#i am uttering a Hearty Chortle!!!
I know I already sent an ask confessing the same thing I'll confess again due to your recent works
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You make my Barnaby crush so much more worse like bro 😳
And even ignoring the crush, I love how you draw him so much
psychic damage aside...
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importantchaosgiver · 5 months
Where Loyalties Lie:
Over The Years
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Summary: What was life like after that day in Tarth? Well...
Warnings: Canon typical swearing, Daemon being Daemon, slight adult humour, canon death (Baelon)
(Y/N)'s POV
-18 years old-
I looked to Viserys with a smirk as Daemon challenged me to spar with him. He smirked back as Baelon stood at a balcony, ready to watch. "Come on. Is the bastard girl too scared to face a dragon?" Daemon taunted. To which I raised an eyebrow. Oh, he was asking for a broken nose. "Do make sure you don't send him to the maester. Yes, my brother is a bit of an ass, but he is still family," Viserys muttered as I took off my cloak and Red Saint. He took them from my hands as I adjusted my armour. "No promises," I uttered before walking forward. This prince was going to wish he never messed with me.
Daemon sneered as he cracked his knuckles. Then... he swung for my face. I dodged it, jabbing him in the ribs, crouching low and swiping his legs out from beneath him. He grunted as he hit the ground. I could hear Viserys snicker as I straightened up. Daemon got to his feet and looked none too happy. Thinking more on his emotions was where he went wrong next as he ran at me. Stopping him with my hands on his shoulders, pushed him down entirely, straddling his waist, one foot on his bicep, a free hand pinning his wrist down. He physically couldn't get up. Baelon let out a hearty chortle as Viserys fell in his laughter, holding his sides. Daemon's face went pink in embarrassment. "What's wrong, brother? I thought you liked it when women were on top," Viserys snorted. It made me let loose a chuckle as I got back up. But, to be polite, I held out a hand to help him up. Although, he just smacked it away with a grumble and got up himself, brushing the dirt from his shirt.
-19 years old-
I slowly walked in, feeling incredibly awkward. Should I be here? I mean, Viserys did request my presence. I could see Lady Aemma on the birthing bed, coated in a sheen of sweat, looking exhausted. But she was smiling as she held the newborn babe in her arms. The child wailed with life, making my heart warm at the sight. A mother with her child was truly a wonderful sight. Viserys grinned upon seeing me. "Ser (Y/N), thank you for arriving," he said. I gave a bow. "An honour as always. May I ask why I am here?" I queried. "We have someone we want you to meet, Ser. Here," Aemma whispered, holding out the babe. Oh. "I am not sure I-" "(Y/N)," Aemma interrupted. Viserys gave an encouraging nod. I gently took the crying babe. But, as soon as I cradled the newborn in my arms, the crying ceased. "It appears that she likes you. This is Rhaenyra," Viserys said with a chuckle. Ah, a girl. I'm sure she would grow up into a fine woman.
-22 years old-
Oh, how I love having to retrieve Daemon from the depths of pleasure houses. I grunted as I put one of his arms over my shoulders so I could support his weight as he was clearly intoxicated. "Y'know, I think I saw your mother in there," Daemon sneered, stumbling around. I rolled my eyes. "Why did you become a knight, eh? I bet if you were a whore, you'd be my favourite," he laughed. That made me huff in annoyance. Although, it wasn't like I haven't heard it before. Once I got him back to the Red Keep and into his chambers, I deposited him on his bed before leaving, wrinkling my nose in distain as I left. "Oh, that brother of mine," Viserys chuckled as I turned the corner to see him.
"I'm sure he has fathered over a dozen bastards by now. And he has the audacity to say I should've became a whore," I grumbled. Viserys frowned upon that. "You are not a whore, (Y/N)," he said, gently taking hold of my hand. "You are a loyal and true woman. You saved me when I was a child. And I will forever thank you for such," he said. I felt a jolt through my palm as he touched and held my hand. What... what was that? After he let go and walked off, I felt an emptiness... a pit in my chest. What was this? What could it possibly be?
-23 years old-
A burst belly... Baelon the Brave, the Spring Prince had died... from a burst belly. And having only been named Hand of the King for five days. I could tell how deeply this effected Viserys and Daemon. I couldn't imagine what it's like to lose a father. And Jaehaerys lost his last son to death's vile claws. But, there was a new problem. The line of succession. Between Rhaenys and Viserys. However, I had a feeling I knew who Jaehaerys would choose.
The Iron Throne hasn't ever seen a queen. And I don't think that'll change anytime soon. After what felt like eternity... the doors opened and the court began filling out, whispering and muttering. I straightened up as Viserys and a pregnant Aemma walked forward. One look from them and I knew. Viserys would be the next king, now named Prince of Dragonstone. "Katherine... if anything I need your support now more than ever," he muttered, putting a hand on my shoulder. I bowed my head, nodding humbly. I would stay by his side... until the day where my last breath is drawn...
So, that's just for a little bit of context/backstory. Or just to show what her life was like before the actual show of House of The Dragons. So, the next one shall be in the beginning. Enjoy!
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calaofnoldor · 4 years
Dean, Don’t
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Characters: Sam x F!Reader, Dean
Words: 1,906
Summary: You’re heavily pregnant and highly irritable. Luckily, Sam Winchester is the sweetest moose to ever moose.
Warnings: pregnancy (and all its related symptoms), ill-fated attempt at humor, disgustingly sweet fluff (seriously, you’re gonna need a tooth brush)
A/N: this might be my first ever attempt at this genre, so please don’t judge me too harshly :)
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“Wow… geez, you look ready to-“
“Dean,” Sam shot his brother a warning glance as he guided you into the kitchen, a giant palm held gently against your aching lower back, “Don’t.”
Dean quickly raised his hands and the gesture, together with his wide eyes, seemed to say ‘I wasn’t gonna say anything!’, although you knew that was far from the truth. In fact, you knew exactly what he was thinking because you’d been thinking it too – every hour of every day. It was safe to say you really didn’t need any reminders of your current condition.
“Y/N’s already having a rough time with the twins keeping her up all night, and she’s been extra sore lately,” your moose came to your rescue as always. Sam had been doing that a lot recently, not only by shielding you from Dean’s crude comments (and consequently protecting Dean from your wrath as well), but also by comforting and distracting you from the woes of your third trimester.
“Well at least it’ll be over soon, right?” Dean tried again.
“Not soon enough,” you grumbled in reply, before attempting to stretch out your spine with an unfiltered groan of discomfort.
“Aaand, that’s my cue to leave!” Dean announced, grabbing his plate of bacon to go and sauntering off, though not before sending his little brother an exaggerated ‘good-luck-with-that’ expression.
Sam rolled his eyes despite feeling somewhat relieved by his brother’s departure, then turned back to you. “Come on, baby. Let’s get you off your feet.” He wore a sweet sympathetic smile; it was one he had been donning often as of late, but it only worsened your mood.
“Sam, I’m fine. I can’t be constantly sitting or lying down!” You barked irritably, but when you noticed the sad puppy dog look on your boyfriend’s face, your attitude instantly withered.
“Look, I’m sorry. I just hate this so much.” Your fingers began to massage your temples as your mouth continued to utter the words that took you beyond the point of no return, “I’m a hunter, you know? I’m supposed to be able to take down monsters with the swing of my machete! I used to be able to roundhouse kick those inhuman bastards when I wanted to, and now I can’t even put my own socks on!” That much was true. Sam had helped you with your socks earlier that morning.
“And sometimes you being so overprotective only makes me feel more useless,” you added with a defeated huff.
Sam waited patiently until he was certain your little tirade was over. “I know exactly what you’re capable of, Y/N; you never have to remind me. And I can guarantee that you will still be able to do all those things… after you’ve given birth to our beautiful babies, and your body recovers from this drastic change it’s endured.”
He moved closer to you and extended one hand to caress the side of your face, while the other splayed across your immensely swollen stomach. “But baby, right now, at 39 weeks pregnant with twins, you’re not supposed to be able to do all that. I wouldn’t want you to be doing all that,” he chuckled lightly with the afterthought as he pictured your heavily expectant form attempting one of your famous round house kicks.
You raised a brow at him, knowing how his mind worked, and he immediately sobered, “Y/N, my point is you don’t realize how incredibly strong you are already, even without all the pregnant kung fu fighting you seem to be so keen on.”
Although you were tempted to roll your eyes at his teasing, the boyish grin he cast you couldn’t be resisted, and the corners of your lips begrudgingly lifted. But a sudden lurch in your belly wiped the smile promptly from your features.
“Oh,” you breathed in a gasp, placing your hands upon the area of assault.
“What? What is it?” Sam questioned worriedly, as he too moved both his hands to your baby bump. His eyes flickered frantically between your face and stomach, trying to read the situation for himself.
“Nothing, just a really strong kick, I think,” was your reply after a pause. You looked up at him with what you hoped was a reassuring smile. He returned it with a certain tinge of apprehension, so you grabbed his hand and placed it where one of your wayward twins was moving erratically within you.
No matter how many times Sam felt it, he couldn’t help but beam with pride and elation at the thought of his children growing stronger each day, and the fact that you were the one fostering their development made him truly believe he was the luckiest man alive in that moment.
“Wow, I guess they’re really ready to come out, huh?”
“Maybe,” you mused, “Or maybe they’ll choose to torture me for another week. I’m not getting my hopes up.”
Still fondling your belly with one hand, Sam used his other to turn your face towards his. “I am really sorry that you’re hurting. I wish I could make it stop.” He said it with such sincerity, you were almost inclined to forgive him. Almost.
“I would say ‘it’s not your fault’, but it kinda is,” came your playful response, which happily earned you a loving kiss.
When his lips left yours, you continued, “Also, as if the fact that two of your swimmers managed to make it to my eggs wasn’t enough, did you really have to make both of them Winchester-sized too?” You motioned vaguely to the wide expanse of your front side.
Sam said nothing, but rewarded you with a hearty laugh and a second kiss.
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Later that day, as you sat snuggled between Sam’s lengthy and outstretched limbs on the bed, the two of you absent-mindedly watched an old classic movie play out on the television. His lips grazed your hairline every few minutes and his hands rubbed incessant circles on your extended stomach.
“How do you know our babies will be beautiful?” You questioned Sam abruptly, your eyes never leaving the screen.
His chest rumbled with a deep chortle that resonated through your back and caused you to smile in turn. “Well, they’ve got you for a mother, don’t they?”
“Psh! You forgot to mention that they’ve also got a father who looks like he was sculpted by the Greek gods! But that’s not the point; genetics is based on chance.” You craned your neck to look him in the eyes.
“Fine. I just have a feeling then, OK?” Sam shut you up with a quick kiss to the lips and you of course assented.
“Do you still think they’re going to be girls?”
“I hope so,” he replied with a pensive smile.
You studied his elegant features for a minute before feeling a smirk form on your own face. “Well too bad, they’re both boys.”
“What? How do you know?” Sam’s brow furrowed in that way you always thought made him look unbelievably adorable, especially for a man of his stature.
“I just have a feeling, OK?” You quoted back at him. “They call it mother’s intuition.”
Sam’s grin returned and you couldn’t remember feeling better in the past month. Dean hadn’t disturbed you all day since the incident in the kitchen, and the support of Sam’s solid torso pressed against your back seemed to be alleviating some of the strain from your body.
But alas, nothing is ever what it seems when you’re living with the Winchesters. A sudden splash of fluid upon the sheets interrupted your scarce and apparently fleeting moment of peace.
It took you a moment to register the wetness between your legs, although Sam was already one step ahead of you. “DEAN!” he hollered towards the hall.
“Sam, I think my water just broke,” you told him in a slight trance.
“Yeah, I know, baby. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and changed.” Sam’s voice was soothing and you began to follow his lead, slowly rising to your feet as he supported you from behind.
Just then, Dean came barreling in, brandishing his gun as his eyes searched frantically for any potential sources of peril. His green gaze turned befuddled upon finding no clear cause for distress.
“Dean, go get the Impala ready. Y/N’s in labor.” Sam’s voice held that composed and assertive edge which it often did when he took the lead on hunts. You would have found it awfully attractive under different circumstances.
As it were, a fresh contraction tore through you when you reached the dresser, and you were forced to bend over to weather the impact, your breathing becoming a little uneven. Sam’s arms were instantly around you, while the sight of your hunched and gravid form awoke Dean from his stupor.
He cleared his throat and his voice seemed a little gruffer than usual, “Uh, OK. Right. So… the bags? What do I need?”
“I’ll get the bags. Just get the damn car ready, Dean.”
Still the older Winchester stood transfixed in his spot, his eyes were somewhat unfocused. “Wow. So this is really happening…”
“Yeah! On it! Got it! Uh… fight the fairies, Y/N! We got this.” And with that, he finally took off for the garage.
You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself, “He’s right, you know? This is really happening.”
Sam turned around and held your gaze with such reverence and fondness, you nearly melted right then. “I know,” he stated simply, before he crashed his lips to yours in a rushed yet zealous smooch.
“Ow! Yeah, OK, I think the twins are sick of our antics already,” you gushed through gritted teeth as another tightening of your middle took over.
Sam cupped your stomach gingerly on either side, as if he could somehow abate the pain with his touch. “Right, let’s hurry it up then. I think all that soreness you felt before and the twins’ heightened movement might’ve been a sign of early labor.”
“You’re such a nerd, you know that?”
He only responded with knowing smirk, then continued to help you get changed so he could usher you out the door.
Dean met you outside, where he stood by the shiny black car, looking a little more prepared for action than earlier. “You guys good?”
“Yeah, are you?” Sam asked, a bit dubiously.
“Hey, I’m ready to get this show on the road!”
“Am I gonna fit?” You eyed the Impala with slight apprehension. You had always been a fan of the classic car before, but now that Sam had fertilized you so thoroughly, the backseat seemed a lot more daunting.
“Of course, my girl can handle anything. She’ll get you to the hospital in no time so that you can have my nieces.”
“Nephews,” you corrected, but nodded anyway and allowed Sam to help you inside the vehicle.
The boys stood outside for a moment longer. “You alright, Sammy?”
Sam was glowing and Dean couldn’t have repressed the surge of love and pride that rose within him if he tried, despite his ‘no chick flick moments’ rule.
“Yeah, I’ve never been better, Dean.”
“Speak for yourself, asshole!” You would later blame the contraction for your foul language, but it was your shouting through the window that ultimately got you on the road.
“Yeah alright, we’re going! Just don’t be having any babies in my Baby!”
“Dean,” Sam’s bitch face revealed itself once more, “Don’t.”
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A/N #2: thank you so much for reading! btw, if any of you sam girls wanna show off your love for the giant adorkable moose man, there’s a ‘sammy the moose’ print now available at lexicolor.redbubble.com!
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also available in various styles, as well as on mugs, notebooks, phone cases, and a bunch of other stuff! and if you’re more of a dean girl, i got you covered too 😉❤️
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thinkyoureholy · 4 years
Oceandust [2]
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Pairing : Kim Hongjoong / [fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Pirate!AU
Words : 3.1k
Previous Chapter. - Next Chapter.
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-Y/N’s P.O.V-
It was strange...after that night at the pub I had been seeing more and more of Hongjoong. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he follows me around to randomly bump into me. I shook that thought out of my head the moment it popped into my mind. I can’t start getting all paranoid. With a sigh I headed back home, the pub having been closed for the past few days since they were renovating the place a bit. What am I going to do...we’re running low on food already and I don’t have that much money. Maybe I should- my thoughts were cut off as I bumped into something head first. I cursed, taking a step back, rubbing my forehead.
“You should really look where you’re going, little lady.” Hongjoong said, wincing as he tried to rub at his back but he was unsuccessful.
“Maybe you shouldn’t just appear out of nowhere like that.” I spat out, sounding harsher than I intended.
“I was standing here, minding my own business when you decided to basically ram into me. How is this my fault?” He shot back, glaring at me.
I scoffed, my annoyance switching over to him. Instead of replying to him I walked around him, heading back home. I mumbled to myself as I walked, thinking about what I was going to do about the money we needed for the next few days when I suddenly heard someone run up to me. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see Hongjoong catch up to me, a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes but didn’t offer any words to him, only speeding up. I heard him chuckle before falling into step next to me. No matter how fast or slow I walked he kept up perfectly, never leaving my side. I sighed in annoyance, suddenly stopping and turned to him. 
“Why are you following me?”
He grinned in response, “I’m bored.”
“Okay? Go find someone or something else to entertain you.” I told him before walking away from him.
I inhaled sharply when I heard him follow after me but I ignored him. He just silently walked next to me, not uttering a word. I thought it was a bit strange at first but I chose not to ask questions, knowing he’d never give me a straight answer. Even if I wanted to ask him my attention was drawn elsewhere a few moments later. 
I froze at what I saw, my eyes wide as I took in the sight a few feet away from me. Yuri was standing by a makeshift stall, selling what looked like bottles of Dee’s milk. That little brat...I’ve told him time and time again just to focus on his studies and let me take care of everything. The annoyance and anger at his disobedience rose in me at an alarming rate. Without thinking I marched over to him, forgetting all about Hongjoong. The moment Yuri saw me his face paled, his eyes growing in size.
“Y/N...I...I can explain. I just-”
“I’ve told you time and time again I don’t want you out here working. I make enough to get us by. I don’t ask much of you, Yuri. All you need to do is focus on your studies and watch over the little ones while I’m gone.” I cut him off, keeping my voice down as I scolded him but I wasn’t able to do it as I finally thought back to the younger ones, “Where are they anyway? Don’t tell me you left them at home?! Yuki is only five and the twins are eight, what the hell are you thinking leaving them alone?!”
“You leave them alone all the time!”
“No I don’t! When I’m not home you’re in charge! I expect you to be the responsible one while I’m out here-”
“Working?! Some honest work you do if all you do is sleep around! I bet he’s one of your customers!” He shouted, pointing at Hongjoong who had been silent this whole time.
“Hey now, don’t go getting the wrong idea, kid.” Hongjoong said, an edge to his voice.
I balled my hands into fists the moment Yuri mentioned that rumor that had circulated around town months after our parents died. No one believed that someone like me would be able to take care of four children and myself so of course they assumed I was selling my body to make money. I opened my mouth to tell Yuri to go home, wanting to talk about this at home, in private. But what he said next caused the breath to leave my lungs.
“If all you were going to do was whore around you should’ve just died along with mom and dad! It’s your fault they’re gone anyway! If you had just gone with them like they asked you they would’ve been home earlier and avoided that storm that killed them!”
A lump formed in my throat at his words, my body moving before I could even think to stop it and before I knew it I had slapped Yuri across the face. I kept the tears that had wanted to fall at bay, letting my trembling hand fall to my side as I stared down at him. He kept his head down, clenching his hands at his sides, not uttering a word.
“Go home, now.”
He didn’t offer any words of resistance as he turned on his heel and headed back home. The moment he turned his back on me I slumped forward, reaching out for something to hold onto. I was surprised to feel a hand on my waist, another holding my hand tightly. I didn’t even have to look to see who it was, pushing myself away from him.
“I want to be alone.” I uttered, walking away from him.
But I heard him follow after me. I didn't have the strength to tell him to leave. I barely walked a few steps into a nearby alleyway before collapsing, the tears I had been holding back started to fall, one by one until I was choking on the sobs that crawled their way up my throat. I placed a hand over my heart, clutching onto the fabric of my shirt and clamped the other over my mouth, muffling my cries. I lowered my head as I cried, gasping for air, the pain in my chest too intense. 
I don’t know for how long I was crying for but when the tears finally stopped I noticed the sun had gone down. I was surprised that I had been crying for so long but what surprised me the most was seeing Hongjoong standing a few feet away, his back to me. He was leaning against the wall, staring up at the sky wordlessly, the expression on his face hidden from me. I furrowed my brow the longer I stared at him...what is he doing here? I remember telling him that I wanted to be alone. Did he follow me regardless of my words?
“Are you done?” He asked suddenly, looking over his shoulder with a soft smile on his face.
I said nothing, still in shock to see that he was still here. Hongjoong chuckled to himself, turning around to face me properly. He made his way over to me, crouching down in front of me. Without much warning he reached out and swiped his thumbs over my tear stained cheeks. 
“I didn’t think a person could cry that much...I think you’ve cried enough to last you the whole year don’t you think?” He spoke with a light tone, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips, “What that kid said really got to you, huh? Want me to beat him up for you? Because I can. That little brat went way too far when he accused you of sleeping with me. I mean not that you’re not attractive enough for me to want to have sex with but I’m way too expensive for you.”
I bit back a laugh, wiping my face with the backs of my hands, “As if I’d ever spend a dime on you.”
He let out a loud guffaw, the grin on his face wider than I had ever seen, his fingers combing back the hair that had fallen over his eyes, “Wow that stings, little lady. You don’t know how to hold back do you?”
I gave a soft chortle, a crooked smile on my face, “Thank you.”
He didn’t say anything, simply giving me a nod of his head before the smile he wore vanished, a perplexed look taking purchase on his face, “Tell me if I’m overstepping my boundaries-”
“Like you don’t do that already.”
He scowled at me, flicking my forehead gently, “Don’t interrupt me,” He mumbled with a frown but he wasn’t threatening in the least, “Was...that kid your brother by any chance?”
My mood quickly plummeted at the question, my face sullen as I averted my gaze, giving him a small nod of my head, “He’s the second oldest after me. After our parents died I took over as the ‘breadwinner’ of the family while he takes care of the little ones when I’m away.”
“How long has it been since you lost them?” He asked, his voice low.
“Five years...Yuki had just been born a few months earlier.” I answered, my voice barely above a whisper as I hugged my knees close to my chest, “Yuri’s the one that’s resented me the most for what happened, the others were too young to even remember it. But the way he remembers it isn’t the way it actually happened…”
-Five Years Ago-
I walked down to the port, helping my parents carry the equipment they needed to go out to sea, “Are you sure I can’t go with you? We can finish so much faster if I help you.”
“Then who will look after the others? Yuri? The boy can barely walk to town on his own much less take care of a baby and two toddlers.” My father let out with a scoff but a fond smile played at his lips.
“Mother can stay and I can go. She just had Yuki she needs to-”
“As happy I am that you’re worrying over your dear old mother I’m more than capable of heading out. Besides your father and I have a system already. If he took you with him then he’d have to teach you and you’d have to get used to everything and it’s way too much for you to handle.” My mother interjected, grabbing the things I was carrying out of my hands and passed them onto my father who was loading up the boat.
I gave her a pout, ready to argue once more but before I could she cupped my face in her hands, “Stop worrying or you’ll get wrinkles prematurely. We’ll be back soon so take good care of your brothers and sister for us okay? If I find the house a mess when we come back, you'll have to pay with your head.”
I let out a breathy laugh, nodding along to her words, “Fine but I won’t make any promises about the garden. Those twins are little demons…”
My father gave a hearty laugh at my words, agreeing with me. He reached out a hand and placed it softly atop my head, ruffling my hair affectionately, “We’ll be back soon, Y/N. When we get back I’ll buy you that hairpin you’ve been begging me for.”
He chuckled, nodding to my words as he helped my mother onto the ship. After another few words they set sail...for the last time.
-Present Time-
“But why did he say you should’ve gone with them? You would’ve died too…”
“Because I told him that night that the reason I didn’t go with them is because I didn’t want to and had other plans. I was joking but when that storm hit and we got news that parts of our parents’ ship had washed ashore I never could find the right time to tell him the truth.” I explained with a sigh, fidgeting with my fingers, “Add that onto the fact that I stopped him from setting sail after them even when we already knew they were dead...I said...awful things to him. Even though I can still see some of that resentment in his eyes every now and then I didn’t think it ran this deep.”
Silence settled over us, Hongjoong seeming like he didn’t know what to say. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable in the least but I had hoped he’d continue talking if only to distract me from my thoughts. Just when I started feeling down again he placed his hand atop my head, something I haven’t experienced in years. I inhaled sharply, my heart skipping a beat at the action. I looked at him with wide eyes, a huge grin stretched across his face as he met my gaze. 
“C’mon let’s go get you something to eat before I take you home.” He said, changing the subject like I hoped he would as he ruffled my hair before standing up.
I stared at his hand for a moment, a little more than confused as to why he was suddenly being so kind and not his usual condescending self. I was unaware of the way Hongjoong’s smile seemed to falter the longer I stared at his outstretched hand. All I heard from him was a soft sigh before he bent down and took my hand, seemingly tired of waiting for me to grab it on my own. Once I was on my feet he began to drag me out towards the center of town but before we could even take more than five steps I stopped him, digging my heels into the ground.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, glancing over his shoulder, his brows furrowed in concern.
“I should be getting home. I don’t want Yuri to think any worse of me than he already does. Besides, I want to have a proper talk with him about everything.” I explained, giving him a small smile.
He set his lips into a tight line, turning to face me properly. He didn’t utter a word as he studied me, his eyes searching my own for who knows what but when he found what he was looking for the corners of his mouth lifted ever so slightly. With a nod he began to lead me in the opposite direction, that is until he stopped abruptly, turning to me again.
“It just occurred to me that I have no idea where you live.” He stated, rubbing the back of his neck as a faint blush covered his cheeks.
I choked on a laugh, covering my face with the back of my hand as I tried keeping a straight face, “You know, you don’t have to take me home.”
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I don’t escort a lady back to her home at this time of night?” He asked rhetorically, not looking for a real answer.
I gave him a blank look, keeping all emotions off my face and out of my eyes, “I don’t remember you being a gentleman in the first place.”
He winced, furrowing his brow in feigned hurt, “I’m trying to be kind to you and you’re making it extremely difficult. It honestly hurts my feelings that you think…” He trailed off mid sentence, finally taking notice of the look on my face, “You’re not buying any of that are you?” He asked, his shoulders deflating as he slouched.
“Not for a second.” I answered without hesitation.
He inhaled sharply, pinching the bridge of his nose before a smirk tugged at his lips, “ I can’t get anything past you can I?”
“If I was any other dumb broad then you’d have me swooning but you struck out there.” I responded, my feet beginning to move towards my home as I spoke.
“I tolerate you because you’re not just another dumb broad. You know how many brain cells I lose trying to talk to your average whore? They literally could not hold a conversation even if it would save their lives to do so. You on the other hand always have something to say, it's refreshing.” He finished with a soft smile, jogging over to catch up to me, walking backwards so he could face me.
I gave him a skeptical look, wrapping my arms around myself as a gust of wind blew by, “You’re being awfully kind today.”
He shrugged his shoulders, turning on his heel so he was facing forward, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “I can’t be my usual condescending self towards you right now, it seems wrong after what you just went through today. You’ve had your feelings hurt enough,” he spoke in a soft voice.
I didn’t know what to say to that, choosing to end the conversation there. I was grateful for the kindness, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips. It was a nice change from his usual self but I will say he’s a lot more fun to be around when he’s being a dick. It was easier to talk to him when he was like that, with this side of him I found myself at a loss for words, but I couldn’t deny the fact that it was nice.
“Just how far out do you live?” Hongjoong asked, out of breath as he struggled to keep up.
I let out a laugh, glancing over my shoulder, “It’s just over this hill,” I said softly, pointing towards it.
“Do you all live... out here by yourselves? It’s not really the safest place… it's so far away from town…” He let out in between breaths, “Also how the fuck do little kids make it home no problem everyday!? Didn’t you say the youngest was only five?! Holy shit, if Seonghwa knew how out of breath I am right now he’d never let me live it down.”
I couldn’t help but giggle at his exaggerated hand movements, “I did tell you you didn’t have to take me home.”
“And I’m starting to regret not listening to you.” He sighed out, leaning forward to place his hands on his knees.
He bowed his head for a moment before he snapped it back up, looking around with narrowed eyes, “Is it just me or does it smell like smoke?”
I raised a brow at his words, sniffing at the air, “Now that you mention it I do smell smoke,” I said in a low voice before my eyes went wide, “Those little demons! The twins are probably playing with the fire again! Dammit Yuri you’re supposed to be watching them…”
I muttered under my breath, running the rest of the way home but froze once I got to the top of the hill. 
No...no this--this can’t be happening.
Tags : @myjiminmychimchim​ @atinyarmyx1​
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sataeday · 5 years
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"y/n where are you?" I hear taehyung from phone.
"Oh, hello taetae" I sing into the phone.
"Are you drunk?" taehyung questions.
"Nope" I reply
He sighs. "stay where you are. Don't move a inch. I'm coming to get you" He warns and hangs up.
I look at my phone for good one minute and let out a heavy breath. Taehuyung is my best friend since middle school. One day during P.E class he accidentally hit me with a ball so he took me to the nurse office to show me how sorry he was. Then from the next day he started siting beside me and soon we became inseparable to the point where we can't live a day without roasting each other.
I had a tiny crush on him at the first year of high school or that's what i said to myself. But whenever i look at him staring at other girls or talking with them i felt insanely jealous and i even wrote their names in my burn book.
It was not too soon when i realized that i was actually in love with him, the boy who can never be mine. I ignored him for weeks hoping the feelings would fade away nevertheless it only made him more close to me, he would cling onto my arm like koala.
So i just accepted the fact that he doesn't feel the same way about me and hid my unrequited feelings.
"Y/n" taehyung voice snaps me out of my world. He waves his hand from driver's seat. I blink my eyes to clear my vision and wobble my way to the car.
"Are you okay?" taehyung asks and i nod my head.
"What are you doing this late at the club?" taehyung grit his teeth
"I told you already that jaehyun was holding a party" I state
"jaehyun?" he asks clenching his jaw
"Yes, he is my club senior" I answer "and i think you know him"
"I do, but i don't like him" he said blankly
"You don't like any of my friends" I mutter
"Only boys" he utters
"Are you jealous?" I ask trying not to smile at him.
"No, I am not" taehyung scoffs and i feel a pang in my chest.
"Then stop acting like it. Because i have no problem with them" I frown
"You don't understand. They are not as good you think they are" Taehyung said his voice lacing with annoyance
"Well, I don't care. You don't see me complaining about your girlfriends, do you?" I seethe at him almost losing my cool.
He snaps his head towards me "girlfriends?" he lets out a bitter laugh "just because I'm talking to them or being friendly doesn't make them my girlfriends y/n. How could you-" he starts but chokes up. "Just stay away from them y/n" he requests
"Stop it taehyung. Stop giving me mixed signals" I scowl at him. I'm sick of him acting like he cares about me when he doesn't.
"I like you scratch that I love you y/n and I want to kill anyone who stares at you or even touches you" he looks surprised for saying the words out loud. I look at him with wide eyes.
"What?" I broke down and  choke back my laugh
"I am sorry y/n, I know you don't like me in that way. Its okay" he said giving me a small smile. Gosh this idiot.
"You're crazy if you think that I'm not in love with you taehyung" I chortle. Now it's his turn to choke "I thought you don't feel the same way" he said smiling.
"Even i thought the same" I said wiping my tears. "It feels like a dream" I added pinching myself. Taehyung lets out a hearty chuckle.
In a second taehyung unbuckles his seat belt and wraps his left arm around my neck and pulls me forward. My eyes pops out of my sockets when his lips touches my own. The awkward soft kiss soon turns into a passionate one filled with lust and years of hiding our own feelings for each other. But today they have finally surfaced. I'm on cloud nine. He licks my lip before biting it and i moan softly i can feel him smiling against my lips. When we broke the kiss both of us were breathing heavily.
"You don't know how long i waited to do that" he said giving me his infamous boxy grin, which i fell in love with.
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ssironstrange · 6 years
Hawks of Nephthys pt. 1
  (heavily influenced by Sleeping at Last - Saturn bc i listen to this song several times a day and it’s just fucking beautiful and sad)
   Stephen gasped in a ragged lungful of air—real, actual oxygen—and fell bonelessly to his knees. Though he had felt it thousands of times before, there was something about being unmade and put back together again that made his stomach flip and skin crawl as though he didn’t belong in it. He bent forward and braced his hands against the ground, fingers curling in the soft blades of damp grass.
     The Cloak’s comforting weight settled around his shoulders like the warm embrace from a long lost friend. Freshly turned earth, broken grass, and ozone flooded his nose with each new breath, steadily grounding him back into reality. Laughter tumbled ungracefully from his mouth and he allowed himself to collapse against the ground and roll onto his back. Beautiful blue bashfully peeked through the gray rainclouds lazily passing by, promising the sweet warmth of sunshine again.
     He really did it.
     Chuckles bubbled and spilled out uncontrolled. The smile that spread wide hurt his face.
     Stephen was alive which meant so, too, were the trillions of others.
     He actually, really did it.
     His laughter hitched, lungs stuttering and a painful lump leaping into his throat. Hearty chortles degraded into broken sobs, arms raising and crossing over his face.
     He did it.
     He’d almost forgotten how the stars actually looked after so many years of their light being drowned out by the city. In the dark and quiet solitude of Upstate, however, they shined brilliantly and bathed both of them in a ghostly glow. There was none better to bear witness to their love than the infinite cosmos above, and Stephen breathed out his gratitude as lips fell to his neck. Hands grasped at bare flesh, their tremble the last thing from his mind as he pulled their bodies impossibly closer together. Pale legs wrapped around Tony’s hips and rough, strong fingers fluttered down his ribs, bit down into a firm hold against his hip. Stephen’s head fell back against the plush quilt spread upon the ground and lips parted to utter prayers to the Heavens above in a chorus of moans.
     How lucky were they to not only exist, but at the same time as one another, Stephen thought as sighs spilled hot against his mouth.
     Two bodies made of the same starstuff coming together again after millions of millennia, searing with the heat of a supernova.
     Short of breath from their worship, Stephen simply watched Tony as he caught desperately needed air in compromised lungs. Dark eyes reflecting the twinkle of stars turned to him and a smile crinkled their corners.
     “What’s that look for?”
     Stephen sighed, that infectious smile spreading to his own lips.
     “Just thinking how the universe was made to be seen by your eyes.”
     It was easy to be blinded by the magnificence of the supernova and forget a star had to die for it.
     Stephen woke without realizing he had passed out in the first place. Old vellum and leather, incense and tea greeted his senses and Stephen knew he was within the walls of the Sanctum once again. He was home at long last. No, not home. Home was gone.
     Muscle memory and habit had him reaching across the bed to delight in a warm body beside him only to find a vast ocean of cold and empty space. Fingers clutched at the sheets like the pain that grasped his heart in its sharp talons.
     A weight settled into the mattress and for half a heartbeat Stephen had foolish hope and wrenched his face out of the pillows. Wong’s face twisted into apologetic sympathy.
     “I am sorry, Stephen.” It was, perhaps, the gentlest he had ever heard Wong’s voice, but it reminded him far too much of his colleagues in the past. The kind of gentle only used after calling Time of Death. The kind of gentle when the ruined scrubs come off and the blood is washed away from numb hands. The kind of gentle for breaking the news to loved ones.
     A single gossamer thread of hope snapped and each end set fire, burning to fine ash in seconds.
     “It was the only way,” Stephen echoed a phantom of himself.
     “I know,” Wong said while meaning a thousand things more.
     Stephen curled into himself, wishing he could simply collapse inwards until he came out on the other side where he knew the hole inside his soul would be filled again.
     Wong held his friend as he wept, his heart breaking over the unfairness of it all.
     In Malibu, Stephen stood beside Tony and watched the waves of the ocean roll and break on the cliffs below. The debris of the house had long ago been cleaned up. Only the scars in the foundation still left hinted that there had once been a home standing where they were.
     “Are you sure about this, Tony?” It was hard to let caution in over the pride.
     “Positive.” Rough fingers, despite regular manicures, turned a smooth stone over again and again between them. There was a nervous, restless energy about him that Stephen couldn’t pin down. Different from his normal, somehow.
     “Then why are we here?” Arms spread, motioning to the entire cliff while shoving down the memories of the house exploding around them.
     “Because,” Tony’s arm drew back and the stone was launched out to fall several hundred feet into the water below. “this was always home for—for us.”
     Stephen watched the arc of the stone, watched it fall until he couldn’t pick it out of the watery background. Tony moved beside him and when he turned to look, the man was lowering himself down onto one knee.
     Not even the ocean below could match the powerful tsunami of joy when Stephen said “Yes.”
(Part 2)
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hopeishappinessff · 7 years
The Beginning... Part 2
Shortly after six, Sy'Diyah and her aunt finally left the house to head next door for dinner. "Are you nervous?" Aunt Maddie asked as they made their way up their neighbor's driveway. "Why would I be nervous Auntie?" Sy'Diyah asked. "Well don’t think I didn't see that little flirting that you and Christopher were doing when they came over. I figured maybe you'd be a little nervous because you can't get your flirt on in front of everybody." "I was not flirting with him. He has cooties, remember." Sy grimaced, looking up at her aunt. "How do you know he has cooties... have you asked him?" Aunt Maddie asked. "No but, don't all boys have em?" She retorted with an innocent look of confusion adorning her features. Her aunt only smiled and looked up toward the front porch of their neighbor's house "I think you should just ask him and see for yourself."
Sy'Diyah followed her aunt's gaze and spotted Chris sitting there eyeing her closely as they walked up to the front door. "Hi Christopher. Is your mom around?" Aunt Maddie asked. "Yeah...I'll go get her." He mumbled, standing up and strolling into the house. Stepping just inside the screen door, he yelled for his mom to come to the front door because "that girl and her aunt" were there. Maddie looked down at her niece and chortled softly "I guess he isn't as quiet as he looks huh?" Sy'Diyah smiled as she peered through the opening of the door where Chris stood, noticing his mother rushing down the hall with a big dimpled grin on her face. "Hey ya'll. Why don't ya'll come on in?” She spoke through a hefty breath. “Better yet, Chris, why don't you sit out here with Sy and you two can chat for a bit while I finish up in the kitchen," She said before glancing over at Maddie, "Ms. Maddie... you know how to cook right?" "Oh yes ma'am I do." Aunt Maddie replied. "Good... I think I could use a little help in the kitchen." She said as they both sauntered into the house with cunning smirks etched onto both their faces.
Chris plopped down on one of the chairs on the front porch and glanced at Sy'Diyah. "You can sit down." He mumbled. Sy'Diyah sat down without muttering a word and gazed down at her feet. They sat together in silence for a moment as Chris stared at her and finally, he spoke "How old are you?" "Eight." She replied softly, never glancing up from her feet. "Oh... I'm nine." He said muttered. "That's nice." She said. Chris sat quietly for a while before blurting out a thought that he assumed to be legit enough to say aloud "Are you bitch?" "What?" Sy'Diyah wasn't the least bit shocked by his query... she didn't even know what the word meant. "Are you a bitch?" He repeated. “I don't know. What is that?" She asked curiously. "Well, my friend told me that whenever a girl barely talks to a boy, it’s because she’s mean and thinks she’s better than him... and that’s because she's a bitch." Positive that his theory was accurate, he was confused as to why she didn't seem to understand.
Sy'Diyah looked at him and pondered why he sounded kind of strange when he spoke "Well, I've never heard that so I don't think I am." She stated confidently. "Oh, I was just wondering." He said looking back down at his light-up shoes. Sy'Diyah thought for a moment, conjuring up her own question to throw at him "Why do you sound funny when you talk?" Chris looked up from his shoes and glared at her for a moment. She stared back at him and decided to repeat her question, thinking that maybe he hadn't heard her "I said, why do you sound so..." "My mama said I gotta lisp." He stated defensively. "Oh... what's that?" She asked. He looked back down at his shoes and mumbled "It's when you say certain words with an 's' kinda funny." "Well... I think that's weird." Sy'Diyah stated boldly, utterly oblivious to his offended feelings. "I'm not weird." He replied in a noticeably agitated tone. "Why are you mad? I was just saying." She said. "I'm not mad." He mumbled, casting his gaze downward. With an awkward silence abruptly enveloping them, they both sat impatiently, waiting for Ms. Joyce or Aunt Maddie to announce that dinner was prepared.
Aunt Maddie appeared at the door a while later letting the kids know that they could come in and wash up for dinner. Sy'Diyah stood up first and stepped toward the door but was abruptly stopped by Chris. "Hey wait." He stated, raising his octave just barely above his signature mumble. She turned and faced him with a petite hand on her hip "What?" He stared at her for a moment then shook his head and sighed "Nothing." Sy'Diyah heard him mumble below his breath, but couldn't quite decipher whatever it was he said, so she continued to lead the way into the house. After washing their hands and making their way to the dining room table, Chris and Sy'Diyah both glanced back at the entrance of the kitchen, noticing that the food was on its way. Sy'Diyah watched as her aunt and Ms. Joyce walked out of the kitchen followed by a girl about a shade darker than Chris with a bowl in her hands. "Tootie you can just sit that in the middle of the table." Ms. Joyce instructed. "Alright ma." The girl replied. "Oh before I forget... Sy, this is my nappy headed daughter Tootie. Tootie, that's Maddie's niece Sy'Diyah." Ms. Joyce chuckled at the expression that abruptly washed over her daughters face.
"Ma... I get my hair from you, so what are you trying to say?” Tootie smirked. "Child you know you got your daddy hair... all nappy and crazy looking." She said, laughing along with Tootie. "Ha Ha mama… real funny," Tootie playfully rolled her eyes at her mother, "Hi Sy'Diyah, I'm Tootie... the girl with the gorgeous hair inherited from her mother." She said, cutting her eyes over at her mother. Sy'Diyah giggled at their silliness and smiled at her "Hi Tootie." "Alright ya'll let’s say the blessing so we can enjoy this meal." Ms. Joyce said. After the blessing was said, followed by a congregated Amen, everyone began to eat and converse. "So Maddie... how are you feeling about Virginia so far? Are you liking it?" Ms. Joyce asked, glancing over at her. "You know, I really am liking it. I mean I was looking for something completely different from Georgia for Sy's sake and Virginia seems completely different, but in a pleasant way."
"Well I'm going to be real honest, I'm pretty glad ya'll moved in when you did because girl… being in this neighborhood with all these white folks was about to drive me crazy." Ms. Joyce exclaimed in a serious tone. Everyone at the table erupted into laughter but she maintained her somber expression. "I'm serious. I mean one more 'Hello there Joyce how are you and the kiddos' or 'We're having a small get together at Sally's house and we thought you might like to drop by' and I would have lost my mind." She said now laughing along with everyone else. "Well I'm glad we came along to add a splash of color to your life." Maddie spoke through her hearty laughter. "Hey Sy, how old are you?" Tootie asked Sy'Diyah from across the table. "I'm eight." She said. "Well I don't know if my little butthead brother over here told you, but he's nine. Maybe you can come over sometimes and play." She said. "Shut up Tootie, I ain't no butthead and I already told her I'm nine, for your information." Chris retorted, staring daggers into his sister across the table. Tootie smacked her lips at her brother and rolled her eyes "Boy how can you run around here calling me all them names but when I call you something you wanna get all defensive and junk? That’s not right."
"Yes it is right... I'm not no butthead." He protested with a face morphing slowly into the slightest shade of red. "Hey you two cut it out. We have guests and they don't want to see ya'll acting crazy in here." Ms. Joyce said. "But Tootie started it..." Chris exclaimed with an exasperated sigh. "Lil boy did I ask you who started it?" She glared at him, silently daring him to utter another word. "No ma'am." He said, dropping his head just before rolling his beady eyes as hard as he could at his sister. "That's what I thought. Now you know what you can do? You can drop it right now. I don't want to hear no more mess outta ya'll, you hear me?" Glancing from one child to the other, Ms. Joyce held a firm expression as she reprimanded them. "Yes ma'am." He said. "Tootie..." "I gotcha mama." She said.
Maddie laughed jovially and looked over at Joyce "Aw Joyce they’re fine... I can actually sit here and laugh at these two all day." Shaking her head, Joyce sat back against her chair and smiled "But don't let them fool you though. They drive me crazy every day. It's almost like a game to them... 'let’s see who can make mama go crazy first'." Tootie smacked her teeth as she playfully rolled her eyes at her mother "Mama that don't even be me though, you know Chris just can't help getting on everybody nerves but instead of getting onto him about it, you steady blaming it on me." "Yeah... it's almost like that whole 'cause and effect' theory Tootie. You pick at Chris to see how much it'll effect him, and it causes me to go off on you in the end." She said, smiling at her daughter.
About half an hour later, everyone had finished their meal and Joyce, Maddie, and Tootie were working together to clear off the table. "Tootie, why don't you get them settled in the den and then come back in here and help clean up the kitchen." Ms. Joyce said, glancing over at Tootie as she stacked up a few plates from the table. "Dang ma, can't I just sit in there and watch t.v. with them?" Tootie protested.
"Um let me see," She paused and held a thoughtful expression for only a moment, "No. Now go on and hurry up." Tootie rolled her eyes and sauntered past Chris and Sy into the den where she turned the t.v. on and turned to face them. "Alright ya'll just sit in here and watch t.v. or something and Sy," She looked over at Sy'Diyah with a sly smirk etched across her lips, "If you need anything, just let this lil fat head know and he'll help you." She said pushing Chris's head with her index finger.
"Shut up Tootie." Chris muttered, pushing Tootie away from him. "Unh-Unh lil boy," She exclaimed, "Don't be pushing me." "Well go back in the kitchen then, fat butt." He grumbled, crossing his arms and slouching back into the cushions of the couch. "You need to chill." She said jabbing her finger in his face. Sy'Diyah remained quiet on the other end of the couch, giggling as Tootie gave her brother a hard time. After a while, Tootie finally turned around and marched toward the kitchen after satisfying her urge to pester her brother.
Chris continued to slouch against the couch and stare at the t.v. Sy'Diyah glanced at him then swiftly turned her attention to the t.v. also. They both sat in silence staring at the screen until Chris snatched up the remote and began to flip through the channel's, ending his search on Ninja Turtles. Sy'Diyah turned to face him, blinking slowly with a frown adorning her face "Who said I wanted to watch this?" She quizzed. Chris continued to stare at the television, never bothering to divert his gaze to meet hers "It's my t.v. so I say you wanna watch it." He mumbled. She could only stare at him, shocked that he would respond with such an attitude.
Joyce, Maddie, and Tootie had just finished cleaning the kitchen. The moment they were done, Tootie managed to escape up the stairs to her room, leaving her mother and Ms. Maddie seated at the kitchen table to talk. "Yeah girl, we been in this house for about four years now. I left Tappahannock the same way you left Georgia... quick, fast, and in a hurry," Joyce voiced and they both laughed, "I kept telling myself 'I got to get outta here, I can't let my kids stay around this abusive, crazy ass man just waiting for the day that he’ll try to kill us’... so I packed my stuff, my kids, and got the hell out of there." She said with a shake of her head. "I know exactly what you’re saying Joyce... that's probably why I don’t have a man now, I always seem to attract the crazy ones and Lord knows I do not have time for that right now." Maddie replied as they shared a laugh.
Joyce sighed and held a thoughtful expression "You know, I'm really starting to think that the whole transition from Tappahannock to Richmond just really took a toll on the kids... especially Chris." She fiddled thoughtfully with her thumbs, staring down at them as if they would appease her wondering mind. "Why would you say that Joyce?" Asked Maddie, noticing her sudden mood shift. "Well ever since we moved here, it's just like Chris's attitude has totally changed you know," She explained, shifting her light brown stare to Maddie, "I mean, I know he was only five at the time but he’s always been such an intelligent little boy. He's been having these crazy temper tantrums since then and I really do believe it has everything to do with the separation with his dad and I. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining things or something."
"No, no I don't think you’re imagining anything... it probably does have a whole lot to do with the separation but Joyce," Maddie reached out to grip Joyce's hand, prompting her to look up, "You had to do what you had to do as a mother and I truly admire you for walking away from a situation that really could have ended up much worse." Joyce held Maddie’s gaze for only an instant then swiftly lowered her head, unable to withstand the glimmer of sympathy within her piercing orbs, "You don't know how much I appreciate you saying that Maddie, really. I mean even my own mother thought I was making a bad decision leaving the way I did. She thought that man could do no wrong and that I was making up the whole story about him abusing me just so I could leave him and sleep around and spread my legs to the world." Joyce was near tears but gained her composure and looked back up at Maddie, "And Maddie I really admire you also for doing what you did for that little girl in there. I mean just looking at Sy'Diyah, I would have never guessed that something so tragic would have happened to her at such a young age. That just goes to show that you've done your duty as a good aunt and her guardian angel to take her as if she were your own."
"Well, you know... I guess we both just had to do what we had to do, huh. And I think that just goes to show that we are two strong black women that don't need no trifling brotha's in our lives right now." Maddie said with sass, bringing them both to a hearty laugh. "Girl you got that right, but you know... mama got to get her groove back one day and I got the perfect partner in crime to help me get it now." They both continued to laugh together, but sudden commotion from behind the doors of the kitchen interrupted the jovial moment. They only took a second to glance at one another before jumping from their chairs and racing toward the source of the noise.
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