#i can make these guys look so incorrect in so many ways you wouldnt believe
mizzyislost · 6 months
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homestuck posting hours. none of you can stop me
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wawataka · 3 years
32, 57, 84, 89, 90 for the 4:20 am ask game!!
oof boy lets see. this is kind of a long post so for the sake of convenience its under the cut
32) Do you believe in star signs Kinda? like if you believe them, good for you! if you dont believe them. good for you! just dont go around trying to force what you think on others. personally it’s just a little fun thing for me. i just dont like the heavy (often incorrect) stereotypes or the people who apply them to literally everything
57) Do you think humans are obsessed with escapism? Are you looking for an escape? Do you think that’s a bad thing? This one’s a little tricky. Cause like every person isn’t in the same place so things like this are different for everyone. I don’t think im really looking for an escape. I just stumble and spiral into it a little. In most cases it’s not really a bad thing, it’s completely normal. Sometimes it can lead to great and amazing works. but there is a point where it can go too far and end up hurting someone. Like it’s not a bad thing to water a plant every now and then but that doesn’t mean it can’t drown
84) Are you who people think you are? I think so? I hope so. There are some things obviously i keep to myself but that’s mostly for privacy or personal reasons. I’m not one to shy away from who i am and im not gonna try and hide it from people but im still in a point in my life where Im gonna change a lot, yknow? Like it’s not guaranteed im gonna be like this forever. I could be like 53 and still find something new about myself. and thats not really a bad thing either. things just change.
89) If you lost all your memories, would you have the same personality? Ah, sending me the same number I see. Yea this one is a bit tricky. Like you said, we’ve been shaped the way we are because of things we experience every day. Taking those away, we would just be a blank slate. But lets say i do forget everything but you guys are still here, i still have my family, everything else is unchanged. In a way i feel like maybe I would be different. I don’t know if it would be a good different or not but i wouldnt be the exact same. Maybe I would pick up some old habits and such because, again assuming nothing else is different, i’d naturally figure some things out. But it’s not like i actually lost my memories so I wouldnt know haha
90) Given the chance to reset your life, with none of the knowledge you currently have, would you take it? No. Absolutely not. Im gonna go out on a limb and assume that i have no control of where i’d end up and i dont wanna take that risk. Like i could end up in a better place but I wouldnt know that, i could end up in an even worse place. And i wouldnt want to leave everything behind. I have so many things going on for me, thing i enjoy, people that mean everything to me. Of course there are things that make me go “haha i hate it here” but honestly i like who ive become and, ignoring the bad things (we all have our own struggles), I like where im at and id lose more than i would earn gambling my life away to end up in a “better place” that i might not even get. oh
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overly-analogical · 7 years
Can Lying Be Good Analysis
• When Deceit shows up Thomas is very startled. He reacts much the way he used to react when Anxiety popped up. He does not know it’s not Morality but he is suddenly scared. I’m not sure this means anything other than Deceit doesn’t announce himself like Patton does but I think it’s worth noting.
• He also says “Papa’s in the House” which while he doesn’t realize it’s untrue, it’s untrue.
• “Guess who has ten fingers and is very confused? This guy! Heh heh I’m silly like that.” Liar liar pants on fire. He’s not confused or sill and he’s certainly not Patton.
• Roman immediately apologizes to Virgil for calling him Charlie frown, he’s doing so well.
• “Oh good, Logan, everyone’s favorite character!” GUYS MY HEART!!! He says this cause it’s a lie. This is one of his insults that’s backhanded because of who he is and Logan is honestly pleased by this and thinks it’s a genuine compliment. Ouch.
• In loo of Patton Virgil is the moral compass. He’s the one telling Thomas not to lie to Joan cause it’s wrong, Logan is indifferent, Roman wants to lie.
• also can we just? We had a Virgil went missing episode, then a Logan went missing episode, then a Morality (secretly) went missing episode. Is Roman next?
• “Well you’ll have no trouble at all explaining that to them.” Is this a lie? Does he believe it? Can he tell truths? It’s about the future so can it be considered a lie or a truth or is that a gray area.
• Virgil is displeased
•F WORD FACE guys HELP I’m dying that’s hilarious
• Logan’s wise eyes and soft Ooooh when he realizes Thomas wants to lie. He doesn’t tell Thomas it’s wrong, he knows that’s not his job, but he is surprised and doesn’t seem happy about it.
• So I looked into Kant some. The story is actually from Kant and not Plato. Kant believed that Morality is based in reason. It’s trying to do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing, and not as a means to achieve an end that benefits you or others. Saving your friend is what most of us would view is the right thing, but according to Kant, the result of your actions don’t make them right if they would be wrong in other circumstances. Morality is based on reason and truth not lies and manipulation. Interestingly though many people believe that according to Kant’s philosophy you simply could not lie to the murderer, so if you were to say “I will not tell you that because I want to protect this person and I believe you will kill them” then that is not a lie, that is the truth. You are not manipulating their reality, or using them as a means to accomplish your ends. I think Deceit knew all of this but he left it out. I this was a lie of omission.
• I also find it very interesting that it was Kant that Thomas and Joan chose because Kant believes all Morality is based in reason, also known as Logic. I’ll make a separate post for this though cause I want to really get into that on its own.
• Deceit’s rant about Kant is in direct opposition to Patton’s short and factually incorrect statement about Plato and that speaks volumes about them as characters. Deceit usesfancy names and technicalities to manipulate the others while Patton finds the content of the story is more important to his point, and then makes jokes about eating play dough.
• Logan is impressed but also confused. I think he suspects something is off at this point.
• “Well I’m Morality I gotta know my stuff.” No you’re not and that’s not his job anyway, another lie.
• “Impressed isn’t the word I’d use.” Virgil still thinks this is Patton and he’s really disappointed in his friend.
• “The point is many people think Kant is just a bit idealistic.” By this he means many people think Kant was an amoral piece of shit with no regard for the consequences of his actions. Do understatements count as lies?
• “Patton I thought you said Lying was wrong” “well it’s all about your priorities friendo. What’s more important to us, Joan’s feelings or honesty?” I once saw a post on here that said if somebody ever tells you you only have two choices, it’s a lie. It’s a lie and they want you to forget about the other choices. If somebody tells you you can have an apple or an orange they want you to forget you can have and apple or an orange, or both, or neither, or a banana. There’s never just two choices and deceit isn’t just deceit is manipulation.
• when Logan says “see I know things too.” He feels threatened when people know more than him.
• “I can’t lie to Joan.” “Detailed instructions of how to lie to Joan.” Me though.
• Roman breaking the fourth wall about the shapeshifting thing.
“Maybe if you’re considering lying to Joan you deserve to be punished.” Virgil is like. Harsh. He’s really protective of Thomas’s friends. Even from Thomas.
• “Strategy” for lying to Joan. I don’t think Logan can really like this but he’s respecting Thomas’ decisions anyway because hours not his job to ask question moral decisions.
• “DWI” “Driving While Intoxicated” guys I’m crying this is so funny I can’t
• Logan says no so soft and he looks at the back of the card before he tells Roman the real definition because he’s unsure and he’s scared of being wrong.
• “Aww Pwease! Right? You know how I love cartoons?” This an attempt to appear more like morality and assign a reason to take the job Roman really wants which real Patton wouldnt do.
• “you were a mistake” Roman wtf.
• “Doctor Who reference? Fantastic.” Clever and borders on word association. Nice.
• “Roman, that was a beautiful portrayal of a mother betrayed by her son.” It was terrible and Roman just let’s this snake man fool him. Smh.
• “Logan does Thomas have that information?” “No he doesn’t.” My serious son takes this serious question seriously.
• A homeless lady ate it.
• Let👋 Virgil👋 say👋fuck👋!!!!!! Kidding don’t ever.
• I will always find Logan teaching things extremely comforting. Logan is comforting. This is going to be a video I watch when I have a bad day because it has Logan teaching us things.
• “We should makes point to actually feed the homeless later” “totally” wow. He doesn’t agree at all. He doesn’t think they should try to feed the homeless he thinks they should just lie about feeding the homeless.
• Virgil: “what if mom found out”
Logan: “According to Romans portrayal probably some kind of betrayal driven disownment.”
Virgil: “WHAT?!?!?!?!?!”
This is funny because Logan I think is attempting to make a negative remark about Roman’s portrayal of Thomas’ mom but Virgil takes it very seriously and considers it as a real possibility because Logan said it and now he’s afraid.
• “Action! That’s not just for movies!” Maybe he can’t stop talking until he’s told a lie.
• Virgil’s booing.
• Virgil saying nice to the idea of working at hot topic
• “Drama Terg” Deceit does not once refer to any one of them as kiddo.
• Roman feels off after the Lying to get out of work scene and he looks to Patton hoping that, as morality, Patton will put a stop to all this, or reassure him. Deceit isn’t Patton so he doesn’t.
• Virgil is appalled Patton isn’t upset by this.
• Patton is pleased during the case scene.
• Roman announces he’s feeling icky. He’s bad at describing emotions and understanding them too I think. We get descriptions like “icky” or “Bittery Jittery and not very Glittery” when he’s upset.
• “Everyone knows where babies come from. Messenger Falcons.” An attempt at behaving like Patton or a lie for the sake of lying? It’s poorly executed if it’s a Patton imitation. Patton doesn’t believe he knows and he thinks “Storks are involved”, storks are not messenger falcons. No one in the history of the world has ever suggested messenger falcons deliver babies that’s preposterous.
• “And stopping again, Thomas I didn’t believe any of that.” A truth? Or was there a very small part he did believe.
• Roman gets really upset and puts this energy into freaking out over a soppy cup prop.
• Virgil is so ready to be done he completely misinterprets Roman.
• These nerds and their love of the classical arts poetry geeks logince someone write an au dammit.
• “Thomas, you don’t want to make Joan mad at you do you?” Manipulative bastard.
• “Could you stand to lose the support of one of Thomas’ friends?” Playing on Virgil’s insecurity that Thomas’ friends will leave them.
• can we just. Virgil. We’ve talked about Patton probably being scary when angry but not Virgil. We haven’t actually seen Virgil Angry up until now. Mildly annoyed? Concerned? Disappointed? Afraid? Yes. But not genuine anger. Here we see a glimpse and he’s holding back because it’s Patton. Never be on the wrong end of an angry Virgil he’ll kill you with one look.
• “Virgil? it’s me. Aren’t we friends?” “I’m not so sure we are.” I’m pretty sure he still thinks this is Patton. Which means this is a really powerful moment for Virgil. Patton was the first person to really value him in the mind palace and treat him as a friend and an equal. He considers Patton his best friend. This is Virgil, standing his ground even if it means giving up almost all the progress he’s made with the others to do the right thing. It takes great courage to stand up to ones enemies. And a great deal more to stand up to ones friends.
• Deceit realized no part of Thomas is going to budge and he gets desperate.
• “I know what I said, it doesn’t matter, in this situation it’s the right thing to do, period.” His voice starts to chance here it’s nasally.
• he practically shreiks “Yes”
• he drops the act and you can see it visibly the moment he gave up Thomas is such a good actor.
• “wow I’m so proud of you Thomas you’re so mature.” He doesn’t care if Thomas notices somethings off now.
• “I knew something was off” he knew something was off but not what was off. He really didn’t know that wasn’t Patton.
• Logan thinks it’s obvious he figured it out a while ago but didn’t say anything. Probably because he knew he couldn’t. Though he does try to say it here. I really wonder what point he figured it out.
• my sweet oblivious prince.
• “oooh I don’t know either Thomas you might not like what you find.” So Deceit lies to Thomas about himself to keep Thomas happy right? But here he doesn’t care about concealing himself and seems to be goading Thomas so he’ll ask. So he’s lashing out at Thomas because he’s angry Thomas didn’t go with his plan.
• Logan says Deceit much the same way he says Falsehood.
• “Did you just finish washing some dishes?” “Yesss” Deceit seems to take a lot of joy in this specific lie which I find very very funny.
• “Oh, you are, Thomas. You are a good person. Everybody says so.” Daaaaaaamn.
• The exchange between Logan and Deceit. I got chills.
• I am and always have been Patton muahahaha
• the other three are so done with his bs but Thomas is genuinely terrified
• okay but it would be an interesting idea if Deceit has been Morality the whole time. Awful and angsty, but interesting.
• “ow that Hurt, I mean that didn’t hurt me at all ow” he can tell truths, but does he have to tell lies?
• we’ll see him again and I’m looking forward to it. Every story needs a good old fashioned villain.
• Virgil is so happy to hear Patton’s dad jokes again he doesn’t hide his smiles.
• The eating play dough thing has me cracking up but especially the part where Logan was confused and he thought Patton meant he was eating the ancient and very dead philosopher Plato.
• Roman is adorable and he’s a knight and a hero I love him.
End of Analysis thanks for reading.
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