#i can think abt him but i cant concentrate on my damn ass writing!!
jakowskis · 7 months
guy who's been fixated on torchwood for 300 days straight and talks about nothing but owen harper 24/7. ull never guess who the guy is. everyone wants me dead. if they could convert me thinking about owen harper into energy i could power the earth. it would do wonders. scientists get on this stat
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away-ward · 1 year
this michaelrika kaibanks just ruined everything for me. especially considering banks is my favorite character and i only continued with the series so i could get crumbs of her(which didn happen thanks to pd always favouring rika and thrusting her into situations where she is not needed). honestly, that bonus scene does not sound like banks AT ALL. her worrying about how her how "family" doesnt love her enough after 10 damn years made me want to break something especially since pd made it out like they all adore and love Rika while making banks feel like she was not part of the inner circle. moreover if emory would have become good friends with any one in that weird-ass grp it would have been with banks but NO pd has to make it all about rika..in a bonus scene... about Banks. idk why no one is talking abt that. and this is so against the found family theme pd set up in the books.
kai kai kai what do i even say abt this guy. past kai was such a gem. like i will fight anyone who says otherwise. him and banks were SO DAMN CUTE but the present one.. not so much. in the bonus scene banks asks rika did she go around walking knowing that she could have had kai again and again if banks didnt come into the picture. i think kai WOULD HAVE had rika again if he hadnt found banks and i cant just ignore it no matter how much i try. also why is kai ALWAYS going "rika this rika that" even after he found banks. ik everything and every character in the dn universe is about rika coz pd created them but it is just disturbing kai is like this even though he knows that makes banks uncomfortable.
i was so excited when pd said she was gonna write a bonus scene for dn but MY GOD I WISH I DIDNT READ WHATEVER THE HELL THAT WAS IN HER FACEBOOK. and to think this might be the last kai banks scene we ever get... makes me wanna cry. they deserve so much more. there might be more bonus scenes in that universe but it sure as hell wont be abt kaibanks knowing pd (i mean she did them dirty in their own book making the main focus damon and rika)
ohhh i almost forget about the conclave scene where kai knows about rikas situation before michael. i mean wtf is this even. and when banks get upset rika had the audacity to feel betrayed. after everything kai said to banks in hideaway abt how she is the one he looks for every morning, this scene in conclave just ruined that closure. AND we didnt get to see kai and banks talk about it. of course we didnt because they are just side characters in this series right.
in my opinion, pd should rewrite the bonus and quit making Kai so 'rika-centric' and actually concentrate on how HIS OWN wife feels.
ik this is a lot kai banks but this is years of pent-up frustration over how my best girl and kai were done dirty.
and i feel like i would have liked rika so much more if pd didnt shove her down our throats like that throughout the series
pt 2 of the ask:
by the same person who wrote the kai banks rant will you ever write a fanfic on kai banks coz i have searched the internet and i couldn't find one story abt them. which is really sad since they are the only other couple who made sense apart from will and emmy. and abt my previous rant kai ONLY belongs with banks and we all know it. i mean they belong with each other no one can say otherwise. kai might have been attracted to rika but he will choose banks no matter what so that is why it is frustrating when he is made out to be like he cares abt rika as more than just a friend and more than he should.  what is your thoughts on all this
Honestly, I think you hit the nail on the head why this doesn’t sit right with a lot of us.
One, the time period. I could possibly buy this if it were set within the original series. Maybe before NF or very soon after. But ten years later makes Banks seem very insecure and childish. She’s just been living for ten years thinking that her husband is secretly lusting over what is perceivable her best friend. Or at least her closest female friendship. That doesn’t feel like Banks to me. My understanding of Banks character is that she would have addressed any issue much sooner.
And two, this was supposed to be about Banks. But what we have is Banks making Rika feel better. First, confronting her over the young girl and reminding Rika that she has nothing to feel shamed over. Then, realizing how Rika feels, confirming those feelings. And in a way, Banks realizing that her feelings around Rika were not insecurities but were in fact attraction, is about Banks. But it’s still really about how amazing Rika is, and everyone agrees.
No one is immune to Rika Fane is the point of the scene. But it's the same message we've been getting since Corrupt.
It’s frustrating because it doesn’t give found/chosen family vibes. It’s all about Rika.
And now I feel like this about her:
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kai kai kai what do i even say abt this guy. past kai was such a gem. like i will fight anyone who says otherwise.
Okay, okay. I’ll keep my fighting words to myself...
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But anyway, Kai alone frustrates me (which is super disappointing because from other’s POVs, he’s delightful and interesting). Banks makes him better. I love the two of them together. The fact that he’s given any room for Banks to develop feelings of doubt about him and Rika is so odd. There’s no argument for it.
the conclave scene where kai knows about rikas situation before michael. i mean wtf is this even. and when banks get upset rika had the audacity to feel betrayed.
See, Rika confiding in Kai didn’t bother me, because it made sense to me that she’d confide in him. At this point, Kai is one of her closest friends and I (maybe erroneously) thought of Kai as the most reasonable and comforting of the group, which is something Rika needed. It’s the jealousy and the doubt about their relationship that comes after that ruined it for me. Either Rika and Kai can be friends and nothing else, or they can’t. And PD is really pushing this “they can’t” idea with every update and bonus they post. Which is so weird.
Do you think we could challenge PD to write a couple-centric scene where none of the other couples show up, if only for us to get quality couple content?
ik this is a lot kai banks but this is years of pent-up frustration over how  my best girl and kai were done dirty.
Hey, I get it. I’m here for some kaibanks conversation. As much as Kai in the series frustrates me, Kaibanks in my head sit in the same boat as Willemmy, which is that they are cute and deserve better.
And didn’t feel like didn’t would have liked rika so much more if pd didn’t shove her down our throats like that throughout the series
Very true.
will you ever write a fanfic on kai banks coz i have searched the internet and i couldn't find one story abt them. which is really sad since they are the only other couple who made sense apart from will and emmy.
It's not that I don’t want to, but I haven’t been able to wrap my head around Kai and Banks as characters. This scene helped with Banks a little, but now Kai is harder to understand. I know there were some oneshots over on Wattpad if you have access. If I were to ever break from Willemmy, Kaibanks would probably be the next one I'm inclinded towards, though. Sorry I can’t promise anything.
kai ONLY belongs with banks and we all know it. i mean they belong with each other no one can say otherwise. kai might have been attracted to rika but he will choose banks no matter what so that is why it is frustrating when he is made out to be like he cares abt rika as more than just a friend and more than he should. 
I completely agree. I think with the way the family is set up, there would be nothing wrong with Kai thinking Rika or any of the other girls are attractive, but it should be clear that he doesn’t have the same bond/connection/relationship to them as he does with Banks. I still think back to Michael openly declaring that Rika was everything to him, and it’s strange that none of the other guys have similar moments where they remove any doubt that they want no one else.
Like, I don’t think Michael wants Banks. Or Winter. Or Em. He wants Rika and Rika’s happiness. He might think Banks is hot, but that’s probably as far as it goes.
That’s Banks. Kai’s wife, Damon’s sister. Pain in his neck.
If somebody gave Kai an ounce of that energy towards Rika, we’d have a completely different vibe.
I'm not sure what can be done to protect our sanity. I, for one, usually hate to ignore canon, but sometimes it's just... not worth acknowledging in favor of your own HC.
That might be the case here.
Let me know your kaibanks HC if you're up for it. Anyway, have a great day. Hope you forget all about the bonus scene soon!
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baebbaeby · 6 years
(NCT) Boyfriend!Jaehyun
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first of all i wanna say this man would speak softly to you no matter what
especially if he had a crush on you he’d be soooOOO soft
when he likes you he’d aaaalways smile at you, he’d be really casual about it by always sitting near you, always looking at you, always including you in conversations
he would always look into your eyes when talking to you, even if he got a little red or flustered, he’d always want to look into them
i just think he’d be really pulled by someone’s eyes if he really liked them
it would be in the small things you know? you probably wouldn’t notice it but someone else would
johnny would notice right away tbh
even if you had one of your friends with you guys and they didn’t know jaehyun that well i’m sure they’d be able to tell he liked you too 
so he’d be obvious to EVERYONE else but you bc it was all in the small things he does for you
i think a lot of thought would go into his confession to you 
he’d probably ask you to hang out like one on one 
and it kind of seems date-y but its not a date you know and then near the end he’d probs walk u home or wherever you had to go 
and his ears would be red and he’d be like uhm i like u a lot and i was wondering if u’d go on a date with me
and ur low key like....that wasn’t a date? if hanging out like THAT isn’t a date then sign me the f up i wanna know ur standards for a date
its taking my entire being to not write bro at the end of every sentence of that for some reason
hes a goddamn gentleman he’d open all the doors for you
and would guide you with your hand as if you were a royalty , especially if you wore heels to steady you 
would also get chairs for you and he’d do this alllll effortlessly and not breaking a goddamn sweat 
like its just natural for him to be so nice and gentlemanly
bc he’s so good to you i feel like it would make you feel like you werent good enough for him 
and i feel like he’d kind of lose a part of himself too bc he’d be so concentrated on you so you’d definitely need to encourage him to do stuff for himself sometimes 
and then he’d get the hang of it
hes also super nice so i feel like you’d have issues if you’re the type to get jealous easily since hes so friendly and everyone seems to fall in love with him 
and he also doesnt seem like the type to tell anyone off either if they’re flirting with him he just doesn’t seem like that kind of guy
but its also common in relationships to get jealous at something or someone so it’s all about trusting each other, which i hope you do if you’re in a relationship with anyone
but low key i also think he’d adore it if you told him you were a little jealous, he’d make sure to give you a little extra affection and attention
honestly he’d be so smitten with you
he’d literally worship every part of you [sfw wise and nsfw wise winkwink]
but seriously he’d look into your eyes like they’re everything and at your lips like they’re everything and your ears and and if you had freckles he’d look at them like they’re everything too
he just seems like someone who would just drink in the sight of their s/o? like maybe he’s feeling nervous before a performance and he sees you walking towards him 
and suddenly the nerves are all gone, relief has just washed over him because you’re right there in front of him and he’s got this now he can do this because you’re there watching him
something i think about a lot is jaehyun singing to his s/o oh my gaaaad
he’d get embarrassed but would totally sing for you if you asked and he would randomly do it if he knew you liked it which who wouldnt like it jesus
all while his ears turn red because singing like that for someone is so intimate dhsjkml
if you liked singing too he’d totally looove singing duets with you too
if you were into musicals he’d totally indulge with you and sing the songs with you too
if i were his s/o i would make him sing a whole new world to me every goddamn morning ahem
he’d be really affectionate in private but in public not so much
i think he’d accept your affection if you initiated it first in public if it was small things like hand holding and hugs idk he just doesn’t seem like a huge pda guy to me
and again, it would all be in the small things for him, he’d always be beside you or looking at you so he wouldn’t even need pda to show off that you were together in public - people would just be able to tell
i’m taking a few points from the cuddling scenario i did with him but if he did decide to be affectionate in public he would not half-ass it
a hand on the shoulder is not acceptable - his full arm is going around your shoulders and tucking you into his side
same thing for your waist
and the way he holds you (this is mainly in private but also applies to how he holds you in public) its very firm, and he has a strong grip but its also very soft and gentle at the same time
like a hug would be tight and firm but it would be so full of love and gentleness because he wants to hold you close 
okay let’s get into kisses now
my heart is fluttering at the thought
first of all he’d love it when you kiss his nose
his ears would go red and he’d smile and those little whiskers would appear on his face and he’d giggle a little he’d love it sooooooOOoo MUCH
he also seems like the type to smile into all your kisses
like most of his kisses would be smiling kisses
he just hold your face so gently and smiles at you because damn he loves you so much he can’t believe it and just slowly pulls in for a kiss and he still cant stop smiling because he’s kissing the one he loves and they’re kissing him back?! amazing
also can you just hear how he would giggle in his low baritone voice when he’s happy like that and it would just vibrate through and wow what happiness
something that would KILL him would be if you show him affection and you’re like “i love your eyes” and you kiss his eyelids and “i love your nose” and you kiss his nose and you do this with his ears and his whiskers and his dimples bc he’s smiling so wide UGH
i think he’d personally love kissing your head, especially if you’re shorter than him it would be so easy to just dip down and boop kiss your hair and the side of your head
and i think he’d love just nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck too so a lot of his kisses would go on your jawline/neck/right underneath your ears too
alright folks its about to get slightly nsfw
but i think he’d like to nibble on your neck too
i think he’d get off on marking you like that when it gets heated and esp seeing them later he’d be like oh mY i did that? heehee let’s do it again
i think the only way i could describe his hornyness would be hungry you feel me?
like his eyes would go from bright n loving to just dark and lustful and hungry
LOTS of low groans tbh ohhh boy
he’d still be a gentleman but when boy is hungry he is hungryyy
just think about the whole strong and firm thing i said but still gentle in a way but also strong and firm
and also the whole worshipping thing like he would drink in the sight of you without clothes and touch you like you were everything (bc u are) 
like im talking strong grip on your thighs and they rise up to curve your body oh boy
ahem thats it for this nsfw bit (thinking abt maybe making a nsfw series like this too ohoho)
anyways you guys were done being intimate he’d be so sweet and soft and would love to cuddle you forever and shower you with sweet nothings
he’d be really loving in the morning too he’d crawl on top of you and just tell you how much he loves you and he’d wake up with a smile bc he’d see your beautiful face first thing in the morning
but he also wouldn’t waste time in bed too in the morning he’d get up after showering you with affection and make breakfast or something
and if you’re still not up he’d come back and use his charms to get you out of bed like tickling you or smothering you with affection that makes you giggle yourself awake
would definitely plan a whooole event for your anniversary like a romantic picnic under the stars and would also definitely have a backup plan if the weather wasnt good
he’d love low key couple things like bracelets or rings but nothing too flashy like matching clothes i think
he’d love to just have that piece of jewellery he wears that has a super special meaning to him since you mean so much to him
and one last thing
he’d always laugh at your jokes no matter how dumb they were
and indulge in your weird habits or jokes
he would just love with his entire heart and whoever gets to hold his heart one day is a very lucky person and i hope they treat it with all the love they have because its what he deserves
if you want more be sure to check out the cuddling scenario i did with him too hehe HERE
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