#i am very much a history nerd and i am not at all sorry for the massive paragraph
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copper-dragon-in-disguise · 2 years ago
For the weird asks 17, 62, and 98
hello! (I accidentally put this into my drafts instead of posting it and I didn't realize for three days, I'm sorry, here's the answers)
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
I have a pair of all black doc martins I got last spring, and I wear them almost every day. I put gay rainbow laces in them.
62. seven characters you relate to?
well, I had a friend once tell me that I was like a less extreme version of Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows, so probably him for one of them. Nico di Angelo from Percy Jackson, Wylan also from Six of Crows, Alex from Land of Stories, and definitely other ones but I cannot for the life of me figure out who and where they're from.
98. favorite historical era?
this is a very very hard question. I love the 4 year period from 1909-1913 where all the horrific accidents that resulted in better regulations and rights happened, but that's just cause the Titanic has been my special interest since I was 9 and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire joined it not long after. the 1920s in the US is very fun, but I think that's just cause it's when Chicago is set. 1200-1450 is my favorite unit in AP World History, just because of the Mongols. they're quite fun, chapter 4 was my favorite to read, it was so much fun. The entirely of Ancient Egypt is wonderful and glorious (I have been obsessed with it since I was 8. In second grade. The special interest has not left at all. It has only gotten more and more of a special intrest). My dad also recently (I say recently, a year and a half ago) got me into ancient Roman history, and I absolutely love it, they were all idiots, well some of them were a little less idiot, and some of them were absolute jackasses, but it's still very fun. I love all of them, really (except most all of the 20th century, most of it was shit and I don't like it at all) but it's probably ~2550 BCE (when the biggest of the pyramids of giza, the pyramid of khufu, was built) up to about 180 CE, which is the end of the five good emperors of rome and when things really start to go to shit.
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thebindingofpillo · 6 months ago
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It’s been a while since I did a proper character introduction so this will be a little all over the place but MAGGY queen of my heart, best girl 2kforever is here!!!! Read all about her under the cut.
As with everyone else in the cast, Magdalene is a Normal Person trying to move through life the best way she can. While she’s aware or the existence of the supernatural, her strategy is to chug along and having a normal life in spite of all this. So who cares if the Angel of Destruction is chilling in her living room? That’s her boyfriend and he’s gonna help her with dinner, don’t be rude.
Her and Isaac are adopted siblings - you can find out about Isaac here - and they both have an artistic drive BUT while Isaac’s passion lies in figurative arts, Maggy is more of a writing type. Personality wise, I envisioned her as a really sweet, passionate girl, but also with an extremely short fuse. Quick to anger! But also very quick to calm down if people don’t respond to her anger - Judas is a master of this trick, while Isaac can get as emotional as her and their fight usually devolve into screaming matches.
This doesn’t mean she’s constantly looking for a fight, in fact she knows how to keep her cool if the situation calls for it. Her emotions only get the best of her if she’s with people she trusts and if the situation is dire enough (like discovering your beloved boyfriend killed the son of God…). She’s also a huge nerd! And a bit feral. Could either ramble for hours about her interests or eat a bell pepper like it's an apple. That's why her boys love her so much. Her and Judas met when they were in middle school and have been inseparable ever since. They bonded over their mutual interest in history and literature, so much so that they ended up pursuing a higher education in their respective fields. But while Judas had no problems getting a masters, Maggy spent years struggling to complete a base three-year degree* and ended up dropping out entirely. In the years she wasn’t studying, she focused on writing and publishing her first book, but that didn’t go so well either. She eventually ended up applying for a job at a kindergarten not too far from her home - where she met Lilith - all the while still trying her hand at writing. She’s currently working on a second book, with the help of Isaac (illustrations) and Judas (research).
*I am using my own experience with Italian university, I don’t know how American colleges work lol sorry. Anyway in Italy university is divided as such
Laurea triennale (three-year degree) - 3 years. This is the basic degree.
Laurea magistrale (masters degree) - 2 years. You can only access this after completing the three-year basic degree.
Dottorato (doctorate) - 3 years. Can only be accessed after completing the 2 year masters degree.
If you wanted to get a doctorate you’d need to go through 8 years of school. Judas has completed 5 years of studying (therefore has a masters degree) and is now taking a sabbatical before working on his doctorate. Magdalene dropped out after a couple of years and never completed the basic three-year degree. Hope this is clear enough!
Anyway, dropping out of school didn’t make Magdalene any less educated. She loves learning! And both her and Judas have amassed a huge library filled with every single book that captured their attention. She’s also very curious and has a knack for teaching herself new things, like calligraphy, cooking, and even lerning new languages. Everything that catches her attention - from mushroom growing, to crystals, to ancient religions - is free game!
Despite all this, dropping out of school and seeing her first book flop did put a damper on her overall mood. While her loved ones reassure her that her worth isn’t defined by her successes or lack of thereof, deep down she feels like a failure. Sure, she has a job, but idling away the rest of her life at a 9 to 5 isn’t really a thing she sees herself doing. At the same time, she’s afraid of putting too much hope into this new book, because another failure might push her to give up writing altogether and make her truly miserable.
As for her religious belief, she’s a born again Christian. She had a slight crisis of faith after highschool - nothing too serious, she just didn’t see the point in going to mass every week and was frustrated that this thing that was supposed to bring her joy felt more like a chore than anything. With her being a rebellious teenager at the time, she did a complete 180 and converted to satanism for a while. Her parents didn’t really support her decision, but they didn’t stop her either, as teenagers are teenagers and they just wanted their girl to be happy (and not hurt anyone or herself in the process).
During this phase of her life she dabbled a little in witchcraft, and her knowledge of tarots and crystals comes from here. She didn’t do much more than that though, as she was still a bit skeptical of the whole magic ordeal.
Eventually she met Azazel, who was nothing short of horrified to see her proudly announcing she was a satanist, since he had direct experience with the guy and could attest he was an asshole. Seeing a real demon from hell scared her half to death but since he was very sweet and knowledgeable, he managed to help her find her faith again and answer all the questions she might have had in the meantime. This does not mean that Magdalene is now the stereotypical Good Christian Girl Trademark. While her faith in God is stronger than ever, she still takes all the rules imposed by the human Church with a grain of salt. She’s not a zealot, but still goes to mass and tries to love her neighbour the best way she can (even when it’s difficult!).
More stuff (rapid fire)
She likes to joke she’s the world’s worst Catholic as she still reads tarots from time to time and stili has her pendulum and crystal collection
While she still has an interest in divination and magic, it’s from a purely cultural perspective now.
Her new book is about… the adventures of Perseus. I am getting meta with my story lol
I had the idea she was able to mend clothes and sew, but I don’t think it fits her too much anymore, so now whenever she needs something done she gives it to Isaac.
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blatterpussbunnyfromhell · 2 months ago
I still haven't had the time to watch the Wwdits finale, but I've seen enough of the plot online to talk about this. I've also seen people calling it "the worst ending in tv history" and I am convinced that these people are either very young or haven't seen that many tv shows in their lives lmao, or both.
Some of yous were in middle school when the Game Of Thrones finale aired so I don't think you were around for this but. That cultural juggernaut of a show that made every production team want to make the next GoT, a show that even people who weren't nerds or into fantasy that much were watching, from your stay-at-home mom to your jocky and preppy classmates, a show that was referenced everywhere on Youtube and tv, which had merch everywhere from specialized nerdy shops to big chain malls, a show that literally changed the media landscape for the better part of a DECADE
That show, fizzled out into oblivion because of how terribly written, rushed, incoherent with the plot and themes of the story it had established, its ending had been. People only remember it for its terrible ending now.
Are you telling me that Wwdits' ending was worse than that?? I highly doubt it.
And in more recent years we've had the endings of shows that were considerably better than Wwdits at handling continuity and character development (like, say, The Umbrella Academy), still ending like shit. In much, much worse ways than Wwdits (which at its core was always meant to be a silly comedy, and I'm sorry to say it but some of yous were treating it wayyy too seriously).
What I'm getting from all this negativity, is that some people dislike/hate the ending because it wasn't what they had expected, some because they have a warped or absent sense of media literacy (no, nandermo wasn't ""queerbaiting"", you guys need to learn the meaning of some words) or were expecting way too much from it (no, a secondary character that served as a punchline 5 years ago wasn't going to make a comeback in the finale).
It makes it disappointing for you, yes, but doesn't necessarily make it bad. I can't talk about my own opinion on the episode itself as I've not seen it yet, but honestly, I know it's not THAT bad.
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skulls-and-wishbones · 19 days ago
Hiiii so I recently came across your Lost Girl AU and I don’t have the time to scroll through everything to find all the info on the AU right now would you be able to just go over the basic info/lore of this AU? Sorry if this comes across as a bit snobby I can’t think of words right now. Love what little bits I have seen of the AU tho BYEEEEEE
oh dear, I hope you don't mind me dumping everything into your ask, I think this would probably be a valuable thing to have on my page!
The Lost Girl AU is a kotlc au that takes the original storyline and puts a more adult/young adult spin on it. I am also (along with my team) focusing on filling in the plot holes that come up with someone writes such a long series and (let's be honest) doesn't know what the ending is going to look like when they start.
there are two major changes i've made
The AU is fit into 3/4 'arcs' which will eventually be found on my Ao3.
arc 1, which is already started is called The Girl from Across the Waves and will follow Sophie through a modified events of the first three books.
(arc 2 will be books 4-6 and so on)
Sophie is 13 when she is kidnapped by a 'black swan' (neverseen) and in the panic, awakens her dormient telepathic abilities, calling out to Fitz, a strange boy she has befriended.
Fitz and Keefe had a falling out pre-fic. While Fitz is the golden child of the purest blood, Keefe is more guarded; scorned by adults, sharp as a thorn brush. he is as close to a faery as one might get, in this new world.
Linh and Tam were banished to a human realm (exillium does not exist in this AU).
Foxfire is a school for the nobility, it is much less like a traditional school, it is preparing the students for school for life as keepers, councilors, and regents. Each year there is a tournament and final exams - the bottom 10% are expelled from the school.
Sofitz does happen, however, the endgame ships in this AU are fedex, sokeefe, and marelinh.
the changes in KOTLC lore are the most important part. some of you might've guessed this from the designs i've shared, but elves have a very different history in The Lost Girl AU. I'm a big Celtic and Germanic mythology nerd and the elves in this au are the ultra eugenized versions of fae from the legends of long past.
once upon a time they were one with the natural world - their shapes fluid, their minds wicked. they were beings that resided entirely off magic. some of the ancients still bare remains of this time (Fintan's goat horns and cloven hooves). There are stories, passed down carefully between families, the Dinzee's used to be sly foxes, the Heks were once borne of unicorns, but the power they once had has dissipated.
The Council, in an attempt to maintain order and control, has placed each species, each ability user, into ranks and levels when once all lived together. Keeping ones bloodline pure is held in the highest regard. Marella suffers from this, as a elf/pixie hybrid, she struggles with discrimination everywhere she goes, Dex as well, but too a lesser extend (Kesler is probably a hyrbid, I'm not sure what from yet, thinking ogre?). Sophie is called a changling, in truth, she is something far grander.
the other species are going to be more mythological as well, gnomes are pretty much a slave race after the elves killed their ruling class. goblins are tricky little beasts, etc. I care about preserving the mischief of fae.
This is where Sophie comes in, the Black Swan created someone who is quite like the elves of old - she has no limits on her powers, and as she grows, she becomes more and more connects to the land of the Lost Cities. She learns to draw her power from it.
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thomashewittmybeloved · 2 years ago
Jealous of a jock
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pairing: Ted Logan x reader
summary : You've been friends with Ted and Bill for years now, being an inseparable trio. But Ethan, a jock from your class, desperately needs your help to study for an upcoming History exam. Ted doesn't really like this new friendship and tries his best to make you understand how he feels about it.
Warnings : obv jealousy and a kinda possessive Ted but other than that, it's pretty light! just like every fanfic writer ever, English isn't my first language so keep that in mind while reading!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾
I took a deep breath as I walked into the library, trying to calm my nerves. Today was another tutoring session with Ethan, one of the jock's from school. I had been helping him with his history homework for the past few weeks, and despite our very different social circles, we had become quite good friends. We started talking when our History teacher put us together for an oral presentation about the Roman Empire, about how it was founded. When we started working on it, Ethan immediately noticed how much of an History nerd I am, which at first, I was kind of scared of, since he's a stereotypical jock that could make fun of me for knowing so much about "old dudes in dresses".
But, to my suprise, he was more impressed than anything and quite friendly. We clicked the moment I noticed how much he tried to help, even if he didn't understand anything. Our presentation was a success; 18/20, that's when he asked to be his tutor. My friendship with Ethan became quite good, I grew more and more attached to him, which seemed to be causing some problems with Ted, problems that I didn't get why even started.
He just grew more distant and cold towards me, while Bill stayed the same so it really is personal. So his new attitude explains why, right now, it's so awkward between us. I told him I couldn't eat with him and Bill because I promised to help Ethan during lunch, which ended in Ted insisting to, at least, make the walk to the library with me. Of course I said yes, I missed hanging out with him too, but maybe I would have said no if I knew how silent he would be....
As Ted and I continued walking down the stairs, I noticed him staring at me with a look of concern so, I took this opportunity to break the uncomfortable silence. "What's wrong, Ted?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on. "You've been quiet all the way. Which, coming from you, is really concerning."
"Y/N, I don't like you hanging out with Ethan all the time." Ted blurred out, looking down.
"What? Why not?" I asked, surprised by his sudden change in behavior. Where is this coming from?
"He's a jock, dude."
"Oh." I said, understanding. "Ted, you really don't have to worry about this, he's actually really nice ! Nicer than I would've thought too." I smiled at Ted, to no avail; he still refused to look back at me.
"You're supposed to be hanging out with us, not him...We're your friends," He mumbled, his tone turning accusatory.
"I know you guys are my friends, Ethan just needs my help. He's failing History class and I'm the only one who can help him." I explained, hoping that he would understand. "Also, I'm allowed to have other friends. You're not the only guys I can help with History, you know."
"You're spending all your time with him! We don't get to hang out anymore !" Ted protested. "We also need your help dude for, like, History stuff..." He rubbed the back of his neck, walking farther away from me.
"I'm sorry, Ted, but I have to help him. I promise I'll make time for us too !" I assured him, hoping to ease his worries but by the look on his face, none of what I was saying was comforting him.
"Fine..." Ted sighed, his frustration evident. "Just make sure you don't forget about us. We miss hanging out with you dudette."
"I won't forget about you, Ted. You're both my best friends !" I said, giving him a reassuring smile while gently rubbing his arm up and down. "You're also too loud to forget."
He laughs, making my cheek redden slightly. Finally, here's the Ted I know ! He stops suddenly once we arrive in front of the library.
I look up at him with a shy smile. "I should go." I say, quieter than intended.
He simply waves at me before turning around, walking away, way too quickly. As I watch him go, I feel something tug at my heart, some sort of longing. I sigh, going in, ready to help Ethan.
As the days went by, I noticed that Ted was becoming more and more distant. He would barely talk to me and when he did, it was always about how much he missed hanging out with me. I tried to reassure him that I still cared about him and Bill, but it didn't seem to make a difference, no matter what I said. A few days ago, he commented about how I lied when I said I would make time for them. I didn't respond, not knowing what to say to that. He's usually so carefree, I wasn't expecting such an attitude from him, it took me by surprise. We haven't talked since...As I was walking to my next class, Ethan caught up to me in the hallway, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Hey, Y/N, you free tonight? I need some help with my homework !" he asked, flashing me a smile.
"Sure, Ethan. I'll meet you in the library after school." I replied, feeling a twinge of guilt for not spending more time with Ted and Bill, by accepting his offer without thinking twice. Maybe I was getting a little too attached to Ethan.
"Wait, do you have your Spanish class today?" He asked, smirking. "Because my deutsch teacher isn't here."
"Oh no, she's absent too!" We laugh at that realisation. "Well, I guess we can study right now then."
He comes next to me, taking my bag from my shoulders. "Hey !" I gasp, surprised. "You have to stop doing that, I already told you I can carry my bag myself."
"And I told you I can also carry your bag Y/N !" He winks at me, making me roll my eyes. "You're helping me for free so this is my way of paying you." He replies, walking shoulder to shoulder with me.
"What a gentleman..."
I took a deep breath to calm myself as I walked into the library with Ethan, still laughing from what he said. Today was another day I spent doing a tutoring session with Ethan, instead of hanging out with Bill and Ted.
I felt a heavy gaze on me as soon as we entered so, I looked around, until I saw Ted sitting at a table with Bill, both of them staring at me. Bill smiled when I noticed them while Ted just hung his head low. I turn around to Ethan, asking him to take a table for us. After he left, I took another deep breath, preparing myself for whatever mood Ted was in. "Hey guys," I said, walking over to their table. "What's up?"
"Nothing much dude !" Bill said, grinning. "Just waiting for you to show up, we were gonna go grab some pizza's and slushies !"
Ted didn't say anything, just focusing on his fidgety fingers. I frowned, feeling a pang of guilt for how he felt. "I'm sorry, guys. I can't today. I have a tutoring session with Ethan, his test is next week. He barely remembers when the Cold War was so we have a lot of work to do !"
Ted's head snapped up at the mention of Ethan. "Again ? You're always hanging out with him. Don't you have any time for us dude?"
I felt my face flush, taken aback by his tone. There it was again... "I'm sorry, Ted. I'm just trying to help him out. It's not like we're doing anything wrong." I clutched my arm, trying to stay calm. "We talked about this already; I'm helping him, he needs my help."
"Maybe he's using you for your, like, brain dude." He looked back down. "You don't know..."
I bristled, feeling defensive. "He's a nice guy, Ted. And I can be friends with whoever I want." I crossed my arms. "Why are you so angry about this ? You're usually so chill about everything, why is this specific thing getting to you so much ?"
"Yeah dude, what's with the attitude?" Joined Bill, just as confused as me. "Be nicer to the babe."
Ted's jaw clenched as he stood up abruptly. "Fine. Do what you want. Just don't expect me to sit around waiting for you all the time." He paused, looking at both of us with wide eyes. "I'm hungry anyways."
He stormed out of the library, leaving Bill and me staring at him in shock.
"What the hell was that about?" Bill muttered, looking up at me.
I shook my head, feeling just as confused as him.
"I don't know. He's just been acting weird lately." I sigh, rubbing my hand down my face. "Since I started to help Ethan he's like that... I don't understand why tho."
"Maybe he's jealous," Bill suggested, raising an eyebrow.
I scoffed. "Jealous? Of what?"
"Of Ethan," Bill responded, shrugging. "You guys have been spending a lot of time together. Maybe Ted feels left out, I don't know." Bill smiled knowingly at me. "I mean, you did walk in here laughing while he was carrying your bag, dude."
"I, what ?" I think about it for a moment, still shaking my head. "Why would he mind about that ? Ted never carried my bag before..."
I rolled my eyes, but deep down, I knew that Bill was right. Ted had always been a little possessive of me, I just had never thought it was anything serious. We just always had each other so, I simply thought he was afraid I would leave for the more popular kids, maybe it's deeper than that... I look at Bill for an instant, noticing his open notebook.
"Hey, you want to study with me and Ethan ?" I asked, smiling. "I could help you with the Charlemagne chapter."
Bill face immediately lightened up. "It would be most excellent dudette !"
The next week, I had another tutoring lesson scheduled with Ethan, as always. He had his test in two days so this was THE moment to study. It's been days since I saw Ted, I had glimpse of him sometimes in the hallways, he would walk past me after quickly glancing my way. I tried to not overthink it but it was hard, I was missing him an awful lot... Not seeing it everyday of every minute just reminded me how much I like him, how bad my crush on him is.
As I walked into the library to join Ethan who sat at our usual table, I saw Ted sitting alone, looking dejected as always. With my heart starting to pound, I walked up to him, hating how our last conversation ended. The moment I approached his table, he looked up before quickly adverting his eyes, sitting up straight.
"Hey, Ted, what are you doing here?" I asked, kind of surprised to see him here of all places. He usually never hangs out in the library expect if we have to study, he seems to be here quite a lot lately.
"I thought I'd surprise you and come help you tutor Ethan..." Ted said, a hint of bitterness in his voice. "Bill told him you helped him after, you know."
"Really? That's great, Ted!" I said, genuinely happy to see him and especially hear him say that. "Oh yeah, it's great !" I grasped his hand without thinking, dragging him to me and Ethan's table. When he noticed us approach, Ethan smiled nicely. "What's up?" he asked while Ted sat on the chair next to me. "You're Theo, right?" Ethan asked, putting his fist in front of him.
"Ted." He responded simply, fist bumping Ethan's hand with hesitation.
"Right, Ted, my bad man."
"He's really bad with names." I murmured, trying to ease the atmosphere. " Especially Napoléon Bonaparte, he cannot remember his name even if his life depended on it..."
"Hey, that French guy as a hard name ok !" Replied Ethan, his hand up in surrender.
"Napoleon ?" Repeated Ted, before turning to me. "Oh the little angry French dude ?"
Ethan brust out laughing at that, earning us a shush from the librarian. We giggled quietly, Ted shoulders relaxing lightly and is usual smile finally appaering again.
"Guys, guys, let's focus ok ? The test is in two days !" I say in the most neutral voice possible, not succeeding to stop my growing smile from appearing at Ted's one. "Ok, so what famous battle did Napoléon Bonaparte loose ?"
Three hours later, we finally get out of there, sighing loudly. Ethan's leave's us quickly, having a football practice, leaving me and Ted alone in front of the library. I quickly glance at him but feel heat rise to my cheeks when I see that he was already looking at me, a big smile on his lips.
"You were right dudette ! Ethan is a nice dude !" He pat's my shoulder. "He as a most excellent humour."
I laugh, nudging Ted shoulder with mine. "Told you." I respond, adjusting my bag on my shoulder, groaning.
"I can carry it if you want !" Before I can even reply, he takes it from me and slings it over his available shoulder. "There ! Now we're ready to go !"
"Why do you all think I can't carry my own bag ?!" I complain, while catching up with Ted who already started walking. I stop my thoughts for a moment, thinking back on what Billy said to me a few days ago. I look back at Ted who's still smiling, moving his head to the beat of an invisible song. That's when it hits me, finally. I stop in my track, also stopping Ted by putting my hand on his arm. "What's up dude ?" He asks, turning around to face me. "Y/N ?"
"You were jealous of me and Ethan." I whisper, realising it as I say it. "But, not because you were afraid of losing me as...a friend."
Ted eyebrows furrow, confusion written all over his face. "What do you mean?"
"You were jealous, yes ?" I ask, looking up at him. "Be honest."
He's hesitant for a moment, his cheeks reddening slightly. "I mean, yeah...like, kinda. I was afraid he was, you know, mean and stuff." He shrugges, his gaze looking at everything but me. "Turns out he's nice ! And his exam is in two days, so you'll be free again !"
"Yes ?" He responds, looking at me again, his smile fading when he see's my expression. "Y/N ?"
"Are you..." I gulp, feeling my hand starting to shake. "Ted, I have to admit something to you. I don't know if I'm reading what's happening in the wrong way but I have to try, just in case I'm right." His brows furrow again, now he looks even more lost than before. "Give me my bag, just in case I'm wrong so that I can run away quickly." I chuckle nervously.
"What ?" He laughs quickly "Why would you ran away dude ?"
"I like you." I blur out, looking him dead in the eyes. "Not in a you're my best friend way but in a I want to be way more than your best friend way." I quickly swallow, feeling my courage fade. "I mean, not super mega best friend way either. Romantic way, like couples." I search his eyes. "Ted ?" I ask, my heart hammering in my chest. "Please, say something..."
"Woah dude..." He whispers, taking his head in his hands. "DUDE !"
I jump at his sudden yelling but can't help a laugh when I see him jumping around, punching the air yelling dude and woah multiples time. He suddenly stops, looking at me with the widest smile I've ever seen him have.
"DUDE !" He yells again, running towards me, lifting me in his arms while I yelp.
"Ted ! Oh my god, what are you doing ?!" I laugh while he spins me around. "I'm going to fall, I'll fall !" I breath out, felling my body slip away from his arms. "Ted, what's happening with you ?" I laugh, out of breath while he puts me down, his arms still holding me close to him.
"What's happening ? Dude, you told me you're in love with me !" He responds quickly, his voice trembling. "The most bodacious babe just told me she likes me ! Like, in a romantic way !"
I push him a bit to look at him, surprised. "Wait, does that mean..."
He cuts me off. "Of course it does ! Why would I spin you around ?"
"Do you even know yourself ? You could do it at any given opportunity!" I laugh, in disbelief. "So, I was right, you were jealous of Ethan."
Ted lower his head, his hair covering his face to hide his shamefulness. "Yeah... I mean, the guy's has everything. He's popular, handsome, nice and a jock. Bonus point for being funny !"
I smile tenderly, taking his face in my hands to put his gaze back into mine.
"True. He's veeeery handsome." Ted huff, trying to look away but I turn his face again to make him look back at me. "But I prefer guys with brown hair and eyes, who wear silly jackets with a big smiling face behind, rather than a sport's one. I also prefer guys with a blond friend called Bill. You want me to continue or you got it ?"
I feel the heat radiating from his face on my fingers, if seeing how red he was wasn't enough. We only look at each other for a moment, letting everything sink in.
"I really want to kiss you." He breaths out. "Can I kiss you ?"
"After you apologies."
"I'm sorry for being an evil dude. I shouldn't have ignored such a babe just because of a nice jock guy."
I giggle when he gives my cheek a quick peck. "And I'm sorry for not taking the time to hang out with you and Bill, I should have. I swear that from this day on, I will no matter what !" I finish my speech by returning his quick peck, making him giggle. "Now you can kiss me handsome."
He blushes at the pet name before crashing his lips on mine without a warning, making me yelp in surprise. Quickly, I compose myself and slide my hands to his hair to deepen the kiss while they move in rhythm with one another. It's clumsy, so we smile and giggle through it, he even apologies some times which I always respond with a simple it's ok before pulling him back for more. He doesn't have to be jealous, because no matter how messy and inexperienced our kisses are, I only want his.
"This was the most excellent kiss ever !"
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boy-of-death · 10 months ago
I just discovered the call of duty fandom and let me tell you I never read so much fanfic and hc in a week!!!
I will probably never play the game but I will still love those characters till my last breath. I am living for the cod cosplay community on TikTok and yes I was dragged there by the sheer power of our leader,✨💕Brittany Broski 💕✨
So here some fic/hc ideas I would love to read about but didn’t find🥲
• cod men going to the ren faire with reader who’s super excited and make the men dress up too (Simon dressed in a armor 🫠) ( the 141 that decided to go as a team with reader and they all play along and coordinate their outfits)
• gamer cod men that teach reader how to play and are super kind about it (bonus if in exchange reader teach them how to play cozy games like “animal crossing” or “a little to the left”
• cod men doing a date at the museum and reader is just a history nerd and basically do a guided tour and the men are just listening and be like: yup I am in love!
• cod men and reader drinking tea on the outside tables of a cafe and just gossiping about life and people that walked by (soap and reader with sunglasses just judging everyone like nobody could hear them and randomly dropping a “smash” every time someone hot pass them)
• (this one is especially for soap and it’s based on this TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe9Taj72/ )
Just soap putting a kilt on at every single opportunity he gets because he loves it so much and reader had once said that they like it on him . So that’s how you get soap just rocking the kilt at almost every events they go together and of course, more than one time, there was a LOT of wind (Scotland is windy as fuck) and him being the idiot that he is and never learning from his mistakes, ended up butt naked in front of the whole wedding/party/baptism/family dinner/formal evening with the 141 … (he is a total idiot but I love him)
• cod men when reader put on the broski report every time they take the car and it’s just the both of them being super invested in what Brittany is saying. Bonus if it’s the first time reader put it on and of course it’s one of those episodes where she’s saying the most random shit and the proceeds to talk about religion and philosophy and they’re just there driving being like: “ I don’t know what this woman is saying but she did make some very good points” just becoming massives fan and buying matching sweatshirts with the broski report logo on it for them and reader. And yes, they start quoting her every day and it confuses everybody else!
Well, this was longer than I was expecting (that’s what she said) but for a first real post I’m pretty happy about it! Hope you enjoyed it and If by miracle someone found this post and want to use one of the prompts/hc feel free to use it! (Just tag me so I can see the results !)
✨💕have a nice day everybody!!!💕✨
(Sorry English is not my first language 😅)
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years ago
if you’re still taking yugioh requests do you think i could get atem and kaiba comforting an s/o who’s afraid of storms (especially thunder and lightning)? thank you!! 🩷
OMGOMGOMG YES HI I just saw this in my inbox!!! I am absolutely still taking Yugioh quests!!!
Content: Atem x gn!Reader; Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: You didn't specify if Atem was in modern or ancient times, so I just went with ancient times......I'm a history/mythology nerd so I took the chance lol sorry. I also slipped in a small YGOTAS reference at the end of Atem's part lol
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❥ Pharaoh Atem
Normally, it was custom for the Pharaoh and his spouse to sleep in separate bedrooms. This allowed them both down time after being in the public eye all day. As much as you loved your husband, you needed this time away, even if it was to just rest.
After your servants helped you undress and get ready for bed, you were left alone with your thoughts. Although, you were so exhausted you just wanted to sleep. You'd be up and at 'em again in the morning.
You hadn't even realized you fell asleep until a loud boom woke you, practically shaking your room. Sitting up immediately, your heart beginning to thump rapidly in your chest, you opened your mouth to yell for anyone who was still awake.
"Guards! Guards!"
Almost immediately, a couple of the many palace guards entered the room, all three being armed. "Your majesty, are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I'm-" You were interrupted by another loud boom. You screamed and shut your eyes. "Fetch my husband! Please!"
"Right away, your majesty!" The three left the room to get their king from his room.
Soon, Atem strode in swiftly, and the sight before him broke his heart. His spouse, curled up in a tight ball on their bed, scared out of their mind. He quickly approached them, and gathered his (Y/n) into his arms. "There, there...I'm here, my love. What's gotten you so afraid?"
Clinging onto him almost immediately, you answered, "The storm...I wasn't expecting it..."
"Oh, my love..." Atem gently moved a strand of hair out of your face. "It is only a storm, it will pass."
"No, Atem...I have always been afraid of them. Since I was a child." You shook your head, moving away slightly to look at him.
"Is there any way I can help you with this fear?" He asks, voice soft and kind, as always, and his hand gently rubbing your arm. "I can try to cover your ears, but I'm afraid my hands do nothing compared to the might of Set."
Atem adds a small giggle to the end of his last remark, showing you that he was kidding. It makes you giggle too. "Oh, Atem...how I love you so."
Another boom flows through the sky outside, making you jump and scream, scaring Atem for a moment. He tightens his hold to try and calm you. "My (Y/n), it's okay. As long as I am here, I will protect you. Set will not harm us."
"How can you say for sure?" Your voice shook with fear. "Set is a fearsome God, Atem...have you forgotten all of his stories?"
"Set would not harm the royal family, he protected my father during his reign, and his father before him, and his father, and so on." Atem then gave his spouse a smile. "We are safe. But, if you still feel scared, I can stay with you throughout the night."
You nod. "I...would like that very much."
Atem nods, then moves your head rest out of the way so you both lay on the bed, your face in his chest. "Is this okay?"
You nod again, then yelp and jump closer when another boom rings in the room. Atem thought for a moment. "There is one story that comes to mind about Set. You recall how Anubis killed him, yes?"
You nod. Atem carries on.
"Well, after going into the afterlife, Set had begun to do good things. My father once told me a story about how Set travels with Ra on his nightly trip to the underworld, and Set helps him battle the fearsome Apophis."
You focus in on what your husband is saying. The warmth of his arms around you and his body being pressed to yours, the softness of his voice as he tells a story passed down through generations, and suddenly you find yourself falling asleep once more.
"...and now, when people hear thunder, they are reminded that Ra is engaging in an epic battle, with Set by his side." Atem finishes not too long after, waiting for a response. When he doesn't get one, he looks down to see you've finally fallen back asleep, and the thunder seems to have gotten quieter. Set was moving away, possibly sensing the Pharaoh's spouses discomfort.
Sighing softly to himself, Atem placed a kiss on your forehead and taking in the peaceful look on your face, before finally falling asleep himself. Screw the rules, he's the Pharaoh.
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❥ Seto Kaiba
It was after hours at KaibaCorp, and Seto was still at his desk like usual. You, having finished work three hours ago, stopped by to try to coax him back to the house so that he could get some sleep. Of course, he didn't budge. Like usual. Knowing you were going to be sitting here for hours, you opted to order some dinner for the two of you.
"What about Mokuba? Where is he?" You asked Seto before ordering the food.
"He's with Yugi, he wanted to attend one of his game nights." Seto spoke without moving his eyes away from the screen.
After getting said food, you had noticed dark clouds rolling across the sky, with flashes of light in between the angry clouds. Clenching your jaw as your anxiety spikes, you quickly move back to your car and sped (as legally as you could) back to KaibaCorp.
When you got back to Seto's office with the food, he hadn't noticed your anxiety yet, or the rapidly approaching thunderstorm. You plopped the food down and curled up on the couch. Reaching over, you took out your food and begin to numbly eat it while scrolling through your phone, tensing as you start to prepare for the first sound of thunder.
Soon the storm begins, first with a flash of lightning, and then a loud boom soon after. You jump, dropping your fork. That gets Seto to look up as it makes a muffled thump against the ground. "...you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You nod, going to pick up the fork from under the table. Another flash and boom sounded, making you jump and hit your head on the table.
Reeling back, you grimaced and held your head, and Seto moved over to you. "Are you sure?"
“I…” You sighed. “No. It’s the storm, I’m…scared.”
Seto didn’t do anything for a moment before sighing and pulling you back up on the couch. “I suppose I can stop for the day.”
“What? No, Seto, your work is important. Don’t-“
“Hush.” Seto tapped some more on his keyboard before shutting it, and moving over to you. “Mind if I sit here?”
He gave you a small smirk that makes your heart stutter. You nod and he sits down. Thunder sounds around you both, and you jump into Seto’s side. His heart warmed as you came to him for protection. He put a hand around you.
“It’s okay. No storm will hurt you with me here.”
You resisted the urge to cringe slightly. You loved your boyfriend, but sometimes he can say the weirdest things. “Thanks, hon…”
Seto’s grip tightened, then he leaned over to grab his food, and then grabbed your fork from the ground. “You can share my fork.”
“Thank you.”
Seto ate with one hand, his other hand around you. You watched him eat for a moment before he wordlessly offered a bite to you. You took the bite, then looked to the windows as rain began to pour down.
“It’s okay, we’re inside. Nothing can harm us.” Seto reassured.
“I know, just…” You sigh. “I’m sorry, I know this is probably childish…”
“Is that why you never told me about this before?" Seto asks, taking another bite of his food.
"...kind of." You then jump as lightning flashes and thunder rolls loudly in the sky. "Although, I guess you would've found out one way or another..."
Seto nods, setting the fork down. "Well, I don't think it's childish. People have fears, always have and always will. It isn't something childish or new."
You nod, sinking into his side a little, jumping and yelping a little when thunder sounded again. Seto leaned back into the couch and moved you into his lap, one hand on your head as he cradled it against his chest. His other hand rested on your thigh.
"Is there anything I could do to help?" Seto asks, his hand that's on your thigh begins to massage it, and the hand on your head gently scratches your scalp.
You begin to relax, but tense up again as you see lightning light up the room again. Seto's repeated movements are accompanied by a kiss on the forehead. You focus back on him.
"This is fine...thank you." You move your face slightly, so that it's in his chest.
Seto hums, and you can feel the reverb. It feels nice. It feels warm, and safe. You still tense and jump at thunder and lightning, but Seto's hands help you settle down enough. He occasionally plants kisses on your forehead or cheek, and makes small talk to try and distract you. Before you know it, the storm clears and the thunder begins to sound distant, the lightning becoming less frequent.
"Seems the storm is going away. Should we get ready to go home?" Seto asks, looking out of the many big windows, then back to you.
"In a minute." You mumble, snuggling into Seto's chest. "Right now I'm enjoying myself."
Seto cracks a smile. "Was this your plan?"
"No, but I'll take the outcome." You smile, making Seto let out a small chuckle before tightening his hold on you.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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jimothy-hopkins · 5 months ago
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This is my precious horse girl Blair. I am far from done with oc posting I love my little guys.
Info about Blair!
General Description:
Blair is on the shorter side and wears heels to compensate. She has thick light brown hair that is always curled to princess-like perfection. She has small facial features and usually wears makeup to complement her appearance. Despite living in the United States for years, she still has a Bulgarian accent.
Blair is usually a quiet individual. She minds her own business. Blair isn’t very confrontational, but when pushed into a corner she will lash out. She doesn’t really like any of the preps, finding them dramatic and spoiled. Blair likes to keep herself busy and to show off with her accomplishments when given the opportunity. When she is with close company, Blair is surprisingly outspoken and witty.
Interests and whatnot:
Blair is a very accomplished equestrian. She has been riding since she was very young, and was taught under successful trainers with phenomenal horses. Blair competes in show jumping and the hunter ring. She has an entire wall dedicated to her ribbons. Blair is always open to bragging about her success as a rider.
At heart Blair is also a huge theatre kid. She rushes to audition for her favorite role in school plays and puts all her effort into acting the part. Blair loves the spotlight and loves to show off her acting skills. She has also done a few musicals. Blair enjoys the close bind the theatre department shares. She specifically has her father donate to the arts department to help keep it going.
Blair enjoys Greek Mythology. Her favorite piece of Greek literature is the Odyssey. When she isn’t doing extracurriculars or homework, she’s in the library reading up on any translated piece she can find. Blair has also been to museums that have Ancient Greek artifacts on display.
The jocks like to have Blair around. Thanks to her parents forcing her to participate in sports, she has a good standing in the clique. She plays her part on the cheer team as a flyer and pulls her weight in volleyball. She’s good friends with Damon West and Mandy Wiles.
The greasers do not like her. While Blair isn’t one to go out of her way to harass them, she’s guilty by association. This isn’t good for Blair. Unfortunately, she’s developed a serious crush on Johnny Vincent. Things can really only go downhill from there I guess
The preps are friendly to Blair. She’s included in their circle very frequently. Although after her break up with Bif Taylor things are slightly awkward. Blair herself likes none of the preps, but she’s good at being fake. In her opinion, she thinks their parents should force them to work more to prove themselves like hers do. She’s rich, not necessarily spoiled.
Blair thinks the bullies are nuisances. She gets along with Trent alright, but the others not so much. She thinks bullying others is a waste of time and that maybe if they put all that effort into learning and hard work they’d be less miserable on the inside.
Blair is alright with the nerds. They do pitch in to help the theatre department a lot with sets and lights. Blair appreciates their dedication to academics. She is friends with Cornelius.
“You! Take this and go buy me some cherry coke.”
“Do you think I care if you take my money? A hundred dollars is pocket change to me.”
“Performance arts are an important part of human history and date back to ancient times!”
“I have practice, sorry.”
“I have to go to the barn after school. I can’t come. I am sorry.”
“I have to go help Juri with his English tutoring. I’ll see you later.”
“That Johnny guy, he’s kind of handsome..”
“The one thing I hate about these losers is that they’ve never worked. They get everything handed to them. I hate it! Why can’t my parents be like that?”
“Hey! Come to the auditorium Saturday nigh to see the school play! Admission is ten dollars!”
“I think I should rename my horse Elmer since he wants to be glue so bad.”
“Why should we waste time organizing a play of The Outsiders when we have a live performance on campus 24/7?”
“I’m so tired. I wish my parents would let me drop at least one sport.”
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You know, the interpretation of the iterators as a whole as Autistic is... very important to me actually.
It sure does play into that Autistic Robots stereotype but honestly... Robots are cool goes happy brain. Also genuinely, they can all be placed in different ranges of the spectrum. With different interests and routines and I just-- I have so many strong feelings about it.
Your fav is Autistic.
Five Pebbles, when he nerds out about art, history, the small inklings we get of his interest in music. His intolerance of you been in his space as a "distraction" even. Mood, mood, whenever someone bursts in on me to take my attention from something I want to brain blast them as well, if anything he's more polite than I am sometimes about such.
Seven Red Suns, do I need to talk about their failure of social understanding, the metaphor, quick attachement(I will also argue ADHD, but that's whole other mess)
NSH, bioengineering, science, the scarf could definitely be a sensory comfort. Also his no BS speak, straight and no metaphor feels it... or maybe I just like the idea lol.
Moon, Oh Moon. I have so many feelings about Moon, her clear interest in the world and what's in it, interest in looking ahead, sure a lot can be spec, but also not. The way she speaks so blunt on the ancients and then goes "oh that was rude, sorry"-- how she talks to us as the slugcat, and presumably the scavengers, and I just... ahhh... Even how she reacts when we're too much and just silent treatment, feels very, like I look at Moon and go "It me when I angry!" for that. She's just kind of the opposite end to Pebbles for that, interruption thing, but that's possibly only because she... kind of isn't able to do anything canonically and just sitting there bored.
The iterators are all Autistic and honestly I love them so much for that.
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yew-yew · 1 year ago
More Stardew valley au? 👉👈 (Could be art or rambles but I am INSANE about this concept and would love to hear/see more)
sure! here's a little bit, and both art and my verbal nonsense ahahah
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little sorry for the anatomical mistakes, but it was drawn like... in summer and i'm just too lazy to change something now
speaking of art, law collects stones. that says it all. (this is a bit of a self-projection, but i have my whole house in stardew in chests full of beautiful stones-)
now let's move on to the rest, and i hope you don't mind that it would be just a pile of thoughts
• ahem, from what i have is that instead of an archaeologist (i don't remember the names of characters very well, especially from stardew), we have Robin. it's logical, isn't it ahaha? Law, helps in the hospital, because this is the only way and nothing else! the saloon keeps a Makino, and wow, it's probably a place where you can really eat, so i think Sanji works here in the kitchen. and forgive me, i can't help but add stupid foster parents to au, so Zeff is here too. i really liked someone's fan idea that the Penguin is the cook of heart crew, so he probably does something like moonlighting there?
• Franky and Ikkaku (omg this gorgeous woman) both are something like a carpenter and a blacksmith, although i think Franky is more of a blacksmith?? anyway!!! had idea that Shachi was moonlighting for them??? Maybe???
• Usopp works in Pierre's store, and i think this is not only a store mainly garden, but literally a place where you can buy almost everything? it sounded funny, so why not. Usopp sells some of his little things too!! stupid little fireworks i think are also among them? shop literally everything, wonderful
• i removed the fisherman and his shop (i sorry??), as a result, Nami lives somewhere on the beach, she is their personal meteorologist and the most accurate weather guide, no TV forecast will be as accurate as she is!!!
• ASL trio is a personal periodic spontaneous catastrophe of the whole town. in short, Ace is an eternal visitor to the mine (although many of them are like that ... but he is especially ...) who brings stone mining things. And monster stuff? Luffy for some reason became an absolute fisherman, idk why, but I liked it, huh. Sabo helps Robin i think? Also Luffy and Sabo guys who basically bring Robin different collecting things (Ace does not understand they collecting thing : (( ) all three of them bring Robin some artifacts or minerals. Sabo really interested in discussing all this with Robin, as well as books and the history of all sorts of artifacts and so on?? i had idea about Law in this "nerd" club. Ace... is not interested in these "nerd" clubs and just brings them everything he finds in the mine. Luffy brings Robin something that sometimes comes across on a fishing trip (i like the thing with chests in the stardew itself so much)
• there are also Mihawk, Zoro and Perona who live in a winery/vineyards outside the city. Gothic family is my undisputed love
• something about Bepo: i remember that somewhere at the beginning of the game at some point an animal comes to our farm, which we are offered to keep for ourselves. ahah, i can't choose between being a polar bear(lmao, it’s fun) or a samoyed dog, but in any case, i think he's just like in stardew....came and its just....adopted too
separate huge thanks for the help with the ideas of my beautiful lady @liquidsao
and for the help with the organization of my thoughts to this wonderful person @cal-cium-the-nerd
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agentoffangirling · 3 months ago
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to Janani K Jha songs, bc why is everything she writes so AoS-coded?
Achilles Heel: Very self explanatory, I feel, a song about being the other's weakness, FitzSimmons
Thanatos (End of Us): Another romance song, being together even if it kills, so very Huntingbird (I think that's the ship name?)
Ms. Protagonist: The loss of innocence from childhood to adulthood, so very s1 Skye to s7 Daisy Johnson. Could also apply to Jemma over the seasons
Library Card: A song about growing up as a nerd? Jemma Simmons
Golden Age: Really could be any woman in the MCU, but since this is more about the hidden and misunderstood women of history, I feel like it's better suited to the "background characters" of S.H.I.E.L.D., for lack of a better word, such as Victoria Hand and Piper
Sunday Crossword: Philinda struggling to convey their feelings, slowly falling out of love and ending as friends
Machine Learning: Fitz. 100% Fitz, oh my god, it's so him. It's literally a song about not knowing how to socialize and always feeling like a robot
Three Specters: Daisy in season 5, feeling lost and thrust into a position of power with little preparation. The song specifically describes being haunted with past memories, which is so her in those moments
Prophecies: Technically a song dedicated to the artist's parents of how they sacrificed everything for her, Daisy's family dynamic w/Coulson and May
Two Roads: Honestly I had a hard time with this since it's about choosing between the safe path and the new one. I'm going with Mack always having to choose between his personal life and S.H.I.E.L.D., especially since he's always threatening to quit (and never does)
Rome (Outro): the collective trauma everyone had by the end of the season and finally taking time for themselves. The song is basically about calming down and taking it slow
Slow Burn: Being in a relationship that just consumes you in all the right ways, that makes the both of you better is so Dousy (OTP frfr)
The Maze: Stuck in a mental/physical maze that you struggle to get out of is perfect for the Framework arc
Hellbent: About literally going through hell, about agency. Melinda May, SPECIFICALLY after the situation in Bahrain
Gladiators: The team fighting any opponent, but the season 7 finale would fit best
Royal We: Staticquake. It's a song on toxic codependent relationships, and I am not loathe to admit (sorry Staticquake fans), that the way Lincoln's death leaves Daisy is quite close to what the song describes
The Siege: Deke Shaw, especially with how much shit the team they gave him later on (May could also apply to this, bc one of the lyrics is "and no cavalry will cave")
Weird Hills: Ward's betrayal on the team; the song is all about trusting someone who called themself a friend only to stab you in the back
Polyxena: A song about sacrifice and being used to further the story. Trip's death
The Judgement (I Think Too Much): The main lyric is "you think too much with your head and not enough with your heart", very Aida becoming Ophelia
Cut the Cord: While it's technically about "dreaming a release from validation" as Janani puts it, I also think this fits well with the whole prophecy subplot of s3b and Daisy trying to subvert it
Nike: Phil Coulson, how his death is always weaponized against him but everyone forgets about him all the other times
Library of Alexandria: the lost innocence of S1, Bus Kids and how we never see them happy following s1
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itsyoung8 · 11 months ago
The age of the students at Bullworth Academy (part V)
Ouais salut l'équipe! Sorry for this long time of absence but as I said, studies take up a lot of my time. Well, here is the part V which was very much awaited (it's not true, but please do it)! Sur ce, bonne lecture!
-> I'm going to assume that Bullworth Academy is a high school
-> Since it is a high school located in the United States, four years ago and not three as in Europe (ex: France). That's why I'm going to make the following cut:
1st year: 14-15 years old - Freshman
2nd year: 15-16 years old - Sophomore
3rd year: 16-17 years old - Junior
4th year: 17-18 years old - Senior
Earnest Jones:
as seen in the previous part (I know it's dated), I had hypothesized (although it is very likely) that Ted was a 17-18 year old senior. Since Earnest and Ted are competing for the class steward position (I think that's it lol), I came to the conclusion that Earnest was also a 17-18 year old senior.
Algernon Papadopoulos:
I couldn't find much about Algie. The only small element that can give rise to a hypothesis is that in a line of dialogue, he says that Ted nicknames him "little buddy". In this case, if the word "small" refers to his age, it would mean that Algie is younger than Ted so either a freshman, sophomore or junior. But if it's not his age, then I don't have anything to make a hypothesis about his age.
Beatrice Trudeau:
Without a doubt, Beatrice is a 17-18 year old senior. On several occasions she talks about medical school and even says in a line of dialogue "I already know the medical schools to which I'll apply". Those in their final year have to apply to the universities they want and wait for an answer (like us in France). That's why Beatrice does this. Add to that the fact that she's been applying to be a cheerleader for several years, but Mandy turns her down every year. This reinforces this idea that Beatrice is a 17-18 year old senior.
Bucky Pasteur:
"I don't think I'll ever be big enough to be a Jock but I want to try!". This is the only element that allows me to go on a lead concerning Bucky. This line of dialogue makes me say that Bucky is not a 17-18 year old senior because it would be ridiculous to want to join the Jocks in his final year. So Bucky is either a freshman, a sophomore, or a junior. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything else that would allow me to give him a precise age.
Cornelius Johnson:
If you listen closely, you can hear Miss Danvers making an announcement that Cornelius has the worst result on a sports aptitude test in the history of the academy. From that moment on, I told myself that he must be a 14-15 year old freshman. However, Cornelius says that Dan was hanging out with the Nerds last year so the idea of a freshman is wrong because otherwise he wouldn't have known Dan as a Nerd.
I came to think that Cornelius might be a 17-18 year old senior and that the aptitude test is the test for those in their final year, I don't really know.
Thad Carlson:
First of all, I went to look again at Dan's presentation sheet and I hadn't noticed that it was written that Dan could be one of the oldest students in the academy. So I'm going to assume he's a 17-18 year old senior.
As far as Thad is concerned, if he knew his big brother as a nerd, then he is either a 15-16 year old sophomore or a 16-17 year old junior.
Donald Anderson:
Donald is, in my opinion, either a 16-17 year old junior because he says "This is probably the worst year. Ever at Bullworth" and in this case the word "ever" refers to the fact that he is still at the academy for this year but that next year it may change, either he is a senior of 17-18 years old because he speaks college like all the final year students I have dealt with in the previous parts.
Melvin O'Connor:
As I said with Russell, the age to drive a car in New England is about 18. On the other hand, for a scooter, you must be at least 16 years old without restriction (tell me if I am wrong Americans) while in France, for example, you must be at least 14 years old.
When Melvin says "I thought delays were supposed to wear helmets", we can assume that he is lashing out at someone who is on a scooter because it would be illogical to wear a helmet in a car. As a result, we can understand from this line of dialogue that Melvin may not be of legal age to ride a scooter. So we can say that, maybe, Melvin is a 14-15 year old freshman.
Fatty Johnson:
I'm not going to lie to you, but I haven't found anything that would allow me to start with even the beginning of an answer. Really, I promise you, I searched his dialogues and his presentation sheet and there is nothing!! Fatty is one of the characters we'll never know exactly how old he is lol.
Here's the end of that part. Next time I will try to deal with students who are not in any group. It's going to take me a little bit of time but that part will be there. Thanks for reading! Bonne journée tout le monde!
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months ago
Hi! Can I ask a romantic matchup with Stranger Things,Doctor Who and The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes? I'm 18,a girl(she/they)I'm bisexual but I would like a male character (female or other is fine too!).
I have short wavy brown hair,hazel eyes,I wear glasses,I'm 164 cm(sorry I'm from Europe),I speak 3 languages (sorry for any mistakes in english its my third lol). I LOVE to read,listen to music,and sometimes write and draw/paint! (I'm currently learning how to play guitar). People always compliment my creativity and writing skills.
I'm an introvert(my MBTI is INTJ),I have very close friends,it usually takes a while for me to open up and for people to know me better. At first I may appear quiet and shy but with my friends I am definitely more open and crazier lol. I loveee history,all the old and vintage things, my fav century is the 19th and decade the 80s. Speaking about the 80s,I love rock music,its my main genre,I mostly listen to 80s rock and I watch series and movies from that time (I have a very close relationship with my dad,he was in his 20s in the 80s). My fav movie is The Blues Brothers and series Doctor Who. I mainly read classics,dystopian,crime novels,sci-fi and fantasy(same genres for movies and series). My fav authors are currently Dostoyevsky and Agatha Christie.
In my childhood I lived in a very small town,and because everyone was basically the same in middle school I was bullied because of my interests,and honestly I'm not that sad about it anymore because it made me mentally stronger,though I still have problems with my social anxiety. Both in middle and highschool I think I was/am the quiet/weird kid? Like I said I love history,books, and I love to study,tbh I think you can consider me a nerd lmao.
Despite the love for books,history and all these classic things I listen to rock,metal,I find very interesting strange and weird things. I think that are the two main parts of my personality,and style too! One day I can dress like a 90s grunge teenager and the other like a dark-academia student. I often combine the two styles,I mainly dress in dark colors. (My fav color is navy blue!)
Sorry,I think I talked too much but I don't get many occasions to share about myself. That's all and thank you if you read all of this! I hope you have a nice day/night!
Hope you are doing good!
Don't worry, I loved reading your request :)
I hope you enjoy your romantic matchups!
For Stranger Things, Doctor Who, and The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes!
(I had a LOT of fun with this!)
I also hope you have a nice day/night!
Romantic Matchups; Stranger Things, Doctor Who, and The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes
Stranger Things;
Eddie Munson -
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You met Eddie during your first week at Hawkins High.
You had transferred from your old high school when you and your family moved.
Moving during senior year, oof.
You were the quiet, bookish kid who kept to yourself, always reading or writing in your notebook.
Eddie, being Eddie, made it his mission to figure out what you were always so absorbed in.
One day, he noticed you reading Dostoyevsky and launched into an exaggerated, theatrical rant about how Crime and Punishment was both brilliant and depressing.
Who knew that Eddie liked Dostoyevsky?
His antics made you laugh, and from that moment, Eddie made it his goal to get you to open up more.
Eddie quickly became fascinated by your creativity and love for books.
He’d ask you endless questions about the plots of your favorite novels, half because he was genuinely interested and half because he loved hearing your voice light up when you talked about them.
Let's just get this straight, I think Eddie was interested in you since the beginning.
You’d attend his Hellfire Club campaigns as a quiet observer at first, but eventually, he convinced you to try playing a character.
Your intricate storytelling made you a hit with the group, and Eddie couldn’t stop grinning when you got into it.
He might swoon when you roll a natural d20.
Late-night music-sharing sessions became a ritual.
Not like what the annoying teens at the high school thought, ya know, with the fire and the sacrificing...
You and Eddie would just sit on the picnic bench, listening to your music in your cassette player.
Eddie would introduce you to obscure metal bands - mostly just Metallica, though - while you’d counter with some rock classics your dad introduced you to.
Eddie would love to help you learn guitar.
He’d patiently show you chords, grinning ear-to-ear whenever you got frustrated because he found your determination adorable.
Yeah, you're pretty lucky, not many people get to touch his baby.
Exploring the woods around Hawkins, pretending to search for “something mysterious,” while secretly just enjoying your company.
You’d both thrift for vintage clothes together, Eddie fully embracing your love for combining dark academia with grunge.
Now, again, Eddie probably already liked you since he saw you, a love-at-first-sight kind of thing.
He, himself is a little bit oblivious to his own feelings for you.
It started with the way you laughed at his terrible jokes and evolved into how you’d quietly support him, like defending him when others called him a freak.
For you, it was the way Eddie always made you feel seen.
He respected your introverted nature but encouraged you to let your creativity shine.
You realized your feelings when you caught yourself doodling Eddie’s name in the margins of your notebook.
(Next to the little doodles Eddie did beside your notes from the one class you shared.)
Eddie confessed during one of your late-night guitar sessions.
You were practicing a riff when he blurted out, “You’re like… The coolest person I’ve ever met, you know that? You're super wicked."
His face turned red when you looked at him, confused. “I’m saying… I think I’m falling for you. Like, really falling.”
Your quiet smile and whispered, “I think I feel the same,” made him grin like a fool.
Good luck getting rid of him now.
Eddie would write songs about you, surprisingly soft compared to his love for metal.
He would also write you metal songs, though.
He’d be your biggest cheerleader, attending any event where you showcased your art or writing.
Movie marathons became your thing, especially rewatching The Blues Brothers.
Eddie loved how you could quote it word for word, and he’d occasionally jump up to reenact scenes with you.
Eddie would leave little notes in your notebooks, scribbled with messages like “Eddie Munson was here."
(He may have noticed his name on the margins of your notebook, finding it cute that you wrote down his name with hearts so many times.)
Lazy weekend mornings in bed, sharing coffee or tea, and debating which Doctor Who companion was the best.
He’d surprise you with vintage finds, like an old leather-bound book he stumbled upon, saying, “It reminded me of you.”
Eddie will defend you fiercely against anyone who tries to make you feel small, even if you insist you don’t need him to.
He knows that you can fight your own battles at times, but he is always there for you no matter what, and if someone is mean or rude, he won't stay quiet.
He learns about your favorite historical eras so he can impress you with random facts.
He would try his best and spoil you, whether that be in affection or gifts.
Eddie crafts personalized D&D campaigns based on your favorite novels, making you the star of the story.
You also help him organize his Hellfire campaigns, giving him advice on how to make the storylines even more gripping and fun.
You make him mixtapes of songs you think Eddie would like - despite them not being Metallica - with little notes explaining why you chose each track.
You write him short stories where he's the hero, complete with fantastical adventures and a heavy metal soundtrack that you played for him on the guitar.
Doctor Who;
The 9th Doctor -
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You met the Doctor while exploring an old, seemingly abandoned building that had piqued your interest for its vintage charm. Turns out, it wasn’t abandoned - it was a temporary base for the Doctor.
Why is there a blue police box here?
He was impressed by your curiosity and how you weren’t immediately scared by the strange blue police box or the alien tech inside.
It's bigger on the inside.
The Doctor adored your love for history and would take you on adventures to see the events and figures you’d read about.
Watching you marvel at the past gave him joy.
Look at that, you are the Doctor's new companion. How does that make you feel?
Prepare for a lot of running!
He loved your wit and dry humor, often quipping back and forth with you during downtime in the TARDIS.
Travel to the 19th century to meet Dostoyevsky, with the Doctor teasing you about being “starstruck” by the writer.
Spend hours in the TARDIS library, the Doctor showing you books from across the galaxy while you introduce him to Earth classics.
Have endless debates about the best periods, with you arguing for the elegance of the 19th century and him countering with alien civilizations from the future.
He just has to prove his point by taking you to a few of them.
For the Doctor, it was seeing how you embraced the wonder of time travel while never losing your intellectual curiosity.
He loved how bright your eyes got when he took you to new and exciting worlds.
He loved how you'd laugh when he said something that he thought only he'd find funny.
He was scared.
He was the Doctor.
A Time Lord.
Falling for you...
For you, it was the way the Doctor always made you feel like an equal, despite his centuries of knowledge.
He listened to you, valued your input, and never made you feel small.
On top of that, he never lost his love for adventure, learning, and life after all the years of him being alive, and all the years of visiting new places and meeting new people.
He never lost that love.
And he wasn't that hard on the eyes either ;)
The Doctor confessed indirectly, as was his way.
After a particularly rough adventure, where you were captured, the Doctor thought he was going to lose you...
There were no words, just your eyes meeting his worried and concerned ones.
There was this... This silent understanding.
You could see it in his eyes.
You could feel it when he held you to him protectively.
You could hear it in his voice...
It starts off slow at first but the Doctor shows his affection through actions: ensuring your safety during adventures, tailoring trips to your interests, and occasionally doing something sweet, like bringing you a bouquet of alien flowers.
I mean, nothing really changed, except that there is more... Romantic affection.
You’d balance him out, grounding him when his emotions got the better of him.
When he gets a bit too heated when talking to an alien, you're there to bring him back with a hand on his arm.
And if he is feeling a bit of that green called envy, when he sees Jack talk to you, you're there to let him know that you love him.
Quiet nights in the TARDIS, reading side by side while soft rock played in the background.
The Doctor would surprise you with gifts from different periods, like a navy blue coat from 19th-century France.
Sharing a cup of tea while he tinkered with the TARDIS and you doodled in your sketchbook.
Take you to see rare and beautiful sights, like the birth of a new star or the first concert of your favorite band.
The Doctor would learn how to play the guitar for you.
He would also always make you feel valued.
You help him process his emotions, giving him space but also reminding him that he is not alone.
You introduce him to Earth rock music, and he says it's way too much for him... But, you have a sneaking suspicion that he likes them.
Cuddling, hearing both of his hearts beat only for you.
He’ll randomly take you to obscure corners of history just because he knows you’d find them fascinating.
“Victorian libraries? Yeah, I figured you’d like this one.”
If you’re scared or anxious, he always offers his hand with a soft, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Hugs for days.
You’ll catch him humming old rock songs while fixing the TARDIS.
You knew that he liked those songs you showed him!
He’s not big on traditional affection but will gently rest his forehead against yours in private moments.
He still likes hugs though!
If you’re cold, he’ll wordlessly drape his leather jacket over your shoulders, even if it leaves him freezing.
I mean, does he get cold?
If you accidentally get lost in the TARDIS (again), he’ll show up at the perfect moment to “rescue” you, but only after a bit of dramatic suspense.
He’ll try to impress you with his knowledge of Earth slang, but somehow always picks the most outdated or wrong phrases.
"I’m not pulling your leg, you’re the real deal, like totally tubular!"
He'd say them with absolute sincerity, thinking he’s using the best slang, and then be completely baffled when you give him a confused look.
Or when you just end up laughing...
The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes;
Sejanus Plinth -
(This one is my favorite ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ)
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You met Sejanus at the academy.
You both bond over your shared love for a certain subject.
He was instantly drawn to your quiet intellect and kind presence.
Plus, you weren't like the others at the school, you didn't just see him as a guy from District 2.
You saw him, for him.
You saw him for who he really was: kind-hearted, empathetic, and loyal, often putting himself at risk to stand up for what he believed was right.
You often help him with assignments on historical literature; from there, a friendship blossomed.
Throughout the friendship, Sejanus sees the true you; you are strong, understanding, and caring to everyone; and he respects you for it.
Sejanus admires your creativity and loves reading your stories.
He would always encourage you to share them with others, and possibly even strive to become an author one day.
You sort of became a safe place for him, someone he could confide in without judgment, (when he didn't want to go to Coryo.)
(By the way, Coryo kind of doesn't like you, but that is a given, since he's Coryo.)
Study dates sessions that often turn into long discussions about history, politics, and life.
Sejanus would tell you about his life in District 2, about his friends, and what he used to do before his father got rich and they moved to the Capitol.
Honestly, when Sejanus trusted, he trusted with his whole soul.
You trusted him a lot too.
Like a lot.
You told him all of your secrets, and he told you his.
You would paint together, with Sejanus joking about how his skills didn't compare to yours but enjoying the process anyway.
He would do his best, trying to paint you something.
He wouldn't give up, taking his sweet time - hours if he must - trying to paint you the prettiest painting that has ever been painted.
You tried to tell him that you would love anything he'd paint. Even if it was a simple stick figure or a house with the sun in the corner, no, Sejanus wants to make you something special.
What he gifted you after twelve painting sessions later was a painting of you, standing in a field, during sunset.
Very ethereal~
You cried.
By the wayyyy, his parents love you.
You are often invited to stay for dinner.
Sejanus' mother would show you alllll of the family pictures.
And baby pictures.
Sejanus gets a bit embarrassed, but you just can't get over how cute he was as a baby.
Sejanus realized his feelings during one night when you stayed over for dinner.
You had been invited to the Plinths' house for dinner; which became a sort of weekly thing.
In the very beginning, when his mother first asked you to join them for dinner, you were nervous, but Sejanus just said, "Trust me, they'll love you. My ma already does."
Now, dinner with the Plinths' was weekly, as said, and they had basically become your second family.
You called Sejanus' ma, "Mama Plinth."
Mama Plinth adored you from the start.
After everything Sejanus said about you, she loved you.
She was incredibly happy that her son had another friend.
(She had this motherly intuition that something was going on between the two of you, but you know, she was hoping Sejanus would find someone to spend the rest of his life with.
Yeah, this boy ain't dying.
Anyway, Mama Plinth would always set aside your favorite dish during dinner claiming, "It's no trouble at all, sweetheart."
Though more reserved, Sejanus' father would subtly show his approval.
Whether it was asking for your opinion on current events at the table or nodding when you shared your thoughts, you felt his respect grow each visit.
You felt like an honorary member of the family.
When you weren't over, Mama Plinth would call you to cheek on you, asking if you needed anything or even infiting you to shop with her; which usually included her buying you a little something, even though you politely would decline.
"Nonsense, sweetheart, this navy blue sweater would look amazing on you."
She once even joked, “If you don’t marry Sejanus, I might adopt you myself.”
The Plinths’ household maid quickly grew fond of you too.
It was a quiet moment, amidst the usual bustle of a Plinth family dinner.
You laughed at something Mama Plinth said, leaning into Sejanus' side without even realizing it.
As you talked animatedly, gesturing with your fork or your hand, Sejanus just... Stopped.
Seeing you laugh with his Ma, seeing you sitting there on the couch beside him...
Slow motion...
He realized how much you’d become a part of his world, and how empty it would feel without you in it.
"She fits here so perfectly. She fits with me. How could I have not seen it before?"
Mama Plinth, during the conversation with you, glanced over at her son.
Seeing the way that he was looking at you... She knew.
Sejanus was quieter than usual, lost in his thoughts.
His father was the one who broke him out of his thoughts, asking him if he was feeling alright.
Sejanus just smiled, nodding, before glancing at you, saying, "Never better."
After his realization, Sejanus started looking out for you even more than usual.
He'd walk you to the car after dinners or hangouts, offer his jacket if it got a bit chilly - or even when it wasn't - and carry your things without a second thought.
Mama Plinth caught on, as she did at that dinner.
She always grinned when Sejanus would take more time getting ready for dinners when you were joining.
He fidgets with his clothes and fixes the collar of his shirts... Ruffle with his hair.
She'd give her son knowing looks when he lingered near you, even when you weren't there and he was just talking to her about you.
When he returned home from the academy, he told his Ma about how you both got top marks on your test and his Ma said, “You know, dear, you would make quite the pair.”
His ears turned red as he stammered, “Ma!”
One night after dinner, as you were both standing on the porch of the Plinths' grand home, the warm glow of the lights spilling out behind you, Sejanus hesitated.
He had been waiting for the car with you after every dinner for weeks now, and tonight was no different - or so you thought.
"Hey," He said softly, catching your attention.
His hands were stuffed into his pockets, his shoulders slightly hunched like he was trying to shield himself or something.
"Can I... Can I tell you something?"
You nodded, sensing the seriousness in his tone, and hearing a hint of nervousness. "Of course, Sej. You know you can tell me anything."
He took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto yours.
"I've been trying to figure out how to say this. It's been in my head for weeks now and every time I think I've got the words, I just... Freeze. But, tonight, I can't hold it in anymore."
He took a step closer, his voice quieter, "You mean so much to me. You're the one person I can always be myself around, no matter what. When- When I'm with you, it's like... Everything makes sense. You make everything feel lighter, brighter - better. And honestly, I can't imagine a life without you in it."
His voice cracked slightly, and he looked down at the ground, clearing his throat slightly. "I don't just care about you as a friend. It's so much more than that. I'm in love with you. And I know I'm not perfect, but if you'll have me, I promise I'll spend every day trying to make you as happy as you make me."
For a moment, you just stood there, blinking up at him in stunned silence.
Sejanus' confession hit you like a tidal wave - unexpected but warm, like the feeling of the sun breaking through the clouds.
Sejanus misinterpreted your silence, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “I… I shouldn’t have sprung this on you. If you don’t feel the same, I completely understand, I just-”
Before he could finish rambling, you reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm.
“Sejanus, stop. I-” You hesitated, your heart pounding in your chest. A smile broke across your face as you said softly, “I love you too.”
Relief washed over Sejanus’ face, and he let out a soft, breathless laugh. “You do?” He asked as if he couldn’t quite believe it.
You nodded, stepping closer, "Yes, ever since you and I got caught in the rain that one day after a day at the academy, and you covered me the best you could with your coat."
And before either of you could overthink, you leaned up and kissed him.
The kiss was tentative at first, warm and sweet. Sejanus’ hands gently cupped your face, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
When you finally pulled back, you both were smiling brightly, your foreheads touching as you let out soft, nervous laughs.
“I didn’t think tonight could get any better, but I guess I was wrong,” He murmured, his voice filled with wonder.
As the car came around, you both wished for more time. You didn't want to let go just yet.
You both couldn't look away from each other, he held your hand the entire time, his thumb gently tracing circles over your knuckles.
Only when the driver honked the horn, did you reluctantly break away.
Sejanus couldn't stop grinning for days.
Plinth family dinners became even more special, with the two of you stealing shy, affectionate glances at each other across the table.
Mama Plinth knew. She gave you both a smile. She said nothing, but you both knew that she was happy for you.
I mean, it was kind of obvious, you both sat closer together, your chairs pushed closer, Sejanus' hand sometimes even landing on your knee throughout the night.
His father was very happy for both of you too.
Whenever Sejanus planned something romantic, Mama Plinth insisted on hearing every detail afterward.
“Did he finally take you to that restaurant I suggested? No? Well, I’ll remind him again.”
Sejanus would rest his head on your shoulder during family movie nights, with Mama Plinth calling you both “her darlings.”
You both love spending quiet afternoons reading together.
He'll sit beside you on the couch in the family library or yours, sometimes resting his head on your shoulder or your lap as you read aloud to him.
Sejanus has a habit of leaving little notes for you to find throughout the day. Whether it’s a small “I love you” tucked in a book you’re reading or a goofy doodle, he loves reminding you how much you mean to him.
Music often plays softly in the background when you’re together, and every now and then, Sejanus will take your hand and spin you around the room.
To slower songs, you both sway side to side, his arms wrapped securely around your waist while your hands rest gently on his shoulders.
Sejanus often rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed, just savoring the moment in complete silence.
Sometimes, he hums softly to the music, his voice low and comforting.
Sometimes, he'd even sing. Heavenly.
It’s one of those small, intimate things that never fails to make your heart flutter.
To faster - or more rock songs - Sejanus lets loose in the most endearing way.
He’ll grab your hand and spin you around, laughing breathlessly as you both stumble over your own feet.
He’ll dramatically lip-sync, grinning ear to ear when you play the air guitar.
There’s a playful energy as he twirls you, dips you exaggeratedly, or messily headbangs to the beat, all while making sure you’re smiling and having just as much fun as he is.
Lying side by side, you often talk late into the night.
Sejanus is the type to hold your hand as he listens to you, his thumb gently stroking your fingers.
Sometimes, he brushes stray hair from your face as you talk, his gaze soft and full of adoration and love.
Sejanus is big on forehead kisses. Whether he’s saying goodbye or goodnight, he’ll gently press his lips to your forehead.
On the occasions when you have sleepovers on the weekends, you often sleep in together. Sejanus loves lazy mornings where the two of you stay bundled under the covers, exchanging sleepy smiles and soft kisses.
Knowing how much you love history and vintage aesthetics, Sejanus plans simple picnics with blankets and wicker baskets, sometimes sneaking in your favorite book for you to read together under the shade of a tree.
Only occasionally he would plan dates at fancy restaurants, but 90% of the time, he takes you to museums, diners, picnics in fields, or fun walks through parks.
When either of you feels overwhelmed, the other is always there.
Sejanus loves to hold you close, his voice soft as he reassures you. When he’s the one feeling down, he finds comfort in your hugs and your gentle words of encouragement.
Sejanus loves surprising you with little gifts that remind him of you - like a new book he thinks you’d enjoy or a pressed flower he saved because it was your favorite.
You, in turn, sketch little portraits of him, capturing his kind eyes and soft smile. When he sees them, his face lights up, and he always insists on framing them.
In the evenings when you’re both too tired to do anything elaborate, you curl up together and watch old movies.
He loves hearing you talk about the historical details or trivia, and his arm stays around your shoulders the entire time.
He so plans on marrying you one day.
(His Ma gave him one of her rings for him to someday give to you.)
Your relationship with Sejanus is a blend of heartfelt support, quiet understanding, and playful joy.
He’s your biggest cheerleader, always encouraging your creativity and passions, while you ground him with your wisdom and steady presence.
Together, you find comfort in the little things - swaying to the music, sharing quiet evenings over tea or coffee, and exchanging soft smiles that say more than words ever could.
With Sejanus, love feels warm, safe, and endlessly uplifting - a partnership built on trust, mutual care, and an unspoken promise to always be there for each other.
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lunarlivs · 11 months ago
Ohh am I late for Sleepover Saturday? It's technically Saturday in my time again so I hope we're still good haha
Let's see:
FMK the big three, James, Sirius n Remus
3 things you love about Remus that you don't get to see often in fanfic/media representation
you are NEVER late for sleepover saturday!! it’s actually a 24/7 event here ^-^ thanks for asking!
god…. i actually thought of this for so so long and each answer leaves me hurt, but this is the one i feel most good about (and sorry for the long explanations)
marry: remus, because i think about marrying him every day every hour every second, i love that man and i think us living together would work. also i think that means we’d fuck and yes i am very much yes okay yes. james would make a better wife but rems is just my number one
fuck: sirius. i mean, i gotta fuck the hottest and prettiest person to ever have lived right? i think he’d be just a fantastic partner and if me and rem are already married we all can d- *get run over by a car*
which unfortunately means i’d kill: james >_< i love him but games the game sorry baby, next time i’ll marry and impregn- *gets run over by the same car again*
also THANKS FOR ASKING ABOUT REMUS you don’t know how happy it makes me to talk about him <33333 (also idk what you count as not seeing often but these are what popped into my head)
remus being a genuine LOSER. i mean, he’s very much accepted it and is content with it, but he is such a loser and a nerd. yes he’s got that secret charm of a brilliant mind and lovely brown eyes but to most people he is a man with bad posture and star wars stickers on his shitty computer, who wears the same jumper five days in a row and doesn’t remember how to talk to people. he is shy and kind and thoughtful but also the most awkward person you’ll ever meet and not in a good way. his hobbies include reading awful complex books about history, smoking on the parking lot behind his barista job where he is an absolutely bitch, crouching under doorways, saying ”actually” and correcting people who didn’t ask for it, and admiring sirius from afar (they’re still gonna fall in love obvi bc that certain something about his sad dude charm just pierces right through sirius’s though heart)
i love beefy remus. not necessarily muscular but just big, meaning tall and hairy and a soft stomach and thighs like treetrunks… you get the vibe, him and i are new acquaintances but love love love him
remus’s family dynamics can be super super interesting, idk if this is a rare thing but maybe just mostly something i’ve been thinking abour lately. him and hope being each others best friends (again to add to the loser part) and so similar in how they treat other people. she’s shown him how to make a house a home, they bake and cook together a lot, hope read him all the storybooks she could find when he was small. i love lyall being a nerdy funny old man who works with animals (or magical creatures) and loves nothing more than being out in nature with his family. they go on hikes with both of their backpacks filled with books and snack, they look at plants and animals and lyall keeps blabbering on whilest remus is just happy to be with his dad. in a world where remus has lycanthropy i love him teaching remus how to be with the wolf, and how to love himself though it all.
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vibratingskull · 1 year ago
also hellurr hope you’re alright 👀
So I’m a bit of a history nerd and the Empire in the Ahsoka series is giving me strong Roman Empire vibes. Bear with me image Thrawn as the Emperor and you’re his Empress, you’re aware of him having some private time in the evening watching some girls making out and doing more sometimes. A bit like Jabba on Tatooine, however Thrawn is always loyal to you and would never engage in serious activities with the girls.
However he isn’t the only one who enjoys these activities, you enjoy them as well and tend to join him during these nights like some Emperors did in ancient Rome. He wouldn’t even necessarily tell the other girls to leave he’d simply have you in his “fun” room not caring about anything else as he’d have his way with you. Istg Thrawn is doing things to me. 🫠
Emperor Thrawn you say... 🤔 🤭
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Tags: Smut, p in v, creampie, bulge, dacryphilia, pet names (good girl, Empress,...), light breeding kink
You lazily yawn.
You’re so sleepy right now… Ulertepi’s hands are doing wonders on your body.
“Do I please you, Mistress?” She asks.
You moan, nodding. She’s the best at giving massages, you could fall asleep right now. The young Twi’leks caresses your body with oil and perfume, applying pressure and grazing your sweet spots on your back.
“You have the hands of a fairy…” You let out in a daze.
You sigh, today again Thrawn is away on campaigns, leaving you alone to rule the Empire. You had enough of your solitude and got down to the Bath House of the Palace to enjoy some company. On another chaise lounge a Togruta and a Twi’lek are embracing each other in an intimate dance of caress and touches, on the couch a human girl and a Mirialan are beyond the caress stage and are engaging in a passionate coitus, two or three other groups of slaves are around the Bath House, in pools or chairs, enjoying each other for the pleasure of their Empress. 
With the snap of a finger your glass is refilled with an expensive wine. You savor it, listening to the couple's moans like music.
“When do you think he will come back?” You lament.
“I don’t know, Mistress.” Ulertepi responds.
“He’s always away on campaigns, he’s never at the Palace for more than one week. It’s like I married a ghost.” you complain.
“I am sorry, Mistress.” 
“I am the saddest woman in the universe…”
“Your cross is the heaviest of them all.” She has the presence of mind to agree with you. 
She knows better than to upset and contradict you.
“My Empress?” a voice call to you.
“Heads of the Council want to see you.” Rivihk informs you.
You snarl, can’t you be alone for five minutes?
“What do they want?” You grouch.
“They want to discuss with you about an heir and succession.”
Thrawn’s not good at politics. So it falls on you to rule the court and the State while he’s out conquering new worlds. He sometimes chimes in when something goes against his morals, but you’re pretty free to rule as it pleases you. You still had to circle yourself with a Council to manage everything, but they are also real pains in the ass.
“They will understand I cannot do much about it without my husband around.” You growl.
“They ask you to discuss it with him when he comes back.”
“What do they think I’m doing exactly? I know what the state needs, of course I’m asking him for an heir. But he hasn’t complied until now.“
“The Council may have a solution for this… problem.” He announces, by his tone you can say he isn’t on board with the solution in question.
You turn your head towards him, annoyed. Who they think they are to tell you what to do and order you around. Next to Rivihk stands a young male slave Pantoran of the exact same shade of blue as Thrawn but with your eyes and hair color. You look at them black, waiting to see if he will have the balls to expose their very clear plan.
“This is Acyyr Ju, they…” He gulps, weighing his words “They think he would be a good progenitor.”
The scream you hit them with will be recorded in the archives.
“Out! Out! I should have you all beheaded! Disappear from my sight!”
They both flee without further ado as you throw anything you can grab at them. If you had decent attire under that thin towel you would have pursued them with a blade for the insult. You scream at the top of your lungs. Rats! Vermin! You conducting orgies doesn’t mean you’re ready to cheat on your husband!
Across the room all the couples have stopped their caresses, to stun to do otherwise.
“Resume!” You order them, enraged “Ulertepi, I never told you to stop massaging me, girl!”
Bunch of idiots! If you knew you would have to compose with them you wouldn’t have asked Thrawn for the crown that much. The assumption of power was really a you thing, he did it for you. When Emperor Palpatine finally died he came back from nowhere, slayed the young New Republic in its infancy and brought the crown to you. Like he promised you long ago, well before his exile.
He’s a man true to his words.
Unless when it comes to spending time with you, he’s always on the move with his fleets.
That is one of the downsides of power.
You feel deliciously large warm hands on your body.
Those are delectable but they are not Ulertepi’s hands. You look over your shoulder ready to shout again only to meet a burning red gaze.
“Thrawn!” You exclaim full of joy.
“How is my Empress doing?” He asks with a light smile.
He’s in full emperor gears, uniform and fur cape in this steamy atmosphere. You wonder how he can even stand in the room without passing out. But he wears it so, so well… You can’t help but lick your lips.
One day you will have him fuck you in this gear.
“Annoyed, she is surrounded by idiots.”
“As I saw.” 
“You’ve been here a long time?” You ask, surprised.
“Enough to witness the scene, I was observing you from the other doorway.”
His hand travels to your tummy, caressing it tenderly.
“I’m sorry you had to witness that.”
“It is okay.” He nuzzles your noses, “But Rivihk was not at fault here. A messenger cannot be punished for the message it delivers.”
You can’t believe he just witnessed someone proposing you to cheat on him and he worries about the servant. 
“I missed you!” You coo, feeling yourself melt under his touch. “You’re always away for so long!”
He finally leans forwards to kiss you. You moan against his lips just like you know he loves.
“I see you have found a use for my personnel while I was away.” He parts with you gesturing to the orgy of slaves in the room.
“Yes… I am so alone when you’re away, I wanted some warmth.”
“Did you…” He lowers his tone darkly, hypnotizing eyes in yours “See one of them in my absence?”
You remain mute in surprise, but you relax seeing his amused smile. He’s playing with you.
“No.” You chuckle “Of course I didn’t.”
“You can, you know.” He puts his forehead to yours “As long as you invite me to watch.”
“I know you love to watch.” You peck his cheek.
He does love to watch people having sex, especially girls. He never joins any of them, remaining on his armchair with a glass of alcohol slouching like a lazy king.
But he’s more than a king.
He’s an Emperor.
Your Emperor.
“I think I would like that. Seeing you getting railed by others, that must be a sight to watch.”
You never considered joining the orgy either. You prefer to sit on his laps, sharing the glass and peppering him with kisses and little attentions.
“I will think about it. Maybe for your starday…” You promise with a sultry voice.
He starts purring as you kiss the corner of his lips. He captures your lips again, his hand traveling your back to the strap of your bikini that he unclips with practiced ease. 
“Thrawn! How dare!” You gasp with surprise and false modesty.
“Is it not you who complain about being married to a ghost?” He bites back.
Oops, he was already here?
“I’m sorry.” You pout.
“Do not be. I am here finally, let us make the most of it.” 
He lets his cape fall to the ground with a sweeping shoulders move before pushing you back on the chair with his hot body, pulling on your bikini top to get rid of it. He kisses you with a deep purring, your tongues meeting to dance and hug. You undulate your body under him, entangling your legs, digging your nails in the fabric of his uniform, growling. He chuckles in the kiss.
“So… About the heir.” He starts, “I figure it is time we get up to it?”
“You don’t have to listen to those jackasses if you’re not ready.” You reassure him.
“No, it has been some time since I thought about putting a baby in this womb. This is as good a time as any.” He leans in to sneak in your ear, “I cannot take the risk of you getting behind my back, now can I?”
“Thrawn!” You exclaim, indignant.
Why is everyone alluding to you being a cheater today?
But he just smiles, he’s just having his fun picking on you, getting you flustered. 
That man, you swear…
“I cannot have the council of my wife think I am impotent. What kind of an Emperor would I be?” He continues, lowering himself between your legs.
“Thrawn, they are just idiots. Don’t listen to them. I will have them punished first hour of the day tomorrow for what they insinuated about you, I-Ah!” You’re cut off by the flat of his tongue against your clothed cunt.
He hooked your pantie to the side and kisses your inner thighs with love.
“You are always protecting my honor, my love. My Cha’cah. I could not have dreamed of a better Empress.” He blows on your exposed pussy, sending shiver to your spine “Now, what do you say we give them a little spectacle? Show them how it is properly done?”
“Is it not their whole job to fuck for us?” You ask, trembling under his touch as he parts your pussylips with two fingers.
“Yes but I must show them how to fuck you good. I want a good show for my starday.” He grins carnivorously and dive between your legs.
He takes a big sloppy lap at your cunny, sucking and licking across your clit like a lollipop, prompting you to throw your head back in pure ecstasy. You yelp, helpless under his assault. Like everything about him, he is meticulous and precise, leaving no area of your pussy untouched, probing your entrance with the tip of his tongue, massaging your thighs with his large hands, keeping them wide apart to lick you better. You wave your body against his mouth. He always makes you see stars when he eats you out like that.
“Oh Maker, Thrawn…” You mewl.
He growls approvingly in responses, he loves hearing your pleasure out loud so you give him a performance. You hold his head between your legs, running your fingers in his hair as you feel your pussy and abdominals contract under the pleasurable assaults. He always loved to eat you out, that’s his selfish pleasure to have you come undone for him with only his tongue.
It makes him feel powerful.
Your pussy is leaking and he drinks it up like wine, making all the most obscenes noises to turn you on and it works.
A bit too well.
You feel yourself trembling, shaking and your sex convulsing until you suddenly squirt in his mouth. You let you fall down on the pillows with a “oof.”
“I love it so much when you squirt in my mouth like that.” He lets you know, licking his lips clean, your essence dripping off his chin.
He wastes no drops.
“I know.” You giggle, a bit tired by your orgasm “I just wished I had more control over it to give it to you each time.”
“Now, now, you would be spoiling me too much, cha’cah.”
He stands on his knees to get rid of his uniform, opening his jacket. You raise up to free his erection of its painful prison. He throws his shirt somewhere in the room before taking your hands off his cock.
“Will you let me taste it one day?” You ask a bit annoyed to get deprived of it each time.
“Of course, my love.” He purrs deeply, peppering kisses on your face. “But not today, we cannot waste any drops while trying for a little one.” 
You pout, unresponsive to his advances.
“You promise?” You want to see him come undone with your mouth alone too, it’s not fair he only gets to do it.
“I promise, cha’cah.” He smiles mischievously.
He’s on you immediately, pressing your hots and bothered bodies together. You feel his dick poking your side and you slide your hand to pump it a bit. He lets a satisfied gasp at your cooler hand on his very warm shaft.
“Open your legs for me.” He lowly growls.
You open them wide for your lovely husband. He aligns his well endowed cock with your entrance. He’s gonna stretch you out so much, he always does…
He enters you gently, talking you through it.
“There, take all of me.” He coos
You open your mouth round as he does stretch you out as predicted.
“You are so good for me, always taking what I offer.” He nibbles your ear.
Once he is buried to the hilt he remains unmoving, letting you time to adjust to his size. You feel each muscle working to welcome his huge dimension inside your poor little pussy.
“That is it, relax my cha’cah. You always manage to take me whole, it is gonna be okay.”
You just nod with a gasped sob.
He’s so massive…
You train your pussy with toys but none feels like him. Only he can make you feel like that.
You look up at the bulge in your tummy. It turns you on so much.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes.” You moan.
He starts rocking his hips, very gently at first but soon installs a rapid, merciless pace of deep thrust reaching the most profound parts of your being. You feel his tip hitting your cervix with such ease and the only thing you can do is take it. He could break you in half without so much as thinking about it!
He uses your poor pussy like a fleshlight, a toy for his amusement, but damn if it isn’t pleasurable to you. You shout mute cries and choked gasp letting him abuse your body, his massive stature shielding you completely.
You always liked your men bigs, but Thrawn immediately hitted differently. You became obsessed with only one night. He’s just made like that…
“Good girl. My Empress. My cha’cah…” He punctuates each pet name with a devastating thrust, sending you overboard.
“Ah! Thrawn!” You whine for him, enticing him, turning him insane.
“I know, cha’cah, I know. Do not fight it. Come for me.”
You spasm and shake violently before coming in a spectacle of fireworks and white lights, your toes curling deliciously.
“Oh my, you came really hard this time.” He sounds so pleased with himself.
You weakly nod, taking back your breath.
“Roll on your tummy for me, my love.” He purrs in your ear.
You tiredly oblige with a satisfied sigh.
“Hips in the air.” He orders.
You frown. He wants another round? But you’re so sore already…
”Thrawn, I don’t think I can…”
“Of course you can. You are a big girl, I know you can take everything.”
You groan, your face buried in the pillows and you raise your butt as he asked. He kneads it before giving it a slap.
You gasp, indignant. He just chuckles.
He enters you again, it’s easier with your former release and he quickly picks up the pace. He holds your arms in your back with only one hand, holding your hip with the other. You moan at each rock of his hips, letting you do anything it pleases him to your tired body.
“I must make sure you are satisfied.” He explains, “What if a younger man catches your eyes during your little show and you left me for him? I must prove to you I am still worth it.”
What’s this nonsense? 
“Would you, my love? Leave me for a younger lover and leave your old man behind?”
“No!” You broke down crying, “No, I would never!”
Why does everyone assume things about you? What did you do to make them think that at all?
He fucks you through your tears, giving you so much pleasure you cry as much because you’re upset and because he gives you too much.
“I know you would never, my cha’cah. I know it.” He leans to lick one tear off your cheek, “You are mine alone.”
“Yes I am!” You almost shout, as much at him as to reassure yourself.
You are a lot of things, but not an unfaithful wife.
“You are the only one for me too. No other woman could compare to my Empress.” He purrs the title. “You deserve to be taken care off, to be loved and fucked properly. Only I can give you all of that.”
You shake by your sobs and the waves of pleasures.
“And I will give you a little one, like you always wanted.” He continues, barely breathless “Not because of those fools, but because you want a family. I cannot deny you any longer, my love. You will have the family you always desired.”
“Really?” You sob.
“Yes, my love. I will give you a little girl like we talked so much about, and I will give her so many siblings to play with.”
It’s a real mess on your face, so much tears and drool, your makeup ruined, as your spasming pussy. You exhale painfully, air knocked out of your lungs with the rutting his mighty hips, wondering how long you can still hold on without breaking even more.
“Thrawn, please come quick! I-I cant’...”
“Yes, cha’cah. Your desires are my commands.”
He violently pounds into you like a jackhammer bringing you over the edge, pushing you in the sea of pleasure, drowning you in sensations, the sounds of flesh hitting flesh, the moans of the other couples and his groans, the scent of sex, so strong, making you dizzy and his mighty hips slamming yours making your leaking pussy clench on his hard cock, trying to keep him inside desperately. 
“Give it to me, good girl.” He simply orders in your ear like a secret.
You come hard again, feeling all your blood flowing down your puffy cunny spasmming painfully around him. You let out a cry, a shout of his name that resonates in the whole Bath House.
“Your tight pussy is strangling my cock.” He groans.
His hips action finally slows down to become erratic until he freezes down completely and cum inside you. Your pussy milk him for all his worth, til the very last drop and he remains inside you, kissing your back tenderly as he hunches over your form, folded in half.
You let out deep breaths, trying to calm down with a pounding heart. He purrs loudly behind you, inviting you to raise your bust and cuddle with him. You let him manipule your body with a weak yelp. He embraces your body and hugs you tight, peppering your face with kisses like a young lover entranced by his fiance. He holds your shoulders, caressing your side with his warm, large hand.
“Was that enough of a show?” You ask, exhausted.
“It was grandiose, my Empress.” He kisses your cheek fondly 
He doesn’t slip out of you, keeping himself deep inside you as you straddle his laps, panting. You feel him hard still, does nothing tire him? You caress your bulged tummy dreamily.
“Do you think we did it?” you ask, full of wonders.
“If we did not, we will just keep trying. I can play that game all day long.”
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bonecuisine · 5 months ago
OKAY I finished watching khaos reigns and here's my short ass opinions and questions because I'm bored (and tired kajdjend)
(!Spoilers ahead!)
Things I liked:
• I like cyrax, her character is intresting to me. I was actually invested in her story and I found some of her intros really sweet. Not to mention she is GORGEOUS in my opinion.
• Empress mileena and the two seconds of ashrah, khameleon , and li mei🙏
• Found WWll johnny kinda funny and interesting, maybe it's because I'm a history nerd idk
• (hot take) I actually liked how we saw a bit of Harumi, not to mention I find her very pretty
• One of my new favorite mortal kombat screenshots:
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ALIRGHT time for the dislikes
sorry to anyone who might disagree. Again these are just my opinions and if you do disagree, that's fine like what you like I can't control that.
• Sektor just..pissed me off kinda? Along with Bi-han (no surprise there), she overall didn't interest me as much personally
^ Add on to this, and sorry to be a hater, especially because I don't like doing hate posts(?) That often but HOLY FUCKKK I'm not a fan of the relationship between them😭 It genuinely is just..so random and I'm not the person to hate on ships (unless if it's illegal/proship) but this one..this one is just NOT on my list. To anyone who likes it again, no hate to you! Just my opinion.
• emperor Rain didn't interest me that much, sorry. BUTTT he is not dislikeable at all
^ ANOTHER add on and I was talking to a mutual about this eailer, I feel like we didn't get like..enough of him(?) In a way where I'd actually care about his death. Yes, it was sad, but I really.. just never felt interested in his story.
• Some parts of the story felt kinda rushed imo
Now for my questions..
• I'm curious about madam bo's relationship with sektor. As in mentioned in intros it doesn't sound healthy..especially because from what I picked up she's against sektors ideas with the Lin kuei (along with sektors father) and seems to be upset by it (which is understandable)
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This one as well
which I'm totally not adding because I MIGHT feel this one
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That's really my main curiosity at the moment? I think I have others but I am writing this late, anddd my brains kinda dead 💀
ANYWAYS, saying this for the 100th time but if you disagree/like the characters I dislike thats totally fine! I legit CANNOT control what you like or what someone Is interested in! These were just my opinions and I thought I'd share :D
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