#i bet theyd stay buddies though :)
chaoxfix · 2 years
Your recent post gave me an idea. How would Sonic taking Tails to a doctor go? Especially if Tails needs a shot.
hmm... im not sure! having to think about this one a little.
on one hand, i actually dont know how i feel about doctors being a widespread presence among non-human sonic characters in general. non-human sonic characters been shown to live primarily on smaller islands with pretty sparse populations. so i feel like they have more so clinic-sized medical practices, so i think they'd see nurses, medics, and healers depending on the size of the town or village and their cultural practices. but at some point, sure, tails would probably need to get caught up on shots or some medicine for a common childhood illness or a cast or something.
grew-up-wild sonic hcs are interfering with the greater canon evidence that he's pretty chill in cities, so he'd probably be fine as long as he's not there for himself. i dont think he'd be all that anxious. sonic minds his business, reads a magazine in the waiting room, and if he must, he sits across tails while his lil buddy gets fixed up. maybe even lets him hold his hand if tails is afraid of needles. (though i dont think tails would be, i think he's the type of kid that would ask a lot of questions about how everything works. what is a living organism but an organic machine, after all?)
sonic makes sure tails gets a lollipop afterwards and all that. i dont think sonic would rly go to a doctor for himself though.
its also worth noting that sonic characters live 50+ years into a post-heal-unit world (this thing in shth)... and i feel like that would have affected the medical field pretty strongly! so i dont know that they'd regularly need doctors, theyd probably just use a heal unit to get fixed up more often than not.
on the last part of your ask though, i DO think theyd take the shots they need and stay caught up, especially before travel into human cities. humans and our rabies fear, basically. willing to bet if there are passports, then non-human characters would need to be cleared for anything that animals can catch, even if non-human characters are clearly not common animals and likely have completely different immune systems and common illnesses/contagion levels.
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mlmcaptainpike · 3 years
ok ok so my star trek ocs are many but my current faves are the aos specific members of starfleet academy’s advance comparative romulan fall 2257 class. there’s that one line in star trek 2009 that makes it seem like knowing the different dialects of romulan is not common so of course my first thought is ‘super obscure high level class that has at most 8 students in it’ and thus these dumbasses with their stupid group chat and stupid group chat nicknames bc every time i’ve every been in a obscure high level class with at most 8 people, i’m 100% ride or die for them by the end of the semester (the only canon characters in the class are nyota and kevin riley)
first is hive agga (orion, she/her, group cat name: buzz buzz bitch) literally just wanted an education and access to space and somehow ended up with these dumbasses (who she loves but don’t you dare tell)
kuro dosha (bajoran, he/she, group chat name: alien fucker but lowkey about it) who joined starfleet to prove a point despite absolutely hating space travel but she eventually ends up with a job at star fleet command so it’s fine
m’eia (catian, they/they, group chat name: cat with sunglasses emoji) who’s actually science division but just really enjoys languages and knowing more stuff than other people
relon thetik (orion, he/they, group chat name: ebony dark’ness dementia relon way) whos actually command but this was the only language class he both qualified for and could fit in his schedule
keliar th’ikiarren (andorian, he/him, group chat name: old man yells at sky) his group chat name really tells you everything you need to know about him other than his heart of gold
rweemmavaw onu (betazoid, she/her, group chat name: hot goss) her most iconic take is that communication officers are nothing more than professional gossips who are holding the entirety of starfleet together bc they know when to shut up and tbh she’s right
their group chat is extremely encrypted both by their own skills of encryption but also by how utterly incomprehensible their nonsense way of communicating is
and when it’s just them hanging out, they call each other dumb nicknames but the minute someone else shows up, it’s full first names correctly pronounced both to flex on everybody but also to make it very clear that there’s absolutely no excuse for not learning to pronounce someone’s name
OK I LOVE IT THEY SEEM LIKE SUCH GOOD FRIENDS must agree as someone who has also been in a high level language course with no more than 8 people that this is EXACTLY how it is and i love the accuracy. the group chat names had me SCREAMING omg theyre so so good. i like M'eia a lot i like that its not necessarily their given field of service theyre just interested in languages i can imagine the others making fun of them for it sdggdghs also Rweemmavaw's take on communications officers is SO RIGHT and i couldnt agree with her more. i like to imagine that they just have the most secret fucked up little discord server known to the federation AND I FUCKING LOVE IT THANK YOU FOR THIS
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bubblegumdicc · 6 years
sup sup sup, rp between me and @seravek ! general summery is tony and puppet officially meeting with sal and oscar.
word count: 8775
Earlier that week, Tony had been informed  that Seravek had wanted to have a dinner party when he had arrived for work. Tony was no stranger to parties, so he had accepted graciously, wondering to himself that maybe he'd bring along Puppet just to get them out of the house. On the day of the dinner party, Tony had dressed them both up, taking Puppet by the hand to the car to drive them towards Apollo's house. They'd gotten there pretty early, so Tony decided they'd take a walk around the block, hoping maybe it would ease the shorter monsters nerves.
Puppet wasn't in the greatest place in their head that day, feeling like a useless burden on Tony, something not quite 'person' enough, but not quite pet either.  They stayed quiet the whole time, trying not to hold tightly to tonys hand, it was best they not cling to him and be more of a burden. they idly ran their fingers over the nice clothes they were put in, trailing slowly after tony.  Oscar had weaseled his way into getting him and sal invited over at the request of sal, though oscar would gladly attend anyways just to kiss on sev and press apollos buttons.   They spotted the two walking around and Sal nudged oscar to point them out, whispering something before oscar waved to catch tonys attention and walking closer "sup buddy, figured youd be here."
Tony had tried everything to help them, but it didn't seem like Puppet was getting any better- he couldn't help but worry about them in the back of his mind each day he had to get up to go to work. A voice pushes his thoughts aside and he looks up to see Oscar waving to them. He grins, holding a hand up. "Heey, how are ya? Sev invited you guys too eh?" He glances down behind himself at Puppet and gives their hand a squeeze. "Dunno if you met 'em before, but this here is Puppet. They're uh... a little shy. Don't get out much, heh."
Oscar comes over to shake tonys hand in greeting, a hug being more his style, but he attempted to respect peoples space sometimes. Sal greeted Tony as well before offering a greeting and hand to Puppet, the only response a stare to their hand before looking away, pets dont shake hands, they thought.  Sal frowned, trying to start small talk with them. Puppet seemed to have quite a few telltale signs of being trafficked monster, something theyd learned about in their therapy classes. "is Puppet a nickname, or one your parents picked out?"   Puppets face scrunched slightly in thought, used to having no filter since they were rarely taken in public before, "master vee gave me it.."  Oscar had given a short greeting to puppet before focusing on Tony again, joking with him  while sal attempted to talk to puppet "so, lemme in on the secret, how ya get boss ta like you so much? cakes sure as fuck dont seem ta work, which is rare considerin my skill at it." he puts a hand to his chest cockily to emphasize that.
He didn't let it show, but Tony had eyed Sal when they began to ask one too many questions in his opinion- usually no one seemed to bother. He gave Puppets hand a squeeze, to settle his own mind at least before he laughed. "When ya have been around the boss man as long as I have, ya start ta grow on him- whether he likes it or not, heh. Been hangin around 'im since we was kids." He replies with a grin.
Oscar raises a brow "last time I hung around a lot, he jus seemed pissy. Oh well, at least sev likes me. Plus he fits in my lap easier than boss would anyways." He shrugged and grinned back "whatcha doin out here by the way, ain't the party in there, or is there some special side action I'm missin out on?"  Sal was getting more certain this wasn't a just a 'pet play' thing, and from what they knew so far, tony was just another master treating them like a pet, if the collar was anything to go by. "Who's master vee?"  Puppet looked up at them then, feeling confused. They hadn't been asked that before. Or well, no one ever asked who gave them their name either. They weren't sure how to answer it, starting to frown "um.. They had soft fur and a big pretty eye.. And um.. The house was blue.." They started mumbling, trailing off in confused thought as they they tried to think about it. How were you supposed to explain who someone was other than by name? Sal kept a neutral face, listening to their mumbled explanation, giving a small glance at tony as they considered what type of person he might be beneath his public exterior. sure Oscar wasn't technically a 'good' person, nor was sal, but at least neither of them would keep a person as a pet.
"Nah, that's just his default mood. Belive me, I would know. Ah, that reminds me- ya hear sevvy found out he had a little bro? " Tony grinned ear to ear- if he had ears at leas, he would of been. "Real adorable fella." He added, petting puppet on the top of the head. "Nah we got here kinda early, decided we'd take a walk. Fresh air is good Fer the lungs. That's what I heard at least, I ain't got any lungs though." And it was time they hightailed it inside anyways, seemed to be one too many questions for Tony's liking. "C'mon sweetheart, let's all go inside yeah?" He then added, turning to look down at Puppet with a smile.
Oscar wasn't excatly keen on trying to be buddy buddy with someone if that was their all-the-time mood. he raised a brow "little bro huh? bet he's as cute as sev. he here tonight? or with his parents?" oscar wasnt sure how little the little bro was, for all he knew, it could be a kid. sal gave a friendly smile, not wanting to possibly piss off tony "lungs or not, walking and fresh air is good for the soul too." puppet looked up at tony, getting pulled from their thoughts, looking confused, but followed him anyways, the other two close behind.
Tony snorted at the mention of parents, grin still apparent on his face. "They're only a few years apart. Don't tell Sev, because he might even be cuter. Course i'm bein' biased."  He seemed to lead the way, then again, he was here often enough it was like a second home to him.  "Yo Paulie, your favorite guy just arrived! I'll give ya a hint, its me!" Tony calls out. Apollo emerged from the kitchen- or rather shooed from the kitchen by Seravek for 'sampling the wares' as he liked to call it. Lucky for Oscar, he seemed to be in a particularly good mood, though that could of been from the wine he had earlier. "Hey Sev, Tony's here. Oscar too." He called back into the kitchen before made is way over. "Come on in, take a load off will ya?"
Oscar smiled a little at the friendlier than usual attitude boss was sporting, "if he's the first, then I'm your second favorite, right boss-man?"  He decided not to push for a hug, or go to Sev to hug on, to attempt keeping him in a good mood. At least for now anyways, he couldn't resist getting hugs from people who were glad to give them away like sev.  Sal put a hand out in greeting to boss "hello, we havnt officially met, I'm salpicar. You have a beautiful home!" Puppet had backed up, frowning, somewhat behind tony, since they weren't exactly fond of boss anymore, and they were easy to hold grudges. Well, at least against anyone who wasn't their master.
"Maybe if you're on yer best behaviour." Apollo snorted before turning his attention to Sal who held their hand out. He grins, giving them a firm handshake. "Grazie, s'nice ta meet'cha. Call me Apollo if ya like, Sev's just about done in the kitchen, he's been excited about this for the past few days, heh."  "C'mon, c'mon, i'm starvin over here, I skipped lunch for this an' everything. Where's Jester at?" Tony is cut off as he hears his name from the kitchen. "Antonio!!!" Jester gasped excitedly, then came running out from the kitchen where he all but practically leaped at Tony in a hug who laughed and happily returned it. "Hello!! You're here!!" He grinned happily then noticed their guests, to which he stuck out his hand. "Oh! Hello!! My name's Jester- Ah, I am Seravek's brother! It's nice to meet you!" He offered a smile at both Oscar and Sal.
Oscar puffed out his chest a little "Well of course sevs excited, who wouldn't be when they know I'm commin?"  Sal shakes jesters hand "Im Salpicar, lovely to meet you too!"  Oscar takes jesters hand right after sal lets go to greet him as well, glancing at tony "you werent kiddin, he is cute. hey cupcake, names Oscar, but you can call me daddy~" he winks at them, leaning down to give a kiss to their hand. Sal was used to his flirting with almost every person he met, so they easily ignored it, choosing to comment to boss on how nice the house smelled. Puppet slunk away from the commotion and loud voices, choosing to crawl under a coffee table.
Jester only smiled wider (if that was even possible) he seemed really excited to see new faces. His cheeks immediately flush red, "Ah-- pleased to meet you Mister Oscar." He tries his best to be polite as Oscar kisses his hand, but he can't help a quiet laugh that slips out. Tony looked as smug as ever, til he noticed Puppet was no longer at his side anymore. "Hey, Jessy sweetheart, how about ya show the others to the dining room? I'm sure dinner's almost done." He speaks up, seeming to glance around before he had slinked off into the living room. "Puppet? Where are ya darlin? Come on out." Tony looks around the room before bending down to peer under the coffee table when he sees a tail flicking from underneath. He chuckles to himself and kneels down. "There ya are, aren't you hungry?"  "Well, you heard him. Better head to the dining room, I'm sure yer all plenty hungry and all." The larger monster moved from the hallway, shooing everyone along into the dining room where Seravek had been busy setting the table with all kinds of delicious looking foods. He looks up, beaming proudly. "I'm so glad you all came!!! Sorry I did not have the chance to greet you first off--" Seravek pauses mid-sentence to smack Apollo's hand away from the table. "Seeing as how SOMEONE is too impatient to wait, that is." Apollo merely rubbed the back of his skull sheepishly.
Sal laughed lightly at the display between the two "well the food looks amazing, you must have worked hard on it!" Oscar agreed, but deciding he'd waited long enough for a hug, moved to Sev and wrapping his arms around him "sup cutie, notice ya gotta new twin, huh? whats daddy gotta do to get ya both in my lap?" at that point, sal sighed audibly "sir, please.."  puppet tensed as they heard footsteps near, watching silently as he called for them, like an asshole cat. of course, their stupid tail gave them away. they put their face to the floor hide it from him "no.."
"Oh yes! We spent all day on it!" Jester perked up. Seravek gladly accepted the hug before his cheeks change color and he sputters in embarrassment. "Goodness!" He huffed slightly, a smile on his face as he shoved his arm playfully. "Perhaps if I see you enjoy the food I worked so hard on!" He said, then turned to Jester. "Where's Tony? Didn't I hear him a while ago?" A look of concern was written on his face, his younger brother picked up on this of course and opted to go and check on him.  "Well, lets not just stand around here. Siediti e mangia! Sit down and eat!" Apollo says while pulling out his chair. "Oh, yes of course!! please everyone enjoy!" Seravek piped up and began to take his seat.  Meanwhile Jester had made his way into the livingroom where he found Tony kneeling down on the floor, crouching to look under the coffee table. "Antonio! Everyone is waiting- ah....did you lose something?" Jester quirked a brow at him. "Nah, more like someone. Heh heh...this is who I was tellin' ya about..." Seeming to be confused, Jester knelt down as well and peered under the table. "Oh!!" He sounded surprised. "You must be Puppet! It's nice to meet you! You're even cuter than I imagined! Ah....why are you hiding under the table, isn't it a bit cramped? Though I suppose seeing so many faces at once can be overwhelming..but mister Antonio is here with you!"
Oscar chuckled, allowing himself to get pushed, he picked a chair at random to sit in, not caring who he ended up by. Sal followed suit, glancing around for puppet as well since they were their ulterior motive for being here, but it was best to pretend they werent too interested in puppet, so they went on to ask about the food they had made, curious to how they made it since they themself couldn't even cook toast right.  Puppet scooched back further, not exactly helping since now their butt was sticking out from the other side. Earlier when they'd seen jester, they'd assumed it was Sev, but upon closer inspection, it was indeed a different skeleton. It didn't look as if Tony would leave them be this time, so they decided to give up on hiding. They weren't exactly interested in any of the new faces tonight, especially the talky one from earlier who asked confusing things, but considering their state of mind, they were trying to go back to just being a pet. Hence the staying on the floor, ect. So they should act like one and if hiding wasn't an option, maybe they could piss tony off and he'd start treating them the way they were always treated before. Puppet scooched forward quickly to lick jesters face as if they were a dog greeting them.
Jester had let out a squeak in surprise, "Goodness-- do they always erm...greet others this way?" Tony smiled sheepishly, thinking perhaps it wasn't the best time to bring Puppet around others. Especially considering there were so many different people, but he had just wanted them to get out of the house for their own benefit. "Sorry, ah..heh, not really? I mean, it's somethin' they've been doin' lately." He replies before trying to coax the smaller monster out further. Jester offered a patient smile, "Would you like to come and eat with us? We made such yummy food for you and everyone else! It'd be a shame if you didn't get to try some." he says quietly and held out his hand towards them, hoping that maybe they would take it so they could lead them back to the dining room. "If its too much for you though, we can eat here in the livingroom! I can keep you company if Mister Tony would like to join the rest."
Puppet stares at their hand a moment before looking at their face and then at Tonys, as if calculating how to piss him off. They honestly weren't sure if they could, but they were kind of bored of hiding all the time anyways, might as well do something. They take the offered hand and crawl out, before straight up sniffing jesters crotch. they look back up, not really surprised, but they'd found out who Tony kept smelling like now "oh, you're the one master has been fucking. You smell nice."
Okay, not even Tony was expecting that one. His poor boyfriend's face turned a bright red as he let out a yelp, stumbling a few steps back in shock- Tony had to try not to laugh because in all honesty...it was kind of funny. "Oye....Puppet- ya....ya just can't go around doin' that to people- you know that--" He snorted, looking back to his boyfriend who took a minute to straighten up again. "Ah....gosh- you...erm.. you are very bold! Hah...Hahehah-- at least I smell nice I suppose? Are you...Would you still like to eat something at least?" Jester was only just realizing now, how much Tony really did have his hands full- it made him want to help all the more.
puppet watched their reactions curiously, it was hard not to feel a little flutter that they made Tony smile. they glanced around the room, trying to think of what they could do next, but nothing came to mind. they didnt feel like eating though "I dont want fucking food, I want-..."they rubbed their face in frustration, no idea what they wanted. to be be a pet again? get beaten and hurt and locked in a room for days with no contact or even water? they start to tear up and reach out to grab tonys hand, looking for some form of comfort.
Tony of course, knew they were trying to get some sort of reaction out of them. But he couldn't bring it upon  himself  to punish Puppet in ways they were probably used to. He gave Jester an apologetic look as he takes Puppets hand and gives it a squeeze. "Alright darlin' its okay, I know you're feelin' a lotta things right now." Turning his attention to Jester he speaks again, "Tell Paulie i'm going ta borrow his office for a bit, yeah?" He says, then turns to lead Puppet down out of the room. "C'mon, lets go somewhere nice and quiet- i'm sorry I brought ya- I know ya didn't want ta come." His smile was forced as he lead Puppet into the office for some quiet.  Jester had returned to the dining room once more, feeling as though he hadn't been much help.  "Brother! There you are! Where have you been?" Seravek took notice of the troubled look on his younger brothers face as the other sat down quietly before looking to Apollo. "Erm... Antonio said he was going to borrow your office for a bit, Mister Apollo. I believe Puppet is feeling a bit overwhelmed." Apollo quirked a brow at him, then looked to Seravek before nodding. "Yeah thats fine."
Puppet sniffled, trying not to cry, they rubbed at their eye sockets. once in the office, they quieted further and sat on the floor, tail curled around themself and started to sob "im sorry mas- T-tony." Sal listened quietly to the exchange, writing mental notes of all the behaviors. they werent sure how to go about this situation, but more than just being interested in it, they wanted to help others, so why not start with this short skeleton? "oh dear, I hope theyre ok.." oscar didnt really know the shortie, so he didnt have any strong feelings for them other than thinking they were cute, so he just nodded in agreement.
Tony really felt for the other monster. He couldn't imagine going all his life being forced to act one way and to then suddenly have that turned around. He knelt down beside them, bringing them to his chest. "Shhh, I know sweetheart, its not your fault. " He says quietly, kissing the top of their skull.  Jester felt a little bad, Tony not being here to enjoy the fun-- he frowned a little to himself. "I hope so too.." He murmured. The party went on though, Apollo started to break out the booze for everyone and both Jester and Sev were happy to see everyone enjoying the food-- all except Tony and Puppet.
Puppet had gripped tonys shirt while they cried, practically climbing into his lap. Theyd missed being close to him, but they felt bad about it. They were just a burden on him, taking enjoyment out of everything, just like whatever dinner thing they had come to tonight. They calmed down after a while and pulled back a little, avoiding looking at him. They decided they should try to make him happy still, even if they weren't. Hed done so much for them, it wasn't fair for them to ruin everything. They tried to talk with a steady voice "c-can we eat?"
Tony only smiled softly as Puppet began to calm down. "There's my sugarskull" he murmured as he kisses their cheeks. Tony gently wipes the tears from their eyes then takes one of their smaller hands in his and pecks little kisses on their fingers. "Of course sweetpea, did ya want to wait here while I grabbed somethin for us both?"
Puppet shook their head, grabbing and  pulling his hand to lead towards the door "I want you to be with.. you're family?"
"Sweetheart...." Tony's smile faltered a bit as he bends down to pick them up. "You're my family. But I'll tell ya what, let's go get some food, and if ya start at feel overwhelmed again you just let me know and we'll come right back here again. How's that sound? You can sit in my lap at the table if ya like."
Their face contorted for a moment in confusion "I'm- family?" They weren't sure what to do. Family was.. for people. Normal people. Not some fucked up half person-pet thing like them. They were lost in thought for a moment before realizing they needed to respond. "O-ok" they stuttered slightly, wrapping their arms around tony and pressing their face to his neck as he held them, they'd missed being close to him. But they couldn't get rid of the thought that they shouldn't be here. Those other people were his family. Not them.
Tony gave them a tight squeeze, kissing their skull as he held them in his arms. He runs their back in a comforting motion, before exiting the office once more with Puppet nestled against his chest. "Sorry were late" Tony spoke up with a half smile, returning to the dining room. "There ya are. Sit your ass down and eat will ya?" Apollo rumbled, motioning to a spot at the table. Tony takes his seat between Jester and Sal, allowing puppet to settle in his lap. "Damn, looks good huh?" He grinned down at them. "Yanno I guess since it is a special occasion, I spose I could let ya have a glass or two of wine. Best there is, well, that's what Paulie says anyways. Here, have a taste."  Jester seemed to be happy enough that they both finally decided to join everyone and reached out to pour them both a glass.
Puppet had closed their eyes at the petting momentarily before opening them to the sight of a room of people. they werent too bothered, their old master used to bring over small groups of people, though this event wouldnt be the same, theyd learned that much by now. they hunched in Tonys lap a little, not liking the stares. it was odd, theyd never noticed stares before the last few months. then again, they werent exactly the same, were they? They were easily distracted by the glass of liquid though, grabbing it when jester was done and sniffing it before tilting the glass back and drinking the whole thing, some dripping down their chin. Sal watched a little in shock at first, taking note of their eagerness to drink alcohal, while oscar raised a brow and snorted with a smile "damn, they sure like their fruit, huh?"
Tony couldn't help but chuckle to himself, taking a napkin to wipe their face. "Yeah, this one here likes the booze. Gotta lock it up from em" he snorted, taking a sip from his own glass before he began to pile his plate with food, he did skip lunch for a reason after all, Seraveks cooking was heaven. "Ah, did ya wanna try some chocolate cake? Sev makes the best." He then adds, glancing down to puppet.
Puppet watched tony fill the plate, they still werent feeling very hungry, but they wanted to make tony happy, so they nodded to his question. though cake was certainly going to be easy to eat, even if they werent hungry, it still tasted good.
"There ya go, just Fer you." Tony sets a plate down with a slice of cake on the table in front of them that jester had cut out for them before he began to dig into his own food. "Yo Sev, you sure ya didn't just buy all of this? It's too good to be homemade." He began to speak up, enjoying how he could easily fluster Seravek over compliments. "You have been around here often enough to see me cooking! But I suppose I did have a little help...my brother and Apollo are quite the cooks as well!" Seravek replies trying to pretend that he wasn't tickled pink, as they say, over how everyone seemed to like his food. "Ah, Jess you had a hand in this too huh? No wonder it tastes so good. Almost as tasty as you." He raises his brows at his boyfriend who immediately flushed a bright red before hissing at him to behave.
puppet used their hands to pick up the cake, trying to hold it in a non messy way at least, taking a bite out of it and trying to eat it quickly so tony would be happy they ate something. at the comment he made about jester, they tilted their head, "it tastes like him?" they leaned forward to sniff tonys food and frown "it doesnt smell like his pussy." oscar choked a little and started laughing, looking over at jester "really? hey, can i get a sniff? id like to judge it for myself." meaning jesters crotch.
Jester nearly fucking choked on his drink, ending up in a coughing fit as his face burned red. "Honestly! Both of you, we're at the table! Take your lewdness elsewhere!" Seravek huffed at both Tony and Oscar while handing his poor embarrassed brother and napkin to wipe his jaw. Apollo seemed to chuckle to himself at the outburst before nudging Seravek, "C'mon, lighten up Sevvy."  This was turning out to be and rather eventful night. Jester was finding out very quickly that Oscar was just as...perverted as Tony. And puppet had no filter whatsoever.  "I didn't mean it literally tasted like him darlin" Tony laughs, "I just meant...it tasted good."
Puppet jumped a little at the coughing fit, glancing around the table wondering what exactly it was that they said that was inappropriate. they werent sure, but it must be since it was related to crotch. they found out that was apparently taboo everywhere, and they werent really sure why, being they werent raised with 'manners'. sal was doing their best to keep a straight face during all of this.  oscar was still laughing, big sharp toothed grin on his face "aw come on, that wasnt lewd. if ya want lewd, i can show ya lewd, baby."  he winked at jester jokingly before going back to eating. puppet tilted their head back to look up at tony behind them, curious after the further explanantion  "whats he taste like? cake? ice cream?" those were both good tasting after all.
Perhaps the table wasn't the best place to talk about how his boyfriend tasted- especially not with the pleading look Jester was giving him as if to ask not to embarrass him further. "Maybe you'll get a taste someday." Tony chuckles, petting puppet on the head.  Dinner went on...well enough to say, Seravek and Jester cleared the table and did the dishes together while Apollo lead them all into the den. Tony fixated on Sal as Seravek and Jester returned into the living room. "So...Sal was it? What is it ya do?" He wasn't going to pretend he didn't notice the cautious glances from them all throughout dinner.
Sal was fairly certain on puppets situation considering what theyd seen and heard so far. especially where they had gotten their name. but that still wasnt complete confirmation and sal was a bit of a perfectionist. still, they had to push past that now, this might be their only oppuntunity since tony seemed wary of them. Sal paused for a moment in quick thought, deciding to tell him and see his response. "I'm a mental health counselor. Im interning right now at a psychiatric hospital over in hudsen. well, other then being oscars personal accountant that is."
Shit. Just what he needed around, someone who would easily pick up on Puppets signs-- if they figured out any more about them- Tony might just be in some deep shit. "I see.." He thought out loud. He'd have to nip this in the bud right now. "You uh, mind if we have a little one on one chat? I'm sure Paulie won't mind if I borrow his office again." He said, not really waiting for a reply before turning to Puppet. "I'll be right back darlin, do you think you can stay with Jester and Seravek here for a little?"
Puppet gave an ok of agreement, not really paying attention. theyd decided to lay on the floor near the couch, playing idly with a coin theyd found under it. Sals brows went down slightly, their typical friendly smile dropping into one of slight concern. Not that they were particually scared of Tony, but they had a nervous disposition over people in general, and the fact tony was in some kind of illegal work made them even more wary. like oscar, sal was a master with knives, but they didnt have a gun on them. and they certainly didnt trust that any of these people didnt either. "oh- uh, im not so sure about that, sir. im quite comfortable staying near my boss.." sals tone caught oscars attention, and he glanced over at them from where he was probably annoying sev or something.
"Ah, I actually...wanted to talk to ya about- y'know." His eyes made a motion over to Puppet so he didn't have to mention their name- he probably came off as kind of creepy. "Its uh, important and all."He says while clearing his throat and standing up.
Sal warily looked at him for a moment before glancing over at Oscar who was looking over now. they knew Oscar would keep an 'ear' out for them. hopefully this guy wasnt planning on murder after such a lovely dinner. Sal tugged a little on their tie, a nervous habit "well, I suppose just for a moment.." they slowly followed him, keeping what they determined to be a safe distance from him.
"C'mon, ain't like i'm going ta whack ya or nothin'" Tony snorted, already on the way to the office where he let himself inside, shutting the door behind him once Sal stepped inside. "Look, I realize this is....a bit weird, considerin' we don't really know each other. But after ya said you were a mental health counciler and all- I figured, well, you'd notice more than anyone about Puppet. I saw how ya were askin' em questions and the looks you were givin' em believe me. And like I said......considerin' we don't know each other well, you can see why i'm a little on edge, I guess? Heh. Ya see, I do a lot of back alley work for Apollo. I can't afford havin' somethin' happenin' ta Puppet."
Sal gave a nervous laugh at the joke, they were all too aware how people could deceive and lie easily. though through the talking, they relaxed a little. tony didnt seem to be pulling any threats on them, so far anyways. "youre right, i have been interested in puppets demeanor. if we're being frank, i get the feeling theyre a victim of monster traficking, am i wrong? or um, the 'pet' trade?"
"Look, you can see why i'm worried now yeah?" Tony rubbed the back of his skull sheepishly. "Look i've done everything I can, its just not enough and I don't know what else i'm supposed ta do- if someone were to take 'em away from me or somethin....they'd lose all the trust i've managed ta build with 'em. They've come a long ways ya know? But its still not good enough. And I can't go to any kinda therapist- haha god, I wish I could but- not with my line of work. I know you work for Oscar, and I ain't dumb enough to think everything he does is....legal either."
Sal gave comforting smile, at least it sounded like he actually cared about the small monster, this was a great outcome. they nodded slightly "Oscar certainly isnt completly... lawfully inclined. I can understand your worry, and it's so releiving to hear you care about Puppets wellbeing. and well, im a fairly new therapist, very new, but Ive passed all my tests with flying colors, and um, if youre open to suggestions, considering your.. aversion to law based facilities, perhaps i could offer my help? under the table, so to speak? I know it might be odd since i dont know puppet, but the point of my job is to help people, and they, and you, appear to be in a tough situation."
Tony let out a sigh of relief-- a massive weight felt like it had been lifted off his shoulders. "God- would you? I mean- I appreciate it- I'm kinda at the end of my wits here. I can't have 'em taken away from me yanno? They've been doin' so much better since....since they've been with me. But I can tell they're confused and conflicted and shit, I thought bringing them along tonight would help a little, get em outta the house and all. But they don't look ta be improving- I know they're actin out- tryin' ta get me to be upset with em because thats what they're used to but, I guess I'm kind of a big ol softie and I thought I could help give em a better life. I know I didn't go about it the best way but it was the only thing I could do. Man, if ya would help us out i'd be real grateful."
Sals smile widened, this had worked out perfectly so far, much better than they had expected! "i would be glad to help, they certainly seem to be struggling with something." Sure, sal was only recently degreed, but they were still working with and interning at the hospital, so they had sources to help if they ran into something they werent certain about. they could always ask a coworker a 'hypothectical' question if they needed help. Sal pulled a small notepad from their pocket, tearing a page out neatly with their number on it "this is my number, i can text you my address and we can set up a time for you to bring them over for a session."
"Yeah?" Tony looks down at the piece of paper and takes it, folding it up and putting it into  his pocket. He went back to his usual self, grinning widely. "Hey, thanks. I really appreciate it yanno? Yer doin' us a big help." He extends his hand out to shake Sal's
Sal happily took his hand to shake it "You're very welcome! im excited to help." they glanced down sheepishly "I'm sorry if I acted odd, youre much nicer than I expected. Er- not that i expected you to not be nice! Just um, well you never know with people in.. these types of work- or well, not that everyone doing the work you do is bad, thats not what i meant-" they cringed inwardly, hoping they hadnt offended him.
Tony couldn't help but laugh out loud at that. "Nah, its- its fine. Heh- I have that effect on people. No harm done. Anyways, before people start gettin suspicious, I guess we should head back?" he headed towards the office door once again, hoping Puppet had behaved for at least a few minutes without him, though he was sure Jester and Seravek could handle them for a little while.
Sal nodded, trying to relax and followed tony back out. Oscar was waiting sitting on the couch and prob trying to snuggle with one of the twinks, or both,  though he wasnt too concerned for sal, he didnt think tony would try anything, even if he didnt know him very well, he knew sev enough to know he seemed oblivious of certain things, and apollo and tony probably wouldnt cause a scene with sev there. as he spotted sal, he loudly proclaimed "hey,finally  back from your quickie?" sals face blushed and they shook their head at him "oscar, i swear-"  of course, tony and sal arrived just in time to see puppet pulling their dick out to piss on the carpet.
"Aw damn, don't point it out like that man." Tony replied, obviously he was going to play along. Seravek had finally given in to Oscar's sweet talk and allowed the other monster to cuddle him. And then Seravek had somehow managed to coax his brother into cuddling as well. Tony stopped in his tracks and his eyes darted to Puppet- oh god, please no. "Puppet don't--" He scrambled from his spot, hauling ass towards them- Apollo would have his NECK if he knew about this.
Sal covered their mouth in surprise "oh dear-"  puppet looked up, hearing fast steps and seeing tony rushing for them surprised and spooked them. they stumbled, falling back on their ass in a painful way on their tail, ending up losing their bladder and pissing themself, they started tearing up as they seen all the eyes on them now, they started crying, covering their face and curling in on themself "i-im sorry master-  i forgot where th-the bathroom was-" 
"Oh shit- shit shit-- ya should've asked someone--" Tony couldn't help but feel his heart melt a little at the display- "H-Here.. come here, its alright-" He kneels down to scoop them up- not caring if they were wet. "Don't cry, its alright- let me clean you up- ah--" Tony stares down at the puddle on the floor and panicked for a moment before Jester had leaped up and hushed him, "It's okay! I'll clean it, you go on. Don't worry!" Bless his sweet boyfriend-- he'd better get to a bathroom quick, he could feel Apollo's gaze burning holes through him.
Puppet presses their face to tonys shoulder, clinging to him, still crying from the sudden surprise and not liking the foreign feeling of embarrassment from all the people staring. Sal almost followed, worried and wanting to help, they were used to caring for others or 'babying' them when they were upset, but they turned instead and offered to help clean up the mess. oscar waited till tony had left to try cheering the mood with a dumb joke "technically its your fault, boss-man. your wine went right through 'em." he gave a cheesy smile, feeling bad for the little guy that pissed and hoping to help the situation.
Tony had taken them to the nearest bathroom, wanting to get them out of their wet clothes as soon as possible. "Shh, its okay, I know it was an accident. I should of been there, i'm sorry sugar skull." He murmured to them as he set them down. "Here, its get ya undressed out of those wet clothes. How about a bath? That'll make you feel better." He offered them a smile as he pulled their wet clothing off and set it aside.
 Apollo was clearly upset, who the hell just pissed on a carpet like that? Just how full did Tony really have his hands with Puppet. "That carpet is expensive." He hissed out, clearly sulking about it. Seravek quickly hushed him, knowing full well he'd get over it in a little while, he just had to brood over it. "I'm so sorry Mister Apollo." Jester apologized- even though he didn't do anything wrong. Though he did appreciate the help as he got the cleaning supplies and began to scrub at the carpet.
Puppet tried to stop crying, letting tony undress them. they rubbed at their eyesockets, all their emotions getting wound up again, whining out "w-hy are you so nice to me, im b-bad-"  Oscar patted apollo on the shoulder "hey, ya can always get a new carpet. id be glad to let the little guy piss on my carpet, theyre cute." though he was also the type to throw his money away and spend recklessly. he decided he probably wasnt helping either way, but he was a dork whos go-to 'help' was humor "would a kiss make ya feel better?"
"You're not bad sweetheart." Tony simply says as he turns to run the water for the bath. "You're-- confused, I know you're having a hard time adjusting. I know you don't know why I treat you differently than you're used to and I know its scary but i'm just trying to do whats best for you. We're going to get us both some help though, alright?" He hushes them, wiping their face gently as the bath begins to fill up.  "Here we go, climb on in." Apollo only grumbled in response. "Cute don't cut it. Still don't change the fact my nice carpet got pissed on." He crosses his arms and Seravek hushed him, pushing a glass of whisky into his hands. Drinking always seemed to calm him down. "Don't be so grumpy Apollo! We have guests still! You can grumble about all of that later."
Puppet did as tony said, getting in the tub how they usually did, arms and face first.  they didnt know what help he was talking about, but the water was warm and they sniffled once more before shoving their face in the water as it filled up. they liked being underwater, it felt nice, and everything sounded calm under there.  oscar didnt hear a no to his joking ask, so he gave apollo a kiss on the cheek "its just a lil fluid, yer carpet'll live, big guy." sal spoke up a little then "sir, not everyone likes things soaked in piss like you do." oscar snorted, mock frowning "i resent that."
Tony didn't think he'd ever get tired of that. Perhaps someday they'd get in the tub like a normal person, but until then he'd just watch in amusement. Tony really did try his best to keep them happy though. He had even dedicated one of the spare rooms in his house as a little 'playroom' for Puppet, somewhere they could go and be surrounded in things they liked, sort of like a sensory room for them. He knelt down by the side of the tub and grabbed a little body wash, waiting for the smaller monster to resurface so he could wash them.  Apollo gave a huff, probably to mask the way his mouth tried to turn up into a smile. "Hey look, i'm all up for kinky shit but just not on my furniture and carpets." He finally says after downing the glass of whiskey.
Puppet finally had to come up for air, taking a large breath once theyd lifted their head. they ran their hand over the surface of the water in thought. puppet had loved the playroom, and they still did, but theyd been avoiding everything they liked. they didnt deserve it. they didnt deserve any of this stuff or niceness.  they looked up at tony, their soul hurting at the thought. they stayed quiet, letting tony take care of them, not that they had any idea what to say other than apologizing again.  Oscar lounged on their couch, "what? ya put plastic wrap down everywhere ya fuck? thats not very sexy." he paused in thought "or are ya sayin you only fuck in the bedroom? wheres your sense of adventure, man? the kitchen is the best place to get it on, the counters the perfect height!" Sal tried to ignore him at this point, no amount of shushing would ever make oscar stop being openly lewd.
He could never imagine what they had gone through to be made to think like they did, all he could do was treat them right, and he had. Tony simply smiles, wetting a washcloth and poured some body wash onto it before he began to wash them carefully, humming a tune to himself.  "I ain't sayin' I don't fuck in different places. I'm sayin' I ain't havin' anyone pissing on my furniture. Or the stuff that can't easily be cleaned that is." Apollo snorted in response, causing Seravek to blush once again- geez, tonight seemed to be all about who could make him or his brother the most embarrassed.
Puppet closed their eyes to the gentle touching and humming. after being washed, they climbed out of the tub right then and there to get in tonys arms and snuggle. things were confusing and awful but they couldnt help how much they enjoyed his presence and warmth, and the way he'd smile and laugh, even if he made jokes they didnt always understand.  Oscar shrugged "ive had ta replace my couch twice since monty moved in, id blame him, but im pretty sure most of the mess is mine." sal made an exasperated noise, considering they were the one that had cleaned up several of those 'messes' "i think its safe to say it was mostly you." they had a slight blush at such a conversation, but oscar had a way of roping them into things. Oscar smiled "hey dont give me that look, i paid you extra for that. life is messy, and so am i."
  Welp. Guess there wasn't much he could do now. He'd of offered them a towel if he knew they wanted to get out-- still, he smiled and let the water out of the bath, reaching for a towel to wrap them up in snuggly and kissed their face.  "Lets see if we can get you some dry clothes-" Right as he said that, there was a knock on the door and Jester entered the bathroom with fresh clothing for Puppet that appeared to be some of Pine's (who had stayed far away from parties, usually cooped up in their room playing videogames) God, he had such a great boyfriend. "Its almost as if you can read my mind." He grinned as the clothes were set down on the countertop nearby. "Thanks doll." He gave his boyfriend a smooch, still holding puppet before the other left again to give them some privacy. "Alright lets get you into some dry clothes huh?"  "Do ya always get roped into this?" Apollo sneered, gaze fixating on Sal who he seemed to read the look on their face rather easily. Seravek was long gone out of this conversation, choosing to stay silent on the matter as his brother returned into the livingroom again- he smiled happily as jester settled himself next to Seravek on the couch and cuddled into him.
Puppet dressed themself, sniffing the clothes as they put them on, they could tell whos they were, but it brought back the memory of a little wave of disappointment when theyd been told pine wasnt a pet like them- or well, apparently they werent a pet either. they frowned at the clothes in thought "were they- um, the pine, were they a pet like me and arent now?" maybe thats what tony and boss did. take pets and make them.. not pets.
Sal blushed harder, looking at the floor and tugging on their tie "well, er, yes, i suppose.." Oscar laid his head in sev and jesters lap, in what would be an innocent notion if he hadnt followed so by saying "is sniffing your crotch still an option on the table, or heh, couch?"
Ah....that was a touchy subject-- since Puppet was never a pet in the first place, but they still believed they were supposed to be, hence this whole situation in the first place. "Tony tried to smile as he picked them up, "I know ya don't want ta believe me when I say ya weren't supposed to be a pet in the first place. And...I know it hard to think about, but no, Pine's not a pet, neither are you. But I told ya we're going ta get help, both of us! Ta help us both learn." He replies to them quietly.  "Heh. I figured, sorry ya gotta put up with...that." He motioned to Oscar who currently had his head in both brothers laps. "M-Mister Oscar! Goodness!" Jester seemed to turn even redder as he whined to his brother who only laughed and pet Oscars head. "Pay no mind brother, you will get used to it. He is very misbehaved!"  He explains as if he were scolding a child.
Puppet made a sort of pouty face as they frowned. tony was right, they really didnt understand at all. they were starting to get a headache again from all this contemplation and thinking stuff. they rubbed their face and held onto tony again. it felt better to just not think about it, so instead they blanked their thoughts, only thinking about the feeling of the fabric of tonys shirt collar as they rubbed it between their fingers.  Sal smiled a little, "thank you, but aside from his.. openness, he's pretty much just a giant puppy." they paused and covered their face with a hand "that wants to sniff crotch.." Oscar snickered at jester, enjoying the head pets, he also overheard sal, continuing on with it "woof woof baby, c'mon, its how i greet people." he stuck his tongue out and made a panting noise, having fun with this.
When they were completely dressed, Tony happily pecked their face as he lifted them up into his arms once more. "I'm probably going ta need a bath or shower when we get home." He chuckled and rubbed his hand down their back.  "He would make a cute puppy!" Seravek grinned wider, happy to oblige in Oscar's little game by giving him a scratch under the chin. "Yeah, just tie him on in the corner." Apollo retorted smugly.
Puppet sulked a little at that "im sorry, i didnt mean to get you dirty.."  Oscar grinned wide at the nice attention, chuckling at apollos reply "funny ya mention tying, im great with a knot, i could show ya guys. " he looked up at sev and jester with a mischievous grin and wink, clearly not talking about a leash or rope." sal covered their face entirely now "my dear lord.."
"Don't worry about it darlin " Tony replies before he looked to notice the time, it seemed to be pretty late in the evening. "Howzabout we both head on home? I think we both had a rather...eventful day." He chuckles. He'd have to let Apollo and Seravek know they were headed out.  Both Seravek and Jester seemed oblivious to Oscars hint, making Apollo snort at their clulessness. "I don't think they get it, bub."
Puppet nodded, being quiet again, though at this point it might be because they were getting tired after all the 'events'. they pressed their face to his neck again, content to fall asleep in his arms.  Oscar pouted a little before smiling again  "well i could just show 'em what knot ‘m talkin bout." he patted his crotch in emphasis while sal turned to boss "i know hes known you longer than I have, but i still feel the need to apologize for him." 
Tony smiles to himself, exiting the bathroom with them bundled up in his arms. Returning to the living room, grinning at the sight of Oscar sprawled out on the sofa resting in the brothers laps. "Hey uh, we're going to head on home Paulie. Thanks for dinner, heh heh, sorry we couldn't stick around. And uh, for gettin' piss of your carpet." He says sheepishly.  "Thats comin' outta yer pay check." Apollo grumbled as Tony apologizes again and quickly says goodbye to everyone before Apollo had changed his mind and decided to kick his ass. ------end of rp
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