#i am always watching you jimin-sii
jmdbjk · 1 year
Mostly Sassy Jiminie...
Gonna start this off by saying that the translations on this particular live were hit and miss. Whoever did these, structured some sentences very awkwardly.
Anyway... he's eating healthy, working out, working on music, living diligently. Life as Jimin seems to be good. He's happy.
He then gave us this preview:
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He says he had a decent sleep schedule until a few days ago and now it sounds like it all went to shit... maybe because he was staying up late talking to someone who is now on Pacific Time?
And then we got the cute little yawn:
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We know Tae's notifs went off because he showed up in the comments:
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Oh, snap. Sassy Jiminie appears.
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He described his experience during Yoongi's concert and is looking forward to when he can perform again but gave absolutely no hints, just said time will go by fast. Easy for you to say.
He saw someone mention "Love Letters" the song/video that Armys wrote and produced for BTS' 10th Anniversary. Jimin was visibly moved while listening to it.
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I also saw today that the group of Army who made this wonderful song was now having trouble keeping their song because some low life asshole is trying to defraud them out of their copyright on it. I want some kind of button that makes the evil, vile low life scum of the earth just disappear whenever it makes an appearance.
I've heard of the assumption people have that concealer is used on their upper lips to diminish them but Jimin just obliterated that theory:
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Honestly, I'd rather have a closer look at Jimin's lips but ok...food was the topic... as in from the beginning through the end of this live. Jimin took recommendations.
Armys: "Travel?" "Tattoos?"
Jimin: "I don't think I should answer those."
He got contrary because I think some of the comments were dumb...
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Army: "your lips are like goldfish" ... I mean... wtf? In what country are goldfish lips a compliment?
You can tell he's sometimes baffled at the ridiculously obtuse comments.... of course if you need to take care of your kid, go take care of your kid instead of watching the live...
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Army: "show me your hands"... Those are some gnarly calluses... no one can accuse him of having soft hands...
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And the cutest interaction, the Great Pocket Adventure!
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And in we go:
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This is the closest we'll ever be to... never mind... wow its dark in here...
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We fit in Jimin's pocket but we won't fit inside his house... what kind of Honey I Shrunk My Fandom bullshit is that? I demand equality.
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But we did see him have a giggling fit over it and so it was all worth it.
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But back to the important thing... food...
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And he did order one of the recommendations when he got home. Yum:
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Sassy Jiminie ... between his general mood and the assanine comments, Jimin was on a roll:
And finally, the real TMI:
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We know Jiminie, you ALWAYS watch Jungkookie's lives. And he is always watching you, Jimin-sii.
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eveenstar · 2 years
𝔒𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲, 𝔪𝔢, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔲𝔰 || 𝔖𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢 𝔵 𝔣𝔢𝔪!𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯||
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𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔰/𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: Character death, GRAPHIC depictions of death by blood loss, canon-divergent. Reader discretion is advised.
𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱: (Comment/Reblog/Use my inbox if you wish to be tagged!) @jimin-sii @ghost-lantern @dopeqff @dragonqueen89 @cerene-ciderr
ɑ/ɳ: Phew, am I proud of this. It's been a hot minute since I wrote something this heavy.
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Who the hell is Thanos? The thought lingered in her mind as (Y/N) fought the so-called "children of Thanos", who speaking of which, had an enormous ego.
"Tony!" Goddamn it!
With Iron-Man getting hurled against a building, the young woman was left to defend her position by herself, too stubborn to ask Wong or Stephen for help.
Well, Wong always warned her that her stubbornness would end up being her demise.
The protégé looked up at the alien and then back down, watching the spear who had trespassed her stomach being retracted back to it's owner's hand just as fast as it had wounded her. She hummed in discomfort, retracting her magic and looking back to where the other two sorcerers were.
"Strange?" Using the last bit of strength to call for help, the sorceress collapsed on the ground.
Burning. Sharp. Aching. It was all that her brain would come up with as it struggled to process what had just occurred to her body, and how it happened - it was so fast, so fast.
"(Y/N) hey, look at me, it's gonna be alright." Strange called out, holding her in his arms as he tried to ease the blood loss. "Hey, (Y/N), look at me, don't give up on me now,"
The young sorceress chocked, her hand moving to caress the doctor's cheek. She tried to speak admist the blood on her throat, but failed to do so, she opted to gaze into Strange's eyes, as if trying to comfort him about the impending doom.
Stephen's eyes were so extravagant, as blue as the ocean. Sometimes (Y/N) thought they had waves inside, calm and peaceful waves of water, like the tropical islands - but those waves were now clashing against each other in a violent storm who threatened the marine blue of his eyes.
"It's okay, you're okay, (Y/N)," They were admist a battlefield, and the protective barrier Wong had put up while calling out for Stephen was background noise. He refused to take his eyes off of her for a second. "No, (Y/N), hold on for me," How did he let this happen? What happened? "(Y/N)." Stephen called out again, furrowing at her lack of expression - her eyes were out of focus now, gazing ahead. "(Y/N)?"
The small spark of light faded from her - now dull - eyes, as her chest lowered with one last heavy sigh. Strange waited for a second, thinking she was...she was... before panicked kicked in. The ignorance of realization made him lightly slap her cheek a couple of times, getting angrier and angrier as time passed.
"Stop joking with me." No one could ever fake losing the colour of their irises. "A sorceress does not-" Strange stopped himself and a broken sigh escaped his lips. The palm of his hand met her cheek, so cold to the touch, and a single tear fell between the cracks of his fingers.
A sob escaped the once composed man as he held the body of his protégé in his arms, yielding her name over and over again like a chant, he rocked back and forth - not to comfort her, you can't comfort a corpse, but to convince himself that she was just...unconscious.
The Supreme Sorcerer didn't even realize the battle was over, nor did he realize that Tony, Wong and Bruce stood a few feet away from him - all too shocked for the loss to say or do anything, at all.
But somewhere out there, the young protégé opened her eyes with a soft sight of relief, and was met with the sorcerer's worried gaze.
The man smiled, "I'm here."
"I'm here." She returned the smile despite the pain.
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
Office Chaos #1
Hi everyone!! Recently I got into writing again and decided to cross post on here and AO3! If you take the chance to read it I hope you enjoy it <3 This will be part of a series of one shots! Happy Reading <3<3<3
If there was one thing Seokjin could safely say, it was that he was a confident gay. He would always throw a wink or a kiss to baristas, those who held the door open for him, or just anyone within the distance of him if he was feeling particularly playful.
That being said he was also openly gay. In no way shape or form was he afraid or worried about showing the person he truly was. Be it soft pink off-the-shoulder sweaters, a pair of heeled boots that made his bum look like it was carved by the gods (fun fact: it was), or even a black shirt with pastel lettering literally saying (I’m Gay, Suck It).
This was amazing for his social and love life because there was no confusion platonically or sexually. However, a certain middle-aged squat ugly fuckwad who was too dense to realize sooner Seokjin’s sexuality despite all the signs decided to fire him solely for Seokjin giving a customer, a fellow gay, his number.
In his defense, the customer was cute, was hitting on him, and was even interested and gave his own number to Seokjin as well. So all in all, who could blame Seokjin? He was young, horny, and single.
But back to the original issue. He was fired for being himself which led him to where he is now. Walking down the busy streets of Seoul heading to some gaming design company for an interview as a personal assistant to the CEO. It was a major jump from a barista to PA but he had experience… in high school, he was student council president, led three clubs, and even fixed their student budget so that way they could throw a fun concert/overnight party for the graduates.. Okay, maybe that one was a little selfish. It was still experience though! College didn’t exactly go as planned but he still was involved in the radio station and another club… although he couldn’t for the life of him remember what the club was about.
As he arrived in front of the building he could feel his heart beating against his rib cage just the tiniest bit more. He was confident though, he could do this. It would be a breeze. Throw a wink or kiss at whoever was interviewing him, talk about his experience, talk up himself and his abilities, then leave with the job and start the following Monday.
Walking inside of the building left him just the slightest breathless. Fuck. Who designed this building? Who PAID for the building? Or the interior decorating? As he tried calculating it in his head he vaguely heard someone clearing their throat but didn’t pay it any attention. After a few more minutes he finally snapped out of his calculations when the throat-clearing wouldn’t stop. He was two seconds from shoving a glass of water down the person’s throat only to look around and realize the throat-clearing had been directed at him.
With a guilty smile flashed towards the main receptionist, Seokjin finally made his way up to the desk gripping the strap of his bag even tighter.
“Kim Seokjin? I’m here for an interview with a Mr. Kim? For his personal assistant?” Despite the flash of nervousness when he was caught staring into space he quickly put the confident smile back on. The receptionist seemed less than pleased though.
“Elevator down the hall to the right. Floor 35. Park Jimin will help you from there. Try not to stare off into space again, yes?” With a sinister smirk, the lady lifted her hand just to point down the hallway and Seokjin took that as a dismissal which is exactly what it was. It didn’t stop him from mumbling down the hallway the whole time though.
“Honestly? With that kind of attitude, it’s amazing someone hasn’t dumped their coffee over her by… accident... “ Once inside the elevator he hit the button for the 35th floor and listened to the boring music as the numbers flashed above the elevator doors showing what floor it just passed. Once the doors opened for the 35th floor he took a deep breath and stepped out.
Immediately he noticed an adorable guy, younger than him with bubblegum pink hair and the cutest smile when his eyes crinkled. Okay, maybe this place wasn’t all bad. That was until he heard a deep voice shouting, seemingly the pink-haired man’s name if the way his head snapped over was any indication, and then there was a body colliding with his sending him straight to the floor with the other man on top of him.
“Kim Taehyung!! You need to watch where you are going!!” Pink-haired guy’s voice rang out. Seokjin wouldn’t be surprised if the entire floor didn’t hear the shrill yell. Which seemed plausible as there were four other heads that poked out from different rooms like little peeping parrots. Well, this was turning out to be quite the impression to leave on the people he would hopefully soon be working with.
“Sorry, Jiminie! But!! We got the house! I just got the email and we can close on the house today but we have to be there within the next hour!”
“Taehyung I swear on Yoongi’s new laptop th-”
“Don’t be swearing on my things Park Jimin! I will skin you alive!!” A voice seemingly coming from nowhere yelled in offense.
“... that you better be telling the truth or else I will make you sleep our on the balcony for the rest of the week.”
“It’s real. Like really real. The realest real you can really real kind of real! But we have to GO. NOW!”
“Okay okay! Fuck. I gu-.. Oh… Hello there. I uh… kinda forgot you got thrown to the ground in the process. I hope you aren’t injured? No injuries right? Taehyung can’t afford to be sued we are closing on a house today. Uh… if I make Namjoon Hyung give you the job would you be willing to forget this entire mess? He still owes me because of that ridiculous picture I took of him a few weeks ago when he decided to get shit-faced.”
It was official. Seokjin clearly hit his head too hard on the floor and now he was in some kind of dream drama. Shouldn’t the drama involve some super hot guy? A best friend who has his own issues but they support each other no matter what? What about the chaotic couple who he questions how they are still alive? Well… he might have found the chaotic couple. But that didn’t mean anything else. Once he realized he was being spoken to he had to blink a couple of times in order to clear his head and only vaguely caught the end.
“You… you would force your boss to give me the job just so I don’t sue the guy who knocked my ass to the ground? What if I tell you I wasn’t planning on suing him anyway? Although it did kind of hurt but if you could still get your boss to give me the job that would be fantastic and I would kiss the floor you walk on because this job is desperately needed and I’m too handsome to be walking from building to building begging for a job.”
Finally getting up from the ground he rubbed the back of his head where it hit the floor before fixing the wrinkles in his shirt. As he finished getting straightened (HA) out again another deep voice that was almost addicting echoed from down the hall along with heavy footsteps and deep down Seokjin just KNEW that the person coming towards him was the big boss. AKA the one who would hopefully be signing his checks if he got the job. Before he could utter a single word bubblegum hair spoke up again.
“Namjoon Hyung! This is Kim Seokjin, your new personal assistant. Long story short, Me and Tae got the house but in his excitement he kind of barreled into your new assistant here and sent him hurtling towards the floor, and because I’m a good honest person I told him I would assure him the job.”
Namjoon stared at bubblegum hair, Jimin?? In what seemed like absolute boredom like this was a daily occurrence. Well then again, it might be. Things were already more than a little chaotic but chaos is where Jin thrived.
“Jimin. You can’t just give people jobs because Taehyung knocked them down. You have so far given away a car, an apartment, a date, a fashion shopping spree, and part of your investment in the company which I was thankfully able to get back all because Tae didn’t watch where he was going. You know, apologizing in a HEARTFELT way will do the job nine out of ten times.”
“Okay you may speak some facts but I already gave the job to Seokjin and I already read over his resume. He seems like he can tolerate you well enough and you need an assistant to start ASAP because Tae and I have to go sign for the house okay hyung? Make sure you show him the ropes and don’t fuck it up! Bye!!”
With that Seokjin and Namjoon stared as Jimin dragged Taehyung along into the elevator with a cheeky smile and flirty wave before the elevator doors closed on the image that left the pair sputtering.
“Well… I guess they won’t be back till tomorrow afternoon. At least all my morning meetings are finished so I shouldn’t have to worry too much. Ah. Kim Seokjin-sii I apologize for the uh..”
“Chaos?” Jin supplied with a cheeky grin of his own.
“I suppose that is the best possible term for what happens on the 35th floor. Since Jimin already gave you the job I am in no way able to deny it and if I’m being honest I am in desperate need of an assistant as all my paperwork is piling up and I’m not sure where the mailroom is or where the place I normally get coffee from is and the coffee here is made by my director of media and he makes it as black as his soul is what he says at least and no amount of sugar makes it any better.”
And that’s when it happened. When Jin went from being the confident flirty gay to the shy flustered panicked gay that he always read about in stories. Namjoon smiled and he had dimples. Fucking dimples. There was no way the man standing in front of him was real. Tall, handsome, successful, understanding, kind, big hands, muscled if the fabric fighting for its life stretched over Namjoon’s biceps and thighs were anything to go by, and he had fucking D I M P L E S. Who did this Kim Namjoon think he was? God? Actually, that may be true. It wasn’t until he realized he was about to suffocate did Seokjin exhale the air he was holding in before stuttering out a hasty reply.
“Assistant? Now? Like now now? Me? For you? Coffee? I’m good with coffee and with paperwork. Yeah. I can 100% do that for you, Mr. Kim. And there is no need for formalities you can just simply call me Jin as I will be working closely with you. With you. Closely. Working. Yeah. Now?”
Seokjin knew the second the last syllable left his mouth that he was an idiot. A certified idiot who shouldn’t be allowed to be the personal assistant for a business of Namjoon’s caliber but like hell, he was going to give up the opportunity to get to know the taller man and completely wow him. Fuck was he even gay? It didn’t even matter. He could figure that out later down the line but first…
“Just tell me where to sign Mr. Kim and we can begin our new… partnership as boss and assistant. I promise I’ll do everything to learn the ropes quickly to help make your life a little less hectic.”
“Namjoon is just fine Jin. Even though I’m your boss I like to keep a close relationship with those who work close with me. You will find everyone on this floor is on a first name basis and the chaos is real and alive everyday.” And there were those fucking dimples again.
Maybe Seokjin needed to send a gift basket to his homophobic ex-boss because this new adventure at Kim. Co was going to be fun.
Chaos and all.
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cocobaek · 6 years
Crossfire | 08
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Bodyguard AU!
Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Genre: Angst | Fluff | Slow burn
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Violence | Swearing
Previous Chapter: 07                                     Next Chapter: 09
For the first time since Namjoon moved in, I got completely ready in my room, not even exiting for breakfast. I dreaded the moment I had to see him again, the sting from last nights rejection still hitting me hard “You can do it [y/n], it’s just Namjoon, just another stupid boy,” I said to my reflection as the moment came for me to exit my den. I took a deep breath before opening the door.  My eyes met Namjoon’s almost instantly, and almost as soon as eye contact was made, he looked away. “Morning,” he greeted, trying to act as normal as possible. “Good morning,” I said, moving to start making my coffee, “coffee?” “Uh, no, I've had mine already.” Every time conversation began, it was abruptly ended in the next sentence. Thankfully, it wasn’t too long before my first lecture, meaning we could get out of the house. I mean, awkward walking was better than awkwardly hanging around home, at least there were distractions. “Hang on, [y/n],” I heard Namjoon say as I went to head out the door. My heart jumped with the expectation that something would be said about last night, but that hope left as I turned, seeing him bend down to pick up something I had dropped from my person. Seeing what it was my hand flew to my wrist. As expected, it was bare. “That dumb clasp,” I said under my breath as I stepped forward to carefully take my bracelet from his hands. “This happens all the time now, one day i’m going to lose it I swear,” I said as I looped it around my wrist. I held my arm tight against my body as I battled to get it back together with one hand. “Here, let me,” Namjoon said after a little bit too long. He stepped forward and carefully took each chain in his hands. We were both looking down at the intricate clasp, and I was glad this was the point of focus as the close distance between how heads had succeeded in making me flustered and bringing a bright blush to my cheeks. “It's tricky isn’t it,” he chuckled quietly, in a way, making an excuse for taking so long. “It’s seeing it’s last days for sure, Tae got it for me a long long time ago.” He glanced up at me when I said this, however I kept my eyes on the bracelet. If I met his gaze, I knew that I would just be more upset then I already was. My willpower was really tested with each second that passed, but eventually he snapped himself out of it and stepped back. “You two seem close.” I placed a hand around my bracelet. “Well, as close as you can be when you live a city away from each other.” I finally looked up at Namjoon, “shall we go?” He nodded, “after you.”
“Hey! [y/n]!” I heard someone call out once we had made the quick journey to Uni. I turned to see Jimin and Jungkook heading towards us. “You’re looking rough, hard rest of the night?” Jungkook, said, sidling up next to me. “You could say that, yeah,” I smiled tightly. “Everything ok?” Jimin followed up, not missing my expression. I nodded, “yeah, yeah, all fine, we just had a lot to talk about after you left so i’m a bit tired is all.” I glanced to Namjoon who kept his gaze fixed forward as we walked. If I had thought he was distant at home I was crazy. It was nothing compared to now. It was like he wasn’t even thinking of looking my way. “Well, at least we have a riveting lecture to fill us with energy again,” Jungkook said sarcastically, dodging the awkward situation expertly. “Man, i’m excited,” I laughed as we filed into the lecture hall. The moment we sat down I felt my phone buzz, and I looked down to see the name of the boy sitting two to my right.
Jimin-sii: ‘What’s up with you and Namjoon? He seems real weird today.” Pretty Lady: ‘Isn’t he always weird to you?’
I glanced to my left, and as expected, although he sat directly beside me, his eyes were trained forward.
Jimin-sii: ‘yeah, but weirder than normal.. He keeps looking at you you know, like, snapping away whenever you go to look.’
I stared at my phone for a moment when I received this message.. I hadn’t even considered that Namjoon may be having just as rough of a time with than I was. But he couldn't be.. He was Namjoon.
Pretty Lady: ‘ Yeah, had a bit of an argument, he’s just sulking.’ Jimin-sii: :(
Jimin’s message came through at the same time as the lecturer came in. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and brought my notebook out as if I were actually going to take notes. Unfortunately, the combination of the lecturers monotone voice and my lack of sleep made me exhausted and unable to actually listen far too quickly. I placed my right arm on the bench before me and rested my chin on it.  It was only a few seconds after this when I felt an odd feeling, like someone was looking at me. I tilted my head to the left, so my temple was resting on my arm, and met Namjoon’s gaze. Unlike every time today, he didn’t look away, and neither did I. He smiled somewhat sadly once we held this gaze for a while. It must’ve been obvious how tired I was, and there would’ve only been one reason for that - he knew that. I knew he wasn’t heartless enough not to care. As he said, he didn’t want this either. ‘It’s ok,’ I mouthed before smiling at him, ‘i’m ok.’ He looked somewhat relieved for a moment before nodding.  I blinked a few times before standing up, earning a confused look from him. “Bathroom,” I whispered, and put a hand on his shoulder when he went to stand as well. “It’s just down the hall, i’ll be fine.” He hesitated before nodding, letting me passed.
Getting into the hallway was exactly what I needed. The fresh air helped bring a little bit more life back into me I kept my eyes trained on my feet as I started the short walk to the bathroom, lost in my own world. As expected, this was not the best idea, as I soon collided with someone. “Oh! Sorry!” they said, and I smiled as I looked up seeing who it was. “Oh hey you,” Hoseok said, “I didn’t hurt you did I?” I shook my head, “nah, i’m good, sorry I was in kind of a daze.” “Had a lot to think about after last night too huh?” he said bashfully, scratching the back of his neck. I nodded, “I really need to apologise for Namjoon, I had no idea he would react that way.” Hoseok shook his head, “It’s totally ok,” he fell silent, “I assume he told you about Yoongi?” I nodded and watched him sigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want you and Jungkook finding out cause I didn’t want you guys to think I was this... this criminal.” I smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’re ok in my books Hobi.. Namjoon kinda told me what your neighbourhood was like, I don't hold it against either of you.” Hoseok looked physically relieved to hear this. “Thank you [y/n], really, not many people would forgive like that.” “Well, there isn’t really anything to forgive. A past is a past.” Something passed over his expression for a split second before he nodded. “But what a coincidence aye! I used to think of Nam as a big brother,” he said, back to his old self. “His parents were the best weren’t they?” I felt my heart rate increase the slightest bit. We had never talked about his family in detail, which now doesn’t seem like it was a good idea. “I actually haven’t met them,” I said, knowing the less I lied, the smaller the hole I dug myself into would be. “I lived with my mum, he’s the dad’s side, I had nothing to do with them really.” Hoseok let out an ‘oh’ and nodded, “makes sense, I would’ve remembered a face like yours if you ever visited anyway. I laughed at his casual flirting. “Hey, Hobi, I was wondering something.” “Ask away.” “Was it hard to get out? Namjoon said something about him having enemies. Is that Yoongi? Is Yoongi after him?” Hoseok’s expression was firm as he thought back to when it all happened. “It wasn’t easy, but I left during the fallout of Namjoon leaving, so I definitely had it better than he did.” “The fallout?” Hoseok scolded himself, “he really won’t want me telling you... it’s not my place.” I clenched my jaw, “can you tell me anything?” Hoseok looked hesitant, but eventually gaze in. “Yoongi didn’t want him to leave, Namjoon was a good worker, so Nam forced himself out, got the police involved, a few of the boys got arrested... Yoongi really wasn’t happy with that last I heard.” I nodded. It made sense. “Look, I think you should just try not think about it, he’s not a dude you want to do digging on.” I laughed nervously, “you know me, I can’t help but be nosy.” “But somehow you make it charming,” he chuckled, his hands going into his pockets as his laughter dropped off sadly. “Hobi? What’s up?” I asked, the mood shift hard to miss. “I-I am truly sorry [y/n]..” I smiled kindly and brought him into a hug. “Don’t be sorry Hobi.” I felt him hug me back.  “No, not about that... I’m sorry about what’s going to happen.” I went to step back, but his hug was tight, constricting. “I actually quite like you, you’re a good friend, but a job is a job.” His last four words struck me, fear filling my body as I quickly tried to fight back, but Hoseok was stronger than I was. Short conversations with Namjoon about self defence popped into my head, and I instinctively brought my knee up in between his legs with force. He let out a shout and released me, and I didn’t hesitate to break into a sprint. Unfortunately, Hoseok recovered quickly and spent no time catching up to me. I let out a yell as he grabbed my wrist, pulling me flush against his chest. “Shhh, shhh, you’re ok,” he whispered, putting something over my mouth. I had seen enough movies to know this was bad news, so I held my breath for as long as I could. Hoseok however, wasn’t letting up. He held strong against every attempt at escape, and eventually my lungs needed to be filled and I took in a deep breath. Almost instantly I felt off, the world in front of me beginning to grow odd. I was dizzy, and wanted nothing more than to close my eyes. “I’ve got you [y/n], just sleep.” That was the last thing I heard before I was plunged into darkness.
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