#i bestow the angst and tramua that dc already gave but i restate for damian
batstorm93672 · 2 years
Jason was going to pick up Damian from school (he didn't want to but everyone else was busy so Alfred forced him to) then they were hit from behind.
A kidnapping to which Jason awoke to Damian basically spitting out any insult.
"You insufferable imbeciles! What is the point of even doing this?" Playing the citizen in peril card while sprinkling in his own ways of insulting, Jason was rather impressed.
The men weren't amateurs, if they were then they wouldn't have managed to kidnap them without any cameras around. They're phones were taken and everything.
Damian's watch was taken which means his tracker was off as was Jason's plus he could tell they were searched, no weapons at all like a knife or something useful. So now it was only up to how long it may take for anyone to notice.
"Shut up kid, God does he have an off button?"
Jason smirked "I wish, sadly the kid has a big mouth" He could feel Damian's glare on him. Maybe not the right time to make fun of Damian, but the man did ask a question and as a citizen who is kidnapped he kinda has to answer.
"What do you want from us anyways?"
"Just gotta give us some good money is all, bet your dad would pay a lot for you two"
Of course it was the ransom card, why wouldn't it be?
Damian grew annoyed and kicked the man in the shin, causing more people to appear as the scrawny man in front of Damian almost doubled down.
"Damian, cut it out"
"No! These morons think they can take us then they'll have another thing coming!"
"Alright that's enough, you think those bindings are bad? Seems you get an upgrade little guy"
One burly man walked in with chains, Damian grew tense and Jason watched his brother. Damian's hands were held by chains alongside his feet.
Another man came in, might be the boss from the way everyone moved away for him to come in.
Bruce's voice rang out on speaker for Jason and Damian to hear.
"Bruce Wayne, we have your sons with us, we'll send a pickup site for you along with our demands and if you do it well, then you'll get to see your sons safely home. Do we have a deal?"
Let me talk to them, see if their okay
Good idea, letting the call last longer so they can trace it.
"Hey B"
Jason, are you alright? Is Damian with you?
"Yeah we're all good, Damian is with me"
Damian, are you alright?
Jason looked at Damian who had grown eerily silent and seemed lost in his thoughts.
"I'm fine father"
Alright I'll do as you ask, please just don't hurt my children
The boss smirked "Good"
With that they all left, leaving Jason and Damian alone in the barely lit room. There's no reason to escape cause with Bruce on the way everything will be fine (I mean and losing all weapons and not knowing how many people were here didn't exactly help). Except Jason couldn't keep his mind off of his fellow captive, once the chains were put on he got silent and didn't even move an inch.
"Damian. We'll be okay, no reason to be worried"
"Damian come on talk to me what's the matter? It's okay if you're scared"
"I- No"
Clinking of the chains around his wrists got loud. "Damian you're gonna hurt you're wrists if you do that, stop"
Damian wasn't listening and Jason could hear how his breath quickened with every tug. "Damian stop it"
"No! No no"
"Damian talk to me, tell me what's wrong"
"No no!"
"Damian, look at me tell me your listening. Whatever is going on it's not real"
Damian looked at Jason and it took Jason a second to process the utter panic in his eyes. Something was bothering him, might be the chains, too tight?
"Are the chains tight? It won't feel so tight if you stop moving your hands"
Like a caged animal, Damian got restless and twisted his hand in an odd angle, with that angle it cracked and Jason could tell that now Damian's right hand was broken. How the hell did he not even care?
"Dami stop it now!" He's hurting himself badly, he needs to stop it!
Damian's breath grew ragged and he grit his teeth as he kept trying to squirm his broken hand out of the chains.
Damian didn't say a word as he kept struggling under the chains a mantra of "No" under his breath. "Shit Dami you're hurting yourself for no reason, Bruce will come for us"
At that notion, noises came from afar, if Damian knew he didn't seem to care as he kept struggling. Nightwing opened the door, looking at the two happily "You're okay!"
"I am, but Dami is freaking out, help him now!"
Nightwing rushed to Damian and unlocked the chains around his hands and feet. "Damian, you're gonna be okay"
Damian felt the release go away and stood up knocking his chair back, moving as far as he could from Nightwing. What the hell was wrong with him?
"Damian, it's Nightwing, your father asked me to come get you"
"No no no no no no!"
Nightwing undid Jason's bindings next as both kept a careful watch on Damian. "What happened to him?" "Mouthed off too much and they put chains on him when he kicked a guy in the shins. After that he got quiet and started going crazy, broke his own hand in attempt to escape" "His hand? Jeez, we gotta stop him from whatever is going on and get a look at the hand" "Got something to knock him out?" "Yeah, question is how do we give it without him attacking?" "Funny you think there's a way to do it without being attacked"
Chains are terrifying, it holds you and doesn't let go. That's what Damian remembers in Hell, most of all the heat and chains that held him down. No matter what he did or how he changed, the chains were there burning into his flesh.
Damian opened his eyes, there were no flames and nothing holding him down... except what feels like pain killers. His right hand is in a cast... it's broken, how did that happen?
"Hey Dami, you alright there?"
"Todd? Is that you? What happened to me? Why is my hand broken?"
"I was picking you up from school, we got kidnapped though. You broke your hand when the guys put chains on you in what I'm assuming was an attempt to escape. I couldn't get through to you... I'm sorry"
"...It's not your fault, it... well when I died I told you all I was in Hell. The chains were... a constant reminder burning into me"
"Oh, damn"
"Yeah, I couldn't think afterwards, when the man put me in chains... sorry for that"
"Don't say that, you were having a flashback, how do you feel?"
"Like crap I'd say"
"Yeah I bet, your hand isn't severely broken, you managed to break it without causing too much damage"
"I can thank my mother for that I suppose"
"B man said about a few days of recovery until the cast can come off"
"Now what do I do..? Tt how boring to remain like this"
"Yeah, happens to the best"
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