#i am looking at some fandoms but i shant name any
livingislands · 1 year
They day people start to enjoy media outside of making it solely focused on romance and shipping (even if the media in question has like. Little to nothing of it) is the day I die happy
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Re: Hypertagging characters/ships for triggers, yeah as someone whos insane ass has a very serious trigger for a specific fictional character -particularly if they are portrayed in a positive light- I just Do Not Read Fic in that fandom by and large and blacklist it pretty hard.
It sucks I had to divorce myself from the fandom because I LIKED the earlier seasons and sometimes the fic was cute and good, but I simply cannot reasonably ask anyone to tag every mention of that character so I blacklist it all.
Its a me issue, NOT a them issue, so its my job to manage it and actually put effort into that.
That means blacklisting the show on every platform that is possible that I use, not following people who are likely to post that character, not consuming the new canon content of the show in case I get jumpscared with the character, and only ever intentionally looking for content if im in the right frame of mind to be able to stand simply seeing the name somewhere while I control+f a fic to see if they show up. I even sometimes ask friends to prescreen fics sometimes if I REALLY want to read something.
I make my own content if I want to engage with that media and I avoid the fandom. Its... I wont say its easy because it really sucks actually, but the world cannot and should not cater to me in that way. Its a competing access need and unreasonable to ask.
Its reasonable to ask a friend to warn/not deliberately show me that character- not NOT reasonable to ask a rando to do that.
Id even try to desensitize the trigger if I was in a good place for doing it but I am the wrong kind of insane to be doing that any time soon lol. Trauma work lays you right out.
To people wondering how anyone could be so fragile as to need something like that tagged; PTSD and other mental illnesses that cause serious triggers often latch onto innocuous things. Do you think I want to have such a 'cringe' trigger that causes me to [redacted] at best and have a dissociative panic attack-flashback combo AND [redacted] at worse? No its dumb as hell and I hate that there is very little to do to suppress it. Does that make the trigger go away? Also no. Its not like this is just me not liking or being uncomfortable with the character, this is an involuntary serious-hazard-to-health negative reaction I shant detail that sucks ass.
Yes us crazies do deserve to participate in fandom spaces too, we arent too broken to be barred from playing with everyone else- we just have to understand where the reasonable line is on accommodations for tagging, understand that competing access needs are a thing, and do the rest of the work ourselves.
Its not perfect but its the most good for the most people.
Id invite anyone who has a character/ship/etc trigger to seriously just blacklist the media and do what I do or even be more strict about it. You will feel so much better and more stable im not kidding. It sucks to lose a beloved fandom but you will feel so much better.
For everyone else- dont feel you need to tag every last mention on something. If you really want to be trigger friendly for some reason, you can put in the chapter notes all the minor mentions of stuff or w/e. Please Do Not put it in the proper tags.
Sadly, "dumb as hell" is a pretty default setting for triggers. If only brains were logical and behaved themselves! But one has to work with what one's got.
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hardestgrove · 2 years
feel free to ignore this is a vent so yeah
this fandom makes me feel so freaking guilty about being a Billy stan and shipping mungrove. I can literally make an entire book about all the tiktoks and posts I've seen about people bashing Billy stans because billy is racist and what not. (I am black myself) and honestly, I don't see anything wrong with billy yet people make me feel so guilty for liking his character. Don't even get me started on mungrove I really like the ship but people have called me disgusting for shipping it because billy wouldn't like eddie. i dont even know what to say anymore
i shant ignore bc i wanna send you love and support. cause you deserve it.
i've got a long ass post or two about how ppl talk about this shit and how their whole dogpiling on billy stans is just wildly ignorant to how these kinds of things like ??? work??? like if you're walking in with the assumption he's racist that's not??? fucking baked in???? to his dna???? and their behavior is the kind of thing that makes people double down on their shitty beliefs if they have them so like, they're REALLY not helping ANYONE. it's just performative bullshit at the expense of real people's well being.
in my book mungrove is THE ship of the show any they never got screentime in the same fucking season LOL and no screaming dipshits are gonna change that. same with my liking billy. dacre put a beautiful job into breathing life and depth into what was going to be the most embarrassingly basic henry bowers rip off and if they lack the fucking brainpower to respect that then i don't got time for em.
there's a huge amount of eddie stans that are truly vile to everyone who's not a rabid steddie stan i mean they're fucking coming after chrissy and grace too and literally trying to incriminate her with doctored screencaps to make her look racist. these people are just disgusting as people and they think they can get away with it bc they're a big group and they're in the "moral right" when really they're just 00s yaoi fans by another name who violently hate women who "get in the way of their ship" and can't stand anything with more depth than what their stereotyped shit allows and don't like competition.
personally, as someone who's been seeing this shit online since i was like, 12 in the 00s anime geosites era i just block, delete and ignore. either they grow the fuck up or they don't and in that case i hope they get so toxic their accounts get deleted bc they earned that.
i hate that you feel like this bc fandom and shipping and shit is supposed to be FUN we are all sitting on the carpet of someone's bedroom making our barbies kiss and planning out their silly little adventures and giggling about it. some people just fucking can't stand the idea of other people liking different shit then they like it's wild.
my next mungrove content is gonna be dedicated to you (assuming it's not something like vermillion bc that's yikesy and i don't wanna put ur metaphorical name on that bestie lol) cause you're cute and you have GOOD TASTE and you DESERVE IT
but ur gonna have to literally type in /tagged/mungrove into the url bar to find it when i do bc my blog is glitched out of the tags atm lol kill me 💀 unless you wanna make a request in which case i will happily take it and make you a nice thing!!!!
also i'm working on a mungrove story where billy is friends w/ benefits w/ a girl named jodi who's mixed race and then he gets with eddie bc they were ~falling in love~ for like months lol and remains besties with her. (and plot twist! she's eddie's half sister! they didn't know that before lol) and like i didn't set out to win at "piss the psycho antis off" bingo but lol i'm now even more determined to finish that story!!!!
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