#i am by NO means a gaby apologist
artificial-boy · 3 years
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
Control Z, Episode 2-3
-I know the new principle is supposed to come off as an uncaring jerk, but I’m just SO HAPPY that an authority figure is FINALLY calling out Quintanilla and Raúl for SOMETHING.
-Okay, I’m sorry. Why have they forgiven Raúl, but not Alex? Alex was at least TRYING TO DO SOMETHING SHE THOUGHT WAS RIGHT? She was actively trying (horribly) to correct a wrong that WAS IN FACT RAÚL’S (and Gerry’s ofc) FAULT???? Look, I know this probably sounds unfair since I am an Alex Apologist™, but Alex is at least taking accountability; Raúl is just an asshole. (“Alex, you buried someone alive” Yes, and Raúl kidnapped someone and tried to save his money over a different kidnapped teenage girl who was in mortal danger, like have some consistency here.)
-Claudia wants to be an actress!!!!
-Wtf, theatre teacher, these are STUDENTS, obviously they aren’t going to be doing Shakespeare monologues perfectly, THAT’S WHY YOU ARE TEACHING THEM, God why are all the teachers in this show absolute trash.
-...Oh, this is an interesting direction to take Gerry’s story in. Confronted with a guy who reminds him (and us) of Luis, who is instead treated horribly by Gerry’s peers instead of Gerry himself. Presumably, since he failed Luis, he’ll help this guy, especially since he’s being bullied for “acting too gay” just like Luis was.
-Why...why is Quintanilla trying to push Alex and Gaby back together??! She was his colleague and ALEX’S TEACHER, WHY IS THIS MAN AN EDUCATOR WFT IS WRONG WITH HIM
-When did Pablo become heart-eyed over María. I swear if this show ends with the two of them being a couple...
-Also, why are he and Claudia friends now????
-I...do not like the way this theatre teacher is interacting with Claudia. But maybe that’s just because Gaby is.....there. And still being treated like some Tragic Love Interest.
-Hmmm, New Inmate covered up for Gerry. Interesting. This could either be a really interesting dynamic or a catastrophically-badly-handled one.
-Natalia!!!! Confirmed okay!!!
-So obviously she and María are faking María’s death, but the question is obviously WHY. I don’t think María is behind this, but...tbh it really COULD be Natalia? I’m sure Maria told her about what happened on the roof, and it would make sense that Natalia would only do this when she was absolutely sure her sister was out of the way and wouldn’t be blamed. Her embezzlement being revealed by Raúl is why she made the decision to Get In Debt With The Drug Cartel (I cannot believe these are real plotlines on a teen drama as I type them out, lmaooo), so I can see her blaming him (and, by extension, the people around him). Please tell me she’s not doing this because she’s mad Javier broke up with her, I’ll be so disappointed.
-FUCK, MARÍA TRIED TO KILL HERSELF??!? I mean. There’s no body, which means she’s not dead as per Usual Mystery Rules, but. God. That was...unexpectedly dark.
-Ohhh, does Natalia blame The Gang for (what she thinks is) María’s suicide??? (Sorry, I’m still stuck on the theory that she’s the culprit.)
-I did appreciate the little detail of Sofía, who survived a suicide attempt, knowing immediately what Natalia means when she tries to hint at what happened with María. While Javier seems to need it spelled out for him. Good job, show!
-If Sofía really does believe Alex...and she’s proven that Bad Hacking Behavior isn’t a dealbreaker.......Sofía/Alex endgame? (I know I made this as a joke before season 2 started, but honestly? I think I’m here for it in earnest now.)
-You know what? Sofía going to law school actually makes a lot of sense. Once again, good job, show!!
-Oh, God, is the theatre teacher having a predatory “““relationship””” with Claudia? I cannot handle this again, I really can’t.
-Ugghhh, he IS, please let this end, can we STOP DOING THIS.
-It seems like they might have Claudia hook up with Pablo, and you know what, if it means she’s not “““dating””” her teacher, I’ll take it. I’ll take just about ANYTHING to not have any of the endgame relationships be teacher/high school student.
-I genuinely thought Claudia was hardcore into María, I am SO confused as to what they’re doing with her.
-Okay, so she’s not going to hook up with Pablo, but he sure tried. (Presumably because she’s the only connection he still has to María? Yikes, that’s messed up, lmao.)
-.........PABLO??? Obviously it’s more complicated than that, but. His name is?? On the essay???? And he was in the car? Like I think whoever it ACTUALLY is was getting Raúl and Pablo in the same place so Pablo would unintentionally kill Raúl by running him over (which. sadly. did not actually happen. Sorry, I’d like to say that one day I’ll shut up about hating Raúl, but it’s basically my Brand™ at this point, and also I can’t pretend like I’m not spending every second of this show hoping he’ll die.)
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tonya-the-chicken · 4 years
I thought the attack on titan fandom was dead aside from the edgelords and eren haters being happy with the last arch, guess not, sorry you are being attacked for being a Gabi fan. This fandom is among the shittiest and most toxic I have ever been in. I really hate how violent it is getting, you seem like a lovely person, I am sorry you are getting attacked over this.
Oh, I don't feel attacked, it is just one ask which sincerely made me laugh because of the absurdity of "murder apologist" XDD I overall made it a rule to ignore antis, so they would not experience the satisfaction of their shitty opinions even being acknowledged 😒
I don't think the final Arc is handled the best way but at the same time, I follow some decent people and have fun with art and posts... Though I guess I am not that invested as before. Ironically, the only character I sincerely dislike really is Eren XDD But yet I don't think people who still in fandom are all edgelords/Eren haters. Like, recent chapters definitely made levihan and aruani fans scream. There are some good metas analyzing it... But shit takes are everywhere. The Gabi thing seems to never stop, and the whole warriors vs 104th. Oh, and never-ending debate of erehisu, no one can avoid it
Thank you for your support! I wish people would be a little more understanding of their fellow fandom folks. We all have different tastes, like, I don't like Eren but I have a brain to not call people who enjoy his character "a genocide apologist". Let's just all have fun, fandoms are for fun 🤗 Liking a character doesn't mean we condone their actions, let's not jump to stupid assumptions
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purplesurveys · 7 years
so, how's life? It’s kinda in the middle. I bought gifts for my Gab’s family and I went from having P4000 ($80) to measly P250 ($5) but it’ll be SO worth it because I got them stuff that they really wanted. I don’t even regret losing that much money because I found it fulfilling to be buying gifts for a family that I do love.
[huge, pulsating trigger warning] On the other hand, I went into a panic attack and started hyperventilating when my mom scolded me the other night. She mocked my breathing the entire time and told me–in the middle of my panicked breathing–that I was crying over something small. She also tried to wrestle my phone away from me and I have claw marks on my arm from that. So life at home is preeeetty fucking good, if you ask me. how many hours of sleep would you say you got last night? I think I made it to six. what's the last book you read, was it good? I don’t remember the last book I read, dude. what color are the walls in your bedroom? White. do you have pictures of your friends, and family in your bedroom? Friends, yes. ‘Family’ fuck no.
do you have posters of celebrities on the walls in your bedroom? Yeah several. who is the last person you said "just leave me alone," to? I think it was my mom. Ugh I hate having to call her that can I just call her abusive grumpy woman who lives under the same roof? ever had a really bad sunburn? When I was a kid yeah. The ones on my shoulder hurt theee most. I don’t get sunburns at all anymore. who is the last person to ask you out? Gab but that was like a year ago. what is the last amusement park you went to? Legoland in Malaysia, four years ago. I’m not too big on amusement parks. do you think a lot before you go to sleep at night? Sometimes. It really depends on my mood or how tired I am. if so, what is it you think about? ^ Usually something that happened within that day. do you agree with people when they say "Hate is a strong word?” I’m the person that says that haha. My grandmother taught me that throughout childhood so it’s been ingrained in me and I avoid the word ‘hate’ when it comes to people I personally know and dislike. what kind of camera do you have, do you like it? I have a Nikon D3100, but I’ve basically given it away to my sister. I just use a good ol’ iPhone camera and yes, I do like it. what's the reason behind the last time you cried? I was remembering what happened the other night. what's the last video you watched on YouTube? Something from Good Mythical Morning. what is the last movie you saw, in theatres? Still The Killing of a Sacred Deer. Not a huge cinema-goer because tickets cost an ungodly fortune. do you read any magazines, if so what ones? Nope. how old were you when you went on your first date? 16. how old were you when you had your first kiss? 16. how old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 16. what's your favorite thing to do during the summer? Stay at hoooooome and do absolutely nothing. do you have any inside jokes with your bestfriend(s) if so, like what? Angela and I burst out laughing whenever we hear about pencils because it takes us back to the time I stabbed her palm with a newly-sharpened pencil in first grade. It started bleeding but I cried innocence and it was really how we got to be best friends in the first place. She brings it back every now and then to make me feel guilty but also since it never fails to give us a good laugh. have you ever been in a HUGE fight with your bestfriend? Not with Angela but I’ve had tons of them with Gabie. what's your relationship status right now? In a relationship. do you like it that way?^ Sure. It’s comforting. have you ever been to a concert, if so, who was the last person(s) you saw? I wasn’t technically in the concert, but we saw Coldplay from the top floor of a parking lot. Solid show and we had a better view compared to most of the people on the concert grounds themselves. do you like any artists or bands, that your friends don't like? Yeah everything from my punk rock collection. how many friends do you have on facebook? No clue. 300? 400? a lot of people say facebook chat is really annoying, do you agree? Not to me. I mainly use it for groupworks in school and it makes communicating more convenient, really.
what website do you usually go on first when you login to the computer? Twitter. do you want to say anything to someone right now, but you're afraid to? Not that I’m afraid, I just can’t bother to since it won’t do anything. if so, what is it you want to say to them?^ Just the classic fuck you. on average, is your room usually messy, or clean? Clean, but I could never keep my bedside drawer that way. That’s really the messiest part of my room. do you have any really annoying friends, that you just want to ditch? Athenna got annoying and petty so I ditched her. do you think you could go a whole day without looking in the mirror? I doubt it. I always have to look out for my hair since it gets so frizzy super fast. what is the scariest movie you've ever seen? Eraserhead. have you ever had surgery, if so for what? Never. have you ever seen a shark, if so were you scared? I haven’t. have you ever gone fishing, or is that totally yucky? Never have.
don't you think it's ridiculous when girls where ugg boots during summer? No...but the original spelling of the word ‘ridiculous’ in this question was before I changed it. do you enjoy museums, or think they are totally boring? I love museums. I make it a point to go to several every year. would you say you're fat, skinny, or just in between? Skinny. have you ever been made fun of, because of what you look like? Only when I was a kid because I had really short hair. With that and my name, I always got told that I was a boy. have you ever made fun of others, because of what they look like? Nope. have you ever liked someone who is a total jerk? I haven’t. does it annoy you when people put a question mark with a space like this ? Yes, and it includes every other punctuation mark. do you ever get shivers, even when it's really hot out? No I don’t. do you watch any funny people on youtube? That’s really the main reason I watch YouTube. have any talents no one really knows about, but you? I don’t know about talents that zero people know about, but only very few know that I play table tennis, if it counts. has anyone ever bought you a gift, that you already had? Yes, but they happened way back in grade school like when a friend got me a copy of Breaking Dawn when I already had one. That was the peak of my Twilight phase so I was super excited to get it anyway. do you wear makeup, if so, do you wear a lot? I don’t wear makeup at all. who is your favorite actor? Kate Winslet minus the Woody Allen apologist part of her. Also Kristen Stewart. what do you usually do right when you wake up? Spend a few minutes in bed and then check my phone first thing. what do you eat for breakfast? I don’t normally eat breakfast but when I do, it’s always luncheon meat and rice. do you know anyone with bipolar? No. do you know anyone who is bi-sexual, gay, or lesbian? I know a fuck ton of people who are all of those. if you're a girl, would you say you're more girly, or tomboy? Girly. do you have any siblings, if so how many, and what are their names? I have two and I don’t feel like giving out their names right now. what color is the comforter on your bed? Blue and gold. did you ever have a guy friend/girl friend that you secretly liked? There was Andi in fifth grade but I’ve never figured out if I genuinely liked her or if it was just an overall confused feeling. Other than that, no. do you think illegally downloading things is wrong? It is wrong but everything is expensive and that’s the only way I get to watch stuff or listen to my music, so. what was your favorite toy as a child, do you still own it? I didn’t have a favorite but I did love cash registers. I don’t own any toys anymore.
have you and your friend ever liked the same guy/girl? No. do you tell your best friend everything? Yeah, absolutely everything.
ever taken any lessons for anything? I did. I had ballet when I was 5 and swimming lessons when I was 9. do you speak any different languages than the one you speak? I’m bilingual, if that’s what you mean. Outside of these surveys I can also speak in Filipino.   what other countries have you been to other than yours? China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia. do you do your laundry, or does someone else do it for you? I don’t do my own because I am unfortunately living with a crazy control freak in the house. have you ever put your clothes in the wash, with money in the pockets? I did that ALL THE TIME in grade school and high school. The pockets were super deep though so when I got the bills back they were always still dry. do you call soda, pop, or soda, or.. fizzy drink? Soda. how many aunts and uncles do you have? Tons. In the Philippines, every elder woman/man who aren’t your parents is an aunt and an uncle. would you say your life is hard? Sure. It’s not supposed to be easy. what do you usually do on a regular saturday? Get wasted on surveys and watch YouTube videos. And sleep. what are you planning on doing this weekend? Hopefully just sleep for all of it because I really hate Christmas. is there anything you're really looking forward to? Yeah for Christmas week to be over. how many relationships have you been in, in the past two years? One. have you ever been cheated on, or cheated on someone? Neither has happened.
do you go to church? Physically, I do. I’m never in it though. who do you listen to most on your ipod, mp3, etc.? I don’t use my iPod anymore, but these days I’ve been listening to lots of Paramore on Spotify. do you like french fries, cheese and gravy mixed together? Sure. I’d take fries any style. what does your hair look like right now? I’d say I have to retie my ponytail because my hair has since gone all over the place. who is the last person you IM'd? My girlfriend.
when's the last time you looked at the clock? Just a few minutes ago. do you have any pet names for your bestfriend(s)? No. what is the last compliment you received? [continued from like four days ago] I don’t know. I haven’t gone out of my room all week. do you swear a lot? A little too much. if so, what swear word would you say you use the most? Fuck. do you watch the tv show "GLEE", if so, who is your favorite character? Ugh no. I hated that show, but I guess I’ll always have a soft spot for Finn without ever even watching an episode, just because. what tv shows did you watch as a child? Spongebob, The Suite Life, Lizzie McGuire, Zoey 101, All That, Jimmy Neutron, Fairly OddParents...we basically hogged the crap out of Nickelodeon and Disney. Cartoon Network not so much. do you wear perfume/cologne, if so what kind? I wear one of Beyoncé’s fragrances. do you think it’s cute when you're leaving a place, and a guy says "no hug?" I find that a strange thing to hear from anyone but Gab. how many showers would you say you take a week? If I’m in school, 4-5. If I’m on a break, 2-3. what is your favorite resturant to go to? Jollibee, Banana Leaf, and Sambokojin; although the latter is technically a buffet place. are you craving anything right now? Yeah dude I want Thai and Indian food so bad rn. do you actually like cleaning? Depends on what I have to clean. did you watch American Idol, if so, are you glad Lee won? Lee DeWyze? No. Crystal Bowersox was my girl. do you own any white clothes, or would you just get it too dirty? Of course I have white clothes...I just get ‘em dirty all the time. do you wear short shorts (if you're a girl)? Yes. do you have twitter, if so, do you use it a lot? Hi yes I do here it is. I’m on it all day. do you like that new singer Ke$ha, if so, do you think her music is catchy? She’s not new anymore, she actually just made the most bad-ass comeback this year. Anyway, I really really really love her and I always have, all the way back from her TiK ToK days when everyone hated her still for giving off a trashy image, at least that’s what people thought. I embraced it instantly. A Kween!!! if you be anyone you wanted for a whole day, who would you be? Sometimes I can’t help wishing I could be Gabie, solely so that I would know what it feels like to have a perfect family. have you ever gone to peteranswers.com? No, never heard of that. do you live in a house, apartment, or what? House. have you ever done the "your shoelace is untied" trick? I’m not even so sure as to what that trick is. have you ever met anyone famous? I’ve had my brushes with local and foreign celebrities but I’ve never met them per se.  if so, who was it? ^ A bunch. are your fingernails, and toenails painted if so, what color? They’re never painted. what's your favorite breed of dog? There’s no such thing as a ‘favorite breed.’ do you still live with your parents? Unfortunately. how many pairs of shoes do you own? Also a bunch. do you love someone so much, but they don’t even know? No. you usually tell the person you like, that you like them, or keep it quiet? I’ve only ever liked one person and I let them know.
do you laugh a lot? Depends on the day. how was this survey? Long, but I liked the questions.
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