#i always forget because canon acts like theyre adults but no
Any Team Valiant headcanons?
oh for sure!
it's the cool kids club!!! Dex has never been more thrilled. He's never been in any sort of exclusive thing that this is just a whole new world for the kid and he loves it. He will even tolerate Stina, as long as he's part of a cool kids club. He's going to gloat about how he's a part of it and Keefe and Fitz weren't forever though. He's only a teenage boy.
Keefe is actually relieved to not be involved. He played it up so that people would think he cared, but honestly, the poor kid has so much on his plate that the last thing he needs is more to do. So this kid is so so so so so happy that he's got more freedom than anyone else in this group. He does feel kind of bad for Sophie, though. It's not her fault she's the moonlark and has to be involved with everything.
Biana is so thrilled to be somewhere on her own without her brother that she jumps, both feet first, into the mess of Team Valiant. She makes them cloaks, and they have excessive sequins, and they read "Screw you, we're the Best" on the back.
Wylie is the only one with a significant amount of brain cells. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Stina also has a brain cell. But only one.
None of these other idiots have any brain power whatsoever. If you leave them alone with each other, yes. Everything will be on fire. The council made a mistake in who it appointed. They should not have made Sophie the leader. Sophie has no brain functionality at this point. She speaks only in vine references and the council has been fruitlessly taking notes every meeting. No one knows what she's saying. Dex nods along though, so clearly there is some sort of meaning. Probably.
Marella is pissed as hell that she ain't on this team. She's the one who wants to change everything about the government, she's the one who's got opinions. She's read every single text on politics, searched through every library in the lost cities, and some in the forbidden cities, reading everything she can about government and government reform. The council had once mentioned this idea and she'd turned in an essay about why she should be on this team. They said she "wasn't what they were looking for."
Somewhere, in her chest, she knows that they kept her out of it because she's a pyrokinetic. She knows for all the council's progress, they still don't give a darn about their people. This is for looks, she says to herself, curled up in a bundle of blankets. "They don't want to change, they don't want to fix things. Not really. Why aren't there talentless? Why isn't there a pyrokinetic? If they want change so badly, why won't they change?" Linh pats her back, softly. "I know," she whispers. "I see it, too."
There's a group hail. Every meeting, as Councilor Emery is saying his bland line about listening and adapting, Sophie, like clockwork, sends this meme:
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Emery doesn't know why no one takes him seriously anymore.
Grady doesn't like it. He will not expand on why he doesn't like it, but his eyes always seem to catch on the way his daughter sags, her whole being exhausted, whenever she comes home from one of the meetings.
One meeting, however, was devoted solely to introducing the council to movies. Dex and Biana both agreed that Barbie movies would be the best place to start. Sophie's request for Harry potter was turned down because of the level at which they require background information. That was a fun meeting. Keefe would probably have been sad to miss Bronte crying over the ending of Barbie in The Nutcracker.
Contrary to popular belief, Sophie is a terrible strategist. Her ideas consist of, "I had a dream about talking rats, I think we should look into that a bit more." and then she goes down a researching hole and comes back from the council's library a day later knowing far too much about rats and underground cultures. She will then say that the best way to defeat the Neverseen is befriend the rats, and Stina will sigh and take her home for the day because this girl got no sleep last night and she's got bags the size of dinner plates under her eyes.
Wylie is actually the best strategist. The thing is, he does not and will not ever trust the council. Growing up with Tiergan, knowing that the council took his parents from him, ruined his biological father's life, and by extension his own, has hardened him. He almost doesn't want the council to succeed. He occasionally debates arson during meetings, and contemplates how easy it would be to simply burn things down.
The Team officially disbands after the Black Swan defeat the Neverseen. Because, you know the council really didn't do much. The council still has all the power in the government, but no one knows that they were saved by a group of "terrorists" who were granted official immunity in the eyes of the law. Forkle grinned. Legal immunity was a dangerous thing to give anyone, especially him.
They meet on Tuesdays, even after the war is over, and have dinner at the Ruewen's house. It's a fun time. Like, it's a mess, but it's fun. It's low key, calm, and Sophie can talk about the newest thing she's been researching without trying to fit it into a battle plan. Wylie talks about all the things that could have been fixed openly, trusting the people he's around. Stina and Dex bicker constantly, clearly trying to avoid the romantic tension between them. Biana hugs Sophie tight, and she shows off her latest projects, and wears her favorite dresses.
Grady smiles. This is what these kids should have had from the beginning. Carrying their entire generation never should have been on their shoulders.
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mozukumi · 3 years
sakyo and homare always walking home together and they adopt guy when he decides to enroll himself in saint flora!! no outsider knows how a delinquent, rich kid, and mysterious kid get along so well!! they're besties!! also ueueuee what if they look for papa nishiki too ×%&÷;%?#^
i imagined mama furuichi always coming over to the shows and maybe even visiting on normal days at the dorms!! sakyo is a bit embarrassed but he eventually gets used with it and everyone does too!
masumi vocaloid producer and the itarufication beam on tsuzuru HELPP
i also think it's hilarious how juza's boss also joined the troupe too and omg... i can only imagine how tearful juza's reunion with muku and kumon is. i also think it's absolutely bonkers with 17 year old izumi teaching 32 (?) year old azami how to act
what about the first gen :0 im not sure if you're on that part of the main story yet soooo...
- 🌸
i'm running out of clever ways to say "as always anon i appreciate these" but!! i do!!
(mAnkAi swAp tag for context!)
YES absolutely. y'know when you're a kid and like, if somebody is even one year younger then you, you feel smug and superior and Mature? thats part of what sakyo and homare are like with guy theyre like. oh my god we are Soooo mature and old lol you'll understand when youre older xoxo <<< they are 16 at this point.
AND YES.... it's only been a few years in this AU, so I think they'd have a better chance of finding him. I think the entire winter troupe + citron + sakyo + izumi probably like. form a club to try and find him.
also AWW so true!!!! i've always wished that they had the parents visiting their kids in canon more... and this gives me Chances too. absolutely. i think it'd still be really funny if mama furuichi was still a juza oshi tho.
I AM LOOKING SOI HARD TOO. am i fully understanding NO but i am LOOKING. so much of the awkwardness of winter troupe comes from them all being adults and avoiding the conflict like Adults, but they just. dotn have that in this AU.
IM GOING TO BE HONEST HWEN I SAID MASUMI WAS A PRODUCER I MEANT LIKE. NORMAL. but imagining him as a vocaloid producer is so compelling to me now that ive made it canon bc like. Imagine. how funny it'd be that like. masumi produced some of itarus favorite vocaloid songs i bet he'd be sooo mad.
YEAH IT IS REALLY FUNNY. not gonna lie juza is having a bit of an awko taco moment. this is his fackign boss.
and YEAH. YEAH. i think about the hyodosakas a lot in this au. kumon goes "i idolized you!" and juza said "and this just proves why you shouldn't have, huh?" like. in the end theyre gonna make it and reform their bond but theres definitely gonna be a rockier road.
YEAH THAT IS A LITTLE FUNNY. youre right on the ages! or maybe ill forget that azami is supposed to be 31 in year 1 and accidentally make him 31 in year 2 as well. either way he's an oldhead.
ive read most of the first gen stuff, yeah! it pretty much is the same, except they only broke up 1 year ago, so like. all of that stuff about Those days are behind me...... like bro those days are 1 year ago. Also, Hiro is probably more easily swayed, because Misumi is somebody he literally knew.
ty ty!!
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tumblunni · 5 years
Man now im thinking about headcanons on someone else's headcanon and i feel so embarassed lol. Like i would never have the balls to actually leave a comment like "hey i love your supa dark mega ultra backstory heres my dumb ideas out of nowhere for other plots he could have" even tho i love people making comments like that on my own headcanons aaa
SO WHATEVER im gonna ramble the dumb ideas here. In secret. Where that fanartist probably wont see. Which defeats the entire purpose of writing the thing. But i am a shy bitch.
The idea of a Zeti/Human hybrid is SO COOL and especially with that dark history of him dying of the same disease as his sister and the whole experiment on him being covered up. Which makes me think there could be SO MANY potential plotlines with him and Maria! Like he's torn between wanting to tell her he's alive and wanting to run away forever from fear of her being scared of what he's become, and then part of him doesnt even feel like himself anymore and he wonders if itd be best to just give in to the madness and forget being human.
And i dunno maybe he kinda acts like a guardian angel to her? Like he cant stand never seeing her again even if it means sneaking around in secret and just protecting her without her knowing. Maybe leaves mysterious birthday presents from nowhere? Gets depressed that his attempt to sew a teddy bear ended up terrible because of his claws, but she loves it and makes up a story that this patchwork bear is "here cos he's sick too, just like me!" Kinda like...projects her scattered memories of her dead brother onto the bear? She doesnt conciously remember him but some of the stuff she 'imagines' in her make believe games ends up being eerily close.
And maybe what if someday he slipped up and she accidentally saw him? But she isnt scared at all, like he thought she'd be. She takes him to see her 'secret best friend', the strange ultimate weapon creature in the basement. So Warpnik ends up being roped into playing tea party with his amnesiac sister and a hedgehog and it was possibly the weirdest day of his life, even more so than when he died! But maria still doesnt revognise its him, she just thinks he's another "friend who was made here" like shadow. She talks about how she feels like just another experiment too, because she barely remembers her life back on earth before she got sick. So even though his worst case scenario didnt happen and he has a chance at bonding with his sister again, this was still a traumatic day that pushed him further away from her. Her saying that made him think of her ending up as a monster like him, and how she seemed to have made peace with the idea of never having a normal life. It was the seed of even more hatred of himself, and now a hatred for shadow too, seeing him as something that was hurting Maria by "making her think that freaks like us deserve to live". He's powerless to save his sister and he knows that the labs are doing weapon experiments like him and shadow when they should be focusing everything on curing Maria! So he lashes out at this other poor kid who doenst have any blame for whats happened. Loses control of himself and attacks him without conciously meaning to, but he still knows those ugly feelings inside are really something he really thought. I feel like his 'loopy' monster side would just be him without limits, sorta? Like sometimes his subconcious feelings explode out of him, because he was quiet and reserved as a human. And sometimes its just him being a goofy prankster when he would have been too shy before, but sometimes its a depressing scene of having a nice day with your sister and feeling hope for the future and then you have your claws at the throat of her best friend and she's looking at you with the fear you always expected to see. So maybe that was the incident that led to him ripping off his horns and getting so obsessed with trying to look human again...
Oh also another good plot idea would be him actually meeting the Deadly Six someday! By the timeframe of Lost World he'd be an adult and more like his canon self, so itd be extra interesting! Like theyre all
"whoa, its an adult!"
"ok we have zavok but here's an actually functional adult!"
"The dude's talking to a rubber fish!"
"Yeah, like i said, saner than you."
And they'd probably also be naturally HELLA CONFUSED cos i mean where in the heck did this other zeti come from?? Even more confusing that he says he's been here before they turned up, and that he won't shut up about being a human. Itd probably end with them all marching over to GUN headquarters and slapping their shit for DARING to make artificial zeti! And as they do the badass slow walk away from the explosion theyre also like "ok so we all agree we're adopting this guy right?" "Yep" "yeah" "totally"
Probably joining the deadly six would actually be really beneficial to warpnik's mental health! Even though theyre villains he'd still get to see that...yknow...theyre PEOPLE, and his species isnt necessarily inherantly violent. Well..okay..maybe theyre a LITTLE violent, but like not 'mindless beast' violent but 'ordinary teenage pranksters having a blast trolling this blue hedgehog' violent. Your destiny is not set in stone! You can join us and embrace the comic relief!!
I dunno man ive wrote way too many words for a headcanon of a headcanon of a guys headcanon and i dont even know
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