#i am selfish broken and cruel that is literally hades
deadbaguette · 1 month
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And if I said this is Zagreus and Hades?
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ottokeni · 7 years
perception of love
pairing: ravi and ken
rating: nc-17
words: 2792
chapter 3: altered fate.
also on ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9415829/chapters/22672709
summery: Finally they have some answers. Finally they have one another.
The sky was cobalt and beautifully clear...and so was the future that he craved.                                                                                                                                                                                        
Wonsik had made it back to earth. He felt brand new, like if...realizing his true purpose made him a demon that deserved a second chance.
Wonsik was created by hades himself, and wonsik knew he would have to live with that realization forever. The thought of it made his stomach become painfully aware of his ill feelings towards that knowledge.
Yes, i have committed horrible sins wonsik thought, but..i did it because of my misery..i did it because i..thought it was my purpose. Wonsik suddenly stopped his thoughts. He didn't want to make excuses for his horrifying actions. What bothered him was that..everyone that resented him because of his actions had seen hades in him. What he was horribly afraid of was that maybe it was true, that his redemption was an unattainable dream.
Even with those thoughts..wonsik knew that from now on, no matter what happened, he would fight for his happiness.
No matter what, his future would be a picture of the love hades desperately wanted but lost cause of his selfishness, even if that meant perishing.
Wonsik took a deep breath and the fresh air filled his lungs. He was back in jaehwan's garden. soil covered his feet. wonsik moved his toes and they were freed from the dark ground. Once again wonsik was stark naked and the wind collided with his chest and raised his nipples. Wonsik looked down and with a look of annoyance taking place on his features, used his powers to make clothes appear in his hands.
He was questioning everything now, like were his powers a gift or a curse? and why hadn't anyone told him his origin?
With his mind clouded by questions, he took slow steps towards the home of his other half. Suddenly his heart started to race, pounding against his chest. his eyes would be upon jaehwan soon. Even the thought made his heart flutter. Wonsik felt like a fool, with his heart racing at the thought of a human, but jaehwan wasn't a human, wonsik now realized. Jaehwan had been created along side him, everything he thought he knew about jaehwan was erased and everything he learned now was all extremely brand new. The feelings he had felt when they first had met weren't because jaehwan was an abnormal soul...it was because they had finally found each other without knowing so. Jaehwan had electrified his whole being, and had revived him.
He raised his fist to knock on the door, but paused, took a deep breath and tried again. He raised his fist a second time, but before he could knock, the door opened wide before him, and the one who was making his heart dance, was in front of him with a smile that could heal any broken heart.
"you're back" jaehwan said.
"i am."
jaehwan's eyes searched his face, and wonsik wondered what his thoughts were in that moment.
"come in" jaehwan said with his smile still doing things to wonsik's heart.
Once wonsik stepped into the door jaehwan turned and once again searched his face for answers. Wonsik didn't know what he was looking for, but he wanted to give him anything he could. He took slow steps towards jaehwan and reached for his hand, placing it slowly on his own cheek.
"ask me anything" wonsik whispered.
"i'm pretty sure we are both...lost" jaehwan said with a slow frown forming on his face.
"..yeah but..i will tell you anything i know, and whatever i dont know? we will figure out together".
They sat down and talked for hours. Wonsik told him about the vision hakyeon had shown him. He told him their story, and how they had been made. he told his other half what their purpose was for their creators, and how it all fell to pieces when Zeus created humans, and every ounce of love hades had for him was sucked up by his hatred for his brothers new creation. He told jaehwan about his feelings towards hades and how he wouldn't let anything happen to him, how....they were meant to be, and how he wondered if jaehwan felt the same way. With every new bit of information wonsik gave jaehwan, surprise never took a hold of his face, it was like if he knew it all.
Wonsik felt tears fall from his eyes. He had just realized how deeply hurt he really was. Hakyeon had kept all of this from him..his mentor and the one person he thought he could trust....had kept a part of him..a secret. He was infuriated at hades for creating them out of love, and trying to discard them out of detestation. Jaehwan's hand lowered itself to wonsik's chest. He held it there, feeling every resentful heartbeat, and tried to relieve it...at least a little bit from its torture. Suddenly jaehwan felt everything. The hatred and hurt wonsik was feeling seeped into every inch of his body, and his sobs echoed in his room.
"jaehwan!?" wonsik said in a voice filled with worry.
"jaehwan, please..I'm so sorry..please"
Jaehwan removed his hand from wonsik's chest, and suddenly he felt numb. Suddenly..everything was so clear. He had already known everything wonsik had told him...his dreams took care of that. His dreams were like movies. Movies about love and feelings of betrayal. He saw hades filled to the brim with love. He saw hades filled to the brim...with disdain. He saw his own creator. Zeus, was something out of a fairy tail. always kind, and forgiving. loved every creation he had ever made, and he made many. In hades eyes nothing had been as important as humans, but to Zeus, it wasn't a competition. humans weren't his last creation. He made zodes, and graviners, and many, many more. He loved them all equally, and destroyed them when he thought it was what was best for them. jaehwan saw him like a strict parent. overbearing and controlling but loving...in his own eyes anyways.
He said he loved his creations, but love was different to him then it was to humans. His love was to himself. His loved was filled with admiration...for himself. He enjoyed creating what only he could, but..suddenly his brother was in the way. He loved his brother, He was almost half of what his own greatness was and he of course wanted him around..as long as he didn't get in the way. So when his brother created jealousy, he was ready to destroy jealousy's creator and everything that shared that feeling. Hades had passed it on to humans, and they took it and created wars with it. They took it and created murder with it, and foolishly thought they could destroy his creation without any punishment. Zeus had miscalculated how jealous hades really was, and had miscalculated his own greatness. When they fought, it lasted for centuries. He hadn't been left unharmed. He willed himself to be born as a human, just to regain some of his own power. Hades had defeated him, without even knowing it. Hades was then attacked but Zeus's followers, and with his tail between his legs, hades let his hatred grow larger and greater for his brother. Jaehwan and wonsik were separated almost as soon as they were created by the spirits that took over while hades and Zeus were licking their wounds, but before they were separated, their tiny hands interlocked..only for a second, but it created the first rainbow to ever be in the sky, and humans admired their fate from below.
When jaehwan opened his eyes, wonsik was staring at him in awe. His eyes filled with images of what jaehwan saw every night in his dreams.
"ho...w can i see everything you have seen?" wonsik asked.
"I'm...not sure? i think it's our connection. lets us feel what the other feels and also see's" jaehwan answered with a question mark at the end of his sentence.
"yeah.. i think you're right".
They looked into each other's eyes for a while. Realizing how...wild their story really was. Jaehwan's feelings for wonsik were all jumbled up with the notion that they were meant to be, and what if the feelings he was feeling for wonsik was just...only cause they thought they NEEDED to be together? what if...this was all just a huge joke and the-
"whoaaaa! calm down jaehwan" wonsik said.
"you? heard all that?"
"yeah..i think we still need to figure out this whole connection thing" wonsik said with a smirk.
Wonsik slowly wrapped his arms around jaehwan, letting his mind do the work of showing jaehwan his true feelings for him. colors no human could imagine raced around their minds. images of literal happiness and love were shown to jaehwan, and when those images flowered over one another, jaehwan knew exactly how wonsik was feeling. They loved one another. Not because they were told they were soulmates. Best friends could be soulmates. They loved one another because they always have. The dreams jaehwan had weren't only about their creation, but also about their past lives. They had found each other many times, but were separated like a cruel joke when they had just realized their love was real. They weren't just lookalikes with those past lives, those lives were...them. They were alive for many years without one another, in full confusion and alone, wondering why the only happiness they would find in one another, in every life, was suddenly taken away every damn time.
When their eyes met once again, love was the only thing they saw. No more confusion about it, and no more second guessing. No one could control them anymore in the name of fate. They had decided to create their own destiny.
Wonsik touched jaehwan's forehead with his own, passing him a message of want and need to finally be one with him. Jaehwan initiated their first kiss and literal flowers bloomed in every inch of jaehwan's room, once again, made out of colors no human had ever seen. Their soft lips passed over one another like a whisper and a small moan escaped their lips from the pleasure. Wonsik's hand made its way down jaehwan's chest, unbuttoning as it went, wanting to touch every inch of the man before him. Jaehwan's mouth bent down, his lips kissing wonsik's chest, letting his teeth graze wonsik's nipple, his lower half becoming hard when he heard wonsik let out a deep moan. suddenly wonsik was on his back and jaehwan was on top of him, leaving rose colored kiss marks on wonsik's chest. Jaehwan took off wonsik's pants with quick precision and wonsik's eyebrows raised with surprise.
"I've had dreams of this moment" jaehwan breathed. "i can tell" wonsik said with a smirk.
Jaehwan looked below him. He saw the greatest art ever created, He saw his future and beginning. He lowered himself once again and let his tongue trace every outline of wonsik's body. With every moan, he moved to a sweeter and more sensitive spot, letting wonsik know the pleasure he always felt with his dreams. Wonsik was going to finally be able to understand why seeing him for the first time, sent shivers down his spine, and why his words couldn't come out and explain his reaction...It was all because he knew seeing wonsik that day, was going to change his life forever. When he reached wonsik's most sensitive spot, wonsik grabbed his hair, not enough to hurt but enough to let jaehwan know that what he was doing was amazing. jaehwan twirled his tongue slowly on the tip, and let wonsik feel every stroke. Wonsik was on the edge of his orgasm. Their eyes met and wonsik shivered, finally reaching his orgasm, letting jaehwan taste him.
Jaehwan towered over wonsik, saying with words what he wanted to do next, so that he was sure this was what wonsik wanted. Wonsik said yes with his deep raspy voice and jaehwan prepared wonsik and himself. He felt wonsik's opening with his fingers and entered one slowly. Wonsik became rigid and jaehwan suddenly was filled with fear of hurting wonsik. Wonsik reached over to him and let his pleasure consume jaehwan like it was consuming himself. The fear melted away and jaehwan started to move his finger in and out. After a while he could enter two, then three. Wonsik was suddenly impatient for jaehwan. Jaehwan towered over him once again and kissed him fiercely, drinking him in. Jaehwan slowly entered wonsik, making sure wonsik was okay with his pace. The ecstasy he felt while entering wonsik was nothing like in his dream. This was more intense and amazing. Wonsik was tight so jaehwan's movements were slow but deep. They felt pleasure like they had never felt before. Tears fell from jaehwan's eyes, landing on wonsik's cheeks, joining wonsik's own tears. They whispered sweet i love you's to one another and reached their climax in harmony, calling out each other's name.
Jaehwan laid on wonsik's chest, cuddled up with one another. They spoke of their past lives and how close they were to having happiness. They had finally reached it, but fear seemed to hover in the air. Yes they were finally together but, hades was still out there, and from what wonsik saw in jaehwan's vision, Zeus wasn't so great either. Their fight to be together was yet to be conquered and they had to fight two powerful gods in order for them not to be disposed of like a bad memory. Their worry's passed from one another, letting it grow and grow like a monster. Wonsik reached over and raised jaehwan's chin so their eyes could meet. Jaehwan felt his fear but also his will to live and his need to have jaehwan by his side. Jaehwan liked their odds. They would fight, and they would win.
A huge white light filled the room, burning the flowers their love had bloomed. Wonsik sat up and so did jaehwan, wondering if this was hades or Zeus, and if their fight really had to begin this soon. But in front him was a man..no a demon. He knew this demon. His visions of wonsik as a child were filled with him. He cared for wonsik like his own son and ended up making wonsik feel betrayed, even though he was trying to protect him. He wasn't alone, A demon was on his back with a huge smirk on his face. He knew this demon as well, and he really liked him, well his visions of him anyway. No matter how uncaring he seemed for the future that he saw, he had broken many rules for wonsik. He meddled in wonsik's bleak future and fate, and led him to jaehwan in order for wonsik, his one true friend, to reach happiness. The demons, jaehwan thought, were here to help.
"what are you guys doing here?" wonsik said with anger boiling in his blood.
"wonsik...i.." hakyeon was at a loss for words. he felt like no apology would suffice.
"get up you big idiot" hongbin laughed.
"we are here to save you. hades is o-"
"hades??" jaehwan and wonsik both bellowed.
"yeah! hades. hakyeon and i came here to save you cause honestly..we need to train for this fight." hongbin said while scratching his head.
"please..." hakyeon whispered.
Jaehwan and wonsik looked at one another. This was it. They were finally going to fight their makers, and they were so fucking ready.
"okay then...give us a minute to get...dressed" wonsik said.
alright, we will see you down there" hongbin said with a wink and he was gone.
"be quick" hakyeon said and looked back with a face that said he wanted to say more, but before he did he also vanished.
They got dressed with feet feeling like they were being weighed down with rocks. Wonsik's thoughts were racing, and so were jaehwan's. But when they turned to one another, everything fell into place. They were fighting to be together. They wanted this happiness to last, so even if they did lose, they were losing together. No matter what happened, they could at least say they fought for what they wanted.
"hades and Zeus are total asses" jaehwan said with a cute frown.
"yeah...big asses" wonsik said with a loud deep laugh.
Wonsik reached for jaehwan's hand and began to teleport them to the underworld. They were finally going to contest their fate, and he couldn't wait to win.
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