#i am not a queue t
quartergremlin · 4 months
And also cause u draw the gayest shit known to man, turtle and rabbit /pos
and because i draw the gayest shit known to man win!!!!
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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on no~🎃
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monkeybebop · 6 months
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Drew this eons ago, can’t believe I never posted it here.
You can’t sit here and lie to me saying Jesse Pinkman is cis, sorry he is OOZING T boy swag.
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every-sanji · 1 month
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hiddencircus · 4 months
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MIZUAN DISCORD LAYOUTS! | requested by anon
likes & reblogs are appreciated! | reblog if use bonus icons under the cut!
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theyre silly
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francarieq · 2 months
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scheduled post because i can;t art nowadays soo the legaton first design n impressions while i make a cohesive storyline (i’m going 2 tweak these later) — more on the inactvity under cut + dewdl
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ahem ahem okay anywayyss!! hey guyssss school’s started 4 me by the time this has been posted gsh so expect me being inactive for a loongg time😶 a pookster of mine dared me 2 not touch tumblr bc i don’t have time for it anymore and i said “bet” so 😋😋
i just wanted to properly announce my inactivity + hiatus to you babbiz, although i doubt y’all have been wondering where i’ve been i just wanted to make it clear i will not be active here in a while. i might miss some of my moots’ posts and i am so sorry. i have also been focusing on other stuff other than dhmis for all my dhmis followers out there! i might post something, but it’s a high chance it’s not about dhmis (this post is a prime example). i want to focus more on my personal life and making art has been getting in the way lately!! hopefully this small announcement doesn;t bug any of u guys….this is a scheduled post and i am currently not active! the day i’m writing this it’s currently july 18!! uherm yeahh so that’s it i’m not going to post for a while?? okay bye ily all take care xxx ⭐️🎀🥳
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thevalicemultiverse · 14 days
Well, if you're fed up with Cat Mario, I offer a different experience.
*Pulls up Inscryption.*
Who here likes card games?
Victor: [waving his hands and backing up] No, no, no -- I'm not playing any more recommended games until someone I trust tells me it's not a horrible troll game. SMILER! Have you ever heard of "Inscryption?"
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dr-lizortecho · 3 months
was just overcome with the sudden urge to come on here and apologize for the fact I am still like super hyperly posting rnm content -pretty much exclusively for myself rip most of the echo fandom- and then realized (again) that this is an open space and I’m not “subjecting” y’all to my fixations, like y’all can go, you can only interact with what you want to, and I don’t have to apologize for taking space- even when it doesn’t entertain “enough” people to validate me taking up said space
then I realized how dumb that is (again) so instead of apologizing imma promise to keep crinkly churning out content for characters and ships almost no one cares about- and then uniquely flavoring it to make it almost indigestible to anyone else, and keep being opinionated and annoying in my convictions so people find my intolerable, and just keep posting in the rnm tags until I literally die
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athousandsuns2010 · 1 year
heyyyy int with this if i can mass queue from u etc etc u know the drill
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handgiven · 8 months
thinking abt emmanuel's relationship to holding water in the bowl of his hands, and for a moment it's once again like the second the soil met the river and created the clay that he then gave a form to--
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theloveinc · 2 years
YALL PLEASE IK WE LOVE DILF DEKU BUT WHAT IF YOU TWO ARE DILFS AND MILFS. Like YALL met in the 90s when he was JUST hitting his peak of being #1 and ALL THE HOT 90s/2k PHOTOS OF HIM AND HIS GF TOGETHER (Who is now his wife) LIKE JUST TWO PEOPLE YOUNG AND IN LOVE. Him holding her hand and laughing as they are trying to quickly get away from the paparazzi and he has his arm out and trying to wiggle through fans and having the other around her waist. He’s always wearing every day clothes in all of them cause he was young probably early 20s and didn’t really see the reason of dressing up! OH and if his wife is a poc she has those hot make up looks black girls did back then! OH I loVE IT! There’s definitely pics of the two of them like him sitting on the floor while watching a early 2000s music video from America while she is sitting behind him on the couch practicing corn rolls on his BIG HEAD OHHH YALL. AND IF THEY HAVE LITTLE MIX KIDS OMFG LET ME STOP
normally i'd stick two asks together but i'm gonna answer you in separate parts bc i wanna respond to all of your thoughts, if that's alright!
but this reminds me a little of my childhood lover post (here!)... and how deku is always so sweet to you in public, so confident with your love that he's not afraid of showing it off .... and esp how well you've both aged, still both beautiful as the day you met.
i'm sure this is what you were going for with your imagery (which def brings this imagery to life) , but this also makes me think of the tik tok trends of people sharing pics of their parents from the 90s, or getting their photos done at vintage studios. the funny but sweet poses of people standing together in y2k clothes in front of colorful backgrounds. OR even prom pictures, with the silly background drapes hehehe.
also imagining having some 90s love song being your + deku's SONG. like the song you always dance together to in the kitchen, that your kids make faces at🥺
and they're definitely cute, just like u say! either dressed up in all the cute little tracksuits you can find or in daddy's nice hero merch and similar big, chunky sneakers. or maybe u even buy them jelly sandals to match the color beads and clips in their hair... so nostalgic :(
this is such a deku vibe!!
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mimicori · 11 months
i must not lay down on my comfy comfy bed. taking a little vertical rest is the mind-killer. being on my comfy comfy bed is the little-death that brings total obliteration. i will face my eepiness. i will permit it to pass over me and through me. and when it has gone past i will turn the inner eye to see its path. where the urge to lay down has gone there will be nothing. only doing the work i desperately need to do for midreview on tuesday will remain.
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every-sanji · 2 months
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truly-quirkless · 8 months
Twenty Day Challenge 2024 - Day Four
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Type: Fluff Piece Timeline: Post-Sports Festival/Evan's Attempt/Pre-Summer Camp Location: Yagi's Apartment
WARNINGS: Depiction of a panic attack.
"Stop...stop..." They couldn't hold it back- not forever. They could feel the tidal wave approaching their mind, hands slowly rising to grip at their hair. They could feel the pressure along their skull, skin refusing to give way from so minimal a tug.
I'm going to die---
"Stop,---please,--" It was sprinting. Darkness--- they could feel their breathing increasing, growing from normal to panicked, short gasps for air. They couldn't breathe. They were suffocating. "---stop,--" A hand raised from their head. They brought it down, feeling their own knuckles slam against their skin. "--stop, stop stop stop...!"
I don't want to---
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The strikes to their head increased. The pain was starting to register as a low-level buzz. But even so- they couldn't sense it. Couldn't react to it. All they could see in their mind's eye was an infinite abyss. A yawning, stretching void. The nothingness---
"Stop--stop," They didn't want to. They didn't want to. All they could think was to beg. Beg for the thought to end. For the panic to fade. Salty tears began to fall. They weren't aware of their bedsheets dampening as they curled into a tight ball. Anything- anything to be. "Please,- please I'm sorry!" Couldn't---- get----
The emptiness. The nothing. Just beyond their reach- waiting--- they were going to go to it- one d---- STOP PLEASE---
The buzz was a dull ache, now.
Please--- please please pleasepleasepleasepleasestop--stop- stop stopstopstoppleasestopstoppleaseplease---
He'd been feeding Prism when he heard their voice. Fin's cat perked up, her ears swiveling as Yagi stood frozen for a moment. He'd spent too long in the Hero gig to not recognize the specific tone their voice had taken. He all but dropped Prism's kitty food, just barely remembering to put it down to not break the bowl as he took off for his bedroom.
"Fin...?" No sudden movements. No unpredictability. He didn't want to risk sending them deeper into the hellhole they seemed to be engulfed in.
"pleasepleasepleasepleaseI'msorryplease--I'msorryI'msorry--stop--stopstopstoppleasestop," Their hands were curled into fists, one holding their hair while the other rapped lightly against their skull. He could see the light reflecting off tracks of tears on their cheeks, see the definition of their body under the blankets, curled into a tight ball.
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"...Fin...you can get through this." He moved to rest on the bed, careful to go slow. Fin's murmuring had broken up, fracturing into bits and pieces as their words became little more than a jumbled mess. "..just tell me what you need." He kept his tone even, his eyes flickering over their body. Their speech had totally disintegrated. What had been unknown pleadings to someone for it to 'stop' had disappeared, their knuckles pressing against their own skull- but no longer hitting it. "You're doing g-"
Fin's hand shot out from under the covers, grabbing Yagi's wrist with far more force than he was accustomed to. Even so, their grip softened not a moment later- their hand sliding up his arm as they snuck out from under the covers.
Yagi's blanket fell off, pulling their hair into a wilder format as they pulled his arm towards them. Their mouth opened- just barely, lips almost pressing together again. Yagi shifted cautiously, turning to more fully face the brunet as the last of his blanket pooled behind them. He could feel his heart picking up its pace in his chest. Are you okay?
"...to-uch..." Their voice was barely a whisper. It was nearly a choked gasp, like they were being strangled. They pulled his arm closer, fingers ghosting over his skin- only to press down. It was like they were worried their hand would sink into him.
"...is it okay if I?...." He received no response. Fin shuffled until their body was pressed against Yagi's. He could feel their breath, quick and rapid. He took in a small one of his own. They were still breathing so rapidly... "....can you breathe with me, Fin?..." They looked up. He met those eyes he knew so well, seeing the overwhelming fear burning in them. He made a show of slowly opening his mouth, forcing an audible inhale. "...in..." It quickly made his single lung ache- but he didn't stop. "...hold..."
They were still breathing so fast. Their hand tapped his chest- then his shoulder. It hooked there, the other squeezing their hair.
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They stared at Yagi. Real. Real. Real--- not fake. Real. They clutched at his shoulder- their hand trailing down the length of his arm once more. They let go of their hair. The dull throb of pain in their skull registered somewhere in the back of their thoughts.
Focus on that.---
His skin was warm...they could feel the musculature underneath. Their touch drifted to his fingers, feeling the elongated digits one-by-one.
"....in...." Breathe in.... His palm felt like grit. The food he gave Prism. Prism. Real.--- "....hold...."
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Their breathing was beginning to calm. Yagi could feel their hand wandering along his skin- pressing in at random points. They clutched at his fingers, their smaller digits squeezing for a moment.
"...out..." Yagi let out his breath. Fin was no longer panting for air. An amount of clarity had returned to their eyes, and their touch dropped- falling onto their own leg. They leaned their head against his arm. Beams of moonlight drifted from Yagi's window, reflecting softly off Fin's hair. "...good..." He rested his arm on their opposing shoulder, drawing them close to himself with a small sigh. "....you're safe, Fin..."
He felt their hand move against his leg, resting in a strange position. It only took a quick glance to see the small shape they'd formed with it- ASL. I love you.
"....I love you, too..." He murmured. "...and I promise...I'll keep you safe." Even against their nightmares...he'd do his best.
"...thank you..." Yagi raised a thumb, wiping it slowly under one of Fin's eyes...and then the other.
"...of course, love..." He raised his other arm, fully hugging his small soulmate to his chest. "...you can rest...I've got you." And if they started to lose themself again...he'd be right there, to help guide them back.
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No one asked, but here's my totally normal, not at all mentally ill-induced thoughts about tagging:
"incorrect [fandom] quotes" - good. The Right Way. This is the tag you bring home to your mother
"[Fandom] incorrect quotes" - you are letting their tits hang out, bro. Clunky. Weird. But also one of the most popular variations
"incorrect [fandom]" - this is only good for searching, not for posting. Incomplete
"incorrect quotes [fandom]" - what the actual fuck
Capital letters in tags - only for DIRE situations or yelling/emphasis
"fanart" - a classic. Fantastic. The only problem is when you wanna reblog official art but don't have an art tag. Tumblr should catch it under "art" as well tho, so you could have an "official art" and "fanart" tag but idk
Capitalizing the first letter of a tag - it can be an honest mistake
"queue" - kinda useless tbh. It's a nice tidbit, but no one searches up queued posts specifically. Plus, it doesn't really fit anywhere except as the last tag, which a lot of ppl don't read
"reblog" - also a bit useless but less so than "queue." Can be good if you wanna find more blogs
"Source: [XYZ]" - HAS to go 1st to look right, and so ppl will read it, which is annoying bc it takes up one of the 1st five tags that are actually picked up by Tumblr dashboard searches
Content/Trigger Warnings - important but confusing (for me specifically), especially with less common triggers. Is it "death," "death mention," "death tw," "death cw," "death ment," or "death ment tw?" (In art/images) is that blood or just a visual choice? Does "animal mention" accurately prevent ppl triggered or bothered by snakes, bugs, or other specific animals? If the word is in the post itself, will most people have it blocked in their settings?
"long post" - is this actually a long post that can be difficult to scroll by, or was there just a lot of words? Do both count?
"[fandom]" / "[shipname]" - sexy. Great for when the brainrot kicks in (and for finding posts via dashboard)
"not [blog's theme] - really funny but rare; I wish I saw it more
"my posts" - good to find original posts, but I don’t use it correctly. It feels wrong to use for "incorrect quotes" even though it makes sense
"incorrect quotes" - one of my fav tags bc I can just. Find incorrect quotes I want to use. Is it ethical? Idk, but thank you for your service (I do usually link back tho)
Tags where someone was just referencing smth that got caught by the Tumblr search - this is agony. This happened to me once with Liu Qingge when I wrote smth thinking about his character but not actually about him (and mentioned him in the tags), and that's the reason I use 10 billion slashes Just in Case. It's also kinda annoying when you're searching for smth and get random shit; I understand the OP's pain. We're all unwilling victims to this site sometimes
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((Because it literally won't let me properly reblog the ask chain now. . .))
@offwithhxrhead, continued from here:
maddie gives a small chuckle in response . " of course i know that , how many times have i slept in your bed because of nightmares , again ? " the smile on her face drops as alice describes just a little about the dream . " christ , still ? you'd think after thirty-something years your mind would give the fire thing a rest . . . " well , since we're up , do you want to eat some oreos with me ? have a lil snacky-snack before we go back to bed ? "
Alice chuckles too at that. "All right, I'll have to give you that one. We're an unfortunately nightmare-prone family, aren't we?"
"You would, but no," Alice sighs, letting her head thunk against the table briefly. "I mean, yes, fine, that damned house fire was the definitive event of my life, but do I have to see EVERYONE I have ever cared about claimed by the flames in my sleep? It's bad enough when it's just the memories. . ."
She looks up as Madeline offers Oreos. "I think I would like that, yes," she says, sitting back up straight. "Something to -- distract me for a little while."
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