#i can’t fucking imagine having this mindset
sweaters-and-vertigo · 2 months
trigger warning: words of a genocidal maniac
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“Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there. They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists” — Ayelet Shaked, Israeli politician and activist
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duellance · 1 year
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comfycozycrossfox · 1 year
everyone in my immediate family smokes weed and my parents have for YEARSSS and years and years . which is cool bc they have hella knowledge from like Experience and also older smoking culture . but also i go to modern dispensaries so i know about weed technology they aren’t even AWARE OFFFF bc they figured out what they liked years ago and didn’t really keep up. which means i get to do shit like teaching my mom what a dab pen is
#also hash? but i think hash has been around for a MINUTE#i think that’s just one she never got into#anyway my dad grows and has for years so they don’t go out and buy shit ever#which they WENT TO COUNTY JAIL FORRRRR#before i was born#which is so funny to me they didn’t tell me that until i was 17/18 lol#before my mother was pregnant also i wasn’t there at all. this must’ve been 2001-2003 bc i can’t imagine this happened with my brother aliv#alive^#anyway my mom didn’t believe me when i said it wasn’t nicotine#she saw me with it and was like ‘is that a vape?? is that nicotine?? don’t fucking do that’#(from the mindset of someone that’s smoked for my entire life and i believe longer. she doesn’t want to see my ass with nic addiction)#and i had to be like ‘no ma it’s dab wax. it’s just like weed it’s thc’#had to walk her through how it worked#came up again recently bc she was like ‘oh i bet you have a ton of bud from dispensaries now huh’#and i went ‘nah actually i don’t buy a lot of bud i only really use dispensaries for edibles and pens’#which is in fact true i get bud for free so i only really buy it when i want a specific effect#i’ve been tryna figure out what specific strain i’d need to make me hella euphoric and boost appetite rn#idk enough about terpenes it’s a struggle#anyway.#redd’s drug corner#LMAO#also fun fact i’ve told my mom explicitly that i got my weed card for PTSD and she’s never questioned it#i’ve mentioned having PTSD more than once and at no point has she gone ‘for fucking what?????’#like idk if she thinks i’m bullshitting or if she has an idea in mind of what SHE thinks it’s from#more than anything i have a feeling she straight doesn’t wanna know bc she thinks it’d hurt her feelings#which like. yeah it would a little probably
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salemlunaa · 1 month
you’ve been to the void, no matter what the 3D shows. everything is instant. there is no “trying”
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To shift, you must take power away from the 3D, i don’t care what the 3D is showing you, and neither should you to properly shift you must resonate with the new reality you’ve created, your life isn’t shitty whatever you’re thinking about is your old story.
Once you created your new reality in your head, it was yours, and as soon as you imagined yourself there, you have shifted. Many of you ask me “how can i genuinely see my life as real instead of just an imagination” but what you fail to remember is that imagination IS reality. And you are either in that reality or you aren’t
There’s no such thing as “trial and error” for a god. There’s no “if”, “maybe” or “might”. You’re either there or you’re not, there’s no build up, everything is instant. As soon as you resonated with your new story, you were there, you ARE there
So stop it,
Stop liking videos of people talking about how it sucks to be ugly, because you have your dream face and you’re fucking gorgeous, you can’t relate.
Stop envying the rich, you’re one of them (if that’s what you want)
Stop getting jealous of that girl/boy with a good body, you have one too
Stop relating and resonating with those who call themselves “lonely”, you’re in your new reality where you have so many people who love you
You say you’re aligned with your new reality but you’re moping about how your life sucks, and emotions are always allowed, of course they are but how would you think if your dream life wasn’t a dream anymore?? what would your mindset be like? would you be liking that post of someone complaining that they have no money? would you be getting upset that your dream s/o has dating rumours with someone else? if you were grounded in your new story would you let all this other shit phase you?
misery loves company. don’t join the club, stop resonating with your shitty old story, break the cycle and shift
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unhingedgirlythings · 6 months
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SUMMERY : Reader gets her date interrupted when Hotch calls up asking for her to get to the BAU. Reader rushes over still dressed up and a certain dr can’t keep her eyes off her teehee.
Tags:fem reader , a huge amount of awkwardness, reader is over her love life
A/N: I WANTED AWKWARD SPENCER REID, bare with me tho cuz I haven’t written a fanfic since I was 13 and it was horrible so please be kind and let me know your thoughts :))) enjoyyy.
You were used to your phone ringing at the WORST possible times, I mean with your job that was something you just had to prepare yourself for. Serial killers don’t take a break just so you can have a girls night out or take a nice relaxing bath after a long day. Although never in your life did you imagine the wave of relief that would wash over you as the all too familiar ringtone blared from your phone. Normally you would groan and feel your body grow more exhausted whilst hesitantly picking up the phone, but not tonight. Nope. Fortunately for hotch, you couldn’t have answered the phone faster. “what’s up” low and behold hotch was on the other end requesting your presence ASAP!
You tried to hide your glee as you glanced over at the douche-ist blind date that the great quote on quote “matchmaker” of the century Garcia, had raved on about the week before. To be fair the date didn’t start off bad, it was actually the most decent one you’ve had yet. Honestly you were ready to finally praise Penelope for actually finding you a decent man to take your mind off the unrequited school girl crush that you had on a certain “kid” genius. somehow you escaped the dude who clearly was stuck in some frat boy mindset, well not without some snarky comment made towards you which you shut down a little harsher then needed but seriously you couldn’t hold back anymore, you had no idea what possessed Penelope into thinking you would EVER consider going home with the king of fucking douchebags (most likely the biceps and tight clothing that the man sported). Nevertheless here you were speeding down the freeway, thinking way too hard about your love life completely blanking and forgetting to drop by your apartment to quickly change into something more work appropriate.
Before you knew it you’ve parked your car, walking into the cold air. A shiver runs down your body and the shock hits you when you realize. Here you are in a little skimpy black dress that clings to your curves in “just the right way” according to Penelope before shoving you out into your car heading to that horrible excuse of a date, “ahh shit. Fucken seriously! Of course this is just my luck … I mean at least I look good” groaning and mumbling to yourself, you make your way into the building. You knew Hotch would be understanding, I mean you never know when you’re gonna be called in and it sounded urgent so yeah, sometimes you and your coworkers walk in with inappropriate work wear. You will never forget the time he called everyone in at god knows what time, Spencer had walked into the room with his pjs sporting a fluffy dress robe, you seriously thought someone was going to have to perform cpr on you that night.
Walking into the building in heels was definitely a pain in your ass, but you managed as you pushed the briefing room door open. A low wolf whistle from Derek Morgan was the last thing you needed right now “damn sweetheart, who knew you could clean up so nicely“ As you make your way into the room, you playfully roll your eyes at him.“haha very funny” you cringed as everyone’s attention was now drawn to you. while taking a seat next to JJ, wishing to be wearing literally anything else “Sorry Hotch, i came straight from..” you hesitate for a second, glancing around before continuing “A date, but this sounded important so I didn’t have time to change”The stoned faced man simply nods at you “It’s fine. You're here, right now we have a lot to cover” He starts debriefing the team, leaving no detail out of the case, no matter how brutal, you tried your hardest to give him your unwavering attention, but you could feel someone’s eyes on you. And out of the corner of your eye see him. Spencer.
His stare was hot and intense, and fuck was it making you become a flustered mess. You glanced at him from your peripheral trying your best to be subtle about it, it was getting harder and harder to focus on Hotch and the case, not Reid. But when his puppy dog eyes drifted up, down and all over your body, your body involuntarily reacted, slightly squirming in your seat. Before you could stop yourself, your eyes turn and lock onto his gorgeous brown ones, a smirk graces your lips as he finally notices your eyes now on him. Looking like a kid being caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he turns pink from the embarrassment and shame of being caught, and god did that make your head spin. Now it was his turn to awkwardly squirm in his seat while staring at Hotch with all his attention. You giggle under your breath at his fumbling awkwardness. Before you know it everyone around you starts to pack up their things and stand up, leaving you confused. Of course you spent the whole debriefing paying so little attention to the case and more on Spencer.
Sighing, you pull the hem of your dress down as you stand trying to save yourself from even more embarrassment. “soooo how did it go? Was he as yummy as you’d hoped?” Garcia wraps her arms around yours as you try not to stumble down the stairs towards your desk “you, my love are officially banned from meddling in my love life” you could already hear the trail of complaints bouncing around in her head as you plopped down onto your desk chair, reaching for the new case folder hoping to catch yourself up before take off in the morning “aww come on I for sure thought you’d be jumping his bones, all those rippling muscles, who In Their right mind could resist” the thought of the man you had seen a few hours prior put a foul taste in your mouth, causing your face to scrunch up in disgust “he was a complete dick, he legit referred to himself as an “alpha male” AN ALPHA ,Only thing I wanted to jump , was off a building at that point” a defeated look from her was all the conformation you needed, no longer were you going on blind dates, and your love life was back to being non existent and sad “sorry Pen I tried, I really really tried, you just have horrific taste in men like my god do we need to get you some help. These guys are basically human garbage” whilst looking up your eyes naturally drift and settle on Spencers desk frowning as you watch him, his heads buried in the case file whilst obsessively jotting down notes like some multitasking god, your heart couldn’t help but pine after his more, the looks you shared moments before didn’t help your case either. Resting your chin in the palm of your hand, you drag your eyes away trying to spare yourself from going into one of your Spencer Reid spirals. You look up at Penelope already disliking the pitiful look she was giving you “are you sure your ready to give up?, I mean I know this cute guy who would be super into you, he's just your type “the new voice startled you, turning in your seat you’re met with Emily smirking down at you whilst leaning against your desk inserting herself into the conversation with JJ beside her “wow ok fun, are we all just gonna just dive head first into my personal life?, don’t we have a case to work on?” trying to deter the subject of the conversation off of you was a bust, as the women you call friends gleam down at you with a shared look “yeah no this is too entertaining to sit out on.” you couldn’t believe you were having this conversation right now, letting out a groan you leaned back in your chair covering your face in hopes of hiding the redness in your cheeks “sweetheart, what you need is a good ol one night stand, get a certain pretty boy out of your system” if you weren’t already melting into a puddle of embarrassment, you definitely were now “Morgan shut up please for the love of everything holy”
you could only pray Spencer wasn’t paying attention to the little group that was forming at your desk, maybe he was being good and reading the case file like the rest of them should be doing but of course luck wasn’t in your favor tonight “what are we talking about?” Before you could shut the whole conversation down Morgan happily answered Spencer “oh, we were just discussing Y/L/N’s love life. I think she needs a good root, what do you think?” that stupid smirk Morgan was happily wearing was enough to make your blood boil, now you truly wished to disappear “ok ok that’s enough” you shoot up from your seat avoiding any eye contact with Spencer not wanting to see his reaction to your humiliating red face “conversation over, my love life is going back to being non existent, thank you for your concern but it’s over, officially dead so no more talking about it.” you snatch the file off your desk ready to get the hell out of whatever situation you found yourself in “i'm going home to at least get some sleep before we leave tomorrow or I’ll be a zombie all day” with that you hastily made your way out of the building and into the cool night air once again.
wrapping your arms around yourself in hopes to provide some warmth, you slowly make your way to the car park. Before you could make it to your car you could hear foot steps getting closer and closer until they were right behind you, stopping along with yours once you had reached front of your car. Quickly spinning around you slam them onto the car's hood, arm in your hand, face down and pinned.
“Ow ow ow ow Ow!” Shit. It was Spencer. The man you’ve been daydreaming about and here you were pinning him to the hood of your car. “oh shit sorry, my god, don’t walk up on me like that holy shit Spence you scared me” you pull away off him whilst letting go of his arm and backing away a little. Spencer lets out a hiss of pain as he pushes himself off the hood, rubbing his arm to try and relieve the pain “sorry I was just trying to make sure you got to your car safely. It’s late a-and” he looks at your dress whilst clearing his throat looking away awkwardly “are you ok? you seemed upset in there” he looks back at you whilst giving you a smile that made you wanna pass away on the spot “yeah I’m ok, just having your dating life put on full blast in front of the team like that can be a tad embarrassing” silence was the only response you were met with, you glance up at Spencer trying to think of something, anything to say in this moment “you look really nice by the way, it’s unfortunate your date turned out that way.” His eyes meet yours, your breath gets caught in your throat as heat creeps up your neck to your face “t-thanks” tugging on the hem of your dress you smile sheepishly “not the most comfortable outfit, honestly wish Pen let me wear my sweater but you know”
“Penelope” you both say, you giggle as Spencer chuckles. “Oh by the way, I thought you may want these, may help a little tomorrow” he hands you the notes he took from the briefing, Your fingertips brush against his, the feeling of warmth from his hands sends a shiver down your spine. “Thanks Spence. I appreciate it” you stand there longer than needed before you start to turn away from him. “You know, that even though there aren't any hard statistics, it’s roughly estimated that every 1 in 3 or 4 blind dates actually end up as a success” he rambles on, looking back at him you try to pay attention but you can’t stop your eyes from sifting down towards his lips “so there is a chance” his voice fades away as his words become background noise and your thoughts become louder and louder, all you could think about was him, the feeling of wanting only grew stronger with each passing minute. It didn’t help that his lips were tempting you, calling you in. you couldn’t hold yourself back much longer, will power growing weaker and weaker “fuck it” your body moves before commen sense had its time to put a stop to whatever ridiculous thoughts you had muster up, suddenly your lips press onto his without thinking it through. It was short and one sided yet sweet, the faint taste of coffee and sugar overwhelmed your senses
The sudden realization hits you hard as you push yourself off Reid, the feelings of regret and fear settles itself in your stomach making you feel sick “Sorry I wasn’t thinking, shit sorry, forget that happened ok” you back away keeping your eyes glued to the ground in fear that you’ll look up and only see rejection written on his face. What in the hell possessed you to do that?, why the fuck did you do that, the only reason you kept your feelings shoved down was to protect your friendship with Spencer, nothing meant more to you then the bond you both shared and now you’ve ruined it and for what? A stupid kiss? “wait, uh No no it was just unexpected I didn’t hate it actually quite the opposite” your head snaps back up at a red faced flustered Spencer Reid “don't apologize“ his warm hands warp around your cold ones as he steps closer to you once again “did you um maybe want to try that again? Only if you want to though I don’t want you to regret anything” you giggle as he starts to nervously stumble over his words, this time more confident in your actions your lips find his for the second time tonight.
The taste of coffee meets your lips again as your body relaxes into the kiss, which is very reciprocated this time. The warmth radiating from Spencer chases the cold night air away. As your bodies shuffle closer together. you both hesitantly pull away from each, you wanted to stay here in this moment for as long as possible but of course your bed was calling your name along with the early flight departure. “I should go” you really didn’t want to “I know“ his hands stayed on your waist for a moment before slipping away “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow” the sweet look on his face drove you crazy, the urge to say fuck it and stay with him for the remainder of the night was overpowered by the sleepless night before, you settle for placing a goodnight kiss on his cheek instead “night Spence” winking you open your car door and make your way in, you turn the car on and roll the window down to call out to him as he backs away with a smug smirk on his face “sweet dreams pretty boy” with that you drive away replaying the events of tonight in your mind, god you couldn’t wait to get the case over with so you could finally have a date that wasn’t going to end in ruins, especially with the man you’ve been crushing on since your first day, yeah no you weren’t going to get any sleep tonight now.
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sunarc · 1 year
Boys who like the breed you
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A/N: Hiiii okay so this is just a little something for you guys until I finish my Atsumu fwb fic please enjoy alsoooo my ask are open so send some in my loves!!
CW: Breeding, afab reader, abit size kink
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Boys with such big breeding kinks. They sink their cock into your already leaking hole just to fuck their cum inside of you. They have the mindset of where else would I cum. They can’t imagine wasting one drop of cum. Your tight little hole is the only place that’s perfect enough. They bully their cock into your twitching hole moaning about the beautiful babies you’ll have for him. 
“My pretty angel. You’re gonna look so perfect carrying my babies.”
His cock gets even harder at the thought. He’ll push his palm down onto your stomach and watch as your eyes roll back. You can barely contain the lewd moans spilling past your lips. You're trembling telling him you're not sure if you can take any more. 
“You can take” He concentrated on the way your pussy sucks his cock in. “You’ll take every drop I have”
Sweat drips down his body as he’s fucking himself into you. He has your legs pressed against your chest so he can get a view of how good you're taking him. He finds that this is his favorite position to breed you in. 
“Perfect position to make you a mommy”
His cock feels so big stretching you out. He’s fucked so much of his cum into your hole its leaking out as he’s plunging his swollen cock into you. He’s not a wasteful person so he’ll take two fingers to scoop the leaking cum and bring it up to your mouth. No drop wasted, that's his motto. You can barely keep your eyes open but he wants you to watch. He needs you to witness the way he’s dragging his cock in and out of this perfect hole of yours. 
“Look Baby” his eyes are wide watching in awe. “Look at how much your pussy loves my cock” 
He wants to give you a gift for taking his cock so well. He makes endless promises to fill you with his cum and when he’s done he’ll use his tongue to clean you up since you’ve been so good for him.
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Atsumu, Toji, Kita, Bokuto, Itadori, Gojo, Tendou, Matsukawa, Choso, Oikawa, Hinata, Sakusa, your fav
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miley1442111 · 4 months
(part 4) wrong choice, wrong move-a.donaldson
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a/n: fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :)
summary: when you find out about his betrayal and how your relationship truly ends. (dw there are more parts after this :))
pairing: art donaldson x reader
warnings: angst, feelings of disappointment, hurt, allusions to an eating disorder, depression, fainting, cheating, etc. +
PART 4 of 12
Art was a shell of his former self. His eyes were constantly blood-shot and sunken, he was losing weight, his mindset was fucked, the works. Yet, you seemed perfectly fine. Your tennis had never been better, your grades were excellent, and you were focusing on yourself. Well, you were trying to, it was pretty difficult when Art Donaldson was constantly over your shoulder, wondering when he could apologise and make things right. You two had promised that you’d go no-contact for a few weeks, giving time to allow the fresh cuts to heal over and then you’d be there for each other after. That ‘no-contact’ lasted a day. Then Art was at your door sobbing his eyes out, and you had to let him in. 
“I`’m so sorry to show up like this,” he sighed, tears rolling down his cheeks as he rested his head on your chest, his arms holding you close to him as you played with his hair. 
“It’s alright Art,” you promised him. You missed him just as much as he missed you but you were hurt. You wanted a change in behaviour, not just some pretty tears and kind words. “Seriously, we promised we’d be there for each other.”
Art let out a choked sob into your chest and you held him tighter. “It's ok, I’m always going to be here for you.”
“I’m so sorry,” he cried into your chest. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you whispered, trying to calm him down. “Art you can’t keep doing this to yourself, you have to move on,” you sighed. “I’m not that special.”
His eyes met yours in a disapproving glare as he stood up, pacing your dorm. “You’re so special. You’re so incredibly interesting and smart and driven and I fucking love you! I fucking love you so much that I show up at your dorm room every fucking day looking like a fucking loser and making you comfort me because I fucked up! You’re off doing your own thing, being amazing and I barely do anything anymore! I feel like I can’t breathe when you’re not around, like I can’t think when you’re not there. I need you Y/n. So yes, you’re pretty fucking special to me!” 
The room was silent. 
“Art, just calm down love,” you sighed, trying to coax him to calm down. 
“I’m not calming down. I want you, I want you more than anything-”
“Art that’s not fair,” you snapped. You were angry now. It’s exhausting watching someone be this blind to their own faults. “Art, we broke up because you constantly choose Tashi over me. That’s on you! You need to move on!”
“Have you?!” He shouted back. 
“I can’t when you’re clinging to me like a fucking baby!” You shouted. “Go to your friends, not your ex-girlfriend Art! We broke up and maybe yeah, it was your fucking fault but I’ve been really nice trying to not hurt you more because I love you!-”
“Then why are we broken up!?” His voice cracked.
“Because I’m sick of being your second choice!” You screamed. 
Art was quiet. He grabbed his jacket from the bed and left your dorm, leaving you to fall apart on your own. 
Since Art had felt, your world had grown quieter and quieter, you became more distant to those around you, you were unhappy, you ate less, you trained more, probably too much. 
But what else were you supposed to do? 
You showed up to the Challenger ready to win, despite the clear exhaustion you showed with your sunken and dark eyes, horrible posture, and constant yawning. 
Art was shocked. He hadn’t seen you in weeks. You were significantly slimmer, you looked awful to be honest, and he knew it was his fault. 
You served first, Tashi against you. The serve was good, not your best, but you two were playing real tennis. 
The ball hit the court and the game was over, you’d won, once again. Art and Patrick cheered discreetly from the stands as Tashi smashed her racket in anger. You didn’t even celebrate, just running to the bathroom and into a stall, sitting on the closed seat and passing out. 
You were severely damaging yourself. Your entire team knew you were not safe to be playing, but they knew you were at your prime to go pro, so they ignored it. Everyday was like an uphill battle, one that you were losing. 
“Art!” Tashi shouted as Art rambled about how ill you looked. “I don’t fucking care about her form, or how she looked! If she’s ill, how come she beat me?!” 
Art stayed silent. 
“I cannot believe I fucked you at that party,”  Tashi sighed, her head in her hands. You gasped and hid behind the door, stopping your hitting partner from walking into the warm-up court. 
Art and Tashi had fucked the night of the party. The party that you and Art were late to because he fucked you before it. 
He’d cheated on you. 
You walked into the court, head high in spite of the dizzy feeling in your head.
“Good game, sorry I had to run off earlier, I felt sick,”you explained to Tashi, holding your hand out for her to shake.
"Good game," she grumbled. You caught a glimpse of the horror on Art's face. You'd heard. He was never getting you back, not now, not ever.
art donaldson masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
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f0point5 · 5 months
would you consider writing the time when max realized that he loved yn?
i remember that he was like in a mindset of idgaf what happens with her im js happy being best friends and having her in my life but i wonder how he got to that point
The way this came out…idk I hope you like it 😂 I really wish I’d retconned this whole situation but I stayed true to the fic timeline.
I just…I really hope you don’t hate it 🫠
✨Set after Max wins his 3rd championship in Qatar✨
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Honestly, who (is he) to fight the alchemy?
Max has been in love before. He knows what it feels like. It felt like winning a race. The adrenaline, the elation, the satisfaction, the sliver of relief. He didn’t think there was a better feeling, and if you feel that when you’re with someone, then that must be love.
He never felt like that with you. So he wasn’t in love. He loved you, but he wasn’t in love. Thank God for that, he’d always thought to himself. Max didn’t put effort into games he wouldn’t win and the games you played with men didn’t have a rule book. He was just so lucky, to have you as a friend, and a roommate, and a feline co-parent, and that’s how it would stay.
Except, when the journalist had asked him if you were going to live with him after he retired, he didn’t know what to say. Of course you would, except, how would your boyfriend feel about that? And of course he wanted you to, but he wanted a family, too. But you were family, in some complicated way that he’d never realised before that moment might mean that you wouldn’t always be…with him.
And he didn’t have the desire or the language skills to explain that to a random German journalist. He’d rattled off some answer about how he never knew what the future would bring. It was true, he didn’t think much about the future. But he should have, because when he did it always had you in it.
He wanted a house, and a wife, and kids. It wasn’t like he envisaged doing all that with you. Except, he hadn’t envisaged doing any of it without you, either. It was always you imagined having breakfast with, you he imagined would teach his kids to ski, you he thought about when he thought about buying one of those mansions in the hills above Monaco. Naively, he hadn’t imagined either of you with partners that would mind you and Max living your lives together. It sounded fucking stupid when he thought about it. But, it’s not like he was going to marry you, because he’s not in love with you.
It’s not like I’m in love with her. He’d said that before.
Aren’t you, Max?
Isn’t he?
Is he?
So now here he is, at this totally-not-a-party party, celebrating his this third world championship, wondering if he’s in love. Wondering if that even matters. The music is loud, not enough to drown out his thoughts. He can’t even drink too much because he still has a race tomorrow. He feels lightheaded enough.
He doesn’t know why he’s questioning himself. He has an answer. He knows what being in love feels like, and he doesn’t feel that about you. How he does feel about you, is…not quantifiable. Except he’d really like a name for it right about now. One that’s not going to spin his whole world off its axis. But then, he’s not exactly the axis, is he? Not really.
He should feel like the centre of the universe tonight. He’s lost count of how many times he’s received praise and congratulations, plaudits, and pictures, even gifts. Everyone wants to be in his orbit, everyone wants to talk to him, everyone except you.
You’re leaning against the balcony, bopping along to the music, talking to his dad of all people, your flushed face and lazy grin telltale signs you’ve had too much to drink. Jos is as close as he ever gets to smiling, a telltale sign he’s had too much to drink, and the two of you are, as usual, talking over each other. His eyes linger on your long legs and gentle curves. It would be cutting a corner, to say he’s in love with you, because how can you not be at least a little bit infatuated with the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen? But that’s not love, exactly. Even half drunk, with all this talk of spinning and the party beginning to blur at its edges, the only thing he can see clearly is you. You don’t even notice him looking, because you’re so used to feeling eyes on you.
No, being around you has never felt like winning much of anything. It actually feels a bit like he’s fighting for his life. It feels like…driving, he realises, as the gin starts to hit.
Being around you was like being in the RB19. Like being behind the wheel of something that could kill you, but fits you like a second skin. Like the illusion of having control of a force of nature. It was like living on a knife edge, but building a home there. Comfortable with the uncomfortable, they’d called him, and nothing had ever made him as uncomfortable as you.
If that was being in love, he’d probably been in love with you for as long as his dad said he was.
You don’t notice him looking, but Jos does. He waves Max over, and Max is glad for an excuse. His body gets up before he’s decided to, and he blinks furiously as he walks, trying to focus his thoughts enough to hold a conversation with you when he’s beginning to think he might-
“Maxy,” you say, grinning like it’s the first time you’ve seen him all night.
Fuck. Fuck.
Oh, fuck. The gin’s coming back. For a second he feels like he’s either going to ask you to marry him or vomit all over you.
“I’m leaving. She’s all yours,” Jos says, and Max steadies himself. His dad leans over and gives him one last hug before switching to Dutch. “Get her to bed. And yourself, also. You’ve still got to race tomorrow,”
Max nods and waves him off, closing his arms around you when you wobble, leaning into him for stability. Jos gives you a pat on the shoulder before disappearing into the crowd, and you teeter again, pushing you further into Max. The extra weight is like a balm on what is now a gaping, raw wound, with the nerves exposed. He will never recover from this.
You turn in his arms, scrunching your nose in displeasure as you look up at him. “I hate this hat,” you flick the brim of his World Champion cap. “Worst hat they ever made you. Next year, we do a better one,”
“Okay,” he says, chuckling as the hat leaves his head.
“Can I have this?” You’ve already put it on.
Take it. Take my Valkyrie. Take the trophy. Take my last name.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
He doesn’t know how he’s looking at you. Is it different than he looked at you two hours ago? Different then when you were 19?
He just shrugs, tipping the hat back for you, since it’s so big. “You’re drunk,” he yells over the music.
You lean in, so close that he’s intoxicated by the scent of your perfume, champagne, and Red Bull. He turns away from you slightly, because he’s had too much to drink to be this close to you.
“I know,” you whisper to him, your lips grazing his cheek as you talk. That’s not helping. He turns back to you, finding your eyes searching his. For the first time, he’s worried what you might see. Because you’ve always seen him too clearly. It was awful, then exhilarating, now it’s just fucking terrifying. Your eyes narrow and Max thinks you’re about to outright accuse him of wanting- “You’re supposed to be drunk, too,”
He laughs. He laughs at your pout, at getting away with it, for a little while longer, at least, and he laughs because on the night he’s won a world championship he realises he lost his heart a long time ago.
Loving you didn’t feel like a winning a race, it felt like driving in one. And after all, isn’t driving all he ever wanted to do?
“I am, Engel,” he says, “trust me, I am.”
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astropookie · 8 months
juno signs and their specific love language pt3🦋🪷
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Spy x Family
juno shows us what’s the style that functions better with you -relationships, meaningful committed partnership-, the characteristics of our ideal partner and more.
birth chart + tropical + whole sign system
take what resonates, leave what don’t 🎀 you don’t have to necessarily identify with it.
how I’ll describe sag junos ideal partner: they’re telling you the truth. they put you in your place. they’re not letting you go until you open your eyes. they know they can’t control things but they’ll do everything to put a smile on you. your grin melts them. they wish you infinite joy. they won’t impose their mindset. they’ll let you be. sag juno travel between minds, social groups, countries, etc. they’re so absorbed by the unknown, they want to eat the world, they search that in a partner. first of all, they need a best friend who’s also their partner, someone who they’re NOT trying to be other person/ to only show an aspect of their person. they want to feel and be captivated by others mindset. I’m not only referring about knowledge of books and etc, I’m referring to experiences and what the other have had learned to deal with it. they’re captivated by the way their partner outcome without effort a situation that, at first sight, is seen as problematic, but the other will joke about it. it’s giving they want a sugar mommy/daddy. sag juno specific love language: they’ll put you in your place.
this is a more “I’ll kill and die for you” type of vibe. you want them to be your protector? how I’ll describe scorpio ideal partner: they’re so obsessed and consume by their partners. “obsessed” it’s not the correct word to describe it. they want nothing to happen to them. they want to get to know them deeply, since the beginning of their existence 😭 they want to know their traumas, they want to know why are the way they’re, the events who left a mark on their soul. EVERY DETAIL. how you feel about them, I think they consider a lot the emotions of their loved ones -partner- and how an experience/person made them feel. in conclusion, scorpio juno is needy jk THEY WANT CRAVE LOVE INTENSITY. they don’t like their partner to be superficial. they search for the meaning of “growing together as a couple”. they want to change -transform- with you, bc of you and beside you -NEED THEIR IDEAL PARTNER TO FEEL THE SAME-. scorpio juno has standards, “if you don’t have this I won’t be with you” kind of vibe. the love language of scorpio juno is staying with you no matter what or trying to make things easier, to protect your soul. ik I’m not mentioning a single and practical love language but scorpio juno is so intense I can’t 😝
THE DELUSIONAL OF THE DELULUS. definitely gift giving or quality time love language. I imagine pisces juno in their head, spacing out, thinking about their crush and their crush is BESIDE THEM. EVERY TIME they open their eyes and leave the “best qualities of my soulmate/ideal partner” space they’re disappointed asf. I’ll describe how I think the ideal partner of pisces juno is: the incapability of setting boundaries i fear😤 PLS the handmade gifts, pictures, songs, drawings, every existing expression they can explode their artistic potential will be given to you, the chosen one. THEYRE THE DEFINITION OF EMPATHY, idc what others will say. they’ll show you parts of themselves others don’t know and don’t have the honor to enjoy. they’ll fucking accept you and take care of you generously. the things they’ll do for you comes from the bottom of their hearts. they’re so pure ☹️ but they could get lost in the idea of love, relationships. they won’t hesitate on helping you, as impulsive and incoherent as they are for who owns their heart. they literally FEEL their heart in your hands if they’re in love with you. they’re so vulnerable, you could throw away their heart AND THEY WILL LOVE YOU ANYWAYS. reminds me of a puppy eye person or an artist 😝 specific love language of pisces juno is GIVING THEIR HEART TO YOU (and they’re not deciding it, it happens) -yes, the same as their partner would bc THEY NEED TO BE RECIPROCATED- and also zoning out bc of you.
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♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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legokingfisher · 4 months
Thinking about Nya and Wu… in early seasons whenever the other ninja were doing some shit, Nya and Wu would usually be off doing something else together or stay behind from things together. Thinking abt all the time they’d have to just talk or run errands or spend time together. I feel like I don’t see it talked about enough how close they probably were… from the fucking beginning like before she was a ninja he has cared for her and trained her and kept her secrets and had faith in her and been proud of her. Of all the characters i see ppl talking abt Nya having a parental relationship with i almost never see Wu mentioned. Not that he doesn’t mean anything to the other ninja or whatever either but like this ain’t about them this is about Nya i love you Nya and I cannot stop thinking about how she was one of the first Wu called out to when the ninja got home from the never realm or about how his voice broke at her memorial service at the end of seabound i just. She means so much to him. And he must mean so much to her. All the reassurance and encouragement she’s gotten from him from the start, I can’t even imagine how it must have felt to see Lloyd again post merge and learn that no master Wu isn’t just missing he’s dead. I feel like she is hesitant to lean on older adults or let anyone parent her (again looks at seabound) because she n Kai had to grow up with a solid “no one is going to help me but me” mindset and I feel like the all the progress she and Wu built up over the years woulda allowed her to trust that an older adult can be there for her and now it’s all come apart and she didn’t even get to say goodbye all she gets is whispers from a glowing ghost beckoning her for a moment. A moment all too short
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suguru-getos · 3 months
fractures // geto suguru x f!reader // chapter 5
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masterlist // summary: the reader is depressed as fuck, going through it yall 😔 suguru finally decides to let her go because he could only take in so much without causing irreparable damage to his own mindset about monkeys. // warnings: angst, comfort (yeah geto sama became suguru for a moment), mentions of fucked up mental health.
hurts… hurts when you didn’t go to the invite suguru had for you, to walk with him in the gardens. its embarrassing whatever your condition is right now. forced to sit amongst everyone who loathes you & hates you for lunch. four days… four days are left now. last night had been bearable, you didn’t accept geto’s offer to join him in the gardens for a walk, and didn’t sleep out of the anxiety of him hurting you. hurts… his grip on your psyche hurts.
it seems detrimental to engage in a conversation amongst a group of people who clearly think they’re better than you. hate you just because you’re weak perhaps. before you realize, you’ve ended up gazing and glancing at the plate. tears flowing from your eyes and a weak sniffle escaping you.
mimiko & nanako glanced at the wounded deer they all have kept in their den. you. “she’s crying.” nanako pouts, you look so beautiful to her she wishes she could just be your friend honestly. though, she doesn’t have the guts to confront suguru about it. “sickening…” manami scoffs, looking at you. “stop crying and stop making the lunch unbearable, i can barely stand your monkey stench.”
monkey stench…
you wonder what that even means. suguru, is awfully quiet. he’s just observing you as you desperately try to wipe of your tears. “be grateful you’re given food at all. waste of space and fucking breaths.” manami snarls again, “or should i beat the shit out of you again just like when i did when you tried to slither out like a pest?”
so much hatred… these people held so much hatred it was eating you apart. scatching you, hollowing you to the very core. you don’t want to be hurt anymore. or maybe they better do a good job at it and hurt you enough so your heart stops.
“that’s fine,” suguru hums, “just focus on the lunch manami.” his words sound like an order. something no one can stand against. it was weird, how it somehow helped you feel the slightest of a shield against their sharp jaws.
you could barely finish the lunch, the food’s taste wasn’t the issue exactly. it was the environment. gently leaning the plate away with more than one-third of the food finished, you get up to leave. no one says anything to you. weird… these people feel weird.
another day passes, and suguru’s affect on you has lessened beyond imaginations. he just lets you be. you wonder why is there a change of heart like this. does he plan to kill you directly? why hasn’t he just hurt you like he usually does? neither have his lackeys. it’s eerie, how you sleep on the bed today, just like you did yesterday night & stare at a wall. the dark circles in your eyes have been daunting. you look like a sack of flesh forced to be alive. it’s unbearable. you wish it would stop. you wish your brain would stop it…
desperate- you gasp and get up and off the bed instantly. hands clutching at your scalp and tugging at your hair with a whimper as you scream cry. everything that’s happened to you so far reminds you of the hell you’re forced in. how geto suguru makes you feel, how you immediately wish this was just the biggest nightmare you’ve ever lived.
suguru… can’t sleep either. it’s weird. his mind is just not working how it should. that’s always been the problem with him. he’s always been someone who’s unfit to be a sorcerer. he cares so much. that’s why he couldn’t stand his comrades & his own friends dying because of filthy monkeys who create those very curses. then why is his heart being torn apart brutally at the sounds of you crying. why is he taking a walk right ‘outside’ your door. this makes no sense. why is he being partial to you? to check his resolve, he’s killed seven monkeys today. all those who should have been useful but weren’t. then there’s you, tearing him apart just with the sound of your sniffles. is it because you’re beautiful? no- that’s not it. it’s just because he doesn’t know where to place you in his self righteous scale of morals.
you need a breath of fresh air, and when you lurch forward to your bedroom door and open it, you’re left aghast when you see geto sama standing in front. you lean back a few steps. blinking rapidly to see him clearly with the foggy vision you hold due to your tears. “i- i- wasn’t - i wasn’t trying to run.” you babble, observing him. watching his feet, his face. “please believe me i wasn’t trying to run- i was just trying to have some fresh air.” you explained yourself, sobbing out at the bone chilling fear.
“please please please — “ you fall into your knees at his silence, face covered with both hands as you break down. “please don’t hurt m-“
suguru just looks at you, eyes softening, his own eyes glazed at your torment. his little monkey pet. “i believe you.” he hums, walking towards you and crouching. he doesn’t need to necessarily touch you. but he does anyway. holding the back of your head and forcing you to lean against his chest. soft pats on your head as you cry out. he is silent. saying anything seems insolent. he can’t really do anything but hope you quiet down with that. why is he even doing this… he doesn’t have time to think through it. it’s impossible.
no… you’re changing him. he can’t have you do that. you can’t change him. that’s impossible. he has a goal to meet. he has to erradicate all the monkeys in this world to make sure sorcerers can live freely. he can’t be sympathetic for a fucking monkey—
“i’ll let you go tomorrow.” he hums, and your eyes widened, what is he even saying? “your parents will give the money within three says, i can’t stand you crying out everyday like a bad omen in my own house.” he hums, watching your facial expressions change to one of pure shock. “you understand? now don’t make me change my decision by crying anymore.”
you desperately nodded, wiping your tears over and over and over like a traumatized child. it is heart breaking really… maybe when he’s without you, and away from you, he would get back the losing and faint sight of his goal.
the next morning, you wake up, groggy as ever. whatever happened last night seems like a fever dream. you don’t even have the energy to think it was reality. maybe geto was tired of you crying and screaming & wanted to shut you up temporarily. yeah, that’s what it seems like at the end of the day. you drag yourself to the bathroom, and take a shower. thoughts jumbled up in the brimming brain fog. you’re tired, your mind & body are unable to keep up with the rapid anxiety you have burning within you.
“good morning.” you blink when you hear geto’s voice while combing through your hair. “morning.” you respond, gazing at him through the mirror. “let’s go.” he raises a brow, watching you, scanning you. maybe you will smile…
maybe… he will see you smile for the first time ever. he’s spend a few hours yesterday night trying to imagine how pretty you would look when you’re smiling brightly. when your lips curl up… do you smile with your eyes? would they squint up? how would you look? he can’t wait but want to see you blossom like that. pathetic really.
“yeah.” there is no response apart from that. you’re dreading this. you don’t know if you would be able to survive when you’re out of here. the fear that’s been instilled inside you wouldn’t just go away like that. as heartbreaking as it is, your body has given up for now.
and that’s exactly what happens. everything passes in a haze. the echoes of multiple footsteps as you walk to the estate gate & sit in the car, eyes fixated at your nails and scratching them up throughout. you don’t register anything until you actually reach home. a faint beep sound is the only thing you hear and the faintest echoes of your parents crying and hugging you. your friends visiting you in the coming next few days and weeks. everything is nothing but a faint echo. you feel like you’re drifting apart, losing a sense of reality. you don’t remember how long it has been since you’ve been back. or if your parents gave suguru the money anyway, or if you are still dreaming about this whole thing and stuck in the geto estate. maybe you died when he carved the word “monkey” in your arm and these are the last bits of delusional memories your brain has in store for you before finally pulling you into slumber….
depressed, numb, and done for. you are done for.
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vicsy · 9 months
what saddens me the most about the Lance situation as it is, especially in the lights of the tweet liked by Bianca Bustamante (who is a signed junior driver at McLaren as of today) where op calls Lance “an autist”, apart from the regular “just a pay driver” shtick, is the normalization of hating Lance. somehow people in the fandom and evidently among the actual drivers (hello, Drugo, you bitch) have adopted a rhetoric that paints Lance as someone who is ok to hate because: a) daddy owns the team; b) doesn’t have goat level results; c) just because! he’s not widely loved, so it’s all fine, all good. and it’s not real since we’re on the internet. right?
it’s sickening to see what people say about him (both using ableist language, antisemitic comments etc) and then defend themselves saying “well you see he’s this and that and this so I hate him”. you don’t. you’re just full of inhuman hate and need an outlet. or you wanna be one of the “cool kids” which means only liking certain drivers and shitting on the others. fucking check yourselves.
since f1 fandom across all platforms is far from healthy, you get used to seeing takes that make you want to gouge your eyes out, yet Lance seems to be the most popular target of that hatred, unbiased as it is. it’s not even fully about the money or the fact that Lance, indeed, has a father who loves him very much and made sure his son got all the opportunities in the world. you can be mad about it all you want but it won’t change anything.
the line between not liking a particular driver and straight up mixing him with dirt is non-existent these days.
in all honesty, if Lance really didn’t care about racing, at all, he would have walked away already. why risk your life if you’re already set for life money wise? sit and think about that for a bit.
regarding the tweet recently liked by Bianca — I want to make it clear that I’m not familiar with her and I am not hating on her, simply judging this incident — I can’t help but wonder. you made it to f1 and you know how soc med works. likes are public. why? answer might not be clear. but entertain this idea — if there was already a precedent where she found it ok to like a tweet that praises her and shits on Lance, imagine what the kind of mindset there is already in place. so many things we don’t know about that happens behind the scenes.
this isn’t the last we have shit like that happen and it isn’t the first. doesn’t make it any less frustrating and rage inducing.
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elsweetheart · 2 years
feelin’ hot to the touch.
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🎀 bonus points if you worked out the title is a lana lyric ! just some thigh ridin …. reader having hornyitus… abby gets desperate at the end.. enjoy
you came out of nowhere, literally nowhere.
you were on patrol for gods sake, abby was honestly too focused on looking around to notice the kind of mood you were in. you were in an abandoned building, a library was it? the shelves still stood upright and the books were all torn up and strewn around. you were a sensitive soul, abby thought that maybe you were quiet because this upset you. she could imagine you complaining, ‘why would you destroy such good books?’ it was the little things at the end of the world that got you down.
but you weren’t upset, you weren’t even looking at the books. your eyes were trained on her toned back. your pupils were the star of the show, lusty voids as you stalked her— waiting for your moment. it was just the two of you, and abby looked almost too good today. she spoke to you too gently, her arms were too strong when she hugged you this morning, her braid was too perfect, her demeanour too protective. you were maxed out into a submissive mindset before you’d even gotten five minutes out the door. you needed her, right here. right now.
she turned around to face you and your body was pressed to hers instantly, arms thrown around her neck like you were begging her to pick you up. “abby.” you whispered weakly and she were almost scared, wondering why you were so warm and why you had just thrown yourself at her. “i need it.” she had caught you by the waist, your feet barely touching the ground anymore from her strong hands and she was trying to stabilise you, get a good look at you.
“need what? baby what do you need?” her hands were on your cheeks now, trying to hold you still. she usually could see it coming, knew when you were going to haze out like this. you looked like you were going to cry as you grabbed at her, a thick layer of tears sitting on top of your eyes threatening to fall with your bottom lip sucked beneath your teeth. she knew before you’d answered.
“need you.” your arm was draped around her neck still, your clammy hand weakly grasping onto the end of her braid like you needed to keep ahold of her at all times or else she’d disappear.
“i’m here. breathe for me, i’ll find a place we can sit.” her brow was creased and she lift you up, letting you cling onto her like a koala, sat on her hip as she pushed the double doors open into the next room — an old designated ‘reading corner’ with a wide loveseat with worn leather catching her eye. she checked the room, obstruct the doors, and came to sit down with you on her lap. you’d been mouthing at her neck below the curve of her jaw, desperately and loudly sucking a bruise which made it really fucking hard for her to concentrate on making the place safe to tend to you. she had you on her lap now and she placed a strong hand to your chest, detaching you and forcing you to reluctantly sit back. you whined, the warmth of her chest against yours leaving you.
your heart jackhammered under her palm and she stroked her thumb over the spot for a moment, watching the way you panted, whispering her name like a mantra trying to get her to let you all over her. she did, pulling you forward and bringing your lips together. you moaned against her mouth, shared drool pooling beneath the dips of your chin. where had this come from?
“i need to know what’s got you so worked up. can you talk for me, sweet girl?” she murmured into your neck now as you desperately pushed your fitted t-shirt up to sit above your tits, your bra coming up with it letting your tits fall out the cups. she wet her lips, watching, waiting for an answer and cupped your cunt, feeling the warm wetness through all the material. you both made a noise of pleasure at this, yours just a little more whiney and needy.
“i don’t know. just… can’t think abs. need— want you to—” you struggled, hips squirming against her and she interrupt you.
“okay. you don’t have to know. let me do all the thinking, yeah? let’s give you what you need.” she lift your hips suddenly so that you were sat right on her thigh. the thick of the muscle was direct against your clit through your leggings and underwear. you were pretty sure you wouldn’t even need to take them off.
and she didn’t, she got straight to work. her hand pushed the back of your head towards her, kissing you once more as her other hand brought your hips forward, the other hand joining once your lips were on hers. you could barely kiss her back, the friction all too much as it burned against your frenzied heat. you pulled back, falling slightly against her as you whimpered directly into her ear, letting her fuck you on her thigh.
“good girl. see you’ve got it, no need for all the fuss.” she looked around the room, always keeping a look out for your safety. her cold hand splayed against the skin of your hot back now, your nipples scraping against the material of her muscle tee. “bet you’re gonna cum so quick. that pussy was so wet could feel it through your pants. got yourself into such a state, hm?” she spoke against your cheek as she pressed kisses to it.
she wasn’t wrong, you could already feel the tight coil in your stomach threatening to release itself, and maybe if you’d been in a more reasonable state of mind you would have considered the fact that you were going to have to walk around for hours with a mess in your panties — but right then you didn’t care, you needed to keep humping abby until you got what you’d wanted.
abby watched you now, she knew you always needed words to get you there— and she wasn’t ever too shy to talk you through it. “so good for telling me what you need. i taught you well huh? using your words like i always tell you.” she lift her leg up and down just a little, varying the speed and pressure to get you closer. “thats my girl right there. my good little listener. how ‘bout you cum for me baby, remind me how pretty it sounds.” she practically beg, and you did. you could never deny her.
your brain cleared slightly, towards the end of your orgasm. maybe she was pushing you towards cumming because she wanted to get back to your patrol. maybe you were taking too much of her precious time. but you hadn’t even caught your breath, and abby was stuffing her hand down the waistband of your leggings proving you wrong — her huge arm creating a bulge down the front of it when her fingers found your messy cunt, swiping her fingers through the masterpiece she’s just created. “oh god, you get so fucking wet it’s unreal.” she was speaking through grit teeth, her own lust clouding her head now. you fell against her when she pushed two fingers in, your walls spasming around her. no time to recover, you adapted — your brain at its capacity— no thoughts, just abby.
“you’re lucky i don’t have my strap, we’d be here all afternoon.” her hand was gripping the back of your neck now as you cried into her, still so sensitive from your orgasm. there was a roughness about her she didn’t have before, one signifying how much your little scene had turned her on. “dont cry. you got me all worked up.”
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tateshifts · 1 month
lately i've been losing my mind over draco becoming friends with/dating a muggleborn whose family is insanely wealthy
draco: you must come visit my family over the summer, darling. i can't imagine the muggle world being particularly interesting
(y/n): oh well actually i was planning on vacationing on my island this summer
draco: your...island?
(y/n): yeah my dad gave it to me as a gift for my birthday a few years ago! you should come visit it with me sometime!
obv the malfoys are pretty wealthy, but it'd be hilarious if they met a muggle family who was even wealthier. imagine if the malfoys pull up for a dinner at the reader's house, and it's just a 3 story mansion with a sprawling estate
at first he would feel weak / beneath y/n because to him money = power so he would try to avoid that person for as long as possible until he can’t and he’s like ‘fuck it whatever’
and in the back of his mind he would be thinking how much of a turn on it would be to have someone who’s so wealthier than him be his s/o - he chases after power dynamic relationships
this would ABSOLUTELY humble draco and he needs it completly. i would pay to see the look on that boys face 😭
this is definetly the kind of relationship dynamic he needs, i know it would change his mindset on things (gradually😖)
thank u smmm for the ask🫶🫶🫶
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wickjump · 2 months
Hey um if that's fine what do you think about Fresh x Error (if we ignore Error's hatred/fear for Fresh in the canon)
It's fine if you don't want to answer-
(or heck even in bromance)
RETROGLITCH!!!!! AW man. i think they’re a really neat pair (cq jokes about them being canon too so how could i not at this point) and are UNFAIRLY underrated. i feel like it would be a huge “i hate you” to “i wouldn’t kill you if given the option 💕” dynamic. this is sort of how i imagine them going:
“i hate you so so so much” -> “i hate you but i can tolerate you under certain circumstances” -> “okay sit over there don’t speak don’t move and you can watch my show with me” -> “okay FINE you can sit on the beanbag dear god” -> “okay so i don’t want to touch you but because you’re SO insistent here’s a doll of me. touch that all you want. why do i have one? shut up and keep watching the show” -> extended periods of hand holding but error glares at fresh every so often and fresh just grins back
i think they’re fun. they’d be a slow burn definitely but i feel they could happen. it’s joked about that fresh comes to error to rant even if error doesn’t seem to care. so like. they do interact. error fears fresh because he can’t be destroyed like aus can, because fresh doesn’t belong to any known au. that and the whole “living sensory nightmare” thing.
and fresh does show the ability to have good character development. he can feel things, it’s just difficult to get him to, and he fears those feelings because he doesn’t understand them and they’re purely irrational. and he canonically can feel romantic attraction too, as shown with greaser. fresh would 100% be able to harbor genuine feelings for error, so that can’t be argued against them. i feel fresh would reason “i like error, error doesn’t like when i do X, and if i keep doing X, he will leave, which i don’t want, because i like error” with certain aspects of himself, as in the touching and the sensory overload he brings. he’s very rational and simplistic with his thought process at times, so it wouldn’t be hard for him to learn to cool it a bit with the whole bugging error 24/7 thing.
error would be able to slowly tolerate fresh more, especially after fresh tones it down a bit with the touching and loudness and all that. again, they’d be a very slow burn but it would burn nonetheless. i like them a lot. i think they’re super sweet and cool and underrated. i can’t find any good fics on them :( (recs appreciated)
fresh would bug error to knit him arm/leg warmers i feel. and error would complain about fresh being there sitting in the corner watching him but eventually he’d get used to and appreciate his presence. fresh is like a body double for him
fresh is also, as ive said before on tiktok, much more sociable than most other “creepy” characters. he’s a social type of guy, he interacts fluently with people even if he can be a bit offputting at first. he would be fun at a party!!!! he would probably manage to socialize error a bit more because the isolation is only furthering his fucked up murdery mindset which is good for him.
something else really funny is that fresh is so emotionally unintelligent that he does not register romance when he feels it. his character is unused to emotion outside of the rare primal fear he’s programmed with, so when he experiences it he’s either freaked out or doesn’t understand it. romance is canonically something fresh doesn’t understand when he feels it iirc. so he and error are also both emotionally unintelligent idiots when it comes to their feelings which makes them a match made in heaven and also hell i think.
i think they’re cool…!!!!!
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
Hear me out… hard thoughts on 0T8 being curious about their partners breast milk
I KNOW ITS TABOO!! But I literally can’t get it out of my head… help lmao 🤣
I HEAR U ANON I HEAR U. for imagine’s sake, picture reader is post-preggos in all these scenarios.
now, i think it’s obvious i live for sub chan and felix, but i don’t initially see him being into breast milk. it’d be a weird moment where he’s watching u bottle pumping he’s like, “…can i try..?” and it’s all downhill from there, any moment he can he’s taking the opportunity to suck on your swollen tits even if it’s just to have the weight of them in your mouth. occasionally squeezes in passing hard enough to purposefully make you leak and giggle to himself.
with minho, changbin, hyunjin, and jisung, it’s more the same proud feeling he gets when you swallow his seed after a good blowjob. it’s the physical aspect of being able to consume you the way you do to him, also the mindset that, “i helped do that, i did that to you. we made that human being together.” a pride thing, an ego boost in a weird, twisted sense. but hey, who doesn’t love some tits as nice as yours?
seungmin will either hate it or fucking love it. but he’s a menace, even with a child and is determined to be such a role model. he’s feeding your kid when he thinks, “wow that kids going to town. is it really that good?” and takes a little sip. he’s surprised how much he enjoys it, even if it’s pre-pumped. he’s of course shy to ask you about it in bed, but is pleasantly happy when you agree to let him suck your tit to try it right from the source. from then on, he’s doing things to purposefully make you lactate and soak through your shirt, emotionally riling you up in your fragile state and encouraging you to, “just walk around shirtless! we’re all benefiting from it.”
jeongin is also hit or miss, he already hates being babied but suddenly becomes envious of his kid in a way when he sees the baby just having a meal. also thinks that there’s no way breast milk can taste good enough for the kid to be hogging you like that. it’s a bit of jealousy, but also understanding cus he loves your boobs just as much. tries it on accident as well and suddenly becomes obsessed. after the baby is asleep and you’re finally comfortable having sex again he shyly asks if he could try it, is a bit thrown off by the warmth of you but praises you after realizing how uncomfortable it must be for you, “awe, you’re so sweet for letting me have a treat.” feels a little bad he’s stealing some good meals from his kid, but hey, that’s what power formula is for.
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