#i am dead serious when i say i have like zero clue how to describe you but it just kinda makes sense to me
wildernezz · 5 months
you only just followed me but i saw your bio, so:
analyse me lol
finally got around to doing this. man, i really gotta get back on my analyzation grind. anyways this is the most i was able to think of. not sure how accurate it'll end up being, but hopefully i'm able to get some things right lolll. and if not, hopefully you at least enjoyed reading through it:
autism. that is the very first thing that strikes me when scrolling through your blog to analyze stuff and i just needed to get that out of the way as soon as possible. the autism is undeniable. and if you're not autistic it's some sort of flavor of neurodivergent. i'm putting my bets on autism though.
you're a very honest and straightforward person. you're very clear about your boundaries and what you're trying to express when talking about things. it's incredibly respectable and a really good trait to have, but i feel like sometimes you question yourself for it. it's hard to describe but i'll try touching more on it later.
i feel like you're not a very talkative person in real life. considering you have a lot of deltarune posts, a large part of me feels like you relate to kris. you also just give off those vibes of someone who's a little monotone, not extremely talkative, but can definitely ramble about the things you're interested in. i also feel like the story arc of kris is something you probably relate to. i haven't analyzed kris enough to feel solid in describing their trauma but i know something in that is something you relate to. especially with the conflict of identity and knowing who you are. i have no idea how to describe that in kris terms but i know it's there. 
rolling along with the deltarune ball, there's a whole lotta noelle in there too (which based btw, noelle is awesome). it makes me wonder if you relate to her too. maybe it's the overall anxiety she has, but i feel like it also ties into the idea of identity, losing yourself, or not completely knowing who you are. it's weird to describe because i feel like you do have a solid sense of who you are, it's just that every now and then you probably have some sort of moral crisis or existential crisis and it can send you spiraling if you think about it for too long. you seem like somebody who lives life the way that you want to, but there is still a slight underlying fear of both yourself and the world.
oh i just know you've questioned your gender a few times. maybe you haven't particularly dwelled on it for a long time, but i feel like you've def had that "maybe i'm not entirely cis" thought pop in your head every now and then.
this is honestly a tougher analyzation for me to pinpoint, but it's not because i can't tell anything about you, it's more like i could point at a character and go "that one's you" but i have no idea how to back it up lmaoooo. so here's some characters that i feel fit you but i have no idea why: Kris from Deltarune (duh), steve minecraft (idk why either), L from Death Note, Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby, both Danny Saunders and Reuven Malter from The Chosen (1987 movie specifically), and also a weird mix Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Maud Pie from MLP:FiM.
hopefully this provides something insightful and is at least semi-accurate. i usually do better analyzations on my @analyzing-people-like-hell account where i'm given a list of characters to work with, so if you want i'd gladly redo an analyzation over there. however i have been way off my analyzation grind so i make no promises on how long that'll take lolll. either way, my bad if this isn't all that accurate, but it was super fun to look through so thank you for the content B))
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Assume for the following scenario its a not-to-be-taken-all-that-seriously-AU Batfamily who has passed the point of caring if anybody knows that they’re actually all family. Or about like, public perception to any degree.
Just....imagine living in Gotham, and its 3 am and you’ve just left some club with a bunch of friends. You’re at the sole late-night hot dog vendor still out on the street, just grabbing something quick to eat so you don’t go to bed on an empty stomach.....and then waiting behind you all of a sudden, just casually talking to each other like its no big deal, is Nightwing and the Red Hood. 
And suddenly you and all your friends are just staring at each other wide-eyed like “Be cool, be cool” and trying to communicate via over-exaggerated glances that are in no way super-obvious: “Don’t they hate each other? There was that big fight between them in the Narrows a couple years ago, it was on TV.” 
Meanwhile, the vigilante and notorious antihero are just chatting like two old friends who’ve known each other for years.  
Then it gets more surreal. Because its Gotham, and that’s just how Gotham rolls.
Nightwing and Red Hood both tense up at the same time and swivel to face a patch of shadows that looks the same as any other to you and your friends. You have zero clue what drew their attention...that is, at least until a wet and sullen looking Robin stalks angrily out of the darkness. He’s absolutely soaked from head to toe, his hood down, hair plastered to his forehead, cape dragging behind him and leaving a wet trail in his wake.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” the diminutive vigilante grunts out as he stops and stands next to his two taller and older....colleagues? Who are both making a valiant effort not to laugh. Well, Nightwing is. Upon closer inspection, it looks like the Red Hood is so entertained he’s skipped straight to the “desperately trying to find air with which to breathe” part of hysterics.
“Oh, but I want to talk about it,” a voice says from above, and then suddenly with a light, barely perceptible thump, Red Robin alights on the ground next to the other costumed crime fighters. He seems uncharacteristically giddy, at least judging by what little you know about this particular vigilante: which is basically just that you heard from a friend who heard from a friend whose roommate was present at a crime scene he was at with the cops, that like “dude is super serious, like, in that kinda intense kinda way, you know?”
“I loathe you with every fiber of my being.” The smallest vigilante glares at the newcomer - or at least, you assume he is, beneath the domino mask they all wear. The rest of his body language certainly sells that impression clearly enough. His ire is met with a negligent hand-wave, as if this is old news and not remotely worth acknowledging.
“So, Robin, why would you bother seeking out Nightwing and Red Hood if you didn’t want to talk about your current situation?” The allegedly super-serious Red Robin continues, in a tone that can only be described as gleeful. “Seems to me the logical thing to do instead would be to just turn in for the night.”
“Obviously I was seeking out Nightwing,” the younger boy sneers. “As if I would ever seek out Red Hood’s help, other than as an absolute last resort.”
“Love you too, you megalomaniacal munchkin,” the notorious antihero says cheerfully, not bothered in the least. Your eyebrows are climbing your forehead like its Mt. Everest and they have a world record to beat for fastest race to the top. You know for a fact you’ve heard like, at least ten different stories about the Red Hood killing a man for far less of an insult than that. What is going on here? How drunk are you?
“Wait, so you’re saying you need help?” Red Robin jumps on that word choice like its the treasure find of the century. “You, Robin, the Boy Wonder? What could you possibly need help with?”
The youngest and smallest of the vigilantes couldn’t more clearly regret his phrasing as he stews with a kind of intensity that has you half expecting water to just start evaporating off him.
Ignoring - or at least attempting - to ignore Red Robin, the younger crime-fighter turns to face Nightwing with an expression like he’s just eaten a bowl full of lemons. 
“I need a ride home,” Robin grinds out at last, from between audibly clenched teeth.
“And why is that?” Red Robin persists, grinning almost maniacally.
“I will garrote you with your own entrails.”
Just then, because of course they would, Batgirl and Black Bat swoop down from above and join the assemblage. 
“Oh goody, the gang’s all here,” Red Hood grunts. It still doesn’t quite manage to come across as displeased.
“Signal’s not,” Nightwing points out. He looks around slightly, as if expecting the last of the young Gotham vigilantes to be lurking somewhere nearby as well. “Where is he tonight anyway?”
“He has midterms tomorrow,” Batgirl says off-handedly. “You know Agent A forbids any and all superhero shenanigans the night before midterms and finals, insisting on at least one good night’s rest.”
“Umm no, I do not. I definitely don’t remember that rule from when I was in school,” Red Hood says. “You?”
The latter is directed at Nightwing, who just shrugs and shakes his head.
“I’m pretty sure you two are the reason its a rule in the first place,” Red Robin jumps in. Hood scowls.
“Yeah right. I was a straight A student.”
“Well, that’s not totally true,” Nightwing drawls with a smirk. “What about Chemistry -”
“I will punch you in the throat if you finish that sentence.”
“Okay, putting a pin in that because there’s definitely a story there and I want it,” Batgirl chimes back in. “But at the moment, I’m more interested in hearing why Robin’s bike is in the middle of the harbor, according to its tracker? Inquiring minds want to know, and by inquiring minds I mean Oracle of course.”
There’s silence for a second, as all heads swivel to the smallest - and grumpiest - of the caped crowd...before Red Robin bursts into delighted laughter.
“Go ahead, tell them!” He crows. “You have to tell them now.”
Robin crosses his arms sullenly and stares at the ground as if willing it to swallow him whole. “I was in pursuit of one of Penguin’s enforcers.”
When he shows no indication of adding any further information to that, Red Robin supplies it for him.
“Who ducked!”
Dead silence then.
“You drove your cycle into the bay?”
“I did no such thing!” Robin bursts out. “I drove my cycle in pursuit of one of Penguin’s enforcers, as I said. He was getting ready to disengage a boat full of illegal arms from its berth at the docks, and I aligned my cycle perfectly so as to just barely clip his shoulder and knock him to the ground while I jumped off. And he did not duck.”
“So what did happen then?” Black Bat asks with a tiny smile playing on her lips. 
Robin mumbles something unintelligible.
“Sorry, nobody caught that. You must enunciate, youngling,” Batgirl says.
“I said he tripped, alright?!”
The group explodes into laughter, even if a couple of them like Nightwing and Black Bat seem to make token efforts at containing themselves for Robin’s sake. From the looks of him, the effort goes largely unappreciated, if not outright unnoticed. 
“He overshot the guy by a good two feet and zoomed straight into the bay before he could react,” Red Robin gasps out. “It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Which will be all the shorter if you don’t shut up,” Robin grumbles crankily. 
“Can somebody please, please get video footage of B’s face when you tell him? I need it. For posterity and stuff,” Red Hood gasps out, almost doubled over.
“You could just come with us and see it yourself,” Nightwing points out. Hood waves a hand in dismissal.
“Eh, no thanks. He’s being an asshole again this week.”
“Is he being an asshole or are you being the asshole this time?” 
The Red Hood shrugs carelessly. “Whatever. Its one or the other. Look, I can’t be expected to keep track.”
“Mm-hmm,” Nightwing hums knowingly.
“Like father, like son,” Batgirl sing-songs. She reeks of smug. It clings to her like a perfume.
“Shut it Blondie, you’re still on my shit-list.”
“What did I do?”
“You know damn well what you did.”
“Do you?” Black Bat asks her in a low voice to the side of the main conversation. Batgirl grins brightly.
“Oh yeah, definitely. And better yet, Oracle has documented proof of what I did. I’ll show you when we get home.”
Whatever else transpires is lost amid the hangover haze you awake to several hours later. You’re still unsure whether the phrase “never meet your heroes” was substantiated by the experience or not.
Further data might be required.
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Survey #213
"there's a voice in my head, says i'm better off dead, but if i sing along a little fucking louder to a happy song, i'll be all right."
Are there popsicles in your freezer right now? No. Ice cream? No. Is there a lamp in your bedroom? Well, two heat lamps for Kaiju and Venus. Would you prefer eating jello or pudding? Pudding. After washing your hair, do you put any products in it? No. Last time you ate a salad? Yikes, it's been a long time... Can you name 2 books of the Bible? Uhhh Luke and Revelations? Do people usually think your brother is handsome? I don't know, I haven't lived with him since I was a kid, and he doesn't live in my state. So we don't know the same people. Have you ever crawled thru a vent? Not to my memory. Are there toothpicks in your kitchen? They're in the bathroom. How many living grandparents do you have? One. Do you eat more than 3 meals a day? No; I don't even always have three. Do you know how old your house is? I believe it was made in the '70s. Do you think you have great potential for success? Meh. Have you applied any lipstick, chapstick, gloss, etc to your lips today? No. Would you rather have tan or pale skin color? Pale. Sometimes I hate it, but I like it more overall. Especially when you're a goth at heart know what I'm sayin'. Last time you entered a high school? Probably my sister's graduation. Last time you rode a bike? It's been years, dude. Probably not since high school. Do you drink your water from the tap? You couldn't pay me to. Our water is technically clean, we've had it tested, but dead serious, the hot water smells like rotten eggs. I'm pretty sure Mom said it's something about the salt content in the pipes. But nevertheless, mind over matter would nooot work. Is there any kind of design on your socks? I'm not wearing socks. Have you ever had an ice cream cake for your birthday? No, I'm not a fan. Do you use dryer sheets? Yes. Do you like Subway? Yeah. What was your worst mistake in your life? Letting a guy become god, the entire universe, and more to me. Is this year the best year of your life? Oh, hunny- Is there someone in your life you wish you never met? I don't think so. Did you sleep well last night? I never do. I always wake up at least once. What’s the last song you heard? "Happy Song" by Bring Me The Horizon is on repeat. What is your favorite line from a TV show? I don't have a clue. Any current family issues? No. Who is the last friend you spent time with outside of school? Summer and I talked for a while at my niece's b-day party a few days back. What do you think of your mother? Your father? Your siblings (if there are any)? I love them. There's one sister I don't know so can't really say anything on her, then I do have another sister who, if I can assume via Facebook interactions, can't be too fond of me. But I could be mistaken with my habit of said assuming... Who/What is one person/thing that had the biggest impact on your life? Who: Jason. What: my mental health. What is the biggest problem in your life right now? How isolated I am and void of purpose I feel. What is one band that you find yourself going back to again and again? You mean like, stop liking but then get back into? None, I think. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same gender as you? Yes. Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender as you? Yes. Do you and your dad get along? Yes. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever kept a goldfish alive for? Idk. Can you see your purse right now? Yes. Are you wearing any perfume? What kind? No. Are there products in your hair? No. Have you ever eaten cat food? I don't think so, though I wouldn't be surprised as a kid. How many pets do you have? Six. Do you actually like them? All but my sister's dog. I can't stand him. Do you have one best friend who is always there for you? My girlfriend. Do you wear skirts a lot? I never do. I hate my legs. Do you basically live in jeans? I have zero jeans. Do you wear sweatpants a lot? Not really; if I'm not in pjs, I'm usually in dance or yoga pants. How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? Zero. Do you like hoodies? Yeah. Big ones or the form fitting kind? Bigger ones. Did you ever actually have a rubber duck? I think I did. Are you one of those people who claim to live with no regrets? I go back and forth, lol. But no, I have regrets. Do you love your computer? It's got a few issues, but yeah. Do friends or family come first? Family of the heart, anyway. Us sharing blood doesn't mean shit to me, honestly. What’s your lucky number? I don't believe in "lucky" numbers. Who were the last 5 people you spoke to? I'll include via technology because otherwise I have no clue. Mom, Sara, Emma, and two women interested in adopting Kaiju. Do you have the same password for everything? No. Do you get shy around the person you like? Sometimes. What color is your phone? Dark navy. Do you prefer pens or pencils? Pencils. Do you like peanut butter? Yes. If you could live forever, would you? Hell no. Do you talk in your sleep? A lot. What was the last thing you regretted? Probably depression binge-eating something. Are you any good at cutting hair? Never tried. Do you like your yearbook picture this year? N/A What was the last YouTube video to make you laugh? Ummm there was something last night, but idr what. Do you like tomatoes? No. Do you have a pool? I wish. How would you describe your style? Too poor and lazy to be a goth so dresses in whatever is at the top of my drawer tbh lmao. Do you still talk to any of your exes? One. Have you ever been arrested? No. What was the last thing you watched on TV? I don't watch TV by my own volition anymore and there's not even a TV in my room, so... I really don't know. Do you have a tan? Even the Irish are ashamed of me. What was your most embarrassing moment? Who knows. I'm so easily humiliated and affected by it that I can remember times I've been even remotely embarrassed as far back as pre-k. Do you fall for people fast? No. Do you tell your parents everything? No. Are you quick to judge? Depends. Not generally. When was the last time you crawled through a window? I have zero clue. Are you scared of spiders? Most, yes. What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant? Have a full-blown panic attack despite that being physically impossible. Do you plan on moving within the next year? It'd be nice, but I estimate it'll be around two more years. Have you been to a baby shower? Yeah. How many cars can fit in your driveway? Hm. A few, since the parking area behind the house is decently-sized. Are you taller than your mom? No. Are you a cuddler? Yes. Sleep on your back or stomach? My stomach/upper torso kinda to the side. Think of the last time you were angry. Why were you angry? I don't remember. Though I know I was mad recently. How long has it been since you had sex? Almost four years. Who was the last person to call you babe? Sara. Last reason you went to the ER? My sister got in a car wreck. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yeah. When was the last time you shaved your legs? It's been maaaany months. What facial cleanser do you use? Biore. Do you use a blowdryer? No. If someone wanted to know what you smelt like, what should they smell? Dogs and cats lmao. Have you ever cheated on the significant other that you have now? No. For that one week a month, do you hate being a woman? Still rather be a woman. Favorite underwear brand? Idk. Last thing you bought at the mall? A book. Do your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes. What if an ex asked to be back in your life? Aaron: We've never had issues, we just drifted apart. It'd be weird for him to ask that, but I mean, sure? Juan: I don't know. Probably not. Jason: I REALLY don't know. We could probably be friends at a distance. Tyler: No, I think. Girt: He's still in my life. If you’re on a laptop, how much charge does it have right now? It's charging and only tells me the minutes until it's at full charge. Last gift you received? I don't know. Lesson you recently learned? I absolutely cannot work in a busy environment. What is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? Probably ketchup. What is a field of study that is of your interest? Zoology. What do you have a habit of doing when engaging in a conversation with someone? Thinking too hard on what the appropriate amount of eye contact is. Have you ever laid in a hammock? Yeah. What time of day do you feel mostly at peace? Morning. How has the weather been treating you lately? It's way too fucking hot and humid. Have you ever lost a pet in a tragic way? How did you cope? We've had numerous cats be hit by cars. It was always sad, but I mean, I got through it. Especially as I was just a kid and didn't quite fathom how serious death was, nor did any cats I was SUPER attached to die that way. What can you go a day without doing? Going outside. What can’t you go a day without doing? Using some form of technology. Talking to Sara. Who do you spend most of your time with? No one. I'm usually alone. Do you have a favorite classical composer? No. What type of quality is a must-have in a friend? A caring heart. Have you ever eaten a zucchini? A fried one that was sliced into chips. What type of art would you hang up in your room? Dark art or fandom-related stuff. What goes good with a nice cold glass of milk? Oreos omggggg. What fruit is too sweet to you? None, I think? How much money did your last vacation cost? I don't even remember my last vacation. Have you ever taken a physics class? Yeah. What are your thoughts on celebrity idolization and ‘fangirling/fanboying?’ Oh boy, I can't talk shit here for obvious reasons lmao. What is the messiest area in your home? I'm not sure... I haven't been in my sister's old room in forever, and I can't remember if it's empty or not. If it is empty - hell, even if it isn't -, the answer's probably the laundry room. Who was the last person you called? My mom. What’s your favorite computer game genre? Horror is my favorite game genre period. Do you have any exes your parents never liked? No. Well, Mom had mixed feelings about Juan, but so did I. She didn't not like him, though. Do you take public transportation to work? N/A. Public transport doesn't even come here. What extracurricular activities did you do when you were growing up? Soccer for one season (I hated it), softball, basketball, briefly cheerleading, and dance. Has anything unusual happened to you recently? Idk. I don't think so. Do you like chicken korma? I have no clue what that is. What was the last type of tea you drank? I never drink tea; I hate it. Have you ever been severely mentally ill? Yes. Where is the most interesting place you could go that’s within day-trip distance from your house? Stealing previous answer: Washington D.C. Do you ever rearrange your furniture? No. Have you received financial help from your parents in the past 5 years? Lol I'm still financially dependent on them. Are you a fast or a slow eater? I am an extremely fast eater. I'm not messy or anything, I just, eat how I feel is normal? Just chew until you've done so enough to swallow. What room(s) of your house did you last vacuum? Mine. How old were you when you had your first relationship? My first "real" relationship started at 15. I had a middle school bf for just like... a month or so, but that was all puppy-dog love. Why did your last relationship end? I verified that I didn't like him romantically, and I also found I was just too guarded. In our four months of dating, I got no closer to him than I was from the start. I wasn't ready to date a guy again. What was the last thing you purchased from a small local business? No idea. Is there anyone in your family/household whom you frequently argue with? No. Do you live in a high cost-of-living area? No. Have you ever used chewing tobacco? Ew, no. Do you ever feel like someone would be disappointed to see your body or are you comfortable with your body enough where you don’t think that? I fucking hate my body and I'm sure anyone else would too. What is your favorite flavor of Monster? I don't like Monster. Do you follow your head or your heart? Both, I guess. It depends. How do you act under pressure? Did somebody say PANIC?!?!?!?! Do you ever call people just to hear the sound of their voice? No. Do you ever look back at your yearbooks? No. It'd probably depress me. Have you ever ran from the police? No. Have you ever written on someone’s face in your yearbook? Ha ha yeah, back as a kid... Are you double jointed? No. Who was the last person to yell at you? Mom. What is your favorite stuffed animal that you own? My first stuffed meerkat I named after Zaphod from MM. Or my moose Brownie. Do you have any trophies? Somewhere. Do you work out? No. What grade are you in? I’m not in school. Do you like screamo music? No. Let me hear words, please. If I learn the lyrics, I can /sometimes/ enjoy the song, though. What does your wallet look like? It's rectangular with a Harley Quinn design. Do you have any hickeys on you? No. Is weed a drug? *Technically*, by definition, yes Who’s the first person you turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on? Mom or Sara. Would you cheat on someone for revenge? Or if they wouldn’t find out? No, that's fucking stupid. If you got pregnant right now, would you keep the baby? If I was, God forbid, raped, I don't think I could. If I had unprotected sex willingly, I truly think pregnancy would traumatize me, but I'd probably go through with it and put it up for adoption. I'd want to take responsibility for my actions. Does your family have a secret? No. Are you prejudice against any groups of people? No. If someone gave you a houseplant, would you keep it? Yeah, to be nice. That fella wouldn't live long, though. When/where are you most likely to sing? In the car. Are there any exercises that you do regularly? I'm trying to get in the habit of planking every day since it works out your whole body. Would you ever wish to explore a cave? HELL YES!!!! If you had a son right now, what would you name him? Probably Damien. Who names their son after a Markiplier character? Me. But real talk, I like the name. Do you own a desktop or a laptop? A laptop. Have you kissed more than three guys this year? I haven't kissed any guys. Who’s with you? Mom's on the couch outside my door. Can you use chopsticks? I highly doubt it, especially because I have tremors. When did you last go to an amusement park? Oh, wow. I actually think this was shortly before Jason and I broke up. So 2015. Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? Don't you fucking dare joke about rape, retardation, suicide, or self-harm. What would you do if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both females. We can't. Your phone is ringing. It’s your ex. What do you say? I don't have any of my exes' numbers, so I'd answer it and say "hello?". Are any of your texts in your inbox locked? A couple from Sara. If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard, could you still type? Yes; I don't look at the keyboard when I type. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? Twice now. Do you currently have a scar? I have a lot. Have you ever seen somebody get shot? No. You have $5 and need to buy snacks at a petrol station. What do you buy? I mean, it depends on what I'm up for. Usually Reese's or something sour. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be? Probably a dolphin. What do you order most off the internet? Clothes. Describe the last time you were injured? So I have this awful habit of tearing my fingernails when they get long, and I peeled it way too short. Rock concert or symphony? Y'all know I'm picking rock. What is the wallpaper of your mobile phone? Mark and Chica, and my home screen is Sara and me. Most recent movie you’ve watched at the cinema? Detective Pikachu. Name an actor/actress you’ve had the hots for? Jason Momoa. My straight side is certainly still there, friends. What’s your favorite kind of cake? Red velvet. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No. Have you ever eaten snow? Yeah. Have you ever done ballet? No. Do you listen to classical music? No. Do you watch Spongebob? I don't watch TV period. Do people consider you intelligent? Those in my life seem stuck on high school me, when I was really smart. I don't think I am anymore. What curse word do you use the most? "Fuck," oops. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? Well yeah, I'm probably gonna BE that person one day, lmao. What’s the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name? It's impossible to mispronounce my name... The only thing that sometimes happens is my name is misspelled.
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hg47 · 4 years
47 Reasons Why I Fear Islam - (Reason 30)
-30-Non-Muslims who like Islam don’t have a clue what the religion is all about.  Non-Muslims who attempt to expose Islam are often accused of Hate Speech by those in the West largely because Islam itself is vicious.  Accurately describing the way Islam functions seems to Western ears as unbelievable exaggeration motivated by hate.  Also, Muslims have an army of PR experts and disinformation specialists who collectively yowl in the media like wounded wolves because of an “improper” and “intolerable” and “insulting” attack upon their religion by unclean Infidels who contaminate Islam with words they, as inferiors, have no right to speak. ++++------- tweet ~ Would someone please throw a shoe at Ahmadinejad? What, you’re too scared to ReTweet this? Come on, at least throw an insult at the schmuck. ~ (circa 4/26/2010 1:37 PM) ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Cruel-Usual-Punishment-Terrifying-Implications/dp/1595551611/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380310980&sr=1-1&keywords=CRUEL+AND+USUAL+PUNISHMENT+by+Nonie+Darwish One story from CRUEL AND USUAL PUNISHMENT by Nonie Darwish is about the private event when an Egyptian Coptic Church in 2005 showed a film to their parishioners about the dangers of Islam, discouraging conversion, among other things.  But Muslims had spies within this church, and the Muslim religious leaders decided this event was an insult to Islam.  This decision and the following coordinated angry ranting sermons encouraged a Muslim mob of thousands to burn many churches.  When it was over, one priest was murdered, one nun was stabbed, and multiple churches were destroyed, in an Islamic environment where destroyed churches may never be rebuilt or repaired. ++++------- A quote from Muslim cleric, Mohammed Afzal: “It is the duty of every good Muslim to kill Christians…You should attack Christians and not even have food until you have seen their dead bodies.” ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Why-I-Am-Not-Muslim/dp/1591020115/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380655534&sr=1-1&keywords=why+i+am+not+a+muslim In WHY I AM NOT A MUSLIM Ibn Warraq gets into how Islamic laws are valid because they have been delivered from their God, not because they are rational; how the letter of Islamic law must always be followed, not the spirit, and how this travesty undermines any notions of fair play, justice, or truth. @hg47 says – I work in Plastics Extrusion.  Some of the workers are refugees from Iraq.  One day we were particularly busy, and the father of one of the regular workers was brought in to help as a temporary worker.  I run the graveyard shift.  I asked the guy who was running Swing shift (who was staying over awhile to help), what the old guy thought of “this place.”  He smiled, sort of laughed, and said, “He can’t understand why the owner isn’t here.” This required some explanation, because I didn’t get it.  In Iraq there is no way the owner would allow the business to be open without his physical presence: lying, stealing, back-stabbing; the owner could never trust his employees.  The guy, a Christian, specifically blamed Muslims for this “reality” in Iraq. I still didn’t get it.  “The owner doesn’t have to be here.  In the morning there is supposed to be pallets of good product.  If the parts aren’t there, or they’re off-spec, I have to explain why.  The owner has known me for years, if I try to lie to him, he will know it.” This time the Swing Shift Foreman did laugh.  “In Iraq, the owner would come to work in the morning…and all these machines would be gone.” ++++------- tweet ~ Ahmadinejad: “Prospects of normalizing ties between Washington and Tehran will vanish if Tiger Woods doesn’t stop screwing my third wife.” ~ (circa 5/17/2010 11:30 AM – and yes, I was joking) ++++------- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703426004575338471355710184.html?mod=googlenews_wsj AYAAN HIRSI ALI on how Western civilization must be actively defended.  The West is not indestructible in the clash with Islam; and how Islam is fighting and maybe winning this battle. ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Myth-Islamic-Tolerance-Treats-Non-Muslims/dp/1591022495/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380476667&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=MYTH+OF+ISLAMIC+TOLERANCE+%28THE%29+edited+by+Robert+Spencer In MYTH OF ISLAMIC TOLERANCE (THE) edited by Robert Spencer the rah-rah, boom-de-yay! pro-Islamic official policy of the Western nations is covered. @hg47 says - 1) The West has serious economic interests in the Muslim world: we are addicted to low priced oil in large quantities.  We absolutely must have oil, lots of oil, and if the price goes too high, it will indirectly raise our cost of living to an intolerable degree very quickly, and possibly wreck our fragile system. 2) Because of (1) anti-Muslim stories in Western media are deliberately played-down, suppressed, editorially quashed, and slanted favorably to Muslims. 3) Because of (1) economic retaliation and/or political retaliation by Muslim countries is a very real threat to Western powers.  We don’t want “those crazy Muslims” to bother the Jews too much, BUT WE ABSOLUTELY NEED ARAB OIL. 4) The West also fears Muslim terrorism, particularly on its own territory, but also fears anti-Islam reactions from the population in the West.  The West does not have a handle on Islam, does not understand Islam, and every attempt to “control” Islam has failed miserably.  The West is “flying blind” when it comes to Islam. ++++------- tweet ~ Shakeup at Wikipedia after Ahmadinejad-With-Camel porn purge! Jimmy Wales no longer able to delete files; Ahmadinejad still speaking at UN. ~ (circa 5/19/2010 4:56 PM – and yes, this is a joke) ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Jihad-Radical-Subverting-America/dp/1596985569/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380589061&sr=1-1&keywords=stealth+jihad+robert+spencer In STEALTH JIHAD Robert Spencer gets into how Islamic holy texts push Muslim behavior against Infidels. Koran 3:110 – Muslims are the “best of people.” Koran 98:6 – Infidels are the “vilest of created beings.” The majority of Muslims view Infidels as unclean beings unworthy of contact with pure Muslims, and this attitude has behavioral consequences.  Spencer gives an example of a college which set aside a Prayer Room to be used by students of all religions and all denominations, with an official announcement that all faiths are to share.  Muslims appropriated the space for themselves and forcefully excluded all others. ++++------- http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/05/the_five_stages_of_islam.html Richard Butrick asks the question: Is it bigotry if it is in touch with reality?  Richard’s point is that Islamists use the West’s fear of bigotry against the West.  Is it bigotry, if it is just seeing and stating the truth?  For example, am I a bigot if I am afraid of Islam, if Islam really does want to destroy my way of life? Richard also argues excellently that the first Republican candidate for President who faces off against Islam by saying something like: “OK, you can have your Ground Zero Mosque, but first we want a Cathedral in Mecca,” will OWN the popular vote. ++++------- tweet ~ Ahmadinejad speech, 2013: “We have secretly placed atomic bombs in London, New York, and Paris. The following are our demands…” ~ (This is a joke tweet, circa 5/24/2010 2:45 PM – but there is a serious point behind it.  Personally, I am also worried about the Nukes in Pakistan.) ++++------- tweet ~ Rouhani (on mic): “Time for countries to enter talks with Iran based on honesty, justice and respect.” Off-mic: “Where is my A-bomb!?” ~ (Just joking.) ++++------- http://www.meforum.org/2915/islamists-project-islam-worst-traits-onto Raymond Ibrahim’s interesting article on the important differences between Christian Martyrs and Muslim Martyrs, and how Muslims often misinterpret what Christian leaders say, because of this difference, which can result in Muslim mob violence toward Christians. Muslim Martyrs are those killed in battle against Infidels. Christian Martyrs are those persecuted or killed for refusing to recant Christianity. ++++------- http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/35133 Joseph A. Klein: Islamists don’t need an excuse to murder Infidels. ++++------- http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2011/mar/22/senate-hold-hearings-muslims-rights/ Stephen Dinan on the latest FBI statistics on hate crimes. 1,376 religiously motivated hate crimes in 2009. 70.1% of those 1,376 crimes were anti-Jew. 9.3% of those 1,376 crimes were anti-Muslim. ++++------- http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/08/us/08gabriel.html Article by Laurie Goodstein about Brigitte Gabriel who claims that radical Muslims have infiltrated the United States at all levels, including the FBI, Pentagon, CIA, and State Department.  Their goal?  A long-range plan to revoke the Constitution and impose Sharia law on us all. ++++------- http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_16300340?source=rss&nclick_check=1 Anne Barnard and Alan Feuer claim that terrorism by Muslims is not a perversion of Islam but is essential to the religion itself. ++++------- http://home.comcast.net/~vincep312/islam.html What some famous people in the past, including Winston Churchill, thought about Islam. ++++------- http://iranpoliticsclub.net/islam/islam-danger1/ This article gets into the ways in which Islam is not like other religions.  Islam is a political ideology that demands that every aspect of the nation be subservient to it: laws, government, business, society must all be or become Islamic. ++++------- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/jul/17/martin-amis-iran Martin Amis arguing that a theocracy must not be allowed to have nuclear arms. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Go-To-31+ +Go-To-Beginning-Of-47-REASONS-WHY-I-FEAR-ISLAM+
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
Luko Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
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Canon has been broken
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Name: Luko G. Heartfilia
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Nickname: Luko / Lu-kun / Lukonatic Race: Human Age: 24 (X791) Sex: Male Height: 5’11” Weight: 194 lbs Eye Color: Teal Hair Color: Blond
I have a bad feeling.
-Personality- Protective = He his extremely protective toward his friends and family. He will also protect stranger if they are in trouble without even knowing if they are enemies or not. Show off = He tend to show off at some point, that is either his awesome magic or his physic or anything that he can show off, he’ll probably do it. Caring = He cares too much xP Bad temper = He tend to anger himself quite easily if something goes wrong or he doesn’t like it Self-Confident = He is confident in his abilities to do things or what needs to be done (This + show-off = OUCH!! XD)
So he's all caring and nice, but hurt someone he cares about, and boom. He will hurt you.
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-History- At birth, Luko got seperated from his family due to his Father, he never wanted an addition to the family other than Lucy. But Layla didn’t agreed, she prefered to gave him to another family instead. So one night, Layla went to town alone with Luko in arms and knock on the door of the first house she thought was good enough. A young man opened the door with his wife by his side, they were confused by why this woman came to their house with a newborn child in arms. “Please, take care of this boy for me! Or else he might die!” asked Layla to the strangers. Without knowing who that woman was, they accepted with pleasure. Before leaving, his mother place a hand on his head and said; “I will come see you as often as I can my dear Luko…Heartfilia!”
Why would Jude Heartfilia just give up his son? Why would he just want to keep one child but not the other? This makes no sense! 
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A few years as past since then and Luko was healthy. He was about nine years old at that time and he was happy with his new family; the Gravis. Earthor; his foster father was an Stone-make user while her foster mother was a writting of light user (Hikari no écriture). 
Just say Light Écriture. it's not hard.
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They both decided to have a child of their own only a few years after they took in Luko, her name was Kathyrina, she is four years old. His real mother; Layla, was seeing him now and there when she had the time but one day, she stop. Not because she didn’t wanted to see him, but because she past away.
three years later, he decided to go out with his sister Kathyrina for a walk. They were both alone in the woods but something happened, Luko started to hear some “roar” close to them so they hide in the bushes. “I’m scared Luko…” - “Don’t worry, i’m here! We’ll be fine. Just don’t look ok?” Only Luko had his head out and looked at what we could call, a Dragon Slayer using his magic on giant rocks. The sound of it made her sister cry and she was extremely scared of it, so they both ran off but has she kept on running, Luko stop and looked back once more. “I hate that kind of Magic…, it’s scaring my sister and I don’t like it!” He then runs off with a serious face and something on his mind. When he returned home, he asked his foster father to teach him Stone-Make Magic, so that one day he could deal with that kind of magic that is scaring people, Luko wants to protect people with that magic!
Would Jude even allow that?
And seriously? He hates all Dragon Slayer magic because it scared his four year old sister one time? Just "I will never forgive that person for using their magic and I will forever hate said magic because it scared my four year old sister. Therefore it is the worst kind of magic ever.” 
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Six years… after six years of intense magic training, he was good at it, but not only that but his foster mother also taught him writting of light. But he didn’t like the idea of doing this with a pen and in combat, so he decided to use it on Blank cards so he could use them later or when in need of it. “I’m set to go, thanks mother, father!”
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This makes zero sense. And what was his motivation? One Dragon Slayer? That's ridiculous.  
“I know your not our real son Luko but in our heart, you will always be part of the family.” said his foster father At that time, he remembered something that his mother Layla told him when he was younger. That he have a real twin sister called Lucy. 
Twin sister?
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“Maybe I need to find Lucy, she was with my parents the whole time, i’m sure I can learn new things about my real family!”
And so, at twenty-one, 
Nope. Nope. Lucy was 17 at the beginning of the series. He's TWIN brother apparently. He needs to be her age.
he left his home in search of his sister Lucy Heartfilia but he didn’t know where to go or how to reach it. One day, while on his adventure, he found a wounded young lady on the ground. With his nature of been protective, 
What's 'nature of been'?
he went to see if she was okay, but at the same time, a monster tried to eat the both body, and so Luko used his powerful Stone-Make Magic to push back the creature. He asked her if she was alright and she replied with a nod without speaking. Luko then asked for her name and she simply said; “Sigrun…” with a smile. He then unleashed one of his card with Writting of Light on it to ease the pain she was having and heal her wound. After this was done, they talked for a while without seeing the time pass.
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Only Wendy can do healing magic. Do not break canon any more than you already have or so help me.
Then two man approaches Luko and Sigrun, one of them had blonde hair while the other one had black hair. “Come on Sigu, we’re leaving!” said the blonde man but Luko’s intuition made him move in front of the young lady with protective motive but she then put a hand on his back telling him they were his guildmates. Understanding the situation, Luko let her go waving goodbye; “Hope we’ll see each other again!” yelled Luko. She looked at him and whisper; “I hope…”
I am so done with everything involving this Gary Stu.
Two years as past since then, at the age of 23, Luko was still searching for his Twin sister that he thought he would never see her again. He had no clue nor advice on where to search or anything at all, he just searched every corner possible of every town while asking Townfolks. But one day, something clicked! He remembered his Mother telling him that Lucy wanted to go in Fairy Tail when she was young right before she past away. So he then decided to go and search for the Fairy Tail Guild Hall!
Layla was dead before that happened. And if you watched the OVA 'Memory Days', you would know that. Layla died when Lucy was very little. And Lucy only found out about the guild because her older self stopped a runaway carriage with her inside on a hill in front of Magnolia which was facing the guild hall. 
I've said it once, I'll say it again:
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At last he found it after a few months! 
Literally ask anyone who doesn't live under a rock and they will tell you the Fairy Tail guild is in Magnolia.
But it was small and almost no member were there, not even Lucy. When Luko asked if Lucy was here, they all lowered their head in memory of her been gone for almost 7 years. While nothing he could do, he then put his faith in his fist and asked if he could join the Guild and they accepted it!
If this is during the x791 arc, then they would be surprised that anoyoen would want to join the now weakest guild in Fiore.
-Personnal Info- Like: Sigrun/Flirting/Sweets
Who is Sigrun? He met her once and now he likes her?
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Dislike: Dragon Slaying Magic/Bad attitude/Thunder
Wow, he is not going to like Laxus, Gajeel and Natsu. 
And Natsu is really protective of Lucy, so heck off, Luko.
Hobbies: Missions/Mess around with friends/Card Tricks Favorite Food/Drink: Sake and Pasta
I am losing my mind.
And it never described him meeting Lucy, so I don't know if she's going to be OOC.
-Social Info-
Family Twin sister Lucy Heartfilia - Alive Father Judes Heartfilia - Deceased Mother Layla Heartfilia - Deceased Foster father Earthor Gravis - Alive Foster mother Leona Gravis - Alive Adopted Little sister Kathyrina Gravis - Alive Friends: Sigrun, Nixus, Megumi and many more
Also, Megumi is apparently and Earth Dragon Slayer, just the thing he hates, and she's his friend. This makes no sense.
Girlfriend: I can’t confirmed it Rivals: Gray / Jirubaisu
Why Gray...?
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Roommates: None, lives alone -Profession- Guild: Fairy Tail Guild Master: Makarov Dreyar Rank: Normal member Guild Mark: On top of the left hand in dark yellow Teammates: None, can handle stuff on his own
His family is alive and he's of normal rank? Wow, that's refreshing. I've seen so many OCs who are S class and super edgy because their whole family died in a dolphin attack or something poorly thought out like that.
Also, Megumi is apparently and Earth Dragon Slayer, just the thing he hates, and she's his friend. This makes no sense.
-Magic Abilities- Magic: Stone-Make Magic Weapon: None Abilities: Able to create solid object or weapon with the earth elements. Can also create few living object but requires a lot more magic power to control. Attack -Stone-Make: Mace (Offensive) -Stone-Make: Javelin (Offensive range) -Stone-Make: Turtle Shell (Defensive) -Stone-Make: Mud Slide (Floor) -Stone-Make: Rock Fist (Offensive - For hand-to-hand combat) -Stone-Make: Gargoyle (Offensive creature - used mainly for flying opponent) -Stone-Make: Rock Golem (Ultimate ability, requires a lot a power to handle but deals massive amount of damage) More will come in my head ^.^ -Additional Abilities- Light Cards/Writing of Light: Blank cards with light inscription on them from his second magic power; Hikari no Ecriture (Writting of light). Although he almost never use it, he DOES put them on cards to keep effect for later uses that is for combat or outside. Writting of Light is a support kind of magic that can heal wounds and some other stuff, but Luko is far from using it all the time, he would rather keep it has a last resort or to save someone.
No. Only Wendy can use healing magic.
Enhanced Speed: Although is not has fast as Jet; his running speed is “Slightly” faster than any other human, and by slightly i dont mean alot…
Enhanced Reflexes: With his speed enhanced a little, so does his reflexes. The way to avoid enemie’s attack or magic will make this perk usefull.
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Okay, that's apparently it. 
I... I cannot even.
Anyone who wants to make a Fairy Tail OC, never make them related to a main character by blood directly. Just don't.
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gillianfoster · 7 years
@basinhounds i’m about to go eat but read it when you can let me know what you think pls i love you
Everyone knew that you got your soulmate timer the day you turned 17. It would count down until you met your soulmate - that was. Unless you’d already met them, or you wouldn’t meet them. Whether your soulmate was dead or untrackable or you just already knew them, you were sort of fucked either way.
So, of course, as is on par for his life, Eddie wakes up on his seventeenth birthday with a zeroed out timer.
It doesn’t feel great - but he’d feel worse if everyone in the Loser’s Club wasn’t zeroed out, too. Eddie was the next to last of them to turn 17, and the only person who’s timer hadn’t zeroed out was Stan’s. Whoever his soulmate was, Stan was yet to meet them. He had a few years - he’d probably meet them at college. The rest of them? Apparently already matched to someone in their hellhole of a town.
His mother is the first one to ask him about it. Of course she is.
“Eddie-bear, what’s your timer say?”
“It’s already timed out, mom.”
“Oh.” Apparently this isn’t what his mother was expecting. Still, she smiles, and it’s something twisted with delight. Eddie feels a little sick just to look at her. “Well that’s all the better, dear, you don’t need any pesky soulmate. There’s nobody good enough for you anyways.”
“I’ll see you after school, mommy,” he says quickly, and he leaves as soon as he can, even as she says something after him. He doesn’t care what it was, it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have any use for anything she has to say ever since he found out about his medications. He’s been planning for ages to go to college as far away as he can and to leave her in Derry - anyways. He has a soulmate. He must. It’s just someone he’s already met. That’s all.
It’s stupid, but Eddie believes in soulmates. There’s something romantic about it. It’s in every movie, in every book, and he wants to have something like that. Someone who’s always there for him when he has a bad day. Someone who’s a perfect fit.
The problem, of course, is that now that Eddie has proof that he’s already met him, Eddie has a pretty good idea that it’s probably one of the other losers, if it’s anyone - and he sort of has his heart set on one someone in particular. Not that he’d ever admit that.
When he gets to school, everyone’s waiting by the bike rack to see. He greets them by holding up his wrist with his eyebrows raised, his lips pressed into a thin line.
“Yeah! Eds joins the club!” Richie cries out, pulling him over with an arm around his shoulders.
On any other day Eddie would shove him away, but he just smacks half-heartedly at Richie’s arm and then sighs. “Yeah, it’s one big party. Just the whole lot of us without a clue who our soulmate is, no big deal,” Eddie says.
Richie’s arm tightens around his shoulders a little, and Bill comes over and pats him on the shoulder.
“It’s a-a-alright, Eddie. We’ll figure it out.”
Bill’s nice. Eddie might have sort of liked him, once. But Eddie’s seen the way he looks at Bev, and the way Ben looks at Bev, and the way Bev looks at Bill but isn’t sure, because of Ben, and he doesn’t want to get involved in any of that.
He’s seen the way Mike looks at Bill, too. That’s the sort of thing he can sympathize with. He can only hope they can all get it worked out.
“Thanks, Bill,” Eddie says quietly. He leans a little more against Richie, because he can, because Richie’s still there.
With Stan having a timer, with Mike and Bill and Bev and Ben all tangled, he and Richie are really the only ones left. It would make sense. It would make perfect sense to Eddie. He just isn’t sure that Richie sees it that way - he doesn’t know that he can be sure.
They all walk into school, and Richie doesn’t let go of him til they’re right to the door - but then he does. Of course he does.
Richie’s dated a lot of people - well. He’s kissed or at least flirted with anyone in school who’s zeroed out. He’s set on trying it out with everyone but the other losers, just to make sure. It’s not that it’s an illogical system, or that Eddie can fault him for it - but Eddie knows he could never do anything like that.
“C’mon, Eddie Spaghetti, lighten up.”
“Don’t call me that, dipshit.”
“Shouldn’t you be a little nicer on your birthday? Where’s my normal bright and happy little Eds?”
“Literally right here, about to shove you into a trashcan. When has anyone ever described me as bright and happy?”
“Well, you brighten up my life.”
Richie winks at him, and Eddie fights a wince. Richie flirts with everyone. He’s flirted with Eddie before. Still, Eddie’s worst nightmare is that Richie will decide to try and test things out with him now that it turns out Eddie’s zeroed out, too. That’s not how Eddie wants this. He wants to be sure. He wants his soulmate to know, too.
“Eds. Hey. I mean it, you seem a little off. You sure you’re alright?”
There’s the Richie that Eddie knows best. The stupid jokes and the bullshit, that’s all a part of him, too, but he only ever gets serious like that with the losers, and only when it really matters. Eddie finally sighs, and smiles at him. “Yeah, Rich. I’ll be okay. I just... I don’t know. My mom asked about it this morning, said some stupid shit about how I don’t need a soulmate, it just. I know I don’t need one. But I still want one. You know?”
He leaves off just how eerily possessive his mother’s words had been, how Eddie’s constantly terrified she’ll find some way to keep him in Derry. He doesn’t want to get that serious with Richie this early in the day.
“I know. Come on, you’ll find yours. If anyone deserves a soulmate, Eds, it’s you. But let’s get to class - I know you hate being late.”
It’s so sweet, the way Richie always pays that extra bit of attention, the way he knows what really bothers Eddie and what Eddie only pretends to be bothered by. Eddie only pretends to be upset when they skip class for something more fun, but if they’re going to class, bring late draws attention that Eddie could do without.
“Or,” Richie says, drawing Eddie from his thoughts. “We could just fucking skip out on all this. It’s your birthday, you know. We’re going to Bill’s tonight for your party, but. You shouldn’t have to go to class unless you want to.”
Eddie bites his lip, but it can’t hide his grin. The last thing he wants right now is to go see everyone in school and have to deal with them all day, to have to deal with people finding out he’s zeroed out. He can do all that some other day. “Yeah. Let’s do it. You wanna get everyone else?”
“No, come on. Let’s go, just us. I’ve got an idea.”
Richie grabs Eddie’s hand, and Eddie follows him gladly. There’s really no other way he’d want to spend the day than with Richie, doing whatever crazy shit Richie is going to suggest.
They get back to the bike racks and leave as quick as they can, before someone really notices they were there in the first place. Eddie’s following Richie, still, since he’s supposedly the one with the idea.
Surprisingly, they just end up at the quarry. Eddie’s not really upset - it is a nice day, and it’s always pretty at the quarry. It’s a nice place to talk. Eddie had just had visions of the two of them sneaking into movies at the Capitol, Richie leaning over to whisper comments in his ear, both of them laughing until someone tried to shush them.
Maybe Richie would have kissed him, in the dark of the theater, and Eddie would have let him, even though he was nervous about Richie and what he meant by all this.
“Why the quarry?” Eddie asks, sitting down on the rocks.
Richie shrugs. “Just sort of thought it’d be nice to sit out here and talk for a while. Just us. Is that okay?”
Eddie’s heart picks up. “Yeah. Sure.”
Richie sits down next to him, and they’re not quite touching, but when Eddie shifts, their knees brush, and all the hair on Eddie’s legs stands up.
“Rich. Do you ever... Do you ever think about who your soulmate might be actually?”
“Why wonder when I know?”
Eddie freezes, and glances over at him. “Wh- What?”
“Well it’s your mom, obviously.”
He should have known. Eddie shoves Richie so hard he falls onto his side, and Richie’s just laughing the whole time, while Eddie sighs and rolls his eyes. “You’re such a fucking idiot, I don’t know why I asked. You’re so fucking - Ugh.”
When’s he’s done laughing, Richie sits back up, grinning, and shrugs. “Too easy. You set me up, Eds. But uh. No, I don’t know. Probably nobody, right? Have to be some asshole with some real shit luck to get me for a soulmate.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Well. Come on.”
Eddie turns to him, arms crossed, and glares. “You come on, what the hell do you mean? That’s like the dumbest thing you’ve ever said - which really, is saying a lot.”
“Fuck, Eds, come on. Everyone knows what an annoying asshole I am. I just like fool around with people because I’m pretty sure no one wants to get stuck with me.”
“I... You are so fucking stupid. Stop saying shit like that. You’re... Rich you’re. Great. You’re amazing. If anybody doesn’t want you as a soulmate they’re just an idiot, they should. Work out their requirements or something. There’s nothing wrong with you. Except you’re an idiot. But comparatively, that’s like. Nothing.” Eddie pauses, and glances over, and Richie’s not saying anything, so Eddie blurts out something else. “Who do you think my soulmate is? Do you have any ideas?”
“Oh, I, uh. I was thinking maybe someone else at school? There’s plenty of girls around school that aren’t Greta Keene, you know.”
“Girls? Why’d you think it’s a girl?”
“Well I mean most people are... like that, right? Like most of the soulmate pairs in town, it’s a man and a woman.”
Richie’s right, really. Eddie flushes. “But other kinds exist. There’s movies and stuff. It’s still like. The same. Your soulmate’s your soulmate. We just live in a small place.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“I didn’t know you were so... I didn’t know you thought like this, Rich.”
Richie shrugs again. “I guess just. Seeing my parents has kind of left me not caring about it much. Whole thing sort of seems like bullshit to me. Especially with most of us having zeroed out timers anyways, like. What the fuck does it matter?”
Eddie wants to try and explain to Richie, or to help him, even a little, but he also sort of feels like he’s going to be sick. He stands up. “I’m uh.” He can’t go home or his mom will see him and think he’s sick, and he’ll never get to leave again. But he can’t keep talking to Richie like this. “Let’s. Let’s go to the Capitol.”
There’s a moment of quiet, but then Richie nods. They bike over to the Capitol, and they buy tickets for the next showing of some horror movie.
Richie doesn’t try to talk to him at all in the theater. Eddie isn’t sure if it’s a blessing or a curse - but he does know he feels even worse. He runs to the bathroom before the movie is ever over, and sits in a stall hyperventilating and trying not to cry. His chest hurts and his hands shake and it feels, really, like there’s a hollow place inside him that didn’t used to be there. Like even just the hope of Richie was enough to fill it, and now that hope is gone, and somehow Richie’s gone, even though he’s just in the other room.
He’s tempted to leave and ditch Richie entirely. Instead, once he’s pulled himself together, he goes back in.
Finally, Richie leans over and asks, “Are you okay?”
“...Not exactly, Rich.”
“...Come on.” Richie pulls him out of the theater while the movie’s still going, and they go out to the alleyway by the theater.
It’s nice that he’s concerned, but it’s also awful. Eddie just stands there, with his arms crossed. “I don’t really wanna talk about it.”
“I don’t think you really wanted to keep trying to pay attention to a movie either.”
“Well. No. No, I guess not.” Then, Richie’s paying attention just makes him angry all over again. “Look, I’m just gonna. There’s stuff I wanna do before my party tonight. Let’s just meet up at Bill’s again later, okay? I’ll. I’ll see you there.”
Only Eddie suddenly realizes he doesn’t wanna go to his party, either. Richie agrees quietly, though, and leaves, on his bike, and Eddie rides off to the barrens on his own.
It’s not like Eddie could ever be sure - it’s not like he can now with his timer - but he’d honestly thought for a long time that Richie could be his soulmate. They just... fit. Just the way they were supposed to. It’s getting pretty obvious now, though, that Richie doesn’t feel that way. There’s not really anything that Eddie can do about it. If Richie were his soulmate, wouldn’t he get it? Isn’t that what it means?
Eddie rides his bike to the barrens and spends a while sitting by the creek, tossing in rocks. The rocks by the water are too big to skim, so they just sink directly to the bottom of the shallow water. He checks his watch a few times, waits until his mom will be gone for her bridge night with her friends, then bikes back to his house and goes up to his room.
He puts on a mixtape - one that he made for himself, not one that Richie made him for a birthday or a holiday - and lays on his bed listening to music. Maybe the music hits a little close to home, still, but it seems like Eddie’s birthday is officially a lost cause, so he may as well just lie on his bed and listen to songs about having his heart broken.
He knows that when he doesn’t show up for the party, they’ll try to find him - someone will. He just hopes that maybe they won’t send Richie, and someone else will come instead. Maybe Bev, or Bill. That would be nice.
It’s about a half hour after the party is supposed to start when someone rings the doorbell. He tries to ignore it, but they keep going, so eventually Eddie hauls himself off the bed, pauses his music, and goes to answer the door.
It’s Richie. Because of course it is.
“You can just tell them I’m not coming. I feel like shit, I don’t. I don’t want to celebrate this, it’s dumb. Just. Tell everyone I’m sorry or. Whatever.”
He goes to close the door, but Richie holds it open. “At least just talk to me for a minute, Eds.”
“I don’t want to talk to you, Richie. Or anyone. Can you leave me alone, please? And don’t call me that.”
“Can you at least explain what happened? You were in such a good mood when I asked you to skip, it seemed like you were over the whole... Timer thing.”
“I’m not upset about the timer thing.”
“Then what are you upset about?”
It’s the last straw. Eddie lets go of the door. “What am I upset about? You- I show up to school with a zeroed timer and you... You pull me in, you tell me welcome to the club, you tell me it’ll be okay. Then, after all that, after all the things I know, you ask me to skip class and you tell me specifically you want it to be just us, but then you just. You just take me to the quarry, where it’s gorgeous and romantic, so you can tell me you don’t even think you have a soulmate. You’ve tried it out with every fucking person in the school with a zeroed timer, I know you wanted to see, see if it was any of them, and it wasn’t, I know you well enough to know you were looking, Rich, but I. I don’t even get that? Me, I don’t even register as an option, you just. You yank me out of class to do all that and I. On today, of all days, when I... And then we went to the theater like I thought we would and you didn’t even make a single stupid joke and everything was terrible and it was the worst fucking birthday I think I’ve ever had, so please just. Leave me alone, Richie.”
Richie’s quiet and wide-eyed when Eddie closes the door on him. He locks it, too, for good measure, and runs back up to his room before he starts to lose it.
He thought maybe he’d hear pounding on the door or noises at his window again - instead there’s just quiet. Like Richie just walked away and left.
Maybe Eddie’s finally ruined things. Maybe all the other losers will be through with him, too, once Richie tells them what he said and did. At least for the moment, he’s too numb to care.
After a while, the phone rings. Dazed and out of it from just lying on his bed for so long, Eddie goes over and picks it up.
“Eddie? What happened? You sound awful.”
It’s Bev. The one person Eddie thinks he could actually talk to right now. He sags a little with relief. “Sorry. Just. I’m not feeling very well.”
“Oh. Well I guess that explains why you didn’t come. Just - we sent Richie to go check on you and he never came back. He’s not still with you, is he?”
Shit. “No. He. I told him I wasn’t coming and he left, I thought he’d go back and tell you guys. I’ll go and look for him. I’m sorry.”
“Eddie, no, you sound awful. We can find him.”
“I’ve just...” He pauses. But then again, it’s Bev. If anyone would still be able to forgive him, he hopes it’d be her. “I’ve just been crying, that’s all. I’m not actually sick. Sorry.”
“Crying? Eddie what happened?”
“Just. Stuff with Richie. We skipped today, you know, and he. He said some stuff and I got upset. I came home and then he showed up, and I. I mean I yelled at him a little, but there’s no reason he should... Maybe you should go look for him. I don’t know.”
“Eddie, really. You can tell me. I won’t tell everyone else unless you want me to.”
“...Richie says he doesn’t have a soulmate. He. I don’t know, he told me that out at the quarry while we were skipping. It wasn’t really... How I thought things would go. It was stupid. I was being stupid. I shouldn’t have gotten upset with him. I’ll go find him.”
He hears a sigh on the other end of the phone, then some muttering. “Sorry, I was just telling everyone you’ll go look for him. Just. Make sure he’s okay, will you? And I’m sorry he said that, that’s - I’m sorry about your birthday, Eddie.”
“It’s okay. I’ve. Well. I’m sure I’ll have worse. Someday.”
He hangs up before Bev can try and say anything else encouraging to him. He knows he looks like a mess, but he can’t really bring himself to care. He just puts on a light jacket and grabs his bike, then heads over to Richie’s house.
Richie isn’t there, of course, and he isn’t at the arcade. Eddie checks a few places before he finally finds Richie’s bike by the quarry.
He goes in and finds Richie sitting on the rocks, where they’d been just earlier today.
“Hey, idiot. Everyone’s worried about you.”
Richie turns around, and he looks like a mess, too. Eddie bites his lip, but stays where he is. “Who - the other losers?”
“They called. After you left. Bev did, but everyone else was with her. I told them I’d come look for you.”
“Because I’m... I’m sorry. I. I shouldn’t have. Said all that stuff. It’s not your fault that I - That you’re... It’s not your fault. So I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I mean why would you... You should just. Go back and hang out with everyone. They were missing you.”
Richie stands up, and looks at him. “What about you?”
“I don’t want to see everyone like this. Bev already knows I was... Upset. She promised she wouldn’t tell anyone. So.”
“So you’re just gonna go home?”
“Yeah. I think today’s just sort of a wash. It’s fine. Like I told Bev, I’m sure I’ll have worse birthdays.”
“...I didn’t mean to ruin your birthday, Eds.”
Eddie shrugs, can’t keep looking at Richie, so he looks at the ground. “I ruined my own birthday. I shouldn’t have. Thought stuff. That’s not your fault.”
“I think it might be a little bit my fault.”
Eddie looks up at that, frowning. “How is that your fault?”
“I. Cause I think maybe I’m an idiot, Eds.”
“Yeah, well we knew that already. What are you talking about?”
Richie walks a little closer, and pushes up his glasses. Eddie can see that his eyes are red, too, which is stupid. “Do you... Do you really think I’m your soulmate?”
It feels like there’s a knife twisting in his stomach. Eddie winces, and looks down again. “I was being stupid. Just. Let’s just ignore all of that stuff that I said, and maybe we can just. Go back to normal.”
“Eds. Why’d you think I was your soulmate?”
“Well because it’s. It made sense, didn’t it?” He looks up, a little desperate, his eyes a little too wide, and he can feel the prickle of tears again, but he just keeps blinking them back. “All of us are timed out except Stan, and Bill and Mike and Ben and Bev are all. The way they are, you know, and so there was just us left, and we’re. It makes more sense of all of losers to be each others than for it to just be some random person at school, and just the way that we. We sort of. Fit. I thought.”
The thought is past tense on purpose. Now all he can feel are the jagged edges that he thought matched neatly with Richie’s that now suddenly don’t seem to belong anywhere - he’s just all fucked up all by himself, and he’ll probably end up forced to stay in Derry, taking care of his mother while Richie goes off to seek his nonexistent soulmate or whatever.
“Richie. Can you please let me go home? I’m not. I can’t. Do this.”
Only then Richie comes over and pulls him into a hug, arms wrapped tight around his shoulders, and it feels just as right as it ever did. Eddie leans against him, melts, really, and starts to cry again.
“I’m sorry, Eddie, God, I didn’t. I’m such a fucking idiot, I’m so sorry.”
He grips onto Richie’s shirt so he can’t pull away, and then he realizes Richie’s not even wearing a jacket. “Oh my god, dumbass, it got cold while you were sitting out here, didn’t it? Here, take my jacket.”
Eddie pulls back and unzips his hoodie, offers it to Richie, who pulls it on slowly. The sleeves are a little short, but it works well enough and Richie gives Eddie an almost smile. Eddie almost manages to smile back at him.
“Eds. I’m... I think you’re right.”
That’s not what Eddie was expecting. He blinks. “You. About what?”
“I just. I tried all those other people because I never thought it’d be you - I thought you’d have a timer. And then when it sunk in, I still really thought that you’d never. I thought you should probably have someone different, right? But everyone at school is fucking awful, you were right, and even just thinking of you having to date one of them, I. I don’t know why I said all that stuff, it was so fucking stupid. And I still don’t know why you’d - I don’t know why you’d get stuck with me. But if all this stuff is real, you. You’re definitely mine. And it took today and all of this shit for me to really think about how well we do fit, and how right you are, and I’m sorry for that.”
“What are you saying?” Eddie asks quietly.
“I’m saying that. I think you’re probably my soulmate. If I have a soulmate. I think if soulmates exist, then this is what it’s like. Right? Not. Not today, but. The rest of the time. With you.” Richie pauses. “I fucking love you. Is what I’m saying.”
“Richie.” Eddie just stands there, and looks at him. It hardly feels real, after the day he’s had. “Are you... are you sure?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure. I’m sorry I wasn’t sure earlier. I’m sorry I’m such a dumbass.”
“Well I. I think I can accept that apology. On one condition.”
The quarry’s still gorgeous at night. The moon’s reflected in the water, and the sky is clear so everything just glows, and they can see all the stars from where they’re standing.
“What’s the condition?” Richie asks.
“Kiss me?”
He watches Richie blush, then smile. Neither of them try to say anything else, they just come together again, pulling each other close, and then Richie tilts his head and leans in and they’re kissing.
Richie actually knows what he’s doing, so Eddie lets him take most of the lead at first, but he picks it up quickly enough and licks into Richie’s mouth, their tongues brushing against each other, the feeling of it making Eddie shiver.
They kiss and kiss until Eddie’s lips feel tender, and then he pulls back and rests his head against Richie’s chest. “I love you. I’m still sorry about the stuff I said.”
“I’m sorry, too. Do you think we could have a redo tomorrow? Just. Of your birthday. You and me, out on the town, party at Bill afterwards with everyone else. I’ll take you to the movies and actually make it fun this time?”
“Yeah, alright.” Eddie runs his hands up and down Richie’s waist, feels the fabric of his own jacket under his hands and smiles. “Soulmates,” he mutters against the fabric at Richie’s shoulder.
“Soulmates.” Richie echoes, but firmly, like he agrees.
Eddie finally pulls back to look up at him. Richie’s lips are a little swollen, but his eyes aren’t red anymore, and he’s smiling down at Eddie. His eyes are bright. He looks like himself again. That hollow, sinking feeling in Eddie’s chest is completely gone. “Come on, let’s go back to my place. My mom is still out and you can come up to my room.”
“Oh Eds, how forward.”
“You’re such a jackass, I don’t know why I love you so much.” Eddie tries to make the words have their usual bite, but he’s smiling, and he knows he sounds as infinitely fond as he really is. He’s yanking Richie along by the hand, and when he looks Richie’s smiling back at him.
“Yeah, but you do.”
“Yeah, I do. You’re lucky you’re so funny and cute.”
Richie blushes, and Eddie’s pretty proud of himself. They go back to Eddie’s and Richie puts his bike behind the house, where Eddie’s mom won’t see when she comes home. They go up to his room, and Eddie changes out his sad mixtape for a better one before he locks the door and lays down.
Richie’s already on the bed, and he’s taken Eddie’s jacket off. He reaches out, and Eddie rolls into his arms, curling up against him, wrapping one of his legs around one of Richie’s.
“I love you,” he says quietly.
“I love you, too, Eds,” Richie replies.
Tomorrow they’ll go to the movies and maybe back to the quarry, they’ll joke and bicker and kiss and maybe go swimming, and it’ll probably be the best day after his birthday that Eddie will ever have. They’ll go to Bill’s and exchange gifts and they’ll tell everyone - but for now they can just sleep, and Eddie can finally be sure - and he can know that Richie’s sure, too.
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semi-charmedx · 8 years
1. What’s one thing you would like to change about yourself? Actually, many things. I wish I was a man, but I’m not. I also wish that I didn’t get obsessed with every girl that shows a slight interest in me.
2.  Are you religious or spiritual? I’m Wiccan
3.  Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? I consider myself more in the middle, but I have most of the qualities an extrovert would have.
4.  Are you more into looks or brains? Looks are more of a bonus. I think brains are more important.
5.  What is a relationship deal breaker for you? Lots of things. I don’t like girls who cannot spell or use grammar correctly. I also don’t like girls taller than 5 feet.
6. What’s your favorite book of all time and why did it speak to you so much? Hmm... I don’t really like books that much.
7.  Would you ever take back someone who cheated? Probably not.
8.  How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner? Only to keep those Snapchat streaks XD, but I trust them, so why not?
9.  When do you think a person is ready for marriage? Idk.
10.  What kind of parent do you think you will be? I’m not having children, I don’t like them.
11.  Have you ever lost someone close to you? Hmm... like death or just lost? I’ve lost a few people close to me. Not many people are close to me, though.
12.  If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up? Depends. Usually if it’s a person I trust, I like to talk to them.
13.  Are you confrontational? Usually, yes.
14.  Would you relocate for love? Yes.
15.  Did you ever write a journal? Yes, in like 7th grade.
16.  What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you? Um usually they think that I’m creepy.
17.  What did your past relationship teach you? Oh boy, many things. It taught me to get to know someone before I start making big moves on them, to listen to my girlfriend, and to quit while I’m ahead.
8.  What are your thoughts on online dating or tinder? Not for me, but it’s okay.
19.  What’s on your bucket list this year? I have zero idea.
20.  What do you define “family”? People that really care about me and that have made me into the person that I am today.
21.  Are my parents happy with the person I have become? No XD.
22.  What relaxes me? Shopping.
23.  Can you handle the rigors of a long distance relationship? Absolutely not.
24. What will people say at your funeral? “Glad she’s dead.”
25. If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything okay? Anna. I will always run to her, even when she’s mad at me, because she’s the only one I have left, and she’s the only one on the planet that I can trust.
26. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? Spending time with the people I love most.
27. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Of course.
28. What were you doing when you last lost track of the time? I have no idea.
29. What can you do today that you couldn’t do a year ago? What will you be able to do at this time next year? I have no idea.
30. If you could ask for three wishes, what would they be? I wish that I could change genders/sexes at will. I wish that I could travel back in time, but with the limit of one year back/forward. I wish that I could never have to worry about money again.
31. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind? Trees, cigarette smoke, and insects chirping.
32. What did you want to be when you were a kid? I wanted to be a tattoo artist.
33. Where would you like to live? Why haven’t you moved? I would like to live back in my hometown, Bauxite, but my mom doesn’t want to move back there.
34. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking? Everything.
35. What bad habits do you want to break? Um, idk.
36. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence. I have no clue what I’m going to do with my life
37. Do you consider yourself the hero or the villain in your story? The villain.
38. How much control do you really have over yourself? I will do whatever I please, no matter what I’m told to do.
39. When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone? I can’t remember.
40. What is something you believe is too serious to be joked about? Nothing.
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