#i am now going to melt into a puddle of idiocy
nighttimeclassics · 1 year
why would my brain do this to me
i hate that im going to say this but I feel like I need to put it somewhere or I am going to burst. i think I am just ever so slightly in love with one of my closest friends. which is incredibly confusing for me as an ace panromantic person (obviously the ace part more than the pan part). especially as the last relationship I had was when I was 17 and that was rather fucking traumatic. and the mad thing is, this friend of mine that I am ever so slightly in love with has been in my live for HALF OF MY LIFE. and don't get me wrong, we were friends. good friends even, but we didn't entirely run in the same circles. there was intersections, but I only really got to see them occasionally in the library but mostly outside after school because we didn't even have any classes together I don't think. its only been in the last year or so where we have got back into contact randomly (I think I instigated that but I honestly don't remember). and since then we have grown massively closer and its honestly been wonderful. but all of this communication and growing closer has been online as we now live in different countries, with both of us now living about 200 miles away from where we met and of course because of queerness neither of us know how to fucing drive lol. but yeah I feel like I just need to express this somewhere because with my aceness and my autism and all the stupid trauma Button Mushroom put me through I genuinely haven't been able to categorise how I feel about him. and i REALLY cant tell what he thinks about me and it is infuriating honestly. i wish i could talk to him about it but i am terrified of any consequences obviously. we just get along so so well, its honestly madness. i have been able to have in depth nerdy discussion with him about basically all of my hyperfixations in ways i just cant with other people 1. because i basically have no friends 2. people get bored of me and 3. because they are never interested in the specific niche bits of fandom i often find myself in like Murray Gold and scoring music. but is that a bad thing? are we too similar that a relationship would be silly? and again i sometimes feel like there could be flirty moments, but i often get accused of flirting when I'm just excited so that could be whats happening. fuck me. i just wish this was a little simpler. or that i was a little simpler or smoother i don't know. why must emotions be so difficult. it fucking sucks
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presidentbungus · 3 years
raw, unadulterated idiocy
spy is upset. engy helps cheer him up
read on ao3
Engineer raises his hand like he’s going to backhand him, and Spy winces, and it occurs to him about ten seconds later that he’s just being dragged somewhere by the shoulder. He doesn’t look angry—that’s good—if anything, it’s more determined—that’s bad. Spy is deposited on one of the various greasy stools Laborer has decided to decorate his workshop with, and he just wishes he’d held on a little fucking longer before he decided to have an outburst, maybe at least waited until he left—and Engineer sets a hand on his shoulder, removes the hand from his shoulder, and eventually crosses his arms since he seems unsure where else to put his hands.
“I don’t want to hear about it,” Spy grumbles, and he doesn’t get a glare in return but he does get a look he certainly doesn’t like.
And Engineer just blows air through his nose and says: “I’m sorry. I won’t make you talk about it, but you’re upset and I upset you and I won’t be able to sleep if I leave you like this. So I won’t.”
Spy wipes tears with his palm, carefully avoiding getting them on the sleeve. He sobs, and opens his mouth to talk and sobs again, and eventually just accepts his fate and looks at the ground and tries to will himself to return to a semi-acceptable state.
“Spy, look at me for two seconds. Look. Is there anything I can do for you? Can I get you some tea or coffee or something? Give you a hug? No judgement, just tell me if there’s a way I can make you feel better.”
God, this situation is just getting worse. “Well,” he says, and he breathes for a long time. “Well you can start by leaving me alone.”
And even though he can’t see Engineer’s eyes he can tell just by the distaste radiating off of him this was a profoundly wrong thing to say. He seems to think for a second, and then he mutters: “If you really want me to I will, but I don’t think you do. Am I right?”
“… I…” Merde. Spy doesn’t bother finishing his sentence.
“Okay. We don’t have to be best friends. What can I do right now that would make you feel better about everything?”
He’s not going to say what he’s thinking, is he?
Well, he’s already hit rock bottom at this point. He’s already crying. There’s not really that much of a point. “You are not going to tell anyone?”
He already knows the answer to this question. Engineer does not tell people things they do not need to know. It’s one of his few appealing qualities (so he tells himself). “Of course not,” he whispers, too soft, entirely too caring. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“I…” He takes a long, deep breath. “I suppose I wouldn’t mind… a hug. But don’t be too enthusiastic, Laborer, and don’t expect it to last.”
He knows he’s being too mean. Engineer obliges quickly and annoyingly carefully, and it almost feels wrong in the way that Spy can’t get angry at him about it. He pulls away at first by reflex but that doesn’t last long even if he wants it to—Engineer’s hugs could melt polar ice and god, why is he thinking like this.
He’s almost upset when it ends, he pulls away, and he has an exceedingly difficult time admitting this to himself. He prefers, instead, to stare at the ground and pretend that he does not immediately feel vastly improved in mood. Engineer smiles gently at him, not offensively gleeful like his usual lopsided grin. “You feel better?”
It would not really do to lie to him at this stage. “Yes.”
“Aw, good to hear. Is there anything else I can do?”
Spy purses his lips.
Do not say what he wants to say.
“… Can we… do that again?”
“Of course,” and it’s tighter this time and Spy feels like he is going to melt into a puddle and maybe just evaporate into a thin red mist sooner rather than later.
Maybe he could get used to this, and as much as that phrase makes him want to throw up and change his name and leave the country it’s also kind of… nice. Which in its own way is disgusting, but… good. It’s good. Come to think of it, maybe Spy should just stop thinking for a very long time. Maybe that would help a little.
“You’re stiff as a damn board,” Engineer says, and he laughs and somehow it’s not mean-spirited at all. “You okay?”
Spy reluctantly wraps his arms around his shoulders, leaning his head into the crook of his neck.
“Ah. There we go. Much better.”
Spy feels not in control but not in a bad way. Terrifying, sure. But not bad. Maybe like walking around all the time with a boulder on your back and someone lifts it for you, just a little bit, like you don’t have to carry it on your own.
That’s idiotic, of course. But maybe not bad. He’ll have to think on it.
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fujunfuren · 2 years
Hi again~
I care for them, too. Too bad that this was her only scene in this episode. And too bad that he received the e-mail in the middle of a meeting. I hope this episode to be the last one, putting her in situations like this.
(Side note: his drunk scene was hilarious.)
How was this week's episodes?
Helloo friendddddd <333
We're in this together. I was hoping for more of her scenes, with her dad or like them bumping into each other after that but alas, they are the side characters so I'm not surprised hahaha. I hope so too, like the next time they meet, it's a genuine meeting. Like I know she knows he just need someone to talk to (another lonely puppy, but he needs to get his act tgt), but pls he needs to consider her feelings, tho you can see he kinda adores her. Which brings me back to why I am shipping them and i dont even know where they're going now Junyoung's returning (hate love triangle lolol and Yumin deserves everything not this petty thing).
The drunk scene : BOYS BE AMBITIOUS. love that Taejun literally just calls him to tease him about that HAHA
This week's episode was cuteeeee. Like you mentioned before, I think this week didnt move as much as last week except for a few:
taejun/taeyang validating their feelings and started dating. they are too precious and cute. The way Taejun smiles so giddily from being accepted and too in love and Taeyang passing the letter she wrote before noble idiocy to say "Let's date" /melts into a puddle of mush/
I really appreciate Yumin for being so professional and and alerting his dad about her coach's manipulative plan for Taeyang. And when Taejun drove to let Junghwan know what he did and bring him to plead the coach tgt. That was some bromance there lol, junghwan really obeyed (he knows he's in the wrong, also he cant stand taejun teasing him about his drunk livestream lmao)
Taejun opening up about his loneliness and taeyang acknowledging and telling him he deserves happines. (his parents needs to stop treating him like he's ok just because) them clutching hands as i clutch my poor heart
youngsim protects taeyang <33333
youngsim and captain seems cute, he seems to want to prepare to be a future father to Hana :')
Junyoung's back
We see some progress but tbh i just can't wait for junyoung to be back and they're all facing their problems f2f. Taejun knows about junyoung and taeyang but still keeping it to himself. Clear it up ok guys and then we move on to present hahahah
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Hoping for more good days pt. 3 (foreign female reader x park jimin soulmate AU)
Here’s a link to pt. 2
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“I’m going to die y/f/n. Seriously. This was a horrible idea why did I think I was going to be able to handle meeting them. I’m going to panic and make a fool out of myself I can’t do this.” You were running around your hotel room anxiously as you realized there was only a few hours left before the fan sign. It had finally dawned on you that you were going to be meeting the boys and you were beside yourself with anxiousness. “Y/n you are not it’s going to be okay! It’s normal to be nervous but I will be right by you the whole time okay? You don’t have to say anything to them if you’re too nervous you know? You can just smile and have them sign your stuff and move down the line. I can tell them you’re mute!” You laughed at her suggestion and attempts to make you feel better. “You’re right. I will be okay. I just need to calm down. They’re just people, just like you and me there’s no need for me to be nervous.” You stood in front of the mirror trying to do your makeup and hair but your hands were shaking too bad. Your friend gently took the makeup brush out of your hand. “Here y/n let me do it for you.”
After you were finally ready you two headed towards the fan sign and stood in line. While you were waiting someone official wearing a suit made everyone sign a confidentiality agreement and that said something in there about not reacting if you find out one of the boys is your soulmate. You couldn’t help but scoff at the idiocy of that rule. “Are they serious? They actually expect us to stay calm if we find out one of the boys are our soulmate? It’s going to be pretty hard for me to hide my heart attack so I guess I better be prepared to get sued if it turns out Park Jimin really is my soulmate.” “Whoa, did you just admit that there is chance Jimin might be your soul mate? What changed?” “I dreamt about him last night. I kept seeing him smiling at me, he spoke something to me and I felt the tattoo burn into my arm but I couldn’t hear what he was saying before I woke up. Fate works in mysterious ways maybe it was a sign.” “Maybe I should have the emergency services number programmed into my phone just in case. I don’t need you dying on me and leaving me to fend for myself in a foreign country.” You laughed and began to relax a little bit. You finally were moved into the building and you could see the boys all sat at a table. You felt your heart jump when you saw Jimin and you willed your heart to calm down.
An hour earlier
Jimin was sat in his makeup artist’s chair, knee bouncing nervously up and down. Namjoon noticed he was anxious and walked over to talk to Jimin. “Everything alright Jimin? You seem really nervous like really nervous. I’ve never seen you like this before.” “Can I tell you something hyung, but please promise me you won’t tell the others?” “Of course Jimin.” He then began to explain how he came across your friends post and then started looking at your social media, and found himself quite taken with you. He told Namjoon that he thought you were his soulmate because he couldn’t stop dreaming about you last night and had a dream that at this fan sign he looked into your eyes and felt ‘the spark’. “What should I do Namjoon? Am I crazy? Or is there actually a chance that this girl is my soulmate?” “I can’t say for sure Jimin. But fate is a very powerful force and works in sometimes unclear ways. Just remember what our manager said okay? If she is your soulmate we’ll cross that bridge when it comes. You don’t need to be nervous.” “You’re right. Thanks hyung.” 
Jimin could almost sense when you entered the building, he looked up and saw you talking with whom he assumed was your friend. He found himself unable to look you in the eye, he wanted to wait until you were standing in front of him in case you actually were his soulmate, he wanted to share that intimate moment with you close by. It took everything in his ability to not immediately walk over to you, but he knew he had to stay seated so as to not cause a scene. He couldn’t help but smile to himself as he thought you looked even more beautiful in person.
“Y/n Jimin keep looking at you.” “Shut up he is not.” “No I’m serious. He keeps like looking over here but not directly at you? Maybe he doesn’t want to look you in the eyes yet because he thinks you’re his soulmate too.” “Seriously y/f/n stop it’s not funny. You’re just making me even more nervous and it’s not helping.” “Fine I’ll stop talking about it. But you’re going to be in for the shock of a lifetime when you do finally get to meet him.” You walked down the line and introduced yourself to the boys, thanking them for helping you through so many hard times in your life and praising them for how much you liked their music. You were finishing up talking to Taehyung when you realized Jimin was next. You swear your heart was going to beat out of your chest with how hard it was thudding against your rib cage. You still were looking down, feeling so insecure and shy and not even knowing what to say to him. You handed him your CD to sign as you nervously tried to talk to him. “I’m sorry I practiced so many times what I wanted to say to you and now that you’re standing in front of me I can’t even make the words come out of my mouth what is wrong with me.” He set the CD down and grabbed your hands instead. The shock of him lacing his fingers with your own caused you to look up and finally meet his eyes.
The way your parents, teachers, and textbooks described meeting your soulmate is nothing compared to how it actually feels. It feels like you had been asleep just drifting through life only to suddenly be awakened and see the beauty of everything in the world. The electricity you felt coursing through your veins when your eyes met was the most intense euphoric feeling you had ever experienced. It was like you were seeing in color for the first time. You finally felt alive. You both were stood there just not saying anything to each other. By now the other members and fans were staring at the two of you but you two were locked into your own little world, completely uncaring of what was going on around you. Jimin smiled so brightly at you, his eyes disappearing into crescents and you seriously thought you were going to melt into a puddle on the floor. He opened his mouth to speak to you, but began to softly sing a line from Serendipity as he stared into your eyes with so much kindness you thought for sure you were having a heart attack because you couldn’t feel it beating anymore. “My angel, my world.” Suddenly you felt the burning sensation on your arm as his words showed up in purple lettering on your arm. Purple,  a color  meaning “I will trust and love you for a long time”. It was extremely rare for soul marks to be written in purple ink. It symbolized the deepest and strongest form of love. Soulmates with purple lettering on their arms were destined for a lifetime of happiness and love with their other half. It symbolizes the strongest type of bond. You were about to say something back to him when suddenly two very large men came up to you and dragged you out of line. You could hear your friend shouting “Hey you assholes where do you think you’re taking her?! THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND YOU LET GO OF ME. IF YOU HURT ONE HAIR ON HER HEAD I WON’T HESITATE BITCH.” You looked back and locked eyes with Jimin again, “It’ll be okay. Trust me!” He mouthed at you. You could hear the hushed murmurs of the other fans, some sounded very angry as you were taken away, your brain unable to catch up and fully process just what the actual fuck happened. 
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niyes-lahiffe · 6 years
Djwifi December day 5: Snowed In
A piece of popcorn was flown at the TV screen, followed by a boisterous, "BOOOOOO."
Alya snorted. "Be quiet, dummy, this movie is actually really good."
"Yeah but HOW ARE THEY SO DUMB?!" Nino leaned forward and shook his fist at the screen with an agitated growl. He grumbled and threw another piece of popcorn at the movie as Alya laughed again.
"I'd say it's actually better than good if it's getting you this riled up," Alya said. She looked up at his brooding face and poked his cheek, giggling at his indignant reaction. Nino slumped back onto the couch and his fiancé immediately snuggled closer to his chest. Despite his irritation, he smiled at her and happily wrapped his arm around her shoulders, prompting her to scooch closer.
"Yeah, I guess I am getting way into it," he laughed along. He begun scratching Alya's back up and down and she nearly melted into a puddle beside him. He could've sworn he even heard her purr.
They continued watching the rest of the movie and Nino did his best not to criticize, though a few complaints slipped out every once in a while. Clearly enjoying his distaste for the characters' idiocy, Alya laughed at each one of them.
He stretched when the film was finally over. Alya had found her arms fully wrapped around him by that time, along with her cheek pressed firmly onto the area directly below his shoulder. "Alright, that wasn't really that bad," Nino huffed.
"Told you," Alya replied slyly.
"WELL the only reason it was good was because they finally resolved everything in the end," he countered.
"Like most movies do."
He could feel her smile against his chest and he really wanted to pout at her but he somehow found himself smiling back. Checking his watch was what caused him to frown.
"It's pretty late..." he mumbled. "I guess I'd better go." Alya reluctantly let go so he could get up and stretch once more.
"I wish you could just stay..." she sighed as she followed him to her front door.
Her fiancé winked at her as he put a coat on. "We're not married yet, but don't worry, love. Soon, I won't be leaving."
She lunged forward suddenly and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, and he grunted in surprise as a response. "Wow, clingy today, aren't we?" he inquired coyly, though he gladly hugged her back.
"Mmmmmph.." she mumbled into the collar of his jacket.
He decided to shrug it off and he opened the door, only to be met with nothing but the color white. "Uhm," he said. "I think we've got a problem."
Alya looked up. "Bleh," she exclaimed with discomfort. "That's, uh. That's a lot of snow."
"No kidding!" Nino went over to the wall of snow, Alya still clutching his side, and found that it went well above his head. "Yeeeesh!"
Alya poked her head above his shoulder and inspected the screen doors just beside her kitchen, noting that they, too, had a wall of snow that seemed nearly impossible to break through. She turned back to him and asked, "What are you doing to do now?"
He pushed his hand through the snow and sighed. "I guess...I guess I'll have to push through it.."
She merely held onto him tighter. "You WHAT? Are you crazy? There's no way you'll get through this! There's no doubt your car is also covered in snow, meaning it's basically useless now."
"But I can't just..stay!" he exclaimed. He stuttered a few times when the girl to his side gave him a harsh glare and he continued, "I-I mean not that I wouldn't like to stay! I would love to! It-it's just that I promised my mom I would be home on time..and that I would buy her some milk on my way back..."
"Just give her a call, I'm sure she'll understand," Alya said softly. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek when he still looked unsure, giving him a smirk and singing, "Baby, it's cold outside.." when she pulled away. He turned toward her with unamused eyes and lifted an eyebrow, though a small smile graced his lips.
"You better not."
"Baby, it's BAD out there..." she continued, leaning her face closer to his.
He scoffed and grabbed her shoulders to gently pull her away. "Seriously?"
She bit her lip and he gulped, noticing her eyes wander to his mouth. She stepped closer and continued her song, "Gosh, you're lips look... delicious."
Nino’s back hit the wall and he yelped quietly, his heart beginning to beat quicker when she used her foot to close the front door, blocking the unearthly tower of snow from both of their views. After a few more steps forward, she tenderly grabbed his chin and brushed her lips against his, causing a strained grunt to escape his lips.
He took a hold of her cheeks and closed the space between the two of them for a moment, relishing in the way his lips felt against hers. He pulled away after a moment and smiled at his soon-to-be wife. "Hah, okay. Maybe I'll stay...once I call my ma and make sure it’s alright with her."
She grinned at him with lidded eyes, placing a few fingers on his chest voluptuously. "Well, you better hurry, pretty boy."
He nodded and pulled his phone out of his back pocket, dialing the number of his beloved mother.
"Hey, ma!" Nino looked up and nodded a few times as his mom spoke in turn. A moment later, he said farewell and put his phone away. Alya lifted her eyebrow at him. "The moment I called, she said she knew I was still at your place. She had already seen the snow and she told me not to worry about the milk," he laughed, answering her unasked question.
"Soooooo?" she urged him.
"Soooooo, I'm good to stay," he replied. Before Alya could react, he seized her waist and switched their positions. Placing a finger under her chin, he leaned in closer until she could feel his breathe hot against her lips. "Now...where were we?"
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The thing about Loving you pt2
Lance woke up his head was pounding and his eyes felt like they had been dunked in sand and put back in his head to see what stuck. The light was different and he had to rub his eyes and squint to realize the blinds were closed and he wasn’t in his bed.  
Lance bolted upright trying not to panic as he clutched a blue knit blanket to his chest and looked around him. The room he was in was bare aside from a single small photo on one wall with a door to the bathroom that was shut and a white dresser and was that a dog bed? Lance was lost the last thing he remembered was being at the welcoming party and drinking strawberry wine with Kincaid...But Kincaid didn’t have a dog did he?  Then an even worse thought struck Lance. 
He closed his eyes before lifting the blankets up to see if he was wearing clothes. To his surprise he was settled into a pair of sweatpants and he lifted the waistband nervously Still has his kitten covered boxers on. His party clothes were sitting folded neatly and then he notices the hoodie big and black with the gold lettering that spells out Classic. 
OH No. 
Only one Person on the Atlas he knows owns a hoodie with the word Classic and a dog bed. It’s not for a dog thugh more like a giant Black space wolf. 
“SHIT.” Lance murmurs panic filling his chest.
“Nice of you to join the land of the living” Keith says standing in the door of his bathroom. He is wearing a pair of identical sweats to Lance’s and he’s topless. His shoulders are large and relaxed the muscles seem to stretch as he towels the ends of his hair. 
“W-what are you doing here Mullet?” Lance asks as he pulls the blanket up over his shoulders almost as if to hide the evidence of his hoodie being anywhere on his body. 
“This is my room Lance.” Keith chuckles and leans against the door looking at Lance with the violet eyes that Lance had fallen for a long time ago. The thing with Lance was he knew he had feelings for Keith. He knew what the little twist in his gut meant when Keith touched him during training, he knew what it meant when Keith looked at him and he felt all his skin tingling just at the very idea of him looking. 
“I tho-”Lance starts his cheeks are pink 
“That you went home with Kincaid?” Keith scoffs and turns back into the bathroom and grabs his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth he turns back to look at Lance. 
Lance watches Keith’s toothbrush with almost a sadness. That toothbrush had gotten closer to Keith than he ever would. Keith turns to spit in the sink and Lance watches his adams apple wanting more than anything to press his chapped lips there and see what kind of noise he could draw from the black paladin. 
“He found me as I was leaving, asked me to take you to your room. I couldn’t remember which one it was. Thus we ended up here.” He steps forward tossing his towel into the bathroom and turning off the light in one smooth step and Lance closes his eyes trying to remember. 
He remembers coming in to Keith’s room how Kosmo had been sleeping and how he had suddenly blipped out. 
“Did I send Kosmo away?”
Keith snorts and it’s one of the snorts that Lance likes the one where he’s smiling and trying not to be insulting at the same time,” You mean before or after you called him Ka-Floof, and tried to touch him while he’s sleeping on his back?” 
Lance pulls the blankets up over his head and groans loudly as Keith smiles crossing his arms.
“is there anything else I need to apologize for now?” he asks Keith while he’s stashed carefully away under the blankets. 
“I carried you here. Changed your clothes. Tucked you in.” 
“YOU CHANGED MY CLOTHES” Lance shouts and throws the blankets down and he looks at Keith who is standing over the bed arms crossed smiling softly. 
“Yes. I quote,’Kif the buttons are mean.’ you were fucking helpless.” 
Kif. Oh god. He’d said the one name he’d sworn to god he would never ever speak out loud to Keith ever. The one the little kids called him that he thought was so cute and freaking dumb but it fit,” Is there any other reason I shouldn’t melt into a puddle right now?” Lance asks quietly and Keith sits down on the bed his back to Lance. 
He is quiet. His back is full of scars that Lance has seen before. Each one is different some are pink and long others are pale like his skin and blend in. Keith takes a deep breath,” You asked if I hated you...” his shoulders don’t move but Lance can see him counting time on his wrist.
Every single cell of Lance is screaming to reach forward and ask if Keith answered him last night. IF somehow in his drunken idiocy he had actually done something beautiful and wonderful and like what he wanted. He reaches forward to try to see if thats the case but Keith door slides open and Shiro steps in his eyes are wide as he looks between the two boys Keith sitting head hung on the end of the bed 
“Uh...Am I interrupting something?” Shiro asks his voice is hesitant. Kosmo whines and Shiro winches at the sound,” Kosmo won’t stop whining.” 
“Did you take him on his morning run?” Keith asks getting up as the wolf bounds into the room to greet him. 
“I tried but he kept blipping around and I was nervous I’d lose him. Lance are you Alright?” Shiro asks stepping up to the bed to touch Lance’s forehead in a very paternal manner. 
“Just a little hungover Right Buddy?” Keith offers for him and Lance looks at him and then at Shiro who frowns not to pleased with the idea of him drinking. 
“Yeah...I’m just gunna get going. Have you seen my shoes?” 
“’Gone’”  Keith says pulling a t-shirt over his head making Lance turn away. 
“Shoes don’t just disappear Keith.” Lance grumbles looking through the stack of neatly folded clothes.” 
“’Magic. Kif. Magic.’” Keith whispered as he passed and Lance gasped because it brought back a clip of a memory.  Keith handing him a pair of pants and him struggling with the button and then Keith coming forward to undo the button for him. His hands had lingered on Lance’s hips as he carefully handed him the sweatpants and then that’s it. 
“Keith wait.” Lance calls shyly wanting to ask him suddenly unsure. 
Keith stops and turns to look at Lance his hands tangled in the coarse fur of Kosmo. “ Just make sure you wash them okay?” 
“Okay...” and then Keith is gone but Lance is wondering. Did they maybe? Wouldn’t he know if they had?
He was sitting in the Kitchen with Hunk after he’d changed and done all the important coalition duties he’d needed to. Well more like Lance was laying on the kitchen Island with Hunk mixing ingredients on his belly in one of his big metal bowls. 
“Why are you moping on my counter?” Hunk asked as he cracked an egg
“ I think I may have slept with Keith....” Lance mumbles covering his eyes with his hands not willing to look at the yellow paladin as he confesses. 
“I Don't know if I actually did or not okay!?!” Lance huffs and he looks at Hunk and then he tells Him exactly how he woke up how Keith was showering how he was dressed and the two little bits he does remember and Hunk listens all the while pouring and measuring spices and adding them to whatever he is making in this said bowl. 
“Lance I hate to break it to you but I don’t think you slept with Keith.” Hunk says as he leans back against the counter and looks at his friend content to let whatevers in the bowl just sit. “It sounds like Keith was 100% a gentleman and you asked him if he hated you. “ 
Lance swallows and looks down at the hoodie the gold Lettering and black was hard to pass up because of how comfy it was and warm. It smelled like Keith too. 
“So...what do I do Hunk?” Hunk looks at Lance and then at the bowl on the counter and at Lance’s hoodie. 
“You go ask.” 
Lance is standing outside Keith’s door with this little bag of terrible shaped treats for Kosmo. He’s wearing a different shirt that doesn't have buttons and jeans but he still looks nice. Keith’s clothes are sitting in a little black bag he borrowed from Hunk and he looks at the door worried that maybe he’s being dumb. 
He raises his hand to the door and knocks closing his eyes and waiting. Theres a soft curse as Keith opens the door and Kosmo’s snout sticks out between the door and the hallway. 
“Hi....Can I come in?” 
Keith takes a moment and then he opens the door inviting Lance into the space which is dark. The whole room is lit by Christmas lights around the floor that he didn't notice this morning. 
“ This is neat..” Lance remarks referring to the lighting and Keith shrugs taking a seat on the bed where He’s been not more than a few hours ago shirtless,” I brought Kosmo treats...and your clothes...” 
Keith looks at both articles and then at Lance like they are some sort of Alien offering and Lance sets them awkwardly on the dresser. Before he goes to sit next to Keith on the bed. Keith is softer looking somehow. His entire posture is relaxed almost like he'd just needed time to soften into this shape of Keith. Lance nervously bites his fingers. 
“Yes Lance?” 
Lance looks at Keith's face and he can se the calm purple of his eyes and how Keith is watching him waiting patient,” D-did we..Did we maybe...”
“Did we what Lance?”Keith prods gently.
“Did we have sex last night?” Lance blurts his fingers go to his mouth and he bites down hard on the tips nervous and ashamed for even asking this dumb question. Would someone like Keith even touch him?
“I told you you shouldn’t do that.” Keith sighs reaching up and taking the hand that’s in Lance’s mouth out. He doesn’t wipe the saliva off he simply just pulls the fingers into his and starts rubbing circles into his skin. The action is so soothing and domestic it makes Lance ache,” No Lance. I got you a pair of pants and I tried to help you put them on and you said you could handle it..Then I tucked you into bed. I laid down with you, and you asked if I hated you...” Keith’s voice was soft like he was holding onto the details of the story for himself. He sounded sad about the last part. 
“Are you mad at me?” Lance asks because he can't help it. He feels so insecure and heres Keith rubbing circles in his hand willing to fill in wherever he asks. 
Keith closes his eyes and shakes his head softly his voice is soft,” It’s hard for me to ever really be mad at you.” 
“Then why do you look so sad Keith?” Lance can’t help it he reaches over and grabs the other boys chin. There are tears falling out of the corners of Keith’s eyes. 
“Because I’m an idiot.” He responds his voice is sure 
“Says the one who didn’t get drunk of their ass and end up having to apologize.” Lance scoffs and theres a smile but the tears just seem to flow harder,” Keith what did I say?” 
“Nothing.” His bottom lip trembles and Lance’s heart feels like it’s breaking into pieces. 
“Well did you respond to me?” Lance asks and Keith’s face is a mix of pain and just wanting to admit it. Slowly he nods. Lance just wants Keith. He wants to pull him into the space of his arms and just not let go. 
“You fell asleep though.” 
Lance blinks and he realizes why Keith might cry. Had he said something important had he said something meaningful that he wanted Lance to know...” You could tell me now you know...” Lance offers and he makes a show of looking around the room under the bed and through the bathroom. “ It is just us. “ 
Keith closes his eyes and bows his head into his lap. His words are soft,” I told you how much I love you...” 
Lance sits there his brain clicking into overdrive. KEITH KOGANE LOVED HIM? The man who teased him infinitely and said he could die in a hole when he fucked up. The one who carefully carried him from a party and dressed and cared for him. Sure he’d loved Keith for years. He’d pictured kissing him, sleeping next to him and numerous other activities. But to finally have those activities, be a possible reality? 
Lance couldn’t tell who reached for who first. Keith was still holding his hand moving with small circles and then He was looking at Lance his face clear. Then his nose was bumping Keith’s jaw as he was trying to kiss his cheek but Keith wanted something else. He sought Lance’s lips like a dying man sought water and Lances couldn’t satisfy the the thirst. 
Their lips made sloppy sounds that made Lance more turned on then any porno he'd ever watched and Keith’s fingers found their way to his hair and he couldn’t help but groan because Keith was warm and in his lap and more than willing to his touch. When they drew away Keith’s eyes were closed and he was panting 
“Were idiots.” Keith panted 
“Excuse you.” Lance snorted
“ Your telling me you didn’t feel that?” Keith asked
“ I was waiting for you to catch up.” Lance teased 
Their laughter filled the room and Keith pulled lance into his lap,” Call me that stupid name.” Keith pleads 
“No the other one.” 
“Kif.” Lance says laughing as he is settled firmly into Keith’s lap. 
“Yup. That’s it. You heard him Kosmo. He’s drunk. He’s stuck here.” 
Kosmo rolls his eyes and curls up on the bed while the two boys hunker into Keith’s bed. This time both of them are sober. Theres no secrets. No hurt feelings. Just two boys in love and a space wolf. 
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