#i always said i don't want a new Percival unit until Lamorak is back in the picture
icharchivist · 2 years
godd i’m genuinely so happy about the Wales event, i’ve been wanting for it for years now and ever since Light Percival came out i knew it was looming on the horizon. 
And i’m so glad because while the wait was agonizing i do think Savior of Dalmore AND Strength to Wield did such a good job at building up Lamorak that now any reunion between the brothers will be satisfying in some shape or form, in a way it wouldn’t have been had they not built it up.
and i just can’t waittttt hhh
and people are already talking about playable Lamorak/Grand Percival and this has been my thoughts this whole time as well so i’m really hyped. I have 2 sparks and 2 Sierotickets so i’m genuinely ready now. Bring it on. Please.
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