#i am fucking weeping at how soft he is and how GOOD him and his hair look
chanstopher · 8 months
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Bang Chan Seasons Greetings inclusions 🖤
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jamminvroomvroom · 6 months
4k celebration
i want to see feral lando. dom lando. choking and degrading and rough lando. maybe a bad race, maybe flirting with another driver. weeknd vibes lando. rough rough rough lando.
ln x fem!reader - 4k celebration
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in which lando fucks you until the sun comes up :)
i am. feral. there are no words to describe how unhinged i am over this, this is super self indulgent and i cannot thank you enough anon hehe - lemme know what y’all think ily! <3
songs to set the mood: earned it by the weeknd, novacane by frank ocean, heaven angel by the driver era
warnings: 18+!! minors dni!! smut, pwp with a bit of plot, choking, crying, swearing, overstimulation, neck? riding? (hehe), degradation, a slap or two, soft dom!lando, also not so soft dom!lando (he switches up a bit), just feral unhinged vibes
2k words
the glow of light appearing in the sky preceding sunrise
the sunrise casts a tangerine foreglow over your bodies, the bed, everything the light can touch.
lando’s slumped against the headboard and you’re sprawled over his lap, legs hooked over his, with his hand working between your thighs.
it’s been hours. he’s had you spread out for him, countless positions and locations utilised. you were paying for your behaviour over the race weekend, but really, it was all his fault.
he’d been too cocky, looked too good, the australian air getting to his head. you’d been glowering at him since you’d arrived in the land down under, watching in erotically charged horror as he paraded around looking, to put it simply, slutty. tight shorts, arms out, neck on display for all to see. his fucking neck. god, it looked so thick, flexing every time he turned to smirk at you. the heat rendered you delirious, and so did he.
and you couldn’t even think about that fucking daddy bracelet he’d been sporting.
you decided you needed payback, in the form of some carefully constructed, harmless flirting with everyone from the mechanics to the guys on the pit wall old enough to be your father. but lo and behold, it worked, and that’s how you found yourself in this position.
the position in question?
being fucked every which way lando deemed fit until the sun came up.
“you learnt your lesson yet, baby?” lando grunts into your ear, pinching your clit between his fingers.
your thighs are soaked, shaking uncontrollably, and your head has lulled back against his shoulder. you’re breathing heavily, your back flush against his front and he’s restless. you’ve lost count of the number of orgasms you’ve been pushed to.
“lan.” you breathe, eyes fixated on the bracelet adorning his wrist. the kitschy trinket sends liquid fire down your spine and you spasm as he continues to swirl his calloused thumb over your clit.
“that’s not an answer.” he tuts, slipping his fingers through your slit until he’s circling your weeping entrance. you’re coated with slick, some of it his from where he’d fucked you up against the wall a good few hours ago. “have you,” he kisses your shoulder, trailing his fingers that were digging into your hip up your belly. “learnt your lesson?” his teeth sink into your flesh at the same time he pinches your nipple.
you gasp out a cry of his name, slurring incomprehensibly, “yes, yes, ‘m sorry, i’m so sorry.” you sob. his chest rumbles cruelly with laughter and you’re hurtling towards another release, the overstimulation making it easy for him to get you off.
“that’s all you needed to say, honey.” lando coos condescendingly.
as if he’s rewarding you for owning up, two of his fingers sink into your entrance, sliding deep. the sound of your wetness sends your eyes rolling back as he scissors his digits in and out of you, speeding them up into a delicious grind. you’re a mess in seconds, slumped into him as close as can be. kisses over your neck soothe you and you feel the wet rush of your release approaching quicker than you can comprehend it. you gush all over his fingers, dripping down his wrist, coating that annoying fucking bracelet.
“there you go, baby. so good for me.” he whispers, slowing his thrusts. “can you turn over for me? want you to look at me.”
you pant as you wriggle around in his arms until you’re straddling his lap. you can feel yourself dripping on him, his thick length sliding between your folds. the exhaustion renders you languid, ready to let him do just about whatever he wants to you next.
lando cups your breast, stroking gently over your nipple while he runs his tongue all over his long fingers. he loves to make you watch, torturing you until you’re needy for another release.
“you think you can do a few more for me?” lando smirks, bringing the fingers that he’d just licked clean to your other breast, fiddling with your other nipple. he has you rolling your hips against him, inadvertently chasing another high already. he loves it, revels in how he can reduce you to this, so desperate that you’re grinding down on his cock, a wet mess in his lap, all for him.
“yeah, lan.” you nod profusely, your tired eyes locked with his. the early morning sun hits them enticingly, making them sparkle green in the warm light. he looks disgustingly gorgeous like this, soft and yours, resting against the headboard, curls spilling over his forehead and into his eyes. if you didn’t know that he was mulling over a million twisted ideas in his brain that involved resorting you to tears of pleasure, you’d think he looked adorable.
“good.” he grins. “not even nearly done with you.” he looks evil; your thighs clench around his hips.
without moving you off of his lap, he uses his strength to slide down the bed until he lays flat. he beckons you to crawl up his body, and you find the strength to wriggle over him, thighs resting on either side of his neck when he stops you.
“you gonna slide your pretty little cunt over my neck?” lando asks, wrapping his huge hands around your thighs. you gulp, staring down at him dumbfounded. “don’t look at me like i’m crazy, baby. you think i don’t see you staring at it with that special little look in your eyes?” he teases. “get to fucking work, i’m not gonna ask again.”
hesitantly, you lower yourself against his his skin, flaming red with embarrassment and lust. you can’t lie and pretend that you aren’t utterly enticed by this, that you aren’t leaking down your thighs at the prospect of sliding your pussy along his tanned, flexed flesh. the adventurousness of the escapade makes your legs tremble, nerves eating you alive, but it’s all worth it when you feel that first glide.
you curse out, loud and breathy, the new sensation creating lewd sounds between you. he’s obsessed, staring up at you in mischievous awe as you rock your hips backwards and forwards. you tangle one hand in his hair, tugging hard in sheer desperation, while the other hand balances you against the headboard so you don’t crush him. he guides your hips like he wants to die like this, suffocated by you and everything you have to offer him.
“oh my fucking god.” you choke out a moan, jaw hanging agape as you continue to slide against him. every time you move forwards, you feel the delectable prickle of his trimmed facial hair scratching against your inner thighs and your eyes squeeze shut each time, pure pleasure bubbling in the pit of your belly.
“you have no idea how fucking good you look.” lando rasps, digging his fingertips into the meat of your thighs. you’re so tense, teetering on the very edge. the strength he possesses, his composure while you’re sitting on his fucking neck makes you throb.
you gaze down at him, feral, and it does something to him, because he’s yanking you up onto his parted lips, burying his face as far as it will go. you yelp, collapsing into the headboard as he holds you down on his tongue, lapping up your mess.
“can taste us.” he mumbles into the flesh of your cunt, barely audible, but you hear it and it makes you shiver. you black out as your orgasm hits, your ears ringing as bliss courses through your limp body like a delicious electric shock. your nerves are shot when he rolls you onto your back.
“fucking heaven.” lando groans, crawling over you as he licks his lips.
he’s invigorated by the taste of you, how spent you are, and how it’s all his fault. you can’t string a sentence together, but you’re grabbing at his toned body like you’re begging silently for more, anything. he needs to drive into you, fill up up, make you remember that your little games will always lead back to this, the reminder that you’re his.
“you sensitive, honey?” he growls, hand sliding between your legs while his necklace rests in the valley between your breasts. you whimper at the sensation, overloaded, nodding. you both know you need more; he needs more. “tough.”
lando practically folds you in half when he fucks into you, giving you no solace in adjusting to him. he ruts into you hard, fast, unrelenting as he sinks deeper and deeper with every thrust.
“you’re gonna behave from now on. you don’t need to make me jealous for me to fuck you.” he grunts. his slaps your hip, the harsh snap leaving a sting that has you convulsing. “this is what you deserve isn’t it? whoring yourself out because you were a wet mess for me all weekend.”
you whine his name, sobs wracking your body. he feels utterly divine hammering into you like life itself depends on it. you’ve lost track of where he stops and you begin, stars behind your eyes that turn into butterflies festering in your belly. you’re so full, flushed beneath him, gushing every time he opens his dirty fucking mouth.
“crying for me, love?” he mocks, lowering himself to get even closer to you, his tongue finding your tears tracks and licking the salty residue away until you’re shuddering.
“please, lando, please, told you i’m sorry.” you plead, begging for something undisclosed, but it’s okay, because he knows exactly what to do with you.
“be fucking quiet.” lando coos once more, sickeningly unsympathetic.
but you can’t help it, whimpering out his name, begging for some form of relief, or mercy, or for him to just fuck you impossibly harder. how can you be quiet when he’s tearing you so perfectly apart?
lando doesn’t like being disobeyed, so when you continue to sob, loud and lewdly, his hand finds it’s way to the base of your throat. your jaw goes slack, wheezing at the intense rush you get when he squeezes slowly, and you can’t help but let go.
“fucking- lando!” you writhe.
“i know, baby, i know.” he shushes you, hooking your leg even higher so that he can bury himself as deep as possible.
you spasm hard, impossibly tight around him and he stutters, collapsing you both hard into the mattress. you hold him so, so tight as he cums, shooting into you. you can feel him leaking out of you already, white hot, and laying there in a heap of sweat and adoration. he breathes a laugh, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
“are you okay, honey?” he whispers, kissing your collarbone.
“just peachy. a bit knackered.” you giggle, tangling your fingers into his damp curls.
“so, you liked the bracelet then?” he teases, nose bumping against your cheek as he raises his wrist to your eye line.
“i think it needs a clean.” you wrinkle your nose, thinking about what the beads had been exposed to over the last few hours.
“let’s shower, hm? then we can watch the sunrise.” lando suggests, sitting you up slowly.
“you’re gonna need to carry me.” your legs are still quivering.
“anything for you.” he says, hand over his heart.
45 minutes later, the sun is sitting pretty, high in the sky.
7:26am, the clock reads. the melbourne skyline glimmers hot with the rise of a new day.
you’re snuggled into his side, wet hair cooling the heat of damp skin. your eyes flutter, barely fighting the urgent need to sleep.
“you have no idea how much i love you.” lando caresses your stringy locks, pushing the hair from your eyes.
your bare bodies mould together, basking in the orange of the dawn.
“love you.” you mutter, brushing your lips against his chest in an open mouthed kiss. “promise i’ll start behaving.” you snicker.
“but baby, you know i love it when you’re bad.”
“okay, i’ll remember that… daddy.” you retort, a teasing lilt to your tone.
he ignores the way his blood rushes south, too conscious of your exhausted body - and his own - to climb on top of you and fuck you until the sun sets once more.
“get some sleep.” he whispers through gritted teeth.
you sink into sleep while he watches over you. the view from the hotel room is gorgeous, breathtaking, but why would he give it even a millisecond of his attention when he has you?
head? empty.
@boysthatgovroomvroom @welld0nebaku @thegirlinthefandoms @mcmuppet @japanesekel @vinvantae @ggaslyp1 @dr3lover @smiithys  @rachstash @infinitebells @fizzpopsnap101 @gaily19 @icecoldtires @mysticalnightenthusiast @thatchickwiththecamera @oyesmendes @disneydaydreameralways @canyouseethesainz @ferrarifwendvale @fcbformulaeri @tony-stank3 @maih23 @soleilgrec @carolineworld @anthonykatebridgerton @allywthsr @iamasimpingh0e @ophcelia @lovelynikol16 @coffeehurricanes @jennx03 @blueflorals @lqvesoph @sidcrosbyspuck @better-dead-than-smeg @buendiabebeta @pjofics @kovalcin @wintergilmore3 @for-writing-shit @youdontknowmeshh @im-an-overthinker @jule239 @darleneslane @jazzy722 @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @therealone4r @pleasecallmeunhinged @theonlyadrienne @spideylovin @charli123456789 @ln4norizz @formulaal @carlandoxlestappen @cmleitora @pianor481 @costkappen @roostersluvvr
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ervotica · 10 months
fix your head
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pairing; perv!stepbro!rafe cameron x fem!stepsister!reader
warnings; stepcest, smut 18+ only, fingering, p in v sex, somnophilia, free use kink
a/n; just been having brainrot abt stepbro!rafe so here’s a lil drabble/thot abt him! (yes i am insane)
A rough palm presses to the small of your back as the covers lift, a chill twining around your suddenly exposed skin that has goosebumps raising even in slumber. You whine, brows scrunching as lax fingers loop around his wrist and you twist further into the sheets. Your eyes open and desperately try to acclimatise to the darkness of your bedroom, but all you can decipher is a looming silhouette that begins to crawl on top of your slack body.
"Shh, shh," Rafe soothes. His breath is hot against your prickling face. "'S just me. Go back to sleep. Just g'na fix your head a little."
"Mm, okay." You settle once you realise it's only your stepbrother, eyes fluttering closed once more. His touch immediately has your pert nipples hardening, the soft sheets beneath you enough stimulation to make you squirm even in your half-asleep state.
Bruising fingers curl around your hips, lifting them until your back arches and your face smushes into the pillows beneath you; he makes light work of your panties, pushing them to the side as his big palms knead the fatty flesh of your bum.
A finger sinks into your weeping hole and you gasp, pushing back into the touch as he curls it just right to rub over your g-spot. Your gummy walls contract at the newfound pleasure and an arm flies back in seek of purchase against Rafe's wrist.
"I know, I know," he coos, slipping in another digit and picking up the pace until the delicious friction has you stifling moans into the sheets. "Keep quiet for me, kid. Wouldn't want your mom finding us, would we?"
The feeling of fullness is gone as quickly as it appeared and you're still for a few moments, features crumpling in vexation.
"Don't get bratty on me now, you little shit," he chuckles, watching as your face falls once more when he lines his mushroom head up with your drooling entrance. You garble and gasp as your cunt parts and flares around him, fluttering walls hugging him and moulding to the shape of his curved cock.
Fingers splay against the base of your neck, effectively silencing you as he starts to rock his hips; fingernails dig into the delicate flesh there and you whimper, tears tickling at your waterline as he presses you further into the pillow to keep you quiet.
"Got this pussy trained f'me, haven't I, kid? Attagirl, nice and quiet for me."
He twines an open palm into the length of your hair and tugs to reveal your blissed visage, watching with rapture as your expression changes the more he toys with you.
You squeak as he reaches down to pinch and roll your swollen clit between two fingertips, teeth baring into a growl when he clasps a merciless hand over your whining mouth.
"I told you to be fuckin' quiet, slut. Too much of a whore to take it nicely, hm? Too ungrateful?"
You shake your head vehemently, tears pooling at the base of his fingers as his thrusts pick up speed, head of his cock kissing every spot inside of you until you can't think of anything but how good he's making you feel.
He wrenches his hand free and you sag like dead weight, a punched breath of air expelling from your lungs with every cruel rut of his hips.
"There's my girl," he croons with a wicked smile, satisfied now you're fucked too dumb to do anything but drool onto the pillows beneath you. "You just, relax, kid. I'll be finished with you soon.”
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DOLLFACE (18+) - Bucky x f!reader
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your boyfriend devours.
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Your boyfriend likes it rough. He likes it quick and heated. In the back of a truck. In the movies. 3 am in the kitchen of the Avengers compound. He'd make you cum in 4 minutes, twice in 6.
But when you're off-mission and time is on your side, he takes his sweet, sweet time. He eats you out until your toes curl and you have to bite back a scream.
Bucky's nose is pressed against your clit, as you're perched at the edge of the minibar in your room. The pad of his tongue glides against the slick of your pussy, lapping at the juices that leak out of you.
"That good, baby?" He looks up at you, asking for approval. "Just beggin' to be fucked, aren't ya, dollface?"
"Yes, Buck – aghhh – " His tongue plunges in your aching hole and you forget how to form words. Your own tongue becomes tied in mewls and whimpers and sounds that would make a virgin weep.
His jaw is taut as he devours you, lips curling in a precum-covered smirk when he pulls back for a split second, only to eat you out again. Your fists bunch in his brown locks, pushing his face in, further, harder.
"Cum on me, doll," he pants. "Let me taste you, baby."
He continues to suck on your labia, soft kisses that make you want to cry. Too soft, too tender, and you would complain if he also didn't bury his vibranium fingers deep in your walls. You clench around the cold metal, your release just within reach.
Your legs begin to shake, your pelvis vibrating with those blissful tremors, and the heat builds and builds until you can't hold it in any longer. Bucky notices the switch – he always does – and he positions his tongue to receive what you surrender to him.
Lips parted, his breathing warm on your center, he lets you cum on his face. Milky, almost translucent droplets coat the tip of his nose and his swollen mouth and his chin.
He grins.
"I fucking love that," he says. "I love you."
He attacks your mouth with his, tangy from your substances. The hardness in his grey sweatpants presses against your core, a stain growing visible on the material due to his leaking tip. Your bottom half is already bare so you eagerly pull your shirt overhead. He hums in appreciation.
His blue eyes darken, his hands grope, but he is still – regrettably – fully clothed.
You pull at his tight black shirt, groaning in complaint.
"Take your damn clothes off," you plead. "Fuck me already."
"In a hurry? Are you forgetting something, dollface?"
You roll your eyes fondly. As if he needed a reminder of how crazy you are about him, but you are more than happy to oblige. "I love you too, James."
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a/n: the gremlins in my mind won out, and so you have this. Okay, carry on. Dollface. 🍬
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hitomisuzuya · 28 days
Stepcest, DNI if uncomfortable. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Cunnilingus. Praise. This is kinda dirty.
A regular of mine suggested this. Tumblr won't let me tag them for some reason.
You'd been hiding away in your room all day. You hadn't even come down for dinner. It wasn't until the moms had left for the evening that you let him into your room. You'd looked at him with such teary eyes, saying you couldn't bring yourself to even look at him.
When he demanded why, with crossed arms and all, you told him it was because you still failed a test despite him tutoring you.
Scaramouche knew exactly how to handle his sweet, delicate step sister.
"It's okay, my good girl," Scaramouche said, sitting next to you on your bed. He smoothed a hand through your hair, "You are a smart girl. I just have to bring it down to your level in another way," It wasn't said as an insult. Just that he was willing to be flexible and find a teaching method that worked well for you.
Your eyes lit up hearing his praise. "You really think so?" You moved your head into his hand in a way the really reminded him of a pet. Praise from your step brother was special. It was different.
It made you react in a pretty interesting way.
"Yes, you are. You are my good, smart girl," He petted your head again, making your cheeks flush. "You wanna know how I know?" His fingers brushed over your cheek before coming to grasp your chin.
An aroused shiver shot through you. You fidgeted a little restlessly on the bed. "How?" You asked shyly, looking at him intently. You were eager to soak up every word of praise from him. Just hearing the words "my good girl" made your clit start to throb.
Scaramouche couldn't get enough of the look on your face. You were focused on only him with such a worshipping look in your eyes. You were practically drooling and hanging on his every word.
This was just how he liked you.
"Because of what you always tell me," He continued, skimming his thumb across your lower lip. He could tell you were contemplating the urge to lick his thumb. "You know what I am talking about," There was a certain smug purr to his voice that only made you wetter as you nodded.
"That my step brother always knows what's best," The flush on your cheeks darkened as Scaramouche scooter closer to you on the bed. Goosebumps prickled on your skin as he unbuttoned your jeans.
"See, I told you are smart," Scaramouche heard a soft moan gather in your throat. His hand dipped down inside your panties, a soft chuckled sounding from him when he discovered how wet you are. "I know what's best for you right now."
He laid you down on the bed, rubbing and stroking your clit until you started whimpering before he worked you out of your clothes. He could've just taken your panties and jeans off, but he wanted the added pleasure of looking at your tits while he ate you out. "Say it," He commanded, moving down your body between your legs.
"My step brother always knows what's best for me," The words barely came out of your mouth before a moan tore from it. His tongue parted your floods, flattening on your pussy as he licked lines up and down. One of your hands folded tightly around your blanket, the other finding the back of his head.
You pressed his mouth down onto your cunt, his tongue prodding the entrance of your weeping hole. He vibrated a moan of approval on your clit as you grinded on his mouth. "That's my good, sweet girl," His words made louder moans sound from you, "Fuck yourself on my face like the obedient girl you are."
His pierced tongue dragging and swirling around your clit made your thighs tremble. Your clit throbbed more hearing such praise. You tugged on his hair, shivering as he groaned into your pussy. His thumbs smoothed over your hips, goosebumps prickling in their wake.
Scaramouche's mouth expertly worked over your pussy. "Is my sweet girl feeling good?" He purred, latching his lips onto your clit. His cock throbbed hearing your lewd moan in response. He made sure to prod his piercing on your sensitive clit while he sucked.
He chuckled smugly into your cunt, feasting his eyes on the sight of you pinching and rolling one of your nipples between your fingers. He smirked, kitten licking your clit and enjoying your taste on his tongue as you rubbed your pussy on his tongue. He knew you were feeling extra good.
Scaramouche growled a little when you tried to close your thighs around his head. He promptly moved them apart. Having your clit in his mouth was starting to stir a feral state inside him. The throbbing, swollen bud tasted so good on his tongue, and having your legs spread gave him better access to it.
All it took was a few kitten licks on your clit for you to submissively relax your legs. His lips greedily latched back into your clit. He could wait to stuff you full of his cock once he made you cum crying on his tongue. The praise was for your pleasure. Eating you out was for his pleasure.
Your orgasm was building up so tight that it was starting to make your whole body shake. "Call me your good girl again, please," You moaned, pressing his mouth down onto your pussy again, "That's all I want to be is your good girl."
Your pleading moans were making his cock strain harder in his jeans. Scaramouche was panting softly as he took his mouth off of your clit. "Good girl. You are my good girl," He rolled your clit between this fingers for a moment before returning his mouth to it, "Let's see if I can make my good girl squirt while she cums," His voice shook as he pushed two fingers inside of you.
He knew just how to curl his fingers into your sweet spot in that certain way. He scissored your walls apart, his mouth ravenous on your clit. Your head began to spin before the knot of your orgasm broke apart. Your cheeks flushed feeling your cum flood onto his tongue, your body nearly going limp from the intensity of your orgasm.
Purred words of praise reached your ears as he licked you clean, nursing you through your orgasm with his tongue piercing on your clit.
Purred words of praise reached your ears as he lapped up your release.
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2kiran · 3 months
subbot!ghost that's shy about how loud he can be >< he can barely see with tears in his eyes because you're making him feel so good :(( domtop!m!reader with prompt 10! take ur time <33
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prompt, let me hear you
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“Fuckin’ hell, luv,” Simon groans, large hand wrapping around the back of your neck. His head tilts back, eyes fluttering shut and he drags out a whine. “Yeah?” Teasingly rolling your hips, brushing past his sweet spot to feel the impatient tug provoked by a sharp twist of his calloused fingers. “Hngh, do-don’t be such a tease.”
“You like it when I am.” Simon rocks against you in response, thighs squeezing around yours, and he’s too far gone to snap. Shit, your cock is keeping his greedy hole so full, head light with pleasure when you suddenly pull all the way out, rim clenching and unclenching on your tip — then burrowing in again with a rough slam.
“Ah, haah—” His free hand clamps down on his mouth, silencing himself before he lets out an embarrassing moan.
His eyes fly open, jaw tensing as his hard length weeps pre. His whimper is muffled, tears catching on his lashes, and he’s suddenly conscious of how thin the walls of your home must be. He swears he’s almost going cross-eyed, you’re right in his throat and he’s lewdly quivering on your cock. Simon’s desperately stopping himself from yanking on your hair, uncertain if it’s whether to shove you away or force you closer.
Gently, your hand search for his, panting when you’re wrapped in his tight warmth again. “Oh, baby,” your thumb swipes across Simon’s knuckles, attempting to pry his palm away though his teeth are already sinking into his bottom lip. “Let me hear you, yeah?”
You take both of his wrists, pinning them above his head and you’re almost concerned he’ll draw blood with how hard he’s biting himself. Has there always been two of you?
Oh, now you’re a blurred group of three, and it makes him clench on you harder through the dizziness. He can feel himself shying away from the firm grasp of consciousness, all that is left of his thoughts are you and your big, stupid cock that keeps teasing his insides, forcing out choked-out moans.
He doesn’t want to seem like an idiot, doesn’t want to sound like one. He’s close to piercing his own lip, all in vain to keep his little groans from echoing throughout the quiet space.
But then Simon cries out as you ram back deep in him — cock pulsing and fuck he doesn’t want you to stop — finally unable to contain the needy whimpers that threaten to humiliate him. It’s raw, hoarse, aching when it finally breaches its confines. He’s trying to blink away the beads pooling from his eyes, simmering down his cheeks but you’re here to help him, wiping them away sweetly.
He’s shivering, too fucked out to think about anything besides your warmth and soft stare being constant reminders of how good you are to him. “Please,” a pathetic, little plea. He needs you so bad it’s physically hurting him. “More, nnh, I n-need you.”
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eccentricallygothic · 6 months
| Too Sweet |
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Description: You and Steve try to put 'it' in for the first time after his serum procedure. 
Pairing: Soft-Dark 40's Post-Serum Steve Rogers | Lover!You. 
Warning(s): Soft-Dark!Steve, 40's misogyny and courting bc let's be so fr, obsession, daddy kink, allusions to spanking, dumbification, power imbalance, corruption kink, fluffy smut, p-in-v penetration that y'all are STRUGGLING with, dash of breeding kink, they love each other, smut with plot.  
Note: @chxrryhansen 's new Too Sweet Steve edit is responsible for this and she doesn't even know it, pfft!
"Steve!" Your protest is half giggle and half whine as you wince before landing a punishing smack to your lover's shoulders. "Ouch!" His body is also vibrating due to the humor that the two of you find in this strange situation. 
"Come on, baby" he rasps out against your ear, his elbow that presses into your pillow besides your head causing it to dip towards itself. "I am trying my best here, bear with me a little" try he sure is doing. You can almost feel him fighting against his impulse to just fuck all and push inside your tiny entrance that has never faced a girth this big. 
"I knowww~" you whine as you press your knees against his sides that have become wide and muscular since the procedure. "But it's still ouchie" Steve sighs as he freezes the little bit of pushing that he was doing.
You feel bad, you really do. 
Because it is as hard for you to hold back as it is for him.
Pressed up against your lover that you haven't properly had like this in a week, your bare skins nearly leeched to each other's, one of his rough manly hands fondling your breasts as the one he's holding up his heavy body with strokes your hair to comfort you, the feeling of his stern muscles digging into the tender insides of your thighs and then his cock that you need to save your life at this point so close to your weeping walls yet so far away that you can lose your mind from the frustration. 
But it just hurts so fucking much! 
You had always thought your lover's size to be a decent one because it kept you satisfied and very happy. 
But now…
You did not want to be an ungrateful brat, as Steve would say, because you weren't a stranger to the valor that he held for his country and you had always done your best to cheer him on so you weren't to be misunderstood.
But good Lord above, they had swapped your cotton candy lover for a rough and tough beast who couldn't bear you being out of his sight for more than a few minutes. 
It seemed that whatever voodoo they worked in that fancy machine had also amplified his obsession with you, like everything else. 
Steve sighs as he kisses your cheek softly. You understand that he's a man and he has his needs that he has been compromising for a week because you recoil at the sight of his cock each time he tries to seduce you. "I've already stretched you out with three fingers, baby. At this point I might as well put my fist in there" you're on thin ice and you know it. 
No man is as considerate as he has been all these days as it is. 
Your cheeks burn and you flush hotly in embarrassment, letting out another whine as a result before landing a flustered punch on his arm. "I- It's not my fault if your fist would still be smaller than your dick!" Though your tone is one that has gotten you bent across his lap more times than you can count, the manner in which the indirect praise boosts his ego saves you this one time.
And his fingers weren't the easiest thing in the world either because they've grown three times their size!
"Aw, is Daddy's cock too big for your little baby pussy, honey?" You cannot help but let out a horrified guffaw as you cover your mouth, eyes wide. 
"Oh, my GOD, Steve!" He is grinning at how appalled you look because of his obscene words. "Stop with that! I told you the other day that it's not right!" You have no idea how, but two months ago your lover had picked up this strange pet name for himself that he liked to use whenever you two were having an intimate moment. 
"Oh, but baby" your back arches in an instant as you grunt and feel your claws fly to his shoulders that they dig into. He has started to push again. But your pussy is nearly as stubborn as he is, it seems. Because neither wants to back down. "Who put it in your pretty little head that you can decide what's right and wrong around here?" 
Your thighs tremble at the authority in his tone and you whine, feeling your ass cheeks clench at the way the girth of his tip feels around your sore band of muscles. Fuck, this is like losing your virginity all over again but only worse. 
You almost feel mad at yourself.
Because you're so wet and prepared.
Just why can't it go where you need it most?!
"N- No…" The smell of his shampoo hits your nose when he dips his head into the crook of your neck to make a new love bite, both to try and distract you as well as mark you as his. "D- Didn't mean that, Shtevie, sowwy~" you mumble meekly and he deeply hums against your skin. 
"Good girl" if it weren't for the way in which one of his hands lovingly caress your scalp, you would have teared up due to how small you suddenly feel. "Now shush up for Daddy and let him do this bratty little pussy in" an involuntary gasp leaves you again but you suppress it by kissing his moist temple so he can't hear it and think you are being disrespectful. Your baby pussy has irritated him enough this past whole week already. 
"Owiee…" You grunt again as you feel it breach its way into the initial curve as it has been doing for hours now. "S- So big, Daddy" what? No! You're not like your naughty lover! Y- You're just trying to somehow calm him down so you don't get in trouble! 
Like you did when you initially did not respond to his unrelenting advances in school and he ended up scoring really low in a test because of that so he dragged you out of drama class to bend you over and teach you a thing or two about manners and how to treat those who are nice to you. Then he made you apologize, kiss his cheek and cook him dinner at your house to make it up to him. 
You are glad he did that though, because Steve is your once in a lifetime and there can never be another like him. 
He just knows best. 
But that doesn't mean you are okay with getting punished just because your pussy is too tiny!
"Good babygirl" your lover grunts against your nipple that his mouth is latched onto now, hips doing their best to not damage you but still weasel his cock past the hard round shaped barricade of your pubic bone. "I know it's scary but you can trust Daddy because he knows that if that pretty little pussy can push out his brats one day, it can surely take this cock too." Steve loves how you shudder under him at the thought but still answer him Yes, Daddy. 
Because you are all his to do with whatever he pleases.
That is the reason why he shook hands with HYDRA and wiped out SHIELD the day he was transformed. 
Because HYDRA had promised him a comfortable future with you where he would not have to part with you for too long but still provide you the life that you truly deserved as his sweet little girl who loved and accepted him in a state that everyone had treated as a laughing stock. 
You were worthy of the world.
And he was determined to give it to you. 
I didn't mention the hydra plot twist up there because well, surprise! 
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chvoswxtch · 10 months
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pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader
summary: matt just wants a taste.
warnings: swearing, explicit sexual content (minors dni)
a/n: it’s thanksgiving here today, and despite my mixed feelings about this holiday, I am thankful for all of y’all. so, here’s a little treat from me to you bc I haven’t shown our favorite human disaster some love in awhile. 🖤
word count: 1.1k
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Matt lost track of how long he’d had his head buried between your thighs. Your hair was still damp from your shower earlier, fresh notes of citrus and green apple lingering on the silk sheets. That coupled with the crisp sandalwood of his own cologne from the worn Columbia shirt of his you had stolen to bed intertwined with your own distinct scent lit a fire of desire within him. He’d discarded a layer of his black suit with every silent step he took descending the staircase that led up to the rooftop door.
It had been a bad night, and Matt’s inherent Catholic guilt was at an all time high. So, he positioned himself exactly where he thought he belonged.
On his knees.
Matt held your soft thighs in his rough, calloused hands, his warm tongue lazily tumbling over your swollen clit over and over again. He slipped his tongue through your soaked folds much like he had the first time he had really kissed you; when a sweet kiss good night had ended with your back firmly pressed up against your front door and the two of you panting into each other's mouths.
Angelic pleas for mercy had sounded from your lips in various intervals, but your greedy fingers continued to tug him just a little closer by tight grips on his chestnut strands. Neither one of you seemed to be able to quit the other. Matt’s nose was nuzzled against your public bone, and his plump lips were wrapped around your clit, alternating between suckling languidly at a pace that made your eyes roll into the back of your head and dragging his tongue up and down the length of your entire pussy meticulously.
Every time you let out a desperate chant of his name and rolled your hips up in a needy way in search of more, Matt groaned loudly and moved his own hips in tandem. He had been rutting against the mattress for God only knows how long now, the front of his briefs completely soaked from the weeping slit on the head of his throbbing cock. He’d never been so painfully hard in his life.
But Matt didn’t feel like he had earned a release yet.
Despite the several tangy coats of your arousal on his tongue, he wanted more. He needed just a little more.
Just one more, he told himself, then he’d finally let himself fuck you. But right now, he was exactly where he wanted to be. Face nestled against your pussy, feeling your heartbeat pounding against his welcoming tongue, smelling the scent that was uniquely you right under his nose, hearing the verbal reassurances of how much you needed him, and how badly you wanted him.
Praises of his name and confessions of love slowly lifted the self imposed weight that laid heavy on his chest like cement. If an angel like you believed the Devil deserved Heaven, then maybe he did. You didn’t ask for his penance, but he wanted to give it. He wanted to be worthy of being the man you made him feel like he was.
Matt ignored the ache in his jaw, and he whimpered against your core as his briefs snagged against the sensitive head of his cock just right. He wasn’t gonna last long. Not with the heavenly aroma of you surrounding his senses completely, the sweet sound of your pleasure hitting his ears, the thrum of your impending climax thundering against his tongue.
He never wanted to come up for air. If this was how he was going to die, drowning in the tidal wave of your gratification, then he’d die a happy man.
Matt used his index and middle finger to spread your slicked pussy apart, eagerly swirling his tongue around your pulsing nub before switching to flicking the tip of his tongue back and forth across it like a metronome. God, you were so warm and soft, and so fucking wet. He couldn’t tell where his saliva ended and where your own essence started, but he didn’t fucking care. The only taste he wanted seared into his taste buds was yours anyway.
He delved his tongue as deep within your cunt as he could, fucking you with it sensually while his nose bumped against your overstimulated clit repeatedly. You were close again. He could tell by the hitch in your breaths and the quiver in your soft thighs that were enclosed tightly around his head.
Matt never felt like he deserved you, so he made it his personal mission to make sure he earned you.
As soon as another wave of your candied tang drenched his mouth and dripped down his stubbled chin, Matt exploded with a pathetic whimper, feeling his own sticky warmth coating his lower abdomen and the tops of his thighs. The only reason he pulled his face away from your cunt was because you weakly pushed at his shoulders with your trembling hands.
“Fuckfuckfuck…Matty…I can’t. I-God, I need a minute-“
The breathless pants sounding from your lips were an elegant symphony to his ears. He closed his eyes while resting his head on your smooth thigh, trying to catch his own breath. For several minutes neither of you said anything, just laid there tangled up in the sheets together, basking in the afterglow of pleasure.
All of a sudden, Matt sensed a shift in you. He heard your eyes flutter open, and felt the way you shifted your head off the pillow to peer down at him in curiosity.
“Matty…did…did you-“
He didn’t bother hiding it. He wasn’t ashamed. He’d be pissed when the cloud of lust currently fogging up his brain eventually cleared and he realized he ruined yet another set of silk sheets, but right now, he was too satisfied to give a shit about anything other than this moment with you.
A melodic giggle immediately erupted from your chest, and Matt squeezed your thigh teasingly in retaliation which caused you to squeal.
“Hey! I wasn’t making fun of you. It’s actually quite flattering that you enjoy having your head between my thighs so much that you can come from that alone.”
“Sweetheart, you could make me come just by reading our grocery list.”
Another round of angelic giggles fell from your lips, and a quiet whine of disapproval sounded from Matt when he felt you shifting in bed. Much to his dismay, you moved your soft and warm thigh away from under his head, which caused him to purse his plush lips in a pout. But before he could even protest, you were gently pushing him onto his back and brushing your lips against the shell of his ear.
“Maybe I’ll test that theory later, but right now, I’d rather make you come with my mouth in a different way.”
tags: @yarrystyleeza @little-miss-dilf-lover @avengerstower-houseplant @mars-rants-a-lot @topperthornton @hailey-murdock @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @mattymurdock1021 @bubuslutty @thyme-in-a-bubble @ninejlovebot @purrrfect @pennylovey @firesunflamed @oscarisaacsleftknee @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042 @utterlynuts
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bucks-babe · 10 months
More Virgin Bucky
Pairing: Virgin!Bucky 
Summary: Bucky jerks off to the memory of your movie night
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: male masturbation, mention of past blowjob, Bucky is a horny boy, reader is not in this one but he thinks about them
A/N: The part two that a lot of yall wanted. Am I a tease? Yes. Bucky does not lose his v-card in this one. BUT I will write a part three I promise. I want to corrupt this man so bad. Also, I wrote this in like an hour sooo. Part of the Virgin!Bucky series but can be read alone
One week. Actually eight days and five hours, but Bucky is the only one counting. That’s how long it's been since you sucked the sense out of your boyfriend. It has taken every ounce of control Bucky has to not ask you to do it again. It’s all he thinks about ever since that night.
He would be embarrassed if you knew, but in all fairness, you did this to him. You effectively made him malfunction. Bucky has been fucking his fist practally every night, replaying the best moment of his life. How your mouth wrapped around him perfectly, the slight gagging sounds, and don’t even get him started on how you looked up at him. 
And when you told him to cum in your mouth? Fuck! His cock pulses at the memory. Bucky is a greedy man - he wants more. He wants you to suck his cock again, maybe you’ll suck on his ball this time, get them all wet and slobbery, make him cum without even touching his cock. 
For the past few days of his incessant horniness, he’s been thinking about something else, too. It always starts out with you, his throbbing cock in your mouth, but there is a shift, you on the bed with his head between your legs. He never gets very far into this fantasy before he cums all over his hand and chest. Something about eating you out has him cumming in seconds.
But Bucky can’t bring himself to ask for what he wants. He’s too embarrassed; no one in the 40’s ever talked about eating their girl’s pussy. He wasn’t completely ignorant to the fact that women’s pleasure wasn’t important to men back then, but Bucky didn’t know if what he wanted was normal, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to ask.
As he lies in bed, once again Bucky feels his cock harden in his pants. Luckily for his pride, he’s alone in bed, and nothing is stopping his flesh hand from inching toward his crotch. His balls are so heavy and full even though he jerked himself off twice the night before, cumming so much he had to change the sheets. 
Grabbing his erection, Bucky hissed in pleasure. No matter how many times he’s touched himself this past week, he is still a sensitive baby when it comes to his cock. “Fuck, doll, touch my cock, just like that.” Bucky lets his mind wander to his go to fantasy. He imagines you between his legs, that the hand rubbing his dick is your soft palms and not his callused one.
His hips jerk off the bed, chasing friction of his hand through his boxers. “Go ahead, doll, take it out.” When you aren’t there, Bucky is in charge, making himself feel good, directing you in his fantasy. But can’t help himself but let you take charge when he’s with you. He just gets so nervous, not wanting to let you down and never experiencing pleasure so intense. 
He’s trying to take this slow, drawing his pleasure out, but, hell, you make him so damn horny that he just can’t help but push his boxers down to his thighs, past his heavy balls, and ignores the wet spot on his underwear from his weeping head.
Using his precum, Bucky wraps his hand around his head and slowly pulls his hand down to his base. “Oh, God! Just like that!” He has to squeeze his base to stop himself from cumming at the first stroke of this hand.
Scrambling, he pushes his boxers down to his ankles and spreads his legs, “doll, touch my balls, get them nice and wet.” His metal hand cups his ever growing sack, “shit, yeah that feels fucking great! You feel how heavy they are? All that cum is going down your throat tonight. You hear me, doll?” 
With his metal hand still on his balls, he uses his flesh hand on his cock, imagining your lips instead, you slobbering over his cock, not his precum lubing it. “So good with your mouth, you know that? You’re such a fucking slut.” His thumb traces over the thick vein right under the head of this cock and has Bucky calling you a slut, something he didn’t even know he’d be into, but once that image was in his head he had to take his hand off his cock; he didn’t want to cum just yet. Not when he just started.
Taking deep breaths, Bucky tries to calm himself down, but imaginary you climbs up his body and Bucky knows this is the end. “Sit on my face, doll, and let me eat your pussy.” He closes his eyes for this part, because Bucky has never seen your pussy before, he wonders if you are sporting a bush like the women in his old porn mags did, or if you shave, or wax, Bucky doesn’t give a shit. 
He’s never tasted a cunt before, and has nothing to base it on, but the thought of your entire weight on his face, smothering him with your pussy, makes the most pornographic moan leave his mouth and cum shoots out of his tip without him touching it.
He cums for what feels like minutes before he finally stops and he lays back against his pillow, not having the energy to clean himself off before he falls asleep. He needs to taste your pussy and soon. 
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retroaria · 1 month
Itoshi Sae NSFW Alphabet
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summary: learn your abc’s with sae!! Letters skipped that I felt were repetitive!! afab/fem!reader
BLUE LOCK M.LIST | enjoy ⚽️ -aria
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ஓ A is for Aftercare
Sae isn’t the most doting during aftercare. He’ll shower with you and clean you up, but if you ask him to get you water and feed you he’ll give you a curious look as if to say “What am I? Your maid or something?” But honestly he’ll do it anyways, just with an obnoxious eye roll and a light scoff before curling up in bed with you.
ஓ B is for Body Part
Sae’s favorite part of himself is his hair, he puts a lot of time and attention to keeping it well kept and groomed. I bet he even does hair masks, oils, etc. to keep it soft and fluffy, you will NOT catch this man using a 2-in-1. His favorite part of your body is obviously your ass, expect it to be gently (or not so gently) slapped at random moments around the house, or groped during heated make out sessions. but also your hands, I feel like he’s got a thing for hands. He likes the way they feel when your fingers run through his hair, likes the feeling of your hand securely held in his, the way they feel wrapped around his neck while you ride him, or digging into his back leaving marks while he fucks you. Don’t get me started on how he feels watching you wrap your hands around his cock. Let me digress, Sae is a simple man, hands and ass.
ஓ C is for Cum
Sae has a bit of a problem. He loves cumming inside you, loves holding his cock in your weeping cunt a few minutes after to ensure that it gets as deep in you as possible, but he does NOT have a breeding kink. Would never dream of a little shit head mini Sae running around ruining his career and his quiet life with you, but god does he love filling you up, just because he feels like it really makes you his property. He’s possessive, that’s all. So in the case that you aren’t on any birth control, he can enjoy cumming on any part of your body just as much, so long as he’s the one that gets to clean it off you, making sure to finger some of it in your mouth before doing so. Actually doesn’t like cumming on your face surprisingly, thinks it’s a waste of cum that could’ve been shoved down your throat instead. As far as your cum goes, he’s all about it. When he eats you out he’ll let your cum and arousal build up until there’s enough for him to lap up, then he’ll lift his head so you can watch him swallow it all down, such a dirty boy.
ஓ D is for Dirty Secret
He doesn’t have any dirty secrets, secrets are foolish and unnecessary in his mind. If he’s doing anything dirty that pertains to you then he might as well tell you about it. If you think it’s weird he doesn’t care. Something that he maybe should’ve kept as a dirty secret is how badly he wants to fuck you in front of every guy that’s ever made a sly comment about you looking good or asked if you were single. “No they’re not single, fuck off.”. This scenario just makes me think of Oliver Aiku, he’s totally the kind of guy that would say some nasty shit about Saes partner and Sae would have to put him in his place. He’d imagine fucking in the locker room in front of the whole team actually, just so they all know you get dizzy for his cock and his cock only.
ஓ E is for Experience
Let’s be honest, Sae has had his share of forgettable hook ups. Even well into your relationship there’s still girls that beg him to come back just because they can’t forget about how good it was, but Sae never really cared about sex or love until he met you. He half jokingly says that you “ruined his life” pretty often because sex and love happen to be things that distract him from his career, but he always says it with a kiss and a sarcastic tone. Truly he wouldn’t have it any other way. When you guys did get together he became much more of a giver than he was before. While his cock alone may have made those girls from the past go crazy, they couldn’t even begin to imagine what you receive from his mouth and his hands. Sae took the time to get to know your body unlike anyone else’s so he can make you squirm for him at any point, in any position.
ஓ F is for Favorite Position
Sae will bend you over anything, sometimes even nothing, opting to just hook his arms into yours to keep you from falling on your face while he slams into you from behind. Loves fucking you in front of the bathroom mirror so he can make you look at yourself while he ruins you. He also likes letting you ride him and use his cock as you please. It’s relaxing for him to just sit back and let you do your thing, it’s also kind of like you’re putting on a show for him.
ஓ G is for Goofy
Be for real. Sae? Itoshi? Goofy??? Nah.
ஓ H is for Hair
Sae isn’t fully shaven but he keeps it short and he’s well groomed. He doesn’t like the look of it being completely bare because it makes him feel like a baby. The same thing goes for you, he prefers if it’s trimmed as opposed to being fully shaven, doesn’t wanna feel like he’s fucking a doll.
ஓ I is for Intimacy
Sae takes intimacy very seriously. You’re the only piece of his life that brings him peace, and so he takes his time with you. He relishes in every twitch and sound that comes from you for as long as he can, he makes sure to use his words with you, telling you how good you feel and how perfect you look and how good you are for him. He always prefers having sex on the bed where he can lay you out and give you full body princess treatment.
ஓ J is for Jack Off
Sae isn’t so stuck up that he can’t please himself when he needs to. He becomes a bit of a photographer when you guys are having sex, snapping quick pics of you in all his favorite positions to use for when he’s needy and without you. Before long trips he makes sure to have orders placed for new lingerie and outfits that’ll be delivered while he’s gone. You know the drill once you open the package, being sure to pose yourself, showing off the way each piece hugs your frame and promptly sending the photos to him. He keeps these photos in a folder on his phone that he looks through pretty often even when he isn’t horny or jerking off just because he’s so enamored by you.
ஓ K is for Kinks
Sae isn’t the kinkiest guy, but he doesn’t mind playing into whatever you’re into. He typically takes the softdom/service top role but he can be rather rough when you want him to be or if he’s worked up enough. Will buy you whatever toys you want and will let you try things out on him so long as he doesn’t have to commit to it after the first time.
ஓ M is for Motivation
Sae’s main motivation is that most things piss him off but you walked into his life and became the exception and he simply can’t get enough of you. Seeing you in his jersey really does something to him, he also loves when you wear his sweats or joggers. I imagine that office siren vibes tend to turn him on, anything classy really. Tight long dresses, any tight dress actually. Low rise jeans, halter tops. He also likes when you’re glittery, if you’ve got on some kind of body shimmer he wants to see it smeared all over his sheets or if you have glittery makeup. Thinks it makes you look ethereal.
ஓ O is for Oral
Although I do headcanon him as a service top, this man loves getting his dick sucked. It drives him crazy, like seriously. Watching your pretty mouth sink down on his length while you look up at him with a pouty look. Biting his inner thigh makes him go feral. He always tries to stop you from letting him cum in your mouth because he doesn’t want to finish so early but it’s usually a half-assed failed attempt. Going down on you is a different story, he’s gonna have you cumming on his mouth until you can’t take it anymore. He’s rougher when he goes down on you than he is when he fucks you but he’s slower with it.
ஓ Q is for Quickie
Sae doesn’t mind a quickie every now and then if it needs to be done. But usually if he sees that something might turn into one, he’ll take the opportunity to make you think you’re about to have sex before suddenly pulling away and telling you to save that energy for when you get home. He loves going about the rest of the day knowing that you’re eager for him.
ஓ R is for Risk
He’s not the most risky person but he’s so god damn horny for you all the time that he can’t help but put you guys in risky situations. There’s been countless times where he’s had you pinned up against the lockers with his fingers curling up into your tight walls, your orgasm dangling over your head until the very last minute right before the rest of the team is about to come back in from practice. He’s quick to get you out of sight before they do, but it’s always a close call.
ஓ S is for Stamina
He can’t go on for hours at a time if he’s fucking into you but he can still last pretty long before tiring out. I’d say an hour maybe an hour and a half max. It’s rarely ever that long unless he’s really worked up, if you guys do end up going that long he’s probably already came a few times and got hard all over again while being inside you.
ஓ U is for Unfair
Sae isn’t too unfair, but he does deny you of your orgasm from time to time as stated before. He’s way more into edging himself than he is into edging you.
ஓ V is for Volume
He’s not very loud at all but he can be very vocal. It’s usually groans of your name and curses that string out mindlessly.
ஓ X is for X-Ray
(Ive been fan servicing this section out in my other alphabet posts but it’s time for me to be realistic guys) Sae has an average sized cock, 4-6 inches, a bit on the bigger side when he’s rock hard, he’s a grower. He’s got a good amount of girth but not so much that he’s tearing you apart. He knows how to use his dick to please you in all the best ways possible.
ஓ Y is for Yearning
Always, constantly. Not always in a sexual way though. He has your picture in his wallet, in the back of his phone case, you take up most of his camera roll. He’s always looking at your face and missing you, even when he knows he’s gonna see you in a few hours when he gets home from practice.
ஓ Z is for Zzz
All he wants to do after fucking you is fall asleep with you in his arms and that exactly what he does. He doesn’t want either of you to put any clothes on either, he needs that skin to skin contact.
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cocteaucherry · 5 months
co!worker nanami x reader
cws-perv nanami, pillow humping, masterbating (m), nanami being just pathetic overall, not proofread
(a/n- silly thing I wrote a few weeks ago
co!worker nanami who physically can’t be around you for too long.
It’s almost like an allergic reaction, his throat starts to close, his heart rate intensed and his skin turns a bright plush pink.
“Nanami-san! Do you think you can read through these papers for me?”
This was only one of the few times you ever spoke to him and Nanami automatically perked up.
“Y-yeah! No problem!” Smoothe he thought to himself mentally hoping he could take that out of the air.
“Great, just let me know!”
He watched you walk away, his eyes drawn to the sway of your hips and the way your pencil skirt hugged your ass
Nanami felt like- no WAS a perv for you and he didn’t appreciate his mind at all, you were a kind, classy person he didn’t need his mind to defile your image.
He felt the forbidden twitch his his slacks causing him to readjust his waistband, “fuck..” he whispered to himself glancing at the clock, he could last a few more hours only one more interaction with you.
You eventually came to get your paperwork back and his small talk mad wasn’t horrible just a few ‘no problems’ and ‘yeses’
When six pm hit his watch he was already packed up and ready to go, he made his way to the elevator strangely no one else was heading towards the elevator.
He was ready to finally exhale before he heard your voice, “Hold the door please!” Without thinking his hand stuck through the crack of the door it automatically opening to reveal your flushed face,
“Not now not now..” he scolded his mind immediately bringing his suitcase to cover the very apparent bulge in his slacks.
“Thank you Nanami-San! So any plans tonight?” You asked, stepping into the elevator as the first floor button dinged.
planning on fucking my pillow and hand thinking of you
The door closed and nanami cleared his throat, “Just gonna relax like usual,”
“Ah, forgive me for asking personal questions, how come you never go out drinking with us on Friday’s?”
Truth be told he never cared much for drinking with his colleagues but he’d surely change his opinion if you invited him.
“Never am interested, I don't choose to see anyone from my workplace during off hours.”
“Well I guess I can understand that, I’ll see you tomorrow I guess!” That damn smile you put on your face was too much, God he was such a freak.
“F-fuck..” the bed continued to creak under his movements as he thrusted into his folded pillow, his hands gripped the sides of the pillow imagining it was your plush hips and not this damn pillow.
He shut his eyes trying to imagine your intoxicating scent in that elevator, precum oozed into his pillow as he picked up the half finished bottle of lube squirting it onto his weeping cock.
Yup his pillow was done for sure.
“Damnit, keep fucking me- keep fucking-“ he grabbed his cock focusing on stroking only his top and giving his balls a tight squeeze.
A guttural groan came from his lips as he hunched over his abs clenching as he felt his hot seed spill onto his abs and his pillow. “That’s a good fucking girl,” he hummed slapping his softening cock on the pillow immagining it was your bruised soft ass.
A sigh left his mouth as he stood up walking towards his personal bathroom, he leaned on his counter staring at himself in post- nut clarity.
Why the fuck was he so pathetic?
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justlemmeadoreyou · 5 months
hi sweetie. can you do headcanons of boyfriend!harry while he and reader are in 1D but the media doesn't know about the relationship??
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You first met at a bakery and bonded over your mutual love of sweet treats. Harry thought you were adorably flustered whenever he flirted shamelessly with his terrible baking puns.
At first, Harry assumed it would just be a casual fling. But he quickly fell for your warm, easygoing spirit that allowed him to be himself without any pretense.
You were in awe of how attentive and caring Harry was. He went out of his way to make you feel special with little romantic gestures like surprise treats or flowers.
Secretly dating was incredibly difficult with Harry constantly on tour. You missed him terribly during those long stretches apart.
But Harry made sure you never doubted his feelings, sending thoughtful little gifts and sweet, flirty texts to brighten your day.
"Meeting you was the easiest decision, love. Can't wait to see you again soon. xx"
On rare nights off, you'd sneak into Harry's hotel room for a passionate reunion after weeks apart. Those stolen intimate moments were pure bliss.
You hated having to slink out before sunrise so no one would catch you leaving. But seeing Harry's bright smile when you reunited made the secrecy worth it.
"There's my gorgeous girl," Harry would beam, pulling you in for a searing kiss. "Few more hours until I have to let you go again."
He daydreamed about finally being able to go public, walking red carpets with you proudly on his arm for the world to see.
"Soon, my love. One day everyone will know just how crazy I am about you," Harry promised earnestly.
For now, he cherished your private little love story, the secret glances and inside jokes you shared.
Harry loved bringing you back home-cooked meals from catering after shows, wanting to pamper and care for you.
"Look what I snuck out for you, sweetness - your favorite pasta!" He'd grin triumphantly at your delighted reaction.
You'd have to stifle giggles as Harry snuck you mischievous looks during interviews, barely containing his fondness.
After, he'd pull you into a secluded corner for a heated kiss. "Been dying to do that all day, petal."
Harry lived for your soft, sleepy smiles first thing in the morning, his heart overflowing with adoration.
"G'morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?" He'd murmur, pressing tender kisses to your bare shoulder.
You'd playfully roll your eyes at his cheesy pet names like "love," "sweetness," and "darling." But you secretly loved the endearing terms.
Sometimes Harry couldn't resist snapping secret photos of you - your adorable bedhead, your crinkly-eyed smile, your look of pure bliss after intimacy.
"Look at this one, babe, you're so pretty here," He'd grin dopily as you blushed, burying your face in his chest with an embarrassed whine.
The nights would be spent in the bed, your fingers intertwined as he fucked you-claiming each other.
He would be proud, almost too proud- of how he can reduce you to a whimpering mess, just by a flick of his tongue against your swollen clit.
Rough, full thrusts into your weeping cunt while he praises you for being a good girl. his good girl. his pretty girl, his everything.
tell me if you like this!
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taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli
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teamatsumu · 1 year
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kinktober 2023 -> day 7
orgasm denial - matsukawa issei x reader
word count: 873
warnings: regular smut warnings, daddy kink mentioned, slight degradation, swearing
kinktober masterlist
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You knew you deserved this. You had been teasing him all night after all. In some capacity, you were even looking forward to it. It had been a long time since you had acted out enough that it warranted a punishment from Issei. And now you realized that time had probably dulled things in your head. Because you had forgotten just how brutal Issei’s punishments could be. 
Two hours. It had been two hours of what felt like every emotion and sensation known to mankind coursing through your veins. You had been touched subtly, sweetly, like a ghost whispering against your skin, enough to make you shiver and get riled up, enough to make your nerves buzz in excitement. And you had also been touched roughly, hard, strong hands spanking and slapping at sensitive skin, nails scratching and fingers fucking so hard and fast into you that you had lost all semblance of sanity.
At this point, your vision was swimming. Partly from your tears, and partly from your head being pressed so hard into the mattress that it left you cross-eyed. Your ass was propped up in the air by his other hand, the one not holding your head down, but instead holding your hips up with a grip so bruising you were sure it would leave deep purple marks on you tomorrow morning. But fuck, you couldn’t bring yourself to care about the next morning. You could only focus on one thing, and that was your weeping pussy stretched out over your boyfriend’s huge cock, drilled into submission and with no signs of stopping.
“I-Issei-” You gasped when he hit a particularly deep spot, another tear escaping from your eye and running over the bridge of your nose, only to fall on the sheets under your head. “Issei, plea-”
“No.” Came the nonchalant reply.
Your face scrunched up in disappointment, fingers twisting around the sheets as you laid still, taking the pounding you were getting like a good girl. You wanted, no needed, to cum so bad, but you couldn’t. Not until Issei allowed you to. You knew what would happen if you came without his permission. If this was already messing you up so bad, you couldn’t even imagine what he would do to you if you came without his approval.
You let yourself cry and moan as Issei kept fucking you slow and hard into the mattress, trying not to focus on how fucking good he felt or how close to the edge you were. You sighed when he draped himself over your back, his bare body providing such a welcome feeling against your shot nerves. He hummed into your shoulder, laying a soft kiss on the skin, such a stark contrast to the absolute havoc he was wreaking below your pelvis. 
“Issei…” You tried again, clenching around him. You were so overstimulated, you just had to beg. You knew from experience that it wouldn’t be long until you couldn’t hold back anymore, not if Issei continued to shove his cock into you at the same pace. 
“Stop asking, baby.” Came his reply, voice raspy against your ear, his breath hitting your skin enough to make you shiver. He thrusted hard and held himself there for a few seconds, letting you appreciate how wonderfully he stretched you out. Your jaw went slack.
“You know you don’t deserve to cum.” He continued, the hand on your head now tangling in your hair, tugging just a bit. “Not after that show you put on in front of my friends. You think they couldn’t tell that you were just tryna rile me up? They’re not stupid, you know? And neither am I.”
“‘M sorry.” You whimpered, barely forming coherent thoughts, but feeling fresh tears prick your eyes regardless. “‘M sorry, daddy. I was just-”
“Being a brat? Wanting attention? Acting like a whore?” His words didn’t sting, in fact they turned you on more and made you tighten around him, and you heard his sharp intake of breath.
“You don’t get anything tonight, babygirl.” He concluded, one hand slipping between your body and the bed to pat at your clit, making you yelp. You were so sensitive, even the slightest touch sent you spiraling. “Tonight, you’re gonna let daddy use your whore body for himself, and if I feel like you deserve to cum after that-” He disengaged from your body and straightened, hands gripping your hips in preparation, “then maybe I will consider it.”
Then, he began fucking you in earnest, pounding your limp body into the bed, reveling in the sounds of your mumbled ‘thank you’s, grateful just at the thought that maybe he would let you cum. He couldn’t help the little smirk that spread on his face at the sound, the notion that even his consideration for letting you cum sent you into a mumbled mess of grateful words, his cock throbbing inside your tight little cunt.
He had trained you well.
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel @vintagevict0ria @smithieandy @moonlit-mizukage @snazzyturtles
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 months
Weeping Heart (Part 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: a late night walk in the woods, bandages ripped off old wounds.
Word Count: 1477
A/n: AHHAHAAHHA I LOVE THISS like it feels so good to be writing 🥹
we getting our hearts broken folks, less goo 🥳
anyways, enjoy!
There wasn’t a knife at her neck.
That was the first concern Y/n cleared from her mind, her heart rate slowing in comfort before speeding up again.
Who the fuck-
"Y/n, my friend." Slurred a clearly drunk Cardan.
Thank god it’s this fool.
She knew it was mean to think of him this way, but Cardan had never been much of a warrior.
He was a poet.
Made to be a lover, born to be soft hearted, forced to rule.
"Cardan." She gently grabbed his arm, trying to push him off as she breathed deep, her racing heart slowing. "What are you doing here-"
"How are you!" She blinked as he stepped back, spreading his arms as if asking for a hug.
"I’m good, Cardan. How… how are you?" She mumbled, dreading the answer already.
She did not want to know how he was, because if he was not good- which she somehow knew he wasn’t- she would want to return, heartbreak be damned.
And that would end up with her not being good.
"I’m so glad you asked!" He cackled, swaying on his feet before Y/n wrapped her hand around his bicep and forced him to sit. "I am so sad, Y/n. You know why?"
Her breath caught in her throat, and she stared at where she could make out the outline of his eyes. "Why?"
She began moving again as he started listing off all the reasons everyone at court bothered him, the way this courtier wasn’t entertaining enough, the way that messenger was too stoic and would never laugh at Cardan’s jokes, the way Jude forced him to sit in the great hall and and just watch, prohibiting him from revelling like he had used to before he was crowned.
It made Y/n smile.
Everything had changed in the past year, with his family being killed, him becoming a king, his sudden marriage, but if there was something that hadn’t changed, it was him.
He kept whining as she arranged her pillows around him, and as he leaned back, she nodded along, just like before.
But then his voice lowered, and she had to strain her ears to hear, even with her advanced fae hearing.
"You left too."
She froze. "I know."
"I don’t have anyone to talk to now Y/n." It was dark, but not enough that she couldn’t make out the small pout on his lips.
"I’m sorry, but it was the queen’s orders-"
"Fuck the orders, Y/n. Come back. I am so lonely without you."
She pulled back from him, blinking away the sudden stinging that started in her eyes, but he was quick, his hand grabbing hers in a vice like grip.
Cardan really was lonely, because he was not one to curse so freely, and if he of all people was cursing…
I’m fucked.
"I was so excited to meet you again, but you haven’t talked to me at all since I arrived. And then I thought you would appreciate your soldiers being distracted so we could talk, but then you got mad and left me alone."
His voice kept getting smaller and smaller, like a child on the verge of crying.
It broke Y/n from the inside.
"Please Y/n, I want to talk. Just like we used to." He mumbled, and Y/n watched as his eyelids drooped over his glassy eyes, as if he was on the verge of crying but too tired and drunk to. "Please, don’t ignore me. I’m sorry if I hurt you but-"
She swallowed.
"I- Cardan? You want to talk right?"
He hummed softly, his eyes struggling to stay open as he turned on his side.
"Sleep, my love. We’ll talk tomorrow, yeah?"
He turned his head to her again. "You promise?"
She offered him a weak smile, knowing he probably could not see.
"Yes, sweetheart. Rest now."
He passed out before she even finished pulling the duvet over him, and she stared at him for a moment. It was a split second decision, but she hesitantly dipped down, pressing her lips to his temple.
Sighing, she stretched to try and get rid of the sudden pain in her lower back.
She looked around, wondering if she should go back to sleep.
She didn’t, instead stepping out into the crisp night air, her eyes drawing to the softly glowing embers in the middle of the camp, fighting to stay alive long after the fire had died down.
Quietly, she settled down on one of the logs closest to it, lost in her own thoughts.
It wasn’t long before someone interrupted her, though.
"Couldn’t sleep?"
She blinked, then turned to look at the newcomer. "I should be asking you that."
Herb shrugged, plopping down beside her. "I asked first."
Y/n sighed. "You could say that."
He was silent, then- "Why?"
Frustrated, Y/n tilted her head back, eyes fixed on the stars twinkling against the dark sky. "Because my bed is occupied."
He nodded, like he knew exactly what she was talking about.
"Why are you here?"
"Couldn’t stop thinking about all the things. Too much on my mind to shut off."
Y/n hummed.
Neither of them spoke after that. Surrounded by silence and his quiet company, Y/n felt oddly at peace.
In the distance, Y/n thought she heard an owl hoot, the quiet rustling of leaves, the crunch of snow. It calmed her.
Herb stood then, cracking his back.
She blinked. "What?"
"I’m going to take a walk in the forest. Come with me."
She thought about it for a moment, then stood. "Not too deep, Herb."
He grinned his signature goofy smile, his canines glinting under the light of the full moon.
"Do you realise what you just said? I can make so many jokes with that."
Y/n shook her head, exasperated, shoving his shoulder as she began walking off towards the dense cover of trees. He continued cackling like a madman, his steps near silent as he fell in step beside her.
Unconsciously, the corner of her lips ticked up.
"So. His highness?"
Just like that, her smile vanished. "What about him?"
Herb was quiet, but she knew he was observing her. "You love him."
It was not a question. It was a statement, his surprise evident in his voice.
Y/n turned her head away.
But she didn’t deny it.
"And he’s married."
"I know." She snapped, making him raise his hands in surrender.
"Calm down, I’m not trying to offend you-" A look from her, and he stopped.
Moments passed, tense, filled with harsh truths swirling between them.
"Why… Why did you not tell him? From what I know, you used to be very close."
"I don’t see how it concerns you." Y/n closed her eyes, chest constricting. She exhaled heavily. "I… he would have never loved me back."
A beat passed, then- "How do you know that?"
"Don’t you know? He was a rake. Had everyone begging for a chance to spend a night with him. He wasn’t the type to settle down, at least not so early."
"But he did."
He did. And it wasn’t with Y/n.
"He would tell me everything back then, and maybe if I hadn’t left… he probably would still have told me everything. A few days before his coronation, he told me he liked Jude. I knew then that I never did stand a chance."
"I… I’m sorry-"
"Don’t be. It isn’t your fault that the heart loves."
He was quiet after that, contemplating. This Herb as new to her. This was not the Herb who was always goofing around, pulling pranks on people in the middle of important missions.
It made her concerned, to say the least.
"Are you sure he doesn’t like you back-"
"Herb. Please."
He nodded reluctantly as the camp came into view again, guilt and sadness mixing with something Y/n did not want to recognise in his eyes.
He came to a stop in front of his tent, glancing at her and opening the flap, his eyes unmoving.
"Get in, Y/n."
She blinked at the seriousness in his tone, the way he refused to break eye contact. "I- you want me to sleep in your tent?"
He rolled his eyes, letting the flap fall. "Unless you are planning on kicking his highness out of yours, where are you going to sleep?"
"Where will you sleep?"
He shook his head. "I’m not tired. I was thinking of staying up and keeping watch for some time."
Y/n nodded, searching his eyes.
She stepped forward, and so did Herb, his back to her.
Y/n hesitated for a moment. "Herb?"
He paused, half turning to her.
"Thank you-"
"Don’t." He offered her a small smile, then walked away.
Cruel Prince Taglist: @dahliawarner @yucanbmylxdy
Cardan Greenbriar Taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter
@rosecobollway @mp-littlebit @tele86 @fauxraven
@fuzzycupcakebeliever @bay7let
Taglist: @dreamsarenicer @kennedy-brooke @rosecobollway @batboygirlie
@btrxbllck @love-bookprincess
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tojisun · 7 months
dbf!simon x fem reader; dbf!simon x ofc
!! suggestive - minors dni; simon's a dick; is it cheating if you two are on-and-off
: draft :'D - i didnt want to post it as part of the dbf!simon series because it felt too juvenile and not in-line with the series (as i tend to avoid writing simon's pov to further shroud doubt to how he feels for the reader) but i miss writing so i tweaked this a bit
it is laughable, really, how you never seemed to have good people in your corner. how, at every turn, you keep getting betrayed. left broken and weeping, your heart full of festering wounds.
simon's guilty of it, of course.
he is no saint. he knows the shit he does hurts you but he has always known the bed he's made in hell and was more than ready to lay in it. to submerge himself in the fire because there is just something so addicting in the way he seeks for you, all mangled soul and yearning—ugly in the way he bears the burden of his affections to you—only to be accepted with nothing but a wet sniffle and a, "you hurt me." and simon hears it for what it is—his absolvement.
in return, simon whispers his apologies, all half-meant because he can't change. not when he loves the way you love him.
but this.
oh but this is just too cruel, it makes him twitch with a crude sense of delight.
"she doesn't deserve you," she mumbles, eyes glassy with tears. she introduced herself, said her name's kara. said she's your friend.
("see?" he would tell you much later, his palms warm as they clung to your waist. "she didn't mean a thing to me, baby."
"o-okay," you would reply, choking on your tears. "m'sorry for doubtin'."
simon would bite a grin and pepper kisses all over the column of your neck and up to the cut of your jaw, feather-light as they danced just past your lips.
"s'okay," he would whisper. "i knew you didn't mean to."
you would bury your face on the juncture of his neck with a wet sniffle, and simon would suppress a tremble because this.
this was exactly how he likes you.)
"oh yeah?" simon asks, snorting to himself. "and what? you reckon you're a better option?"
she flushes, cheeks filling with heat and eyes darkening as she frowns. simon expected her to storm off, taking his dismissal for what it is and running away to pretend to be your comfort place again.
instead, she seems to make herself more resolute, fists tightening on her skirt before meeting his eyes head-on.
"yes," kara says, all faux confidence. "i am."
simon hums, swirling his glass of gin as he looks away. "why's that?"
"because i know how to love you."
simon pauses, eyes shifting back to her.
kara says love in a way he knows isn't all that softness you have always associated with it—ghosting kisses and whispered confessions—or similar to the weight erin has always cloaked the word in—something that was beyond dinner parties and bike rides. kara says love and simon sees what she wants.
she wants the passion. the danger. she wants to submerge herself in the taboo love that she must have heard from you—the rough sex, the fast burn, the way he engulfs you whole until you are left twitching on the bed, gaze faraway and oversensitive as you come down from your high, before dealing with a heartache as he leaves.
it was a dance with you. it was something he tried to curb with erin only to realize, half-way, he wanted the thrill that you gave him.
with kara, simon knows it's all a front.
he flits his eyes down at her, licking the back of his teeth as he takes her in because kara is beautiful, alright. not really his type but he sees the appeal.
(she isn't anything like you and, somehow, that makes it easier for simon to indulge.)
he takes her to a hotel. he fucks her against the wall on the entryway of the room, and leaves after he came across her back.
simon fishes for his phone and rings you.
"si?" your voice is a sleepy croak on the other side. it makes his heart clench with desire.
"i wanna see you, sweetheart."
a static. sheets rustling. then, "okay." a yawn. "i can't wait."
what a sweet thing you are. this is why he can't really give you up.
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thatgirlsza · 7 months
Favorite Position
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Satoru Gojo
Satoru is a sucker for missionary. He could fuck you until he was numb in that position just to watch how softly and easily your body reacted to him. He poves at your face, stroking your cheeks with his fingers. From there, he pulls them down, strokes your shuddering body, and then grabs your ankles. He also loves hugging in the position; everything about it screams intimacy.
Kento Nanamih
He is big fan of the crab position. Not only to see you in perfect view, but because you are so exposed, he can touch and lick you anywhere, making you moan more. Also, he likes to thrust into you from under and watch you scrabble, sometimes leaning in and sucking on your pebbled nipples.
Suguru Getou
The lotus position is Suguru's favorite for a number of reasons. For one he cane easily suck lick and bite your skin, he can peer into your eyes and watch how they haze and blur up and than he can feel your soft fingers in his hair pulling in nothing but pleasure.
Toji Fushiguro
I am a big fan of the Sagittarius position. He loves how he has your thigh drapped on him, his muscles are holding you while he fucks you, and he has a beautiful view of your face and neck. What more could he ask for—a pretty face screaming his name and a wet cunt sucking him in?
Ryoumen Sukuna
Stand and deliver is the name of the game with Sukuna. Not only because it's the best method of teasing your weeping cunt on the fat head of his dick or how you go limp in his arms when you cough. But how incredibly good it feels to have you gathered in his arms; nothing brings him more satisfaction than having you to himself.
Ino Takuma
Ino loves to fold you up so your thighs are on your chest and your legs dangle about his shoulders while he pounds you. His addiction to kissing you and whispering sweet nothings in your mouth is well satisfied in this position, and most of all, he loves how he gets an intimate and close-up view of the girl he loves most.
Cowgirl is Chousou's favorite thing because he can watch you pound yourself on him until you cum. Not only that, but he loves the way your hands are all over him, grabbing and searching as if to draw on the pleasure you both feel. More over, he loves to see that he can satisfy his girl so beautifully. Something in the way you look down at him makes his balls tighten.
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