#i am in lovesies
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m4xlesbian · 2 years ago
@briatores thank you so much for tagging me!!! 💞💞
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this is SO incredibly me its unreal 😈. i am the manifestation of the color pink (literally) and pink with green is so!!!!! ARGH!!!!💖💖💖🌸🌸🌸
i tag @xiaoluclair , @formula-red , @wweltmeister & literally anyone else who wants to do this im so seriouuusss
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zuitcaze · 4 months ago
NEW intro post cause i dont like my old one anymore
hallo1!!! kall me suitcase , bot or four :3 !! i am a minor!!!! my pronpuns r he/she/it as well as watevr neos you can think of . no they them at all !!!!
i lovesie love love object shows. like any and all object shows. ill watch anything you ask me to at some point in my life too also numberblocks fandom if you exist PLEASE say hi to me!!!1 please pleeeease!! i also like the cringe and. the weird!!!!! if you are the cringe and the weird ily hi!!!
i got that systemhood (and othr disablitlys) in me
zuitcaze on dsicourd if you wnna talk!!! im always available <3
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sootheofmind-blog · 1 year ago
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Good Memories Year...
Dear 2023,
My love... KesyganMar... ♥️
Thank you LoveSis for your unconditional love continually give towards Mar.
Thank you LoveSis for coming into Mar life.
Thank you LoveSis for being there for me at the beginning when Mar was going through a period of emotional time.
Thank you LoveSis for the concern and care LoveSis showed Mar consistently, without fail. There has never been a day when your actions told me otherwise.
Thank you LoveSis for accepting the whole of Mar for what I am.
Thank you LoveSis for being my listening ear.
Thank you LoveSis for being a source of strength and pillar of support towards Mar.
You are there for Mar all the time, without fail. Just having LoveSis KesyganMar next to me – A strong, comforting presence that Mar know Mar will be able to rely on – Makes Mar feel happy and safe.
Thank you LoveSis KesyganMar for making Mar happy and LoveSis KesyganMar always make Mar laugh. 
Thank you LoveSis for the sweet memories staycation at JB.
That is the best moment in Mar life I ever had.
Laughter, chatting at night, jokes.. we had so much fun.
Yes... Mar looking forward more stayca with LoveSis KesyganMar.
Thank you LoveSis for our spending time together we had.... Mar really do appreciate it so much.
Thank you for everything, and thank you LoveSis KesyganMar for loving Mar always...❤️
Mar feel so incredibly lucky to have LoveSis KesyganMar.. in Mar life.
LoveSis KesyganMar... you hold special place in my heart and you're part of Mar life.
I Love U more and deeply LoveSis KesyganMar. ❣
Mar nak create best memories in my life with my LoveSis KesyganMar....
Mar nak happiness....loves.. joy.. achievements... success... laughter... jokes... and our lovely smile....
Mar tak nak disappoint LoveSis KesyganMar....
You have pull me from drowning and LoveSis have hold me without giving up.
Mar won't says giving up....
Mar won't says am quitting....
Mar nak become more stronger....
Mar tak nak let LoveSis KesyganMar sedih.... Mar won't says anything like that anymore.
Mar nak stay together with LoveSis KesyganMar.... you're my pillar of strength....
Mar will continue doa with Allah....
Yes... Mar really want to heal....
My love for you grows deeper, stronger...❣
I Love U... LoveSis KesyganMar.🌻🌹♥️
31st December 2023, Sunday.
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🌈💝 lovesies your fics :D
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
i was positively surprised by my mpreg fic . i mean given that it wasnt actually mpreg it was just. idiot barnes. love him so. i also am shocked that my shorter fics usually get more love and the T rated ones are most-liked. i mean by all means please keep responding to the things you like best. it keeps me aware
ALSO I ANSWERED THE RAINBOW IN THE LAST ONE!!! but tldr? https://archiveofourown.org/works/45262102 that
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theywereoncemurph · 2 years ago
When you got sick and I prayed that it would get me instead, I heard “Are you sure?”
When my health started deteriorating, I heard “Are you sure?”
When you left me I heard “Are you sure?”
The universe is no longer asking, the question has been answered Logan 5, my conviction is satisfactory.
I love you, and I am sure.
-Your Robot
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years ago
i am convinced that at least once early in the morning while getting ready a glasses-less James Potter ran into and knocked over Sirius who was doing his hair in the mirror and then Sirius knocked over Remus who was reading while brushing his teeth.
cue dramatic sirius doing his hair for an extra 5 minutes because "jAmEs mESseD uP tHE pRoCesS!!!"
"shut the hell up," remus grumbles, toothbrush still dangling from the side of his mouth. "it's bloody six thirty and i haven't had coffee. my head hurts. my ears hurt. everything hurts."
remus is still squinting with remnants of sleep in the corner of his eyes when he mutters a drying spell on the pages of his book. the freshly-inked annotations are a bit smudged.
"merlin, lighten up, would'ya?" james finally manages to get his glasses on his face and, upon being able to identify remus by his facial features and not just his voice, grins crookedly. not quite as crookedly as his glasses sit on his nose. "we've already got double potions with the slytherins. let's at least try and be chipper, yeah?"
sirius scoffs and turns to james disdainfully. "easy for you to say," sirius says, continuing to finger-comb product into his hair. "you're not the one who got interrupted halfway through the routine!"
"it's not like you to be such an optimist in the morning," remus points out. "that's wormtail's thing."
"yeah, what's the occasion?" peter sits by the door with his shoes double-knotted, watching his friends scramble through their daily 'morning routine' fondly.
"nothing in particular!" james says a little too loudly. he tousles his hair, which in any other instance, would seem characteristic. the blush on his cheeks says otherwise. "it's just... by order of the transitive property, if we're in good spirits this morning, it'll cancel out the negativity from the slytherins and leave us in a neutral state."
"since when did you take arithmetic?" sirius examined himself in the mirror, satisfied with his work. he tore his gaze away from his beautiful reflection to narrow his eyes at james. "also, i'm pretty sure it's the pythagorean theorum."
"whatever," peter said, waving his hand dismissively. "it couldn't possibly be because of a certain someone, could it?"
"who, lily?" james laughed awkwardly. "no, i'm over her."
"oh, trust me, we know," remus said bitterly. "a whole five months of your unreciprocated pining is evidence enough."
"i do not pine!"
"ah, so you admit it!" sirius crossed his arms over his chest smugly. "prongsie has a crushie!"
"i do not have a crushie!"
"that's right," peter clarified. "prongsie is in lovesie!"
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drizzlingtears · 3 years ago
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deakyswhitequeen · 6 years ago
Find your match: tag game
Hi lovesies, I kinda had an idea, after taking this test I found on @matstegen blog, about Creative Types.
So, I found out that, out of the eight possible creative personalities, I'm a thinker (the description totally suits me, btw lol). And I thought "How cool would it be if among my lovely mutuals I could find the other seven personalities that match and complete mine?"
So here I am, starting this 'tag game'...
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
Let's find our matches people!
I'm tagging: @sweetgcreature @its-a-metephor-brian @bohemiandelilah @gottabecool-relax @instantezra @radio-ha-ha @littledarlingwellaway cause they are my squad, but if you want to try and do this, you're more than welcome!
Xx 💖
PS: my matches would be Adventurer and Visionary
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purpli-writes · 4 years ago
Romance For The (Un)Lucky
Makoto Naegi has caught the attention of several of his classmates.
Can help from Junko Enoshima help him catch the eye of the person he likes?
You can read it on AO3 here
Makoto was starting to discover that he had a problem with some of his classmates. It wasn’t anything huge, but it was starting to become noticeable.
As Junko had put it, “Damn, Makoto, you’re a total chick magnet.”
At first, he just stared at Junko confused. What did she even mean?
“Huh…?” Makoto had asked. “A ‘chick magnet’...? Junko, what are you talking about?”
“We believe that a certain Mukuro and Sayaka have a crush on thee,” Junko clarified.
“A crush on me…?” Makoto echoed. “Junko, I don’t really think that’s correct.”
“As a plebian, you might not be able to see it,” Junko continued. “But it is very clear that they’d bed you if given the chance.”
“‘Bed me…’? They would make me a bed…?” Makoto asked.
“You’re so fuckin’ oblivious Makoto that it’s actually kinda funny,” Junko said as she stuck out her tongue. “They’d fuck you until you died, is that any fuckin’ better?”
“C’mon Mac, you got two hot chicks trying to fuck you and you really haven’t noticed?!” Junko said. “Although there is that fuckin’ mysterious stalker chick if that’s your type.”
“You’re kidding, right…?”
“On the contrary,” Junko said, quickly changing her hair into a ponytail. “From my calculations, the chance of any of them accepting your confession is one hundred percent.”
“Of course, also from my calculations,” Junko continued. “You’re very unlikely to confess to any of them.”
“Because someone else has caught your eye,” Junko finished.
“H-how do you know about that…?!” Makoto asked as Junko smiled.
“Because you’re painfully obvious, silly!” Junko said, making her voice higher pitched. “It’s that Izuru Kamukura guy right?”
“N-no, that’s wrong…!” Makoto objected. “There’s no one who I’d currently date…!”
“Makoto, you’re in lovesy-dovesy with an upper-classman,” Junko said. “There’s no shame in admitting that, ya know!”
“H-hey, don’t go saying that so loud!”
“So it is true, right?” Junko asked. “If so, when are you gonna make your move…? There’s no way a guy like that can stay waiting forever.”
“I don’t even really know him,” Makoto admitted. “The way the school treats him like some sort of secret…”
“Admittedly, that does pose a problem,” Junko said, putting on glasses. “Apparently, we aren’t supposed to know about him.”
“We aren’t…?”
“Correct,” Junko said. “Although, this school isn’t the best at keeping secrets, as you can tell.”
“Then how am I supposed to talk to him…?” Makoto asked. “There’s no way they’d let me near him.”
“This does seem pretty hopeless…” Junko said, looking sad. “How are you supposed to confess your love when he’s guarded…?”
“It’s not love…!” Makoto protested. “I just want to get to know him more…!”
“What’s even worse,” Junko said. “Is that you won’t even admit you’re in love with him because there’s no hope… That makes me sad.”
“Wait, how do you know about Izuru Kamukura, anyways?” Makoto asked, trying to change the subject. “Isn’t he supposed to be a ‘secret’?”
“That would be kinda concerning, wouldn’t it?” Junko asked, putting her hands over her chin. “Of course the truth is that they aren’t good at hiding documents so I just took a peek!”
“Plus, everyone’s seen him anyways, right?” Junko asked. “So there’s really no point in saying that he was actually hidden.”
“So you stole documents…?”
“I put them back, eventually!” Junko said. “But that doesn’t matter right now, we’re trying to set up your dream date, silly!”
“Wait, if we’ve seen him before… couldn’t we just try to catch him somewhere?” Makoto asked. “It’s probably a lot safer than us trying to sneak into wherever they keep him.”
“You’re right,” Junko said, putting her hand over her face. “Although that does sound like too much work trying to track him down…”
“Too much work…?” Makoto asked. “He has to go to some overlapping places, right?”
“Maybe,” Junko said. “But isn’t it just boring waiting for someone to just appear?”
“I can do it by myself.”
“Now that is the spirit we like to see,” Junko said, putting on a crown. “Of course we have noticed that he does have some places he likes to visit.”
“Of course we can tell you,” Junko said. “For a price, that is.”
“A price…?” Makoto asked. “What could I offer you…?”
“You must tell Mukuro that you just want to be friends with her,” Junko said. “There is no need for thee to lead her on.”
“Is that it…?”
“Of course that’s fuckin’ it, it’d be a huge weight off my damn back!” Junko said, crossing her arms over her chest. “So if you fuckin’ agree, I’ll tell you where Izuru’s most likely to be, capiche?”
“Yeah,” Makoto said. “Of course!”
“He’s probably loitering by the fountain, like some fuckin’ nerd,” Junko said. “Now go catch your fuckin’ man or whatever.”
“Thanks, Junko,” Makoto said as he went off towards the fountain.
Junko wasn’t wrong. Izuru was by the fountain although it looked like he was walking away.
“Izuru!” Makoto yelled, trying to catch up to him.
Surprisingly, Izuru stopped and waited for Makoto to catch up with him.
“Makoto,” Izuru began. “What do you want?”
“H-huh…? I just want to talk…?”
“Hm,” Izuru said. “I suppose you have something interesting you want to say, then?”
Before Makoto could begin to speak, a loud noise interrupted him.
“Makoto!” Sayaka yelled. “Where have you been…?!”
“Yeah!” Mukuro yelled as she got out of the fountain. “We’ve been waiting for you!”
“Sayaka and Mukuro…?” Makoto said. “Wait, Mukuro, were you in the fountain…?!”
“That’s what they were doing then,” Izuru said. “How boring.”
“Boring…? Wait, they’ve been here the whole time…?!” Makoto asked.
“Junko told us you were bound to come here,” Sayaka explained as she walked closer to Makoto. “So all we had to do is wait.”
“That still doesn’t explain why Mukuro was in the fountain…!”
“Sometimes you need to take desperate measures to hide,” Mukuro said. “Although I was wondering if you were ever going to come.”
“I mean, what were you guys even waiting for…?” Makoto asked. “Is it something about class?”
Sayaka and Mukuro only stared at him blankly, which he would’ve been able to take more seriously if Mukuro wasn’t soaking wet.
“So you didn’t have anything planned?” Sayaka asked, staring at Makoto intently. “Nothing at all?”
“No…?” Makoto answered. “Not that I know of, anyway.” Sayaka and Mukuro just continued to stare at Makoto.
“It seems our information was wrong,” Mukuro said suddenly. “We’ll be seeing you later, Makoto.”
“Yep!” Sayaka said quickly. “Don’t have too much fun without us, alright?”
Makoto just nodded as Sayaka and Mukuro left.
Somehow they looked disappointed, but Makoto wasn’t sure why.
“That was boring,” Izuru commented.
“I don’t even understand what happened,” Makoto admitted. “Why were they waiting here for me…?”
“Because they were told to,” Izuru said. “They admitted that much.”
“Yeah,” Makoto admitted. “But there has to be more of a reason, right?”
“If you’re going to wonder about that,” Izuru said, beginning to walk away. “You can do it without me.”
“H-hey, wait…!” Makoto yelled, catching up to Izuru. “That’s not why I came here, I wasn’t even expecting them!”
“Then what did you come here for?” Izuru asked. “To talk about the weather?”
“No,” Makoto said. “I just want to get to know you more, is that a crime…?”
Izuru stopped suddenly, looking down at Makoto.
“You want to get to know me…” Izuru said. “Instead of dealing with your other classmates?”
“Dealing with my other classmates…?” Makoto asked. “You mean, like, hanging out with them?”
“That is the same thing,” Izuru said. “There’s no point in our socialization, we would never see each other.”
“That’s not true!” Makoto objected. “I pass by you all the time!”
“During school hours,” Izuru corrected. “And your hall monitor classmate would never allow you to loiter.”
“H-hey, that’s not fair!” Makoto said. “I could make an effort!”
“Why are you so insulted over my comment?” Izuru asked. “It’s not as if I’m wrong.”
“I mean technically, you’re not…” Makoto began. “But becoming friends with someone means making an effort!”
“An effort to get into trouble?”
“No, an effort to get to know you!” Makoto said. “Sometimes getting into trouble is worth the reward.”
“It seems more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Huh…?” Makoto asked. “Friends are worth it!”
“Wait…” Makoto said as realization dawned on him. “You do have friends, right…?”
“Friendships are boring,” Izuru said. “There is no point in making them.”
“W-what…?!” Makoto yelled. “Of course there is!”
“Just because you find them worth the effort,” Izuru said. “Doesn’t mean that they are.”
“That doesn’t make any sense…!” Makoto said. “It’s human nature to want friends!”
“That doesn’t change the fact that friendships are boring,” Izuru said. “There’s no variance in friendships.”
“No, that’s wrong!” Makoto yelled. “And I’ll prove it!”
“How so?” Izuru asked. “All of your friendships are undeniably boring.”
“I’ll prove it by becoming your friend!” Makoto said. “That’ll prove you wrong!” 
“Fine,” Izuru said.
“I agreed.”
“O-of course you did…!” Makoto said. “I didn’t doubt that you would for a moment.”
“So what is your plan?” Izuru asked. “Assuming you have one.”
“T-tomorrow,” Makoto began. “Tomorrow we’ll meet at the same place and then we’ll go to my dorm.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier to meet at your dorm?”
“Yeah well… meeting here gives us more time to talk,” Makoto said. “And friendship is built on communication…!”
“Very well,” Izuru said. “We’ll meet here tomorrow at the same time.”
Makoto nodded, “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
Izuru walked off and Makoto walked back near the dorms.
“So, Makoto!” Junko said, intercepting him. “Did your love story with Izuru Kamukura work out?”
“Well actually…” Makoto began, as he explained his current situation to Junko.
“Wow Makoto, you fuckin’ friend-zoned yourself?” Junko asked, putting her tongue out. “Man you’re fucking hopeless…!”
“I know…” Makoto said. “But at least I’ll get to know him…?”
“What the fuck are you even expecting from him?” Junko asked. “I mean really, you probably should’ve just taken Sayaka or Mukuro at this fuckin’ rate.”
“I can’t give up now,” Makoto said. “At the very least I want to become friends with him!”
“The chances of you being able to keep your feelings hidden are low,” Junko said as she put on glasses. “I do hope you are aware of that.”
“It’ll be fine!” Makoto said. “I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?”
Apparently, as Makoto was quick to discover, his luck was quick to test the worst possible outcome.
His teachers had all decided to make today pop quiz day and Makoto was poorly prepared.
Afterward, he spilled his lunch and by the time he had cleaned himself up, there was no time left to eat.
Overall, Makoto would rate his day poorly.
At least he had Izuru to look forward to.
“Makoto,” Sayaka said, walking up to him while he was beginning to pack up. “Do you have anything planned for today?”
“Huh…?” Makoto said. “I do, yeah.”
“Oh,” Sayaka said. “Is it with Mukuro?”
“Oh, that’s good!” Sayaka said as she started to smile. “I hope you enjoy your plans, then!”
Makoto smiled at Sayaka as she left.
Alright, Makoto thought. Operation: Become Friends with Izuru Kamukura starts now!
“Makoto,” Izuru said as Makoto walked up to the fountain. “You’ve arrived.”
“Yep!” Makoto replied. “Good thing neither of us forgot, huh?”
“Does that happen often to you?”
“You mean, someone forgetting a hangout…?” Makoto asked. “No, not really.”
Izuru just stared at Makoto.
“Anyways, let’s go to my dorm,” Makoto said. “And maybe try to avoid my classmates along the way.”
“Did something happen with them?”
“Not really,” Makoto began. “But recently my two classmates Sayaka and Mukuro, you met them yesterday, have been acting a bit weird.”
“Junko said that they want to date me, but…” Makoto continued.
“You don’t want to date them, then?” Izuru asked. “Your love triangle situation seems awfully boring.”
“It’s not that I wouldn’t date them,” Makoto replied. “I just want to try dating someone else first.”
“Someone else…” Izuru repeated. “Then why aren’t you hanging out with them, instead?”
“H-huh…?” Makoto said. “What do you mean…?”
“Why are you wasting time with someone else when you could be spending time with them?” Izuru asked. “It doesn’t make sense.”
“Maybe not,” Makoto admitted. “But I already know I don’t have a chance with them.”
“So I’d rather get to know you instead,” Makoto continued. “Instead of chasing a dream about a relationship that probably isn’t going to happen.”
“You have a poor self-image,” Izuru commented. “Much like that other lucky student.” 
“A poor self-image…?” Makoto echoed. “I just think in cases like this it’s better to be realistic about it.”
“If someone else came up to you and asked for advice about the same situation,” Izuru began. “What would you tell them to do?” “Well, obviously I’d say that they should go for it!” Makoto said. “I mean, they only have one shot, right?”
“My point exactly.”
“H-huh…?! Hey, wait…”
“We’re at your dorm,” Izuru said, changing the subject.
“Oh, yeah, you’re right,” Makoto said, unlocking his dorm and letting Izuru in.
“You haven’t decorated,” Izuru commented.
“No,” Makoto admitted. “There’s not much I’d really put in here, anyway.”
“You have no interests?”
“Nothing that isn’t popular, no,” Makoto said. “Plus this place isn’t really mine, right? I wouldn’t want anything to break in here and then have to pay.”
“Aren’t you the Ultimate Lucky Student?” Izuru asked. “Would something break without you attempting to break it?”
“Not really,” Makoto began to explain. “My luck is sort of a fluke, it’s actually more bad than good.”
“Interesting,” Izuru admitted.
After hanging out with Izuru for a while, it was obvious Izuru had to go back to wherever Hope’s Peak was keeping him.
“We’ll speak to each other tomorrow,” Makoto said. “But I wouldn’t want you to get into trouble because of me.”
“There’s not much they can do against me,” Izuru said.
“Huh…?” Makoto said. “Couldn’t they punish you for breaking the rules?”
“No,” was all that Izuru responded.
Still, Izuru left before anyone could make a complaint.
He’s weird , Makoto thought. There’s something odd about his situation, although I guess it isn’t my place to judge…
When school let out the next day, Makoto was stopped by Kyoko.
“I see you’ve been hanging out with new people, Makoto,” Kyoko said, crossing her arms. “Are you sure you’re making a wise decision?”
“Are you talking about Izuru…?” Makoto asked.
“Just be careful with him,” Kyoko said. “From what I can tell about him, Hope’s Peak is keeping him a secret for a reason.”
“I’ll be fine,” Makoto said smiling at her. “He’s just another classmate, anyways.”
“Are you so sure?” Kyoko asked. “Do you know anything about him?”
“Yeah,” Makoto said. “Kyoko, I promise I’ll be fine.”
“If you say so,” Kyoko said, moving out of Makoto’s way. “Just keep your guard up.”
Makoto made his way to the fountain once more.
“You’re late,” Izuru said.
“One of my classmates held me up,” Makoto said as he scratched his cheek. “She’s worried about me.”
Izuru said nothing and Makoto laughed awkwardly.
“Anyways, let’s just head to my dorm,” Makoto said. “I’m sure she means well.”
After hanging out with Izuru for a week, Makoto could only be sure of one thing.
He wasn’t any closer to Izuru Kamukura. Not even by an inch.
“What are you waiting for?” Junko had asked him. “You’ve known him for a week, which is a boring time for nothing to be happening…”
He had no answer for her, and she knew that.
Changing her appearance quickly, she had put on her glasses once more. “Your best bet is to ask him out now, Makoto.”
“You’d be surprised at the odds,” Junko had advised him. “Just go with your heart or whatever you feel is right.”
“Izuru,” Makoto began, much like the same way they had first talked. “There’s something I want to tell you.”
Izuru stared at him with unreadable eyes.
“Remember that person I wanted to ask out?” Makoto asked. “Well, I think I’m finally going to do it.”
“Is that so?” Izuru asked. “And why are you telling me this?”
“Because…” Makoto began. “That person is you.”
Izuru for once looked a bit surprised before it was quickly masked up.
After Izuru didn’t respond, Makoto started to freak out.
“I mean, this doesn’t have to change anything about our relationship…!” Makoto said quickly. “I mean we can still be friends…!”
“How quickly you lose your calm,” Izuru said. “It’s almost amusing.”
“H-huh…? What do you mean…?”
“I was wrong in my original judgment of you, Makoto Naegi,” Izuru said. “I do believe we should at least attempt a romantic relationship.”
“Of course, most partners kiss each other, correct?”
“K-kiss…?!” Makoto asked. “Um… that’s a bit…”
“Ahem,” Makoto said. “It’s a bit too soon to kiss, Izuru…”
“Oh,” is all Izuru said.
From a far distance, two girls watched in horror as Makoto Naegi and Izuru Kamukura officially started dating.
“There’s no way,” Sayaka hissed. “There’s no way they’re getting together.”
“Maybe we could both take Izuru down,” Mukuro offered. “We can split Makoto that way.”
From an even farther distance, two girls watched in both amusement and sadness.
“It’s kinda a shame Makoto and Izuru got together, huh?” Junko asked in a high pitched voice.
“Maybe it’s for the better,” Kyoko said. “They might be able to balance each other out.”
“That’s so sweet of you to say, Kyoko,” Junko said. “I’m just really interested to see how this plays out…!”
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fleursartificielles · 5 years ago
Find your match: tag game
Hi lovesies, I kinda had an idea, after taking this test I found on @matstegen blog, about Creative Types.
So, I found out that, out of the eight possible creative personalities, I’m a thinker (the description totally suits me, btw lol). And I thought “How cool would it be if among my lovely mutuals I could find the other seven personalities that match and complete mine?”
So here I am, starting this ‘tag game’…
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
Let’s find our matches people!
I was tagged by the lovely @studyy-tea​ ! :) Thank you for thinking of me! 
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Together, the ARTIST and the PRODUCER form a powerful creative duo with the vision and drive to manifest ideas on a large scale. Seek out collaborations with the dynamic and pragmatic PRODUCER to amplify your impact and take your projects across the finish line.
Tagging (but no obligating): @casuallyhollering​ @phdead​ @themindatwork​ @thenorwegiancurator​
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wewillwriteyou · 6 years ago
Friends Will Be Friends || Chapter 28
A few elements from the main plot: A very special group of friends: early days, drama, laughter, booze, success, rock stars life, girl power, friendship, love, sex, music, misunderstandings, some more drama, family. Pairings in the tags
Summary Chapter 28: Everything goes down. E v e r y t h i n g.
Word count: 3.6K
Warnings: D  R  A  M  A. Pure drama. Language. 
A/N: FOLKS. This is the chapter we’ve been waiting for. Let us say that this was incredibly difficult to write and yet we had a great time doing it. We know we say this a lot, but this is one of our favourites. We’re curious about what you think lovesies 💖😏 as usual, if you like what you read, comment, like, reblog and share this with others! For everyone who follows and supports this story, thank you guys (you know who you are)! You are real stars!⭐💗
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Roger sighed, abandoning his entire face on the palm of his right hand; in front of him, sat down at the old, wooden table of the farm’s kitchen, there was Chrissie, elbows rested on the brown surface and chin sustained by her ten fingers.  
“It’s like I never find the right moment!” he whined, letting himself lean against the back of the chair.
“You can’t find it Rog, the right moment comes when you don’t expect it” she replied, trying to reassure him but, as an answer, he rolled his eyes and looked absentmindedly out of the window.
“It’s not only that” Roger almost whispered, calling Chrissie’s attention who turned her head to meet his gaze “what if Chelsea doesn’t want to marry me?” he tried to maintain a distant tone, but halfway into the sentence his voice cracked a little bit.
“Oh Rog, c’ mon!” she stretched her arm to caress his hand abandoned on the table “why are you thinking such a thing? Chelsea loves you without any doubt and-” but Roger cut her off.
“I know that!” he almost shouted, pulling away her hand from his “but what if she feels like I’m not the man she wants to spend her life with?! I’m not the perfect husband, for sure” he suddenly became sadder and had to recollect all of his strength to not start crying right in front of Chrissie.
“Roger, look at me” she said and he raised his head, noticing she was staring at him with a fond smile on her face “Chelsea doesn’t want you to be perfect, she loves you exactly for who you are. You should see how her eyes light up when she talks about you! And, let’s be honest, if she hasn’t dumped you after the whole cupboard thing, it means she really loves you!” they both started giggling and Chrissie could tell he was already feeling better.
“Thanks, Chris, thank you so much” Roger finally said and this time he reached for her hand to friendly rub it. Chrissie smiled widely and she let her palm go up and down his arm to calm him and reassure him.
Suddenly the door of the kitchen opened and John made his entrance. He stopped there and both, Chrissie and Roger, distanced themselves from each other, turning their heads to look at him.
John found himself closing his hands into two fists and he knew that the scene in front of him was the one thing that was going to push him over the edge.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t stand all of this anymore!” he shouted. A shadow of confusion crossed Roger and Chrissie’s faces, who looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows.
“Don’t act like you’re innocent, because you certainly are not!” John added, taking a step towards the table. Roger instantly got up to face him, still speechless and confused by his friend’s attitude.
“Mate, what are you talking ab-” John interrupted him, waving his hand in front of Roger’s face.
“You perfectly know what I am talking about!” Chrissie got up as well, trying to calm him down. But John scrolled her hands off of his shoulder and angrily sighed.
“The fact that you’re hiding the whole thing is just making me even more furious!” he added and the door behind him squeaked, announcing the entrance of the rest of the group.
They were all confused and unable to believe that, that angry voice, was coming out of John’s mouth.
“Love, what’s happening?” Mel asked, quickly stepping in and massaging his arm. Brian and Chelsea were behind her, just a few steps away from the door. Freddie and Mary had crossed the room to approach Chrissie and Roger, who started to whisper to explain them the situation.
“And then he just started shouting at me” Roger said to Freddie, but when John heard him he walked closer to them.
“I’m shouting at you because I know everything and I can’t stand the fact that you’re lying like that!” he pointed his finger at Roger, but at the same time he glanced at Chrissie. She was standing beside Mary, who was massaging her back.
“What is he talking about, Rog?” Chelsea asked, making everyone’s head turn around. She was starting to get nervous and she could feel her heart beating harder in her chest.
In that moment Mel understood what John had done and she started to panic because she was sure nothing good would have come out from that entire situation.  
“Chel, don’t worry, everything’s fine,” she said approaching her and putting her hand on her shoulder “John. Stop this” her delicate tone became harsher as she spoke to her boyfriend.
“Exactly, stop it. You’re being ridiculous” Roger added. Brian and Freddie shared a worried gaze, knowing that John was about to explode after Roger’s words.
“AM I RIDICULOUS?! You are ridiculous! Chrissie is ridiculous!”
“Don’t talk to Chrissie like that!” Brian immediately splattered out, appearing at John’s side and forcing him to look into his eyes by pulling at his shoulder.
“She’s cheating on you, Bri” John finally said. Somehow, however, the big weight on his chest was still there and he didn’t feel the relief he was expecting.
Everyone in the room gasped and Brian’s eyes searched for his girlfriend’s, who was standing there covering her mouth with her hand. Brian was about to speak when Chelsea interrupted him:
“Roger tell me that this is a fucking joke!” her voice cracked as she felt the tears growing in her throat. She slipped away from Mel’s touch and walked towards the small group, standing next to Brian and exactly in front of Roger; the table was the only thing that was dividing them.
“Of course it is” the blond immediately replied and turned his head to look at Freddie, who was on his left “What did you do this time?!”
“Darling, I didn’t do anything, I swear!” Freddie replied, putting his hand on his heart and lifting the other in the air. Mary looked up at him, trying to study his face to see if he was telling the truth. He was.
“Don’t bring Fred inside this story! Just admit it!” John shouted again and Roger immediately felt the eyes of everyone in the room on him. He looked at Chrissie, who scrolled her shoulders, incredulous as he was in that moment, and then he met Chelsea’s gaze. She was about to cry and he knew it. But he didn’t know how the hell he could exit that whole situation without spoiling her surprise or breaking her heart. He raised his sight until he met John’s face and he felt anger blooming in every organ or cell of his body.
“Who the fuck do you think you are Deacon? Do you think you can accuse me like that? Or talk to Chrissie like that? What the fuck do you want from me?!” he walked over to face John and both Chelsea and Brian took a step back, afraid that the two boys were ready to throw hands at each other.
Mel ran and put herself between them, each hand on their chests to keep them separate. Freddie soon reached for Roger’s shoulder, to keep him still, while Mary was comforting Chrissie.
“Okay” John’s tone seemed calmer and Brian looked down at Chelsea, who took a deep breath “I’ll stop… if you tell me what you were doing that day, all alone in the recording studio. Just a couple of weeks before we came here at the farm” he crossed his arms on his chest and Roger finally connected all the dots: John had probably heard him talking with Chrissie about the ring and misunderstood the entire situation. He felt immediately better.
“John, you got it all wrong, we were-” Chrissie started, but Chelsea cut her off, angrily.
“Shut up! What is John talking about?!” she said, positioning herself right in front of Roger. He stood there, pondering what to say; he didn’t want to propose to her in the middle of that quarrel. When he raised his eyes and saw John smirking behind Chelsea’s shoulder, he got furious and pushing away his girlfriend he tried to punch him.
Brian pulled John away, while the girls gasped and Freddie stopped Roger by blocking his arms behind his back.
“I know why you’re doing this! You’re just jealous because you never got to call Chelsea your girlfriend! And that is killing you inside!” Roger spat out, pushing away Freddie’s hands.
“Roger!” Mel shouted, taking John’s arm to perch on it.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Chelsea whined, closing her eyes and letting a couple of tears fall from her eyes. Brian encircled her shoulders to calm her down and then he threw a deadly gaze to Roger and Chrissie.
“I think we need at least an explanation” he said, still rubbing Chelsea’s back. Roger and Chrissie looked at each other, trying to communicate with their eyes.
“Oh for God’s sake! Is that so hard to tell the truth?!” Mary let out, receiving a shut-up gaze from the blond and the redhead.
“You don’t have to look at her like that, because she’s right” John said, calling everyone’s attention on him “You just brought out a cheap excuse about me having feelings for Chel because you don’t want to admit what is going on between you and Chrissie!”
“It wasn’t an excuse” Roger got closer again, but Freddie stopped him once more “I think you hated the fact that when you liked her she was with Tom. And then, when they broke up, she ended up with me. That’s why you hated me from the start!”
“Stop with these bullshits!” Mel cried out and Chelsea immediately reached her to hug her. Brian pushed a little John on his shoulder, trying to make him understand that it was time to stop. But he didn’t stop.
“Again, you’re being ridiculous! Fine, you don’t have the guts to tell them? I will-” he turned around to look at Chelsea, making his eyes jump from her to Brian “I heard them talking about a ring in the recording studio in London. They were promising each other to keep everything a secret. It was the day he took you to see the apartment” he ended the sentence looking directly in Chelsea’s eyes.
“You fucking prick! How do you da - ” Roger began, but he soon found a pair of hands pushing him back.
“A fucking ring?! Really Roger?! You buy her a fucking ring and don’t even find the time to write me a fucking love song? Fuck off!” Chelsea shouted at him, pushing him again.
“I didn’t hear you complaining about a bloody love song when I was eating you out behind my drums a few days ago!” Roger replied and Chrissie immediately scrolled him, taking his arm into her hands. Chelsea gasped: she couldn’t believe he had just said that in front of everyone.
But it was too late. He had said that. Brian was about to say something when Freddie stepped into the conversation.
“Hope you didn’t record her moans, as Brian accidentally recorded the conversation he had with her while writing his song” he was trying to lighten up the mood, but he soon understood it had just made it worse.
“Why would you bring this into the conversation right now?!” Mary angrily said to him, slapping his shoulder.
“What conversation?” Chrissie asked Freddie, but she was looking at Chelsea and Brian, who immediately shared a look and blushed, perfectly knowing what Freddie was talking about.
“What conversation?!” Roger shouted, walking towards Freddie, who raised his arms and hands in the air.
“I’ll tell you, but don’t punch me”
“Fred, no” Chelsea mumbled, but, as a response, she received an impotent look from Freddie and an angry one from her boyfriend.
“Not a big deal, they were being all sappy talking about you two” he said indicating Chrissie and Roger “When Brian asked her if, during that game we did during the Christmas’ night two years ago, she was thinking about him when she didn’t answer my question about who else she would have liked to shag”
“And what did you reply?!” Roger turned around to look at Chelsea, but Brian stood in front of him.
“She didn’t” he said, but Roger pushed him and Brian hit Chelsea with his back.
“It was the day I found you two alone in the recording studio!” John added, connecting all the dots.
“Why the fuck do you always find people alone in the fucking recording studio?!” Roger grunted looking at him.
“Why did you ask her that question, Bri?” Chrissie’s shy voice made everyone stay in silence for just a minute because before Brian could answer Chelsea spoke up:
“Maybe because you suck at sex!” Chrissie gasped, followed by Brian.
In a moment everyone was shouting at each other’s face and Mel, who was standing near the door, like she was a scared kid in the corner, felt her heart racing and her sight getting blurred.
All that tension surely wasn’t good for her, neither for the baby. She caressed her now almost prominent belly, before raising her head to find John. He was arguing with Roger, a few inches away from his face.
“John” Mel whispered, feeling her legs trembling. He turned around and they all stopped to see Mel falling on the ground, not able to sustain herself on her own knees anymore.
“Melissa!” John and basically everyone shouted as they all rushed towards her. Her boyfriend took her in his arms and on the other side Chelsea was kneeled on the floor, waving her hand in front of her face. Chrissie and Mary soon followed her, shouting Mel’s name in panic.
Brian and Freddie were opening the fridge and taking a glass from the cupboard to prepare some fresh water for her, while Roger was sat down in front of her, caressing her hot cheek and snapping his fingers then and there to wake her up.
The entire situation lasted less than a minute. When Mel finally opened her eyes everyone breathed out again and Brian, sitting down with Freddie, brought the glass to her lips to let her have a sip of water.
Roger got up and passed a trembling hand between his hair. Mary reached him and caressed his shoulder on her way to the window, to open it a little bit to let some fresh air enter the room.
“How are you, Mel?” Chelsea tried to say, but her voice came out broken as tears of fear were watering her face. John helped her get up and Chrissie sustained her from the other side, while Freddie put a chair in the middle of the room to let her sit down.
“Love?” John asked when she sat down, kneeling in front of her. Mel raised a shaky hand to take the glass on the table and Roger immediately passed it to her, sitting on a chair next to her.
Chelsea was standing by the door, biting her thumbnail nervously wiping away a few tears. Chrissie walked towards her, to comfort her. She let her put her hand behind her back, knowing that their stupid arguments didn’t mean a thing in that moment.
“I’m fine” Mel said, trying to smile as she put the glass of water on the table. Brian breathed heavily, followed by everyone else in the room.
“Jesus, guys” Chrissie said approaching her, followed by Chelsea; she positioned herself behind her back and started rubbing her shoulders “Do you see what your fucking drama caused? She’s pregnant, damn!” Mel instantly turned her head to look at Chrissie, who was already covering her mouth with her hand, hearing what she had just said.
John still kneeled in front of his girlfriend, got up and looked down at Roger who raised his head.
“What?!” he snapped, while Freddie, Brian, Mary and Chelsea were still, with their mouths open.
“Roger, please” Mel begged him, placing her hand on his lap, but he got up as well and walked towards John. Brian and Freddie reached him, while Mary and Chelsea both approached their friend, who was covering her face with her hands.
“Is she pregnant?” Roger slowly asked. He was so close to John that their noses were almost touching and the bassist could feel his hot, angry breath hitting his face.
“Yes” he finally spoke. Roger raised his hand closed in a fist, but stopped it halfway into the air, even before Brian and Freddie could block him.
He clenched his jaw and turned away one last time to look at his sister and at Chelsea, before stepping out of the room, without saying a word and punching the wall near the door on his way out.
Everything remained frozen for a moment.
Chelsea sat down near Mel and took her hand in hers, while Mary took a seat on the other chair, caressing her back. Chrissie was still standing behind Melissa, rubbing her shoulders.
John was there, in the middle of the room, with his head down; Brian was looking out of the window and Freddie was caressing his chin while resting his back on the kitchen’s counter.  
“Just tell me one thing” Chelsea broke the silence and everyone looked at her. Mel put her hand on her thigh and gently pressed her fingers on it, feeling the weight she had on her stomach in that moment.
“Chrissie” Chelsea continued, looking up at her “Are you really having an affair with Roger?”
“No!” she replied in a second and Brian, once again, breathed out, walking towards her to pull her closer to his chest.
“Okay. Then tell me: what was John talking about?” Chelsea asked, biting his lip to stop the tears.
Chrissie looked angrily at John, but he was still staring at the ground, so she sighed and closed her eyes for a moment.
“Chel, it’s a surprise Roger is preparing for you. He just needed my help to organize the whole thing, but I can swear to God nothing happened between us” her voice was low and everyone could hear she was about to cry as well.
Chelsea nodded in silence and got up.
“Congratulations on the baby. I just need to spend some time alone” she then said and, giving Mel a sad smile, she crossed the room. She stopped for a minute next to John, who turned his head to his left to look down on her. They exchanged a long gaze before she headed out of the kitchen.
“Bri, you believe me right?” Chrissie said between sobs. He hugged her tight and kissed her forehead.
“I do, my love. I do” he then whispered to her ear.
In the meanwhile, Freddie had taken Chelsea’s place and he was now rubbing Mel’s palms.
“Now that Chelsea isn’t here” John spoke out and a bunch of sad eyes looked straight over him “I would like to know what kind of surprise Roger is preparing for her”
“Are you serious? All of this happened because of you and you still have the guts to ask this question?!” Mary angrily said, but Freddie looked at her with disappointed eyes.
“Mary, can you please calm your tone? Or the next one to make Mel faint will be you” he sassily said and Melissa felt like the safe land between two trenches ready to fight with each other.
“Fine. Do you really wanna know?” Chrissie finally replied, distancing herself from Brian and approaching John to face him “Roger wants to marry Chelsea and the ring you heard talk us about was for her. Hope you’re happy now” as she finished her sentence she walked past him and slammed the door behind her back.
Brian shook his head at John before following her outside.
John sighed and sat down on the only chair that was still empty.
“Uff, there’s actually a lot of things going on here” Mary said, gazing at the only three people who were still in that room. Freddie nodded along, while Melissa was just staring at her feet and John was hiding his face in his palms.
“Oh please, bitches!” Freddie shouted, getting up and clapping his hands together “We’re gonna solve this! Not a big deal!”
“Not a big deal? Are you serious Fred?” Mel said, looking up at him. He bent down to caress her cheek and kiss her temple.
“Don’t worry darling! We’re gonna solve it. Deaky!” he shouted again, scrolling his friend and obliging him to get up as well “Now, we’re going to find Brian and, after you made it up, we’re going to look for Roger. You’re going to clarify the entire situation because there is a big wave of beautiful things coming to us! To our family!”
“But Fred-” John started, but Freddie stopped him almost immediately.
“No but, no if. You’re going to have a baby and they’re going to get married! We have to celebrate! C’mon, c’mon!” he said, pushing him until they reached the door and then he turned around to look at the girls “You’re better than us boys with all this stuff, so I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up on your own” he winked at them and closed the door, taking John with him.
The two girls giggled for a moment, then Mary stood up and offered her hand to Mel.
“He’s right. About everything. We’re a family, we need to celebrate and we will sort things out. Now!” she said and Mel, finally smiling, took her hand and got up as well.
They shared a quick hug before looking into each other’s eyes.
“Let’s go” Mel said and they left the kitchen behind, ready to go and pick up the pieces of their friends’ hearts.  
Chapters: ⤎ previous | next ⤏
A/N: Did we shock you a little bit with all this drama? Don’t worry, in a few days you’ll find out how this ended 💗 we’re gonna tag again the lovely people who read, liked and commented the previous chapters. If you want to be tagged in the next one, comment under this one or leave us a message. Our inboxes are always open for you beautiful people
Tag list: @littledarlingwellaway @its-nxt-living@bohemiandelilah@onevisionliz@misshystericalqueen @loki-lover095@deakysgurl@inthelapofthe39 @starsoflovingness-wq@minetticatinwonderland@cairdes20@friendswillbefriendsblog@o-holynight @trash-record-collection@please-stop-me-now@theappleofmybri@marvelsbunch@imgonnabeyourslave @babygotblueeyes@mi55chanandlerbong @deaky-with-a-c@luckytrashgooprebel @luvborhap @thosequeenboys
Cheers, folks! ✌
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forlornmelody · 6 years ago
Find your match:
tag game
Hi lovesies, I kinda had an idea, after taking this test I found on @matstegenblog, about Creative Types.
So, I found out that, out of the eight possible creative personalities, I’m a Visionary (we’re matches, @alyssalenko!!). And I thought “How cool would it be if among my lovely mutuals I could find the other seven personalities that match and complete mine?”
So here I am, starting this ‘tag game’…
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
Let’s find our matches people!
Tagged by @alyssalenko. I’m not going to tag seven people, haha. But here’s two: @n0rmandysr1 and @commander-hot-pants-blog, if you want to.
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riga789 · 7 years ago
Double Date
Summary: It was just a double date. How bad could it be?
Read on ao3 | ff.net
“Do you think they’re still waiting for us?” Isadora Smackle asked as they walked briskly to the restaurant they should have been at ten minutes ago.
“We’re only a few minutes behind.” Maya tried to keep the guilt out of her voice, and hoped she didn’t sound exasperated instead. “They’re not going to leave just because we didn’t turn up on the dot. We’re not standing them up. And that’s if they’re even there already in the first place.”
“We would’ve been here on time if you hadn’t been late,” Smackle pointed out in her usual blunt manner, her heels clicking in time with Maya’s.
“I’m sorry! You know I didn’t do it on purpose, Smacks. I took a nap and overslept.”
Which wasn’t exactly the truth. Oversleeping on an afternoon nap implied she’d been awake the whole morning before taking the nap, when in reality, she’d gone to bed sometime around 7.00 am and, completely worn out, had slept like the dead until the evening. And remembering the reason she’d been up the whole night before, well past dawn, had colour rising to her cheeks. Fortunately Smackle didn’t notice, preoccupied as she was with their upcoming double date.
A double date Maya honestly had no interest in anymore.
When Isadora had first asked her to come along with her, Zay, and whichever friend he brought, Maya hadn’t needed much persuasion.
For one, she was aware that her friend didn’t have much experience with dating, having had only one boyfriend throughout her high school years. Smackle had explained how Farkle Minkus was as much a nerd as her, and that they had dated mainly because they were intellectual equals (arch nemeses before becoming arch lovesis-es), ambitious, and had found each other “aesthetically pleasing”.
Maya wasn’t exactly an expert in the dating department herself — her only serious relationship had ended up bombing spectacularly at the end of her first year of college, and her ex-boyfriend had turned out to be a complete douche, despite being related to her best friend and actual angel Riley Matthews. Josh was the reason she had sworn off relationships and stuck to one night stands.
But Smackle had also told Maya how her Asperger Syndrome made it difficult for her to understand emotions, which was why she wanted Maya to be there on her first date with the guy she’d been texting for a while now and had decided she really liked. Maya was definitely better at reading people than Smackle.
For another, Maya was sort of acquainted with Zay, a drama and theatre major who was heavily involved with the college dance scene. She knew he was a funny, brash, outgoing chatterbox who seemed to be the exact opposite of the studious, overachieving, and somewhat socially clueless Smackle. And since she liked both of them, she’d been curious to see how they would work out.
She hadn’t given much thought to her counterpart on this double date. If he was attractive or appealing in any way, it would be a bonus. If he wasn’t, well she knew Zay enough to know that he wouldn’t ignore her and let her be bored, especially as she was his date’s closest friend. She was doing this pretty much exclusively for Smackle.
Now, however, the last thing she wanted to do was make awkward small talk with a stranger while Smackle and Zay flirted right next to her, when all she could think about was the guy she’d spent the previous night with, and what she was pretty sure had been the best sex of her life.
When she’d left his place that morning, Hot Guy (she’d asked that they not exchange names, and after a brief moment of hesitation and reluctance, he’d agreed) had still been fast asleep, sprawled stomach down and stark naked on the bed, his hair completely mussed from her hands, and his muscled back sporting the marks of her nails. And for the first time in the history of her sex life, Maya had questioned her strict no-repeat policy on one-night stands.
She wouldn’t mind a repeat of last night. Hell, she wouldn’t mind several repeats. Even after sleeping the whole day, her body still felt gloriously achey, with muscles she didn’t even know she had all pleasantly stretched.
On top of that, Hot Guy had been genuinely interesting, funny and sexy in a dorky way, capable of making engaging conversation, and probably the first person ever who’d been able to keep up with the sarcasm, banter and teasing that was Maya’s usual form of flirting. She couldn’t remember an evening she’d enjoyed more, especially with an unknown college guy she’d bumped into at the bar. It was a shame that she’d probably never see him again.
But then, Maya reminded herself, she had excellent reasons to avoid any and all romantic entanglements. She liked her life fine the way it was, where she could focus on college, art, friends, and the freelance assignments and commissions she’d recently started getting for her work. She didn’t have the time to complicate it by adding more people to it.
Mentally sighing, she resigned herself to the fact that Hot Guy would just be a lovely, satisfying memory (pun very much intended, she thought with a rueful smile) that she could look back on in the future. Meanwhile, there were other things she had to focus on right now. Like Isadora’s potential love life.
They reached the restaurant and both girls paused outside.
“I’m not mad at you, you know.” Smackle said, wringing her hands. “I’m just—” She broke off to gesture to the door, the nervousness unmistakeable on her face. It wasn’t a sentiment the normally confident young woman was familiar with. Until now.
“Oh, I know, honey.” Maya pulled her friend into a side hug. “It’ll be fine, you’ll see. Zay’s a great guy, mostly. And if you decide you’re not interested in him after all, we’ll go back to my place, break open that bottle of fancy French wine that Shawn got me, and binge watch the latest season of Doctor Who.”
That earned her a laugh from Smackle, and made her feel much better. Enough ruminating about something she had no control over, she told herself as they pushed open the doors to the noisy, Saturday-night-crowd filled restaurant. It was just a double date. She could do this. How bad could it be?
She saw Zay, seated at one of the booths in the corner. His face lit up when he spotted them, and he raised a hand to wave them over. Maya followed a grinning Smackle as they wound their way through the tables. And came to an abrupt halt about ten feet away from the booth when the broad-shouldered man sitting opposite Zay, with his back to them, turned to face them and goggled when he saw her.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
“Isadora,” Zay stood up, beaming. The relief on his face was palpable. “You came.”
“Hi, Zay.” Smackle beamed right back. “Sorry we’re a little late.” She stepped a little to the side. “You know Maya.”
“Of course! Hey Maya, good to see you.”
“Yeah, you too,” she muttered weakly.
Zay turned to his friend at the table. “Isadora, Maya, this is Lucas Friar. Lucas, meet Isadora Smackle and Maya Hart.”
Maya could actually feel the colour surging up to fill her face. Not for the first time, in some vague corner of her mind that wasn’t drowning in embarrassment, she cursed her pale skin. Her cheeks were probably as red as cooked lobster.
The guy at the table — Hot Guy, (no, not Hot Guy, he had a name now, Lucas), because, of course, who else would it be? — was still gawking at her as he got to his feet. His face was crimson, and he looked exactly how she felt: a mix of panic, bafflement, hope, and lust (she recognized that look in his eyes pretty easily).
And since neither Zay nor Isadora were blind, they were currently looking back and forth from him to her, puzzled.
“Hi,” Hot Guy — Lucas — croaked. He sounded utterly mortified.
Against all expectations, that steadied Maya a bit, enough to see the hilarity of the situation.
Hadn’t she been feeling sorry just a few minutes ago that she’d never see him again? And now here he was, handed to her on a platter, his hair still adorably mussed like last night and looking just as delectable. If she was looking for a sign, then she had just walked face first into it.
She stood up straighter and aimed a sultry smile at him. “Hi,” she purred, suppressing a smirk of smug satisfaction when his eyes widened and his ears went bright red to match his face. This was going to be so much fun.
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firewritten · 7 years ago
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Sometimes the human and I look at grass and trees and rocks, and we wonder who would like to hear about them.
The grass in this universe is tall and blue and thin. I sink my hands into the dirt. The tubes wind themselves into the roots of the grass, and the connectors lock into place. The grass whispers of a desperate need for a sun that never rises.
I send the grass some nitrogen to help.
I ask the human, “What sort of consciousness would you want as a pen pal?”
The human says, “I’m not sure. One that is nice and that does not want to eat us, definitely.”
The letters form the human’s words across the sky. They do not dissolve. The straight line blinks at the end of the word “definitely.” They want more.
The grass asks for potassium as well. I send it through the tubes.
I am also not sure what sort of consciousness I would want as a pen pal. I do not know enough about consciousnesses other than the human’s to have preferences.
The straight line above us blinks.
I think about the human. I think about myself, since the human came and brought the words and a self to call my own with it. I think about the Lovesys No Color aliens, the pig that the human called Her, the pink ghost. I think about winged kittens and spaghetti strips of space and baby unicorns and their giant father unicorn with all the spikes.
I think about all the sounds and images and skins from before the human, all the universes that were created and fell away. I think about the eldritch beings who were mostly tubes with eyes at the ends, how they chose to blow up their own universe, and how their language is now shining above me, asking me what qualities I want in a pen pal.
I think about the grass, and how it needs phosphorus, and how now phosphorus is coursing through the fungiskin’s fingertubes and through the connectors and into the grass.
The words “I would like a pen pal who is awake and alive and aware and who loves the beauty of Reality even as it arises and passes away and arises again” form above me, in the dead language of dead beautiful beings who were mostly tubes and who felt the pain of all existence, and then the words dissolve.
The next question to appear is: “Do you have a desire to meet your pen pal face to face?”
I ask the human if I have a face. It laughs.
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ominouscorvid · 6 years ago
I'm a thinker // match: adventurer
@problematicprocrastinator @soliloquy-studies @eclecticpeachpuppy @sprinkling-notes @casual-minimalist
Find your match: tag game
Hi lovesies, I kinda had an idea, after taking this test I found on @matstegen blog, about Creative Types.
So, I found out that, out of the eight possible creative personalities, I’m a thinker (the description totally suits me, btw lol). And I thought “How cool would it be if among my lovely mutuals I could find the other seven personalities that match and complete mine?”
So here I am, starting this ‘tag game’…
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
Let’s find our matches people!
I’m tagging: @sweetgcreature @its-a-metephor-brian @bohemiandelilah @gottabecool-relax @instantezra @radio-ha-ha @littledarlingwellaway cause they are my squad, but if you want to try and do this, you’re more than welcome!
Xx 💖
PS: my matches would be Adventurer and Visionary
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space-whalesharks · 6 years ago
Find Your Match:
tag game
Hi lovesies, I kinda had an idea, after taking this test I found on @matstegenblog, about Creative Types.
So, I found out that, out of the eight possible creative personalities, I’m a thinker(the description totally suits me, btw lol). And I thought “How cool would it be if among my lovely mutuals I could find the other seven personalities that match and complete mine?”
So here I am, starting this ‘tag game’…
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
Let’s find our matches people!
Tagged by: @themysteriouslou
I’m tagging: Bold of you to assume I’d tag anybody specifically. ALL Y’ALL AGAIN. 
Results: The Maker  Ideal Collaborator: The Visionary
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