and waits for first Kai, then the prince to enter. She feels him walk over, like every day before, but instead of touching her hair, she feels his fingers tracing the small exposed part of her spine. Though she tries not to, she shivers at the touch. She’s worried that he’ll do more, that he’ll pull her blanket away and kill her before she has the chance to see his face, but he does nothing more. When she hears him get into bed and go quiet, she finally lets out her breath. She waits longer than she can stand before wrapping her blanket around herself and heading outside. It’s a windy night and much to her dismay, the lantern she’d threw the candle closest to has been blown out. She gets down on her hands and knees, feeling around the grass until she finds her candle. It takes a few tries, but she eventually gets it lit from one of the other lanterns. She takes a deep breath before heading inside. The prince’s bed curtains are pulled up tight around him and it takes a moment for Minjung to work up the courage to move them away. When they’re finally peeled back, she’s greeted by a somehow familiar back. Hot wax starts dripping onto her finger and she yelps. When the prince turns around, her heart drops.
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College couldn’t get any worse, could it?
Warnings: cussing
Professor Playlist
Tags: @sanity-is-overratedxp  @proinslascassidy
Sophmore year of College. It’s not like I was new anymore, but it felt new every semester I came back. The past two went by so fast I’m not even sure I took the classes. Until I looked at my gpa. Yeah. I did.
Looking at the campus made me roll my eyes. It wasn’t much, but it was something. I got a full ride so I was biting the hand I was given. Or something? I don’t know Lucas keeps repeating it every time I complain.
Fuck him.
“Fuck me,” Lucas whispers beside me. “You weren’t wrong. This place looks boring and old as hell.” I snort, laughing at his face. He, on the other hand, was as fresh as a baby straight from the womb. He hadn’t even made it to his first class yet. He decided to wait a year so he could go off to a beach and fuck whoever he saw first.
“Do I ever lie?”
“Sometimes,” he says plainly as we make our way to our apartment. I stay silent as I glare at him, waiting for him to keep going. “Look, I’m just saying, you could have told me about your tinder date.”
“It wasn’t a tinder date, fuckface. I went to a party and hooked up with some random guy. How many times do I have to tell you that?” We were in the building at this point, trying to squeeze past the boxes filled with garbage people had in the hallways as they were trying to move in.
Once we get out of the chaos and into the safety of our small apartment, Lucas raises his eyebrows at me in judgment. “First of all, I didn’t find out about the hook up from you, so I deserve all of the details.”
“You’re gross.”
“And you're a hoe,” he playfully snips at me as he goes towards his new room. I do the same, finding my bookbag to throw in the materials for the days new classes. I should have done it before, but I was running on three hours of sleep and a can of Redbull. I didn’t care anymore.
“Hey, Kat!?” Lucas yells as if I couldn’t hear him. “You gonna tell me who he was?”
“How do you know it was a he?” Another voice chips in and I step out, seeing my other loser friend, Jason. We shared a dorm room together my freshman year until I got this apartment. He didn’t move with me until now. “Could’ve just fucked me and said you had two genders.”
“Both of ya’ll need to stop coming after me. Stab me, I’m lonely.” I make a face before going and hugging him. “I’m glad your here. Room’s down the hallway. Luke’s is across there.” I point towards the different places as I speak.
“I love you both, but I have to go to work before my first class.”
My other best friend finally appears, “I’ll take your bag. Don’t spill coffee on yourself this time.”
“Fuck off.”
I worked at the campus Starbucks, which meant I saw lots of people. Professors and students. It was worse during the summer. The same girls came in twice a day and I had their order memorized by the time classes rolled around.
They weren’t even old enough to drive and still somehow found a college campus Starbucks.
Workdays went fast, but it was the first day back and everyone and their grandmothers had to stop. If only I got paid by the coffee sometimes, I’d be rich. And maybe I wouldn’t have to work at a campus Starbucks and maybe I could be in a mansion somewhere eating fruit.
God. College was such shit. I didn’t even have a real reason to still be here. But here I was. Taking orders and getting yelled at for spelling names wrong. Happens more often than you think.
Halfway through my shift, my eyes catch two familiar blue orbs in the line. My tinder date. Sometimes I wish I could forget that night. Now, it seemed like I can’t.
“Can I get a Grande blonde roast with room?” He asks without hesitation. I put the order in before grabbing his cup.
“Name?” Shit. I just realized I didn’t know his name.
I could feel my cheeks betray me as I waited for his answer. How do you hook up with someone and not know their name?
“Just G.” The interaction went quickly as he paid and stood to the side with a few other people. We had started to fall back so, of course, I had to make his drink. Once I was finished I said G out loud, even though the both of us knew I didn’t have to. He had his eyes on me the whole time.
As I reached out to hand him his drink, our fingertips grazed each other. He gave me a smug smile before taking it from my hands, “Thanks.” I didn’t linger too long on watching him leave as I had to get back to work. It felt like his eyes were on me the rest of my shift until I had to rush to class. I couldn’t shake that feeling.
“Guess I’ll never know his name, then,” I shrug to Lucas, taking my bag from his hand reached out to me. “That’s fine. I mean, unless he wants another hookup. Because I’ll be down.”
We stepped into our first class, finding our seats in the back. Professors usually tried warning us about sitting in the back, but I stopped caring. More and more people pilled into the class, and I could tell that this was a required class for more than just me.
“So, if you saw him while we were out, you’d tell me right?” Lucas whispers towards me. He must be nervous. I nod at him and he glances around the room. “Good. Start looking.”
I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my planner, writing in the next day I had to work and the classes I needed to work on online. Once again, College was shit. “If I find him, you better leave him alone.”
“I will,” I sigh in appreciation to my friends’ compliance, “not.” Oh, fuck off.
The mumbling around me dies suddenly and I look up, seeing a door open from the side of the room. “Welcome,” Our professor says as he walks in, his eyes skimming over the whole class. “You can call me Professor Lip, or just plain old Professor. If I hear any of you call me Mr. Gallagher or Phillip, I will kick you out of the class and watch you fail the whole semester.” He turns after his eyes stop just before me. He walks to the computer on the desk beside him, typing something in before the projector turns on above him. I couldn’t see what it was because my eyes were glued to the man standing in front of the class.
He was fairly tall with short, curly, sand-colored hair. He wasn’t wearing a suit like my past professors wore on the first day. He was wearing khakis and a black button-down shirt. That’s probably the most causal they would let the professors here get.
“This class isn’t easy. And the last thing I want to do is tell you about algorithms for the rest of the semester, so we’ll only take the first week and a half.”
A boy on the other side of me raises his hand and every muscle I could think of in my body clenched. My social anxiety was through the roof at this point. Oh my god. 
“Um, I thought the majority of our class was algorithms?” Our eyes locked for a brief moment until the man’s attention shifted to the question. Our professor nods, quickly turning to grab a dry erase marker from his desk. Without even skipping a beat, he starts writing on the board. From my understanding, it was three different algorithms.
“Is this what you wa-”
College was shit.
The rest of the class went by fairly quickly. I hadn’t paid a bit of attention to anything he was saying. Sure, I was staring at him, but my ears were in another universe, let alone a college class in Chicago.
I had millions of things to worry about other than something about robotics. I wasn’t even good at it.
“Uh, Ms. Marsh?” This caught my attention fairly quickly. How the fuck did he know my name? I noticed most of the people around me were packing their things up. I look down at my watch to see the time. Two minutes till class ended.
Some would call this right here a coincidence, or maybe even fate. I call it a curse. When did I piss off God? Was it when I spilled coffee on Luke last week? Or was it just my whole existence that pissed him off? I’m not sure, but this one little thing wasn’t the only problem cursing my life.
“I’ll see you after everyone leaves.” Everyone around me glances at me as they got up and left. I wanted to fall into a pit where I sat. I could feel my best friends eyes on me, too. Like he knew that everything that has happened lead to this specific moment.
It was bound to come. Sooner or later. That’s what always happened. I’ve always been humiliated.
“Tell me how it goes, loser,” Lucas says, rubbing my hair before he leaves me alone in a room with my new professor.
I quickly pack my things up, but I was still distracted. My eyes were on him, but my hands were fumbling to try to zip my bookbag closed. I realized now that my hands were shaking. I hated my anxiety.
“You wanted to see me?” My voice cracks halfway through the sentence and the feeling to punch myself right there was actually a calm one. “Did I already do something wrong on the first day?”
“No.” His voice is so stern it makes the hairs rise on my forearms. “I didn’t know you would be in my class.”
I swallow down the scoff that rose up my throat, “Neither did I.” I take a deep breath before slowly letting it go, “I can change my classes. I don’t need this-”
“Actually, you do. I looked at the courses you needed. Robotics was one of them.” His eyes weren’t on me as he talked anymore. He was wiping down all of the scribbles and words he had been writing through the whole hour I spent staring at his back. “Plus, I’m the only professor that teaches it.”
This time I do scoff. I couldn’t help it at this point. I was either going to be swallowed whole by the ground beneath me, or I was going to yell at him. Both would have been fine.
I had to keep the snappy remark that wanted to leave my lips after the scoff. The last thing I wanted to do was piss off my professor to a class I was shit at. He could fail me right on the first day.
Hearing my scoff, he quickly changes the subject, “I noticed you hadn’t paid much attention in class today. Should I already be calling your advisor?” 
Could I get kicked out by punching my professor? I’ll look it up when I get back home. “Uh, no. I’m just not very good at algorithms.” Nice. Lie your way through it.
He laughs, turning so we were face to face now, “We stopped talking about algorithms halfway through class.” I was going to drown myself when I got back instead. It was a plan.
I sigh, fixing the strap to my bookbag as my nervous habit, “I’m, uh.. not very good at robotics.” I already knew the best grade I would get in this class would be a C. My professor from last semester gave us a little slice of what this class would be like and I failed the test by 20 questions. There was only 30 to the test.
My words change his whole attitude in under two seconds. He moves to his desk and I stand there watching as he writes on a sticky note. “I’ll go ahead and call the tutoring center. Put my number in your phone and meet me here after every class so I can help you with the day’s plans.” He finishes writing and hands the small green note to me.
I couldn’t tear my eyes from the note in my hand, “Thank you.” 
“I don’t want you to fail, Kathrine.” He hands me another paper and I take it too, not entirely too focused on it. “Text me about any questions from the paper. I’ll see you Wednesday.”
“Yeah. Wednesday.” I say, my eyes glancing towards my Professor. “Thank you..” 
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squishysvt · 7 years
Misguided Studies
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Prompt: You and Johnny attend the same university. You’ve known each other for quite some time and are borderline best friends. He’s had feelings for you for a long time but hasn’t quite been able to deal with them properly. Member: Johnny x Reader (with a side of DoYu^^) Genre: Angst Word Count: 1.7k Warnings: mild language  A/N this wasn’t requested & was something I already had written so I just tinkered with it a bit so voila! please enjoy! -Admin Madi
Standing on your toes to reach the top of the book shelf, you pulled at the spine of a particularly thick book, using all possible strength to unbind it from its hold amongst the other heavy texts.
“I thought you said you already have all your material for your classes,” Johnny stood behind you, huffing and groaning as he held a stack of books that you needed for your essay. “Who the hell is making you write something this early on in the semester anyway? They’re just looking to be labeled as the bitchiest professor.”
You sighed, bringing the book down and setting it on top of the rest. “It’s been like two months since classes started, Johnny. What do you expect her to assign?”
“My professor just gives us chapters to read and that’s it. You should try bribing her or something.”
“And risk being kicked out? Tell Yuta to try that.” You drug your fingers along the wood of the bookshelves, skimming over title after title before reaching the end and turning to face him.
“Don’t you have plans? I thought you’d be busy on a Friday night,” poking his shoulder lightly, a knowing smile grew on your face as he shook his head.
“I’ve got nowhere else to be but with you,” he avoided your gaze, toying with the books in his hands and chewing at his lip.
As you were about to fake gag and tell him how cheesy he was being, Doyoung came flying around the corner, nearly knocking into the both of you before stopping abruptly. His arms weren’t full of books, but rather thick sheets of colorful paper with a packet of markers sliding around on top.
“Doyoung, where’s-”
“I found the book!” Yuta came from behind, waving a book in his hands and excitedly taking a place next to Doyoung who visibly flushed at his demeanor.
He muttered a shy “thanks” before prodding along, moving to a table at the back of the library happily.
Yuta stuck around for a bit before following, talking in a low voice as he covered his mouth with his hand, shielding it from Doyoung. “I’m helping him with a project. I called it a study date and he’s been quiet ever since,” giggling a bit to himself after seeing your expression, he skipped away contently.
You shook your head, happy for his apparent adoration for the brown haired boy sitting across from him. A feeling of want spread through your chest, but quickly dissipated as Johnny clicked his tongue in playful annoyance.
“Are they still not official? It’s so painfully obvious that they like each other. They practically eye each other up every time they’re in a room together. Like, it makes me feel like I’m interrupting something, you know? Like, do I just leave or do I crack some dumb joke to break the trance they’re in?”
“You overthink this a lot for someone who apparently doesn’t care about Doyoung’s love life.” Crossing your arms and raising your eyebrows at him to emphasize wanting answers, he stifled, just a bit.
“Is Mr.Johnny Seo jealous? Does he want someone to looooove?” You clasped your hands together and made kissy faces in his direction, a coy voice teasing him to no end.
“Y/N, please. I don’t need a relationship to be happy!” His statement came out as something eerily cheery, as if being single didn’t faze him in the least. Something you’ve heard all too many times.
Groaning and placing both hands on either sides of his waist, you shook your head slowly, peering into his eyes with utmost sincerity. “We’ve been around each other far too much lately. You’re beginning to sound like me.”
Tiptoeing to pat his head lovingly, you let your hands fall to his shoulders, leg wedging between his own and urging him to face the opposite direction. With a quick push of the lower back, he was moving with ease, laptop bag bouncing on his hip with each step.
You stopped him as you came to a table next to Doyoung and Yuta, clinging to the fabric of his shirt and contemplating whether to move or not. Tugging a bit harder, this time on his sleeve, he leant down to be at eye level with you.
“Do you think they want to be left alone?”
He shrugged and looked as they seemingly laughed at something Doyoung had said. “They look kinda distracted to me. I doubt they’ll notice, or even care for that matter. When you’re in love, it kinda works like that. You don’t see anyone else in the room except for the other person.”
Feeling both moved yet oddly satisfied with his answer, you sat.
“So you’ve been in love before, I presume?”
He dropped the stack of books onto the table, complacently exhaling as he rubbed at his forearms, imprintations marking his flesh where the sharp corners of the covers prodded his skin. He looked troubled though, as he pulled the chair contradictory to your own out and anxiously sat. He fiddled with his hands, laying each book out nicely for your choosing, cogs in his head turning as the question stumped him.
“I guess?”
“Well how else would you know….all that?” Motioning to earlier with your hands, he gave you a tilt of the head.
“You know! That!” Growing frustrated at the lack of words forming in your head, you sighed and laid your hand on his. “That whole spiel you just gave about love and mushy stuff.”
He snapped his fingers, pointing with a reassuring “ah” and leaning back into his seat. “That one.”
He shrugged yet again, his aura of nonchalance annoying you as it always did after too long.
“Johnny, I’m serious. Don’t just flake me off.”
His lips pursed into the way they always did when he’s thinking, nails scraping against the peeling wood and looking back into your eyes after what felt like a century.
“It’s complicated.”
Intrigued by the openness his answer presented, you pushed lightly. “How so?”
His hand slipped from underneath your own, escaping into the confines of his pockets as he smiled at you knowingly.
“Y/N, you’re meddling, and if I recall correctly, you’re the one constantly telling me not to do that.”
Crossing both legs and arms, you sat up straighter. “This is different. We aren’t talking about present issues, just past ones.”
His eyes instantly narrowed, leaning forward to rest his arms against the table. A challenging look washed over him. “Says who?”
At this, you backed down. Confusion, and what could only be a bit of hurt left your heart plummeting. “You’re in love right now?”
He nodded with a different sort of smile gracing his face; one you’ve never seen before. Or maybe you have and just never noticed.
“I think so.”
“With who?” Decoding to stand your ground this time, you moved closer to him in an attempt to show how serious you were. “You’ve never mentioned that you’re seeing someone.”
“I know, and I’m not.”
Your heart dropped all over again, worried as you took in the state of the broken boy infront of you.
“You’re in love with someone you’re not with? Do...do they know?”
Johnny forced a smile, a painfully awkward one that left all kinds of questions running through your head.
“No, they don’t, and I don’t think they ever will.”
At this point you felt as hopeless as he looked, reaching out to intertwine your fingers and looking for any positivity in the situation. “Johnny, you have to tell them.’
“They’re interested in someone else.”
“Johnny, no. I’m not accepting that bullshit. If you live your life never telling them how you feel, you’ll hate yourself.”
“Do you not think I already know that?” His body shook as his voice rose, attracting the gaze of many as he went well over the volume level allowed inside of a library. “Do you not think it haunts me everyday? They like someone else and never even spare me a glance. I hate myself so fucking much because I know I’ll never be enough. I’ll never have my feelings reciprocated and I’ll just have to sit and watch because I’m not going to risk losing a friendship.” His eyes glistened as his resolve faded, voice shaking slightly as it returned to a much quieter tone. “Being around them is enough for me.”
“Johnny…” You moved to swipe at the water pooling, spilling over his eyes as he feverishly blinked, only stopping as his hand caught your wrist gently. His head hung low, tears falling onto the fronts of the books he had carried for you this past hour, contorting the images beneath as smiles turned to frowns and all happiness was drowned out of the colorful pictures.
His voice was fragile, wavering as he shook his head weakly, sobs threatening to wrack his body. “Please, don’t.”
He let your wrist go free, hands moving to cover his face as he cried, shaking his head repeatedly, taking in gasps of air when oxygen levels ran threatening low.
“Don’t hurt me anymore, Y/N. I can’t handle it.”
The realization hit and caused you to still, taking in the look of his figure, slouched and crying into his hands, sobs laced with the emotion he had bottled up for months. The words of his self deprecation played over and over until your head began to pound. Doyoung and Yuta watched in shock at the boy pouring his heart out in front of you, not knowing how to handle this situation.
You felt your eyes begin to blur, the world merging together to form only murky bits of color and shape, standing slowly as you pulled the hem of your sweater into both fists.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He began to look up, eyes red and trails of tears staining his handsome face. Before you could reach out, reassure him that you did love him, just not in the way he wanted, you were swept away and into the embrace of someone unknown, moving through the exit as the tears began to pour just as the heavens opened up and cried; cried for the broken heart of Johnny Seo, and for the future he was never going to have with the person he loved.
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hereticaloracles · 8 years
New Moon in Aquarius- Surge
I got no prosperity but yo I’m a piece of it. So let the guilty hang in the year of the boomerang. And now it’s upon you.” – Rage Against the Machine, Year of Tha Boomerang
Effective Date: January 27th 2017
Helios’ Astrological Angle on the New Moon in Aquarius– Can’t stop this flow… Can you feel the currents churning within you? Our world is changing, and we are changing along with it. We are not the same people we were a month ago, and tomorrow we will not be the same as we are today. Everything is happening so fast that there is no way to keep track of it,  and it is becoming harder and harder to keep your head above water. When this happens there is only one thing to do- Dive.
Artemis’ Tarot Take on the New Moon in Aquarius-  Welcome to the twilight zone.  Here, in the year of the Star – which is ruled by Aquarius – we reach a land that is upside down.  Or is it right side up?  We emerge from the Year of the Tower alchemically transformed.  We have seen our nightmares manifest, our beliefs disintegrate and erupt from the ashes as new entities – fiery inspired phoenixes ready to burn away the outdated trappings of dusty old paradigms.  We started the first day of Aquarius season with one of the largest protests to ever grace American soil take place against the new emperor of the “free world.”  And the planet of the libertine, Uranus, has swung direct, letting us know that his influence has been highly prevalent in what has transpired for us collectively.  Do not forget that the outer planets influence the collective.  This full moon in the Uranian sign of Aquarius is here to make it very clear; give me change or I will become the agent of change myself.
  The Sun, Moon and Neptune– I tell you one thing, this Moon is PISSED. This whole chart reeks of the Sacred Feminine rising up to correct a grave error- And you know I tend to avoid even mentioning anything woo-woo like that (I say as an astrologer… *rolls eyes). The protests that we have seen take the world? That’s just the opening act. With Neptune here you would think that this would be a potent Lunation, but this is coming together in a different way- Neptune is the dream that fuels this whole chart, enabling the Sun and Moon to get things done. This configuration (and the chart in general) is indicative of some seriously major change incoming. This is the real change, change from the ground up. No matter where this Moon falls in your chart, you will feel this in your life. Those obstacles to your success will start to crumble, one by one. This is the time to move forward with your efforts. Quit trying to half-ass your progress, keeping one eye fixed on the past. That is only weighing you down. You need to be free from the fetters of your feelings, and nostalgia to the way things used to be is cutting you off at the knees. Focus on what is, focus on the now. You keep trying to retreat to your nest- That is the LAST thing that you need to do. You need to get out there! Get into the world, shake things up for yourself. I don’t know how many times I have to keep telling you that no one is going to do it for you, but apparently it bares repeating. You will be amazed at the doors that will open should you only be open and communicate your hopes, dreams and challenges to others. There may be someone listening that has a solution- or even better, you might be theirs! (Minor Planets used: Mors-Somnus, Circe, Isis, Pandora, Lachesis, Eros, Osiris, Asclepius; Asbolus, Chariklo, Altjira, Diana, Hybris, Orpheus)
The Sun (Ace of Swords), The Moon (Queen of Pentacles), Neptune (9 of Swords)-  Fuck yes, Ace of Swords.  6 months ago, during the Aquarian full moon, we were given the weapons we needed to battle the jabborwocky in our personal lives.  Now we are being given a weapon to defeat the collective’s phantoms.   Eclipses have a bit of a staggered effect.  Whatever you manifest into your life during one will pop out 6 months later during the next lunation in that sign.  That means whatever efforts you put into place – whatever demons you slayed and whatever demons you let escape – will karmicly manifest now.   During the Full Moon Aqua back in August, we had a giant cluster of planets sitting in Virgo.  Inversely, we now have a cluster of planets sitting in Pisces.  The nitpicking and correcting of the late summer has now allowed us to learn how to manifest.  It is now our duty to manifest.  We are all ready.  Can’t you feel it?  There is electricity in the air, and we are all plugged the fuck in.  Smoke signals are being sent by the tribe, and we must answer them now.  The Moon is directly channeling the Queen of Pentacles, the mother of the earth, and the nightmares we have manifested due to our faulty paradigms must be tackled.  This is a very revolutionary moon, and definitely the marker of the times to come.  The key to the next 6 months will be the Ace of Swords – truth.  We must all trust in each other and in ourselves, that we are more than capable of demolishing the old world and birthing a new one collectively.  Remember, order is an emergent property of chaos…  At this time, we have the opportunity to create a new world.  We just need to do it together.  Aquarius is the rivers and tributaries that connect the larger bodies of water.  Start networking; networked revolution.  This is the Leo/Aquarius polarity; when our leaders fail us, we rise up as a collective to fix the imbalance.
Mercury and Pluto– It’s another Magic Moon! Mercury and Pluto together have this fascinating ability to transform literally anything. I call them the Philosopher’s Stone aspect. You are putting in the work that you need to, and that is great; The only problem is that the changes you see happening are minuscule, and not taking place nearly quick enough. You must be patient, more is happening beneath the surface than you can see. Keep on your work, in fact double down on it- Change your mindset and the way you are thinking from waiting on the magic to work into living your life like the changes already have happened. Yes, this is another fake-it-til-its-real trick, but once you put it into action, and if you convince yourself, then all of a sudden the changes you want to see will catch up to you. But them that’s magic for you! (Minor Planets used: Bienor, Panacea, Phaethon, Karma, Heracles; Echeclus, Deucalion)
Mercury (King of Pentacles) and Pluto (4 of Cups)-  So this essentially tells me, “Quit whining about what could have been and start manifesting what could be right now.”  The planets are brimming, absolutely spilling with opportunity for us right now.  We are looking at all of the things that are going to shit right now (and trust me, that is a lot of stuff in both our personal lives and in the collective).  But what we must realize is that in this chaos we are being offered an opportunity we should not refuse; to manifest our own destiny.  We are at the precipice now, Heretics, where we must choose either to continue handing our power over to the puppets of our collective shadow, or to take responsibility and duty back into our hands.   This idea may be spreading around to everyone’s minds right now; how can I provide for my friends?
Oh, and never forget – resistance is necessary for flight.  
Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus– Remember how I said the Sacred Feminine was pissed? Well its gobsmackingly obvious here as well. It literally reads like the women of the cosmos are abandoning the men because they have overwhelmingly had it with the boys’ shit. Who can blame them? They only have two true aspects represented in the sky, The Moon and Venus, aka The Mother and The Consort. That isn’t enough– Not when then men have the Scholar, the Teacher, Warrior, Golden Child, Elder, Inventor, Magician and the Tyrant! Well I guarantee that even though they have less seats at the table, their strength is that they have all the backing of the thousands of female asteroids and minor planets standing behind them. Their voices ring in unison, compared to the fractured shouts and squabbling of the boys. And what is it that they want? They want liberation, and so do you. No matter what your gender or race, whether you are able-bodied or who you love, everyone has faced some form of marginalization, and this configuration makes it so you want your struggles to be heard. This is a big aspect, and a potent one. You see the possibilities around you and you see an opportunity to create something different for yourself, AS WELL YOU SHOULD! There is nothing wrong with trying to change your station in life, and reaching upward is so, so human. Do not allow yourself to feel guilt for wanting more from your life. The interesting thing is, you can just have it- Don’t listen to Saturn. He respects a well-thought out plan. Jupiter and Uranus are more concept guys, and when they are together you can make some serious magic happen. You cannot force Jupiter, nor should you ever try- In working Jupiter, you kind of have to ignore him. Impress him with your own efforts first and then he will come to shower his golden gifts upon you. Once that happens, you have to capitalize on them, boldly and fearlessly. That needs to be your approach to this time. Fear has no place in your future, and you must defeat it now, with grace. (Minor Planets used: Sedna, Astraea, Atropos; Eris, Niobe, Atropos, Narcissus, Damocles; Haumea, Siva, Hephaistos; Chaos, Hygeia, Magdalena)
Venus (Page of Swords), Jupiter (Page of Wands), Saturn (Hangman), and Uranus (Empress)-   Venus is embodying the political activist of the tarot; the page of swords.  Her values are in the collective as she burns through the final degrees of Pisces – heading into her fiery, Aries version next.  When you speak out right now, you are speaking out with the force of generations behind you.  This can also be extremely useful in your personal life.  If there was a time for art, it is now.  Especially art that has a political bent to it.  Saturn is looking away right now, letting us manifest destiny as we please.  If you needed a worm hole to another dimension, it is surely right now.  Jupiter is manifesting new projects left and right; allowing you the creative fire you have been desperately clawing for.  He is a proponent of the arts, and a social life stirrer during this time.   You will be graced with even more opportunities if you put your energy into your creative projects, and the renaissance we spoke about in our Jupiter in Libra post is signaling that it has in fact begun.  Look around you, this chaos is the perfect soil to plant our intentions.  Uranus is The Empress, implying that the revolution will come from the earth itself, the sacred feminine, the arts, and our collective need to care for each other.
Mars– The Warrior is all alone, out in the cold. You probably feel shunned right now, having gone into kind of a self-imposed exile. You feel that you are unwanted and unloved, and that you are nothing but a burden to those around you. You feel that they are lying to you when you are brave enough to confess this to them and they try to assuage your fears. No one feels secure in their place right now, as if at any moment we could all be swept out to sea. With Mars at the Anaretic of Pisces, no one is sure of who they are or where they belong, and indeed this can cause you to hermit pretty severely, or change your group of contacts drastically. Your values and your moral code are undergoing a rehaul right now, and after it happens you may not recognize your life. You will have a challenge to face, and you are your own opponent. You have to kill what is old and has outlived its time within yourself. To do this, you must seek solitude even though you want to be surrounded by those who care about you- you are not in a position to return that love at this point. Defeat yourself so that you can rise again. (Minor Planets used: Varuna, Quaoar, Salacia, Vulkanus, Siwa, Persephone, Achilles, Apophis)
Mars (Magician)-  Well well well, it looks like we are being given a super power.  So this New Moon happens literally the day before Mars moves into Aries.  This is it, it’s time to let your old dreams die and start using the tools you have been given.  Again, we are being told that we are in a state of chaos so that we can create.  Use that anxiety that has riddled your life and channel it into the energy needed to birth your dream into existence.  We have all felt like we are floating in the ocean, unaware of where up is or down is.  We are panicking and clawing at our throats, freaking out over the fact that we can’t figure out which way to invest our energy to find the air we need.  At this time we must remain still and trust in our intuition to push is through this lunation.  If we push in the wrong direction, it can be disastrous for us.  Aim for your target using your heart, because right now we are blindfolded to our future direction.  Aim true, because once Mars goes into Aries the day after this lunation, the chariot begins its roll through the battlefield.
New Moon in Aquarius- Surge was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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