#i am now realizing that I didn't actually give reasons why I think Sophie and Keefe will become a couple
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if you could give a 100% unbiased guess, who do you think shannon will put sophie with? cause i dont think after all shannon has done sophie will be single (and as much as i want sophiana thats not gonna happen)
[ID in alt text.]
Hopefully you don't mind, but as these two asks from you are essentially the same, I'm combining them into one! Also, I don't actively ship anyone in the series and am one of the main people (if not the main person) who focuses almost entirely on canon as much as possible, so hopefully that's satisfactory for your unbiased requirements.
Based on the events of the book and the things Sophie has said, I have a particular sequence of events that I kinda expect to happen. Given how major the love triangle has been for the entire series, I agree that it doesn't make sense for Shannon to completely abandon it at the end, but I don't necessarily expect Sophie to be actively in a relationship as the series comes to a conclusion.
Here's what I think will happen, and then I'll explain it: Sophie and Fitz make amends and follow through, becoming close and trusted friends who can work well together; Keefe reenters Sophie's life, needing to make a lot of amends; through some sequence of events, Sophie and Keefe become something more, though it is undefined and they have a lot of exploring and learning to do; the series ends, leaving them with an implied future where Shannon doesn't show us the big moments, but we can imagine them.
Okay! Now that I've summarized what I expect (though I still may be very wrong), let me go into a little more detail. Starting from the end of Unlocked, Sophie and Fitz have talked and agreed together to start over but as friends. Sophie explicitly said she isn't ready for a boyfriend (and while it may be tempting to say "she hasn't said she isn't ready for a girlfriend though!" this is meant to say she isn't ready for any relationship). But! She and Fitz miss each other and want to have each other in their lives, even if they aren't dating. So the amends have been made, and what's left is to follow through and to trust each other and commit to rebridging what was broken between them. And I think that'll happen mostly in Stellarlune, leaving book 10 for the later things I'll get to in a minute. They'll build that strong foundation and platonic relationship, and become the powerful pairing that was always hindered by the hidden crush and then the unmatchable status. There have been so many hints about how they could be more powerful if they could just get past that, so I think if we're ever going to see it it'll be then. That is partially wishful thinking though and a little biased, so take that as you will.
Then, once Fitz is solidly no longer a romantic interest and there isn't any doubt between the two of them, Keefe can be reintroduced. However that happens in an entirely different story that I've theorized and talked about before, so for the purposes of this ask we'll just say Keefe's back somehow. Sophie still isn't going to be ready for a boyfriend or a relationship, especially not with the way the drama is going to be amping up as we build up towards the end of the series. But Keefe is now the only romantic interest. However, before that can happen, there is a lot that should be worked out between them. The lack of communication, the acting recklessly without consulting each other, the excluding each other from plans, the mistakes that haven't been atoned for, the emotional pain caused, etc. This isn't all Keefe, but it is...a lot of Keefe. It's a lot to work through, and i think that it'll occupy a lot of book 10. This will get them to the point Fitz and Sophie were at before Keefe reentered the romantic narrative, though maybe not quite as solid.
Without as much pain or distrust between them now, I think they could be in a place to tentatively start something romantic between the two of them. But they are both broken, scared individuals, and the idea of that huge commitment would be incredibly hard and a lot to ask of each other. Especially for Sophie who keeps putting her faith in Keefe and he keeps hurting her. So allowing him to be that kind of person in her life is something she might not fully trust him to do. She doesn't want to mistrust him, but part of her may just be waiting to get hurt again and that makes it scarier. Not to mention how badly her last relationship went. There's not enough time to work through all of this given that in my projected timeline this is happening towards the end of the last book, when all the other plot things from the entirety of the series are coming together.
Because of that, I think it'll be something like Keefe and Sophie talking hesitantly with each other, and then agreeing to try...something new. They're not boyfriend and girlfriend, not right now. But there's something between them that isn't friendship and isn't romantic, it's a special connection just the two of them share as they figure it out. They'd agree to take it slow, to go at whatever pace they need, a classic "we'll figure it out as we go." Kind of thing. It's tentative and cautious, but committed to figuring it out and not hurting each other. We may even get one of those moments of Fitz saying "be happy, Sophie" or something similar to solidify the implied ending to the love triangle. That's less grounded in anything to do with their characters, and more because it's a common thing to happen in these kinds of situations.
With that, the series ends and we don't know what specific Sophie and Keefe are/become to each other, but we do know that it's there. And that they are each other's future, and that while as the story ends it's just starting, it's a relationship that will thrive and flourish as time goes on. We can only assume what happens, but we assume the best and are happy for them.
Essentially, I think Sophie will end up with Keefe, but not explicitly as the two of them dating. This is based off of the relationships between the characters in the past books, their desires for the future, the amount of time we have left compared to the amount of story left to tell, and common tropes. Again, I could be completely off and Shannon pulls a 180 on us and does something entirely unexpected! But this is what I personally expect to happen.
Hopefully that was unbiased enough!!
#i am now realizing that I didn't actually give reasons why I think Sophie and Keefe will become a couple#i instead gave how I expect the entire love triangle to end#so if you'd like me to go back and go over reasons I think they'll be endgame I'd be more than happy to!#i would include it here but this post is already getting long...#hopefully this whole post made sense though#it makes sense in my head but I don't know if I explained it well#my answer to this is also subject to change based on stellarlune so#maybe I'll revisit this in eight months#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities#quil's queries#ophe-lia#kotlc ships#sokeefe#sophie foster#keefe sencen#fitz vacker#sophie x keefe
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Hey. I saw your reblog of a cool post talking about how Sansa won’t be winning the North by being “polite and singing songs and asking nicely“ and how violence and brutality are in the North, after all Robb didn’t get the Umbers approval by asking politely but by having Grey Wind eat Umber’s fingers. And i Love how in the tags you said the North would never choose Sansa. If it came down to it they would choose Arya. They most certainly would. No one ever complained that Robb wouldn’t exchange Jaime for Sansa. But they are furious to hear that ”Arya” (we know it’s Jeyne) has been wed to the demonic Ramsay Snow. The only reason Sansa was “chosen” (she wasn‘t) in the fake season of the show was because fucking Dumb&Dumber have a massive favoritism for her and Sophie Turner. Gosh it was so disgusting to see that filthy coronation (that looked just like Cersei signifying Sansa’s tranformation into Cersei 2.0) and fake Jon being forced to say she’s the best for the North. And what is all that dumb bullshit about how Northern Independence is the “best thing and necessary for the North”. Anyway in the books they definitely would not choose Sansa and certainly not if she were like her show version (who I am shamed to have ever liked. Now I loathe her with every part of me).
Sorry for the wait for my reply. :)
D&D had massive favoritism when it came to Sansa, or should I say, they had a very obvious bias towards the Lannister's, and Lannister adjacent characters. You can see it in how they whitewashed the whole family, even Cersei (D&D hardly ever whitewashed female characters, usually only male characters, as they would typically make female characters darker) and how heavily focused the show was on twincest and then making it so Jaime went back to her out of love (If Jaime does go back to the same place Cersei is IMO I don't think it will be about his love for her, but to stop her). Like just because Jaime and Cersei and Tywin were killed off, it doesn't mean they weren't D&D's favorites. Also let's not forget about the two Lannister adjacent characters: Sansa and Bronn. Two characters that were unfairly rewarded endgames that they didn't deserve. Sansa became Queen in the North through nepotism, did absolutely nothing during the war, except complain, didn't care that Rickon died, was going to execute Arya, and could have gotten Jon killed over telling his secret, and could have started a war between Dany and the North, yet she becomes queen? Then we have Bronn. Like sure he's helped Jaime and Tyrion out for a fee for several seasons, but he would have killed any one of them for the right price. He's a mercenary. Yet what does he get? A position on Bran's King's Council as Master of Coin, and is given Highgarden. He is now Lord of the richest and most fruitful kingdom in Westeros. Kind of seems a little convenient there. IMO Lannister favoritism.
I used to love Sansa on GOT as well. She was one of my favorite characters through seasons 1-4 (imagine my surprise when I realized how much D&D whitewashed her from the books, hence why I liked both her character and her arc in those seasons). I even quit the show for a couple of years after S5 because of what D&D did with Sansa's storyline. Like I was watching that episode with my mom and stepdad and I was a sobbing mess. I even used to believe in the whole Northern Independence BS and even believed Sansa should be Queen in the North (mainly because of how she suffered, which IMO I think that was the point. Instead of giving Sansa a proper leadership arc, they make her suffer horribly, so people think Sansa deserves a big reward for that suffering.) However, watching S7 really changed my perspective (mainly because she was legit trying to execute Arya) and I began looking at Sansa's actions in S6 and they just rubbed me the wrong way, like her behavior only made sense if she was trying to sabotage Jon, and actually hoped to come out of that battle as the only Stark left, looking like the hero (whether that was the intention or not, or if it was just bad writing we'll never know). Then I read the books after S7 and I realized just how much was different, especially the characters, and I further realized how many character arcs Sansa was given from other characters by D&D and how it made absolutely no sense to me that Sansa would be Queen in the North at the end of the books. But now I'm like you. S8 made me detest Sansa Stark. And I'm not the type of person to go around hating characters. My only other exception is Scott McCall from Teen Wolf.
Anyway, it's funny, I'm sure Stansa's look at me and think I've always been a Sansa hater (I'm not even a book!Sansa hater, I'm Sansa critical, as it's the Stans I detest) and that I never believed Sansa would become Queen and blah blah blah, but they are dead wrong. But I think this really points out how different the books and the show are and because of this, it's highly unlikely the endings will be the same in the books as the show, especially when it comes to characters like Sansa and Arya and Dany.
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26 - “You’re All I Need”
Félix wakes up feeling groggy and disoriented. He barely remembers anything from about five minutes after the nurse gave him an injection of medication that was meant to relax him, until now. Indistinctly, he recalls the nurse having said something about the medication making some patients sleepy. He hadn't anticipated being one of them, but he’s not complaining about it at all. Having no recollection of Dr. Zira sticking a needle in his back for the local anaesthetic and another in his abdomen for the procedure itself is a blessing. He would not have wanted to try to rid his mind of those memories, and now there's no need to.
Currently, the only indication he's had the procedure at all is a dull ache in his belly and an odd heaviness in his lower limbs. He assumes the sluggishness of his legs is due to the local anaesthetic, and that it will fade soon enough. He expects the pain is likely to persist, though, and he's definitely not looking forward to the flu-like symptoms Dr. Zira warned him he might experience for a few days following the procedure.
It'll be okay, he tells himself. Davian will take care of him. He promised, and he's never broken a promise to Félix yet.
Félix opens his eyes and turns his head slightly to see Davian sitting in a chair next to the bed. Davian smiles when he notices Félix is awake.
"Hey, sleeping beauty," he says.
Félix conjures up a smile of his own. "Hello," he says. "How long have I been asleep?"
"Fully asleep, you mean? Maybe half an hour, but you were pretty much out of it since you got the good drugs. You scared me, actually. I didn't think it'd affect you like that. I had to get that nurse to come back and check you."
"Yeah. She said you were fine. I guess some people just react that way."
"I don't remember," Félix says.
"I'm not surprised," says Davian. "How are you feeling now?"
"My stomach hurts, but I think I'm all right."
"You did really good when the doctor was working on you," Davian tells him. "She said you probably won't have much bruising because you were so relaxed, but she said it still might be sore for three or four days. You've got like, a plus-sized band-aid over the spot where she put the needle in. She said we can take it off tomorrow morning."
"Okay." Félix really does try to grasp all this, but his brain evidently isn't ready for too much information yet.
"Still tired?" Davian asks.
"I'll tuck you into bed when we get home, and you can sleep for the rest of the day, if you want to."
"I can barely move my legs. How am I going to get upstairs?"
Davian laughs."They're not going to let you leave until you can feel your legs." He lifts Félix's hand and gives it a comforting squeeze. "If you're still feeling shaky or whatever by the time we get home, I'll help you up the stairs. We'll go slow. It'll be fine."
"When we get home, will you get into bed and cuddle with me for a while?"
"Of course. Whatever you want."
"Thank you." Félix closes his eyes, savouring the warmth of Davian's hand wrapped around his, but then he's struck by a sudden realization. He raises his eyelids again. "Wait... where's Sophie?"
"She went upstairs to the main waiting area," Davian says. "Do you want me to text her and ask her to come back?"
"No. It's all right. I want you."
Félix wonders if he's imagining it, but Davian seems relieved at that. A moment later, it's clear he was not imagining it when Davian says, "I think she's mad at me for some reason."
Félix is confused. "Why do you think Sophie is angry with you?"
"Just some stuff she said," says Davian. "When the nurse came to get you for the procedure, Sophie said she was going to wait upstairs and she was like, 'he'll be okay with you, right?' as if she doesn't trust me and didn't believe I'd be literally by your side the whole time. And she gave me this look, like she was daring me to say something."
"Oh," says Félix. "I think she was worried about me. She probably didn't mean anything by it."
"I don't know about that," Davian says.
"Anyway, it doesn't matter, because you are by my side, exactly where you're meant to be."
"Yeah, and I'm not going anywhere."
"I promise," Davian says. "We said we were going to do this together, didn't we? So, we're doing it together."
"There was a moment when I thought we weren't going to," Félix confesses.
"Last weekend?"
"Yes. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I wasn't really angry. I was scared, and I reacted instead of thinking. I don't like it when we disagree and can't get along, and I'm always afraid it's going to end with you walking away and not coming back. I couldn't bear it if..."
"Hey," Davian says softly. "I'm gonna be with you forever. Not like the last guy." He lets go of Félix's hand, and instead wipes a tear off Félix's cheek gently with his thumb. "You think I'd want to do to you what he did? I remember what you were like on the night we met, and I'd hate myself if I knew I was responsible for something like that."
"Every time you go away, it hurts," Félix whispers.
"I'll always come back to you."
"I know. I trust you. It's what keeps me going when I don't think I can."
"I love you," Davian says. "I know a lot of people think I don't, but I do.”
“I know you do.”
“Sometimes I just suck at the emotional stuff, you know? Like, saying how I feel and everything. I get overwhelmed, and like, sometimes it feels easier to run than to deal with it."
“I don’t want you to run,” Félix tells him. “If you feel that way, I want you to tell me, so I can help.”
“I know, but it’s hard, and I kinda worry that my problems will be too much for you. I’m supposed to be protecting you.”
“Running isn’t protecting me,” Félix says.
“Neither is dropping all my emotional baggage on you,” says Davian.
“I’d rather have you and your baggage than to be alone. It might not be easy or elegant to say how you feel, but we’d both suffer less if you’d try.”
"I know."
“Will you?”
“Try to say what’s going on in my head? Yeah,” Davian says. “I’ll do my best.”
“That’s all I expect.”
"I'm sorry about all that crap that happened last weekend, too," Davian says. "You know, about the support group. That was me not being able to express stuff. Again."
Félix passes the back of his hand across his eyes, wiping away a bit more moisture. He sniffles, and is grateful that his emotional outburst seems to have been momentary. "We haven't talked about it, have we?" he says.
"No, but I wasn't sure you wanted to."
"Did you want to?"
"Maybe a little bit," Davian admits.
"Anything in particular?" Félix asks. "Have you changed your mind, now that you've been there?"
"I don't know. Not really? I'm still uncomfortable with it and I don't know if I'm going to be friends with any of those people, but..."
"But what?"
"I can tell you're going to be friends with some of them, and maybe you were right. Maybe that'll be good for you."
"I think I could become friends with Tae and Dylan," Félix says. "I'm not certain about the other one. I don't think he's interested in being anyone's friend."
"Yeah, that guy. I didn't like the way he and his wife were looking at you. They're the sort of people I was worried about. Judgy, rich white people who think they're better than everybody."
"I wanted you to be wrong about that," Félix says.
"I wish I was, but I have the feeling I'm not."
"Regardless of those people, I think it''ll help me to be there," Félix says. "The only thing I really didn't like about last Saturday was how Dylan's husband kept staring at you."
Davian shrugs slightly. "He could be one of my followers. Maybe it was a big deal for him to be in the presence of somebody who's almost famous."
Despite himself, Félix laughs. "That had better be all it is."
"I doubt you've got anything to worry about with him. To me, he seems really devoted to his husband. But, I guess we'll find out if we keep going to the group."
"You want to keep going?"
"I want you to be happy," Davian says. "I'm not super thrilled about going, but if you think it's what you need, I'll do it for you."
"I do think it's what I need. We're going to be experiencing things that no one else will understand and a lot of people won't accept. From today, those people might be the only ones we know who'll truly be able to identify with us."
"That makes sense, I guess. It's just..."
"Just that you don't want to be friends with them?"
"No," Davian says. "That they don't want to be friends with me. You know how it is. People are nice to you because you gotta be polite out there in society, but they're really just thinking the worst. Sometimes I'm sure you're the only real friend I have. Like, even most people who I believe are good friends usually find some excuse not to be around me after a while. You're the only one who never gets tired of having me around"
"I love you. I'll never be tired of having you around," Félix says. "If it were up to me, I'd never be apart from you."
"I'm gonna try to do better after this," Davian says. "At not being apart from you, I mean. I might still have to go to San Myshuno sometimes, for real work stuff, but I'll tell you if I'm going. Would that be better?"
"Anything's better than coming home to an empty flat," Félix says. "I don't ever want to find a note and a vase of flowers again. Not unless you're there holding them."
"So, what I'm hearing is that if I have to go to San My, you still want flowers."
"Yes. Delivered personally," Félix says. "And I'll want you to kiss me goodbye like we're in a film, and you have to promise to call or text me every day. And if I really need you, I want you to come home straight away."
"Do you think you'd ever need me that urgently?"
"I don't know," Félix says. "I hope not, but our baby will be growing, and I don't think we can predict whether or not there'll be complications."
"Let's hope there aren't any," Davian says, but then he smiles. "Our baby will be growing. I like how you say that. After today, we're seriously on this crazy ride, aren't we? We're actually pregnant now."
"Not officially. We still have to wait ten days to know for certain," Félix reminds him. "But, I have a good feeling."
"Have I told you how brave you are for doing this?"
"Yes, but you can tell me again."
"You're amazing, brave and beautiful," Davian says. "We're gonna make this work, I promise. It doesn't matter what anybody says. We'll get through this, and we'll have our beautiful baby, and then we'll be able to say 'we told you so' to everybody who judged us."
"I don't care about saying 'I told you so'," says Félix. "All I want is you and our baby. You're all I need. Just be with me, and I know we will get through this."
Davian's response is to lean down and kiss him. It's unexpected but certainly not unwanted, and Félix finds himself returning it with a hungry intensity. Vaguely, it occurs to him that perhaps this isn't an appropriate time or place, considering that some staff person might walk into the room at any time, but he doesn't care. He also has the amused thought that it's fortunate he's so weak and exhausted, because if he were feeling well, he and Davian might create a dilemma for themselves that'd be challenging to explain to any accidental witnesses.
After several seconds, they break apart to catch their breath. Then, Davian carefully helps him move over, and climbs up onto the narrow bed with him. The bed was obviously not designed for two people, but they snuggle so close that it doesn't matter.
Félix wants to surrender his consciousness to the inexorable tug of sleep, and he tells Davian that he wants to rest until the nurse or some other medical person arrives to check on him. Davian strokes his hair and tells him it's okay. He should sleep if he needs to.
As he drifts off, he lets himself think hopeful thoughts. It seems he and Davian have turned an important corner in their relationship, and Davian appears more willing to make adjustments than Félix had expected. He's sure it's their baby who's inspiring this newfound desire to improve. There have been times during the past several weeks when he's been so uncertain and so frightened that he'd nearly changed his mind about going through with the procedure, but now he's sure they're making the right choice.
He slides the palm of his hand down to where he can feel the little bandage on his stomach, through the thin fabric of the hospital gown. His belly is flat and his stomach muscles are toned and firm, but soon... soon it will be different. Soon, everything will be different.
I know it'll be a while, but I'm already looking forward to meeting you, he tells their baby in his imagination. You don't know it yet, but you're going to make everything so much better, and we're going to have the life we've dreamed about. Having you will change everything.
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Our December flash fiction piece, A Lightwood Christmas Carol, is the second part of a two part story. If you didn't read part one last month, or want to refresh your memory, click here:
Otherwise, read on!
“So,” Gideon said to Will the next night as they patrolled together in Mayfair, “the whole thing was a wash. I’m not murdering some poor bastard’s dog.”
Patrol with Will was normally a relaxing experience for Gideon. They enjoyed each other’s company, and demons had become so scarce in London that almost all of the time it was only a night stroll with a friend. Will even periodically recommended that they investigate for any suspicious activity in some local public house known to him.
Tonight, of course, there would be no ordering a quick round as a cover story for interrogating, i.e. merrily chatting up, the barstaff; Will was far too full of Christmas spirit. He had insisted on taking them by Trafalgar Square and spent many minutes in admiration of its temporary giant tree, and had stopped—twice!—to admire groups of carolers and applaud them. Gideon was bearing up well, he thought, considering. He even got into the spirit a very tiny amount, which is to say he was willing to eat some of the roast chestnuts Will bought.
Now Tatiana (and the dog news) had deflated Will’s mood, and Gideon felt a little badly about it. Will was frowning thoughtfully. “Why not just offer her money?” he said.
Gideon sighed. “Because Tatiana has plenty of money, all of our family money. And Gabriel and I have only our salaries as Shadowhunters. She doesn’t need money.”
Will looked scornful. “Everybody likes more money.”’
“Normally I would agree with you,” Gideon said, shaking his head, “but you did not see Tatiana’s state of mind. She cannot be approached in the way you would approach a rational person. I must do this task for her, but of course I cannot. Hurt a dog, of all things. I would never. Disgusting.”
Will stood looking past him for a long moment, and eventually Gideon said, “Will?”
“We will take care of it,” Will suddenly said. His gaze snapped back to Gideon’s face, and he was smiling. “We will give Tatiana what she wants, and we will not hurt any animals in the process.”
“We?” said Gideon, raising his eyebrows.
“Well, it’s my plan,” Will said reasonably. “So obviously I’ll be along.”
Despite himself, a smile played at the edges of Gideon’s mouth. That was the one thing he had over Tatiana, after all. He wasn’t alone.
The front door of Chiswick House swung open with somewhat more speed than it had two days prior, and Tatiana’s suspicious face appeared. She was wearing the same dress she had been wearing before, to Gideon’s dismay. In her left hand she carried the cleaned skull of some unidentifiable small mammal; Gideon didn’t wish to inquire why.
Tatiana’s glare quickly moved from Gideon to Will, who was bopping up and down nervously behind him. Will had insisted on coming, against Gideon’s better judgment, and only now did he realize the possibility that Tatiana might not even see him if Will was along.
Will, for his part, did his best. “Hullo, Tatiana my love,” he said. “Many greetings of the season! How excellently you’ve kept up the place.”
Tatiana blinked at him, startled out of whatever she had been about to shout. Gideon knew that Will had three good nips of brandy in him, and reckoned that was probably the best way to handle the situation. Meet the unexpected with the unexpected.
“Why have you brought my nemesis to my house?” Tatiana said, in the same tone she might have used if she were asking why Gideon had failed to return a book he’d borrowed.
“Crikey,” said Will. “Nemesis? Tatiana, I bear you no ill will. Have I ever, even once, interfered with your life? With your going about your business?”
“Yes,” said Tatiana. “Twice. Once when you murdered my husband, and once when you murdered my father.”
Will made a choked noise. “I murdered your father because he murdered your husband! And I didn’t murder him, he’d changed into some kind of great serpent.”
“A worm, Will,” said Gideon quietly. “He was a giant worm. Not a serpent.”
“As I remember,” said Will, “it were a great wyrm, from the depths of the Abyss, that we dispatched.”
“It was not,” said Gideon.
“It was my father,” ground out Tatiana, “and I wish to know, Gideon, why you have brought him here? I asked you to perform a task for me.”
“And I have performed it,” Gideon said briskly. “Mr. Herondale was good enough to come along, to help protect me from this most vicious of dogs that you described.”
“It’s actually quite vicious,” Will agreed.
“If you’ll just let us come in,” Gideon said.
Tatiana squinted at both of them as if trying to see through a possible glamour. “Well, come in, then. But you won’t get tea.”
“Tatiana,” Will said with an understanding chuckle. “There’s obviously no way I would ever consume any food or drink at your house.”
This was going rather well, Gideon thought.
Ensconced back in his father’s office, with no tea offered nor taken, Tatiana said, “Well?”
Gideon reached into his jacket and lay a dog’s collar, a weathered length of leather cord, down on the desktop with a flourish.
Tatiana looked at it and then up at him. “What is this?”
“It is the dog’s collar,” Gideon said. “A trophy of our dispatching it.”
She looked at it again. “This tells me nothing. You could simply have taken the collar off of that dog.”
“Madam,” said Will, “if I may? No man could possibly have taken the collar off of that dog. I would advise no man to put their hand within several feet of that dog’s neck, if they wish to retain said hand. Now that that collar is off, no man could ever put it back on.” He spoke in serious tones.
“I need something more,” Tatiana said. “If you killed the dog, you must know where it is. Go back and bring me the dog’s tail, or something.”
“Tatiana,” Gideon began, but Will interrupted.
“If I may again,” he said, “the dog resides on the far side of the very tall and very pointy iron fence that stands between the dog’s property and the road. Climbing over that fence at all is a feat that I would advise only the most well-trained of Shadowhunters to attempt once, and I would recommend they do it empty-handed, rather than carrying some random bit of dog. I’m afraid that the collar will have to suffice.”
Tatiana sat back and shook her head, dissatisfaction wrinkling her mouth. “Proof that you have dispatched the dog,” she said, “and not merely that you have encountered it.”
Gideon waited for Will to jump in again, but Will was silent. He seemed unsure how to proceed. Finally, he said, “Tatiana, give him the papers. Because it’s Christmas.”
“What?” said Gideon in disbelief.
Tatiana looked at Will with loathing. “Mundane holidays are meaningless to me.”
“I should have guessed, yes,” muttered Will.
“Please,” said Gideon, at the end of his rope. “My son—he’s…he’s like your son.” Tatiana stared at him in silence for a moment, so he pressed on. “He’s…he’s very small, and he’s often ill, and we worry about his survival. We worry about when we will put Marks on him. Like you do, with your son.”
Tatiana continued to watch Gideon in silence with a lizard-like stare.
“I know we do not see eye-to-eye on our family history,” he said doggedly, and ignored Will’s quiet hmph! from beside him. “But we are family nevertheless, and we may both have…inherited something. From our father. Something we’ve now passed to our sons. I must look through the papers to see if there is any clue there.”
She stared for a long and agonizing moment, and then she said, “Get out of my house.”
“Tatiana,” he began.
“How dare you compare your son and mine!” she said, her voice rising in volume. “Anyone could guess where the weakness in your son originates, and it is obviously with your decision to mix your blood with the most mundane you could find!” Her voice had risen to a shout.
“Sophie is an Ascended Shadowhunter!” Will shouted back, staunchly, and Gideon realized he was happy that Will was there.
“I don’t care!” Tatiana shouted. “My son is of the blood of two of the oldest of the Shadowhunter families. He is not weak like your son. Go back to your weakness, Gideon. Get out of my sight, get out of my house, and do not darken my door again. I have not missed your company, nor your brother’s, and I am relieved that my child will not grow up under the corrupting influence of either of you.”
Gideon made to stand up, but Will said “Tatiana, if I may yet again,” and he sat back down. Tatiana glowered at him. “I think,” Will went on, in a newly serious tone, “that if you and I could step outside into the hallway for a moment and talk in private—just for a moment. Give me three minutes, that is all. And after that, we will depart and we promise never to return. Right, Gideon?”
Gideon did not much wish to promise never to return to the house he’d grown up in, so he only said, “Whatever you wish.”
Tatiana examined Will’s face carefully, and then said, “You have two minutes, starting from this moment.” She rose from her seat and made for the door.
“Will, what are you—” Gideon began.
Will put the tip of his finger to his lips to quiet Gideon. “Trust me,” he said. “I believe that I can create a Christmas miracle.”
Helplessly Gideon watched his sister and his friend depart and close the door behind them. The seconds ticked by. Two minutes passed, then another two, then three more.
Then Tatiana came back into the room, followed by Will. Gideon tried to read Will’s expression, but it was neutral, nonchalant.
In Tatiana’s hands were two notebooks, packed with loose papers supplementing their own contents. Their covers, and the loose pages, were densely smeared with soot. “The papers of Benedict Lightwood,” she said. “You do not deserve them. And I am not gifting them to you. They are part of the house, and the house is mine, and they are also mine. You shall have them to peruse or copy at your leisure for the term of one week, and if they are not returned by that date, in their original condition, may the Angel have mercy on your souls. Both of you,” she added in Will’s direction.
Will threw up his hands in surrender. “I really just came for the dog-wrestling.”
Wondering, Gideon took the papers from her. He turned to look at Will, who murmured to him, “A Christmas miracle,” with a small smile.
“Come now,” Gideon said in the carriage on the way back from Chiswick, “what did you say to Tatiana to make her concede?”
It was snowing, that rare snow with very little wind, so flakes fell in a picturesque fluttering, rather than battering at the carriage like they might have as they made their way through Hammersmith, back in the direction of Central London. Will leaned back in his seat and gazed out the window.
“Well, if you must know,” he said, “I delivered an extremely well-considered speech, touching on the topics of the importance of family, the virtue of forgiveness, the need for all Shadowhunters to be allied in the fight against demons, the smallness of the sacrifice being asked of her, the pointlessness of revenge, and, of course, the giving nature of the season.”
“Yes,” said Will eagerly. “And then, I counted banknotes totalling two hundred British pounds sterling directly into her hand.”
“Will!” said Gideon, shocked.
“I told you,” Will said airily. “Everyone likes money. Even mad revenge-seeking sisters, with the dried blood of their husbands on their frocks, like money.”
Gideon was flummoxed. It was an enormous sum. “You didn’t have to do that, Will,” he said. “She doesn’t deserve the money.”
“What she doesn’t deserve,” Will said hotly, ��is the moral victory. It was money well-spent to be gone from that house.”
Gideon opened the journals, marveling at Will Herondale. His financial standing was better than Gideon’s own, surely, but two hundred pounds was an enormous amount of money, well more than Will could throw away on a lark. And yet he’d not hesitated to wield that money for Gideon’s sake, had in fact, Gideon now realized, brought the money with him on purpose.
So strange, Gideon thought with a sidelong look at Will, who continued harrumphing to himself quietly in victory. At this moment this boy he’d despised as a child was more his family than his own actual sister. And he found he was able to accept that. A Christmas miracle indeed.
“I really had better return these to Tatiana in a week,” he said, examining the journals again before he started reading. “Or she’s like to set a demon on me.”
Will chuckled. “Ha. Maybe she would at that.”
Gideon paused. “She might, you know. All jokes aside. It’s a legitimate possibility.”
“It is,” agreed Will, a little more grimly.
Minutes passed, during which Gideon skimmed the papers, frowning. After a time he found himself back at the beginning, and he wrinkled his brow, bemused.
Will turned back from where he had been watching the Bath Road go by. “What is it?” he said.
“There’s nothing here,” Gideon said, frustrated. “Plenty of terrible things, of course. My father was a…a…” He struggled for the right word.
“Monster?” suggested Will.
“Pervert,” said Gideon carefully. He shuffled through the pages until he found one that was only an elaborate diagram his father had made up in pencil and showed it to Will.
Will blinked at it. “Jiminy,” he said.
“But there’s nothing here that would cause weakness or fragility in his descendants,” Gideon went on. “No curses, no hexes, no demon poisons….”
“Only the pox, then,” Will said dryly.
“Yes, but that isn’t hereditary,” Gideon said. “We looked into that years ago for our own sakes.” He shuffled the papers. “All that trouble, and for nothing. Thomas remains frail and I remain unable to do anything for him.”
There was a silence and then Will said, “Gideon, it is Christmastime, and Christmas is a time to tell the truth. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“If you say so,” Gideon said, waving his hand. From his experience Christmas a time to sing in the street and eat a goose, but who knew what strange traditions Will had from his mundane childhood. “In any event, I’d agree you should tell the truth whatever the time of year.”
“Gideon,” Will said, clapping his hand on Gideon’s shoulder. “There is nothing wrong whatsoever with Thomas.”
Gideon sighed. “That’s very kind of you to say, Will, but—”
“But nothing. Thomas is just small. Sometimes children are small. He’s not cursed or hexed.”
“He gets sick,” Gideon pressed. “All the time.”
Will laughed. “Do you have any idea how sick Cecily was as an infant? She was colicky, and then she had fevers…she cried more than she slept, those first few years.”
“And then what?”
Will threw up his hands. “And then nothing! She grew! She fell ill less and less often. That is the way of children. And we did not have terrifying mute telepathic doctors to take care of us. Does Thomas eat? Does he exert himself when he does feel well?”
“Yes,” Gideon admitted.
“Well then,” said Will, leaning back as if his point was made. “Put your mind aside from your supposed cursed family. Tatiana’s son is sickly—does that surprise you, now you’ve seen the house? Now you’ve seen Tatiana? No, of course not.” He looked at Gideon intently. “Thomas’s only trouble,” he said firmly, “is that he is an adorable wee thing.”
Gideon stared at Will. Then he broke into laughter. Will laughed too, his usual hearty chuckle, and Gideon found himself feeling better. He was still worried about Thomas—he would be for a few years, he knew, until the boy had passed the time of worrisome childhood ailments and could be protected with runes—but he felt better nonetheless. He had thought of many ways he might feel on the way back from his sister’s house, but “better” had not been one of them.
“Christmas miracle,” Will whispered gleefully.
Well, thought Gideon. Some kind of miracle, anyway.
#the infernal devices#the last hours#tid#tlh#gideon lightwood#cassandra clare#tsc#shadowhunters#cassandra jean#william herondale#flash fiction
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A Thomas Lightwood Bisexual Story (Part 2 and final) takes place after Chain of Gold so will have spoilers!!
-That is quite the story. Though i must admit,i would never expect such a thing from you,Tom.-Matthew said,with a grin on his face.
Thomas really wanted to hide his face in a hole somewhere,he knew that at least one of his friends would make fun of him because of the way they found him at the Devil Tavern.
And of course,it had to be Matthew,which wasn't that surprising,since he was the Libertine of The Merry Thieves. James and Christopher were too shocked to tease him about anything.
-Not sure if i will ever even sit on that bed again. Perhaps it would be better if Christopher burned those sheets.-Said James.
-Indeed! I have always wanted to set fire in that bed. It annoyed me,though i can't recall the reason why.-Said Christopher.
Thomas rolled his eyes.
-Do as you please. It's not like something like this will ever happen again. I was a little drunk yesterday as well,surely we can blame this on the alcohol.-Said Thomas.
-If you say so. Perhaps we could just ask the Italian girl if we see her. It is very likely that she will appear at the Institute eventually.-Said Matthew.
-Then i should really make myself scarce.-Thomas said.
-Why worry? I was under the impression that she told you herself that it would mean nothing,and that it wouldn't be like you ruined her.-James asked.
-It would still be very awkward. I am such an awful pill! I was out of my mind completely! My mother would be ashamed of what i did! And Eugenia...-Thomas was saying,but Matthew stopped him.
-There is absolutely no need to fret over this,Thomas. Let it be then. This girl is probably smart enough to ignore you completely.-Said Matthew.
-That seems unlikely. We are having a gathering at the Institute today,to celebrate the destruction of the Mandikhor.-James said.
Thomas shook his head.
-Bloody hell! You have to be kidding me!-Said Thomas.
-I understand you frustration,dearest cousin. I was also hoping i could spend the afternoon in the lab,until my father literally told me he would lock me in the lab for an entire month if i didn't show up at the Institute today.-Said Christopher.
-Apparently,Uncle Gabriel maybe worried that you are lacking social skills. Perhaps he wishes to introduce you to beautiful ladies?-Said Matthew,smiling.
-Haven't i met every beautiful lady in the Enclave by now?-Christopher asked.
-Cease the conversation! Do you not see that our Tom here is deeply scared of seeing the italian girl again?-Said James,laughing.
Thomas tried to laugh as well,that is what he should be doing. But he simply couldn't,he was way too embarassed.
He did not wanted to see Giovanna again.
The Merry Thieves were finally at the Institute,which was indeed,full of people. Seemed like the celebration was being taken seriously.
Thomas was feeling uneasy,knowing that Giovanna could literally pop up out of nowhere to haunt him. He could have avoided all of that,if he had listened to reason.
It seemed pointless to think about that now. It was probably better if he focused on acting as normally as he could.
-Is everything okay,Tommy? You look rather pale.-Said a voice Thomas knew very well.
Gideon. His father. Thomas could not help but wonder how Gideon would react if he revealed his doings of the last night.
-I am fine. Just wasn't really in the mood for a party now.-Said Thomas,without looking to Gideon's eyes.
Gideon shrugged.
-Just try to have fun. Your friends seem to be enjoying themselves.-Said Gideon,pointing to the rest of the Merry Thieves.
Thomas approached them,and Matthew pulled him close.
-Have you seen our ragazza already? You must be quite scared,eh?-Asked Matthew,laughing.
-How does he get drunk this quickly?-Asked Thomas.
-It must be his hidden talents,though i'm not really sure how that helps him. Thomas,i already told you,stop worrying about the girl. Your parents will notice your uneasiness.-Said James.
-If it were that easy. Where is Christopher? I thought Uncle Gabriel forced him to come?-Said Thomas.
-Oh he is here! You can see him there,probably explaining about the antidote to my stupid brother and Grace Blackthorn.-Said Matthew.
Thomas looked at them,near the door. Christopher speaked quite quickly about everything. Charles was probably pretending to be interested,since he wanted to become Consul and had to listen to people and their blabbering. Grace was likely dying of boredom.
-She looks stunning in that ivory dress.-James said.
Matthew slapped James' hand.
-You are engaged,Mr.Herondale. Have that in mind before you go drool all over the floor Grace steps on.-Said Matthew.
James seemed to have cursed in a whisper,which wasn't surprising for Thomas. Only their little group of friends knew that James and Cordelia's marriage was a sham.
But Thomas wasn't feeling patient to deal with those things today. He just wished the party would be over quickly so that he could leave the Institute without the risk of seeing Giovanna again.
One could only hope,and that was exactly what Thomas was going to do.
"Hours Later"
-Are you looking for anyone in specific,Tom? Or have you forgotten how the Institute's ballroom looked like?-Anna asked,she sat beside him,looking stunning as always.
-I'm actually trying to avoid someone that may or may not show up.-Said Thomas.
-That seems to be very dull. This whole celebration is actually turning to be quite a bore. Good thing my parents won't mind if i leave to go to the Hell Ruelle today.-Said Anna,smiling.
-Is that so? It doesn't surprise me that you prefer that scandalous place over a simple ball.-Said Thomas.
-Oh i assure you,the Hell Ruelle is more than just scandalous. You should come with me sometime. You will have the time of your life.-Said Anna.
Thomas didn't quite knew if Anna was being serious or not. She probably found him way too dull to enjoy a place like the Hell Ruelle. But he wouldn't have to worry about seeing Giovanna again if he left the party.
Thomas didn't knew if Gideon or Sophie would mind,but he wasn't worried either. The Hell Ruelle did seem to be quite scandalous. But after what he did,why not give it a shot?
-Anna,before you leave,please try to find me. I want to go to the Hell Ruelle along with you.-Said Thomas.
Anna's eyes widened with surprise. It has been ages since Thomas last saw Anna surprised with anything.
-Are you absolutely sure? You do know that the Ruelle has a reputation,do you not?-Asked Anna.
Thomas nodded.
-I do,and that is why i wish to go with you.-He said.
Anna simply smiled.
-Follow me then!-She said.
"At the Hell Ruelle"
-This is the Ruelle,Thomas! Be sure of this,you will never find a place like the Ruelle!-Said Anna.
Thomas could barely analyze the place,it was just so full of people,and every single one of them were downworlders. The blue fire of the warlocks gave the place a unique atmosphere.
He recognized some of the famous downworlders,like Magnus Bane and his cat eyes,Malcolm Fade and Hypatia Vex,that was smiling and talking to Anna.
Thomas wasn't expecting Anna to keep him company,it was obvious that she was there to entertain herself more than anything. Perhaps he should just do the same.
Thomas went to the bar table,where a Ifrit with four arms and jade colored skin was serving drinks. His expression changed slightly to one of distaste. Probably because Thomas was a Shadowhunter.
-Nephilim. Do you wish to drink something?-He asked,his voice was so husky.
Thomas took a few seconds to answer. He felt so out of place there,he needed something to make him feel more...at home.
-I want something strong. I wish to get drunk as quickly as possible.-Thomas said.
Weirdly,the Ifrit smiled,his teeth were as yellow as his eyes.
-That can be taken care of.-He said.
The Ifrit filled a glass with champagne,and then threw some pink colored powder in it.
-Drink it,Nephilim,and you will not remember a single thing when you wake up tomorrow.-The Ifrit said.
Thomas only nodded,and drank all the champagne,until the glass was completely empty.
He immediately felt quite dizzy,as if everything around him was spinning.
He walked to where the downworlders were dancing. It was quite a different dance,their bodies where so close,that was something Thomas would never see in the balls of the Shadowhunters.
-Yes! Shadowhunters are so dull! We are a great bore!-Thomas said,he felt like he was screaming,but the sound of the music was probably louder than his voice.
He bumped into someone,and nearly fell to the ground. Whatever it was the Ifrit gave him,it was definitely working.
Thomas looked at the boy whose he had just bumped. It was definitely a warlock,his skin had a very bright blue tone,almost white. His hair was pale as the moon,his eyes were star-shapped,just like the ones of Hypatia Vex,and were as green as the forest.
The boy was really handsome,in that magic and supernatural way only warlocks could be. He smiled to Thomas.
-An angel in the Hell Ruelle? Are you not lost,angel boy?-He asked.
Thomas shook his head.
-I want to be here! I'm not as dull as everyone thinks! And i'm not just kind!-Thomas said.
He barely had control of his words,but something inside him felt like he would have a huge headache tomorrow.
-You surely are not dull! As a matter of fact,you seem to be the more interesting here!-He said.
Thomas got closer to him,almost without realizing. The warlock was quite handsome. And he did seemed interesting as well.
It was almost like Thomas felt an attraction to him. Which wasn't that surprising for Thomas. He knew at least that much about himself.
Though he did not know what to do know.
-You are interesting too! Do you have a name,mate!?-Thomas asked.
The warlock boy laughed.
-Would you remember it tomorrow if i tell you?-He asked,smiling.
-I cannot promise you that!-Thomas said.
And all of a sudden,his mouth was on Thomas',and they were kissing quite fiercely. His mouth tasted like a combination of wine and blue ruin.
It was a bittersweet sensation,almost addictive. Thomas felt like he could use some more of that.
His skin started to feel hot,as if the entire place began to burn. He unbuttoned his shirt,but the warlock boy stopped him.
-If you wish to go further,angel boy,them it will have to be in a more private place.-He said.
Thomas shrugged,almost taking his shirt off.
-I don't give a bloody hell!-Thomas shouted,the warlock laughed and grabbed him by his tie,taking him in to one of the inner chambers.
This one had a sapphire color,full of blue diamonds and other blue gems,like lapis lazuli,aquamarine and indicolite.
He threw Thomas on the bed,and began to take his clothes off. Thomas kicked off his shoes and took off his socks,his shirt was open.
He wasn't thinking straight,deep down he knew that. His mind was rather foggy. But what he was doing now,it didn't felt wrong.
The warlock was nearly nude,he crashed on Thomas as he layed on the bed. His light blue chest pressed against Thomas' skin,they were burning.
They kissed violently,Thomas' hands running down the back of the boy whose name he didn't even knew.
But it didn't matter,he wouldn't remember it anyways. Thomas removed his shirt and tossed it on the floor,he left the bed and managed to somehow lock the door.
And then he was back to the bed,and the night went on.
"The Next Day"
Thomas woke up in a place completely unknown too him. The only thing he realized at first was that it was all too blue.
The second thing he noticed was that he wasn't wearing any clothes. But there were no bed sheets covering him this time.
"Again? Must be a record or something." He thought.
And the third,and most surprising,was the blue warlock,nude as well,beside on the bed,still asleep.
Thomas quickly got up,looking at everything around him. He didn't exactly remembered what he had been up to. He couldn't remember the boy's name,and his head was exploding.
His clothes were in very unusual places around the blue room,much to his dismay.
-Did this really happened? Have i really done this? Oh Raziel! If my father could see me right now.-Thomas said,he was pretty sure the sleeping warlock was unable to hear him.
Thomas smiled,and then started to laugh a little bit. He was feeling many things,but regret was not one of them.
Perhaps it was just silly to think about Alastair. Thomas did not need him for anything. Anna was right about the Hell Ruelle after all.
He didn't knew if he would ever return,but he did knew himself a lot better right now.
And he was happy with that.
#cassandra clare#chain of gold#james herondale#the last hours#thomas lightwood#alastair carstairs#matthew fairchild#christopher lightwood#the merry thieves#original character
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QfG Rants and Remakes part 5
Big thanks to both @agathasarmy and @yarasquad for sharing their ideas with me and believing that I could actually make a coherent rant without being too swallowed up by my emotions and hopefully I'll be able to do the same here.
P.S. Imma change the title of the next Rants and Remakes cause it's definitely not focusing on QfG anymore and it's gonna focus of AWWP so yeah...there's that to look forward too.
Chaddick & Yara + Tagatha interlude
Note: This post was originally gonna be titled "Chaddick & Yara + Mourning the Departed" and would have turned out as how it is explained below but as I was writing about Chaddick I realized that I needed to talk about something concerning Tagatha and realized that this post would have been too long for all three so I gonna move the "Mourning of Departed" in its own post. Hope you guys understand. Tagatha has a strong pull with me.
Imma actually gonna outline this cause I need to organize my thoughts and at least with this I could remember the direction that I would be heading.
First part's definitely going to talk about how Chaddick and Yara's death is bs
Then imma explain why them staying alive would have impacted the TCY storyline a lot more meaningfully (p.s. this is where the Tagatha interlude will be found)
And last (and this has been moved to its own post so stay tuned for it), I would also like to nitpick Soman's obvious lack of thought when it comes to the characters that have departed (mainly Callis and Lady Lesso and August Sader) and how it should have affected the characters (mainly Sophie and Agatha)
How Chaddick and Yara could have helped the storyline better
WARNING: I realized while writing this that I kinda made Chaddick and Yara more flawed than they are writen because I have to think about their character growth and they can't have that without having any flaws. So expect some more drama with these two than needed as I share my thoughts on how their characters could have went. They get better in the end believe me.
So I think that everyone in the fandom is one with the idea that Chaddick's death was one of the MOST worst decisions that Soman made.
As @agathasarmy said it once, Chaddick's death is more frustrating than sad because of how out of nowhere it is.
Via @agathasarmy:
but… Chaddick??? dying??? IN THE BEGINNING OF THE SERIES????
Chaddick's death felt hollow because it was a PLOT DEVICE. It didn't (or at least Soman didn't) conscider Chaddick much of a character but a means and once this happens some deaths can be very very hollow.
Like his POV chapter was very hard to read all because especially once you find out that he's dead by the end of it (SHAME SOMAN, SHAME) because his story and plot had so much potential. We weren't able to properly feel sad about his lost because we didn't get to know him better.
It just feels tragic. So much potential lost, all because Soman wanted Tedros to feel vulnerable because he lost his close friend.
I explained already why this is bull and I'm gonna explain later what could have happened for Chaddick's character.
But in summary on why Soman didn't need to do it: EXPECTATIONS
Chaddick and Tedros would have been stressed out with all the expectations and comparison with Arthur and Lancelot. One wrong move could have broke them apart easily.
But Soman could have also not wanted to deal with Chaddick against his Sophie obssession so there could be that too.
Now, Yara.
Our little Soft Girl
She should not have died.
She really shouldn't have
W h y ?
Because her being alive would have impacted the story more than her death ever did. Just like Chaddick.
And if the problem was what she could have affected in the storyline in TLEA, then she could have been on the sides like. . . as Tristan from time to time or something.
Her being alive would have not affected or change TLEA at all. Like if more important characters like the Coven and the League can fade into the background then so could she.
But I really don't imagine her being in the school for New Evil with Aric as Dean. No, maybe Yuba could have hidden her with the League and she could have accompanied Princess Uma when they were getting Tedros and Agatha and then accompanied the Leuge or something.
Really it would have been that simple. C'mon.
Plus Kiko has been reduced to wreck after that. At least, with Yara being alive she could have fixed herself a bit more.
Now, let's get to the juicier part, what could these two have contributed to the TCY storyline.
On Chaddick
It's pretty obvious what Chaddick's role should have been. He should have been important to the plot because his role would have been about breaking the comparison between the Past and the Present (see Soman, it could have been integrated into your canon plot) between him, Tedros, and Agatha to Lancelot, Arthur, and Gwen.
I'm pretty sure that Camelot has its eyes on these three.
It's pretty freaking convenient that they all have a predecessor to be compared to. And I'm pretty sure that it's not just Camelot who notices the pattern. I mean the whole freaking Woods read about this affair.
So Chaddick, along with Tedros and Agatha, should have been the ones that break this chain. It could have symbolized that Camelot was entering into a new, better era after a similar relationship broke it.
Like, a King, his beloved Queen and his most trusted Knight brought hope but ended in a Tragedy.
Now, another King, his beloved Queen and his most trusted Knight are skeptically judged for having the same pattern and they instead bring the Glory that first trio didn't
With Tedros, Agatha, and Chaddick united with each other bringing Camelot out of its traumatic experience with Tedros's parents, Camelot finally accepting that these three are not the same as Arthur, Gwen, and Lance and fully supporting them DESPITE the fear, would have been a much stronger message of that 'the past doesn't always repeat itself.'
Because with Rhian being known and most propably remembered as Tedros's most trusted Knight and betraying him in the end, it's like a copy of what Lance technically did to Arthur.
It just further proved that Camelot's King would always be betrayed by the ones they trust most.
Sadly for Arthur, he was betrayed by both Gwen and Lance and they left him alone.
While Tedros still has Agatha but without Chaddick the lesson simply is not learned.
Chaddick was integral to this formula because Camelot would have had to face yet another propable tragedy for their beloved King in the hands of the people he loves. With Tedros, Agatha, and Chaddick, complete, proving that they could do better despite having just a strong a bond as what Arthur and co had and Camelot accepting and trsuting this, the previous wounds would be replaced with new Hope.
Because even if that whole affair happened and ruined the Kingdom, at least they have proof that it's not always gonna happen that way.
And that's why Rhian being remembered as Tedros's Knight hurts this idea. Cause he betrayed him too.
Anyway, hopefully I made my point with this legacy thing.
Plus Chaddick and Arthur's Round Table training him. WHY SOMAN WHY?!?!?!
And now, imma explain what I think should have happened with Chaddick and how his character development and his role should have played out.
Because Chaddick is a pretty well rounded character, his POV chapter proves that he's brave, and is willing to die for his friends and what's right, and there isn't really much flaws to him aside from that he can sometimes make the most worst decisions despite being pretty wise.
I honestly cannot tell if he is stupid sometimes or Soman just does this to him cause PLOT.
Fandom I need help with this. Give me some opinions.
Like. . . he's wise enough to know what was right, examples being warning Tedros about Sophie and the first to listen to Agatha in AWWP, but also dumb or ignorant enough to bully Agatha in Book 1 and that VERY IMPORTANT THING ABOUT completely ABUSING Tedros is AWWP.
Like I'm kinda confused with him.
Well maybe we can say that he's a bit ignorant and maybe was raised with privilege so that's why he bullied Agatha in Book 1 and kinda wisened up in Book 2 about her.
But I am not excusing his attitude towards Tedros in AWWP because that was messed up. Well, AWWP was messed up so there is that but if we have to acknowledge that mess and have some closure then I vote for it to come from Chaddick and Yara.
Like maybe the reason why Chaddick is more wise now is because of that very experience. Maybe he could still be a bit guilty about it and that kinda messes with his mind cause he still thinks that Tedros is still the same boy those years ago in their second year and Rhian uses this to his advantage.
Actually, thinking about it this makes so much sense.
Like instead of AGATHA having the trust issues (thought I wouldn't completely vanish it, just not at the same level as she does in canon) it's CHADDICK that has them. Cause he's always kinda gets haunted by what happened in AWWP.
I mean Tedros replaced him with ARIC of all people when he failed to retrieve Agatha. There has to be some animosity between them since. I can imagine that Chaddick kinda felt like him and Tedros could never be as close as when they were during their first year. And he would totally understand it if Tedros never really forgave him for what happened and was at peace with it even if he didn't have enough guts to find a closure for it. He'd respect his friend first and foremost.
But then comes Tedros, all fine and inviting him to be his Knight like that would mess Chaddick up.
He propably couldn't believe it at first and maybe even kindly refused the offer at first but then he sees the heart break in Tedros's face and Chaddick realizes that Tedros really wanted this.
Tedros still sees Chaddick as his closest friend despite what happened in AWWP. And maybe after some thinking, Chaddick realizes that he still wants to have the bond with Tedros like what they had in Book 1. So he accepts.
But of course, they've changed and Chaddick still gets eaten by guilt because I think that he's the kind of person that knows that he did something wrong and wants to repent for it.
So instead of that wise friend that Tedros had in Book 1, Chaddick can't trust his judgement about Tedros because he's scared he'd go too far. So he kinda just agrees to Tedros's ideas and doesn't really give advice. Tedros kinda notices this and tries to talk to Chaddick about it but Chaddick would be all formal to him. Tedros, I don't really know, would think that it would be for his sake with the comparison with Arthur and Lance and all. So he kinda just goes along with it.
It's messy right now guys, I know, I'm kinda butchering Chaddick's character here but I promise it gets better and in my mind he'd be like this for only Book 4. He'd be Wise Chaddick again right after. Just give me a chance to explain.
So they have this kind of miscommunication thing that Canon Tagatha had in QfG instead and that would have made so much more sense and here's why;
Warning: this is officially where the Tagatha interlude starts so if you wanna skip it (why though???) find the sign that states it's the end. It's gonna be in pink too.
The fact that Tagatha was having a miscommunication failure was kinda off with me because 1) they've been over this in AWWP and TLEA. In TLEA Tedros has absolutely no problem with pushing Agatha to share more when she wouldn't and 2) he could easily read her like a book, especially when it counts. Like he could get her favorite food wrong but he always seemed to know what Agatha was having trouble with and was there to help her out and is not afraid to call her out on it (i.e. the Cinderella thing, he was on point there)
Imma provide some examples of Tedros totally getting Agatha when it counts;



WAIT THERE IS MORE (The Tagatha Moment)


I get that Agatha's insecure about herself and maybe she was kinda influenced with the Excalibur thing (but I highly doubt it though) but it's no reason for her to get to the conclusion she did at the end of QfG.
I mean girl, you were always thinking that Tedros would be a Great King in TLEA and that's why you've been so insecure about yourself. WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT???
Someone call me out on this PLEASE. I'm hurting myself by judging her too hard.
I can imagine that she would be sceptical with Tedros's ideas and kinda doubting him about it (you guys have no idea how much it hurts typing this) but I can also imagine that she would never doubt that Tedros's heart is in the right place even if she thinks that the way he gets there isn't always the best.
Like we have literal proof that Tedros gets Agatha almost like Sophie does and the best thing is that I'm sure that Tedros would think of the best in mind.
The mess in QfG makes no sense because they should be over this miscommunication bs and it should not have been a thing.
And if it was because of the stress with Excalibur and his responsibilities as King that made Tedros suddenly not get Agatha then WTF Soman!?!?!? I did not ask for this. They were literally about to die in TLEA and yet they could still joke and tease each other and have these cute little scenes with the other.
Instead I got Rhian's b*tch ass being Tedros's therapists when he knows sh*t about this boy and Agatha doubting Tedros like he did something horrible. (Well he did for trusting Rhian but i digress)
I could have had more of these cute Tagatha scenes instead. Like, is it too much to ask for these two to just show their love for each other in other ways than "I will save you" and "You're the best thing ever and I don't want to lose you for this horrible thing that I did or say" like give me small softer moments anytime.
Tedros gently teasing Agatha when she's being difficult and Agatha being totally trying not to show that she's smitten over it.
Agatha trying to be romantic at the most outrageous moments and Tedros being like "?????" but totally finding it cute.
Other character just not getting these two when they do and they are just as confused.
These are the kind of scenes I wanted from them. And if I have to use Chaddick to get it then so be it. (I'm sorry about this, I'm mostly projecting at this point and these really affecting my personal opinions on this matter but I'll try to tone it down a bit so that it's still coherent)
Note: this is the official end of the Tagatha interlude but i'm not keeping any promises that it'll be the last
Anyways, Chaddick and Tedros, they have more reasons with having communication problems because;
They have not been together for a very long time and they've both propably changed since
AWWP. So far, the two of them have had horrible experiences as the last thing that they remember about each other.
As I explained, I headcanon that Chaddick has a somewhat formed a sort of PSTD with it and is very scared that he's gonna mess it up.
I'm not even going to try to explain the PSTD thing cause I feel like I'm not gonna do it justice but I hope you get what I mean.
Chaddick must have become more unsure of himself after AWWP and he must still be trying to fit this new Tedros with the old one that he used to hang out with in Book 1. It would have been a good comparison to show that Tedros has indeed change and grown since then.
Like Chaddick kinda feels like he needs to intervene when Tedros shares a very outrageous suggestion but doesn't know how and kinda ends up in a mess.
Basically imagine Tagatha's problems in QfG and apply to Tedros and Chaddick instead.
And Chaddick would have been suspiscious about Rhian from the beginning. He's a smart savy guy afterall.
So Rhian kinda exploits this and gets the two boys against each other. Because say that Tedros and Chaddick have this big fight propably like the one when Agatha comments that Tedros was being a horrible king but Chaddick's the one that said it instead. Say that this happens around the middle of the Book and it's the final straw between them because they haven't been properly communicating and all the pressure on them. Rhian could easily worm his way to Tedros's side and replace Chaddick nicely. Cause unlile Chaddick, Rhian would make Tedros believe that HE'S the one that believes in him the most.
So they kinda fall apart and Chaddick and Tedros are trying to understand where it all went wrong.
Agatha would try to understand each side and get them to better terms again but she can't do it alone plus a-hole Rhian is butting in.
I imagine that, for me, the logical person that Chaddick might approach on his dilema with Tedros might be Ravan.
Cause the two of them basically think the same way and are usually calm and wise. The only difference would be that Chaddick's more active while Ravan's more passive and choses to observe before making a move. So he calms Chaddick down when he's being too impatient.
Chaddick and Agatha would be talking of course. And I don't know why but I imagine that they're more numb to all the gossip about the three of them especially around each other because they're both sort of level headed and wise then when they're with Tedros individually.
And I imagine this is where the Tagatha drama happens. Only after Rhian cause I wanna be clear that without him, Tagatha would have been fine. He also tries to break them up by saying that Agatha sides with Chaddick and that she doesn't have much faith in Tedros too.
Agatha's going to deny this of course (because it's all bs from Rhian) but Tedros has been too stressed and vulnerable that he sorta starts to believe it and Agatha gets frustrated that Tedros is choosing to believe Rhian when she's known him longer and after everything that they've been through.
But Tedros isn't fully under Rhian's spell. I would have put several times when they would doubt each other especially when Rhian talks crap about Agatha and Chaddick and it would be beserk button for Tedros so Rhian doesn't really go there.
Now Chaddick would be having his little personal battle with himself and Ravan and Agatha would be there to support him and give some advice.
The real kicker would have been when Rhian is adored by Camelot as Tedros's Treasured Knight, someone better than Lancelot and Chaddick kinda has a heartbreaking moment because HE'S supposed to be the one that was known as Tedros's Treasured Knight not this stranger. Not this stranger that stole everything from him especially his best friend.
Agatha hears about this and reflects the time when she gave up her own position as Tedros's queen in TLEA and remembers that Tedros knows her and all her monsters and has been the light to help her fight them.
So she and Chaddick have this talk and she tries to concinve him that Tedros wouldn't want for Chaddick to just give up on him like that. Chaddick thinks about it but is still not completely convinced but Agatha reminds him that Tedros CHOOSE HIM to be his Knight and Liege and they both have to fight for it.
It's Ravan who finally manages to get Chaddick to gear when he asks Chaddick if he's going to regret anything he should choose to either regret letting Tedros go and not fighting for their friendship or make a complete idiot of himself but fight for their friendship instead.
So Chaddick does the latter but everything is too late and the Rhian thing happens as I explained in the first Rants and Remakes post and Chaddick gets tossed into jail with Tedros.
It's in book 5 that I imagine their relationship actually starts to heal itself and they both try to get through everything. I haven't thought of all the kinks out yet but I imagine a lot of fights and Chaddick just kinda shouting what he thinks before he startsvthe regret it and Tedros being this physic and just getting Chaddick too like how he does Agatha.
Again, I haven't thought of everything yet but I'll share it when I do
Now let's move on to Yara
On Yara
Yara would have been more influencial alive then dead and I already explained why how she could have been handled in TLEA cause where I really see exploiting her is in the storyline of TCY.
With the Balance vs Chaos in mind as well as the Lady of the Lake villainess plotline, Yara could have been the answer to this.
She'd be a living reminder of everything that all the characters went through in AWWP and how horribly toxic it is to everyone. Especially those like Yara who lives in the between.
Like with the Lady plotline she would have promoted ultimate purity for both Good and Evil and doesn't believe that each side could be able to understand each other so she thinks that she's promoting Balance that way and that letting each side corrupt the other is Chaos.
She would have believed that Yara is an abomination to the Balance because she is the embodiment of the idea that you can choose some charcteristic from two sides and still be yourself.
Plus with Yara alive the other characters would be forced to rethink their ideals and how to approach this new possibility and reflect on the old ways that have been hurting the ones that are similar to her.
I imagine that Yara's gonna have an internal struggle with this like she's still trying to understand it herself and as she tries to understand it the more that the other characters do as well.
I haven't actually thought out her actual detailed storyline just yet and even though I wanna say more I know that I might butcher her character as I go on but I definitely know her importance to the possible story.
As I explained before, if in TSY was Good VS Evil and that the TCY was about Good AND Evil and how both sides need each other to grow and develop and that the importance of the School still teaching Good and Evil in its most purest form is so that they'd all have a guideline to go by but the curriculum has become more flexible with their beliefs OF Good and Evil and that every student just have shades of grey but choses to go by these either of the two and can still be a Hero or a Villain then Yara could have been the right person to show that it doesn't matter if your not completely on one side and was given the characteristics of the other, it matters what values you choose to follow despite it and how tou choose to use it to help everyone else for the better.
Cause it's canon already that it doesn't matter what they are, it's what they do that counts.
NGL I'm not completely satisfied with how I explained Chaddick and Yara I feel like I didn't do them justice here and I will definitely get back to this when I have organized and fleshed out my thoughts on them
Anyways, if you guys would like to add your own thoughts to this post pls do.
#tedros#agatha#sge#sfgae#tsfgae#the school for good and evil#school for good and evil#soman chainani#chaddick of foxwood#chaddick#yara of avalon towers#tristan of avalon towers#tagatha#agatha of woods beyond#agatha of camelot#tedros of camelot#I personally feel like this was messy and not as detailed as the rest#sorry guys but gonna do them justice#once i've fixed my thoughts m
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The Metaphorical Death of the Sun
Sophie: [Sophie's been avoiding everything having to do with the Dae's. It was a hard, realizing that she couldn't even go two measley? weeks without seeing one of them. And it was the mother, of all of them. Let's ignore the fact that she'd pretty much cut Mina out of her life, and Sun, forget him as she tried, she still found herself thinking about him. Moreso as she was sitting down in his house chatting up with his mother. It was like old times, as if nothing happened, but this time, sitting at the coffee table she was wishing he'd actually not turn up. There wasn't any hint of hope for a ~surprise sun~ anywhere in her thoughts. It was obviously so opposite, and though she'd already felt a little more happiness in her life with her chat of Miss Rainbow Dash coming to an end, she knew that was about to be over with. So the Mrs? excused herself with a phone call, swearing to come back after-- which is probably what she never did-- and as Sophie was about to pick up her purse and make her way out, well I'm assuming Sun is there to metaphorically slap her in the face. wait i'm lying, there's a suzy for that lol]
Sun: [Sun's been at his internship all day, and he's ready to relax, and have a nice time hanging around his house (Suzy is in fact coming over, but he's, again, gonna find a way to sneak her in, like he probably has been all of this time. Yike.), but AS IT SEEMS, his family does not tell him when they will be having company, and I'm sure there's something about the air that gives it away immediately that Sophie is there. So when he walks into the living room and sees that she actually is there, his shoulders sag over, and he just sighs, thinking of the last conversation they had. He says nothing to her, as he figures, yup, she probably wants that. He's on his couch. There we go.]
Sophie: [She looked away immediately, having to tear her eyes away from the gorgously dressed Sun. And on the inside she wanted, and almost acted on impulse to swing that bag of hers at him. She would have rather GONE BLIND, than to see him so fine and dandy, and dresed almost too much to her appeal. So with a sinking and feirce eyeroll, she gritted her teeth to force back the, well, the betrayal, and the sadness inside of her. And though she knew it wasn't an outright betrayal--something he could not have done purposely, he had to have known what he did to her. He had to have known how insanely he made her feel, and if he didn't well, she would surely tell him.] I just don't understand... [She takes a step towards him.] how you sleep at night. [She scoffs.] How can one person treat someone so... [and she stops there because she's trying to find the word.] Disgustingly. If you didn't want anything to do with me, why would you push me so hard?
Sun: [He definitely had not been expecting her to say anything to him. He honestly thought she'd just pick up her stuff and leave. So when he heard her speak, he might have jumped a little, and he sunk into the couch when it registered that he was being, well, chastised. She confused him /so/ /much/. She'd taken everything back, right? So why was he still being yelled at? He looked away from her, casting his eyes to the floor. Normally he'd be throw the attitude back at her, but he just couldn't right now. So, all while she was speaking, he didn't look at her. Though, when she presented a question to him, which he presumed was not rhetorical, he looked back to her, and sighed. He ignored the statement before the question, because it was ridiculous to say that he'd not wanted anything to do with her.] Pushing you how, Sophie?
Sophie: Do I really have to go over this with you? [She's shaking her head right now, because honesly she's vibrating with a small rage because wTF sUN.] I never wanted any of this. I told you I didn't, and you pushed me. You p l a y e d with my mind, and then finally when I had fully convinced myself that you were right, entirely right for me [EXASPERATED SIGH.] You know I was mean, REALLy mean to you, but you can't even fathom-- you can't even comprehend how you've been treating me. And I thought we were friends. Friends don't do this to each other. So now what, Sun? I have to apologize to Mina and your mom, and explain to them that I can't stand their ~Sun enough to even come over? Is that fair Sun?
Sun: Sophie, that's not even... [He wanted to argue that everything she'd just said wasn't fair for him either; that she gave him no inclination of liking him for any reason other than what he might have on that day, and that her behavior was /confusing/ for him. But she appeared to have it in her head that only he was in the wrong, and it wasn't possible to fight Sophie when her mind was made up.] I don't know what you want me to say to you. I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do, okay? I wasn't /playing/ you. It's- It's complicated.
Sophie: Complicated? No. You don't get me to realize I have feelings for you and shove them down the drain when you want. You don't get to use my own words against me. You weren't just a lapse in judgement, and you fail to see that. But I see everything now, and you can sit there and diminish it all to one "complication", but it doesn't change the fact that I cared. And it wasn't fair to you to turn me away like that, not when you and your family are such a big part of my life. And you don't get to just say "sorry", Sun. Not if you're going to be this much of a jerk. [So huff, and there's a turning away because she's sad again, and let's not say anything more because she's gonna cry like an enormous baby heading towards the door bye sun.]
Sun: [So he feels bad. Really bad, as he should, because he's a lying, triflin' ho. He's frowning a really big frown, and he still isn't sure of what to do, because Sophie showing emotion was still a foreign thing to him, and so he didn't know how to react or what to say to her. All he did know was that he didn't want her feeling whatever way it was she was feeling. (Robot Sophie was easy to deal with. Sophie with feelings? Yikes.) So, when she turns to go to the door, for the first time I'm guessing, ever, he's gonna get up off the couch, and start to follow her out.] Sophie. That's-- I didn't mean it like that. I'm just-- it's--. [He just makes a face, because he's not sure how to finish that sentence. She's taken the ability to speak from him. How lovely.] I will /never/ be able to do that. Ever. Not really. [I think it's clear which part of her rant he's answering, but boy saying that is gonna bite him in the butt in a second.]
Sophie: [Not once did she turn around, okay. Not once, because she was too busy finding her own composure. So she really didn't see that wierd face he made towards her, she couldn't even force herself to turn around a take his words in, and she couldn't make herself spin around to see if they were true or not by the look in his face. Because they probably weren't, that was her opinion. So the muttering shadow behind her fought with his words, and her eyes were on the door in front of her. Before twisting the door knob, however, she had decided that maybe it was time to face that ice cream boy. So she did. There was a tiny spin, face to face, and so yeah, maybe she did believe him, because she felt like she was seeing a completely different part of the guy. Maybe they were capable.] Either way, it's too late isn't it? You've already made it evident that you're not to be trusted. [So with a nervous sadden laughter she shrugged.] There's nothing you can say to make me f e e l any better.
Suzy: [SO, somebody had sent Sun a text in between the time he got up from the couch and now. (HE LEFT HIS PHONE IN THE LIVING ROOM, ROOKIE MISTAKE.) Suzy assumes the twisting of the door knob is Mr. Dae coming to open the door, because Sophie has impeccable timing. So when the doorknob stays stationary, she is confused. She just k n o c k s on the door, like 'hello????', and perhaPS, she calls Sun's name, like 'wyd bf?']
Sophie: [As if to cement her last statement there is a voice heard from outside, and she cuts her eyes at that Sun.] I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? [SO THE DOOR IS OPENED. THANKS PARRIsh, and the ReVEALING OF SUZY IS LIKE THE REVEALING OF THE PHANTOMS BIG UGLY BURNT UP FACE. THANKS PARRISH, Actually it's not even like that, beause Sophie is not surprised. So arms folded across her chest there is an eyeroll and a sARCASTIC ADDRESSING.] Mina's friend, wonderful of you to join us. [though her eyes are occupied on Sun as they are shooting AVADA KEDAVRAS AT HIM.]
Sun: [Sun's eyes go wide. Like, terror spreads across his whole face, for real. When he sees that face of his ~girlfriend~, now looking confused because of the fact that Sophie is standing there with him, he wants to run up to his room and lock the door. But none of that terror could have amounted to the PURE TERROR he felt when his eyes landed back on Sophie, who was looking at him with a face akin to that of this https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/image...] S-Suzy. [He gives the most awkward and scared of smiles. And then he mumbles.] You're early.
Suzy: [As I said, Suzy's looking at Sophie with much confusion, because WHY is she here? Why is she standing here ALONE with Sun? And WHY is she speaking to her in such a way. She looks to Sun.] I texted you to tell you I was here. [And then back to Sophie, because reALLY. She's giving the biggest upside down smiley emoji face right now. AND THEN BACK TO SUN AGAIN.] I'm still Mina's friend, am I?
Sophie: [And though the girl looked at her with much confusion, Sophie stood her ground, not even taking a step backwards to let the SUZY IN. And honestly there was a scoff at the idea, having to text someone when you're at the Dae residence, rather than walking right in as Sophie did. So to Suzy: http://33.media.tumblr.com/953dfa1f74743..., just because] She asked a question Sun. Answer it.[There is an eyebrow raise towards him, and more of those evil stares, but imagine a softening because, answer it Sun and don't be wrong.] What else, no, who else could she be?
Sun: [Under the gaze of both of the women in front of him, Sun was starting to sweat. His eyes kept flashing back and forth between both of them rapidly, because, boy he was in DOO-DOO.] She's-- uh... She's-- uh... Suzy? Just Suzy... [He gives Suzy this look like WHY ARE YOU SAYING THESE THINGS. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE /SECRET/.]
Suzy: [Now this, as you could imagine, has Suzy annoyed, angry and V V UPSET. She gives a look expressing all of these things to Sun in response to what he'd just said. So she huffs, angrILY, ANNOYED at the idiot known as Sun Dae. With no regard for Sun, because there has to be some UNDERLYING REASON as to why he didn't want Sophie to know, she turns back to the other girl.] I. Am. His. Girlfriend. So, maybe, you should let. me. inside. [Said through grit teeth, oh jesus.]
Sophie: [Have to admit that word has got a Sophie real sHOOk THANKS PARRISH. So sure, she WAS looking at Suzy with a wild condescending look before because step off, but now it appeared she was the one to be stEPPINg OFF. So again to Sun trying to hide the hurt in her eyes, but come on, she REALLY LIKES HIM AND SHE CANT DO THAT OMFG.] Is it true? [And turn to Suzy.] Don't speak. [Holding up a hand to that one, like no.] I'd like to hear a confirmation because a second ago there wasn't a complication, right? [A THIS LOOK http://i.imgur.com/dryDpEy.gif ALRIGHT.] I guess I didn't realize it was Mina's friend.
Sun: Suzy! [And he's gonna sound angry, and mean, and v pissed, because how daRE she take that into her own hands, and just decide to tell someone (especially Sophie) that they were together? He looked at Sophie when she spoke again, and seeing the look on her face- one he'd never really seen before- it was like his heart sank just a little bit, because onlY NOW does he see that, yup, he was cruel to her as well. Just in a different way than she had been to him.] Soph... I--... Y-Yeah. Yeah she's-- it's true. Yeah.
Suzy: [UNFAZED BY THE BOY GETTING ANGRY WITH HER, TBH.] Right. His /girlfriend/. So, if you could let me in please?
Sophie: [And cut those eyes back to Suzy.] Congratualations. [A this look. http://i.imgur.com/3WJbUV5.gif] You seem perfect for each other, I could go for punching you both in the face right now. [BUT SHE DOESN'T, though there is a WONDERFUL SHOVE, and she makes her exit.]
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