#i believe in god but i'm working on the... believing in him part yknow
fearandhatred · 9 months
love light and deep empathy as a queer person raised catholic but WHAT are you going through that the top thirteen songs of the past month were just the entirety of preachers daughter 😭
HELPPP i swear i'm not going through anything that i know of i'm just a bit strange in the head like that. although i am christian which makes being a good omens and ethel cain fan the two worst things i could be
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I've been running this writing experiment lately to cut out phrases like "I felt" in my fiction writing. Like I was looking at a sentence in a draft that said, "he felt as if character's eyes were pinning him in place." And then I was like, "well, does he think that or is it true? As a result of this person watching him, he's froze. It's not like a thing, it is that thing."
Oh and "almost"! I'm always going, "He felt almost relieved that it hadn't happened." Well, did he feel better that it didn't happen or didn't he? Or "somewhat", I'm always going, "she felt somewhat perturbed."
And like none of that is wrong, to be clear. I don't know if it'd improve your writing, I don't even know if it'll improve my writing, but I use this sentence structure all the time so every viewpoint is from a voice that thinks about what it thinks, hedges its statements, and offers the same ability for wry little jokes formatted in the exact same way. And I have a lot of writing like that and I think (!) that they're good, but read as a whole, I'm like, "god, they all sound the same." Like there's one melody that I write songs to, so even with different lyrics, it's almost (!) the same song. Something I've been struggling with in regards to my writing and why I've felt so blocked is how boring I found writing my usual way. I'd read something and enjoy the individual parts of it, but then I'd step back and I didn't like the whole. And I got good at this enough at seeing that I didn't like it to do it in real time as I was writing, which as you can imagine didn't improve the process of writing because now I was bored AND dejected about being bored.
There's this sentence-level structure fact that I use unconsciously. A pattern I find easy is short sentence, short sentence, short sentence, long sentence. So I write that. "He [verbed]. He [verbed]. Then he [verbed]. As he [verbed] to his [consequence], he [verbed] that [noun] was [statement of condition]." Which could work, it often does make for a nice rhythm, but it's something I reach for often because it's easier for me.
Just last sentence, I originally typed, "I find it easier for me." But if what I mean is "using this pattern is less effort than another pattern," then it's easier for me. One voice is hedging its bets and the other asserting. Either is fine! But they're different! And, again, GOD you would not believe how many words I've cut out of this paragraph as I write it. I'm so chatty. I love using twelve words when six will do. And that gives my writing a specific tone to my ear.
So if I am bored of that tone, why not try using just the six words? Why be understated? Why be afraid of stronger opinions? So right now with my fiction, I'm experimenting with cutting out as many self-reflective words as I can. Sometime you do need to draw attention to the face that this is the character's interpretation, but like you definitely don't need to do it as much as I naturally want to do it. You don't need to always go out of your way to allow the possibility that the narrative voice is wrong. During editing, I trim the weaker ones (I originally typed, "what I consider the weaker ones" Is that more accurate?). But I think them being there in the first place shifts my language which shifts my character's which shifts my plot. It's sentence structure all the way down!!
(this barely applies to my writing on here, btw. i try to do good but yknow this is a tumblr blog. i'm not trying to get a lit mag to accept it.)
Anyway blah blah (chatty!) the point is I've been trying to write in a way opposite of my interests. Something that doesn't take itself too seriously, that emphasizes EMOTION and ACTION instead of minimizing it, and that clips through scenes at a good pace. Doing this been amazingly fun. I've been having such a good time doing it. I am writing so much because I really enjoy doing it. The process of writing is so fun again.
This post is about two things. One is my new mood stabilizer and therapy day camp. The other is about the benefit of pretending to be MXTX.
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nrdmssgs · 11 months
can you write something with reader and gromsko and how gromsko would treat her if she was his wife? i’ve heard some seriously questionable things about polish people from my boyfriend, he could be biased but from what i know they are super misogynistic and gromsko gives off traditional vibes yknow.
Wow, that is a very interesting request, actually!
First of all, I am very sorry, that your boyfriend had bad experience with Polish people and I really hope, that things get better. My very first work was in a Polish company, and I've met the sweetest, nicest people there. There was literally one issue - I was young, tiny and underweight, and they all felt sorry about that and constantly tried to feed me.)) So the reason I'm telling this here is to highlight, that there are so many different people in every country.
I don't have anything against authors, who chose to depict him as very traditional (in a negative way) person. It is always important to not forget, such people exist. But I want to offer you a slightly different approach to him. Let's just call it an experiment and see, if it works both for you and me, ok? We will keep this guy traditional more or less, but shift him to a non-toxic side.
Husband Gromsko HCs
Long before the marriage, he takes you with him on a trip across Poland to meet his relatives. Won't stop until you meet everyone. Grannies, aunties, nieces - everyone. You are about to become part of his family and it's important to him, that you are truly integrated in the family and shown love from every single part of it.
He asks his parents to bless your marriage, and definitely asks your parents to let him make a proposal to you. It is not that he is dependent - he was raised in a culture, where respect to elderly is everything.
Regardless of how devout he and you are (even if you are an atheist), Gromskо will persuade you to a traditional wedding ceremony.
If you do not belong to any church or are simply a representative of another faith, he will not rest until he persuades the priest of his native church to allow you two to marry.
Yes, this guy will start to fight for your marriage long before it even starts. He doesn't try to force you into faith though. If needed - he is ready to pray for you both. Because you are his love and Sobieslaw has enough faith to keep you in Gods good books.
Once you are his, truly and finally his - Sobieslaws mind is all concentrated on two objectives: domesticating you and welcoming children in your family.
His biggest fear is to fail you. And in his mind, keeping you on your work equals failing you. If you worry about money - it means to Gromsko, that he doesn't provide well enough.
It will take a lot of talking to change his mind. But eventually he will understand. No matter, what he is taught to believe - you, his wife, love of his life, come first. Always. If you are 100% sure, this is the way, you want to live - he will support your choice to keep your work.
He wants children. Not a single child - children. It will break his heart, if you are not in the same boat with him on that one. He won't push you too hard, won't give ultimatums - but he will constantly try to bring the similar wish into your mind.
He is a 'look how adorable these little ones', 'look how tiny this baby beanie is' type of guy. Watches his friends kids on the playground, while embracing you lovingly and whispering 'they are sweet, but our little treasure would be the sweetest'.
If you are as enthusiastic as he is, and you get pregnant - prepare to meet doctor Gromsko. He won't leave your side, not for a day, even if it affects his career. Who gives a f**k about work stuff, when the most important person out there prepares to gift him the second most important person in his life?
He will monitor you constantly, take you to every single check up, make sure you get all the essential vitamins, have enough of fresh air daily and NO stress.
Will welcome his child with tears, will cover your face with frantic, desperate kisses afterwards. "Dziękuję kochanie... dziękuję, dziękuję,dziękuję*!"
Gromsko loves it, when everybody knows, that you are his and he is yours. So please, if you take off your wedding ring for any reason - wear it on a chain as a necklace. Otherwise, he will be terrified, that it is a sign, you don't want him by your side anymore.
He is constantly worried, you might get sick, so he makes sure, you are always warm, you eat well (no matter what your body type is, his granny will still call you too thin, so Sobieslaw will worry about that), you get health checkups every now and then (even if you are feeling perfect!!!).
The most supporting guy, if you decide for any reason, that you don't want to work actively and choose to stay at home.
Gromsko won't just settle with 'ok, good, now I finally have a stay at home wifey'. He will make sure, you like every part of your home, have enough time and space for your hobbies, feel safe and loved.
By the way, the guy looks like the 'I'll build our house on my own' type. Who, if not him, knows better, what makes an ideal home for you and him? Of course, you can choose all the decorations, materials and so on. But he is the one, doing the building.
Dziękuję kochanie… dziękuję, dziękuję,dziękuję - Thank you, love... thank you, thank you, thank you.
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sable-skies · 1 month
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thought abt an au i doodled up months ago but never fully explored, so here's some concept designs for that. im gonna ramble about it now
+ height comparison under the keep reading!
god okay i gotta admit: i, unfortunately, kinda love game of thrones. truthfully i dont care for the sex and inc*st part of the show, but i really enjoy the interconnected weaving plot lines, drama, and utter bullshit that happens in that show. its amazing, i love it, its so fucking stupid. so earlier this year i doodled up some ideas for a game of thrones inspired post-totk au. those are here, and here!
I then dropped it and didnt return to it until now, because i started season 2 of house of the dragon and yknow. why not.
as for actual details about the au: i said in the past it was a got-loz au, but im gonna go ahead and say that i misspoke then because i mean more like, post-totk/loz au INSPIRED by got, because i would never want to do a 1-to-1 au of that god awful show. i mostly think exploring a hyrule that is peaceful, but secretly on the brink of civil chaos and how bad humanity could truly get would be really fun to explore!
i struggled to pick a single role for link to have in such an au, so i said fuck it and divided him up into four parts, in universe the hero's spirit has been split amongst four brothers. to nod towards this, and because i'm cheeky as hell, the first letters of each of their names spells link. Laurent, Irving, Nymos, and Kiran. (im so fucking funny (<- is not funny))
they're all noble born to Arthur Hearth, current lord of House Hearth which basically controls and sits on the Great Plateau, and their mother was Eyla, a member of the Sheikah from Kakariko Village who unfortunately passed away shortly after Kiran was born. Arthur btw is named after the King Arthur legends from Europe, as those served as inspiration for the series in general!
I think a plot would follow them all after the death of their father and how they cope with it and move forward, and how they combat suddenly being labeled traitors to the kingdom for their father's acclaimed crimes.
this is getting long, so I'll do some misc bullet points next on their personalities:
Laurent, as the oldest, had to mature pretty quickly after the death of their mother, Eyla. Which has caused him to grow protective of his younger brothers almost to an overbearing degree. He gets nervous when they're not home, which sucks because Irving is a knight, Nymos studies in Kakariko often, and Kiran wants to explore the world via the survey team. Other then that, he's responsible, quite serious in most situations, and still very kind hearted. After his father's death he starts to spiral into a rage-filled depression, determined to get his brothers back and make the king pay for killing his father.
Irving is the most middle child ever. Due to Laurent being in line for lord of their house and is never gonna back down from that, he sought his own purpose in being a royal knight / royal guardsman / kingsguard. It hasn't really worked out well for him honestly, his higher ups hate him for being Arthur's son, seemingly so naturally talented in combat, and charismatic amongst the ranks that some knights ignore their orders just to follow Irving's instead. So as punishment he's been assigned as the former princess Zelda's bodyguard / retainer. While it disappointed him to not serve his full duties at first, he's come to accept it and treats her kindly. He's proud, a little over-confident, just, and secretly a bleeding heart. After the death of their father, he's forced to choose between his family and Zelda, and knowing that Zelda will most likely die without him, he stays with her.
Nymos, oh poor fucking Nymos dude. As a child he fell into the depths and somehow survived, which was fine, but then he came across a patch of gloom that seemingly never faded, and ever since he's been cursed with doomed visions of the future and a talent for magic. No one believes him about the lingering gloom, and claims that he simply has PTSD from the incident in general, but he knows what he saw. He's sought out magical-based physical therapy in Kakariko because of this, and he's pretty much regarded as a local there. He's quiet, a bit withdrawn, pessimistic, but has a strong sense of justice and genuinely wants the best for those around him, even if he doesn't know how to say it properly. When Laurent and Irving are away, he's the one looking after Kiran and keeping him safe. When his father dies, he immediately starts to investigate the current monarchy for signs of dark magic tampering, which leads him down a rabbit hole he never even knew existed, all the while he's being tormented by visions of his brother dying gruesome and horrible deaths. he's forever an internal nervous WRECK
Kiran!! The baby!! Might be the most dangerous brother of the four, but we'll cover that later. As the resident youngest sibling he's naturally gotten away with pretty much everything and anything, because who can say no to those big baby blues. Thankfully he's not actually that destructive or ill-mannered, but he isn't above pulling a prank on someone for the fun of it. He yearns to leave home and explore the vast continent of Hyrule though, and shortly before everything goes wrong he's accepted into the Survey Team and gets to enjoy it for a bit. He's excitable, energetic, optimistic, and somewhat a handful (get this teen a child leash please) but he means well and is determined to get whatever is on his mind done and finished. He's the last to be told his father is dead as his team didn't tell him about the incident until suddenly there's a group of bandits attacking them and demanding they had Kiran over for ransom. Kiran goes willingly of course, as he doesn't want his team members to get hurt. He later falls into the depths and survives via the sail cloth around his shoulders and meets a strange little fox he calls Todd.
I have so many notes in my head about these guys but again, i'll shut up for now :] here are the heights!
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btw; they're all based on a previous incarnation of link and a got character, if you figure it out I'll shake ur hand.
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34saveme34 · 1 month
yall expecting anything interesting from this week's episode?
like. I've been thinking n like I wish I could stop that
because in a sense, the series has been.... very unrpredictable
in like, a bad way
I'm not even saying they're telling bad stories but that it all just goes weirdly and some choices they make are.... odd? yeah, odd
like I guess it's odd they don't use their cast better
or that Melony's whole personality is just Axol (god awful thing I'm about to say but maybe it would've been better for her if she died in revelations so we wouldn't have to see her character reduced to this so badly. like I'm not even kidding)
or making 4 seem so god damn evil then immediately backpedalling on that with the "it's an act" and I'll say it again, if they wanted to make a good story about it being an ACT, they should've shown more signs, even if tiny, they should've shown more. Like you could try and explain this shit away if you want but just think about it, before A Night at SMG4's, what did you believe? Did you believe he was becoming evil or did you believe it was an act? What made more sense to you? It's odd and unpredictable
the also weird ass ignoring of 3 drinking away his problems, it appearing TWICE
and like, that's been a storyline that was going for a while, I even pointed out that like, lately episodes that were all capital had something to do with him failing with it
but no uh, suddenly it's good after that shitty night at 4's shitty ass episode I still hate it for what it did for the story
like, what did that episode even do for it? Anything? NO
NO, and DON'T F U C K I N lie to me, you know that shit didn't happen either
and I'm done lying to myself about it
there was NO indication it actually helped
all it did was drive Puzzles away, but my man had nothing to do with the café, at least not to our knowledge which would be really negligent if they didn't tell us that he actually did
like, there's no reason for why it would get better, there's just nothing
and I knooooooooow I should enjoy the show for what it is and stop complaining because I'm gonna sound like a reddit user on r/smg4 but also like
I AM the complainer, I interpret things and discuss them, I'm all about it, I love discussing possibilities and have a lot of joy out of it
hell I also like crack ideas that sometimes. stem out of desperation
like me when I said, Idk if it was on the blog but me when I said it would be silly if 3 was drinking away his feelings for 4 perhaps in those silly little scenes
but like, nah, team's not brave enough
like what I noticed is that the ship is probably not becoming canon
but not because there wouldn't be a reason to, or they couldn't work out a narrative, in FACT it would be REALLY easy, even just today I thought of a way, in fact all of us think of ways so many times, Sever the Ties was also me thinking of a way, that would've been a narratively nice way to get them together and also show they care for each other
but yeah, I think they're not becoming canon because the writers are scared of doing more than jokes with them, I think what they wanted with them was just 2 homoerotic dudes having silly moments that can be laughed at, almost like they. can't take them seriously (trash friends-esque episodes, please comes back.......... sobbing)
which, aight, I guess
so yea I'm, not jaded with the show, I'm really not, I still like a lot of things about it and can't wait to see what they cook up this week
and even like, episodes I hate have good moments, not even a question, I can enjoy them (besides the endings)
I just yknow, I like to complain and I KNOW I'm not the only one
you don't need to like, agree with me, you can like botched storylines, I just like complain about said storylines even if I like some parts of it
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akalikai · 4 months
Firstly before I even START, it's called social stigma. PLEASE tell me it's not another social influencer one I'm begging you I cannot take another laughing fit like ep 16.
Also wait the dedication is so me
Alice. Did you really talk him OUT of it??? Because lats I remember, Colin slammed the door in your face.
"It's more about who killed the Magnus Institute" DAMN
Okay I did kind of suspect that the OIAR had a hand in destroying the institute. But like also Alice knows a bit too much about Starkwell. Something you wanna tell us, honey?
Alice babygirl. The things you are saying seem like you're actually inadvertedly conforming all of Sam's suspicions. Like are you saying there IS a government conspiracy???
Okay I love Alice but she's starting to take the s1 Jon route where she refuses to believe things are supernatural or suspicious to the the point where it actually makes LESS sense. Someone is gonna get hurt because of that. And if it's Sam, Alice is going to be in a WHOLE different world of guilt.
Alice sweetie you have a point but being so...Dismissive of it when there's CLEARLY something was just not the way. Sam is obviously the kind of person who will keep digging unless you directly tell him the truth.
"We already know we work in a global atrocity factory. It's called the British Government" God Alice I love you
Alice's hatred for England fucking SENDS me I love this woman
I get where Alice is coming from like she's right unfortunately. But I think she's very much blocking out the supernatural part of it and seeing it more as a conspiracy theory than something. Yknow. Horror-y
Oh Alice...this is going to drive such a wedge between Alice and Sam. I think the funniest thing is that Alice is absolutely not going to be able to stay away from the "hornet's nest", as she puts it.
At least Sam has Celia on his side, I guess?
Ink5oul is giving Jude Perry why are they annoyingly hot
"Shame. You've got lovely skin" Ooooo Gwen is the hot tattoo artist hitting on youuuu
Oh???? Hello wait what???? Does Ink5oul. Not know what they are???
Ink5oul is self-aware??? Oh God could they get sexier???
Something something addiction to being seeing or being known is so much the opposite of The Eye which is the fear of being seen or being known.
"Tattooed Prince Albert's cock or something" WHAT
Does this count as stealing designs??? Because the og artists is long dead but Ink5oul never says they referenced his work. It's important to me as an artist SO
OKAY SO Ink5oul's tattoos are like...Predictive? Like whatever they tattoo will most probably lead to the person's method of death?
The pipeline of small influencer to...whatever the fuck Ink5oul became
"The ink flows through me" BENDY IS THAT YOU AND YOUR INK MACHINE????
Hmmm so Ink5oul slowly became an external but rly without even their knowledge. Is this them becoming less human??
"Thats...very eloquent" GWEN GIRL WHAT DO YOU EVEN MEAN
Gwen you chose the WRONG PERSON to bite back against girl WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF
GWEN YOU IDIOT YOU'RE LITERALLY JUST AS BAD AS JON WHY DO YOU PISS OFF THINGS THAT CAN KILL YOU literally this reminds me of Jon yelling at Not-Sasha to shut up in ep 79 of TMA.
Hmmm wait okay so Sam actually heard the first Ink5oul case in episode 2, so I wonder if Gwen ever manages to open up to him again (Which I completely understand if she doesn't) he might believe her because he's heard what Ink5oul's tattoos can do. But like. Again very unlikely since Mr. Khalid over here really fucked up in ep 18.
It really interests me though that Ink5oul has no idea what happened to them. I looked up Sutherland Macdonald, nothing of note. But I think it's pretty obvious that by TMAGP, they found out the tattoo on the dead body was an Oscar Jarrett tattoo and was looking to get some... face-to-face inspiration.
I'm worried about Sam and Alice. I mean honestly, Alice does have full right to step away from all of this but her dismissiveness of Sam this whole time probably doesn't help her when it comes to him. She wants to protect him, but he wants the truth. It actually makes me slightly more sure that the Dyer in the ARG was probably her pre-transition because of the empathy levels. Not that she doesn't feel empathy, but I don't think she feels like there's anything she can say to change things, so she doesn't try. Which is exactly what she says in this ep.
Anyways ummmm SamCelia shippers I get you they're actually pretty cute and it does make me happy to see that someone is supporting Sam and genuinely hearing him out since absolutely no one else he's talked to about this will.
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volo-omnia · 25 days
I'm gonna be honest I've been mulling over the cut dialogue post for the entire day because what I want to know is the direction of the developers.
Part of me isn't sure whether if the cut dialogue was cut content for the sake of cut content (i.e. time/budget limitations, it was too much/unnecessary for the scene, etc) or whether it was a change in tweaking Volo's canon character. (i.e. making his villainy closer/a foil of Cyrus.) (for the most I'm still not sure if the cut dialogue is considered "canon" or not, but for the most part until we see official content that contradicts it I will consider it as "canon" Volo.)
Because I don't know about you, but it's really telling something about his character.
I'm a descendant of the ancient Sinnoh people! I revere Arceus, the almighty god, and I will demonstrate his power to all living things in the sky, the earth, the sea! Yes! As the avatar of Arceus, I will house that power and bring its gospel to Hisui! I won't let you, an outsider with no history here, get in my way!
Okay so, this passage is the part I want to delve into. A couple of points:
"Avatar of Arceus" - this pretty much explains the Arceus cosplay in the final battle. I mean it was assumed already if you know how iconography and symbolism works, but it pretty much plainly explains that Volo sees himself as a god or in the very least, as a standing representation of Arceus itself in the physical world.
"I will house that power" - again this is just a rewording of what already exists in the final scene, where Volo states he wants to "use Arceus' power to create a new better world". Note he doesn't say he will defeat Arceus, or kill it. I know it's common interpretation in fan circles that Volo kills/takes Arceus power, but it's important for us to remember that canonically, Volo DOES NOT want to kill Arceus. His reverence may be strong, and he does have this weird religious ecstasy brainrot, but he does not wish to actually kill it. Volo is a religious zealot.
And the parts that are bothering me the most are these lines:
"I will demonstrate his power to all living things in the sky, the earth, the sea! / ...bring its gospel to Hisui!" - this part is what I'm ruminating on the most. Because with this passage, it's making me rethink all of my previous interpretations on Volo, and I fear we may have been misinterpreting him this entire time.
This is again where I want to emphasize I don't know for sure if this is a character rework or cut content, because here Volo makes no mention of a "better world" by using the power of Arceus.
Because yknow what that sounds like right? Like Christian/Catholic preaching. Specifically the word "gospel" is used here, and he makes mention of "demonstrating his power to all living things". Like spreading the word of God? He makes no mention of this gospel of Arceus being love or light however, which makes me worried what this implies...
And this is what's bothering the most about this. Volo from this dialogue, may not be a saviour wishing to create a better world without suffering because his God designed a flawed world that included those things.
Volo is a religious zealot that believes the world is flawed because of other people, not because his God made a flawed creation. And that the cure to removing this suffering is recreating his own biblical flood and killing everyone and spreading the word of Jesus Arceus.
That's why Volo has a hard time trusting others in Pokemas because other people are sinful/backstabbing and cannot be trusted (albeit heavily influenced by whatever Traumatic Thing™ happened in his villain backstory that as of writing this, has yet to be revealed) but if this is canon to his character, it's a HUGE difference from what we were all interpreting. He's not staging a divine coup for the people, he's your Catholic pastor that believes if you don't believe in god you're going to hell. He's the holy crusader that is willing to hurt entire groups of people in the name of god, believing this harm he's doing is "righteous" because he's doing it for Arceus.
If this is what Volo's idea of a "better world" was like the entire time, damn I really hope he loses and gets a redemption. A world where everyone follows the gospel of God through force? Maybe there's a reason he's a villain.
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major-wren · 2 years
Sonic Timeline (?)
Okay guys.. help me with this. Is THIS the current canon timeline for the main-line games? I really wanna figure out some sort of standard main-line canon, so feel free to pitch your two cents in comments & reblogs.
Read below the cut to see the timeline I put together, based on what I'm pretty sure might be the official canon timeline we're in right now.
> Ancient times,
before humans or animal-folk existed: The "Ancients" (shown in sonic frontiers) have their planet destroyed, and escape to Sonic's world to rebuild, but are destroyed again. We do not know who destroyed them either times, but their cyber-world containing their memories are left behind along with the chaos emeralds.
>In Sonic Riders, they establish the "Babylonians," or "Children of Babylon." They are another ancient alien race with advanced technology, although Sonic's world was not their home, they just got trapped there by accident. They built the Babylon Garden, a floating island that was originally their space ship, but eventually it was all destroyed as a "punishment from the Gods." The Babylonians did not go extinct, but it seems that they evolved into the bird-like species that Jet, Storm, and Wave are.
> 4,000 years before the 1950s:
"The Fourth Great Civilization" existed and were able to harness chaos energy. They built a gizoid capable of destroying the world, which Sonic would later name Emerl. This Gizoid became too powerful and ended up destroying the civilization that built it.
> "Thousands of years" before Sonic Adventure
(unknown how many thousands): The last Ancient maybe evolved into Chaos? The echidna tribes exist now and live in harmony with Chaos and the little chaos, but one tribe becomes power hungry for the master emerald and Chaos transforms into his monster-form and wipes out the power hungry tribe to protect the emeralds (I believe that tribe he wiped out was the largest echidna tribe but not all of them). Tikal seals herself and Chaos within the Master Emerald. Also, when they were alive the echidnas painted a mural based on a prophecy of someone using the chaos emeralds to go super in the future.
> 1950's, or 50 years before SA2
(Assuming SA2 takes place in the year of its release date, 2001, and then subtract 50 years because Shadow said thats how long he was asleep.) Ok, 1950s: Gerald Robotnik's niece/granddaughter Maria becomes terminally ill with NIDs. He seeks government funding to find a cure but they only agree on the terms that he also builds a weapon for them. He agrees, and lives on space colony ARK with Maria to work on his creation. He researches the ancient echidna tribes and the chaos emerald, as proven by the structures he built on the ARK that are identical to the structures the echidnas left behind. Its also believed that he was inspired by the mural the echidnas painted of that prophecy that depicts Sonic's super form, and that's why Shadow looks like Sonic, especially with the red eyes and upturned quills that Sonic's super form has. The mural can be found in Sonic 3.
>Gerald makes contact with the black arms aliens race and strikes a deal. If they let him use their alien DNA, then he'll let them use Shadow to take over the world when their comet comes by again. He makes the lazer on the ARK to explode the aliens' comet when they come by again so that they can't actually use Shadow, then combines the black arms DNA and the chaos emeralds to make Shadow (and also adds part of Maria's soul somehow I guess). If you like to keep parts of the Archie comics, then it's implied Gerald personally raised Shadow himself alongside Maria, as he calls him son in the Archie comics.
>Gerald also finds the old gizoid I mentioned earlier. Upon learning of its powers, he fears what could happen if it's left unchecked and tries to build safety measures into it so that nobody can use it to destroy the world. Yknow, since it wiped out an entire civilization 4,000 years ago. Relations with G.U.N are rocky as they're beginning to fear Project Shadow, and to make things worse, Gerald loses control of the gizoid and it destroys part of the space colony. In order to fix relations with G.U.N and protect everyone from the gizoid, he tries to destroy its core but is unable to, so as a last ditch effort he puts part of Maria's soul in it. Seriously... how is he doing that??
>G.U.N fears the weapons Gerald is building (bio-lizard, emerl the gizoid, and Shadow) and decides to shut it all down. As they rush the space colony ARK, Maria is killed by a G.U.N soldier as she tries to help Shadow escape. Gerald is sent to prison island with an unconscious Shadow. He is allowed to continue working on Shadow under supervision in prison island but ends up augmenting Shadow's memory to make him believe Maria wants him to destroy the world, so he can get his revenge. G.U.N finds out hes double crossing them somehow and he is executed, and Shadow is locked away deep within prison island. The gizoid is also sealed away.
> 1990's, "classic" era
Young Sonic begins his adventures saving flickies from eggman bots. It's assumed Knuckles was also born at a similar time as Sonic, and that by now the echidna species has slowly dwindled down over time to just Knuckles. I assume that since echidnas lay eggs, that Knuckles wasnt able to meet his parents because they died before he hatched, or when he was super super young and had no memory. But also... let's not think about that too hard. Anyway, Tikal is still sealed inside the Master Emerald with Chaos, and the little chaos and flickies are on Angel Island too, so hes not entirely alone.
>Sonic happens to run by and save Tails from some bullies, and Tails decides to follow him and become his side-kick. On a solo adventure, Sonic then faces off with Eggman and his new robot Metal-Sonic, who are holding Amy hostage. Amy's fortune telling tarot cards told her she'd meet her hero in that location, and since Sonic saves her there, she decides to follow him too. Sonic then meets Knuckles, who has been deceived by Eggman. Eggman lied and said Sonic is trying to steal the Master Emerald, so Sonic and Knuckles fight, but when Eggman's lie is revealed Knuckles teams up with Sonic to defeat him. They all become friends and everyday heroes, going on adventures together, as well as Tails having his solo adventures and Knuckles has an adventure with Team Chaotix and Mighty the armadillo. (Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic Drift, Sonic 3, Sonic Mania, Sonic Drift 2, Knuckles' Chaotix, Tails' Adventure, Sonic R, and Sonic Origins.)
> 1999, Sonic Adventure 1:
Eggman unleashes Chaos from the Master Emerald to take over the world, but Sonic defeats him. Tikal's spirit was also released from the Master Emerald when eggman shattered it, and so she commits to taking care of Chaos after Sonic defeats it, and Knuckles restores the Master Emerald. Sonic's growing up into his teens and becoming a hero on a bigger scale now (he is 15 at this point). Knuckles, Tails, and Amy seem comfortable working as a team now too.
> 2001, Sonic Adventure 2:
Eggman discovers Gerald's diary and wakes up Shadow 50 years after the ARK massacre so he can use Shadow to take over the world. Shadow double crosses him to completely destroy the world, killing everyone including himself and eggman, but after a heart to heart with Amy (who happens to say something similar to Shadow's key-phrase, Maria's last words), he regains his true memories and saves the world at the last minute through self sacrifice. Rouge also joins in this game, at first as a double spy working for the government, but throughout the game she begins to care about Shadow as she uncovers his past, and in the end she allies with Sonic team, at least on neutral terms.
> Sonic Advance 1 & 2:
In Sonic Advance 1, Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles all go on a classic adventure beating up eggman's bots in the familiar Greenhill zones. In Sonic Advance 2, Cream the rabbit is introduced and Team Sonic help save her mother Vanilla the rabbit from eggman.
> Sonic Heroes:
Shadow turns out to have survived his fall from space, and eggman has sealed him within his base with a guard robot named Omega. Rouge finds him and takes him under her wing along with Omega, forming Team Dark, although shes unsure if its the real Shadow or one of the robot replicas that eggman built. Neo-metal sonic is the big bad guy of this game but everyone defeats him together (team chaotix, team rose, team dark, and team sonic).
> Shadow The Hedgehog (the game):
The black arms return just like they said they would but Sonic crew defeats them with Shadow, who regains his memories with his friends' help. It's a good thing Gerald made so many video messages and diaries for people to find in the future lol
> Sonic Battle:
Eggman uncovers Emerl the gizoid, an ancient robot his grandfather Gerald discovered before him in the 1950s and gave a part of Maria's soul. Emerl is unresponsive though, so Eggman abandons him. Sonic finds him and brings him to Tails to fix up. Shadow attempts to destroy Emerl, saying something along the lines that Sonic (and bio-weapon creators) don't understand what its like to be a living weapon, that it's a life not worth living, and that he won't allow Emerl to exist knowing he has the capability to destroy the world, and also that no one else should have to live through what he has. Sonic protects Emerl and is adamant that every life has value and that he'll keep Eggman from using Emerl for evil.
>Everyone except Shadow decides to collect all the chaos emeralds so that Emerl can be reset through a key-phrase Rouge found, but there's also a chance he'll default to destroying the world if he's overwhelmed with power. Shadow refuses to give the last emerald in fear of Emerl losing control, but Rouge explains that Gerald gave Shadow and Emerl souls, so that even if someone tried to force them to destroy the world, their souls would prevent them from being able to do it. Deciding to trust Rouge and his shared soul with Emerl, Shadow gives up the last emerald and says the key-phrase (Maria's last words, which is also Shadow's key-phrase). It works and Emerl gains free will, but after a while Eggman captures him again and overwhelms him with power, which causes Emerl to lose control and attempt to destroy the world, forcing Sonic to fight him. Emerl self destructs as Gerald's last safety measure for if he is weaponized, ending his story there. Also, side note, Chaos is mentioned by Knuckles, meaning its still alive on Angel Island.
> Sonic Advance 3:
Eggman creates a new robot named Gemerl made out of the leftover data he could scavenge from what was left of Emerl after he self destructed. He then uses chaos control to break the world into seven pockets of reality so he can conquer it all and turn it into the Dr. Eggman Empire. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, and Cream all group up to fight the eggman bots, Gemerl, and collect the chaos emeralds. Once they have all the chaos emeralds, Gemerl betrays Eggman and steals the emeralds for himself to become 'Ultimate Gemerl.' Sonic becomes super and teams up with Eggman to defeat Gemerl, who explodes.
>Later on, while Cream and her mother are at the beach, they find Gemerl's damaged body on the shore and bring it to Tails. Tails repairs Gemerl and reprograms him to be friendly and non-violent. From then on, Gemerl lives a peaceful life with Cream and Vanilla in their cottage, and becomes Cream's protector. In a way, Emerl was able to be reborn into Gemerl and have another chance at life.
> Sonic Rush 1 & 2:
Blaze the cat is introduced when her dimension collides with Sonic's. Unlike the chaos emeralds, princess Blaze needs the sol emeralds to stay together or else her islands will drop into the ocean. Blaze, Sonic, and Tails fight the Eggman of her dimension to save their worlds. In the second game, Marine is added and they go on a pirate adventure when Sonic and Tails end up in Blaze's dimension. Later on in The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog, it is revealed that Blaze is able to open a portal whenever she likes so she can cross into Sonic's dimension to visit or help in bigger adventures.
> Sonic Riders:
I honestly haven't looked into the story yet, I think these bird people are like... the descendents of aliens or something?? Why are there so many ancient aliens in sonic lore. Well anyway, the Babylon rogues are introduced with Jet, Wave, and Storm. Also hoverboards exist.
> Sonic The Hedgehog 2006:
Okay so... Silver is definitely canon and still needs to exist because he's in the IDW comics, but... Is anything besides him still canon in this timeline? I mean, even if Elise is out there somewhere, do any of the characters remember her?
> Sonic Lost World, Sonic Colors, Sonic and The Black Knight, and Sonic and The Secret Rings:
Lost World introduces the Zeti aliens, and Colors introduces wisps. The storybook games further support/imply the existence of other timelines and dimensions, or maybe Sonic was just dreaming.
>I don't think it really matters exactly what order these games happen in, including Sonic Unleashed, as long as they happen before the events of Generations. By release date though, it's Secret Rings > Unleashed > Black Knight > Colors > Lost World. HOWEVER, release dates don't always matter, because writers have said before that release dates dont always line up with the story. For example: Sonic Battle actually takes place before Sonic Heroes, even though Sonic Heroes came out first.
> Sonic Unleashed:
Since the beginning of time, a god-like being named Dark Gaia has been sleeping within the core of the world and wakes up to shatter the world at a certain time every however many years, and each time Light Gaia would put it back together. I wonder if this is what keeps wiping out the ancient alien civilizations? Clearly the Ancients in Sonic Frontiers, the aliens from Sonic Riders, and "The Fourth Civilization" from Sonic Battle each had time to build up their civilizations to amazingly advanced technological landscapes, but would then get wiped out and the next civilization would have to restart.
>Eggman learns how to drain the chaos emeralds' of their power, and condenses their power into a lazer that he uses to shatter the world's crust in order for Dark Gaia to escape (but couldn't he already do that with the ARK's lazer?) He also drained Sonic of his super form, which turned him into a werewolf with stretchy arms for some reason, but only at night. Since Light Gaia was taken from the Earth's core prematurely, he is in a weakened state with amnesia, and follows Sonic around until he remembers his true purpose.
>The Dark Gaia absorbs whatever power was inside of Sonic that caused him to turn into a werehog, curing him of his curse, and then Light Gaia weakens Dark Gaia so that Sonic can defeat it in his super form. Light Gaia, or Chip, then helps Sonic return to the Earth's surface, and seals himself within the core once again.
> Sonic Generations:
Sonic is celebrating his birthday!! Which proves that he and everyone else have been slowly aging throughout their adventures. Suddenly, the "Time Eater" attacks, and scatters all the birthday party guests all across space and time. Sonic and Tails meet their younger selves from the past, and they all race through all of the adventures Sonic's been on to restore the timeline. They defeat the Time Eater, which is being piloted by eggman and eggman from the past, with the help of their friends and their past selves. Afterward Sonic and his friends return to the present, with the Sonic and Tails from the past. Sonic tells his younger self that he's going to have a great future, before sending him and the young past Tails off to their correct time through the remaining time portal. Current Eggman tells Past Eggman that he's yet to defeat Sonic, and Past Eggman considers getting a teaching degree instead like he had wanted. It's unclear if Past-Sonic will then go through all the same adventures, or if his time-travel hijinks opened up a new timeline, maybe even one where Eggman becomes a teacher instead! But probably not, lol. At the very least, it opens up a timeline where that Sonic gets deja-vu in all his future adventures leading up to the Time-Eater's attack.
> 2017, Sonic Forces:
Sonic is captured by Infinite and they have to open up a portal into a different timeline/the past to get Classic Sonic to help them save our Sonic.
> IDW comics:
Everyone fights neo-metal and the zeti aliens again, eggman lost his memory but then regained it, the whole zombot arc happened, and now Surge and Kit are on the rise. To those who have not read, I highly recommend at least reading up to issue #29.
> 2022, Sonic Frontiers:
Sonic Frontiers happens somewhere on this timeline... Maybe sometime after Sonic Forces but in the middle of the IDW comics. Sonic crew learn about the Ancients (mentioned first on the timeline), who supposedly are the ones who brought the chaos emeralds to Sonic's world in the first place. Also, the characters are all clearly growing older, as their voices are much more mature, and they each decide to commit to independent adventures to prove their growth. It's honestly really sweet watching Amy and Tails start out with literal child voice-actors, then seeing them grow into their new older voices. I assume Sonic is going from 15 (his last recorded age in SA2) to his 20s, which will probably mean we'll get more lore-focused games that hold space for an older audience while still keeping it kid-friendly.
...I think that's everything? Someone please fill in the gaps on Sonic Riders, I know there's 3 games for that series. I think the details on their alien race might be important if we want to try and piece together the first four ancient civilizations.
Also, someone please share what happens in Sonic Rivals (2006) because I'm not willing to watch like over eight hours of game play yet, but I know it has a big story that most fans aren't familiar with.
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year
YEA MAN, tell me uhhhhhh, feel free to ramble about any pokemon things you got going on in your au that you don't mind spoiling/talking about!! very interested to hear about some of the other charas!! :]c
OK WE WILL B DISCUSSING THE LOYAL THREE FROM THE DLC Ik you already know abt them bc you keep reblogging posts abt them + Ogerpon + DLC in general but I also know you havent played the game and won't for a hot minute so . This is spoilers for you bc it may be incomprehsible AND lore filled!
But I have some thinkies about the Loyal Three (mainly Munkidori)
Ok so basic run down of their canon lore since im adding it to the au: They're outsiders of Kitakami who came from another land, they're a gang of thieves who wind up killing a man (Ogerpon's trainer, though in the AU he's her father!) because they try to steal Ogerpon's masks from him and wind up going too far, and likewise they get killed as revenge by Ogerpon and are regarded as heroes by Kitakami. But they come back lol
There's also the fact that the toxic chains they have gave them their abilities (Munkidori's psychic abilities + intelligence, Fezandipiti's looks, Okidogi's strength and muscles), they were just Some Guys before gaining these chains
AU Has some stuff going on there too! Mainly for Munkidori bc I'm still working out background kinks for the other two given that. I gave this man some #lore and it'd b sad to give him all the cool backstory and the other two are just there, and there's also stuff abt them that will come out in the part 2 of the dlc sooo I gotta wait, but anyways
Munkidori is Zarude's adoptive son. Yknow, Zarude, the mythical SWSH shit out! I am completely neutral on Zarude but in the AU they're primary the God of Family! But since 1) a few other gods relate to that like Xerneas being the god of fertility and whatnot and 2) these family units fucking suck, they live away from the Gods and enjoy a life of solitude.
Munkidori was a mere mortal child when Zarude found him and decided to raise him, and his childhood was good for the most part! However, he was never the brightest child, so he was bullied in school by both teachers and students for his low grades/low intelligence. He always wanted to be something greater, but he couldnt do anything substancial without an education. Zarude tried being there for him, but ultimately it was never enough. He started to resent the people around him and yearned to become smarter, stronger even
This resentment soon was applied to Zarude. He began to believe he lived in his parent's shadow, since they were a deity and he wasn't. Sure, Zarude is hardly respected amongst the gods and is a very minor deity in the grand scheme of things, but they were still powerful. They were still an ultimate lifeform. And he was given none of that. Zarude didn't give him immortality, Zarude didn't give him cool God powers, he was just a simple mortal who couldn't do anything right. He wanted to be powerful, but he was denied it.
So when he hit adulthood he ran away from home, soon meeting Okidogi and Fezandipiti (fellow troubled young adults like him who wanted to be something more) and they formed a gang. Thieves who claimed their power back by harming the innocent. Munkidori was their defacto leader, which satified his need for power.
Along the way they were found by [ ] who granted their wishes through the toxic chains (this is. DLC part 2 thing. I know bc of leaks!) so Munkidori actually GOT intelligence (and psychic powers), seemingly without price (there IS a price. The Loyal Three's worst tendancies are now heightened due to the toxins in their body but dont worry abt it)! This only aided in the trio's crimes until they had to flee to Kitakami to escape the ramifications of their actions
Where the canon differs is that I imagine the Loyal Three actually did serve as proctors of Kitakami for a bit, though of course it was for selfish reasons. Free room, food and board for helping protect the innocent and all! But ultimately they all still committed murder against an innocent man and died as a result.
I don't know how they came back to life as of now (Tho I probably will when the rest of the DLC drops), but they all come back the exact same but everyone (... Zarude. Just Zarude) thinks they came back wrong. And they want to whoop Ogerpon's ass for killing them (its been 200 years. She was cursed with immortality FEEL FREE TO ASK ABT IT TOO)
And yeah! Thats the backstory lore I got, so I'll just list some other minor stuff I have cooked for the loyal three! Lil headcanons if you will
-They're all trans men, Fezandipiti is just extremely GNC
-...I think Okidogi has a little crush on Wo-Chien, which is sillay and not gonna work out bc Wo-Chien is one of Ogerpon's found family members and they are NOT gonna give the guy who killed their new baby's dad A KISS!
-They were all in their mid 30s when they died and are still like that now that they've come back, lol. They might have immortality now after being revived but we'll see
-Zarude constantly lives with guilt that they weren't a better parent to Munkidori, though they have no clue that he. Like. straight up became a criminal and died. They just know he's dead bc they raised him 200 years ago and he was a mortal sooooo yeah. Haunted by the horrors ESPECIALLY when he comes back and he's unrecognizable to them !
-I might make it so Fezandipiti and Okidogi also had a connection to some gods, just not on the level Munkidori has lol
-Their relationship with one another is. [Shrugs]. Like yeah they're a team but they constantly argue. but also stare at each other's tits (dw about it.). and they're kinda like a found family I guess? But also not really bc a lot of this was out of convience? they don't know what they are but they sure did die together!
-They technically have "a master" (aka the one who gave them the chains) and they might have been the force who revived them... and thats p funny bc imagine being Munkidori and you're entire thing is that you want power SOOO bad and youre finally the leader of a group so BOOM dreams achieved, and then you turn around and remember that 10 year old god (you also fucking hate the gods (take a guess why) so this is extra salt in the wound) who did weird shit to your brain is actually running the place. But forgot about you for 2 centuries. until now. Bro I'd die again.
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A few things, one do you personally believe Evan has like a fake account and is checking up to see what he fanbase is up to online?
I swear to god I can’t help but worry I’ve interacted with him once without even knowing it and made a complete fool of myself Ajdjjfjfjf
Two, so you think he’s ever been on/knows what Omegle is? (I may or may not pop on there every now and then in his tags to try and find him. Say hi, thank him for existing and dip haha 😅)
Three, do you think Evan genuinely is okay with fans approaching him (when appropriate of course) or think he would approach them by chance??
Like for me I’d prefer him to approach me if I’m wearing any AHS merchandise. Because I don’t wanna bother the man and have him get bombarded by fans, I’d honestly be happy just getting a few words ‘conversation’ in. Maybe an autograph and quick hug if he’s down, probably not a pic together though. As much as I’d love one with him the man deserves to be treated like a human being when he’s not working yknow? (Not saying I wouldn’t love a pic and not hating on fans that do ask for one and whatnot. I just would want to be respectful and not make him feel uncomfy. While he’ll never remember me (maybe he will who knows) I’ll remember him and I don’t want to be remembered as ‘the one fan who was weirdly too polite or some shit) I dunno I’m weird not to mention the very unrealistic and cruel scenarios my head creates. He deserves the world and anyone who meets him should feel incredibly lucky (I’m not putting him on a pedestal, but he’s so genuine and kind. I only want him to get that same energy back is all.)
He has no idea but he’s part of the reason why I’m still here (I know that sounds silly) Mentally I’ve been through a lot still going through a lot. So I’ll hop on YouTube and watch his interviews or watch AHS or clips of him as his characters. Stuff like that it’s bittersweet sometimes but it helps me feel close to him and gives me hope I’ll meet him so I can HOPEFULLY thank him in person. 🥹❤️‍🩹
first off, anon i'm glad you're still here <3
i think evan could possibly give into the very human curiosity of seeing what people say online - maybe not frequently but once in a while. it's hard to say. maybe he's been burnt and decided it's better to avoid at all costs. i do doubt that evan is on omegle these days but back in the day it used to be something we pretty much all did lol
i think in the right circumstance, evan is probably fine with a respectful fan interacting with him. i think most people would be so long as the interaction is appropriate. i always think the most important thing is to recognize time and place and also reading body language. celebrities are humans, too. they may have bad days, may be in a rush, may be with other people who could be made uncomfortable.. so you just have to read the situation and discern if this is a good time to come over and say hi. i think it would be great if he got back to doing conventions so fans would have an opportunity to tell evan how much we love him!
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eatnightmares · 2 months
1.7...............paige........... (cried during this one. so!)
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great episode to get the sid plot going, yknow that post that's like "tsv makes you think it's a typical cult plot where they have to work in the shadows because obviously this level of violence isn't accepted in modern society. and then you get to ep 7" literally what makes tsv such a banger. the minute we hit the city it's like btw we're torturing the radio guy to death. and we fused a guy into the train. it's fine :3
excited to get to s2 and talk a bit more about paige's siblings...so fucked up we don't get to hear more about them 🥺
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the description of the train also a very memorable one to me...make him less visible but he still moans ever so faintly...look down look away don't think about it even though it's always so very obviously there and you can't escape it....
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paige alcoholism foreshadowing yay (if you can even call it that it's basically just text :( )
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(fingers digging into the wood of my desk) I'm Really Normal About This Part Specifically I Prommy
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"i feed your love because i need to hear it even if i can never quite believe in it" what if i blew up forever. also all the repeated plant imagery.....and the fear of being left behind like carp last ep...
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oh god the corporatisms... "all of us will have to make sacrifices" YOU CAN'T SAY THAAAATTTT and oh god vaughaaaaaaaan only using "you" aaaaaguugghhhh
paige in denial and yet still excusing that they could throw poor performers under the bus that "no one would miss" baby girllllll
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man. what the hell man.
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something so so funny and sad about her throw away comment about taking the train and them giving her a car and her accepting it
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vaughan you will always be at the heart of this story to me. the catalyst for both paige and carpenter the one who chose what ate them but still died struggling and bitter and silently asking couldn't you do better? don't you want something more than this?
(there's also something about them dying in steam...)
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GET HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
another contender for funniest episode ending the tone shift is insane. world's worst road trip gains a third member!!!
one of my favorite eps of the season just...so so upsetting and does Such a good job of introducing paige
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sharksa-shivers · 5 months
🍕🍔🥩🍣🦪🍤🍺🌮Kidnapped food-posting quotes n shiz PART 1🌯🦑🦐🐟🦀🍗🍪🍫🍰
Why not do a themed one? I see no reason not to fsdhfdjshkjfdshdjfs -------------------------------
Kristy:(annoyed)So what??? You're just gonna ignore our mission???
Max:(nods, smirks)Yep, sure am. New mission is getting some lunch. (Hungry)Godddd, that barbecue place smells so good, i could go for some goodass steaks right now…
Sharky:(hungry too)You think maybe we could snag a few? I could really use some food…I'm starved…
Max:(smirks)Hell yeah i bet we can. We got some cash.
Kristy:(annoyed)You two are seriously just gonna listen to and think with your stomachs??? Like really???
Max:(nods, scheming)Yep.
Sharky:(hungry)Honestly yeah. Can't focus really with mine being empty…
Kristy:(annoyed as fuck)Unbelievable!!! I can't believe you 2 are just gonna-!!! (She's cut off by her own stomach growling hungrily, wrapping her arms around herself)Ughhhhh…
Max:(smirking)Maybe you should be listening to yours, seems like it's trying to tell you something…
Kristy:(annoyed)Ughh!!!! Shut up!!!! We need to focus on-
Sharky:(cutting her off)Getting food. Look, nothings gonna get fuckin done with all of us starving so lets get some grilled goods, chow down then we get back to the mission ok? (Looking dead at Kristy)You're always the one lecturing me about self care so…Yknow, maybe we should all do that huh?
Kristy:(annoyed, glares at both of them)….Fine, goddamnit. BUT WE'RE GETTING RIGHT BACK TO THE MISSION AFTE-
Max:(already got a plan to find the place)Yeah yeah yeah, the stupidass mission. Anyway!!!! LET'S GO!!!! -------------------------------
(Max being Max xd)
Max:(hungry, just rambling outloud)Okay but some nachos would be banging right now…And also maybe like something with whipped cream, i'm thinking like a drink but like…Man, i'd eat an entire cherry pie though with whipped cream on it…Root beer float also sounds really fucking good though…Or maybe-!!!
Kristy:(interrupts, annoyed as she's trying to read something on her phone)Is it like actually physically possible for you to go at least 20 minutes without thinking about food? Like can you actually think about things with your brain instead of your stomach or like?
Max:(amused, smirking)Nah, not really. And if i ever manage that, that'd be the time to panic cuz that ain't me heheh…Got a shapeshifter with ya and i'm probably being held captive somewhere…
Kristy:(groans annoyed)Ughhhhhhh…
Max:(defensive, amused still though)Look, i do not know why i'm always hungry, i just know that i am. Gotta have a well fed Max to do the dumbass Trio shit ya need me to do alright? This kinda quality tech and hacking work comes with a price tag and that price tag involves tacos…(hungry, lighting up)God, tacos though, ughhhh, i just want something with some steak…
Kristy:(annoyed, trying to focus on her phone)Please stopppp, this is already so boring to read and you're just distracting me…
Max:(amused, getting his phone out and looking for a taco place now)Alright alright, fineeeee…I'll go get some chow then. I'm starving, i need some food real bad, legit all i can think about right now… ------------------------------- inb4 this one DO NOT DO THIS ONE...DON'T... Not food related but it involves Max eating something ig so...I'm putting here anyway lol
(We see Max and Kristy sitting down in the underground area, resting a bit…Kristy's reading one of her manga's and Max is fucking around with a glowstick…We see Max tapping on the stick and shaking it around…And then he gets a dumbass idea lmao…We see Max take a claw out and saw the top bit of it off, peeling the lidbit off. He chunks it to the side and that's whenever Kristy looks up and notices.)
Kristy:(concerned, worried)Uhhhhh, what the hell are you doing?
Max:(his gaze goes from the blue glowstick to Kristy, smirking)Gonna do some shots if you catch my drift…
Kristy:(immediately tries to stop him)Max, no!!!! It could be dangerous!!!!!!
Max:(scoffs, tapping the stick, amused)Nah, i googled it, not poison so i'll be fine butttttt am curious sooooooo…-(he gazes at Kristy, smirking and then quickly opens his mouth, pouring the liquid in, he lets it sit in his mouth a sec, showing Kristy, trying to talk)Look Kwis, mah mouths glowin!!!
Kristy:(anxious, apprehensive)…….Yeahhhh, i dunno bout this…
Max:(mouth still full of blue glowing chemical, amused)Quit cwyin, is fine!!! Is cool!!!! Now i wanna see tho…(we see Max decide finally to close his mouth and gulp the liquid down, then quickly opening his mouth, now it not glowing, Max immediately being disappointed)Awwwww, fuck!!! Really not glowing anymore????
Kristy:(kinda surprised)…Ok, i actually did think your mouth would still be glowing…
Max:(annoyed)Yeah, same, what a fuckin disappointment…Ughhhhh…(slouches back before looking down at his body, moving his bag and looking at his body)Wait, is my stomach glowing or…? (Looking, annoyed, head smacks back into the wall)No!!! Goddddddd, how boring!!! I was hoping something would glow, like that'd be really cool!!! Damnit!!!!! Ehhhhhhhhh…
Kristy:(staring)Well, like…It still doesn't hurt right or does it or?
Max:(he thinks a second, shrugs)Not reall-(stops a second)……..Orrrrrr…My stomach does kinda tingle a bit now…So might end up getting a stomachache later…God, this wasn't even worth it, how lame…
Kristy:(kinda laughs a bit)Well, least it didn't really hurt you…
Max:(annoyed, sideglances)No but it is lame as hell, ughhh…(reaches into his bag, pulls out another glowstick)…Maybe if i ate a few more?
Kristy:(quickly)Uhhhh, don't we need these for down here?? You probably shouldn't right now, we need to conserve energy!!!
Max:(huffs, annoyed as he chunks another glowstick up and down in his hand)Yeah, yeah, yeah, god, just…Ughhhh… -------------------------------
(Max and Kristy trying to go find a thing or something lol, idk)
(We see the 2 derpos walking around downtown Shellside City, actively looking for a specific place…Andddd then Max veers that shit offroad p damn quick.)
Kristy:(looking at her phone confused then back up at Max)…..Are you sure this is the right way?
Max:(amused, hands in his hoodie pockets)You remember earlier when you were like "You got to listen to your gut sometimes!" ?
Kristy:(confused)Yeah? Why exactly?
Max:(amused)I am fully embracing that advice and my gut right now is telling me that i need some food asap hehehe…
Kristy:(her face falls as she looks back at the map and sees where they're ACTUALLY heading to, a local bar and grill, looking up at Max, pissy)Are you serious???? You were doing this on purpose weren't you?!?!?
Max:(walking backwards some, looking at Kristy, amused)Hey now!! You gave that advice earlier and i for one like to listen to my friends when they give good advice!! If you have an issue with it, then you're gonna need to take it up with my gut cuz uhhhh that's what i'm listening to right now.
Kristy:(glaring, pissed)I can't believe you dude, ughhhhh, holy shit…
Max:(amused, moving back to walking normally)Welp believe it cuz i did do it haha, and i'll do it again at some point. Now that that's out in the open, goddddd, i can't wait to sink my teeth into some bacon cheeseburgers, ahhhhh, holy shit…
Kristy:(glaring at Max still)Here's some new advice for you since you like my points so much: Maybe try and think with your brain instead maybe next time…
Max:(amused)And ignore my stomach?? Kris Kris, i'm sorry but absolutely not. My stomachs always been on my side and has never led me astray, not even once!! So uhhhhh yeah, i think ima keep doing things my way haha!!
Kristy:(glaring, pissed)…You are seriously so fucking insufferable sometimes Max…
Max:(shrugging, amused)Can't argue that one honestly… -------------------------------
(We see Kristy waking up during a rainy night, anxious and scared after a dream, to which, Max tries to help her with…)
Max:(walking into the bunkroom with a container of cookies, he notices Kristy's up and upset, getting her attention, caring)Ey, you ok?
Kristy:(she looks down from her bunk to see Max, wiping tears out of her eyes)Max? What are you doing up?
Max:(plopping his cookie box onto her bunk, climbing up to her and getting comfortable, amused as he grabs his box again)Woke up to pee and then wanted a midnight snack so…(chomps into a sugar cookie before offering the box over to Kristy)Want one?
Kristy:(calming down some since she's not alone now, takes one, lightly)……You always offer me food and stuff when i'm down…Like I've noticed that…
Max:(shoving a cookie into his mouth, smirks)Well yeah. Foods good for ya. Good for the mind, good for the soul and good for your stomach heh…Kinda can't go wrong with it… ------------- Have i mentioned Max is a cryptid who is a bottomless pit and we have no clue why it's not possible really for him to get full except in the most rare of circumstances? That these abilities of his are goddamn supernatural in nature and we have 0 clue wtf is wrong with him? Well i'm mentioning it again lol. That doge will fistfight you over a bag of doritos, do not test him. Next one will have more Sharksty shit and will be more Sharky/Kristy related in general. I'm scaredt ima run out of room sooooo you getting a part 2 lol, hold up. Will link whenever done: https://www.tumblr.com/sharksa-shivers/748263506686722048/kidnapped-food-posting-quotes-n-shiz-part
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mythical-lotus · 3 years
Okay everybody, I have finally decided to talk about my patch jacket - My pride and joy, and in theory the longest art project I have ever worked on and continue to work on. I started it in late September of 2020 I believe, And have continued to work on it since
All right here we go nerds
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This is the front and back of the jacket all zoomed out. You can zoom in and look at it here, but I'm also going to be showing some closer photos and elaborating on my favorite/most memorable parts
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I'll be going through and pointing out either my favorite or things that I think need explaining so you can skip the text if you just want to look but yknow
First Picture:
I noticed that in the very top right corner of this part of the jacket, one of the pins in the photo is a bit obscured and very small, it says "The future is intersectional," with feminine looking hands reaching for each other one with a light skin tone and one with a dark skin tone.
There's also a blue pen, hidden under the collar of the jacket by mistake, that's the Poseidon pin I bought from Overly Sarcastic Productions crowdmade shop (along with the Loki pin and Athena pin next to it). I would highly recommend their history and mythology videos!!
I am a type 1 diabetic, and have been since February 6th of 2012, and hooked onto the button of the pocket is an old emergency contact bracelet of mine.
There's a small tooth sewn into the side of the jacket with dark magenta thread, and I wanted to specify that it is a deer tooth and that it was gotten ethically. One of my friends participates in vulture culture, and she found a few deer teeth in the woods and gifted them to me.
This is slightly lesser known so I thought I'd throw it in, the purple bottle cap pin with the green ribbon on it symbolizes mental health awareness.
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Second Picture:
The green and blue patch that looks like a hourglass is a climate change awareness patch - To my knowledge the symbol isn't specifically related to any group, just a general climate change symbol.
The gold circle with a silver triangle is a Vulcan symbol from Star Trek: The Original Series called an IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations), that represents protecting and learning about diversity throughout the galaxy.
A very close friend of mine is a trans man and he is not out to his family because they are unfortunately very bigoted, and he has been forced to shave his legs by them and so I made a patch that's just a hairy leg, out of spite. This is somewhat for him but also a more general patch for "don't tell anyone else how they should look."
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Third Picture:
This part is pretty full so I'll just do like a rapid fire "What's all this then?"
The "Cabbage" patch was a recommendation from a friend cuz they thought it was funny, the tab sewn onto the side of the collar was found in my garden, the safety pins dangling below it are the rainbow and trans flag respectively although they need repainted, "I Don't Wanna Feel Better" is a reference to a Penelope Scott song (amazing artist btw), bisexual flag with she/her over it, and "God Loves Gays" in honor of my horribly homophobic church.
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Fourth Picture:
Ralsei pin of my lovely boi, Ari patch (the name and likeness of my dog), The patch above "Punch Your Local Nazi" is the cover art of Penelope Scott's album "Public Void," I.W.W. Wobblies stands for International Workers Of The World (who were called Wobblies in the early industrial revolution), and the Minecraft blocks at the very bottom are just some of my favorites (Grass Block, Mossy Cobble, Slime, and Enderman).
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Fifth Picture:
I live in a very cop heavy area (idk if that's even a term but whatever), So it's not really safe for me to have a obvious ACAB patch, but the dice show the number 1312 when you look at the rightmost face.
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Sixth Picture:
The embroidery of the Scales Of Justice on the bottom in purple and teal was commissioned from one of my very close friends (same person I got the tooth from), and I think her deerly for it ;)
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Seventh Photo:
Uhh these are all pretty self explanatory, but for literally anything on this jacket, please ask me about it if you want to know because like oh Oh I want to talk so much If you couldn't tell
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Eighth Picture:
I call this my healthcare arm, it has my omnipod, which is the device I used to treat my type 1 diabetes, and the patch below it refers to how a lot of times diabetic equipment is treated as a luxury when the different quality of equipment you use can drastically alter how healthy you are. It's like trying to do surgery with a kitchen knife and saying that "it's a luxury" to do surgery with a scalpel.
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rosemary-bells · 2 years
okay so i. um. coughs. i f. i finall y read the luke anny ssr card story. voice acting and all. and. i. h. hoo boy.
i'm just gonna go in and start screaming for a few paragraphs maybe possibly. im not one to review things at all but whatever i have like a hundred years worth of things to say. i was gonna go n post abt this as i read but then i was like na h ill just make a bunch of memes and cry later
like first part(s) of the story i was already screaming and crying over that flashback where hes arguing w aaron. highkey i was like bro is this rly the time to tell luke to make this romantic. rly. then later on it was nothing but sadness and heartache and crying and i was like yknow what maybe he was right about this
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first meme! i saw peanut and i was like oh m y god. my little boy. my baby. hes back. highkey i miss the kid. he's not present enough in luke stories lmao. the fact that luke styled the lil handle on peanut was. hooo. i was like man i cant believe this is the perfect man maybe? (im kidding. hes far from perfect but he is baby.)
also highkey during his classical music lore session i was like "lmao shouldve made it fur elise" and then i was like Hm. i also highkey love the fact that they changed the music for the music box bits. that was cute. love that they used the main theme on the default card screen too. very nice
every time he mentioned larping schumann or brahms i was like man is this rly the time lmao. altho i am happy it brought him resolution
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meme two i dont have that many memes again most of this is just me ranting for a bit. the voice acting was literally peak though. every time he yelled, or even every time he was quiet, you could really get all that hesitation and heartbreak, all at once. it was amazing. it was heartaching. loved it. i cant speak for the other dubs since i use jpn but like. i bet they were. immaculate.
also highkey im still so miffed that they didnt give rosa voice acting. i could rant abt this for hours but to keep it short, like. mhy is always at its strongest when its not making a self-insert, yknow? in some cases, self-insert characters work, but when your choices don't matter too much, in an otome game, which are mostly character driven, trying to make her too basic is just kind of eh ig. she does get a pretty solid character from what we have, though. like, shes got a strong personality. very passionate abt justice to the point of embarrassment. very honest. is generally driven a bit more by her heart than her brain. like seafood. that sort of thing. she's already her own character, so i just wish they gave her a va. its gotten to the point in which ive literally started imagining a va for her. she kind of sounds like shirayuki (jpn) in my mind...
also man fr he really did think that romantic partners were the only way to receive proper emotional support. she has friends, man. she's a strong kid who you left for like, 8 years. have some faith in her, yknow? also god, that line where he was like "As long as he can make you happy." god. that just stung, man. im thinking abt him in other routes and like, 3/4 times he really just gave up, didn't he?
on that note i also thought the towel that he was using to dry her hair was just. on top of her head the entire time, so thinking abt all these dramatic scenes w her just doing that was funny. ik thats not how it worked but like still. also did she rly run to her parent's house in that outfit? in the storm? ik she wasnt thinking but oof dude shes gonna catch the worst cold after all this blows over
that kiss scene though. man. the orchestra music playing. i always love that theme, even if it does feel mis-timed at moments. it just feels so refreshing. rly does make it feel like a "kiss of fervor" (also how he just caresses her arm during the kiss. how gentle. what a sweet guy. he rly just wants to comfort her.) he even used 大好き instead of just 好き like man. ... man.
and then that bit where they called each other their greatest treasure... and then, how he said "I swear, I will do everything I can to live, so that I can be with you." man. it was cheesy but it rly did feel like the rainbow after the storm. it rly is all abt learning to love yourself because of how loved you are. like wow. man. it rly is abt loving someone so much that you want to live for them. live w them. man.
all in all, super cheesy card. it was a short-ish storyline, but i highkey loved it. it was cute. it was precious. i nearly cried. (more or less did when i found out his badge was called "Luke's Vow" like hooo. oh my god) i Enjoy. looking forward to the 2nd anny's cards....
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the final meme. its another version of the last one but hey accurate lmao i was shaking crying screaming sobbing throwing up the entire time but by god was my heart full
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grantspectortrash · 2 years
Hi <3
I'm back to be a menace <3
SO. Let's talk??? How are you doing, how's life treating you, latest obsessions (other than the obvious Cobra Kai adiction. Oh yeah I saw that update by update you posted for each season) any new hot men you've discovered?!
Anyway more serious topics.
🥳- send in a fandom and I'll tell you my favourite character/ship/season and we can geek out together!
(this completely went off tracks from that ask but yknow you also love these boys and I got carried away :/ i apologise in advance)
Have I ever mentioned how in love I am with the Moon Boys??? (it was either this for James Potter so- pick your poison) Like the way Steven is so kind, patient, caring and so so so endearing but if he's pushed hard enough he WILL snap???? Like he wakes up every day, going to work with people who don't even know his name, a boss who is so pushy and mean, and he chooses to be king every single day.
Personally, I'd slap a bitch and quit so maybe I'm the problem :/
BUT. Unpopular opinion but I truly believe Steven grant falls into the category of "cinnamon roll but heaven forbid the day they snap because we're all doomed". Idk i've been thinking about it for so long. because like- Marc's already snapped. It's too late yknow, he's already always angry and upset and distant, he doesn't try to hide that, and Jake literally kills psychos for a living so that speaks for itself. But Steven?
He wakes up EVERY DAY, looks outside at this world that keeps on bothering him and he chooses to be kind. he chooses to be a nice gift-shopist. He chooses to be the funny and gentle Mr. Knight, the "good cop" and kinder version of the merciless Moon Knight and Dark Knight (yes I will call Jake the Dark Knight and NO I don't care if that makes him sound like batman thats what makes it so funny, he'd hate it. I firmly believe he'd find it offensive)
Anyway yeah that's a fun thought I thought I'd share it?!
ahahah Clem ily & you’re never a menace to me <3 I’m good thank you, how’re you??
Life’s treating me alright at the moment, I love autumn so I’m happy lol. And the addition of watching Cobra Kai has made life better lmao. Other recent obsessions include the new DJO album and re-reading the Percy Jackson series (because I am a child at heart). New hot men include nearly all of the Cobra Kai men - their casting director really went off with that cast. So life is good. Happy days.
ANYWAY yes. Steven Grant. Love of my life.
You’re 100% correct. Out of all three of them Steven is the softest and cutest and so sweet but oh boy, you push him too hard or if you insult/hurt Marc then he completely switches up and becomes protective af.
He’s fully the good cop though, and maybe it’s the britishness in him or maybe it’s just because he tries to have a good heart (and part of that’s from Marc and Jake not telling him the truth about his past etc etc) but he’s just a Good Boi and I love him for it.
Also?? Jake is the Dark Knight. And he’d ABSOLUTELY hate it you’re right. He would complain about how the suit is WHITE and he’s in cohort with the MOON god and nothing about it is dark apart from his sense of humour and maybe the way he kills a bitch…but yeah.
Thank u for this, it just made me dive right back into my Steven Grant phase ((not that I ever really left it))
Hope you have a wonderful week lovely!! <3
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stellocchia · 3 years
I think what bothers me most about this whole "bee duo isn't responsible for Tommy, they have their own lifes"
Well... Yeah. That's how it works, smartass.
That's why friends are important. We're all individuals who owe it to ourselves to make sure we are ok. That is the one responsibility we truly have. Like. Even when someone is in mortal danger you aren't required to help them if you feel like that would endanger you, too.
We are all individuals living our own lifes.
However. We choose to share our life with other people. We choose to have other people be part of our life and be part of theirs. Those are friends and family but ESPECIALLY friends.
You never owe your friends anything other than not to harm them for no reason.
But you still do more than that because you are friends. What more do you do? Who fucking knows. That's the great thing about friendship. There's no set minimum. There are no duties. Everything you do you do because you WANT to because you LOVE your friend and CARE.
Beeduo aren't bad people for doing their own thing and not getting involved with Tommy's stuff. They're just kind of shitty friends or apparently not even really friends at all anymore from their perspective.
And they disappoint me. Just how Tommy disappoints me right now. Just like Tommy isn't being a good person because he's doing shit mentally bee duo is doing the same. I'm not going to judge them. I understand them. But that doesn't mean I enjoy it or like it.
And it's a shitty situation because it's been well established that bee duo is 99% of his support net (listen I love therapy but therapy should never be the only support you are getting that can't work)
And they also know that Tommy made it clear
And again. They are not obligated to prioritise Tommy over themselves.
But it's still a shitty situation that, once again, when Tommy really needs that support net, that's when it's not there. That when his situation is getting worse that's when Tubbo and ranboo have their own stuff to deal with.
And just. I don't understand why they can't do both. Because they don't need to have an intervention with Tommy, surround him 24/7 and personally bring an end to his situation. They just need to be his friends.
And hey, maybe we are missing some information. God, I really hope we are missing some fucking context because I'd rather have incompetent storytelling than just. What we all fear is going on.
And especially with Ranboo who gave a whole ass speech about how nobody is ever there for Tommy when he actually needs someone. It's fucking frustrating.
And just. They aren't even honest with him? Because Tommy doesn't seem to know that they're no longer very obviously friends. And that's. That's just fucking shitty. Because having someone believe they have a safety net when they don't is fucking dangerous for that person.
And again, I'm assuming some vague things here because we have shit for information on the situation but I'm not going to bottle this shit up till they address it in the next lore stream in like probably a fucking month.
But no, really it just. It feels like they are distancing themselves from him because being his friends right now would be a liability to their whole... Thing...
And quite frankly, if that is the case? Then holy fuck.
Like. That would be shittier on Tubbos part than the whole exile thing, because there he was actually playing defense and specifically pressured and like. Didn't actually know how fucked exile was for Tommy. But here he knows. Tommy has told him about his fears with Wilbur and. Just yknow.
And Ranboo with all his "choosing people not sides". Ranboo who has spoken a lot of big words about Tommy's treatment and very much placed Tommy in the category of "under his protection"
Seriously. If not talking for a few weeks while Tommy is in a situation they KNOW is bad is what it takes for them to move on then.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Like seriously. We have to be missing something here. Maybe Wilbur has been sabotaging shit behind Tommy's back?? I DONT EVEN KNOW.
All I know is that growing apart is not a fucking justification for whatever the fuck is going on right now
And holy fuck I went off topic.
Anyways. I wasn't just ok with what Tommy did during his Team up with technoblade or during the last stream so I'm not reducing Tubbos and Ranboo to just being Tommy's friends when I'm not ok with what they are doing right now.
Tommy had every right to do what he did back with Technoblade but it still was shitty and bad and he realized that and pulled himself out of it and that better be the case with beeduo right now because I'm sick of Tommy being the only one holding himself to a moral Standart.
Nothing else to add except that I feel the same way...
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