#i am so so nervous and so so excited cause i wanna do dean and cas justice but ive only written star wars for so long
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me? finally writing destiel fic in the year 2025? more likely than you think!
#mj.chatter#i am so so nervous and so so excited cause i wanna do dean and cas justice but ive only written star wars for so long#im afraid i wont be able to find the right voice for the characters but OOP this is my silly little fanfics and i wont let that stop me#if i get it wrong i guess that just means ill have to write more until i get it right !!!#anyways yeah im gonna start with just a short little fic to see how it goes#nothing too deep or plotty just a fun and sweet little thing that i will (hopefully) be able to post on the 24th#iykyk
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Expect the Unexpected: dadstiel father's day ficlet
based off this anon's genius ask
They were late. Not that they actually had a strict schedule to stick to, but when it came to hunts, Claire didn't like to mess around. She did take this very seriously after all.
But the drive took longer than expected and they didn't get to the motel until around three am, and it took them longer to get out of bed this morning, which was admittedly Claire's fault. And they forgot to steam out their suits with the bathroom shower, so now they're late, in slightly wrinkled suits, speed walking through the parking lot at almost ten thirty am. And yeah maybe Claire's freaking out a bit, but what if the messy suits give them away, or what if another hunter got here already? Maybe they should run? The parking lot is empty so it's not lik-
"Hey, slow down, I don't think they bodies are going anywhere" Kaia laughed, gently grabbing Claire's hand to pull her back.
"I know, but we said we'd get there by nine thirty an-"
"Claire. The case isn't gonna disappear if we're forty five minutes later than we wanted to be. Okay?" Kaia assured, as she forced Claire to stop walking for a moment.
God why did she always have to be right?
"I know I know it's jus-okay fine" Claire sighed in defeat, but Kaia rewarded her with a quick peck on the lips, and pulled her inside.
They both flashed their badges with practiced confidence, and were easily lead to the correct room. The secretary didn't even bat an eye at their slightly wrinkled suits.
Yeah so maybe Claire was freaking out for noth-
"Agent Joel, and this is my partner Agent Cyrus"
Fuck. There's no way
(read rest under the cut)
"Agents. I didn't know you were also assigned this case"
Because standing over the dead body on the examining table, was Castiel and Jack, in that ratty trench coat and a too big suit respectively.
Well, apparently another hunter did beat them to the case.
"Uh could you give us a moment to confer?" Cas asked attempting to hide his surprise, and the coroner nodded and left without a word.
"Claire! Kaia! I didn't know you guys were working the case too!" Jack started surprised, running over to give each of them a quick hug. They had met a ton of times over the past year, sometimes he even came and hung out at Jody's. And after the initial shock of Cas having a three year old who looked like he was twenty, Claire honestly liked the kid.
"Hey Jack, Cas. We didn't know you guys would be here either? I guess wires got crossed or something?" Kaia shrugged as she gave a little wave to Cas. But before Claire could say anything, Jack was tugging Kaia off to the side, talking a mile a minute about god knows what. And Cas was making his way, over to Claire.
"Hello Claire. I'm sorry I had no idea you two would be working this case. Jacks just been begging to go on another hunt, and this was the closest one to the Bunker. But we can try to find a diff-"
"Nono it's not a big deal. We can just find a different case. It wouldn't be fair, since the kid seems pretty excited about it" Claire said trying to shrug it off.
It's not like she was emotionally attached to this particular case, but it's been a while since her and Kaia had been on a hunt alone. So yeah maybe she was looking forward to it, bu-
"Well, maybe we could all work the case together? That is, if you'd want to?" Cas offered with a slightly nervous smile.
Okay so, it's not that Claire doesn't like Cas, she's seen him a lot over the years, they text and talk all the time, and he's been there for her a lot lately. Claire actually really likes the guy, but it's not like she's gonna tell him that, but it's just-Cas always treats her like she's the same naive teenager she was when they met again six years ago. And she's grown and learned a lot, she's a professional hunter now. At least Dean, and hell even Jody, gets that, they see the changes, but Cas.....
Claire glances over his shoulder to see Jack and Kaia laughing as to themselves, and she feels something pull in her chest as she quickly looks back to Cas.
"Uh sure, could be fun I guess? Besides we haven't seen you or the kid in the a while, but you have to explain why there's four FBI agents working this single murder case" Claire asserts, but Cas smiles brightly anyway.
"Deal" Cas agrees with a little tip of his head. God what a fucking dork, Claire thinks with a fond eyeroll.
“Also, Joel and Cyrus, really?” Claire teased as she walked over to join Kaia and Jack.
“I let Jack pick them out, and he insisted on picking our favorite singers” Cas sighed fondly, causing Claire to tip her head back in laughter.
And just like that the Coroner came back in, and they each took turns asking the routine questions, Jack with maybe too bright of a smile on his face. The guy was twenty-five, and his friends dared him to spend a night alone in this local old house that was apparently, haunted for real. And when his friends went to pick him up in the morning, they found him bleeding out in the foyer, with giant gashes all over.
So they decided to check out the house first, where Kaia and Jack both got tossed across the room by some creepy looking guy with a giant meat cleaver. Which basically confirmed Claire's theory of it being vengeful spirit, and they went back to Cas and Jack's room to research who the guy might be. So simple salt and burn.
And overall, things were actually going really great, Claire got to spend time with Kaia, plus she got to see Jack and Cas and share some laughs doing what she loves. She also got to help Cas show Jack some of the ropes, give him some hunting tips, which was awesome, since she's never gotten to be the teacher in this situation.
"Alright so tonight, why don't Kaia and I check out the house to make sure it's really gone, while Jack and Cas go find the guys grave?" Claire suggested as she stole a french fry off of Kaia's plate, who hummed in agreement
"Oh we get to burn the bones? I've only gotten to do that once before!" Jack began loudly, but quickly changed to a whisper after a warning look from Cas, they were in a crowded diner after all.
But the only one who hadn't spoken was Cas, who's face was scrunched up in thought.
"Claire I'm not sure splitting up is the best idea" Cas supplied carefully, which made Claire roll her eyes in annoyance.
God there he goes again, acting like Claire's some dumb kid. As if she hasn't handled herself just fine for years.
"C'mon Cas, me and Kaia hunt alone all the time, hell I've even done a ton of solo hunts. It'll be more effective this way, you burn the bones, and if it doesn't work we'll know immediately and figure out another way to waste the guy" Claire continued and watched as Cas looked from Jack to Kaia and back to Claire, sighing in defeat.
"Okay, but we'll all stay on the phone in case burning the bones doesn't work" Cas bargained, which Claire assumed was fair, and they all went back to eating happily.
So they split up, Claire and Kaia set up a salt line in the foyer, rock salt guns loaded and ready to go, with Cas and Jack on speaker at the cemetery. But of course, torching the bones didn't work. So now they had a pissed off, homicidal spirit chasing them with a giant meat cleaver, as Claire and Kaia raced around the house looking for the object it might be attached too while Jack and Cas yelled through the phone.
So yeah things were going pretty great actually.
Until they weren't.
"Cas I had it handled, I didn't need-"
"Claire I know, but it already sliced your arm and it was lunging right at yo-"
"But I was fine. I can take care of mys-"
"Claire, I know that-and please stop throwing your arm around you're going to reopen the wound-Claire, I was only trying to pro-"
"Well I didn't ask you to, I didn't ask you for any of this. I'm not some dumb little kid. I've been doing this for years, and I'm good at what I do, I can handle some stupid spirit. And I certainly don't need you to protect me from anything, since you did a pretty shit job of that already" Claire shouted, turning to look at him.
And when she caught sight of his wide, ashamed eyes, she felt something drop deep in her stomach, all of the fight draining out of her.
"Cas no I didn-I just-" Claire groaned running her hands through her hair, daring a glance over at Jack and Kaia who were frozen on the bed, looking at her with a hint of sympathy in their eyes. Her eyes darted back to Cas who's looked the same, except they were mostly filled with guilt.
Great. Just fucking great.
"Ya know what, I'm gonna run to the drug store-get some more bandaids. I'll be back" Claire huffed slamming the door behind her, and trudging across the motel parking lot to her car.
As she walked into the drug store, her mind was racing, rage still burning away in her stomach, and she mindlessly examined each box of bandaids.
This was stupid. The hunt was over, the guy was dead, turns out his murder weapon was the obejct they had to destroy. So it doesn't even matter anymore, but Claire's just so-
She tossed a box of bandaids back on the shelf. Maybe she should have just let Cas heal-no. Just another thing Claire thinks he needs to do for her.
And where does Cas get off trying to assume what's best for her? She can handle herself just fine, she's almost twenty four for gods sake. She's been hunting on her own for years now, and she's damn good at it, even Jody says so. She's grown and learned a lot so why can't Cas fucking just back off? And who the hell does Cas think he is, anyway? She doesn't need him to protect her, she doesn't need someone to save her, definitely not Cas of all peop-
With a huff Claire shoves another box back on the shelf, maybe a bit too aggressive and digs her palms into her eyes to ground herself.
What is she doing?
She forgave- or as close to forgiveness as you can get with this kinda thing- Cas a long time ago. She didn't wanna live with that rage and pain anymore, it was weighing her down and it fucking sucked. So she's made "peace" with it. And if she's really being honest, she really does like Cas a lot, he's like some doofy, powerful guy, who says some of the weirdest and funniest things she's ever heard. Plus, he sure as hell cares a lot, and he's tried to make it as "right", as possible and respected what Claire wanted.
But just because Claire's made peace with it and thinks he's a good guy, doesn't mean she's not allowed to be pissed.
Claire quickly swipes a brand of bandaids and gauzes she's used before, and weaves her way through the aisles. But she catches something out of the corner of her eye that has her stopping in her tracks.
A Father's Day display.
Something drops deep in the pit of her stomach, as her heart leaps into her throat.
And she's instantly transported back to age five, with memories of homemade cards, barbeques in the backyard, and her dad with a bright smile as he carefully opened her gift. A new tie.
She feels her phone buzz in her pocket, effectively breaking her out of the trance. She quickly swipes at her eyes before reading it.
It’s an apology from Cas.
Claire feels herself rubbing at her eyes again, the grief and pain of loss mixing with guilt and affection and confusion and anger all at once, struggling to gain dominance.
But before she can even process it all, another text come through, asking if she can grab some of Jack's favorite snacks, with way too many emojis.
And before she realizes it, a wet laugh escapes, as she squeezes the phone in her hand. She quickly glances back up at the display, a small, somber smile pulling at her lips.
And she makes a choice.
The next morning they’re all lingering in the parking lot before saying their goodbyes. Claire offered to check them all out, dragging Jack along before leaving Kaia and Cas alone.
"Here, you should be the one to give it to him" Claire says quickly stuffing a bag in Jack's hands.
"But it's from all of us?" Jack questioned, familiarly tilting his head, and Claire couldn't help but smile.
Last night Claire went back to the drugstore, now with Kaia and Jack in tow under the guise of picking up dinner. They each signed the card, even convincing Kaia to write something too. Jack even insisted on getting him one of those cheesy #1 Dad mugs, because apparently even though Cas didn't need it, he liked to drink coffee.
"Yeah I know, but you picked out the mug. So you can give it to him later" Claire assured, and quickly stalked across the parking lot with Jack in tow.
Jack can just hide it in his backpack and give it to Cas when they get home, so he can read their messages in a place where Claire is preferably, not present.
But to Claire's horror, annoyance at her own self because she should have seen this coming, Jack immediately handed Cas the gift.
"Happy Father's Day! It's from all of us, I know it's early but I thought you should open it while we're all together!" Jack declared with a bright smile, while Kaia gently found and squeezed Claire's hand. Cas just looked over at Claire and Kaia, confusion swimming in his eyes
"We all picked it up from the drugstore when we went to grab dinner last night. Thought it might be nice" Kaia answered evenly, but Claire could tell she was nervous. She knew she was worried about how Kaia fit into this fam...well whatever it was.
Cas simply nodded as he worked to recover from his initial shock, he slowly pulled out the mug first, smiling as he read it.
"I picked out the mug! But Claire put the quotes around the Dad, she said you'd think it was funny" Jack informed him, which only caused Cas to chuckle warmly as he pulled out the card.
Claire thought her heart might hammer out of her chest as she leaned into Kaia's touch. Damnit, why couldn't the kid have just waited until he was home.
"Thank you. All of you, thi-this means so much" Cas choked out, voice thick as he finished reading with a disbelieving smile. He hugged Jack first, pressing a kiss to his head.
"See, he loved it? You should talk to him" Kaia suggested in a no nonsense tone, pressing a kiss to Claire's lips before walking towards their car. Cas stopped her of course, wrapping her in a tight hug, and Kaia whispered something Claire couldn't make out, before she pulled Jack over to the other side of the lot. Claire looked at Cas, noticing his eyes were shining, and quickly looked at a rock on the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
"That was very kind of you. You didn't have to do all that for me" Cas said softly as he cautiously approached Claire, leaving some space between them.
"Yeah well, I don't know. I saw the cards at the store and I thought it might be nice..." Claire trailed off, braving another glance at Cas who's eyes were a little misty. Her eyes flitted to the side to see Kaia giving her an encouraging and a nod towards Cas, before turning back to Jack.
Well, it's now or never.
"Look Cas. I'm sorry I blew up yesterday, and I appreciate your-your apology. But I don't need you to protect me, you gotta know I'm not some dumb-"
"Claire, I know. You've become an incredible hunter, I'm not worried about your hunting skills or think that you need protecting. I just worry and want to protect you because I care about you" Cas stated sincerely.
And yeah she knows Cas cared and she knows he was only trying to help, and maybe logically she knows that Cas was't acting like that because he thought she was a some inexperienced crap hunter. But hearing it is just-
Something warm swims in her stomach, as her heart thumps against her chest, as she swallows thickly.
"Listen, about the card, I- I know you aren't him, and you'll never be him okay? So you aren't my dad and I’m not looking to replace but-but you're kinda-you've kinda been like a Da-a figure lately and I know you said you care and I appreciate-and I car-I feel lik-"Claire attempted to choke out, but the next thing she knew, she's stopping and flinging her arms around his neck, hoping it'll convey everything she wants to say.
And it must, because Cas' arms wrap tightly around her, and she finds herself grabbing the back of that ratty trench coat, smiling to herself for a moment.
When they pulled away Cas gives her a soft smile, as she quickly wipes at her eyes.
"You and Kaia should come for dinner next Friday at the bunker. Deans texted me about it six times, and I'm sure Jack would love to show you his room....if you wanted that is-of course you don't hav-"
"Yeah Cas, that actually sounds kinda nice. Haven't had a chance to bother Dean in a while, anyway" Claire shrugged with a smile, which he easily returned.
And later as Claire drove back to Jody's, one hand on the wheel, the other loosely grasping Kaia's, she found herself really looking forward to next Friday.
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#yes billy joel and miley cyrus what of it.#so i actually forgot i wrote most of this and then i spent a really long time debating whether or not to post it#also this is so long for like no reason so im sorry asfhakfhabd but yay claire!!!!!!!!!!!#air quotes dad mug is funny TO ME. i like to think that cas never stopped doing air quotes bc it made dean laugh#i actually had a fluffier fathers day fic but here have some angst#(i am very dean coded so im sorry if claire is TOO much dean asdhfskfjhs)#happy fathers day to CAS<333333#bec writes#claire novak#castiel#kaia nieves#jack kline#dadstiel#dadstiel fic#ficlet#idk how to tag this?#userzaddy#qaslight
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for @one-more-offbeat-anthem follower celebration. day 1 (shh i know i am late)
They drove past it three days ago, and he didn’t think anything of it. Sam mentioned it in passing, but Dean only hummed in response, not caring about a dumb big garden in the middle of nowhere. He didn’t care about the endangered plant life or how beautiful it looked at night; he just wanted to get the hunt over with so they could head back home.
The thing was, Cas cared.
Every free second they weren’t working the case; Cas was on his phone or the laptop looking at pictures or watching videos of the garden close by. Then, he’ll randomly shoot out a random fact about the local wildlife in the area--good to know that they’re some bears stealing picnic baskets around them--before talking about the case again.
And he didn’t mind Cas going off on tangents about invasive plant species; what Dean had a problem with was that Cas wasn’t going on about them to him.
All conversations about the garden were directed at Sam, who admittedly actually looked interested in the subject. Still! He didn’t like feeling like Cas--his best friend with a deep and more profound bond--felt uncomfortable geeking out to him.
By the fourth night, Dean stayed up scrolling through his phone, trying to learn as much as he could about the local garden conservatory so that he could join in on the conversation. Cas was sound asleep beside him--they usually share bed since Sam usually goes full starfish on his--probably dreaming about meadows and...and shit like that.
Cas won’t know what hit him in the morning.
“What are we doing here?”
Dean turned off the car when they were parked outside the botanic garden. He turned his sly proud little grin towards Cas, holding his hand out to motion outside their front window.
“You won’t shut up about it, so here we are.”
Cas didn’t look as excited as Dean pictured in his head, though he doubted he would have been thanked so nicely. Instead, Cas seemed almost suspicious. Eyeing him like he was a shifter instead of the real deal.
“What? You don't wanna go?”
“You let me sleep in.” Sleep in was putting it nicely. It was noon by the time Cas even opened his eyes for the first time today. “You even took me to breakfast and let me order a dumb coffee drink-”
“It’s not coffee.” Dean rolled his eyes while Cas ignored him.
“Without you complaining to me about it. You even tried it.”
“So? What’s your issue?” The coffee was pure sugar, so of course, it tasted good. “Am I being too nice to you?”
“Yes. I find it unsettling.” Cas crossed his arms over his chest, staring daggers into Dean as if that would make him admit things he needed admitting to. As if Cas forgot that he was just as stubborn, maybe even more if he tries hard enough.
“Shut up and get out of the car. We’re going to see the damn birds and the bees.”
At that, Cas raised his eyebrows in surprise before he quickly followed Dean out of the car. They walked with shoulders brushing to the entrance, and before Cas could ask what they should see first, Dean took his hand and expertly took him around the garden.
“You researched this place before we came.” The sun was setting as they walked through the shady forest, fingers now gently intertwined instead of the tight, nervous grip from the beginning. “Why are we here, Dean?”
“I told you.”
“Okay. Then tell me the reason you don’t want to admit.” Cas pulled his hand back and stood in front of Dean, eyes kind but determined. Nowadays, they don't look so sad. “We have spent over two hours here, and you just let me ramble nonstop about stuff you don’t care about. You even held my hand the whole time. It’s...It’s confusing.”
“What’s so confusing?”
“Dean,” Cas sighed as if it was obvious, and it was, but Dean just can’t think of that right now. “I said I would give you space to sort out your feelings, but I do not appreciate being strung up like this. So unless you mean it, then I-I….” Cas trailed off and looked almost disappointed when he reached for Dean’s hand to hold. “Who am I kidding? I take whatever you give me.”
“Come on. It’s getting dark, and I want to see a few more things in the daylight.” Cas started to tug him along, already talking about the plants they would see next, while Dean looked at the back of his head.
He knew he kept doing this to Cas. Sam and Eileen have lectured him about it since Cas came back, but Dean can’t help it. He wanted Cas’s attention, he craved it, but he can’t seem to admit to wanting more even if he was desperate for it. Something keeps holding him back from just...loving him.
I love you. Goodbye, Dean.
“I love you.”
Cas dropped Dean’s hand like it stung him but didn’t turn around to face him, so Dean repeated it. Again, feeling the words seep out between his lips, more confident than the first time.
“I’m-I’m sorry, Cas. Sorry I keep messing up and-and fucking up.” Dean walked closer to place a hand on his shoulder. “But don’t go around thinking you deserve this. Cause you deserve so much better, Cas. You do. Deserve a lot better than what I can give you. Deserve someone better.”
Cas tightened up and slowly turned around to face him. Crying. He was crying.
Dean quickly patted his pockets for the tissues he packed just in case his allergies started to act up, but he fumbled, hands shaking, at the sight of the crying man in front of him.
“Wait. I got-I got...shit! Don’t cry, just give me-Here!” Dean held the bundle of tissues he stole from the motel. When Cas didn’t take them, Dean started to press the napkins to his cheek. “Sorry!” He said when Cas winced because he pushed too hard.
Cas shoved his hands away, and before Dean could feel hurt from the gesture, Cas pulled him in for a hug.
“I should take you to the forest more often.” Cas chuckled, and Dean looked around to see they were in the oak area of the garden, branches crowding the sky above them. Cas hid his face into Dean’s shoulder, whispering. “I love you, Dean. So please, stop holding me at arm’s length. I lived long enough to know that I won’t love anyone else this way, so please, give me a chance. No. Give us a chance.”
Dean hesitantly wrapped his arms around Cas, feeling his every breath under his palms. His forehead fell into Cas’s shoulder as his eyes shut, as he finally relaxed into the embrace.
#im back at work so i havent had time to write but i already wrote day one i have just been lazy to edit#so sorry it's so late but congrats!!#destiel#fic#wormstachwrites#so sorry sam was used as plot device but i assure you--dean just ditched him at the motel with a text saying 'be back later'#sam is now in the hotel room complaining to eileen#offbeat1k#userstarry
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Okay, so i wrote another fanfic. This one is much longer, 3000+ words or 6 pages. I put some more romance in it too, since i realized the other ones kinda lack that and i want more romance. This is my way of coping with my love for Dean
Characters: Dean Tweedle
Warning: R 18+
Title: Teacher's pet, part 1
I was in the schoolyard with my friend, Maya. We were on a break, so we decided to just take a walk outside.
“So, do you wanna go to the club tonight?” she asked me
“Again? Didn’t you go to one yesterday? When do you sleep?”. Our personalities were completely different. Unlike me, she was an extrovert who liked to party. She was always cheerful, so her presence lightened my mood.
“Well, you know, during classes or after I get back from school. So, what do you say? Wanna come?”
“Nope, you know I don’t like those kinda places. The music is too damn loud. I’m gonna go deaf in there. Besides which I have to study for the finals”
“Ugh, we still have plenty of time. You should take a break and relax sometimes. You know how the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
“I think I take enough breaks. I have my own way of having fun. I’m worried that if I take more breaks I’ll fall behind in my studies and I don’t want to disappoint the teachers”. Actually, I think I have a fear of disappointing them. I wonder if this fear has a name.
“Right. How could I forget you’re teacher’s pet whose hobby is to please the teachers.”
“You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing, but my future is at stake here”
“Oh, come on, don’t be so dramatic. It’s not like your future will be destroyed if you spend a bit more time socializing. How about getting a boyfriend? Love will definitely make you happier.”
Love? I immediately thought of Dean and my heart started beating faster. I don’t know when I started having those feelings for him. It feels like it happened gradually. The feelings kept getting stronger and stronger. I began to look forward to his lessons, although I don’t particularly enjoy history. I think I love him, but he only sees me as his student, nothing more. He’s the perfect teacher, always going out of his way to help his students. He’s out of my league. I doubt he’d even consider a girl like me a potential partner. But I can’t find anyone else I’d like to date. Most of the boys in my class were acting like 5 year olds. During breaks, the classroom becomes a battlefield because they start fighting over trivial stuff, which is why we’re outside. They put bugs in girls’ bags or they play with paper airplanes. They’re high schoolers, not primary school kids, but they don’t seem to have matured much since then. There are a few other boys who act their age, but their taken. Figures. I sighed.
“I noticed how you’ve been looking at Dean” Maya said after a moment with a grin on her face. “You look at him like he’s the love of your life”
“What!? No way! Was I that obvious? Has anyone else noticed that? I don’t want him to know that. That’ll be embarrassing.” I felt my cheeks redden. I didn’t realize I was letting my emotions show on my face. I hope he didn’t notice that
“Emma, you should tell him your feelings or you’ll regret you never did that. What’s there to lose? At least give it a go. You can’t know what someone else is feeling unless you ask them.”
“Ugh, i… I guess you have a point. I’ll try to tell him how I feel” I was a bit reluctant and scared that he was going to reject me and break my heart.
“You’ll not ‘try’, you’ll do it. And don’t say ‘tie me up, teacher’. Confess like a normal person. ‘I love you’ is all you need to say to convey your feelings”
“Hey, why would you think I’d say that?” I was shocked at what she said and I tried to push away the thoughts of Dean tying me up and having his way with me
“Because that’s how masochists confess their love, duh” she said matter-of-factly
“I’m not a masochist”. Well, I guess I was a bit, but I wasn’t going to admit that.
“Uh-huh, sure thing.” She said in a teasing voice
Dammit, I need to change the subject. “So, uh… how’s it going with your boyfriend? I’ve seen him stealing your bag many times just to get your attention. He’s so childish, how can you stand that?”
“Well, he can get annoying at times, but I still like him. What I like the most about him is that he has a great sense of humor. I always laugh at his jokes”
That’s true. I really like his jokes too. I, on the other hand, suck at telling jokes. People think I’m serious when I make them. I should just give up. I like him, but he certainly isn’t my type.
The sound of the bell signaled the end of the break, so we made our way back to class. Hopefully, they didn’t destroy anything.
After the lectures were over I went to the library. I was still thinking about what my friend said. How will I go about it? What if he rejects me? I heard about the broken heart syndrome. It’s like a heart attack, but it can be caused by a sudden rush of extreme emotions. I hope he won’t break my heart, figuratively and literally speaking. I’m so anxious I can hardly concentrate on this book. Next time I get the chance to speak with him privately I need to tell him I love him. But he’s so busy. I wish I had more opportunities to talk to him. I doubt I could find a man as good as him anywhere else. He’s the only one I desire. I wonder why I feel so attracted to him. I’ve read in a book that researchers study animal behavior to explain certain behaviors in humans. It says that people are looking for a mate whose genes would increase the chance of survival of their offspring. Maybe I subconsciously want Dean’s genes. But is there all there is to it? I was so distracted by my thoughts I couldn’t hear the footsteps behind me.
“The library is closed. You’re not supposed to be here” said a stern voice behind me
“Whoa!” I exclaimed in surprise and turned around to find Dean standing there with an amused expression on his face. When I looked toward the windows I realized it was already dusk. Time passes so fast
“It’s closing time.” He corrected himself. “You need to go home”
“Oh, right” I was about to pack my things and go, but then I realized that this might be the opportunity I was looking for. “Um, I need to tell you something” I was starting to get nervous
“Yes? Do you need help with something?” he asked
His kindness warmed my heart. This was one of the things I loved about him. “Uh, i… I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately” I was quite anxious, but I tried to keep my voice steady. “but I’ve only recently realized that i…” I felt that my heart was about to explode from all the intense emotions I was feeling. Nervousness. Love. Excitement. I felt a surge of adrenaline, like I just drank coffee. Never before have I felt this way. It was something new. I felt like I was suffocating, like I was drowning in my own feelings. “I love you” I finally said it and looked at him expectantly
He opened his eyes wide. It was clear he wasn’t aware of this. Silence fell between us and after a moment that seemed to last forever he said in a confused voice “Are you sure? I’m not as good as you think I am”
Huh? He’s less confident than I thought he was. Well, that fine by me. He doesn’t have to be that confident for me to like him. “I think I am and I want to get to know you better. So would you like to go on a date?” I was feeling hopeful. He didn’t reject me straight away. It seems like I might just have a chance with him.
“Well,” he smiled “if you think you can handle me then I accept your invitation. I also want to get to know my pet better”
Wow! I can’t believe it! He said yes! YES, YES, YES! Damn, I’m so lucky. This is the luckiest day of my life. How come this hunk doesn’t have a girlfriend? Well, who cares about that, he’s mine now. I felt like dancing with joy.
He began to close the distance between us. “I will teach you about real love”. He lifted my chin up with his index finger and I looked up into his beautiful dark grey eyes. My heart began to beat faster as he moved closer and then pressed his lips against mine. I felt a rush of excitement at the sensation of his warm lips brushing against mine. I didn’t expect this. He then licked my lips and I slightly parted them to let him slip his tongue in. Our tongues coiled around each other and I felt the need to move even closer to him. I put my hands in his hair to deepen the kiss and he put his arms on my hips and pushed me against the bookshelves. He then pressed his body against mine and I let out a small gasp.
“You’re my pet. I won’t let anyone else have you. I’m your only master, do you understand?”
“Yes, master” I don’t want anyone else but him. My heart belongs to him.
“Good girl.” He smiled and kissed me again. This time he was more passionate than before. I ran my hands through his hair as he removed his gloves and slowly slid one of his hands up my outer thigh and used the other to massage my lower back.
“Mmmh” I felt myself gradually becoming hotter. I want him to do more. I want his genes in me. I hope we won’t get caught, but by now most of the students and staff should’ve left. He’s usually among the last ones to leave. He broke away from the kiss and started nibbling my neck, while his hands slid under my skirt and took off my undies, then I felt his hand rub me between my legs. I was trying not to make much noise in case there were still people in the school, but it was getting hard to control my voice and I let out a moan. “Ahh, Dean, I want you in” I was breathing hard and tightly gripping his hair. He slowly inserted two fingers in me and moved them in and out. At this point I couldn’t think straight as I pushed myself against his hand wanting more. “Ohh, I love you, Dean. I want you so badly”. He then used his other hand to take off his pants and underwear, took out a condom from his pocket and put it on.
“Put your legs around me, I’ll hold you” he said as he put his hands on my hips to hold me up
I did as he said and then he began to insert his shaft little by little in me. He tried not to move too much so that I could adjust to it. I put my hands on his back and held him tightly to me. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. I’d be surprised if he didn’t hear it. My desire for him overcame my anxiety and I began to move my hips back and forth. He then gripped my hips more tightly and began to move too. I was digging my nails into his back, moaning and calling his name. “Ahhh, I love you” I said in between breaths. I could hear him moaning close to my ear, which made me even more aroused. I then felt his warm and wet tongue on my neck and a bit of pain as he bit it. “Oh~, Dean~”. I felt myself getting closer and closer to the climax. He began moving faster and I could feel he was starting to lose the last bit of control he had on his body.
“Ohhh, you’re… mmh… such a… haa… naughty pet” he managed to say between moans “for tempting me… aah… I’ll… nnnh… punish you” he then bit my neck again and I moaned out his name as I arched my back and came. His movements became erratic and he soon came after me as he moaned my name in my ear.
We were breathing hard and it took a while until we regained our composure and got dressed.
“We need to clean ourselves, so we can go to my place to take a bath if you want to. I know you live farther away and you’re sweaty. You’ll catch a cold if you stay for too long outside like this” he said
It was nice of him to suggest this and I agreed to his proposal. I needed to clean myself. ASAP
It only took a few minutes to reach his apartment. After he turned on the water for the bath we sat down at the table to eat some food. This feels like a dream. I can’t believe this actually happened. I didn’t think he’d do this. Dum warned me that he was a corrupted teacher, but I didn’t believe him. But now I see he’s not as perfect as I imagined him to be. Although I don’t mind it. It felt better than I imagined it would be like. I felt my cheeks grow hot as I remembered what we did. To think he’d do something like that… Curiosity got the better of me and I asked him “Why did you agree to date me and why…” I trailed off trying to find the right words “why did you touch me like that?”
He stopped eating and turned his gaze to me. “I’ve had my sights set on you for a long time now. But I’m a teacher and hitting on a student would be considered outrageous. I was relieved to hear that you were feeling the same way about me. I was starting to worry that I needed to wait until you graduated to confess my love to you. Although…” he paused “we’ll have to keep this a secret. The others might jump to some false conclusions and I don’t want that. I care about my reputation. So could you keep it a secret?”
I was a bit disappointed that we had to keep this a secret, but as long as I could stay by his side I was happy. “Sure thing” I responded
“Great. I think the bath is almost ready, so let me spoil you for all your hard work”
We went to the bathroom, where he started taking off his clothes one by one. I watched him strip taking in his muscular body. Mmh, lookin’ good there, teach’. Looks like someone’s going to the gym. I heard he knows martial arts. Perhaps because he felt like I was staring at him he looked at me and grinned.
“Aren’t you going to undress?”
Oh, right, I should do it too. After we took off our clothes we went to soak in the warm water. The bathtub was large enough for both of us, so we sat across from each other. Ugh, it feels a bit awkward. The strained silence was broken by his voice.
“They say that actions speak louder than words. I want to praise you for being such a good pet, so come over here and let me spoil you” he said with a smile
I moved closer to him. Then, as I was closing the distance, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss. It was hot and passionate and I felt like I was melting in his arms. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine and his hands holding me tightly to his chest. I wrapped my legs around his hips as I placed my hands on his back. I could feel his thing harden, so I slid one of my hands down to stroke it. He then let out a moan and bit my lip, which made me gasp. He then placed his hands on my butt and squeezed it.
“Mmmh, Dean”
His lips moved to my ear and whispered “Your grades are… mmh… so good, I need to… haa… praise you… nnh… more” then licked my ear
“Yes, praise me more, teacher~” I said in a husky voice. I stopped stroking his cock and began to move my hips against his, feeling his hardness between my legs. It was getting hotter and hotter and that wasn’t only because of the water.
He grabbed my hips and began to put it in and I heard his voice close to my year “You’re such a… nnnh… good pet… ahhh” his hips were moving to and fro now and he was panting hard “a really… ohh… good pet… mmmh”
“Ahhh, I love you… mmh… master~” I was holding him tightly and moaning. I need him so much. I love him more than anything else in the world. I was getting closer and closer to my peak and as I felt him tighten his hold on my hips I moaned out his name and came. I felt him take it out and i realized he hasn’t finished yet, so I put my hands on his shaft and started rubbing it
“Ahhh… yes… do it like that… mmh” I heard him moan. He then gripped my shoulders and started licking my neck. “faster… nnh”
I started moving my hands faster around his thing. I felt it throbbing under my hands. It feels so good to hear his moans and know that I’m the one making him feel this way. After some more rubbing he came and took me in his arms. He began to caress my back, moving his hand down my back and back again. This feels so relaxing. We stayed like that for a while and then got out of the water. Since it was so late he let me stay at his place and lent me one of his shirts to sleep in.
We were lying in bed, in each other’s arms, when he said “I don’t want to ever let you go, even after you graduate… will you still want to stay by my side? Even though you know how I truly am?”
“Yes, I will. My heart belongs to you. I’m all yours”
“I’m all yours too” he said and gave me a quick kiss
I felt so relaxed and happy right now like I’ve never had before. My friend was right. Love makes you happier.
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Brian Quinn Mini Series “Don’t You Remember?” Part 1 of 3
(A/N: Woohoo! Part 1 is here! All three parts of this mini series are based on Adele songs, the titles of these songs will also serve as the title of the chapter. Also trigger warning: some swearing, minor counts of abuse, and miscarriage. Enjoy!)
Word count: 3000ish?
As I took one last look in the mirror and smoothed my hair down. I embraced in seeing my reflection in the mirror, it has been so long since I had looked anywhere close to decent, let alone actually dressing up with my hair, nails, and makeup done for an event. I sharply let out a deep breath that I didn’t know I was holding in and reminded myself to have an amazing time tonight. I was walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom I looked around to see all the progress I had recently made in the past month or so. My bedroom was no longer littered with empty food containers, dirty clothes everywhere, and most importantly I was no longer a wreck that was either huddled up on the floor curled into a ball, only moving to my bed, the kitchen, or the bathroom. Remembering the last year and the hell I had endure I never thought I would be okay again. I stopped the thoughts that were pooling in my head, tonight was about me and my life, I was not gonna spend any more time thinking about my stupid ex boyfriend and havoc he wreaked on my life. Besides tonight I was going to see the celebrity that I wanted to be my boyfriend in real life so that made me beyond thrilled. I was taken out of my day-dream by the sound of my phone notifying me that my Uber was a minute away, I gave my cat a few pets and a kiss on the head before I got in my Uber and began my journey to the venue.
As I was dropped outside of the venue I saw the giant sign lighting up with the four friendly faces that were the event. Sal, Murr, Joe, and Q all with the biggest smiles with tonight’s date in big letters. I could barely contain my excitement as I got in line. I smoothed my black jumpsuit and waited eagerly to get inside. I looked around to see what other people chose to wear and I was nervous. A lot of people came in t-shirts and shorts and there I stood with my hair curled, with a cat-eye and deep red lipstick, dark painted nails, and in a skin-tight black jumpsuit with a sheer netting top with two lace appliques on the chest with a nude camisole layered underneath, it was topped off with my favorite opal halo ring, stud earrings, my nose ring, and finally my black vans. I decided to heck with it! I love this outfit and that is all that matters. Soon, I got up to the front of the line got my ticket scanned and went inside to find my seat. Not long after sitting and waiting the stage lights lowered and the venue erupted with screams and applause as the Jokers entered the stage.
The show was a blast! It was filled with so much silliness and laughter, and meshed into an enjoyable blur as I found myself exiting the venue and waiting near their tour bus. I had done this so many times after concerts that I hoped that maybe I’d get to at least see them up close in person. While I waited with the ten or so other people that had the same idea. I chatted with the roadies and other various crew that were outside, just because they weren’t famous didn’t mean they were any less cool, so I talked them about cool stories from tours they’ve done and any other topics that came up. After standing out there for what felt like hours, the jokers came out of the venue and the other people pushed and shoved past me trying to get photos and autographs from the guys. I was beyond star-struck to see the four guys who unknowingly gotten me through so much recently that I froze in place. I felt my hand slip into my bag and clutch on the envelope I had in there. I was in awe seeing them like a few feet in front of me. But I also realized when everyone else pushed past me I was now at the back of the line. I mean don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled to see them not through a TV screen but part of me hoped that I would be able to give Q the letter I wrote him in person. Seeing how after his horrible love life he was still able to find joy and bring it to others as well inspired me and played a huge part in helping me get over the nasty breakup I went through with my ex Dean. I stayed at the back listening to them talking to the fans and answering questions and debated leaving seeing as there was no way I was going to get to talk to Q. As I was about to turn around and leave Sal spoke up,
“Hey what about you back there standing all by your lonesome?” I looked around, surely he couldn’t be talking to me. “Yeah you! In the black jumpsuit.” Oh my God, he is talking to me. He motioned me to come over, and had the group of fans make a path for me. I gently shuffled to face the Jokers, I could barely breathe and I was practically shaking with excitement. There before were the Impractical Jokers. I took a brief moment and glanced at each one of them, Q last of course because he had always been my favorite. When I looked at his facial expression, I couldn’t quite place it. I had never seen him make that face on the show before.
“What’s your name?” Joe asked.
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you guys.”
“Hey Y/N! It’s nice to meet you too, is there anything we can do for you? A picture, an autograph?” Murr asked with his bright smile never fading
“I mean I would love a picture, but I don’t want to keep you guys too long. I mean I’m traveling to your show tomorrow night too, so it’s not a big deal or anything.” I saw Sal nudge Q once or twice on the arm before Joe finally spoke up. “Oh of course! Don’t worry you’re not taking up too much time or anything we love you guys!” I beamed a ginormous smile when he said that and asked one of the other fans to take a photo of all four of us and thanked them as they handed me my phone back. Now, I knew it was now or never that I had to give Q the letter so I piped up again.
“There is one more thing! If that’s okay?” I know they had just said it was, but I still wanted to check. Now, Joe tapped on Q. Huh, he was really shy in person, he didn’t speak a single word since I’ve been up here.
Sal smiled and was the one to answer this time, “Heck yeah, what can we do for ya Miss Y/N?” As soon he asked, he looked back at Q and I heard a small exasperated sigh.
My hands got shaky again as I reached into my purse and pulled out the letter sealed in an envelope and addressed to Q. “Um here, Q. I have this letter I wrote you and I was hoping to give it to you in person.” As soon as I said his name Q’s eyes darted to mine. He took it from and paused for a second. The whole world seemed to be silent in that moment.
Finally I heard Brian Quinn speak, “is it okay with you if I read it now, like not out loud or anything. I just want you to be here when I read it.” I felt a blush rise to my cheeks, never did I think I would be standing in front of Brian Quinn as he read my story about my horrible ex boyfriend who broke my heart and left me during some the of worst parts of my life to be faced alone. Just a year ago I was sure I was gonna marry Dean, that he was it. But instead he chose to flirt with my best friend, cheat on me, and claimed I was lying when I told I was pregnant after I got fed up and left him. He still thought I was lying when I told him the stress he caused me resulted in a miscarriage. Through the whole breakup (and most of the relationship too) Dean had me convinced that everything that happened was my fault and I should have been grateful to have him be willing to date me in the first place. The only thing that got me out of a year long slum of sadness and heartache for the Dean I used to know and the child I had lost was watching Impractical Jokers, they were the people that taught me to smile and laugh again. Because of them I went back to work teaching elementary school and finding happiness and joy in the little things. I nodded my head to Q that he could read it now. Before them, I used to look back at the relationship begging Dean to remember why he loved me before, but they helped me realize I deserved more.
I watched him open the envelope, take out the multipage letter and begin to read it. I could tell when he was getting into all the gory details of my breakup by the way his face showed sadness, and then anger. The guys kept watching him, trying to figure out what was going on in the letter. Finally, as he was getting to the end I saw a small smile on his face. He put the letter back in the envelope and said in a shy voice, “could hang around for a few minutes after everyone else has left? I wanna talk to you about this, but I also wanna make sure everyone gets their photos and stuff.”
“Sure, I could do that.” I let a giggle. After everyone else left, the first thing Q did was hug me. My brain was on fire! My celebrity crush was hugging me? AHH!! OMG YES! It was no measly hug either, it was a giant bear hug, he enveloped me and we stayed like that for a few moments. Finally we pulled away.
“Hey, if this isn’t too forward, what are you doing right now?”
“Umm. Nothing? I was just gonna go home, get ready for tomorrow’s show and go to bed.”
“Would you like to get some food with us? I know a really good 24-hour diner that we’ve gone to when we’ve toured here before.” Okay this had to be a dream, or you hit your head on your ceiling of Uber and are hallucinating right now. There was no way this was happening!
“I would love that!” And with that you and the guys piled into a sleek black SUV and made your way to the restaurant.
On the way there you heard Sal mutter to Joe and Murr, “Geeze this guy practically can’t speak to her cause he thinks she’s so pretty, and now he’s inviting her out to food not 5 minutes later. What is up with him!” Joe and Murr exchanged glances and giggled. They both knew what this feeling was, it was what Joe felt with Bessy and Murr with Melyssa. Wait, he thinks I’m pretty? At the diner, you enjoyed the company of all the guys, with your permission Q divulged into the contents of the letter. By the time it was over Sal was hugging you and practically bawling, Murr was in shock and didn’t know what to say, and Joe was ready to hunt Dean down and kill him. You insisted you were okay and asked to spend the rest of the evening focusing on happy stuff. When it was time to go, Q had you put your phone number in his phone and he did the same with yours. As you were about to order an Uber to take you back home, Q grabbed your hand.
“This might sound crazy... But since you’re a teacher you don’t work tomorrow right?”
“Tomorrow is Saturday so no I do not have work tomorrow.”
“Awesome, so why don’t you come with us on the tour bus to the show tomorrow? It’s so far from here I would hate to think of the travel time it would take you tomorrow.” That really threw you off guard. Brain Quinn wants me to go with him and his buddies on their tour bus, overnight? The other guys chimed in and agreed with him. You thought it over for a moment, ya know what? Why not! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!
“Sure! I’m down!” They all cheered but then a groan left my lips. “Shoot, but what am I gonna wear? What about the smeared makeup I’ll wake up with?”
“Don’t worry we’ll get that taken care of, Bessy and Melyssa are coming tomorrow so I’m sure they can grab some yoga pants and makeup remover on the way. And plus we have tons of merch shirts so you could take one!” Wow, he really thought of everything didn’t he.
Bessy and Melyssa were super sweet! Sure enough they came with makeup wipes and some really cute yoga pants that went really well with the tour shirt. I was invited to watch backstage with them and I happily agreed. As the guys were about to go on-stage I heard Sal, Murr, and Joe whispering about some prank punishment they were going to pull on Q at the end of the show. Occasionally, they’d look over at me and then go back to plotting so quietly I couldn’t hear them. Again tonight the show was amazing and funny! These guys just had such amazing chemistry with the audience and each other. Finally it was the end of the show when Joe piped up.
“Before we end for the night, we have a surprise addition to this performance, don’t we boys?” He looked over at Murr and Sal, Q looked around confused.
“Oh that’s right Joseph!” exclaimed Sal, “We have something special planned. And for this, I’m gonna need my buddy Q to go stand in the middle of the stage alone.” Q looked over the guys still wondering what was going on, then he briefly looked at me and then made his way to the middle of the stage.
Murr spoke next, “Joe, Sal, and I thought it would be fun to do an impromptu live punishment on Q. Does that sound good?” Q groaned and the whole crowd cheered. A live punishment how cool! I wondered what they have in mind.
But as soon as Sal started explaining the punishment I tired to put the pieces together. “Ya see,” Sal began, “Very recently Q has become friends with a girl that he finds very very pretty.” Q’s eyes went wide and the crowd continued to scream.
Murr continued “Yup! Just last night, after she fell asleep he could not stop going on about how he thinks he fell in love at first sight, and then after spending hours talking to her, he knew he was sure!” Huh? Did he meet someone else last night? Huh I’m not surprised he’s a chick magnet and amazing.
Joe followed “So we’re gonna need her to come out here right now to do this punishment. Come on out Y/N!” My jaw dropped. Brain thought I was pretty and thought it was love at first sight yesterday! Before I knew what was happening Bessy and Melyssa were leading me to the middle of the stage. Where I was placed right next to Q and the crowd went wild.
The boys asked in unison, “Q are you ready for your punishment?” He looked at me with a shy smile, gulped and then nodded his head. “ASK Y/N ON A DATE!!!” they screamed at the top of their lungs. The noise of the audience was now deafening. Joe came over and handed Q a mic. Then Brain turned to face me, his cheeks the brightest color of red.
“Uh,” he started out. “Hi Y/N.” I was then handed a mic too by Murr.
“Hi.” He leaned in and took a closer look at my face.
“Wait this is you without makeup?” He motioned to my face as he asked.
I nodded my head “yup.”
“Wow, you’re even more beautiful than yesterday. So uhh. Would you like to go on a date with me?” I didn’t even say anything I just turned and hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek. The guys started cheering with everyone else.
Sal said one last time “Okay, so maybe that wasn’t a punishment for Q, but it definitely was for Y/N!” with a laugh “We are the Tenderloins from Impractical Jokers have a good night everyone!” With that we all walked off stage. My mind was racing, Dean who? A year ago I was begging him to remember me, but now I was begging for him to forget me as soon as possible, because the Brian Quinn and I had a date to look forward to.
(A/N: If you read this far, thank you! I know it was LONG. Feedback is always appreciated :) )
#impractical jokers imagine#brian quinn imagine#brian q quinn#impractical jokers#fanfic#imagine#celebrity crush imagine#q#brian quinn
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Comfort And Death (6)(Part 1)
~After the death of Regulus Black, you take confinement in Sirius who cared for you like a sister after Reguas died, becoming each other's person, you stay at the black house, after having a hard time griefing one night, you go to the place Regulas died.
A/N- So I decided, the next couple chapters will be long because they have meaning and a turn around for the whole story, so chapter six and chapter seven will both be split up into two parts. Im super excited to be writing this.
Word Count-1875
Send Requests Here
December 24th 1994
“We’re going to be late aunt Stella,” Harry mumbled walking into my room shaking his head, waking me up in the progress.
“Late for what?” I asked unamoused and still tired, only going to sleep a hour before Harry had walked into my room, fourteen and still not knowing how to knock.
“The Weasleys are coming over for christmas don’t you remember, and Hermione too and a bunch of my other friends, they’ll be here anytime and everyone in this house is still asleep,”
“Cricket don’t panic,” I croaked remember how Remus had thought it was a good idea inviting Harry's friends over for christmas. “Sirius and Remus planned this, go bug them and I promise i’ll be ready when you come back,”
Harry walked out of my room, watching him the passed couple years growing up almost made me feel old, smiling at all his achievement, dumb pranks and detention he’s gotten himself into, and the trouble he had caused, expressly Remus and Sirius last year, pulling a whole prank on the school, almost sending the two of them to Azkaban.
I used my wand, bringing out some clothes from my closet, letting the magic pick as my clothes followed me into the bathroom across the hall.
“I’m answering the door, someone's here!” Harry called out, I smiled knowing it was the Granger girl, she was always the first one here to any party Harry had suggested we host.
I quickly slipping on a nice apparently green dress, almost tearing up but stopping as I looked at myself in the mirror. I used my wand to put my hair up in a bun neatly, I opened a little box that sat in the corner of my section of my sink, pulling out a silver flat ring and slipping it onto my finger.
“You know i’d think Harry gets this from Lily,” Sirius croaked walking into the bathroom, only wearing boxers. “It’s nearly twelve and people are already showing up, he totally gets this from Lily,” I let out a low laugh looking at Sirius.
“Put some clothes on you monster, we have guests,” I crooked still half asleep, walking passed Sirius and out of the bathroom taking my gaze down the stairs where Harry stood talking to Hermione and a ginger boy filled with freckles top to bottom. Ron Weasley.
I waved my wand in the air, turning the lights on his the house, the red and green christmas lights turned on and decorations came to life.
“This is a lovely house Miss Black,” Hermione said watching me as I walked down the stairs, looking at the three kids.
“You can call me Stella Hermione,” I chuckled taking a glance around the room. “Come on, I’ll make you something to eat,”
“My mums already in the kitchen, my brothers and sister are around her somewhere,” Ron said shrugging his shoulders looking at me, taller than Harry and I both.
“Harry, why don’t you and your friends great the rest of your guests then gather everyone in the living room, i’ll help Ron's mother in the kitchen,” I gave Harry a pat on the back then walked passed towards the kitchen where I could already smell Mollys cooking.
“Hello dear,” Molly was turned around mixing something in a pot, she had enchanted our whole kitchen into making a feast.
“Hello Molly,” I said with a smile walking towards her, her spoon kept spinning as she let go and brought me into a hug. “How are you doing?” She whispered in my ear.
“Good, I feel old, Harry's already fourteen, Sirius and Remus I think are planning to get married, but you can’t tell anyone I told you,” I let out a low laugh letting go of Molly.
“Your telling me you feel old,” Molly laughed shaking her head. “My oldest is working at Gringotts and my other is fighting Dragons, i’m surprised my hair is still red,”
“Good morning,” Remus cheerfully said walking into the kitchen. “Molly this smells delicious,”
“There are so many people here,” Sirius cried out walking into the kitchen. “I didn’t know how many friends Harry’s gotten, but he’s got more then I thought,” a chair was pulled out and Sirius sat on the table, ignoring the chair.
“We’ve got more than enough room for a whole village Sirius,” I chuckled tapping his shoulder and walking out, I looked at Harry who was standing around in the living room, a bunch of teenagers sat in our living room.
“Cricket, come here,” I whispered aiming my head for the door and walking into the hallway. Harry followed me out. “Are you having fun?”
“Yeha yeah I am auntie Stella,” Harry said smiling from ear to ear. “Come on, I wanna introduce you to all my friends,” Harry grabbed my hand and dragged my bag in the living room, I was shocked but smiled gratefully.
“This is my Aunt Stella everyone,” Harry introduce at we walked into the room, I gave a shy smile to the pile of teenagers that looked over at me.
“Hello Stella!” The twins called out raising the hands, I let out a small laugh looking around the room.
“Aunt Stella, this is Cedric Diggory, Dean Thomas and Neville Longbottom,” Harry said pointing around the room at the three boys who sat together on the couch.
“Longbottom eh?” I asked walking over to the nervous boy who looked at me as I just smiled. “Nice to meet you,” I put out my hand, shaking Nevilles then Deans then Cedrics. “Dinner is cooking by Molly, enjoy yourselves and make yourselves at home, there are more then enough rooms for whoever will be staying for the night,”
“And,” Sirius said standing at the door, I looked at him who had a smirk on his face. “Not like we have a whole firewhisky stash hidden for when Molly goes to sleep,” Sirius whispered making the twins laugh.
“Sirius,” I tapped walking towards him and shaking my head. “He’s telling the truth,” I said to the kids then pushing Sirius out of the living room.
“I’m sure they could have a few drinks, their parents obviously let them stay over, i’m sure that's enough of a confirmation,” Sirius joked shaking his head.
“Make sure the house doesn’t burn down, I have some things to do,” I said to Sirius walking away up the stairs.
“The ring,” Sirius said stopping me. “I get it,”
I looked down at my finger, looking at my ring. “We were gonna get married I hope you know, when the war was over we were going to get married, I found it under my bed with a note,” I paused holding my tears back. “He knew what he was getting himself into Sirius,”
“Hey Uncle Sirius, Aunt Stella, I was wondering if we could watch some telly,” Harry asked walking into the hallway, I walked up the rest of the stairs, tears finally fell down my face as I passed my room, walking to the end of the hall and closing myself into a empty room.
The room Sirius and I enchanted to be soundproof. I let out a scream and fell to the ground, leaning against the door and holding the ring in my hand.
“Why did you do this Regulas,” I whispered looking down at the ring that laid in my palm. “You planned a whole future then left me!” I screamed tossing the ring across the room in anger.
“Fuck,” I choked out grabbing onto the door to help myself up, walking to where I tossed the ring in angry, picking it up.
“Are you okay Aunt Stella?” Harry asked behind me. I whipped my tears away quickly and turned around with a fake smile on my face. “You usual don’t come in here when your happy,”
“I’m fine cricket,” my voice choked up as I walked over towards him. “Just having a hard time with something right now,” I placed the ring back on my finger. “Why aren’t you downstairs with your friends, I thought you were watching telly?” I asked pushing my problems back and pushing Harry in my head forward.
“I wanted to come check up on you, were you married?” Harry asked looking down at my finger.
“We were gonna get married, Regulas and I, but Harry I think you should go downstairs, you have guests,”
“Not without you aunt Stella,” Harry said grabbing my hand, I smiled letting out a low laugh.
“Okay,” The both of us walked downstairs, Harry letting go of my hand as we walked out of the room and downstairs, Sirius not in the hallway anymore.
“Are you sure your okay?” Harry asked before we walked into the living room. “I know your my aunt and you should be telling me this but we can talk about stuff,”
I laughed at Harry's cheekiness. “Another night Harry dear,” I paused hearing a faint noise, the familiar noise of Sirius shouted. “I’m gonna kill your uncle,” I mumbled opening the living room, looking at Sirius who had the twins on the floor as he poured to bottles of firewhisky into each other the mouths well Ron and Ginny were keeping look out.
I closed the door and looked back at Harry who had a big smile on his face.
“Guess someone's gotta go make sure your uncle doesn’t give anyone alcohol poisons before dinner,” I let out a belly laugh, Harry and I walked into the room and Sirius looked at us, finishing the bottle.
“Hello,” Sirius said dropping the bottles on the ground and looking at harry and I with a smile, the twins stood up without a double whipping their mouths with the firewhiskey.
“It’s not even dinner Sirius,” I laughed grabbing the bottles of empty firewhisky that laid on the ground. “The rules were after supper,”
“What fun are rules if they aren’t meant to be broken,” One of the twins winking at me, sitting down on the couch, Cedric, Dean, Neville, Hermione and now Ron and Ginny were all sat down on the couch watching telly. Harry joined them and I sat down beside Sirius, who had a flask his his hand, oddly, passing it back and forth from the twins.
“You want some?” Fred asked pushing the flask towards me, I looked around the room, then took the flask from Fred. “So hotstuff, how are you?”
I rolled my eyes looking at Sirius who just bursted out laughing, taking the flask away from me.
“You are not my type Fred Weasley,” I laughed making Sirius laugh even more. “Besides, I haven’t dated anyone in almost nineteen years, I don’t plan on starting with a sixteen year old,”
“Nineteen years,” George pipped up behind him. “Not one man has caught your eye in those nineteen years?”
“Who wants some food,” Remus asked poking his head out of the of the kitchen, immediately getting the smell of fire whisky. “Sirius. Stella, we agreed to wait tell after supper,”
“Sorry,” I put my hand up in the air catching his attention. “It was my idea, got a little two recluse,”
“Well come on, dinners ready, you four take a breath mint and sober up in two seconds,” Remus signaled the kids to walk into the kitchen and the four of us sat on the couch longer.
“Thanks,” Sirius said putting his hand on my shoulder reaching into his pocket, pulling out four tiny breath mints. “I always got them in my pocket for these emergencies,”
#RegulasBlack#Regulas Black#Regulas Black x y/n#Regulas Black x you#Regulas Black x oc#SiriusBlack#StellaBlack#RemusLupin
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Bad At Love
A/N I’ve been inundated with a lot of requests for Dean one-shots, and I realised there are little to no Dean centric fanfics, Oneshots etc... So I’ve repurposed an old story I was writing to fit as a Dean story.
If you requested a Dean oneshot I am still working on them, but I wanted to show Dean some love.
You know that feeling you get when you’re going down the stairs and you accidentally skip a step and you think you’re falling and you think you’re going to die but then your foot lands on the next step and it’s like nothing ever happened? Well if you multiply that feeling by one thousand, make it last so much longer, and mix it with hate, paint, satisfaction, anger, lust, relief, anxiety, passion, shock, guilt, denial and frustration then you’ll understand what it’s like to fall in love. To fall in love with someone so passionately that your world revolves around them, and what they're doing and how their feeling. At least that’s what it was like for me.
Chapter One
“The Beatles, White album… John Lennon, Milk and Honey… Stevie Wonder.” I mumbled to myself as I flicked through the crates filled with old vinyl before me. Brighton's was a popular vinyl store and cafe nestled in the outskirts of Georgetown. It was a diamond in the rough if you were looking for a good record store. Brighton's was filled with them, a two-story loft building packed to the brim with vinyl, new and old. The bottom level was sorted neatly into genres and then by the artists, but the top-level and my own personal favourite was where the crates filled with albums the owners haven’t got around to sorting yet, This is where you find all the gems.
“Writing a shopping list there Sienna?” I looked up from the Jimmy Buffet ‘Living and Dying 3/4 Time’ album I was holding to see my best friend Halley staring at me, amused pausing digging through her own crate. Her green eyes sparkling with excitement as she pushed her honey blonde hair behind her left ear. Her thin lips pulling into a knowing smirk.
“If that’s what you want to call it Halley.” I laughed putting the Jimmy Buffett album on top of my other selections before sifting through the albums again. Bob Dylan… Bon Iver… I smiled over at Halley as we both listened to someone on the bottom level lift the arm off the player, the distinct sound of the record stopping filling the store before the sound of Elton Johns ‘Bennie and the Jet’s’ blasted through the sound system. I laughed at myself as I did a little shuffle to the music. Elton’s voicing rebounding around the room.
“So.. Sienna.” I nodded my head for Halley to continue as I went back to my growing pile, hips swaying as I flipped through it again checking over everything I’d found. Bowie… Fleetwood Mac… “I was thinking about our plans for tonight.” Halley voiced hesitantly. I looked up at her, one of my eyebrows shooting up. She was biting her bottom lip as she held onto her own pile of vinyl, knuckles turning white from the grip she had on them a telltale sign she was nervous.
“That could be dangerous.” I joked turning and making my way to the other side of the amply sized loft, looking down and over the bottom level of the shop littered with people, pulling vinyl out left, right and centre. I watched as a guy in his mid-thirties picked up a copy of Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’. “Do you think he’s going to buy it?” I called over my shoulder to Halley, not taking my eyes of the man. She sighed, but put her pile down none the less, and worked her way over to me, agitated that I’d changed the subject. “The guy with the Jackson.” I pointed down to him. “I think he will.”
“I don’t think so.” Halley shook her head watching him with me. “He’s totally not into it.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes at Halley. “Alright then. Let’s make it interesting.” Halley turned to me, a smiling pulling on her lips and she toiled with an idea in her head. “If he buys it you get to choose what we do tonight.” I couldn’t help but smile already tasting the red wine and hearing the sweet sounds of Fleetwood Mac. “But.” Halley rudely shook me from my daydream. “If he doesn’t buy it, you have to do whatever I want to do tonight.” I opened my mouth to disagree but she held up her hand to stop me. “With a smile on your lips and pure joy in every step you take.”
I looked between my best friend and the guy on the bottom floor. Judging quickly if I really thought he’d buy it, as I looked at him for the second time he’d started to pull the vinyl out and check the date stamped on it. I made up my mind.
“You’re on.” With a final nod at each other, we both spun on our heels and leaned over the balcony watching the man below like hawks. “Come on man, you know you want it,” I whispered under my breath. “Just buy it already, come on.” I groaned as he flipped it over for what felt like the hundredth time. “Who doesn’t like Michael Jackson.”
“He’s not going too.” I could hear the smirk in Halley’s voice. I ignored her and held my breath as he pushed the vinyl back inside its cover. Watching with wide eyes as he slipped it back into the crate it started in and turned away, walking down the centre aisle towards the door, crushing any hope I had of sitting home and drinking red wine with every step he took.
“No.” I cried out loudly as he made it to the front door, people turned and looked up at us including the guy who’d just sentenced me to a night of Halley controlled fun. Waving awkwardly at everyone as Halley hooked an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to her body. She giggled as she squeezed my shoulder.
“As I was saying before.” She cleared her throat. I could tell she was taking too much pleasure from the situation. “Tonight we are going to that new pizza place, the one Stacey was telling me about last week, Uncle Tony’s where we will find some cute boy’s to buy us beers.” She wiggled her eyebrow’s at my teasingly as she dropped her arm from my shoulder turning her body to face mine. “And then we are joining the girls at the Ivy to dance the night away and make sweet, sweet mistakes we won’t remember in the morning.” I opened my mouth to object to her plans, but Halley held a hand up to stop me. “You made a deal. You cannot back out Sienna Jacobs. I won’t let you.” She lowered her hand. “Now you will come back to our apartment, get yourself ready and we will have fun tonight. Have I made myself clear.” I nodded my head a slight pout on my lips. “Good, now go and buy your records.” She clapped her hands together gleefully. “Tonight is going to be so much fun.”
“So much fun,” I mumbled sarcastically as I walked back over to my deserted pile of treasures.
One of the numerous things I had learned about Halley through our eighteen years of friendship was that Halley Morgan Adams was never late she despised it, that’s why not even five hours later I was sitting in the front seat of her yellow Kia Soul, dressed in a pair of skin-tight black jeans and a white t-shirt with Elvis Presley’s mug shot on it pouting my arse off. “Are you ready?” With a flick of her hair and a smile she started up the ignition and drove far to quickly to the new pizza place, ’Uncle Tonys’ that we’d been hearing non-stop raving reviews about for the last week and a half. For the first part of the ride I promised myself I wouldn’t speak to Halley, partly to punish her for the night we had ahead of us, and partly because I was upset that I wasn’t at home listening to my new records. However, when we’d been in the car for ten minutes with nothing but Taylor Swift playing through the sound system I resigned to my fate and turned it down, deciding a conversation was the lesser of two evils.
“Are you excited to start classes again tomorrow?” I quizzed Halley as I watched the bright lights of the street pass us by. “In my opinion spring break went way too quickly, and we should have two more weeks off.” I nodded my head to reinforce my opinion causing Halley to chuckle.
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want to have to put down the book’s you’ve been reading non-stop in exchange for a textbook.” She snorted out a laugh as she pulled to a stop at a red light.
“Untrue. I just rather the works of Stephen King, over having to hand in assessment’s, any day.” She shook her head laughing at me.
“You’re the one who wanted to become a big hot shot editor, now you have to pay the price.” She replied quickly taking off when the light turned green. “We’re here.” She smiled as she pulled into a carpark and began to drive around in a circle looking for a vacant spot. “There’s one.” She smiled proudly as she pulled into an empty spot putting the gear stick into park.
“Don’t hate on my aspirations okay, Ms I wanna be an HR administrator,” I muttered as I unbuckled my seatbelt, pushing the door open. As I stood next to the car I looked over the stand-alone building. A fluorescent sign that read ‘Fresh Pizza’ glowed in the window. The outside housed tables with red and white checked cloths, couples and families sat laughing and enjoying the food before them.
“It’s a realistic dream okay.” Halley glared over the car at me, before walking towards the trunk, stopping and looking over the building for herself.
“C’mon.” She smiled delightedly as she skipped through the carpark towards the front door. I shook my head and followed behind her, watching as she happily waited by the door for me to catch her. “This place is so cute.” She called back, peering through one of the glass panels on the door as I reached her. “Oh, he’s even cuter.” She giggled pulling the door open, both of us stepping inside.
Once inside Halley and I took a minute to look around. The walls were painted a soft yellow filling the whole inside with a soft warm glow, a wall of fake stones lined the far wall with paintings of olives hanging above each of the booths that ran along with the stones. All the tables apart from two booths were filled, a mix of college students and families occupying them filling the whole restaurant with a loud buzz. I guess we aren’t the only ones excited to try out the new pizza. Grabbing my hand Halley pulled me over and down to one of the empty booths, pushing me down onto the plush red seat before sitting down on the opposite side.
“Can you believe how busy this place is?” She rolled her eyes as she put her clutch beside her on the seat. “You’d think people would have better things to do.” She looked around at the tables. I rolled my eyes and looked around the restaurant.
“Wouldn’t that mean that we should have better things to do Halley?” She flipped me off quickly before waving down the waiter with a flirty smile. He smirked at her as he walked over from the bar leaning across the table to give her a wink as he pulled out his order pad and pen.
“What can I get you, ladies?” His eyes travelled up Halley’s body, stopping to check out her cleavage. Halley smirked as she ran a hand up and down his arm.
“Can we get two beers and a large pepperoni pizza?” Halley looked at me raising an eyebrow in question. I nodded my head and looked around trying to avoid watching the scene that was playing out before me.
“Of course, I’ll make sure it’s the next one to come out…” The boy stuttered out looking down at where Halley’s fingers ran up and down the length of his hand, with a nod the waiter walked away from us fanning himself with the pad turning to look back at Halley once more a goofy love-struck smile on his face.
“You need to stop doing that to boys.” I laughed resting my chin on my palm as I looked around the restaurant. “Seriously one day, one of them is going to have a heart attack and we are going to be sued.” I leant across the table. “In case you didn’t realise. We don’t have enough money to be sued.”
“We?” She questioned with a raised brow a smile pulling on her lips.
“You don’t think I’m going to let you go to jail on your own do you?”
“This is why we are best friends Sienna.” She chuckled. “Where did that cute guy go?” She looked around through the crowd searching for whoever she saw through the window. That’s Halley Adams my boy crazy best friend.
“The two beers and the pizza.” The waiter called placing a beer before each of us and the pizza in between. As he placed Halley’s beer in front of her I couldn’t help but notice the napkin with a scrawled number that went along with it. Halley smirked at me before winking at him. “Told you it’d be the next one out.”
“That you did. Thanks.” With a nod of his head, the blushing boy raced back behind the bar only to start chatting to his friend. I laughed and shook my head as I watched him point over to Halley. “He’s telling his friend isn’t he?” She asked looking down at the napkin picking it up. “Riley… Cute name.”
“Cute name, for a cute boy.” I shrugged playing with the ring that sat on my right ring finger, spinning it. “You know he probably stole this pizza from another table?” Halley looked up from the paper, “One that’s been waiting for way longer than us.” I emphasised leaning forward onto the table.
“Least we didn’t have to wait.” She laughed picking up a slice, her eyes looked past mine before snapping back to me. “Don’t look now, but here comes my number one fan.” I turned and looked to where she was looking only a moment ago, finding exactly what she had seen. “Xander Preston… Even his name gives me the creeps.” Halley muttered as Xander stood up from one of the tables near the door sauntering across to us he glanced back at his friend they all cheered loudly at him when he turned back around, a smirk playing on his lips as he overconfidently strutted past a table filled with girls, winking at them. When he reached us he sat down beside Halley throwing an arm around her shoulders. Halley and I both looked at the offending object before looking to Xander. “Can we help you, Xander?” I watched as Xander pushed his black hair out of his brown eyes watching Halley as she spoke, concentrated on her lips. Halley tried to shrug his arm off her shoulder, shuffling down on the booth seat.
“Just came to see my number one girl.” His fingers started to play with the thin strap of her dress, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger, his arm still hugging her shoulders. He stopped, looking over to me. “And her best friend of course.”
“Really Xander? Your ‘number one’ girl?” Halley rolled her eyes. Xander smirked wider as he lifted her chin with his hand.
“C’mon baby, you know you are.”
“You misplace something, Preston?” Xander jumped in his seat immediately removing his hand from Halley’s shoulder. “Or do you just enjoy touching girls who clearly don’t want to be touched by you?” My eyes flicked away from Xander to where the booming voice had come from, next to our booth stood a group of three guys. The one in front was muscular and well built, his forearms bulging as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Well?” His blue eyes shot invisible daggers into Xander’s body. Xander smiled awkwardly jumping out of the seat he was occupying and putting as much space between himself and Halley as he could scratching the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes as Xander started to splutter out a reply and looked past him to the two guy’s who stood behind the first watching the scene play out. I looked at all three of them, noticing they wore matching black t-shirts with The Ivy printed on them with gold stitching.
“No I, I just… Halley is my…” Xander squirmed. I looked back to him watching silently as he looked between Halley and I waiting for one of us to save him. “We’re just…” He tried to explain to the intimidating stranger. “She’s my…”
“Halley isn’t your anything, understand?” The stranger didn’t break eye contact with Xander. I looked at Halley whose mouth hung slightly open as she watched the stranger. “She is not a piece of meat. So if I see you lay a single hand on her ever again I’ll beat the shit out of you.” The guy leaned in closer to Xander. “You got that Preston?” Stranger number one hissed getting even closer to Xander’s face as he spoke, each word sounding more and more dangerous than the last. Nodding his head rapidly Xander scurried back to the table where his friends sat watching the whole fiasco play out before them. Stranger number one stared Xander down for another minute before he turned back to the table leaning onto it slightly towards Halley. “Sorry about that,” Halley shook her head quickly.
“No thank you for helping… I’ve been trying to get him to leave me alone for weeks.” Halley giggled as my eyes left Halley’s knight in shining armour once again and drifted over to the third member of the group. He looked as though he was twenty-four, standing with both his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his black skinny jeans like the others he wore the black shirt with gold stitching above the breast. I let my eyes run over his body, drinking in his features. Starting with the ink that covered his left arm where little space of bare skin remained untouched by the intricate tattoo’s wrapping around the exposed muscle. My eyes drifted up over his torso and to his face. He has a sharp jawline, standing out prominent, his cheeks tanned, and covered with days worth of stubble. His eyes were big and round, childlike almost, clouded a deep blue colour, bushy eyebrows following the curve of his brow bone. His nose appeared to have been broken before as it loomed over a pair of smirking lips. His hair was a dark shade of brown and styled into a presentable quiff. I was unable to stop myself from looking back at his eyes, where to my surprise he was already looking at me. Feeling my cheeks redden I looked down to the table trying to calm myself.
“Don’t worry about it. That guy is a creep.” I felt Halley kick my shin under the table causing me to wince slightly and look up at her. I heard a deep chuckle come from one of the strangers. “Have a good night ladies.” I looked up once again to meet the eyes of the blue-eyed stranger, he smiled sightly as he turned on his heel and followed his friends towards the door.
“Holy shit, do you know who that was?” Halley asked her lips pulled into a big smile. I shook my head and picked up my beer, sipping it. “Sienna, we were just saved by the three hottest bartenders who work at the Ivy.” She clapped her hands together.
“You… They saved you.”
“Semantics.” She giggled. “I can’t believe it… Those guys… I don’t think they’ve ever done that before… They don’t usually talk to people.”
“What do you even mean ‘They don’t usually talk to people’. Halley that’s ridiculous. They’re just people.” I tucked some hair behind my ear. “Who are they anyway?” I asked as I grabbed a slice of pizza, pulling the toppings off to eat. She took a deep breath, preparing herself.
“Okay, so the one who told Xander to back off, his name is George MacKay. He’s studying Mechanical Engineering. I can’t even count the amount of time’s I’ve drooled over him.” She picked up her own beer and took a sip.
“That’s attractive.”
“The quiet one at the back with the longer hair. Did you see him?” She ignored me only stopping when she waited for me to nod. “His name is Logan Daniels.” I nodded again. “He’s studying Microbiology. Super smart.”
“Halley, you need to breathe.”
“Can’t too excited.” I laughed shaking my head picking at the pizza again. “Okay, so the last one… The last one, with all the tattoos… His name is Dean Charles Chapman, he’s studying English Literature, he wants to become a journalist I think Stacey told me once. Stacey has been trying to get with him since she met him at the Ivy last year” My interest in him peaked as she spoke. “My God, I can’t wait to tell her all of this.” She beamed.
“Have you ever spoken to him before?” I asked. “Or any of them?” Halley shook her head no.
“Not really, maybe once or twice at the Ivy. You know the occasional ‘Sorry I just bumped into you.’ Or the ‘Can I get a vodka Redbull.’ But nothing that would explain that.” She started to fan herself.
“Maybe he’s interested in you?” I shrugged my shoulders still picking at the pizza in front of me.
“Do you think?” She asked her eyes going wide, cheeks flushing pink.
“You never know.” I downed the last of my beer and threw a twenty dollar note on the table as Halley threw down another fifteen. “Let’s get to the club. I really don’t want to wait in line tonight.”
Stale piss.
From the minute we walked in the door’s it’s all I could smell. No matter how much this place was scrubbed from top to bottom, the scent never changed. No matter how much bleach was poured on the floor and smothered over surfaces, it would still smell like stale piss.
At least to me, Maybe it doesn't to other people. Maybe to others, it's still a place of joy, and happiness but now, to me it was the same mundane, piss scented bar. People come here to find love at the bottom of a whiskey filled glass, hoping for a night of meaningless passionless, lust-driven sex. Maybe sometimes they find it, maybe they don’t. Booths lined the walls where people sat drinking and talking, some girls begging for attention, others danced in their seats laughing at how silly they must look to onlookers like me. A couple of tables littered the area around the bar and barstools lining half the length of the bar.
“Come on Sienna, it’s a girl’s night, at least pretend to have fun.” Stacey pulls at my hand, her fake nails digging into my palm as her long blonde hair swirled around her face, her blue eyes large and round, her lips fake and pouted. “This is the promise land, any of these boys could be yours for the night.” She motioned around us as guys looked girls up and down as if they were some sort of meat on display at a butcher. “Maybe more, if you’re lucky.” She winked at me and giggled as she hit her hip into mine. I hate this place. It's not a promise land, where I can meet new and interesting people, hold intelligent conversations with people. All it is a place for twenty-something-year-olds to come in the chance of getting a quick lay.
“I’m going to get a drink,” I yelled over the loud obnoxious music to Halley and Stacey. “I need to be wasted to be here.”
“I’ll come.” Halley smiled grabbing onto my elbow. “Maybe we’ll see our friends again.” I rolled my eyes and pushed through the sweaty people nearing the bar.
“As long as it ends up with me drinking alcohol that’s fine with me.” I pushed someone softly out of the way, worming through other bodies to get Halley and me to the front. “Excuse me,” I grunted as we made it out of the swarming crowd near the dance floor. We stopped to look over the bar, three bartenders stood behind it, each making a drink.
“C’mon it’s less crowded over here.” Halley grabbed my arm around, as we headed down to the less populated end. I laughed and looked at which bartender was serving in the middle section of the bar.
“Sure it doesn’t have anything to do with the bartender.” I looked over my shoulder to see George pouring whisky into a shot glass.
“Are you having fun?” Halley yelled over the music ignoring me completely, turning her back on the bar. I nodded my head shrugging, indifferent. “Sienna, I wish you were having more fun.” She frowned reaching out grabbing my hand.
“What can I get for you?” A deep voice rumbled from behind us over the music, I watched as Halley’s eyes went wide. She turned slowly to face George, who had a smile pulling on his lips. “Nice to see you again ladies.” I nudged Halley with my elbow. She snapped out of her daze and smiled politely.
“Hi, uh, Yeah.” She shook her head. “I mean, thanks for that… tonight at Uncle Tony’s I mean…” I looked down and played with my rings as I waited for Halley to order drinks for both of us. “So you work here huh?” Halley tried. “I mean obviously you work here.” I watched on as Halley awkwardly found her ground, pushing her hair behind her ear as she laughed at herself.
“Can I get you something.” A deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see the guy with the tattoos - Dean - from tonight, leaning against the bar smiling down at me. I looked at the bottles shelved behind him as I walked up to the bar leaning on it, bottom lip slipping between my teeth as I thought. Finally, I gave up, looking from the bottles to him.
“I'm not too sure... Why don't you surprise me?” I leant forward on the bar, getting closer to him, the light flowed around him making him look angelic.
“Do you like sweet or sour?” His voice was husky as I maintained eye contact, trying not to lose myself in the blue of his eyes anymore than I already had. I couldn’t help my lips twisting up slightly at the comment.
“I’m feeling sweet tonight.” He chuckled white teeth exposing themselves as he smiled, turning his back to me. Grabbing the bottles of alcohol from the shelves behind me he turned his head slightly. I began to fiddle with my rings, twisting them a nervous habit of mine.
“What’s your name?” I stopped, my hand's frozen on the bar, turning around to face me he was placing all the ingredient's on the bench in front of me. "Are you not allowed to tell me your name?" He smiled at me again and I was gone, a breathy smile escaped me as he smiled down at me.
“Sienna, And you? What's your name?" He continued to make my drink.
"Dean." I nodded my head. “It’s nice to meet you Sienna.”
"So what are you making there Dean?" I looked up at him again, he was still watching me, watching as I leaned forward lip in between my teeth, eyes curious as he poured the liqueurs out.
"Espresso martini." He started to shake it. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and giggle. He stopped shaking and lent forward onto the bar."Don't you like Espresso Martini’s, Sienna?” The way my name sounded coming from him made my stomach flutter. Feeling dangerous and unlike myself, I lent towards him.
"It's okay. I mean it’s literally the martini version of the classic ‘white girl’ drink of vodka Redbull. A basic drink, easily done and something I can recreate at home, But I’ll give it a try." I leant forward towards him, our noses almost touching, I could feel his breath against my skin. "Who knows maybe you do it differently to the others… Better perhaps.”
“I definitely do it better.” We weren’t talking about the drink anymore. He replied pulling away to finish the drink, only looking up when it was finished. "One hopefully not boring Espresso Martini." He smirked at me causing me to giggle. I pulled my card from my wallet and went to hand it to him. He shook his head and pushed the drink closer to me. "Don't worry about it. It's on me.”
"Dean, I insist." I pushed the card out towards him again, he put a hand up to stop me from trying anymore.
"It's fine. Enjoy your night." He collected everything he’d used for the drink, turning to put it back into the respective spots.
"Dean." He turned around; I was still in my previous spot, watching him as he worked. He walked closer, leaning slightly across the bar. I smiled up playfully and before I even knew what was happening, What I was doing. I’d leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank-you," I whispered into his ear, my cheek still pushed against his. “I’m sure the drink is delicious." I pulled away, picking up the drink, walking away, with one final glance over my shoulder. He was leaning on the bar, a devastatingly handsome smile on his face.
“Sienna, there you are.” Stacey grabbed my shoulder pulling me to a stop. A bit of my drink spilled onto the ground, splashing over her shoes. “Sorry.” She looked over her shoes before back to me. “Have you seen Halley?” I shook my head.
“Last I saw her, she was at the bar talking to one of the bartenders, George.” I looked back to the bar to see Halley still where I’d left her. Smiling as he handed her a drink. She smiled and waved before making her way over to us. “Here she is.”
“Sorry.” She apologised. “George and I got to talking.” There wasn’t a trace of remorse in her tone as she giggled. She looked at me as my eyebrow corked up. “I’ll explain later.” I nodded my head, bringing my drink to my lips. I sipped carefully. The mix of vodka, coffee liqueur and espresso dancing across my tongue, rich, indulgent and creamy. Dean was right, he does do it better.
“Whose dancing with me?” Stacey changed the subject, her eyes still on the bar… On George and Dean. “Because, ladies there are so many young, attractive males here tonight, who I think to deserve a show.” I followed her eyes, she was watching Dean as he threw a piece of ice at George laughing when it hit his friend in the back. I turned back, looking at Halley.
“What do you say?” Halley smiled. Her eyes went to the bar, to George. I smiled weakly.
“Look’s like we’re dancing.” I grabbed Halley’s hand, dragging her behind Stacey onto the dance floor. “You better put on a good show for him.” I moaned. “Because I could be home right now, listening to Jimmy Buffet on cheap shitty red wine.” She shook her head.
“You’re always drunk on cheap shitty red wine.” She taunted back. “But I will put on a good show.” She smirked, swaying her hips. “He watching?” Quickly I darted my eyes to the bar… To George. His eyes were on Halley.
“He’s watching.”
Sweat. Smoke. Alcohol. Body odour. That’s all that I could smell wherever I went, wherever I turned. Around me bodies moved pushing themselves up against any surface they could, grabbing onto other people as their bodies gyrated against another person.
“C’mon Sienna. Dance with me.” Halley grabbed my hands.
“Halley you know I hate to dance, it’s not something I’m good at. It’s -.”
“Sienna.” I was cut off by a boy who came up stopping beside us, slinging an arm around my waist pulling me into an awkward side hug fingertips digging into my skin as the material of my t-shirt lifted. I vaguely recognised him from my communications class, but we weren't friends so nothing made this encounter less uncomfortable. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” He yelled over the music before he looked at Halley and smiled I waited for him to remove his arm from my waist but he never did, which caused me to raise my eyebrow at Halley. “Sorry, my names Henry. Sienna and I share a communications class.” Henry that’s what his name was… Henry.
“Halley,” She said extending an arm to Henry following it with a deathly glare. Henry smiled, extending his own hand to Halley. Shaking his hand, she didn’t drop her glare. “Nice to meet you.”
“You ladies having a good night?” Henry slurred, words joining each other in a drunken fashion, his weight shifting onto me.
“We are, thanks,” I yelled back, hoping he’d catch my tone.
“Me too.” He ran his free hand through his hair. “I’m fucked though. The boys and I have been drinking since four this afternoon.” He chuckled stupidly.
“Wow, I’m surprised you’re standing.” Halley deadpanned.
“Do you want to dance Sienna?” Henry smiled down at me.
“I don’t really dance.”
“I can teach you.” His drunken smile widened as his hand dropped down to grab mine, pulling me away from Halley before I could object. I stumbled my way through the crowd trying to loosen Henry’s grip on my hand, hoping I could lose him in the crowd when Henry stopped. I looked around smiling awkwardly trying to figure out how exactly people moved to this kind of music. Studying how they rocked their bodies somewhat in tempo with the music. “You don’t like Iggy?” Henry asked, mouths moving to the song. I shrugged again.
“I’m not good at dancing, remember.” I shrugged and started to sway side to side holding my hands together hoping Henry wouldn't grab hold of them again before I figured out a way to leave without offending him. There was nothing worse than a white boy who got rejected. Against my highest hopes, he grabbed my hands and started to pull them above my head and make me move more freely or so he thought, it couldn't have felt any stranger for me than it did. He kept this up for a while before he pulled me closer to him so his body was pressed against mine attempting to get our bodies to move as one to the music, thrusting his hips into mine, his lips going to my neck his nose travelling along the length of it before he planted a kiss on my collar bone. Suddenly I couldn’t breathe, Everyone was standing too close to me and I forgot how to breathe.
“You look really good Sienna.”
“I need some water,” I said quickly pulling away from him and rushing off the dance floor. I reached the water station at the bar, pouring myself a cup and downing it.
“Easy tiger.” I looked up to meet the worried eyes of George “Are you okay?” I nodded my head and poured another drink. “You’re Halley’s friend right?” He held his hand out. “I’m George.” I extended my hand and opened my mouth ready to reply.
“Sienna there you are.” My eyes widened as I heard Henry yell from behind me. “Why’d you run back there?” I turned and tried to answer but he just got closer. “I thought we were having a good time.”
“I just really needed water.” I motioned behind me. “Worked up a thirst.”
“But things were just getting started.” Henry smiled, a smiled I’m sure he thought would have me weak at the knees as he reached around and grabbed onto my ass and give it a squeeze.
“Hey.” I yelped, trying to back away.
“Did you seriously just grab her,” George growled from behind me.
“She liked it, don’t worry big guy.” My mouth dropped, hands going up to his chest.
“What the fu—.”
“Sir.” We both looked over to see a tall, built security guard standing near us. “I’m going to need you to come with me.” Henry pushed himself away from me, knocking me back into the wood of the bar. “You need to leave the premises.”
“I’m not even drunk.” He argued. “You can’t kick me out for being sober.”
“You need to come with me sir, you’re making a scene.”
“S, Are you okay?” Halley whispered in my ear as she rushed up to stand beside me.
“Why am I being kicked out.” Henry continued to argue chest puffing out.
“One of our staff advised us that you are too intoxicated to be on-premises.” The security guard got closer.
“Who told you that.”
“Don’t make me throw you out.” Henry took one look between me and the guard.
“She’s not even worth it.” He looked at me once again scoffing and pushing past us. The guard nodded at us before following him out.
“Sienna” I heard from behind me. I turned to see George still standing behind us, leaning down on the bar. “Are you sure you’re okay? You rushed out of there pretty quickly.” I let my head fall back against the brick wall next to the water fountain.
“Yeah, he was just giving me a weird vibe.”
“So he’s not your boyfriend.” Halley and I shook my head. “So you’re single.” I nodded. “Thank god. We had reports of him spiking other girls drink. When Dea - One of the guys saw him dancing with you, he got Big Mike involved.”
“Thanks, George.”
“Come on Sienna, Let’s get you home.” I let Halley pull me to the door, Stopping to say goodbye to Stacey and the other girls as we made our way to the door. I looked back to the bar where I saw Dean on the way out a girl sitting in front of him at the bar, running a hand up and down his arm. He wasn’t watching her though, His eyes were on me. With one final look at Dean, Halley pulled me out the door and back to reality.
#dean charles chapman#Dean Charles Chapman x reader#Fanfic#george mackay#george mackay x reader#George MacKay fanfic#GeorgeMackay#George MacKay Imagine#Dean Charles Chapman Imagine#Dean Charles Chapman Fanfic
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Downtown Detectives || Morgan & Marley
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @detectivedreameater & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Marley meets another detective.
CONTAINS: Proof Morgan should stick to her day job.
If you’re looking for a sketchy witch, you go to the sketchy witch place in town. Morgan loitered around Amity Row for hours, hoping to spot one of the faces she and Winston had pulled from Coraline’s social media feed. She hadn’t been settled in White Crest very long, just a few months like Morgan, and there were only so many people who were old enough to have the kind of experience to alchemize iron in a body where there should be none. Maybe the parents of one of her college friends, maybe someone from her new D&D group, or-- Morgan’s brow quirked as she saw someone walk out of Stone’s Philosophy. She wasn’t close to the man, but she recognized him from enough faculty meetings to recognize him as Dr. Fridlund from the Chemistry department. He was the kind of guy that gave kids extra credit just for wearing a school shirt on Friday, the kind of guy you would think to trust. The kind of guy who you might meet in some sketchy secondary location because just in time to flex his secret alchemy skills.
Morgan saw him making his way to Eye of Newt, which had started seeing a sudden uptick in business after Vera figured out she’d been slipped a Monkey’s Paw. Morgan made a beeline for the door, power walking faster than any suburban mom ever had, and cutting him off at the door. “Hey! Doctor Fridlund, right? Or, Eric, can I call you Eric? It’s just so weird and great to see you around this part of town! I kinda miss the old Chem Crew a little.”
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Eric Fridlund adjusted his polo and leaned back on his heels to put some distance between them.
“Morgan Beck? I took on some of the intro classes last semester, because of the TA shortage? We were at a faculty lunch together? You were really excited to talk to me because your mom and I are from the same city!” Excited was a bit of a stretch, but she was going to make him feel as bad as possible for not remembering her. “It’s such a shame we don’t get to see each other more, but you’re busy taking on extra undergrad tutoring sessions, right? I feel like I heard that from one of my summer kids. Coraline Adams?”
Eric Fridlund pretended to understand exactly what the strange woman was saying and tried to ease his way around her. “Of course! So great to run into you. Anyways, gotta--oh.”
Morgan shifted, blocking his way once again. “Actually, I had a weird question for you!”
This part of town was, ironically, where Marley felt the most at home. And the most powerful. Walking around Amity with a badge on her hip and sunglasses firmly shielding her eyes, people shrunk out of her way, or gave her strange looks. That was fine with her, she liked it that way. No one got too close. This was how it was supposed to be, after all. And checking into a lead (even though she was technically still on leave, but sneaking into the precinct late at night to nab some files had been so easy) made everything feel even more normal. Apparently there was some suspicious activity that needed to be looked into down here, likely some sort of drug territory dispute, but of the...supernatural variety. It was right up her alley, literally. The lead told them that the last known sighting of one of the suspects was near Stone’s Philosophy, a cheesy name for a stupid magic jewelery shop if Marley had ever heard one. But the name didn’t matter, because she was here now, and as she went to head into the shop, something else caught her eye. Two people near the entrance to the shop next door, Eye of Newt, and one of them clearly looked uncomfortable. Interesting.
Marley turned and paused, watching them for a moment. The shorter, curly haired woman seemed to be cutting off the man’s route. She had that pinchy, determined look on her face, and Marley recognized it. It would be easy enough to walk away and let them go about their business, but Marley was the curious sort. And so she crossed over and came up behind the two of them, hands on her hips. “Everything okay over here?” she asked, quirking a brow.
There was a tone of voice cops had when they were getting ready to throw their weight into a situation. Morgan knew what the woman across from her was before she clocked the badge at her hip. She went rigid, smiling stiff as she said, “Yes, of course! Just catching up with a friend, right?”
Eric Fridlund considered his options. He had too many shoplifted items in his bag to want to invite too much scrutiny, but he sure wanted to get out of this interaction and get back to his wife and dog. “Sorry if we’re blocking the entrance, we’re just wrapping up here, though, right?”
“Yeah, you were gonna tell me about the last time you saw Coraline. She was in your summer seminar, right? It’s just, you know, so weird that she hasn’t been in class so close to finals, you know?” Morgan touched his arm and steered them away from the door, barely concealing her irritation at the officer. Eric brushed her off with a more pleading look the officer’s way, but obliged nonetheless.
The situation was already strange to Marley but when the name ‘Coraline’ came up, her entire body stiffened. She remembered reading that name on a recent missing person’s report. And while it could be coincidence, Marley’s years as a detective in a small town like this told her it wasn’t. “Did you say Coraline?” she asked, stepping over towards the two, leaving all air of intervening behind. “That wouldn’t be Coraline Adams, would it?” The nervous look on the man’s face didn’t escape her, either. He knew something. Her eyes sharpened and she could feel the want trickling into her bones, the need to feed. It was all she could get these days, was little snacks like this. But the other woman presented a small problem. And so she’d play along for now. “Why don’t you answer the question, buddy, huh? Make this easier on all of us.”
Of course someone had called the flipping cops. Morgan didn’t even know how long Coraline had been missing for, but her body had been stashed at Erin’s for well over a week. Her friends would have noticed eventually. And, what with the whole playing your cards close game supernaturals always had to play, someone had involved the cops without realizing it was the last thing anyone needed. Especially Coraline. But Eric was getting a little wormy under the officer’s attention. Morgan couldn’t rule him out as a real lead. Morgan set her jaw against her irritation and rolled with it. “Uh...yeah. It is, actually.”
“I don’t know. I’ve already emailed the dean of the science college, letting him know that Coraline’s failing my seminar because she refuses to come to class or communicate with me,” Eric said irritably.
Yes, Morgan thought, because she was murdered. “That’s it? You just went straight to her dean?”
Eric shrugged. “I’m a busy guy, and University protocol doesn’t require me to do anything else. Now, uh, speaking of busy--” He gestured with his shopping bag before he realized his mistake in drawing attention to it, flushed, and started to extricate himself from the two women.
Marley could sniff out guilt in almost anyone. Eric looked ready to bolt, his body stiffening at just the mention of Coraline, and the way his eyes averted the conversation when he admitted to having contacted the Dean and only the Dean about her absence. Marley put a hand up, blocking his path, and leaned against the building so he couldn’t escape by her. “Actually,” she said, “you’ve become suddenly not busy, right? Because...you wanna stay here and have a nice chat with us outside of this store, instead of, say...down at the station.” Her eyes sharpened and her stare could be felt, even from behind her glasses. “Right?” When he stopped moving, Marley dropped her arm. “So, why don’t you start from the beginning, hmm? When did you last hear from her?”
Morgan couldn’t help but side-eye the officer. She’d never had one on her side before, not that she knew it was her side. It was more of a coincidence than the law giving a shit for dead, lost fae or knowing how to handle them. She tried to subtly shift her body to pen Doctor Fridlund closer against the shop and peek around his shirt sleeves and collar. Her parents had always worn their transmutation circles on their person, and she knew enough from photos and stories that tattoos were a common practice for serious witches since they couldn’t be lost. There was one of those ‘edgy’ leather bracelets that had ridden up his arm. She couldn’t tell if there was a charm or not, but without being able to tell for sure…
“What? No, I’m...my wife is expecting me and it’s my turn to walk the dog, and I don’t see any, you know, official warrants or anything. I’m positive I don’t actually have to talk to either one of you. You--” Eric pointed to Morgan. “Are you with her? Is this some ridiculous undercover set up?” He tugged on his polo again. “You know what, it doesn’t matter, and I don’t care. I don’t know when she stopped coming to class, at least two weeks ago, if the cops really wanna come take a look at my attendance sheets, they’re welcome to it. I’m sure the tutoring logs are still around somewhere too. We were meeting one on one for help for a few weeks, and then nothing. It’s not pretty, but it happens all the time. Now, if you’ll excuse me?”
Marley narrowed her eyes. People often didn’t cooperate under stress, but it was also a symptom of guilt. He was giving excuses that didn’t make one-hundred percent sense. The other woman was getting squirmy, too, glancing around at the man as if looking for something. Marley followed her gaze only for a bit before turning her attention back to the man. “You know, I think I’d love to pay the school a visit on your behalf. Should I just come directly to your office? Or let the front desk know who I am and what I’m there for? Cause I’m good either way,” she stated firmly, standing between him and his quick exit. She wasn’t entirely convinced this man actually knew anything, but if he did, she was going to get it out of him. And if he didn’t, there was still another thing he could give her. “If she stopped coming to class two weeks ago why did it take you a full week to report her missing to the Dean?”
Eric Fridlund went still. “Christ, she’s missing? Did you know about this?” He whirled his attention on Morgan.
Morgan made no reply.
“Look, the memo to the dean was just a standard form, University Protocol. I put in her ID number, checked why I was technically concerned, she had missed over a week of class and needed to do something or else take a failing grade, and I said something about how we had after class meetings. These idiots realize they’re in too deep all the time, and they’re too busy whining into their cell phones to remember to drop or leave notice. It’s unfortunate, but it happens. My job is to get the real grown ups looped in and hope for the best.”
“But you didn’t say why,” Morgan said.
“I don’t know!” Eric snapped. “Obviously if I knew she was missing, I would have acted more accordingly. If she’s in serious trouble...Christ, I don’t know. What do you think, Beck, another round of grief and crisis inservices?”
“I don’t know, Doctor Fridlund. I’m still wondering why you’re either dangerously negligent or hiding something besides your stupid shopping bag.” She reached for his arm and pulled, dragging down his bracelet as she upset the contents.
“Hey! She can’t do that! Officer, she can’t do that, right?”
Whoever this woman was, Beck, it seemed, she was just as fed up with this boring professor as Marley was. He wasn’t giving her any answers she wanted, and she could feel the anger rising inside of her. “So glad the university has a professor like you who seems to care so much about his students. Waiting whole weeks before reporting them missing while thinking they’re just drop-outs or lazy and not, I don’t know, in need of help? Possibly even using this as a cry for help? Just...delighted,” she growled. It was apparent this situation was more than just a case to Marley, but she glowered into the man’s eyes from behind her shades and restrained herself, just barely, from peering into his fears.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she answered slowly, turning her head away as the other woman yanked on him. “I don’t see her doing anything.”
Eric puffed, indignant at this treatment. These bleeding hearts were always after him. He stooped to pick up his knick knacks with what dignity he had left (Christ, he needed to see someone about this. He’d stolen a golf hat from one of the shops and he didn’t even like golf). But before he could get that far, he felt the officer’s eyes on him and looked up. More than anything he wanted to tear his eyes away, to be anywhere but this godforsaken street. “No,” he whispered. “You can’t...this isn’t happening…” He backed away from them both and let the bag fall from his hands. He ran, stumbled to his knees in the street, got back up, and kept running.
Morgan reached out for him again, “Get back here--!” But whatever had come over him was too strong to listen. He left without picking up anything from the ground, and even leaving his bracelet behind. Morgan stooped to pick it up. She recognized the transmutation circle at once and grimaced, burning to have the power to make the ground swallow him up. “Well, that was interesting,” she grumbled. And not exactly illuminating for her peace of mind. She’d passed off her own spellcraft as pure aesthetic to know not everyone with a circle knew the first thing about equivalent exchange.
Coward. Marley flicked her eyes away from him and let the fears fall away. He didn’t actually know anything, she could tell just by the taste-- his fear was darker, different. He didn’t care about Coraline or what happened to her. But she was definitely going to be paying him a visit at the school, and that time, she’d come for him full blast. Whatever he was hiding, he held power somewhere, and she could use that to her advantage. Turning back to the other woman, Marley sized her up. “So...what’s your connection to Coraline?” she asked, raising a brow. “A worried friend? Interested party? Wannabe detective striking out on her own?”
All of Morgan’s rising warm feelings for the officer flatlined. “Oh, I’m just…concerned.” That much was true. “And the guy, you know, he gave me these weird vibes, you know. I just happen to think, you know, it’s a shit show out there and more people should care. Crazy, I know.” Morgan shrugged and looked down at the stolen things on the floor. There was an athame with its price sticker still on in the mix, but most of it was mundane garbage. Morgan grimaced. Completely useless. “Thank you, for whatever you did over there. But I guess I should be going too…”
Marley watched the woman fumble in her words. She was lying about something, but hiding it behind small tidbits of truth. Frowning, Marley moved to pick up the bag. She supposed she should return it to the store it was stolen from. Turning to look back at her, Marley gave her best attempt at a smile. She had a hunch, and it was time to test it out. “Of course,” she said, coming back over to her. She stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out one of her cards. “If you think of anything else, feel free to contact me. After all, people like us,” she leaned in a little closer, “we gotta stick together, right?”
Morgan went stiff. What did she mean? Could she smell the death on her? Hear her lack of heartbeat? She was remembering to breathe, right? Or maybe the officer meant something else. Maybe it was people like them as in women, or queer women. All lady officers looked butch, and this one carried no small amount of swagger. Morgan offered her a smile and ran a hand through her hair. “I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but I appreciate the sentiment. I don’t generally find police officers to be very sympathetic when it comes to my side of the tracks.” She offered her a wave and started to edge away.
Marley noted the woman’s stiffness at the question, watching her work out exactly what Marley meant. Whatever she said next, Marley already had her answer. Body language was so telling after all. “Well, not all officers have blindfolds on,” she said in return after a moment, “just know there’s someone looking out for you on the squad.” Or watching them closely, in her case. A tip of her head, a crooked smile. She wanted to stay longer, to figure out what exactly this woman was-- but it wouldn’t do to push such a twitchy looking person. “Hey, wait,” she called out, not moving from her spot, “I never got your name. I’m Marley.”
Morgan nodded, her smile curving up in a friendly way. Something sounded familiar about that name, she just couldn’t figure out how. She almost wanted to ask if she knew Jane Wu, but she didn’t want to put the reckless not-zombie into any more trouble than she already got into by herself. “I’ll try and remember that,” she said. “Maybe I’ll look you up sometime to say hey. If you hear from a gal named Morgan, you know it’s probably me.” Keeping the bracelet clenched tight in her fist, Morgan backed herself out of the street and high tailed it for home.
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Her Saviours- Ch.29

Series Masterlist
Summary: During an odd case, the Winchesters came across Y/N, a scared young Omega girl who had been used as a lure for a nest of vampires. After rescuing her from the monsters, John and his sons took her in knowing she was in no state to live among ordinary people. But three Alphas and one Omega is a mixture bound for disaster.
Warnings: Explicit language. ABO dynamics. Smut. Unprotected sex. Knotting. Angst. Violence.
A/N: Okay so I personally struggled with the ending of this chapter. I didn’t want what happens to happen but I actually realised that the next episode just wouldn’t make sense if I didn’t… it’s hard to explain without giving stuff away… just know, I had to do it for plot reasons. Personally, I’d rather they just all fuck it out and move on xD
You were sitting on the couch when the motel door opened… and Sam walked in alone. Your heart dropped when he gave you a sad smile.
“Where is he?”
“He went to go talk to Cassie.”
Nodding, you unfolded your legs and rose off the couch. “Well, I shouldn’t be surprised.” Sighing, you started for the kitchen.
“Y/N, it’s not like that. It’s for the case.”
“Don’t make excuses for him, Sam.”
“I’m not. I just don’t want you hurting over something that might not even happen,” he countered, following you.
You scoffed. “Sam, you didn’t see them together.” Turning to face him, you leaned back against the counter as you went on. “They’re all passion and fire. Fighting to them is like viagra. They live off yelling and screaming. And if he’s gone there, without you or me, then they’re going to fight. The stench of unfinished business and sexual tension has been stuck in my nose since we got into town.”
He took a step closer to you. “You don’t think what you and Dean have is passion and fire?”
“What Dean and I have is habit and convenience,” you answered honestly. “And you know what? You’re right.”
“Right about what?”
“I deserve better, Sam.” You pushed off the counter. “I deserve more.” Grabbing his jacket, you pulled him down until his lips crashed onto yours.
Sam froze for a moment as his brain worked to catch up to what you were doing, once it had though there was no stopping him. He grabbed the backs of our thighs, pulling you up to wrap your legs around him. Your arms came up and around his neck, pulling himself closer as the kiss deepened.
Fingers digging into the meat of your thighs, Sam turned the two of you and started towards his bed. He didn’t let you go as he laid you down on the mattress, covering your body with his.
Pulling back to nip at your neck, he breathed against you. “Wanted you for weeks. You’ve been avoiding me.”
His teeth pinched a nerve on your neck, making you arch into him. “Didn’t… didn’t want to cause drama.”
“And now?”
Pushing on his chest, you rolled the two of you over until you were straddling him. “Now I don’t give a fuck.” Rolling your hips, you moaned at the feel of him in his jeans.
Reaching for your top, Sam pulled it over your chest and then made quick work of your bra. As soon as your chest was bare he leaned in to suck and nip at your breasts, circling his tongue around one nipple while pinching the other between two fingers. You moaned, throwing your head back as you continued to roll your hips.
Looking up at you, Sam started on the button and zipper of your jeans. “I know this doesn’t mean you’re over him.”
“Can we not talk about your brother right now, please?” you huffed, reaching for his shirt.
Sam grinned as you worked at undressing him, ignoring what you said. “But I’m not going to give up on you. I want you, Y/N, as mine. I want every inch of you.”
“I am giving you every inch of me right now, Sam. Take it before I change my mind,” you warned.
He quickly rolled the two of you over again, caging you in underneath him. “You’re giving me every inch of you?”
There was this intense look in his eyes, as if he was saying something more than what his words were. He was being serious, asking for some kind of permission for something you didn’t know.
Looking into his eyes, you nodded. “I’m giving you every inch of me.”
Leaning in, he pressed his lips against yours in a deep kiss as he made quick work getting rid of the rest of your clothes. You arched into him, seeking out the feel of his skin, the warmth of his chest against yours.
The first push of him had your eyes fluttering shut as your fingers carded through his hair, holding him close. He was slow, rocking against you, pressing all of him against all of you as he gently rocked, pushing each inch of him into your gradually.
The stretch of him inside you sent shivers down your spine, pulling a needy whine from your lips. Wrapping your legs around his hips, you urged him to move, desperate for more friction. Sam was more than happy to please, trailing his lips to your neck as he picked up the pace, thrusting long and hard.
Sam’s breath fanned out over your neck as he pressed soft kisses to your pulse point, and then nipped at the skin. You arched into him, overcome by a sensation that steamed from every nerve in your body as he left small bruises on your neck.
Rolling your hips against Sam, you felt a familiar stretch inside. “You’re gonna knot me,” you moaned clawing at his back.
Nodding against your neck, he groaned. He didn’t say anything. You got the feeling he couldn’t form words at the time.
Tightening your hold, you pulled him closer and turned your face towards his neck. Sealing your lips over his own pulse point, you sucked at the skin, leaving a mark. He whined at the feel, bucking into you, his pace faltering.
Moving away from his neck, you whispered in his ear, “Do it. Want you, Alpha. Please.”
At the use of his title, Sam came on a shuddering breath, pushing into you as deeply as possible. His knot popped, locking the two of you in place. The feel of him pressing against your walls deeply pushed you over into your own climax, causing you to let out a cry as you clutched at him tightly.
Sam didn’t let you go until you both came down, catching your breaths. He pulled away to rest his forehead on yours, keeping his eyes closed as if it could help him remain in control of the Alpha in him.
Bringing your hand up, you caressed his cheek, smiling as he leaned into your touch.
“You have no idea how hard it is to hold back when I’m with you.”
You looked up at him with a little and confused frown. “Why do you hold back?”
Slowing, his eyes opened as he gazed down at you. “When I’m with you it’s like everything is on fire. It’s never felt like this with someone before. All I wanna do is bend you over and bury my cock in you every second of every day. You make the Alpha in me go crazy.”
When you didn’t respond, he rolled you both onto your sides so you were both more comfortable as you waited for his knot to lessen.
Chewing on your lip, you ran your fingers through his hair thoughtfully. “Sam?”
“I wouldn’t mind it, you know…”
It was his turn to frown with confusion. “Mind what?”
“If you didn’t hold back.” Looking up, you held his gaze, watching as his eyes darkened. “You should let your Alpha side out more often.”
Leaning in, he crushed your lips in a bruising kiss. You whined into the touch, clutching at his shoulder and pulling your leg up to his waist. He thrust ever so slightly, making his knot tug inside you, causing you to whine louder.
Pulling back, he kept his eyes on your lips as he spoke, “You’re mine tonight.”
“I’m yours tonight.” You nodded quickly, feeling a thrill of excitement wash through you.
“You sure you wanna stay?” Sam asked as he leaned over you while you sat on the couch in the motel room.
“I’m an Omega, you’re going to have to play cop… it’s best I hang out here for now,” you noted, smiling up at him.
Moving in closer, he pressed a kiss to your neck, over one of the several hickies he’d given you. “You sure it’s not because you don’t want Dean to see the marks I left on you.”
“Well… doesn’t help that my ass still hurts,” you chuckled, turning your head to catch his lips with your own.
Grinning, he gave you a quick kiss before pulling back. “Just your ass?”
The two of you had spent all night fucking. Sam had knotted you five times before you’d gotten too sensitive for anymore. It wasn’t like you were on heat, you couldn’t handle too much on a normal day. But that had stopped the two of you from doing other stuff. At one point he had you bent over in the shower as he fucked you from behind, slapping your ass until it was red.
To be honest… it was pretty hot.
“Everything hurts,” you admitted, leaning up to give him a quick peck. “But in the best way.”
“Mm, good.” Pulling away, he started towards the bed to grab his jacket. “You want me to bring anything back?”
“Just yourself.”
“I won’t be long,” he promised, starting towards the door.
You watched until the door closed behind him, leaving you alone. Your smile faltered ever so slightly as soon as you heard his departing footsteps. Last night had been incredible, you’d loved every moment of it, but you knew that it was going to come with consequences.
You were going to have to use the day to figure out how you were going to deal with those consequences… how you were going to deal with Dean.
When the motel room door unlocked you looked up from John’s journal- which you’d been flicking through. Your heart began to race as you waited, watching, wondering who it might be. As the door opened you were both nervous and glad.
Sam stepped in first, giving you a small smile, asking if you were okay without actually saying anything. Before you could respond, Dean walked in, closing the door behind him.
“Hey.” Sam moved towards you, dropping on the bed. “How was your day?”
You smiled at him as he leaned over to press a kiss to your cheek. “It was okay. Bit lonely, though.”
“You could have come,” he noted, pulling back.
“Thought it might be best if I didn’t.” You glanced over at Dean.
He scoffed, dumping his jacket on the table. “See you two wasted no time in getting cozy. The place stinks.”
“You don’t smell like roses either, Dean.” You glared. “Bet Cassie was more than accommodating last night.”
“Don’t start with me, Y/N,” he warned, clenching his jaw. “I have history with her.”
“I have history with Sam.”
His jaw clenched. “Cassie and me have unfinished business. Things are complicated.”
“What isn’t complicated with you Dean?”
“I’m not the only complicated one here, sweetheart.” He took a step towards you. “Last time I checked, you’re the Omega stuck between three guys who won’t claim you. Not that they don’t want to, but you seem to forget that.”
Anger began to bubble in your chest. Pushing off the bed, you moved to stand, only to have Sam reach out and grab your hand to stop you.
“Maybe you two could use some space?” Sam suggested, genuinely concerned.
Dean, however, didn’t buy it. “What, so you can have her all to yourself? You’d like that, huh? Just remember this, Sam, I’m the one that stuck around.” Dean gestured to himself, leaning forward as his own anger grew. “I’m the only one that’s stuck by her side this entire time. I’m the only one who actually knows her. You left and hooked up with someone else. The only reason you’re fucking her now is because she’s the only Omega around.”
“You do the exact same thing!” you exclaimed. “You run off to stick your dick in whatever you can find, and if you come up empty-handed you turn to me! I’m your second choice.”
Turning his attention back to you, Dean shook his head. “You think you’re any better? You jump from my bed to Dad’s. Or from mine to Sam’s. You stick around because you need us. Not us as people but because the Omega in you needs an Alpha. If it wasn’t for the sex you would have left years ago. You use us just like we use you.”
A loud crack sounded through the room as your hand stuck Dean across the face.
In an instant you regretted it. Gasping, you held your hand to your chest as your eyes fell to the ground.
“Oh my God…”
Dean lifted his hand to rub at his cheek as the anger disappeared from his eyes, replaced by shock.
Sam jumped off the bed, putting himself between you and his brother. “Everybody just needs to calm down.” He looked to the two of you. You shuddered at the sound of his voice, feeling the power of an Alpha behind it.
“I’m… I’m so sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t mean…” Shaking your head, you turned on your heels and hurried for the bathroom.
“Y/N, wait!” Sam called, hurrying after you. He didn’t make it before you slammed the door in his face and locked it.
Never had you ever struck one of the guys before. Never had Dean made you feel so worthless. You knew there was truth in his words and that made it hurt all the more. You did use the guys, and they used you… and as long as they kept jumping from girl to girl, and you kept jumping from Winchester to Winchester, nothing was going to change.
The rap of knuckles on the bathroom door had you lifting your head from your knees as you looked up and wiped the tears from your cheeks. You didn’t say anything, though. You just waited, chewing your lip nervously.
“Y/N, you gotta unlock the door,” Sam begged from the other side. When it was clear you weren’t going to move, he sighed. “Please.”
But you couldn’t. Just the idea of seeing Dean’s face after what you’d done… what if he hated you? What if he didn’t? You weren’t sure which was worse. You couldn’t handle either. In that moment, you were hating yourself, and anything less from everyone else just wouldn’t make sense, but being hated by someone so important to you would crush you.
Then there was Sam, the one right on the other side of the door. You had no idea how he felt about the situation and that scared the crap out of you. You wouldn’t be surprised if he sided with Dean, they’re family after all, but you didn’t want him to look at you with disappointment, either. On the other hand, you didn’t want his pity.
One argument, one slap, and you were turned upside down.
Someone’s phone began to ring then, saving you from having to respond to Sam or hear him beg more.
“Cassie?” You heard Dean, and just the mention of her name- especially from him- made your heart break just a little more.
That was until you heard the panic that followed.
“Cassie!? Cassie what’s wrong?! Cassie!”
“Dean, what’s going on?” Sam asked, still standing by the bathroom door.
“We gotta go. Cassie needs our help.” Dean didn’t hesitate. You could hear him already hurrying out of the motel room.
You waited and listened as Sam took a moment to stand there, weighing the options. Either go help Cassie, who clearly needed them. Or, try to coax you out. You honestly didn’t blame him for his decision.
Without a word, Sam hurried after his brother, leaving you alone.
As soon as silence engulfed the motel room, you inched your way out of the tub and snuck towards the bathroom door. You listened out again, making sure you were actually alone, before you slipped out into the main room.
The guys were really gone.
Sitting in the tub for an hour or so had given you some time to panic, and stress, and worry… and think. You thought of Dean’s words, and the yoyoing you’d done with the guys over the years. He was right, you used them all. He was wrong about the sex part, though… it wasn’t the one thing keeping you with them.
Right now, though, it was the one thing driving you away. Having to juggle your feelings for Sam and Dean, while trying not to hurt either of them, simultaneously trying not to get hurt yourself with Dean jumping from girl to girl… you were exhausted. You wanted an Alpha, a Winchester, but you couldn’t have one. Not as long as John was out of reach.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome… it was time for you to break some habits.
Hurrying over to the couch, you grabbed your bag and started packing. You knew the guys were going to be pissed once they got back to the room, but you couldn’t let their feelings get in the way of what had to be done. Even if it was just for a little while, or if this was your first step to a new life, you needed to get away.
Tugging the strap of your bag over your shoulder, you headed for the motel room door. With one last look behind you, you then closed the door and walked away, hoping you weren’t making a mistake.
#alpha!sam fanfiction#alpha!sam x omega!reader#alpha!sam x omega!you#alpha!sam x omega!y/n#alpha!dean fanfiction#alpha!dean x omega!reader#alpha!dean x omega!you#alpha!dean x omega!y/n#her saviours
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He Isn’t You
Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: An unexpected reunion with an ex-lover kindles bitter memories. Regrets and what-ifs are exchanged, but only this time, the feelings remain one-sided.
A/N: This is a continuation of this request! I recommend you read it before this installment for more understanding. Either way, thank you for reading! ;)
It had been a year since Steve had last seen you. He kept track, knowing the exact number of weeks and days that he had lost you. He lost you. His heart stops everytime he glances at the locket by his dresser: a gold heart embellished with complex yet beautiful designs, accompanied with a small picture of you and him that fit perfectly within the necklace.
The window is covered with ice, yet he can still see the delicate snowflakes falling to the ground. Steve forces himself to stand from his bed - the bed where you left him, the bed where he broke you, the bed where he fucked everything up. With a shaky sigh, he adjusts the collar of his sweater, putting on a tight smile in the mirror before he walks out of his room.
Steve hates it. Only because he knows that it’s your favorite holiday, with the stupid evergreen trees and once-a-year decorations. He shuts off the radio in his car, grumbling at the first few notes of the familiar song.
The driveway is packed with cars when he arrives. He tucks the gift under his arm as he approaches the front door, raising a finger to the doorbell. From outside, he can hear the joyous cheers and singing of people. The wide, paneled door opens slowly, and he’s ushered in by an excited Mrs. Wheeler. He respectfully kisses her on the cheek, laughing when she remarks how handsome he looks tonight.
He finds Nancy immediately through the crowd of people, socializing with a few relatives. She turns around to smile and wave at him, before she begins excusing herself from the conversation to greet him.
“Hey, I’m so glad you could come.” She presses a chaste kiss to his lips, and he winces at the familiar taste of strawberry-flavored lipgloss.
Too much like you.
He recovers instantly, chuckling weakly when Nancy pulls him into a loving embrace. "Well, you know I'd never miss a good party, especially if you're there."
The words leave a sour aftertaste in his mouth. He wishes he hadn't said them in the first place.
She smiles widely at the comment, tugging on his arm to introduce him to a couple of her guests. He swiftly sets his gift down by the Christmas tree, before following Nancy into the backyard with slumped shoulders. He nods at familiar faces, acknowledging them with a weak handshake or a short embrace.
"Steve, this is Dean." She gestures to the taller boy, with slicked-back hair, who reaches out to shake Steve's hand with a kind voice.
"Nice to meet you, Steve." He glances around the yard for a moment, turning around to grab the hand of the girl behind him. "And this is my gorgeous girlfriend, Y/N."
It couldn't be.
You tuck yourself under Dean's arm, brightly smiling up at him before your eyes fall on Steve, who stood before you. He watches your eyes widen in shock, red lips parting as a shaky breath escapes from your chest.
"Hi." He blinks at you, hands fidgeting at his sides with uncertainty.
"Hello, Steve."
Nancy reaches for his hand, intertwining her slender fingers with his. "You guys know each other?" She raises her eyebrows at you with question.
Steve never told her. And so, Nancy never knew that you and Steve had ever been together.
"Not really," You reply. "I knew Steve from a class we had in school, but other than that, we've never talked."
Hurt, he glances down at his shoes, sucking in a deep breath as if you had punched him in the gut.
Dean touches your shoulder, leaning down to kiss your cheek before he excuses himself inside the house. It isn't long before Mrs. Wheeler calls Nancy inside to help her with the food, leaving only you and Steve, as well as a few unknown guests outside.
"You look different."
You meet his gaze with narrowed eyes. Your breaths are even, and it seems as if Steve's presence has left you completely unaffected.
He can't help but notice your bold, red lipstick - cherry lipgloss nowhere to be seen. Your black dress rests above the knee, and Steve tries to remember when was the last time he had seen you in clothing as short as that. You don't break eye contact, occasionally shifting your head to the side to move wisps of hair from your face.
"Thank you."
You don't seem to blush at his compliment.
He would have had you blushing by now.
"So," Steve leans lightly against the pole of the canopy, crossing his arms against his itchy sweater. "Uh, what are you doing here?"
You chuckle quietly at the question. Steve feels a pang in his chest at the angelic sound, causing a smile to form on his face. "Well, Dean happened to be a family friend of the Wheelers. He invited me to this Christmas party since we'd only be in town for a few more weeks and so, here I am."
"Oh, you don't live in Hawkins anymore?" You shake your head, sipping on the glass of apple cider in your hand.
"I actually got a full-ride scholarship to Michigan University.”
"Wow! That's... that's great, Y/N. I'm so happy for you." He chuckles. "But uh, Dean... how long have you two been...?”
He wants to say it, but he can’t bring himself to.
Your body relaxes at mention of his name, breaking Steve when he sees the admiration on your face when you look into the house.
“Almost a year. We met during orientation and ended up having the same major, which is pretty nice.”
Steve lets the smile on his face falter, before disappearing completely. Pushing himself off the pole, he buries his hands in his pockets, subtly approaching you with slow steps.
"Are you happy?"
The mood shifts immediately.
Time comes to a halt, as cliche as it sounds, and Steve can only place his attention on you.
"I'm the happiest woman alive." You admit, placing the empty wine glass on the table beside Steve. He abruptly reaches for your hand, enveloping it with his cold one. Your eyesight follows the motion, and you hurriedly try to pull away from him with a huff. "Steve..."
"Y/N, you don't know how much I miss you." He lowers his voice to a hushed whisper.
"Steve, I'm with someone." You don't hesitate to look him in the eye, furrowing your brows with frustration. "Please, leave me be."
"I know what love is. You told me - told me that I don't know what love is. But I do, Y/N." You manage to escape from his grip, keeping your distance from him with nervous eyes. "I love you."
"But I love Dean."
He has to look over his shoulder to stop himself from crying out, fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose. Steve whimpers softly, body trembling as he attempts to hold back his tears.
"God, I love you, Y/N. Give me a chance." He pleads with a quivering lip.
You shake your head dismissively. "I'm sorry. But I don't love you anymore, Steve.”
You gasp when Steve wraps his arms around you, burying his head into your neck. Your perfume overwhelms him, sending him into a struggling battle with his brain and heart.
"You're my everything. Please. Please."
With gentle hands, you pry Steve away from your body, and he aches for your touch. It’s not lustful, nor does it carry any sexual meaning - he simply needs to feel you.
Your eyes are sympathetic. And it makes Steve wish that you were angry instead, because he experiences even more pain with your peacefulness.
Were you at peace because he wasn't a part of your life anymore?
"Steve, it's been a year.” He sighs with audible relief when your hand cups his cheek. It's forgiving, yet it fucking kills him. "I'm not the same girl that I was when we were together."
"I don't care. Same or not, different or new, you're still Y/N. I'll - I'll stick around forever.” He leans further into your touch, ignoring your reluctance. “Let me stay with you.”
"You're with Nancy. You love her. This is what you wanted." Your hand suddenly falls from his face, resting against your thigh. “And this is what you get. You need to live with your own decisions.”
“What is it about Dean that makes you want to stay? He... I know you don’t want to break his heart, but I can do better than him. I would do so much better for you.” He pauses, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Why does he make you happy, Y/N?”
“Because he isn’t you.”
A sob racks through his body, and Steve has to grip onto the pole to stay upright.
Your words stab at his ribs, tearing at his flesh as he screws his eyes shut.
He exhales deeply. “I wish I knew what I had because I lost you.”
“You made me happier the minute that you let go.” You hesitantly reach for his hand, regretting it the minute that he tightens his hold on it. “You can love me all you want, Steve, but I want you to know that I have moved on. And I’m not coming back to you, ever.”
“I know.” He nods with understanding, averting his eyes from you.
“Could I get one last hug?”
He stares at you. His eyes are rimmed with red, tears staining his flushed cheeks. Regret was written all over his features, and you didn’t fail to recognize the heartbreak within him.
“I can’t give you that. I’m sorry.”
The patio door slides open, voices filling the emptied yard as Nancy and Dean stride over to you both. Steve harshly wipes at his face with the back of his sleeves, regaining his composure as his girlfriend comes to stand by his side. You block out their conversation when Dean reaches down to kiss your forehead, before feeding you a small piece of cheesecake with a bubbly grin. You exchange laughter when he misses your mouth, dabbing at the corners of your painted lips with a napkin.
“Do you wanna go inside? It’s real cold out here, love.” He suggests, and you nod at the suggestion. You thank him for the sweet gesture, smiling when his hand comes to rest on the small of your back.
Before you step into the house, you gaze behind you, meeting the intense stare of the chestnut-haired boy with a lingering smile of your own. His eyelashes glisten with drying tears, and he tunes out the sweet nothings of Nancy.
You give him a curt nod, entangling your fingers with Dean.
“Merry Christmas, Steve.”
#steve harrington#steve harrington fic#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington fanfiction#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x you#steve harrington imagine#steve harrington one shot#steve harrington headcanon#steve harrington angst#stranger things#stranger things fanfic#stranger things fic#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things x reader#stranger things x you#stranger things imagine#stranger things one shot#stranger things headcanon#stranger things angst#x reader
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wincest short: have pride
Dean sighs to himself when Sam begins fidgeting his legs against his thighs again—the fifth time he’s noticed the tick this morning—and he sets the tray of face paints aside next to Sam’s bare knee. The boy sits atop the off-white tile bathroom counter in front of Dean so his brother-turned-lover could have “space to work” and “better lighting,” the latter of which Sam had agreed with because, well, the second motel room of the month is no better than the one before it and the ones before that when it comes to amenities that really shouldn’t have to be considered amenities. The blond has a smudge of blue paint on the tip of his nose from when Sam couldn’t resist giving him a peck on the cheek while the first layer of blue and purple were still drying (which he feigned annoyance at while internally awing at how adorable his lover is) and a paintbrush in his hand, which he sets aside to put his paint-stained hand on his little brother’s knee.
“Sammy, are you okay?” The elder Winchester asks in a concerned voice. He could never ditch the parental instinct he has adopted since he was first left in charge of his stubby-legged, doe-eyed baby brother at the young age of six, but it’s not like it really matters.
Sam nibbles at his bottom lip and nods ever so slightly, still fumbling with his hands. “Yeah. Of course I am.”
“We don’t have to do this, y’know.” Dean pushes Sam’s hair back behind his ears and admires his…well, mediocre at best…job at painting his face. “I mean, this has never really been our scene, and—“
“No, no, I wanna go. I suggested it,” the brunet smiles, his left dimple becoming more prominent than his right like a little birthmark. “I’m so fuckin’ tired of hiding, De. I know this is lame, but it’s…I don’t know…”
“Symbolic?” Dean tries to fill in the blank. His grin widens when Sam snaps his fingers and smiles with a nod while repeating the word as if Dean had read his mind. “It’s not lame. Stonewall, right? I read the shit you sent me, don’t worry. I’m well-versed in the ‘lore’ this time.”
Sam laughs wholeheartedly and runs his tongue over his bottom lip. He doesn’t lean in for a kiss, though, as he knows exactly what Dean would say: wet paint, Sammy. Wet. Paint.
“You’re cute,” he remarks for the umpteenth time, but his smile fades to a grimace of anxiety. “I guess I’m just nervous. We’ve never done anything this…public before. What if somebody sees us?”
The blond traces his fingers over the hem of Sam’s short-ish denim shorts, humming all the while at how much they’ve changed and grown. In all the time they’ve grown up with one another, they’ve never known each other so intimately. Three years has done them good, comparatively speaking, Dean supposes. Sure, this public ‘out and proud’ stuff has never been Dean’s cup of gin-spiked tea, but hey, it’s better than living in a glass closet. It’s not like there’s a flag for “hey, I’m fucking my brother!” but, as Sam so wisely explained two weeks ago, it’s about setting the precedent…or, whatever.
“Let ‘em see.” He puts the dollar store paintbrush between his teeth again and straightens Sam’s head with his fingers guiding against his jawbone. With a signature Dean Winchester smirk, he begins painting the rest of the rainbow stripes across his lover’s cheeks and steps back when he’s finished to admire his work. “Voilà.”
With a childlike look of excitement, Sam turns around to look in the mirror and gasps at the array of colors coating his skin. For someone who failed art, Dean did a pretty decent job. He turns back to his brother and takes the paintbrush from his hand while smiling like he just saw heaven.
“Okay, let me do you now,” the boy beams as he picks out the colors magenta, violet, and navy from the pallet (what? they rarely if ever splurge!).
Dean, of course, smirks and stands still for Sam so he can get to work. “Switchin’ it up, huh? Dean likey.”
“I’m sure he does,” Sam muses while painting the first stripe of ‘war paint’ across Dean’s freckled cheek. “Now stand still and let me paint your face, jerk.”
“Bitch.” Dean feigns offense. “Hey, d’you think they’ll have IPAs in rainbow bottles? Y’know, ‘cause consumerism?”
Sam rolls his eyes but laughs anyway. “I think they might. We’re an untapped industry, I guess.”
“Untapped…for now.”
“Damnit, Dean, stop being dirty and just let me paint you!”
Have a great Pride Month, everyone!
#wincest#sam x dean#sam/dean#otp: and they were soulmates#samdean#weecest#pride#pride month#happy pride 🌈#wincest short#lil short post#face paint#i love sappy wincest#tbwl: fanfiction
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He’s Gonna Hate Me: Part 2
Pairing: Jensen X Reader
Word Count: 4,123
Warnings: Language, I think. Fluff. Fluffy Father!Jeffery Dean Morgan moment.
A/N: So writing Part 2 literally took forever, cause I’m horrible at staying to one task or story. And I get distracted super easy. But it’s finally here!! And I’m so excited to share it with you guys!! So here goes nothing...
“Jeff’s gonna be here soon.” Jensen says, fidgeting with his blue and white plaid flannel in the mirror. Again.
“I know.” You say, watching him from where you’re sat on the bed, amused.
“When’s he gonna be here again?” Jensen asks, glancing back at you in the mirror.
“He’s meeting me there during your Gold Panel and going to photo ops and autographs with me.” You tell him for the third time that morning, only getting more amused by his nervous antics. “Jense.” You say calmly, trying not to let your amusement show in your voice.
“What?” He asks, turning to face you as you get off the bed. “How are you so calm right now?”
You lay your hands on his broad chest, looking up at him. “It’s gonna go fine today, babe. My dad already loves you, that’s not gonna change just because you’re nailing his daughter.” You attempt to reassure him, an amused smile still on your lips.
“That’s exactly why he’s gonna kill me Y/N, I’m nailing his daughter!” He exclaims, making you giggle. “This isn’t funny Y/N!”
“It sort of is, Jay. But if you keep acting like this he’s gonna know something is up, you’ve gotta calm down babe.”
He sighs, “I know.”
“At least you don’t have to see him ‘till this afternoon, I have to spend all day with him.” You say with a smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “C’mon, you’re gonna be late.”
You grab Jensen’s hand, leading him out of the hotel room and to the elevator. Cliff is in the lobby waiting and he leads you out the back to the car, where Jared is already in the passenger seat. Cliff drives the three of you to the venue just a few blocks away, sneaking you in through the back.
“You okay dude?” Jared asks as Jensen begins pacing, waiting for the Gold Panel to start.
“Uh-huh.” Jensen mumbles and Jared looks over at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
“He’s nervous cause my dad’s gonna be here soon.” You explain, rolling your eyes.
“Ah, murder day.” Jared jokes, sounding just as amused as you.
“Shut up, Jared.” Jensen mutters, making you giggle. “That goes for you too, giggles.” Jared laughs.
“Jared, Jensen, it’s time.” Rich says, walking toward the three of you.
“Good luck, stay calm, I love you.” You say, stopping Jensen’s pacing and pecking him on the lips.
“Love you too, sweetheart.” He gives you one more peck on the lips before following Jared out to their Gold Panel.
“Y/N, Jeff’s in the lobby surrounded by fans, you might wanna go save him.” Rich tells you making you laugh, walking toward the lobby.
When you walk through the door you see a group of fans all standing around, surrounding someone only a few feet inside the doors. You laugh, standing back and watching as fans run up to your father, a few also walking away looking at pictures on their phones and items he autographed for them. After a few minutes you decide to finally save him, your first photo op session beginning soon.
“Jeffrey Dean Morgan!” You yell through the lobby, catching everyone's attention. The sea of fans part in front of you to let him walk toward you, a large smile on his aging face. “Hi daddy.” You return his smile, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Hey darlin, good to see you.” He replies, hugging you tightly, fans taking photos and videos all around you. You kiss your dad on his scruffy cheek, pulling back and turning to the fans surrounding you.
“Alright guys, you can get photos and autographs later, I’m gonna steal my dad away now but he’ll be with me all day!” You announce, pulling your dad through the door to the back.
“You seem happy this morning.” You dad points out. You shrugs, leading him to the room for photo-ops, Misha already there.
“It’s been a good morning, am I not allowed to be happy?” You ask, a P.A. bringing you and your father your favorite coffee.
“Thanks.” You dad tells her, giving her a smile as Misha walks over to the two of you. “Of course you’re allowed to be happy darlin, it’s just a little strange bein so early. Is there any particular reason you’re so happy?”
“Nope.” You reply a little too quickly and Misha snorts out a laugh. You slap Misha’s arm, giving him a look to say shut up, making your dad laugh.
“Don’t beat up the angel now, I taught you better than that!” You dad jokes, chuckling.
“Yeah, Y/N!” Misha pouts, rubbing his arm where you hit him.
“Shut up, Misha.” You mutter, rolling your eyes.
“Photo-ops start in five minutes guys.” A P.A. announces, a few fans beginning to file into the room.
“Let’s get this show on the road.” You say with a smile.
It’s been two weeks since you told Jensen you were pregnant, and usually he barely leaves your side or he’s checking on you constantly, texting you all throughout the day. And while he had texted you a few times today, it was like he was completely avoiding you the best that he could. So when you texted Jared to ask if Jensen was okay, Jared just replied with a video of Jensen pacing across the empty green room, ranting about how Jeff was going to murder him and today would be his last day on earth. You showed Misha, the two of you giggling like drunk children.
Your day had mostly been spent with Misha, having photo-ops and autographs with him this morning and a panel with him later this afternoon. The only time you weren’t with Misha was during your solo panel, which of course ended up being a panel with your father, the fans paying him more attention than you. You didn’t mind, you knew he was part of the Supernatural family too, even if he hasn’t been on the show in at least ten years.
Currently Jensen and Jared are on stage for their panel, yours and Misha’s panel being right afterwards. You had just gotten done with your autographs and decided to hangout backstage for the rest of Jared and Jensen’s panel, you dad still following you around.
As you and your father walk through the door to backstage you hear Jensen say, “This is Jared.”
“Yeah, she knows that.” Jared says sarcastically, the audience laughing.
“Of course I do, like, I watch the show.” The fan sasses back, making you giggle. You peek through the black curtain to see Jared drop his mic on accident, Jensen shaking his head.
“This is why we don’t have nice things, Jared.” Jensen says as Jared bends over to pick up his mic.
“My chair is angled.” Jared complains.
“They act more and more like children every time I see them.” Your dad jokes with a laugh, watching from behind you.
“Yes they do.” You say as you watch them banter about Jared’s chair.
Jensen looks back at the fan finally, “Okay, what’s your question?”
“I wanna know, what was the last lie you told?” The fan asks.
“This should be good.” You mumble with a smirk.
Jared answers first, “The lie I tell myself everyday is that I don’t have to write it down to remember it.” The crowd laughs, “Yeah, what was that phone number? Yeah, yeah I got it, I got it. 30 seconds later -- I don’t know, what was it? So I tell myself that lie.” Jared looks over to Jensen.
“Uh, Jared asks me how he looked backstage. I said great.” Jensen jokes and makes a clicking sound with his tongue as he winks.
Jared looks at Jensen like a sad puppy and says, “That-that was a lie?”
“What?” Jensen asks looking at Jared.
“What? Huh?” Jared asks.
Jensen looks past Jared to the fan and says “Thank you” with a big smile and Jared starts laughing along with the audience.
Jensen turns to the next fan and says hi.
“Hi, my name’s Shannon, and I have a personal question for Jensen.” She says.
“Oh god.” Jensen mutters, making you giggle.
“So there’s a picture going around of you and Y/N at like a coffee shop and you’re kissing?” The fan asks curiously, making you freeze. Jared starts laughing as Jensen puts his face in his hands.
“I’m sure some of you have probably seen him already, but Jeff is in the building.” Jared says and the crowd cheers.
“I can’t answer that.” Jensen mutters into his mic, his face still in his hands.
“Why, cause Jeff’s gonna kill you?” Jared teases.
“You feel your father’s eyes burning a hole into the back of your head as Jensen says, “Shut up Jared.”
You grab a mic from the table beside you, turning it on and walking out onto the stage. “Can I interrupt for a minute?” The crowd cheers and Jensen looks at you as you walk up beside him and put your arm around his shoulders.
“What are you doing up here Y/N?” Jared asks teasingly, enjoying Jensen’s pain way too much.
“Well, I know I’m not supposed to be up here until my Panel with Misha in a little bit, but I felt like I had to come save Jensen.” You say with a laugh.
“You here to save him from Jeff?” Jared asks with a smirk.
“I might have to, he’s right backstage.” You say and the crowd cheers again. Jensen looks up at you with a terrified look on his face but you just give him a reassuring smile before turning to the fan that asked the question. “So you’re asking about the picture going around of Jensen and I kissing at a coffee shop, it surfaced about a week ago?” You confirm with her.
“Yes.” The girl answers, nodding her head.
“Well, we weren’t gonna address this until my panel with Misha, but I guess now is as good a time as any.” You look down at Jensen and he just shrugs, nodding his head to tell you to go ahead. You look back at the audience with a confident smile on your lips. “So, Jensen and I have actually been dating for quite some time now, but we had decided to keep it quiet until recently.”
The crowd cheers and Jensen smiles up at you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
“Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!” Jared and the crowd being chanting, making you laugh.
As soon as you lean down and press your lips to Jensen’s, a loud voice booms over the speakers.
“Get your hands off of her!” You father yells into a mic, walking on the stage with a Lucille slung over his shoulder. You and Jensen jump apart and your dad laughs. “Are we pissin’ our pants yet?” He taunts with a large, goofy smile on his face. “Oh boy, do I have a feelin’ we are gettin’ close!”
“You might wanna run, Jensen.” Jared teases and the crowd laughs.
“Is he gonna kill me?”Jensen whisper-yells, looking at you with wide-eyes.
You laugh, looking over at your dad, “Be nice, old man.” Jensen just sits there, looking between you and your dad, confusion on his features, making you giggle. “Relax, Jay, I told him while I was signing autographs.”
“Oh.” Jensen says, still just looking between you and your father.
“All joking aside, you better be good to my little girl Ackles.” Jeff says, giving Jensen a warm, reassuring smile. Jensen nods, smiling back.
“Always.” Jensen says, pulling you back into his side.
“Should we go?” You ask after the next question, it taking ten minutes for the boys to actually answer the question because you and your dad were just a huge distraction for them apparently.
“Probably, but you’re not going to.” Jensen says with a shrug and a smirk as your dad brings over two chairs for you to be able to sit down, making you giggle. The last fifteen minutes of the panel is just the four of you goofing off while Jensen and Jared attempt to answer fans questions. Once the panel is over Jensen and Jared have to go to their last autograph session while you and your dad just hang out backstage until your panel with Misha begins on the same stage.
Richard walks over to you, looking tired and confused. “Where is Misha? Your panel is supposed to start in one minute and we can’t find him anywhere.”
You shrug, “I haven’t seen him since we finished our autograph session after lunch.”
“What the hell.” Richard mutters, running a hand through his hair.
“We’ll just start without him, I’m sure he’s gotta be around here somewhere.” You say, grabbing a mic and handing your dad a mic as well.
“Alright.” Rich sighs, going out onto the stage to introduce you and your father to the stage.
When you walk out onto the stage, the crowd cheers loudly. You smile, waving to the crowd as you take your seat, your dad sitting right beside you. “Hey guys!” You say into your mic.
Someone yells, “Where is Misha?” making your dad laugh.
“Uh, we don’t know where Misha is, we lost him.” You tell them and they laugh. “So we’re just gonna start without him, I’m sure he’ll turn up at some point.”
You and your dad start taking questions, the fans of course asking Jeff questions about The Walking Dead. When the next fan steps up to the mic to ask her question about fifteen minutes into the panel, and you see hands on her shoulders but can’t see who exactly is behind her, you already know it’s gonna be an interesting question.
“What’s your name sweetie?” You ask the nervous looking girl.
“Uh, I’m uh, my name is Melanie.” She says, running a hand through her hair.
You smile at her reassuringly, “What’s your question?”
“I was just wondering-”
She’s cut off when Misha jumps up from behind her and asks, “Are Jensen and you planning on having any kids?”
Your eyes go wide and you let out a nervous laugh, “Uh, very interesting question Misha, it’s nice of you to finally join us.” Misha laughs, jumping up onto the stage with you and your dad. “To answer Misha’s question, Jensen and I have been together for a little over a year but it isn’t something we’ve really talked about.”
“Nice save.” Misha whispers in your ear as he puts a chair next to you and sits down.
“Did you have a question though sweetheart?” You ask Melanie.
She nods, “I was going to ask how long you’d like to see your character on the show.”
“I would love to see my character on the show for a while, especially to see the relationship between her and Dean grow, mainly because we’ve never actually seen Dean have any sort of real relationship. And I think that my character could help Dean to at least begin to love himself and help him out of his self-destructive behavior and habits.” You answer, giving her a smile.
The rest of the panel runs smoothly, other than Misha goofing off more than usual and making too many jokes about having children. So once the panel is over and the three of you are off stage, you pull Misha to an empty room, slamming the door behind you.
“Who told you?” You demand, glaring at the older man.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says innocently, trying and failing to hide a smile.
“It was Jared, wasn’t it?” You demand, crossing your arms over your chest. “Cause Jensen and I agreed we weren’t gonna start telling anyone, including the cast, until our parents knew. So who told you, cause I know Jensen’s excited but he can keep a secret. And Jared’s a loudmouth.”
“It was Jared.” Misha confirms and you groan, stomping out of the room and straight into your father.
“Whoa, hey, what’s wrong?” Your dad asks, gently grabbing your shoulders.
You look up at him, a dangerous look on your face as you say, “I have a giant to kill.” You duck out of his grasp and take off down the hall toward where you’re supposed to meet Jensen and Jared to go out to dinner once you were all done with your convention activities. When you see Jensen already there, leaning against the wall on his phone, you head straight for him. “Where is he?” You yell.
Jensen looks up, looking bewildered, “What? Where is who?”
“Padalecki! Where is he?” You demand, your arms crossed over your chest as you glare up at Jensen.
“Uh, I think he went to the bathroom. What’s goin on sweetheart?” Jensen asks, his hands held up a little bit as he stares at you with his eyes wide.
“He told Misha and Misha just about told my dad and the whole damn fandom during our panel.” You seeth, looking around for Jared.
“You didn’t tell your dad?” Jensen asks, his head slightly cocked to the side. You look at him, your features softening.
“I thought you’d wanna be there when we told him, so I figured we could tell him together at dinner.” You say softly. Jensen gently grabs your face, leaning down and kissing you deeply. You smile into the kiss, running your hands up through his hair.
“Y’all think you could keep the PDA to a minimum, I don’t really wanna see you making out with my daughter, Ackles.” You dad says from behind you, making you jump away from Jensen. You giggle, taking Jensen’s hand in yours as you turn to your dad.
“Ready for dinner?” You ask him with a smile.
“Is your mission for blood over with?” He jokes with a smirk.
You shrug, “I know where Jared works and lives, I’ll get him back later. Let’s just have a nice dinner before you head back home.” You dad nods, pulling out his phone and sending off a quick text. “You texted Jared to hide, didn’t you?”
“Maybe.” Your dad says as he slides his phone back into his pocket.
“You sure I’m clear?” Jared shouts down the hall as Cliff comes in.
“The car is ready.” Cliff announces.
“Let’s just go to dinner, Padalecki, I’m hungry.” You shout down the hallway before following Jensen outside.
When you get to the restaurant you’re seated in the back, away from prying eyes and fans so the four of you can have a quiet, peacefully family dinner. The conversation is kept friendly and light while you all look over the menu and order your drinks and food. Once the food is delivered a strong smell hits you, making your stomach turn instantly. You grab your glass of water, taking a few sips, willing yourself not to vomit. Jensen looks at you in concern, immediately noticing your change of demeanor.
“Are you alright?” Jensen whispers in your ear and you just nod, before shaking your head and excusing yourself, taking off for the bathroom as quickly as you can without making yourself seem suspicious and drawing an unwatched attention.
“Is she okay?” Your father asks Jensen, watching as you fast-walk toward the bathroom.
“Yeah, she just needed to use the restroom.” Jensen says, cutting into his steak.
That’s the last of the conversation at the table until you return a few minutes later. You notice the concerned look on your father’s face and give him a small smile as you slide back into your seat. Once again, the conversation is kept light as the four of you eat your dinners.
“Alright,” Your dad speaks up as he puts his napkin back on the table, finished with his meal, “What are you not telling me?”
Jensen chokes on his water, glancing at you as he attempts to stop coughing. You furrow your eyebrows and ask, “What do you mean?”
Jeff chuckles, “You’re my daughter Y/N, I’ve literally known you since you were born. And you may be a good actress but I can see straight through you. So, what are you not telling me?”
“Well,” You start, clearing your throat and grabbing Jensen’s hand under the table, “we were gonna wait to tell you until we were back at the hotel-”
“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” You dad guesses with a smirk on his lips, his arms crossed over his chest as he looks between you and Jensen. You just nod your head, looking down at your fingers laced with Jensen’s on your lap as you wait for a speech from your father. “How far along are you?”
“About ten weeks now, I found out about a month ago and told Jensen two weeks ago in Texas.” You say, your eyes still glued to your hands. “The only people that know right now are us four, Kim, Misha and Cliff… And the writers and producers of the show, I had a meeting with them the Monday after I told Jensen. They’re gonna try to keep me on the show as long as they can, and it may actually work pretty well to where the end of the pregnancy we’ll be on hiatus anyways so hopefully I can keep it hidden until then but-”
“Y/N.” You father says, cutting off your nervous rambling. You look up at him, your eyes full of unshed tears. There’s a large smile on his face, unshed tears in his own eyes, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you just look at him in silence. He stands up, walking around the table to you and pulling you up from your seat. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, hugging you tightly with his chin rested on top of your head. “I’m happy for you, baby girl.” He mumbles, his voice cracking with emotion, and you smile, your own tears rolling down your cheeks now.
“I love you dad.” You mumble, pulling back and looking up at him to see tear tracks on his cheeks.
“I love you too.” He kisses your forehead before pulling away completely, both of you wiping the tears from your cheeks. “You better be good to them.” Your father says, pointing at Jensen.
“Oh I will, they’re the most important things to me.” Jensen says with a smile.
Your father and you take your seats back at the table, the waitress coming over a couple moments later to check on the four of you and ask if you needed anything else.
“Well I think this calls for dessert!” Your father announces, clasping his hands together loudly.
“Oh, are we celebrating something?” The waitress asks with a large smile, looking between you all.
Your dad nods, his smile growing as he announces, “I’m gonna be a grandpa!” You giggle, rolling your eyes at your father’s very loud announcement.
“Well congratulations! What would y’all like for dessert then? On the house!”
The four of you tell the waitress what you’d like for dessert and she rushes off to the kitchen to get it for you. Within a few minutes she’s back with your desserts and you all dig in.
Your dad looks at you and Jensen, taking out his phone and telling the two of you to pose for a picture. Jensen puts his arm around you, the two of you smiling brightly as your dad takes a picture of you. He shows you the picture and says he’ll send it to the both of you, but that he’d also like to post it on his Instagram page.
“What are you going to put as the caption?” You ask him.
“I was just going to say something about the happy couple.” He says with a shrug, looking at his phone and pulling up Instagram.
You glance at Jensen and he nods, knowing what you’re thinking. You smile and say, “Do you want to be the one to announce to the world about the newest member to the Ackles-Morgan family?”
His head snaps up and he just looks at you for a minute, his mouth open as he looks between Jensen and you. “Are-are you serious?” His voice cracks again, a smile appearing brightly on his face as you nod your head, Jensen nodding beside you. “I would love that.”
He posts the picture of Jensen and you to his Instagram, the caption reading, “I couldn’t be any happier! I’m going to be a grandpa! We will be welcoming the newest member of the Morgan-Ackles family in April 2016! Congrats, kids. You’re going to be amazing parents! And welcome to the family, Jensen!”
#Jensen Ackles#jensen x reader#supernatural#supernatural fanfiction#spn fanfic#Jared Padalecki#jeffrey dean morgan#misha collins#SPN#spn au fanfic#jensen ackles x reader
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I Love The Way You...
Pairing: Dean x Witch!Reader
Summary: Requested by @witch-of-letters | Hey there! 😀 Could I request a Dean one-shot, where he finally wants to propose to R (who he has known since he was 26 and her 17), but doesn't know how to do it in a heartfelt way and is nervous, because Mary is gone again with the British. He ultimately asks Sam, Jody, and Donna for help with the proposal, where they ask him to tell R everything he loves about her and why she is so important to him. Some details: Set in season 12, R is a powerful natural witch/BAMF!Huntress.
Reader Gender: Female
Word Count: 2993
Warnings: Some language
Author’s Notes: Sorry this took so long to write! Work has been busy and stressful, but I really enjoyed doing this request! I hope you are happy with this @witch-of-letters (btw, your username is amazing and I love it). If you guys liked this, feedback is always appreciated. Please like and reblog! XOXO, KD.
October 2005 – New Orleans, Louisiana
You sat on the porch in your rocking chair, skimming through one of the many journals your mother had passed down to you from her mother, and her mother before her, and so on and so on. A glass of lemonade was next to you on a wicker end table that you’ve been slowly sipping at for the past half hour. If you hadn’t been so invested in reading this journal, you would have finished the glass just as quickly as you poured it.
As you were about to finish the journal, you heard the sound of heavy boots on the stairs of your porch. Without looking up, you greeted the stranger. “Hello Dean.” You said, your voice calm; which clearly took the man by surprise.
“How did you…” He began to say, but a light chuckle left his lips before he could finish. “Mind reader? Or am I just that famous?” Without even looking up, you could tell that the man had the biggest smirk on his face. A smirk you thought, that probably looked absolutely adorable on him. So in that instance, you looked up to see if your notion was correct; and boy was it correct. His smirk was the kind that could make anyone blush and fall to their knees. Luckily for you, you were sitting down.
“Never met a witch that could read minds before?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
He nodded. “Never really messed with a lot of witches period. They aren’t…You guys aren’t really my specialty.” The way Dean talked, he tried to make it sound like he was trying his very best not to offend you; which honestly made you want to laugh. But you refrained and decided not to laugh at the already semi-scared man who was trying oh so very hard not to think inappropriate thoughts.
“So, what can I do for you? Or, do you want to talk to my mother? She’s who you came to see right?” You asked him. He nodded in response. “The voodoo thing that’s been going around right?” Again, he nodded, and you nodded back. “Her and I have a theory about that. Come on, she’s inside.” You said and grabbed the journal you had been reading as well as the now empty glass of lemonade and took Dean inside the house.
Present Day – February 2017 – Lebanon, Kansas
Dean was the first one to wake between the two of you, which was a rare occurrence; because usually, by the time Dean gets up, you would have already gotten back from your morning jog with Sam, taken a shower, finished breakfast and would be about finished with your second cup of coffee already. But not today; today Dean had planned to wake up before you because today was the day he was going to ask you to marry him. The only problem was, he wasn’t completely sure how he was going to do it. All he really knew, was that he wanted to do something special, but nothing too cheesy like they did in the romantic comedies the both of you secretly loved to watch together, but didn’t dare tell Sam about because he’d never let either one of you live it down.
Dean had known you for twelve years, and the two of you had been dating on and off for almost nine of those years. Your relationship with Dean was anything but simple. For years, the two of you avoided dating each other because the hunting life was anything but safe; and he thought that if the two of you were together, then the both of you would be vulnerable and unsafe. But eventually, the feelings the two of you had for one another started to get deeper, and even though you two weren’t together, the two of you were still vulnerable; you were each other’s weakness; so the two of you took a chance and it’s been on and off ever since.
The truth was, Dean has been wanting to propose to you for almost seven years, but he could never find the right time to do it. One of the times he wanted to do it, the two of you found out that Sam had been back from Hell for over a year. Another time, Dean got sent to Purgatory and was gone for almost a year. Another time, Metatron killed him and he got turned into a demon. But as of right now, even though his mother was MIA with the British Men of Letters, things at the Bunker, as well as your lives have been calm lately, and he thought that before anything else bad happened in your lives, that he should propose now.
Before Dean got out of the bed, he looked at you as you were sound asleep. Your breathing was calm, and you had the smallest smile on your face. You looked so content and so at peace. Even though he loved every single thing about you, moments like these were his favorite because he loved how happy you looked in this moment. He loved that you didn’t look like the world was heavy on your shoulders. “You have no idea how much I love you.” Dean whispered. He leaned down and kissed your temple, trying his best to not wake you, and slowly got out of bed to grab his robe.
When Dean entered the kitchen, Sam was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and a newspaper in hand. Going over to the coffee pot, Dean grabbed his mug and poured himself a cup before joining his younger brother at the table. Sam looked up, almost in awe to see Dean sitting in front of him. He looked at his watch, and then back at Dean. “You’re up early.” He commented before putting the newspaper down.
“Today’s the day Sammy.” Dean said taking a sip from the mug.
“What’s today?” Sam asked.
“The day.” Dean repeated. “I’m gonna ask Y/N to marry me.” Dean said in a whisper.
“Oh…Oh!” Sam said, trying his best to whisper, but he was honestly too excited himself. “Do you know how you’re going to as her yet?”
Dean shook his head. “No freaking clue.” He took another sip from the mug. His mind was blank trying to figure out the perfect way to do it. He’s known you for over twelve years and yet, he couldn’t think of the perfect way to propose to you. He didn’t want to do something cheesy, but at the same time, he kind of wanted to do cheesy. He wanted to do something romantic, but he didn’t want to turn it into a chick flick. He honestly thought proposing to you would be simple and easy, but he didn’t want to do simple and easy.
“You know that whatever you do, Y/N is going to love. You could propose to her during the bloodiest part of a horror movie and she’ll say yes.” Sam said letting out a small chuckle. Dean nodded in agreement, knowing how true that was. He could also propose to you by sticking the engagement ring in the middle of your grimoire and you’d say yes.
“Well, since you’re honestly no help. I think I’m gonna call someone that might actually be help.” Dean said getting up from the table.
Sam looked at him, slightly confused. “Who?”
Dean took out his phone, flipping through his contacts list, finding the person that he was looking for. “Jody of course.” Dean said, ready to select her phone number. But before he could, Sam spoke up.
“You’re not calling her because she’s one of the only females you know are you?” Sam said, sounding a little skeptical.
Dean looked at Sam and let out a small scoff. “N-No…Of course not.” He lied.
Sam nodded, knowing he was right. “Sure.” He said going back to reading the newspaper, in an attempt to find them a case.
Dean walked out of the kitchen and walked down the hallway to a room that was barely used in the Bunker. It was just storage space that the Men of Letter’s used and now was used as their storage space, for anything that they might have gathered over the years, which wasn’t much, but still, it felt nice having a storage space even if it was only for a few knickknacks.
Walking into the room, Dean dialed Jody’s number and shut the door, hoping that she’d answer. After a few rings, Jody picked up. “Hey Dean.” Jody said. He could hear the smile in her voice. “You three aren’t getting into any trouble are you?” She joked, letting out a small laugh, which caused Dean to laugh a little.
“Oh Jody, you know the three of us are always in some kind of trouble.” Dean said, still using his joking tone.
“Okay Winchester. If you guys aren’t in any kind of trouble, why are you calling? Not that I don’t love when one of you calls, but I know you’re not just calling to see how things are here.” She commented. Sam and Dean called Jody whenever they could, Y/N calling her a little bit more often than them because she liked to check up on the girls; especially to check up on Claire since, Y/N is one of the only people that Claire connects with since they are very similar to one another. They are both badass female hunters who like to do things on their own and is sometimes afraid to ask for help, even if they really need it.
“I’m gonna propose to Y/N today, and…I’m not really sure how I want to do it. I don’t wanna do cheesy, because you know how she is, but I don’t want to do something super simple either because –” Dean started to say, but before he could finish his rant, Jody cut him off.
“Dean. Relax. I know how scary this can be.” She told him in one of the most calmest voices possible. “But whatever you do, she’s going to love it.” She said, giving the same kind of generic answer that Sam had given to him earlier.
“Sam said the same thing.” Dean commented. “But I know that. I know that whatever I do, she’s going to love it, but, I want to do something that she’ll actually remember; that will actually mean something to her.”
“Tell him to make a list of all the things he loves about her!” Dean heard on the other end of the phone. This voice caused him to let out a small laugh, and a small smile formed on his lips.
“Donna there with you?” Dean asked.
Jody nodded into the phone. “It’s girls weekend.” Jody said, sounding not even the least bit enthusiastic.
“Ah.” Dean commented.
“Let me talk to him.” He heard Donna say. Before Jody could answer her, Donna had the phone in her hand. “Hey Dean.” She said. Her voice was so cheerful and upbeat; it was one of the things that he loved about her; she was always so positive and joyful.
“Hey Donna.” Dean said, now placing his free hand in his pocket where the engagement ring was. “You think telling her all the things that I love about her isn’t too cheesy? I feel like a lot of people do that.” He said.
Donna sighed and rolled her eyes. “How many engagements have you seen Winchester?” Her voice was slightly filled with annoyance now. “Just because she’s a badass hunter and witch, doesn’t meant she doesn’t still like cheesy. I think if you tell her very specific things that you love about her, instead of generic things, she’s going to love it.” Donna explained to him. “Try avoiding things like, ‘I love your eyes,’ or ‘I love your smile.’” At that moment, Dean’s face dropped a little; because one of the many things he did love about Y/N was her smile and how her eyes always seemed so full of hope even when she thought the worst was going to happen.
“Okay.” Dean said, starting to actually sound confident about proposing. “Well…I’ll you guys know if she says yes.”
“She will!” He heard Jody yell.
“Thank you. You two were more help than Sam was.” Dean said, and hung up the phone.
When Dean walked down the hallway to the bedroom the two of you shared, you were sitting on the bed reading your grimoire. Your brows were furrowed, and you looked so deep in concentration that Dean thought you wouldn’t even notice him entering the room, but of course you always did. “Hey babe.” You said, not looking up your book. You were on the last page of this section and you wanted to finish up the page before looking up at Dean; because when you looked up at Dean, there would be no way you could go back to this.
“Hey Sweetheart.” He said, walking over to the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed closer to the middle where your feet were. Your waist down was completely underneath the covers, and your top half was covered up with your favorite black sweatshirt that read in white lettering, You Say Witch Like It’s A Bad Thing. “There’s something I want to talk to you about.” He tried his best to keep his voice even, and to blank out his thoughts so you couldn’t hear what was about to happen; because for once, he wanted to be a step ahead of you.
After finishing up the page you were reading, you placed your bookmark into the book and placed it on your lap, looking up at Dean. His face was slightly serious, but it was also calm. This was the kind of expression that you rarely saw in Dean, because most of the time, he either looked angry or annoyed, or stressed. You hated seeing him like that, and you tried your best to help him with that stress anyway you could, which usually involved making some kind of potion or giving him something simple like a back massage. “What do you want to talk about?” You asked. You tried to rack through his mind for any indication of what he possibly would want to talk about, but nothing was appearing in his mind. It was just blank for the most part.
“I’ve known you for over twelve years. And over these twelve years, you have shown how much of a badass you are; sometimes I think you might even be more badass than me. And you know, I think I’m pretty badass.” Dean chuckled. “You have been nothing but helpful, and you’ve been nothing but caring, even when Sam or I didn’t deserve it. We’ve treated you so bad over the years sometimes, and yet, you still cared about us. I put you through Hell when I was a demon, and you were still by my side trying to find a cure.” Dean took your hand in his. He was starting to get nervous, but not nervous enough that it didn’t show quite yet. “I love how much you care about people, even when you aren’t showing it outwardly. I love how much you make me feel like I actually deserve to be loved even when I don’t think I deserve it. I love the way you show me how much you love me by doing simple things for me. When you come up behind me in the War Room when I’m frustrated and tired and just hug me from behind. When you reach across the table and do this.” At the moment, Dean brought your hand up and kissed your knuckles. You couldn’t help but have a soft smile on your face.
“Dean…” You began to say, but Dean stopped you.
“I’m not done.” He told you, and you quickly became quiet again. “I love that I can be vulnerable when I’m around you, and I love that you can be vulnerable about me. I love that I don’t have to put any kind of front in front of you. Because hey, I know you’d see right through it anyway.” He laughed. “When I first met you, it never crossed my mind that we would ever be here right now. I thought you’d never want to leave New Orleans and come hunt with me. I never thought I’d ever fall in love with a witch, or that a witch would be in love with me.” He let go of your hand at that moment, and you hated the lack of contact. But your eyes started to grow wide as Dean pulled out a small black box from the pocket of his jeans.
“Dean…” Was all you could say.
“Y/N.” Dean got up from the bed, and went down on one knee. He opened the box and inside contained a simple rose gold ring that was similar in design to Mary’s wedding band. “Y/F/N Y/L/N, badass huntress extraordinaire who also happens to be the love of my life, will you marry me?”
You looked at him, shocked. “Holy shit.” You mumbled to yourself, but without hesitation, you answered him. “Of course I’ll marry you Dean Winchester.” You told him, and quickly bent down, wrapping your arms around his neck. For as long as you’ve known him, you never thought you’d ever be at this moment either. You thought that this moment would only be a dream, but it was a reality now.
Placing the ring on your finger, Dean kissed your lips, and you kissed him back; enjoying the slight taste of his coffee that he had almost an hour before. After the kiss was broken, he looked at you almost in awe. “I love you.”
A smile formed on your lips and you cupped his cheek in your hand, slightly rubbing it with your thumb. “I love you too.”
TAGGING: @witch-of-letters @waywardwboys @22sarah08 @polina-93
#dean Winchester oneshot#dean Winchester imagine#spn imagine#spn imagines#dean Winchester oneshots#dean Winchester one shot#dean Winchester one shots#spn oneshot#spn one shots#spn one shot#supernatural oneshot#supernatural one shot#supernatural oneshots#supernatural one shots
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Here’s To...
Title: Here’s To... (Dean x Reader)
Summary: When a simple vamp hunt in the reader’s hometown ends with something unexpected, the reader is forced to face someone from her past. Dean notices something’s wrong and urges her to tell him everything.
A/N: I’ve been working on this for months, but the announcment today gave me motivation to write some angst, as I was already crying. I promise that even a year from now, after the show has ended, I’ll continue to write as much as I can. Okay, clearing something up about the fic before you begin. I’m not saying John was abusive or anything but he obviously wasn’t the best parent and Dean definitely has some sort of daddy issues because of it,
Warnings: deadbeat dads; daddy issues, ya know; death of a family member; common SPN violence; swearing and lots of insults in one part.
Word Count: 5,250
“Great.” He had said. “It’s just a vamp a few hours away in (H/T). You mentioned you grew up there, so I thought you might want to come with. It could be just the two of us, yeah? We could get back late this evening if we leave now.” You were completely ecstatic. Not only were you going to see your hometown and the people you loved, but you could spend the whole trip with Dean. “You sure you’re ready to get back in the game?” Dean smiled at you from where he stood on the other side of the Impala, watching as you took in the image of the black beauty with a large grin on your face.
When Dean had first come into your room, where the boys had tried to keep you on bedrest, you had figured he was here to tell you he and Sammy were going away without you again. But instead, he asked if you were up for a hunt. Excited, you had jumped out of your bed quickly, trying to prove that you no longer needed to be held in the bunker. “Of course I am!”
“Uh, hell yes I'm sure! I was starting to feel all cramped up in there!” You opened the passenger side, slid in, and threw your bag in the back, Dean in the driver’s seat. After being held in the bunker for two whole months due to getting injured on a past hunt and Dean refusing to let you risk getting hurt again, you had finally persuaded him to let you come along with him to a case in your hometown. It had been too long since you were there, and you couldn't wait to see all the old sights of the place you grew up. Maybe you could see some of your old friends and family. Of course, you'd have to keep most of your life on the down low, considering they didn't know about the reality of the monsters under their beds. Swallowing down your worries, you absentmindedly stroked the leather on the seat between you and Dean.
“Hey now.” he chuckled, speaking in a teasing tone. “Don't get too handsy with my Baby.”
“Sorry. It's just been too long since I've been in here with you.” You looked up at him. “Thanks for letting me come with.”
“What are you talking about? That’s your town, there's no way I’m gonna make you sit this one out! You know the best places to eat.” you laughed, causing Dean to erupt with a grin himself. “Nah, but really. I know you’d want to see your old place. You need to care about this town, right? They're your people!” His tone was teasing, but you almost felt the words were true. You did need to help them. But really, there was one reason you were going. He started the car, and instantly your nervous thoughts were relaxed and you were excited about this trip. To most people, long car trips were boring, tiring and being stuck in a car for hours to days was enough to drive them insane. But you, personally, your favorite thing to do was to hit the road with the person you were closest to. Especially when it was just the two of you.
After a few hours of driving and eating at rest stops and small-town diners along the way, the sun was high in the sky and you were laughing at Dean as he belted out the lyrics to an AC/DC song. The fact that he could make you laugh with his passion for classic rock was just another reason you loved hanging out with him. God, you loved him. “Ya know, Dee, as much as I love your taste in music, you should listen to some of my music sometime, don’t you think?”
“No way!” He laughed, teasing. “You probably listen to some trashy pop music.” You played mock offense, putting a hand to your heart.
“Dean, my taste isn't that bad! Give it a chance!’
“Well if the music you listen to is as good as your choice in diners, maybe I'll have to take your word for it.” He laughed and used one hand to pick up the burger he had ordered from the last cheap diner you’d stopped at, only to be interrupted by a ringing phone.
“Oh!” You grabbed your phone from your bag and checked the caller ID. You expected it to maybe be Sam calling from the bunker, but instead, you were shocked by an ID that you hadn’t heard from in at least a year. Your brother.
You had an… interesting family life, to say the least. You were the older sibling, just like Dean- it’s not that he knew that, though- and your brother had no idea about the hunter life. When you were younger, your mother and father were hunters, though your mother had decided to quit. Your father, though, didn’t care what his wife wanted, so he continued hunting. For the majority of your life, you grew up normal, despite without a father. To put it simply, you had what people call daddy issues. Of course, in your rebellious teen years, you decided you wanted to try hunting, and obviously, it stuck until now. But no matter what, you wanted your brother to stay ignorant to the ugly truth of the supernatural. Suddenly worried as to what he might be calling about, you knew you couldn’t ignore it. “Dean… pull over. Please pull over.” Dean looked worried for a moment but complied.
“What’s wrong?”
“Private call. I gotta get out.” You quickly answered the call, stepping out of the car and shutting the door behind you. “(B/N)?”
“Hey! (Y/N)! I haven’t heard from you in a while.” Still not able to fully understand why he was calling, you couldn’t bring yourself to respond right away.
“Well... well, why are you calling? What’s up?”
“Dad told me to call. We need some help.” You swore you could feel your heart drop to your stomach and suddenly felt like you were going to be sick. You crossed your fingers and prayed that that didn’t mean what you thought it meant.“I just started hunting with dad. He explained everything. The monsters, the hunting, if that’s what you’re wondering about. So yeah, I know everything. And there’s a vamp here. Dad’s thinking we’re gonna need your help...” You weren’t paying attention. After he said that he’d been hunting, your mind had gone blank. This can’t be happening. You struggled to wrap your mind around it. Your sweet, innocent little brother hunting? No way. How could dad pull him into this? “Hey, (Y/N). You listening? We got the vamp in those woods behind that old shack… thing. Remember that place?”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was actually heading into town. It won’t be too long before we’re there.”
“Great! Thanks (Y/N). I’m sure you’re much better at this than I am.” You quickly said your goodbyes and hung up, standing still for a few moments before finally turning back to Dean, opening the door and sitting back down. You tried your best to swallow down your worries.
“Everything alright?” His voice comforted you more than you ever thought it could as you slid down into the seat, searching for words. He studied your face for a moment. “We need to talk about anything?” Ah, there was that caretaker vibe that he always gave off. He could always tell when something is wrong, and he always seemed to know exactly what to do to help you.
“Just… if someone you really cared about was getting themselves into a dangerous situation, you’d wanna help them, right?”
“Of course.” You kept silent after that, not knowing what else to say. “Well, I don’t know what’s wrong, but if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t make you. If you’re too distracted to help, I can take down the vamp myself. Alright?”
“No. I’ll be fine. It’s an easy hunt.” You took a moment to gather yourself. “I actually know where the vamp would be. So we could skip all the actual hunting and just catch it by surprise. I’ll show you the place, but first let’s get into town, yeah?” You smiled at Dean, trying to convince him you were alright. He smiled back just as weakly, still showing his concern for your well-being. Maybe that was another place you were the same- you both tried to bury your emotions and let them out later. The rest of the trip dragged on slowly, the mood obviously dimmed, but eventually, you were pulling up in front of an old shed on the outskirts of town. You had often come here to play in the woods with your brother.
“Yep.” Dean looked at you with a skeptical look.
“Can I ask how you know it’ll be back there?”
“I had someone tell me. They’re also trying to hunt it.” The hesitant pause between your sentences was anything but natural, and you were sure that any sane person could see right through them- even Dean. “I trust them.” Dean nodded, immediately understanding.
“So you know this place?” Dean pried. You figured he just needed some more reasons that he should trust you. To be fair, you did answer a strange phone call and refused to give him any information about it.
“Yeah. I used to come here to play when I was young.”
“All alone?”
“Well…” Does it really matter anymore? If your brother was already going on hunts, there’s no reason for you to try and hide him anymore. Taking a breath you decided to let Dean know a part of your past you’ve never told anyone. “No, with my little brother.”
“Really?” Dean smiled, letting out a breathy laugh. “We’re more alike than I thought, huh?” He just looked at you for a moment, a soft look in his eyes. “Why didn’t you mention him before?” You could already feel tears coming, and all you wanted to do was take out your emotions on some monsters.
“It’s a long story. Let’s go.” You felt Dean’s eyes on your back as you exited the Impala, grabbing your weapons and preparing yourself for the hunt, but couldn’t do anything but ignore them.
“Alright, let’s go.”
Neither of you said anything as you approached the woods. You could practically feel the tension in the air, but you ignored it, trying to focus on more positive things. You thought back to when you used to walk here with your little brother, but that only made you even more emotional. You took a shuddering breath and willed yourself not to break down. You were only a few meters into the woods when Dean looked over to you, holding your shoulders.
“Okay, I won’t pry, but something’s obviously up. I can handle this on my own. I don’t want you to have to hunt when you’re so distracted.” You were about to say you’d be fine when a loud scream of agony caught your attention. Turning towards the sound, you both took off, all personal matters aside. Pulling out your blade, you approached the area the tortured noises had ceased, leaving an eerie silence. You were worried it was too late, and the civilian was already gone. You cast a look at Dean before he jumped past the briars and out into the clearing, straight into the view of the vamp with you on his tail. You’d done this so many times before, Sam and Dean would take care of most of the vamps, while you checked on the civilians that had been hurt. And that’s just what you did.
But this time, something was different. Yeah, Dean when after the vamp- it was kind of odd that there was only one vamp and not a whole nest- but when you went to check on the man lying on the ground, there was something oddly familiar about him.
“No…” Your heart seemed to stop when you noticed what was so familiar about him. No matter how many years had passed, you’d always recognize this face. “(B/N)?” You grew frantic, dry sobs racking your body. “No, no, no…” You searched for a pulse, though you knew it was useless. His throat had been ripped out- there was no possible way he was still alive. You gathered him- his body- up into your arms, smoothing out his hair and trying your hardest to pick up on the scent of that God-awful cologne he’d worn since he was practically twelve. You hated it then, but now you’d do anything to smell it over the stale scent of blood and grime. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. (B/N), I’m so sorry.” You heard Dean approaching, but you couldn’t tear yourself away. Never in a thousand years did you imagine that you’d be in this position. Your sweet, innocent little brother lying before you, throat ripped out by the vampire that he had tried to hunt.
“Hey, hey, (Y/N). You alright?” It was only then that you realized the tears streaming down your face. Dean seemed to then understand the state the man was in, and knelt next to you, laying a hand on your shoulder in condolence. “You know him.”
“He’s dead.” You let the words leave your lips softly, not wanting to believe them yourself. After a few more moments, you looked up to Dean and tried to wipe away the tears. “We need to give him a hunter’s funeral.”
“Of course.” He squeezed your shoulder and gave you a pitying look before standing. “I’m sure I have some tarp in the trunk. Would you be okay to gather some wood? I’ll be back in a sec. Promise.” You nodded and forced yourself to your feet, moving slowly, tearing your eyes away from the scene. You worked quickly, trying to gather sticks large enough to build the pyre. You had gathered only a few before the initial pain had numbed only long enough for the anger to take over. How could Dad let this happen? Did he even know? Where is that bastard? Part of you hoped that he had met the same fate- he was the one who deserved it, after all. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and pressed on the contact that you hadn’t called in years. Just when you thought it would go to voicemail, a voice spoke up.
“Dad, where are you?” You couldn’t stop your voice from dripping with venom. In fact, you didn’t want to conceal it. You wanted him to know just how mad you were.
“I’m doing fine, thanks-”
“Cut the crap. Where are you?” You heard him scoff over the phone.
“Still the same as your mother, huh?” Before you could send a snarky comment back at him, he continued. “I’m waiting for your brother in that warehouse near the old place. He’s certainly taking his damn time on the hunt. Maybe you’ll run into him. Family reunion, how about that?” You hung up, wanting to throw your phone on the ground. You took a moment to gather yourself, before shoving your phone in your pocket and turning back to your growing pile of sticks. You stopped in your tracks when you saw Dean standing a few feet behind you with the tarp in his arms.
“How much did you hear?”
“Nothing. I only saw you hang up. You looked pretty angry. Everything alright?” You only shook your head.
“Let’s just get this done. Please.” Dean nodded, sending you a half smile in understanding. Obviously, both of you had a problem with opening up to people. You took one last look at your little brother’s body before Dean began wrapping it in the tarp. You tried to keep your tears back as you build the pyre, but Dean wouldn’t let that happen, not on his watch. Once it was finished, Dean put an arm around your shoulder.
“You can cry, kiddo. I know how hard this can be. Losing a friend.” Every bit of you wanted to scream out that he was your brother, not just your friend, but you didn’t want more pity then he was already giving you. And frankly, you didn't want to explain the whole ordeal about your family life to Dean. So you held your tongue. Dean handed you the lighter, letting you decide when you were ready to let go. For more moments than you’d like to admit, you thought of not burning his body, but instead making a deal to get him back. You knew how much he would hate it, though, so you clicked on the lighter and looked away as you tossed it. The pyre lit up, and you wanted was to crumple into Dean’s arms. And that what you did. He was always there for you, and even if he didn’t know the whole truth behind the man who was burning in front of him right now, he could share your sorrow. You let your body relax into the warm feeling of Dean’s flannel-clad chest, and felt the tears start up again. You turned your face to his chest, breathing in his scent and grabbing at the fabric of his dark blue jacket. His arms found your shoulders and waist and he tucked you snuggly into his form, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Thank you.” You stood in this intimate position for a few minutes, just holding each other, flames burning against the setting sun in the background. You never wanted to leave his arms, never wanted out of this pure sense of security and care. This was unlike him, giving hugs. Last time he hugged someone, it was literally the end of the world, so you felt special being one of the few able to unfold yourself into his arms. But eventually, it was time to head back. With his arm still around your shoulders protectively, you cleaned up and walked back to the Impala. It was only after he had settled into the driver’s seat next to you that you dug up the courage to face your past. “Dean?”
“Can we stop somewhere before heading home? I need to meet with someone. Tell them about…” Dean nodded, immediately understanding. Your family would want to know.
“‘Course. Where?” You directed him to the building, relying on your childhood memories to find it. “(Y/N), if you need to talk about anything, you know you can tell me, right?” You only nodded, holding your tongue. It was too complicated to explain. Dean frowned and turned his face back to the road. Soon enough, you pulled up in front of an old warehouse. It looked exactly like how you remembered it, and it threw you years into the past just looking at it. “No way am I letting you go in there alone.”
“I’ll be fine.” Dean didn’t seem convinced. “Okay. If I’m not out in five minutes, you can come in to get me. Yeah?”
“Be safe.” He still seemed uncertain but smiled anyway. You gathered up every once of hope that that smile gave you, slipping a knife into your jacket and turning towards the entrance to the warehouse.
It wasn’t completely dark inside, but you weren’t quite sure where the light source was coming from. It smelled musty and old, but that was to be expected, it was an old building. You took careful steps into the large, empty room, holding your knife out in front of you as a precaution. “Where’s your damn brother?” You turned towards the familiar voice. Before you even saw who it was, you knew It was one of the few familiar voices that you wished you’d never have to hear again. You lowered your weapon, pushing away the urge to just end the bastard’s pathetic life. “I knew he wasn’t cut out for this life.”
“You fucking bastard. I thought I told you to keep him out of it?”
“You don’t get to boss me around, kid. I’m the parent.”
“A shitty excuse for one if you ask me. Sending your inexperienced child on a hunt that you knew he couldn’t handle alone? Pretty jackass move.” You could practically hear the venom dripping from your own words. “Do you even care where he is?” He took his time answering the question, nodding nonchalantly.
“Sure I do.” He sounded bored and like he just wanted to get this over with. You stepped closer to him, feeling confidence swelling inside of you.
“He’s dead, you bastard. He’s dead because of you!” You practically spat in his face, and seconds later your cheek met harsh knuckles.
“He’s dead because of his own stupidity! If he can't even handle a test, then he doesn’t belong in this life at all!”
“A test?!” You were fuming, ignoring the painful bruise on your cheek, the possible black eye forming. “This was a test?”
“Why else would it be one vamp and not a whole nest? I had to test him.” The truth of your father’s part in your brother’s death settled in your foggy mind, and you couldn’t hold yourself back any longer. You threw your own punch back at him, colliding with his mouth. “You don’t even care about your own son, you dick! You never did! You gave up on your own wife and children for this!” You pulled your knife out and jumped towards him, but he overpowered you. His hand caught your wrist in a death-grip, and you felt as if he could snap it without hesitation. He twisted the knife around in your hand and ripped it out, catching your cheek in the process.
“If your mother wasn’t such a pussy, you would’ve all been taught how to survive. Then you wouldn’t be so weak! (B/N) would have survived!” His verbal attack on your brother only made you angrier.
“Fucker!” You brought your knee up and hit him between the legs, knocked his knees out from under him in the process. He was on the ground in an instant, but not without pulling you down with him. Your shoulder hit the concrete with a thud and, ignoring the pain, you climbed on top of him, knee on his chest and a pocket knife to his throat to pin him down. His hands pushed against the knife and wrapped around your throat, and for a moment you stayed locked like that, trying to find the strength to overpower him and end this, when you felt a sudden arm wrap around you from behind and pull you away. Someone else’s hand secured the knife so you couldn’t lash out. You recognized Dean’s arm in a moment and pulled against him. “Let me go!”
“(Y/N), calm down!”
“Who’s this, (Y/N)? Your fuckbuddy? You’re just like your mother!”
“Hey!” Everyone went silence when Dean pulled a gun and aimed directly- and quite accurately- at your father’s form. “Listen here, buddy. I suggest you shut the hell up and don’t mention any of tonight to anyone. Otherwise, you’ll have me on your ass. And lemme tell you…” His voice dropped to a deadly octave. “...you don’t want that.” After your father didn’t respond, Dean wrapped an arm around your waist and turned, helping you out to the car. You kept your gaze fixated on the ground, knowing Dean was probably disappointed. You tried to ignore the swelling and stinging under your eye and the aching in your shoulder as Dean helped you into the passenger side of the Impala.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized as Dean turned the key and started hightailing away from the warehouse.
“Are you hurt anywhere? Like, super hurt?” You shook your head. Other than the cut on your cheek and the possible black eye and black and blue shoulder, you were fine. “Listen, (Y/N). I don’t like to pry, but as soon as we get a bit of distance between us and him, we’re gonna stop and fix you up, and you’re gonna tell me everything. Okay?” You sat in silence, tears streaming down your cheeks. “(Y/N), I’m not mad.” His voice softened and he spoke in a whisper. “Just worried. I’m not going to yell. Promise you'll tell me what’s wrong. Okay?”
You sat in silence for only a few minutes before the scene around you changed and you were back on a highway with nighttime settling in. You drove for a few minutes in silence, feeling ashamed that Dean had to stop you from killing your own father. Not even the sound of his classic rock tapes filled the car. “There’s a rest area up ahead. We could park there, fix you up, maybe get some crappy food, and sleep in the car for the night, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Before you knew it, Dean had parked under a patch of light in the mostly vacant parking lot of the rest stop. He turned to look at you under the streetlight, but you turned your head away, not able to meet his concerned gaze. You heard him sigh, and his tired voice reached your ears.
“(Y/N), I promise I’m not mad. I just want answers. Can you give me some?”
“I don’t know where to start.”
“Think it over.” Dean opened his door and went to pull something from the trunk, while your mind tried to gather up a solid explanation for him. Where could you start? With your deadbeat dad or your dead brother? Or maybe you could just read him your entire biography. “(Y/N.” Dean’s gentle tone pulled you from your mind. “Come sit back here.”
“I had a bad childhood.” Dean lets out a somber chuckle at your sudden statement as you sat next to him in the backseat.
“Welcome to the club.”
“Maybe not as bad as yours, but it was hard for me.” Dean dabbed a cloth at the cut on your cheek and nodded for you to continue. “Well, I didn’t grow up a hunter. But my dad was one. He abandoned us.”
“Another deadbeat dad, huh?” He finished cleaning up the cut and focused all his attention on you.
“I only knew him as the drunk who showed up at our house or called every now and then. I didn’t actually know him until I was twelve… or something. I don’t remember when it was. He got me into hunting by persuading me it would protect my brother from bad things. That I could protect everyone I cared about.” You swallowed harshly. I never thought my involvement would cause his death. “But I hated my dad.” You watched the pieces connect in Dean’s mind.
“Was that your dad, fighting you back there?” You nodded, and Dean’s face twisted into anger. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). No one should say those things to their own child.” You couldn’t help but notice the close proximity between the two of you. You were sitting sideways on the bench seat, knees bend and pressing into Dean’s thigh. Dean had one hand on your shoulder, where he had been holding you steady as he cleaned up your injuries. His eyes bore into yours as if telling you it’s all going to be alright. Willing that to be true, you sucked in a breath. You needed to gather up strength for your next confession.
“Remember when I got that call earlier Dean? That someone I cared about was also hunting that vamp?” He nodded, his eyes slowly become dark with realization. “And remember when I said I had a little brother? Apparently, dad got him into hunting too.” Then, he knew.
“... No… was that..?” His eyebrows furrowed together and he gazed at you with those sad green eyes. “Son of a bitch…”
“My brother. Dean, my brother is dead. Dad said it was a test hunt. He’s dead-” Your voice cracked dramatically. Since when was your throat this tight? Tears that had been building up for so long finally broke free from your eyes, and you brought a hand up to wipe them. Dean pulled your hands away gently, urging you to lie your head on his shoulder.
“(Y/N), don’t hold it in.” You willingly buried your tear-streaked face in his neck, inhaling his musky, smoky scent and clawing at his jacket hopelessly. “Sweetheart, I’m so, so sorry. I know how much it hurts to lose a brother, trust me. I’ve lost Sammy more times than I even want to count anymore.” You stopped you sniffed through your words.
“But he always came back. You could always get him back. I can’t-” You suddenly realized what you must look like, and buried your face back into Dean’s chest.
“I know… I know, kiddo.” His strong arms enveloped you, pulling you even closer. You felt his face against the top of your head and knew he was giving you a kiss.
“If I would’ve been faster, he’d still be alive. This is my fault.”
“No.” Dean’s voice switched from comforting to urging with only one word. He looked you in the eye, holding your full attention. “Don’t blame yourself, (Y/N). None of this was your fault. None of it.” He paused for a moment, thinking over what you had said to him. “Did you say that was a ‘test’? It’s your dad’s fault. I should’ve let you kill the son of a bitch. I’m sorry.” You laughed through your tears and felt Dean’s fingers trail through your hair.
“Thank you, Dee.”
“‘Course, sweetheart. I understand how it feels, and the last thing you need is to feel even more alone. You know I’ll always be here for you, right? I know it’ll take you a while to get past this if you ever do. So I’m not going anywhere.” You smiled thankfully at him, and he sent back one of his killer looks before turning and grabbing a beer out of the cooler. “You need a drink?” You smiled and gladly accepted the offer. He cracked one open for himself and tapped the end against yours in a toast. “Here’s to being more similar than we thought.”
“Here’s to shitty fathers and daddy issues.” Dean cracked a smile at your addition.
“Here’s to your brother.”
“Here’s to us, Dee.” You both smiled at that, clinking your bottles once again and taking a huge gulp. Dean watched you with a soft smile on his face, taking a small sip. He wanted to stay sober tonight. He wanted to remember this night for the rest of his life. And remember it he did. He remembered how the love of his life sat with her legs across his lap, face in his chest and arms around him, in the backseat of his Impala. How you’d drunkenly asked for cuddles before passing out in his arms, and the lights outside vanished as he lay back on the leather seat, holding you to him in an intimate yet innocent embrace at the end of the night. He remembered how he hadn’t even kissed you, yet he felt so much more satisfied than any night he could have spent sleeping with a different woman. And, even years into the future, when he stood before you, ring in his hand, he could still remember that last toast clear as day.
“Here’s to us, Dee.”
#supernatural#spn#spnfamily#reader insert#dean x reader#dean winchester#dean x you#dean x y/n#angst#fluff#fanfic#here's to
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14x13 (300th) Commentary
Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon (Kat)
@waywardbaby (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered (Giu)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
“Dad’s on a hunting trip-
[shuts laptop]
Giu: It’s already a no from me
uuugh ok [opens laptop]
“-and he hasn’t been home in a few days “
Zee: That’s when I fell in love
Kat : I fell in love at “easy tiger”
Nat: He looks like a demon
Giu: he does
sign under the register: your baby daddy sitting in jail? Sell your gold and get bail.
S: we are looking for the good stuff.
me searching for men
Kat : I need that wad of money, And the man attached to it
Giu: SAM
Zee : So done
Nat: Dean's done
Kat : That was so Jared lol
D.”No you didn’t”
Kat: Oh shit Dean. All sexy business
Giu: They not happy
Kat : FIRE
[pauses video] TUMMY! [presses play again]
Zee : Turn his back to dean?
Nat&Kat: They always talk too much
Nat: he stole my line
Nat: don't put that in
Giu: I’m gonna put that in
Nat: no
The smoke coming out the gun tho. I love that gun.
Zee : Put that down dean
Giu: Dean don’t touch things
In what goddamn dystopian fantasy a theater in 2019 show Beetlejuice? because I wanna live there.
Giu: I want that jacket. Doesn’t it look like the family business jacket?
Zee : I want that car,with everything in it
Giu: ...AND ON IT
Nat: I want that man
Giu: lol it’s like the Winchesters are some sort of the mean girls of town.
The Campbell brothers are scary. They have two shotguns and a strange silver blade.
I hear the tall one hair's insured for $.
I hear the other one has a tinder account. His favorite music can be heard from miles before coming into town.
One time, they met god. And he stayed at their house. One time, they killed Hitler. It was awesome.
-” The Campbell brothers “ [sobs]
D:”Make it double”
Oh look the Family Business stuff again
S:” John Wayne Gacy cigar box”
uh that’s not good.
“Jack and Cass are out with Jules and her crew. When they’re back they can help us cataloging “ [already excited]
D:” aWeSoME”
- “Where did they even came from? them or their weird sidekick with the trench coat”
I love how before the boy Eliot talked about hearing stuff from the trunk of the car and I did not even bat an eye, because.....yeah...probably happened more than once.
Giu&Kat: Dumb bambi look
- Max:” It doesn’t mean they kidnapped bigfoot or whatever “
that could have happened too .
How did I miss all this gay vibes between the girls before?
Giu: anyway that is unrealistic, those girls would be drooling after those two.
Nat: Nah, they're too old for them
me at myself editing the commentary: they lesbian, bitch .
Nat: Max is trouble, isn't she
Kat: Don’t touch my baby’s car teen bitch
Zee : Why is sam so hot here?
- D;” No,no, no, no”
Zee : Oh the bitch did
-S *thinks of the kids*
D: “Swear to God if anything happens to that car-” *thinks murder*
Giu: Meanwhile dean is having panic attacks
Nat&Giu&Kat: I don't wanna die. lol
Kat: Stop Omg
Nat: We should stop
Zee : Look at those puppy eyes
- “So you want me to give you an underage girl’s address?”
Nat: hahahahahahhahahahahaha i like that woman
D:”Marta, how’s that grandson of yours?”
“if you could help us out I would, I would really appreciate it”
Zee : I’d melt
Nat: I mean...helloooooo
Giu: There goes her values
Nat: I would tell him everything and more
Zee : Giuls the hand gif. Please and thank you
- you want my address too?
Kat: He’s putting the moves
Kat: Their lips are extra pink
-Yeah but like...I would have melt with Sam too honestly.
SKIP DAY! aaaah the memories, we had skip days once a month.
Giu: OH NO
Zee : They dumb
Giu: i wouldn’t touch that creepy fuck teddy bears
Giu: can I slap some sense in those bitches
Nat: Baby, please tell me you're not hurt
D: “ FBI everybody out”
me : ....arrest me.
Giu: Sam: no fuck clown
Kat: Serial killer clown
Nat: Sammy, I think you need to get away
Kat: Best and worst thing ever
- D:” ‘Cause you love serial killers but you hate clowns”
eh same .
Zee : look how happy he is
D:” Sam....today”
D: “....Hey! “
Nat: Dean Bean
Kat: Adorable bean
Zee: We’re damn good at why we do
Nat: They're going all dad on them
Kat: It’s hot
- S:” You sure don’t wanna call Mom here? or Cass?”
D:” No because if it works , great, if not, why get their hopes up?”
Zee : Hello
Kat: SHIT SHIT. SHIT Kicking their asses lol
Giu: My eyes are sweating
Nat: I got Negan vibes lol
? : “Don’t you move”
Zee : That’s another Daddy
J: “What in the hell”
J: “Sammy, aren’t you supposed to be in Palo Alto?”
Nat: Palo Alto. Oh god.
Giu: Good god [sobs]
J: “What happened to you?” when did you stretch like that
Nat: It's 2003
Kat: It’s very difficult
J:”You saved the world?”
Zee : More than once
Giu: We died....more than once
Zee : Look at that precious face
D:”I think he’d be real happy to know you are finally here”
- Glad they mentioned Henry, I miss him.
S:” We are legacies because of you”
J.” I just wish that I had been there to see it”
Nat: Awww the look on Sammy
Nat: It fucking breaks my heart alright
D:”Non of this would have happened without you”
J:” It’s good, it’s fine. I went out taking out yellow eyes. That was the point. Get the thing that killed Mom”
Giu: im not ready for what.’s coming
Zee : Me neither
Kat: So much sobbing
Nat: What are you talking about. I'm not ready for the whole damn episode
Zee : Brace yourselves
- J [desperately softly]:” ...Mary?”
Nat: Oh god NO
Zee : Oh fuck you
Nat: THE BOYS...lol
D:” I’m freaking out”
No Dean, I’m freaking out. And I already know, looking at Sam face, what’s coming.
Nat: "I wanted this man"
D:” I wanted this since I was 4 years old”
Zee: One family dinner
Nat: NO DEAN BEAN PLEASE Sammy is right
Kat: He is but it hurts. So much
oH....Sammy and Daddy time. Can I skip?
Look at John fucking face!! he’s already so proud.
S:” Dean and I tried to make that once” [nervous laughter]
[John’s face falls]
Zee : Here come regrets
J:”i...I remember “
Sam’s like...”you do?”
J: “ I screwed up with you a lot, didn’t I?”
The noise and expression and breathing Jared choose to made here is worth more than any words
S:” no, that’s okay”
J:”No, it’s not”
[me bathing into the holy light of jesus] yeeeees thank you
Sam looks so uncomfortable.
J: “You didn’t have a problem talking about it before you left”
ooooh John is trying so hard tho.
S: “..Dad...” [pauses like he can’t believe he can say that again]
me hitting myself : stop doing this to yourself bitch.
S: “ yeah...you know what? you did some messed up things”
S: “When I think about you....and I think about you a lot..[voice cracks]”
S:”I think about you on the floor of that hospital. And I think about how I never got to say goodbye”
Giu: fuck NOPE I’M OUT
Kat: *drags you back*
Giu: *fights it*
Zee: I’ll tie you down bitch just watch
Kat: I can’t i can’t I can’t
J: “Sam....[touches him]”
S: [gets almost scared when John touches him]
and now a change of camera so you can see more hurt

Kat: I’ll tie you down
Zee: Can this fucking music just stop
Giu: CAN SOMEONE JUST GIVE ME MERCY? it’s 8:40am it’s too early for this
Giu: ahahahaahahhahahahaahah imma have a heart attack
Giu: Im forgetting english and spelling
J: “Son...I am so sorry”
Zee: That’s enough
Nat: what's english i'll start to groan in german soon
Zee: I’ll swear in Greek
Giu: I’m already gesturing in italian anyway
S:”Want some company?”
Nat: I get the booze you get the food, I want that bumper sticker
Nat: Why doesn't he remember?What the fuck is happening
Giu: The surnaaaame
Zee : Blue steel
Never forget
Giu: GOD BLESS KALE (Misha wrote that)
hot take: that’s Misha’s turtle neck
D:”No, no , it gets worse”
TEDTalk!Sam is an empty shell. I hate it.
Giu: Lotta beheadings
Zee : Can Jared stop being hotter in this ep?
D:”Well, I’m cool but you are ugh”
Giu: I saw enough doctor who to know what is Sam talking about.
S:” If all is different, then what else changed”
Giu: OH.
Zee : Oh no
Nat: Zach is also ugh
Z:”Earth ...where you are always stepping in something”
I mean, he’s not wrong
Zee: Constantine
Nat&Zee: I don't understand that reference
Zee : Control yourself woman
D:”How are we gonna tell Dad?”
S: “How are we gonna tell Mom”
Nat: Why are the teens everywhere are they running out of extras? I can be an extra.... for love scenes
Zee : I can be a fly in the wall
Z:”I need to know who’s been messing with time?” like...I mess with time, that’s my thing, who’s stealing my job
Z:”This town is always been a little muddy for us”
Z:” he...murders you all”
Kat: Ugh I want to stab Zach in the face
oh jfc Cass is a fucking murder machine,kinda like the apocalypse world NO
Nat: Zach, just shut the fuck up, will ya
Zee: I’m an angel of the lord AAAAAAHHHHHH
Zee: THE ONLY LOGICAL OUTCOME. Babe how dare you ?
D:”Cass? “
C: who’s this bright soul , oh no he’s hot.
D:”Cass, you know us”
C: “I don’t know you”
Nat: Ow...a stab in the heart
Giu: NO
Kat : Breaking my heart
- Oh look you can pin point the exact moment HIS heart breaks.
D:” Cass, don’t”
Giu: No , it’s where i live.
- The satisfaction of seeing Sam kill Zach. Sam enjoying it.
Nat: Cas, come on!
- I love that Sam is holding the blade to cut and not stab.
ok ok...honestly I’m enjoying this ok? in the sense that I missed seeing Castiel so strong and powerful , and this is as it should be. He’s an angel , a soldier, with eons of wars behind, he was a captain ffs, the Winchester, they can be as strong as you want but they are human. Even Zach was stronger than them, he was just stupid to fall for Sam trick.
Giu: please don’t kill Cass, please don’t kill Cass.
Kat: Dudes the bloopers from this scene will be epic
D:”Cass, Cass, stop it”
....bitch HE HESITATED , Cass hesitated , he just kept Dean there when he could have just snaps his neck with a bit of pressure.
Zee : Sammy to the rescue
Us: We want Bamf Castiel back!
Writers: OK
Zee: Who needs a heart?
oh look, those plates have the same decorations as the cups we saw in older eps. WHY DO I KNOW THAT.
Nat: me vs. your mom that's not even a choice
Zee : Mary is showing emotion
Nat: I know who i would chose
yeah ok...I would choose this John tho, not the one we started in 2005 .
Zee : Me too
Kat: I almost don’t hate her. She’s hurting so bad. But everything else would be fucked
M:” Sam I can’t”
me too Mary, me too.
Nat: that's the thing. she's hurting more about her husband than her boys
Kat: I said almost
-J:” I never meant for this”
Kat: No son
J: “My fight. It was supposed to end with me. With Yellow eyes”
J:” But now you- you are a grown man and I’m incredibly proud of you”
Zee : Look how proud
Kat: He’s waited so long to hear hat
J:” I guess that I hoped, eventually,you would...get yourself a normal life, a peaceful life, a family.”
Zee&Giu : I have a family
Nat&Kat: WE EAT
Nat: A man after my taste
Zee : Too much silence
Kat: #awkward
Nat: #sad
Giu: #The last supper
Zee : Stahp
J:” We can be grateful for this time we have together.”
Kat: #AMEN
Nat: sounds like AYE MEN
Kat: Fucking Bob Seger
S: “It doesn’t feel right to have all of this and have to throw it away and I know we have to.” S:” He just goes back to...to..being Dad”
-Oh honey
Giu: Sam is panicking
Nat: Who would save the world tho
S:” I think it would be nice”
D:” yeah? I used to think that too.”
D:”For the longest time I blamed Dad. I mean I blamed Mom too,you know. I was angry”
D: “Why don’t send him further back , and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world?
oh...OH Dean is woke
D:” But there’s the problem. Who does that makes us? Would we be better off? Maybe. But I’ve got to be honest. I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is.”
D:”I’m good with who I am,and I’m good with who you are”
Zee : Does anybody else experiencing chest pain??
Nat: What's a chest. I can't feel anything below my mouth
Giu: what s a mouth
Kat: #too old for this shit
D:”Cause our life, they are ours”
M: “I hate this”
Zee&Kat: My girl
J:”I miss you so damn much”
Nat: #make it stop
Nat: fuck this
Zee : Fuck this flips table
-What a soft hug omg I can’t. Why is John so soft , whyyyyyy.
-Dean’s eyes are dead , he’s trying to be emotionless and I can’t deal with it.
Also Sam keeps throwing glances at Dean and it breaks me.
John looking at his sons is PAAAAIN.
J:” You two. You take care of each other”
S: “We always do”
Can I say that I expected some “Yes Sir” here and there and I’m so glad that there were none? Like...yes they grow up and they are their own men and I’m so damn glad. I would have hated if I heard them saying that.
Dean said that so softly I can’t
Nat: OMG
Zee : I’m gonna faint
This ....Jared you fucking broke me here, you just ...can’t go and act like this and expect me to still be breathing .
Goddammit Dean still looks like he doesn’t wan’t to break but ...I can see it, your lips are shaking damn you Jensen.
Oh no here comes the hug of pain.
J:”I love you both so much”
why is Sam crying so much this season , JARED !
I’m so sick of seeing tears ok? And seeing John so emotional??? NAAAAAH FUCK THAT, I saw those tears falling . FUCK U
Zee : Can they all fuck the fuck off???
Giu: dean your face
Dean looked like a little scared kid there and he just broke me once again.
Kat: Yeah but that one look. Fuck
ok Now....I wanted to make this gif so badly because it haunted me. This....This is when Sam break the pearl. The sound looks like it hit Dean like a bullet or something and I just ....look at him it looks like he wants to scream, his lips seems like they are spelling a soundless ‘NO’ or he just let go, because he wasn’t breathing until the sound ....I need a minute, I’m gonna throw up my breakfast.
Bye John , I’ll miss you fiercely
aaaaand Dean looks like he’s dead again.
Nat: HEY GIULS Lebanon walk.
Nat I’m dead what do you want me to do? Call me if there is a ghost walk of Lebanon-
Nat&Kat&Giu: CAS
Sam looks relieved
Nat: Look at that phone
Nat&Zee&Kat: One hell of a dream
Kat: So much plagiarism
Zee : This music NEEDS to stop
Zee : Can we have a “fuck” count ?
Nat: aWWWW...jACK
Giu: Jack honey dont
Zee: March 7???
Nat: Yeah no
Writers: heya! we are gonna give you some sweet stuff for the 300th, y’all gonna hate it so much.
after credits brainstorm
Nat: SO GET THIS Did John remember? Did John know that the boys are happy and he spends the last of his days thinking about how he could get rid of Michael? Giu: What what . Oh fuck I sure hope so Nat: He saw that the boys were happy, that Mary came back. That's all he wanted . That's why it wasn't hard for him to let go and make the deal. Zee: I soooooo don’t need this rn Giu: im on board. Because he said that he had the strangest dream right? So since their life are fucked up anyway , what hurt could it make to look that shit up? Nat: He will remember but it's more like a vivid dream and he will do anything to fight for them so that's why it wasn't hard for him at all to save Dean, even though he can't defeat YED. Because he knows that his boys will save the world. And still live. with an angel and lucifer's child.
.I have no word , and no answer of how I’m feeling right now.
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
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#14x13#spn season 14#supernatural season 14#season 14 spoilers#14x13 spoilers#300th#supernatural 300#spn 300 promo pic#300 supernatural gifs#lebanon spoiler#lebanon
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Dear Diary Prt. 11
A/N I’m so so incredibly sorry it took me so long to get this out there, but now i’m back in Grace’s head space I should have better luck when it comes to the next parts.
If you have any theories please send them my way! I love hearing your thoughts around the story.
Word Count: 3,000
November 27th, 2011
“Tonight’s the big night,” Harry beamed slapping his hands on Dean’s shoulders as he sat at our kitchen bench. “Excited? Nervous?”
“Shut up Harry,” He groaned his head dropping into his hands. “I can’t do this.”
“What?” Harry and I looked at each other across Dean’s body.
“I don’t date girls,” Dean cried, “I have sex with them, and then that’s it.” He stood up. “I have a fucking roster of woman, I don’t date,”
“Dean. You need to calm down,” I rolled my eyes as he began pacing. “It’s not a date, we’re going to be there... remember,” I motioned between Harry and me,
“Yeah,” Harry smirked picking up his coffee cup, “We’ll make sure it's super unromantic,” He brought his cup to his lips, stopping an inch away. “Any stray candles near us, we’ll blow them out.” He looked over his cup at me, a cheeky grin spreading on his face, “Right Y/N?” I nodded my head,
“Of course, we’ll blow them right out,”
“Fucking hell,” Dean groaned throwing his head back dramatically. “We need the boys to come, we need them to come and make it so unromantic Lottie, is not going to want to ever be alone with me,”
“Lottie?” Harry’s brow raised, teasing smirk still present on her face,
“Since when do we call Charlotte, Lottie?” I hopped up on the counter, crossing my legs watching him quizzically cupping my tea in my hand,
“Since I realised if the two of us ever get intimate, and you now things happen, tongues slip…. And I don’t…”
“You don’t?” I leant closer to him,
“Fucks sake,” He groaned.
“Dean?” I urged him,
“I don’t want to fucking moan Harry’s name while I’m having sex with a woman,” He burst, Harry and I shared a look with one and other, our cheeks bursting with unreleased laughter, “Fuck,” Dean uttered as we both burst into a round of laugher.
“Oh fuck, Harry,” Harry moaned, his impersonation of Dean causing me to spill my tea over my crossed legs.
“Oh fuck, fuck,” I whined through the laugher. “Harry stop,” I cried unable to control myself.
“Yeah lap it up you two assholes,” Dean called storming into his room, his door slamming behind him.
“Oh come on Dean,” Harry called after him, “We were just kidding around,” Harry turned back to me, his cheeks flushed red his lips still parted in a smile, “Whoopsie,” He chuckled walking over to me. He pulled himself up onto the bench and looked at me, “Never have I ever done a handstand with one hand.”
“We’re playing a sober game of never have I ever, now.” He cleared his throat. “Never have I ever done a handstand with one hand,”
“Well, I haven’t… I don’t know how to handstand.” I brought my cup to my lips stopping a centimetre away. “Wait, does this mean I drink?”
“I’m not sure…” He frowned, “I think so,”
“You’ve never played ‘Never have I ever’ before?”
“I have, but I’ve generally been wasted, not sitting in my kitchen, in my PJ’s at eight o’clock in the morning,”
“Good point, Now what do I ask you,” I hm’d before a smirk came to my face, “Never have I ever experimented to see my sexual orientation.” Harry glared at me.
“Cheap shot Y/L/N,”
“Well, I’ve seen the way you look at Dean one two many times,”
“I’m just saying,” I shrugged my shoulders, “I’d back it,” Harry hopped off the bench and stood in front of me, “The two of you, roommates to lovers,” I smirked at him, “I can see the made for TV movie now,”
“You better stop with that talk Y/N,”
“Or what? You’ll tell Dean on me, and then you’ll both be mad at me?” Harry smirked and took one step closer to me, his hands going to my legs uncrossing them so he could stand between them,
“No,” He shook his head, his hand going to push the hair off my shoulder, “I’ll just have to show you exactly what a beautiful woman does to me,”
If he continues to call me beautiful, I may begin to believe it.
“Harry,” I whimpered as his hand ran up my thigh, closer to the hem of my bed shorts. He leant in closer, lips brushing my cheek.
“If you want me to stop.” He whispered, lips brushing underneath my ear this time. “Tell me now.” I couldn’t speak, and even if I could, did I want it to stop? “Or now,” He kissed my jawline gently. “Tell me, Y/N -,” No I really fucking didn't want it to stop.
“Alright,” Dean burst out as he walked through his door, Harry quickly stepped back from me, and I fidgeted straightening my hair and body. “I know what I’m wearing, problem solved, I’ve messaged the other lads telling them they’re coming tonight, and Lottie is still good to go,” He finally looked up from his phone, “You two alright?”
“Peachy, I’m just going to go see George,” I pushed myself off the counter and propelled out the door. It slammed behind me with a heavy thump, “Holy shit,” I whispered pushing my hair back, fingers dropping to my neck the feel of Harry’s lips burnt into the skin,
“Y/N?” I looked down the hall Jordan was walking towards me, grey t-shirt stained with sweat, “What are you doing?” He neared me, “You get locked out?”
“What?” I realised how dumb it must look, me standing outside of my apartment with the tiniest of bed shorts on. “Oh, No, I was coming down to see you guys,”
“Oh,” He stopped nodding his head, “Well come on then I’ll let you in,”
“How was your run?” I asked as I rushed up beside him, sock covered feet sliding on the carpeted floor.
“Great, really nice way to start the morning, you know.” I nodded my head ‘yes’ stopping when I realised I didn’t know,
“Actually no, I’m not the best runner, I want to start but I don’t want to look stupid and die… and be found months later frozen and gross looking,” Jordan snorted out a laugh as he pushed his key into the door.
“You can run with me?”
“Are you sure? I’ll probably slow you down,” He turned, pushing the door open,
“I don’t mind, the company would be nice,”
“Okay then, next semester?” I held my hand out to him, “Running partners.”
“Running partners,” He nodded pushing the door open as he shook my hand.
“Y/N?” Henry called from the kitchen bench, a spoon halfway to his lips, “What are you doing?”
“I just want to talk to George,”
“He’s in bed,”
“Yes,” Henry nodded his head, a stupid smirk on his lips, “Go in, wake him up.” I smiled at Henry and Jordan as I crossed the space of their living room into George’s bedroom, “Good luck,”
“Shut up Henry,” I stuck my tongue out at him as I pushed the door open, “George,” I called softly as I stepped into the room shutting the door behind him. “George?”
“Y/N?” His voice called back from the shrouded darkness, “That you, or am I dreaming?”
“It’s me,” I called back walking blindly into the room. “Can I come in?”
“Course,” I felt his hands grab my waist and pull me down onto his bed, “This is a nice wakeup, pretty girl in my bed,” He sighed contently as his hands pulled me so I was lying beside him.
“Shh, sleep time.”
“George, I came to ask you something,”
“If I answer can we sleep after?”
“Sure,” Who would I be to pass up the opportunity to sleep beside George?
“What can I help you with then Y/N?”
“How are you getting home for Christmas,”
“I’m driving,”
“How are you getting home?”
“The train, I think,”
“Want to carpool with me instead?”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, Jordan is going to be with us half the way, but I don’t see why he’d care if you came,”
“I’ll pay for some petrol,”
“It’s fine Y/N, you know I like spending time with you, so think of it as a Christmas gift from you to me,”
“How do you do that?”
“What?” He whispered his hands pulling me tighter against his body,
“Say all the right things?”
“It’s easy when it comes to you,” He muttered lips laying a kiss flat against my hair, “Now, go the fuck to sleep,” He chuckled,
“Yes sir,” I muttered and before I knew it was off in dreamland, surrounded by George’s arms.
Now let me tell you diary, something about falling asleep in George’s arms that sat so right with me, it could be the fact I’ve never actually, technically speaking fallen asleep in a man’s arms, or it could be that I was surrounded by George, his scent, his arms everything… Either way, I’m in a rush to make this a permanent thing.
“Love bird,” A voice whispered into my ear, “It’s time to wake up, love bird,”
“Shh,” I groaned reaching out blindly to hit whatever was waking me up. “Go away,”
“Time to get up, its midday.”
“What,” I sat upright, ripping myself from George’s embrace, “Did you say midday?” I looked over to Henry who was smirking at me, his eyes flicking between George and me, “Oh shut it.” I jumped out of his bed. “It’s midday,”
“Half-past, actually.”
“Fuck,” I groaned. “Henry I had so much studying to do today,”
“Y/N, calm down.”
“Calm down?” I cried. “Exam’s start in under a month, I have so much to revise. I have so much to do,”
“Babe,” He grabbed my shoulders, “Calm down, I’ll come over now and we can study before dinner tonight,”
“Study, yeah okay study,” I nodded letting out a deep breath. “Okay,”
“You right?”
“Yeah,” I nodded feeling the bubble of stress and anxiety building in my chest, trying to force itself out. “I’m fine,”
“C’mon, we’ll head over to yours now.” Henry stood behind me, his hands on my shoulders leading me out of George’s room. “He’ll be out for hours still,” He stopped me at the table, picking up his books, “What’d you guy’s talk about?”
“Oh, we just planned to go home for Christmas together,”
“Oh, la la,”
“As friends. Friends helping friends.”
“Wanna say friends once more, maybe that time I’ll believe it.”
“Friends,” I turned to Henry who pursed his lips, his head shaking,
“No,” He chuckled, “Still don’t believe it.”
“Oh haha,” I groaned walking to his door. “I hate sleeping in late, I feel hunger over.” Henry and I walked out into the corridor and made the quick walk to my flat.
“I dunno, you looked pretty cosy when I woke you up,” He smirked, “Wrapped in his arms.”
“Shut up Henry,” I glared as I pushed the door open.
“Y/N!” Dean barreled towards me, “There you are.” He gripped my shoulders and pulled me into the living room, where Jordan and Harry lounged on the couch, feet on the coffee table, a movie playing in the background. “These fuckers aren’t helping me, I need girls help.” He pushed me down so I feel onto Harry’s lap. “What looks better?” He held up two shirts,
“Please.” He cried. “I need to look good,”
“The right,” I pushed myself up awkwardly from Harry’s lap, “Henry and I are going to study, what time are we leaving for the pub?”
“Five-thirty,” Dean muttered swapping the shirt against three pairs of pants. I looked at Henry and shrugged.
“Four hours of study is better than none,” He walked over to my bedroom I turned to the others,
“You know where we are if you need us.”
Now Diary, I could go through the details of Henry and I study, but I know Y/N I am Y/N, and I know Y/N remembers how boring studying was, even when Henry tries to make it fun, so instead, I need to make Y/N remember how incredibly uncomfortable dinner was.
Let’s replay, shall we?
November 27th, 5:30 pm, - forever known as the most uncomfortable dinner of my life.
“Have you been here before?” I whispered to Henry as we walked into the pub. “George and I came here once,”
“Good food?”
“Pub food,”
“If it isn’t the two best-friends, plus some.” I looked away from Henry as a voice came from inside the pub, “You’re back,” It was Tom the guy who’d served George and me when we came here.
“Yeah,” George smiled stepped to the front of our group, “Y/N and I told the guy’s about this place, had to try it.” Tom’s eyes moved from George to me,
“That was nice of you,” I shrugged,
“It’s nothing, it’s nice here.”
“Appreciate that,” He smiled warmly, “Now let’s get you guys to a table.” He turned walking into the pub,
“He’s cute,” Henry whispered in my ear.
“I have enough guys to keep me busy with their changing emotions,” I hissed as we walked to a large table.
“Y/N,” George pulled me down beside him as Harry sat on the other side.
Fucking perfect, absolutely fucking perfect.
“You okay?” Harry asked as my body turned rigid.
“Peachy,” I looked down at the menu that was on my plate so I didn’t have to make eye contact with either of the men sitting beside me. “Henry, have you been here?”
“Once or twice.” He called back,
“I heard it’s really good,” Harry’s arm wrapped around the back my chair as he slumped lazily in his. The sound of his voice made my whole body tingle, my heart was begging for me to look up at him, take a chance and look into his beautiful eyes.
“It reminds me of one of the ones back home,” Now it was George’s turn to make my body tingle as his hand fell onto my knee, “You know the one near the football field,”
“Uh… Yeah.” I nodded unable to process anything more than George’s hand on my knee and Harry’s on my shoulder.
“Charlotte,” My voice cracked as I spoke, I cleared it, cheeks flushing. “Have you been here before?”
“Yeah, the classic English roast is good,”
“Settled then,” Dean shut his menu, “I’ll give it a good.”
“Good idea Mate,” Jordan agreed, “The first one I’d have since starting uni.”
“We could all have one, make it a tradition?” Henry suggested, “Y/N?”
“Yeah,” I nodded looking across at him.
“George, Harry, you two interested?”
“Yeah,” Harry voiced,
“Sounds great,” George added. “I guess we’re all decided then, for drinks some pints?”
“You want a glass of wine?” Harry’s voice whispered in my ear, “I can get you one?”
“I can help,” I smiled pushing my chair out. “Harry and I are going to grab the drinks, Lottie, a glass of wine?”
“Please,” She turned her head from Dean and into my general direction.
“Pints for the boys?”
“I’ll have a glass of wine too, actually Y/N,” Henry called as I passed him. I stopped and rubbed his shoulder.
“Good choice,” I giggled leaning down to kiss his cheek, an unrecognisable force of affection washing over me.
“Hey now, don’t give the boys the wrong impression,” He chuckled pushing me away. “I’m a man looking,” I looked to Jordan who was listening to the conversation. His eyes widened slightly.
“You’re gay?”
“As Y/N is a virgin,”
“Wow,” Jordan blew out a breath. Everyone’s attention turned to the pair,
This was the make it or break it for Jordan.
“No,” Jordan shook his head, “Not at all. It’s kind of great… One of the guys' in my classes is gay as well, and he thinks you’re hot… I’ve been telling him your not but he didn’t believe me,”
A full pass with flying colours.
“Drinks,” I turned to Harry unable to keep the smile off my face. We walked to the bar together, I kept stealing glances back at Henry and Jordan who was now deep in a conversation.
“You look happy,” Harry whispered in my ear,
“I am.”
“It’s nice to see you happy Y/N,” He cleared his throat running a hand through his hair, “About this morning, in the kitchen.”
“It’s fine,” I smiled up at him, “Don’t worry about it.”
“It’s not fine Y/N, I know you’re into MacKay and I shouldn’t have fucked with you like that, I shouldn’t have done that at all.”
“Thank you for apologising Harry,”
“Of course,” He smiled tapping his fingers on the bar. “Now, do you see any stray candles, I believe we made Dean a promise.”
“None yet captain,” I giggled,
“What can I get you two?” We turned away from each other to see Tom standing in front of us,
“Bartender as well as a host?” I lent onto the bar,
“Man of many talents,”
“I can see that,” I smiled as Harry cleared his throat quietly from beside me, “Oh right, can we have four pints of Guinness and a bottle of rosé with three glasses,” I smiled, “Please,” I added loudly on the end,
“Anything for a pretty girl,” He winked going about pouring the pints and grabbing the wine. When Harry and I were loaded up and ready to go I Harry held his card out towards him, He stepped back and shook his head. “On the house,” He smiled at Harry before winking at me, My cheeks heated up quicker than a hut made of kindling would have gone up in flames as I turned and walked back to the table,
“How much do we owe you?” Jordan asked taking the glass of Harry,
“Nothing, it was on the house.”
“What?” Henry took the bottle from me, pouring the glasses,
“Seems the bartender has the hots for Y/N,” Harry answered, “Gave them to us for free.”
“This is amazing.” Dean cheered, “Y/N you are never leaving my side,”
“Hey!” Charlotte protested,
“Or Lotties,” He added wrapping an arm around her.
“Don’t look but,” George smirked as I sat beside him, “He’s looking over here, and well that explains why he’s over there starring at you.” Every head at the table turned to the bar, all eyes focusing in on Tom who was pouring another pint. “I said don’t look!” He called shaking his head in disappointment,
“He is cute isn’t he?” Charlotte giggled. I raised an eyebrow at her but she was already nodding her head. “Someone tells me if he’s cute, he sounds cute,”
“He’s hot,” Henry replied sipping his wine, he looked at me “Why don’t you go talk to him.”
“Oh I dunno,” I sunk in my seat. “He was probably just being nice,”
“He gave you at least a hundred quid worth of alcohol,” Jordan quickly held his hands up counting, “More so actually,”
“Yeah what harm could come from it, Y/N?” George laughed happily, “You go on a date, He takes you to the movies… Free popcorn right?”
“Go on Y/N, you’ve got this,” Charlotte said slinging an arm around Dean’s neck. “We believe in you.”
“Y/N this could be the best decision of your life.” Dean smiled subtly looking from me to a George. I took a deep breath and pushed myself out of my chair, walking up to the bar where Tom was cleaning glasses, his back to me. I cleared my throat as I neared the table, waiting for him to notice my approach. I got closer to him causing him to look up, He smiled widely as soon as he saw me causing me to smile softly to a blush coming to my cheeks.
“Hi again,” I waved awkwardly,
“Back for another round already?”
“Oh, no. I wanted to talk to you…” I began to fiddle with my hands, “Thank you for the drinks, you didn’t have to do that,”
“It’s no problem,”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to get in trouble,”
“Worst the owners will do to me is give me a grounding, but I’m sure once I tell them it was for a pretty girl, they’ll forgive me.”
“I’m Y/N,” I smiled holding my hand out, fighting the urge to hide my burning cheeks beneath my hair.
“Nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Tom.” I smiled brightly.
“I remember,” It was his turn to smile and nod his head.
“Are you having a good time?” I nodded my head interlocking my hands with one and other as they hung in front of me,
“I am, my two friends are one a date, but they’re nervous and Dean made us all come, so we’re all here,” I said as I turned to look at the table where I was sitting only moments ago, everyone except Harry was still watching intently he was fiddling on his phone. “Sorry, they’re a little…”
“Over involved?” He offered. I giggled and nodded my head smiling at Tom. He looked down at his watch. “I’m sorry to do this, I have to get back to work but…” He smiled pulling a pen out of his pocket. “Maybe you can give me your number?”
“Yeah,” I nodded my head taking the pen from him, I grabbed a nearby napkin and scribbled down my number, handing it back to him.
“I’ll be expecting a message from you Y/N.” He smiled at me, another heart piking wink before he walked down the end of the bar. I watched him as served another couple before I turned to walk back to the table sitting down wordlessly.
“Did you get his number.” Charlotte cried, “Someone tell me, is she smiling, what’s happened?”
“Y/N?” Henry smirked from across the table. I nodded my head causing the table to let out a loud holler, “That’s my girl!”
“He seemed nice.” Jordan beamed at me.
“He seemed a bit full of himself if you ask me,” Harry mumbled playing with his cutlery.
“Let’s just order dinner, I’m sure he won’t even message me… He was probably being polite,”
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