#i am the yapper
luckyartdrawer · 4 months
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"You'll save me, right Starshine???"
Close ups, Commentary, & Spoilers (In that order) below the break
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Increasingly closer Sun oooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Friendship with photoshop is over. Krita is my best friend now. (Seriously it feels 10x harder to draw in photoshop even though it has more quality of life stuff.)
I wish I only had to do the coloring and shading/lighting on Sun. It was so fun but I am terrible with backgrounds...
Also, I know Star is my ANE blorbo, but I keep shying away from drawing/rendering them. I have started a sketch sesh to make a sheet for them, but it's a bit hard to dedicate to a specific design when its all up to you. o3o (I haven't drawn a legitimate OC in agesssss.)
I couldn't help but draw this scene from ch 28. of my story ANE. I adore an unhinged Sun AND I TOOK TOO LONG TO GET TO IT. I had to draw it - It won't get out of my head!!!
Ik the chapter doesn't explicitly say what the scene looked like, but when y'all see the other perspective next chapter, just think about this. :)
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morshuu · 1 month
I have some questions about Opheo
1. Is Opheo the Master of labradorite or Imagination or is he the master of both?
2. How did Opheo's element(s) come to be?
3. What kind of abilities does Opheo's element give them?
4. When was Opheo introduced
5. When did Opheo start getting feelings for Nya and Jay?
6. When did Nya and Jay start getting feelings for Opheo?
7. How did Kai react when he learned that Opheo has feelings for his little siblings? (I like to think that all of the ninja-the couples obviously as siblings)
8. What is the other ninja's relationships like with Opheo?
And the last question is Opheo a Ninja?
Heh.. glad you asked heh.. warning for lots of text below my dear followers!
1. I just put two different names for fun. It's the same element; labradorite represents his element! I just call it imagination.
2. He discovered his element when he was making a drawing of something. It scared him shitless when suddenly his very crude drawing of a cat came to life in front of him at age 10 and tried getting buddy buddy with him. Totally freaked him out and Ryacus had to figure out how to get rid of the thing cause Opheo hid in a trash can for hours and refused to come out.
3. Now that he's more in control of his powers and art skills don't effect how he pulls from fiction (he has nightmares about that drawing it scarred him).. Imagination allows him to pull things from ficticous universes; from books, comics, drawings, and from his or others own imaginations. It can vary from small inanimate objects to living monstrosities and giant weaponry.
Of course there is limits; the more ambitious the thing he's trying to "warp" to his reality, the less effect it has.
Something simple like a magical dagger will be able to have no problem being used in his universe, but if he brought something like a powerful god that's capable of destroying universes it would be more like just some guy with a good ass cosplay and somehow can make cool effects. They wouldn't be capable of damaging ANYTHING because that'd take too much energy up and not even Opheo would want to really do that.
He can also make hallucinations he pulls from his targets imagination. Unlike illusions these aren't real and can only be seen by the person themselves. It's usually either their greatest fear or their guiltiest pleasure. Think of it like they're having something like a night terror or day dreaming.
These can be broken by taking a picture of what's around them because they wouldn't show up, reassurance that what they aren't seeing is real, and or knocking out Opheo's focus.
4. Opheo met Jay and Nya ( and Zane, because he's dating Ryacus' brother and also was sent on the mission) when they were snooping around his home city. His home, The City (yes its called the city because i have no time to come up with names right now) has ridiculous amounts of unexplainable energy coming from it and went to investigate to make sure it wasn't something they needed to deal with.
Opheo is very protective of The City; it used to be similar to Imperium before he, Ryacus (his brother), and a rebellion removed the previous government. So anyone just snooping around like that gets him a little heated.
This occurs before the Merge. So he knew the group before whatever the fuck happened.
5. It probably was after a year or two of knowing them. He didn't like the Ninja at first, especially Jay, Nya and Zane coming into The City and trying to meddle with it. Eventually he mellowed out, got to know Jay and Nya, and to his dismay started crushing on them.
Even displeased with this he liked to flirt with the two of them to cope with it lol
6. They fell harder. Took them a little longer to realize but when they did they sat down with their head in hands because "how do we like this stupid snake boy who tried killing us".
Jay was the one to confess first and invite Opheo. All 3 now happily kiss and cuddle.
7. Kai didn't know until he overheard Jay and Nya talking about Opheo. Before that, he would get mad at Opheo for flirting with them because well, why is he flirting with two married people? THE ONES WHO ARE ALSO DATING EACHOTHER? AND THE ONES YOU TRIED KILLING? And would often chase him off because Opheo can be a lot sometimes.
He eventually also mellowed out, and once he got to see Opheo for who he really was. They're relatively good friends now, but get on eachothers nerves because Opheo is similar to Kai's younger self but a bit more mature lol.
8. He's good with them all. He's not best friends or anything, but he doesn't hate anyone. He likes to hangout with Cole a lot, and finds Lloyd peculiar (but relatable for being a hybrid. As far as Opheo knows, he and Ryacus are the only existing human/Serpentines around) and likes to tease him the most. Zane is probably his favourite because that's who his big brother is dating and he is INFATUATED with the fact this guy is a nindroid.
And to answer your last question; no, he's not a ninja. He doesn't plan to join them. He's the only other guardian of The City and he refuses to have to be seperate from it for long periods of time; and he knows damn well the Ninja are out doing shit constantly.
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buggmintz · 5 months
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chapinii · 7 months
I'm so good at typing things so confidentally w fancy vocab so you think I know what I'm talking about and then get halfway through and realise that in fact I never had a point at all <3
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childofthewolvess · 4 months
A masterpost digital grimoire a list of all the educational content on deities, witchcraft, and familiars I've posted!
As a key: if the post is about Loki, it is marked in green, if the post is about Aphrodite, it is marked in pink, if it is about Ares, it is marked in red, if it is about Apollo, it is marked in orange. If it is a post about familiars, it is purple. If it is general witchcraft, deities, spellwork, or religion, or advice, it is marked in blue. If it is marked with a ❗, it is a longer and more educational-based post.
This will be updates each time I post!
Devotional day to Aphrodite
Aphrodite's beauty
Shattered and put back together - a devotional story from Aphrodite❗
Aphrodite's altar
Aphrodite's beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Aphrodite and my service dog
Some simple subtle every-day worship I do as an Aphrodite devotee
Aphrodite and my familiars working together
Loki as a god of storytellers
Loki UPG quote about storytelling
Loki and his glowsticks (UPG)
Loki's altar shot glass and a chaotic job change
Personal associations with Loki (ask)
Interpreting Loki as a nature deity❗
Loki and Sigyn: Lessons on Chaos, Laughter, and Loyalty from the Norse Gods (quotes)
Loki's a little bit like moldavite
Loki's altar
Ares moodboard and aesthetic
To find peace in a war deity ❗
Ares is a woman respector send post
Ares as a protector of women and god of strength
Ares and how his energy feels
Ares altar
Ares is a proud dad, I guess?
I am a daughter of Ares
A prayer to Apollo❗
Apollo werewolf cult curiosity
Deity appreciation post
My god squad's energies and how I see them as a poet
Blending/combining different branches of polytheism
Devotee and Deity Trend
My participation in devotee and deity
Deity interactions in my practice
How my relationships with my deities feels ❗
Worship the gods you are drawn to!
My God Squad + Familiar Moodboards
What is spiritual psychosis, and how do you recognize the signs in pagan spaces?❗
The danger of Divine Masculinity and Femininity in pagan spaces
What is a spirit worker?❗
A unique perspective on godspousing and the afterlife ❗
The Divine Aurora Borealis
Mundane enchantment ideas
Becoming open and loud about being a pagan & witch is scary. But what makes that any different than a Christian being open and loud about their faith? ❗
Custom tincture and balm making/herbalism
Colored flame candles
Healing from spiritual psychosis—a survivor's journey from delusion and depression, to happiness and purpose as a practicing pagan. ❗
Reminders for the disabled and chronically ill pagans/witches
Wolf encounter in Yellowstone as a wolf spirit worker
Learning about spiritual psychosis saves lives (thread) ❗
Litha wreathes with the coven!
Ecology, nature, and accessibility in neo-paganism
Honk if you worship the old gods
Intersectionality and spiritual psychosis ❗
Spiritual psychosis is not a harmless delusion ❗
Familiar Spirits in Eclectic Paganism and Witchcraft ❗
Life as a wolf spirit worker
Familiar appreciation post
How I work with my familiars❗
Familiar spirit readings (OPEN)
Reasons I think every witch/pagan should have a familiar spirit
A lil wisdom from the wolf spirits :)
Resources and readings for research on familiars & familiar spirits
How are familiar spirits found?
Familiar spirit anon Q&A ❗
Can we tell I never shut my mouth?
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ssparksflyy · 29 days
just thinking about first kiss w/leo and your hands are in his hair except he gets nervy and the tips of his curls accidentally catch fire and burn your hands !!
so then he carries you bridal style to the infirmary, literally crying and begging for forgiveness
and yk the talk with will as of how you acquired these odd shaped burns is awkward as hell
anon ur so right
whats funny about it is that the tips of his hair catching fire is actually one of your favorite things about him, you think its super cute and tease him about it sometimes- calling him names like 'hot head' and telling how adorable you think it is only makes them burn brighter and has him shoving his tomato red face into his hands. you werent lying when you called it adorable, it truly always made your heart flutter and brought a smile to your face.
so when it happens during your first kiss together, you obviously pull away and remove your hands from his hair cause.. well.. they just got burnt ?? but you still cant help but smile a bit.
the burns themselves werent extremely bad, they just stung a bit, and the kiss was great but that didnt stop leo from freaking out and immediately apologizing repeatedly, asking you if you were okay and grabbing your hands to get a better look at them.
you explain to him that youre okay, but this man is literally on the verge of tears, thinking you hate him and never ever want to see him again. you assure him youre ok, and just need to run over the infirmary for a quick treatment.
you try to turn away to the infirmary, but leo is so quick to literally sweep you off your feet and carry you in his arms, bridal style. he says something about making it up to you and calls himself 'your certified knight in shining armor' which only makes you smile more.
he begins scurrying over to the infirmary, pushing past campers so determined to get you there as quickly as possible, making you giggle. he puts you down at the door of the infirmary, quickly grabbing the door and holding it open for you.
you let out a light laugh and a 'thank you', then brush past him and into the infirmary. he follows right behind you, closing the door behind him. you walk up to the counter, asking one of the apollo kids for some assistance with your burns and she leads you over to sit and wait on one of the hospital beds until will can help you.
leo sits in the chair right next to you and even though youve told him a million times that youre ok, his leg cant help from bouncing and he can't stop fidgeting with his fingers. you notice his behaviors and put a hand on top of his busy ones, giving him a soft smile. he looks up and returns the smile, but is snapped out of his la-la-land trance when will walks over with his clipboard, ready to help you.
he asks you whats wrong and takes a look at your hands, but seems to have a puzzled look on his face.
"how'd you get these burns? theyre really weirdly shaped." he asks.
your face gets hot and your body tenses up, leo having the same reaction.
"uhmmm..uh- i-"
"wel-well you see what had happened was-"
"we ummm.."
"out with it already." will said, giving you a deadpan look.
you and leo glanced at each other in panic, but knew you shouldnt lie. not to will.
"we..wellwekissedandiwastouchinghishairbutthenitcaughtonfireandburntmyhadns" you mumbled quickly, looking down.
"what?" will asked, moving closer in hopes of hearing you better.
"wee.. kissed and i had my hands in his hair but then it caught on fire and burnt my hands" you said, elongating the syllables and feeling your face get hotter with each word.
will tired so hard not to laugh or smile, after all he was in a 'professional environment' ( as chrion called it ) but he really couldn't help it, he smirked and put your hands down, walking away from you and over to the cabinet where all the camp's ointments were kept.
he smothered a glob of the ointment onto your hands then bandaged them up so they could heal properly, and let you go on with your day- but not without a few teases and jokes while leo helped you fill out your paperwork.
after you finished up in the infirmary, you and leo walked out together and immediately plopped onto the bench outside.
"well that was embarrassing" leo said, stating the obvious.
"yep... well, now i know to learn from my mistake the next time i kiss you" you said, a small smirk forming onto your face.
your comment had caught leo by surprise, "what? wait... again? you-you'd wanna do that again?"
you turned to face him with a smile, "i mean why not? youre a good kisser and it's not like ive havent a crush on you for years"
leo had to be on the verge of a heart attack with each surprise he'd faced today, this one only pushing him further off the edge, "you've had a crush on me for years????"
you simply nodded your head and smiled, trying to play it cool when in reality your heart was ready to run out of your chest.
leo ran his fingers through his hair in disbelief, "wait so were you like really good at hiding it or something?? cause ive had a crush on you for years and i feel like its always been painfully obvious."
it was your turn to get nervous, suddenly at a loss for words.
"w-well, maybe you should do something about it then." you said, sounding more confident than you felt.
"well maybe i will."
he cupped your face with his hand and brought you in close for your second kiss that day, holding your hands down with his free one, and moving his lips slowly against yours. this time, the kiss was long and soft, the way your first one should've been. when the two of you finally pulled away for air, you had stupid smiles on your faces that only grew after leo asked you,
"would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
to which you gladly said yes to.
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joshusten · 4 months
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getting to know your seer?!
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seraphont · 28 days
I wasn’t sure my stance on Jessa at first but then I saw your Undoomed Yuri ™️ and it’s consumed my every waking thought
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Thank you for awakening me
Thank you!! (: I need them to b happy, alive, and in love!
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didyouforgetmeee · 2 months
Things I've noticed relistening to Malevolent:
- John's voice is different at the beginning, especially the way he treats Arthur. He seems to look down on him, view him as lesser or similar to a child. His voice is more manipulating, almost charming but with a hint of deception. It's almost condescending in the way he speaks to Arthur at times, especially when he's freaking out. Perhaps this comes with John feeling disconnected from Arthur's situation in a way. Slowly he begins to care more for his safety. Still, John and Arthur start to (mutually) refer to each other as friends in (around) episode 5 or 6. After the coma seems to be the beginning of John's journey to finding his humanity, with the choosing of his name.
- Although John yells at Arthur a lot in the beginning, he is shown to be attempting to calm him down in episode 7. Though this is most likely from the knowledge that Arthur wouldn't be able to get a grip otherwise, not from a place of actually caring about his wellbeing.
- John starts to care more about Arthur succeeding, he goes from being neutral or having something to be mad about to actively congratulating Arthur when he does something correct.
- Arthur immediately using John's name after he chooses it. (Trans ally?) They both generally use each other's names a lot, mainly John yelling Arthur's name. It often seems like a way of grounding, like John is trying to constantly remind Arthur that he's still there.
- In Part 12 Arthur talks about feeling alone after the silence of listening to a record. He compares it to a "party after all the guests have gone home." Being plunged into sudden quiet after being in the chatter and music for so long, the silence seems deafening. As he says, "The room filled with noise, suddenly silent. It just feels all the more lonesome."
I recall thinking during my first listen that this could be referencing the fact that Arthur is getting so used to the sound of John's voice that when he falls silent, he feels lonely without it. Especially since this was a few episodes after John stops guiding Arthur (because he's a petty bastard.) Or maybe this is too far of a stretch, and I'm fixating too much on this.
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thelostmoongazer · 5 days
Ooh, I saw in the tags that you have a minecraft passion project? Do tell!
Yes! i do! i actually have to stream right now but i will come back to this post afterwards!
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beausprouts · 3 months
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I made this timeline JUST FOR THIS MOMENT. More rambling under the cut if anyone is curious 👍
So essentially I changed everything because I can. I've been in the fandom since like the first game came out and I was a baby so it's my right to mold the lore to what I want thank you very much.
I essentially just condensed it. So FNAF 3 and the events of the Steel Wool era are combined. It makes sense to me that a company like the one that owns the Pizzaplex would use a literal real life murder spree to make a haunted house. Did you guys see the Scraptrap arcade cabinet? Yeah. Exactly.
I took inspiration from the movie with how Will was able to have a weird psychic connection to the kids, and controlled them in a way to how Henry's relationship with the missing children is in this continuity. He was essentially able to convince them it was Will that killed them. Only Charlie knows the truth, because she hasn't revealed herself to her father and pretty much saw everything happen (yikes). I like to think that Charlie and Will kind of team up similarly to how Henry and Mike team up in canon? A perfect mirror flip.
I'm toying big time with some twists, I do like the mimic as a villain but I haven't decided yet if I'm going to use him for this plotline. Maybe! Who knows maybe Henry never made it to his 70s and the current CEO was the mimic all along ooh spoookyyy.
My OC Beau essentially replaces Vanny as the partner in crime to Springtrap. Though this time the goal is to clear his name and to free the souls of the children. Vanessa is still around but nothing bad ever happens to her because she doesn't deserve it and I love her.
I want Michael to get out of the Sister Location spot under the Pizzaplex and become a minor antagonist too because him, Evan, and Elizabeth all also blame William for what happened, what reason would they have to believe otherwise its fair.
So yeah y'know, drawing my stupid oc being silly with Springs ended up getting its own lore bible my bad. Autism moment.
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sadcabbages · 2 months
Almost everything about me is fluid. My gender. My mood. My hyperfixations. My motivation. Hell, I'm even 70% water or something. I should be carried around in a plastic bag like a goldfish in case I turn into liquid suddenly. You shall feed me grilled cheese through the top of the bag.
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skrimbloz · 6 months
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Art challenge I found on Pinterest!! while not an oc I sure as hell knew who would absolutely ROCK this fit
Also this is officially my last completed drawing from my old tablet :,) i’m probably going to make a massive post for all my scrapped Ninjago fanarts at some point tho, I have a lot,,
OH OH ALSO!! My Kai design has changed slightly from when I last drew him, i’ve given him burn scars now :0 I could go on a whole in depth explanation for why but i’ll save that for a diff post bc blahh blahgg i’d be yapping for days
Og image:
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quiddling · 16 days
Do you have any more lore about your Saera son targ oc? 😊
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My sweet sweet boy.... The Bastard of Volantis !!! I love this guy sm so I do actually have a lot... and i realise now I haven't said anything about him other than he is Saera's son on tumblr before so i'm going to ramble on and on after the break heheh [:<
Aenor Targaryen, an infamous natural son of Princess Saera Targaryen. His father's identity remained an enduring mystery. Aenor was born in 98 AC and raised in the Free City of Volantis, where his mother ruled as proprietor over a famed pleasure house. Though born bastard, Aenor inherited the distinctive Valyrian features of House Targaryen - pale silver-blonde hair and deep purple eyes. Aenor himself made no public assertions for the crown much like his mother, though he took pride in his dragonblood heritage.
He is an irreverent and cocksure young man who revelled in the luxurious vices of the Volantene lifestyle. From a young age, Aenor displayed a keen intellect and a natural charisma that set him apart. He inherited his mother's sharp wit and political acumen, quickly learning to navigate the complex social dynamics of Volantis' upper echelons. Despite his bastard status, Aenor carries himself with the confidence and poise befitting his Targaryen heritage.
Aenor's relationship with his mother, is one of the defining aspects of his character. Despite the unconventional nature of their lives, Aenor loves his mother dearly and would defend her with his life if necessary.
As a boy, Aenor would often sit at his mother's feet, enraptured by her tales of dragons and the legendary Dragonpit of King's Landing. Saera's stories painted vivid pictures of scaled behemoths soaring through the skies, their roars echoing across the realm. These tales instilled in Aenor a lifelong fascination with dragons and a secret longing to one day see one with his own eyes.
Occasionally, in rare moments of nostalgia or vulnerability, Saera would share glimpses of her life as a princess in the Red Keep. These stories were always tinged with a mixture of fondness and bitterness, revealing the complex emotions she still harboured towards her past. Aenor learnt to treasure these rare insights into his mother's former life, understanding the trust she placed in him by sharing them.
However, Saera's recollections of her father, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, were infrequent and laden with resentment. The lingering pain from their estrangement was evident whenever she spoke of him. This unresolved conflict between Saera and Jaehaerys left a lasting impact on Aenor, shaping his own complicated feelings towards his heritage and the idea of family loyalty.
Through his mother's stories and silences alike, Aenor developed a nuanced understanding of power, family, and the weight of the Targaryen name. This understanding would come to influence his own ambitions and his approach to navigating the complex world of politics and personal relationships in Volantis and beyond.
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I'm still not 100% sure on most of this part of his lore i just wanted my sweet boy to have a dragon and see the rest of the world....but regardless of his illegitimate status, Aenor managed to claim a wild dragon in Essos. The beast, which Aenor named Naerion, was described as being a medium-sized dragon with brilliant orange scales that covered most of his body, while his underbelly and wing membranes were described as pale striking gold. His distinctive colouration made him easily identifiable in the skies, earning him the moniker "the Sunset Wyrm" among soldiers and smallfolk alike. His wings, when spread, cast a shadow the colour of sunset. During the Dance of the Dragons, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, on behalf of his mother Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, sought to bolster the blacks' forces with additional dragonriders. Jacaerys dispatched envoys to Volantis, seeking out the Targaryen Bastard. He was initially reluctant to involve himself in Westerosi affairs. However, the promise of legitimisation and lands upon Rhaenyra's victory swayed Aenor and he agreed to cross the Narrow Sea with Naerion.
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martitheevans · 5 months
Do you also think that the ending to Saw V when Strahm is being crushed and as his blood drips onto the door of the glass coffin and as the walls close in and more blood accumulates and Hoffman slowly turns his face away between flashes of Strahm's death is one of the greatest scenes in cinema or are you like normal or something?
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wolveshine · 7 months
john egan is the biggest yapper known to mankind. what is he even talking about half the time. someone contain that guy
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