#i bet i missed some things but i love all that i remembered 🥺 ))
prvtocol · 1 year
💭 + santiago
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𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 — send 💭 + a topic to receive a headcanon about said topic. ( accepting !! )
Santiago Moncada, former Valentino, Los Piratas’ gang enforcer, and the president’s (Vaas) righthand man. Brianne encountered him at the same time she met Vaas in 2076; he was the big burly ganger seated in the driver seat of her hijacked car with the flashing red, black spider fashionware on the back of his bald head. He didn’t speak to her, Vaas did the talking, but he left an impression of someone cold and unreachable. If Vaas didn’t kill her in the months that followed, she knew he would be the one to do it. She never expected him to become her husband, the father of her children, the love of her life, especially not when pinned in a protection racket by Vaas, but it somehow worked out that way.
After the protection racket set up, she would occasionally see Santigo at the gang parties Vaas threw each month or so at her estate, always distanced from the other ganger’s shenanigans and maybe smoking a cigarette in her back garden. Vaas drunk introduced her as “Brenda,” making them shake hands while Santiago corrected his friend before she got dragged away. His eyes were cold, distant, and uninterested. It would remain the same whenever crossing paths.
One morning, he showed up at her door to retrieve Vaas for an important meeting that day; the president was still undressed, asleep in her bed nursing a major headache. Santiago made her wake him up. Horribly self-aware, the enforcer's presence induced a huge amount of shame and embarrassment. She suspected he saw what was the truth; she’d become Vaas’ dumb corpy plaything to use and discard. She didn’t want to be seen that way by anyone. But it was the first time they exchanged more than a few words since she invited both Piratas to have coffee after. They shared disgruntlement when Vaas depleted the milk straight from the cartoon, she made them pancakes, the two discussed gang business, and she just stayed in the background. While she had gotten used to being around Vaas, being around Santiago remained slightly awkward. But she would say "hello" and "hope you've been well" whenever she saw him. Once she got a voicemail from him claiming he contacted the wrong person; it made her a little curious about him. Eventually, she figured out he was the epitome of the strong silent type. Even noticed at one point he had a set of beautiful though stoic brown eyes.
It wasn’t until she was dismissed by Arasaka, in those tense weeks following when she went into hiding at the clubhouse and the gang set up her protection services, that they held longer conversations. He was not at all like Vaas, which she already suspected, and perhaps not even like most other gangers. Rather he was someone with a level head, calm and collected, direct in his words, and lucky for her, very determined to protect the gang’s assets. He scoped out that she was being headhunted and he came through choosing her crew of Los Piratas security; all decent and reliable men. She discovers he’s the same.
Following this, their interactions increased. He’d stop by to check in on her security crew's needs and Vaas if he was parked there in one of his drugged, depressive episodes. Sometimes he’d use the place’s quiet to do paperwork. She became more relaxed around him and encouraged him to stay and eat along with her crew who she began cooking daily meals for. They’d text as well but they were short, often regarding the same business. She liked him more than she thought she could considering their start. Like the rest of her security crew, he was different. A good man. It really wasn’t until Vaas’ disappearance that their relations took on a closeness unlike before.
It was Santiago who told her about Vaas’ cyberpsychosis. She hadn’t seen or heard from him for many weeks and she gathered the courage to ask Santiago if he was okay (knowing he was getting worse). She always knew the two were close; Vaas spoke of "Tiago" like he was a brother and they relied on each other as such. Despite his closed facade, she could tell even before this that what Vaas was going through pained him. It made Brianne concerned for him too and her texts were less about Vaas. Maybe he wasn’t receptive to that at first, but she didn’t care. 
Then Santiago took on the unofficial role of gang president and ended the protection racket, which was a shock and hard to process. She saw how the stress of this role along with searching for his brother wore him thin. It didn’t stop her invitations to come over and eat, to try to decompress on more quiet idyllic grounds, to stay and rest if the hour was late, knowing he hadn’t slept for days. Her own complicated grief had her neglecting herself too; leaving dishes unwashed in the sink, not trimming her indoor plants or tending her garden, and she noticed he began doing little chores for her when he’d stop by. His company, someone to share that heaviness with, brought a lot of comfort. At one point they knew Vaas was never coming back and they were left with each other.
Their love snuck up on them; like that feeling of a gentle touch to the other’s hand for comfort, the warmth of a hug that lasts a little too long, the realization they didn’t want to lose the other from their life also. A quiet love of lives intertwined. She saw in him a protector, someone she could trust, a gentleness she wasn't used to. They kept it a secret along with burgeoning plans to leave Night City together. The boss’ designation of a new gang president and the threats he brought to them both only brought a sense of urgency to it. Leaving together felt right. 
Santiago fits the mold of her perfect man. Strong and very masculine, protective, and traditional in the role he takes, making her his valued counterpart, attentive to her needs, generous and gentle, with a love of food. She’s come to understand him and his quietness; his introverted need to be alone sometimes to recharge. Also, of his need to tackle a job that makes him work hard, to escape the mundane for a sense of normalcy from what was a hard life on the city streets. Even if she fears the risks he takes, she respects and supports him. She also knows how hard it was for him to adjust to an entirely different lifestyle in France. And as a father, he shows the same attentiveness and care to raising his sons, becoming the best version of something he didn’t have growing up. His dedicated companionship is exactly what she dreamed of finding with someone someday. And with him by her side, all the hardships faced prior made a little more sense.
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jamsterrr · 25 days
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ni-ki. manager. headache proned. annoyance. teasing. “ just because you’re the assiastant doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do “. dickhead.
description. you grew up with your older brother heeseung playing basketball, so you knew much more than the next girl. but being the captain’s assistant isn’t easy when your your brothers annoying friend is apart of the team. when you get stuck riding with him on the way home. how will you do?
words : 2.8k
ni-ki x female!reader
contains. ‼️ ; sap , slight making out , tongue kissing ( ?? ) , cursing. ( let me know if i missed anything ! )
WARNING. : everything is fictional! and this is not how any of the enhypen members are at all! this is purely for fun and entertainment <3
part 1: my biggest headache | part 2: mbh: bet chapter
link to my masterlist . . . !
don’t take this serious. this is just a fanfic. tbh.. idk what this is.. i’m not even going to lie.. this kind of sucks.. and I feel like i should’ve named it something different but idk. it seemed to fit??! sorry if it’s so sappy, I was trying to at least get something out to you guys! 🥺 sorry it took me so long to put something out. i was sick for like the whole first week of august and i have a lot of stuff going on. but i have so many good drabbles! stay tuned <3 ( heeseung , jake , sunghoon drabbles soon ehehe )
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
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You were fairly a good student. You didn't do much outside of school but volunteer stuff, and that's probably how you ended up here in the first place. At the gym at 6:00 on a Friday, watching the team you helped coach, score each time from the other team. You had been ripping and running all day. You were tired, hungry, dehydrated and felt like you smelt like the bottom of Shrek's ass.
Your eyes were bouncing all over the court, landing on your brother Lee Heeseung, captain of the basketball team. Since you could remember, he was always teaching you something about basketball. At a young age you came to love it. It was something you both held dear to your hearts and something you bonded over. You would've joined if your school had a girls basketball team, but no one was interested. Accompanying your brother on the courts were his closest and best friends, some you came to adore and know.
Others... not so much.
They were Jake Sim. His longest friend. Park Sunghoon. Typically, the quietest one. Park Jongseong. But people called him Jay. And Nishimura Riki. But he went by the name Ni-ki. He was by far the most annoying. Maybe it's because he was the closest to your age. Or maybe it was the way that he didn't listen to anything you said, no matter what it was. You could hand him a water bottle in the hot sun, and he wouldn't take it.
That happened. Literally last weekend.
Each time it was the same thing. He wouldn’t comply with you, he’s always knock you down during practice, though you weren’t scared to try and do it back, though his height advantage beat you sometimes.
You tried to keep your cool. For your sake.
Regardless, you always tried to be nice to him, over and over. Chance after chance. But your patience was running thin. During the remainder of the first half of the game, you continued to watch, seeing the score for your team go up. The crowd cheering with each dribble of the ball down the court, Jake shooting and scoring a point. Soon the buzzer buzzed, and the first half of the game was over. You finally took the chance to sit down, taking a small seat until Heeseung came over and you smiled, a wave of happiness coming over you as you seen your brother.
"Hey." He spoke to you out of breath, his heart lips showing his full smile as you handed him a cold washcloth. "Hey." You replied back, watching him. The male mumbled a small thank you and you waited for him to finish before continuing to speak. "You did amazing out there. It was like watching Lebron James" you joked, and he rolled his eyes, nudging your shoulder. "Lying is bad, you'll get lie bumps." he said, sticking out his tongue at you.
You grinned and replied back. "Must be why your taste buds are visible. The two of you laughed before spotting Jake, his hands resting above his head. "Hey, Y/n" he spoke, your name rolling off his tongue, followed by his Australian accent. "Mind rounding up a couple water bottles for us Seven?" he asked, and you nodded. Knowing Jungwon and Nicholas were going to be put in the next game. "Of course, I'll be right back." You said, excusing yourself from the conversation you were having before making your way to concessions.
The line was full, and you had approximately 18 minutes to make it back with water bottles for the seven. While standing in line you couldn't help but notice Ni-ki walking from out the double doors, you crossed your fingers hoping he wouldn't bother you. To your luck, he didn't.
That was a first.
Waiting what felt like hours but had only been a couple of seconds, you felt a slightly taller presence behind you, their hands wrapped around your body as you slightly tensed. "Guess who~?" they sung out and you laughed. It was your best friend, Sunoo. The two of you met in Middle school when he was in 8th grade, two grades higher than you back when you met. The two of you instantly clicked.
"I didn't expect you to be here, I thought you went on that date?" you asked, and he moved his hands, pouting his perfect lips. "They cancelled, but hey, it's their loss." he spoke, and you nodded, agreeing with him.
"What are you in the concession line for?" The male asked, the two of you in your own little world, ignoring the hustle of the outside world, anyone but you two. "I'm getting water for everyone on the team, though I'm annoyed none of them brought their own water bottles." You groaned, leaning your head back slightly. "Or maybe they did and just want to make your life harder." Sunoo grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.
You rolled your eyes as it was finally your turn to place your order. "Yes, May I please have 8 water bottles?" you say as the small child that was helping rounded up your total. Sunoo leaned over and whispered to you. "I thought you only needed Seven?" "Well, I want one too" you frowned.
After a small call over from the child, another lady helped them calculate the total, the little kid speaking. "That will be $16 ma'am, cash or card?" he asked, "Cash" you responded, feeling around in your pocket, patting your jacket *and* pants pocket, but not being able to find it nowhere. You leaned over to Sunoo, whispering slightly. "Do you by chance have $17 dollars? I'll pay you back, I promise you" said as he shook his head. "No, I only have 5, the ticket lady took my money" he frowned.
You couldn't even deal with the mountain of embarrassment that came over your body at the moment, your cheeks flushing red. Hell, your whole face. Until you saw a hand reaching across, and a $20 bill being handed to the small boy that started to count the change. You and Sunoo both looked over to see Ni-ki, his hair slightly sticking to his face, his side profile causing you to stare with a slight smirk on his face. You were slightly mesmerized by the males looks. He definitely wasn't the worst looking person you'd ever seen. If only his attitude towards you wasn't such a dickhead thing. Who knows, maybe the two of you would actually be friends. Sunoo and you collected the water while Ni-ki collected his change.
The three of you stepped out of line. "Uh, thanks..." you said, holding the cold-water bottles, before feeling Ni-ki take one from your hands. "Well, you were looking a little embarrassed in the line..." he said, sucking in air through his teeth. "I wouldn't have wanted to be you" he laughed, turning around. "I'll take my $17 in any form of payment" he said before turning around and walking back through the black double doors. Your eyebrows furrowed as you watch Sunoo roll his eyes. "Gosh, I don't know how you have the strength to deal with him. He's so sarcastic."
"To be fair, so are you" you laughed, and Sunoo rolls his eyes playfully. "Yeah, but I'm better" he joked, and you shook your head. "Okay, let's get these to the boys" you said, leading Sunoo to the boys, making their way over to you, thanking you for the water and smiling. "About time." Heeseung joked as you rolled your eyes and sat down.
Oh, weren't you ready to go home.
Once the second quarter of the game started you were back in your mode, making sure to keep look for any fouls. The people that were playing the game now was Nicholas, Jungwon, Jake, Sunghoon and Ni-ki. The quote-on-quote best players on the team.
Your eyes kept flickering towards Ni-ki. Trying hard to look away but the male was so captivating even though he boiled your blood with the things he said. As the crowd cheered, your eyes jumped to the score board. 42 ( — ) 24. Heeseung was on the 3-point line, dribbling the ball as he tossed the ball to Ni-ki who threw it back to Heeseung after distracting a couple of the opposing teammates that were near him at the time. Your brother shot the basketball, from the line. It goes in with a... *SWISH*.
The people on the crowd stood up, stomping and shouting, the cheerleaders performing and waiving their pompoms. The band performing. Total chaos in the school's gymnasium. A big smile on your face as you watched your brother get showered in the love he deserved.
You ran towards him, wrapping your arms around him, giving him a big hug. Feeling a sense of pride for your brother, for him to be doing something he truly enjoyed and getting credit for it along with the rest of the team. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of happiness. All those long weekends of practice and after school practice came in handy. The score flashing 45 ( — ) 24.
“Hey, can you get a ride from Ni-ki? I’m not going straight home and everyone else already left. I already asked him, and he said yes.” Heeseung spoke as you frowned. “I really don’t want to; you know me and him don’t get alone. I can’t promise you I’ll be nice.” You crossed your arms as you put your book-bag strap over your shoulder, after uncrossing your arms.
“Oh, come on, try and be nice? I will be home later but I’m sure you’re ready to just go home. It’s only like a 15-minute drive, you will be okay.” Heeseung spoke, leaning and pressing a soft kiss to your head. “Don’t wait up for me.” He spoke. “WASNT. planning on it” you said slightly annoyed, but you couldn’t even be mad at him. You sighed, searching the halls, calling out the male's name gently, getting louder with each call.
“Ni-ki!” You shouted, groaning as you looked around, screaming and raising your hand to hit the male once he popped out from the corner, grabbing your hand as he laughed. His hand holding your wrist, gripping it tightly. “God-! You scared the shit out of me!” You whine and gently took your wrist from his hand. The male let it go and laughed a little. “Yeah, sorry about that... not” he laughed, and you rolled your eyes. “You’re annoying. Take me home.” The attitude evident in your voice as he rolled his eyes at it, standing there for a second, his gaze burning a whole into you.
You took a deep breath before looking at the male and hummed. “Please...” you said, biting your tongue. You didn’t want to stall anymore, you just wanted to go home and that was it. Needing a hot shower, something to eat and relax yourself on your bed since it was the afternoon. “Yes, I can.” He finally spoke, him glancing at you before he started walking to the back of the school, the parking lot where every student with a car parked. It was quiet except for the two of your footsteps, the sound of the door opening as he held it out for you, a soft “thank you” escapes your lips as the two of you made it quietly to the male's car.
Not knowing whether it would be rude of not to sit in the back seat, you got into the passenger side of the male's car, placing your book bag on the floorboard in-front of you, buckling up your seatbelt.
Ni-ki did the same and started the car, turning on the radio as he drove off. The first bit of the car ride was a little awkward. You didn’t move much, causing you to get a slight stiff in your neck since you were looking out your window. Something came over you that made you ask the question.
“Why are you always such an asshole to me?” You didn’t know why you had the urge to say it right now out of all times, I mean you could have just easily did it at school when you didn’t have to see him that much, but you asked him in his car. “An asshole to you?” He answered your question with a question. Leaning back in his seat as he turned his head to look at you, his eyes roaming your body.
“Yeah, an asshole to me.” You replied firmly. “I’m not an asshole to you.” He answered, causing you to scoff. “Ni-ki, don’t play stupid with me. You know what I’m talking about. Ever since I started being the assistant you have gave me nothing but trouble. I want to know why, what have I done to you?” You asked, now starting to wonder what truly could be behind the male's mind. Ni-ki started driving, the car ride being silent. Filled with the awkward silence and the soft tunes of the radio. The time flew by. To you it seemed like it’s been at least an hour. But the 15 minutes was coming to a stop.
“I don’t know, I just think you’re fun to mess with.” He spoke, but you weren’t buying it. “Can I ask you a question?” Ni-ki asked, pulling up in front of your house, parking in the driveway, in the spot Heeseung normally parked in, but since he wasn’t home. Ni-ki used it. “What’s that?” You ask, slightly curious at the question you were about it to be asked.
“Do you and Sunoo date?” He asked, not looking at you, his eyes staring straight forward as he bit his bottom lip gently, putting the car into park.
Nothing could have prepared you for that question. You widened your eyes slightly at it. “What- no- Sunoo is my best friend. Why would you even ask that? What business is it to you?” You asked, - shocked - your lips slightly agape. “Good.” Is all he said.
“Good??!” You repeated and he finally looked at you, his eyes flickering around your face, clearly noticing your slightly distraught but concerned look.
What happened to the Ni-ki I know? The one that makes me want to ring my brain out. Why was he acting like this?
The male licked his lips and gently placed his hand on your cheek, biting his bottom lip as you felt your heart began to race. “Wh-what are you doing?” You question before feeling his soft and plush lips against yours. Your eyes closing as you let yourself melt into the kiss. it was like something snapped inside of you. After all these times, the feelings you couldn’t deny rushed into your body, butterflies fluttering with each sound both of your lips made smacking together.
Your body was turned, facing his as you ran your hands through his hair, his hands placed on your hips, slightly rubbing the skin there. His tongue poked at your bottom lip as you opened your mouth, allowing the males tongue to explore the inside of your mouth.
The two of you pulled away the only thing connecting you two was a single strand of spit that was soon gone, heavy pants playing loudly over the man that was speaking on the radio. “What was that..?” You questioned, licking your lips as your eye fluttered to look at him.
A soft smirk appeared on his lips. “Me saying that I’ll pick you up tomorrow, that we should actually get to know each other better.” Ni-ki smiled and placed his hand on your cheek, his thumb caressing the skin of your cheek.
“Can I see about that..?” You slightly blushed and he nodded. Taking his hand, you gently intertwined your fingers and placed a soft kiss on the back of his hand, getting out of the car and grabbing your backpack. “See you..” you said before he waved and returned it with a smile. “See you.” Once you were clear out of the way of the car, Ni-ki pulled off and made his way out of the neighborhood, you stood still for a second, sighing as you watched his car disappear. You touched your lips which were now a little swollen and a bit tingling from the kiss that still lingered on your mind.
Gosh, what did you do.
After you finally showered, feeling the freshest that you could, you sat down in your bed, hearing a bunch of iPhone dings coming from your notifications. It was a group chat filled with the basketball team, excluding your brother. A new one.
Y/N kisses Ni-ki. [ the bet. ]
Ni-ki: [ *sent 2 attatchments, picture & video* ]
Jake: I knew it was going to happen.
Nicho: Ha! Called it. Pay up.
Jungwon: SOOOO not fair. I thought it’d be at least 2 months.
Sunghoon: damn, I owe Sunoo $70
Jay: 💀
You widen your eyes. Was that what that was? Were you just a bet. To see how long it would be until you kissed someone apart of the basketball team. Your best friend even participating in it. You felt disgusting. Your head pounding after you left the group chat, tears welding into your eyes. Your head pounding.
“Fucking Nishimura. My biggest headache.”
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yua i know your requests are flooded so let this one sit here until you're ready, but i needed to share
i need scaramouche to fuck my anxiety/overthinking away
he just keeps out degrading my overthinking with filthy words, kissing/brushing off my genuine tears away, me repeatedly saying love you because its true 🥺 and he doesnt know what to say back because hes so overstimulated, we cant think, and he loves me so much more, so he does what he do best, degrading me oh so lovingly while we repeatedly fuck until who knows what am, until we physically literally cant anymore, but we're trained people, hes a former fatui ffs, our strength and stamina helps us for so long, maybe even a day, and only resting for a few minutes after cumming, then going again and again literally missing a day or two's worth of commission work or anything else because we're just that addicted
need him to scream my name with "fuck" "im cumming" nnh need him to breed me so bad
I can imagine him going on until the sunrises, maybe until lunch time if that's possible.
Breeding. Mating Press. Creampie. Scara being messy as fuck with his cum. Cockdrunk Reader. Pussydrunk Scara. Fem! Reader (mentioned of she but it's mostly gn with fem bodied reader.) Overstim. Scara absolutely obliterating you in bed. Messy. Degradation, mixed with slight praise.
Your head his spinning, your mind is filled with nothing but the person who's literally fucking you into the oblivion. His tender hands caresses your body, worshipping n' peppering it in kisses, coating it with his cum until he's overstimulated.
Your eyes scroll up to the back of your head, nails digging n' scratching his back so deliriously that he has to fuck his cum deeper into you :((
Lewd squelching filled your ears, his cock bullies its way once more into your cum-filled pussy, fucking more of his cum into you.
"Look at you..so messy, all sprawled out for me.. Love you s'much.."
He grunts, pulling his cock out once more and slamming it back inside, watching how more cum leaks out. It's so satisfying. Your pussy is so good, so nice and snuggly, sooo warm..
"I bet you'll look good with a swollen belly, won't you? You're such a sweet little thing, all dumb and pretty for me."
You whine at the lost of his cock, but only to be soon flipped over to your stomach and your ass raised up in the air just tells you what next.
"Scaraaa..need s'much more.."
He chuckles at your words, simply pistoling his dick in and relishing how your warm walls squeeze and milk his cock.
"Aww..did the little slut have enough yet? I don't think she is.. it's not like her little pussy would mind being filled some more, right?"
Fuck. It's so good, so addicting. His cock is hitting all the right spots, you can't help but just squirt all over while the tip of his dick was kissing your sweet spot so nicely that you'll cum again. A creamy ring was visible on his shaft, it's just so lovely isn't it? <33
Your body twitched, writhing while your sweet lover was relentlessly pounding from behind in an inhumane pace. Your head is spinning, the pleasure is so good, you don't even remember why you were even crying in the first place.
Incoherent babbles filled his ears. His lips curled into a lustful grin as you cum all over his cock once again, coating it with your creamy essence. Your walls were twitching, body sweating and covered with his own cum.
"Would you look at that... Your dripping cunny is still sucking me in. So.. so fucking needy of you, but that's okay— ngh! You're my little slut to fuck after all.."
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feelingpure · 10 months
I'm just remembering that Hawk forgot Tim's birthday, and I am once again spiralling.
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Recap/ramble under the cut.
In this essay (lol) I will explain why this hurts me so much. In short; it's because Tim clearly cares a lot about it, and Hawk completely disregards it.
Alright, let's start from the scene at the club near the beginning of the episode, where Marcus and Hawk are talking about the upcoming weekend trip and Hawk confirms that he's going alone but that doesn't mean he'll be alone (okay, so he's planning on being a lil slutty on the trip if no one else goes with him, cool cool cool).
And just before Marcus leaves, he mentions the birthday.
Marcus: And, not that you care, but you missed his birthday. He noticed.
The way Marcus said that part... he noticed. TIM NOTICED. Tim noticed so much that Marcus noticed that Tim noticed. Idk, that line just hurt me, cause I'm just imagining sweet Tim crying over it while face down in his pillows. Not even a secret card, or a message via Mary? No, ofc not. Cause you didn't even realise when it was, did you Hawk?
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So the next time Tim and Hawk get to speak alone.
Hawk: I've decided to forgive you. Tim: Forgive me? Hawk: You haven't called in three weeks. Tim: Four.
So it's been about a month since the end of the last episode. Tim knows how long it's been, Hawk doesn't. Interesting... and even though I've kept it in above, I'm not even going to talk about the "I've decided to forgive you." line, cause 😠. And I'm not gonna talk about Hawk trying to hint at (/mock?) Tim's feelings by quoting a line from a love sonnet either; 🖐️😩 we don't have time for all that! (But do go look up 'How Do I Love Thee?' and proceed to sob).
And as Hawk walks off (after telling Tim to meet him in 15 minutes for the drive to the place, after they bumped into each other by chance - definitely did not plan to ask him along, cool cool cool).
Hawk: Oh, and happy birthday.
The way he says this so smug... 😤 and Tim's slightly confused face and little walk away afterwards.
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Then at the 'rough trade' bar.
Tim: Is this my birthday present? Hawk: It's more like an education.
Ugh, the way Tim looks around the bar with a face full of glee and excitedly asks if this is his present. 🥺 And Hawk just... nah, let me tell you about what goes on here. Like that's cool, but then no further acknowledgement of Tim's birthday? …Alright, cool cool cool.
Cut to Tim sat at the bar on his own looking at his watch. Then cut to Tim getting accosted by some stranger in the bathroom.
Stranger: Anyone that'd leave you behind doesn't deserve to keep you.
EXACTLY. Anyway... yeah thinking about how in the 1st episode we saw Tim showing Hawk his family photo album; so it's more than safe to say he at least told him his birthday? If not by then, by the episode 2 pillow talk.
I bet Mary, Luis and co. remembered. Marcus clearly knew. But Hawk, who he's the closest with and known for longer? Nope.
The same Hawk who was so confident when he told Tim to drop everything and meet him in 15 minutes, after not speaking to each other for a month. And Tim, who immediately ran to go meet him outside.
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These are just the few moments that I remembered them mentioning his birthday, and I went back to watch them while typing this; I don't think it's mentioned again in the episode (but I might be wrong)?
And yes, this was mostly just me needing to get out some of my Hawk rage. The birthday thing might seem small to some, idky but it really made me * jaw clench, sharp exhale * once it clicked that 'he noticed'.
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random-thoughts4u · 2 years
Headcanons about how Keigo Takami (BNHA), Taishiro Toyomitsu (BNHA), and Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies) would confess to gn reader?
GN! READER HC confessions, falling in love scenarios♡
Ok, so this idea is SO CUTE, and you picked such wonderful men too 💗 I hope you enjoy this list. Sorry it took so long! 😊 I hope you don't mind me adding how you met them as well for a bit of a more realistic touch 🥺💙
I wanted a bit more story building! 🐰
I really hope I did them justice. These are a few of my comfort characters 🥺
♡Keigo Takami♡
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❤️ He remembers the first day he saw you. The way you made your way into the bar, he would frequently gather new information. Something about you light up the room. His eyes were stuck for a moment, but he soon shook it off. He had a job to do.
❤️ Months had passed, and he still thought of your face. If only he knew how close he was to seeing you. Then there you stood one day. A sparkling image in the small office space besides another pro hero. You were the newest intern. A glint of excitement shone behind his eyes as his curious gaze greedily took in every ounce of you. Almost as of feeding this growing hunger inside of him.
❤️It takes this man days to become attached to you. It seemed as if every day he was bumping into you in the hall or in need of your help for some obscure task that you're absolutely sure he'd be able to do alone. He never came across as aggressive or creepy. No. He was sweet, gentle.
❤️He respects your bounds as best as he can. There are times he messes up, but that's just part of living. You better bet he'd do what he could to make you comfortable once again. He was learning how to love.
❤️It was a warm spring day when it happened. You were out in the field with him. A small smile graced his features as he held his hand out to you.
❤️Trusting this man with everything you had, you took it. The way his palm cradled your hands had your heart exploding in your chest.
❤️ Noticing the change in your demeanor, he scooped you into his arms. His wings spread wide, creating a gentle gust around you both before the ground below left your feet.
❤️But you weren't scared. Those golden hues lovingly gazing at the city line soon pointed at you. He chuckled before speaking.
"I know it's a bit out of nowhere, but you are one of the most amazing individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting."
❤️ With that, a deep scarlet bruised your cheeks as your eyes glistened in want. Every bit of you felt electrified as he rambled on about how kind your were, and what you made him feel.
"I guess... I'm asking if you want to be my partner. Not like a hero team, ya know?"
❤️ As you process his question, your mind didn't even register the roof under your shoes. The only thing you could focus on was the sheepish grin on the man's face. It's not the one he usually wears. Oh no, this one was far better. It was real.
❤️All you could do was toss an arm around him, pressing a small kiss to his cheek.
"I take it, that's a yes?" You rolled your eyes before he lifted your chin with his pointer finger, holding your gazes together.
"Yes, it is smartass~," was all you said as he lightly brushed his nose against your cheek.
❤️Your new nicknames have become "Babybird," "Sunflower," "Angel," "Dollface."
♡ Taishiro Toyomitsu ♡
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🍑You first met Tai after a recent villain attack. He was relentless chasing down the villain that had decided to come into your shop of all places. Well, more like the villain Canon balled through the bricks.
🍑 Pro hero Fatgum, as you'd learned about through various news outlets, had burst through the now shattered wall with a smoking fist. The size of the now small hole was left a missing wall at this point. Dust surrounding you forced a harsh cough from your lungs. Quickly grabbing the attention of the villain.
🍑 Fatgums eyes widened as he saw you trying to hide behind the remains of the front desk of your business. Everyone was supposed to have been evacuated. How were you still here?
🍑Shaking it off, his intense gaze focuses on the villain. Before you could blink, the large hero had dived over the man completely engulfing him with his quirk. The villains arms helplessly waved out as he was swolled hole.
🍑After that day, he found himself checking in in you. He'd profusely apologize about the wall while simultaneously scolding you for not following orders to leave the area. You explained you'd recently broken your phone and had been cleaning with your headphones in. There was no warning for you.
🍑He felt the obligation to look after you, seeing as how oblivious you could be. He'd find himself inviting you out day by day.
🍑It happened during the stat festival. He stared at you with bright eyes, full of joy. A chuckle leaves your lips, and his heart does flips. Before he could stop himself, he asked.
🍑His words flowed smoothly, as they usually did when he became serious. A large hand light drags along your jawline as you both share a gaze. "I'm not sure how to ask this, but I'd be honored to have you as mine.."
🍑His face was burning a deep crimson as his eyes flickered away sheepishly. His heart roared behind his chest as his shaking hand did their best to steady along your jaw.
🍑A timid smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you playfully reach out to him. Your hand cradles something. A gift for him.
🍑He nervously reaches down, holding his palm up to you. There, you sit a small piece of candy. It's the same brand he'd first given you the day you met.
🍑His hand classes over the candy as he gives you a toothy grin. "I'll do all I can for you, sweetheart! I promise."
🍑That's where your story began.
♡Rei Suwa♡
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🔫 It was another day at the playground for Rei. He found himself frequenting the area for a reason he himself didn't know. Maybe the peace after everyone left and the sun was down made him feel serene.
🔫He headed to the swing, a cigarette loosely hung from his lips as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. His fingers play with the lighter that sat inside his pants.
🔫That's when he noticed something. A figure with their back facing him, sitting on his swing. A soft voice hummed out from them, pulling the man in. Curiously, he listened, crossing both arms over his chest to help him relax.
🔫 Whatever spell you had him under was working. He'd come back every other night to find you there. Singing the same song to yourself. He couldn't stop himself from sitting beside you tonight. Silently, he listened as you continued.
🔫Over a year had passed of you both enjoying one anothers company in the late night. He'd even asked you to go places with him after a few months of this ritual.
🔫Rei had become infatuated with you and the peace you brought him. Pretty soon, he had realized he'd fallen deep. Worry laced his eyes as his usually aloof demeanor flakes away. Fear, for a moment, flashes behind his orbs.
🔫He let his guard down. With a small sigh of relief he gave in, wrapping his beds blanket tightly around you both. It wasn't unusual for him to do this, so you responded just as you always did. You snuggled against the crook of his neck as he ran circles along your spine.
🔫 "I think you already know what I want to ask you." Was all he managed to say as his smooth voice lulled you into a safe haven. You smiled against his neck before allowing your eyes to slip shut.
🔫You sat still, finally feeling the wave of relief hit you as he let himself feel. You responded simply by humming, as you did often during moments like these. New feelings, experienced for the first time. It had to be slow. Words weren't needed. Only feelings. For the both of you had beaten down hearts. He knew to take this as acceptance. With that, he placed a small kiss on top of your head as he held you against him.
🔫You will never be hurt. Not anymore. Not if he can help it.
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punklorde-hunter · 6 months
So 2.1, just like the previous patch SO much happened, and To no one's surprise, It blew everything we saw in 2.0 out of the water! And since i did something similar during 2.1, I'd thought it make sense to do the same for the next part. So without further ado!
Spoilers under the Cut!!!!
Of course the start of 2.1's story has to end right where we left off, in the room where we found Robin's dead body O_O. But i like the direction they go, where after we split off form Aventurine and meet with the Express, we get to see multiple POV's, kinda like how they did with Dan Heng on the Luofu but more complex. And man did it work wonders!
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While I know there were people meming and a bit disappointed Duke Inferno never got to appear in game, I did like that Acheron at least remembers his last stand. Man stood by his principles and went out fighting (even if he' prob won't be playable)
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I also like how they handled Acheron & Welt together. Like I said before never got to play Honkai Impact 3rd, but I did get to read a lot of the supplementary material like Second Impact, so it was nice to see that side of Welt from there. And that's while Acheron isn't his Mei it's nice they shared a kinship
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What a fun Greek Myth ref to match the HI3 Ref
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I got nothing to add to this the sand pit was hilarious as hell! The NPC walking into walls and clipping into floors made me lose it. The devs had way too much fun in that area lmao.
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Siobhan give em one more chance 🥺
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the straight Up Pikachu ref sdjaldsadkklds
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The little detail of Aventurine's & Dr. Ratio's shoes was pretty cute, the lil' spades on Aventurine's sole and Ratio's sandals, it's nice!
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Nice Unlimited Blade Works ref there Star Rail
This next parts more on the serious side, so I'll give a little heads up that rest of the post is prob about to touch on really dark topics like Enslavement, genocide, su1c1de, and not so nice things like that so be warned.
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Aventurine / Kakavasha's backstory....
there's so much I could say but they really did a excellent job fleshing out his character. From how he was "lucky" from birth but everyone he ever loved wasn't so lucky, how his reckless gambling with his life was there even as a kid, him feeling he's never been truly free only going from one master to another, mans got trauma and it's no wonder he thinks everything comes at a cost.
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I haven't seen a lot of post about the part where Kakasvasha says his last goodbyes to his sister, right before the Narration explains that the small rebellion ended in the Avgin clan's extinction (it's vague if the Katacins survived, but considering how the story paints them, not many people are gonna miss them). over 6,000 deaths and over ,000 casualties, all on a planet that was barely survivable. And while his sister sends him off after one final prayer to Gaithra Triclops, it left him alone with no one, and we know how he ended up afterwards.
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Not to mention the fact even when Aventurine killed his old master by STRANGLING HIM WITH CHAINS, he would've been arrested by the IPC had Jade not taken an interest in his bet. Man has been through it. No wonder he recklessly bets his life in gambles, it was either that or he dies.
Speaking of reckless gambling, the entire sequence after Sunday does his Harmony suggestion we get that oh so nice interactions with the young Aventurine and his shadow the true self other Aventurine that rags on him the rest of the way. The shadow Aventurine lays it in him that underneath that bravado is a man whose so scared to lose more and yet doesn't care if his own life gets taken in the process since all he has is that. Not even with all the money in the universe. Dr Ratio's "betrayal" was supposedly an act, but he still thinks on some level the doctor hates him and it was real, he has no one to confined in or anything.
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But with the younger self it's different. The way his young self still has light in his eyes, how in the hallucination he's at the theme park with his family, who are dead. First he denies that there are any Avgins since they were all dead right? But then he shows a kinder side he would never show to anyone, much less himself. And it accumulates in the scene where he decides to live on a bit longer and says a final prayer to his past, to Kakavasha. I was choking up all through that final part.
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I know the patch mostly focused on Aventurine, but even what we learned of Acheron is also sad. She's not really a Galaxy Ranger, because her status as an Emanator of Nihillty, a "Self-Annihilator," is tragic enough, means she'll forget precious memories, senses, untill there's nothing. So it's sticks out to me that Acheron is the one to give Aventurine the nudge to live on, she she also has lost so much but chooses to walk on in life. Plus Dr. Ratio's note to Aventurine was very Ratio, no-nonsense but also wants him to live on despite their differences. The Aventio fans are eating it up but it's still a nice gesture from Ratio.
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Speaking of Sunday, I said I wanted him to get his revenge as a treat but I wasn't counting on him almost killing Aventurine with whatever Harmony power he put on him. Sure the man lost his sister to an unknown murderer, and the light cone memory of them of a simpler time is sad. There's still a few unanswered question about him and Robin's relationship, like if Robin's fondest memories of are the pretend concert between her and Sunday, why is ti as adults she only just got back to Penacony, and why the Harmony isn't in sync anymore that caused her voice to lose it's tune. Also Sundays controlling attitude and his raven bird watching in every scene he's in makes me think the once closed siblings may not be as close anymore
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Also with the reveal of what "Gallagher's" role in the story is, the drink he made for my Trailblazer fits a bit TOO well. I don't completely believe he's working alone, but his association with the Something Unto Death meme has me excited for his role next patch. Let my chill bartender man be a bit shady as a treat. Truly the "most normal human in the game of werewolf" (Thanks Shaoji)
Also to no one's surprise, Sam & Firefly are one in the same. While I am interested on how the last Stellaron Hunter is gonna be like and what their deal is, it's a shame most people like em were spoiled by the twist since it makes Firefly and Sam SO much more interesting.
But overall 2.1 has been AMAZING in terms of characterization and with 2.2 being set to be the "climax" of Penacony's Story I can't wait to see what they do with the plot threads they have been cooking up.
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screampied · 16 days
hiiii. so, first i just want to say that the feeling is mutual, because i’m always looking forward to your replies to my asks, like giggling and kicking feet typa shit!!!
second of all, i’ve realized that if you do a scream theme, it would be perfect because of your username?!?! ngl i wish i was creampied by billy loomis
i used to look at those people eating and drinking pumpkin flavored stuff and i would gag, until i realized it probably taste like a famous pumpkin candy in my country, so yes, pls try it and tell me if it’s sweet and good. i’m a very picky eater and i can’t stand pumpkin, unless is for decoration and eating bits and bits of the said candy.
also, yeah, fuck scream 5. it was awful, i love gale and dewey, it was so unnecessary what they did to them, and proceeding to fucking kill him??? ain’t no way, i punched my tv.
classics are truly the best. ngl, i don’t like new horror movies, they are always lacking something. i did, however, enjoyed the movie talk to me from a24, but i saw it more as the metaphor (drgs) instead of possession, so yah…
NOW SHUT UP HIP PIERCINGS? AND BELLY BUTTON? oh i know u a bad bitch, like i can’t help but stan more. ☝️
how was your day today, btw? i finished an edit for my theme that was pissing me off and now i’m just waiting for the one person i’m comfortable with to be online so i can show and be like “gimme ur opinion 🥺” and they are sincere af so if they hate it, imma kms, i see no other option.
oh, also, this week i got a hate anon and i kept laughing because?? it’s so random, people are really miserable and funny sometimes. it’s like a certificate that their life sucks, idk.
AND YES, i’ll be showing myself for you, probably on october 1st, like nosferatu coming from the shadows, hihi.
nut anon
omg ur so sweet, hugs 🫂🫂.
FUCK UR SO RIGHT. a scream theme bc it’s literally in my url what are the chances 😋 plus my username was even based off scream omg we’ll see. that’ll be so sexy ughhhhh october hurry.
im kinda scared to try pumpkin lowkey. im also a picky eater and i feel like ill puke 🧍‍♂️ like ive smelled it and its okaaaay i guess but idk if i can handle it paha. if i do try it, ill tell u how it goes trust.
good fucking bye i can talk a whole rant about how AWFUL scream 5 is. out of all the movies, it’s the worst in my opinion. the only thing i loved about it was the opening scene—jenna ortega’s portion, she made me continue watching it 🙂‍↕️ plus she’s mother, i love her downnnnn. AND UR RIGHT. !!!!! LIKE DEWEY ?????? i get he had to die at some point but his death was so stupid. like really. just say you hate him. scream 6 totally redeemed itself tho now that is a SEQUEEEEL. only thing i hated about scream 6 was the killer reveals. the motive was understandable but dumb . LOLLL im such a hater but man ✋🏽 do you think neve is coming back for scream 7, i hope so and they better give her the pay she deserves bc i miss my final gyal 😔
TEEEHHEEE THANK YOU POOKIE 💋 i bet you’re an even badder bitch <3 my day was good !!! i was busy out half the day sight seeing and going to a nascar race showing near me which was sooooo cool. a bird shat on my car window which was totally uncool 😒. SLAAAAY omg i bet it looks so good.
booo hate anons r so unserious. i remember i got one months ago and just rolled my eyes because you could be like … saving the world ✋🏽 or idk doing crossword puzzles instead of talking shit to a silly lil stranger on the interweb. ppl be bored ig. don’t let it get to u tho bae !!!! ur amazing mwah
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illyrianbitch · 3 months
Hi again,
I saw your most recent ask (about your struggling lately) and I just wanted to say firstly, I’m sorry that there is weight on your heart. Second, good morning (or evening)/have sweet dreams/i bet you look stunning today even if you don’t think so (all things that I missed hearing when I went through my own very intense breakup). And overall, I hope you take some time to give back to yourself the love that you had cultivated with this other person, because it can be hard being someone so changed by love and years of knowing someone. Also I’m sorry that grief has made its home in you right now, I know that’s hard, it always helps me to remember that grief is a kind of love too. Anyway I hope this wasn’t overstepping too hard.
-very much filled with the unique love of an internet stranger
hi lovely!!! thank u for taking the time to write me something so sweet, this made my heart so warm <3 this actually helped me so very much so im so grateful you decided to drop in 🥺🫶🏻 defintely not overstepping and could never ever be!!!
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hellbubu · 4 months
I had fun, yes. It's not something grand and like, formal or anything, we just gathered around to throw a friend a surprise lil bday party (i found out later that the people she chose to celebrate with -it's common in argentina to have several groups of friends so you kinda celebrate several times throught your bday week lmao- never showed up and didnt even tell her! so im glad we did this little thing) and drink tea/coffe and eat facturas and chipa and cookies, etc. I'd LOVE to have an actual garden tea party someday, with fancy dresses and the like xD
The main character alright xD Stole the spotlight straight from the P4! Actually, he was pretty much *handed* the spotlight with a bouque of flowers lol
The secondhand embarassment is real tho. Like, imagine, your one and only chance of having the queen actually *look* at you and you end up almost drowning in the filthy river.
Yooooo, I remember this!!! I remember the manga scene more than the movie (the english sub of the clip took me out, ngl, i'm SO used to listening to the japanesse with subtitles lmao), and this scene gave me the chills. Idk why but it felt more malevolent in black and white. I just love the fan-made translations...all the details they added, the little notes and additional info....I miss those times *dries a tear* It's a shame the movie its not on crunchy!! I wanna watch it again now
Oh, you don't know!!! I can't believe nobody spoiled this for you xD I'm not gonna do it either, but let's just say...the arc after the GWA is very *musical* lmao
(I think if Finny was in on it, the whole 'blue house needs to win the tournament so ciel can meet the headmaster' shebang he would *totally* fail on purpose. I remember the chills I got when they shot him in the head and he got up like =D )
That's still nice tho. Where I'm from most of the time you only celebrate once (with family and friends), sometimes you have two celebrations (one with family, another with friends).
I can tell you that no one on that boat will ever live that down. I bet Bluewer's sisters will bring it up very often to tease him. Perhaps Ciel won't be reminded of that, but that'd be because he's kidnapped every other week or he's undercover/murdering someone as often.
🙈🙈🙈I tried finding that scene on YouTube but couldn't (no idea why). And by some stroke of luck, I managed to find it in TikTok (even if it's the dub).
Teeeeellllll meeeeeeee. Now I might just go to the wiki and spoil the GWA and the arc after it because I don't like not knowing 🥺😞🥺😞🥺😞
Lol. Maybe it would. But Ciel is not above cheating anyway. He'll win no matter what. He'd probably find a way to distract Finny or maybe he'd get Mey-Rin to hit Finny with very small stones to get him off his game. I'd love to see how Ciel makes sure he wins when he's against someone with super human strength and he can't use Sebastian.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
The way I’m shaking like a leaf… She cried? Oh my gosh. She really feels not so great about herself right now… Poor baby 🥺 I hope Hoon says something or does something to make it better. An offhand comment. Some amazing aftercare. Something! Oh my gosh I was literally shaking after reading. But knowing Hoon he’ll just go beat the shiz out of somebody over it.
I am very curious to see if he’ll mention it or ignore it or what. Literally I’m just so excited for what happens next.
Like I just know they’re in their head about each other. I saw your beautiful thought about the skating rink and I wondered whether there are moments when they’re together that their bodies and minds remember what it was like to hold each other. They had to trust each other so much to be partners. Know each others unspoken communication and body language and they never forgot. That’s probably why they’re so good together in bed. I just have it in my head that she looks down at him—meeting his gaze when he’s about to taste and her mind flashes back to that same face so much younger and happier. Eyes filled with affection and laughter—all for her—all about her—and it’s so painful and beautiful at the same time that she has to turn away… There’s such a tragic beauty to losing love in childhood. Your heart and innocence is just frozen there in your memories… When I tell you this chapter broke my heart…
Like I know he doesn’t want to care but I would be willing to bet in that moment, when he saw her cry, he had that same kind of flashback, you know? Her tears probably always tore him apart because her smiles were so beautiful. Maybe once upon a time it broke him to see her in pain… and maybe he hates that it still does. Maybe that’s why Jaemin had to suffer. Because he can’t (shouldn’t want to) fix what’s broken in her anymore so he settles for breaking what broke her instead.
It’s all there… you painted this incredible world filled with emotion and it’s all there and I just let myself drift in it sometimes. That’s really the magic of a truly good story with really amazing characterization like yours…
I haven’t had time to write in a long time. I miss it so much, and stories like this make me remember why. I hope you know that you really are that talented.
I really can’t wait for more. I just love this story. It’s a lovely highlight to my day. I look forward to it. When I was writing I would get anons and followers that would write me long paragraphs and daydreams about my characters and my stories and my worlds (especially The Alpha—I used to receive NOVELS about that story) They always made me smile because I knew it meant that they were as invested in the world and characters I created as I was. So I hope me sending you these daydreams doesn’t make you frustrated or uncomfortable. To me, creating a world that is rich enough to daydream in is the highest achievement. And you really have done that. Thank you so much.
STOP you know one thing i LOVE about writers who read? they just send you comments like this so casually like bestie you just wrote the most beautiful and well thought through commentaty on my work and i just wanna say i love and appreciate you so much.
i always see your comments and asks and replies and i cant lie they never fail to make me tear up. maybe its your phenomenal way with words or just the way it feels so kind and genuine but either way i just wanna say that i genuinely and truly appreciate every word you've sent my way 🥺
the fact CH is such a big part of your day is smth i will forever keep close to my heart and honestly i dont even wanna comment on your thoughts bc theyre so beautiful and ive been thinking about them so much yet have not find the right ways to reply. i love and appreciate you so, so so much i hope you know that 🥺💗
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7ndipity · 10 months
Hey Sara!!! ✨💞 I came back! Hahaha i had a pretty busy weekend 😵‍💫 but that only means I have a lot to catch on your blog <3 but before I forget!
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY 🍰✨🎉!!!! I hope you had an amazing day honey and full of joy and good treats, I hope your new year will be full of happiness, success and health <3 and omggg you’re a scorpio bby!!🤭 what a funny coincidence because my rising sign is Scorpio too hahaha I send you a big hug and many kisses from yoongi too👀💞✨
Now, I’m still have a few updates to catch on but! The kitty one? THAT WAS LOVELY, I read it with a smile on my face because that’s a very real scenario of him with a calico kitty🥹 I love your surprises and ofc you’re right, that was very Jimin coded, and the ending line about the kids???? THAT’S SO HIM, our natural teaser libra boy<3 I saw that someone already ask you for. a Yoongi one ! Oh that’s gonna be chef kiss!😙
Now, going on with our kitty chat omgggg your boy seems to be very special 🥹🥹✨and with those eyes!! I bet he’s beautiful!!! And it’s soo good to hear that your family makes stray kitties life easier <3 and now your dad! Being a Kpop gg man! I love that ❤️‍🔥! Hahaha well he surely did not mention anything about the explicit version to you hahaha he would be like 👁️👄👁️ this man wants to f*ck my daughter seven days a week? In the rightest way?? Jdjsjsjsjs I’m now thinking on a scenario with any member with that plot hahahahhahaa I’m sorry I’m just on a silly mood today 🤭😂 but! If your ever decide to write something like that , I think JK, or anyone of the rap line would be accurate 😂
But , going back to the original point, jsjsjsjsjs yeah!! There’s something with jk and taehyung voices and parents , they always end up getting them!! And for the right reasons!
Love you Sara! I do have a smutty request because girlll, that Yoongi one?? I do have to say that the use of the color system and how you write it… like I think that was my Roman Empire for the week ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥👁️👁️ because …. Of course I’ve seen it on different works BUT, here I could imagine him doing his thing and saying that like … I don’t event want to think about anymore!!!! It was HOT AF, I’m loving this side of you <3 anddddd now I’ll write my request on another box hahahaha 💞💞big message today!!
I legit squealed when I saw your name in my inbox, like I missed you this week, Hon!😚😚Omg, putting the rest of this under the cut bc theres so much to catch up on, lol!
My birthday was good, went shopping with my fam and made lemon bars instead of a cake for myself!(ya girl finally got Tae's & Jk's albums as gifts, so now the Ot7 solo album collection is complete!👏👏) Also yay Scorpio buddies! Now I'm kinda curious what your sun sign is for comparison, lol(my rising sign is Cancer btw)!
I'm so glad you liked the Jimim blurb, I had a lot of fun writing it! I'm looking forward to writing the Yoongi one as well, cause we need more cat dad Yoongi on this site.😊 And yeah, not to brag on my boy, but he is so beautiful I love him sm, even tho he's a chaos noodle! (I might share a pic sometime if anyone wants?)
Also, omg not that Jungkook scenario, I can't breathe!🤣 It would be soo funny but soo awkward, like Jk slipping up and saying smth like "y/n's been a big inspiration for my music" like just trying to be nice, and then remembering what his lyrics are and just😱 NOOO TAKE IT BACK, PLEASE UN-HEAR THAT!!🤣😭I may have write this bc just yes, lol!
Also ROMAN EMPIRE?! Thank you?! I really liked the color system thing too, it just seems like a very Yoongi thing to me, just casually checking in to make sure you're okay, regardless of the scenario.🥺
I've also really been having a lot of fun exploring the smuttier concepts, so by all means send the ideas! I'm gonna respond more on your other message, bc just from a quick glance do I have some thoughts!😳
Love you sm!💜💜💜
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goldenpinof · 2 years
As much as you can say without major spoilers, how was his performance? You basically experienced WAD as a standup show 😭 why is it always warsaw? Hope you experience the full thing in Berlin!
"why is it always Warsaw?" LITERALLY
i was trying to recollect my thoughts and emotions, i'm sorry.
the show was good. i liked it. i didn't expect much from it and i got more than i hoped for. HE LOOKED ME IN THE EYES. TWICE. I LOVE HIS EYES. i don't wanna know my facial expressions during those moments, but they were definitely embarrassing. he was clearly enjoying himself even though we didn't have his fancy stage and i bet it hurt him. i know that he is so proud of his lights :( we didn't have the cubes so the show ended abruptly. like, the cubes are the indication of the final act if you don't know the script WRONG i should have started freaking out in intermission. when he was sitting there making all of us sad i was like, "okay, honey, go on" and he just stopped and everyone started standing up for ovations. i was like ???? hello?? aren't we missing something?? post-credits act with cubes? 😭 a piece of me literally died. i yelled "where are the cubes?" at least twice. it hurts more than the lights.
our audience was amazing. a-fucking-mazing. we can crack jokes! and we were doing it all the time. sometimes we were laughing at ourselves and it barely had anything to do with Dan. like, who cares what he thinks i need to acknowledge the person who just made me laugh, like YES BITCH, WHAT DID YOU SAY 😭 (it was seconds, it wasn't bothering Dan, don't worry. most of the time he was reacting to our yelling). i was sitting behind someone who was even louder than me and they had a drink. when Dan said something like "until you start throwing drinks at me" they swung it and i was like, "PLEASE 😂". Dan must have seen it, we were in the 3-4 rows, and he was standing in front of us. i can't imagine how annoying the yelling must be for those who are not there for this specific part and i'm so sorry. but it's Dan, you have to yell at him. when Dan left the stage mid-performance, someone yelled along the lines "Dan, come out, you've already done this once" and i wasn't the only one quoting it afterwards. it was fucking awesome 😭 we also called Phil "annoying" (me, including) and Dan just went with it. in that moment i didn't even care about what was on the screen, screaming bullshit at him was the main and most entertaining part. we got DISGOSTANG (hi, @danielhowell, i love your eyes, and i have no idea what you were saying while looking into mine 😂 i hope we repeat it in Berlin and i will finally listen to you). we sent Dan to kill p*tin. well, i sent him for specifically that purpose. he phrased it differently. i don't remember half of the show but i surprisingly liked the opening and how he touched the war in Ukraine. it wasn't much but he was careful enough for me not to cancel him. but he should be even more careful on the 24th, oh man, it's gonna be hard. we all know he talks about politics a lot, and some of the jokes fell flat since we were in a country that went through forced communism and no one is fun about it. also, since we didn't have any wad banners outside the venue or even in the venue that thing also was awkward 😂 but he made a joke about the cemetery right next to us. kudos to Dan, i really appreciated him looking around. those death jokes like,,, we get each other. there were a lot of Polish culture references (i do include politics in "culture"), more than i thought it would. i like it, it's a very mild additions to the script but they let us feel seen 🥺 can't wait for Germany. i expect to hear something about Angela Merkel but who knows if he's that easy 😂
no spoilers but he trusts us! it's so shocking to see with your own eyes.
after the show we were waiting outside and talking about the show, Dan and Phil, future shows and whatever. the best phannie gathering, we really need to organise a phanniecon! there were people from, obviously, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Latvia, and who knows where else. that person from Latvia spoke russian and we exchanged some bullshit phrases but it felt soooo good, instant love 🥰 it was so different from my experience in moscow in 2018. like if this is 10/10 then moscow was like 4/10. either we as an audience grew up or russian phannies just don't have that vibe of freedom and warmth, despite speaking the same language? maybe both. we went to the show as a group of 6 people but after the show, we were talking to everyone who remained outside to wait for Dan. so random, so easy, so fucking fun.
overall, i don't remember 80% of the show. but Dan knows we're here for his onlyfans. if he likes to strip occasionally we're ready to give him money (for not only his therapy 😉)
and people said he wasn't as tall as they thought!!
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anyathefandom · 1 year
❄️The liason diaries❄️: 8/31/00 to 10/9/00
Note: So I'm picking up where I left off last time on the liason diaries because current GH sucks so I need to watch some quality soap entertainment.
Liz: I bet you've seen the wind in a lot of different places. Jason: no I've only seen it with you.
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Aww I think it's nice but a bit sad that Liz feels like she can only be her true authentic self is when she's around him.🥺
Like I knew JR Jacob young played lucky at this point but it's still a whole jump scare.😂 I was like sir what the hell are you doing here?!!
Sonny is giving Jason (and me because I'm clueless) the rundown on why lucky was being weird with Jason so Carly now believes Liz wants sonny for herself so she told lucky that liason was more than platonic. Oooh she's a messy bitch.😂
Jason basically: Waaaait you speak Carly now??? Sonny: What?😳Nooooo Jason: Omg you're starting to understand her. Sonny: Hey listen it ain't like that. No but the way I cackled because sonny clearly has more of an understanding of how Carly operates and is now in denial about it.😂
Hearing sonny talk about Carly is the funniest shit ever because mans got nervous that Jason was catching on to the fact that he has feelings for her and instantly started to complain about Carly. Like sir we see you.😏
Carly really came into Liz's workplace to gloat that Jason is back and hasn't come to see her but ended up looking like a clown the minute Liz told her he came to see her last night. The way Carly instantly got triggered and proceeded to act like Liz was stalking Jason had me dead. Like miss girl can't accept the fact that she isn't the only woman in Jason's life.🙈
These Carly and Liz scenes slap though. The rivalry chemistry hits.🤷 Also Sarah and Rebecca face card's will NEVER decline.
Okay so I feel like I'm missing something about lucky because right now Liz is telling Jason about how apparently lucky told her to be with Nikolas but his eyes were saying something different. Sounds like this man was brainwashed or blackmailed.🤔
It wouldn't be Liz if she wasn't trying to get on that bike.🤭
Okay so I'm really loving Liz asking Jason how he was able to let go of robin because she wants to be able to move on from lucky because lucky is pushing her away and Jason is explaining to her how it hurt more than anything for a while after Robin was out of his life but with time it fades and you start to remember that you have things to live for such as people or goals to accomplish and eventually you'll realize the pain is gone one day.
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Ship aside I really do love their friendship above all else. They've been each other's rock and it really reminds me of CaTrina.🥰
Jason: What do you like? Liz: I don't understand- Jason: Painting? Ice cream? Going fast- Liz with no hesitation: Going fast! Me: Okay GH writers where is Liz's motorcycle?!!!
Jason: I used to fight. Liz: With whom? Jason: Anyone I don't know. *Liz laughs* you don't strike me as the fight picking type. Jason: oh no I'm not really but there must be something about me that irritates people or they knew it was something that I wanted because I would go to Jakes and I wouldn't even be paying attention and then some guy would insult one of the waitresses and I would try an stop him and then all hell would break loose.
It's still blowing me how this Jason has me like:
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Sidenote: Like perhaps I understand now the dicks wars liason and Jasam was having back then over Jason🤭
Boxing lessons! Their cuties fr fr.
Jason: How hard can you hit? Liz: *laughs* I don't know I don't go around hitting people everyday. This whole bar fighting thing is gonna be kind of new for me.
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Jason: See now you gotta move otherwise your too easy to catch.
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Me: it's all going according to plan 😈
Okay but I need Liz to apply some of those jabs to Finn's face as of right now.🙃
A Robin in Paris mention!
Not them bantering about her driving his bike. Like I'm legit giggling and kicking my feet.🤭
Lucky while there bantering:
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Liason be minding their business and having an innocent conversation and someone will just be lurking on them.😂
*Lucky creeping out of the shadows* lucky: You don't belong with him. Liz: Lucky- lucky to jason: Stay the hell away from Elizabeth.
Jason internally: *Plays Beyonce- Deja Vu* No because I'm sure Jason is going "First Nikolas now his brother 😩"
Wait wasn't lucky and Jason cool before he died like bro why does lucky sound like he got genuine beef with him now? Like you can tell this isn't just about Liz.
Lucky: Why don't you admit that you are trying to go for Elizabeth. Jason: She's my friend and I thought you were too. Me: Oh so it's not just me going "???" On why lucky is being an asshole to Jason.
Y'all the ugliest laugh just came out of me because Lucky really tried to swing on him and instantly got pushed back by Jason. Like nah that was embarrassing for him.🙈
Oh now lucky is saying Liz belongs with him.👀Yeah I knew something was going on with him because ain't no way he doesn't still love Liz.
Jason: This guy this dealer Zander. Me: Waaaait is that how Zander got on the show 😳
Now Zander is taking emily hostage and the fact that I know they fall in love has me like "okay how is that about to happen?🙈"
The way I still trust Jason way more to get shit done rather than the pcpd.🤷
Liz basically: Wait so Carly and sonny got married??? Where does that leave you? Jason: Me?😕 Mans really was like "What exactly do I have to with this?😂
Listen to this day I still can't believe this writing regime did a jarly wedding and tried to convince us Jason was developing feelings for her again.🙈
Carly just got here and already starting a fight with Elizabeth 🙈 like girl do you rest?😂
Why did I laugh so hard seeing Jason searching for Emily and then the scene cuts to her and Zander chilling in the jaguar and her getting excited to hear the song her and juan wrote on the radio.😂 Like Zander ain't she supposed to be a terrified hostage???
Lucky is being so difficult about this Emily rescue plan and refusing to go back home with Liz like Jason told him to do and I'm sitting here like "Yo your going to get someone fucked up because you think you know it all😩"
Seeee now Liz is at gun point and he's spilling the details about the plan. This is what I was talking about!!
Now Jason got to save Liz and I already know lucky gonna cry about it in the car later.🤭
Emily to Jason and LnL2: Liiiiisten y'all don't know Zander like I do.
Like girl was defending him hard😂
Liz: why did you cover for Zander? Jason: Because Emily asked me too, why did you? Liz: Because you did. Me: AND THAT'S ON WHAT??!!! BEST FRIENDSHIP! yeah y'all thought I was going to say ✨Soulmatism✨ 😂 I'm not there with them yet but perhaps down the line i will be🤷
Liz: Why do you think she cares about him after what he did? Jason: I don't know people aren't all one thing or another. You know for everything that Zander has done wrong he did something good and Emily saw that. Liz: Yeah sometimes that happens. A person can appear one way to everyone else... harder and dangerous but you know they can be different. Me: *squints* Oh....i'm about to be in their chokehold...
No you guys because one thing about Liz girlie is forever going "Fuck with the haters say Jason Morgan is him"😌
Sidenote: I want to say I love that Jason trusts Emily's judgement so much that he immediately went along with letting Zander go. That's family right there!
My end thoughts: Liason kinda iconic because everybody is always lurking on them😂 but in all seriousness their friendship remains🤌 for me because I love the way they can be themselves around each other and are so comfortable with each other they can have deep talks and they have this implicit trust is one another that will always make me go "And that's a superior friendship baby!!" Oh and Liz always wanting to get on that bike will never fail to take me out. Like please GH should've given Liz a bike of her own.🤭 Part 3 is definitely a go because this was too much FUN!
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nar-nia · 2 months
hi my cutie introverted sweetheart,
it's been a while? im sorry, i got swamped with uni, the last few months were so stressful and i just finished my exams, so my summer started like yesterday
i failed one important exam, so i have a retake in September, but this aint my first rodeo so i hope that ill mange to pass this time and make to my last year of uni ( soooo fucking scary mann)
but hey! thats just life! i saw that u had some hardships to get through :(( i hope u know that ure very precious honey! and sometimes its gets tough but u will get past all that cuz i think ure capable, amazing and brave !! 
its ur birthday?????? or was ?? im not sure BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! what an amazing that must have been when u were born! bet the sun was sushining like it is now!! i love u a lot ! please always stay healthy and happy!!  muah muah sending soo many kisses
SO excited for the comeback!! cant wait to blast enha all summer long!!!
dont worry about writing ! it will come to u when it comes to u!!!!!!!
PLEASE have the most amazing summer ever ever <333
-beloved anonie! dude are u from germany ( fucking random the euro spirit got me)?? cuz if so, mine country and yours love to joke about each other a LOT lmao - if not ignore this
i missed uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <33
beloved anonie, helloooo 🥺 oh i missed you. things were getting busy those past few days but now i finally have time to respond 🩷
i wish you all the best for your exam retake, you can do this 💪🏼 i'm sorry you have to retake it but i am sure you will do great next time. try to enjoy your summer despite that please, you deserve some rest and relaxation after all of this! and hopefully good weather too. i can't believe you'll be in your last year of uni though, didn't we just talk about how nervous you were about starting it? time flies.. now i feel old 🥲
you're so sweet anonie 🩷 the beginning of the year was shit, i'm not gonna lie, but i am doing so much better now. there are always bad days, of course, but overall i am happy with how things are going right now. i finally found a good job with great coworkers and my friends are great too 🤭 i hope it is or will be the same for you because you deserve it too!! and yes, it still was my birthday when you texted so thank youuu 🩷 i am sending you so many hugs and kisses back, MWAH!!
AND THE ENHA ALBUM. ANONIE. it is so good 😭😭 i am away on a trip this weekend so i couldn't fully get to embrace it, i need to relisten when i am home alone again, but wow. they are getting better every time, it's so amazing. my favorite is royalty with brought the heat back right after, those two are so captivating. what about you? OH AND HEE PINK HAIR. it suits him so well, i am so in love. they all look so good this comeback but heeseung >>>
i hope you will have the most amazing summer too! please enjoy it, and i love you so much 🩷 (and yes, i am from germany 🤭 if i remember correctly we are both out of euro right now? i don't really care about it to be honest but we can meet up and hug it out 🤭)
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superblysubpar · 2 months
Chapter 8!!! Ahh!! You never miss! Just Steve being in love with reader for years and he just stayed bickering with you because at least it was some interaction with you and it was better than not having you in his life at all ahh The coffee and brown bag 😞 I was so sad to see it go to waste lol and both of them crying 😭 and just us being scared and wanting to just run and leave and hide 🥺
Ooh and since you love questions and I’m eager to hear your answers, what has been your favorite part to write in the series so far? And I remember reading your original first part and loving this concept, so it's been exciting to reread that first chapter and see the little differences. I’d love to know how this “re-release” differ from what you originally planned? Oooh ooh and if this bet didn’t happen, how do you think Steve and reader would eventually find themselves together?
don't mind me, just sobbing before 9am, it's cool.
This really did make my morning and week, truly. I'm so glad you loved chapter 8! And funny you mention steve just bickering for some interaction, I have a few lines about this in the last chapter actually, so I'm so glad you've already picked up on that's what he was doing! And right? I would fold if that boy brought me coffee and a treat and we just broke his heart and now it's in the trash?! come on!!
also questions!!!!!! oh these questions!! I'm so sorry, I truly can't shut up!
I don't know if I've had a specific part that I've loved more than the others. They all have felt really fun and good to write, even the sucky angsty parts. I did really love the flashback of the spin the bottle party, and the diner with steve, and also the car accident scene. But I think overall, I've loved the challenge and practice I made this out to be for myself. I wanted to not take it so seriously with editing and what not and just write and I have a good time, and I hope the fun and love I'm putting into it is coming out. I also challenged myself to do more "scenes", focus on my dialogue, and conveying a lot of different (and constantly changing) emotions in few words and back story. For screenwriting, I don't get to do so much inner head monologues for a character, and it's been a challenge for me to switch to that mindset sometimes!
As for the "re-release", so I actually did not have any flashbacks planned until I wrote the bike one in chapter 2 and was like...hold on...which kind of took my plot and twisted it up. Which, funny enough, a screenwriting podcast I listen to was like, sometimes you have this thought, and you have to keep throwing things up and questioning it and sometimes it sucks, cause it breaks your entire plot but you know it's the right move and you're back to square one. Which is exactly what happened haha. That flashback just sort of poured out of me and at the time, I was like, okay I'll make it work. But the more I tried to write the original plot, the more I was like, obviously this isn't the story I want or need to write. Originally, there was no "we've both been in love forever" plot, I was trying to strictly write an enemies to lovers. I wanted them to just hate each other and I wanted steve to fall while plotting against reader and I wanted reader to fall harder despite being plotted against. I wanted a big blow up of steve taking the money from eddie and reader thinking that's all he wanted and for steve to realize that wasn't all he wanted. But alas, here we are, and I'm so happy and proud of how it changed.
And oh my gosh, what a great question. I like to think that they're obviously forced to be around each other through work and friends, and the more time spent together, the more Steve falls and gets the nerve to do something about it. I do think maybe there'd have to be some sort of vulnerable moment still, like the very first storm and the hand holding in the basement - something that makes him seem not so annoying and evil to reader and something that shows Steve she doesn't hate him, not really. And then I think Steve would just keep trying to flirt - conversations like the one in the car when he asked "did you ever stop and think that maybe I've never even tried because I knew you wouldn't listen" and reader just 👁👄👁 at him. until they kiss and love each other because, hello, no bet and miscommunication about feelings! But that's no fun 😉
So, long story, not short, thank you so much for reading and thank you so much for letting me ramble and ramble and ramble some more, you're an angel. 💛
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ppangjae · 1 year
It's been a while! I searched through my tag on your blog and found out that I last sent you an ask on 18 Jun last year :( It's been so long, I missed coming here and just being able to talk to you.
How've you been, Alex? I read through some of your replies to other anons and found out you've found a partner 🥺 That is really wonderful news! I hope you're both happy individually and together ❤️
I wouldn't bombard you with copious amounts of updates about my life in the past year, but I will say that renovations are finally underway after a lot of setbacks that almost did not make it happen! My family & I are currently in a condo while it's happening and we'll be returning to our newly renovated house in a few weeks!
And I also got to read your recent (as recent as it can get, I guess? LOL) fic for chef!Jaehyun and also found out that you're now planning for a doctor!Jae?!?! All the research it must have taken to come up with the backbone of your last fic, now you're diving into a hospital scene?! — the respect to your dedication and my interest in your masterlist have definitely rekindled big time after having been so busy! I even especially liked the details of the food when OC is preparing them, seeing as I've recently been watching a lot of Gordon Ramsay's videos on YouTube. And how it perfectly matches to Jaehyun in NCT DJJ film! My gosh, I wish I was able to squeal about that with you! It was what I remembered when I watched the video, but I was held up with a lot of things at the time; but I'm glad to see so many other anons gushing about it. It was so cool to see chef!Jae come to life in actual NCT content! I bet you were just as surprised when you saw it — but I'm really happy you got to feel the excitement of that! ❤️
Ahh, this is getting longer and I don't want to overwhelm you, but I really missed sending you messages, Alex 🥺 I hope you've been doing very well and taking care of yourself. I'll definitely give chef!Jae fic a reread and patiently wait for doctor!Jae!
Oh — and it's my birthday again! This was soooo my last ask from last year, too 🫣
Anyway, I hope your day has been/is going well! Missed being here. All the love, dearest Alex! — ♡ anon
oh my goodness, it's been quite a while! no worries, love, because i got swept up with how busy my life has been so i haven't been on tumblr quite frequently (honestly, i haven't been on tumblr for a while too sjkdhfd)
i have been doing well! i've just been busily living day by day LOL and yes! i do have a partner, we actually hit our six months last month hehe (speaking of, we're reaching seven months in a couple of days). i am happy! he makes me happy hehe and although we've only been together for six months (and counting), it feels like we've been together and known each other for years.
i'm so glad to hear that you and your family are going to be able to move into your newly renovated home soon! that's so exciting! i always love when people move into new homes or renovate because there's always something exciting and anticipating about it LOL i hope you've been doing well, love!
ahhhh i see that you've read chef!jae hehe yeah, it's been months since i've posted it (and then completely disappeared after kjshdfkjshdf) but yes, i'm currently brainstorming and planning to write a doctor!jae fic! i think after posting the chef!jae fic, i realized that i like to take my time writing fics because it allows me to brainstorm more and to fully immerse myself into writing. chef!jae was just so fun to write!
honestly though, i didn't even know about chef!jae in that DJJ video until nikki texted me about it. funny enough, i was work when it all happened kjsdhf so pretty much, i've been so busy that if nikki hadn't sent me a text about it, i probably wouldn't even know about chef!jae in the DJJ video sjkdhfsdf. but it did feel nice and super thrilling to see a glimpse of chef!jae in the video - and just live out five plus one jae with an actual visual sdjkhfsd
and don't be sorry for sending me long messages! i love hearing about how everyone has been doing nowadays, especially with how busy life could get LOL
AHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i hope your birthday wishes come true!
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