#i can’t drink coffee to stay awake like everyone else bc it tends to make me nauseous and more tired long term
agent-troi · 4 months
fringe, 2036:
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today at kroger, 2024:
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the future is here
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
im alive!! sorry for going mia i forgot my tumblr password :( but congratulations on 1000 jade! you deserve it! for the prompt thing, daniel (Wanna One) 96 + soulmate au :)) - baby anon
Kang Daniel ; “I brought you an umbrella.” + Soulmate!AU
Prompts here.Masterlists
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so, in this universe you have the first words you hear from your soulmate written on your wrist
but the universe hated you and gave you such a vague sentence
“thank you”
you grew to detest the words because it had lead to you being in many awkward situations
one time in middle school you thought you met your soulmate and asked the person out
you got rejected in front of everyone basically and he turned out to be your best friend’s soulmate
y i k e s
now you’re in college majoring in what you had been passionate in for the past few years
still soulmate-less
to be honest you didn’t have much hope in finding your soulmate
you didn’t really search for the person either
that’s practically how you went through most of your college years
studying, partying, et cetera. but never searching
your friends searched for your soulmate more than you did tbh
basically in your senior year you felt done with school (same lmao)
noticing how tired you were your friends invited you out
you agreed happily
not knowing they were still trying to find your soulmate for you
they brought you to a small cat cafe that had gone unnoticed by most
you thought it was nice because it was so close to your house
it was pretty empty but it was aesthetically pleasing inside
like there were cute cat decorations everywhere
not to mention the cats themselves
okay so
you and your friends kind of just sat at a table in the corner even tho no one else was there
the workers kind of didn’t see you until one of them went out to tend to the cats
“oh hi– i’m woojin, would you like to order anything?”
your friends being visibly disappointed when he started speaking
which caused woojin to mentally freak out bc he thought he said something bad
you had to reassure him that he didn’t because your friends were being sNAKES
basically you guys just ordered coffee and played with the cats while you waited
your friend took a sip of her coffee first and practically died
“thIs Is So GoOd???”
woojin laughed and said the owner’s son makes the coffee
he pointed over at a counter where you could see someone’s broad back
you didn’t really take notice
just played with the cats a lot, your drink kind of went cold
your favourite cats were peter and rooney (according to their collars)
when you and your friends were about to leave you made eye contact with the man behind the counter
you were kind of in awe
how?? can?? a?? person?? be?? so?? cute??
that was you
i mean same he has a cute bunny smile
anyway coincidence coincidence
you saw the same man in your morning class
apparently you had been classmates but never really noticed him because he sat on the other side of the class of you
you thought he was cute
saw him talking with his friends once, you’ve never heard a laugh so pUrE
so you brought your friends to the cafe like,, every weekend in hopes of seeing him
you thought he wasn’t your soulmate but hey a person can dream
your friends were determined to figure out if he was your soulmate
once they caught on to what you were doing they were the ones dragging you there
not just on the weekends but like everyday
the cafe’s workers weren’t complaining, more business for them
all was well except
the mystery man never came out from behind the counter
and he was always disappearing
like he was there one second
and then the next he’s gone?? he confused you
he was always asleep in class too so you couldn’t talk to him then
and when he wasn’t asleep he was already getting pulled out of class by his friends so that wasn’t an option
after like,,, two months of going to the cafe and making no progress
you kind of just gave up
your friends were disappointed but they didn’t say anything
so you guys just stopped going
and slowly you noticed the guy changing in class
like he’d be awake and alert unlike before
and he’d glance in your direction a lot
‘probably looking at someone else’ - you
this went on for another month
with you waving off his glances after catching him
him not really caring that he was caught
you still didn’t know his name smh
one day it kind of started raining when you were walking home
like not a lot so you didn’t bother covering yourself bc your house was pretty close to your college
on your way home you passed the cafe like always
this time you noticed someone crouching in the alley between the cafe and another building
lo and behold it was the mystery guy
what he was doing you had no clue
so you just kept walking
you noticed how the rain was getting heavier the closer you got to your house
you couldn’t help but feel worried
like ‘what if that guy gets sick staying in the rain’
you were a bit conflicted
‘he’s probably gone back inside, he’s not dumb’
‘then again i have seen him do some questionable things’
‘that doesn’t mean he’s stupid enough to stay out in the rain’
‘but what if’
you kept going back and forth with yourself until you realized how heavy the downpour had gotten
so you decided ‘screw it’ and grabbed an umbrella
you headed back to the cafe
when you reached the alley he was still there
and he had taken his jacket off and thrown it over a box
you refrained yourself from calling him an idiot out loud
instead you walked over and held the umbrella over his shaking form
he didn’t notice at first
but the lack of cold rain pelting at his increasingly numb skin got his attention after a few seconds
he looked up and almost jumped ten feet seeing you there
“i brought you an umbrella”
he looked shocked for a moment before smiling up at you
“thank you”
the whole soulmate thing wasn’t on your mind at the moment so you didn’t even bother checking what his wrist
“what are you doing out here anyway” you’d ask
without a word, he’d pull his jacket away from the box
revealing a litter of kittens
“my dad has a limit to how many cats we can have in the cafe, and we’ve already reached it so we can’t let these ones in”
he sounded so sad when he talked about it, a small frown on his face
“and my apartment doesn’t allow pets so there isn’t really anywhere for them to go”
his sadness eventually traveled to you
the kittens were looking up at you
you died a bit inside
“i can keep them” you offered
the guy looked up at you with complete adoration like ‘wowow what an angel’
the way he was looking at you made you flustered
like can you not man thanks
he stood up, gently taking the umbrella from your hands and placing it over the box
he quickly ushered you inside, “before you take them, i owe you a coffee”
so you both entered the cafe through the back door
soaked (even you, despite only being exposed to the rain for like two seconds)
woojin and another worker (jihoon) were shocked to see you
they practically threw some towels in your faces and forced you to sit down in the kitchen
they left to make you guys something warm to drink leaving you alone with him
it was kind of awkward, the atmosphere was slightly tense
you glanced over at him, only for him to be staring at you
it was just like you were back in class
“i’m daniel, by the way” he said with a smile
he said something that kind of sounded like ‘i know’ but you weren’t sure
it was quiet for a bit
but then daniel suddenly chuckled in amusement
without a word, daniel gently took your wrist and put it next to his
to your surprise, he had ‘i brought you an umbrella’ written atop his skin
you looked up and he was staring at you with a grin
“nice to meet you, soulmate”
okay so you started dating soon after that
not right after, but once you’ve had a couple of dates
you found out the reason why he kept sleeping in class
to take care of the stray kittens
he admitted that once you stopped going to the cafe he started looking for you a lot more
which explained the stares in class
daniel would be such a cheesy boyfriend istg
we all saw how he was on happy together lmao
he’s always complimenting you
you could literally be wearing a food-stained shirt and sweatpants and he’d find you the most attractive being on earth tbh
he always gets kind of flustered whenever you compliment him tho
like he’ll start giggling and he’ll have this small smile on his face
i’m dying imagining that omg daniel let me be loyal to woojin
i wouldn’t be surprised if you had your first kiss pretty early on
it’d be really casual too
like you were helping out around the cafe on one of its few busy days
and at the end of the day you guys were really tired because you had to run around a bit
one of the cats got out twice whoops
basically after locking the cafe you’d sit down at the corner table and just lean against each other
the other workers would be in the back getting ready to leave
daniel would kind of just turn to you and kiss you right there
“thanks for helping today,” he’d mumble, still really close to your face
for the rest of the night he’d have this giddy grin on his face
after that kissing would come often
small kisses, pecks on the cheek, on the forehead, et cetera.
you guys wouldn’t fight a lot either
it was rare, but it happens in every relationship
he’d walk away first, not wanting to say anything to upset you further
but later on he’d find you and you guys would just cuddle on his or your couch (or your bed, it doesn’t really matter where) and spend the next hour or so apologizing even if it was a small fight
which would lead to you guys cuddling for the next few hours talking idly about anything
you’d move in together some time after college
“it’s easier to pay rent together”
such a domestic couple tbh
lounging around the living room on your days off not doing anything
just eating and cuddling while watching some crappy show on netflix
that’s how most of your mornings went honestly
oh yes
did i mention daniel took over the cafe
after his father retired daniel got to own it
you, of course, helped him
he literally
i shit you not
changed the cafe’s schedule just so he could cuddle more with you in the mornings
“daniel what–”
“it’s not like anyone comes to the cafe at eight in the morning anyway”
wear his clothes
just do it
he will attack you with hugs and kisses e v e r y t i m e
because he feels so fluffy inside whenever you wear his hoodies or his shirts or anything really
let’s go back to the cheesy boyfriend bit
“i could come here with you forever”
“daniel we literally work here what are you talking about”
he’d literally close the cafe sometimes just so you could have mini dates inside with the cats
like no daniel stop that’s not good
but anyway
he’s fluffy
he teases you about you coming to the cafe every day just to see him
and you tease him for all the stupid things he does during the day tbh
overall you’d have a very cute relationship with daniel
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
This is a bit of an oddball and really open but I was curious if you had any general headcannons for the gods? It's so cool that each of them have their own personalities attached (Ifrit's lazy almost cat-like lounging at first, Shiva's gentle wiseness, etc etc) and I'm interested in your take on them
So basically they’re one big dysfunctional family.
Also it seems I’ve fallen in love with each of them and now they’re all my children.
Is so, so gentle like it would melt your heart if you saw him on a typical day in the land of the Astrals
Tends to both a regular garden and a rock garden
His favorite plants are these silver petaled flowers that only grow in the world of the Astrals and hibiscus
Gets along with animals really well??  His particular favorite are cats
Takes pride in the fact that Leviathan actually considers him a friend of hers
He knew that the others were wrong to brand her as such a terrible person; they just needed to put in the effort to get to know her…though he does admit that her attitude could uh….use just a little bit of work
They’ll get there and he’ll help in whatever way he can
Basically just think Hunk from Voltron tbh
Suffers from being labeled as some scary monster by the mortals, and it didn’t help when everything happened at the Disc with Ardyn and Noct and the gang
Has been taken under Bahamut’s wing though Titan doesn’t rely on him as much these days as he had previously
Dislikes the world of the mortals, especially after having been there for so long
He’s particularly sensitive to negativity and there’s a lot of that in the mortal realm
Does enjoy the mortal realm for it’s flora and fauna though
Usually on the quieter side of the scale, but not an introvert
He enjoys going out with the others to go drinking and such
Plus he knows it makes it easier for Leviathan to relax when he’s with her since as she gets along with him the best
True Neutral
He’s something between the wise old man and everyone’s favorite grandpa idk it’s weird
Acted as Shiva’s mentor for a while
Is the oldest among the Astrals
Is actually from an older pantheon of gods (like how the Titans were the pantheon of gods that preceded the Olympians)
There’s a few reasons that he doesn’t act as leader though.  The first is that the idea of being a leader has never quite appealed to him.  He’d much rather be the one to speak words of wisdom and let the other young ones do the fighting and whatnot.  The second is that he has seen the potential Bahamut has and would much rather help the Draconian reach his full potential as leader
The real reason he wears that cape is because he thinks it makes him look cool
Is the only one that Leviathan will respect as being above herself and go to for guidance
Occasionally struck with the desire to no longer be an immortal 
Sometimes, when he’s look down at the mortals below he’s hit with how utterly tired he is of living for eternity
When he gets like this he wants nothing more than to become a spry old man and go backpacking through the lands of Eos
Walks with a limp
Actually, in a way you could almost say that he parallels Regis I think
Pitied Ardyn for what happened/became of him
Relating him to a Greek deity he’d be Ares
Not necessarily a Chad™ but his personality can border on being one of Chad’s friends
Ultimately though has a very strong moral compass, but he doesn’t really go about it in the best way
Honestly though do ya’ll remember Sky High? Because Ifrit is lowkey the guy that could use fire just more of an asshole
Will protect Shiva at all costs
She’s basically his little sister at this point, like he’s taken it upon himself to be something akin to her protector
Not that she needs one though lol
Will go out of his way to do exactly what Bahamut told him not to do
Bahamut: Ifrit no
Ifrit: Ifrit YES
Respects Leviathan immensely 
Enjoys getting pedicures and will legit smite anyone who tries to give him shit for it
Nobody else knows this as he’s very good at keeping his aloof mask on, but he is sometimes hurt by the fact that everyone pegs him as some evil deity just because he happens to have something of a temper and can control fire
Um…kinda think Zuko but then more of an asshole I guess
Doesn’t really like mortals
Relating her to a Greek deity she’d probably be Persephone or Hestia
A gentle sort of quiet surrounds her
Think comfortable silence among friends, the quiet of the dawn when the world is just awaking, and hole-in-the-wall coffee shops that only have a few patrons within
Does not like Leviathan…there’s some bad blood there
Enjoys walking among the mortals on their small world
She thinks mortals are amazing creatures, constantly making new discoveries to curb their ever persistent curiosity
Can be found walking through some of the gardens in that immortal world of the Astrals with Bahamut
She makes him flower crowns
A walking library
She knows and remembers every little thing that has happened both in immortal history and mortal history
She’s one of those people that is super sweet and caring, but if you mess with them they’ll fuck you up
Is the only one that can successfully knock Bahamut on his ass
Everyone is lowkey terrified of her
Ifrit is like her big brother tbh that’s the type of relationship those two have
Enjoys bubble baths
She’s particularly fond of these bath bombs that the mortals have created
Relating her to a Greek deity they’d be Hera
With that being said, Leviathan is kind of a bitch 
I feel bad relating them to Hera bc Hera’s my boo but Hera can also be kind of a bitch so…
If someone is lucky enough to befriend her, however, they have someone who will have their back for the rest of eternity
Think Slytherin 
Leviathan is closest with Titan which most find odd due to the fact Titan is literally just…super sweet
*cough* Slytherpuff friendship *cough*
She appreciated the fact that Titan gave them the benefit of the doubt when the other Astrals told Titan that Leviathin was a terrible person
Doesn’t much care for mortals ((as we’ve all witnessed)) but won’t go out of their way to kill them
Was actually against the whole prophecy thing hence why they made it so difficult to form the covenant 
Argued it would be easier to either get rid of the problem themselves or simply wipe out the entire planet and start again
Also may have grown to have something of a soft spot for Luna and she didn’t want the prophecy to play out bc of the impact it would ultimately have on Luna’s happiness
Only one that can reign in Ifrit
The ever stoic warrior
He’s very quiet, very reserved, very calculating
Is closest to Shiva out of all the other Astrals as he prefers her company since she’s also on the quieter side and thus doesn’t try to force conversation with him 
As he’s the most powerful of the Astrals he pretty much works as their leader
Not really a King like Zeus was of the Pantheon, but more so in the way he keeps them in order and whatnot
Doesn’t get along with Ifrit but they work really well on the battlefield together??? Idk man it’s strange
Have you ever heard of the term introversion?  Because the word was pretty much created for this Astral
Doesn’t like going out to drink with the rest of the Six, much prefers staying in his home and reading or making battle strategies
A decent cook, not that Astrals need to eat or cook in the first place
If you can’t find Bahamut he’s likely flying
It’s a way for him to destress and he also just likes the freedom of it
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dreamgrl · 7 years
Forewarning, this is going to be really long, sorry. Also, this isn’t poetry, as you can probably gather. In this au they’re all in college, Shiro and Allura are seniors, Hunk Keith and Lance are sophmores, pidge is a freshman, and Coran is an English teacher. 
Also, I don’t go to college sooo, sorry for any inaccuracies. 
Everything is under the cut. Enjoy!
- he's totally that person that can wear nothing but joggers and tank tops ever and get away with it. like even though they're sloppy clothes he looks so orderly and put together 24/7
- even though he dresses like a total douche he's classy and kind and will always lend you his hoodies
- he has had this one girlfriend (who may or may not be Allura) since like tenth grade and he loves her lots and talks about her all of the time. like he carries extra toiletries for her just in case of an emergency and he is always there for her when she needs him
- he's the kind of guy who's down for spontaneous adventures 24/7 but will also push you to work harder in sports or school or anything else
- he was a great football player in high school, but had to quit after he got in a car accident with a drunk driver freshman year, causing him to lose his arm
- he's really sweet and encouraging and just an overall great guy. your typical all-American boy next door
- he needs glasses bc his eyes are really really bad but he only ever wears contacts. (even though everyone tells him he looks like a cutie with them on)
- he's very modest and also very passionate
- he's an aspiring artist, but he really wants to go into therapy and grief counseling
- definitely a dog person
- not one single pimple in his entire life. what??? the heck???
- nobody ever wants to disappoint Shiro like even if they don't know him they'll just try to keep him happy because hot damn this kid has had enough bad stuff in his life
- rarely sees the rest of The Crew™ but when they all get together (Allura included, sorry Coran) they have a great time and watch Lance embarrass himself
- drinks at parties, but only ever beer and not heavily
- literally his sense of humor is so sarcastic and discreet nobody can ever tell when he's joking
- constantly jokes about dying but will actually fight you if you do the same
- he wears a watch. it's just a little simple one with a leather strap but it's really nice and he's never seen without it
- he wears his book bag over one shoulder
- he wears pullover hoodies and blue jeans but he will only wear them if he rolls the cuffs
- he owns a lot of flat brims and wears them backwards simply because someone once told him that he looked good
- he has this NASA bomber jacket and nobody knows where he got it from but it's always been there and he wears it all the time
- Lance has a lot of freckles. like. a fuck ton. they're really dark on his arms and back and belly but you can't see them on his face until you're like .02 inches away from him
- he has this party boy kind of attitude, and while he's always that guy that is smirking and laughing and making sarcastic comments under his breath
- he's actually very kind and nerdy. he always turns his papers in on time and he doesn't really have to work to stay at the top of the class. school comes pretty easily to him
- never drinks at parties and is always the designated driver
- majoring in aerospace engineering bc he’s a smart bb.
- whenever he talks he uses his hands a lot, and slips into Spanish whenever he's not paying much attention
- he calls people nicknames in Spanish too. (Hermano, amigo, ese, etc etc)
- as much as he puts up a cocky and arrogant persona he is a family boy and is nostalgic and homesick 24/7
- he's always kind of flirting with everyone but as soon as he's in a relationship he's 1000% committed and respectful and if he sees anyone in an unhealthy relationship he immediately goes !!!!!!!! and helps them out
- he's the # 1 friend and also an amazing cook. (he learned bc he shares a dorm with hunk)
- he has spontaneous karaoke sessions with anyone who's willing to join in, and is wickedly good at the bottle flipping trick
- he's shockingly anxious and depressed and the only people who can help him are Hunk and Keith. (mostly Keith)
- Repressed Gay Thoughts™ is his middle name
- he saw Keith for the first time and immediately developed a crush and he doesn't really know how to deal with that. that's why he's always kind of hostile and subconsciously trying to get Keith's attention
- he lives in an apartment off campus with Hunk and Pidge
- his clothes always smell like his lavender laundry detergent
- he's very disorganized
- "creative minds almost always have a messy workspace!!"
- curses a lot
- says he's chill
- is probably the least chill person on planet earth
- his phone never dies somehow
- he is carrying gum with him 24/7 and if you ask him for a piece he'll probably just give you the entire pack
- steals hunks sweaters
- his favorite song is jar of hearts
- Shakira hips
- annoyingly talented at everything
- art? amazing. singing? he's a god. dancing? no problemo, he can move his body in a way that is both fun and chill
- perfect teeth, that fucker
- always talking about his mama and he makes calls to her every night and sends her gifts each semester
- definitely the person to wear jackets and have pins on their backpack
- they kind of give everyone the side eye. it's not meant to be mean, it's just their face??
- they read in the middle of class, but somehow take notes at the same time?? and also turn every paper in three days early and more than 2 pages longer than necessary?? all of their visual projects are super organized, and they have color coded binders, and have never lost a pen or pencil in their life
- they probably haven't gotten anything below an A since third grade
- though they look like they do it naturally, they actually try really hard and study every night
- they have mental breakdowns like 8 times a month
- probably hasn’t slept in like 7 years which is why they’re so dependant on coffee. 
- “give me, the bean juice.”
- no, but actually they never sleep and keith or hunk will wake up at 4 am and pidge is just, awake, in the kitchen, on their computer. what are they doing? reading fanfiction? watching old vines? hacking government databases?? literally, nobody knows. 
- majoring in computer engineering.
- skipped seventh grade and still graduated early
- they don't hang out with many people, but they're super funny and fiercely protective
- they've always had a bit of trouble with gender identity, but they've learned to love and accept themselves
- Pidges' wardrobe switches between dresses and button downs and everything in between. and they rock all. of. it.
- they're super confident in themselves and not afraid to speak their mind but also just a polite and quiet person who tends to keep to themselves
- they have this really cool denim jacket with lots of pins and buttons and rips and it's just overall really cool and they wear it all the time and it has quickly become their signature item of clothing, much like Lances jacket
- they are closest to Hunk because he's the first person who knew about their gender fluid identity
- they used to have long hair but then they cut it short soon after they moved into the college dorm
- literally the biggest asexual in the world they’ll fight you on it.
- owns a sweater that says “space ace” in big letters. 
- they live in an apartment off campus with Lance and Hunk
- matt goes to a different school which, thank god, because he and pidge are the ultimate team. they both never sleep, hardly remember to eat, and can take over the world with a laptop. they know the best pranks, tell the best jokes, and the existential humor is unbearable between the two of them. if they’re ever in the same room together, get ready. 
- steals hunks sweaters most often
- loves. aliens.
- has earbuds in like 24/7 don't talk to them if they do
- youngest of the group
- they act like they hate life and they think the future is going to be really bad but in reality they get super excited over every little thing and they have so many plans for when they get out of college.
- straight teeth (except for one in the back of their mouth that they never bothered to get fixed) their teeth are a little discolored though because they've been drinking so much coffee for so long
- leader of the college Computer Nerd clique
- likes to show people how much they know
- huge nerd like oh my so big
- participated in a dungeons and dragons tournament
- won easily
- once went 96 consecutive hours without sleeping to study for a final
- slept like the dead for two days straight
- doesn't drink ever
- that quirky English teacher that everyone lowkey loves
- all of his students have his phone number
- he always extends the due dates on projects
- he looks like he's goofy and doesn't know what he's doing but in reality he is the most perceptive and intelligent teacher in the entire school
- he talks about books in ways you'll both be fascinated by and also easily understand
- he makes those profound statements that you kind of always hang onto and you remember them at weird times and strange things remind you of them
- like you'll be watching a scary movie with your kid at age 40 and you'll remember some weird saying he always had about how life is like a haunted house or some shit
- he's just that cool teacher that always makes finger guns and bad puns a and kinds disregards school policies 24/7 but you have never learned more in any class ever
- he wears glasses with big frames
- funny European accent that nobody can really place
- is the best and knows he's the best
- buys his students coffee on his way to school
- literally gives 0 fucks about rules like sure you can eat you can text you can work in groups as long as you're passing my class I don't care
- never cheat on his tests. you'll sing in front of the class.
- that person that's just really hard to place.
- like one day you'll find her making out with Shiro behind the science building and the next day she's studying for a med exam in a coffee shop.
- she's on the soccer team or something and she gets really intense and she's the best player on the field and leaves every game sweaty and muddy and smiling.
- but she also is the most comforting and kind person who would never hurt a fly.
- there's like that rumor going around that she's a black belt in karate (and it's definitely true) but then she'll tell you that she's been a dancer since she was four and was asked to go to the Olympics for gymnastics but she turned it down for an education.
- she probably buys all of her clothes at thrift shops
- she’ll probably rule the world one day and nobody will be surprised. 
- she has a lot of money and she donates it to charities and spends every free Saturday morning at the homeless shelter or studying
- Saturday night she's in wicked black eyeliner and combat boots chugging an entire bottle of vodka just because someone said she couldn't
- she'd probably slap you with her perfectly manicured hand if you tell her that girls are weak
- clothing switches between killer dresses and leggings and big sweaters
- this cool silver hair that she's always had
- both of her parents are from India, but she was born in America
- huge social justice warrior
- feminist af
- doesn't take any shit
- studies a lot
- writes down all of her notes into a notebook, and the copies it onto note cards, and then studies the note cards
- speaks like, 7 languages including (but not limited to) french german spanish italian and hindi
- double majoring in liberal arts and psychology and regretting every second of it. 
- she’s going to go back to school after she graduates. she’ll wait though. she’s taking her time. wants more than anything to figure herself out. 
- has a really hard time admitting her mistakes. she beats herself up about a lot of things, and she holds herself to an almost unreachable standard, but her friends are there to make sure she doesn’t work herself to death.
- that kid that has a resting bitch face and looks weird and rude and unapproachable
- but he's kind and volunteers on weekends
- he listens to hardcore punk music and he tells himself he's intimidating
- but he'll find himself dancing to the Beatles or Elvis in his underwear at 3 am
- he never really understood relationships bc he grew up without any parents to explain love to him
- he sees Lance and feels all happy and bubbly and he's never felt this before so he gets sassy and snarky all the while subconsciously becoming great friends with him
- Keith wears ripped skinny jeans in hundred degree heat and tends to put his hair up in a bun
- even though he says he doesn't worry about what other people think he once wore nothing but yellow for a month bc someone said that it was a nice color on him (he wore it in small ways like a hat or a pin)
- Keith doesn't have many friends and doesn't really talk to people because he's a shy little ball of angst and anxiety
- he has a great laugh and will always try to make you happy if you're sad
- he's just a sweet and bubbly little kid who tries to act all punk rock and intimidating
- he probably wears a lot of flannels and those small little leather bracelets
- he's had his ears pierced forever but only started wearing earrings as a junior
- he talks to all of the lower class men and shows them where their classes are
- he lives in his own little flat on campus. he couldn't room with anyone else because his anxiety was too bad, but it's fine, he's always liked living on his own
- he has a nice little job working at a successful coffee shop downtown. (their most constant customer is Lance)
- studies a lot
- likes to look at stars, but has a real affinity towards history
- drinks a ton of coffee and tea, but would rather jump through fire than drink hot chocolate
- vanilla guy
- doesn't really like animals, unless they're super tiny dogs
- writes poetry and it's scary good
- he's a very good listener
- he tries to give hunk his sweaters back
- coNsPiRAcY tHeOriEs
- his life goal is to prove the multiverse theory
- a sad, starving history major
- no matter how many hours he works he always spends all of his money on paints and pencils
- only survives on meals from his friends
- has sleepovers w lance (in different beds because lance is a ball of repression)
- they always have fun and there's this rumor that they're dating in secret and he goes to Keith's house to like make out or smthn and once lance came home with a bruise on his chin and everybody thought it was a hickey but really keith just threw a monopoly piece at his face.
- *something minorly inconvenient happens* “wow god why don’t you just kill me already.”
- speaks in vines.
- “kiss me” “what?” “well man I like getting KISSED when I'm FUCKED”
- great at ping pong somehow
- speaks japanese
- insomnia is a bitch but when he does sleep you’d probably have to literally stab him to wake him up. 
- doesn't talk to many people in person but is literally facetiming lance and texting shiro 24/7
- hates. apples.
- will never in 3000 years eat one
- such a warm guy
- he's always kind of under appreciated and people don't talk about him as much as they should
- he doesn't mind, he just loves being there for his friends
- super duper smart
- he's been friends with Lance since forever
- born in Hawaii but moved to the 48 states when he was 4
- loves. swimming.
- he's the mom friend
- he wears all of the jumpers and hoodies and is always super kind and lends them to his friends but they never give them back
- that's ok, he secretly gets really happy when he sees someone wearing his clothes
- he's a big guy who everybody loves and would protect at all costs
- blushes a lot. like. a lot
- super great cook!! nobody knows how or why, but he's The Best™
- always has on fancy shoes
- he always smells like cologne. but it's not the very strong cologne just a wonderful little scent
- he can find the most constellations
- surprisingly athletic for his size
- he cried during big hero six
- binge watches everything on Netflix
- has a mischievous streak
- seriously super duper smart like he could've gotten into any school ever but came to this college to save money.
- meticulously organized
- he's really into healthy eating but he's definitely been known to indulge once in a while
- culinary arts major. he was originally in the biomedical field freshman year but he realized his dream was to open a restaurant so he took a chance a switched majors.
- always the friend that quietly pays the bill before anybody even notices
- works at the shelter and is the best at caring for the animals and finding them homes
- even though he's the nicest he's also done with your shit 24/7
- most of the time he's nice but when he's tired from a long night he's unconsciously the snarkiest and most sarcastic piece of shit but he never remembers it when he wakes up more
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