#i attach my emotional health to no fucking horse in this race
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“The Jedi were wrong—” “The Jedi were right—” “Darth Vader is a villain—” “Darth Vader is a victim—”
The Jedi and Darth Vader are whatever the hell I need them to be to make the story happen get the fuck on my level
#star wars#jedi#darth vader#i do not give a shit about your disk horse#i will play whatever side of the argument i want or need to#to make my story happen#they are fictional characters and SO HELP ME GODS#they WILL serve the purposes of my plot!#i attach my emotional health to no fucking horse in this race#instead i feed them sugar cubes laced with lsd to make the race more interesting
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Velaris National Park
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Chapter 3
Rhys left to check on the other campers in the park to make sure everyone was okay and there was no damage. The downpour continued but if he was right, it shouldn’t last too long.
I watched him ride off into the park and simply enjoyed the sounds of the rain for a few minutes.
I turned and pushed my way into the office, the small bell letting off a ring, announcing my entrance. It seemed like other people had the idea of seeking shelter with Mor. The was a handful of others milling around, chatting with each other in quiet tones or looking at the gift shop. Ray was there, deep in conversation with a short woman that had her straight, black hair cut in a severe bob, probably discussing new ways to improve the park. Mor was behind the counter in conversation with what looked to be the mom of a family.
I wandered over and gave her a smile in hello, not wanting to interrupt them, in which Mor returned.
I pulled out my sketchpad to check if there really was no damage. The water that had splattered on the pack hadn’t seeped through and my book and pencil case were completely dry. A small smile crossed my face, my mind mulling over the events of the last half hour.
Flipping to the drawing of Rhys on top of Mona, I deepened the color of his eyes and added more shadows to the background, sharply contrasting the images. I absently continued working on the sketch, thinking back on how close we were.
Even though it was a warm day, I could feel the heat radiating off of him when he joined me on the rocks. He was so easy to be around, I felt no pressure to hide my work like I did when I was dating Tamlin when I was an undergrad. He would get so possessive and jealous if I did a character study of someone other than him. My work (and my mental health) suffered from it and eventually, it became too much to bear. Breaking it off with him was the most gratifying experience.
But with Rhys…. He had nothing to offer but praise, even if he had seen only a small sample of what I can do. His praise felt genuine, like there were no strings attached. As if he would have said the same thing if it was hanging in a gallery.
And then there was the ride to the office. The surge of adrenaline wasn’t just from racing through the forest at breakneck speeds. There was no inch of space between our bodies. Even with the wind whipping around us, I could still smell him, like citrus and jasmine and something wilder. Like his time outdoors had become a part of him.
He was so solid. Yes, because I was holding onto him, I could feel the steel bands of muscles shifting in time with the beat of the horse, but his presence was steady, secure. The world could have faded away around us and I wouldn’t have noticed.
“That looks like my cousin.”
The words broke my internal monologue, causing me to jump slightly and ears to redden with the embarrassment of being caught.
I looked up to see Mor had finished her conversation with the mom and decided to see what I was so enraptured with.
“I… uh..,” I cursed myself inwardly for not being able to respond, my head still too wrapped up with thoughts of him instead.
Mor had a dangerous glint in her eyes, like she knew exactly what I had been thinking about. She started with a feline grin at my flustered state which soon morphed into full-blown laughter that caught the attention of everyone in the room.
My ear burned even more with everyone’s attention on us. “Mor,” I hissed through my teeth.
She clamped her lips closed, her chest still shaking with contained giggles. Thankfully, the attention melted away as everyone went back to talking or browsing.
Even though I had only one conversation with her, I shot her a glare that I couldn’t hold before a small smile played on my lips and I looked back down to my drawing.
I let out a sigh, “Yes, that’s your cousin. I saw him after we left the office yesterday.”
“So you saw him only yesterday?” she smirked with a raised eyebrow.
“And last night and just now,” I muttered, defeated.
“Mhm,” she hummed with a nod, triumphant at my admittance. “Every girl that has come to this park has noticed my cousin.”
“Great, add me onto the adoring fans.”
“Honestly, I don’t know what they see in him, he’s a giant dork.”
I laughed at that, the color starting to fade from my ears and cheeks, it was nice to know that I wasn’t the first, and probably not the last, to gawk at him.
“Yeah, well he’s a dork who saved me from the rain. My backpack isn’t waterproof, and I was worried that I wouldn’t make it back in time to save my sketchbook.”
“Oh really. Well, that sounds like my stupidly, chivalrous cousin,” she confirmed.
“Fucking phenomenal,” my embarrassment morphing to anger. Mor saw my change in emotion and knit her eyebrows together in question. I glanced at her and then away to bore my eyes into my sketch. Of course it was too good to be true, his quiet and helpful attitude was just a front to get me alone and probably try to get into my pants. Stupid, stupid, stupid agreeing to go somewhere in a big park with a guy I barely know at night.
“Your ‘stupidly, chivalrous cousin’ said that I could say ‘thank you’” putting air quotes around the words, “by going stargazing with him tonight, which was probably just codeword for blowjob,” I finished, gritting my teeth to stop myself from yelling the words.
He probably does this with any girl that comes into the park, performs a good deed for her and then tries to get payment in kind.
“What? Feyre, no, no, no,” Mor hastily said, trying to calm me down from my inner and outer rant. “He is stupidly chivalrous, but he has literally never asked any girl to go stargazing with him, or anywhere else.” She blew out a breath and muttered a prayer to the Caldron under her breath.
“Ok, I’m only going to tell you this because I think you’re a good person who would be good for Rhys and my cousin is a little dumb sometimes so here it goes.
“In college, Rhys was this sweet, kind, naïve boy who thought the best in everyone. A TA in one of his classes saw that and took advantage of it. She knew our family had money and influence and thought she could use it to further her academic career. A lot of ugly shit went down but he was forced to mature too fast and he hasn’t dated anyone since. It’s a little hard since he’s out here a lot but if someone had come along, he would have figured out a way to date her. But he hasn’t. With anyone,” she emphasized that last word, willing me to understand.
I released a slow breath, cooling down from my jump to conclusions. I met Mor’s golden brown gaze and almost flinched with the raw honesty I saw there. She was telling the truth. This wasn’t some dumb, masculine play to get some action. This was a risk he was taking with me.
“Ok,” I said with a nod, “I shouldn’t have assumed so fast.”
“It’s ok, you didn’t know. Hell, if a guy had done that to me, I would’ve kicked him in the balls right on the spot. I’m glad you didn’t though,” she finished with a laugh. It was so infectious I couldn’t help but join in.
I turned my eyes back to the drawing, I had been so angry I was ready to rip it out of the book and tear it to pieces but that would have been a big fucking mistake.
At that moment, the rain started to slow and then die off. Just as quickly as it had come, it was over and the sun was starting to peak out again.
Other campers saw the change and began to file out, back to their tents or to resume the hike they were on. I hope Elain and Kevin were ok and didn’t get too wet.
“Thank you, Mor,” I turned back to her, “I’m going to go make sure we didn’t lose anything at the campsite.”
“Of course, Feyre. Have fun tonight,” she said with a devilish wink and smile. I shook my head at her and exited the building.
By the time I was back at the campsite, the sun was out in full force, scaring away the offending clouds. Rhys was right, it was looking to be a clear night.
Our tent had survived the downpour, just covered with a few scattered leaves from the wind, all of our stuff was still dry inside.
It was getting to be late afternoon at this point, the others should be returning soon. I had forgotten all about my sandwich and chips I had packed for lunch and it was too close to dinner time to eat them.
I ducked into the tent and sorted through the clothes I had packed for the trip. It was just shorts and t-shirts, not much of a choice and definitely no makeup. Rhys had already seen me sweaty and still thought I was attractive so confidence would be my best outfit. I changed into a fresh shirt with fewer paint stains and tied my hoodie around my waist. Hopefully, it won’t be too cool tonight.
From the car, I grabbed tonight’s dinner of ground beef stew with prechopped veggies, fresh fruit salad and French bread that could be wrapped in foil and left to heat on the stove. Ray had appeared when I was in the tent and already started up his grill.
I dumped my stuff on our slowly drying table and turned to start up my grill.
“Hey Ray, hell of a thunderstorm, huh?”
“Yup, just glad I was in the office already when it came through. I got to talk to Mor and Amren about that swimming hole. They weren’t too excited at first, but I assured them that I know some good people who would be willing to invest, and I would love to design it pro bono. Amren is scary so I didn’t dare lie to her about anything, she could sniff out blood a mile away if she wanted to,” he chuckled.
“Oh, was that the short woman with the black hair you were talking to?”
“Yep, she and Rhys are the main people who keep the park running. Even though it’s national land, they mostly take care of it. Rhys keeps all the campers, hikers and environment safe while Amren handles the logistics of it all.” I nodded along, listening to his plans and what he wants to put whereas I got the stew mixed and warming in the pot and wrapped up the bread. It would be at least an hour until everything was ready, so I got to draw more while Ray went on.
“And how was your day?” he asked.
“Good! Really good, Elain and Kevin led the way to the Starfalls, they were truly beautiful. I stayed behind to draw the valley while they went on. I hope they’ll be back soon, I feel bad leaving them behind when the storm came through,” I flipped to the page to show Ray the rendering of the valley I had yet to finish. He murmured his appreciation and studied it.
“Truly amazing, Feyre. I hope you get a gallery all to yourself someday.”
I blushed at his praise, I hoped so too.
“And what do you mean left them behind?”
“Oh, umm,” I had made a mistake. “Rhys was with me when the storm had come up. He may have given me a ride back to the office.”
“Uh-huh,” Ray hummed with a humorous glint.
“And he may have asked me to go stargazing with him tonight.”
“UH HUH,” he said, his lips bursting into a full-blown smile. “I thought I saw something between the two of you last night. So tell me more…” his grill now forgotten about.
“Nope, nope, no, I don’t need this from you right now, I’m already nervous enough,” I backpedaled, there was no way I was going to pick over every detail with Ray.
“Awww come on, I never get any good gossip around my coworkers, they’re all a bunch of nerds with no life!” Ray pleaded, giving me big, brown, puppy dog eyes.
I almost gave in, there was no way I was going to spill every detail with my sisters, they would just tease me too much or tell me not to go with a guy I just met.
“No, I can’t,” he looked so disappointed I nearly gave in again, “Maybe tomorrow morning at breakfast, how about that? I want it to go well first.”
“Ok, fine, I’ll have to accept that,” he pouted, sulking surprisingly well for a full-grown man.
I laughed at his disappointment, some of the nerves disappearing at his display.
We chatted more about our days until Nesta, Elain and Kevin finally showed up.
Azriel had checked on Elain and Kevin, they were fine, just a bit wet but thankfully the trees and a well-placed awning on the trail kept them dry. Nesta was a bit luckier and an outcropping of rocks kept her out of the rainstorm.
More conversation flowed as the night set in and dinner was eaten. I kept shooting glances at the entrance of our campsite and listening to the familiar pounding of hooves. Thankfully, only Ray noticed my distraction and gave me conspirator winks.
Too soon or maybe not soon enough gravel crunched, indicating the arrival of Rhys and Mona. He appeared into our circle of light. Rhys had changed out of his ranger uniform to dark pants and boots, with a navy three-quarter sleeve shirt that was cut to show off the underlying muscles that I had felt earlier. His hair was casually mussed up, making him look younger than when he is in his uniform. Mona had a pack strapped to her saddle.
Rhys grinned when he saw me, I returned the smile, ignoring the questioning looks from my sisters and Kevin. Ray looked like he was just about ready to burst out of his skin with giddiness.
“Ready?” he asked me.
“Yep. Can y’all handle clean up tonight?” I asked my sisters. The mutely nodded yes, still unable to find words to respond to Rhys’s sudden appearance.
I turned back to him and took his offered hand. It felt so natural to slip mine into his, like it was an everyday occurrence. He led the way back down the path and to the trailhead. The very last of the light was fading fast and more and more stars broke through. I thought that the sky at the end of the day looked just like his eyes, endless blue and perfect.
The moon was full and provided light to show the ghostly path, but I could see a massive flashlight strapped to the front of the saddle in easy reach.
“I’ll hop up first and then pull you up, similar to what we did earlier today.”
“Sounds good.”
He swung up into the saddle, the motion easy and fluid. Mona stood still at perfect attention. I firmly gripped his hand and put my foot into the open stirrup. A good hop off the ground and his arm had me situated behind him in no time, the strapped-on pack acting as an extra seat. I hooked my legs around his like I did earlier, and we set off down the path.
The night was a bit cooler than I expected from the rain, but he and Mona radiated heat. I told him about the others and how they avoided the rain today, and he told me how flustered Az was when he was asked to check on Elain. We laughed at the two’s painful shyness and secretly plotted in own our heads on how to get the two to talk more. He told me of how Cas was actually the one to point Nesta to the rocks that kept her dry and I made a mental note to question her about it on the way home tomorrow.
The trail sloped gently upwards, smooth and well-kept; no doubt part of what Rhys did to keep the park beautiful. I caught glimpses of the stars between the trees and soon we climbed high enough to where we broke out of the tree.
I gasped as the whole valley laid out in front of my, framed by the wide, night sky sparkling with millions of stars. We were so far from any light pollution that I could even see the faintest beginnings of galaxy dust weaving through the stars.
“You like it?” he asked, his voice husky and barely above a whisper.
“I can’t even begin to look at it all. I could spend years just taking in every constellation,” I whispered back.
He gave a low chuckle at my amazement. “Trust me, I’ve tried and I’m still finding new shapes up there.”
We continued to climb, the moon even brighter up here that Mona had no trouble sticking to the path. I thought that I would be more scared to trust my life to an animal, but she was steady and sure in every step.
Rhys stopped her at the top of the hill, “Here we are.”
He slipped down first and turned to help me. I balanced on the pack and swung my leg forward, careful not to hit Mona on the head. Before I was ready to dismount, I started to lean too much to my left.
Rhys saw that I was about to eat shit off his horse and reached to catch me. His right arm ended up around my shoulders and his left supported my knees.
To my eternal gratefulness and embarrassment, he only let out a small “oof” and barely even stumbled, like he caught girls falling off his horse every other day.
“Well, well, well, falling for me already, darling?” his voice brushed across my ear. I couldn’t suppress the small shiver that ran down my spine.
“Maybe,” I shot back, doing nothing to squirm out of his embrace.
He hummed his amusement and gently lowered my legs to the ground, making sure I was steady. His arm around my shoulders was slow to leave and I missed his warmth as soon as he removed it.
He moved to undo the pack from the saddle while I took in our surroundings. We were on top of one of the highest points in the park, the mountains flowing away into the distance to our right. The river and meadow from earlier were laid out in the distance, the Starfall flowers glowing white in the dim light.
There were so many of them, it looked like the whole meadow was made of moon rock, perfectly white and smooth with shadows acting as the craters. I couldn’t bring myself to look away, even when Rhys’s heat appeared at my back.
His head hooked over my shoulder, his temple resting against mine. “The Starfalls are gorgeous in the daytime, but they’re really meant to be seen at night. Not a lot of people know that.”
I had no answer for him, the beauty of the night had taken away any speech.
Then, a bit quietly, “This is my favorite spot in the park, I like to come up here alone when it’s been a long day or a particularly frustrating one. The stars always seem to know how to relax me.”
I leaned back into his frame, simply enjoying him and his warmth and the world around us. We stayed like that for a few minutes, breathing in the night air.
“This way,” he entwined our hands again, taking me to the far edge of the hill. Mona gave us the side-eye and decided to continue grazing where she was.
There was a flat expanse of rock that dropped maybe 20 feet below to where the hill flowed down into the valley. It was still warm with the days’ heat, even the rain wasn’t able to wash it away.
Rhys unfurled the pack and laid out a thick blanket, a camping pillow expanding back into its normal size.
“There’s no alcohol allowed in the park, but I did bring M&Ms and water,” he said a bit sheepishly.
I joined him on the blanket and popped some of the chocolate into my mouth, “I love M&Ms,” crunching down on them.
I could see his smile glow in the dark, almost tempting me forward. He followed suit and started to munch on the sweets with me. We sat crisscross, his shoulder pressed into mine, already becoming familiar and easy.
It was just so easy to sit there in the quiet and listen to the sounds of animals settling in for the night and the nocturnals come out.
“So, what’s your favorite constellation?” I asked him.
“Oh man, I’m going to sound really basic but it’s Orion.”
I hummed to encourage him to continue.
“When I lived in the city, you can’t really see any stars there,” a glance at me, “you know, of course.” I nodded.
“I was really obsessed with space when I was little but unable to see many constellations but Orion’s belt is super bright, so yeah, I was always able to look up and pick it out of the sky and then find Betelgeuse…” he trailed off, lost in the memories of old.
“It’s one of my favorites too,” I said softly, leaning into him more.
“What’s your absolute favorite then?”
“The swan, Cygnus. As a child, I was absolutely obsessed with Barbie Swan Lake. When I got older and listened to more classical music when I studied, Tchaikovsky was my go-to. All of his works are beautiful, but Swan Lake broke my heart every time.”
“If not for the Barbie part, you would have beat me with deepness,” he teased.
“Shut up!” I shoved his shoulder away with mine.
His laughter rang out across the valley, filling every crevasse with light and happiness even in the dark. I laughed right along with him, our shoulders shaking with renewed fits.
Eventually, we died down, occasional giggles escaping our chests. His eyes glinted in the moonlight, the silver flecks shining, making it seem like the universe was trapped in his irises. He captured my gaze, they dipped down to my lips that were still wrapped around a chuckle. I noticed his attention and the giddiness died down.
We were so close now, our warm breath tinged with chocolate mingling in the cool night air. I shivered, goosebumps raising on my exposed legs.
His violet eyes took in my every move, flitting around my face like he was trying to memorize every detail. As he watched me, I watched him. Taking in the exact shape of his slightly parted mouth and how the moonlight played along the edge of his high cheekbones.
I angled my head towards his, my eyelids dropping in a silent request. A small puff of a laugh greeted my lips before he closed the last amount of space between us.
Electricity shot down my body, urging me to bury my hands into his soft hair, the air suddenly trapped in my chest. To return the favor, he encircled one arm around my waist, his other hand grasping the back of my neck.
He swallowed my gasp, his lips bruising into mine. Not to be outdone, I leaned back and pulled him onto me. He followed me down, pressing me into the blanket and rock below, trying to close every single gap between us. His lips moved to my neck, nipping a trail up and down.
I groaned, arching into him, begging him to not stop. I could feel his grin against my neck, enjoying my request.
He found his way back to my mouth, taking in every sound I emitted. If I was cold before, there was no way I am now with him covering my body. His heat unraveled every thought in my head, his lips banished any rational thinking.
All sensation pinpointed to him and him only. The stars were forgotten as we forged a new universe between us. I nipped at his lip, my tongue traced the sweetened edge of his mouth until he yielded permission.
Deeper, harder, I asked for more and he gave all he could. The sky could have crashed down and we wouldn’t have noticed.
I came up for air, out of breath. I had messed up his hair fair beyond repair, his lips were swollen from my attentions. I’m sure I looked the same, mirror images of each other.
He brushed his mouth against my cheek, tender, sweet, after the wild nature of our kiss.
I released a small laugh, gazing up at him.
He smiled in response, “What?”
“Nothing,” I replied breathlessly, “I’m just happy that it rained today.”
His smile widened.
“Me too.”
0 notes

“I attach my emotional health to no fucking horses in this race. Instead i feed them sugar cubes laced with LSD to make the race more interesting” is a wonderful set of tags, thank you
“The Jedi were wrong—” “The Jedi were right—” “Darth Vader is a villain—” “Darth Vader is a victim—”
The Jedi and Darth Vader are whatever the hell I need them to be to make the story happen get the fuck on my level
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