#i can tell you my thoughts doesnt happen within the timeframe youre talking about though
horizonandstar · 2 years
if it’s just for more language teaching, wouldn’t it be better to use the in game logs? since the mer boys have seen and heard the tablets ‘talk’ so would it make more sense? maybe it can even work as an ‘apology’ from Sun; he goes out to get them so he can (give them to y/n / learn how to talk better to say sorry) (tho if this doesn’t fit in with the story, pls disregard this)
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megaloxrobin · 7 years
And When it Rains || RAPHNE
TAGGED: Robin Haseo & Daphne Vanderbilt
LOCATION: The Grind Parking Lot, Robin’s apartment, and the outside of Daphne’s home
GENERAL NOTES: Robin gets a call from Daphne during the storm, stating that she needs help. The two end up facing their feelings for one another.
Daphne The events leading up to her trying to skip town had been a big blur. One minute, she was planning on getting the love of her life back, and the next a sudden realization that he might not ever want her back, and never give her a second chance hit her. Once that hit, she was a goner. She'd acted out of weakness when she packed up and put everything she owned back into her car. She had planned on driving to Portland, staying the night and driving back home within the rest of the week. However, it seemed that her vehicle had other plans. The storm hit just as she was leaving, and seemed to escalate rather quickly. Everything was closed, and even though it was dark out, when the lightning hit, it seemed as if the whole main strip of the town was illuminated. She, however, was stuck. Daphne's car had stalled, and she was sitting on the side of the road in tears. Hoping that she would be granted a miracle, she picked up her phone and dialed Robins number, praying that he would come and help her out.
Robin didn't expect for a call, let alone /the/ call. He was just sat in the living room, laptop in hand and TV on with some rerun of a sitcom. He mindlessly browsed, hardly noticing the storm as the rain pelted his window, causing for Papyrus to perch her head and watch as the view became a distorted mess. It was a half hour of mindless loitering before his phone vibrated against the cluttered coffee table. He sat up, setting his laptop to the side. His eyes fell on the name, and the blood drained from his face. Usually, he would have ignored the call, but seeing as she might have changed-- so she said-- he figured that was no hard, even if his heart rammed violently against his chest. He took a deep breath, merely causing for him to feel heavier before finally answering the call. "Hello?"
Daphne In all honesty, Daphne didn't expect him to answer her. She had thought that he'd see her name come up on his phone and just ignore it, allowing it to go to voicemail. Instead, however, he picked up. As soon as she heard the sound of his voice, her heart began to race within her chest. The brunette sniffed and ran her hand along the leather of the steering wheel. "Robin?" She didn't know why she was asking, she knew without a doubt, that it was him. "Are you busy right now?" There was something about her voice that sounded vulnerable, which was odd for her, but due to the fact that she was in a mentally shaken state, and there was a storm going on around her, she was scared.
Robin caught the quiver in her voice right away, the sudden openness that she hardly ever expressed. It was hard to ignore, seeing how for as long as they have known each other, even when they were dating and engaged, she would have kept all her feelings to herself. "No," he let out, sitting up straight, brows knitted together. "Is something wrong?"
Daphne took a deep breath and leant back in her seat. "My car stalled, and I can't get it to work, and I'm stuck outside in this stupid storm." Daphne paused and ran a hand through her hair, tugging on it. "Will you come and give me a jump? You don't even have to actually talk to me.... i get it if you don't want to, I can just call an uber or something."
Robin: No, he shouldn't have cared. After the many times she had harassed, insulted, and even assaulted him; he should have hung up right then and there just for the sake of being petty. However, he didn't have the heart to do it. Daphne still had a place in his heart, and he /hated/ it. He hated how his heart jumped to his throat from the mere idea of her being stuck in the middle of a storm. He hated how he already jumped off the couch and made his way to his room to grab two coats and his shoes. He still loved her. "I-I could drop you off, but we'll need to leave your car somewhere just so it's out of the way and safe until tomorrow, we can't jump start it during a storm."
Daphne felt herself groan. Being in a car with Robin was not something that she wanted to do, nor something that she needed. Not now, not when she was in such a stupidly fragile state. "It's already pulled over to the side, I did that first when it started to putter out. The dashboard is lit up and stuff I just..." She was desperate, and although she'd been on her way out of town, perhaps staying the night would be better for her than anything. "I'm in front of the coffee shop... How long will it take you to get here?"
Robin: There it was, the groan, the one that easily caused him to roll his eyes seamlessly. "Look, I just don't want to get electrocuted... but if you're under something, I can try," he decided to find some sort of compromise, even if he felt he was in the right. "The Grind, right?"
Daphne shook her head, "No, it's fine. You're probably right. I don't want you to get electrocuted. That's the last thing I want to happen to you." She began thrumming her delicate fingers against the steering wheel. "I'm there, yeah. Just text me when you get here, I don't need something happening to you, or either of us just because I'm stupid."
Robin: "Alright, I'm heading out now," he huffed. "Just... stay in the car, okay? Or wait inside for me." With that, he hung up. Over and over again, as he hurried down the stairs and into his car, he wondered why it was that he cared so much about Daphne, why he still had love for her despite all that happened between them. He even left her the day before the wedding, how was that any form of love? He had to stop dwelling on it, because the mere memories were enough to distract him. Thankfully, the drive was a mere ten minutes.
Daphne "I'll wait in the car, the shop is closed and I don't really feel like breaking in." She admitted, only to hear the dial tone. He'd hung up. He was coming to get her. She tried to tell herself that he was just doing it because he was a good person, not because he wanted her back, not because he was willing to give her a second chance; but because Robin was genuinely a good person. The brunette placed her phone in the cup holder and wrapped her arms around herself, rocking back and forth slightly as she waited for her ex-fiance to arrive.
Robin: There was only one car parked in the lot, the one he parked right next to. It was hard to see Daphne's silhouette through the dark windows, but he knew she was inside. He stepped out and carefully tapped on the window.
Daphne had been sitting there for only a few minutes, but it felt longer. She had spaced out whilst waiting, her gaze stuck on the glow of the dash, so when she heard knocking she jumped slightly. Leaning over, she recognised the familiar face of Robin and waved, before opening the side door. "Thanks for coming, I'm sorry I had to drag you out of the house in this.."
Robin: Once the door opened, Robin poked his head in, eyes on the other, and hair still damp from when he first walked out to the car. It didn't matter, however, he just wanted to make sure Daphne was safe. "It's fine," he assured her over the drumming rain. His eyes drifted up to the awning that stretched over her car, blocking the rain. "Okay, pop the hood."
Daphne felt her brows rise at him when he mentioned her popping the hood, "What!?" Her voice was slightly more shrill than she'd wanted, but she shook it off, and instead leaned over to look at him a bit better. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I care about you too much to let you sick your life just for my car, Robin."
Robin knitted his brows in utter confusion. If she didn't want him to fix the car, why had she called him? Was that not what she wanted? "So, what are you going to do? Do you want me to take you home?" He asked her, pausing after he had realized what she had just said. So, she did care? She had a really funny way of showing it. He cleared his throat, eyes suddenly drifting to the solid ground.
Daphne sighed, "I want you to fix it yes, but this stupid storm is too bad, and I realize how ridiculous it was for me to ask you that." She bit down on her bottom lip and shrugged. "If you'd be okay with that? If not then I can call a cab. I just... I'm sorry." Her place wasn't exactly empty, but her clothes were in the back seat of her car, and so she'd have to get them out before she went anywhere. "Thank you though.. For offering to look at the car - even in this weather."
Robin: Was it so bad to say that Robin missed that side of Daphne? The softer side he had grown so fond of and even fell so hard for. Azriel would have said he was blind for just focusing on that 'mask', but he always seemed to ignore the warning words. "No.. I can drop you off, really.." He assured her before standing straight. "Do you need help getting the important stuff down?"
Daphne felt her heart flutter somewhat when she heard that he was serious about dropping her off. Maybe he was beginning to feel something for her, or at least something better than what he had. Letting out a shaky breath, she got out of the car, and moved to the trunk door. "There's only one thing I need tonight, the rest of it is mostly more clothing, but it doesnt have my computer in it." She replied, opening the trunk and grabbing a red suitcase. "The rest I'll have to come for tomorrow when the storm's cleared."
Robin stood by the side of the car, watching as she opened the trunk and pulled out a bright red suitcase. Where was she going? Had she not finished unpacking? No, that couldn't be it, right? He attempted to shake the thoughts from his heads and just turned to open the trunk of his car. "What's with that?" He finally asked, curiosity getting the best of him.
Daphne felt her shoulders actually hunch when he questioned her, and her head hung somewhat; as if she was a guilty child. "I was leaving... My emotions got the better of me... I figured after our conversation and the texts... That you wouldn't want to be with me, and that coming here... It was stupid, and trying to leave was stupid. You said you'd need time and I agreed to give you that. I just... I got overwhelmed, and scared, and sad, and it got to be too much." As she spoke, her eyes remained on the ground, frightened by the fact that if she were to look up she might stop speaking. Once she was done however, she looked up at him through her lashes, her glassy gaze on him.
Robin: So, she was leaving. He really should have figured as much, seeing how he hadn't made up his mind just yet about whether or not he wanted to try things again. Could he really be blamed? After their toxic history together? Sure, he loved her and probably always will, but that didn't mean that it was right to go back, even if part of him wanted to. Maybe that was why he was a bit saddened by her admission. "Are you still planning to leave?" He asked her before reaching over to take the suitcase.
Daphne felt herself shrug before she could really and truly thin of an answer. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay and take a chance with him, but after their history, and the fact that his friend seemed to be influencing his moves, Daphne didn't know how that would work out. If it would be a long time for him to figure out his feelings, or not at all. Havenoaks was a nice place, but it wasn't the place for her. The only reason she was there, was because of him. "I don't know... I don't want to.... But there's only one reason I'm here Robin, and that's you."
Robin: "I know... I'm sorry," he muttered before taking the suitcase by the handle and lifting it into the trunk. As he shut it, he let out a sigh, his mind had been screaming at him yet again. He felt guilty, but it wasn't as though he asked her to look for him, in fact he was doing pretty well without Daphne around. Sure, he had moments-- as anyone else would-- but he felt more and more anxious with her being in Havenoaks.
Daphne shook her head, "It's okay, it's not like you're making me." She stated with a small sigh, watching as he put her suitcase in the back of his car. Shutting the trunk of hers, she joined him beside his car, and in a moment without thinking, she brought a hand up to his arm, gently squeezing it. "Thanks again, for helping me when you didn't have to."
Robin: True, he hadn't forced her, but of course, he still had quite the guilty conscience. Feeling her hand squeeze his arm was enough to snap him out of the trance he had put himself in. He flinched, but didn't move away from the touch. "Yeah, no problem," he replied, a polite smile graced on his lips.
Daphne felt something deep within her contort when he flinched, and she instantaneously glanced down at the ground. "I promise, I won't be in your hair for much longer, I know that me coming here has sort of... Put a wrench in your plans. Or so to speak." She mused, her arms wrapping around her torso. She felt like holding him, like telling him that things would be better, but she understood, given their past, or at least how he felt about what had transpired between them, that doing something like that wouldn't end up well. Especially considering the fact that every time she touched him - no matter how gentle it was. "And I'll pay you back for driving me, and for wasting your gas... Just... Thanks." She supposed that instead of talking outside the car, they should get inside, and out of the damp weather; before either of them got sick.
Robin: "Daphne... you don't have to apologize, and you didn't throw anything because I really wasn't doing anything," he assured her before he faced the diver's side of the car, his eyes blurred. All he had to do was craw inside and turn the keys and spring the engine to life. Why was it taking so long? "You needed help, you don't have to pay me back, okay?" He knew that there was some guilt in her voice, whether or not it was real was a whole other story, but that didn't mean that there still wasn't some pain in his heart from simply hearing the hurt tone.
Daphne watched as he moved to the drivers side door. It was taking him just as long to get into the car as it was for her. A ball formed in the back of her throat and she took a deep breath as she clenched her jaw. She didn't want to look like she was getting emotional, but she was. Just watching how he spoke to her, his body language. Seeing that made her realize why she was driving in the storm in the first place. "I just want you to know I'm grateful for you, that's all. I just feel like I should owe you some compensation for this act of kindness." After she spoke, she lingered in her spot for a few moments, before moving to the other side of the car, her gaze on him through the window. Their car ride back to where she was staying was going to be either a really interesting one, or awkward enough that one could cut right through the tension with a knife.
Robin didn't respond that time. He just fought back the paralysis and finally stepped inside the car. He slid against the leather seat, settling before he unlocked the passenger side for his ex. He didn't look her direction, instead he just focused on the water droplets that were still on his windshield, as paralyzed as he was just moments ago.
Daphne felt her heart hammering within her chest as Robin got into the car. Even as the door unlocked, and she got in, she felt as if her heart was going to beat right out of her chest. With an unsteady hand, she put her seatbelt on and stared at the glowing clock on the dashboard. Robin was simply just sitting there, and whatever it was he was thinking about she didn't feel it completely necessary to interrupt. Although, despite her best efforts, her gaze did land on him a few times, only for a brief few seconds, but she did take note of how his facial features looked, and how there was a look in his eyes that she couldn't quite place.
Robin: 'Just turn the ignition, that is all you have to do...' Robin kept repeating to himself, over and over again in the steady rhythm of the blinking lights on the dashboard. The numb stillness was no stranger to Robin, just an itch that he was not quite the fan of. He had forgotten all about the nothingness and the nobody it made of him, but once Daphne sought after him, well, even Azriel noticed the waif he devolved into. It was easy to trace back, but maybe, just maybe he could shake it off. There was just one thing he needed to do. "What are we doing..?" He finally let out, his eyes still on the windshield.
Daphne raised her head when he spoke, her brows furrowing. What were they doing? Something deep within her stomach twisted and she felt as if the question was less about what they were actually doing, then what the two of them were doing, in a car together, considering everything that had happened. Instead though, she went out on a limb and hoped by some miracle, he hadn't meant that. "You're picking me up, you're helping me get out of a sticky situation and driving me back to the place I'm staying..." Her voice wavered somewhat as her gaze fell to her lap, her heart rate speeding up.
Robin: "That's...!" His voice rose but he quickly let it simmer down, knowing that if he got upset, it would only escalate things. His fingers found themselves around the steering wheel, his knuckles white from how tense he had become. "That's not what I meant, Daph..." He cleared his throat, ignoring how he called her by the short nickname he often referred to her as when they were together. "Daphne... that's not what I meant, and you know it.." He finally looked her direction, his eyes searching the profile of her face-- what he was able to see at least. "You're smarter than that."
Daphne her heart sunk, and her shoulders slumped slightly. Whatever false pretense she'd been holding onto had just flown out the window. "What do you want me to say, Robin?" She finally manged to get out, her gaze meeting his. All the fight that had been left within her had quickly gone out the window, and she felt deflated. "You know where I stand, you know how I feel. So really, what are you doing? Not we - you."
Robin: "I-I don't know, Daphne!" He slipped out, eyes still searching her features, desperate to find some kind of answer etched in her flesh. "I love you, and you're aware of that... but after everything that's happened, you can't blame me for being as freaked out and confused as I am!"
Daphne didn't know what to do, or what to say, and so she turned towards him in her seat, straining somewhat against the seatbelt. "Robin, I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying I know what I want, and while you may love me, you don't know what you want, so you asking - what 'we're' doing isn't constructive and doesn't actually work for this situation because I know what I want, and I want you. You just need to figure out what you want."
Robin: What he wanted? He wanted to be at peace. He wanted to forget about the fighting and screaming, he wanted to forget about the grief their relationship had fallen into. He wanted to forget all of it. That, however, was too much to ask. "How can you think I can figure that out if all I have are the facts and myself telling me to ignore them..?" He questioned, his voice just above a whisper, as though ashamed that he admitted such a thing to Daphne.
Daphne felt her gaze soften, and she held her hand out for him to take, wanting Robin to initiate any sort of physicality between them. Touching him thus far without him noticing had resulted in jerks, and that was not what she wanted. "Then maybe you should ignore them, and go with what you're gut is telling you to do."
Robin: Was it some test? Maybe he should turn the tables, do the same. Daphne always refuted when she was given 'no' as an answer, when things didn't go her way. Maybe he needed to see just how she acted if he turned her away again, just to see if the same woman he loved and feared still was underneath the sudden disguise she had placed. He caught the hand that extended, a simple movement that would mean a big leap for him, something that she must have been well aware of. With that in mind, he shook his head, and started up the car, his head turning back to the windshield as the lights stopped blinking.
Daphne felt slighted when he turned the car on and ignored her hand, but instead of giving into the anger that was somewhat bubbling inside her, she simply turned back in her seat, her hand resting in the space between them. She wasn't going to fuel the fire, no matter how much she might have wanted to. Instead, she held onto the hope that he might give in, might see her hand still resting there and take it.
Robin: Slowly, Robin moved his car from where it was parked, but merely closer to the road. The only lights out were the single street light and a few from the rare car the sped through the street. The light just danced over the windows, reflecting only Daphne's skin and catching his eyes before he carefully hit the break and took a deep breath. "How can I trust you again?" He asked her quietly, looking at her once more, his eyes boring into her own.
Daphne tried to ignore the twisting and turning of her stomach, and the way it made her nauseous. She tried to ignore the tension and a lingering sense of hostility. Coming to see him had been a mistake. He was never going to want her back, and she knew that. Daphne had been content with knowing that they were going to where she was staying, but then all of the sudden, Robin stopped the car, and she looked at him, confusion etched on her features. "I'll see my psychiatrist more often. I'll go to meetings, we can go slow. I promise I'll do everything I can to make you feel better about me. About us."
Robin slowly and hesitantly nodded, his eyes still not leaving hers, as though he would catch some glimmer that would mean she was only lying. Instead of catching any hint, his heart just quickened. When was the last time he stared at her so intently? "It's still hard to trust you," he muttered, honesty laced in his voice, though some confidence he thought he had lost did help him with such a confession.
Daphne ducked her head, nodding slowly. "I know that," her voice cracked as she began picking at the denim of her jeans. "I do... I do know that. I just want you to be able to trust me one day. I really do."
Robin: "If... if something's going to happen, I would like--" He paused, for the first time in a while he diverted his eyes, only to redirect himself. "I would like that too, Daphne..." There was his heart again, beating out of his chest as he just stared back at his ex again, his eyes once more searching hers.
Daphne felt her pulse skip a beat, and she leaned in somewhat, not too much as to freak him out, but enough that she was closer to him, and see the pattern within his eyes. "You would?" Her question was a quiet one, barely above a whisper as she searched his gaze.
Robin 's breath hitched as Daphne leaned in, though he did not move, even if his mind screamed for him to do so. "Yeah.. yeah I would.." He whispered, his eyes carefully searched her face once more, his breath even.
Daphne pursed her lips and then moved back away from him. "M-maybe we should get back to going to my place... We're still in the middle of a storm." She stated, her gaze never wavering from Robins.
Robin: It was then that he realized how the rain pelted the hood of his car. Right. He was supposed to get her home safely. "Yeah, sorry.." He grumbled as he cleared his throat and shook his head. "Just.. just tell me where to turn from here."
Daphne nodded, and sat back, trying to get comfortable. "Just turn left at the lights, and then at the second stop sign, take another left, and I'm the fourth place on the left.
Robin: "Okay.." He gave back before finally releasing the break. She really didn't get far did she? Nonetheless, he followed the directions and stopped right where she said. "So... you're getting the car tomorrow...? Then what?"
Daphne undid her seatbelt. "Yeah... I am. I'm going to call CAA or a tow truck, and get it taken to a shop. And... I don't know what's going to happen after. I might hang around a little longer... See what this town has to offer. But I'll see how I feel after I get some sleep."
Robin put his car in park and leaned back, letting himself breathe, if even for a quick second. "Okay, yeah.. yeah, some sleep will help..." He muttered before he gazed back over at Daphne, catching the reflection of the rain drops catch her skin. It was like he had forgotten just how beautiful his ex-fiancee truly was. "Sleep to take care of yourself..." He managed to let out.
Daphne saw something in his gaze that she'd only seen when they were still together, and a red hue made it's way onto her cheeks. "Yeah... I'll text you tomorrow okay? Tell you how everything goes." She lingered for a moment, wanting to kiss his cheek or at least compliment him on something, but felt it wasn't the right time, or place. Instead, she nodded and opened her door, stepping out. "Can you unlock the back - so I can get my stuff?" Daphne asked, only to pause and turn back to her ex-fiance. "Be safe driving home, okay?"
Robin: Yes, he caught the blush, and yes, it caused just a twitch at the corner of his lips. He ducked his head though, nodding as he reached down and pulled the lever to pop the trunk. "Let me... go outside with you," he said before he opened the door, ready to step out behind her.
Daphne closed her door, and made her way to the trunk, leaning somewhat to look over at Robin, "You don't have to you know, I can manage."
Robin pulled up the hood of his jacket as he slid out the car and onto the pavement. He just shook his head before opening the unlocked trunk for Daphne. "It's fine.. I know you can manage." That didn't mean he didn't want to help, if even a little. He pulled the suitcase out for her and turned her direction.
Daphne tilted her head and looked at him, "You're something else you know that? I don't need you getting sick, and you certainly don't need that." She held a hand out to take one of her bags off of him so he didn't have to carry all of her baggage.
Robin: There was no way that he was able to stop his smile at that point. Were his walls breaking down? At least chipping? "I'm fine," he assured her before he closed the trunk, his eyes set on hers again. "You don't need to worry about me."
Daphne took one of the bags from him, her gaze set on his. "You're a little late in telling me that, Robin. There's no way I'm just going to stop worrying about you now."
Robin stepped forward, unsure why he even took the step. Well, seemed like there were a lot of things that they shouldn't have been doing, one being just talking face to face, or even talking at all. He ran off for a reason, didn't he? But she said that she was changing and willing to go further. Of course he had his doubts, the lack of trust, but he would be lying if he said he didn't have a pull, one that simply betrayed him.
Daphne gulped as he stepped forward, and offered him another small smile, "thank you, again, for your help... do you want to come inside for a coffee or something to warm up?" She felt that if he was stepping forward, that a smile was tugging at his lips, that something had changed between them. She couldn't exactly pin point it, but she could tell that something was different. "I'm not going to force you, I just thought i'd offer."
Robin paused for a moment, his head falling a bit, though not in any sort of melancholy. He seemed a bit more relaxed, if only a little. There was still tension: the doubts, fears, they were all still there, but seemed to be blanketed. "I-I don't know, I should probably get going after I drop this stuff off," he answered softly, lifting the one bag she had left him with.
Daphne nodded, "I understand... Let's go get these things inside so you don't have to stand out in the rain with me anymore." She stated with a self deprecating chuckle. The brunette turned to go towards the entrance and used her key to go inside, opening the door with her foot. She placed her bag down and then made room so that Robin could place the bag down that he has in his hand. "I'll text you tomorrow okay? Just make sure to text me so I know you got home okay."
Robin followed Daphne closely towards the house and set the bag down once he was allowed to. "Yeah.. yeah, I will," he assured her as he stood up straight, his eyes finding hers again. Why did his heart feel as though it was about to leap out of his chest?
Daphne wrapped her arms around her torso, wanting to hug him, but figured it would be best if she didn't. "Okay good," she stated slowly, her gaze meeting his once more, her fingers clenching onto her jacket as she felt her heart skip a beat.
Robin: it was awkward, just leaving it with a still nod. The last time they had left one another, the two were screaming, before that, whenever they were on good terms, they would be endearing-- a hug or chaste kiss. They both seemed quite inappropriate, but the norm. They hardly were together as 'just friends', in fact, they began dating right away. Maybe that was why he found his eyes roaming to her lips, even if just for a split second. "Alright..." He breathed out before he ripped the gaze away. "I'll see you soon... stay safe, okay?"
Daphne felt awkward, more so than she had been around Robin for the past while. They were leaving one another in a way that she wasn't familiar with, and that of course, was a product of her won stupidity. Instead of acting on it, or saying anything, she simply gave the man whom she still loved a lingering look. The look didn't last long though, because Robin had glanced away, and all she was left with was the feeling of her stomach churning. "Yeah... I'll stay safe, so long as you do." She acknowledged, a small smile gracing her features. "Remember to text me when you get home, and try not to drive like a maniac."
Robin: "Yeah, yeah, I will.." Robin muttered, nodding his head before he took a step back. "Stay safe tonight, let me know if you need anything else.." It didn't matter what happened in the past, he still cared. Finally he turned on his heel.
Daphne felt an urge to take his hand, to touch him, or even hug him, but with how he had reacted before at even the slightest touch, she figured that anything more than that, and Robin would push her away. With how emotionally fragile she was in her current state, Daphne decided that acting on her impulsive nature wasn't the way to go. So instead, she took a step forward and leaned on the door frame as she watched him turn. "I will..." was all she said, knowing quite well that if she'd opened her mouth again an 'I love you' would come tumbling out, and that wasn't what needed to be said - at least not again. So, with a heavy heart, she moved back into her place and closed the door, only to lean against it once it was closed. She'd only move when she heard either his car door slam, or his engine start up.
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presuninoc-blog · 5 years
Im dating a commitment phobe
10 Brutal Truths About Dating A Commitment Phobe Or are they, who knows and how do you really know when you are so emotionally involved? Even in my parents marriage, I have seen the tables turn from time to time.  Stop settling for guys who are ambiguous about what they want and start looking for men who are just as excited to start a life with someone they can fall in love with.  You can be confident that the people you meet using our service are commitment-minded and serious about their search for love.  They may withdraw sexually and blame it on the woman for being demanding.  Stop initiating contact as much, take longer to reply to messages, generally become less available than usual.
What is Commitment Phobia & Relationship Anxiety? People who have commitment issues generally have a serious problem in staying in a relationship for the long-term.  I guess no matter what we do, there are always things to consider and the chance that someone will be hurt.  If he gives a reasonable timeframe, okay.  It is sometimes possible to work through commitment problems and come out stronger on the other side.  They will hate the fact that they committed to you for the weekend and if this happens too often, they might also start to resent the relationship on the whole.  Just over a month ago, Jesse read for me for almost 30 minutes.
Confessions of a Commitment It is very possible that I am.  Therein is the struggle many girls over 30 face.  He has called ,I have not returned his calls.  Watch out for the dater with the broken wing.  How do some get so emotionally stunted in their growth? If you choose to walk away because your partner cannot commit, they are not going to be able to commit in the future as well.  Miracles are a supernatural thing.  This one goes hand-in-hand with perfectionism.
12 Women Reveal What It Takes To Nudge A Commitment Phobic Man Into A Relationship I kept waiting for that feeling to kick in for me.  There are many reasons why someone may be afraid to commit to a romantic relationship or a big life change such as moving in together, getting married or having a baby.  And when the woman threatens to leave the relationship, , but they never do.  Trust me: you will find a man that is 1,000% more right for you…once you let this one go.  They spin stories to justify their contradictory behavior.  There is help, but a person needs to want to change and find a way to overcome their relationship anxiety.  But I thought my love for him would bring him around.
8 Ways To Know You're Dating A Guy With Commitment Issues You are going to have to give them a lot of space to figure out what they want.  Every client has a different Karmic path before them to travel and different life lessons to learn.  They know an ongoing sexual relationship often leads to commitment, so they choose to run when things start to head in that direction.  Then, it's up to the woman to decide whether she wishes to spend time with him on those terms.  Like most psychological issues, the underlying causes differ for everyone.  He only makes last-minute plans I was once notorious for making last-minute plans when I was a commitmentphobe.
Dating A Commitment And you too told me that he would be back in my life.  Is it possible that someone has really been hurt so badly that healing is a hard thing to do? Not all relationships involving people with commitment issues end badly.  The Relationship If you have made it to stage 2 with the Commitment Phobe then you are very lucky.  Wish he didn,t live so close-2miles very hard.  They say and do all the right things and they can be very romantic.  I actually lived that nightmare before: Desperation is the stink of death for relationships.  The older I get, the more chocolate I want.
How to Handle Commitment Your postings reflect you are doing marvelous growth on your own-congratulations! They will not ask you for anything and will definitely not ask you to make changes to yourself for ­their sake.  The challenge with posing this kind of question is you may get an extremely vague response or they might skillfully change the subject.  Commitment-phobes the chase but not the capture.  This doesnt always happen when you meet in person.  Relax… there is a cure for this strange phenomenon.  Some men just prefer to go really slowly getting to know a woman and start a relationship with her.  So easy to move on if you are not the one with your heart tied up.
10 Brutal Truths About Dating A Commitment Phobe They can be moody or aloof and blame the woman for why they're acting so bizarrely.  He said it was fate that we got this opportunity to meet and we are talking of spending as much time together as possible.  Today I want to save you from the heartbreaking experience of dating someone who will be tremendously difficult to ever get a satisfying committed relationship from.  What is behind the phobia of commitment? They may have an apartment but they may rarely stay there, preferring to stay at friend's places, with parents or ex-girlfriends.  You might be dating that guy you used to see hitting the bar hard, only interested in superficial connections and relationships with an expiration date.  A bar is not the place to meet a man who will commit.  I have had my heart broken many many times when he has broken up with me over en email.
When You Date A Commitment Phobe They have a history of brief, passionate relationships that end fairly quickly.  Exploit the mom loophole to his heart.  A guy with commitment issues may be reluctant to introduce you to his family, especially if he is a family man.  Guys with commitment issues hate thinking long term.  They start dressing better and maybe even losing their hair or going gray.  Desperation being the kiss of death.
How to Handle Commitment We ended up talking for twenty straight minutes.  Many of my clients lament their stories of getting to the second stage of dating, only to have the romantic rug pulled out from under them.  Even though many of the psychics here tell me he will be back in my life, they also told me it would be my decision if I take him back.  Two weeks later, he begged for me back and told me he would try a lot harder, but within a few weeks he still seeemed half-assed so we ended it again.  They use their charm and learned social skills to pursue you ardently until they win you over.  Because when you spend the majority of your adult life single, you like doing things your way, and these guys have major trouble with change.
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josuehyhs043-blog · 6 years
How To Explain Fat Decimator System To Your Grandparents
Why does dropping excess weight need to be so stressful? Why can it be so really hard?
There are plenty of things. It could be presumptuous to declare that dropping pounds was simple. It surely isnt! A one who has to lose then pounds finds it just a hard and annoying as the one who has to lose more than a hundred lbs .. Even though the amount of lbs look as a vast distinction between the 10-pound loser plus the hundred-pound loser, the truth is identical frustrations are experienced.
I propose that we realize The 2 significant influences We now have to master to discern if we want to obtain our weight-loss aims.
To me, the two key influences will be the outward influences and also the inward influences. An outward affect is just about anything out during the touchable, a few-dimensional genuine world like food items, scales, mirrors, folks, dresses, and so on. The inward influences are things that go on inside your coronary heart, your needs, your views, and sooner or later your steps. The two outward and inward influences Enjoy their very own roles in dropping weight. The real key is to find out how to pay far more focus to The great inward affect that will help you get rid of weight.
15 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About Fat Decimator System
Beneath are some outward influences And exactly how they impact your weigh-reduction development:
The size: reinforces your good results or failure every time you phase on it. Lower figures on the size indicate youve lost some body weight, but hardly ever more than enough according to your expectations. Bigger figures on the scale suggest you must have done anything Improper. It doesnt account for h2o-bodyweight, bloat/swelling, muscle mass mass, and many others.
The mirror: serves as our critique meter, or something that displays how the planet sights us, thus, we have to watch ourselves this way far too.
The fridge and cupboards: reminders of the NO ZONES in our households.
People: whenever they know you happen to be losing pounds, they need a report in your development.
Actual physical body exhaustion: dietary variations, training, or worrying sets in so you grow to be irritable or unfortunate occasionally.
20 Gifts You Can Give Your Boss If They Love Fat Decimator System
Food: new ingesting behavior and much healthier snack foods interfere with what youve previously referred to as ordinary, and the new routines are difficult to incorporate.
Calendars: timeframes youve established to achieve your bodyweight-decline plans is nearing its end, so you are fearful that youll be considered a failure all over again.
Menus: good meals selection looks like a CHORE, and taking in just isnt pleasurable any longer as you know the caloric depend, grams of sugar, grams of protein, and grams of Excess fat of every thing you put into your mouth.
Apparel: as you drop the pounds, apparel starts to sag on you a little bit, which will make you glimpse even worse. Having to invest cash on new dresses may be depressing if its not part of a current spending plan. Industry experts: they've got a myriad of solutions on shedding body weight, and they cant hold out for you to listen to them. This over list could go on and on dependant on how deeply you preferred to analyze this challenge. But as you can see from this shortened Variation, all of the surface influences make us truly feel the stresses of shedding body weight.
The inward influences I would like to deal with are Those people influences that some would label as self-converse, or instead self-affirmations that possibly tell us ended up alright or not all right on the earth as we realize it. Its that inner voice that every one of us have that directs us to thinning, then inevitably directs us to act according to our considering. Steps begin with ideas, and feelings begin with needs. And wants start with what we want deep inside our heart. Seems sophisticated and poetic, I admit; however it is so value the trouble to consider some time and find out how you can also make your coronary heart talk its wishes, that may prompt the feelings, that should then bring about actions.
The inward influences are Functioning properly for you personally Right up until you move on the scale or look during the mirror. Then what comes about? Youve allowed the outward influences to watch your development, and also the outward influences need to override all those constructive inward influences. You start to mock all of your current hard work youre carrying out, find disappointments, identify shortcomings, and generally debase any achievements you realized. Youll do that for one pound shed or for a person hundred lbs . shed. Why? Due to the fact youre permitting the outward influences to consider around the inward influences.
6 Books About Fat Decimator System You Should Read
How do you make the inward influences rank bigger than the outward influences? This is the trick Perform AT IT and recall its TWO To 1! When you listen to the Satan on your own shoulder (the outward influences) toss close to insults, uncertainties, and destructive remarks, turn your head to your angel on the shoulder (the inward influences) that fat decimator book tells you that you're carrying out amazing, youre building development, youve worked so hard, youre enhancing everyday, and youre likely to make it.
For each and every damaging remark, strike back again with two optimistic remarks. When you try this, youll normally stay a single phase ahead with the negative, which just may very well be ample to help keep you moving ahead toward the prize. The moment you DONT strike back, the outward influences attain one particular-up on you, then two-up, then soon grow to be 10-up similar to a board game and your video game piece is slipping driving to the squares. In the event you end up much too far driving within the squares, you will become extra discouraged after which you can Give up the sport all alongside one another. Similar to a child who states, perfectly, I guaranteed cant get now, leaves the game and pouts on his way house.
The outward influences must be Element of the procedure, sadly. This is the checking, our measuring stick that proves we've been accomplishing the appropriate points.
Your body doesnt have an understanding of this in the least. The human body can be a grand machine that is consistently hectic with checks and balances, ensuring that al devices are GO, that all operations are operating for their greatest capabilities. It doesnt have enough time for thoughts. It only does its functional tasks accordingly. So you cannot rely on the body to be aware of any inward influences or outward influences such as Ive outlined. It's only worried about system functions and getting things done.
So work Pretty difficult at shelling out extra awareness to the inward influences. But take into account that You need to place the inward influences in there prior to deciding to can in fact utilize them. Like Placing gasoline in the vehicle to make it go, you have to set The nice inward influences in to produce them accessible when you should phone upon them. Here are several fantastic inward influences or angel tones you'll be able to set into your intellect right now that can help you reach:
I am undertaking Effectively, looking at this isnt uncomplicated!
I'm generating development!
I havent dropped nonetheless, but I havent attained both!
I however will need to lose XX kilos, but glimpse what Ive accomplished to this point!
I didnt consume one terrible snack currently!
I acquired in all of my fluids nowadays!
I however could get my fluids in right now in advance of bedtime!
I got all of my protein in right now!
I can squeeze far more protein in now if I test!
I like the fact that Its obtaining much easier to stroll up the stairs!
I like The reality that I can stoop more than and decide on that up off the floor!
I like The reality that I can say NO to that cookie!
This provides you a Start out TODAY to start to set a lot more inward influences within so you can struggle the outward influences with additional electric power! Remember the fact that you have to review of the fat decimator system book do TWO inwards For each and every A single outward. Stay In advance of the game, so you wont go household a quitter!
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