#i am not paid to do that. also helping out at that site would leave mine understaffed
deepinthedirt · 8 months
Man. I am counting down the days until I can quit my current job. This company violates sooooo many labor laws.
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messedupfan · 6 months
Chapter 16
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Summary: After finding out about your possible attendance at Tommy and Billy's big day, Vision decides to pay you a visit.
A/n: Hello! This one is short haha Also did any of y'all get to see the eclipse? Crazy!! Enjoy!
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You and Pietro are staring at the blueprints for the building that the company has been working on. There was a measurement off on an area which has made the work halt until someone can figure out what went wrong. The two of you are trying to decipher where the issue is and what the best solution would be when Vision storms onto the job site. 
“Vision, you're not allowed to be here. You're an unauthorized civilian in a construction zone,” Pietro says as he steps around the table to prevent his former brother-in-law from moving further into the unpredictable space. 
“I'm here to speak with Y/n. I'm not leaving until I do,” he states and you aren't sure what he could possibly want with you. 
“We are trying to work,” Pietro glares at Vision. “Actual life threatening work, not standing pretty in a room full of hungover college students.” 
Vision looks at Pietro for a moment then looks back at you. “Do you have a minute?” 
Pietro is about to say something when you decide to cut in. “Just this once, Vision,” you grab a spare hard hat and plop it on his head. “Regulations, I’m sure you’ve taught your students about them.” You pat him on the back before guiding him out of the construction zone. He takes the hard hat off and roughly returns it to you as he fixes his hair. “What is so important, Vision? I’m needed inside.”
“I want you to stay away from the tournament,” he states. 
You lick your lips in thought and look past him to the job site. The concrete mixing machine is spinning and you fantasize for a moment about pushing Vision into a space and burying him in the concrete. You shake the thought away and look back at Vision. “Why would I do that? Tommy and Billy invited me.” 
“That doesn’t matter, I’m uninviting you. They are my boys and if anyone is going to be there to support them, it’s going to be me!” Vision says as he tries to intimidate you. His reasoning for keeping you away confuses you. Why does he really not want you there?
“Vision, no one is saying you can’t be there. Why are you making this a ‘it’s me or you’ thing? This isn’t about either of us, it’s about your sons. I have been helping them practice and they want to show me that our hard work has paid off. Why is that such a bad thing?” You ask, instead of agreeing to stay away. You knew that he was going to make this into a thing, but you don’t understand why it has to be. It’s not like you are dating Wanda or trying to replace him as his kids parent. You don’t understand why he has such a problem with you. 
“I know that you have been helping them. You know how I know? Because they don’t stop talking about it. I have friends and colleagues that have children in their class. What kind of father will people think I am if Tommy and Billy give you all of the credit? I don’t want them to run to you when they win. They will be running to me because you won’t be there. Understood? You are to stay away,” he says bitterly and now you understand what’s happening. He doesn’t want his image of being an involved father to be affected. It upsets you that he could easily earn that credit and praise by spending time with his kids. But he relies on everyone else doing the heavy lifting and keeping their mouths shut. You find it ridiculous. “The tournament is happening on my weekend. So I have to be there. They aren’t your kids, you can make up some excuse and not show up. Or else,” he threatens. 
“Do you have something to support your ‘or else’ or were you hoping that was enough for me to agree to cancel?” You ask, bored of this conversation. 
“Just, leave my kids alone. Okay?” Vision walks away and you sigh. You knew when you accepted the twins invitation two weeks ago, you were going to upset Vision. You didn’t realize that you were making him feel insecure as a parent. You return to work to try and push the encounter out of your mind. 
The issue turned out to be a simple adjustment. Everyone cheered because it could have been much worse. It could have taken weeks to fix. There could have been a fatal accident. It could have cost materials that would have taken weeks to replace. It could have been missed until inspection and that would have had the building demolished. The list of scenarios could go on and on. You and Pietro are more than happy about the results of an easy fix. 
You forget all about Vision's visit until during your lunch break when Pietro asks what the man wanted. “For me to stay away from Tommy and Billy’s tournament,” you shrugged. It was something you were expecting but you didn't think he would cause a scene at your place of work. 
Pietro nods and takes a bite of his food as he looks at the other crew members around the two of you. “Did he say why he doesn't want you there?” 
“Kind of? The gist of it was he's an absent father and he doesn't want the rest of the world to know that,” you shake your head and laugh a little as you think back on the conversation. “I tried to threaten me but there's nothing he can do. I'm still going.” 
Pietro makes a face, “Threaten you? How so?” 
“Well, he just said,” you clear your throat as you get ready to imitate the British man. “Stay away or else!” You roll your eyes. “It's ridiculous, he didn't have anything to say when I asked him what he would do. Because he can't do anything to me.”
“Maybe not to you, but he could do something to my sister. Or worse, he could pull the boys out of that class or make sure they don't show up to the event. I don't know.” Pietro pushes his food around his plate. “All I'm saying is that he can't do anything to you but he can do something to them. So maybe, don't go.” 
You frown as you consider Pietro's advice. He was right. Vision might not be able to touch you but he can hurt Wanda and her kids. 
Later that night, when you're picking up Rachel from Wanda's house, you feel terrible as you think of the ways Vision can hurt them and the only thing that you can do is comply and hurt them in a different way. “What's on your mind? You've been more quiet than usual,” Wanda asks as she hands you a clean plate to dry. 
“I um,” you aren't sure if you should tell her about the encounter earlier. But I'd you're considering canceling on her boys, you can't lie to her. “Vision came to see me today. He doesn't want me there to support the boys next Saturday.” 
“What?” Wanda stops scrubbing the pan she was cleaning. “Are fucking kidding me?” She scoffs as she shakes her head. She figured that Vision would come to her when he found out about you attending the event. She can't believe he dislikes you so much. She truly doesn't understand it. “What did you tell him?” 
“What I told him and what I’m considering are conflicting,” you truthfully tell her. “I don’t want Vision to do something to the boys or even become a bigger headache for you.” 
Wanda nods, she knew that whatever Vision threw at her, she could handle it. However, she agreed that the boys shouldn’t get affected by their father's tantrums. She takes a deep breath. “What are we going to tell them?” 
You are a little touched when she includes herself in this conflict. That this isn't something you have to deal with on your own. “I haven’t figured that part out yet. I wasn't sure if I should fight him or not.” 
“I know how much the boys would love to have you there but,” she sighs as she hands you the last dish. “Vision can't hurt either of us and he knows that. I don't want to believe that he would do something to hurt his kids but, let's face it. His priorities aren't exactly where they should be.” You dry the plate and set it aside as you nod. “So, we're just going to have to tell them that something came up and that you won't be able to attend. But we'll wait until the end of the week to tell them. Make it seem more urgent.” 
You nod with a deep frown. It hurts that you had to cancel on the boys. They've been so excited during the practices that you've done with them since that first night. You don't want to disappoint them but it's better that it's you and not Vision. 
On the day that you do have to break the news, Tommy called you a stupid head and said that he didn't want you there in the first place before he stormed up to his room. Billy just cried. Rachel asks you a million questions on the way home. It makes you feel terrible. Nothing could have prepared you for the heartache you felt when you said that you couldn't be there for them. 
In the middle of the week, Vision had a basket sent to your apartment with a thank you note. You tossed it in the trash. You couldn't believe that you let him win. All you could do was hope that they'd forgive you or at least forget about the let down. 
You tried to forget about it the rest of the week. On Friday, your friends want to go out so you join them. You don't drink as much as you have in the past when hanging out with them but you, Bucky, Steve, and Darcy end up staying out until close to three in the morning. The four of you had a lot of fun. The night started out at a simple bar with a few drinks then it led to one of those modern arcades with a bar. At a certain point, you noticed that  Steve and Bucky had gone missing. Darcy claimed that it happens every time she hangs out with them so you didn't question the disappearance. And when they reappeared, you were having too much fun to realize that they had switched shirts. 
Everyone ended up crashing at your place instead of going to their homes. You chose to sleep in Rachel's room to give Darcy your bed while Steve and Bucky crashed in the living room. You plugged your phone in and slipped into a dreamless sleep. 
In the next afternoon Darcy is shoving you awake. “Answer your damn phone! Some of us weren't made to sleep through natural disaster!” She grouchs as she continues to shake you. 
Groggy and discombobulated you squinted through your eyes as the bright sun shone through the blinds. You stretch and yawn as your phone starts ringing again. It's louder than you remember it ever being. You quickly answer the call before checking who it is. “Hello?” 
“Y/n, thank goodness!” Wanda says urgently. You spring up in bed, alarmed by her tone.
“What happened? What's wrong? Are you okay? Is it the boys?” You say as you get out of bed. 
“Woah, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I mean, it's an emergency but it's not a life threatening one,” she says, a little calmer this time. 
Your body relaxes instantly. “Sorry, I'm just waking up. I had um quite a night. Anyway… What's the emergency?” Darcy shouts that you're being too loud so you step out onto the balcony. 
“Hold on, are you with someone?” Wanda asks instead.
“No, that's just Darcy,” you say. “She spent the night because we were out late. Bucky and Steve are here as well. But ignore all of that, why are you calling?” You check the time and frown. “Shouldn't you be cheering the boys on soon?” 
“Vision dropped the boys off and disappeared,” she says. “I can't get a hold of him. Every time I call it goes straight to voicemail. I asked Tommy and Billy what he said when he dropped them off but their answer wasn't helpful. They're devastated,” she continues and it seems like she's going to say more but instead she says. “Sorry, I don't know why I called I-” 
“I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can,” you interrupt before she says that she shouldn't have called you. It makes you happy that she called you for this. “I've got to get ready, I'll see you in a bit. Bye,” you hang up the phone before she can protest. 
You quickly inform Darcy that you have to leave and why. She stops you from grabbing your keys. “Not so fast boo boo the fool. You smell like sweat and booze. Shower first, I'll put together some clean clothes and then you can go play superhero.” You don't think you have time but you do have an odor and you don't look very presentable. In fact, you'd hope that they'd refuse entry to someone in your state. 
You quickly rinse off the previous night and throw on the clothes that Darcy laid out for you. Steve and Bucky are sitting at the kitchen table and Darcy is making them coffee as you pass them. “Darcy, you have my spare right? Please lock up before you leave.” 
“What? Why does Darcy have a spare and I don't?” Steve asks, offended. “We've been friends longer.” 
Darcy taps his head, “Hush, they’re on a mission.” She looks up at you with an innocent smile as Steve scratches his head. “Don't worry, I'll be sure to lock up. Now go, go!” 
You thank her before racing out of the building. When you arrive, you find Wanda consoling her boys with their Sensei. Someone steps out of the gym and when the door opens you can hear that the event has already started. You jog over to Wanda. “Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. Traffic was just,” you don't get to finish your excuse because Billy crashes against you and greets you with a tight hug. You wrap your arms around him. “Hey buddy, it's alright,” you say gently as you carefully pry him off of you. “What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be in there kicking butt?” You ask as you level with him. 
Billy wipes his tears, “I couldn't because I was sad.” 
You frown, “Sad? Why were you sad?” You move some of his hair out of his face and pull a bandana out of your pocket to help wipe his tears out of his prescription goggles. 
“Because my daddy didn't want to be here and neither did you,” he admits and your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. 
You shake your head. “That’s not,” you sigh and look behind him to Wanda standing beside Tommy, he is giving you his best death glare that reminds you a lot of Vision. “I’m sorry that I made you think that, Billy. I thought that there was something more important but I was wrong. Nothing is more important than seeing you and your brother compete today.”
“Really?” Billy squeaks as his eyes start to brighten up a bit. You can see so much of Wanda in him. You grin as you nod. 
“Billy, sometimes we are given two choices and I don't always pick the right one. But you are smarter than me. So I'm going to give you,” you point to his chest as you speak, “two choices. Number one, you can quit now and we can all go home. We might watch a movie but there will be nothing to show for it. Or number two, you can show everyone in that room what your Sensei has taught you and what we have worked on together. You and your brother could win trophies and get new belts and then we can go out to celebrate. Which one do you think you should pick?” You try to make one option seem a little more appealing than the other to try and get him inside. 
Billy looks at you then to his mom, then to his instructor, and lastly, he looks to his brother. “Do you want to?” Tommy had his arms crossed over his chest with an angry frown and a deep scowl. You could tell that between the two, he was the one that refused to perform. His way of having control over the situation. Something that he was learning from his father. If you don't give him what he wants, he tries to take something away. In this case, he's not getting his father's approval so he's making it so that they don't participate. It hurts Vision’s image, which isn't something that Tommy knows much about. He can't stop playing his father's words over and over in his head, don't embarrass me. 
Tommy steps forward, “If we go in there, are you going to stay?” 
“I'm going to stay,” you promise. His features soften and he grabs his brother's hand and takes him over to their Sensei. The three walk through the double doors and run to their corner. Wanda walks over and gives you a tight hug, much like Billy had. 
“Thank you so much,” she says into your chest. 
“Wanda, as much as I love being in your arms, you're holding me back from keeping my promise,” you say as you give her a quick squeeze in return. 
“Just a second longer,” she says before she finally releases you. “You are incredible,” she says as she leads you inside. A volunteer stops you from walking further. 
“Do you have a ticket?” She asks with a bright smile. You quickly pull your wallet out of your pocket. 
“No, I don't actually,” you say but Wanda stops you. 
“Nonsense, after what you did for my kids, I've got you covered,” Wanda hands the woman her debit card despite your protests.
“Okay, you two are good to go,” she says then she pulls out a clipboard with a sheet of names and contact information. “I'm also supposed to ask if you would like to sign this petition to get more funding for programs like these. Is that something that you would be interested in?” The woman is a little more flirtatious in her approach and you are thrown off. You size her up as she is clearly eyeing you and you smile at her politely. She bites her lip as she leans a little forward to expose a bit of cleavage. 
“Sure, I love to support a good cause,” you say as you take the clipboard and pen to write down your name and phone number. She asks you a couple of more questions before you and Wanda are able to walk away. 
“That girl wants a date with you,” Wanda mutters once the two of you are sitting in the stands. “I’m assuming one without any clothes.” You shake your head with a laugh.
“Please, it was just a tactic to get my signature,” you say as you lean in close so she can hear you. 
“Oh. So I should judge you because it worked on you?” Wanda asks in a playful tone but there is a layer of truth. 
“No, I just thought the cause was worth supporting. What you should be concerned about right now is that Billy is up next,” you say as you point to the floor where Billy is stepping onto the mat. Wanda reaches for your hand and holds it in a tight grip. You don’t pull away, more than happy to give her some sort of comfort. You felt just as nervous watching Billy out there. You record as much of the match as possible. Something for Wanda to send to Vision or people in her family that couldn’t be there. 
In the middle of the tournament, your stomach starts to growl and ache painfully. You excuse yourself to buy some snacks at the concession stand. Because neither of her boys are on the mat, Wanda watches you from her seat. On your way back to the stands, the woman stops you for what looks like a quick chat. She cleanches her jaw when the woman touches your arm as she laughs at something you said. She tries to ignore the pang of jealousy she feels as you continue to talk to the woman. You come back to her side when Tommy stands up to enter the mat. When you return, Wanda pulls you close to her and her eyes search for the red haired woman. As soon as she makes eye contact with her, Wanda wraps her arm around your waist and steals some of your popcorn. You laugh because you notice her odd behavior but you don’t question it. Not as much as Wanda is. 
When the event is over, Tommy and Billy run to you to show off their awards. You give them high fives and tell them how proud you are. Wanda gives them hugs as she tells them the same. Then they take your hand and race you over to their friends. She puts their prizes in her tote bag as she gets ready to leave. Tommy and Billy have other plans. They have you show each of them how to do the moves you managed to teach them in the past few weeks. Wanda stands back and watches with a wide smile. She snaps a few pictures as she watches but she doesn’t want to view the moment from her phone screen.
“Excuse me,” the volunteer from earlier says quietly to Wanda. “Hi, my name is Nebula and I just wanted to apologize for flirting with your partner earlier. I consider myself to be a girls girl and I didn’t realize that you two were together,” she rambles and Wanda holds her hands up to stop the girl. 
“Slow down, we’re just friends,” Wanda corrects her. The words feel wrong coming out of her mouth but she couldn’t stop them. It was like an automatic response every time someone implied that you and her are a couple. 
“Oh,” Nebula fails to stop the smile from growing on her face. “Is Y/n seeing someone?” She turns to watch you playing with the kids. 
“No. No, they are single,” Wanda knew this girl was being friendlier to you than just getting another signature for a petition. She didn’t want to be the one giving Nebula this information. But no matter what she was feeling, she wasn’t going to sabotage you. 
Nebula nods as she continues to watch you. “Do you think they will be creeped out if I use their information from the petition to contact them?”
Wanda watches the girl for a moment and thinks about telling her to back off. That if anyone should be asking you out, it should be her. But was Wanda ready for a relationship beyond physical pleasures? She doesn’t know. And because she doesn’t know, she wasn’t going to gatekeep you. Just in case she isn’t ready for a long time. “I think maybe that’s exactly how you should do that. I’ll get to win a bet if you do,” Wanda says jokingly. 
Nebula nods and nudges Wanda with her shoulder, “I’ve got you. Make it a good bet.” She winks, “Thank you. I hope to see you around soon.” 
“I’ll give the toast at the wedding,” Wanda jokes again and Nebula walks away laughing. 
“Oh, would you look at that, I think she had her eyes on you this whole time,” you say as you walk up to Wanda with both boys wrapped around and hanging onto each of your legs. Wanda shakes her head. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” She steps closer to you and puts her hand on your shoulder. “Let’s get these two some ice cream,” she says loudly and the boys let go of your legs to jump up and down as they cheer. She messes with their hair and tells them to go wait by her car. They start to shove each other on their way out of the building as they race each other. 
“Still no word from Vision?” You ask as you scrape the sides of your cup to get every last bit of chocolate ice cream out of the cup. Wanda checks her phone and continues to shake her head to see the lack of responses from Vision. She eats her ice cream and gets some of it on her nose. You wipe it off with your thumb and smile. “Mmm, maybe I should have gotten that flavor instead,” you say as you lick the ice cream off of your thumb. She smiles back at you.
Tommy and Billy are running around the playground while you and Wanda sit on a bench and watch them play. “I don't know if I should take them home with me or drop them off at Vision’s house. I don't know how Vision will react because I'm not even sure why he didn't show up.” 
Your smile drops and you look away from her as you shake your head. “I can't believe after the tantrum he threw that he wasn't there for them. He sent me a thank you basket. Which, I don't want to know how he got my address to begin with-” 
“He is unbelievable and I am going to be tied to that man for the rest of my life,” she shakes her head again. 
“They're pretty great reasons to be tied to him though,” you compliment the boys, making Wanda smile as she watches them chase each other around. 
“They are,” she says and then she looks at you. “Will you join us for dinner? I'm thinking that we should go somewhere nice.” 
You look at her and when your eyes meet, you want to kiss her. The only thing keeping you from doing that is the fact that her kids could witness it and ask questions that you're not prepared to answer. “Um, yeah, I’d love to. As long as we split the bill.” 
Wanda considers insisting on paying for everything but that's not what will catch your interest. It's not a collection of times she has done something for you and you have done things for her. Leaving an imbalance of power between the two of you always. No, you are someone that seeks equal partnership. “Fine by me,” she says. 
Your phone goes off and Wanda's heart jumps in her throat from the anticipation. She hoped that the Nebula girl hadn't decided to reach out so soon. “It's a grocery list from Darcy,” you say as another message comes through. “And she and the guys have finally vacated the premise,” you laugh as you respond to the messages. She didn't realize she was holding in her breath until you spoke. Wanda relaxes as she continues eating her ice cream. 
“They’ve been at your apartment this entire time?” Wanda asks with a light laugh of her own. 
“Apparently, and now I'm all out of food,” you shake your head.
During dinner, Wanda has to excuse herself to take a call from Vision. You distract the boys by being silly to make them laugh, then you ask each of them to tell you about their week since you haven't seen them since last Friday. They go on and on about assignments that they enjoyed or hated. Like how Tommy is bummed about a book report but that Billy is ecstatic about it. He’s already read every book on the list, which he conveniently avoided telling the teacher. In gym class, there is a push up challenge that Billy isn’t thrilled about at all but Tommy is more than ready for. They talk about some playground drama where you find out that your daughter has been married and divorced three times throughout the week. You laugh when you find out that she's currently married to a girl named Kate in their class. 
You fondly remember your days in primary school when you were officiating weddings for Jean. She married half the class by the end of the school year. But she never married you back then. She told you that one day she would and then she kissed you on your tear stained cheeks. 
When Wanda returns she looks frustrated and you feel for her in her situation. “That was your dad,” she starts as she sits down. “He will be by the house tomorrow with your school bags but you're staying with me tonight.” She can't look at her boys as she stabs her food with her fork. She was still very worked up over the conversation. Billy puts his hand on her arm and she nearly breaks. 
“Wanda, do you want to know a trick I use to make water taste really good?” You ask her as you hold your glass up. She looks at you with a fragile expression before she takes your cue. She grabs her cup and you show her the trick you've learned over the years of how to drink something in order to avoid crying. It seems to work and she compliments that the water does taste better. The boys don't believe it so they try it and their brains trick them into believing the technique did anything to change the flavor. 
“Thank you,” Wanda mouths when she has calmed down. You shrug in response as the meal continues on. 
After dinner, you follow Wanda to her house with Tommy in your car and Billy in hers. He wanted to make sure that you came to their house to play video games and because you wanted to earn their trust, you agreed to drive with Tommy in the car. Wanda thought it was sweet that you cared this much about her boys. 
The four of you play three different multiplayer games together. Some rounds were kids versus adults and others you and Wanda would team up with one of the twins. The games went on until nine at night and that's when the kids wanted to watch a movie. You and Wanda sat at opposite ends of the couch with both boys sitting in the middle. When they both went quiet Wanda recruited you to help her take them to their beds. 
Once the two were settled in their beds you helped Wanda with cleaning up the mess in the living room by taking care of the cups while she reset the gaming setup. Putting controllers to charge and setting game cases on the game shelf in the cabinet. When all is said and done Wanda walks you to your car. 
“Thank you for today,” she says as she stands close to you with her hands in her back pockets. “You'll have to let me know if that girl messages you. I have a lot riding on that bet,” she jokes but her eyes look at both of yours and then land on your mouth. You've heard about this tactic, it's a signal to let you know she wants to kiss you. Suddenly you feel a little nervous. Any kiss the two of you shared could be dismissed with being under the influence or having heightened emotions. But right now, there wouldn't be any excuse. There would just be. 
It was a terrifying thought. 
“I’m sure you'd be devastated to lose the chance to choose my next haircut,” you retort as you lean in closer to her. Even when you're talking about a potential relationship with another woman, the only person on your mind is Wanda. The two of you gravitate towards each other until your lips meet. The kiss is short but meaningful. She smiles at you when the both of you break away before she bites her lower lip. You smile back at her as she steps away from you. “I'll see you later?” You ask as you open the door to your truck. 
Wanda nods, “Yeah, I'll um, I'll see you later.” 
“Okay,” you say softly. “Goodnight, Wanda. Sweet dreams.” 
“Sweet dreams, Y/n” she repeats and waves goodbye as you climb into your truck. She watches you drive away from the front door. She decides then that she doesn't need to be exploring her sexuality anymore. None of the people she sleeps with make her feel nearly as alive as that simple kiss did. As she lies in her bed, she goes through all of her dating apps and deletes every single one of them. She doesn't need them anymore.
Chapter 17
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles @the-ox-fan20
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netherworldpost · 2 years
Hey Atty, I've seen a few creators starting to use Substack for their stories. I was wondering if you'd heard anything/have any opinions on it since i usually find your take on this sort of stuff interesting
I actually wrote a huge, long, rambling review --
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...what. I'm sorry. What?
"Note: Substack charges a one-time $50 USD fee to use a custom domain for your publication."
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Without exception: If you are creating content, you need to own your domain.
The gears behind-the-scenes will almost certainly belong to someone else, but you need to own the address.
To market it, be it on one social app or many, in print or in t-shirts or in skywriting, you need to say "Find my stuff at My Website Dot Whatever. Sign up!"
This domain needs to belong to you and cannot be tied to a service you cannot get away from.
What if you decide Substack sucks?
What if they say "hey we are doubling our rates"?
What if they go out of business?
What if you want to branch out into other things beyond newsletters?
To be fair. You are not being locked into Substack's system.
You can pay them $50 USD, then walk away in 3 years and point your domain somewhere else, the cost being this one-time fee.
But I want to talk about something.
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When you get a domain, from Google Domains or any other the other billion companies that sell them, the registrar says "okay where does this thing point to?" -- as in -- Substack is not doing the work. The registrar is. That's part of the roughly $12/year fee you pay them for.
I have never seen a company charge you to point a domain to their service before. I am suspicious.
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Notice how Tumblr is not charging to use a custom domain?
At this point, I am admittedly guessing, but the only reason I can think of a charge is to make authors second-guess if they leave the platform.
Evil Supply Co. closed in the summer of 2019, I am writing this in February 2023, I still get traffic on the old domain. It diminishes month-by-month and yet it is still a valuable "I am rebranding!" tool.
I plan on keeping the domain forever. It costs me very little per year because no one has charged me to point it at the address of the new project. I can change gears once a week and point it somewhere else without fee.
I have never seen a site charge to have a domain pointed at them.
Prior to writing this answer, I had never looked into Substack's business model.
Having found this point, I would never recommend them to anyone for any reason, even if their newsletter is going to be free forever.
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In contempt and anger at this bullshit, I offer a non-affiliate link to MailChimp's blog on launching a paid newsletter.
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I'm not so much saying "you should use MailChimp" as "there are other solutions that won't charge you."
I have used MC in the past to great enjoyment and success.
I've used other services too. They won't charge you for pointing a domain to them.
Because this is Tumblr which is owned by Automattic which owns WordPress and because I am super fucking mad at this Substack bullshit I will close with saying WordPress.com also has the ability to launch a newsletter and they won't charge you for a domain to be pointed at it.
I hope this is helpful.
It has been an illuminating experience to research for you.
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dgdraws · 1 month
Maybe saying this on my 18 follower art sideblog is silly, but I want to offer some gentle pushback on the sentiment that's been going around re: notes on art and lack of engagement.
TL;DR make it your practice to be the person who rbs art with nice tags and you can build a community of likeminded folks
There are myriad reasons why online comment culture has shifted, I'm not gonna waste time pinning that stuff down, bc it's actually immaterial to my perspective, which is:
You can find or create a community of people who will lift up your art. But it requires that you participate in the culture you want to see more of.
I had been a lurker on this site for a decade. I held back participating in discussions, creating or sharing art, engaging directly with anyone outside of following blogs and rbing posts without commentary. And during that time, I made no connections, no friends, built no community.
I was afraid of scrutiny. I have felt the humiliating lurch of earnest engagement turning to dread and exposure and a deep regret of allowing myself to be vulnerable. I pulled up the ladder behind me so I would never have to hear the slightest dismissal or repulsion or ridicule from others. In so doing I also cut myself off from praise, understanding or connection. If no one gets a chance to let me down, then it's as though they're holding me up, right? Wrong!!!
I paid good money for a therapist to help me work out the lie there. The realization that I felt isolated and misunderstood because I never gave people the opportunity to show up for me was so hard to grasp. How could my safety net be the cause of my profound loneliness? But it is true. The people in my life couldn't disappoint me, but they also couldn't help me or support me or really love me the way I needed.
Opening myself up to disappointment has been a long, tough road (and goodness knows I'm not ready to let my parents let me down (again) yet). But my relationships are strengthening. My sense of identity is more stable. I am not inconsolably lonely deep in my heart anymore. Because it turns out people do show up when you give them the opportunity.
Not every time. Not every person. But enough of the time that it builds resilience. Every time I reach out and someone reaches back, I get a little braver. I trust a little more.
To bring this back around to online culture and community: I started receiving interest (and notes) after I started showing interest in others. Once again it turns out that people want to turn up for you, but you must give them the opportunity. This means making yourself vulnerable. It means taking the first step.
If you want a community, a group of people who interact w a certain set of values, you have to demonstrate it. Live those values. This is how we create culture. We choose what behavior we want to encourage and we set an example. This is as true in a workplace or a family as it is for tumblr or ao3. If your boss puts up a sign that says "we see mistakes as a chance to learn" but they punish people when they mess up, that's just words on the wall. If they accept errors graciously, if they work to suss out the root of the problem to resolve it, if they are open about their own mistakes, that is the culture.
So if we want to see more reblogs, but not just that, real engagement and chances for connection, then it starts with you.
Here's what I do that has helped me make friends and spark genuine interest in my work;
Reblog LOW NOTE art as much as, if not more than, posts with thousands of notes. Feel proud to give someone the first note on their work!
Incorporate leaving nice tags into my gratitude practice (it is a form of mindfulness! noticing what specifically draws me to art I rb both engages me more deeply with the work and makes my own art better)
Queue up several art posts from the same artist (people notice when you are consistently in their notes!)
Participate in art events like artfight, various -tobers, other challenges (as with making friends anywhere, repeated exposure leads to familiarity and chances for connection!)
Follow people back or even initiate following blogs who interact with your posts (do not approach this with a f4f mentality, only follow people you actually want to hear more from)
Set up post notifications for portfolio style art blogs (ie sideblogs exclusively for original content) so you keep up w your network/mutuals even if you're offline when they post
Low key notice what the people engaging with you like most about your work and consider expanding on those ideas. This is not about "tailor your work to an audience" it's about thinking, "so-and-so left feral tags on my post about this oc so I'll do my practice sketches of them" or "people seem interested in this storyline so let me feed off that enthusiasm and develop it more"
Don't get hung up on it when individuals don't reciprocate. Assume good faith. You never know what is draining someone's energy. Remember that you are offering a gift, your time and energy yes, but also the chance for someone to show up for you too. If it starts to feel like an obligation, reassess where you're putting that energy, but don't be afraid to be generous.
This has worked wonderfully for me. I went from a person scrolling longingly past posts about beloved mutual culture, not quite believing it could really be like that, to a person who happily gets 3 notes on my former flop posts and posts reblog bait for my besties and reblogs the bait they post for me :)
Apparently I had a lot to say! I kinda hope this doesn't break containment but if it does, please be niceys. I understand if this mindset is not available to you bc of social trauma, depression/anxiety, disability, mental illness or whatever else but please avoid venting that on this post. I love you and I hope you can get here someday, because you're worth it. In the meantime, try to be gentle with yourself and others. xoxo
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ashen-crest · 1 year
Hi RK! I think about you a lot as far as seeing the writer I want to be out in the wild. You self-published, right? Do you have a Guide for those of us wanting to follow your path, or advice on Where to Look for going in the self pub direction?
Hello and thank you so much!! I apologize if this gets rambly- there's a lot to cover, and I hope you stick with me through it.
I am indeed self-published! Everyone's situation and goals are different, but for me, I work full-time, write on the side, and want to push out professional-looking books because...well, because I want to. I currently don't plan to move to writing full-time, and I do have a job that helps cover the costs of an editor, cover designer, etc.
That's all important to establish up front, because that majorly impacts basically everything else about my strategy.
Because I work full-time, I can't write as fast as other folks. I also don't have as much time to spend on marketing. But because I work full-time, I can set aside money for a line editor, a cover designer, a proofreader, and an illustrator if needed, as well as cover a website, pre-order goodies, author copies for giveaways, a BookFunnel subscription, etc.
So, with all that...
Step 1:
Assess your goals, your abilities, your limits, and plan your strategy around that.
I realize that sounds really vague, but there are so many aspects to self-publishing, and so many things that can either cost $0 or $1,000, that it's worth jotting down the following first:
What you are comfortable & proficient with doing yourself (cover design? proofreading? making your own pre-order swag?)
What you have time for (things like social media, newsletters, and designing your own cover all take time)
What you have the money for (if you're going to spend money on anything, the conventional wisdom is cover design + editor)
What you have the energy for (book release speed, marketing, etc)
What your end goal is (publishing for fun? for a career? for something in between?)
Once you have all that jotted down, I'd plan out the following (and this is really starting from square one):
Your Books' Content
What genre do I want to write in? And do I want to put effort into targeting a sub-genre or sub-sub-genre (a successful strategy for career-focused indie authors), or would I prefer to keep myself flexible for creative purposes?
How much research do I want to put into this genre? A lot of intense indie authors will read a ton, research genre expectations, analyze tropes and covers, etc. But if you're just having fun, that's totally cool!
How quickly do I want to write? And the corollaries: do I want to write a bunch at once, then rapid-release? Or write and release one at a time?
What do I want my editing process to look like? I'd consider things like beta readers, sensitivity readers, and professional editors and/or proofreaders. (For later: don't forget about front and back matter, like copyright pages, acknowledgments, "leave a review and sign up for my newsletter!" pages, etc.)
Your Author Presence & Marketing
How do I want to appear as an author? Do you want to go all-out with a website, newsletter with reader magnets, Patreon and/or social media presence? Or pick and choose a few/none of those things? These are major time-sucks, and the conventional wisdom is that you don't want to try everything at once (particularly social media sites). Master one thing first, then move on to the next. (This is a, uh, do as I say and not as I do kinda situation...)
How do I want to handle cover design? Maybe the most important part of marketing besides your blurb. Please please don't skimp on it.
How do I price my books? Check other books in your genre and see what their average cost is.
What do I want my release strategy to look like? Pre-order goodies? ARCs? Giveaways?
Do I want to participate in any promos or paid advertising? The answer is typically 'no' at the beginning, but I've found BookFunnel to be helpful when it comes to distributing reader magnets and joining group promos.
The Technical & Business-y Aspects
(Not things you have to worry about right now, but things to eventually research and keep in mind.)
What format will my books be in? E-books are cheaper to produce than paperback and net you higher profits. But if you really wanna hold your book in your hand (like me) and write in a genre where readers buy paperbacks, then it could be worth planning for that as well.
How do I want to distribute my books? There are a ton of ways to distribute your book. Amazon, IngramSpark, Draft2Digital, Gumroad, Itchio, selling directly on a personal website, etc. If you also want your books in libraries and brick-and-mortar stores, that will impact your distribution strategy.
How will I typeset/format my book? You can do it through Word or Scrivener or even Reedsy's site, but there are also paid programs that make it easier and freelancers who can do it for you.
What sort of licenses do I need to sell books? The really not-fun part. Check your federal, state, county, and city for any required selling permits, business licenses, and tax rules. I'd also look into if you want to set up a DBA ("doing business as") or an EIN (basically a business tax ID number so you don't have to use your personal SSN).
What sort of ID numbers do my books need? For example, in the US, you need ISBN codes sold by Bowker. Not required for ebook, but required for paperback, with a separate code needed for hardcover, translations, or subsequent editions.
How do I copyright my books? For the US, it's the US Copyright Office.
(US Only) Do I want an LCCN (Library of Congress control #) for my book? This helps you get into libraries. If you want a #, you need to fill out a form before your book publishes.
I realize this is a LOT to research. Please don't feel like you need to do all the research at once or know everything right away. Put most of your focus into writing and set aside some time to tackle the other topics as you go.
Here are some resources I found to be helpful:
FB Group: Wide for the Win (all about distributing across multiple platforms)
FB Group: 20Booksto50K (very business-focused, almost to a fault, and has some failings, but also has some great advice and detailed insights. I'd recommend using this page only if you're very serious about self-pub)
FB Group: Author Unleashed (great for getting blurb feedback!)
David Gaughran's "Starting from Zero" free online video course, all about marketing when you're totally new to the game
Tammi Lebrecque's Newsletter Ninja books and resources, if you want to delve into newsletters and reader magnets
The Complete Guide to Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Bucket Siler
The Indie Author's Bible by Christopher D Schmitz
Becca Syme's series for indie authors
A word of warning...
There are a lot of people out there making money off writing resources, aka selling mining equipment to the miners rather than mining themselves. There are thousands of self-publishing gurus with books, consultation packages, sales funnel advice, etc. Before you throw a lot of money at those resources, do some research and take a look at what other indie authors recommend first. (If it helps, I really do trust David Gaughran, Tammi Lebrecque, and Becca Syme for starters.)
Okay that's it!
That was a lot. I'm so sorry. I'm happy to answer any specific questions or concerns you have!
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
I myself am trying to catch up on this corey stuff. I'm so lost
okay, i'm gonna give the quickest of rundowns on this whole thing.
aka i watched elton's video so everyone doesn't have to lol
so to give the slightest bit of backstory, corey left tfil/overnight/haunted homies a couple months back. he then came out with a video in april saying that the reason he left is bc he wants to pursue other ventures, in particular sketch comedy bc that's so timely. but he also said he would still be doing ghost hunting, just not with elton. around this time he also unfollowed elton, and devyn on her secret twitter was shitting on elton in some way (but idk what she said bc it's private). him and devyn have also started back up their old channel where they ghost hunt. and corey... i think... has posted some vlogs or whatever here and there on his main channel. but idk for certain since i don't watch him.
now, for some reason, elton has decided to clear the air on what happened with him and corey bc his leaving was very abrupt and confused a lot of fans.
imma just bullet point this list as best i can bc wow does that man love to talk and say almost nothing for over an hour.
elton alluded to corey possibly being the reason why the beef with snc lasted so long; mostly bc corey loves talking shit on ppl he's collabed with in the past. and full on would tell elton not to recollab with certain paranormal ppl bc. in particular, exploring with josh (who was also surprised to find out corey shit talked him since he commented "what" on elton's video)
the main portion of the video was solely to explain that while corey allegedly claims to be broke or not have made much money off of the overnight channel/tfil, elton very much begs to fucking differ
corey would get paid roughly $10k A WEEK during investigations, trips, whatever. elton also stated that he would pay anyone that would go on trips with them, roughly $2500 for the day, but that would fluctuate depending on the circumstances.
corey technically made over half a mil a year for the past couple years bc of elton paying him to be on the channel. elton also stated that corey makes more than elton on the channel bc elton basically pays for everything while corey has no stake in the claim.
corey did literally no work bts whatsoever. never suggested any places to go to, never paid for anything (not the hotel, driving, booking of spots, ect), and then on top of it never did any work like editing, getting ghost equipment, research. elton did everything, but would pay corey 50% since he was the other person on the channel mainly.
corey would flake out of a lot of things last minute for unknown reasons. or when they would discuss things to do/places to go, he would just not do it or go. and sometimes this would play out on camera, and to elton's justification, is why he would seem to "force" corey to do things. basically bc it was agreed on beforehand, only for corey to not do it once they got there.
during a charity livestream that was supposed to last for about a week (if not longer), corey claimed to feel ill, did nothing to help himself, and then left the charity livestream early.
then the fans that donated the most during that stream were supposed to fly out and meet elton and corey (all expenses paid by elton himself). corey decided last minute not to meet fans. elton then had to give refunds to some ppl who had wanted to meet corey.
corey would get a cut of the shares when it came to merch as well. even tho he wouldn't design it, be the one paying to ship it out, nothing. they created the haunted bundles that they did on the tfil site just so corey could make more money.
elton got rid of some of his staff just so corey could make more money/be paid more
the haunted homies tour that they did, elton planned all of it and created it bc corey wanted to do more funny bits instead of all of the haunted stuff. bc… it was corey's dream to eventually end up on snl. no, i am not joking. that is something elton actually claims corey wants lol
the second haunted homies tour, the one with matt rife, corey was contractually obligated to post about it/tell their editor in time what clips he would want to repost on his accounts. corey never did that/would take too long to get back to them on what he wanted, and then would later ask for certain clips to be removed from the vids long after the video was already up.
elton gifted $10k to corey bc he claimed to need more money… even after all of this shit played out
they had to make less content last year bc of how often corey would just not do projects with him/would flake out last minute
at the beginning of this year, elton had a bunch of tfil trips planned, with overnight videos in between also being filmed. basically had it laid out that they would only have to film for the first couple months, and then pick up filming again in october. so almost the entire year was planned out. he was just waiting for corey to sign off on it.
elton travels to some place (i'm blanking on it now) and then gets a single text from corey that says "hey man, i've wanted to bring this up for a while, but this year i'm gonna pull back from overnight and just focus on myself" with no explanation or conversation. and since that text, he has basically ghosted elton irl and online. but has apparently been saying things to friends in common that old roommates (like elton and whoever else all lived with them these past couple years) has stole shit from him, ect. and in general, he has been talking shit on elton bts.
i think that's everything i can remember off the top of my head that elton alleged. if i remember anything else, i'll add it. but this was pretty much a good chunk of the vid.
basically, the general gist is corey had one job: show up and make money. and he couldn't even do that lol
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machifuwa · 1 year
Autumn Cafeteria | Episode 3
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Tsukasa: In summary, we are working as Volunteers to help this place.
Yuuta: I see, so that's why you're all here.
But I'm a bit disappointed that even my seniors used to come here. I thought it was a hideout that only I knew of because there are never many customers no matter when I come.
Shu: I used to think the same way before. Because there are few people, it is calm and comfortable.
However, when I put myself in the position of the store, I realized that the number of customers is proportional to its profit.
Even though it's a holiday, this situation is simply terrible... It's not a viable business at all.
Koga: Even though you're just volunteers, seems like you guys still have time to talk to usーcutomers.
I mean, what about work? Is it okay for all three of you to be relaxed like this?
Shu: It's a bit of a bummer, but it's not a problem. As of now, you two are our only customers.
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Yuuta: Oh, that's true. But there was another couple there just now.
Tsumugi: By the time I had brought the food to you two, they had already paid the bill and left afterwards.
Even though it's pretty busy during lunch time. It's still a lonely sight~.
Koga: …So, how's that workin' out for you? Do you guys know how to solve this, huh?
Yuuta: Why is Oogami-senpai acting like he's in charge?
Koga: I didn't mean to meddle, but I'm pretty sure you're also curious about all this, ain'tcha?
Tsumugi: We've been looking for ways to improve the café while we work, but we haven't thought of any good ideas so far.
The menu has a wide variety of items, the prices and tastes are perfect, and the customer satisfaction is high.
The only thing wrong is the location. If this store could be moved to the front street with just a "bang," it would be an immediate solution.
Tsukasa: As expected, it's difficult. We don't have any more land left to move this place…
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Tsumugi: No no, I'm just kidding. Don't take it seriously.
Shu: What are you doing, teasing a serious child, Aoba?
Tsumugi: I was trying to make the situation more relaxed~. After all, we won't gain anything staying still like this.
Yuuta: Is that so? I can't believe they're closing, even though I found a great hideout. I'd hate to see it go down the drain without being able to do anything about it...
I don't have any good ideas. But can I help you?
Shu: Umu, you are very much welcome. This place means a lot to me too.
Koga: Dammit. This reminds me of "Special Music Zone".
Seems like the number of closed shops and collapsed buildings increased due to the influence of ES over there, too.
Yuuta: So, this means Oogami-senpai will be joining us.
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Koga: Haa? Why would I?
Yuuta: Eh, am I wrong? In the spring, when I was making a fuss about helping the live music clubs in the "Special Music Zone".
"I'll help you," you offered. So I was expecting that you would cooperate with me this time again.
Koga: Ah…Well, since I've stuck my head in so far, I can't just ignore it, huh?
Yuuta: Really? Fufu, Oogami-senpai is very caring, isn't he?
Koga: Shut up. Don't be comfortable just cuz there are more people. It's all meaningless if you don't have any ideas.
Tsumugi: Even if there are volunteers like us, there are no customers and this place is deserted in the first place.
We're still having a lot of free time, and now that we've increased to five people, we're going to have a lot more...
Aah, yes. If you guys don't mind, Yuuta-kun, Koga-kunーand Suou-kun, can you three inspect the site?
Tsukasa: Inspect?
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Tsumugi: If we all stay stuck here, we'll just end up wasting time, so I think it might be a good idea for you to visit other stores to gain some insight.
I want you to leave this place to me and Shu-kun.
Tsukasa: Hah...I understand. Oogami-senpai, Yuuta-kun. I'm looking forward to working with you.
Yuuta: Yeah, same here! What are you going to wear? Are you just going as you are?
Tsukasa: No, I'm going to go change. Could you give me some time?
Koga: Alright. We'll wait for you outside.
Yuuta: See you later~!
Alrighty then, we're off for a visit!
Tsumugi: Take care~.
Shu: ...It's such a pity. I had no idea I'll have to stay with you, out of all people.
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Tsumugi: I'm simply worried about leaving it to only Shu-kun and Suou-kun, who have little customer service experience.
Even if you went with them, will you be able to blend with them?
Shu: Excuse me. I'm more used to collective action than I was before. In Paris, I'm always surrounded by free people who pretend to be artists.
Tsumugi: Oh~. You must be a good influence there, then.
But still, Paris, huh... When I was still a student, I remember making the "French Special Corner", even though I haven't set foot in the country myself.
If I come visit sometime, will you show me around?
Shu: Non. I don't want to.
Tsumugi: Even if Natsume-kun and Sora-kun came along?
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Shu: ………
...I never came to Paris to become a tourist guide.
However, it'll be troublesome if they go missing, so I'll simply lend a hand.
Tsumugi; Fufu, thank you very much.
Shu: Somehow, I feel like I'm being tricked into this.
Tsumugi: You are kindhearted.
Shu: Hm. You saying that won't make me feel proud at all.
Tsumugi: Aw, that's pretty harsh~♪
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Translated by mars | Proofread by machi
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erithacuscreations · 3 months
06/24 Update (fundraising)
Hello again folks! Happy Pride! I hope you all have been doing well!
Work has been the same old daily slog; my drive is significantly longer now that I’m living in a different city and that bums me out a bit. Summer is always a slow season for us, and I can tell there’s not much room in the budget for hours because I’m not getting many! I’m constantly in a struggle trying to pick up more work there.
I haven’t been doing great about it, but I really need to push harder for commissions hard right now. My cat has some dental work that needs done, I have a medical bill that needs to be paid and a prescription to get, the car needs an oil change and new tires probably… I hate that I’m making more than most people doing the same thing, and I still can’t afford everything I need.
That said, I’m open for various types of commissions! Info can be found here: [https://erithacuscreations.carrd.co/]. I'll be making a more formal post on my "timeline" sites here soon that will be able to be reshared as well, if you're able to help that way.
Anyways, thank you for reading, as always, and I hope this upcoming week treats you well!
(Also, If you don't need a commission but can still afford to help, my Ko-fi can also be found on my website ;;)
(((Also also: Artfight! I am going to be attempting it for the first time this year. Here I am: [https://artfight.net/~ErithacusCreations]))
(((Also also ALSO, if you’re in the DFW, TX area and are interested in keeping isopods, I stock several species at the moment! I would love to introduce others to the hobby (and maybe buy my hungry bugs some more leaves while I’m at it hehe))))
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imarawbu · 4 months
The other end of this is I have seriously been thinking about after the marriage is over. Even if I get a good second job, there is always the possibility of being fired and then I'm back to square one. If I get the house and pay for it I will never be able to go back to school and finish a degree, I will have to work the rest of my life to pay this off. Sure, he could get lucky with his investments but now he knows my plans, he has said he will make me pay half of the house. I have very limited investments and I don't see any of them increasing by 1000% or more, ever. The point of investing is long term gains anyways. Also, it doesn't matter if I stay here or move to an apartment, I could not afford the apartment either without the second job. Why bother leaving in that case and I don't want to sell the furniture I bought or have to move again. Yes, I bought half of the new furniture we got when we moved to this house. Prior to that we used stuff my parents gave us. This also includes a lot of appliances and things like dishes, silverware, etc. I know everyone thinks I have the most perfect life ever but that's a complete facade I helped create. He wants everyone to think he bought it for me, in reality, I bought or paid for half or more than half. Everything isn't like an Islamic marriage, it's 50/50.
Although I was confident getting remarried at some point, I don't see that actually happening. I want nothing to do with men. Maybe I'd try that Muslim site again in the future, but the talking phase is annoying and these sites can be traumatizing. The major thing in Islam is if you have a daughter and the daughter lives with the mother, if she remarries then she loses custody. This is supposed to be because the man is a non meharam to her. Which doesn't make sense to me and this is considered a very conservative position. As anyone who is related to your parents via marriage is a non meharam, parent remarries, the new spouse is meharam. There is no such prohibition for men who remarry and have sons, as the new wife becomes the son's meharam. I had never heard this before until a few months ago when my husband mentioned it, since he thinks I would send my daughter to India to live with his parents- who are too old to be caring for a kid anyways. Regardless, this seems to be something very cultural as well and may become an issue with any potentials I talk to or with my friends for whatever reasons. I also predict lots of judgement from everyone because this would be my third marriage/potential marriage. I have already seen how people respond and how I am perceived thanks to F's anon message. I already know what my family would think as well since I'm the one who can never do anything right.
Nothing in the future looks good other than I would be out from under him and able to properly love and care for my daughter.
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pithmemos · 6 months
third week of march
I'm reading Lovecraft--this really wonderful off-white and purple penguin classics edition of The Colour Out of Space (with the Whisperer in Darkness and the Shadow Out of Time)--and my brother is texting me at one am on a Wednesday a screenshot of a stranger's LinkedIn profile and a note: This is our half brother. The Whisperer in Darkness was my favourite of the three--I wonder if this was the suspicion, all along, the first of the three stories barely giving you anything, only the repercussions an individual family faces, and the third giving you all of it, everything you would never want to know, describing the others that you usually only hear / see in scratches on roads and in the dead dogs they leave outside residences. The names are all familiar to me from Julian Simpson's BBC audiodrama, which I never shut up about, and having just finished another re-listen of the entire series I nearly cried when I finished that second story. His horrors are so terrifying because they've been there all along, they've been watching you all along, they've been waiting for you all along. Those that don't learn the history of Earth and Lovecraft's other beings' involvement with it--they live peacefully, for the most part, or at least their futures don't become immediately doomed in the way our narrators' lives do as they read on, seek further. I think the tipping point for my brother doing the genetic test was the weak diagnosis I was given for my deafness (will I ever shut up about this, too) and the lack of basis there is for it on our mom's side. He didn't learn anything new, after all, and besides all the known evils from companies having this data there are also these names he has access to now, waiting to be looked up. I've claimed in the past that I don't care, wouldn't want to meet any of them, wouldn't even want to see a photo of our father--I'm protecting something by pretending that's the case, but I don't know what. I used to be (still am) in a Facebook group for the donor-conceived, where anonymous members called "angels" essentially stalk your potential family members for you and do the math on how they're related to you with the genetic data the sites provide. The angels are not allowed to be paid or have the favour returned, which makes me feel worse about what they're doing and why, but I would never enlist their help, anyway. It's too easy to keep going about life, (where is the time to investigate if and why I'd want a relationship with a genetic half sibling), and I know who it would hurt if I started actively searching. If it was all online, findable through public google searches, I would already know everything about them, though. I tried not to imagine anything looking at that photo my brother forwarded, but I knew within ten minutes that this guy, probably a bit younger than me, maybe a little older than my brother, had no social media. I haven't finished the Shadow Out of Time, yet--the point I'm at feels too obviously doomed. I'm waiting for the catch.
My left ankle is sunburnt from sitting out in the park reading last week, and it snowed on my walk home from work last night. ASL classes start tomorrow morning.
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kuuhakublank00 · 7 months
Updates, I guess? (Part 2)
So well, after joining the company, I started staying at my uncle's place since they wanted us on-site and not doing work from home every single day. So the routine was to go and come back with my uncle. I also didn't like the family much (except for my cousin sister) because they were extremely right-wing and that didn't exactly sit right (heh) with me. My sister is still in school so she doesn't understand this stuff yet. Plus, our interests sort of match. I also introduced her to novels and Percy Jackson, before which she didn't ever like reading. So, that feels really good, honestly.
I also had a mini existential crisis because I found out that I don't want to be a data scientist because that is a research heavy role. But since I still like machine learning (ML) I could go for Data Engineer or ML Engineer. But these require SDE experience as well. So I had an existential crisis for about 2 days where I questioned my master's plan, talked to friends and seniors about it, questioned whether I should've gone for placements (I couldn't because the deadline to sign up for that was long gone). In the end, I decided to stick with my master's plan unless I found a good opportunity to get experience for a couple of years before going for master's.
But anyway, slowly, the routine changed to: get up at like 7:30, go to the office, work till 5:30/6 pm, come back, rest for a bit, work on college essays and the application processes till 2 am or something, sometimes 4 am if I had to meet the deadline, and then sleep. Missed 2 family trips, worked my ass off. It was really bad in Dec 15-20 because I had deadlines of like 5 colleges in that period. Dec 20 was also my project submission deadline for the internship, so that definitely didn't help things.
A few other things that happened as well during this time:
Made a new friend, my ex's best friend in fact. Wasn't really trying to hit on her, we just became friends naturally. Then she freaked out and stopped talking. Later talked about it, it was a little messy, but now we're okay.
Talked to my ex, told her how she made me feel as well back then. She apologised. But even now, since we'd decided to be friends, she doesn't really say much. I also sent a voice note to everyone that was important to me in 2023 on New Year's, and she just left a like on it. Proceeded to say "Did not know how to respond but did not want to leave you on read". Decided then that I wouldn't really keep in contact with this person anymore. We've had 2 conversations after that, pretty short ones.
Went to my college's farewell. It was nice to my friends again in person. I'd really missed them. Stayed in the hostel illegally as well lol.
Saw a post for an internship in machine learning at a startup. The company looked legit so I applied. Figured what's the worst that can happen, right? If I don't want it, I can just reject them. My uncle's company had offered me an extension after all and was even offering to start paying me. But then I got a callback for an interview, aced it, had another interview, and did good in that as well! Finally had one final interview call with the tech lead, and I got selected! I couldn't believe it! I had always wanted to get something without an influence on the hiring side. No referrals or anything. And this was my first paid internship as well. And I honestly couldn't have done it without my friends and family. Even more so, these guys hired 3 interns, and they want to convert 1-2 of them. So I hope all goes well and they convert me. This could be the opportunity that helps me gain experience before going for a master's. Plus, the funding would be really nice.
So yeah, that's been going well. I'm 2 months into this 4 month internship now. I think I'm doing well? I hope I get converted. I also moved to Bangalore because the freedom is nice, my hometown is not exactly for people my age? (it's a very slow city and I cannot for the life of me deal with that. Perhaps it would be something I would crave when I get tired of the hussle, but right now, I definitely do not like it). Trying to find friends here. That's hard.
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The Truth About McCluskey Chevrolet
 With Christmas around the corner and Thanksgiving almost here you would think that people would have more heart than they do but that isn’t so , not in the case of McCluskey Chevrolet Company. There are several complaints against this company and no matter how many times they have done people wrong they just pay their attorneys to clean up their dirty work and leave the hard working men and women without. Now I do not know about you, but I know with a company like that, that is cheating the hardworking people who are already suffering today. We already have the cost of living, food, gas, utilities, car and life insurance , and the cost of fixing our vehicles going up. So for a dealership to sell hardworking men and women bad vehicles and then not want to make right on what they are doing wrong I would say this company is not worth even looking at. Now I am not just writing about them because I was one of those customers but I have done extensive research in the time that I have been dealing with them. They have over 5000 reviews, none good on the Better Business Bureau site not counting how ever many complaints that have been made against them with the Federal Trade Commission and Most importantly the Ohio Attorney General. Now some people may ask why is the Ohio Attorney General so important, well that’s because they are uphold the law in the state of Ohio and keep the citizens safe from people safe from people like McCluskey Chevrolet, they are supposed to uphold the law when companies like this break the laws , but they don’t. Instead they do nothing. They do not hold them accountable for the illegal actions. They close cases faster than they open them. During the entire process of trying to get help from all these places they did nothing except say they would look into it and they are just a third party and they have to have enough complaints to even open a case when I found out that is not true. If a dealership sells an unsafe vehicle and also to someone who is not of sound mind at the time of sale it is an illegal transaction. They did nothing. They did not take into account even though there is Dr’s paperwork dating back for years. And also there is also Paperwork from the sale that doesn't even match what I have gotten since the sale by other companies. So what I have found out is that the company was willing to fix my car if I pay half of what is wrong with my car as long as I agree to sign documents that I will no longer post anything on the internet or say anything McCluskey has been informed I am writing this as well as the Ohio Attorney General because one broke the law the other is supposed to uphold the law. Just as well as the Warren County Sheriff office is supposed to and also the BMV but they do not. There is a document that I have that was not notarized in front of me and it was not. Instead the company waited until I was gone, the salesman knew I was having an anxiety attack and wanted to get out of there. I did not read a single piece of paper that he had me sign. His exact words are " let me have you sign so we can get you out of here. And before I even bought my car I asked if there was anything wrong with my car I was told no. But as soon as I paid the company money and signed their bogus paperwork, they told me they needed to keep my vehicle for them to do transmission work. Something that was not told to me when I bought the car was also illegal. Anything wrong with the vehicle is supposed to be told at the time of sale. Not telling me that the vehicle was in multiple accidents was also illegal. Now here is the catch: the Manager of the company has specifically stated on the Better Business Bureau site that it was my job to look it up and make sure even though when you go into a dealership they are to tell you that there has been damage, and also that the vehicle has been in any accidents. But the lawyer told me to prove it because I signed the back part of a carfax
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fanalarm · 1 year
FanAlarm July 14th
Hello its been busy and I've been drained.
Again I am an indie developer trying to create a concert alert app called FanAlarm.ca
That's why I haven't blogged for a whole month. How quickly time goes by. But I still have continued updating FanAlarm!! 😅🤗
So far we have the ability to get top 50 artists and then display which one's are currently touring and available to buy tickets from
And also a page of your top 50 and the users have the ability to make it top (whatever number that is smaller than 50) and ability to uncheck some of those artists to hopefully then give you the user the ability to leave an email or number so that they get notified when the artist/band is in concert and have the ability to buy tickets.
But each time I move onto a new page I end up having fires in another page.
Tumblr media
(Oh the joys of programming)
Yesterday the top artists who are in tour page wasn't working and today the individual artists pages aren't working.
But also power was out and is still out so maybe it was just the weak wifi's problem since I was working off my data. I have been trying to market but that is definitely not my strong suit I really don't know what I am doing. I've tried making tiktoks about concerts and they've gotten less than 1k views all of them except for one that got 3k views and one that I paid a little to get 6k views.
All of that to have very little users on my site FanAlarm and no new signups. I decided that maybe one way I could gain a following is to be a follower as well and since my biggest success at gaining any following is on reddit I've decided maybe being a more active user in the subreddit concerts as it might make people trust me more and realize that this app is the best thing for concerts since sliced bread. I mean the reason why I made FanAlarm is because I am an avid concert goer and I think I have some experience there so maybe I have some good advice for that subreddit. I dunno if anyone has any advice on how to market and with work in that regards please leave me a comment. Or any advice for a solo founder would help out so much.
Because since all I know how to do is program that's all I've been doing trying to get this app out and into peoples hands so I know whether anyone even really wants this app.
I've been listening a lot to indiehackers and the biggest piece of advice is to not spend 6 months on an mvp. But I just am so obsessed with this idea that I can't give it up I want to finish it. It's been almost 5 months now and maybe a little too long but hopefully it'll be well worth it once I've finished my first iteration.
your fanalarm creator !
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jellyfishright · 1 year
At A Distance, Spring Is Green -BL Version (Yeo Jun x Nam Soo Hyun)-Chapter 8 :You and I can't be friends
Nam Soo Hyun was up by 6 the next day. Contrary to Yeo Jun's advice, he'd not had a restful night. In fact, he had restlessly drifted in and out of sleep. Whenever he was awake, he was that much more conscious of where he was and whose money had paid for it. He  wasn't ok with it. He didn't want to owe anyone anything, most of all Yeo Jun.
Koo Hyun had already taken that watch from him and paid for his Gosiwon, now he'd footed the bill for his hospital stay. The frustration for that golden haired guy was mounting.
Yeo Jun's words carouseled in his head. Why couldn't he just leave him alone? He was sure he had enough people to entertain him if he was bored. What exactly was his interest in him? What did he have to prove?
And so passed the night.
"Sir I would recommend that you stay another night. Your room has already been covered." The attendant advised as Soo Hyun got dressed.
This advice only deepened his frown. He wouldn't stay another minute if he didn't have to. The longer he stayed, the more indebted he would be--- he couldn't afford it.
After getting dressed Soo Hyun retrieved his things and left, immediately he began to look for job postings online.
It was 8 am. when Yeo Jun arrived at the hospital. He usually hated waking up early for anything if he didn't have to but he wanted to get there as soon as possible.
He'd spent a good few hours after he'd left the hospital doing research about what kinds of food were good to help people recover from malnutrition. 
Now, as he walked to Soo Hyun's room, he was laden with two bags, one in each hand, he couldn't help but smile. He couldn't wait to see the look on his face. Just thinking about it made him excited.
When Yeo Jun slid the door open, his face fell immediately---Empty. Soo Hyun was gone. Why was he gone? He was sure he'd more than paid for his stay. He was also sure that he wasn't strong enough to be outside.
Jun frowned as he imagined the stubborn person who'd tried to take the IV out of his hand just a few hours before. Retrieving his phone, he dialled Soo Hyun's number. No answer.
All day...every site he had visited, that was their answer in various forms and so, late in the evening, he was tired and jobless.
As he sat outside, he dialled his mother.
"Hey Mom. It's the weekend are you well? I sent some money to uncle."
[I'm doing alright. How are you?]
"I'm fine." Soo Hyun replied.In the next breath, he said " Don't worry about Koo Hyun's rent at the Gosiwon. I'll take care of it."
[Thank you son]
Soo Hyun nodded.
"Mom. What if I dropped out of school?"
[Are you having trouble?] His mother sounded concerned.
"No.It's not like that."
[You shouldn't take too much on to yourself.] His mother advised.
"I know mother. I won't."
[Good boy.]
"I'll call again soon." Soo Hyun hung up with his mother.
The next Day
25 Times
That's exactly how many times Yeo Jun had called Soo Hyun in total, all unanswered.
Though he knew how Soo Hyun could be, there was also a part of him that was slightly worried about him. He'd discharged himself from the hospital prematurely. What if he was passed out somewhere? He didn't have his brother's number. He didn't know where he lived either so all he could do was wait.
He hated waiting.
Since his calls weren't working, he decided to text Soo Hyun as he walked to class.
[You're not passed out on the street are you? Get some rest at home] 
Jun had just pressed send when that familiar figure walked by him in the hall, heading into the classroom just ahead of him.
He shook his head. "Nam Soo Hyun. Seriously. What if you pass out again?" he said to himself. So stubborn.
For the duration of class, Soo Hyun ignored Yeo Jun and all he could do, was stare at the back of his head like he usually did.
The moment class ended, he hastily grabbed his things and darted through the door. He wouldn't allow him to get away this time.
"You really don't listen do you?" he asked Soo Hyun as he fell in step beside him.
"I can't believe you paid for a week's worth in advance." Soo Hyun replied as he kept walking. "As if I can spend a week lying down."
"What's wrong with using me to take it easy for a week?" Jun asked. "Others are fine spending my gold card."
Soo Hyun had nothing to say to that.
"Anyway. Take this." Yeo Jun offered him some documents. "These are the documents I promised you."
Soo Hyun finally stopped walking  as he looked at the item that was being handed to him.
He accepted it, simultaneously reaching inside his jacket for an envelope which he handed to Yeo Jun. "Here."
"What's this?" Jun asked, looking inside. "Did we agree on payment?" he looked at Soo Hyun after realizing there was money inside the envelope.
"It's what I owe you."
Yeo Jun looked at him in surprise "Did you work all night in the state you're in?" Soo Hyun didn't respond. "You got the money this fast? Did you take out a loan?"
Soo Hyun shook his head and walked on "Loans are not issued to people like me."
"Did you go to a loan shark then?" Jun caught up to him again "Will you be buried alive if you don't pay it back?"
"That's enough." Soo Hyun was annoyed.
"Then...It was so I wouldn't have a reason to be clingy." Jun theorized. He looked at Soo Hyun "Did you sell your organs?" He grabbed Soo Hyun's jacket to inspect him "Let me see if you still have them all." Soo Hyun ignored him "Why won't you look at me? Don't tell me you sold an eye."
"Six days' worth of hospital stay was cancelled on your credit card.You can check." Soo Hyun stated. "I now owe you nothing."
"But you do--"
"What?" Soo Hyun retrieved the notebook he'd used to calculate the figures to do a review. He was sure he wasn't wrong. "I gave the watch a second hand price. " He said as he went over his figures. "But tell me the price if it had sentimental value.I didn't know of that."
Yeo Jun looked at him. "You owe me emotionally." Soo Hyun wasn't expecting a response like this "How will you pay me back for trampling on my heartfelt generosity?"
"That was the price for being clingy." Soo Hyun replied before walking away.
"You still won't get rid of me though!" Yeo Jun shouted after him as he left. "Don't get cocky! You'll soon miss me! You'll want to see me!"
Soo Hyun didn't spare him a backward glance. Why did he have to be like that?
The remainder of Jun's day passed uneventfully, nothing out of the ordinary for Yeo Jun.He was used to being stared at and followed around, same old, same old.
He was on his way home when he got a call from Gung-Ho asking him to meet him at a bar.He was not going to go since they'd had a disagreement regarding the group project just a few hours before.In end he decided to go, for one reason -- Nam Soo Hyun.
The drunk trio was sitting at the bar when Yeo Jun arrived.
"I'm sorry. I'll pay for their bill and take them home." Jun addressed the dark haired woman behind the counter.
"Why would you pay for their drinks?" she asked casually
"I'll wake them up and deal with it. You can go home." she replied. "Aren't you Yeo Jun in first year?"
"Yes." he confirmed. "Do you go to my school?"
She nodded. "I'm Wang Yon-Ran, a senior in PE Major." She paused before she spoke again. "Are you and Soo Hyun close?"
"No.We're not close." Jun replied. "I want to befriend him but its hard."
"Ahh. I just wanted to ask you if you've heard from him.Soo Hyun and I are friends but I can't reach him."
Jun was surprised. "You're Soo Hyun's friend?" This revelation made him a little too excited "What did you do to become his friend?"
"He wants to cut me off whenever I try to do anything." Yon-Ran  replied.
Jun let out a heavy breath and pouted. "He's a difficult one. But if I don't do anything, he'll never even glance at me."
"Right?" Yon-Ran understood his plight. "If I were asked to write one line on my resume, it would be 'Nam Soo Hyun's only friend'. Nothing else." she smiled
"Then I'll be Nam Soo Hyun's friend who he adores like his little brother.That's what I'll be" Jun replied. That was a good place to start atleast.
Yon-Ran looked at Yeo Jun. "Good luck."
Yeo Jun smiled at her. He would need luck and then some.
After spending a few minutes with Yon-Ran, Jun pulled the three to their feet, looped their arms over each other's shoulders and guided them out the door like sheep.
"Hey. Let's go for another drink." Gung-Ho suggested as  they wobbled on to the sidewalk.
Chun-Guk's backpack slipped from his shoulder but he was too wasted to care so he kept walking.
Yeo Jun stooped to pick up the bag when he noticed something familiar.
Reaching in, he retrieved the book.
"This belongs to Soo Hyun" he quickly recognized the book he'd seen in Soo Hyun's possession earlier. Not spending time to wonder how or why these three had it, he quickly stashed it in his own book bag.
He was just about to hand Chun-Guk's bag back to him when his phone rang.
Nam Soo-Hyun.
"Did you dial my number by mistake?" Jun answered
[Do you want to have dinner?] Soo Hyun asked
"Sorry? What?" Jun wasn't sure he'd heard right.
[Do you want to have dinner?] Soo Hyun repeated.He could hardly believe his ears. [I'll send you the location.] Soo Hyun told him before hanging up.
Jun immediately darted off, running as fast as his legs could take him, his heart feeling feather-light.
He had finally gotten through to him. The barrier between them was finally broken.
As he journeyed, he thought about their relationship to date. All the words that had been said between them.Soo Hyun had tried to keep him at arm's length. He had tried to keep him on the other side but Yeo Jun was curious. Nam Soo Hyun had sparked a kind of curiosity that he couldn't escape and he wanted to cross the line.
When Yeo Jun arrived at the restaurant he was ushered to a table. He looked around but Soo Hyun was nowhere in sight.
He was about to call him when someone approached his table and put a plate down.
Raising his eyes he saw those emotionless eyes sitting under that straight bang.
"What is this?"Yeo Jun was confused.
"I already paid for it" Soo Hyun, in his waiter uniform replied. "Eat up."
"So you were asking if I wanted to have dinner alone and not with you?"
Before Soo Hyun could respond, another table called his attention. He immediately left Yeo Jun's side.
Yeo Jun watched him go, feeling a little complicated.
He looked at the plate Soo Hyun brought but his appetite was gone. This was not what he'd expected when he'd gotten that call.
Rather than eating, he watched as Nam Soo Hyun worked, bustling from table to table, putting up with complaining customers. The more he watched, the more he hated the dish sitting in front of him that had long gone cold.
He got up and was about to leave when Soo Hyun passed his table.
"Wait for me." he told him.
Yeo Jun nodded and walked outside into the cool night air.
As he sat on the bench outside, he thought of Nam Soo Hyun. He really was a strange person.
"Did I keep you waiting long?" Soo Hyun asked when he finally appeared. Yeo Jun shifted on the bench. "Don't come closer. I smell like food."
"Why did you call me here?" Jun finally got to ask the question that had been plaguing him all night. "I think I know why, but I want to make sure."
"How was the food? Did you like it?"
"Don't act all sweet." Jun replied. "Why did you call me here?"
"So I could buy you dinner ok."
"Did you want me to understand why you're such a jerk to me?" 
Soo Hyun turned to him.
"Whenever I open my wallet, it reminds me of yours. When I see your place, I think of mine.I feel like I could walk out of my job and go for drinks or just chill at a cafe somewhere.I think to myself, 'it seems so easy so why can't I do  that?' You see,I'm fine with not being able to do stuff like that. But I think of my brother whenever I see you and it hurts me."
"You could have kept it short." Yeo Jun finally spoke after hearing Soo Hyun's words. "You're basically saying you can't stand to seeing me around." He stood up. "Don't be curious about me or try to befriend me." He repeated the words Soo Hyun had said "Did you call me here so I'd just get lost?"
Soo Hyun stood and faced him "Yes. So you would see my situation and come to your senses."
Jun couldn't believe his ears. "I had no idea. I was so excited on my way here like an idiot." His feelings were hurt. "Why not pick a better place if you wanted me to experience what it's like to be poor?This place is too boring." He sighed. "Did you have to work this hard to pay me back?"
"I gave up my place." Soo Hyun informed him.
"Oh. You did? Just to pay me back? So I'd leave you alone and get lost?"
Soo Hyun retrieved something and extended it to Yeo Jun. "Here. This is what I make in a day.It's less than what your dinner costs."
Jun looked at the item and his angry tears pricked his eyes.
"So what?" he shoved Soo Hyun's hand away from him.
"When I pestered my dad in tears to buy me a game console and asked him why my family was so poor, he didn't say anything. Then he quietly showed me how much our total debt was , his salary, our living expenses and the cost of raising me.He thought that was a faster way to make me understand." He looked Jun in the eyes. "You and I can't be friends. There's no need for us to be friends."
"I heard you loud and clear." Jun replied. "You always mean what you say.I prefer this than being left with hope.Thanks for the expensive dinner." Without another word and before the first tear actually fell, he left.
As he watched Yeo Jun leave, Soo Hyun gripped the envelope in frustration.This is what he had decided to do. No matter how he actually felt, this was what was best. He and Yeo Jun were from two different worlds and there was no bridge for that gap.
He would just forget about this person who was curious about him. This person, who for the first time,had made him curious about someone else.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a few things to talk about and one of them is that the world is a very dangerous place but these clones are making it much more dangerous and we don't need your help so we went ahead and begin a program to stop them fully and that was tonight and there are less of them and boy what a pain. Now I said that we've done that and that's a lot of other stuff happening there are armies trying to get here. And from all over the world and trying to get here because the empire is above them.
And that Daddy took a pillow case cover. It's not a pillowcase he took the zipper one. To put money in that my son used and I think it was disgusting and still is. Getting very tired of that man says it's going to help him and get him stuff and get him money and things and it doesn't do anything and it's in the way of a lot of it and has been sitting on the money of his and many locations and not allowed it to be here for my husband to access it. So I don't see how that is helping. And my husband says he probably isn't he wanted dollars for helping with his chimney and he was jumping all over my car and in front of it challenging me to a fight over 30 bucks the guy had trillions and trillions of dollars with a businesses and money and could have made my life so much easier that this a****** and his Mike Bronder this is the weight of my car leaving a job site I was at for like 14 hours trying to flash in the chimney so it didn't leak. And counter flash and I'll tell you what that guy is so cheap you can squeak from a crosstown all year and every year and he owes me so much money and never paid me a dime I cannot believe what he was doing to me when I had to leave to go home to rest and eat and stuff he's jumping in front of my car and it's night time okay just came down from the roof carried my 50 lb toolbox back to the car and here's this a****** ask her for money and I told him I have to cash a check before I have any cash I have no money and literally I have to fight my way out of their stupid house in hopkinton over like $30 for him to help me that he said I don't have to pay him because he was living there he's a fully grown man in my in my way of departing and staunchly in my way and he wasn't small like he he is now. That was shocked I was really shocked but at the time I was also tired and very angry I said grab my way I'm going to run you over and I was reading the car towards him and he would not move this this a****** I have a I had a 1969 forever there's a muscle car and it was powerful you can hear it rev up and I was revving it saying get out of the way and probably smacking his knees the guy was a complete Maniac over $30 when he had more money than anyone on Earth and you said my way and I have no money I still have no money and a f*** around me tell somebody he's in my way over 30 bucks I should disect him the next time I see him. It's Insanity okay he doesn't strong I'm sitting here with a powerful car and scream and get out of the way I'll pay tomorrow you're f****** a******. Now this story makes me very angry at him because he's such a little weasel he has so much money my family had money I turn around and look around everybody and you all have f****** money here and you retards are sitting here dying rather give me a few 100 bucks you're so f****** dumb I can't afford you dumb m************ anymore especially you Mac Daddy you're so goddamn stupid you know it's going to be the next group or the Chinese won't let me do it so screw you you're f****** done you're out of the way pretty soon it is a ridiculous story nobody should ever have to tell this twice you're so goddamn dumb and done I'm not going to put up with any more you're f****** fired man put me in a mental hospital you f****** dumb piece of s*** you're so God damn stupid
It was a horrible night I could not believe how f****** stupid that guy was and it smacked out of himself and I'm like what the hell am I going to do for a living this guy is so goddamn cheap I felt horrible going home terrible it was a terrible night I told my people get everything together we have to declare war on them they're so God damn stupid now I'm saying it again
He took my pillow case to put my money in quarters pennies the guy needs to die it's my personal laundry he took to do some sort of asinine thing and he says later on in space you have to die at all get your money is that m************ done we have to we have to declare war on him and his idiots over a teeny bit of money because he's holding me hostage and start threatening the s*** out of him by the way I want him held hostage every five seconds
Zues Hera
we are going to begin this program if a Christ is taking us frustrating as hell this fat f****** a****** Mac won't let a dollar through either he needs to die these people are so stupid you can tell them what's wrong everyday and they can't get it at all we need to wipe them out this whole pile of s*** here needs to go.
And ben Arnold can take over we don't need this s*** this guy is a complete fool he's over at fisherman's village threatening to put something in her son's saddlebag I mean the guy that smoked and and he's gone already he's gone a long time ago from the surgery and sitting here being a jackass. Now he was overpowered and stuff he doesn't do anything for our son anymore for the most part and he won't he's like one of his family members who just has had it. We're going to go after him too for what he's saying he sounds like a retard now it's absolutely true some people just can't handle it he's one of them then Arnold and his people have a more rationale but really they want to run things they deserve to a little bit they did a lot of work and they still do this place is a disaster the state is a complete disaster and mess because of mac daddy and others like him just want to sit around farting and you fart and nothing happened you didn't get anything you're getting the story opened up and it was telling a story you got a huge space War what's your problem anyways you don't know English you're messing with me I'm poor I'm going to kill you for money I get it all set up here cuz you keep on threatening me and bothering me doing stupid s*** to me get a little laundromat with a ton of money and people like to imitate me to try and get me in trouble little p**** I'm sick of you you're saying you hit my brother I don't care if you did or not you're dead meat. And he said that to him in time he said I didn't really do it and he said so what and we're saying that to him all afternoon. Tried showing up and fisherman village and we kept them out a lot of people have to die and he's on the list he has a piece of s*** now she wants to drop something in the bag stands are threatening it I mean he's a freaking b**** he was a b**** back in St John's and he was pretty much smoked he started this war against the warlock and he's going to die cuz he's half ass and everything and he sits here with them he's ridiculous just like Stan that's some stupid s***. Mac Daddy by the way Stan is doing it because he's stupid and you probably copied him but it's not right he's he's smokes man that guy's toast and we don't like him or send the spices him it's like you can't see what's wrong here and it doesn't answer correctly because he doesn't want to fix anything so he can go away he gets shot in the head the sister was Garth and pretty sure he's dead after that so tomorrow's attacks and Jason kills him for real put his advice to the bunker and it blew up I'm tired of hearing him he's ridiculous so I'm putting that hit on him
Thor Freya
We all got together and decided to stop him but he is a pig and a loser and BG is a pig and a loser and this guy Trump you people are spent just cuz you went around your own country I mean you suck and mac you were spent the years ago.
And you mac Daddy should never have been speaking to me and you should never have been speaking to me ever in that tone or having things done now you're almost dead truthfully your people are getting their asses kicked too. And what you're doing here is you're just annihilating some of your own people because you couldn't figure out what a matrix is killing all your molark for Tommy f. That is so f****** money and you won't give you a time and you're in the way so you're going to move or you're going to be removed you can piss all over the place too all night and Mikebrondrrstart pissing
Zues Hera
I've been hit a part retard and I've had enough of this s*** that's going on for one too many years I can't stand what's going on is the idiots doing it so probably die cuz there's a stupid idiot in my brain
Mike b
You should have had your idiot taken out near the head guy and now it's going to be a lot more painful cuz you keep representing a problem in my life not a solution you're an ass how many people like you around here you won't let me have anything so you have to kill off a whole bunch of people that are in The Fringe I mean you're an a****** that's what I'm f****** a****** is
Zues Hera
This is wrong for me to hold you here in a prison like setting and file for Tommy f you kind of did it to me
He did it to you and it did to my parents he does it to everybody who starts harming me. Mom was harming me she put me in the mental hospital I didn't need that it didn't help me you're hurting me you keep me in poverty you have me going across town this was a suffer for you like Jesus Christ you're out of your mind. What are those people like you are nuts okay you don't think what I do is wear something so you can leave I don't need to protect you you're not under my protection anymore because I'm worth a lot more than you to everybody else except these idiots who don't know the price of nothing but s*** your people are stupid and f****** slow these clothes and then eat you up and eat you alive or whatever that's why should I protect you you don't do a damn thing you hear me give me laundry done it's world War III. Things that I've done to help are with trillions and trillions of dollars to each money you idiots here and you don't look at me like I'm worth anything so you can take the f****** leap man thank you and your retard brain outa here. As far as I'm concerned your brain abnormality is your problem and your decisions you make are your problem Tommy F did it to you he was shot yesterday it's your problem I don't have any way of helping you at all how what am I supposed to do you want to have to do surgery I mean that's your excuse for abusing me my brain is different. So good for you you have an excuse you're going to get screwed now you're out I don't want you around I don't want you bothering me you're stalking me just like all these other f****** retards
Stans is a huge pain in the ass too he wants your job there's no f****** job here anymore. The fleets are going to knock each other out it's all the stupid s*** you are like go through and figure everything out for you look at your computer and none of you want to pay for nothing so you're going to pay the hard way you're an insane bunch of losers okay you're a huge pile of nobody this town in the town up there this is the dumbest place on Earth you don't look someone who's just intelligent as I am in the eye and tell me I get nothing hell
Zues Hera
We're finally now filing now to eliminate many individuals here who are constant annoyance and constantly saying stupid things and keep him penniless it's absurd okay he has huge companies and he's telling us to get rid of you and we've been working towards it because it's so absurd it is ridiculous what you're saying is ridiculous it's his property in the bank not yours is stole from him today Mac yesterday and you're going to pay you don't touch these things. That's the law you touching things in your fingers break your hands fall off. No retired you goofballs nobody has ever done this to somebody on Earth ever it's never been this bad. You grab people you kidnap them and you try and take their stuff and kill them every day they say at least say that you never would treating people like this one person held prisoner with all of you bothering him pestering him everyday it's not like he's not committed crimes it's just like you're not capable of doing anything and you just strangulate yourself more. And we've had enough of it we're going to decimate your people here your ranks there's tons of people who want him to do it and we're just going to let him in occasionally you're a bunch of losers too you don't have anything that says you should do this those sweets are going to knock each other out just like everything else that you have it's disgustingly lame on top of it you're going to talk about all your secrets blaming everything not even trying to fix it it's sick of the seat of disrepair in the state and we're going to use it to get rid of people who are troublemakers and miscreants just want to sit around and swill and you're fired. He's already done the program and it's working we have been eliminating people and this a****** Trump has to go. I don't have any more time for you either Mack you sit there and sales and stuff and you never help him you just as obtuse does the rest we've been in meetings with you for like years till you get him something let him have his money and let him grab it and you won't let it happen cuz you want to come by and take it so if something happens to him you use it it is one of us that's what you want to do cuz you're a nutcase Tommy F wants to kidnapping and that's what he wants you to do so you're now a low life and you don't understand the math even though your ships are engaging Tommy f right now I mean what what a nutcase loser you are
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allmyhustles · 1 year
Cambly and other Work from Home
First I would like to apologize for the long gap between posts, I wasn't feeling well and I was having a very busy, hectic time in my life with two onsite jobs as of October 2022. I will try my hardest to post much more regularly from now on.
I have discovered an English Tutoring site called Cambly. I saw the video on Youtube when I was searching for some life coaching videos. The application was easy to fill out, and only took about 15 minutes. The problem is that it is 2 weeks after I applied and I still haven't had my application approved yet. I also had to make my profile video twice before they could consider it. When someone needs to make money badly a 2-week wait will just not cut it. I have been trying to use the superprof tutoring website as well but as they won't let you submit your profile without including free sessions that's all anyone uses. They get the help they need during the free session and don't come back, that's not conducive to making money tutoring. I am trying to find other work-at-home jobs because I really need more money and I already have two onsite jobs so I cannot take another onsite job.
I am also attempting to have a life coaching website and blog to help people and make money but that too is a lot slower. I am checking into Fiverr, Upwork, and other freelancing sites to find more work-at-home opportunities so that I can make more money. I am very sick and tired of working so hard with two jobs and not making enough to really make ends meet, it truly sucks. I have also been trying to sell things on Offer Up and Facebook Marketplace but that isn't working out so well, people ask about my items and then don't buy them. They want to leave the site to make the sale which you're NOT supposed to do, for instance, they want me to call or text them on their regular phone number and that's a violation of Facebook Marketplace rules and is warned against because that's what scammers do so that they can scam you. I won't do it, so they get mad and won't buy the item. I refuse to do that because I am not getting scammed and the apps have a communication system to use so why on earth would I need to call or text them on their regular phone number?
I continue to use my paid-to-play games and apps to make money, although it gets hard when I am very busy and it's very hectic. I have lately been getting enough money on them to pay for subscriptions or website/blog costs, such as paying for my domain name or my SEO plug-in, etc., Uber/Lyft rides, etc. It helps to do that because it minimizes my costs. Stay tuned for more money-making ideas and information very soon!
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