#i am nooot happy with this ending but
healingkit · 7 months
hiii i got tagged by @oceanfossil to do 15 questions ^_^
are you named after anyone? i named myself after cody from paranatural :3
when was the last time you cried? ummm like 2 days ago i watched haikyuu s4 and teared up over the kiyoko scene .... last serious cry was maybe a week and a half ago
do you have kids? noooo not even a little kitty cat or nothin
do you use sarcasm a lot? yea lol i think its the dry british humour gene
what sports do you play? i USED to play badminton and do gymnastics and also tap dance but now i just crank 90s in my living room or whatever
what’s the first thing you notice about people? generally how much/little they talk but only because i have bad social skills and i am trying to machine learning my way out of autism . otherwise what theyre wearing and their general vibes hehe
what’s your eye color? regular degular blue i fink
scary movies or happy endings? i love horrorrrr i love being scared and getting scared but i like happy endings too just not as much.... my top 2 movies have really bittersweet/ambiguous endings and i feel like the type of ending doesnt matter as much as a narratively satisfying one. horror is also a really cool and diverse genre and i like how committed a lot of horror movies are to getting you to feel some type of thing whatever that may be
any special talents? nooot really i can play the violin and crochet but nothing special. but one thing about me is i will remember. i love collecting people trivia
where were you born? a town in south scotland. the town my parents came from didnt have a lot of births per year and the hospital was not very big and didnt do c-sections (how i was born :3)
what are your hobbies? crochet, art, i love gameingg, i listen to a lot of music and watch a lot of video essays, ive been big into baking and have been trying to get back into reading recently too
do you have pets? no!!!! 😭 i live in a flat there is not a lot of options for pets .... would love a cat though ....
how tall are you? 5'4? whatever 166cm is
favorite subject in school? im no longer in school but my absolute favourite university class was behavioural ecology. in secondary school i loved maths though hehe
dream job? veterinarian i wanna go back to school for it sooooo badddd
i taggg @wormgumz and anyone else who wants to do this can just say i tagged them. teeheehee
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baby-xemnas · 1 year
[listens to one club track] I am HAVING a gecko fujo moment
this is barely coherent
idk how to cw this? fuckboy behavior? HAHAH consensual cheating? LOL
thinking about that while lawbepo have been friends since they were kids and they were always Special and absolutely had their first time with each other im imagining their younger years no way law ignored ALL of the women that threw themselves at him. and bepo being aware of this would of course say that its fine - its both bepo's insecurity and feeling like he isnt enough but also not wanting to feel like law has to limit himself for him. he will hide his hurt and lie if it means law gets to enjoy himself, his happiness is always priority.
law would regret it in years to come thinking that while it was fun and he does like fucking (human lol) women/men - in retrospective he considers that bepo was lying to him and he shouldnt have listened to his reassurances that he is fine with it.
they are 1000% one love end game forever law will always come back but i think its good for law's development (lol) that he wouldve picked a few bitches in da club tm that were jumping him when he was like 19-22 that period of time.
i dont think bepo would wallow in the role of a cheated on but resigned to his fate housewife because he didnt consider himself law's only partner YET at that point. (they were not emotionally mature enough, both of them)
bepo's admiration for law absolutely skewwed his judgement and made him squash whatever defensive feelings he had. his ego suffering as usual lol..
i dont think it would happen OFTEN but it had to have and ofc law always came back to bepo and reestablished that they are together and everything is fine (it would be bizarre for bepo to have law tentatively check if he is mad with him and bepo has zero mean streak he would never torture law, focusing instead on the fact that law is there with him again, both moving on quick (<-law will think about this A LOT later on) law would wish bepo did the same to him if he could handle it with as much grace (no he wouldnt) and he almost wanted to ask bepo why he never used their "half open" status himself - but he knew better, aware how bepo feels about strangers and how vulnerable he is. being a manslut is not an option for bepo at all (law you are lucky that you dont get to test this possibility- you would act completely psychotic)
when they are established FOR GOOD as their one and only and law his retrospective regrets bepo does NOOOT care anymore. he is on cloud 9 so law doesnt bother him with his belated apologies, just pours himself into expressing his love NOW instead of bringing up bepo's old pain
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p-antomime · 2 years
omg why tumblr didn't let you log in?? that's so terrible!
btw, i'm fine even thou, uni is testing my patience too (uni sucks always) 🥹
to be really honest, i don't really know... because like, i already saw a lot of ppl not being able to log into their acc's because they were banned from tumblr, yknow? and in other worst situations, tumblr just deleted their accounts w/o a good reason to and i was really afraid this was the case of my account even though i have all my fics/future fics saved up in docs.
the thing is: i woke up the day after my last post in august here and tried to do my log in thingy here as always but at first tumblr showed me a screen telling me that the app got an 'internal error' and i was like: ok... gonna try again later, and check my internet to make sure it isn't this shit that is fucking up with me, but lol it WAS NOOOT my internet, it was just this bitchy clown-ish app/site saying that i (??????) put a two step verification on my account and if i wanted to log into my acc, i needed a code that was sent to my number (phone number, i mean)
but bruh, i fucking changed my number because i moved out of my homeland because of my uni, how tf i am supposed to get this fucking code using my OLD number THAT ISN'T WORKING on my new country? like, NONSENSE BFFR
i sent (no jokes here rn) 40 asks for help to the support from august to 01/11/2022, 10 days ago, and lol on the day 02, THE ONLY TIME THEY ANSWERED ME, they told me they couldn't lemme log into my acc because theres no "way to tell by e-mail that you're the owner of the blog you're claiming to be" and it was on this same day that ngl i was thinking: "ok....... this is the end then............. no more fics, no more my babygirl taiju, no more nothing, no more happiness, no more will to live", i was really fcking sad, sad as hell jesussss
but at then the day 10 (or 9, depeding on the timezone) i said to myself: hmmmm maybe it's worth a shot to try a 41° time.....
and that's what i did: sent a 41° ask for help to the staff, the support and all AND THESE BITCHES TOLD ME THAT I JUST NEEDED TO "confirm" that i was the person behind my own e-mail and i was like: burh... y'all did my dirty AS HELL, y'all TOLD ME ON MY FACE, RIGHT ON MY WILL TO LIVE you guys couldn't use my e-mail to give my account back to me, fuck you guys
anyways, it was... a roller coaster.
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aviiarie · 1 month
i really really appreciate your response to the novel length ask thingie i sent HHEEHHE thank you ARGH it is comforting to know i wasn't alone. I FELT LIKE I WAS GOING CRAZY BECAUSE THERE ARE A TOTAL OF Zero GAYS IN MY AREA AND I FELT. so confused. very lost.
I'M SO SORRY ABOUT YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND OMG THAT MUST SUCK REAL BAD TOO. mayhaps i am projecting once again but theory. despite having evolved for it, humans find it difficult to adapt to change. wrote that like i myself am not one but there's such a common phenomenon of yearning for the past and even the fact that nostalgia is a thing supports that. Methinks. If that's a dumb thing to say then nvm I didn't say anything but if it's smart then I am indeed taking all the credit ever OH YES SORRY SIDE TRACKED SIDE TRACKED. with what you said yeah i can't imagine how rough that'd be to keep seeing someone from your past, especially who you used to be close with, and have to act like you don't have years of experiences behind you both arhrhgh awful I'M SO SORRY.
it is indeed two days later and i know it's really soon to be saying anything but i do feel better all around so far! like. this is a commonly used turn of phrase but i just feel lighter. everything feels lighter. and my posture is still god awful but some of my back pain disappeared????? i may just be connecting the wrong things but . it's noteworthy????
READING WHAT YOU SAID. AND THEN SCROLLING UP TO SEE WHAT I SAID. I COULD NOOOT STOP LAUGHING. like the conversation we had HHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD IN HINDSIGHT THAT WAS . REALLY BAD. it's just so fascinating to me how something that is such a massive life-altering event to one person is barely hanging on by a thread to the mind of another. at the same time, i think having that conversation, no matter how awkward and stupid it ended up being, was really cathartic. She may not have thought about it a fraction as much as I have, sure, but at least she never hated me. I think I knew that somewhere in the back of my head. It's nice to be affirmed!!!
SIGNED!!!!! FURINA'S WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELLO!!!!!!! and don't worry i feel youuuu... at my old school there was like one lesbian, plus a bunch of homophobia so....... not a good place for a young sapphic 😭😭😭
and don't worry, it doesn't bother me much anymore :') it was pretty hard for me to handle it when i was a kid, but it's just a lot of nostalgia now... it is a bit awkward i guess, she lives closer to me now and i don't really know what to say when i see her, but i know she's doing well and i'm happy for her. in the end the whole separating thing wasn't either of our faults, we just kinda drifted apart. it happens. it's sad, but it happens.
but that's good that you're feeling a bit better! it gets much better from here, i promise. it is a bit interesting thinking about it though? it makes me wonder, are there people i've met in my life who still think about me, even after their face has turned blurry in my memories....?
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thanatoaster · 4 months
I love playing a porn VN where like, the reviews keep warning people. "This isn't cute BL! It's horrifying!!! I like it but it made me sick!" Etc.
And it's like.... It is super hot I like it a lot but it is nooot... That bad. Like, bad endings in Dramatical Murder are worse.
Like does anyone else kinda forget there are people out there that only ever consume fluffy romance and smut? I'm happy for them but that could never be me.
Anyway this VN did manage to make me cry once already so it is very good and I am enjoying it regardless.
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dereksgarcia · 7 years
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GARDEN — ' hoping they'll never find out that you're anyone else 'cause i love you just how you are. ' / the reader will always love hearing spencer ramble, even if the team doesn't.( 1.9k words ) 
NOTES — so this is my first imagine for anything criminal minds related ever, so we lit outchea!! i actually just started watching the series in chronological order instead of watching random re-runs when they air, thus why this takes place all the way back in season 1 when spence was just a lil bub. i hope you guys enjoy, and i would love any feedback, constructive criticism, or requests you may have for me! 
SNIPPET — You’ve perfected the art of nonchalance when it comes to your feelings for Spencer. There’s no reason for them to be like an oil spill — pour it out, then light a match to it; let the whole damn building catch on fire all for a harmless crush. 
YOU SIP AT your iced latte. The chilled plastic cup dampens your fingertips in condensation; you push the hair from your face and set it against your forehead. Irritation settles. The unyielding thrum of your forehead subsides. The action, similar to the rest of your morning behavior, doesn't go unnoticed by Aaron Hotchner, who was willing to play oblivious for as long as you would play sober. He ceases the incessant taptaptap of his pen and abandons the dossier provided to the team (or those who've managed to arrive on time, which wasn't many) minutes ago to narrow his eyes into a ruminative peer. Even the sunglasses perched high on the bridge of your nose couldn't serve as a barrier betwixt yourself and his icy gaze. The Hotch Stare. 
"Y/N, are you hungover?" Asking is a formality. Your pores house lethargy and every move you make reeks of languor. The haircut that frames your face is so terrible it had to be the result of a previous night inebriation. The question isn't 'are you hungover?', it's 'just how hungover are you?' 'Can you function?' 'Should I just send you home now?' 
Still, you answer in that sing-song croon children use when they've been caught with both hands in the cookie jar, "Define hungover." 
The pen ensconced in Jennifer Jareau's grasp points unmistakeably at your misshapen tendrils. "You letting Derek do that to your hair last night and still showing your face this morning," she teases, roseate lips curling upward until her cheeks raise. 
"Is it really that awful?" Fingers graze the ends of your hair. It's choppy, and not in a way that could pass for irony. Yes, Derek Morgan is a god in most aspects, but anything to do with kitchen scissors is where his talents reach an abrupt end. Lesson learned. 
"Princess, it is so ugly I'm surprised you didn't slap me afterward." As if on cue, the man of the hour graces yourself, JJ, Gideon and Aaron with his own variation of hungover. All attention that was once fixated on you is put toward Derek Morgan, and it's certainly understandable. Despite your shared night of debauchery, he looks like he stepped off the cover of a GQ magazine. He doesn't slouch when he passes the threshold, a cup of his own coffee in hand and shades (most likely designer) neatly folded inside his suit's breast pocket. The million watt smile that splits his face in half is almost taunting. Actually, you decide that it is, and your silent retaliation is delineated in the form of folded arms. 
He tweaks your cheek as he saunters past you to claim a seat beside Gideon. 
"She probably did," Elle suggests. The gorgeous brunette entered just behind Derek, entirely shrouded behind his height. "Not like we'd remember anyway." 
"I'll drink to that," you punctuate your announcement by elevating the remnants of your coffee in the air. Elle, Derek, and JJ join you before making a show of tipping their heads back and taking a gulp. 
Whatever Hotch gripes underneath his breath falls on deaf ears. Again, he attempts to assert himself into the conversation. "Alright, alright. Is everyone here?" 
Spencer isn't. But how would that look, you calling that to their attention? You've perfected the art of nonchalance when it comes to your feelings for Spencer. There's no reason for them to be like an oil spill — pour it out, then light a match to it; let the whole damn building catch on fire all for a harmless crush. Neither of you are children anymore, even if it was only a few short years ago that you legally were. To morph your place of work into a high school would be immature, childish, about as stupid as, as — 
— letting Derek cut your hair. 
You could get a degree in stupid. 
"Boy Genius is missing," the umber male notes with a rap of his knuckles atop the round table. 
Aaron's face drops. "You guys did not get him drunk, too." No, but you certainly wish you had. 
“Oh, I'd pay to see that," Gideon murmurs, licks the pad of his index finger, and flips a page in his newspaper.
"Of course not," Elle dismisses. "Cool kids only." 
Eyes turn into daggers from below day-old mascaraed lashes. "None of us had his number," you answer, finding it of paramount importance for some reason inexplicable that everyone understands this wasn't a deliberate isolation. "And he is very cool." The whir of the overhead fan could very well be crickets within the dead room. Your gaze sweeps over the many dubious countenances that stare back at you. So much for that oil spill. Suddenly bashful, you tuck your chin into the sharp slope of your shoulder. "I just mean, yanno...he's cool. I-I like him." 
Derek quirks a thick eyebrow. "Believe me, baby, we know." 
Heat courses through your veins, thick and hot. You bury your face in your hands and wait for Aaron to announce that you all should finally get this briefing started. It never comes. Spencer does, however. "Sorry I'm late." Unlike the self-proclaimed 'cool kids' who took their sweet time arriving, Spencer Reid earnestly apologizes. It prompts something fierce to ripple in your stomach. Is that all it takes for him to get under your skin now? All he has to do is be courteous? You're pathetic, Y/N Y/L/N. You're really fucking pathetic. 
"It's fine. You're fine. Just take a seat." Impatience is woven into every one of Aaron's syllables. He could goof off with the rest of you, but there's people that currently need your assistance, so of course he'd want to put a stop to the shenanigans once his complete team's arrived. 
From your peripheral, you witness the gangly man scope out every occupied chair before finding the open one to your left. Hazel irises like shrunken stars hand plucked from the night sky zero in on you and pale pink lips twitch. You know you're in for it once he's seated. He'd never outright insult you, but nothing amicable could be said about your appearance. Your breath remains stagnant in your throat. "I, uh, like the haircut." The compliment's uttered with such saccharinity you can feel it in the thump of your heart. Leave it to Spencer to never let you down. 
It’s subconsciously that you tuck the strands behind the shell of your ear. A smile that wide scrunches your nose and crinkles the corners of your eyes. "Thanks, Spence." Inherent hangover's been banished. Nothing but good times and vibes over here. You can't even recall what it's like to have a headache.
His gaze dips to the latte cooling on the table, then back to you. "Did you know that coffee doesn't actually cure hangovers? Coffee's sobering powers are, for all intents and purposes, a complete myth. While the molecules in coffee, adrenaline, caffeine, and adonesine may increase your alertness, they don't ever interact with the same receptors that alcohol affects. In fact, the reason many people believe it helps is because they're regular coffee drinkers anyway. Meaning that if you were to skip your morning coffee, the withdrawal symptoms would only worsen. So, coffee's not actually alleviating the hangover, it's just–" 
"You know, I'm beginning to see why we didn't invite you," Morgan interjects, coffee inches from his mouth despite (or maybe in spite of) the facts now verbally laid out for him. He's always picked on the younger boy in the way an older brother does. Harmless for the most part, sometimes he plucks a nerve. The tight pinch of Spencer's mouth is proof that this is one of those times. 
"Interrupt him again and we won't invite you next time." The pause is as thick as the shades you push into your scalp. Interlocked fingers hold your chin steady as full lips curve into a Splenda smile. 
He grins like a boy who hasn't been scolded, tips his head to the pallid boy beside you, and says, "My bad, Kid. You were saying." 
 “This is still the best cure for a hangover known to man." 
Spencer must've waited for you to end your call with Penelope Garcia, for the very second you returned the phone to the receiver he materializes — an unopened water bottle in his skeletal-fingered grasp. The two of you were assigned to comb through evidence at the office. Lord knows your irresponsibility and general lack of ability to bounce back from a night of binge-drinking would've been a hinderance out on the field. A small mercy via Hotchner. (You'll refrain from referring to him as old man for a week to show your gratitude.) 
"Doctor knows best," you tease after accepting the drink. "Thanks." Possibly a trick of the flourescent overhead lights, possibly not, either way you swear you witness a pink tinge fan out across his cheeks. He's too pretty for his own damn good, you think. 
You expect him to amble back to his desk in that awkward way he does when he knows eyes are on him afterward, but he stays, rocks on the balls of his feet and wipes his hands on the front of his trousers. You take another swig from your water before asking, "Did you find something about our unsub?" It's unlike him to stay mute for this long. For as long as you've known him, he's always had something to say at any moment. Opportune or otherwise. 
"No, I actually wanted to talk to you about what you said back there. To Derek."  
Lips gradually form a soft O shape. "Oh. Oh yeah." You're quick (maybe a little eager) to brush files of weeks-old paperwork to the side, permitting him some space to sit on your desk. He'll probably just thank you, but you appreciate every slice of time you have with Spencer. "You know he was just kidding, right? We didn't purposely not invite you." 
Insecurities are Spencer's largest vice. Despite being the smartest person in any given room, it's noticeable how he doesn't believe you. He wants to if the attempt at a smile he makes means anything, but years of being the guy on the outside looking in has worn him down. "Yeah," he says. "But still, thanks for, you know, defending me." 
You're bobbing your head into an earnest nod before you even realize it. "Anytime. Thanks for telling me my haircut was nice." 
The ice breaks. His unreserved laughter rings in your eyes; you watch his posture slacken. "Why did you let Derek anywhere near your head with scissors?" 
“Alcohol amplifies my poor decision-making skills! I swear, Spence, you've just gotta see it for yourself," you laugh. 
He raises his hands in jocular surrender. "Fine. Fine. For research purposes." 
"Yes, research purposes," you reiterate, your smile wide enough to compete with his own. "You have to give at least one of us your number though. What kind of friends don't have each other's number? It's insane."
The genius kicks himself up from your desk. You know you've said something to upset him once he begins to walk off, but then he turns his head over his shoulder to call out, "Already done." 
Your eyebrows knit together near the middle of your forehead. Who could he have given it to? There certainly wasn't much time to socialize between the briefing and now. Maybe Derek? Most likely JJ. Definitely not you. 
 You don't notice the number scrawled out on the bottom of your water bottle until you're done with it.
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
can i request readers calling the dorm leaders more “feminine” nicknames? like doll, doll face, princess etc
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬(𝐞𝐬) <𝟑
author’s note : hehe thank you so much to everyone who suggested some nicknames for this!! you were a great help! and thank you anon for requesting, i really enjoyed writing this! ♡
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riddle rosehearts
“oh, so you’re here. so glad you could make it to the unbirthday party.” riddle smiles, taking a seat next to you.
“i would be breaking a rule if i didn’t show up, wouldn’t i? but, i suppose respecting the queen’s rules isn’t the only reason i come here— i like seeing you!” you flick his ahoge. “—my queen.”
gets all shy for a moment, asking “why not just stick to the ‘regular’ nicknames?”— no, don’t look so disappointed! he didn’t say that he doesn’t like them! . . but h-hey, don’t go around telling everyone he loves them, either!
but jokes aside, he doesn’t mind them! thinks they’re quite cute, actually— but he has a lot of trouble admitting it. he absolutely won’t tell you which ones he likes the most, but you don’t even need to ask. you can tell which ones he really likes whenever you call him it— it’s all in his expression! his face goes all pink and he pouts, how cute!
but anyways, yes, his favorites— two of them are sugar and lady! riddle’s a fan of both sappy and fancy-sounding nicknames.
leona kingscholar
“took you long enough to get here.” leona grunts. you laugh, setting your stuff down on his bed. “sorry princess!”
his ears perk up. “… princess?”
squints real hard at you. he’s not sure how he feels, there’s one part of him that goes “i do not care” and another that’s going “but i’m a manly man, u can’t just go around calling me ‘princess’ >:(” —but he decides to tell you knock it off with the nickname. you say no. what does leona do now? shrug his shoulders and say “ok”.
ends up he doesn’t care enough to protest after all. ^ ^ (this is also how most minor conflicts— if you can even call this a conflict??— between the two of you end (^ω^) )
but still, he’s nooot really the keenest about these nicknames (or so he says), so he doesn’t have any favorites. won’t even tell you which ones he even slightly likes! boo.
azul ashengrotto
“angelfish, i’m quite sure floyd would be much more willing to horse around with you than i am right now; i’ve got contracts to make.” azul taps his pen against the table.
you fall back into a seat with a sigh. “i thought you were done with those yesterday? no matter, there’s a bigger issue here— and it’s that i’m bored. and don’t wanna play with floyd.” last time you did that, you nearly ended up with a broken rib.
“c’mon, please hang out with me, wifey!”
azul hates being flustered— and these nicknames make him feel exactly that. but he’s so conflicted because he actually likes them and how they sound!! it’s just that he melts every time he hears you call him one— no, it’s not a good thing! he’s a professional yada yada ‘n he can’t let people see him going pink over being called “princess” or somethin’!
but moving on, his favorite nicknames. hmm, i feel that azul’s the type that’s weak for nicknames in foreign languages— especially romance languages. hermosa, bonita, he’s shbdjsbfjsjs
kalim al-asim
“y/nnnn!!” kalim yells, shoving his way through the crowd of people (and giving little apologies every time he bumps into someone)— “y/n! jamil said yes to having that party i was talking about this morning!”
“ohh, kalim! i’m so happy, doll! you bet i’ll show up!”
doesn’t even blink lol. he doesn’t care in the slightest! he uses all sorts of nicknames— more feminine, more masculine, or ambiguous— with pretty much everyone he knows! (as long as they’re okay with it, hehe) so yeah, he’s not all too surprised to hear one like that used on himself! he likes it though!
for kalim’s favorite nicknames!! there’s actually quite a lot, but just two of them are babygirl (unironically)— and wifey!!! (kalim and y/n wedding when?)
vil schoenheit
“hm, i knew i could count on you.” vil smiles, taking some bags from your hands. “thank you kindly for running those errands for me.”
“of course, my queen!”
actually really pleased that you’ve moved to using more feminine nicknames on him, as he finds a lot of them more beautiful (??) like, they just sound prettier, y’know? which means they’re fitting for him!
but while he does find a lot of them pretty or cute, he’s picky with which ones you can call him by! he wants you to stick to more regal sounding ones, so his favorites, of course, include things like my queen, princess, yada yada!
idia shroud
“idia.” you poke at his arm a couple of times, but his gaze on the screen didn’t budge. “idia..” you sigh. he gives you a little pat, hoping it’ll satisfy you. “y/n, i can’t spend a second not playing this— i started grinding for materials a little too late, and this is a limited event! limited!”
“c’mon, at least help me out with this one math question!” you huff. “please, angel?” “—?!”
idia loves being called feminine nicknames, and that is the hill i will die on
.. well, secretly loves being called feminine nicknames. he made a bit of a fuss, going “aaah, hey, that’s embarrassing! i’m a guy, y’know!” as if he wasn’t internally squealing and kicking his feet. he puts up this front pretty much every time you use a “girly” nickname on him, and it always makes you laugh.
idia’s favorite nicknames..? all of them. he’s all over the place.
malleus draconia
(this was all really just supposed to be a prank at first— but you found using the nicknames on him cute, so you kept going with it!)
you ran up to mal, who was just chillin’ at a table, and leaned against it. “hey babygirl.”
straight up just “isn’t that a nickname you’d use on a woman??” and you’ve gotta explain you can really use it for anyone you want— he listens, and boom, malleus is enlightened. and he is all for these nicknames.
—it did take him a minute to get used to them though~ but they grew on pretty quick! he doesn’t really know if it’s because he likes how they sound or because you’re giving them to him out of adoration. probably a mix of both!
malleus is another one who adores all the nicknames! they’re all his favorites!
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sageinacage · 3 years
could I request irl switch bench trio, they're exploring how the dynamic shifted with ranboo now there and it makes the tickles a lot more goofy with a third person in the roughhousing - 🦐
Fallen Fort summary: blanket forts are hard to make, especially when tommy, tubbo, and ranboo all like to mess with each other. a/n: sorry for the wait !! i hope you all enjoy :D warnings: swearing, slightly more intense tickles w/c: 1.5k IRL, Platonic
“Tommy, you’re gonna knock it down!”
The blonde growled in response. “No I am not, you are!” Tubbo shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows. “You’re flailing around like a fish out of the water, what do you mean I am going to knock it-”
“Guys! The more you bicker, the longer this fort will take.” Ranboo sighed, Tommy’s face lighting up. “Yeah, Tubbo.”
“You little-”
The two went off again, leaving Ranboo to shake his head and smile at his friends, bending down to pick up more pillows to put around the perimeter of the blanket fort that was in progress, just for extra support.
Nights like these were always fun. The three would build- well, attempt to build a pillow fort, and play on the Wii and even watch some movies together. They all loved it, as it was filled with laughter and happiness each time. A good stress reliever from the stresses of life, one might say.
Tonight, specifically, was extra high on energy; and it was obvious.
“If you don’t give me that blanket right now, Tommy, I swear to god-”
“Or whaaat? Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, Tubs!”
Tubbo let out a huff, reaching for the fluffy blanket his friend was teasingly waving over his head. That tall bitch. “You won’t like what happens if you don’t give me that stupid blanket.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow. “What’re you gonna do? Tell Ranboo on meHE- hehehey!” His arm immediately dropped down to the side, giving up the blanket in an instant. Though, Tubbo didn’t stop. He was intent on tickling the hell out of his friend.
“I drohohopped ihit- noHOHOT THEhehere!” The squeal Tommy let out made Ranboo jump in surprise, Tubbo devilish fingers finding his upper ribs. “Why nooot?~ I quite like it here, to be honest.” The brown-haired boy cooed, chuckling as Tommy squeezed his arms to his sides as his life depended on it, just making the tickles worse for himself.
Ranboo shuddered, a bright blush on his face; and he wasn’t the one even being tickled! He pretended not to see what was going on and tried his best to focus on the fort, but it was so difficult with Tommy’s stream of loud laughter and Tubbo’s relentless teasing.
He knew one thing, he did not want to get himself involved in the predicament that was happening beside him.
“RahanboOHOHOo, sahave mehehe!”
“Don’t do it, you’ll end up like Tommy, Boo!” Tubbo warned with a smirk, but Ranboo just shrugged, lunging for the smaller boy. With a small shriek, the two fell to the floor, completely crashing down one of the sides of the blanket fort.
“Nohooo, the fohort!” Tommy giggled, unable to be serious about it; as what happened was quite funny. Ranboo and Tubbo wrestled over the pillows that were previously laid down, Tubbo eventually getting the upper hand and massaging his thumb right into Ranboo’s waist.
Letting out a surprised squawk, the tallest immediately tried to curl up, evidently failing when Tubbo vibrated a claw hand into his belly causing him to arch his back. “TUHUhuhubbo, stohohoppit!”
Tubbo pretended to think for a second. “Hmmm, no thank you, mister! But it was very kind of you to ask.” He sassed, using his free hand to drill circles into Ranboo’s hip bone with his thumb. The shriek that left Ranboo was priceless, resulting in Tubbo and Tommy’s smiles growing even more.
“CRAHAHAP, TUHUhuhubbo!” Belly laughter continued to pour out of the tallest, completely distracting Tubbo as he was unable to foresee the charging blonde aiming right at him. Tommy lunged at Tubbo, instantly attaching his hands to the sides of his ribcage and vibrating them.
Ranboo moved his hair away from his eyes, to see what was going on after he heard the loud squeal that sounded like Tubbo- and he was correct. It was Tubbo.
“HEHEhehey! Yohou biHIHITCH- FUHUHUCK!” Tubbo’s hips bucked up as Tommy gently dug his fingers in the spot right beneath his lower ribs, giggling evilly as his fingers relentlessly tickled that specific area.
“Did you just call me a bitch? Huh?” Tommy demanded, poking around his sides playfully. “Nohohoo, I dihiHIHIhidn’t!” Tubbo pleaded, earning a head shake from Ranboo, who finally recovered from Tubbo’s tickle attack.
“Liars don’t get off the hook easily, Tubs…” Ranboo hummed latching his hands to the muscles right above each of his knees, squeezing repeatedly. “SHIHIHIT- FUHUHUCK OHOFF!”
Tommy and Ranboo dramatically gasped simultaneously.
“Oh, Tubbo…”
“What was that?~”
Before Tubbo could protest, he felt a sudden buzzy and tickly feeling on his stomach. Tommy planted a raspberry right above his belly button, causing the boy to start half-heartedly push at the blonde’s head.
What he wasn’t expecting were his ankles to be lifted and to feel scribbling nails right underneath his knees. What an awful day to wear shorts, Tubbo decided.
“IT TIHIHICKLES! PLEHEHEASE!” Tubbo didn’t even know what he was pleading, all he knew is the ticklish sensations wracking his body were almost unbearable.
He felt his ankles be dropped and the nerves in his legs began to calm down, but that damn sensation from Tommy’s playful fingers on his belly just kept going. Well, until Ranboo decided Tubbo needed a break.
Much to Tommy’s dismay, he felt fingers massage into his upper ribs yet again, causing the boy to instantly collapse on the now fallen blanket fort.
“Y- YOHOhou trahahaitor!” Tommy cackled, throwing his head back as the tickles began to move down his ribs, and turned into unbearable fluttering over his waist. “Whaaat? I’m not a traitor, I thought this was a free-for-all!” Ranboo chuckled, wiggling his nails into the crook of Tommy’s waist.
The high-pitched giggles that escaped Tommy made Tubbo wheeze, rolling over to sit up to help Ranboo. “Tuhubbo nohoho… gehet away.. Tuhu-HUHUBBO- NOAHAHA!” Tommy completely convulsed, the light feathery tickles on his waist mixed with the quick vibrations on his hip bones making butterflies and goosebumps spread across his whole body.
“You didn’t stop when I said ‘no’, so I don’t see how it’d be fair now!~” Tubbo purred, pulling an innocent smile like he wasn’t drilling his thumbs into his friend’s hip with no mercy. Meanwhile, Ranboo was cooing little teases while grazing and lightly spidering his nails along the sides of Tommy’s belly.
“D’awww, don’t tell me this already tickles too much, Toms! I’m barely even doin’ anything!~” Ranboo let out a low chuckle, sounding a lot more sinister than it should’ve, as his grazing nails turned into fluttering little menaces tracing around his belly button.
“FUHUHUCK- *snort* OHOHOFF! I HAHahate yohohou b- bohoth!” Tommy whined, snorts peppering in between his happy and loud belly laughter. “Alright, alright, someone else needs a taste of their own medicine I feel like.” Tubbo hummed, Ranboo’s eyes widening.
Uh oh.
Before he could attempt to dodge Tubbo’s incoming fingers, he felt a few squeezes on his hip, making the tall boy collapse back onto the soft pillows. Tommy retracted his hand, using it to help push himself so he could help his friend give Ranboo a ticklish treatment.
Tubbo’s hands found Ranboo’s lower waist, kneading and prodding into the muscle, immediately eliciting cackles from his friend. “Ohoho~ Already a giggly mess, Ranboo?” Tubbo teased, laughing lightheartedly at Ranboo’s embarrassed grumble through his giggle fit.
“I cahAHAN’T HEHehelp ihihit!” He protested, his laughter going up an octave as he felt another pair of hands squeeze his knee caps. Ranboo tried to pull his legs in, accidentally kneeing Tubbo in the back in the process.
Tubbo let out a surprised gasp as he jumped, before glaring back down at Ranboo, who was already giggling.
“Uh oh…”
“Uh oh, that's right.”
Before he could prepare himself, he felt cold air over his belly before feeling nibbles be placed over his hip. “NONONO- NOHOHOAHA- *hiccup* PLEHEASE!” Protests instantly bubbled up from Ranboo, weakly pushing at Tubbo’s head- making his fluffy hair fluff over his belly even more.
“Mmmm… nope!~” Tubbo mumbled, planting a raspberry where his waist and belly meet, Ranboo subconsciously arching up into it. Meanwhile, Tommy was slightly scritching claw hands over Ranboo’s knees, being mischievous and squeezing up and down his thighs at random, just to make him squawk through his laughter.
It was clearly quite entertaining to Tommy, as he laughed with Ranboo whenever he let out one of his signature surprised cackles and squawks. The boy’s laughter soon grew silent and more strained, signaling that he was almost completely worn out.
The two paused on their tickle attack, climbing off of their friend and just smiling at each other with big and fond smiles.
“I hahate yohou b- bohoth…”
“No you don’t, big man.”
“Take it back!”
Ranboo chuckled, shaking his head. “Fiiine, you are both wonderfulllll… definitely…” His sleepy and sarcastic tone wasn’t too convincing, but Tommy and Tubbo decided to spare him- for tonight.
They all decided that the blanket fort would stay collapsed, but no one was particularly complaining as the soft blankets and pillows were quite comfortable to lay on; especially with the warmth of all of them combined they knew they could keep themselves cozy. All settling down next to each other, Tommy looked at the others.
“So, which movie are we watching tonight?”
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eatsless · 3 years
now terrified of solid foods lmao. last time i ate a salad i ended up in the er so haven't touched those since, and i ate some plain pizza crust with olive oil and garlic last night and some justegg and lightlife sausage this morning, not even a lot of it, and almost died. like my body literally went into shock again lmfao i hate that. so yeah now only things i feel safe eating are sliced apples, bananas, and yogurt maybe with some cereal on top for ☆texture☆, and oatmeal. one of the emts told me to do the BRAT diet which is bananas, rice, applesauce, and idk something with a T. my body was going into shock okay i didn't hear it lol. but i refuse to eat rice so im subbing that for yogurt. and i will interpret the T to mean oaTmeal or tea. i am so mentally fucked lmao.
and my mom is coming up with a nutritional plan for me and im sorry but ik most of what she'll put on there are things i will nooot eat. so yay more stress. im gonna negotiate with her on it, and she's fully supportive of my undying love for uncrustables bc they're nutrious and have a good amount of protein so maybe if i eat those again she'll be happy. also pretty sure she's gonna try and make me quit smoking which lmfao not happening i need nicotine.
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Survey #495
“... but i know you are just like me with someone disappointed in you”
Are you often behind on trends? Oh yes, absolutely. I don't have the slightest idea of what's "in." Do you have to take allergy medicine every day? I'm supposed to, but I don't. I forget to do it. What is your most severe allergy? Just seasonal. Do you have a good doctor? All my doctors are great. Do you known anyone who has coronavirus? Had, rather. Did you decorate your graduation cap? No. What is your hometown known for? Gangs, crime, etc. Do you like pineapple? I do. Did you love or hate college? I hated school, period. Which Barbie doll was your favorite? I never had a favorite; I wasn't really into Barbies. Do you own a lot of tanktops? I pretty much live in tank tops. How often do you take naps? Pretty much every day. Is there ice cream in your freezer? No; ice cream is my comfort food, so I do nooot need access to it. Have you seen a band in concert more than once? No. Does your house have a garage? No. How old is your youngest sibling? She's 23. Are you an aunt or uncle? Yep. Has your mother or father ever owned a sports car? No. What genre of music do you listen to the most? Various sorts of metal. Are you in a good mood today? Not at all. Do you think you’ve grown up a lot in the past year? No. Are you on Facebook too much? No, especially lately. There are some days where I don't even go on it. How did you get most of your scars? My cat playing too rough. None are serious; I just scar very, very easily. Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? Probably at some point. Would you ever get an eyebrow piercing? I've given this actual thought, but I don't think so. I never would so long as I wear glasses, and I just don't think it would look very appealing with my eyebrows themselves. Is the last person you texted single? That's my mom, so yeah. Has a book ever made you cry? Multiple have. Do you wear a belt with every pair of jeans? I literally couldn't tell you the last time I wore jeans. Has anyone ever tried to use you? I don't think so. If you have one, what is your favorite sushi flavor? Never tried sushi, and I don't plan to. Have you ever felt replaced? Oh yes. Did you ever play sports? I played a lot growing up. When you were little, did you ever play with Playdough? Yeah, I loved that stuff. Have you ever wanted to vlog? No. That shit is way too awkward and I am WAAAAY too boring. Are you scared about the end of the world? No. I'm nonchalant. If it happens, it happens. The fuck am I supposed to do about it. Death in general I'm just... "whatever" about it with where I am in life right now. Not saying I want it, because I don't, but the world wouldn't be missing a revolutionary, that's for sure. What jewelry are you wearing? My lip ring, and my tragus stud in my right ear. Name a movie that you knew would be terrible just from reading the title. I don't think any title could possibly top the instant disgust The Human Centipede brings. I have never watched it and never, ever will. Have you ever read the “missed connections” on Craigslist? Have you ever posted one, or wanted to? No and no. Have you ever spent a night in the hospital? Many. Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink? No, thank Christ. I would be so uncomfortable. Do you know anyone that talks constantly about themselves and never even bothers to ask you how you are? I actually have a good (yes. good) WoW friend that's like that a lot. She is an ABSOLUTE sweetheart but will ramble and ramble about her life to where you really don't know what more to say. She does occasionally ask how I am, but it's not a habit of discussion or anything. What was the last thing that put a smile on your face? Something I was watching on YouTube. What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift that doesn’t cost a lot? Some better supplies for Venus' terrarium, like an accurate hygrometer especially. I have endless troubles with her humidity being too low, no matter what I do. When was the last time you used someone else’s phone to text or make a call? Whose phone was it? I have no idea. What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to? Various forms of metal and rock, like me. When was the last time you ate cake? What type of cake was it? My mom made a pumpkin spice Bundt cake for Thanksgiving, which was absolutely delicious. Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were? Blah blah, anyone who reads these knows who it was, but anyway, he has dark brown eyes. Do you eat dessert after dinner? Extremely rarely. Who was the last person you took a photo of? My nieces and nephew for their holiday cards. Do you know anyone who doesn't want to have kids? I'm one of those people, and I also know many other people who don't want them. Have you ever fainted? Yes. Do you ever play board games anymore? I don't by preference. I'm not a board game person. Who in your family did you get your height from? My mom. We're pretty much the same. Have you ever been abused in any way? No. Are you good at PacMan? I haven't played that in forever. I think I'm fine at it, but nothing special at all. Favorite arcade game? I dunno. Is there a running trail near your house? No. Do you wear a retainer at night? I'm SUPPOSED to, but I stopped many many years ago to where I never could now. I don't even have it anymore. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? A boxer mix named Cali. I miss her. Have you ever fallen off of a horse? No. Were your grandparents present when you were born? I highly doubt it, given how far away they lived. Do you own any jewelry containing your birthstone? I have a really cute angel pin whose body is an amethyst. It was from my grandmother, and it's really precious. Even though I'm no longer religious, I cherish it. Do you drink Mountain Dew? Ugh, it's my favorite soda. I've mostly quit soda, though, so I rarely have it now. When you smile, are you confident? Hell no. Does/Did your school have a uniform? My middle school did. Do you like or hate the smell of fish? I hate it. Have you ever been to Sea World? I went as a kid, but I would absolutely never go again. It's a prison of animal abuse. Have you ever read any of John Green's books? No. Have you ever stayed up all night on a school night? I'm sure I have at some point. Do you have an older brother? Yes. Growing up, did you listen to country music? I did, actually. I used to love country music as a young kid. Do you have a gazebo at your house? No. Do you like tomatoes? No. Have you ever seen the show Wife Swap? Yeah, it's an interesting show. Are you going to force your kids to be in activity or let them choose? In the hypothetical situation where I had children, I absolutely wouldn't force them into a sport (which is what I'm assuming "activity" refers to). It seems wrong to shove your child into an activity they don't even enjoy. Do you watch Toddler and Tiaras? Absolutely not. I hate beauty pageants to begin with, but with toddlers? That show's premise disgusts me. Would you rather have a plant cactus or venus flytrap? A flytrap. I've actually had them before, and they're so fascinating. It was when I was younger though, so my sister and I would stupidly stick our fingers in their mouths, lol... What would you do if you were attacked by thugs? Scream and cry and probably curl up into a ball. I don't even like thinking about this. Have you ever been kicked out of a store? No. Which cuisine do you like the least? That I've actually tried, probably Japanese, but I'm not very explorative with foreign food to begin with. Do you let your pets sleep in your bed? Being a snake, Venus obviously doesn't, but Roman does. Did your school have somewhere for girls to get emergency pads/tampons? Yes. Has a friend ever cooked for you? Yeah; when Colleen and I were still friends and would hang out, she would regularly cook dinner. I still sometimes wonder if I betrayed her kindness... kindness to me, anyway. She, in general, is not the kindest. Who was the last person that called you crying? I have no idea. Do you carry pictures of your significant other in your wallet? No. He's not really a picture person to begin with. That aside, I've never really understood the reasoning behind putting photos of important people in your wallet??? I mean, especially if you're me and never use it. I have my nieces' and nephews' pictures in there, but only out of expectation, really. Have you ever been to a live show taping? No. Last time you held a baby? Months ago when my youngest niece reached up for me. Do you have a job? I don't. When’s the last time you showered? Earlier tonight. I needed to so, so badly. I've been struggling with self-care lately and have been living the past few days disgusted in my skin. Well, more than usual. What do you think is the youngest age someone should lose their virginity? "Whenever they’re ready to deal with all the consequences of doing so." <<<< I strongly agree with this. Like I obviously don't believe young kids should, but I think in general, this answer resonates with my own outlook. Have you done anything productive today? Just showered, really. As mentioned earlier, I desperately needed one. Have you ever bought anything on eBay? Yep. How about sold anything? Me personally, no. But Mom has, I think? Do you believe in abstaining from sex until marriage? It's funny how once upon a time, my answer was a firm "yes," now I'm just like... you do you, boo. You and your partner make that decision when you feel ready. What emotion do you experience most often? Discomfort/discontent. What do you want to do with your life? Ugh, don't even ask me this.
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What was the scariest moment you’ve had in public?
Tray takes a chug of his now refreshed mug and gives a satisfied sigh as he puts his pipe to his lips to continue regaling his audience with stories of his terrified catte life.
“Meow, as scared as I was in teh prior story I just told (from @dragonwitch-ffxiv ‘s ask of the same question!) dis one was a little more private, so I won’t be namein’ names, but if ye know who ye are….ye know who ye are.  Meow den.”  The smuggler gave a dramatic pause to fill his lungs with the most wonderful of burning plants; his chest expanded as he greedily sucked up the smoke from his pipe.  He held the swirling vapors deep inside his lungs for a few moments, feeling the sweet burn before exhaling. Plumes and tendrils of smoke rose up, dancing on the air as if they were weaving a vision in conjunction with his words.
“So, I know dis might come as a shock to ye lot dat don’t know meh well, but I ain’t always been dis cool, collected, debonair gentleman dressed in all black dat ye seein’ meow.  Ooooh no.  One upon a time, I had a real bad habit of actin’ devil-may-care. An’ worse then that, bein’ a real proper party animal an’, well, like meh chest tattoo says: ‘Fuckboy’.”  He chuckled as a grin creased his lips.
“For awhile dat attitude was…cute.  I guess.  Also got meh into a shit-ton of trouble.  Trouble dat followed meh.  See, I got mehself in teh cross-hairs of dis gang of Monetarists and Garlean Sympathizers dat didn’t like meh much.  An’ when they found out I was still alive after they thought I was sunk and drowned, they was nooot happy.  An’ one of dem agents slipped up to one of meh new bosses an’ whispered sweet little nothin’s into their ear ‘bout what a bad boy I’d been an’ how dey would make meh yakuza’s life hell if they didn’t just hand meh over.”
“Well, ye can imagine dat this boss wasn’t too thrilled ‘bout dat at alllll.  So she comes back an’…” He pauses.  “Shit, slipped.  Anyhow, meh female boss, she comes back an’ confronts meh ‘bout it right?  In public. An’ by public, I mean her’s and mine ‘Ultimate Boss’…as well as dis asshole she calls her ‘Wolf’. From what I know an’ seen of dis Wolf, we ain’t never gonna be friends. Meow, ‘Wolfy’ don’t work for us, but he seems like teh sorta person dat would take a whole lotta pleasure in seein’ meh die an’ when meh Overall Boss says he’s tempted to kill meh an’ just hand meh corpse over, Wolf starts encouragin’ dis idea.  An’ course meh other boss ain’t sayin’ shit for meh cause ye don’t fuck with ‘Teh Big Boss’.  So here I am starin’ at meh Big Bosss, lookin’ at a man dat will slice off a digit for the slightest breach of protocol, who be tellin’ meh he’’ll hack off meh head less I can prove mehself worth more alive den dead.”
“Meow, I don’t mean to be dramatic, but I damn near pissed mehself.  I did! I’ll admit it!  I was scared shitless of meh Big Boss in dat moment.  Like hell!  Any buzz I had from teh moko died like that!”
He snaps his fingers.
“I recall swallowin’ and realizin’ with teh Wolf blockin’ teh door, and meh bein’ in very easy stabbin’ range of me Big Boss, I had to talk.  An’ not teh normal ramblin’ shit I do sometimes like when I’m tellin’ a story. I mean -really- talk.  For teh first time in years, I was sober, I was alert, an’ I was swearin’ to Thal I’d be a good kitty forever if I didn’t lose meh head dat night.  Last part was a lie but if dat’s teh sin dat sends meh to hell, Thal gotta rework their scales.”
“Anyhow, I talked for hours, providin’ plans, an’ proovin’ to meh Big Boss dat I was worth keepin’ alive. An’ teh whole time I just feel dis Wolf starrin’ at meh, clearly wantin’ to step on meh.  Again, not a fan.  But in teh end, I managed to convince meh Big Boss NOT to take meh head an’ dat I was worth any hassle.  Everyone left.  An’ I’ll tell ye, dat was teh first night in years dat I went outside, found a quiet place, and just collapsed; shakin’ in anxiety.  For -hours- I had thought I was a dead man.  I honestly though meh number was up an’ I’m sorry, I wanna die in an epic manner, not in some boardroom with no wind in meh hair.  I was so shaken from it, well, honestly it sobered meh up. Alot.  I changed meh ways real quick after dat event an’ honestly…it’s probably for teh better overall but..I didn’t enjoy goin’ through it.”
He paused.
“Meow, dis ain’t to mean dis meh scariest moment over all. But ye asked for in public an’ dese were recent so figured I’d weave a tale for ye.  So, if ye liked meh story, toss a coin in meh pitcher, cause meh tankard is empty!”
He beamed and then blinked.
“Oi, where ye lot goin’?  Dat was clever as hell!  Don’t ye roll yer eyes at meh!”
((And thank you for the ask!  XD This was the second of the same ask I received earlier today.  I got a little carried away but loved it.  Mention of @miqojak and @ketsuchikotetsu ‘s char’s in this story. As well as my FC leader Kublai, but they don’t have a tumblr lol. This was a summary of an actual session with these three awesome peeps.  And yes, honestly I was really thinking Tray might not survive the ordeal at the time, so props for Kublai for making my trash catte sober up some.  XD ))
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luck-and-larceny · 4 years
100 OC Asks (Answers!)
I’ve decided just to put the answers to all the questions I received in a few posts instead of spamming you all with a whole bunch of them! Thank you all so super much for the Asks. They were fun and it makes me happy to get to interact with you! @dumb-hat, @keeperofthegamble, @riaevis-xiv, @yuki-yukichan, @thefreelanceangel, and a more Anonymous Asks than I expected! 2. What is their voice like? It’s feminine, cheerful, and very flirty. Specifically, I imagine it sounding a lot like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIwX2fyzQrQ7
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Oooooh. This is a tough one! She’d likely say, “All of them. I’ve left something and gained something from every single one.” And that’s true (even in the most literal sense since she steals from them and leaves mementos behind…).
Primarily: Maeryn, her sister, is the relationship that has impacted her the absolute most positively. Without Maeryn cheering her on, Malika’s cowardice might have led her to running away even more often than she already does. But her sister is patient, easy-going, and supportive and that has done wonders for the miqo’te who, prior to Maeryn, had no one like that in her life.
On that same token, recent interactions with characters who seem to genuinely accept her as she is, even sometimes appreciating who she is, flaws included, have made her feel more at ease. It’s…it’s likely that she will self-sabotage these relationships in the end, but for now they are good.
Evander, Khanah’to, Yuiri, Hawa, hopefully more characters sooooon~
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten? “Hmmm. Alright. Here’s a “fun” story! Years ago, there was a period of time where I was stealing to survive. That’s how most thieves start, so I’m not claiming this as some way to get pity. What I am claiming to get pity is this: I didn’t really get a lot of choice about what I ate. Some days were OK. I could pocket a few gil, wash my face, and get some decent, cheap food from a vendor.
 Other days? Nooot so great.
 So, ok. Here we go. Picture this: It’s a late summer evening in the Shroud. I can hear the sounds of some sort of show taking place at Mih Khetto’s in Gridania off in the distance, so I know there will soon be people on the road traveling home. I’m bored. I sit down outside the city and start to fall asleep to the sound of the frogs all flirting with one another and the vision of fireflies doing the same. Good for them! I love both frogs and fireflies! I’m always hungry so I’m always tired too. 
Finally, an old hyur man and woman wake me up. I think the woman thought I was dead because they both look relieved when I open my eyes. They ask if I’m hungry. Yes! They ask if I want to share a bowl of soup. YES. The soup… it’s… Ok… I mean… I’m adventurous. I know, logically, rationally, it’s no big deal. In fact, I think it’s a popular dish in the Shroud. But… I mean…It’s made of snails and lava toad legs. I’m listening to these frogs singing about how great life is while I’m slurping on a soup made from the legs of their cousins. Knowing this makes my stomach sort of turn. Like I’m talking myself through every bite. “It’s OK. People eat this all the time. You’re hungry. It’s Ok. You’re not a wimp. You don’t back down from a challenge.”
I’m talking like I’m in a fight! So, yeah. I don’t know what the ‘weirdest’ thing I ever ate was, but that’s maybe the most memorable.
 I don’t know what frogs think of anymore, but I’m pretty sure that fireflies and I are still cool?” 
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
She mostly sleeps on her side, almost in a fetal position. This is in part because she spent 16 years of her life sleeping on a very, very narrow bed in a wagon and her body has just taken to trying not to take up too much space as it still behaves as though she might fall otherwise.
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
She might say, “Nothing!” to avoid thinking about it. She might say, “My stomach, I guess. But I’m working on it,” in a rare moment of honesty.
 But that’s not even the truth.What Malika is most insecure about is that she is not good enough. She has a very complicated relationship with the word “good.” She is certain that she is a shitty person who is only capable of hurting others, letting them down, and treating them badly. 
In rare moments of self-reflection, she looks back on failed relationships (romantic and otherwise) and sees herself as a socially inept fuckup. She sees other people maintaining long-term relationships (romantic and otherwise!) without the same difficulties in emotional expression that she has and quietly finds it to be further evidence of how she’s a massive, no good, fuckup.
But she also resents other people commenting on it because it makes her think even more on it. 
There have been several very well-meaning people in her life who have said things like, “There is a good person inside of you!” and “I know you could become a better person if you just try” and it has thoroughly insulted her. 
Why am I not good enough how I am? Why do you need me to change so badly?
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vintaehge · 5 years
qυєѕтιση тαg
tagged by: the sweetest @ghoularaki
Are you named after someone?: Yes, some girl my mom knew when she was a teen. She found her name beautiful resulting to me having a rare name.
Last time I cried?: It’s not been too long.
Any kids?: lol. You’re hilarious. Wait, this wasn’t a joke?
Do I use sarcasm?: of course nooot. Why would I, am I right?
First thing I notice about a person?: The vibe somehow?? Like okay this person feels a bit fake and this one is genuine kinda thing.
What’s your eye color?: Hazel
Scary movies or happy endings?: I don’t mind either.
Special talent?: Not very talented tbh... only thing worth mentioning is my guts feelings to take care of plants. Apparently got the green thumb eh
Birthplace?: A small town in Québec, Canada.
Hobbies?: Listening to music, day dreaming, gardening and baking desserts
Do you/have you played any sports?: I once did ballet but stopped bc the girls bullied me for not having a god damn tutu. I was also an equestrian and did many competitions younger, I’m thinking about getting back to it. Also did soccer but bullied since I came in too late so heyyyy we stan collective sports am I right?
Pets?: A puppy and a cat
Height: 5′2. chuch.
Fave subject in school?: I loved arts and literature back then but now since I’m switching to college, I’m guessing horticulture or drawing would be my favorite.
Dream job?: I really wanna be photograph for newspapers or wildlife. But don’t we all know that’s pretty complicated... So I’ll start by studying plants so I have a plan B career and then will major in arts.
tagging: @chimkookie @thatweirdotahlia @bangtanprincesss
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in-sempiternam · 6 years
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I was tagged by @justasimthing​ - thank you very much! (>^3^)>
Sooo, it took me a bit to decide. Being the latest addition to my little family, I thought it would be nice for myself to learn a bit more about him, too.
Getting to know: Solomon
► Name ➔ Solomon ► Are you single ➔ Yes. Though there is someone I kind of like. ► Are you happy ➔ Pretty much, yes. ► Are you angry? ➔ Right now? No. ► Are your parents still married ➔ Yeah, more or less. Mostly on papers.
► Birth Place ➔ Scotland ► Hair Color ➔  Brownish-black ► Eye Color ➔  Grey ► Birthday ➔ ► Mood ➔  I feel pretty upbeat at the moment. ► Gender ➔ Male ► Summer or winter ➔ Summer ► Morning or afternoon ➔ Afternoon
► Are you in love ➔ A little... I believe. ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Uh, yeah, kinda. ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ I honestly never really had a relationship. ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I don’t think so. ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ No. I can be actually pretty determined. ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yeah. ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I did, yes. Currently I am the secret admirer of someone. ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Hmph, ya. Pretty darn stupid.
► Love or lust ➔ Oh. So far it was usually lust. I’d like to have both. ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced Tea. ► Cats or Dogs ➔ Neither. Sure, yes, cats and dogs are cool, but I like rodents best. ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends. ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ I had so many wild nights out, I’m ready for some romantic nights in, every now and then. ► Day or night ➔ Night.
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Not sneaking out, but my mother often caught me when I tried to sneak back in. ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Does it count, if I tossed myself down an entire flight of stairs to get someone’s attention? I broke three ribs, but it worked. ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yeah. ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Yeah.
► Smile or eyes ➔ Eyes! ► Shorter or Taller ➔ I have no preferences there. ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Attraction. ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ I’d like to give relationship a try.
► Do you and your family get along ➔ Uuuuggghhhh... nooot reeaaally? My mom’s constantly mad at me because we don’t get eachother at all. Me and my brother are like aliens from entirely different worlds to eachother. And my dad... him and I are generally cool with eachother, but he’s gotten a bit weird and does not “agree with some of my lifestyle choices”. Things are much better with extended family, like my uncles and aunts and cousins. Most of them are pretty cool and supportive and the rest at least minds their own business. ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ No. Ya, there were some pretty messed up situations and events, but overall, my life is not messed up. ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ More or less, yeah. Got sick of the arguments with my parents and crashed at my cousins’ place for the time being. ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ That also.
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ No. I think they wouldn’t be my friends, if I hated them. ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Totally, yeah. ► Who is your best friend ➔ Not sure I can say I have a best friend, but Levi and Amesha are pretty close. ► Who knows everything about you ➔ My aunt Morgana, I’d say. I hope she can slap some sense into my dad some day.
Imma Tag: Not obligatory, obviously. And if you don’t find yourself in the list below, but would like to do this for one or more of your characters, consider yourself hereby tagged (seriously, let me know!). @gphoenixsims​  @jepensedoncjesims​ @gaiahypothesims​ @aoihana2510​ @nocturnalazure​ @thepathofnevermore​ @murfeelee​ @fyachii​ @danjaley​ @winterspixels​ @dreamilysillybanana​ (ye, sorry, not giving up on you two yet XD Ignore me.)
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persimmonjam · 6 years
Caption: "KatsuDeku who started dating just recently."
1.1 Izuku: "Umm, sorry for showing up uninvited. Thank you for allowing me in." sfx *fidget-fidget* T/n: his shirt says "Happy~" Izuku: "This year I, uhh, wanted to say it in person..." 1.2 Izuku: "Happy birthday, Kacchan." Izuku: "I'm grateful for being let to stay by your side." 1.3 sfx *long silence* 1.4 sfx *internal screaming* Izuku (thinks): "No reaction!!!" sfx *wham* Izuku (thinks): "Even though we've become b-b-boyfriends, am I overstepping?! But I can't turn back now!"
2.1 sfx *persevering* Izuku: "...O-or not!!! Anyway, here!!!" sfx *flustered* Izuku: "A present!!!" sfx *ta-da* 2.2 Izuku: "I wasn't sure what to get you..." sfx *rustle-rustle* Izuku: "Because I didn't know what you wanted." Izuku: "Anyways, I picked up some spicy sweets..!" 2.3 Izuku: "Oh, and also..." Izuku: "This limited edition All Might merch-" Katsuki (interrupts): "Deku." sfx *grab* 2.4 Katsuki: "Just gimme everything." sfx *push* sfx *bump*
3.1 Izuku: "Eh? S-sure?! You can have everything!" sfx *leaning in slowly* Izuku: "Sorry I couldn't get you something more impressive instead-" Katsuki (interrupts): "That's plenty." 3.2 sfx *kiss* Izuku: "Oh-" 3.3 Izuku: "...Uh, ehh?!" sfx *slide in* sfx *startle* 3.4 Izuku: "Unh-!!!" sfx *shove* Izuku: "Mmph-!" sfx *flomp*
4.1 Katsuki: "Deku..." sfx *kiss* sfx *pant* Izuku: "Ah... N-" sfx *tremble-tremble* 4.2 Izuku: "Kacchan, why... all of a sudden... don't..." sfx *push* sfx *kiss* Izuku: "I'm going back to my room..!" sfx *slide down* 4.3 sfx *snap* Katsuki: "...Huh?! Going where now?! You just said I can have everything!!!" sfx *tension rising* Izuku: "I don't know what you're talking about..! And I think it's still too early for us to be doing this s-stuff." 4.4 Katsuki: "It's nooot early!!! No take-backs on your presents!!!" sfx *grip* Izuku: "What's that supposed to mean?!" margin *the end*
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lunawings · 6 years
Hey, I thought I'd ask you, as you seem to be a big fan-- I have a lot of magical girl manga and anime experience but I have oddly never gotten into PreCure and it seems overwhelming from an outsider. What part would you suggest to start with? Ala Mode caught my eye but I admit it's probably because of my nostalgia for Tokyo Mew Mew.
Oh geez OH GEEZ oh geez ummmmmmmmmmmm. 
There is a lot of Precure and no matter who you ask I’m sure you’ll get wildly different opinions. 
Here are some of my thoughts:
A La Mode had a terrible start IMHO although it did win me over by the end. But I’m nooot sure if I would personally recommend that one as your first….
The first season was called Futari wa and it’s THE CLASSIC. It is pretty good, but a lot different from some of the later seasons. I didn’t start here so it doesn’t have the nostalgia factor for me. I like the characters (especially Cure Black) but my personal feeling overall is lukewarm and I’m not sure if I would recommend starting with it. (Might get shot for that though.)
I started with Precure 5, which was when they started making things more colorful and having bigger teams, etc. This is the season where I get the most nostalgic about, so I would be more inclined to recommend you start here BUT…
My actual favorite seasons and the ones I recommend the most are Fresh and Happiness Charge. I like them both for the exact same reasons: They are the most adult IMHO. They took risks, did some kinda experimental stuff, and had the best villains. COMPLICATED villains. Villains who actually had REASONS for what they were doing and long, drawn out CONFLICTS about it (unlike a lot of other seasons….). 
But these two seasons are actually fairly polarizing. Some people say they are a mess. Those people are probably 8 years old. 
My least favorite season is Smile, and that one is wildly popular, so what do I know……………. 
I think overall the season with the most praise among the fandom is Heartcatch. It written by the guy who did Ojamajo Doremi. But I never watched that so it went over my head, but if you do then I would recommend this one. I definitely think it’s a good season, although I am not as obsessed as most seem to be haha. 
OR you could just start with the one airing now, Hugtto, and watch it with us. I think this season is pretty good and has most the elements of my favorite seasons. 
But the bottom line is.
Basically, every season is unique. (*Futari wa and Precure 5 are the only ones to get a season 2. All the others are one season one shots.) Each has its own appeal and its fans. Starting from whatever strikes your fancy just because you like the look of the colors/characters/theme is not entirely a bad idea. As long as you don’t give up on Precure as a whole just because you find out that particular season doesn’t appeal to you. They are all different, and surely there is one out there you will like.
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