#i am sorry for the request in my inbox- i will get to it asap i promise!
yooboobies · 3 months
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sad? have a yoongi
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"Just another character in your book"
Part 2 of this
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Here is the part 2, haven't had motivation for writing a part 2 lately and I've been super busy. Hope this was worth the wait? I tried to proof read it but I am too tired it's 2am here. I will get to the request rotting in my inbox when I can. I have just been super busy lately and most likely until december. Hope you understand but I try to do the requests asap.
Warning: none, surprisingly
Hope you enjoy ✌️
Walking back into the apartment it filled me with sadness and betrayal. A place I once felt safe and loved, now it felt more cold and fake.
"I-i'll make dinner after I freshen up."
I told Charles as I pulled away from him and rushed to the bathroom in our bed. 'Smells like cheap perfume mixed with sweat.' I said to myself as I noticed 2 used condoms in the trash as I entered the bathroom. 'Guess she wasn't all that if he they only did 2, or did I interrupt?' I asked myself, trying to ignore the thoughts from plaguing my mind.
As I undressed and entered the shower the tears began to flow again, the sobs coming out louder. I opened the shower to try and hide the sounds, hoping he won't hear. But then again, if he didn't hear me enter earlier, he probably can't hear me right n-
"Y/n, you okay?"
My thoughts were cut off by his voice.
"Y-yea, why'd you ask?" I asked trying to sound normal but my voice faltered.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I asked cheerily, hoping it's enough to get rid of him.
"If you say so, I'll skip dinner, I already ate earlier. Sorry." He said apologetically.
"No worries, you don't have to apologize for eating." I said with a chuckle. 'You only need to apologize for doing her on the bed we sleep in.'
"Okay, I'm gonna go shower and chill on the couch."
After our little interaction, I finished showering and dressing myself up. Walking out of the bathroom I see that he changed the bed sheets and the pillow cases. 'So I won't smell the intense session you two had.' I thought to myself with a smile.
I got out of the bedroom to go make dinner for myself. I see him on the couch with the t.v on but he's focused on his phone, laughing and blushing. I caught a glimpse of what was on screen, seeing a name with a heart beside it, and some not so safe for work texts and a video. 'They even recorded it? Wonder how long before it gets leaked, I wonder how everyone will react when they find out everything?'
As I got the ingredients ready, and cooked, I accidentally burned myself on the pan. Not fully concentrated as my mind wondered about the events that occured just some time ago.
"Fucking bitch." I whisper shouted as pain shot up from my fingers. I immidiately ran my hand under cold water.
"Amour? What happened?" Charles asked as he entered the kitchen and walked towards me.
"I-i-i'm fine, j-just made an oopsie, I'm gonna go back to cooking again with more care this time hopefully." I said with a dry chuckle as I avoided him, trying to distance myself from him. I can't stop imagining the things they did.
"Are you sure?" He asked as he tried getting closer. But I end up just hurrying with the cooking, turning the fire on high to cook faster. Luckily I only need to finish up the egg which takes little time to cook.
"Yep." I said as I put the egg on my plate. Along with some fish, beef, and rice.
"You want some?" I asked as I offered him my plate to stop him from advancing to me.
"Okay, What's wrong y/n?" He said as he stopped in his tracks completely looking confused, hurt and annoyed. 'He doesn't really have a right to be hurt, does he?' I asked myself as I began to overthink everything, maybe I wasn't what he needed? Maybe I didn't do it for him anymore? Maybe, just maybe, I did something for him to seek comfort in someone else?
"D-did I d-do somth-thing?" I asked with trembling voice as I looked at him with teary eyes.
"W-what? Of course not, mi amour. You could never do anything wrong." He said in a loving tone as he closed the gap between us and hugging me tight. I hugged him back just as tight as tears began to flow down my cheeks I burried my face on his chest wetting his shirt.
"What makes you say that?" He asked worriedly as he kisses my hair and ruffles it while rocking me side to side.
"Y-you looked a-annoyed." I said but my voice is muffled by his shirt.
"I wasn't annoyed, I was just confused why you were acting like that. Did something happen at work?" 'Not at work.'
"Did I do something?" 'Of course you did.'
I tried to shake my thoughts away as his questions continued. My mind being overrun by guilt and confusion. My emotions being overwhelmed by sadness and anger. Feeling guilty that I am like this, that I made him worry. Confusion as I can't explain why I am feeling like this, why do I feel bad for him, when he hurt me. Waves of sadness hit me as I felt helpless in his clutch, feeling like without him I would be nothing. My mind and everything are all jumbled up, not knowing which is which or what is what. But one thing I know for certain is that, I shouldn't feel this way.
As I gathered myself I pulled back and away from him, removing his arms from around me.
"I-i'll just go eat." I said, trying to hide the hurt from my voice. I removed my apron, put the dishes in the sink and grabbed my plate from the counter and speed walked upstairs towards the guest bedroom.
As I ate in silence, pondering on what to do. I heard Charles on the phone with someone, he seemed to be having a great conversation if you take into account the loud laughters.
"Of course not, mate... Yea, I'll be very careful. Oui, oui okay, I'll see you tomorro, ciao."
As I finished eating I hear foodsteps getting close, and a door opening and his voice.
"Y/n? Where are you? Amour?"
I heard he say as he closed the door and his voice became a bit muffled, after a bit I heard a door open again and close.
"Y/n? Are you okay?"
He said as he tried to open the locked door to the guest room.
"Y-yea, I just wanted to eat in silence is all. Don't worry."
I said in a cheerful tone.
"I feel like you're not okay, y/n." 'Of course I'm not, after what you've done.'
"Can I come in?" 'No, I don't want to fall for you again.'
"I'll be out in a bit, just gotta tidy up." 'Wipe the tears and clean your face don't let him see.'
"Okay, I'll be downstairs, talk to me.. please."
He said with a brief pause before saying the last word in a sad tone.
"I will."
After fixing myself I decide to come downstairs to watch the dishes and clean up. Stepping down the final step I see the t.v is off, and a sleeping Charles on the couch with his phone on his hand and unlocked. 'I shouldn't.'
After I clean up everything in the kitchen, I check back on him to see if he's still asleep. He looked so peaceful, with his eyes closed and mouth open a bit. He looked so relaxed, without a worry in the world. I look back at his phone, curiousity winning. I step walk closer to him to take his phone, surprisingly with no resistance. The first thing I saw was his messages with someone, a woman, I saw the messages sent earlier today. Full of pictures of a woman, in lacy undergament thst barely cover her breasts and other parts.
"Are you sure you want this one?
Those look perfect on you.
They would look better in your hands. ;)
I will make you scream my name"
As I read a few of the messages I started to tear up, looking up at the name of the woman, I saw a heart beside it. Scrolling down I began to see pictures and videos, all sent recently. I saw the pictures he sent to her of him in nothing but underwear with a prominent bulge. The tears began to fall, down my cheeks and onto the phone.
I looked towards the source of the voice, seeing a sleepy Charles rubbing his eyes. His began to show concern after seeing tears falling down my face.
"W-what happ-"
He didn't finish his sentence as he saw what I was holding. I silently gave him back his phone and made my way upstairs to pack all my belongings, which was not much considering he owned the apartment. I packed my shoes, clothes and nessesities that I bought with my own money, not wanting to take anything from him.
"I can expl-"
"It's okay, I knew you could never love true, that you can't be loyal. I mean, you are Charles Leclerc for crying out loud, ladies and men flock to you, they crave even an drop of your attention. They go crazy from a single glance from you, you could get anyone you want. And it appears you chose a new one, I won't make a scene and get angry, I knew what I signed up for the moment I accepted your proposal to be in a relationship with you. I should've expected this, with a body and face like yours I don't blame you. I want to, but my mind won't let me. I will be out as soon as possible, just get to bed and sleep. I hope she is worth it, I hope it won't happen to her. I loathe her, I envy her, but I don't want her to get hurt. Take care of her, maybe she will give you what you want and you won't have to look for anyone else, I hope she will be the last."
I said as my lips quiver and tears fall down freely from my eyes. I began to close my suitcase and bag, all my belongings now with me. I couldn't bare to look at him as my eyes looked at everywhere but him.
"I-i'm sorry, I love you, it was a m-mistake, please please please don't do this. Don't leave."
He said, his voice breaking. And for the first time ever since I said what I said, I looked at him, tears falling down his cheeks as he walked closer to me.
"I don't want to leave, I want to stay b-"
"Then stay, I will cut her off completely, I will the best boyfriend from now on I will try my hardest to earn your love, I will do everything you want. just please..please.. don't leave me. I need you, I lo-"
"I want to believe you and I want to be with you, but, I can't. Holding on will hurt me more than letting go."
I said as I walked closer to him my hands going o his cheeks, the pads of my thumbs wiping away the tears as his hands hold mine.
"D-don't please, I-i-i-i need you, I love you."
"Please, don't say that, because if you really meant it, you wouldn't have to say it to prove it, instead you'd show it you make me believe it."
"I-i-i can prove it, I can show it, please, just stay with me, don't leave. I-i-i need you, please I'm begging you, give me another chance to show you how much I lo-"
"I want to, I really want to give you another chance, but I don't think I can. I've been hurt far too many times by second chances. I really wanna believe you, I want to love you. I want to be with you, but I'm not going to stay with you if it causes me pain, I can't say I wasn't happy with you, because I was, I really did enjoy being with you. But, it's time for me to let go, the song has stopped and the dance has ended."
I said as I hugged him tight and burry my face on his neck, his arms wrapping around my waist tightly, hoping that if he held me tight enough I won't go.
"Please, I can show you happiness, I ca-"
"I know you can, and you have, but. It's time for you to show it to another."
I said as I pulled back, looking at his face that is now red and tear stained, his eyes red and hair a mess.
"It's time I go, it's very late, you should sleep."
I said as I pulled away and went to collect my suitcase and bag.
"One more night, please?"
He asked me pleadingly, hoping I will cave in if he asked me with the way he looks, like a broken man who lost everything.
"I c-can't."
I said as I put on my bag and grabbed my suitcase, and making my way towards the door. I tried to avoid him, to avoid his hands that were reaching out for me. I walked out of the bedroom and onto the living room, looking around one last time to see if I missed anything. With one last inhale and exhale, I made my way towards the main door and went out, I looked back to close the door to see a broken Charles looking at me with sad pleading eyes.
"I'm sorry Charles, I guess I was only another character in your book."
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willalove75 · 1 year
Could you make a fic of Rebecca Welton x fem!wife!reader where the team knows Rebecca is married but she never specified that it was to a woman, so when reader and their daughter (I am a firm believer in mom!rebecca) come to take her to out to lunch every one is super surprised. (I hope that made sense.)
Also your fics are amazing!!
Are there other requests in my inbox I should do before this? Yes, absolutely. Am I doing this one first? Also yes because I'm OBSESSED with this and came up with a really good idea for it yesterday and I'm too excited to wait. mom!rebecca 4ever 🥺😭😍
And thank you SO much I'm so glad you like them!!💕
Ps. this was getting SO long I need to make a pt. 2 that I will post ASAP!! I love this and I feel like it needs a series dedicated to it heheh
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Rebecca is standing in the boys locker room pacing, she keeps checking her phone and muttering unintelligible words to herself. Ted walks in and sees her.
"Well either I'm late or you're sure down here early! Mornin' boss!" He says.
Rebecca is a little startled and turns to Ted.
"Oh! Ted, good morning." She gets distracted and looks back down at her phone and Ted gives her a look. "Oh sorry, I wanted to ask, do you have lunch plans today?"
"Well, Beard and I were going to do a sandwich switch but I ended up givin' it to one of the kids playin football this morning on account of they forgot their lunch at home and-"
"Great!" Rebecca cuts in. "I will meet you by the front door at 2."
"I think this is great, I think we should do lunchtime with the boss more often! We can play," Ted stops to think for a second and snaps his fingers. "Worst movie you've ever seen in theaters and best movie you've seen! Speakin of which, I went to the movies this weekend and-"
Rebecca cuts him off.
"Ted, I am also inviting Higgins and Keeley so there will be no 'lunchtime with the boss'."
"Ah! Great! Love me some Keeley and Higgie in the afternoon! So, what's the occasion?"
Rebecca is distracted by her phone again and doesn't hear Ted.
"Boss?" She looks up at him "You good? You seem a little wired for this early in the morning."
"Yes, I'm fine, not wired at all. And I have some visitors coming this afternoon I'd like you to meet." She looks back down at her phone.
Ted goes to speak and Rebecca cuts him off.
"I have to get going, see you at 2!" She says briskly walking out of the locker room.
Up in her office, Rebecca is still pacing, her eyes glued to her phone and Keeley walks in.
"Good morning!" She says, excitedly. She notices Rebecca is distracted and raises an eyebrow at her. "OI! What are you looking at?" She walks over to Rebecca and tries to look at her screen.
Rebecca quickly locks her phone and pulls it away.
"Oh come on!" Keeley pleads
"I'll tell you later," Rebecca says. "Are you around this afternoon for lunch?"
Keeley pauses to think.
"Good, I have some visitors coming I'd like you to meet. Front doors at 2, okay?"
Keeley's eyes light up.
"Who's coming?! Is that what you're looking at! Is it a new boyfriend?!"
Rebecca gives Keeley a glare, she doesn't talk about her love life with anyone, as hard as Keeley tries.
"2 o'clock." Rebecca says as she sits down at her desk.
Higgins walks in and greets Rebecca and Keeley.
"Higgins, you're coming to lunch with Keeley, Ted and myself. Front doors at 2." She says without looking up from her computer screen.
"Oh I'd be delighted!"
"Rebecca has some guests coming she wants us to meet." Keeley says playfully and gives Higgins a wink.
"Oh," Higgins says with a curious smile on his face.
"I'm very busy this morning so I will see you both at 2." Rebecca gets up and ushers them out and closes the door. Once the door closes she takes a deep, nervous breath and checks her phone again.
That morning and early afternoon were less than productive, Rebecca locked herself in her office and couldn't do anything but obsessively check her phone.
2pm rolls around and Rebecca checks herself out in the mirror, fixes her hair and smooths out her dress a few times. She takes a deep breath and exhales trying to calm her nerves. She grabs her bag and jacket and heads downstairs.
At the end of the hallway she sees Ted, Keeley and Higgins standing around waiting for her. The door behind them opens and they turn to see who walked in. Rebecca hears a voice politely say "Hi there, I'm looking for Rebecca,"
Ted looks down the hall and points to her. "That there would be the boss."
You walk through the crowd and your eyes meet hers from down the hall. Tears begin to form in both of your eyes when you see each other. The moment is interrupted when you hear tiny footsteps run down the hall accompanied by "MUMMYYYY!!!"
Sophia, your four year old daughter, runs to Rebecca and jumps into her arms. Rebecca picks her up, spins her around and squeezes her and litters her face with kisses.
"Oh I missed you." She says quietly into her ear as she holds her close.
You walk up to the both of them, a few tears fall from your eyes as Rebecca wraps her free arm around you and you wrap your arms around the both of them. You see tears falling from her eyes as she pulls you in for a kiss. You feel a wave of relief wash over the both of you as your lips meet for the fist time in nearly six months. Rebecca looks lovingly at Sophia and you can't help but feel like your heart is whole for the first time in a long time.
"Mummy, are you and mommy sad?" She asks puzzled.
"No love," Rebecca says "we're very happy." She says as fixes Sophie's shirt.
"Then why are you crying?" She asks.
"Sometimes baby," you say "people cry when they're sad, but, they also cry when they're happy."
"Oh, okay!" She says as she wraps her arms around Rebecca's neck and squeezes her.
You can see Rebecca's body relax as she closes her eyes, places her hand on the back of Sophia's head and hugs her back. You wrap your arm around Rebecca and place your hand on her hip and place your other hand on Sophia's back. You look up at Rebecca and look at every inch of her face. Her beautiful smile, the way her eyelashes gently brush against her cheeks when her eyes are closed. The little lines around her mouth and the corners of her eyes, her soft blond hair, her smooth skin. You take in every single thing you possibly can and try to commit it to your memory.
You hear a squeal from down the hall and look, you completely forgot there were other people watching your reunion.
Keeley is digging her nails into Higgins in excitement as he tries to keep squeals of pain back. You chuckle at them and look back at Rebecca, who opens her eyes and sees the group gawking at the three of you. She reaches her hand out and you take it into yours and you walk towards them.
"Ted, Keeley, Leslie," Rebecca begins, "this is my wife, y/n," Keeley lets out squeals of excitement as she lets go of Higgin's arm and he sighs in relief. "And this here," she gestures to the toddler in her arms, "is our daughter, Sophia."
"YOU'RE MARRIED?! WITH A KID?!" Keeley screams "But you don't wear a ring!!!"
She smiles and shrugs her shoulders and looks at you and you smile back. You both knew it would be easier and there would be less questions if she didn't wear it, and you didn't mind.
"Well I have about a million and one questions" Ted speaks, " but lets start off with, what's the best movie-"
Rebecca cuts him off. "Why don't we save the questions until we get to lunch? Y/n and Sophie are probably starving, they just got off of a long flight and I'm sure they want to go sit down."
"Yes please" you say, looking lovingly at your wife.
"Leslie, do you mind driving Ted and Keeley, I'm afraid there's not enough room in my car with the car seat."
You look up at Rebecca and your face is beaming. Even though having the car seat is a bare-minimum kind of effort, you know she spent a good amount of time last night getting it ready, making sure every strap was perfectly in place. You know how excited she was for you guys to come and you know she spent the whole ride to work this morning staring at the car seat, wishing the day would move faster.
"Sure, not a problem at all."
You walk to the car and you hear Higgins mention something about ignoring the mess and pushing aside dirty socks and gym bags as you get into the car and Rebecca puts the baby in her car seat and hands her a new toy to keep her preoccupied for the ride.
She walks to the other side of the car and gets in next to you, closes the door and the driver pulls away. You both look at each other for a moment and she wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you in, nuzzling her face into your neck. She inhales deeply, the scent of your skin filling her nose as you feel tears on your shoulder. You pull back and look at her, she looks up at you with bright green, teary eyes. God, you missed looking into her eyes. You wipe tears away with your thumb as she purses her lips and studies your face.
"I missed you, so much." She says as she looks deeply into your eyes.
"I missed you too." You say as your eyes fill with tears.
You look back at Sophia and see that she's distracted by her toy and the city whizzing by. You turn back to Rebecca and you both lean in and your lips connect. She slides her hand up your neck to the back of your head and gently holds onto your hair as you hold the back of her head and pull her into you as closely as possible. You feel her tongue caress your bottom lip and you part your lips to let her in. Her tongue explores your mouth as if it was the first time and you do the same. You feel her heartbeat increase as her chest is pressed against yours and you begin to breathe heavily. The kiss becomes more passionate as Rebecca puts her other hand on your hip and pulls you in closer. You slide your other hand up the side of her dress past the middle of her thigh and hold her tight. The whole world fades away, it's just the two of you and your love for each other that exists for this moment.
You're interrupted when you hear Sophie's little voice.
You slide your hand out from Rebecca's dress and your lips part, your foreheads rest gently against one another as you both smile and chuckle lightly.
"Yes love?" Rebecca says, looking over at the toddler who's looking out the window.
"Why do they drive weird here?"
You both look at each other and laugh. Rebecca looks at Sophia and you see guilt in her eyes.
"She's gotten so big," she says quietly.
"I know" you say as you look at Sophie whose attention hasn't left the window.
Rebecca looks at you, more tears and guilt in her eyes.
"Oh honey," you say.
"I missed so much," she starts to say as tears roll down her face.
You pull her in for a hug and gently rub her back.
"Don't do that, it's okay," you say trying to comfort her as she gently cries. "I know, but it's not forever, it's just temporary.
"Three and a half years doesn't feel temporary." She says as she pulls back and looks into your eyes.
You bring your hand up to her face to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks and look into her eyes.
"I know." Your heart breaks seeing her filled with so much guilt and sadness, tears begin to form in your eyes. "But soon it will just be a memory and we'll all be together."
She nods, not convinced, but you can tell the hope is all she has to cling to.
You pull up to the restaurant and Rebecca quickly wipes away her tears, you wipe away a mascara mark from under her eye and she smiles at you as you hold her face.
"You look beautiful by the way." You say, your thumb gently stroking her face.
She gently blushes and goes to get out of the car. You reach over into the car seat and begin to unbuckle Sophia. Rebecca opens the door on the other side and takes her out and puts her on the ground and takes hold of her hand. You get out of the car and the three of you walk into the restaurant.
"Table for 6 for Rebecca." She says.
The hostess brings you to your table and Rebecca slides into the U shaped booth. Sophia hops in next to her and you sit next to Sophia at the end of the booth. You hand Sophia her drawing pad and crayons and she excitedly grabs them and starts drawing.
Ted, Keeley and Higgins walk in, Keeley slides in next to Rebecca, Ted and Higgins follow.
"Okay can we ask questions NOW?" Keeley exclaims as she settles in.
Rebecca looks at you and you give her a nod. Rebecca playfully rolls her eyes and looks at Keeley.
"Yes, now you can ask questions."
Ted, Keeley and Higgins all begin to talk at the same time and Rebecca cuts them off.
"One at a time! Christ." She laughs as she looks at you. "Keeley, you go first."
"How long have you been MARRIED?! How did you meet?!" She lowers her voice a little and leans in "what's the sex like?! It has to be hot."
Rebecca's face turns a little red and you burst out laughing. Rebecca looks at you and you can tell she's asking you if you want to answer the questions or to let her.
"Go ahead" You say smiling at her.
"Three years, we met in New York and I'm not answering the last question."
You make eye contact with Keeley and give her a thumbs up and nod your head, making the three of them laugh. You see Rebecca begin to turn around and you stop but can't help yourself from laughing.
"You're a little prat!" She says to you with a laugh as she playfully shoves you.
She looks over at Ted and gestures to him.
"How 'bout we do an ice breaker!" Rebecca rolls her eyes as he continues "okay y/n, best movie you've ever seen in theaters and worst movie you've ever seen in theaters?"
You pause to think. "Best movie, Spider Man, No Way Home, opening night."
"Oh opening night, you gotta see those kinda of movies on opening night, the crowd gets crazier than a road lizard. Gotta love seeing the multiverse gettin' all mixed up so they can beat their respective enemies together." Ted says.
"Worst movie," you say, thinking, "Vampires Suck."
"Well I don't know that one,"
"You're better off, it sucked. No pun intended." You say
"Well I love intentional puns, like that one time-" Ted continues as Rebecca cuts him off.
"Uh, which one of you, you know," as he gestures to Sophia.
"I gave birth to her" you say with a laugh "Sophie was about six months old when Rebecca and I met."
You look down at your daughter, still scribbling across her pad, unaware of everything else going on around her.
"So how did you really meet?" Keeley interjects. "Saying New York is a bull-" she stops herself and looks down at the toddler. "Bull crap answer." She says carefully.
Rebecca looks over at you and you take the reigns.
"Well I had just given birth to Soph about six months before, so my girlfriends wanted to take me out for a girls night since I hadn't done literally anything since having her. So we got rooms at a crappy hotel, dressed to the nines and went to the bar in the Ritz-Carlton." You say jokingly emphasizing the fancy-ness as Rebecca rolls her eyes at you with a chuckle.
"So we were having drinks, and having a good time and I see Rebecca walk in and sit at the bar. Immediately I was like 'damn, she's a good looking woman.' And of course my friends saw the way I looked at her and were teasing me about it. Then whoever she was meeting came and sat with her and I stopped looking over because a) I didn't think I had a chance in hell with her and b) she was with someone so, that was that. So we hung out, had a few drinks, laughed, had a great time and I notice the person she was with leave money for the bartender and leave. She looked disappointed and I felt so bad. So one of my girlfriends went up to the bar and chatted her up and she came over and hung out with us."
You look at Rebecca, she seems satisfied with your response as she puts her arm around you.
"Oh come on!! I need the WHOLE story!!" Keeley begs.
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f0rtuned · 10 months
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Inbox: 3/5
Requests: Closed!
(Read the request etiquette before sending a request)
What I do
Xeno suggestions
Character outfits (Closed)
Username suggestions (Closed)
Want something not listed? just ask, and i might do it!
Basic dni, transmed, misogynists, detrans kinks, any kink accounts of any sort, dark/immoral-ships, bullies, jerks in general, anti multispec gays/lesbians, gender/sexuality police, etc
About the blog
You can refer to us as Mangle, Foxy, or The Rot (note, The Rot is a separate part of us (kind of like an alter, but not actually an alter.) so if you refer to her she'll be the one replying
I instinctively tag things as kins, so if you dont want that please let me know!
i will NOT do extreme gore or any graphic content involving veins or eyes
in your requests please give me a theme you want me to do
i am not taking mod applications
We love getting promo requests
If we're an anon on your blog, we use the signoff "Capt. Mangle" (note: if we dont reblog/like what you made for us, we probably didnt see it! for some reason our tumblr doesnt give us notifications when we go on anon.)
Sometimes we refer to ourself using we/us/ours, but this blog is ran by one person
We have trouble doing comfycore or any emotion (hope, sadness, happiness, etc), so if you want that we reccomend going to another blog, but we can do our best!
Follow my main, @strzbzr
Anon list + how to become an anon + whitelist and blacklist + about the blog owner under the cut
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Anon list
🐊 Anon, 🛡️ Anon, 🧺🎞️ Anon, essay anon, 🌈🎀 anon, 🐀🕸️ Anon, 🦝🎸/🍥🦴 Anon, Infected Anon, Spook anon, Chat/Vex anon, Mx. Nibbly anon
(did you ask to be an anon or use your signoff and youre not on this list? let us know! we'll fix it asap)
How to become an anon
all you have to do is use your signoff or ask me! the signoff can be letters, words, or emojis! as long as it isnt either taken by someone already or offensive/problematic, you can use it!
Whitelist (note: you can request other fandoms! these are just fandoms i know well / or arent commonly accepted on these types of blogs!)
(note no.2: I DO NOT WANT DISCOURSE HERE. the reason i allow problematic sources is to provide a safe space for everyone and accommodate for as many people as im comfortable with. If you try to start any discourse with me, you will be blocked.)
❤️ = favorites to do, 🩷 = ones we like to do, 🧡 = neutral, 🖤= fandoms we arent in/dont know anything about but still accept
Fandoms commonly accepted
Fnaf 🩷
Your turn to die 🩷
Oddities Roleplay / Minecraft Fnaf Roleplay ❤️
Welcome Home 🧡
The amazing digital circus 🧡
Danganronpa (games) 🧡
Danganronpa (anime) 🖤
Sonic 🧡
Springtrap and Mangle / S.A.M (Au by Quiettomato) ❤️
Slice of life (Fnaf au) 🧡
Regretevator ❤️
Cookie run kingdom 🖤
Invader zim🖤
And some others I might have forgotten! (more on the carrd)
Fandoms commonly not accepted (please note that i do not support most of these!)
Boyfriend to Death 🩷 8:11 ❤️
Nekopara (NOTE: im only willing to do the characters who look like adults, the ones that look like kids give me the ick, sorry) 🖤
Dream smp / any smp in general 🖤
Most games with ns/fw (as long as the request is sfw)
The coffin of Andy and Leyley 🖤
Super Sonico 🧡
You and me and her 🧡
Alfreds Playhouse
Monster high (personal reasons)
Fandoms that entirely revolve around something super bad (not sure what counts? just ask me!)
About the blog owner
Our fictkins: The Mangle, Amy Rose, Streber (Spooky month), Pest (Regretevator), Beetle (8:11)
Our irls: Ryker Dublin, Sara Chidouin, Funtime Foxy (tor)
Kinsidering: Empty!
Our traumakin: Shin Tsukimki
Our regression kin: Ruby gloom
Our pronouns: bug/she/it/him/they/xe/exe/nyan
Our sexuality: Gay, multispec (quoigender), Polyam, demisexual
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Comfort in His Arms
Summary - Part 19 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure)
Warnings - none
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N - G’day guys, I just wanna start by thanking you for all the likes, reblogs and follows since my last post, I really appreciate it. I hope you like this one too. And remember my inbox is always open for requests or even if you just wanna chat. Until next week, enjoy! 
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Back in the apartment, Dean is met with Suzy holding a stack of books on purity and abstinence. 
“There you are, I thought I’d scared you off.”
“Never. Just had to take a call.”
“Everything okay?”
“Uh, yeah…” His eyes drift back to the DVDs sitting on the cabinet. “Actually, not really…Carmelita.”
Her gaze follows his and her eyes go wide in shock. “So, you've seen my...work. Listen, I don't blame you if you want to be assigned a new counsellor. I-I get it.”
“No. No, no. Are you- are you kidding me? I mean, you're- you're a freaking legend.”
“No! I-I am -- I'm not that girl anymore. I moved here. I changed my name. That girl was- was horrible.”
“Listen, uh, Suzy, I've seen a lot of awful things, the stuff of nightmares, okay? But you- you're the good dreams. And nobody in Hartford knows?”
“Yeah, what am I supposed to say? Oh, yeah, hey, I used to be a porn star. Let's pray?”
“Well... They do not appreciate you. I mean... the things you can do- the scene with the tacos. My g-let’s just say that was a fun one to reenact…” 
“Made me want to join a mariachi band just to be near you.”
“Well, you are now.”
“I am, aren't I?”
“You're not like... the other guys in town, are you? You're kind of a... a bad boy.” She moves in close wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I don't know. Why don't you ask me that in Spanish?”
“Eres un Chico malo?”
“Sí.” She closes the gap between their lips, pulling him close. 
He pulls her head in and hungrily kisses her back. After a moment he pulls back suddenly, “Shit! Shit! I can’t do this! Shit! I’m sorry.”
“Sorry, you just got reborn today and I’m already ruining you. Look, this was a mistake. You should go.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry.” He quickly leaves the apartment and walks down the street as it starts to rain. He pulls out his phone and calls Y/N’s number. It goes straight to voice mail, he tries multiple times and leaves a number of apologetic texts begging her to call him. He walks for a few more minutes before his phone starts to ring. He answers quickly not caring to check the ID.
“Y/N? Baby! I’m so sorry! I-”
“Sammy! Hey.”
“You gotta come to Peoria.”
“What’s going on? I’m working a case with Bobby. Anyway, what are you doing in Peoria, you’re supposed to be at the Bunker with Y/N.”
“I know. I promise to explain everything. You just gotta get here.”
“Bobby has the car, I’m on my way to the library to meet him. You can explain while I walk.”
“It’s about Y/N, Dean. She’s gone.”
“Gone? What do you mean gone? She went to Peoria? Alone?”
“Not exactly. Listen, Bobby and I had a plan. You work a case with him while I work one with Y/N. So, we came to Peoria. But we had a fight and she left.”
“You had a fight?” Dean arrived at the library and leans against the Impala as he sends a quick text to Bobby to meet him outside ASAP. “Have you tracked her phone? The car?”
“That’s the thing, her phone and the car are still here. I think something took her when she went outside. I was inside and then there was a bright blue flash in the car park and when I got outside she was gone.”
“You let something take my girl?!” 
“I didn’t let it, Dean. She’s a hunter too, I thought she’d be okay.”
“A hunter who’s in recovery from surgery and who wasn’t thinking straight. I hope you’re damn proud of yourself.”
“She’s not just yours, Dean. I love her too. Look, I’m not the villain here. Just get here and help me find her.”
Dean hangs up and gets in the car as Bobby hands him the keys. Bobby gets in the passenger seat as Dean speeds off.
“Drop me at the motel. Jody and I got this one. You and Sam get our girl back. Let me know if I can do anything to help.”
“Blue light, Sam said there was a blue light. Same as our survivor here. Could it be the same thing? How can it be in two places at once.”
“Nearest I can tell we’re dealing with Vesta, Roman Goddess of the Hearth. She needs virgin sacrifices. Unless they went and got reborn today, she doesn’t fit the profile.”
Dean pulls into the motel parking lot and pulls out his phone in desperation. He texts Sam asking if they went to church today. “He said they didn’t visit any churches.”
“So, it’s something else. Jody and I’ll gank this God and then meet you boys in Peoria,” Bobby says as he gets out of the car. Before he shuts the door he says, “She’s a fighter, Dean, she’s gonna be alright. She has to be.”
As Bobby steps back, Dean takes off towards the highway at full speed. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It’s the early hours of the morning when Dean pulls into the motel where Sam’s waiting for him. He jumps out of the car and bangs on the door. “Sammy!”
Sam opens the door quickly and then sits back down at the table in front of his laptop and mess of paperwork. 
“We gotta find her, Sam. I swear to you if we don’t-”
“I know. I want to find her just as bad.”
Dean snatches the files and reads over them as he sits at the end of what was Y/N’s bed. That’s when he noticed all her bag sitting beside him untouched. He opens it and rifles through her stuff finding her knife and gun at the bottom. He twirls the knife in his hands admiring the etching of their initials. “She’s out there alone and unarmed, Sam. We gotta find her. I can’t lose her. Not like this. I can’t.”
“I know. We’re gonna find her. Just help me research.”
Dean pulls Y/N’s laptop on top of his lap and starts to research with Sam. When the sun’s starting to rise Sam says, “I'm pretty sure of it now. We're hunting a Djinn.”
“A freaking genie took my girl? You mean she’s in some abandoned warehouse somewhere being drained of her blood.”
“At least we can find her now. There’s an old abandoned factory on the outskirts of town. She’s gotta be there.”
Dean slams the laptop shut and tucks Y/N’s knife and gun into his jacket before standing up and rushing outside and into the car. Sam follows.
As Dean speeds off Sam says, “I wonder what she wished for?”
“Once I would’ve said I knew. But now, I don’t know. And I don’t know if she’ll fight to come back. When I got caught that time I fought hard to come back. I couldn’t blame her if she couldn’t find a reason to fight it. To want to come back to me.”
“She loves you, Dean. Pretty much unconditionally. She’ll fight for you. We’re gonna get her back.”
It’s not long before Dean’s pulling a park in front of an old dilapidated factory. They practically jump out of the car, quickly gathering weapons from the boot before making their way inside cautiously. They split up and search the rooms down the opposite ends of the hall. After searching five rooms and coming up empty, panic starts to settle in. Dean can’t stop his heart from pounding. The thought of losing her drives him to keep going. Searching room after room, tearing them apart. As Dean enters a dirty and crusty store room a bloodcurdling scream echoes through the halls. It’s a sound that breaks his heart and sends him into a fury – he’d know that scream anywhere. He sprints down the hall in the direction of the sound, Sam meeting him at the door. Dean pulls out his gun and takes the safety off as Sam opens the door in front of him. 
As soon as they enter, you start to run over to them. But your muscles are weak and you only make it a few steps before you trip. “Dean? Sam?” Dean catches you before you hit the cold cement.
“We’re here, Sweetheart. I’m here. You’re safe.” Dean engulfs you in his arms carefully. He takes in your pale skin and sunken eyes – the telltale signs of blood loss. He picks you up bridal-style and begins to carry you towards the door. As Sam opens the door you’re met with the ugly tattooed face of the man you’d met the night before. You burrow your face into Dean’s shoulder as Sam reaches out and stabs the djinn in the heart. You start to cry and Dean pulls you tighter to his chest.
“It’s over. You’re safe. I got you.” He keeps whispering reassurances to you as he carries you out to the car. He climbs into the backseat with you and continues to hold you close. After a few minutes Sam returns, having searched the room for any of the other victims. He takes the keys and drives back into town to the local hospital. Where the boys would muscle their way through this, Dean insists on getting you checked out, especially after the pregnancy.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A few hours later you’re sitting in the motel bed in Dean’s arms. You’re feeling much better after getting some blood, fluids and painkillers pumped into your system. 
“So what was it like? What’d you wish for?”
“Like you don’t know.”
“After what I said to you last night I really don’t.”
“That hurt, I won’t lie, and we’ve got a lot to talk about but I still love you, Dean. I just hope you didn’t mean what you said.”
“I meant some of it. I meant what I said about you making me feel safe and happy. I meant it when I said I should tell you how much I love you more often. And honestly, I have felt lost since...But the rest…the rest I regret with everything I have.”
“We had a little boy, Sammy Jr., he looked just like a miniature you and he loved Scooby Doo as much as you do. And I was pregnant with a little girl. And we were happy. Married even. The whole nine yards.”
“We were too happy. We didn’t fight. And we didn’t hunt…”
“Still not seeing an issue. I thought that was your dream. Get out, start a family-”
“Sam and Bobby died helping us get out of the life. I wanna get out Dean, but not at their expense.”
He nods and hugs you tighter to his chest. “So, how’d you escape?”
“I drowned myself in the lovely bath fake you drew for me.”
“Too bad this divey old place doesn’t have a tub. When we get home, I’ll draw you a bath and we can enjoy it together without drowning. But for now, why don’t you take a nap? I promise I’ll be here when you wake up and we’ll talk more then.”
You nod and snuggle into his embrace as he kisses the top of your head.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308, @tapedeck-hearts, @luvjaida, @peachtxa, @ambearsstuff, @shadow-of-a-cloud, @slut-for-buck, @iprobablyshipit91, @sassy-pelican, @fallenlilangel99
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Grgrgrgrggrgrggrgr I wanna post more art stuff for my pookies but I also have exams to siiiiit aghhhhhhhhhhhh curse you state exams commission you know what you did.
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sugakoni · 6 months
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heya. uh. i guess its about time i introduce myself and how my account works again, huh?
name: zee
timezone: cst
pronouns: all pronouns
age: 21
i am currently a struggling adult that indulges in so much media that my lil brain cannot process, but thank god for tumblr amirite? i used to write a shit ton of resi evil, but unfortunately i will not be linking all of that stuff in my master list (too much work, and its easy to find on my blog anyway)
well, i am not a stranger to smut. albeit, my leon kennedy smut from 2021 gets so many fucking likes on a daily basis i cant keep up. but, with requests, i really need a few things from you!
please include if you want it to be a ficlette, a oneshot, or a headcanons post. tell me your indulgences, your desires! i am no stranger. however, i please ask that you do not mention rape, noncon, or any weird ass kinks in my inbox (yttd fandom im looking at you).
also, underage? more like pedophilia! i am NOT writing smut for children, even if you ask me to age them up. i will die on that hill. sorry folks.
just make your way to my requests box and i will get to you asap, even if u just wanna say howdy! :>
your turn to die
hazbin hotel
star wars
resident evil (i am . picky abt this one being here again.)
stardew valley (harvey simps rise up)
demon slayer (literally fluff or angst only i will punch u guys)
attack on titan
black clover
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fqbang · 2 months
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To You | fabang au
“You , I always need you”
One fine morning Quinn realized she’s not waking up to a man beside her, her husband is not on the bed. Neither anywhere in their room. She scrolled through her phone to check her messages and emails, if there were any, and of course there were! A LOT actually. Mostly about her clients asking for updates on their case, advices, and some colleagues requesting to help with any of her trial cases. She ignored those. She went straight to her imessage to message her husband Mike.
“Hello Doctor Chang are you there? I think you might’ve forgot that you got a wife here back at your home. So I’m texting as a gentle reminder. Text me back ASAP. worried about you” —SENT.
Not even a minute after it was sent, her phone buzz a notification from him.
“Good Morning Atty. Fabray! I actually did not forget about my wife at all and I, in fact, did sneak in last night to steal some sleep but then I was paged and needed to come back at the hospital even before you wake up. Sorry for not texting sooner. Good luck on your hearing appointment today.”
Oh Quinn sweared she didn’t care about the hearing of one of her biggest clients until Mike brought it up and she was forced to get up of bed and started preparing for it.
An hour or so has passed, Quinn is done with all her morning rituals when an email arrived in her inbox informing her that today’s hearing was cancelled because the client just fired her for some unknown reason.
“Oh great after all of our preparations for this case, I was fired just like that” she said to herself frustrated and angered.
A text from Mike arrived once again.
“Hello Atty! Has the hearing started yet? Best of luck, not that you need it but still ! Text me back whenever you can. I love you”
A smile replaced her furrowed eyebrows when she read the text from her husband. ‘I miss him’ she thought to herself.
“Only the rough wind lingers around me so I always need you.”
“How many hours before you could actually come back home to me, Dr?”
“5 more hours :)”
“Too long!!!”
“Sorry, i’ll make it up to you, Atty. How’s the hearing going?”
“Meh it’s boring.”
“Hmm would still wanna know how’s it going but I gtg. I bet it’s going so well though!! Anyways, Break time’s over, i’ll ttyl :)”
“And what if isn’t?” she sent it not waiting for any response because she knows Mike is back to his job where phone is never allowed.
“Then next time it will. I still love you don’t worry too much about your cases you know it gets better”
“Hey, even if you don’t say anything, You’re the only one that understands me.”
With a slightly heavy heart she packed her stuff and drive to Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital where her husband is currently working. Her heads thoughtless all she ever wanted was a hug— a warm, very long comforting hug from her husband. The sun hasn’t shine for too long yet as the day was just starting but for Quinn it felt like it’s the end of the very draining day at work and she needs someone who she could vent out to. Someone who would just listen and understand her. She’s clearly sad because she felt all her efforts go to waste after she was suddenly fired.
“Today I’ll go to your arms too”
“hello is Dr. Mike Chang in here?” I asked the nurse at the lobby.
“Oh he is. Will you be having a follow up check up with him? May I have your name so I could search for your records, Ma’am?” the nurse politely responded.
“No, actually I am not. I am—“
“Hey nurse Lizelle I need the charts for the patient in room-“
“Oh great timing Dr. Chang someone’s looking out for you” pointing at Quinn “ and of course I’ll grab the charts of Riley from Room 2”
Quinn slowly turned his gaze on him and he’s just expecting a normal patient who might need his help. Surprise was very evident on his face when their eyes met.
“Quinn what are you doing here?” His voice sounded a bit excited but more worried.
“Are you hurt?” He questioned once more.
“No, but I need something from you.” sadness on her eyes.
“A hug if I may?” She extended both her arms asking for a hug.
And so the doctor immediately pulled her for a hug.
“Sorry nurse liezel for this little pda. A little favor can you page me when some urgent matters occurred? I’ll be back later.” He ordered to the nurse who’s smiling when she saw the two hugging.
I’m grateful to you, who greets me whenever I open the door.
“What happened my love?” Mike asked Quinn who’s now happily eating her lunch.
“Life sucks!” She yelled with her mouth full of salad. “But at least this salad is delicious!” She added.
“Okay…” Mike just let her be.
“I was fired…” her voice turned serious.
“It’s my first time to be fired. And by a very important client too” she felt a lump forming on her throat “It’s not a very good feeling. I’m sorry I had to bother you like this but-"
“You didn’t bother anyone here. Actually you came in perfect time.”
“What do you mean?”
“ I miss your voice.”
“Okay I guess this is from your lack of sleep but you’re not making any sense right now.”
“There’s this patient I talked to earlier. She’s turning 7 undergoing a chemotherapy and she wants to meet a fairy who would sing her ‘seven by taylor swift. Do you think you could do her some favor?”
You've given me a piece of happiness
How did Quinn get so happy in an instant? Easy, Mike knows her.
She dressed up as a fairy and surprised Riley, the kid who’s battling cancer and sang to her “Seven”
“Thank you Dr. Chang! I don’t know how did you find a fairy but it’s magical in here now!” The kid exclaimed in excitement
“You’re welcome Riley” Mike replied and gave her a hug.
The doctor and the ‘fairy’ left the room when Riley fell into slumber.
“Thank you Dr. Chang. I don’t know how you did it, but you definitely cheered me up today.”
“Out of all the things I’ve achieved today, making you happy was the most fulfilling.”
“I love you, Mike”
“You too, Atty!”
Hi what do you think of this? My favorite headcanon today is Dr. Mike x Atty. Quinn so here it goes lol
Idk if it’s confusing for anyone but the random “” in between scenes are lyrics of the song “To You” that best describes each scenarios so i added :)
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egoistars · 15 days
includes interactions + requests!
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DNI: just don't be a bigot or rude. i'm fine w anyone interacting as long as they make me comfy. if i block you, pls don't take it too personally! this is the internet and we don't know each other, i'm just doing what makes me feel the best
BYI: i am a minor (16) so please keep that in mind when interacting! i am awful when it comes to dmming ppl but i love answering your asks. if any moots dm me i'll try my best to respond and i promise i love talking to you guys!! i'm just horrible at responding
all my works have a gender neutral reader unless specified otherwise
i will not write if it doesn't follow my boundaries, i don't feel comfortable writing it, or another reason. don't take offense to it, i'm just making sure it's the best i can do :)
i do this as a hobby and i am a student with a job so please be understanding! i'm sorry if you have to wait a while for your ask but i'll try my best to get to them asap
i am a MINOR and this is a sfw blog!
i may write suggestive content and violence that matches the media i'm writing for
i wont write smut and there are no exceptions
don't request incest/stepcest, rape, paraphilias, self harm, or alpha/beta/omega dynamics
otherwise, submit whatever you want to my inbox. i'd love to get to know you all :)
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iovejoao · 2 years
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iovejoao: requests are currently closed & am working on current ones in my inbox, sorry for the delays amors </3
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i don't write
↳ incest, sa, rape, violence of any sort
i do write
↳ fluff, smut (getting a bit better at it), angst
↳ possible future social media aus
⋆ masterlist
↳ pls note that requests will take a bit long but i will get to them asap
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
I officially close the Special, FINALLY.
So sorry for all those who didn't get any "surprises".. but actually I don't really know if I should do more drawings on some requests.. So I thought to make only three to show you how I usually draw. I repeat: I am not an artist at all, just enjoy doing some stuff like those in my free time.
Let me know and text me in the inbox if you'd like to see more of them and I can think about doing some other drawings on requests, along with drabbles or headcanons! I'd like to hear from you :D
Now I'll go to change the layout and theme of my blog ♥ thank you all for participating!
Ps. to all those adorable anons who had requested, don't worry! I'll answer your requests asap! I've got them on my drafts~ :3 love u~
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strvwdere · 2 years
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__hi, here are some basic rules for my blog, please be sure to follow them. violators will be blocked, no exceptions, sorry!
1.) this is an 18+/mdni/mdnf blog that interacts with NSFW and dark content! blogs without age indicators are unwelcome! anyone engaging in my content who fails to adhere to this rule is mocking my time and effort in building a safe space, as well as the time and efforts of my mutuals and the community at large. if you are a person with internet access, please use any of the other resources available to help you get your needs met.
2.) be respectful! be aware that I consider this site to be an extension of my own personal space. I’m here to chat, engage in content, and provide occasional support to the community. I have a right to exercise judgement regarding interactions that interrupt my wellbeing. anyone bringing malice, negativity, and/or unwarranted critique is unwelcome.
3.) follow copyright guidelines! do not repost, quote, translate, or plagiarize my work OR the work of others. do not recommend or read my works on outside platforms such as tiktok or youtube. this is the height of offense in the creative community and social consequences can end up being the least of your worries if you value your reputation and self esteem. said copyright is displayed @ the #pinned post at the top of my blog.
4.) acknowledge content warnings! this includes spoilers, themes, and interactions. all of these will be tagged in each post (bc I <3 organization) so if there is a topic you wish to avoid (ie., dark content, nsft, etc.), feel free to block the associated tags. if I miss something please tell me and I’ll be sure to assess ASAP. all tags and their descriptions can be found @ _tags .
5.) regarding asks and requests: this blog is multifandom, pertaining to manga and anime specifically! I am happy to take small inbox reply requests only, regarding the fandoms I have listed @ _bio only.
6.) writing and discussion topics, pt 1: this is a quick list of topics I will not engage with via writing or discussion: NO incest, pseudocest, scat, watersports, AOB, noncon, heavy dubcon, somnophilia, exploitation of power dynamics (teachers, bosses, slave play, etc.), age play, race play, active abuse (physical, mental, or emotional), drugs, gang violence, or any content shown to further an agenda of ableism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, or classism. If you’re curious about why, shoot me a message @ _? and I will respond privately.
7.) writing and discussion topics, pt 2: the works posted directly to this blog are mostly, if not all “(character) x reader”, aka reader inserts. being gnc myself, I tend to avoid gendered terminology outside of anatomical description. said descriptions will always be tagged appropriately with each fic including afab, gnc, and any petnames used throughout. also all characters are written automatically aged up to 21+ unless specified. again, feel free to block associated tags!
That’s it for now! remember- we’re here for a good time not a long time, so let’s keep it cute and have fun admiring the material that inspires us. nobody is required to like anybody or anything, but I’d like to curate a secure environment for myself and others to interact. if anything makes you uncomfortable, feel free to unfollow or block!
Thanks for reading 🍓
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rhenuvee · 2 years
Hello everyone, all requests from my event has been answered! Again I'd like to thank everyone who participated! I don't usually get a lot of follower interactions so seeing- I think 30+ requests(?) really made me happy (and overwhelmed lol). I am on and off on Tumblr and I don't get a lot of time to write to I appreciate the 400+ of you who stuck around. Don't worry there's more to come!
Secondly, reminder than my username will be changed to rhenuvee soon, and so my masterlist will be under construction. So sorry about this, but I'll try to fix it asap.
If you sent something and it wasn't answered it is most likely because you sent it after my event ended (I had to close my inbox). I have said this many times already and sorry to the anons who were answered recently, because I had to extend the message at the bottom because people weren't reading it. So in case you still didn't read the post- my event has ended already on Oct16, the only reason you are seeing posts being answered later is because I got held up by schoolwork.
Sorry for the long message, but thanks again. <3
(Genshin followers: Kazuha fic coming up...)
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literaticat · 3 years
On the topic of that agent who complained but after hours query mails (or any agents who do): as a global business, I am super suprised they don't expect this to happen often due to time zones!
The thing is - there are two people who complained and caused mini-viral twitter moments. One was a pill - the other one had a legit reason to complain, IMO, and I'll give some backstory.
So the one last week was a tweet quoting an agent who was griping about "authors need to send queries during work hours". Ridic, IMO, and that agent seemed to just be a crab. I answered this some posts back but REALLY -- I truly don't know any other agents who would complain about this -- like, he needs to join the 21st Century. Agents who are good at managing their email or who have dedicated query manager inboxes and such don't even KNOW when you send -- and we certainly don't CARE. Authors should NOT worry that we are sitting around being jerks about this, we are well aware of time zones and the fact that most authors have actual jobs and families and whatnot. I have gotten queries on Christmas Day or in the dead of night, or whenever, and I have no problem with that. I get to them when I get to them.
IT GOES BOTH WAYS, THOUGH: I assume that most AUTHORS realize that AGENTS are reading queries on off hours, on weekends, on holidays, right? Like, literally most agents do not have time to get deep on the query inbox during regular work hours. And so, we might send requests or REJECTIONS at any of those times. I have certainly had people complain online -- VERY vociferously -- because I sent a rejection over a holiday weekend. (So much so that I now stress about it... like "oh dang, does Arbor Day count as a holiday? Is somebody going to come at me because I rejected them during Purim? Ahhhh)
POINT BEING: Don't worry about the querying agents thing, IMO.
However, the one from a few months back was a very different complaint, that has nothing to do with authors. In that case, it was an EDITOR who was complaining that an AGENT sent a submission after hours on the Friday of a holiday weekend.
This is a legitimate complaint, for the record. Sorry, but yeah. Agents are professional email-senders. A huge part of our job is making sure that our clients have the best chance possible for success -- that means that, in my experience, we have scrupulous etiquette surrounding the submission process.
These submissions are NOT going to some query in-box to be dealt with in the order received - they are emails going straight to editors themselves without a buffer. Therefore, we want editors to know that we value their time - that we are NOT shotgunning submissions at random, but that we have specifically curated what we are sending them. If editors respect us and believe we are sending them great projects for a good reason, they will continue wanting to open our emails. If editors think we are rude schmucks who send things willy-nilly, they will not want to open our emails. You know?
Part of that respect for editors also includes respecting the fact that weekends, holidays, and the middle of the night are time off. It's one thing to send a response to a quick question or something like that over the weekend or at night - sure, we all check emails on our phones, and it's fine if you just fire off a response or non-urgent inquiry without regard to time because it can be looked at whenever -- it's also fine if something IS time-sensitive and really just needs to be answered ASAP because it's truly urgent -- but a SUBMISSION?
Sorry, but in my opinion, SUBMISSIONS are a big freakin deal and should be treated as such. It takes me several solid days of work (or if I don't have SOLID days to dedicate to it, then those hours spread over a couple of weeks) -- to hone a submission, make a sublist, craft the letter, strategize how and when to send, etc -- it's something on which I spend a great deal of time and care, and I would not throw that away by being sloppy about the email.
If I am prepping submissions after hours or on weekends, I schedule to send during work hours. If I am sending to the UK or another country, I absolutely try to send or schedule to send during THEIR work hours.
If I was an author and I found out my agent was shotgunning my query to random editors after hours on a holiday weekend with no regard to how that would be perceived, I would be PISSED. This is not how you treat important client work.
It later came out that not only this, but also the agent in question is an ACTUAL schmagent -- like the type of person who routinely does not follow best practices at all and is an actively bad apple. And this type of email is Classic Them, and actually part of what makes them a schmagent.
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valyrou · 2 years
hiyaaaaa, who are your top 3 fav star wars characters? and/or your top 3 Final Fantasy 7 characters? who’s your favorite slasher? I’m a big fan of Ghostface! oh and I also loooove your “Star Wars Characters Love Language”, what you wrote for Anakin is especially my favorite. I’d just love to be held by him OTL
(also, I noticed that your askbox doesn’t have the ability to turn on Anon for those who are more shy, if you want to find the setting for that it’s in “Edit Appearance” in your blog’s settings. unfortunately it can only be found on desktop/web browser. if Anonymous is intentionally off (bc haters or something) then ignore this and sorry if i overstepped my boundary! ^^’)
Hi!! Thank you soo much for asking and pointing out that requesting as anon was turned off! I rushed to my Pc the minute I read it and fixed it. You can now ask questions anonymously. Again thank you so much for pointing this out, I probably would have never noticed that. AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ENJOYING MY LOVE LANGUAGE POST! I really appreciate it :) I honestly thought I was a horrible writer haha again, thank you so much!! Have a lovely day and I hope you enjoy what I wrote for you! If you have anything else you‘d like to share with me, you can happily hop in my Request/question inbox and request again! Maybe even as Anon this time ;)
(Requests are open)
Top 3 Fandom characters
A/n: Okay sorry to interrupt again, but this is literally perfect to write rn because I am on a car ride right now (so many Right now’s) and I really need to do something.. OKAY THATS ALL THANK YOU
Star Wars
Okay this one is VERY hard… I really had to think about this for a looong time.. I will explain myself as to why I chose each character :)
1.Din Djarin
OKAY HEAR ME OUT!! I‘m a sucker for Pedro Pascal, but I just love Mandos character in itself! He doesn’t let anyone get close to him but at the same time he builds trust quite fast. Most of the time. He knows who he can trust and is always on guard.
He is daddy. No like literally he has an adoptive, green baby on his side at all times. If you can gain his trust, he can be quite friendly and caring. I cannot tell you how many feelings explode inside of me when he says „Go! I‘ll cover you!“ LIKE AHHHH
2. Anakin Skywalker
Do I need to explain? He is so much like me!! Especially the high ego and the stubbornness..DO NOT COME AT ME LIKE „Oh so you think you can change him?“ HELL. NO. I would not be able to change a single thing about him, especially when palpatine lures him to the dark side. I would try to get him back of course but he was so gaslighted he would not change his mind.
Still he is handsome and has a great personality, even if he‘s a Jedi he still keeps his personality. He just shits on Jedi rules (relationship with padme) I don’t know why I like him so much, it’s just something I know for a fact. Legit grew up like that.
OKAY HOLD UP!! This was between Ahsoka and Obi wan.. and I‘m sorry to say this but..
3. Ahsoka Tano
I see obi wan more as a father figure.. he is just papa :0
Ahsoka my love is a girl boss, fleeing from troopers that try to catch her for something she didn’t do and then realizing that being a Jedi is just meh and retreating from her status of being a Jedi? Just a girl boss. You have to love her for that
she is just gorgeous and has a beautiful personality. I would befriend her asap if I see her. No hesitation.
Final Fantasy
This one is pretty easy ngl. No hesitation while choosing at all.
1. Sephiroth
Gorgeous hair, gorgeous face and a habit of killing people. What can I say. My dream men. At first I hated him but then I read like one fanfic on accident and I saw him in a completely different light. Suddenly when I played the game myself I would scream in my pillow like a mad women.
I‘m sorry but he is just my number one. Mwuah Chefs Kiss
2. Cloud strife
He has so much sass it’s adorable. That oke scene where he was all dressed up? I questioned my speciality all over again. He literally slayed in that dress. I wish I looked like that on prom :,(
He is so cute and he is the only one that I would big spoon… like- ever. He is the only one that gets that privilege.
3. Tifa
Another girl boss. I‘m not a pervert and chose her because of her body I‘m head over heals for her kind and caring personality. She is just sooo sweet!! And suddenly I can bark very well..
Tifa just had to be here. I feel like she would be the best girlfriend ever. I MEAN- caring, kind, brave?!?? She has sooo much to offer
Slasher boys
Okay hard choice again… but I feel like Michael doesn’t really have much personality and he doesn’t talk.. what am I going to do??? So I chose as my favorite slasher…
Not the dbd ghostface!! I mean ghostface from the first movie. Scream 1996!! Stu and Billy are just something. I mean if they actually like you and stuff one of the two might talk to you as ghostface and leave you alive ?
Not many slasher boys talk and Ghostace has the most personality.. I can just imagine maybe trying to talk to him..? I‘m a lot like Stu on my good days.. soo I figure that he and I would go well together.. as for Billy? It would be hard. Way harder then trying to befriend Stu.
You have to like ghostface!
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professorrw · 3 years
can you do wanda x reader who has powers like deku from mha
This was a super interesting concept! I hope that what I wrote for it is what you wanted.
Pairing: gender neutral reader x Wanda Maximoff
Requested: Yes
Warnings: little bit of fluff, little bit of angst, human experimentation, descriptions of surgery, injuries
A/N: I'm working on chapter three of To Have a Heart I'm just not done with it. I ended up not having much time to write these past few days but I'll get on the grind asap! Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Your parents were HYDRA soldiers. Your father was a former Nazi. They helped you get your position as a surgeon for HYDRA. You weren’t included in the experiments or informed of anything, but you saw the aftermath. You saw the injuries.
In your heart you had a small itch that it wasn’t right. None of it was. You couldn’t say that aloud. It scared you to even think about it. They were experimenting on young people. People younger than you.
A girl, maybe twenty or so, was carried into the infirmary. You’d never seen her before but you heard talk that there were two new test subjects. The soldiers set her down on the bed and left her in your care. You walked over to her and assessed her.
She was clearly in pain and winced when you touched her arm. From her elbow down it was purple and bruised. You sighed, wishing that you had reports on how she had sustained such injuries. After evaluating her and putting her in an x-ray machine you determined that she had broken her forearm bones and all the bones in her hand.
The fracture was severe, though it hadn’t pierced the skin. You would have to do surgery on it. While you were getting her IV set up on the table beside you she rolled her head over.
“Am I going to be okay?” She spoke with a Sokovian accent, meaning she had come from the very area the HYDRA base was set up at. Your heart throbbed for this poor girl next to you. You didn’t know anything about her but you knew that she had gotten herself into something terrible. While you were in the operating room you would do everything you could to comfort her.
“Of course. A few of your bones are broken but I’ll fix them. They’ll be good as new in a few weeks, I promise.” You smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
The surgery went well. You induced her and made the incision to reset her bones and put the metal plates and screws in their places. While she was still under anesthetics you wrapped her arm in a sling and left her to rest. She was given to you early in the morning and the surgery was complete before lunch. After dinner you went to her room where she had been relocated.
You knocked on the door and a soft “come in” came from the other side. You went into her dark room and took a seat next to her bed.
“I’m sorry I don’t already know this but what’s your name?”
“Wanda Maximoff,” she answered.
“Wanda… that’s a pretty name.”
She smiled and looked down at her lap.
“Well Wanda I’m doctor Y/L/N but you can call me Y/N.” You stuck out your left hand, knowing that she shouldn’t and couldn’t move her right that much. She reached out and placed her smooth hand in yours.
“You’re not like the others,” she stated.
You looked at her and tilted your head to the side. “How come?”
Her facial expression changed to a downcast look. Her face told you of all the horrors she had experienced. Once again you ached for her. You wanted to reach out to her and tell her that it was okay. That there was someone on her side.
“They… treat me like a thing. You treat me like a person.”
You pursed your lips together. You understood the feeling all too well. But speaking of it was dangerous. Extremely dangerous.
“You are a person. I’m sorry that no one treats you like one. If you’re comfortable could you tell me what they’re doing to you?”
“There’s a stone. They call it the Mind Stone and it gave me powers. But I can’t control them. They made me punch a big machine and my hand and arm broke. But the machine… it had a dent in it. A large one. It completely broke.”
“So your powers did this to you?” you asked.
Wanda nodded. You’d never heard of powers so destructive to their owner. What kind of power exactly did she have? It sounded like super strength to you but why did it hurt her?
You were only allotted a certain amount of time to check on Wanda. You weren’t supposed to be talking about anything. You were supposed to make sure she was keeping it still and that it was feeling okay.
You glanced over at the camera in the corner of the room. The red dot was flashing on and off and it was pointed straight at Wanda.
“It looks like that’s all the time I have. I’ll be back tomorrow okay?”
Over the span of Wanda’s recovery you got closer. It was refreshing to have someone else to talk to. You could tell from how she talked about it that she resented the people that worked for HYDRA but not what they were giving her. She opened up to you, explaining what happened in her childhood and talking about why she felt the need to have the powers.
Her brother, who you came to find out about soon after Wanda’s surgery, had powers too. His injuries weren’t as severe as Wanda’s but it was crazy to think that one could have super strength and one super speed. It also made you fear whom you were working for even more. The shear power they held, the destruction they were capable of. To think of all HYDRA could do was nerve wracking.
Even after the surgery and recovery you saw Wanda often. Her powers and her body weren’t compatible yet but that didn’t mean that Strucker was going to stop his experiments. As soon as she had recovered from one surgery she was right back in your infirmary.
It was taking a toll on her body and at some point you were tired of seeing her so beaten up. Months after your first meeting you sat in her room with her as she went through the healing process once again. All the incisions and marks were covering her arms. It was painful to look at it.
Her right arm was bare and her left was wrapped up. You looked at all the scars that were on her arms, some of them coming from the surgeries you had to perform on her. In the beginning it was pity and empathy that you viewed her with but after all the months you spent together you had formed a bond. It was unbearable to have to cut into her so often and watch her go through it all.
Without even realizing it you had started crying. How could it be right to hurt such a young girl? How could it be right to experiment on a human being? An innocent human that had never done anything wrong.
“What is it? Why are you crying?”
“Wanda it hurts me to see you like this. It’s not right what they’re doing to you.”
“I’m learning to control my powers. Maybe soon I won’t get hurt anymore. You don’t have to cry.” She reached her good hand over and wiped the tears off your cheek. You took her hand and held it out for both of you to see.
You pointed at all the white scars that were on her hand. “Look at this Wanda. Does it not hurt you? Because it hurts me. You’re in a cycle of getting hurt, having surgery, going through recovery, and then repeating. This isn’t good for your body. If you keep it up this could cause serious damage. Lasting damage.”
“Y/N please. I know what I’m doing. I’m not a little kid. I chose this. I chose to go through this,” she said.
“I like you Wanda. More than friends type of way. It is tearing me apart to cut you and stitch you back up and then watch you be stagnant as you mend. You are so much more than that. You deserve so much more than that. You said it yourself. These people treat you like a thing, something they can toy with.”
“I like you too and I would run away with you if I could. But we both know we can’t leave. This is our life whether we like it or not.”
Wanda’s words that day were truer than anything you had heard in your life. You couldn’t leave. At least you thought you couldn’t. For over a year you and Wanda stayed with HYDRA. You started a relationship that meant more to you than anything in the world. She slowly became able to control her powers and when Ultron was created Wanda became a weapon against the Avengers. That scared you more than anything before.
But there was hope after all. Wanda switched sides and rescued you from HYDRA. The Avengers brought an end to Ultron and HYDRA’s reign, letting you live the life you had wanted for so long.
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