psi-ness · 1 month
me at work: im evil
1 second after i clock out: not evil anymore i want to be loved now
next day at work: evil again
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psi-ness · 1 month
breaks my heart when i see people being dumb online 🥺 like stoppppp omg stop it for reallllll i’m gonna end up killing myself because you had such a stupid ass opinion i couldn’t take it anymore and the blood will be on your hands 😭
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psi-ness · 3 months
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psi-ness · 3 months
i always think abt my cousin in greece who's like obsessed with american culture, bc ill say that im going to a barbecue and she'll be like "wow.... a real life american barbecue... will there be red cups?" you bet your ass there'll be red cups. take my hand. have a hot dog. all your dreams can come true here at the real life american barbecue
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psi-ness · 3 months
*booking an mri* what if I accidentally have a pacemaker. what if I got secret bone surgery and forgot about the pins
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psi-ness · 3 months
he can infodump so deep inside me I'll have trivia running down my leg
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psi-ness · 3 months
literally so embarrassing to have someone go "i don't go here" or "what's this from?" on my art and it's a rarepair/crackship that is in no way representative of the source material... and i have to be like. well you see, the rest of the restaurant's menu is not like this. i'm doing my own thing eating black olives right out of the can in the back-of-house. whether or not you want me to throw you a can, you have to understand that's not what they serve out front
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psi-ness · 4 months
Been seeing fanworks on "what if Vincent survived the fire", and I think we might have forgotten about the fact that even if Vincent somehow survived the fire, he'd still be paralyzed for the rest of his life.
Though I do recognize why fan artists choose to ignore that fact, it would probably be hard to make a comic or piece of fiction work where one of the main characters has become so limited.
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psi-ness · 4 months
this is my own speculation but
the setting of the game comes to mind: the 1970s. the latter half of the decade saw US/Soviet relations worsening despite the peace treaties that occurred then, and the Cold war was still very much alive. it was characterized by a period of massive tension on everyone because every hostility came with the possibility one of these superpowers will bring out a nuke and just end the world as we know it. but as far as we know, the world didn't come to a stop. life went on. people still went to work despite this threat.
so i think the nuclear reactor floor is meant to represent how, even when there is a potential nuclear disaster just waiting to happen, everyone has to go business as usual. co-worker still has a meeting to chase, and protagonist still has an interview to pass.
Does the nuclear power reactor floor represent anything or am i looking too hard into the silly game
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psi-ness · 4 months
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we need to talk more about the parallels between three because their characters are all so intertwined it make me so normal everytime i think abt them
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psi-ness · 9 months
Sad to announce that Wriothesley have fallen to the most common fandom curse….people boiling them down to their favorite food
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psi-ness · 1 year
Suddenly just remembered this one time I played Sonic Generations at a Christian kid's house and he said "dude he's faster than God"
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psi-ness · 1 year
i love logging in from a new device and receiving an email about it makes me feel like i'm trying to enter some vip fancy building and when they stop me at security i go "actually... I Own The Place"
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psi-ness · 1 year
sonic adventure matsu that I managed to finish on the plane yesterday :)
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psi-ness · 1 year
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LIVE AND LEARN🎶, everybody
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psi-ness · 2 years
fans of characters that hate vulnerability will be like “i cant wait until they cry 😍 cant wait until the weight of their emotions breaks them 😍”
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psi-ness · 2 years
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Now I'm totally confused.
#sonic movie 2 spoilers#first of all can i say i was getting annoyed reading the original twitter thread#the way trey was like 'i think they just threw in all those concepts without knowing what theyre even gonna do with it'#my brother in christ the second movie is still showing in theaters. theres still a knuckles show#no one knows what the fuck is gonna be done in the third movie so please stop acting like they dont know what theyre doing#when you dont know what the synopsis of this movie even is#anyway#the post-credit scene for sonic movie 2 is sooooo open-ended it could go so many ways#bc not only are we concerned about whether or not robotnik is coming back (bc of jim carrey's supposed retirement)#we also wanna know who woke up shadow#cuz it could go either way. it could either be robotnik/agent stone waking him up as is the case in sa2#or GUN does. after all they found the coordinates so maybe they will weaponize shadow for themselves? its just a wild guess#sonic movie 3 could actually resolve the decades long issue of 'how tf did GUN/the news mistake shadow for sonic'#by making it so that while shadow is out here committing crimes#they are framing sonic for the stuff hes done#i feel like GUN still has its relevance. we really only got introduced to them in the 2nd movie so ofc their motives arent fleshed out#the way olive garden guy responded to the news all aghast and going 'my god project shadow' makes me think he knows whats up#there mightve been a GUN-like organization that existed before their inception and they might be the ones involved 50 years ago#but who knows really. its still way too early to speculate on anything#i think we should all just relish in the hype of sonic movie 2 and continue supporting it as much as we can#that way theyll know what to keep up doing by sonic movie 3 and theyll have a lot more budget to play around with lol#ok rambling over
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