#i can’t draw Vegeta lmao
grimmcheems · 5 months
More Buff Chichi 💖💪🏽
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Ik it’s been a while but here’s another buff chichi I drew. This was supposed to be like a funny shitpost (I was using one of those out of context images as a reference) but I got serious halfway through lmao, now it has a whole dialogue and extra shading n shi. I literally die everytime someone likes my old buff chichi post and anything dragonball related I’ve made bc I never expected the fandom to still be alive like this when I first started posting (also my aus are rly random and I never expected ppl to actually see and like them oop) and it gives me a good jumpscare when I come back to check my inbox lmao.
Anyways. Here’s Chichi being Stronk, who knows who said it but Chichi heard someone mention her age as if that would mean she would be weak and she took it as a little challenge and grabbed her boys as quickly as she could to put that statement to rest. Trust she’s got some muscles under there, you just can’t see them because these goobers are covering them.
I originally had some extra speech bubbles where she says “I bet I could even lift your father, Videl, and Pan at the same time too!” To which Gohan replies “Please Don’t! You’ll hurt yourself” because he’s the only one worried about her age and health lmao. Everybody else just egged her on. Maybe even Goku gets sad he wasn’t the one lifted instead but who knows. Goten’s line was also altered from “Gohan and Dad really weren’t kidding about you still working out.” But it sounded a bit like a jab at the two and her since it’s unlikely that’d be a thing he wouldn’t believe from either of them. She trained him, like cmon, out of all the people who’d stop training? idk what I was thinking with that line😅
Added trunks last second because it was funny thinking of Bulma struggling with doing the same but only with Trunks, and even funnier when I thought about Vegeta doing it bc he would be half embarrassed but he doesn’t like to lose. (Though it’d be too easy for him and would make no difference since he’s a super powered alien.) Also I thoroughly enjoyed drawing these three together, it was really hard since I’ve only ever drawn chichi out of all three.
[the ref I used: \/]
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saltydkdan · 1 year
Hello Salt man! You seem like an unhinged enough weeb for this question:
I’m going to be the president of the anime club in my highschool this year and have no fucking idea what I should do for activities and shit.
Any ideas? If not, that’s perfectly fine too!
(Also thank you for reblogging my Peppy drawing it made my day ^^)
No problem! I loved the art
I think it’s pretty obvious for an Anime club to watch Anime, however that shit is basic, and I have some unhinged ideas.
Trivia (the least unhinged)
—Make a trivia game on PowerPoint, or on Kahoot that feature questions based on various popular anime. Get specific and weird for the harder questions.
Anime Debate Club
—(be careful with this one because depending on the group it may get heated lol)
—At the end of a meeting, choose to random anime characters
—Tell members that they can pick sides on which of the two would win in a fight, then between meetings, bring together their arguments for why, they have to have actual citation and examples of the character’s powers, or reference specific canon material
—Bonus points if one of the debate teams puts together a PowerPoint slideshow on a character’s power set, or the other characters weaknesses
—Have a judge award points for valid arguments, but have them be cracked out of their minds about it (For example, awarding points to “Comedy” characters, like if an Osumatsu-San character surviving a Ki blast could be funny? That’s a point towards them. LMAO)
NOTES: Obviously the characters chosen cannot be Goku, Vegeta, Saitama, or in general overpowered characacters. Also, having completely fucking insane match ups, or wildly specific match ups is recommended. Like Bobobo VS Dio Brando from Jojo. Or General Tao from Dragon Ball VS Gojo.
If the fight is extremely one sided, just make a list of all the ways that one side would fucking dominate because that shit is fucking funny LOL.
Weekly Book Club but for anime
—This isn’t really “unhinged” but I recently did a manga book club with friends weekly and it was super cool to meet up and discuss the chapters of a particular series and such
—You can do this for anime and assign a set number of episodes, OR do manga and provide a way to read it online
—Rotate out series every so often so people don’t feel like they’re focusing all their attention to a single series the entirety of the year
—This could be a fun thing to do casually between meetings and to talk about a little at the start
Pitch your favorite
—Have people make a short presentation on PowerPoint to pitch their favorite series that’s 3-5 minutes each, or whatever depending on how many people you have
—If you wanna make it funny make it so they HAVE to include both Pros, AND Cons about it. (Like for One Piece: PRO would be the amazing worldbuilding, and a CON would be that Oda cannot draw women)
Make an Epic OC
—Force people to design OCs for a specific series for that week. If they can draw and want to, they can draw them. If they can’t draw? Make it a stick figure, or a shitty drawing a child would make. And have them make a small write up about the character and their powers.
—This can easily be taken seriously, or just have them make an overpowered self insert, all of it is fine
Anyway that’s all my ideas! Hope this helps or inspires some of your own unhinged ideas
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saiyansimp · 1 year
Dating (some of) the Z-Fighters…
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You probably met while training! Maybe you met at a tournament and put up a valiant fight against him, or you ran into him in a remote yet gorgeous training spot outdoors. Either way you hit it off immediately! If you aren’t a fighter, then you probably were set up on a blind date through Bulma lmao
You aren’t able to spend much time together, but when you’re on dates or training together you feel like you’re in heaven. He makes you feel so incredibly special: I like to think that since the Cell Saga, he’s learned that not everyone is inherently a fighter and that’s okay! He makes sure to take an interest in your interests no matter what they are 
Cooking. Lots of cooking. Or eating takeout. I’d say you can look forward to leftovers but I doubt there’ll be any lmao
Lots of laughter, whether intentional or not. Mans is a huge goofball and always tries to make you laugh, but some of his funniest moments are just him acting as his usual self hehe, he's so nonchalant when telling you stories about his past you can't help but laugh at how casually he describes getting shot and dying lmao
His love language is definitely touch! He’s very clingy so get ready for cuddles in the middle of the night after a looong training session, arms wrapped around your waist as you cook breakfast, or even just holding your hand as you walk down the street together!
I feel like he’d absolutely LOVE theme parks as a date, but he’d definitely force you to go on the biggest rollercoasters / death drop rides so be warned
Also enjoys any type of outdoorsy activity with you! Rock climbing, nature walks, even just fishing with you! Be ready to cook whatever he catches though
Despite not always being present he’s a 10/10 BF hehe
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Cracks knuckles
You’d probably have to be the first one to make a move if you saw him at a coffee shop or a party and found him cute, even after you give him your number he waits like two weeks to text you
Once you two start dating though he switches his attitude REAL quick
He’d never admit it, but unlike Goku, he definitely prioritizes your dates and pleasing you over training. He’ll be in the middle of sparring with Goku and remember that you two have a date soon and make up a lame excuse to leave (probably claiming he’s hurt Goku enough for the time being or something along those lines) before dipping lmao
I love the headcanon that Saiyans love strong women because even if you’re not physically strong, if you’re snarky enough you and geets are gonna have LOTS of fun
Bullying is his love language.It’s constant but if you try and return it at all he’ll get all defensive and pissy 
Can talk about your inferiority all day but you make a single height joke? Nope. He’s done he’s out go apologize to him Right Now
Actual love language is quality time! He’s not great with words or PDA but will always go shopping with you or take you out to eat. And don’t you dare think about paying how could you even think to damage his ego like that
Very cuddly in private though, won’t ask for it he’ll just sit at the edge of your shared couch/bed and stare at you until you go over to him and wrap your arms around him, running a hand through his hair. 
If you’re an artist do NOT draw him/paint him/etc. unless you want his ego to increase exponentially
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I feel like If You Are A Woman, then you’re Krillin’s type. 
Absolutely the type to make you food / homemade gifts to express affection even if they’re not great. You love them all anyways! He tries to make your favorite meal one day and it tastes burnt and raw but you can’t let him know that so you eat absolutely as much as you can without puking
You probably met by both being friends with either Bulma or Chi-Chi and therefore spent a lot of time at Kame house. Definitely a friends to lovers situation
Which adds an even more stable ground to your relationship! You’ve got friendship and history that makes your relationship even better, inside jokes that date back to before you were dating
Like Goku, he’s also a huge joker. Probably even more than Goku, but definitely more purposeful with his jokes and with
One of his go-to jokes is trying on brightly colored wigs and it never fails to leave you howling
Will literally do anything you ask him to, he just wants to make you happy. You need him to drive you somewhere? Hes on his way. You need cuddles? Always. You need to vent? Hes all ears.
pleasepleasePLEASE dont take advantage of this trait
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HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT…. Even though Piccolo is akin to plants in that he’s green and only requires water to survive, there are certain types of plants that do reproduce sexually! 
Piccolo absolutely values intellect and morality over looks but hes a tough nut to crack so you’d better be in it for the long haul
Lots of your dates are just sitting under trees together meditating, reading or sitting in silence 
Piccolos love language is absolutely gift giving and hes amazing at it. He knows what you want/need before you do. You wake up one morning and think to yourself about how you could use a cute new outfit and by the end of the day there’s a new dress on your bed that looks amazing on you. He also LOVES making you breakfast in bed, or any meal really if you’re too exhausted from your day to cook.
Don’t get me wrong, he can be intimate. He’s just emotionally constipated alright ! But when he opens up you better be ready to listen bc not many get that privilege 
Absolute freak in bed 
You have to be willing to get along with Gohan. Non-negotiable. If you start dating while Gohan’s a kid, you absolutely go on dates together with Gohan tagging along like your adopted child. If he’s older, then the three of you regularly get together to catch up and maybe act as adoptive grandparents to Pan!
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db-irathindur · 3 years
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Here is the cropped version of the piece I drew yesterday. More should be under the read more (if it actually works lol)
This is part of the saiyan AU
Short explanation though: I couldn’t stop thinking about ‘saiyan’ goku (aka actually raised by saiyans etc) and what if he were like a guard of The PrinceTM - like extremely loyal to a fault and all. He wouldn’t tolerate if anyone would dare to insult his prince 😔🤘🏻 (Also yeah���implied kakavege here)
Warning for light gore and blood (nothing too realistic)
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Bonus: smug smile Vegeta who actually enjoys that display of violence a lot. 
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
My Personal Love Story: Vegeta
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"hi!! first, congrats on 1k!! i love everything you write and im so happy other people do too<3 okay so, id like to request fluffy relationship headcanons with Vegeta<3 a few things about me, im 5'2 and i really love tattoos and drawing/painting/tattooing. ive given myself like 16 this year, and one of my personal favorites is a Bunny on my calf since my chosen name is Bunny lmao. i can be pretty talkative at times,, idk my personality type? but im a pisces sun, libra rising, and aries venus! i like walking around and making jokes about random things on dates, just making each other laugh and spending quality time when we can:) my favorite musician is hard to choose, but recently id say Mitski<3
thank you so much if you do this, and its okay if you don't too<3
also, pretty sure i have adhd (as a detail)"
My Personal Love Story: Vegeta
Your Song: Space Age Love Song- A Flock Of Seagulls
It took some time for Vegeta to get used to you, but once he realized how sweet and fun to be around you were, he made exceptions. He’d allow you to come watch him train or fight Goku, but it really surprised him when you stayed and watched him the whole time and then you’d compliment him on his fighting.
From that time, Vegeta realized how he truly likes you. He has a hard time showing his true emotions and gets hot headed from time to time, but he always wants you to know that he enjoys your company so much.
Lots of time spent watching him train and even letting him teach you a few moves. He’s got a big ego, so the more time you spend complimenting him and listening to him teach you a new move, he’s going to really appreciate it.
If he does take anytime to actually train you, you know you’ve got a very good bond with Vegeta. He doesn’t fight just anyone, but when he’s with you, he just wants to be close to you no matter what.
Vegeta actually really loves going on dates with you. Whenever he’s not training or fighting, he loves going out with you and doing something fun together. If it’s a competitive activity, Vegeta can get a little too intense with it at times.
If you’re more into spending time doing your own thing at home, be it drawing or painting, Vegeta is more than okay with also doing his own thing. He enjoys just being near you and within your company. He loves having quiet moments where the two of you are just being passionate with your hobbies and passions.
Vegeta loves listening to you tell him stories about your day or even just things that have happened to you in the past. He secretly loves pillow talk and cuddling. It’s one of his favorite things to do with you. Nothing beats holding you close to him after you’ve made love and you are enchanting him with your voice.
Speaking of which, your voice really comforts Vegeta. He feels at peace whenever he hears you. If you cheer him on while he’s battling, he will make a big effort to show off in front of you and have you marvel at his strength. Vegeta loves it whenever you call him “my prince”. Depending on when he hears it, it could have different outcomes.
He would literally die for you. Or kill for you. Either way, you know that Vegeta is going to protect you from now and until forever. He will not let anyone hurt you in any way, be it physically, mentally or emotionally. There’s no way anyone will even get the chance to. He’s your lover and you know you can count on him to keep you safe.
Vegeta absolutely wants a family with you. He doesn’t want to push it on you, but he really wants to have many children with you. He loves the idea of being a father and with you by his side, he’ll always be at peace.
How You Started Dating:
This was becoming somewhat funny. You and Vegeta have been running into each other at Bulma’s parties so much that you both were kind of laughing at it. Sure, you both knew you’d be invited, but you always figured Vegeta would stick to Goku or Bulma all night. He never struck you as someone who would mingle.
But now it’s been so many times you’ve been up close and personal with him. He seems so much more charming now. He smiles when you talk, but he does keep it a secret only shared with you. Vegeta tells you of his passions and dreams. It’s an odd thing to witness, but you are falling more and more in love with him as the time passes.
“Tch, figures you’d be here again.” Vegeta scoffs with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“Yeah, bet you’re really sad about it, huh?” You joke and you see a smirk on his face. He moves closer to you but he’s careful that nobody has really spotted either of you.
Vegeta leads you to a private bedroom, and once the door is closed, he leans in to kiss you. You’re a little surprised but you are more satisfied than anything. You can’t believe that Vegeta has finally made a move on you.
“I never thought you’d kiss me,” you challenge him. Vegeta just chuckles.
“There’s a lot about me that you don’t know, woman. Would you like to stick around and find out?” There’s a slight hopefulness in his voice. You smile and lean in to kiss him again.
“Is this your cheesy way of asking me out?”
A slight blush on his cheeks would suggest that your assumptions are correct. Vegeta just avoids your eye contact and he mutters how this is stupid. You know he’s just a little flustered.
“I’d love to go out with you, Vegeta.”
“Of course you would, I am the prince of all Saiyans.”
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kaito-yuki · 5 years
Shout Out Thank Yous!
Alrighty I can already tell that this is going to be a long ass post, so I’m just going to say general things here first. I will then address each mun under the Read More (there’s 20+ of you!), so search for your blog mentioned to find my message to you! 
This Fairy Tail OC blog is my 3rd most popular blog by follower count, just under my Vegeta (DBZ) blog which is popular because of the muse itself over the RPing. Kaito is the opposite, which is why I especially find it important to address and thank each and every mun who’s interacted with me through this blog. For actual posts made it is only second to my personal, which just affirms  that this blog has earned its popularity (and bronze medal) here in my opinion. 
I put in my all and beyond to this blog especially, how it’s navigated, organizing the threads and tags as much as I can so me (and you) can read back on things whenever we want, will use it as a template for my other muses/blogs too haha. Kaito (and my other OCs) have grown as characters thanks to the interactions here, especially when it comes to ships! I also have done the most mun/muse vs muse posts here (Shiro has his own tag FFS lmao), which I’m pleased that many of you are a fan of (the posts, not Shiro!) 
To all my followers, thank you for following and sticking with me, esp those from the beginning! To the other RP blogs I haven’t interacted with yet, I’d love to, especially you OCs! I want to also use this blog to advocate for other similar (OC) blogs, that they can also be great and relevant as canon ones with enough hard work!  Now onto the special thanks!
@crystaldragonslayer: Oh looks like the Queen Pixie has returned, the timing couldn’t have been better with your RP comeback! You are just one of the best RP partners out there, I am very grateful for the time and effort we combined together on our RPs/ships. Vivienne is just awesome and probably the main reason why Kaito is too, creating a OTP that deserves it’s own paragraph gdi!
+KaiVi: Kaito & Vivienne have a total of 69 threads by my count atm (I hope I miscounted lmao). I just love this OTP of ours to bits, it is a pleasure and honour working with you on them so far. I can’t wait to start exploring the next stage of their lives and beyond! You know what they say, ’First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes-”-mouth gets frozen by Kaito coz spoilers!- I’m so happy that KaVi has got at least a couple of fans too! Then there’s the AUs, and interactions with them with/and our other muses, so much to look forward to! It’s just really fun to just crossover this ship with others, with other muses ours and our RP partners! Highlights: Battle of Fairy Tail (Thread) | Song | Promo | Wedding (Art)
@starlightxveins​: I usually ship Kaito with Lucy romantically, I never would have thought they’d be the BrOTP too! Your Lucy is a delight and fun to interact with, crossing over the KaiVi, ShiroAqua, GraLu, JerZa and WendyCookies ships is just fabulous and I look forward to more of them (crack) [group] interactions lmao. Can’t wait to start on the other ships we discussed as well!
@celestial-weirdo-lucy: We may only have one thread on here, but I love it! Your Lucy is great, and it’s awesome I get to make a spin on KaiLu by having Kaito have a crush on her already lmao. Then there’s our other ships that I’m excited to develop too! Our KaiLu bodyguard AU is probably my favorite AUs which I look forward to sharing, I’m excited for our other  AUs too (like Gods and Bleach) and ships with our other muses, damn there’s lots to RP!
@celestial-keys-princess​: The Lucy that started it all, Ava you are first mun I approached in the FT RP community and became my guide to others. KaiLu is awesome and I thank you for going through plots and headcanons with me for them! Look forward to continuing their interactions when we do! 
I appreciate you also helping me expand Kaito’s Sabertooth verse with Minerva. Kaito’s ship verse with Tori is still the only one where it’s Shiro and the female teaming up against Kaito, which is so hilarious that I will keep it there lmao. Then there’s our other interactions/ships I’d be happy to get into again like Rukia/Aizen, Laxus/Tori, GraLu (with modern band AU) and Lucy/Jackal, who is atm growling at Lucy behind me because of and/or for her ear rubs lmao Highlights:  A Prayer in the Rain (Thread) | Song | KaiLu (Art/Promo)
@pitchblacksteel: Akira I just love your Gajeel, especially your ships with Lucy and Mira! I look forward to more interactions with him and muses on your multi (like Natsu and Erza!) Kaito still feels bad over the crap Shiro has dragged Gajeel (and Natsu) into lmao.
@poisonouslightslayer: Your Sting is the Sting me (and Kaito) think of whenever Sting is mentioned, you portray him with such depth, it’s really nice to read the posts I see from you! Our interactions also helped inspire me to add a Guild Master addon/verse for Kaito, would love to explore that too!
@itashiro-hitsuchiha​: Thank you for helping me expand Kaito’s Sabertooth and Kingdom Hearts verses, I look forward to continuing our threads with Harumi and Perix!
@dxvilishgrin: Our Kaiio/Mira ship started on Discord, so I’m happy we could also expand upon on it on Tumblr too! Also enjoyed the interactions with your other muses, canons and OCs alike!
@stellcrblossom: Rin I appreciate you and your OCs so much, you gave Kaito a [adoptive] daughter (Ember) and sister (Kamui), and pretty much helped extend his family and my OCs too. Also this helped me branch into going through the next generation of FT, got me working on my other ship’s children too which is appreciated! Can’t wait to RP as Issei (KaiVi’s son) when I’m done with his info! +SakuEm: Sakurai x Ember is one of my favourites and is awesome to see them upgraded to an OTP, and that we created a whole plot/saga/arc/war around Ember’s kidnapping. Can’t wait to continue that and crossover it with my other ships, it’s going to be awesome! Don’t get me started on our AUs, excited for them too! Highlights: Ember Fading (Thread) | Asterius Arc Promo & Graphic
@gureixfurubasuta: Your Gray is great, and I just love their brotherly (gay according to Shiro lmao) bond esp with their shared ties to Ul. Thank you for inspiring me to start my own Gray blog, even though it’s just so I don’t force anyone (like you) to RP Gray for Kaito, and look how that turned out haha. Your Gray (and Juvia) will always by my main for Kaito, and my Gray’s more angsty twin lmao. I’d be happy to interact more through our other muses too!
@sky-dragon-slayer-wendy: Your Wendy is so precious (and a rebel GDI lmao), I loved our thread together and would be happy to continue interactions when you’re free enough again! 
@broken-memories-and-silent-tears: Alice is great and I’m happy to crossover this with our Gralice ship, Kaito and Alice have a great sibling bond with my Gray (and Shiro) between them haha. I’d be happy to add Alice into my fan game as we discussed before way back too, esp now things are better on my end!
@imaginaryserver: Me and (my muses) miss you and your Mavis! Our Cards Against Humanity game is still a memorable time for me from way back, I’m still waiting for an artist to draw it!
@shrimps-variety-garden: I just adore your Levy and her ship with Kaito, the modern AU is especially interesting since it’s based on song lyrics haha. Looking forward to us RPing though to the endgame! Our ship also has helped me develop a more antagonistic version of my Gajeel which is awesome too.
@scythe-rps: Hiroshi is a better guy (and muse) thanks to his best friend Gyrain! it’s good that we can bring more focus onto the usually underappreciated Blue Pegasus! I look forward to when Lyon & Gyrain finally clear the air about their relationship lmao, and thanks for helping me develop Masaru more through their interactions! 
@sunaarashii: Thank you for interacting with Hiroshi, his ship with Cari is just precious with the thread we have currently, can’t wait to RP out what comes next!
@bunnysmultimuse: The thread with Sorano was fun, so I’d like to continue interactions (esp with the headcanons discussed) if you’re still up for it! That goes for Jellal with Meredy too!
@ultecr: Still have your post in my drafts, I know you said to take my time but even I know taking months is ridiculous lmao. I look forward to starting the Kaito/Ultear ship once I do reply, love your portrayal of Mavis too!
@herhorns:  I love seeing your Mira on my dash, especially her ships with Gajeel and Gray! Looking forward to interacting with Ravyn when we get to it, your art is awesome too!
@angelsoffiore: Welcome back man! Mizumi is a great OC and is why I approached you in the first place, so appreciate you still continuing our thread after so long. Hope to interact more with Mizumi, your other OCs, and your Laxus too!
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simplysaiyanlicious · 5 years
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IT’S MY BOY!!!!!!! No glow version because reasons. Also I forgot to shade in some back-lighting but I can’t be assed to go back into CSP now.
Each and every time I draw Wynther I say “I’ve been neglecting him, I need to draw him more~“ and then... I don’t. And I feel bad because I love him and he’s been with me for soooooo long.
What he needs is FRIENDS! So I need to get him out more lol. Getting more involved with the Xenoverse community might help.
Lil’ bit of concept and character backstory. Wynther here predates the first Xenoverse game by 11 years, he was my very first DBZ OC. I made him in January 2006 when he was nothing more but a generic looking green/white clone named Hageru - I’ll include the first pic I drew of him that day below the cut so you can laugh at the horrible art lmao.
In November 2008 I gave him a design update, which is already pretty close to his current design, and changed his name from Hageru to Wynther. Also below the cut.
Like I mentioned the last (and only other) time I uploaded art of him here a few years ago, Wynther is written in such a way he fits into DBZ’s story-line as a support character, because Xenoverse wasn’t a thing yet back then. I did end up making him a Time Patroller but I’m keeping part of his original backstory - he was present on Namek during the fight with Freeza, fought alongside Krillin, Gohan and Vegeta (he met them on Freeza’s ship when they brought Goku in after the mess with Ginyu).
Wynther wasn’t particularly powerful and he didn’t survive the fight, but he was wished back along with everyone else who died at Freeza’s hands and transported to Earth, where he’s been ever since. It takes him a while to acclimate to life on earth but eventually he joins the Time Patrollers (not that I’ve actually ever finished the game but oh well). Still hangs out with the Z Fighters a lot though, Krillin and Gohan in particular.
Because he always wears clothes I wanted to design a simple Time Patrol outfit for him for when he’s on the job. Pretty sure he has a lot of outfits though lol.
Anyway! He’s a good kid and tries hard ❤️ My headcanon on Arcosians isn’t as extensive as it is on Saiyans, but I think I’ll do some more work on it soon. They’re so much more alien looking than Saiyans, they’re a fun species to figure out how they function. :D
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‘Karioudo‘ is my old alias.
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What even is anatomy.
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twerkhammett · 7 years
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your birthday?
April 4th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
don’t have one
7. Do you have any pets?
Yup! My ball python Severus, a Kenyan sand boa named Salazar, a rose hair tarantula named Penny, and my shithead cat Vegeta.
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
12. What was your last dream about?
Can’t remember, but I had one recently about Nik jumping off a cliff and turning into this big majestic bird lol
13. What talents do you have?
Drawing, ceramics, latte art if that counts
14. Are you psychic in any way?
15. Favorite song?
Can’t decide
16. Favorite movie?
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
18. Do you want children?
One day
19. Do you want a church wedding?
I don’t want to be in a church for any reason ever lol
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Nothing major
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
24. Baths or showers?
I mostly take showers but I love baths
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
28. What type of music do you like?
Classic rock and metal mostly
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Did that a lot in Florida, the waters too cold here sadly
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my left side
32. How big is your house?
3 bedroom
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
A granola bar, don’t eat much in the morning
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
No but I want to!!
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Like 40 hours I think
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Lmao Nik when I first met him bc I’d just gotten out of a relationship and I wanted men to leave me tf alone
41. Are you a good liar?
No lol
42. Are you a good judge of character?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
44. Do you have a strong accent?
45. What is your favorite accent?
Idk man
46. What is your personality type?
Still dk man haven’t taken that test
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Prob a jacket that I spent like $25 on lol
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
I wouldn’t have a tarantula in my room if I was
52. Favorite food?
Pizza and wings
53. Favorite foreign food?
Pizza is foreign
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Depends on the state of my mental health :)))
55. Most used phrased?
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
like 15 mins but I need an hour before I leave the house to properly caffeinate
58. Do you have much of an ego?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Is there anyone that can resist biting lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Sometimes lol
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
63. Biggest Fear?
Probably failing at my ambitions and losing the people I care about
64. Are you a gossip?
Not really
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Kung Fury
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
68. Favorite school subject?
Art and science
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Introvert usually, extroverted around people I actually like
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
I wish dude
71. What makes you nervous?
A lot of things my dude
72. Are you scared of the dark?
No I need it to fall tf asleep
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Sometimes I guess?? Depends on the situation
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
I drank for most of the time I was underage
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Not meth but yes
79. Who was your first real crush?
This bitch I met when I was a little kid that stalked me for years after that..
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
No and trust me I’ve tried lmao
82. How fast can you type?
Not very my guy
83. How fast can you run?
I haven’t been running in a while so prob a lot slower than I used to lol
84. What color is your hair?
Auburn or some shit
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Cats but I let one sleep on my bed like an idiot
87. Do you keep a journal?
I used tp
88. What do your parents do?
My dads a chef and my moms a cashier
89. Do you like your age?
Not really I’m broke af and confused but yay I can legally drink
90. What makes you angry?
So many things..the orange one in office especially
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I’m just gonna name all my kids after indica strains
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I want a nb child
94. What are you strengths?
95. What are your weaknesses?
Not being able to function without a shitload of caffeine
96. How did you get your name?
My parents named me
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
Black and white
100. Color of your room?
Beige? Or something
Thanks my anonymous dude
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billspudding · 7 years
tagged by @dokkan-dont-stop !! 💕thank you!!
Name: fred, alex, uh, they’re actually nicknames but ya
Gender: female
Star sign: cancer
Height: 5′2
Sexuality: bi, demisexual
What image do you have as wallpaper: a vvv good bardock
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: no way, all my teachers have been old and definetely not attractive at school
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: not in the grave hopefully?? Lmao idk i can’t project into the future. I’m actually scared of that
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?:  hmm i’m happy where i am now, but i guess, somewhere in britain? Sounds like some place i’d like to visit
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: *snrk* halloween is not a super big thing here so i never really took part in it
What’s your favorite 90s show?: i’m not sure since i was too little and don’t really remember what i used to watch back then?? But this is a db blog so i’m gonna go with db
Who was your last kiss?: boyfriend!
Have you ever been stood up?: often, but only until high school. Everything’s been a lot more civil and mature after high school. Most friends come and go but then they come back, because it’s really just about losing contact casually than anything actually bad
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: pff that’s like at the other side of the ocean for me, who’s got all that money
Favorite pair of shoes: currently some basic but stylish black boots
Favorite fruit: i think pears, we have really good pears for some reason
Favorite book: nnnh i’ve read a ton of books in my life yet i’m tempted to say harry potter because it’s the only thing i actually got ridiculosly into? I’m not a huge fan nowadays but still a fan of some capacity. There are other books i loved but i can’t call favorites? Hdsdsfd. Idk… there’s this other psychology book i liked called “the hero inside us” or something in english, i LOVED that one a lot and it helped me with some shit? Possible fave?
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: hard to say since i treat the option of making a fool of myself like a non option. but there was this one time circumnstances convinced me a certain online friend was a trans dude when they were actually nb but defaulted to he/him for language convenience. Dunno if this counts but fuck if it wasn’t awkward when i found out
Hogwarts House: i feel like more of a ravenclaw but the hat told me hufflepuff and i relate to that too, so i guess it’s either of those
Average hours of sleep: around 6, rarely more or less
Blankets you sleep with: super soft and comfy paille blanket fuck yeah
Favorite Bands: daughter probably. Yeah sad songs are lit. Don’t even touch me
Favorite solo artists: porter robinson or son lux. God forbid i have normal tastes
Song Stuck in My Head: best of times end of times… i can’t even remember the author right??
Last movie I watched: …i forgot? Crap lol
Last TV show I watched: steins;gate, i mean if anime counts. In case it doesn’t, stranger things 2
Why did I create my blog: in all honesty i just wanted a place to escape from my main blog because the followers number made me uncomfortable? So i made this one db themed because i was all about dbz again suddenly
What do I post: dragon ball my guy
When did I create my blog: i’ve built it all up again at the beginning of this year but technically it’s been around since uh. Mid 2017? I have no idea man. I spend my days being perpetually confused so y eah…..
Do I have other blogs?: yep, main and shitpost blog
Do you get asks?: on this sideblog not so often
Following blogs: 200 something, half the pre-deleting girth. I’m still mad
Favorite colors: a very specific shade of red but honestly i don’t fucking know more than the basic colors’ names neither in english nor my language lmao
Lucky numbers: don’t think i have any
Instruments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KolfEhV-KiA
What am I wearing?: this huge long striped shirt with jeans
Dream Job: literally anything that implies i’m drawing!!!
Dream trip: japan, britain, france, hmm, you know what, i’d literally go anywhere tbh. Let’s opt for the angouleme fair as main interest tho
Favorite Food: ok WELL. One reason i relate to goku is gluttony. all food is gorg and valid. But my manthra is Never Enough Cheese
Nationality: italian
Followers: 158 in this sideblog!!
Reasons for your url: i wanted something db themed that screamed “dbs”. I think this was the most iconic thing out of the first movie together with vegeta’s stupid bingo dance
I’m just gonna go ahead and tag the usual ppl!! @bulma-briefly @brutalketonoodle @gottasnagemall @fullmetalthwip
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Reply post
Oh man, I keep disappearing and I’m super sorry about that!  Got a few asks, so I’m doing another reply post. :’)
@brilgionlol said:
Eeeey, glad you’re enjoying the AU! (╭☞ᐛ )╭☞
Anonymous said:
Omae wa mo shindearu
U think u can just walk into my house and meme me like this?????
@masouzim said:
I really love Saiyan Siblings AU. Can do one where Raditz meets Launch?
Aaw, super glad you enjoy it! I haven’t drawn much of this AU in a super long while, but I have these old drawings of Launch and Raditz that I forgot existed for a while. I was planning on redrawing them but at this point, I might as well just post ‘em :P
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@jakeroo said:
Do you have any dragon ball related OC's??? I need more DB OC's in my life but the only ones I can find are super OP or interfere with canon too much and I'm too nervous to make my own PLUS i have no one to interact with them
Um, I have these two I drew ages ago:
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Sorrel and her rambunctious son Daikon. They don’t really have a backstory or anything, I kind of just drew them for fun. They both died when Planet Vegeta blew up so not much canon interference from them, lmao. But yeah, totally don’t feel nervous about making OCs! 
@pam0100  said:
Does Gohan watch pan play with marron?
That’s kind of a specific question :’D I guess it depends on how old Pan and Marron are? He’d probably need to keep an eye on them if we’re talking about DBS, but by End of Z, Marron would probably be trusted to babysit Pan on her own.
@aparnasworld  said:
i addicted to berserk , inuyasha and jojo's bizarre adventure
I’ve only ever seen Inuyasha, so I can’t really comment on this, haha. I mean, I used to really be into it, but I kind of dropped it because of the whole Kagome/Inuyasha/Kikiyo love triangle going on.
@pam0100  said:
Have you draw Gohan tickling marron?
I don’t think I’ve ever drawn tickling before tbh. I’m not sure I’ve ever really drawn Gohan and Marron interacting either. (•́▽•́ ;)
@lisathedork said:
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qazwex · 7 years
Welp my blog is slowly, but surely, degenerating into DBZ trash aha i hope you enjoyed that odd two-week period where i was just reblogging aesthetics lmao
Aaaaand believe it or not I’ve started drawing again because I absolutely fell in love with the evil Saiyan prince, Vegeta, and I can’t get enough of that scowl of his ugh take me now
I wanna start writing again and I even connected my fictionpress to fanfiction.net but I just don’t have the motivation or ideas??? oh my GOD i forgot how awful artblock is kill me now
welp time to descend back into the Vege smut pit I just rose from
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simplysaiyanlicious · 6 years
Hi, hope you're OK! c: For the questions 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 27, 32, 34, 31, 36, 42 To much questions, sorry 😅 respond whatever you want :)
Holy shit, lol! Yeah I’m okay ^-^ Hope you are too!
OKAY. *cracks knuckles* Let’s do this~ For the personal asks meme.
5. Coke or Pepsi? I honestly like both, but I prefer pepsi, even though I don’t buy/drink it nearly as often as coke. LOGIC! I dunno why I do this to be honest, I am questioning my life’s choices right now.
6. Someone you hate? Oh boy… there are two. Both used to be real life friends of mine and they’ve both royally screwed me over more than once in the past. I hope I never run into them again because the world ain’t big enough. One of them literally gave me nightmares for years because of the shit she did.
7. Best Friends? @simplyhaythamtastic and @reikoku-vegeta I LOOOOVE YOOOOUUUU!!!!! ;_________; *EXPLOSIVE WHEEZE* MY BAES!!ilu forever T__T 💖💖💖💖💖💖
9. What’s your dream job? I always wanted to be an archeologist (never happened though). History fascinates me, figuring out how people lived, what extinct animals looked like, how they survived. I’ve loved dinosaurs all my life. I do collect fossils as a part of my taxidermy collection. It’s the closest I’ll ever get lol.
11. Last time you cried? Last saturday… me and @simplyhaythamtastic were plotting some really depressing stuff for our Vegeblack RP lmao. It was very sad and I both look forward and dread actually writing those scenes in the future lol.
14. Birthday? February 21!
17. What do you love? Dragon Ball Z? My friends, closest relatives, my animals, my precious PC, drawing, gaming, writing.
18. Obsession? Dragon Ball Z??? And Dragon Age (Inquisition in particular). I will never not love these two franchises. T_T
21. Kiss or hug? Hug, definitely and even then, only with people I’m close to. I don’t really like physical contact with most people. The first time my first boyfriend tried to kiss me goodbye I almost bit his tongue off, it was an automatic reaction lol. He was fine but he never tried again lmao.
27. Something you would change about yourself? To stop being so anxious about everything all the time. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live without anxiety and stress on an almost daily basis.
31. Ever had a heartbreak?Yes, twice. One of them involved one of the people from question 6. >>;;
32. Favorite show? DRAGON BALL Z??? TOO OBVIOUS I GUESS. I like the Walking Dead even though I haven’t watched the second half of season 7 and the entirety of season 8 yet. Also currently watching Orange Is The New Black because I finally got my hands on netflix, I like it a lot so far. Almost at season 3.
34. Any talents?I don’t know if it’s a useful talent but it’s very easy for me to remember dialogue from movies/games/shows. Well I suppose it’s useful because I did this with DBZ when it aired here in the early 2000s and I taught myself English that way as a 12 year old. I had entire episodes memorized from beginning to end.
So that, and art I guess. XD
36. Any bad habits? I pick at my face. >>;;; I do this as stress relief and it’s a VERY tough habit to break, I do it without even realizing when I’m watching tv or something. I’m working on it though. I used to do the same with my nails and I don’t do that anymore. ^_^ I really want to break it because it’s not helping my confidence.
42. Are you okay?Oui. It’s been a good week so far, I hope it stays that way for a while longer. *knocks on wood*
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