#i apologize for my grammar i’m really nervous rn but i’ll review this
crwelsummer · 5 years
Ok, so, basically, I’m brazilian and I’ve been to a lot of international concerts here and I’d like to make things clearer for US and other international fans about what is happening.
1. we’re not having Lover Fest
so if anyone is still confused, WE DO NOT HAVE LOVER FEST AND ALSO SHES NOT COMING AS A FESTIVAL ACT. We’re having a solo normal concert (which, I think, is what we deserve after being ignored in every single tour)
2. This is THE 1st TIME Taylor comes to Brazil or LatAm
Taylor has been here once before for a private pocket show (30mins) for 1k guests only, back on 2012 when she was promoting RED. We never had tour or a concert before.
3. This is her ONLY LatAm concert
if there’s not as many of us as there are US swifties, then there’s even more. I’d say twice as much, at least. Still, only 1 show for a whole continent. 46.000 capacity.
4. Regarding to seats
Brazilian concerts have always been a mess. We have two big pits we call “pista” and “pista premium”, where we kill each other. People have been trampled before, being severely injured and some even died. I’m not even complaining about this rn because since she was never here before, and since there’s only ONE CONCERT for an entire continent, bringing chair seats to the game means less capacity. About 28k. So I’m kinda “ok” with it. Regardless, the right thing would be booking at least another 2 extra concerts in Brazil (1 more in São Paulo and another one in Rio de Janeiro, where usually international artists go to) and have numbered seats, so the amount of people who can attend doesn’t suffer and also to meet the demand. Shawn Mendes will be doing this here and I personally think it will be better and safer.
Also: not even cadeira superior and cadeira inferior, which are the only two chair sections, are numbered. This is a mess. They should AT LEAST number the chairs.
5. Presale
While I understand the presale privilege is always given to a certain bank clients or something similar, it is very dangerous to partner up with a relatively unknown bank for an event THIS HUGE. I checked and yes: the bank is safe. But also, they gave us wrong informations (stating that 50% of the tickets were going for presale, WHICH IS ABSURD and was later denied by T4F). I got the credit card and the limit I need, but what about those who didnt? It’s NOT OK. There are SO MANY misleading info about limit, e.g.: now they are saying that we should buy something irl before purchasing online. I honestly have to spend EVEN MORE MONEY so I can buy the tickets? They also don’t decide if they’re letting people who didnt get the needed limit deposit the difference for the ticket price beforehand. THIS IS AWFUL. The only one benefiting from this presale is C6 Bank. Thousands of young people created accounts in their bank, and NOT EVEN HALF ARE GOING TO BE ABLE TO BENEFIT FROM PRESALE.
6. Illegal fees
For me, this is the worst, most serious and concerning issue. I’ve been going to concerts since I was 10, and I can assure you that Time for Fun is the worst event promoter agency in Brazil. 4 of each 5 concerts I go to are theirs. There’s no organization, they don’t answer their phone/contacts, and now THEY ARE CHARGING AN ILLEGAL FEE. As of last March, The Superior Court of Justice of Brazil decided that charging fees over online tickets purchases IS ILLEGAL. That being said, Tickets for Fun IS STILL CHARGING A 20% FEE OVER THE PRICE OF THE TICKET. Also: they even charge for us to print the damn ticket AT OUR OWN HOUSE, using OUR OWN PRINTER. This is not only abusive, but illegal. We have contacted the autorities (Procon) many times, and we always get the same orientation: buy first, then report. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. 1st thing abt this: not everyone is aware the fee is illegal; 2nd: everything would be easier if they effectively forbidden the company from charging this illegal fee BEFORE the tickets go on sale. Who knows how many months I will have to wait to get my money back after I report them? In a country where approximately 50% of its people live under miserable conditions, this just makes me APPALED.
7. Album and merch prices
Thanks to our fascist president, dollar is peaking at 4,18 reais (as of 10/16). Last month, it was even higher. Only very few wealthy people can afford merch. And I cant even begin to explain how disgusted I was when I first saw the album price. standard version: R$ 59,90; deluxe versions: R$ 159,90. add around R$ 18 for the shipping fee. Keep in mind that these are national products. They are not imported, so there’s no reasonable explanation for this. If someone were to buy the 4 deluxe versions, it would cost almost a minimum wage. Let’s remind ourselves of 2 other important facts: 1. there are families of four that live with less than R$ 200; 2. actually seeing her live is cheaper than buying ONE deluxe version. Cadeira superior (student fare) is R$ 150,00 reais without fees at the official boxoffice.
This is what happening in Brazil right now. If you have any doubts, come to me. HELP US!! LET US BE HEARD!! In 13 years, never once we were actually considered. LatAm swifties, assemble.
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