#i can be there in spirit to bless ur pulls
profic-mafuyu · 2 years
you may have kanade and shiho cards BUT I have a mafu card irl. who's flexing now /j
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(I couldnt be bothered to turn the light on lmao bear with the flash)
FHSJDNFJ she's so pretty wow fjsnxjf
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tyinghershoe · 1 year
hey hey :) i love ur writing sm!! i was just wondering if u could do a small blurb or fluff fic of what its like to wake up with izuku, like i can just imagine his bed head and how cute and soft it would be
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Wishful Dreaming
Waking up next to Izuku was as soft as his morning kisses.
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x reader
Genre: Fluff
check out my masterlist!
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Izukus' blessing from the higher spirits came tangled in between blue-colored sheets. Everything he ever wanted was in the shape of a twin-sized mattress, and everything he ever needed slept on top of it. It was far too early in the morning, but still, the arms that intertwined with his own awakened him with nothing but patience and love. 
He knew that heaven existed between these four walls - that the only thing separating the boy from reality and divinity was the angel sleeping next to him. So he smiled as he kissed you good morning, something that is necessary when lying next to a beauty such as yourself. 
“Wake up.” He whispers as the softness he feels in his heart spilled in between every syllable. “We need to wake up.” 
Unfortunately for him, it was a Saturday, which meant that you’d do everything you can to stay under these covers for just a few more minutes. What’s the point of waking up and getting out of bed? You’d rather stay right here, wrapped up in him as he kissed you every 5 and a half minutes.
With a sigh, he slowly twists and turns so that he could see you at a better angle. If you’re going to be spending the rest of the morning in this nest, he should at least see you perfectly, this wasn’t hard to do though - you were perfect in every angle. 
After lounging around a moment - 11 minutes to be exact, or 2 kisses if you use that measurement -  you opened your eyes. Now it was you who felt lucky. 
A lazy little smile was the first thing you saw, then it was his eyes, then his dark green hair which was always a mystery to you. Green, untamed, and everywhere - That’s how he’d describe his bedhead. His curls stuck out in every which way, some darker than others as the sun made fun of his frizzy state. However, this was merely an illusion, your lover's hair was as soft as his touch (he thanks your strawberry-scented conditioner for that.) 
“Hi. Good morning y/n.” He blurbed lazily, words splattering into each other as his heart clenched at the sight in front of him. Dearest, he thought, You looked so beautiful. 
You replied with a simple hum, deciding that this moment would be better in your silence, his voice had the effect of putting you back to sleep anyways. He chuckled as he saw your eyelids slowly close and then jerk back open, it was clear that you were fighting the urge to get pulled back into your dreamlike state. He wouldn’t mind really, but he was feeling exceptionally selfish today, and he wanted to talk to his lover. 
“‘Zuku..” You began, “Please just 16 and a half more minutes.” - which means 3 more kisses, but he didn’t know about his unconscious habit that was kissing you in rhythm. 
Izuku sat still for a few seconds and then slowly pulled himself closer to you, thanking his twin-sized mattress for once again being the perfect size. “Only because you asked so nicely.” He sighed, and then he kissed your temple, starting the timer.
a/n. Hello, it's been a long time since I last visited this blog (half a year!). In all honesty, I didn't know time could move so fast, but I guess this blog is a reminder of that. Sorry everyone, things just caught up to me - but I'm writing again, so I hope to post frequently on this blog.
follow me on ao3! @tyinghershoe
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duckiemimi · 1 year
Its interesting to me how Gojo's english VA rejects or simply doesn't see the subtext StSG has but he's so open about his admiration for GJHm because he apparently pulls the same pranks on his wife like Gojo messes with Uta. And he even went as far as to say "C'mon guys, they're best friends" in regards to people being vocal about StSG relationship.
i’m gonna be honest, i’d rather listen to what the Japanese VAs have to say about anything jjk related (but especially about geto and gojo’s characters and relationship) considering the English Dub’s blunder with toji in season 2.
if u aren’t aware, the English Dub scriptwriters took liberties with a certain translation—in the manga toji says, “oh…i remember now. megumi. the name means blessings. and i’m the one who gave him that name.” meanwhile, the english dub of this scene became, “oh, speaking of blessings. that’s right, i almost forgot. i named my cursed spirit megumi.”
to twist a translation so badly that it takes away from what the actual scene was supposed to portray (toji remembering his son, megumi)—of course, whoever wrote the script is at fault here, not the actual VA, but it makes me doubt their commitment to the story’s authenticity. i’m not sure if this happened bc of lack of research or if they were trying to paint toji in a certain light.
i mean, language is fickle anyway; there’s so much cultural subtext that gets lost in translation and perhaps that could be the case here. but it could also be internalized homophobia, or just blatant homophobia.
i’m a big advocate for shipping whatever u want and respecting ppl’s boundaries! if someone dislikes or is uncomfortable with a ship, then don’t talk to them about it. in a similar line, if u dislike or are uncomfortable with a ship, filter, mute, and block! but to try and pass off ur biases as canon? bc of ur own lived experiences/personal values/trauma? c’mon now. preferences are preferences—none of our ships are canon, anyway (at least for now, but even then, that’s never stopped ppl from shipping characters in a confirmed relationship with other characters—and that’s fine!)
there is some nuance in situations like these, if we really wanna get into the nitty gritty. men can be close friends, sure! but if u bring a woman in to counter someone’s gay ship/hc, then u’re doing it in bad faith and ur obviously biased. queer subtext will almost always be ignored by a straight audience anyway, mainly bc they’re not familiar with it, and they might even be uncomfortable with exploring concepts that don’t fit their worldview.
again, if u a wanna ship gjhm, by all means, go ahead! just don’t be headass about it. don’t deny the possibility of other ships, either—specifically stsg bc that ship alone has more canon “proof” (that’s what they call it) than any other ship with their characters. don’t go and pull dumb excuses or justifications out of ur ass to dismiss other ships (or ship dynamics) bc u’re gonna look stupid. like what u like and don’t go to war with other ppl for liking different things!
(also, i’m using the universal “u/you” here, anon! i’m not accusing or addressing u in these paragraphs!)
(also also, if this VA pulls the type of “pranks” gojo pulled on utahime on his wife, i’m a little concerned. those aren’t pranks. gojo genuinely thought he was better than her in the hidden inventory arc. in gojo’s case, he wasn’t wrong bc he was and still is the pinnacle of jujutsu, so he would’ve called anybody weak regardless of their circumstance—he’s much more tactful about it nowadays, anyway. in the VA’s case? umm…but that’s none of my business.)
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stonedporcupine · 5 months
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Past Due
Short chap cause fuck you and ur word limit Tumblr;
Blessing you with loads today;
Warnings: none
Ch 1 Chapter 2 - Part 1 Ch 2 - p. 2 Ch 2 - p. 3 Ch 2 - p. 4 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Y/N´s PoV
The cold water of the shower comes in contact with my warm body as some of it evaporates in the air with a loud Tsss, filling the surroundings with water vapour. It´s common for firebenders to have a high body temperature, but mine has always been above average. I never got to know why. My mind wanders away when I suddenly recall what Officer Wang said about the Final Exam. His voice echoing in my head. I exhale as my hands caress my hair, closing my eyes and feeling the contrasting cool of the water as it runs through my naked body. Chief Beifong might stop me from getting that Detective job, after this morning’s shitty encounter. Nah I don’t believe that… Sure she is as stubborn as a rock and…spirits, stunning I can´t deny that. No, no. Come on Y/n, focus. Maybe I could…try and talk to her? Might as well speak to a wall I´ll pull off a better reaction off of it. Spirits…what should I do?
I finish my long shower, putting on some clean clothes that I take from my bag. Another black tank top and some dark red, comfortable baggy pants. I grab my bag and think to myself for a bit. I mean…I can try and talk to her. Worst case scenario she earthbends me out of the window. I chuckle to myself at the thought. I´d let her earthbend me any way she wants to…Spirits, Y/n are you in desperate need to get laid.
I head back towards the entry hall as I pass by the Officer that was with Beifong this morning, as he was heading out, it was already quite late. What can I say? I don’t have to pay for water around here. “Uh Officer… Hi, I was wondering, do you know if the Chief is around and where I can find her? I need to speak to her.” I smile to the young officer. “Name´s Song! Officer Song. The Chief always stays until late, she´s right upstairs in her office, can´t miss the door! If I may say, you look vaguely familiar…have we met?” I chuckle as I nod my head slightly. Not the best way to meet someone I´ll have to say. “Officer Song, yes, we had that unfortunate encounter this morning…I´m the speeding satocycle to-be detective. I´m Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” I say to him. “Ahh, that´s where I know you from! Well, I sure hope you get to Detective, despite the Chief´s tough words back this morning…” he says as he rubs his neck. “The Chief really isn´t a bad person! She just cares a lot about this city! Being harsh just comes with the job I guess.” I think our Officer Song seems to hold our esteemed Chief for high respect. Can´t blame him. I nod and smile as I chuckle, “I took no offense from her words this morning. It is well known that our Chief is a tough shell to crack!” I wink at him as I smile. “Well, I´ll let you go now Song, it is getting quite late! Thank you for your help, I hope to see you around tomorrow!” I tell him as I turn to head upstairs when I hear him yell from downstairs “Don´t worry, I´ve got nowhere else to be!” I chuckle as I head towards the Chief´s office. Well, now or never… Spirits I hope what I´m about to do doesn´t get me in any worse of a position I already am in! Breathing in, I knock on the Chief´s door. “Uh, Chief, can I come in?” I ask.
Chief Beifong´s PoV
“Uh, Chief, can I come in?” Is that- What is she doing here? “What do you want?” I ask dryly. “I just want to talk, Chief. I´ll be quick.” I hear her from the other side of the door as I exhale. “Fine, it better be quick.” I hear the door unlock as I look up from the papers, leaning back on my chair and taking out my glasses, throwing them as gently as possible on the desk. The firebender comes in and closes the door behind her. “Chief I just wanted to make sure there are no hard feelings after what happened this morning.” Why does she care? “You don’t have to concern yourself with that, uh…What´s your name?” I ask slightly annoyed. Yet here she is, at 10pm. Hair still damp, well defined and muscular upper body showing off with a smile on her face. Does she ever stop smiling? “Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n, Chief. I do need to concern myself though, because I need this Detective position badly and you will be examining as well as deciding who has the two only available positions. And after this morning, I feel as though you didn’t see me in my best professional behaviour, Chief.” She says with a smile on her face as she explains, her hands waving around and coming to a stop as she crosses them against her chest. I want to throw her and that little smile of hers out of this window, right now. How dare she contradict me?! I look to the side, crossing my arms as well, and groaning. “If I tell you not to worry about it, then you won´t. If I wanted, you out of the Program I would have done so already. Now leave and let me finish all of this paperwork.” I command her dryly, a scowl on my face as my eyes squint.
Y/N´s PoV
What finish ALL of those files on her own? Spirits, I was more or less aware she stayed until late working but isn´t this a bit too much? “Of course, Chief. But if I may, I could stay and help you with some of this paperwork, surely you don´t intend to do it all on your own tonight?” She scoffs as she stares at me, a deep classic Beifong scowl on her face. “No, you may not stay here and help me, I´m very well on my own without having to babysit a trainee. Not only are you not an officer but you´re not even qualified to do this work yet.” Wow, okay Beifong, for your information I have worked as an Officer before. “Actually, Chief, I have done an Officer´s work before coming to Republic City. I am sure my skillset could be useful to you!” I try to convince her with a smirk as I cross my own arms. “Pass. This is still qualified information, now get going before I force you out myself, cadet.” Ugh, well it was worth a shot. Once I´m Detective, she can´t deny my help. I exhale and smile nodding my head as I turn to the door, waving her off. “As you command Chief, have a goodnight!” I smirk to myself; I can feel how tense she is. I close the door behind myself, heading out of the headquarters and mounting on my parked satocycle, heading back home as I enjoy the ride.
Chief Beifong´s PoV
“Have a goodnight” ?! Is she smirking? This little…insufferable... I clench my jaw, tightening the grip on my crossed arms. Distracted with our interaction, I can hear the engine of her satocycle as she drives away. Who does she think she is? I´m still in time of kicking her out of the Detective´s Program. And yet, these thoughts don´t make me feel any more at ease. I shrug it off, shaking it off my mind as I grab my glasses, exhaling and carrying on with filling out the reports and checking files. Why would she even want to help me, anyway? And what does she mean she´s done an Officer´s job…not that I care. I obviously couldn´t care less. I pout slightly as I discard one of the papers I was scribbling on, looking back up at the large amount of files laying on my desk. Spirits, it´s going to be a long night.
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civilight-eterna · 1 year
may i please ask that you write gravel being a fucked up little knight for a pretty girl. pretty girl can be of your choice (though amiya is envisioned during this ask), thank u i love ur writing. may kjera bless you always.
oh god i am always so down to write amiya with most anyone anon. i've been eyeing this ask for days and mulling it over with much care so I hope you enjoy it!!
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"Aww, my. I'd say I was sorry for flustering you so badly, but I'm not in the habit of lying to pretty girls. The way your face gets all red just makes it even better for me."
The clear, instant distress on Amiya's face is to die for. Gravel could only hold the deepest of respect for her, for having the courage to seek her out in private to clarify her intentions in the way she'd greeted her, even as easily embarrassed as she was to be talking about it at all.
"S-So...you kissed me, b-because...?"
"...What if I never told you? Would you seek me out again, just like this time?" Gravel walks her back against the door, her hand coming to rest on the wall beside her face. "Would you let me kiss you again, each time? Would your curiosity get the better of you? Would you keep coming back to see what it makes you feel like?"
Gravel curls her fingers beneath Amiya's chin, her index finger breaking rank and ghosting up over the front of her lips, tracing their shape with a slow stroke down the bottom one to part them.
Soft as the petals of a rose, dewy and tender and flush with color like the rest of her face.
She inclines her chin, tilts Amiya's up, and waits.
She could close the distance. It would be so easy, to eliminate the gap, to ease her tongue into that pliant, pretty mouth until she's too dizzy and lovesick to stand.
"...How does it make you feel, Amiya?" Gravel breathes against her lips, "Can you see anything but me?...Can you think of anything, but this?"
"M-Miss Gravel..." Amiya's voice is wavering with reluctant reproach, her eyes round and wide and teeming with bewilderment; so painfully innocent.
She drops her chin away from Gravel's fingers, laying a hand against the now rapid rise and fall of her chest.
She's adorable. Gravel can imagine so clearly the way she would respond to being kissed senseless-her meek voice whimpering, wobbling lips, fluttering eyelashes, and her jaw falling slack with surrender.
She can sense something of a kindred spirit in Amiya; maybe it's the doe-eyed look of someone in over their head? Maybe it's the overly-serious downturned curve of her mouth?
Things that actually, aren't very alike to Gravel right now at all. Not anymore. Not for a long time now.
"I mentioned before, right? It's just a little hello. Your mouth might stick like that if you keep frowning so."
"Um. I...understand that it might be something that comes very easily to you. I truly do not wish to offend, but, I..." Amiya's throat bobs subtly as she swallows hard, and Gravel can already sense the rejection poised on her lips, "...that sort of expression, might be easy to misunderstand, and-"
"Hehe. I won't lead you astray. I promise."
"A-Ah, no, I didn't doubt you like that...! But all the same...I can't allow others to get the wrong idea. It would put our company in something of a tight spot-"
"So all that's keeping you from letting me kiss you is the idea that others might get, then?" Gravel's smile widened, coy, "I daresay that's even better than I had hoped to get with you, Miss Leader."
Amiya's face ignited bright red, from the bottom of her neck to the tips of her ears. Gravel giggled and placed a chaste peck on her forehead.
"...Hehe, poor thing. You're just too much fun to tease, you know? Here-this might be a little more your speed. Come here."
Gravel pulled her into an embrace, warm, but with the heated atmosphere from before dampened just enough to let her new charge relax into the hug.
"I won't cause you any trouble. I promised, didn't I? I'll take good care of you and your Doctor, and if you have second thoughts about anything...that door isn't closed."
"I'm...sorry, Miss Gravel." Her voice is small but resolute against her shoulder, "But, I think it...should be."
"Hmm. Then you can open it whenever you want."
"...I...will be leaving it that way."
Gravel is not often taken aback, but here she hears such a sense of finality in Amiya's tone that it neuters her carefree buoyancy instantly.
It's been a while since she's felt ashamed. Is that what this is?
Perhaps the world is playing some cruel cosmic prank on her after all. Because now, faced with Amiya's resolute surety to her responsibilities, she can only regard her so much more fondly than she'd ever thought possible.
She won't be the one Amiya confides in. She won't be the one she bares her burdens to. The door is closed and Amiya will hold the handle tight.
Just as unease begins to prick at her heart, Amiya's arms fold around her, returning the embrace.
Almost like she knew just how she was feeling.
"Thank you for looking out for us. Even...if I can't..."
Oh, this is miserable.
"Shhh. I can handle myself. Let me save a little face. My blades are with you regardless. When you're in danger, just call my name-"
They pull back from the embrace.
"-and I'll make sure your kisses are in more conventionally-appropriate places. Like this."
Gravel gives Amiya time to move away-she does not-and presses her lips against her forehead.
"Th-Thank you-" Amiya stammers, "-Miss Gravel."
"...Call me Senomy."
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lovebvni · 11 months
hello 🫶🏻 my name is Hannah, hope you’re having a good day. I want to know messages from my spirit guides, like anything they want me to hear rn. it would be much appreciated ❤️‍🩹
Hello, Hannah!!! <3 Such wonderful names u guys have omg!!! I had a friend named Hannah n she was the sweetest!!
Messages From Your Spirit Guides
”Take care of yourself!”
Self care and self love! Take time to do some self care. Talk to yourself through it. Do a hair mask, a face mask, act like you’re the only person in this world. I’m seeing a person relaxing on a yacht. Maybe go to the beach and get some fresh air? Do some tanning! (I don’t know if this applies, because where I live it’s cold as FUCK!!)
“Feel your feelings.”
There’s something you’re not over. Something that you thought you’re over, but you’re not truly and deeply over it. I’m getting a death or a friendship ending. (I’m gonna b so fr, i did look at ur profile n saw the rip and im so sorry for ur loss :( peace to their soul )
My mom is said the funniest thing but for some reason I feel like it applies “are you pushing or pulling? and which are you supposed to be doing?”
Are you pushing the emotions away or pulling them toward you to feel them and get over them?
Melanie Martinez’s song Pluto comes to mind
“I’ll sit with my silence, fix all my conflict, show me the demons I’m hiding.”
Maybe during this spa day, it can also be a day of reflection. Journal, write what you’re feeling. Why you’re feeling. Get deep within and pull out the things that don’t serve you so you can release them easily. Don’t let the tension wrap around you. It’s not a snake, it’s a worm. They aren’t that strong. You just have to stop screaming and being scared to remove it from your body and soul.
I hope this helps u Hannah!!! Ur guides r so sweet, they literally told me not to b too harsh bc ur kinda sensitive <33
they rlly care and they’re always watching over you and with you. turn to them more often, they’re always there. some are even your ancestors.
blessings and prayers, may your heart and soul be blessed. <3
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years
You can use anything to get out of a drug bender.
There just has to be some anchor, some reason to pull yourself back to consciousness.
This time, among other things- I couldn’t remember who had written this song-
We’re watching Scott Pilgrim vs. The World a lot and Adam and I have always had ideas for a Pixies / Arcade Fire style band like early 90’s grungy alt rock
And hearing Sex Bob-Omb gave me ideas and I started a playlist for like- messy songs about being a train wreck.
And I knew there was ONE SONG that PERFECTLY exemplified the genre and I just couldn’t for the life of me remember enough lyrics to google a title.
My spirit guides love shit like this.
Carol: what the fuck was that song about BEING TOO HIGH and you can’t function …. And ur forgetful…. Yaknow where it’s not cute anymore? Um… the fuck was it called … what was I talking about … 😅
Spirit Guide 1: *sips tea* ☕️
Spirit Guide 2: *sigh* 😬
Spirit Guide 3: bless her heart sweet heart. 🙄
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recusantchicky · 1 month
lots of great lore finally happening pulling away from the rancid jar lore. i don't have energy to put together everything i'd need to put together but literally every decent lore vid adds more evidence to my shit and i can't stand it. someone else do this i don't want to have to.
marika is a lie.
The brilliance of Queen Marika's grace blinds even the very best.
Iris of Occultation An iris that is as dark as night. Place on the eye of another to deny them light in all its forms. Can also be used to receive the blessing of an equipped Great Rune, at the cost of all runes currently held. In the realm of shadow, this artifice was employed by the priests of the Erdtree to intensify the fears of their flock to magnificent effect.
Where to find Iris of Occultation in Elden Ring Shadow Keep: This item drops from a second Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit enemy that can be found around this section of the sunken chapel. Fort of Reprimand: This item drops from a Lesser Omenkiller.
occultation 1: the state of being hidden from view or lost to notice 2: the interruption of the light from a celestial body or of the signals from a spacecraft by the intervention of a celestial body especially: an eclipse of a star or planet by the moon
i'm probably going to lose you here if ur here at all but:
Prophet Robe Robe of exiled prophets who foretold misfortune—and were persecuted and driven from their homes as a result. The shackles around the neck warn passersby not to lend an ear to their sermons.
marika's order shows visually who can be listened to or who should be hounded and exiled by draining the color of their eyes, by removing the light from their eyes.
Prophet Blindfold Blindfold of exiled prophets who foretold misfortune—and were persecuted and driven from their homes as a result. Why hesitate, if the path leading to the future is clear? Just close your eyes, and walk.
just stay with me
Navy Hood A hooded cloak of deep navy. Worn by expatriated royalty. Increases mind. Such cloaks were gifted to those who departed on missions to faraway lands, from which they would never return. But what choice did they have, having seen the guidance of grace?
Blue Festive Hood Hood worn by dancers at the festivities in Dominula, the village of windmills. Use of this hood, dyed in a stunning blue, is only permitted for the young maids who play the central role in the festival.
have mercy for those cannibals you already killed u pos
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gold eyes = free pass in lands between. there's no godskins in the shadow realm. because they got evac'd. because they're mrks gurls.
festive grease explicitly says dominula is allowed to be like this and they're celebrating marika's life stake covered in flowers and skinning people alive. there's a graveyard for ingredience for festive grease in the shaman village. there's human bones around shaman village.
there's human bones for making festive grease in shaman village.
please please please someone who isn't me figure this out cry
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dmcheatsheet · 4 months
Throne of Bones Lore
(Carriage ride there) "Im delivering some booze to the town of bones. with the minotaurs? big arena?
its ths fans that will be chanting shots-shots-shots before u pass out, theyll be the reason u stand up in the arena when u should stay down. the loose of their attention, the desperation to get it back, thats what sends gladiators back into the arena when the should be resting, that's what kills them."
-The legend (arena founded & 'show' / whitebull)
"You want to know why i fight? u need to know the legand of the first king of bulls. The arena of bone was founded by a tribe who wanted to end deadly conflict between people. they lured, dueled and killed wild bulls, to prove themselves, settle arguments, win lovers. it became a sport and as 'the matador' became the first champion, he was the first true leader of the tribe, they and others settled. The Matador was the founder of this city, he killed a hundred bulls, and grew confident. He faced a rare bull for his hundred and first, an albino, small and weak with horn broken off by 'bumping a wall'... But the white bull won! the matador died, his young son swore revenge. the white bull lived a life of a rich man then, the village kept him for the coming reckoning. but when the young son had reached his eighteenth birthday, dressed in his fathers finery, taller than his father ever was, and with justice carved into his blade, he kissed his lover for the last time and faced the white bull, who himself had grown bigger, stronger, faster and now bared steel horns, silver tipped. The new Matador's flesh was pulled from his bones by those horns, his bones were crushed into the dust by the white bull's hooves, and his blood splattered the face of his pregnant LOVE- AH! (grins) for the next twenty years that bull lived as a king! all bulls in the west descend from him and his thousand females. by the time the third matador rose to the challenge he was an old animal and could barly lift his steel horns. But today his legand is carved on every wall of this town, the 'war upon three generations'. He was my forfather, and i intend to surpass him! I need only kill three, you have a daughter yes? (snorts into a descending laugh)".
"My daughter runs a bar. i thought id hang ur skull there, but im thinking that's cliché and too good for u. but ill turn it around, and upside down, ur skull could be the right shape for a urinal."
"Hmm i can never threaten desecration u see, when im done with a matador, and my hooves have ground their body into the dirt, there's just nothing left"
The village expanded to a full town in the last 100 years. Ounce the arenas were introduced. The last hundred years have seen 20 kings of the throne of bones, most minotaur's.
50 years ago a ruler conquered the Thrown of Horns over an argument with their name, and ever since the satyrs have lived in the town, generally enjoying the settled life, espetially the alchohol, having established the famous 'bar at the end of your life' which is satyr owned and run, independant and cherished. There have been satyr kings of the town, such as the one who discovered the silver dragon posing as a mortal gladiator, (see silver dragon) he rallied the town's champions against it, and drove the monster out!
10 years ago the 'Ivory Throne', a mobile 'litter' used by the mammoth matriarch had been driven from the city of Ice after being unwillingly teleported there. The great mother died without passing on her spirit and the next leader was her young son, who claimed her blessing and convinced the tribe to try and conqure land in this new region. The Throne of Bones was called upon by smaller tribes to end the mammoths brutal conquest, and they soundly defeated them after 4 tough battles accross the mountains. These locations are known as the elephant graveyards (see the Throne Of Ivory). The mammoths and their elephant-like children are a diverse group in terms of philosophy. they have to be treasted like individuals in everything, unlike the Minotaurs and Satyrs for whom u can make cultural assumptions. Some seek to join the welcoming town as just another tribe. Others want nothing more than to kill the current king, take the ivory palanquin from off his throne of bones, and lead their people back to the harsh north which forged the culture they are now loosing.
The current King:
The Black-Bull, Tusk-breaker, Prince slayer(-of ivory), Mammoth capped (skinned him), revenant killer (each day rekills this one revenant/loser, in the arena), Wyvern Eater (yep, he did), mage-slayer (attempted mind control), shark-lover (fun fact, sharks have TWO penises, it was a fun fact for him. Now thats a king), bone-blade (his ass-bone blade (wyvern) breaks bones on contact / he uses a blossom fighting style that only a trained blossom could predict and counter.) has ruled for ten years. He will still accept a kingship dual to the death with any champion of 100 arena matches (with the last ten in a row) but the custom hasn't happened in five years since a minotaur woman has been going after and breaking anyone's streak of 10 wins, if they get to the nineties. He is an older man, 45 now, and has built up this mystique about his strange fighting style that people barley remember and has been so embellished in the stories. He has been perfect at bringing individual loxodon into the fold, and tking the wind out of the sails of their sepratist factions. He has recently taxed the Satyrs' bar, which has started a smuggling ring for alchohol outside the town. he personally lead a punitive expedition against a centaur clan 8 years ago. He reinforced the ban on magic to the whole town (beyonf the arena) after a mage tried to seduce him and mind control him, big rivalry with ard-carman over this (gaurds will look the other way IF a crowd is witnessing the magic, and its not showing off 'magicness' specifically, eg. anything ur hiding = bad, magic tricks for people = bad. but healing and smaller crafting done casually and openly, will be overlooked.).He banned death knights and felknights until the recent Skeleton heckler and devil fox thief.
(unblooded) 'tourist' /derogatory
haven't defeated ten in an arena, treated as a childlike fan.
treated like a child/ fan boy, a tourist/ derogatory
no one will recognise u, most will forget you
(blooded) contender
defeated ten other fighters in arena fights.
treated as an adult, only higher ranks will act tough and mock
people who u fought and talked too for a while, will remember u
these fighters are desperate to get their numbers up, keep gaining fans quickly and loosing it all immediate. they reek of desperation and crave acknowledgement.
(master) gladiator
defeated forty other fighters, in recognized arenas.
known by any knowledgeable fans and fighters would know u
these guys are used to it, more business minded, less anxious and possessive, if they weren't, then they would have been broken before reaching this rank. the masters look at each fight as a buisness deal, they have a team and manager or are their own manager and have a steady core fan base, who are their for their character and broader story not just the immediate gratification of wins, like with a 'blodded's fickle fanbase.
Princes Olympian / celebrity everywhere
defeated 70 gladiators.
known by all fans of the sport and fighters in any region
They have a steady and large fan base, with an organization, efficient team/ party, and a large villa in whatever arena they work at.
gladiator kings, defeated 100 others, can claim or start arenas
known by anyone with basic history, and their famous wins
these are the leaders of villages if they wanted, heroes of renown worldwide. instant nobility anywhere if they cared to settle. The leaders of the Thorne of Bones, and the City of Flesh, and any arena in a city.
absorbed Throne of Ivory (see City of Ice Lore and Northern Wastes tribes)
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cosmicmermaidwitch · 10 months
Hi ! Hru ? I'm here for a free reading ♡ btw ur pacs are very great and I can resonate myself with it truly not lying shinee 💖 💗 ✨️
My initial-y.s
My question- what will be the personality of my fs ?
Thanku so much I will definitely give a feedback after the reading! Much love ❤️
cards pulled: ace of wands, the hierophant, six of coins, ten of swords, three of wands, ten of coins, four of cups, king of wands + 8 oracle cards
hey love, thanks for the kind feedback ! im back with your reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. your fs is someone very introspective, they're often times in their head when things get bad or when a decision needs to be made. on the other hand, they're someone with lots of faith and courage not only in themselves but also in you. they will try to protect this relationship from harm, this will be done very secretively though. their spirit animal might be a lion, which stands for courage and power which I see a lot in their personality too. they're someone who will heal and bless the world with their kindness, having have gone through some hardship in the past themselves they often do this to heal inner wounds too. their goal in life is to have a legacy, something that represents the hard work and how proud they are to be alive and strong. family and tradition is important to them, they will want to build their own as well eventually. that of course doesn't have to mean kids, but it could be an indicator. they will respect your wishes and will put your needs first, so dont be scared of that if your future plans might look differently. ❣️
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mono-red-menace · 1 year
fr tho for the hexblade paladin thing, using conquering presence on a bunch of chumps to prevent them from moving closer and such, alongside armour of hexes to give their already disadvantaged attacks an additional 50% chance to miss is a really strong combo. and using that alongside things like choke points and with things like polearm master is really powerful.
another big one is hexblade's curse and divine smite, all you need is some way to gain advantage and you're a melee character the highest damaging attacks, multiple of them, a crit chance of like 20% for each attack (if you have advantage), and the ability to smite multiple times per turn, which is great if you crit twice. gonna be real, expanding crit range on characters like rogues and paladins and blade warlocks can be really dangerous bc of how high damage they can make their attacks on crit, but for rogues and warlocks their burst is only once per turn, so they're balanced by that fact, and rogue is balanced further that it's only the first attack that hits, and only under certain conditions.
but these combos wouldn't be as dangerous if like.
1. smite was limited to once per turn.
2. a lot of the advantage / disadvantage modifiers were changed to be flat modifiers, or (this is a v unpopular opinion) crit confirms were added back.
the big saving grace of the armour of hexes + frighten combo is you get it starting at at minimum 10th level as a pure warlock, and on top of that, it's a little harder to pull of consistently (due to concentration and low spell slots, but even then, war caster and medium armour p much trivialise one of those) before u get ur conquering presence at minimum level 13, which is a 1/sr aoe frighten without concentration. it's extremely powerful, but it is a later level feature, so it's not so bad.
but the overwhelming damage of paladin smites and the fact they're not once per turn leads to plenty of op multiclasses, like picking up barbarian to reckless attack, or picking up samurai fighter for fighting spirit AND action surge, all of these can also be combined with things like champion fighter (for 19-20 crits and action surge) or hexblade (for 19-20 crit and short rest spell slots)
as someone who is currently playing a UA Heroism paladin (crits on 19-20 for 1 minute 1/sr, i picked it up bc it was like, the only oath i felt matched her personality semi-closely) i already am extremely powerful, and if i pick up samurai next level, i will be far too powerful, so i'm literally just thinking of changing characters.
anyways one d&d should pull back on the adv/disadv bc of the many combos which exploit the mechanic, and should pull back on stacking roll bonuses bc of the many combos which exploit the mechanic. also these two facts stack together making a lot of player combats literally. you have a 5% chance to miss because of bless and bardic inspiration and advantage, and 95% to hit, and 19% of that 95% is your crit range, and your crits deal like 12d8+3/4/5 damage. and you can do this multiple times per turn. and you might have polearm master + sentinel which means plenty of enemies can't damage you, not to mention them all having disadvantage on attacks and being unable to close the gap bc of frighten. and also you might pick up great weapon master bc you already are p much guaranteed to hit, so why not deal an extra 10 damage 3 times per turn.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
lavender latte: v
(T (for now!))
hawks | takami keigo x reader
chapter 1   ||   chapter 2  ||   chapter 3   ||  chapter 4   ||  chapter 6  || 
word count: ~4k
coming to terms now, are we?
warnings: descriptions of medical settings, discussion of surgery and injury but nothing graphic, god fluff, nasty big fluff
wow. halfway through y’all. thank you to each and every ONE of you who have given this story a chance. enjoy some fluff and get ready for next week 👀 once again, beta-ed by the wuv @keiqos !!
Exhaustion had long since clawed a hole in your skull. 
It was one of the many forms of malefactum that came from your fucking quirk, damn it to hell. The days following any sort of intense overstimulation episode of yours were always hellish. Constant fatigue, burning migraines, dry eyes, and confusion always waited for you by the time you rolled out whatever pushed you over the edge.
The villain attack was probably the worst episode you’d had, ever. 
The entire trip to the hospital had been sort of a nightmare. There were so many people that needed treatment after the attack, so many of them worse off than yourself. You were lucky enough to get into a dark hospital room fairly quickly, allowing some of your symptoms to dull. 
You were just coherent and aware enough to deal with everyone you needed to, paperwork and legalities of your visit sorted. You even managed to send a few texts to your parents and work groupchat to confirm that you were safe. 
After a myriad of late-night tests and exams, it was confirmed that the next morning, you’d have a procedure to mend your leg.
Fixing the internal damage to your leg caused by the tearing of the glass was a fairly quick affair, according to your kind-smiled surgeon.
“I know it seemed abrupt, to do it so quickly,” The surgeon stuffed her hands in the pocket of her scrubs. “But, we’ve flown in extra medical personnel to help deal with injuries from the attack and well, you’re an easy fix.”
You smiled, the best you could, groggy with the anesthetic, “I’m glad it isn’t too bad.”
“Nope! Not at all,” She laughed, far too pleasant for all the chaos just outside your dimly lit hospital room. “We’ll keep you here tonight, and you should be able to go home tomorrow afternoon. You’ll need to keep weight off of that leg for about three weeks. We’ll have a follow-up appointment then, and make sure you’re healing alright. Sound good?”
You nodded, some tension releasing from your chest.
The procedure left you with a heavy plastic boot, clasped up to your knee. Not to mention your body ached with fatigue. 
Most of the rest of that day was spent spinning in and out of sleep, only waking for basic checks and a delivery of flowers you received from the teashop’s owners complete with a passive-aggressive reminder that ‘this had nothing to do with us, you can’t sue <3.’
 Your constant company was Hawks’s scarlet feather. As you moved through the bends of your quirk and post-surgical recovery, you held onto it like a lifeline. With each stroke of the soft filaments, your heart rate monitor would beep slower and slower towards a relaxed rhythm. 
It made you think of him, and how he felt with your quirk activated. 
Despite how shitty the circumstances were, really feeling Keigo with your quirk was heavenly. Feeling him in general, physically was a fucking blessing. You spent a lot of time that night and first day at the hospital fantasizing about how the beat of his heart felt like amber drops on your tongue and orange-bound warmth in your chest.
You wanted more of it.
 Keigo stayed around to help deal with the mess, for once in his career. It was weird for him to spend the following day after the attack helping out on the scene. It was even weirder for the other Pros around that were aware of his reputation of simply not doing that.
It was out of character for him.
But, then again, Keigo hadn’t ever spent as much time at someplace he enjoyed like the teashop. Hell, the whole street. He’d patrolled plenty of areas for long stretches of time, but he’d never grown attached.
You were, obviously, a big part of that.
Seeing you hurt left him frazzled and fucked, and staying behind to help pick up the mess and provide aid made him feel a hell of a lot better. Sure, it was different, having local Pros look to him for guidance when he had to purely rely on his training from the Commission as opposed to his professional experience. He did well, he knew, especially based on the way the scene calmed even when he simply flew around.
Keigo had the power to bring people ease, even if he struggled with it himself. 
The idea made him think back to you, undoubtedly still in pain, but more than likely entirely fine. He ignored the urge to text you anxiously as he was still parsing over the very sweet interaction the two of you had, even if it was in such a bad circumstance. 
Your sweetness at the end was his constant reminder that you would be okay. 
The implication and Keigo’s knowledge post- ‘the miel incident,’ as he was calling it, was obvious, and god, he wanted to fucking drown in it. The thought of having you so close that he could hear your heartbeat and feel the drum of your voice against your chest made him weak. 
He was so fucking weak for you.
It was distracting, as it always was. It seemed fairly unavoidable especially as anxiety chewed at him. The one thing that lulled him was the far off feeling of the feather he had tucked in your hand. It had to be close to you still, the beat of your heart sending him shudders if he focused on it hard enough.
It became too much, thinking of you.
As his feathers swept piles of rubble, he pulled out his phone, the sun beginning to sink in the evening sky. 
 You had spent most of your recovery time in and out of consciousness, enjoying the time to rest and sleep. 
A short buzz from your phone forced you into a half-wakeful state. You reached to the table next to the hospital bed, grappling for your phone.
 [birdboy]: hey r u alive, 
[birdboy]: how r u feeling
[birdboy]: speak 2 me
 You cracked a sleepy smile. 
 [you]: alive, tired, surgery-ied. 
 You took a quick snap of your booted, propped up foot.
 [you]: getting discharged tomorrow babyyyy
[birdboy]: oh fuck what happened?
[birdboy]: u sure ur good
 The feather against your collarbone twitched, filaments waving. You thought little of it.
 [you]: i tore some shit in my leg
[you]: and yes, just tired as fuck and want to be home
[you]: hospitals SUCK
[birdboy]: true, true
[birdboy]: would u... 
[birdboy]: like a visit perhaps?
[you]: u sure??
[you]: i know ur busy and i dont wanna use up ur freetime
 There was a pause in Keigo’s nearly instant responses.
 [birdboy]: dove.
 Your breath stuttered in your chest. That was newer; you only remembered it vaguely from the . It felt far more intimate than just ‘angel,’ and it made you shiver as you read it.
 [birdboy]: busy schedule??
[birdboy]: i’ll make the time angel
[birdboy]: i’d love to come visit u
 You couldn’t help the smitten expression that burst across your face.
 [you]: and i’d love to see you
 You wished you could’ve continued the conversation, but your night nurse knocked to offer you pain medication and sedatives and you couldn’t say no to more rest. Your mind and body needed it. 
As quickly as it was administered, you were out again. 
 You were exhausted. Still. 
When you heard voices just outside of your door, you couldn’t help cracking open your dry eyes. It seemed far too early for them to collect your vitals. The room was still dark, large windows only showing a trace of the dawn’s light stretching from the east.
Your sleep-addled mind stretched to listen:
“Thank you so much for the autograph! My son is such a huge fan of yours.”
“Oh, really! Tell him I say hi! I really adore my fans.”
“Is she a fan?”
“Sort of, more of a friend of mine.”
 He... said it again.
 A shaft of light sprayed into the room, your quirk firing at the sudden intrusion. You groan, pawing at your eye with your fist, the feather held between your fingers blocking some of the light.
Even with your diminished vision and tired mind, you still caught it when he laughed at your reaction, stepping into the room.
Honey, softness, cream and heat that made your chest thrum like embers.
“H-Hawks?” Your voice was still itchy with sleep. 
“That’s me.” His laugh rolled over you as your quirk receded, palms thrumming with the silkenness of his voice, “It’s good to see you, dove.”
“S’nice to see you too,” Your chest thrummed with his words and you couldn’t restrain the smile that spread across your face, “‘Ya know, you woke me up, just now.”
Hawks gave you a little chuckle, moseying his way to a chair nearby the bed and window, “Sorry about that. I had to sneak in here before official visiting hours so I didn’t cause a ‘scene’.”
You snorted. 
“You, causing a scene?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him, “Hawks? Never. Not once.”
He stifled a laugh, dragging the thinly-padded chair closer to the bed and leaning back into it, “Glad to see you’re in good spirits, considering you’re still here and all.”
“From what I can tell, it could be a lot worse, especially compared to other people that were there,” The end of your sentence turned sullen, your expression darkening. 
Hawks let out a little sigh, “It wasn’t pretty, that’s for sure. But, you’re safe, and most folks are safe. Bright side.”
“Bright side.” You repeated, softer, looking up from the plain sheets to meet his gaze. 
You took him in, quickly. 
He looked a bit worse for wear, the exhaustion from the days before still visible on his features. The dark circles under his eyes almost looked worse, perhaps uncovered and deeper since the attack. His wings weren’t even visible from your angle, plucked too short and sparse to be of much use. 
But, Hawks was, undoubtedly, still stunning. 
It was almost distracting, how unavoidable mentally eating him up was. You’d felt what he was like during the attack and that had apparently broken some mental dam for you. Holding back just how much you liked him seemed futile, at least mentally. 
You would let yourself be honest, at least with yourself, as a treat. 
What probably also pushed you over the edge was the fact that he wasn’t in his hero uniform, for once. You’d only ever seen him in his tan and black get up before. Seeing him casually dressed was shocking and very hot.
Hawks wore a simple black long sleeve with a long, wool jacket over it, black jeans, nothing seemingly extravagant except for the nicer looking chunky sneakers he wore and the fat gold watch on his wrist. It was all designer, knowing his paycheck. Without all of his normal regalia, you could better see that his pierced ears carried some light yellow stones that played off his eyes.
His feathery golden waves were messy, falling over his forehead and temples. The curves and angles of his jaw looked accented by the rising dawn light that was just beginning to filter into the room. There was the smallest quirk in his plump lips, but it hardly detracted from how stunning he was. 
He was remarkably gorgeous, naturally, and you let yourself think about it freely.
 Keigo felt a bit bad, seeing you in your state. 
He tried to be subtle, looking you up and down, heart-thumping his chest as the feather in your hand-picked up your own pulse. It had sped up when he entered the room, even more so when you started to beam at him despite your state.
You looked like a bit of a mess, and with anyone else, Keigo might’ve indulged himself in being a little bit of sarcastic shit about it, but he didn’t with you. It didn’t seem right. 
Your booted foot was propped up, a hospital gown askew over your collarbones under some thin blankets you were nested underneath. Your dark circles could’ve been worse, but your eyes were shining and alert, all directed on him it made him ache all over in the best way.
 The feather twitched in your hand, your gaze darting to it. Heat spread across your cheeks. 
“Oh, uh, shit,” You stretched your arm to pass the feather back to him. “Here’s this back. Sorry, I’ve kinda been holding on to it... a lot.”
“It’s alright, that’s why I gave it to you,” Hawks assured you, the feather whisking from your hand on its own and back to the downy stubs that Hawks had left. “Just a little reminder that good ol’ Number Two is looking out for you.”
You hardly needed a reminder. Thoughts of Hawks had been filling your head since it had stopped from swirling from your quirk. The thought of him leaving a bit of him with you only warmed your insides. 
“How could I ever forget?” You leaned back into your pillows, releasing a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. “Thank you, Hawks.”
Hawks blinked at you, reaching down to rustle something down by his feet, “For?”
“You know, saving my ass.”
“That’s my job, angel.”
“Still. You thank me every time I make you your drinks, right?” You shrugged at his wide-eyed expression. “Same principle. Except, your life isn’t on the line when I make you lattes.”
“Oh, angel,” Hawks drawled and deflected. “That is a false statement. I rely on those. They’re my lifeblood.”
A little realization dawned on you.
You gave him a sad little smile, rubbing your own knuckles for some semblance of comfort, “It’s gonna be a while until I can provide anything life-giving, then.”
The teashop was destroyed and who knew how long I’d be until they reopened. Not to mention that your leg was post opt and you couldn’t exactly work on it. 
Practicality aside, what saddened you most was that Hawks didn’t have much of a reason to see you without the shop. 
As much as you had feared it at the beginning of your friendship, you had gotten comfortable with Hawks’s presence in the shop and in your life. 
Too comfortable, and now it was biting you in the ass.
Thorns stabbed in your chest.
 Keigo noticed your slow-falling expression and frowned, “What’s on your mind?”
 “It’s nothing, just, uh...” You shook your head, blinking up at him,
Your voice cut off as your gaze refused to settle on him, Keigo clearly seeing your discomfort. 
“Without the teashop, you know...” Then, with that honesty that scared him, you finally met his eyes, gripping the sheets of your hospital bed, “I’m gonna miss seeing you.”
The principle made Keigo’s mind swirl.
You missing him.
His thoughts slipped back to ‘the miel incident’, and your mutual feelings that you very obviously didn’t fucking know about. If you did, he was sure you’d know that he would be missing you a lot without your normal interactions. 
This certainly wasn’t the setting to tell you, you were still stuck with an IV and probably somewhat traumatized by the event, even if you seemed in good spirits.
But, he could help assuage your fears. Subtly. Let himself use his honed arts to comfort rather than connive. 
“Dove, it’s alright,” He gave the softest smile he could, shreds of real vulnerability in it coaxed out by you without you even being aware of it. “Just because the teashop isn’t around right now doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you.”
The stunned expression on your face would’ve been cute if it didn’t make Keigo’s heart stutter painfully in his chest.
 “You... You do?” Your voice was so soft, you surprised yourself.
Hawks was a busy, busy man. Why the fuck would he bother with you? There was no cute coffee shop aesthetic in your foreseeable future. Maybe some decent drinks, but you wouldn’t be very mobile. You had some supplies and gear to make teas and some drinks at your apartment, but nothing as expansive as was destroyed at the shop. If it was flirty banter keeping him near, there were certainly other people he could go to for some natural chemistry, right?
He doesn’t need you.
Why the fuck would he bother with you, outside of what you could offer him?
“Dove,” Hawks’s voice shook you from your thoughts. “I’m here right now, aren’t I?”
“Uh,” You stuttered, mind catching up to the very obvious conclusion that, yes, Hawks does like having you around. “I guess, yeah.”
He frowned, leaning back in his chair as one of his smaller feathers whisked to your forehead, patting it a few times, “(Y/N), I like spending time with you. I care about you.”
That was a little more vulnerability and truth than either of you expected.
Your eyes darted up to meet his, seeing a hint of unbearable fear before it was wiped away.
 You didn’t know it, but it was just you that pushed that fear off Keigo’s face.
He forced his shaking hands to be still, mouth drying after saying words that he wasn’t sure he was ready to say yet. God, they were true, but were they okay? For him, or you?
And then you gave him the gooiest, biggest smile you’d ever graced him with, “I care about you too, Hawks. Thank you.”
 It made both of your guts turn to mush.
In a stunned moment of silence, both of your breaths stuck in each of your throats. Neither of you could tear your gazes away from each other.
You both tightened your grip on your respective fabrics, your heart rate monitor beeping faster as you swallowed. 
Hawks opened his mouth, inhaling, but he was quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. A head poked in, the same nurse as before.
“Hey, sweetheart, we need to take your vitals quick,” She came in, waving to Hawks gleefully.
Hawks’s softened eyes were gone, you realized. Torn away from the moment and now speaking comfortably with the nurse as she checked what she needed to.
Your hands shook.
 Keigo noticed it, too, his own trembling as well. 
 The idle chat between Hawks and the nurse fell on your ears, though you didn’t process any of it. You were far too busy mentally coming to terms with the fact that Hawks cared about you. And, based on his tone and that familiar (but usually hidden) adoration in his eyes, it was a bit deeper than you expected and knew how to swallow.
You took a slow breath as the nurse left, Hawks waving with a wide smile plastered on his face.
When the door shut once more, there was a lull of silence that settled over the room. More early morning sunlight was beginning to slant into the room, throwing gold over the otherwise drab and lifeless greys and whites of the room.
The intense mood had been thoroughly interrupted by the nurse, but perhaps it was a hidden blessing. 
Both of you were terrified, but so deeply yearning. You both were a bit too raw. 
Maybe it would be better to let the fear fade, just a bit more. 
 “Oh, shit, I nearly forgot,” Hawks reached down next to him, pulling out a bag you hadn’t realized he had brought him. He set it on the edge of the bed. “I got you something.”
“Hawks.” You groaned, shaking your head and running your hands down your face. “You need to stop being so nice.”
“Can’t do that, (Y/N). I’ll be as nice as I want,” You could see that his grin was shit-eating through the space between your fingers. “Besides, you haven’t even looked at it yet.”
You took the bag into your lap, noticing the ruffles of tissue paper that puffed from the top. 
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” You told him, albeit still pulling the paper from the top to reveal a small, wrapped, fluffy object.
Hawks hummed, leaning forward to set his elbows on his knees, “You’re right. I didn’t have to. But, I wanted to.”
As carefully as you could, somewhat suspicious, you peeled back to the paper. 
Your eyes widened.
It was a plushie, round and soft with a filling that made it feel like a marshmallow in your arms. The design was familiar, a character from one of your favorite cartoons, but you’d never talked about it with Hawks.
“I figured you could use a little pick me up after all this,” Hawks tilted his head and winked. “Did I get the character right?”
Your mouth fell open, blinking, “How did you... know? That I liked this one?” 
“The little pins on your apron,” Hawks tapped his chest. “I figured you must be pretty fond of this one, since you had a couple of buttons for them, right?”
You wanted to give you a coherent, thankful statement to Hawks. Really, you did. Instead, you stared down at the doughy, round-eyed plushie. Maybe a few overwhelmed tears gathered in your eyes, which you promptly sucked down and shook your head.
“Thank you, really,” You rubbed at your eyes with the back of your hand. “But, fuck, Hawks—��
 For a moment, Keigo thought you were upset with him. Based on the slight contorting of your face, and the wetness in your eyes, his heart seized up. His fingers twitched from where they cupped his chin, wanting to shoot out and comfort you somehow. 
However, Keigo stayed put as you turned back towards him, plushie carefully gathered in your arms and hugged snugly and perfectly to your chest.
“You gotta stop being so fucking nice,” You sighed, pressing your face into the soft fabric of the gift. Your words were muffled, but Keigo heard each one perfectly. “I’m gonna start getting ideas, you know.”
Sure, Keigo could’ve pushed some of your buttons and fluffed himself up for some fun, flirty banter that would be undoubtedly lovely, but it wasn’t the time. You’d had a very long and tiring few days, and Keigo could see and imagine that you were in all sorts of disrepair.
Keigo stood slowly, moving just next to your bed where you turned your head upwards to look at him. Carefully, he placed a worn hand on your shoulder, feeling the small bit of bare skin exposed by the thin gown.
“Don’t worry about that right now, dove, okay?” Keigo let his voice go soft, quiet, and gentle as he could make it. Without thinking, he squeezed your shoulder, rubbing his thumb just under your collarbone.
It was too much, maybe. But neither of you would complain.
Keigo could see and feel the way you relaxed, eyes going half-lidded and leaning into his touch, even putting the slightest amount of your weight into it. 
It was probably the most precious and sweet gesture he’d ever experienced. 
He made it his goal to make more like it. 
(Anything to see you so instantly mushy.)
 “I saw a coffee machine when I was coming in,” Hawks voice was a hum, hand on your shoulder not moving. You didn’t want it to. The heat pressing against your skin made you melt. “Want me to grab us some? I know I need it.”
You managed to giggle, craning your neck to fully look up at Hawks. You swore you could see the slightest quiver in his bottom lip.
“I’d love some.”
“You sure you can stomach shitty coffee?” The thumb rubbed over your collarbone, Keigo’s pretty eyes searching your face, portraying far more than your words. “That’s my territory, angel.”
“I guess I’ll stoop to your taste,” You gave him a smirk like sweet lightning and tentatively, carefully, reached your hand up to wrap around his own, squeezing. “I take my coffee black.”
taglist: @thepandapopo @sinclairsamess
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: Are you still into krbk? I noticed you haven't draw them a lot recently (I don't mean to pressure you, I was just wondering)
I still very much am!!! but a convergence of unrelated happenings (my focus being unusually scattered, lack of general motivation, them not having interacted much in the manga lately, my having pulled out of the fandom a little for a bunch of reasons, having gotten into a lot of new things I want to make a lot of stuff for ??) had my output of stuff for them/inspiration related to them die down a lot ): I miss them though, I should fill a page with doodles of them one of these days... well, I haven’t drawn much in genereal lately, so maybe let’s start first with fixing that haha
Anon said: Fun Fact : In smash bros ultimate there are spirits with octopath traveler and they're in pairs and guess what ? Alfyn and Therion are together :3
I KNOW!!!!!! It makes me so emo I’m a bundle of feelings they’re soulmates I tell youuuuuuuuuuu ;;A;; (little inconsequential things making me a mess, what’s new xD) - another fun fact is that h’aanit and ophilia share one too!! and I ship them too!! and cyrus and tressa share one as well, and they’re my brother’s mains in his save! A series of delightful little coincidences haha
Anon said: Will you be drawing more Jujutsu Kaisen? I love your art sm and I would love to see more!!!!
Right now I feel like I want to spend the next ten years drawing these kids, so I sure hope so! But as I said my focus has been very scattered for the past three or so months, so I can’t promise anything ): let’s both enjoy it while it lasts haha
Anon said: You are my emotional support artist. I check back every once and a while and BOOM. Serotonin.
You’re too kind!!!! But thank you, I’m glad I can make you feel better! :D
Anon said: i'm super new to your art (and mha) and i just wanted to say your krbk stuff is just !!!!!!! it makes me so happy and makes my poor jaded heart feel something and it's just all around incredible!!!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like my way of portraying the kids!!!!
Anon said: I’m about to cry I’ve spent an hour looking though your bnha tag for that lil comic where Kiri hugs Baku and. It. Sent. Me. Back. To. The. Top. I didn’t even get to finish reading it. I’m so upset. So. So. So. Upset.
(samesame) Anon said: I. Found the hug thing. On Pinterest. In. Five. Seconds. I hate life but also it was really cute. Thank you but seriously I hate this website
The saga hahaha sorry anon I couldn’t get to you before you went out of your mind trying to find it, I got the asks in the middle of the night! Glad you could find it, though I’m kinda sad you had to look on pinterest for it (...sad it is on pinterest at all tbh) here it is anyway, if this is the one you were talking about! you really went back in the years for this one huh
Anon said: So for that thing that you made a w h i l e ago where Bakugou ruffles Kirishima’s hair, right? So I imagine Kiri is like w h a t and calls over Mina or Denki or Sero or all of them or something like that and tells them and is freaking out and they’re like “he wasn’t in the right mindset, you know he sleeps at 8:32” and make a joke out of it as Kiri is freaking out. And Kiri is freaking out soooo much as they are crying laughing on the floor at Bakugou’s sleeping schedule.
hahaha I’m sure he must have freaked out on them at some point after that, and bakugou must have done the same (probably with jirou, less likely but more hilarious with todoroki or tokoyami haha) - though, the original idea came from a bigger one where the scene in the comic didn’t bring them anywhere closer to getting together (or figuring out they’re into each other, for the matter lmao idiots) maybe one day I’ll get back on that >:]
Anon said: In your comments, you said “at this point my hands will never forget” and I had a nozaki-kun memory float into my head, imagining him sick and trying to make his deadline xD yes muscle memory
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anon you have no idea how often I think about that hahaha yes, I say my hands won’t forget but we all know that’s exactly how it’ll end at some point lol
Anon said: dang this happens all the time like I follow someone for their bnha content and then like two months after following them I find out they used to make yowapeda content and im just sitting their like dang thats wild because bnha and yowapeda are like the only two animes I watch
ANON!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always so nice to find other ywpd fans!!!!!!!! Sorry I’m not making art for it anymore (for now) but despite my sister insisting I read the manga already I’ve been putting it off......for years lol but it’s on my reading list!! So maybe I’ll get back on it at some point!
Anon said: FRAN!!!!!! i love ur art so much and im trying to buy ur products on redbubble and i geniunely cant decide what to get!!!!! i tired asking my friend but she doesnt know which one either hahahahhahah ig i just wanted to send this because i really appreciate u and u are very talented. im sending u lots of high vibrations and love❤️🧡
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! It means so much to me that you guys are still buying my stuff (TTATT) I should...........seriously update it..........gomen m(._.)m
Anon said:YES YES YEEES MORE ALFYON ON THE WAYYYYYY 💖💖💖💖💖 They're both the cutest really their ship is the beeest  Try reading some the alfyon fanfics if you have some time, they're really good ! The one i really recommend you is Crismonberries, blackberries by court_court on Ao3 !Your art is the best ever can't wait to see more octopath !!💖💖💖
Anon thank you SO MUCH for suggesting that fic to me I!!!!!!!!!!!! loved it so much I deep-dived into it and spent two straight days reading it it’s such a gem!!!!! ;;; bless you
Anon said: Have you watched Fullmetal Alchemist?
Hell yeah! Only Brotherhood though. I read the manga too tho!!
Anon said: Have you read Noragami? It’s one of my favourite manga, and the anime isn’t half bad either (still waiting for s3 tho lol) anyway it’s really good, concept-wise it’s similar to Soul Eater, I totally recommend
I watched the first season back when it aired! It’s not really my thing though ): feels a bit sad in that very specific way that always ends up just making me miserable as I keep reading............................... sorry
Anon said: I will never not be in love with your art. Everytime I'm feeling down and/or missing the boys I scroll through your krbk tag and it reminds me exactly of why I love them so much and I'm so thankful for that. Your brand of krbks is the one I love the most and honestly thank you so much for all your marvelous art of them and of other things as well because you art is just so pretty and I love seeing your ocs and other fandom art 💕💕💕
Anon I love you......................... ;;;;; thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me (oTT^TT)o<3
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Reunion (Cloud Strife x Reader)
Characters: Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, Tifa Lockhart (feat. Jessie, Biggs, Wedge and others)
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Tags: Reunions, crossdressing, angst with a happy ending
Warnings: Mentions of death, spoilers for Crisis Core
Word Count: 4k words
Requested by anon: could you do a ficlet with a fem! reader for a Platonic!Cloud? my idea is where the reader was in SOLDIER (disguised as a guy) and when Hojo found out they kicked you out (quite violently). You were really close with Cloud and Zack, but once you were gone they thought they killed you. In other words I just want an angsty sweet reunion when he finds you working for avalanche back at the Seventh Heaven. (Points if you’re close with Tifa too). Thank you! I love your work so much! Ur a blessing ♡ 
A/N: I have never beat the original FFVII and I’m not sure what happens in canon with Cloud’s memories, so I took some artistic liberties to write this. Hope you enjoy!! Please please please give this some love, I worked so hard on it!!
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Cloud Strife x Female Reader
[ B/N: Boy Name ]
Many terrors haunted Cloud. There were too many things he had lost, too many people he missed and too many burdens he carried. However, no matter how much he tried to forget them all or how tangled his mind was, one seemed to stand out: you. He had befriended you during his SOLDIER days, an unlikely friend in a strange place.
He vividly remembered you: the way your eyes twinkled when you spotted him, your shy smile and your gentle expression, the playfulness in your voice when you teased him. He thought of you fondly, one of the few things in his past that weren’t tainted by evil. Even then, you had still turned into a bad memory. Your mere existence made him sad because of your early demise. You had only ever been kind and still your fate was cruel and undeserved. Your only crime had been lying, and even that he wouldn’t blame you for. Others, however, found that sin to be unforgivable and punished you for it. With a sentence of death.
“Cloud?” Tifa called his name, bringing him back to reality. “Still with me?”
“Uh… yeah” He straightened up, surprised upon realizing how crestfallen he had made himself with his own thoughts. “Lead the way”
“I’m excited” His friend smiled, leading him to the Seventh Heaven. “We finally get to meet our new member. Everyone has been so secretive about them”
“Why?” Cloud focused on trying to follow the conversation, even if his thoughts pulled him back to the past.
“They’re Avalanche’s secret weapon”
Tifa, not really catching his disinterest, continued talking.
“Apparently they have some serious military training”
Her voice became a dull background noise as his thoughts drifted without remedy. Even if she kept speaking, he had stopped listening.
He had dreamt about you again last night, and his mind betrayed him by dwelling on your memory. Inevitably, he drifted off to past thoughts, to his SOLDIER days when everything seemed exciting. He felt insecure and unworthy, but he was willing to improve. He was prepared to work hard and make his way to 1st Class. Zack was constantly by his side, taking Cloud under his wing. You completed the trio, and he couldn’t help but to think back to when he met you.
A tall boy with dark hair and sky blue eyes stood in the training room, crossing his arms and watching how the new recruits finished their exercise. He noticed how one of them struggled more than the rest and was more than happy to give him a little hand.
“Hey, newbie” He walked over to a specific soldier who just then finished with the squats. “Need some help there?”
You shook your head, completely breathless after the exercise, and leaned back on your butt until you were sitting down. Joining SOLDIER had been your dream for a long time, wanting to become strong enough to be able to help people. You knew it wouldn’t be easy, just didn’t imagine it would be this hard and exhausting.
“Come on” He held his hand out for you to take. “We all need help sometimes”
With a sigh, you took his hand in yours and let him pull you up. Once you were standing on your feet, you leaned your hands on your knees. It was hard to catch your breath. Despite how athletic you were, this was on a whole new level.
When you dared to look up at the boy, you found him showing you a wide friendly grin. Beside him now was a blond guy, with kind blue eyes that went along with his meek expression.
“It’s okay” The blond muttered. “It takes a bit to get used to”
You nodded your head, managing a tired smile in appreciation. The other one observed you in a mixture between amusement and sympathy and patted your back.
“You did well for the first day” He told you. “What’s your name?”
“Uh…. B/N” You carefully watched his reaction, and your heart began racing in anticipation.
“B/N? Nice to meet you” Unaware of your nervousness upon introducing yourself, he offered you his hand. “I’m Zack, this is Cloud”
You shook his hand, and waved with the other one at his blond friend. He timidly reciprocated with a small wave.
“Tell you what, kid” Zack put his arm over your shoulders, and you tensed up. “I’ll keep an eye on you and help you out”
An irrational fear took over you, as it was the first time someone got so close to you. Even if you had managed to push your way into SOLDIER without arising any suspicions over yourself, you were afraid they would know. Your secret was far too important to air it out, and it could get you in trouble. Big trouble.
While you appreciated Zack’s offer, you feared his friendship too much. What if he found out who you really were? How would he react? Would he still be friendly if he knew? Would he give you in to the authorities to have you punished for daring to deceive everyone?
“Don’t overwhelm him….” Cloud bashfully defended you, definitely noticing your awkwardness.
“No worries, Cloudy” Zack brushed it off. “B/N here just needs to get out of his shell”
“We…” The other one added. “We can help you train if you want”
“That would be nice” You replied, purposefully making your voice deeper.
“That’s the spirit!” The dark-haired boy chuckled. “And relax, man, you’re so tense!”
You lowered your shoulders, which were almost up to your ears. Still, even if you were trying to act natural you couldn’t relax, you couldn’t stop being tense. Because what would happen if anyone at SOLDIER realized you were a girl?
You nervously tapped your foot against the ground. Although you had joined Avalanche a bit ago and were starting to get used to it, you still got jittery. Even after the mission was over, the nerves still conquered your stomach.
“I swear, Y/N!” Jessie tugged at your hand, making you look at her instead of that far off point that you were staring at without seeing it. “You’re gonna love him!”
“Am I?” You smiled at her, pretending not to be restless still.
That recent mission reminded you too much of SOLDIER. It was ironic that Shinra, the very thing you once were a part of and now were trying to escape, had become what you were fighting against, confronting it head-on. It seemed to haunt you even as you adamantly tried to bring it down. 
To make matters worse, Barret had announced to the group that they were calling their mercenary contact for the next mission. You hadn’t been with them long enough to have met him, because in those couple of days you had barely even grown accustomed to their company. 
Barret didn’t talk to you more than necessary, even if you could tell he was a big softie, especially when you saw him with his daughter Marlene. Biggs and Wedge had been kind and welcoming while still trying to give you some space. Jessie was the most outspoken, and clearly the one more determined to make you feel at home. It painfully reminded you of someone else whose personality was bubbly and extroverted that you had met in the past.
“For sure!” Her very voice snapped you out of your nervous thoughts again. “Cloud is the best, even if he likes to pretend like he’s a tough guy”
You tried not to wince at the mention of his name. How cruel was it that you ran into someone else called Cloud? A part of you had hoped it was the same Cloud you befriended in SOLDIER, but it just wasn’t possible. He must have become a SOLDIER, 1st Class like he wanted to. Who knew? You might even have fought him with Avalanche without realizing, unaware that his spiky blond hair and kind blue eyes were hidden under one of those helmets.
You shook your head. No. It just so happened that there was another Cloud in Midgard. It was too painful to get your hopes up for a sweet reunion… even if you had daydreamed about it countless times. Cloud and Zack had been so important to you… Fondly looking back at them, you hoped they were doing okay.
Zack’s laughter was contagious, and you couldn’t suppress a smile as you triumphantly stood up and towered over Cloud. Pouting a bit, he averted his gaze and didn’t move from the spot, sitting on the ground and leaning an elbow on his propped up knee.
“And the winner is… B/N!” Zack took your arm and lifted it up. “I knew you had it in you, kid”
Cloud still didn’t speak. His cheeks were a deep shade of pink, and you couldn’t tell if it was because of the squats you had beat him at or because of the embarrassment. Maybe both.
“Okay, Zack” You playfully pushed him off you, moving towards Cloud. “Stop torturing him”
“I’m not torturing anyone, he did great” Zack leaned down to pat his friend’s shoulder. “You just did better”
Even if you wouldn’t admit it out loud, a sense of pride bubbled in your chest. Boys were generally stronger than girls, but you had bested one of them after training hard for weeks on end. Still, you felt bad for Cloud and offered him a hand.
“No hard feelings?”
He smiled at you as you pulled him up, wobbling because of all his weight. Zack chuckled as he put his hands on your back to stabilize you.
“Who would have known a skinny guy like you would become such a good SOLDIER?”
The comment might have offended you when you first met him, but you knew Zack meant it as a compliment. After all, you would never forget the day you first met. You had felt helpless and not capable of making it in SOLDIER. You were shorter and smaller, but you didn’t let that stop you. Now you were stronger and resilient, even more so than some of the boys there.
The three of you gasped, startled, when the door to the training room suddenly swung open. In came Sephiroth, Hojo and Lazard, seemingly very angry and determined.
“No…” You uttered, with a nasty feeling in the pit of your stomach. What if…?
No, you had been very careful. It was impossible. You had disguised yourself to the point that not even Cloud and Zack discovered you despite being so close, despite spending so much time together. You had even found a way to avoid Hojo’s tests, knowing he would discover your identity if you got too close. They had no way of finding out… right?
“That’s her” Sephiroth pointed a finger at you, bearing no expression.
“Her?” Zack repeated, taking a step forward. “What’s going on?”
“B/N is an imposter!” Hojo accused, scowling at you. “She is a woman”
“What?” Your friend shook his head at them. “There must be a misunderstanding”
Terrified of what they might do, you took a few steps back. Cloud stood behind you, and you stepped right into him. His hands protectively fell on the small of your back, and when you looked up you found with his gentle blue eyes. They were so expressive. There was confusion in them, but also alarm and concern and fear all at once.
“Get her” Lazard said, and just then two soldiers appeared from behind him.
“No!” You screamed as they approached you. “Please!”
In your panic, you retreated more into Cloud and pressed yourself against his chest. You felt his fingers hold on to the fabric of your shirt.
“No, don’t touch him!” Zack insisted, helplessly watching as the soldiers reached you. “You’re making a mistake!”
You exclaimed as the soldiers reached you and took ahold of you. Cloud didn’t hesitate to hold on to you, tightly grabbing you by the arms.  The four of you struggled, but the soldiers were stronger.
“Stop that!” Zack begged them still, wincing at the sight of you.
Tears streamed down your face, knowing what awaited you if they took you. Now screaming, you were calling anyone for help. Cloud was your last hope as you tightly clung on to him, but they separated you from him.
“No!” He joined Zack in his attempts. “Stop it!”
“Lazard, please! I’m sure B/N isn’t-“ The brunette’s words were suddenly interrupted.
“Then what’s this?” Hojo showed them a picture, and everyone grew silent.
It was you in the photo, without a doubt. Before you cut your hair, before you hid your breasts and took all necessary precautions to pass as a boy. 
The chaos that had erupted in the room suddenly came to a halt, replaced by a heavy awed atmosphere to replace the previously frantic one.
“What…?” Cloud uttered, watching you in astonishment.
“You’re a girl…” Zack said as well, even though is voice was a mixture of sadness and understanding. 
“Don’t just stand there!” Hojo urged the soldiers, who came back to their senses.
“Take her” Lazard insisted when his subordinates turned to him for confirmation.
Shaking from head to toe, you let yourself be grabbed by them. Your mind was racing, frozen with the reminder of your friends faces. They weren’t angry, they didn’t feel betrayed. They were only surprised. You had been too scared to tell them, but now you realized you could have. How could you have doubted them?
“Wait…” Cloud stuttered as tears reached his eyes. “Wait, don’t… don’t hurt her!”
“Sephiroth…” Zack desperately called. “Sephiroth, do something! Don’t let them take her!”
The 1st Class Soldier didn’t say anything. He only turned around as you were dragged away from your friends. Sephiroth glanced down and faced his back to them.
You tensed up when you heard a cry full of rage, followed by Zack throwing himself to them. Cloud made to move, wanting to support his friend, but he was still too taken aback by the situation to act.
Obeying a gesture from Lazard, two more soldiers entered the room and intercepted Zack. He struggled against them, fighting to return by your side and save you.
“Don’t!” You pleaded, letting yourself use your natural voice for the first time in months. “Don’t do this, Zack”
“I don’t care if you’re a boy or a girl, I won’t let them-”
“Let me go” You shook your head, trying to put an end to his endeavor. “Don’t get hurt because of me”
You quickly glanced at Cloud behind him, noticing how his eyes were drowned in tears. He was still frozen in place, prey of an overwhelming shock and uncertainty. The sight made your own tears overflow, staining the track that the old ones left again.
“Take care…” You whispered to him, trying to memorize his face. A last comfort before you met your end.
Cloud parted his lips, but they only shook as no words left them. A tear rolled down his cheek, and it was too painful to keep looking at him. Glancing at Zack, you realized he was now just as heartbroken. He had given up, understood that it was impossible to fight for you.
Accepting your fate, you began moving. You exited the room and heard the door loudly closing behind you. A ruckus broke out inside it as Zack still fought against them. A second person had joined him in his outrage, and you sobbed knowing it was Cloud.
You walked directly behind Sephiroth, who walked beside Hojo and Lazard. As you were taken with them, Sephiroth’s long silver hair and his broad back was etched in your memory. It would be one of the last things you’d see. Just like the voices of your dear friends would be one of the last things you’d hear as they called out for you, by the fake name they knew you by but still begging for your life.
Even if you trusted them, you had been too afraid to completely expose yourself to them. What would have happened if you did? What would have happened if you told them you were a girl? A part of you had always known the answer: they would have protected you. Zack and Cloud cared about you, not because you were a boy or a girl or anything else… they cared about you because they were your friends... because you were their friend.
You hadn’t trusted them with your secret. You had been too afraid to tell them. And know they would have to live with your death.
Everything seemed oddly silent, as if the usual sounds had dimmed slightly. There was the murmur of voices inside the bar, but no loudness. Cloud’s boots seemed to echo as his feet moved over the wooden steps that led to the entrance. Even Tifa, who seemed so talkative, had grown quiet. Cloud brushed that feeling off, assuming it had more to do with his thoughtful mood. Everything was normal.
When he came in, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Barret played with Marlene, Biggs and Wedge talked and laughed, and Jessie was high-fiving someone she was talking to.
“Hello!” Tifa cheerfully greeted everyone, gathering their attention.
You looked up to find out who that mysterious merc was. The sun behind him shadowed his slim figure as well as the curvier one that accompanied him. Mildly curious, you kept your gaze glued to them as they walked in. Once the door closed behind them, your eyes grew used to the light and you could see them properly.
The woman was slightly familiar, but you didn’t pay mind to her as she walked behind the bar. It was the man who you were more interested in. When you took a good look at him, your heart skipped a beat.
That merc, that man allegedly called Cloud, walked in without noticing you. His eyes had fallen on you, but there was no recognition in them. Barret was telling the newcomer something, but you didn’t hear.
Surely, your mind was playing tricks on you, and that man looked more like Cloud to you than he actually did. Of course, it wasn’t him. It was an amazing coincidence that on top of the name he also had spiky blond hair, but that was the only similitude with your memory of Cloud. This man before you was cold and rough, nothing like the sweet, meek and shy boy you knew. His eyes were also greener than you remembered. Still, the more you stared at him, the more you realized… it was Cloud. Despite the change in his demeanor, in his eyes, in the way he carried himself, in his entire persona... it was Cloud, the one you knew years ago. The one whose face you had tried to memorize as you resigned yourself to your death.
Destiny was capricious. You had survived and you had escaped. He had too. And now you were together again. You both had followed similar paths.
“Y/N?” Biggs called you, gently shaking your shoulder. “You okay?”
“Yeah, you just got very pale” Wedge’s words seemed to alarm the rest as well.
Everyone turned to you, but you only had eyes for one of them. Your feet moved on their own as you approached Cloud with determination.
“What the hell?” He whispered, frowning as you directly went over to him.
“Cloud” You threw your arms around his neck, feeling too happy and relieved to see him to realize his reaction. “It’s so good to see you!”
“What’s going on?” He spoke up, his voice sounded annoyed as his arms lifted a little trying to avoid touching you. “Do I know you?”
“You…” Slowly pulling away, you stared into his eyes. “You don’t recognize me?”
Cloud hesitated, and so did you. His voice was so… deep, so irritated and so harsh. He really felt nothing like the boy you had known. What had happened? He changed so much…
Your vulnerable expression seemed to snap something in him, because his eyes suddenly grew wide. His mouth fell agape, staring at you as though you were a ghost.
“B/N?” He uttered, recognizing your features despite never having seen you as a girl. Except that one time in that picture, when he thought it would be the last. “You’re alive?”
“B/N, is that really you?” The woman who had walked in with him uttered from behind the bar. It finally clicked why she was so familiar. If that was indeed Cloud, that had to be…
“Tifa!” You ran to each other, colliding in a warm hug accompanied by breathless tearful chuckles.
Despite not being close, you had known Tifa through Cloud and Zack. She had always been kind and friendly and you were so glad to see her, comforted by her familiar face and warm demeanor.
“You look good as a girl” She joked, breaking away to take a good look at you.
“Thanks, I-“ You began to say, but were interrupted by a deep voice.
“B/N” Cloud said, staring at you as though you were the only person in the room. Despite the emotion in his eyes, his expression remained neutral. “That’s not your real name, is it?”
“No…” You whispered, suddenly feeling a lump in your throat. “It’s Y/N”
“Y/N…” He repeated, nodding his head in deep thought.
The temperature of the room seemed to fall drastically. Something in his tone was ice cold. The silence was absolute, only interrupted by the noise coming from the windows, a reminder that life went on outside of the bar.
“Um… you’ll explain everything later” Biggs muttered, standing next to the pinball machine. “Seems like you need a moment alone”
“Yup, leave you guys to it!” Jessie awkwardly said, sinking into the secret room. One by one, all of her friends followed until you were alone with Tifa and Cloud.
“We have a lot of catching up to do” Tifa sweetly smiled, returning behind the bar. “I’ll prepare some drinks”
You and Cloud stood before one another. His eyes never once left you, looking you up and down as though trying to make sure that you were actually there, that you were real and not one of his many dreams.
“Well…” You awkwardly said, needing to break that suffocating silence. “Where’s Zack?”
Cloud suddenly grimaced, groaning and clutching his head. Concerned, you were about to lean in and put a hand on his arm, but ultimately decided not to do it. You still weren’t sure he wasn’t mad at you. After all, you kept an important secret from him. You lied to him and pretended to be someone you were not. All of this was something you didn’t know he could forgive and you were too scared that he would push you away.
“B/N… I mean, Y/N?” Tifa called, and so you glanced at her. She only shook her head.
The air suddenly left your lungs as you understood what that somber gesture meant. A sob got caught in your throat at the realization. You had been lucky enough to reunite with Cloud, but you would never be able to see Zack again.
Turning back to the blond, you wondered the impact this had on him. After all, he and Zack had been very close and when you left, believing you were dead…
“Oh!” You gasped when a force suddenly made you stumble.
Confused, you paused to notice Cloud’s arms wrapped around you. They urgently pressed you against his chest. An invisible weight seemed to be lifted off your chest as you accepted and treasured his embrace with a sigh of relief.
“I’m glad you’re okay…” He whispered, and in his voice you recognized that softer tone you had been used to. The old Cloud seemed to be shining through the cracks as the new fake Cloud fell apart.
He was breathing heavily, squeezing you against him so tightly that he was hurting you. In spite of it all, you didn’t have the heart to complain. You almost couldn’t breathe, but it could have been because you were starting to sob.
“You too” You cried against his shoulder, now bawling your eyes out as you clung on to his shirt and he held you still.
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ / @anxiouslyreckless​ / @xionroxas​ / @dancewaterdance02​ / @little-faerie-artist​ / @x-joie-x​ / @honeybunhanbin​ / @legallyblindgamer727​ / @lotsoffandomstoimagine​ / @imaginealllthefandoms​ / @fandomatakeover18​ / @goodmorningawfulbye​ / @trunks-kiwi​ / @lostiintheocean​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, send me an ask!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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chill-zelda-person · 3 years
in ur signing hc i saw that wind is not actually apart of the reincarnation cycle and u said that there was a lot to back this up so i was wondering on what the evidence u have were
Evidence 1: In Wind’s timeline, the Hero of Time was removed from the timeline.
Zelda sends Link into Child Timeline at the end of OoT, after this Wink Waker takes place. In sending Link back to the Child Timeline, Zelda creates a timeline (the Adult Timeline) in which Link, the spirit of courage, does not exist. As evidence to support this, Ganondorf actually returns in between OoT and WW, and as Wind Waker says: “The Hero did not appear.” SINCE WHEN?? Since when did Ganondorf revive/reincarnate without Link reincarnating along side him to combat him? That’s because there is no spirit of courage in the Adult Timeline to reincarnate. (Thanks Zelda)
Evidence 2: Wind’s situation as "Link" is very different.
Like, Link has a sister. Again, SINCE WHEN? Any time Link has any relatives, it’s always either only a grandfather or uncle, always. One older male relative. In Wink Waker his Grandmother and Sister are still present. Also, Link is not trying to save Zelda or even bring peace to the Great Sea. He just wants to rescue his sister. Very peculiar.
Evidence 3: The Master sword is… wonky?
It looks strange to say the least. Go look it up! The end of the handle is very large and there is a strange symbol in the middle.
If that’s not enough for you, this is what the “Master Sword” from WW looks like when Link first draws it from the pedestal.
??? You learn later that it needs to be powered up in order for it to obtain it's darkness repeling power. And how to do you power up your blade? The blessings of two sages. …*ahem* SINCE WHEN?? I know you can to power it up in Breath of the Wild but that's not necessary, doesn’t change what it looks like and doesn't require the prayers of sages! But here’s the real kicker. You wanna know who tells you the Master Sword is powerless? It’s Ganondorf, right? He says: “Go back to the world below, and tell that to the pathetic fools who made this blade!” And um… which group of people made the Master Sword? The Master Sword was forged from the goddess sword which the goddesses created. Now I highly doubt Ganondorf, who has been shown to respect Hyrule’s deities, would call the goddesses pathetic fools. Now these points raise a very plausible idea that this Master Sword could be a new one, a recreation. And that would be why Link is 12 years old when he successfully pulls the sword, not 16, like everyone else.
Evidence 4: He had to find each and every bit of the Triforce of Courage himself.
The Triforce of Courage was split into pieces following Time's departure, and it didn't come to rest in Wind after he did some great feat or when he needed it most. No it didn't recognize him. He had to really prove himself worthy of the relic by finding it by his own hand. ...SINCE WHEN??
I really think this is strong evidence that Wind was not directly a reincarnation of the spirit of the hero. He was just some kid on an island who happened to be named Link.
If you want a video, this guy makes a pretty good and similar case in his video (he's actually the reason I believe this theory!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qco3aBhSaJA
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flowesona · 4 years
foul and fair - yandere! jimin x reader
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happy (late) birthday to my wonderful mutual @jooniescupcakes​! i hope ur day was blessed and i hope you enjoy this :)
Jeering and the feeling of rocks hitting his back were Jimin’s last memories of the village that he’d once called his home. Then, why was someone outside his door?
He’d been called a warlock, a demon and a foul spirit. Every crop he’d attended to wilted and every cattle he touched had collapsed within a matter of days. Girls would hear of these rumours and escalate into claiming he’d bewitched them too. Jimin was only ten at the time, but even his own parents had been sold into the mob mentality and cast him out of their home without a second thought to his wellbeing. The jeers of his former friends, the booming voice of the preacher declaring him to be wicked, the cries on young girls when they so much made eye contact with him - the sounds still rattled in his ears if he let himself gaze upon the town in the distance.
That had been fourteen years ago, and over that time he’d grown used to his own company.
Yet, despite this the woman stood outside his abode with an innocent expression intrigued him. 
Thus he reluctantly opened the door a sliver, half of his face visible.
“Hi! I am new to Royal Gebolwl, my name is (Y/N). It is nice to meet you, what is your name?” She gave him an eager smile, offering him her hand as she spoke a million words at once. Jimin blinked, trying to process it and figure out how to respond when he hadn’t held a conversation in over a decade. 
When he was unable to think of a response, he decided instead to get a proper look at her. Neatly dressed in clothes that seemed to show eloquence but also modesty and clutching a woven basket to her chest.
She caught him staring at the basket intensely and blushed, before dipping her hand inside and pulling out a small paper package.
“I know it is not much, but I wanted to bring you some bread that I baked. I have been working on my recipe so I hope that it tastes nice!” (Y/N) smiled, holding it out to him. His hand snaked out to take the package, their fingers brushing slightly.
The young woman watched him anxiously as he inspected the package with some suspicion.
Finally, when he decided it was safe he finally spoke.
“Thank you.” 
She gave him a gracious nod and turned to walk away, before he spoke again.
“My name is Jimin.” He shut the door immediately afterwards, taking a few seconds to breathe and take in the situation.
“It is nice to meet you.” The words felt strange on his tongue. They lacked the honey-like sweetness of her voice, that was for sure.
The young man sat down at his makeshift kitchen table, unwrapping the brown paper to see a neat brown roll. He tore off a piece and held it to his lips. Paranoia flashed through his body. What if she was sent to kill him? What if the gift she gave him was in fact to euthanize him?
Even so, he put the gift in his mouth and chewed. Instantly he was on the verge of tears. He hadn’t tasted such a delicious treat in years, and suddenly the bread was in his hands and he was eating it as if he was starving.
Once it was all gone, he could only stare at his empty hands and wonder how he’d been so happy with his own company when he was missing out on people like her. And following that realisation, he was more hungry than ever.
Jimin had practiced many times in anticipation for their next meeting. He’d practiced talking in the mirror to rid himself of any hesitation, and even started to grow special, rare flowers in his garden so that he could make her an arrangement. 
The weeks on end without seeing her were starting to wear on him. He’d wondered about wandering into the village to find her, but the thought of her seeing him be shooed away again was enough to stop him dead in his tracks. 
(Y/N) had left him to stew for too long. Almost three weeks after their first meeting did she return, the same woven basket clutched to her chest as if it were glued there.
“Jimin, I do not mean to be an inconvenience but I saw that you have some onions in your garden and was wondering if you could spare a few?”
The young man wasn’t as composed as he’d thought himself to be. The euphoria of (Y/N) remembering his name and showing an interest in his horticultural products made his carefully composed words fall out of his mouth.
“Are you okay?” The young woman was immediately concerned by his pale face and lack of speech. 
“Y-yes. Would you like to come in for some tea?” Jimin managed to choke out, heart pounding.
“Apologises but I am short on time, my daughter is sick and hungry. I need to feed her. Tomorrow, perhaps?” He nodded, heat flushing his face in humiliation as her words set in.
“Wonderful. Help yourself.” He said shortly before closing the door in her face and rushing to his bed. He collapsed immediately, face screwing up in frustration as he lashed out at whatever he could lay his hands on. Chairs were knocked over, bowls clattered to the floor, feathers fluttered out of his pillow.
How could she deceive him like this? Having a child, and most likely a husband? Jimin had been certain they were soulmates, that she’d reserved herself for him this whole time. Yet, here she was talking about her family, prioritising them over Jimin. Couldn’t she see that he’d dedicated all his time to her, but she couldn’t even give him a few minutes?
Enough is enough, he concluded. She couldn’t play with his feelings and drive him insane any longer. If her mind had wandered astray, he would set it back.
Jimin spent most of his time the next day in the chicken coop. They made excellent company: for one, they never judged him for being born wicked. But the added advantage was a near perfect view of the path to his cottage - as soon as she would approach he was ready. 
He waited, and waited. Until it grew late and the sun retired from the sky, Jimin sat outside with his eyes dead set on the path and only his small array of feathery friends for company.
It was only when they too left him that Jimin realised she wasn’t coming.
A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of what was happening to her. What if the villagers that had once persecuted him had now set her as their next target? The idea of (Y/N) being maltreated felt like Jimin’s heart was being ripped out.
Love. That was the word for it. Jimin loves her, to the point of no return, and he was ready to fight for her to be in his arms. He hadn’t experienced the warm touch of another in years, but his yearning for her was much more than that. 
Before he knew it, his feet were carrying him out of the chicken enclosure, into his house to put on a cloak and pack a small satchel and he was journeying far beyond his home before he was even aware of what he was doing.
The fear of being recognised, of being punished for stepping inside the village boundaries as he was forbidden from doing and worst of all being painted as a monster in front of (Y/N) was jarring. But he felt like there was some kind of string pulling him along, as he skulked through the night inspecting each house to deduct which one was hers. 
Suddenly, from inside the house he’d stopped outside of he heard the faint sound of her angelic voice once again. With cautious steps he approached the building it was coming from, glancing in through a small gap in the wall that had not been filled in with stone..
He saw (Y/N) gently stroking the forehead of a young girl who looked almost identical to her mother, save for the stressed lines that creased (Y/N)’s forehead. (Y/N) was singing a sweet lullaby as she comforted her daughter, accompanied by some washed out ghost of a man who seemed to be her husband. The angel pressed a final kiss to her daughter’s forehead before rising from the young girl’s side and nearly collapsing into the man’s arms. Through the thin walls, Jimin could make out a conversation.
“They turned you away?” 
“It’s far too expensive. More than a year’s wages. There’s nothing we can do.”
(Y/N) let out a loud sob.
Jimin’s heart throbbed hearing the beautiful (Y/N)’s wails of anguish, although he didn’t quite know the cause. But he did know that he had to save her from what was making her upset, and fast.
He continued to quietly observe as the family settled themselves down to sleep for the night. The fear was starting to set in that he’d get caught peeking. What if someone recognised him, what if he was publicly humiliated in front of (Y/N), what if she learnt that he did not love as an outcast voluntarily? Jimin could not bear to see hatred in those beautiful eyes, not towards him.
In his satchel, he’d brought a knife. Nestled in with some bread he’d tried to bake. He’d hoped she would enjoy his bread as he did hers, but evidently there was a more pressing issue at hand.
Using his knife, he’d broken open the simple wooden latch on their door and entered. Whilst he’d expected the heavy smell of hops, as many men of the village drank far too much, there was instead the pleasant smell of leftover broth. Whilst Jimin’s stomach was begging him to indulge in some of the homemade food, his heart was begging for some other relief.
When he entered the other room, his heart fell to his shoes. He saw (Y/N) cuddled up to her “husband”, her eyes still sore but her breathing slow and steady. 
Jimin’s stomach churned, thinking about what he was going to do. What if he was caught in the act by (Y/N)?
But he had to do it, to save her and become the man that she needed in her life. The second her husband was gone, she’d turn to cry on his shoulder. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have a companion in his lonely world. She could love him for who he truly was, no matter how freakish, and surely her daughter would be delighted to have a new father?
With one final seed of doubt destroyed Jimin set to work. He gently turned the man on his back, separating his parasitic limbs from (Y/N). And, pressing a hand to his victim’s mouth, Jimin quickly slit his throat.
The man’s eyes shot open as a response to the pain, but all he could do was gargle blood pathetically, his strength being sapped away by the second. And within a minute it was all over. 
He climbed off the dreaded man, not wanting contact with him to last a second longer. His eyes trailed lovingly to see (Y/N), still fast asleep only with a small bit of blood wetting her hair. He longed to take her back with him, but it would not be right. She had to realise herself that Jimin was the man she needed, not some corpse.
Then he saw the child. The poor, wretched child that had been the product of (Y/N)’s mistaken marriage. What was he to do with the child, if it would only remind her of her past pain?
There was only one thing to do. Jimin knelt next to the child, feeling her pulse. It was racing high, and her forehead was drenched in sweat.
The child had done nothing wrong. She deserved mercy, and Jimin felt at peace with himself as he resolved to give it to her. Placing a hand on her chest, muttering an incantation, and watching her quick breaths slow to a stop.
Jimin finally left the house, breathing in the fresh autumn breeze. And finally, for the first time in fourteen years, he smiled.
That afternoon, as he attended to his crops, Jimin spied the sight he’d been dreaming off. (Y/N).
She was clutching a black shawl around herself. As she got closer, he noticed her eyes were bloodshot and her face was caked with mud.
However, she didn’t even spare him a glance. Moreover, she walked straight past him.
“(Y/N)?” He called out, to get no response. Growing more scared, he vaulted over the fence to catch up to her. “(Y/N)?”
“Why do you want to talk to me?” She finally said, her voice hoarse. “I am a monster.”
Jimin didn’t respond. He stood with his mouth open, trying to articulate the words to tell she was wrong, she was an angel!
“You will not ever have to see me again.” She said, turning away. “You do not deserve to be in the presence of a murderer.”
Suddenly it clicked. And suddenly, Jimin felt like they were closer than ever.
“You have been exiled?”
“They say I am a witch. That I killed my husband and cursed my own child! One of the elders took pity but if not for that I would be burnt at the stake!” (Y/N)’s body started to shake.
“You did not do it.” Jimin replied firmly, proud of how his voice didn’t shake as it used to.
“I did not. But they did not believe me. They took my daughter away and I have nothing left in life but the clothes on my body.”
“And me.”
(Y/N) finally looked him in the eye.
“You can stay with me. Outside the village boundaries.” He recited his rehearsed lines, resisting the urge to smile in acknowledgement of (Y/N)’s somber demeanor. They’d believed it all, fell into the trap he’d concocted 
“You are kind Jimin. Alas, that would be too much a burden.” She replied quietly.
“Never. Stay with me, and I will give you your life.” Jimin repeated.
She looked hesitant, but as her need for survival took over her pride she nodded. He held out his hand, which she took in her own blood caked one as he led her back to his dwelling. 
She seemed blissfully unaware of his own status, or perhaps she no longer cared to hold the hand of a freak, an outcast, a foul spirit. But, with the power granted to him, Jimin wouldn’t have it any other way.
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