#i came up w it mostly to make red super sonic real
saviorpilled · 2 years
thinking abt the cyber corruption resolution ideas i have for this rewrite i’m so normla abt this game
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cutegirlmayra · 6 years
Sonamy Week Promo- Theme - Superheroes (August 3rd)
With special permission to promote the upcoming themes, here’s something to inspire you!
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The tingles spread throughout her body.
She stared with sparkling excitement in her eyes up to the screens where the three heroes fought the evil mustached man.
She wondered if they could make it as her fists scrunched together even tighter. Her heart raced with each of their movements, trying to track them on the screen.
“He’s gonna die.”
Amy glared back at a kid the same age as her.
“Nuh-uh!” She cried back, looking to the blue one. She pointed very proudly to her favorite, “Heroes don’t die! Especially not my Sonic!”
“Your Sonic?” The boy looked confused, before mocking her and shaking his head. “Hey guys, get this! This girly has a crush on some loser!”
In that instance, before little Amy could say anything back, a large explosion went off and Amy’s attention was once again glued to the most important thing in her life.
First a red one, then a yellow, each descended from the explosion and looked out towards where they had escaped from…
But where was her hero?
Where was Sonic?
Her feet inched closer towards each other. Her nerves flooded tears to the back of her eyes, ready… just in case the worst was to befall…
“Heh, told ya he was-“
Then Sonic burst through the explosion’s ending flames, and in his arms, was a few flickies he released. Eggman was slung over his shoulder and back, looking like a pouched prize before Sonic dropped him off and let him roll to his back, coughing smoke out for a second.
He dusted his hands off as the flickies rejoiced with thanks and flew off. He waved and looked surprised to see a camera.
Amy waited… she knew what was coming next, and her whole body was ready to cheer.
He curled his lips into an infamous smirk that drew her breath to a mild still.
He threw up his hand into a thumbs up, matching how her fists came up to cover her blushing muzzle.
Then… a sly wink.
The crowd around her burst into cheers, and she herself sounded out the loudest.
“I’m gonna marry you, Sonic!!!” she cried out, jumping for joy and springing her arms up, out and wide.
The boy and his gang of no-do-gooders tsked.
He walked up and put a hand to her shoulder, stopping her cheers. “Marry? Haha! You couldn’t even meet the dude!” he pushed her towards the wall as she stumbled, her feet coming up a bit behind her.
Her hands braced the wall to diffuse the impact, before she turned around with offense in her eyes. There was now a fire from all the energy around her, and her mind wasn’t thinking very kind thoughts…
“What’s your problem!? Jealous?” she turned back around as his friends called out ‘oohs’ and challenged their friend to fight her back.
“What’s to be jealous of? If you do marry him, at least he’s thinning out the ugly runts for us.” He looked back at his friends who laughed or seemed to have to loop the sentence in their minds before getting the joke.
Amy’s face flushed as her once innocent enthusiasm turned into bitter rampage.
Her shoulders hunched up, her teeth bore fierce walls against the growls that were swallowed in her throat.
“What’s that? Can’t take the truth?” The boy turned back, smirking.
His smirk… was nothing like her hero’s.
He was just a stupid kid!
“You’ll never be what Sonic is!” she cried out, letting her chin stick out as she let the full width of her mouth elongate the sentence out. Her body lurched forward and she summoned her hammer. “Just watch! I’ll be a super hero too and make him respect me!”
“You don’t even have our respect!” the boy spat back.
“…I will.”
Her demeanor suddenly became very scary.
She smiled a wicked grin and gripped both hands to her hammer, lowering her eyelids as the boys suddenly hushed up and took a step back.
“W-wh-what’s with this atmosphere… all of a sudden..?”
It was only a matter of seconds.
A few grunts and some hard PIKO hits, and the boys were scurrying out from among the crowd, crying or looking terrified. Some called for mommy and some just stated she was crazy.
It wasn’t long before Amy started her own career of crime fighting…
Not long after getting a reputation, Sonic and the gang arrived to see Eggman trying to recruit young and stupid teens to his causes. Making empty promises that would ensure their swift sign up to slavery—I mean—Employment.
Amy was the first on the scene, taking out his robots, and showing off a great deal of combat strength.
Immediately, the Sonic gang looked to each other, and thought her skills would be an asset to the team.
But Sonic hesitated.
“What do you mean, she’s too aggressive?”
“All I’m saying is we should scout her out. Feel what her motives are. After all, you can’t just sign someone up for the business.” Sonic had recently taken out the rest of Eggman’s forces and driven him off the city, but Tails and Knuckles still wanted to recruit the young hero.
“Hey, if she can deal out her hits as well as she did those robots—” Knuckles unfolded his arms and tried to make a plea in her case, but Sonic continued to relax back on the side of the building they were hanging out on.
“And what? Find out that she can’t hold them back?”
The two suddenly stopped their persistence and looked to one another.
“You want to test her morals?”
“Exactly. You can’t be a hero if you’re just throwing punches without good reason.”
“We mostly fight robots. There’s no need to-“
“There might come a day where there is, Tails.” Sonic got up, cracking his knuckles and smirking. “I’m gonna find out what her motives are. See if she has any class. If I find she’s worth the venture, I’ll offer her a place on the team right on the spot!”
Knuckles smirked, “A friendly test of one’s righteous causes, eh..? I’m in!” he punched his fists together, as Tails twirled his twin namesake’s skyward and looked up.
“She’s mostly known for protecting the weaker guy… If we set something up to test what she’ll do, we’ll have to make sure she can’t recognize it’s a test.” He was very logical in his thinking, but Sonic wasn’t thinking of a set-up…
“Oh no. We’re not playing any of those mind games.”
Tails looked confused, “Then… how do we know if she’s good or not?”
Knuckles looked off towards a pile of robots that scrap-heapers were still trying to clean up.
“I’ve got an epiphany!” he smiled.
The two looked down from the building at the place he was staring at, and both smiled as if getting the same thought.
Amy Rose was a small-town hero waiting for her chance to properly introduce herself to Sonic and his gang.
Mostly Sonic.
She had trained and challenged every mediocre bad guy that came bounding around the corners of her metropolitan home.
They never stood a chance to her Piko Piko Hammer, but the second Eggman showed up, she knew Sonic would be hot on his trails, and had seen him in action for the first time with her own eyes…
Now… she was finally going to impress her hero.
She put her hands together and took a deep breath.
“Okay…” she summoned her hammer.
Amy looked down to see a strangely clothed child rushing away from a robot chasing after him.
“I thought we said no mind games?!” Tails whispered back through his disguise, turning to Knuckles, crammed inside the husk of the robot.
“Shut up and say your line!” he swiped the mangled arm, but it fell off and he freaked out, having his eyes go white with the illusion breaking and quickly pulling it back up before the red of his arm could show through.
Amy, from so far up near an apartment complex’s rows of thin, steel stairs off the sides of the building, couldn’t see the malfunction in disguise and quickly went to the scene.
When she was just about to make her move, Sonic spin dashed into Knuckles, causing him to fall over as he saluted to Tails to head off.
“Woah! It’s Sonic!” Tails faked admiration like a fanboy, and then waved him off before heading away. “Thanks, Super cool, Superhero, Super Sir!”
Sonic sweat dropped, freezing in mid-motion to show his awkward reaction to Tails overacting his improv.
‘A little much there buddy…’
Amy held her breath again…
Her feet inched closer.
Her fists covered her muzzle.
She waited for it… the signature flare she loved so much.
Turning his head, he prepped himself before firing off a smirk, a flick of his nose, a finger wag that transformed into a thumbs up.
But where was..?
Then he winked.
“Awwhhaa-haa-haa..” she melted at the sight of it being so real in front of her. Immediately she strode out, “Sonic!”
He turned, having already seen her coming, and smiled. “Well, if it isn’t Amy Rose.” He held himself confidently over the robot, as Knuckles angrily wondered when he’d finally get off of him.
She stopped a bit in her tracks and stared up at him in amazement. “You… You know my name?”
“Sure do.” He held a kind tone and then stepped over Knuckles, having a faint ‘OFFPH!’ come from within the metallic hide. “I’ve heard a lot about the beauty of the city, but even more so about a young hedgehog who takes after a certain well-renowned hero we all know and love so much.” He lifted a hand up to explain before striding over to her.
His eyes had her fixated and she gulped, not even having enough seconds to prep herself—that is, mess with her dress and bangs—before he was standing directly in front of her.
“I was just wondering when I’d get to meet the lovely rising-star of the generation.” He tilted his head down and folded his arms, sticking a leg slightly out to balance and still holding himself with high prestige.
Amy stumbled on her name, before finally shaking her head, “O-O-Oh no! I meant, I’m Amy Rose and I’m a huge fan!”
“I can see that. The Newspapers leave no stone unturned.” He winked.
She fawned again.
“Is all he doing is talking?” Tails peered from around the corner, tossing his getup and unclothing himself from the disguise as he did so. “Geez… it’s like all he wanted to do was flirt with her.” He looked awkwardly afraid that he was right, but his eyelids lowered to annoyance. “Humph.” He fanned out the clothes and put them into a neat pile by the side of the alleyway. “I never took Sonic for a Casanova... Yet, here we are…” He muttered out, clearly frustrated at Sonic’s apparent ruse. Though Sonic’s intentions were clearly not so… Tails wondered how ‘not so’ they really were…
“So why do you do it? Why do you fight?” Sonic got right down to business, tugging on his gloves to keep his attention elsewhere.
He didn’t want her thinking he was interested… not just yet.
“O-Oh… T-…To get closer to-“ she stopped herself suddenly. She looked down at the ground.
His ear twitched and he looked back to her. ‘…Did she really only do this to get close to her idol?’ he looked a bit disappointed, and thought this was all for naught.
Before he could bail out and reject her, she suddenly took a breath and quickly spoke out.
“I wanted to make what was unfair… fair again.”
He stopped from his momentary retreat.
His head turned slightly back to her, wanting to hear what she had to say.
“There’s too much ‘justice’ in a world of unjust men.” She held a hand to her heart, “Sometimes… it’s so inspiring to see someone stand up for the little guy… like you do. When you saved all those critters from becoming energy-food for robotic takeovers! Or-or..! That one time! When you fought that robotic double-ganger and even tried to save him from that lava!” she began to grow excited, and her passion moved Sonic to turning around and fully back to her.
“I just knew there was a thing as true justice! Because I saw you extend mercy… not just once, but countless of times! You weren’t holding yourself over men, like some judges do… you were… equal and knew you weren’t any better… But what made you better was that you had the courage and strength to do the right thing! More than anything! That attracted me to doing the same thing in my life!” She became more bolder and stepped up.
Her sudden shift of character allured him to fixate his eyes upon her shining expression, the look of pure hope and admiration in her eyes…
Her voice was sweet… “Heh, thanks for the flattery, kid.” He closed his eyes and tilted his head down, rubbing his nose. “It takes a lot for someone to commit to doing the right thing like that.”
“I don’t just do it for myself.”
He looked up again, once again taken back slightly by her boldness.
“I do it… to serve others.”
He found himself staring at what seemed like his younger self… his ideals and dreams… before smirking and nodding to her.
“I must admit, I’m impressed.” He walked back towards her. “Usually,… these hero wannabes just want the fame and glory… no redeemable qualities about ‘helping others’ unless it’s all talk and no real heart.” He stopped, toe to toe with her, before tending his hand.
“Wanna prove it?”
She looked at the outstretched hand.
Suddenly, Knuckles was tried of just laying down and doing nothing!
He rose up with fierce anger at Sonic ignoring him.
He pretended to charge up a laser, even making a sound effect.
Sonic thought it silly, turning around to him but Amy seemed to believe it and jump towards him.
“Look out!” she fell on top of him.
“Quick! We can take him!”
“W-wait! Hold on!” Sonic’s hand was immediately taken, but so… was his surprised heart…
She hoisted him up with a powerful swing of her arm as their hands stayed gripped together. “Spin me around! Like you do with Tails!”
“O-o-okay..!” Still stunned by her forwardness, he spun her around like a flicked coin, or looking like a spinning top as their blurred images formed a similar blue and pink pattern to one.
They bashed against the metallic coverup, but Knuckles held his ground and fought against the grinding sensation coming from her hammer.
“Nn…nnnrrrg…nnrraaAAHHH!!!” he flung them back, as Amy skidded on the ground and launched Sonic at him.
“Now! Spin dash!”
Sonic smirked from within his ball, seeing her passion wasn’t all just talk, but she was truly ‘throwing herself’ into the fray.
He took down Knuckles with multiple pummels. “And stay down… don’t mess this up for me, buddy.” He whispered down to the metallic carcass, stars in Knuckles’s knocked out eyes.
He raced back to Amy, but she leaped into his arms, surprising him and his heart once again.
His eyes grew wide as Amy celebrated.
“We did it!” she moved her head to look directly up at him.
The world seemed to glimmer and glow as she gave him a genuine smile.
“My dream came true! I was able to help you!”
Immediately, Sonic was taken off by her over-eager imaginations to go out on a ‘first’ date with him. Dragging him stupefied as she showed him around her beloved city, introducing him to the sights and delicious tastes of her city’s proudest creation- The Chilidog Dog.
Was it because he was with her? Or was it the amazing food?
Either way, Sonic had never felt so powerlessly helpless before.
He didn’t quite like it. It was too strange for him. And he couldn’t just pull away…
Tails and Knuckles would watch silently from afar, eating the delectable chilidogs, and just contently keeping tabs from far off.
“You think he’s going to invite her to join the crew again?” Tails said with a stuffed mouth, sauce sprayed across the sides of his face.
“…Eh, he looks kinda jaw-struck.” Knuckles formed a frown to the side of his face, pouting almost at how utterly exhausted and mesmerized Sonic was acting.
Tails knew he meant awestruck.
“…Mwaybwe hwe’s swmittwen.” Tails commented as he shoved the last piece of the bun into his mouth, chewing.
“…Smitten? By that pink thing?” Knuckles turned to Tails, raising an eyebrow. “You think he’s in to tough girls?”
Tails swallowed, wiping his face with his arm. “Or sweet, endearingly passionate girls who domineer his every move.” He wagged his feet off the side of the building they surveyed the interactions on. “Either way, I think he’s just surprised he impacted someone’s life so much, you know?” He turned back to Knuckles, “I was kidding about the smitten part.” He sweat dropped, seeing Knuckles squint his eyes as if trying to see something he couldn’t from the two…
“Yeah… smitten…” Knuckles didn’t hear a word he said.
“…Knuckles…” Tails looked annoyed he was being ignored, before Knuckles swung a fist out and started shouting.
“OH YEAH!? Well if he thinks he can swing a girlfriend by on MY TEAM. Why I outta…”
“Sonic and I made the team.” Tails side-commented, looking at him but turning his face away before smiling down at Sonic. “I hope he doesn’t see her like that. It could be problematic… but either way, I’m just glad someone’s able to entertain him for so long.” He mused, before yawning. "Well… he’ll find us when he’s had his fill of this… New Girl. Let’s just find somewhere to sleep, okay?”
“Wait till I get my gloved, mitteny little hands on that-!”
Tails just sighed and dragged Knuckles by the scruff of the back of his neck, pulling him away from the two.
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