#i also wrote a lot of these with my 2021 ship biases in mind and. well. a lot has changed since then.
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sieglinde-freud · 9 months ago
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ohhhh if u say so… second gen pokemon au incoming 🫡 under cut bc uh. VERY long post.
okkk so all of this assumes the awakening characters were placed in the pokemon world and not vice versa… though. i will admit the thought of medieval fantasy owain running around with a pikachu does entice me a little bit. but thats not what i wrote down. another time maybe. also this is all from like. me three or four years ago mid pandemic suffering from two brainrots so if anyone has suggestions i am so down. i just like my little guys having little guys :) no time travel bullshit either what if they were all happy
ok so for lucina i gave her absol, dragonite, beautifly (THOUGH WE COULD SO CHANGE THIS TO YLISSEAN VIVILLON… ANON ILYYY), froslass, aegislash, and poliwrath :) i have a couple notes written down for everyone, so for luci… absol was definitely a gift from chrom. her first pokemon and she found it in the wild and he was like “are you sure… arent those things kinda bad omens?” but it was so cute she insisted and it became her best friend forever. she tried to grab her aegislash by the hilt when it was a honedge and it terrified everyone around her she never did it again. like how olivia gave inigo an oricorio egg (written with chrolivia in mind… lmao), i think she’d give lucina a dratini egg (SHE HAS A PINK DRAGONAIR. DO YOU HEAR ME) that lucina definitely evolved fully. absolutely the type to have a dopey faced dragon like aww. well on her way to becoming champion
for owain i gave him ampharos, alolan raichu, druddigon, carnivine, excadrill, and throh and if im so honest with you guys i do not remember writing down half of these. anyways this mf absolutely had a pikachu but because hes not ash, he evolved it. he had no idea it was gonna get a surfboard tail but by god is that not the coolest shit ever?! all of his pokemon are insanely protective of him (his carnivine did absolutely try to bite inigo’s head off once after a few jabs… they dislike eachother) and owain teaches them all cool battle poses. his pokemon all know pretty basic moves but hes renamed all of them (thunderbolt is now some shit like sky piercer 3990 from the ultimate heavens!) and he only did it to look cool at first but it is a legit battle strategy that throws off his opponents. kudos to him!
gave inigo primarina, oricorio, altaria, rapidash, breloom, and cinccino. he threw a fit when chrom caught lucina a cool pokemon and not him (he was like. three years old 😭 he did NOT need one) so when he WAS old enough, chrom came home with a pretty little fire horse for him. hes also ass shit garbage at type matchups so i dont think he battles, he is a performer :) or he tries to be. guy who vomits everytime he has to go on stage… he practices dances with them, but until he’s ready to join his pokemon on stage, he takes part in pokemon coordinating, which yes is STILL scary but the attention isnt on him so. he manages.
brady has a polteageist, audino, chansey, scolipede, stoutland, and mr mime. he and maribelle found a sinistea in the wild one day when he was little, and he cried so bad because he thought it was just a teacup until a WHOLE ASS GHOST game out of it. theyre besties now but maribelle teases him about it a lot. stoutland was his family’s pet but maribelle insisted he take it with him to keep him safe (he cried a lot that day too). he doesnt battle much but he’s taken part in a few contests alongside inigo and cynthia, though he secretly just wants to be a pokemon nurse.
gave kjelle mawile, mienshao, hawlucha, bastiodon, excadrill, and mudsdale and they are all female. she takes great pride in her girl power team. mudsdale was a gift from her mom but she. she cannot ride. dont even ask her she will not. when she trains her pokemon, she trains alongside them, and was sorely disappointed when she grew up and found out the trainer was not allowed to fight in battles either. alas. she and gerome are constantly battling eachother. his edgy darkness team vs her girlies. yes. definitely gonna become an elite four member one day but she’s taking her time.
severa has a milotic, tsareena, houndoom, braviary, hitmonchan, and a lycanroc (night form). her mom got her a feebas one day from fishing, and severa got so fucking mad because it was SO UGLY. but she as she traveled around with it, it grew on her, and it evolved she cried real tears. one time cynthia got her to compete in a contest, but she submitted her houndoom into a cuteness contest and got pissed when they told her it didnt meet their standards of “cuteness” (they were so wrong for that…). her mom currently has a seat on the elite four which makes her feel a bit pressured to live up to her battling talent, and she throws a fit whenever she loses a battle (which isn’t too often but when it does happen… 😬)
cynthia got galarian rapidash, goodra, manectric, tropius, sirfetch’d, and volcarona. she challenges inigo to rapidash races and wins every single one of them, horse girl that she is. she loves her sirfetch’d because he reminds her of her dad, but also kinda hates him because he reminds her of her dad (frederick!cynthia btw… hehe). she’s genuinely pretty talented at battling but in her eyes contests are way cooler because it’s just your pokemon doing a bunch of cool ass stunt shit!! are you kidding me?!?! do you know where her flower entrances would shine?!?! CONTESTS. but she’ll train with owain and severa when they ask. but severa gets kinda annoyed when cynthia cares more about looking cool than actually trying to faint her pokemon (embarrassing when severa loses…). is the most fascinated by mega evolution because what do you mean your pokemon unlock a new cool state only by having a close bond with them… are you kidding… she’s not too caught up on pokemon science but she bugs laurent for information on it when she can. her manectric can and WILL mega evolve (i didnt check if that was one of the painful megas… lets hope not!)
gerome has a salamence, hydreigon, zoroark, bisharp, noivern, and a trevenant. he is a frequent listener of whatever piers’ band is called. his team has a very clear weakness to fairy type pokemon and it bothers him greatly. it bothers him more that kjelle doesn’t shut up about it. it bothers him even more that inigo’s primarina could sweep him. he’s working on it. he typically travels on his own, not really because he dislikes other people, but his pokemon scare a lot of people off. the first of the group to get eight gym badges and no one knows when or how that happened (though, it’s pretty easy to get from city to city when half of your team can fly you anywhere you want)
had f!morgan in mind for this, and she got a camerupt, klefki, grimmsnarl, escavalier, beheeyem, and porygon 2. i didnt really take into account pokemon stats, but she absolutely tries to use trick room shenanigans. klefki has nothing to do with that though, that was a cute gift from robin and it was also a mistake. that fucking key disrupts their household so much… she loves it though. her pokemon all take after her a bit, being a little… mischievous, lets say, with camerupt basically being their only saving grace. she sees owain’s special moves strategy (read: “strategy.” he never meant for it to be a viable tactic) and starts to do the same. watching them battle eachother is… hard.
laurent got a vanilluxe, alakazam, rotom, delcatty, mismagius, and an umbreon. he’s not too into battling, he does more lab work than anything. his mom is a member of the elite four, but that’s mostly so she has an elevated platform to share their findings. still, being her son has taught him pretty good battle strategy, so he’ll do it for fun every now and then, and to test his own research. he has a rotomdex but its actually useful, being able to function as both a dex and a pokemon, letting him assess his opponent on the field (which!! is probably not fair!! but like… i dont think he cares). unfortunately that comes with a drawback of rotom being able to talk, which it does. a lot. more than it should. miriel caught laurent a misdreavus while on an expedition, and it is very dear to him (same hat?? SAME HAT!!). he also prefers special attackers, and he tells everyone it’s because special attacks are more efficient due to the lack of contact required, but that’s not true. he just thinks its cool.
i gave noire a banette, decidueye, shedinja, mimikyu, froslass, and golurk. she is an unintentional ghost type specialist due to the curses her mom placed on her—they’re just kinda drawn to her. unironically one of the strongest trainers here but you wouldn’t know it by looking at her. she’s kind of scared of all her pokemon, but they wouldn’t harm a hair on her head. she found banette when she was a little girl in a random ass parking lot, and it’s been her bestie forever. it beefs with tharja, but deep down, tharja was happy noire had a companion. she’s legitimately a good trainer, but she relies on severa for help because she’s always scared she’s doing something wrong.
yarne has a kangaskhan, buneary, whimsicott, dubwool, azumarill, and furret. his buneary does not want to evolve, so he will not make it! got an everstone and everything, but if it really wanted to it could (theyre best friends!!). he doesn’t like watching pokemon faint, so he stays away from battle when he can. he ends up forming an interest in pokemon care and breeding, which takes him a while to get used to all the strange new pokemon he has to work with, but once he does he’s pretty good with them. he spends a lot of time with laurent and helping him with his research and also making sure it stays ethical. sometimes laurent gets too much in his own head… inigo once tried to rope yarne into contests, but if you thought one guy with anxiety was bad, well. two does not make it go any better. no i dont know how being a taguel would work here dont ask
nah got a charizard, haxorus, tyrantrum, flygon, kommo-o, and kingdra and yes she did that intentionally. she loves dragons!!!! dragons are cool!!!!! her charizard has the X megastone and she now gets to shove it in everyones face YES HE IS A DRAGON. shut up! her and gerome bond over their mutual struggle with fairy types. all of her pokemon are way taller than her (i dont buy this shit about charizard being small. shut up) and it frustrates her a bit but it is quite amusing for her for her opponents to not take her seriously based on her appearance, only to be curbstomped by six gigantic dragons. she doesnt have much strategy, truly, she just overpowers the enemy until she wins. good for her! what’s a status move
my favorite thing about thinking about pokemon is that i eventually get to thinking “what pokemon would my fav guys have” and its so fun. i wrote out a bunch of teams for the awakening second gen like three years ago that i should probably fix but i know i gave inigo a cinccino but specifically one that pissed him off all the time by tail whacking him whenever he flirted with woman a la brock’s croagunk. his mother gave him an oricorio egg from her own. noire has a bunch of ghost pokemon and she is completely terrified of all of them but they adore her. yarne does not fight ANYONE he is a pokemon breeder. right? right. lucina has the most pretty beautifly anyone has ever seen ever
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initiala · 2 years ago
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason. <3
Tagged by @spartanguard thanks lovey
Oh good grief, there's a lot of stuff to go through here hang on...
First fic published there: Anthony and Virginia, back when I was headlong into Pepperony/the MCU. Published on May 24, 2012. I have fics that are dated older, because I backdated them when I cross-posted some old stuff over for archival purposes, but A&V is the first fic I published on AO3. It was also the first time I was getting back into fic writing after a couple of years of break!
Last fic published there: SPEAKING OF... Growing Up Hanyou was posted sometime probably in 2021 or 2022, it doesn't say when I uploaded it because I backdated it to the original publishing time of 2008. It was a slice of life sequel-ish to A Matter of Trust, a fic that I won an award for Best Melodrama for, which honestly tells you everything you need to know about 19-year old Amanda's fic writing habits.
Any fic that I wrote for a fandom/ship once: The Old House, for Breath of the Wild. While I've written for the Legend of Zelda franchise before, they're literally lost to the annals of time because it was like 2002 and I have wiped that from the internet as best as I know how. (also it was like seventeen usernames ago) They're best forgotten, though I do kinda wish I kept the one around that tried to bridge what happened between OoT/MM and WW. It was also very dramatic. I was a very dramatic child.
Your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works: Red-eye to Incheon. Biased because this is heavily pulled from my (positive) experiences in Korea without any of the negative stuff (of which there were many), but I really liked writing this and getting to live a little vicariously through the characters (I'm a very boring person. Expat culture is fucking WILD when you're a boring person like me so I mostly observed and filed away for later use, aka here.)
The fic you wish more people read: Very Cool. If I'm going based on hits, I can see why some of these aren't like. Hit up more. There's the very old ones that I archived here, there's one-offs that are just genfic that most people in fandom Do Not Care About. But I'm actually proud of Very Cool because I wrote it after seeing a copy of the Doctor Who magazine on the stands while I was in England and I wrote Eleven exactly how he speaks in his cadence and honestly it should have more than 239 hits even as a little crackfic, especially back in the big Series 5/6 heyday thank you.
The fic you agonized most over: Day of the Dead. I think I agonize a bit over every fic I wrote, but I think most of the WTNV fics were agonized over a bit more. It was 2013, I was really pushing myself with what I was comfortable writing and Tumblr was REALLY Tumblring at that time so there was a lot of cause to not get cancelled over a fic (seriously. There were a LOT of wolves with pitchforks then. If you think it's bad now, it was worse then) I wrote my first genderswap fic in that fandom, I played a lot with the laws of physics and reality, and I wrote this, my first fic that was multi-lingual. I had a lot of help to make sure the Spanish was correct and even after it's been nitpicked over a bit, but for the most part everyone received it well. But I did SO MUCH research because I really didn't know much about Dia de Muertos at the time, it hadn't become a thing to integrate it into the US yet, Coco was years off, and I wanted to make sure I was portraying this cultural holiday accurately and respectfully, while also showing that these are still just people celebrating and it's not going to be this Irreverent Thing you follow exactly to a T.
The fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort: The Corner of First and Amistad. I literally wrote all 8 chapters in one day and then posted as I finished editing. I do wish I'd had more experience/training in how I write now for this, because I think this fic deserves it, but for something that was brain-dumped so completely in such a short amount of time it's not bad. I'd also need like. Fresh eyes to go in and help with the edits because while I KNOW it needs polishing and expanded on, I'm always too fucking precious about my own work to do anything without someone forcing me to.
A work you are proud of—for whatever reason: Hook-Echo. This is the fic no one wanted, no one asked for (though let's be real, all of my multi-chapter AUs are this, every single one is a "huh? how is THAT an AU?") and absolutely a "I wrote this because it's been living in my brain for years and I just needed something to force me to sit down and write it all out", so I can absolutely thank the 2018 Big Bang for giving me that excuse. It was published after the show ended, so the fandom was... gone by then, so it definitely is a passion project like no other and didn't get anywhere near as much love as it might have had it been done on the heels of finishing Dark Horse like I'd originally planned.
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skyandpeople · 2 years ago
Is wweird how rap line stans even see JM as a competition like why him and not JK or TH as well? Smh i know JM stands out and many are shippers but yet is weird af
Hello anon,
Yeahh, agreed. My observations : some due to his dancing, his vocals or how he carries himself or how he just looks (breathtaking right, but some can't stand that) or some stans especially joon stans have this superiority complex and brainless thinking that joon wrote all of face songs becz he was credited!!!!!!! even though jimin credited they don't just accept that in their minds. I think a hell lot of rl stans like vkk be it shipping or just normal duo, or probably they have this thinking that they are the only ones who can be at top and noone can touch them or they are great in whatever they do etc etc so they shift whatever animosity they feel on jimin, also maybe they think he is not that great yk which is due to fd narratives or the biased yt/tt videos which gets them into sheep mentality instead of having their own opinions and antis spreading hell lot of narratives, i saw one in 2021 on twt someone in # jimin twtd, "he is famous becz some uncle of his in hybe". To conclude, those stans think he can't do anything, they believe its all company created illusion or becz of someone he is there in the group. So whenever he succeeds they always sees him as competition as they can't take something that they didn't perceived about him which make them hate him too.
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