#i also told my sisters and i gave both my nieces the throw blankets she gave me for christmas that i never opened
homingpigecns · 5 months
i have this thing where at the beginning of my relationship my boyfriend had a Girl Best Friend who was like actively manipulating me into feeling insecure abt their relationship and like a terrible person and literally trying to break us up and i was totally oblivious for months bc i baseline love and trust every woman who enters my life
anyway they stopped being friends months ago (many related nonsenses though) and i was talking to my brother who has been in on this saga from the start and i was like "do you think i'm holding onto this too much?" and my brother was like "if he changes the way he acts after you tell him at one point you have to decide not to blame him anymote" and i was like "it's not that i blame him i just remember things from the start of our relationship and it makes me really sad. like this hat, i tried to tell him i didn't really want it because i don't wear hats but he still gave it to me on our first date and it used to be hers. isn't that so-" and my brother was like "wait really? you don't want it? can i have it?" and i was like "what? i guess. i don't want it" and he was like "awesome" and then he put it on and he was still wearing when we took him to the airport to go home
it was like a tacky hello kitty hot topic baseball cap like not even cute and my brother doesn't wear hats either it was just like. i guess it seems stupid. but it meant so much to me he was just kind like that and barely made a thing abt it. i've been thinking abt it all week
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innocence - 26
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
A/N: no smut this time, just bucky meeting the family
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Her mother pulled Bucky into the house. She lived exactly where he’d expect her to live in, a dark academia sort of environment in shades of green, burgundy and dark browns. The walls were filled with shelves containing seas and seas of books and little memorabilia. There were photos of the family on the walls and Bucky noticed the little one right by the staircase of a young girl in a periwinkle dress sat on the beach with a bright smile whom he was absolutely certain was his Y/N. The woman continued to lead them until what he guessed was the living room where the fireplace was on and two kids were running around.
Bucky stood behind with Y/N as her mother made haste towards the drinks’ trolley where Y/N was almost sure the same watered down bottle her brother Anthony had constantly stolen from as a teenager still stood. They were lucky enough not to still have been noticed, her family having an weirdly tradition of not allowing anyone in the living area until they had a drink in hand. Of course she knew why, her family made so many questions both appropriate and inappropriate you’d have to be positively inebriated to deal with it. 
     - Everyone... - Lucy, Y/N’s mother, handed Bucky a burgundy coloured liquid before pulling him inside the living room. - Don’t be shy, Bucky. Everyone, this is Bucky, he’s Y/N’s boyfriend. 
     - I thought he’d be smaller. - a man got up from the dark burgundy couch, walking up to Bucky with an extended hand towards him. Bucky looked at his hand then at his own, before switching to shake it with his flesh arm rather than the metal aberration he’d covered with a glove. - Had a nice flight? Little bean here said she booked first flight tickets even though I told her it’s ...
    - A waste of money, I know dad. - Y/N interrupted. 
    - It was nicer than I expected, sir. - Bucky said yet Y/N could see that little smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. - Your daughter made it all the better.
    - Hope she didn’t bother you with leitmotifs. - another man who looked just around Y/N’s age piped up.
     - Colin, don’t even say that word, it might get her started. - a girl, blonde hair dressed in a baby blue dress added. - Oh wow, you’re athletic.
     - C’mon El, you promised to help me tease Y/N about her first serious boyfriend. - Colin wrapped his arms around Y/N but she merely playfully slapped his chest. - Look at you, the last Y/L/N sibling to introduce someone to the family. We were gonna buy you a cake but mum said no.
    - Colin Y/L/N, leave your sister be. - Lucy slapped her son’s head. - We are very happy that Y/N and Bucky are here. 
   - She’s happy there’s a chance you might give her grandchildren. - Colin whispered before adopting that grin that as children made Y/N want to throw a pillow at him.
   - Colin, I said to leave your sister be. - Lucy wrapped her arms around her eldest daughter. - That is not the reason I’m happy you’re dating. Me and your father were just afraid that you would be a bit lonely in New York.
   - Because you have no friends. - Eloise added.
   - Eloise, leave your sister be. She has plenty of friends. - their father added, not moving from his chair where he had returned to read the paper. 
   - Where is your sister? She should be here to meet Bucky.
   - Claire is busy with her husband convincing my husband to get me to have a rat-like creature they call a baby. - Eloise sat down on the other couch, legs crossed over each other. - Do you want a baby, Bucky?
   - Eloise! - Y/N yelled out of shame. Now she understood why her mother looked so dead whenever she had to go shopping with 4 children at 10 AM. She was clearly wrong to think her siblings would act like regular human beings in front of a guest, they barely acted like regular human beings on a regular basis. - We should go put the bags in my bedroom.
   - No, wait, beanie. CLAIRE! CLAIRE COME SAY HI TO YOUR SISTER AND BUCKY! - Y/N’s mother rushed to the kitchen, yelling out whom he guessed was the name of Y/N’s last sibling. Out of the kitchen and into the living room came a girl dressed in the same dress as Eloise except it was purple, holding a bundle of blankets against her chest. 
  - Aw, let me hold Sophie. - Y/N dropped her bags to meet her sister who handled her the baby. Bucky inspected the scene, watching as her embarrassed facade quickly changed into one of wonder as she looked at her niece. - Look at you, you’re so cute, Miss Sophie, yes you are. 
  - Claire, say hi to Bucky.
  - Why is he so tall? - she shook his hand. - I thought you’d be smaller with that nickname.
Is this was Steve felt like after the serum? Bucky had never stopped to consider that maybe his nickname sounded like a name you’d give a short guy, to be honest, he doesn’t even remember how it came to be, he just remembered his mum calling it and it sticking. However, he did have to admit that he enjoyed seeing everyone’s confused look once they met him as if he was the tallest man alive when he was barely taller than Y/N’s brother. 
    - Conor, Jack come meet Bucky too. - Y/N’s mum held two men by the arm who looked as lost in the family reunion as Bucky did. - Conor’s Eloise’s husband and Jack’s Claire’s. 
    - Okay. - Y/N interrupted before anyone else told her boyfriend he was too tall. Handing Sophie back to her sister, she held Bucky’s hand. - We are going to put the bags upstairs and take the coats off and we’ll return. 
Y/N knew her family way too well. She had been here when Claire brought Jack home for the first time and her father questioned him about a notorious case followed by Colin asking him if he needed earbuds for Claire’s snoring. She had also been there when Conor and all of Colin’s girlfriends so she knew when it was time to run away with Bucky from her very devoted and very curious family who had already decided to have the baby conversation with him before she had even mention it.
Bucky looked at the photos that were scattered on the staircases’ wall. He could always pinpoint where Y/N was, normally in the front with those beautiful, shining eyes. He noticed one particular photo of Y/N alone against a dark blue background in her graduation gown holding her diploma, posing like a beauty queen. He made a note to sneak a photo of it once she wasn’t looking.
She led him into her bedroom. It was a rather small one in tones of white and beige with a double bed. The walls were clean rather than one with a bookcase of dark wood filled with books, trophies and little frames of photos of her as a kid. Her bed had a small white lamb laying on it with some heart shaped pillows and a knitted beige blanket. 
     - Is that you? - Bucky rushed to the shelf to grab a photo of Y/N as a toddler dressed as a ballerina holding a golden medal.
    - Yeah. My grandmother was a prima ballerina so she made all of us do ballet which came quite in handy when I was in Phantom. - she put her coat on the hook on the door. - Sorry about my mum, and my dad and my siblings. I should already apologise for their husbands and the toddlers you haven’t met yet since they’re out with Grandma Louis who I’m also sorry for. 
     - That’s fine. I think they don’t hate me much.
    - It’s better than when Colin introduced Kate, mum was so upset she didn’t speak to her. I would say they love you. 
     - So which one is the oldest? Is there an hierarchy I should know about?
     - I’m the oldest then Colin, Claire and finally Eloise. Eloise got married first and then Claire and Colin is living la vie boheme. 
     - And you? - he wrapped his arms around her waist
    - I’m the actress. Once Aunt Petunia or Grandma Louis gets here you’ll listen to the “the debate team champion becomes an actress kissing all those men and she’s still single” discussion. I also apologise for that in advance. 
    - Well but you are not single anymore. - Bucky leaned down to kiss her. - And I will allow you to parade me as your boyfriend. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. 
    - Ah yes, my three time three-time boxing champion boyfriend. 
    - You’re not gonna drop that, aren’t you?
    - What? It’s very alluring, gets me going.
    - Is that why you gave me an handjob at the airport, princess? - he leaned down to whisper against her ear. She felt goosebumps raise up her skin, mouth drying up as she tried to find the words. - You better have thick walls, princess. 
   - Beanie ... - her mother knocked on the door, pushing the door slightly open and sticking her head in. - We were wondering if Bucky ate meat. We bought this meat that’s not really meat and it’s vegan. I asked some of my colleagues at work to help me cook it and we made some but we can make more if Bucky wants some.
    - No, Mrs. I’m okay with anything, it’s fine. 
    - Non sense. Y/N tell Bucky he can pick what to eat. You’re American right? I’m making some chicken nuggets for the kids and Colin, I could make you some if you’d like. 
    - Mum, that’s stereotypical. 
   - Nonsense, beanie. What do you want to eat, Bucky?
   - I’ll eat whatever Y/N does, m’am. - he tried to hide the little grin as Y/N stood by his side still processing what Bucky had just said to her. - It’s fine, m’am, really. I don’t want to be a bother, I’m so grateful you and your family are okay with having me for Christmas. 
Lucy merely smiled at him as a way of saying it was no problem. Y/N knew her family, they adored to embarrass their children in front of their partners, lovers, and friends but they would adore whoever their children adored as if they belonged to the family since the dawning of time. The actress rose her head to look at her boyfriend, staring at the door like a fading vision on the desert, relaxed muscles and expression. Her hold on his hand strengthened as her head laid against his shoulder, laying a small kiss on the fabric of his shirt.
     - Do you want to go downstairs? We can stay here for a few minutes before dinner. 
     - Yeah, princess. - he snapped himself out of his state, smiling down at his caring girlfriend before following her down the stairs.
Her family had a lot of photos, some on big frames on the wall and other small ones in coffee tables and other surfaces. He couldn’t help but look at them, watching Y/N through the ages and wondering how she was. She always had that look, that inner shyness and bright eyed appearance. Most photos were school photos with that dark blue background followed by a few backstage photos of her in elaborate stage makeup and costumes. Bucky wanted a photo of her, any photo of her, to have in his wallet. Not that he would forget what she looked like, he could never forget it but he wanted to. He wanted to look at her face whenever he paid for his coffee, show people when they asked about her, he guessed he wanted to have the same pride in showing his girlfriend his father had about showing his mother. He wanted a suburban existence, no more Winter Soldier, no more Avengers, just James Barnes. Yet, he also knew he did not deserve that. No, he had taken that structure from so many people he didn’t deserve it. 
Once in the living room, there were more people, notably two kids running around the Christmas tree and two women sat by the beautifully placed table. He felt shy, not knowing exactly what to say, barely knowing these people. 
    - Ah, let me look at you. - one of the woman from the table got up and walked towards them. Bucky thought none of it, thinking it to be directed towards Y/N until the woman took him by surprise by cupping his face. - You’re just gorgeous. Nice eyes, strong features. 
     - Aunt Petunia! - Y/N took her aunt’s hands away from Bucky’s face. - Please. 
     - You know what they say about men with strong features, great lovers, great breeders.
     - Oh my god. - that’s it, she was no longer going to have a boyfriend once she got back to New York. - Bucky, this is my aunt Petunia. 
     - Nice to meet you m’am. - Bucky extended his hand to her but the woman merely pushed him towards the table.
     - I thought she was kidding when she said she was bringing someone home yet here you are. - she led both of them to side by side seats on the table. - So, Bucky have you meet Grandma Louis?
    - I’m afraid not. 
    - Look ma, Y/N brought a boyfriend home. 
   - Can we please not treat this like a world limited event?
   - Nope. - Colin sat next to Y/N. - I had a bet with Eloise you’d date a 50 year old librarian and I lost which is unfair because 100 year old soldier is almost the same. 
   - It’s not and you know it. - Eloise argued from the other side of the table. - How’s the movie, Y/N? 
   - It’s ... good. - she forced a smile, not wanting to show the same family who always wondered why unlike every of her siblings she, the debate captain and champion, had turned down the option to do Law and instead pursued an acting career. Did acting made her happy? Yes. Did the movie made her happy? No. 
   - She’s the best actress I have ever met and seen. - Bucky drew invisible circles over her palm. - Everyone’s always speechless during her takes. 
   - That’s my beanie, always the best at whatever she does. - Y/N’s father added. - Besides, one of us has to not be a lawyer. We’re starting to be known as the lawyer family. 
   - So Bucky, are you enjoying London? Have you ever been? - Claire asked while putting the bibs on her two toddlers who were still happily playing with toy cars on the table.
   - Long time ago, it’s a bit different now. 
   - Y/N should take you to see the tree in Trafalgar, it’s absolutely stunning. - Lucy added. - It’s where her father purposed. 
   - It’s where everyone purposed in this family. We need a new tradition. - Colin rolled his eyes. 
   - If it were up to you, you’d purpose in a McDonalds after coming from the pub. 
   - Shut up, Eloise. 
Bucky merely kept to himself during the dinner, replying to the questions that were thrown his way and laughing at the jokes. There was the odd questions every once and then which Y/N would normally reply to followed by telling him she was sorry which he found adorable. Normally it was him who was defensive over her, too defensive even and to see her take on the role warmed his heart. The dinner ran smoothly and soon everyone was sat on the couch by the fireplace. She was by his side, head on his shoulder as a It’s a Wonderful Life played on the television. 
The night kept going in and in until everyone decided to climb up to their respective bedrooms. Y/N turned on the heating the moment she came in, stripping onto her own cozy red pyjamas while Bucky kept inspecting her room. She had a bunch of books and programs from various West End musicals as well as a few bits of Star Wars memorabilia scattered on the shelves and a Phantom of the Opera music box on her desk. What caught his attention was the tiny miniature of a white picked fence house on her bedside table. Had she been an avid miniature collector and he didn’t know about it?
    - Hey, what’s this? - he pointed at the little house.
    - Oh ... that.
    - Is it a sore topic? I’m sorry princess, I didn’t mean to ...
    - It’s okay, Bucky. - she smiled. - It’s just a silly thing from when I was a kid. I told my mum I wanted to marry Luke Skywalker and move into a white picket fence home and she bought me it. Then I just wanted the house as I grew up but hey I live in SoHo, the best I can do is get another one of those
   - You want a white picket fence house?
   - It’s silly. - she hide her head as a familiar heat climbed up to her cheeks. Bucky placed the miniature back where it was, walking up to her. 
   - It’s not silly. I like picket white fence houses too, princess.
   - You do?
   - Yeah. One of my cousins had one when I was a kid and I always envisioned one for myself. 
  - Did you? 
  - Yeah and then I met you and I thought screw the home, as long as I get to come home everyday to you we could be living in a cardboard home but if you want a white picked fence house than I’ll give you one.
  - Buck ...
  - I’m not kidding. - he smiled at her. - We’ll live wherever you’d like and every single day we’ll come back home to each other and I will pretend I’m not tired so I can stay up and look at you smiling at those TV show reruns you like so much.
  - You like them too. - she added. 
  - Maybe but until then ... - he walked up to his bag removing an worn out big navy blue box. - You can have this. 
taglist: @disasterbii​​ @lookiamtrying​​ @buckysteveloki-me​​ @americasass81​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​​ @lostinthebeans​​ @mariahthelioness29​​ @buckyandsebastian​​ @peaches-roses-sins​​ @theadorasabditory​​ @sipsteacasually​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​ @booktease21​​ @noiralei​​ @learisa​​ @everythingisoverratedbutgreat​​ @uglipotata72829​​ @naturalthrone22​​ @husherstan​​ @mandiiblanche​​ @vicmc624​​ @newyorkgoddess​​ @itsallyscorner​​ @chipilerendi​​ @emzd34​​ @writerwrites​​ @bluevxnus​​ @that-girl-named-alex​​ @captnrogers​​ @nsfwsebbie​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​
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liusaidh-writing · 4 years
Call it True - Chapter 3
[Prefer AO3?]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]
Here is Chapter 3! I am sorry it’s so late. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy. Chapter Four is on its way soon, too!
Claire and Jamie exchanged texts and phone calls in the following days and nights. Unable to connect in person, they did what they could to remain close. Claire's night shifts ended after a week, and she was relieved to be back in the world of daylight once again. She also hoped this meant she and Jamie could get together again. And soon. 
I'm free! Well, until my time rolls around again, anyway. Next two days off, and not a single thing planned!
She hit send with a grin and imagined what she and Jamie might do on her time off. Go to dinner? Watch a movie, preferably curled up on a couch. What movies did he like? She started compiling a list of possible options while she rode along in Lesley's car after her final night shift had ended in the early morning hours. They’d picked up a grumbly Harry at the sitters before heading to Claire’s flat.
Lesley, in the driver's seat, reached back to grab Harry's snack cup before it was flung to the floor by a frustrated toddler.  The car swerved slightly as she turned back in her seat, causing Claire to gasp before Lesley set it right again. 
Lesley thrust the snack cup at Claire, snapping, "Did you not hear me? I was asking you to grab it from him! Where's your mind been these last few days, anyway?" 
Claire grasped the cup in her hands, dropping the phone in her lap. "Sorry! I just...didn't hear you! I’d rather the snack cup take the hit next time instead of us!" 
"You're sitting right next to me, and unless you've gone deaf in the last ten minutes, you're just not paying attention," Lesley said in a sing-songy voice, ignoring Claire’s comment regarding her driving, but making an obvious effort to keep her tone light. She sighed, flipping the wipers on to clear the windshield of mist. It was annoyingly rainy, only a mere drizzle, but oddly cold for a spring morning. "Feels like winter outside, does it not," she remarked, attempting to change the subject.  
"Yep...pretty cold." 
Claire's mind wandered back to Jamie in the sweater he'd worn on their date. It had looked so cozy, and Claire wondered how it would feel on her. She blinked rapidly, forcing herself back to the present.
"So, you had been telling me earlier about...custody?" 
Lesley sighed, grudgingly answering Claire's question. 
"Yes...I told you everything, but you were off in lala land half the time. Not surprised you don't remember. If you're here with me now, I'll tell you again."
"Yes, please, I'm really listening." Claire shoved her phone between her leg and the seat, hoping that having it out of sight would help her stay focused on what her friend was saying. 
"Well, Frank has decided he wants full custody of Harry. Make me some kind of weekend Mum." Lesley gritted her teeth thinking about the very idea of it. "Like he's capable of taking him on full time," she said, gesturing at Harry in the back, who'd fallen asleep. “He wouldn’t last an hour before he was calling me, begging for help.”
"He doesn't have grounds, surely! He can't just...make stuff up!" Claire was indignant, knowing how great of a mother Lesley was, and how perfectly lousy Frank was at everything from keeping Harry fed when he had him to keeping promises to Lesley about drop off times. 
Lesley shook her head and rested her left elbow on the car door as they sat at a stoplight. "It's absolutely insane. He thinks because he makes more money that he should have Harry. That my schedule at the hospital isn't 'suitable for a toddler.’  He's just making sure I waste my money on legal fees fighting him instead of spending it on taking care of Harry so I'll look bad," she finished, glancing at Claire with an incredulous expression. 
"Well, you know I'll do anything to help, Lesley!" 
They had reached Claire's building, and as Claire got out she reached back and lightly ruffled Harry's hair, giving Lesley a smile and thanked her for the ride. She grabbed her things and headed to her door, feeling her phone signal that she had a text message as she walked. She quickly unlocked her door, slung them to the floor and hungrily unlocked her phone to see a message from Jamie waiting to be read.
Good to hear, Sassenach. I suppose you’ll need to go home and sleep. How about I come by later this evening? 
Claire quickly sent a reply and beamed at...well, no-one. She locked her door and dreamily waltzed to the shower, eager to strip off her scrubs and wash the night away.
“Jamie and I are hanging out tonight!” she squealed, raising her arms in victory over her head. She gave a little twirl as she moved past her bedroom. Taking off her top, she flung it on her bed. Claire felt like a teenager - she was sure her cheeks were pink and her mind raced with all the possibilities of the evening. She nearly replied to Jamie that she didn’t need to sleep, but...that wasn’t true. She was dead on her feet and her shift last night had been especially brutal with several stressful patients. She sighed,  realizing she deeply regretted not having made the effort to really meet Jamie earlier. Why had she wasted so much time? Now that they were friendly, she couldn’t seem to get him out of her mind.  Lesley hadn’t been wrong when she’d said Claire had been in la-la land. She reminded herself to thank Lesley for saving her ass more than once at work in the past week. If it wasn’t Jamie’s calls or texts, it was her own imagination getting her in trouble. Over the phone, Jamie had told her all about his family, his nieces and nephews and sister. He had a best friend named Ian, who happened to be his brother-in-law. And a father he clearly cared a lot about. Claire had never known that sort of reality, growing up as she had. She revelled in Jamie’s stories of his boyhood, clinging to bits of him that he unknowingly exposed.
For instance, Claire was sure that Jamie was secretly in love with his father’s farm, though he had claimed he didn’t care to run things when the time came, that he’d gotten his flat in the city to escape that reality. He talked of it with such pride, and Claire wondered why he didn’t live there full time, as much as he was there. It held fond memories of his mother, and it was his connection to his extended family, and she knew family meant a lot to him. 
She couldn’t exactly relate - though she had loved her uncle a great deal - but it was almost surreal hearing about hectic holidays or birthday celebrations Jamie got to experience growing up. Claire was rather envious at times.  Her holidays usually involved Uncle Lamb flat-out forgetting them, and though he always remembered her birthday, he wasn’t the greatest at remembering to mark the date in any meaningful way other than a sweet ‘Happy Birthday, darling,’ and a pat on the cheek.  She quickly made a mental note to ask Jamie about his birthday sometime. 
Pulling back the shower curtain, she sighed as the steamy hot water washed away the night at the hospital; it succeeded in making her drowsy enough to fall quickly asleep. 
Claire woke to a rather loud knock at her door. She rolled out of bed, hair all akimbo, eyes squinting as she opened her room darkening curtains. Padding towards the door, she quickly wrapped herself in the throw from the couch before turning the knob. There stood Jamie, a slight smile on his face that immediately fell when he caught sight of her. 
"Oh God--" 
"I'm sorry--" 
They both spoke at the same time, Claire wrapping the blanket more securely around her shoulders.  She had shorts and a small tee-shirt on, but no bra.  She began to speak again, wondering if she looked as horrible as she feared. Jamie grimaced and took a breath. 
"I am so sorry, I didn't wake you did I?" 
"Oh, no. It's fine, really! I must look frightening..." Claire carefully took one arm out of her wrap and tried to smooth her hair in an attempt to calm her curls. 
 "NO! You look...stunning!"  His eyes were wide, as though he’d seen a ghost.
 "Oh, God no.  Would you like to...?" 
She gestured him inside, and quickly caught that he was holding a few things in his hands.  A wad of blankets and a small thermal lunch bag were clutched in his arms as he shuffled inside. 
"Let me just...go change. Have a seat, will you?" She moved towards her bedroom as she watched Jamie sit on her sofa, placing his things on the cushion beside him. 
She closed her bedroom door, tossed the throw on her bed and leaned heavily against the door, her head making a distinct thumping sound as it hit. "Ow..." she muttered.  "Hope he didn't hear that..." 
She was jittery and her mouth was dry. He had that effect on her - one she couldn't put into words.  Her stomach was consumed by a swarm of butterflies as she got dressed, brushing her teeth and washing her face. She raised her arms over her head checking her armpits for odor, and swiped on some deodorant, finishing with a quick spray of her favorite perfume with a flourish. She didn’t dare go back out there smelling like a hospital. She wasn’t entirely trusting of the shower she’d taken.
Taking a few deep, but not-so-calming breaths, she went back out to her living room, where Jamie waited patiently, thumbing through a magazine on her coffee table. 
“I’m all for color in a room, but this shade of green makes me think of vomit.” Jamie was pointing at a photo of a painted room in some home decor article, curling his lip up in disgust at said shade of green.
He smiled at Claire, dropping the magazine and taking her in slowly, his eyes large and bright. 
Claire looked down at her outfit - Jeans and a warm, deep red top. She’d been told it ‘brought out her eyes’, whatever the hell that meant, so she figured it was a good choice. She smoothed her shirt down and gestured at the magazine.
“Well, we don’t have to worry about that - I asked if I could paint when I moved in and was told no. Can’t wait to be able to live somewhere without blank white walls.” She waved haphazardly around the room, devoid of artwork, save for several of her own photos from various trips, and a few of Uncle Lamb, of course.
“It’s good to see you again, Claire.” Jamie stood up, moving towards her with his hand out. She wasn’t sure what he was going for, so she moved with him, meeting him in the middle. He clasped her hand in his, and they both paused for a moment, Claire watching his eyes dance as he gazed at her. He gave a small smile with one corner of his mouth, and quickly kissed her cheek. 
“It’s good to see you again, too,” Claire sighed, her breath coming out in spurts. She felt him relinquish her hand, and she glanced at it, half expecting it to be bright red the way it radiated his lingering warmth. He stepped back just a bit, and gestured to the items he’d brought with him.
“It’s a little wet outside, but there’s a free concert at the park. Would you like to come? If you don’t want to sit on the ground, I have chairs.” He raked a hand through his hair and tapped the fingers of his right hand against his thigh. He hadn’t taken his eyes off her.
Jamie’s voice was shaky with nerves, and Claire quickly tried to put him at ease.
“I don’t mind the ground!” She figured Jamie could offer her spikes to sit on and she’d accept them if that meant he’d be there, too. “Let’s go, it’ll be fun!” 
Jamie nodded, picking up the blanket and lunch bag. “Brought some goodies for us to snack on, too.” 
“Oh, good. I’m starving! Haven’t eaten all day!” 
Claire grabbed her purse as they walked to the door together, slinging it over her shoulder and grabbing her keys from the counter. She didn’t know what kind of music would be playing at this concert, but she didn’t care in the slightest. She was also rather eager to find out what was in that lunch bag. Her stomach gurgled, and she made a face as Jamie hid a smile.
He took her hand again, pulling her toward the door and out into the damp night. It was about 7 in the evening, and though the days were getting longer, the rain clouds obscured any remaining sunlight. 
Having picked the driest bit of ground he could, Jamie spread out one warm wool blanket, gesturing for Claire to take a seat while he unfolded the other one. It was as large as the one they sat on, and doubly thick. Claire shivered slightly as she watched him swirl the blanket around her shoulders. He sat down next to her - quite closely, so she could feel the heat coming off him, and he wrapped the other half of the blanket around his own shoulders, meeting the two ends in the middle between them. It was cozy, and the band had just started. She looked around, wishing they weren’t surrounded by other people at the moment. Claire looked at Jamie - who had been casually checking out the band. He glanced at her, then reached for the lunch bag.
“What do you have for us?” Claire’s stomach growled again, and Jamie chuckled as he unzipped the bag while Claire held the blanket in place. 
“Erm...not much. Some crackers, cheese, grapes. A small bag of chips, if you’re in the mood for junk food?” He held the chips out to her and she hungrily ripped it open, popping one in her mouth with a satisfied grin. 
“Mmmm...so good. I’ve not had anything to eat since about 6 this morning. I forgot to eat when I got home from work.” Because you texted me, she added in her head, and I wanted nothing more than to go to sleep quickly so I could see you. 
Jamie went for a few grapes, munching them as he watched her devour the chips. She offered him one, holding it up to his mouth. 
“Have one!” she exclaimed, wiggling it in front of him.
He went for it, and she quickly pulled it away. She laughed as he pursed his lips in mock irritation. “Give me that,” he said, pulling her hand towards his mouth again, taking the chip between his teeth. His lips slightly brushed Claire’s finger tips, and a shiver traveled through her body as they laughed together. 
Their bodies were touching entirely now, from shoulder to toes, and Claire didn’t want to be anywhere else. She leaned against him, and he let her put her weight against his chest as he held the blanket with his left hand. His right arm wrapped around her waist. Claire felt flush, slightly feverish, silently basking in his glow. The rain was cold, the ground was colder, but she wouldn’t have known it with Jamie securely keeping them both comfortably warm.  
The band played on, the bass pulsing through her. She didn’t know the songs, but nodded her head with the beat periodically. For all the sound, though, her mind was somewhere else entirely. She wanted nothing more than to turn around, place her lips on his, and fall into him. She glanced at the people around her again, most of them chit-chatting, drinking, or eating. She felt him squirm slightly, and glanced back at him as best she could in her position. She felt his arm leave her side, make its way up her arm to her shoulder, and then into her hair. He played with her curls as he stretched one long leg out in front of them, where his boot got wet with rain. Claire’s hands were in her lap - she was entirely unsure what she should do with them, so she clutched her middle as the swarm of butterflies (more like angry hornets, if she was honest with herself) engulfed her middle. Her eyes fluttered closed as Jamie continued twirling her curls around his finger.
“Hey, Sassenach, are you thirsty? I could go get us some drinks at the food cart?” Jamie gestured with his head, back behind them where beer and soda was sold at an exorbitant price. 
Claire turned slightly and looked at him, his brows raised in question.
She took a breath, swallowing all her fear and uncertainty. The hornets in her stomach faded to a dull ache as she turned some more, raising her hands to his face.  She’d caught him off guard, and as her lips enveloped his own, he was still for a split second before deepening the kiss with his hand still in her hair, clutching her curls now, tugging slightly. Claire breathed in deeply, the noises of the band and people around them fading into oblivion, a fuzzy mirage at the corner of her vision as she closed her eyes, unwilling to break their connection. His tongue danced with hers briefly before he pulled away. Claire, with her eyes still closed, felt him rubbing her cheek with his thumb. 
“Oi, if we wanted to see that, we’d have gone to see a movie!” 
Claire’s eyes snapped open, her head whirling around to her right searching for the person that matched the voice. A young teenage boy smirked in their direction, sniggering a bit as she eyed him. He held a full pint of beer in one hand, and cocked his head, daring her to say something in return.
“He’ll break up with ya tomorrow,” the boy said, laughing with his mates, one of them slapping him on the shoulder in congratulations for his stupendous observation. Claire’s brow knit in confusion.
“Why don’t you-” she was cut off by Jamie, who stood up quickly, pulling the blanket that was around them up into a ball. He put it down, and stretched his arms over his head, making himself appear even larger. The kid with the beer blanched, spilling a bit in his lap as he involuntarily jerked away at Jamie’s stone cold glare. 
“Come on, Sassenach. Let’s go…” He gathered up the lunch bag, and offered her his hand. She took it, letting him pull her up. She was shivering now, his warmth having left her. She moved so he could pick up the other blanket, and they slowly picked their way through the crowd. 
Claire was surprised to feel her chin trembling a bit. Was she going to...cry? God, not now, she thought. How silly. It had just been a kid trying to stir up trouble for a laugh. It wasn’t funny, though, Claire thought angrily. It made her feel ashamed, but for what? She’d simply kissed Jamie. She held her breath for a moment, as she wondered if Jamie had minded that she’d done that - in the middle of the park, surrounded by people. She let her breath out again as she felt him grab her elbow and tug her closer. Perhaps he hadn’t minded afterall. He wasn’t making excuses to leave, anyway, she thought with some relief. 
She felt Jamie put her hand through the crook of his elbow as he guided her back towards their building. She still shivered, and Jamie pulled her in, their shoes meeting the pavement in unison. 
“Don’t worry about him, Sassenach.” 
Claire looked up when he spoke, gave a small smile, and leaned her head against his shoulder. 
“It’s ok…” she mumbled, wondering what the rest of the night would hold. She’d be up all night now, and didn’t particularly want her time with Jamie to come to an end. 
“How about we get that full meal in you? You must still be hungry,” Jamie offered. “Let me drop these things by my flat and we’ll go, yeah?” 
Claire nodded. “Sounds good, Jamie.” 
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Happiness Begins
Part 11
Chapter Summary: Jensen and the reader deal with the aftermath of their night spent together. 
Word Count: 4.3K+
Warnings: Language, slightly dub-con kiss
Author’s Note: I’m so glad so many of you enjoyed their first little “get together”. Your words of encouragement make my day and I love reading each and every one of them!
Catch up with the series masterlist and check out Alexandra’s Library for more work by yours truly!
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The sun began to rise, its rays shining into the guest house at the perfect angle across her face. She nuzzled into the pillow now underneath her head, not wanting to get up just yet. As consciousness pulled at her to wake up, memories of the night and whose bed she was lying in came crashing back to her. She sat bolt upright in the bed, the sheet falling off of her naked body. Soft snores came from the other side of the bed. Jensen lay on his stomach, his arms folded underneath the pillow. She took a moment to take in his peaceful state. His long lashes rested against his freckled cheeks and his pink lips were slightly parted as he breathed evenly. 
She slipped out from under the covers and began picking up her discarded articles of clothing. Her plan was to relax for a few minutes before slipping back into the house so she could say goodbye and head home. Somewhere along the way, both of them had fallen asleep, and now she could only hope that after their late night, no one in the main house was up yet. 
Her mind was racing as she hastily redressed herself. Too many different thoughts sped through her head, her anxiety on high again. If her mind running wild wasn’t bad enough, it seemed her garter did not want to cooperate with her either. The clasps kept popping as soon as she moved on to the next one. Eventually, she gave up, deciding to just slip on her dress and call it a day. If she had to pretend like she slept in her costume, no one would question her looking disheveled. As she picked up her coat, her phone tumbled across the hardwood floor and making the loudest sound she would have imagined it could. She swore under her breath as a loud snort came from the snoozing man on the bed as he roused from his slumber. 
“Good morning.” His gruff voice called as he rolled over and rested his weight on his elbows. He only had one eye open and a small smile on his lips in his groggy state. She smiled back at him as she pulled on her shoes. 
“Good morning, I gotta run.” She hung her coat over her arm as she sprinted from the guest house. She ignored Jensen calling after her, she couldn’t face talking to him right now, not when she couldn’t even put together her thoughts for herself. Avoidance was her specialty after all. 
She crept up to the large sliding doors to the kitchen and peered inside. Genevieve was standing at the stove, her back to the window and Odette on her hip. She cursed to herself before rounding the house to the sliding door leading to Jared’s office. If Gen was up with the kids, then she could assume that Jared was still knocked out. She just hoped that his office door wasn’t locked. 
She was in luck, as she tugged on the handle, the door gave and she slipped inside. She grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and shook it out before refolding it and tossing it in a new position on the back of the couch. The little details mattered. If Jared found out where she spent the night, he would not be happy. Jared didn’t like the idea of her sleeping with any guy. Throw in that guy being his best friend, and nothing good would come of that. 
The door opening to Jared’s office caught Genevieve’s attention. She turned towards her sister-in-law, a huge smile on her face. 
“Hey, I didn’t know you stayed here last night.” Gen noted as she shifted Odette’s weight on her hip. 
“Yeah, after three glasses of whiskey, I’d rather be safe than sorry.” Y/n laughed, the noise sounding forced. Gen didn’t seem to notice though. 
“Well, I’m glad. Will you stay for breakfast?” Gen asked her as she turned down the pan she had bacon cooking in. 
“Um, I don’t think so. I really just want to take a shower and get into some comfy clothes. Thanks though.” 
“If you’re sure,” Gen turned more towards her, a frown on her face. Gen knew how much she loved having breakfast with her niece and nephews, so her turning down the opportunity was rare. 
“I’m sure. Love you guys.” She kissed Odette, blowing a tiny raspberry on her niece’s cheek before running off. Odette’s giggling was the last thing she heard as she shut the door behind her and ran for her car. She sped out of their driveway and headed towards her apartment. The whole time her mind was running wild. 
Y/n couldn’t decide where to start. She had woken up in bed naked... with Jensen? It wasn’t that she didn’t remember last night, it was more a question of how they had ended up there. Both of them had been a little inebriated, sure, but they both had also openly consented. Jensen had told her that he wanted it. Why though, she couldn’t figure out. She had been sure he only saw her as a little sister. What had changed? Was it their talk behind the guest house. He had confessed intimate things to her and was easily feeling vulnerable. Had she taken advantage of that? Her stomach churned at the thought, but it was the best explanation she could come up with considering he said that he doesn’t do one night stands. But what else could you classify last night as? Should they just chalk it up to one big mistake? It was easier for her to convince herself that it was a mistake. That was the easiest way for her to protect her heart from his inevitable rejection. 
That being said, it was a mistake that she would make again and again she told herself as she pulled up to her building. Last night had been the best night she’s had in a long time. Her whole being felt light this morning. The stress of the last few months that she carried on her shoulders was gone. Jensen had thoroughly fucked her last night. That much was evident from the ache between her legs. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had come that many times in one night, if ever. Her thighs squeezed together as more memories from last night came back to her. She held onto them, and committed them to memory. They were probably going to be the only ones she ever got. 
As she walked through her apartment, she began stripping her clothes, tossing them wherever she pleased. She started the shower before going over to brush her teeth. She ran a comb through her hair, tossing the fallen curls over her left shoulder when she noticed it. Right there, at the base of her neck on the right side, was a small red hickey. In going over all her memories, she hadn’t realized he had been forceful enough to leave a mark. Her fingers danced over the sensitive flesh, committing it to her memory too. She cursed herself for her naivety, hoping Gen hadn’t noticed it this morning. With Jensen being the only other single person at that party, there was no way she would be able to explain it away. 
With a deep breath, she jumped into the shower, letting the hot water run over her body. She took her time, washing everything and just enjoying the heat against her skin. The ghosts of Jensen’s hands on her body could be felt in the tender flesh of her hips and the scratches on her backside where her own hands traveled as she washed away last night. 
When she stepped out, her whole bathroom had become a steam room. She could no longer see anything in her bathroom mirror as she dried herself off and tossed her hair into a towel on top of her head. She made her way back into her bedroom, picking out comfy sweats and a sports bra to wear. 
As she walked out of her room, her stomach growled at her, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten. She was putting a bowl of oatmeal into the microwave when she heard her phone vibrating from its place on her coffee table. She pressed start and went to fish her phone from her coat pocket. She had some missed messages from friends wishing her a happy new year, but it was the two messages from Jensen that caught her attention.
We need to talk.
Her stomach sank as she read over the few words. She knew the ‘lets just be friends’ conversation was inevitable, but that didn’t make any of it easier. She guessed she could be thankful that he wanted to do it in person and not over text. It was the classier move.
As much as she tried to convince herself on the drive that it was all a mistake, she had failed. The rejection stung, no matter what she tried to tell herself. Still, she would get over it. She always did. Years of rejection had made her a pro at it. What was one more? 
The microwave beeped and she decided not to reply to him. They didn’t need to talk face to face, she didn’t think she could handle it. She had gotten the message loud and clear anyway. The two of them would go back to be whatever it was they were. Friends? Coworkers? She wasn’t sure exactly how to define their relationship, but she supposed it didn’t really matter. The show was over after this season, and they would never be forced to see one another again. Maybe he would be periodically around Jared at the same time she was, but they would not be forced to be alone together. 
She went back to grab her breakfast, pulling the towel from her hair so it could air dry the rest of the way. She plopped down on the couch and pulled up some random trash tv show to watch as she ate. Her phone buzzed another handful of times, but she chose to ignore it. Whoever or whatever it was, could wait until she could get her thoughts in order. When she finished her breakfast, she took the empty bowl to the sink. As she headed back to her living room, a knock sounded at her front door. 
With trepidation, as she had not been expecting company, she went to open the door. The last person she expected to see there was Jensen. Yet, there he was, his hair still damp from his own shower, a somber look on his face.
“What are you doing here?” Her brows scrunched up as she stepped back to allow him inside. 
“You wouldn’t answer my texts.” He shrugged as his eyes scanned the inside of her apartment. 
“So you came to my apartment? How did you even know where I live?” She crossed her arms against her chest. Her hopes of having a peaceful day had been dashed. This was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. 
“Uh,” Jensen rubbed the back of his knuckles across the stubble on his jaw. The memory of his beards scratch between her legs had her biting back a groan. “I asked Jared to borrow his phone. I told him mine was dead and I needed to check my email.” 
“Well, you really didn’t have to go to all that trouble just to reject me.” Her tone was sour but she couldn’t help it. Now that she was physically close to him again, it was like something went off inside her. Her whole body was calling out to him, just begging to be touched by his hands one last time, to feel his muscles rippling underneath her fingertips as he moved above her.
“What are you talking about, reject you?” Jensen was confused. Did she really think that he drove across town just to reject her?
“You said we should talk. I get it okay, we were both a little messed up and vulnerable last night, it was a mistake.” She spit out through gritted teeth. It physically pained her to say the words out loud.
“Is that really what you think? That last night was a mistake?” Jensen couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Last night had been incredible, and even now, he longed to touch her again. 
“No, I don’t.” She admitted. “But that doesn’t mean that it should ever happen again. We lead different lives Jensen, not to mention the possible backlash from everyone we know.” Her mind was grasping for reasons that it wouldn’t work, because that was the only way she would be able to get over it when it did end. She turned and walked away from him, plopping down onto her couch. Jensen followed her, sitting on the edge, his body turned towards her.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you since our last night in Vancouver.” Jensen admitted. “And last night… last night was amazing. I don’t think that is something that you just let go of.” He placed his hand on her knee, squeezing it so she would look up at him. “Y/n, you are this crazy, beautiful, insanely intelligent mystery that I just want to get to know better. Believe me when I say that last night wasn’t just about the sex, no matter how great it was. Let me take you out on a proper date this time, let’s do it right.” 
“Jensen,” She started, ready to tell him all the reasons she had come up with why it wouldn’t work, as much as she didn’t want to believe them. “What about Jared? As much as I love my brother, I don't think he would be too thrilled about this.” 
“We don’t even have to tell anyone, at least until we figure out what all this is. Just look me in the eyes and tell me it’s not something you want, and I’ll drop it. We go back to being friends and forget this ever happened.” He stared at her, intent on keeping her gaze. The intensity of his stare stirred up those butterflies inside her again, and she knew that she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t tell him that she didn’t want to do it all again. She couldn’t tell him that all she had wanted since she ran from his room this morning was to crawl back into bed with him because they would all be lies. How could she say no to the man basically begging at her feet? It was like he said, she couldn’t stop thinking about him, and who knows, maybe they aren’t meant to be. What is life without taking a few risks, and she would be damned if she didn’t take this one. A small smile began to form on her lips as she held his gaze.
“Is that a yes?” His voice was wary as he stared at her. 
“It is Ackles, so you better make it worth my while.” He flashed her a toothy grin, his tongue peeking between his teeth.
“Don’t you worry sweetheart, I never leave a woman disappointed.” 
A week went by without another word from Jensen. She saw him in passing when she was at Jared’s house to say one last goodbye to Gen and the kids. He didn’t say much to her, but he wasn’t avoiding her either. The whole concept of a secret relationship, if you could even call it a relationship, was foreign to her. She had no idea how to act when they were around other people. The lack of communication between them didn’t exactly help either. They were stuck in this weird limbo between a hook up and a ‘first date’ and neither of them knew what to do.
The thoughts in her brain where firing on overdrive every time he was near her that day. She was like a dog in heat, and the only thing on her mind was the way his muscles rippled under strain, or his breathy moans in her ear as he fucked her. On multiple occasions, Gen had to snap her out of her little trances. She would brush it off, telling them that she was just thinking about work. That then would only lead to everyone telling her that she worked too hard, which wasn’t a lie per se, it just wasn’t her current problem. 
Her excitement to be back in Vancouver only heightened as the week passed. It would give her the perfect opportunity to be distracted by something other than Jensen, at least that was what she hoped. 
She grabbed her bag from the security conveyor and followed after Jensen and Jared towards their gate. “I guess I’ll see you guys when we land.” She stopped outside the first class lounge, her stomach knotting up as she glanced towards her crowded gate. 
“Think again.” Jared grinned. 
“What are you talking about?” She had no clue what he was hinting at, but judging from the look on his face, he was up to something. Jared pointed to her hand that held her passport and boarding pass. 
“Take a look at your ticket.” She glared at him suspiciously before she scanned the boarding pass in her hand. Under the boarding class, it read ‘First Class’. 
“Jared, what did you do?” She sighed. 
“I upgraded your ticket.” He was all smug, not catching on to the tone in his sister’s voice. 
“Why? You know I don’t care about that crap.” 
“You don’t care about your seat, but I know how you feel about airports. It’s much quieter and less crowded in here and you deserve it.” He put his arm around her shoulders and guided her into the lounge, not allowing her to protest. There was a tv on one wall playing the local news station. On the opposite wall was a table with snacks and fresh coffee. Jared wasn’t wrong when he said she would feel better in the lounge. It had put her at ease just walking through the doors. 
“So, this is how the other half lives?” She teased as she chose a seat to rest in before boarding. 
“Get used to it. Before long, you’ll make more money than I do and you’ll be purchasing all the first class tickets your heart desires.” Jared admitted as he sat in the seat beside her. She shook her head at Jared’s antics. She didn’t want to admit to how much she was already enjoying his surprise. It made her a little guilty that he had done something so nice for her and here she was, hooking up with his best friend and hiding it all from him. Both her and Jensen had decided though, that until they could figure out whatever it was that was happening between them, it would stay just between them. What was the point in fighting with everyone if all of meant nothing in the end anyway? 
She sat back in her seat, watching the news as they waited to board. They were being called onto the plane shortly after they had arrived. She followed behind Jared and Jensen down the tarmac, their longer legs carrying them faster than she could go. Not to mention she was busy reading the seat number on her ticket as she walked, allowing a few people to slip in between the guys and her. To her surprise, as she came up to her seat, her neighbor was none other than Jensen. 
“Really? That’s convenient.” She met his smile as he stood up when he noticed her. He took her carry-on from her and lifted it into the overhead bin. 
“I promise I had nothing to do with it.” He closed the full compartment and stepped back so she could slip into the window seat. She set her purse down and buckled up as Jensen did the same. 
“Just lucky I guess.” She turned her head, looking around for her brother. He sat at a window seat on the other side of the plane, two rows back from them. He waved when she met his eye and she offered him a small wave back. 
“Think he can hear us?” Jensen’s voice was low as she settled into her seat. 
“I doubt it. He’ll probably have his headphones in any second anyway.” 
Jensen turned his head towards her, his voice low. “How have you been this week?” 
“Honestly? Weird. I don’t know how to do this, how to act. I’ve never had to hide from the people around me in that sort of way.” Her voice trailed off as the flight attendant came and asked if they wanted a drink. Both of them opted for a water. As soon as the attendant had handed them their drinks and was out of ear shot, Jensen spoke again. 
“I know what you mean. When I saw you at Jared’s, I had to fight the urge to kiss you on the spot.” His words had her breath catching. She cleared her throat and took a drink of the small water bottle in her lap. He had a smug grin on his face as she looked back at him. 
“You enjoy seeing me flustered don’t you?” She bit her lip as she tried to hide her own smile. The stern face she was attempting to convey was failing to come across properly.
“I do, especially when your cheeks flush pink like that,” He tipped his chin at her and she could feel her blush deepening. “Been thinking about about your flushed skin all week.” 
“Oh,” She looked away from him and crossed her legs. He chuckled lowly at his success as the plane took off. “You need to behave.” She pointed a stern finger at him. He put his hands up but she could still see the twinkle in his eye. Jensen didn’t understand the concept of behaving. If he kept it up, she would never make it through this flight. That little growl he had as his voice dropped went straight to her core, and she could feel the slick settling between her legs. 
All of his comments were giving her whiplash. He was more brazen after not talking for nearly a week than she was expecting. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it, she just had no idea where they sat with each other, and him trying to rile her up in front of a plane full of people was just as confusing as it was arousing. The two of them had only slept together once, but it was almost like he knew her better than she knew herself. 
She made a show of taking out her headphones and putting them in her ears, letting him know that she was pointedly ignoring any further attempt he would have devised to get under her skin. The attendants brought by snacks and more drinks for them. Besides interacting with them, she was doing a good job of ignoring Jensen. After her second bottle of water though, she needed to use the restroom. 
She pulled out her headphones and unbuckled her belt. “Can I get up? I need to use the restroom.” She nudged his knee. 
“Oh, now you want to talk to me.” He undid his own seatbelt and stood up into the aisle. 
“I’ll talk to you as long as you can behave. Can you do that?” She paused before continuing. 
“No promises, but I’ll try.” He played. She nodded and headed to the small bathroom. The bathroom seemed to be more roomy than she was expecting, though still small. Just another stupid perk of first class. Jared was trying to spoil her, and she hated that it was working. She washed her hands and pulled on the door. The overhead light shut off and the light from the main cabin was blocked by a large figure in the opening. 
“Jay?” She had not been expecting him to be there, and was even more thrown when he pushed her back into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. “What the hell are you doing?” The two of them were nearly chest to chest in the tight space. 
“Don’t worry, Jared is sleeping.” Jensen put his hands on her jaw, bringing her face up to his. Her body reacted to him of its own accord, closing the small space and opening her mouth to him. She could taste his cinnamon gum on his lips and smell his signature cologne. It all brought her back to New Year’s and she never wanted it to end.
“‘T’s not Jared I’m worried about.” Her words were breathy as she pulled away from him. “I’d rather not get arrested.” Jensen chuckled, pressing his lips back to hers. His tongue swiped across her lips and she granted him access. Their tongues moved together until her head was dizzy and her chest was heaving. 
“I just couldn’t wait to do that again.” He brushed his thumb across her swollen bottom lip. 
“Well now that you have it out of your system, can we go back to our seats before someone catches us?” Jensen nodded at her request.
“One last thing. Friday at nine, think you can slip out past your brother?” He grabbed the handle to the door, ready to walk out. 
“I’ll figure something out.” She agreed. Jensen pulled open the door, the light above them going out again. 
“Good, now go, I’ll be out in a minute.” He urged her out of the bathroom. She peeked her head out and made sure no one was paying attention before heading back to her seat. She sat down and buckled up, her lips still tingling from his touch and a soft smile on her face.
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Part 12
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Forevers: @spn-impala​​ @22sarah08​​ @turtlepad​​ @callmekda​​ @chaldei​​ @hobby27​​ @casualfestivaltrashpainter​ @cowboysnwinchesters​​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @pikabootoyouchu​​ @dawnie1988​​ @grease222​​ @frackinawesomeninja​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @polina-93​ @clarinette07​​ @moonlight-babeh​​ @suckerforfanfic​​ @witandnargles​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ 
Et Cetera: @jbbarnesgirl​ @hillface89​ @arses21434​ @thevelvetseries​ @sslater34​ @mrsirishboru​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @encounterthepast​ @facadeformyrealblog  @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​ @rebeccathefangirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @heartinmyhead1​ @1d-killed-me​ @samsgirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @woodworthti666​ @supraveng​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @heartsaved @know2grow​ @littlewhiterose​ @surprisinglysarah​ @stoneyggirl​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @thebookisbtr​ 
Idk why Tumblr is a little bitch sometimes and will randomly stop letting me tag certain blogs, so if your URL has a line through it, blame Tumblr
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cerberusisspot · 5 years
Friendship Bond
Characters: Janus, Roman, Remus, Virgil, Logan (mention), Chara!Thomas, Remy, Patton (mention)
Relationships: Platonic Roceit, Familial Anxceit, Platonic Demus, Background Romantic Analogical, Eventual Romantic Analomus.
TW: Poison mention (let me know if I missed something)
Warning(?): Deceit is Trans MtF AroAce, Roman is Non-Binary AroAce, Sympathetic-Moraly Grey Deceit, Sympathetic Remus
Summary: Edna and Roman have been friends for so long, they have gotten closer than ever now. It’s fluffy I swear.
Janus sighed as she folded the blankets and set them down before hearing the front door open
“Welcome back,” Janus calls as Remus, her friend and housemate, came in, Janus took one glance at Remus and sighed
“Why do I have a feeling you are about to tell me to help you with something?” Janus asked as she placed a hand on her hips and sighed again
“... Experience?” Remus asked before sitting on the couch that Janus just cleaned
“Hey, how dare y- just tell me what you want” Janus said as Remus looked at her pouting
“Please set me up with Virgil!” He said as Janus looks at him with a surprised
“... I’m not about to be you wingwoman with my brother who- might I remind you, has a boyfriend” Janus said sighing “My AroAce ass isn’t ready for this” she mumbled
“I’m home!” They both heard as both turned their heads to see Roman
“Yo,” Janus says with a smile as Roman smiles and returns the greeting
“What are you guys doing?” Roman asked as Janus eyes her friend for permission “just tell them” he says with a pout
“Well Remus wants me to set him up with Virgil who already has a boyfriend” Janus says as Roman looks at their brother confused as they throw their bag near the the door and come to sit down
“So how is he planning to do that?” Roman asks as Janus sighs “you think I’ll actually do it?” She asks to get Remus on his knees
“PLEASE!” He pleads as she takes a step back
“Remus, raises your head, I would if he was single-” Remus cuts her off “but isn’t he ok with polyamorous relationships!” He asks as Roman eyes Janus who also looks at Roman in worry
“... I can try” she says slightly troubled, but Remus didn’t realize as he grins “THANK YOU! Thank you so much Janus!” He said excited running to his room
“Are you going to do it?” Roman asks seriously as Janus just sighs as she picks up her phone and gave a slight broken smile
“Even if he says no... I can at least try-” “Janus.” Roman cuts her off as she freezes and looks at them
“Are you sure? My brother can be persistent, but you aren’t forced” they say as she looks at them for a moment before a sigh escapes her lips
“Listen, I just started talking to Virge again... I... I’m scared to ruin our relationship again” she confesses as Roman smiles at her
“It’s ok I can convince him to talk to Virge him self” they propose as Janus sits down
“No I’ll do it... I’m sure Virge won’t be too angry” she smiles a bit but Roman just says before getting up
“Tell me if you need help” they smile at her while ruffling her hair as she smiles softly “alright, don’t overwork, Ro” she says as they chuckle and leave to their room
“...” the ring of the phone was heard around the living room
“Hey? Janus, what’s up?” Virgil’s voice could be heard as she softly takes a breathe
“Hey Virge,-” she stops her self “-wanna meet tomorrow at uncle Thomas’s? At around 2pm?” She asks as She hears discussion
“Can Lo come?” He asks timidly as she smiles “of course, as long as I can bring my friends” she says as he laughs “of course”
“Ok then-” “hey Janus!” Virgil says as she stops and hums
“I’m... im sorry...” he says as Janus smiles to her self
“Are you talking about 15 years ago? Get over it, it’s fine, I don’t care anymore” she said as she can hear him grunt to stop himself from saying anything
“...I’m still sorry, I was an ass” he muttered as she chuckles “yea, you absolutely were, but that’s in the past” she reassured as Virgil sighs
“Ok... we can continue tomorrow, get permission from uncle Thomas!” He says before hanging up
“See~ I told you it won’t be too bad” Roman says smirking as they enter, Janus laughs a bit before getting up and stretching
“So, wanna help with dinner? Otherwise imma put poison~” she says entering the kitchen
“... I don’t know how much of that was truth” they say with a shiver
“Hey! Virgil!” Janus calls as Virgil’s eyes gleam as he runs up to hug her
“I missed you! How have you been? Is anyone messing with my sister?!” He asks angrily as she chuckles and pushes him away
“I’m fine, how are you!” She asks as he shrugs
“Ok?” He says more like a question
“Janus, are we- oh Virgil, good to meet you again” Roman greets “oh Roman, as bright as ever huh?” Virgil said less excited
“... why do I get the feeling you don’t like me?” Roman pouts, “haha, because I don’t.” Virgil said
“Hey hey, come on now, I said I’ll respect your boyfriend if you respect mine” Janus said as Virgil chuckles
“Yea but I didn’t know you were bringing a...” Virgil stopped trying to find a suitable insult
“...?” Roman looked at him confused “is he ok?” They whispered to Janus who just laughed at her brother before dragging them all in
“Remus! Come on!” She called as Remus hurried in with a blush on his face
“... well I need to take pictures, this is the last time I’ll see my bro pinning on someone” Roman says with a smirk
“Hey you ok? Sorry about Virgil” Edna said with a sigh, but Roman just laughed
“Don’t worry about it, it’s ok,” they says as the two friends smile at each other before scoffing softly
“You’re an idiot, if you are troubled at least try to hide it better,” she said softly as Roman’s facade slightly fell
“I mean it hurts that your brother doesn’t like me, but hey I’ve been through worse” they laugh nervously, Janus just gave them a knowing smile
“Don’t worry, Virgil is like that with almost all my friends, he’ll warm up eventually though, he did with Patton, remember? How much he did not like them, now those two are inseparable” she said taking Roman’s hands
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he doesn’t actually care, if he did... well I wouldn’t be talking to you” she said a little nervous at the end
“Your a great friend Janus,” Roman says with a smile as they rest their hand on her head
“Hey, we are friends, I’d even say best friends but that doesn’t give you any right to ridicule my height” she says with a scary smile, but Roman just smiled and pat her head
“Yes yes, let’s go in and become Cupid, shall we?” They ask as she laughs and nods
“You’re a cool guy Remus” the two hear as they enter, they both look at each other before laughing a bit
“And cute” Logan muttered but they all heard, Virgil smirked before laughing “that’s my boyfriend, straightforward as ever” Virgil says
“I don’t understand how you can like someone so quickly” Edna sighs shaking her head
“JANUS!!!!” Thomas came to hug his niece “I miss you! How are you!” He asked happily as as Edna chuckled
“I’m fine Tommy, now get off before you embarrass me” she said with a pout before Thomas gives her a slight sad look as his thumb glosses over her burns as she winces
“Thomas, don’t...” she says removing his hand from her face before he pouts
“Hah... Janus, you resemble my sister so much” he sighs before stifling a laugh
“Cute and serious and always ready to beat ass” he laughs as she pouts
“Hey hey, I should be offended, mom isn’t that serious anyway” she says before Thomas chuckled
“Yea Yea, say what you want but you didn’t know her before she gave birth to you” he said with a smirk
“I have an overwhelming urge to punch that smirk off your face” Janus radiated with a joking murderous aura
“Ok ok, let’s go to your brother now” Roman laughs as they grab Janus and pull her into the living room
“Nooo Roman... I don’t wanna be with the lovebirds!” She whines playfully as Roman sighs and hits her head
“Stop complaining and look at that face my brother is making, we are making fun of him later 100% so grab your phone and snap the pics” they said with an evil smirk painted on their face which made Janus chuckle
“Yea we are definitely making fun of him... later though for now let him enjoy it” she said with a soft smile as she sees Remus blushing as her brother laughs
“... I’m kind of jealous” she says with a smile as Roman chuckles with her
“Yea I kind of get it, even I never got to have that much of a fun convo with my bro” they said as Janus nods “yea...”
“Mama!” Janus looked back and a grin etched her face “Remy!! Hello sweetheart!” She cooed carrying her nephew
“I’m not mama tho, I’m just your aunt” she said with a chuckle to Remy who played with her hair while laughing
“Virgil! Can you help, he’s pulling too much” Edna calls as Virgil comes to help her
“Are you ok?” Roman asks, stealing the question from Virgil who glared at them
“Yea, my hair’s a bit ruined though” Janus said with a pout as Roman smiled and left for a bit
“... aren’t you two too close?” Virgil asked with a pout as Janus raised her brows
“They’re just my friend, we’re both Aro Ace” she pointed out as Virgil just sulked
“But you don’t seem like it” he said, Edna just raised a brow and hit his back
“Yea well that’s what makes us a great duo, the leeches disappear, also I genuinely enjoy their company and personality” she said with a smile
“Awww I’m honestly honored” Roman said coming back with a Beanie in hand
“... how long have you been listening?” She asked as Roman just smiles “don’t worry just that last part about you genuinely liking me- platonically of course” they said as they slipped on the beanie on to Janus’s head
“Here now you look less like a disaster and more cute~” they said with a smile
“...” the two could feel the stares of Thomas
“Um... tommy?” Janus calls nervously as Thomas snaps out of his trance
“Oh sorry, I was just wondering, wouldn’t it be great for there to be a wedding like thing but for friends, just good happy Friends and no deeper feelings” he said as Edna and Roman look at each other in surprise before laughing
“Yea they have been together for as long as I remember” Remus said as Janus just laughs
“Yea I mean, at least our life wasn’t too cliche and we didn’t become some childhood friend lovers” that just made Roman and Janus both laugh more
“Omg I cant imagine us anything more than friends, really good probably close friends, but nothing more” Roman said as Janus nods
“Yea I have no desire or any feeling to want to get together, despite them being so handsome, alas we are both happily single” Janus said
“... you two...” Virgil interrupted as the two look at him “... are really similar in extraness and how dramatic you guys are”
“... I’m kind of jealous in a way” Virgil said with a small chuckle
“It’s just... Roman has been there for her all her life while... I was being an asshole to her... and to Roman, despite them taking such good care of my sister, so I guess I owe you a thanks Roman, and a Sorry Janus” Virgil said with a frown as Janus just looked away
“Yea well that’s in the past, you were young and stupid but what else do we do, we just have to accept it I mean thanks to you being such an asshole that I met and got so close to Roman” Janus says scratching the back of her neck
“And... I’m also guilty of being horrible to you, so I think we are even in some way” she said
“Aww that’s cute and all but you two are the least people to be cheesy so this is giving my goosebumps” Remus said, Janus turned to him with a smile
“I will happily add poison into your food tonight, I have some just in case you two start getting-” “IM SORRY!” Remus said a little of fear but mostly knowing that this will turn into a lecture
“... I don’t know if I should be worried for Roman and Remus’s health in anyway” Virgil said as Edna chuckle
“I’m not going to actually kill them~”
Thank you for reading~, This is not edited (please tell me if there are any mistakes or I accidentally misgendered anyone,)
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honestsycrets · 5 years
Pay the Bill I: The Stranger and the Friend
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❛ pairing | hvitserk x reader (mob au)
❛ type | multi
❛ summary | church girl (Y/N) heads to the car with her niece to wait for her aunt. but she can’t help overhearing someone in need of help...
❛  warnings | mob au, nongraphic murder (i think)
❛ sy’s notes | i was gonna make this a one shot but I was having too much fun! Moster : aunt on mother’s side
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Your aunt’s little two-story church on 24th street is smack in the middle of busy downtown. There’s a rundown pizza parlor around the corner where all the youth go after service, skipping down cracked sidewalks with pockets full of coin, bantering about their newest love interest or the hottest shade of lipstick. You shift in a rich wine dress, swishing the line of your dress in excitement for going home, kicking off your heels and sitting in the front of the warm brick fireplace with your niece.
“Did you turn off the air?” You ask your aunt, starting down the side door’s steps in a dress that was vibrant blue like the hue of her bright eyes. Your adoptive cousin stands-- bothered by something, he begins to lowly consult her. She throws you the heavy ring of keys.
“Go ahead of me, doll. Start the car.”
You catch them, fumbling with your poor skills. You can tell that you’ll be out in the cold a while. Your aunt has a way of talking round and round like a record and making people listen. Flurries of snow limit your view. Your fur coat affords you warmth with its muddy brown hairs. It would be a cold-ass day. The sooner you got home, the better. In your other hand, you hold your niece Marie, hopping in puffy white plastic shoes over puffs of snow. You bring your coat around your chest with chocolate gloves that match your mary janes.
“Get him the fuck up,” a voice says just outside the gated parking lot. A man’s voice: rumbling loud. You puff out frothy cold winter air while clicking toward your aunt’s car, glancing up to the brick wall beside you. An advert: enlist now for overseas service! A young man rushes to the mainline, his rifle prepped and ready for battle.
“Easy, easy big boy.”
“Please, please, please!”
You jangle the keys, stopping and standing upright at a man’s blubbering cries. There’s a loud rumble of the men beside him, boozing and having a few laughs at his expense. You can’t make him out behind the group of finely dressed men gathered.
“Moster?” Marie squeaks.
You tighten your hand around her, popping the car open putting her in her plush seat. You take up a warm maroon blanket and settle it around her shoulders. Mind your own business, you think. Your mother told you to mind your own business. This man? None of your business. Marie is your only line of business. You’d tell yourself that to death. But there was a tug-- damn religion and morals, telling you that he needed you.
“We’re just going to wait for Aunt Sella.”
“Where is it?” The man booms.
Marie turns her bright blue eyes to the door as you hop in, turning the heat on. She holds the hand of a monkey named Jo, one that you had made her yourself. “Are they gonna hurt him?”
Bless the words of a child. You search for the right words, finding there are none. Your hands shift around the steering wheel, flexing in those chocolaty gloves. Mor told you to mind your own business. Sella… she would have… She would have been right up there, swinging her finger around and telling them what for.
“Sweetheart I… No,” you shift around, fixing your skirt. “They ain’t. Now you just wait right here.”
Marie squeaks, Aunt (Y/N) saves the day!
The reality feels much different as you step out of that car. Your freezing feet carry you off the icy sidewalk, skidding closer to the fray. You straighten your coat, elevate your jawline, and press on. Your fingers dig into sleek suit jackets, a tug and a rip pulling each thug away from the middle.
The crumpled near-naked man is over the man’s sleek black shoe. He stands with a discordant frown, the barrel of his gun downcast toward the man’s head. More time, he begs, all I needed was some more time.
“Gave ya all the time ya needed, Solvasson.”
Solvasson weeps ugly tears against his boot. That’s when you move for better or worse and pull your chocolaty coat off your shoulders. The one your youngest sister brought you from Paris. She told you to keep it well. Then, kneeling at his feet you cover the man’s shoulders with the warm coat.
“Who the fuck is this--” another man asks, leaning from the sleek vehicle that blocked the street from the opposing direction.
“Are you okay, sir?”
“Wha-- whaa--- what?” He looks up, seeming to recognize you. Mr. Solvasson, the butcher who always donned his daughters in the finest of finery. “Miss (L/N), (L/N) no. Go home.”
A man wrenches you from the floor, forcing you to stand upright. This poverty-stricken street is otherwise abandoned. Church has been out a good while. Everyone would be hiding from the snow-- you can’t rationalize why these men would be making a scene in public. Unless… the thought hits you.
“You’re The Heathens,” you say. “The ones in the papers. Shooting men... outside churches.”
You take your first real good look at the man harassing the butcher. He shifts on his fine polished dress shoes, shoving one of his slender hands into the pocket of a slender and well-fitted suit. His lapel holds a lily in place. His tie made of silk fitted into his dark vest. He’s dressed to the nines-- and any woman would find the wonder in a man who could dress up.
“You know him?” He runs his hand through the long honey-colored top, then down his shaved side again. The man from the car speaks-- your lips roll in trepidation under the weight of his words.
“Kill them both and let’s get on with it.”
Your heels click in the snow. “Wait-- you can’t do that! He has a family.”
“Not for long,” the man inside the car says. His bright blue eyes derive some heathenous glee from the words as if he’s pleasured by the concept of slaughtering an entire family for the sins of one.
“Shut up Ivar.” The brunet man says, “It’s my business.” You stutter forward when the man extends his arm out again, cocking his gun toward the shivering bundle at his feet.
“But what has he done?!”
“Oh he owes me a whole lotta money,” the man says. You recognize him. A handsome jawline, twinkling green eyes. He’s the same man that used to pop up at Mr. Solvassons while you would order a hunk of pork for Christmas day. “A whole lotta money he can’t pay back.”
You rip from the man holding you, reaching out to grasp the man’s hand. You can smell the cologne on his collar, his playful green eyes shifting to meet yours when you say those few fateful words. “Then let me pay it!”
The man Hvitserk, as you hear the one in the car groaning, raises his gloved hand to your neck. His fingers lightly press over the necklace leading into the most tasteful display of cleavage. A smile grows upon his lips into something sickingly wicked. Your hand meets his on your throat. It shimmies up, angling your face with tender care. Hvitserk pulls you forward, breath tickling over your neck.
A loud pop rings your ears-- and then the sudden babbling cries all but still. Your eyes squeeze shut, forming lines over the lids. There’s another click. The men scatter like a well-trained hive to take care of business.
“I can be coerced, Miss (Y/N),” Hvitserk announces, reclining lazily against the car now. “He leaves behind a debt of a hundred thousand and while I’m uh, sure your rich li’l pastoral family could pay that sum-- I’m not interested in just money.”
“Just money?” You repeat after him.
Hvitserk bares a smile, tickling fingers around the side of your dress. Even if you knew what he was referring to, you did not really think he would go so far as to propose it! You were born in the church, raised under strict morals. You didn’t… you didn’t do that. Falling together with a stranger whose name you didn’t know seems-- out of the question.
He hands you a card. The Polvsen Hotel.
��You’re a good girl, aren’t you? I like you. You’ve brave-- so, here’s the deal. You give me a little, I won’t blow them away. Even if Daddie’s dead as a doornail. So here is what you’re going to do, princess.” Hvitserk trails his hand lower. Your breath is sucked straight out of you, holding the card of a swanky, large hotel. He settles over your ass, leaning in against your ear. “You’re gonna me at the Royal Penthouse at ten o’clock. Wear something pretty. I like to uh, unpackage and taste before I eat.”
(Y/N)! Your aunt calls.
You shiver against his chest, turning your head toward the church. The cars have all dispersed. The body, gone. Hvitserk arches back, looking up and down your aunt’s trim body. He mulls over a hum, then looks down to you, tipping your chin up in his gloved hand.
“Do we have a deal?” He asks. You nod.
The only question now is--
Where the fuck are you gonna find something pretty on such short notice?
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You can’t tell Marie or Sella what happened.
Marie was a child. Sella… Sella would give you that speech. The one that said you could get forgiveness for your sins you got on your knees and prayed hard enough. If she knew, the whole congregation would know… and the shame of not living up to everything that Marie deserved would tear you apart. Tear apart the Solvassons too.
The only other place you could imagine going was to your sister, Margrethe. She’s… not quite the same as you all. At a young age, she left the house claiming that the family was a bunch of hypocrites wrapped up in the ribbon that was the church. Her life was a fast life. One that you never inquired into, but never yourself put down.
Not until today, that was.
Your knuckles cracked against her mucky door. It’s discoloured and grody, you’d say-- but you don’t know anything about this life. Not a lick. Little Marie went home with your aunt and while you had too, you also escaped.
“Why if it ain’t little Miss.” Margrethe surfaces in the doorway, a hand on the outrageously nice corset. For a prostitute, it had to look nice. She pulls the robes over her chest and pulls you in. You pad in, clearing your throat.
“You look good,” you say, padding in.
“How’s Marie?”
“Good, good.” You step over a cockaroach, bouncing cutely. “Just doing her thing…”
Margrethe closes the door with a lock, inviting you to the kitchen. She’s always been a hospitable woman, plating you an open faced sandwich you have no appetite for. You wave it off, playing with the edge of your purse instead.
“You gonna tell me why you here, then?” Margrethe says.
“I-- I made a mistake.”
You set down the card face up. She reaches out, plucking the card up from the countertop. Immediately she hums,
“Yeah, you did alright.” She laments. “Which one of the brothers you get?”
“Brothers?” You repeat after her, bringing your purse into your lap. She nods, stamping the flimsy card twice on her countertop before handing it to you.
“Yeah. Who was it? Björn? Ubbe?”
You shake your head. “Hvitserk.”
“Ahhh. Hvitserk.”
“Is that bad? He— he killed a man. In front of me.” You quake in front of him. “He threatened to kill his family even.”
“So.” Margrethe draws low. Her eyes center firmly upon yours. “You didn’t…”
“I-- They didn’t deserve it.”
“So you offered to pay it?!” Margrethe booms, bringing her cigarette to her lips. You cough under the smoke that she blows at you in a billowing cloud.
“I thought I could--”
“He doesn’t need the money. If he needed the money, he would’ve busted up the man’s kneecaps! It’s the fucking principle, (Y/N)! Now you can’t back out, do you understand me? The Heathens will kill you!!”
You shirk visibly at her curse, eyes darting over the cracked tile toward her toes. You clutch your purse under the weight of her words. It’s not that you don’t think she doesn’t have your best at heart. You know she does. She doesn’t want you to be used.
Margrethe wasn’t like Ida. She didn’t have the money or drive to travel the world on someone’s else's tab. Marie kept her close to home, caring for her family despite the fact that she couldn’t… well, she couldn’t be close to home with religion as a strict forefront. I will not have a prostitute here! Sella claimed.
Margrethe collapses against the countertop. “What does he want?”
You look up from the floor. “He asked me to wear something pretty.”
Margrethe puts out her cigarette on her countertop.
“Figures. Let’s get you dolled up.”
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@igetcarriedawaywithyou, @kylobien, @titty-teetee, @breathlessouls, @nejijjeoroo, @bcat1291, @readsalot73, @mslothbrok, @captstefanbrandt, @ailucascen, @michaeliskindahot, @cbouvier23, @naaladareia, @cbouvier23, @the-geeky-engineer, @lisinfleur,  @tephi101, @akamaiden, @ethereallysimple, @venusloviing, @happylittlepuppydog, @beyond-the-ashes, @slutforrpg, @sparklemichele, @alicedopey, @lif3snotouttogetyou, @noregretsandyeteveryregret, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @deathbyarabbit, @unacceptabletatertots, @beyond-the-ashes (no sig), @babypink224221, @ivarandersen, @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @end-of-night, @gruffle1, @lol-haha-joke @arses21434,  @smileyparrots, @miss-artemis-wild, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @wonderwoman292, @wish-i-was-a-mermaid, @killerb00sdeath, @heartbeats-wildly, @boo20017, @acacheofstrange, @shaelyn102,  @smokealone, @shaelyn102 @laketaj24, @peaceisadirtyword, @ly--canthrope @cris101071 @daughterofthenight117 @unassumingviking @ladyofsoa, @inforapound @winchesterwife27 @feyrearcheron44 @allvikingsfanfic @two-unbeatable-beaters, @igetcarriedawaywithyou, @kylobien, @titty-teetee, @breathlessouls, @nejijjeoroo, @bcat1291, @readsalot73, @mslothbrok (no mix), @romanchronicles, @captstefanbrandt, @ailucascen, @michaeliskindahot, @naaladareia, @cbouvier23, @the-geeky-engineer, @dorned, @lisinfleur, @tephi101, @akamaiden, @ethereallysimple, @venusloviing, @happylittlepuppydog, @beyond-the-ashes, @slutforrpg, @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns, @mixedwiththemoon, @sparklemichele, @alicedopey, @lif3snotouttogetyou, @rubyquartzshades, @noregretsandyeteveryregret, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @deathbyarabbit, @unacceptabletatertots, @beyond-the-ashes (no sig), @babypink224221, @titty-teetee, @ivarandersen, @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @piebytheocean, @strangunddurm, @rekdreams247, @justacrush, @ivarswonderlust, @peachesnpisces, @elenawrit, @equalstrashflavoredtrash, @roxxck, @dylanowhyyien, @ilvebeenabad, @vikingsmania, @huntingbears, @my-little-wolfe, @seize-the-droid, @moondustmemories, @colourmeinblue, @ilvebeenabad, @queenmissfit,  @hallowed-heathen, @neeadinghugs, @mblaqgi, , @triumphantreturnofpies, @dmv49, @glassythoughts, @iconicvaleria-blog, @lovelynerdytraveler, @tierneygonzalez, @zabee113, @meganjudee, @sdcyumyum, @ms-allenbrown, @pancake-blonde, @ivarswickedqueen, @starkiddreamer, @austenkingmylady, @pinkrockstar19, @jeowjungkook, @end-of-night, @yaminax-kuss-a , @gruffle1, @arses21434@natalie-rdr, @tempt-ress, @thevikingsheaux, @poisonedjoinery, @smokealone, @chewythecatus, @laughinglikenialler, @lefrenchfrye, @mybarnesmyhero, @vengefulflange, @imcreepininyourheartbabe, @therealmrshale, @that-goodgirl, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @athroatfullofglass, @x-valhalla @hissouthernprincess
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Surprise Surprise
Scott was biting the tip of his thumb. While pacing...and constantly looking over at Quill. The celestial had no idea what it could be about since Scott wasn't currently working on a project, so he let him pace. Quill was too preoccupied with one of his space tools to try and talk Scott out of whatever mindset he got himself into anyway. If Scott really needed help, the thief could come to him.
Which he did after about ten more minutes of pacing and then suddenly stopped to look at Quill, looking like he was going to pass out.
"What is Cassie to you?" He asks and Quill drops the screwdriver in his hands in shock.
"What the hell kind of question is that?!" The celestial nearly yells. "Are you implying that I touch her--?!"
Scott winces and holds out his hands. "NO! Of course not! Shit...after half an hour of thinking about that, I could have worded it better."
"You think?!" Quill huffs and looks back down at his tools before shoving them across the coffee table and rubbing his eyes. "Scott--"
"She considers you as a dad right? And lately you've been looking at her like a daughter." The thief rambles and Quill narrows his eyes in suspicion. "What of it? If you want me to stop, it's a little late for that, and I'm not the only one you should be talking to."
Scott goes back to his pacing, biting his thumbnail again, and when he doesn't answer Quill, the god returns to his previous task. His husband was definitely acting weird, and now it was starting to stress him out. Maybe they just needed a drink. An idea he decided to go with, and gets up to walk past Scott and into the kitchen to grab a bottle of beer from the fridge. He holds it out toward Scott, who shakes his head in rejection at the offer, and Quill looks back into the fridge.
"Juice? I'm pretty sure we have one more of those pouches--"
"How do you feel about kids?" Scott finally questions.
Quill slowly closes the door to the fridge and turns to regard Scott carefully when he finds the younger man looking at him with the expression of a deer caught in the headlights. That was not a look he expected to see Scott direct at him, and it had him even more suspicious. Why was he suddenly asking Quill about kids? Had someone shown up claiming to be his kid?
"Is someone saying something? Because it's a bunch of bullshit. Believe it or not, protection is a thing in space and you can bet your ass that I used it and made sure it worked!"
Scott gives him an incredulous look. "What? No!"
"Then why are you asking?" Quill demands.
"Because…" Scott hesitates before seemingly gathering his courage and looking the celestial in the eyes. "Because I want one with you! I've been watching you with not only Cassie, but with Dia and Val and you're so good with them."
"No." Quill says firmly and he sighs when pain flickers across the thief's expression. "Baby, that's a bad idea for a lot of reasons." He sets his unopened beer on the counter and walks over to Scott to gently grab his shoulders. "Yes, I see Cassie as my kid, but she's at an age where she can take care of herself. Diana and Valerie? I can give them back. I can't cook...and the biggest reason? I'm up there too often." He points toward the ceiling but they both knew he was referring to space. "I'm gone for weeks...sometimes months at a time, and I can't leave you to take care of a baby while I'm out there risking my life."
Quill was just being logical. He could miss out on his child's life with how often he was out in space, and it really wasn't fair to Scott to leave him to raise it. The thief had his own job and what if he had to go out of town to meet a client while Quill was in space? Give the responsibility to Cassie? To Stephen? The former was not happening and the latter wasn't fair to the sorcerer. Although Stephen loved all of the kids, and babies, he already had four of his own to raise. Not to mention the man did far too much already.
"Quill." Said man looks down at his husband and Scott reaches up to wrap his arms around the Celestial's neck. "You never said you would be a bad father."
"I'm pretty sure that was implied with the whole space thing and me being able to give our nieces back."
Scott didn't seem to be happy with his answer though, and to Quill's exasperation...he pulled out all the stops. Specifically the part where he pulls away just enough to look at Quill with those golden, hazel, pleading eyes…
"Scott..." The celestial warns.
"Quill, you have all of eternity to help save space...and I'm not saying you need to completely stop going out there. Just have the Guardians only ask for your help in absolute emergencies." The thief compromises and Quill snorts.
"Have you met them? Everything is an emergency."
"That I'm pretty sure Rocket causes eighty percent of the time. If he can get them in the situations, he can get them out." Scott says with a smirk as he tightens his hold on Quill. "Besides, going by how you take care of the girls, you will be a really great dad."
That was it. Scott made a good point and Quill couldn't argue with it, but he did think of one more thing.
"Say I agree to this...are we adopting it something?"
"No. Stephen figured out his baby spell so that he can use it on other--"
"Wait wait wait." Quill unhooks Scott's arms from around his neck and pushes him away just enough to look at him properly. "You already talked to Stephen?"
Scott blushes hotly. "I...had to be sure he could do it before talking to you about it.
"You really want this." Quill says softly.
"Only if you do too."
"Well...Rocket does cause a majority of our problems. I'd rather parent my actual kid than those morons."
The euphoria that lit up Scott's eyes was the nail in the coffin of Quill's decision. After that, they went to talk to Stephen about their decision, and the sorcerer gave them the time to prepare for the new baby. As in, buy all of the supplies and talk to Cassie. The latter was simple enough. Cassie was elated to find out that she would get her own sibling and she had to assure Diana that it wouldn't take away their time together when the little girl found out. Cassie was her big sister in every way but blood, and also her escape from Harley and Peter who sometimes were annoying big brothers.
The shopping, on the other hand, gave Quill entirely new possibilities to have a meltdown over and Scott remained patient through each moment of panic. Sure, he held Valerie as a newborn and changed a couple of her diapers (unwillingly), but it didn't prepare him for the multitudes of things that tiny humans needed.
And seeing baby clothes by themselves and how tiny they were? They made him very aware of how big he was and left him wheezing in the corner of the store. It was a good thing Scott had experience, because Quill wasn't much help in regards to shopping. The younger thief was throwing things into the cart that the celestial didn't even know they needed.
"What are those?" Quill wonders as Scott throws in a small package of what looked like tiny blankets.
"Burping cloths."
"That's a thing? What? Why?!"
"So the baby doesn't ruin all of our shirts with regurgitated formula or vomit."
Quill was in serious need of some quick parenting lessons. So while Scott grabbed everything they would need, the god grabbed a parenting book and read through it as they walked through the store. Some things he was aware of from watching Stephen and Tony with Valerie, but when he got to the part about burping the baby...he nearly had another meltdown. A terrified meltdown. Pat the baby's back? Yeah right.
Quill clears his throat. "Hey...uh...Scotty?"
"Remember that part about me where I'm...you know…a god?"
"What of it?" Scott asks casually and Quill wheezes again.
"Super strength! I'm gonna kill the baby."
The thief looks over at him and smiles gently. "No you won't. You've handled Valerie just fine." That wasn't very reassuring to Quill and Scott seemed to notice because he walked over to the celestial and takes the book out of his hands. "If I didn't think you could do any of this, I wouldn't have asked. You're worrying about things you've already done, and things you haven't are not as big a deal as you're making them out to be."
That helped Quill's anxiety a little, and Scott had told him that was enough reading for now as he tossed the book into the cart. It gave Quill a small sense of security to know that he could still have something to refer to.
When they got home, they were pleasantly surprised to find a crib already set up in their bedroom. When they questioned FRIDAY about it, she had told them it was Tony and Stephen's gift to them, and it was the same one they currently used for Valerie. Which meant it was safe and durable...and one less thing to worry about. Bonus, Quill and Scott weren't stuck assembling it.
Stephen met them in their room the next day once everything was put in their proper places, and Quill took to prowling the room as the sorcerer got the spell ready. His hair was painfully yanked when he didn't respond to Stephen's request for it, and he shot a glare to the doctor before continuing his prowling. Stephen and Scott said a few things that Quill didn't quite catch in the midst of his pacing, but he was eventually stopped by Scott when the doctor was ready to cast the spell.
"You're absolutely positive you want this? This is a spell that can't be reversed." Stephen warns.
"Yes. We are...and we know it's permanent." Scott says with a teasing smile and Stephen rolls his eyes.
After a nod from Quill when Stephen looks at him for an answer to his question, he opens his book to the needed spell. The spell itself was not as dramatic as Quill expected, just a flash of light that momentarily blinded them, and then coos followed immediately after. When his eyes recovered from the sudden light and he looked down on the bed where the baby lay squirming, Quill froze. In fact, he stopped breathing all together because there wasn't just one baby. There were two.
He and Scott had twins.
That was the thought that sent him over the edge.
Quill passed out.
"...ill...Quill!" The Celestial's eyes snap open when a hand gently smacks his cheek and Scott barely manages to move away when Quill suddenly sits up.
"Holy shit, we need a lot more formula!"
Scott laughs. "We need a lot more of everything."
Quill gets back to his feet with Scott's help and Stephen looks over at them after finishing looking over the babies. When he informed the couple that they had a boy and a girl, the celestial stared at the newborns that were now warmly dressed in onesies. He had children now. Three of them...and it was terrifying. Cassie could take care of herself, but now he had two babies that were completely reliant on him to survive and that was very different from being protective. Now that urge to protect was stronger than ever and it must have shown since Scott was grabbing his face and trying to get his attention.
"Hey big guy. It's okay. Calm down."
"What?" Quill blinks away the haze. The first sign that his galaxy eyes had been setting in.
"I know. It's a little overwhelming, but no passing out for what's coming next."
Quill looks at him in horror. "Please tell me there isn't a third!"
Stephen was the one to laugh this time, and he carefully scoops up the little boy to transfer over to him while Scott picks up the little girl. "No. Still twins. You do have to hold them eventually though."
The celestial thought he fell in love just looking at the twins, but as soon as his son was in his arms? There was nothing like it, and he could only imagine what it would be like with his daughter.
He almost wanted to pass out again.
"I'm assuming you thought of names before this?" Stephen wonders and Scott smiles.
"You said you had no control over whether it would be a boy or a girl, so we thought of both...and since we have both…" The thief looks down at the little girl. "This is Hailey Meredith."
Stephen looks over at the boy in the gods arms and Quill answers softly. "Hunter Harris."
"I'll let Christine know. She's the one filling out the birth certificates." The sorcerer says with a smile before he leaves the parents to their new babies.
Quill and Scott did eventually switch, and with some relative ease since the celestial was a big guy and could hold the infants safely in each arm, so all Scott had to do was put Hailey in his other arm and take Hunter. A few more minutes of fawning over their children passed until the babies started to yawn, and they were gently laid in the crib and they thankfully fell asleep immediately. Quill knew it wasn't always going to be this easy, and that many sleepless nights were in his very near future, but he was oddly okay with that.
"Holy shit, I'm a dad." Quill exhales sharply and Scott helps him to the bed to sit before he passes out again.
"It's not entirely different from being an uncle. You just can't give them back...you have to feed them and change them all the time...you have to discipline--" Scott says and Quill rolls his eyes.
"I get it. You're not helping you brat." He pulls Scott between his legs and brings his head down to kiss him. "Cassie is going to be surprised."
"I'm pretty sure she won't pass out though."
Quill groans. "You'll be holding that over my head forever won't you?"
"Especially since you give me the gift of forever with you...so absolutely." Scott confirms.
Quill could live with that.
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taylorhardybby · 6 years
Give you the world.  // ben!Roger Taylor X reader
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hi so this is my first ever queen imagine!! it was meant to be short but it ended up as 2.7K lol. enjoy.  PLEASE REQUEST ILL WRITE ANYTHING JUST ASK
You had been with roger since your senior year of high school. You’ve had your ups and downs, but you’ve stuck together through it all. Queen had just recently finished a tour in America and the boys were already back in the studio writing and recording the next album.
You usually spent any day you could in the studio with the boys but today you were at home babysitting your 2-month-old niece. Your sister had just had her gorgeous little girl with her husband of almost a year, but he was working today, and your sister had a work function that she just couldn’t get out of. Your niece, Charlotte was the perfect baby. So, you spent the day making bottles, changing nappies and singing lullabies. It was almost 4 pm and Charlotte had tired you out. She had been screaming bloody murder for a good twenty minutes before falling asleep on your chest. You would have sighed of relief if it weren’t for the fear of waking the precious child.
You and Roger had spoken theoretically about having kids since you were teens. You would both laugh at the ridiculous names you both came up with and Roger would always promise to give you and your kids the world. You would never admit it to Roger but from the second your sister fell pregnant you felt an ache in your heart. You knew it was silly and Roger would never hurt your feelings intentionally but the thought of asking him and about and getting the “ it’s just not the right time y/n “ or something like that made you want to cry.
You lied down in your bedroom, Charlotte was fast asleep on the bed, surrounded by pillows and cushions.you had planned just to watch her, to ensure she didn’t wake but before you knew it your eyes fluttered shut.
Roger walked in and noticed just how quiet it was. He knew you had been watching Charlotte today and he smiled as he looked around. There were toys, blankets and bottles lazily placed around the house. But you and the baby were nowhere to be seen. He walked as softly as possible down the hallway to the bedroom.
He could have almost cried at the sight. You were fast asleep, Charlotte in your arms and soft snore coming from both your mouths. He walked forward, and the floorboards creaked, he saw your eyes flutter open and you smiled when you saw him.
“ hi baby, how was the studio” your voice was raspy, due to your much-needed nap but Roger swears he fell in love with you all over again at that moment.
“ it was good, my love, how have you been” by now Roger had moved over to the bed and was sitting on the edge. His flyers glistened in the golden glow of the sunset through the window.
You got worried, you could see his watery eyes “ rog, what’s wrong baby” you tried to move Charlotte out of your arms to comfort him, but he stopped you.
“ nothings wrong baby, jus- just seeing you with Charlotte got me thinking” his breath was caught in his throat, he was nervous.
“ what if we had a baby of our own” tears flooded your eyes.
“ really, you-you would do that for me. For us” Roger nodded
“ if that’s what you want baby. I’ll give you the world” he wiped the tears softly that had spilled down your cheeks. The beautiful moment was broken by the stirring of the baby in your arms and you held her to Roger.
He took Charlotte and walked out into the living room cooing and talking to the tiny child in his arms. You couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear.
You sister arrived not much later with a bunch of smiles and a million thanks. You told her it was nothing as she took her baby back and helped to gather Charlotte's things.
Later that night you were lying in Rogers' arms, the moonlight casting shadows across your bed. He placed soft kisses along your neck and whispered sweet nothings in your ear. In a moment of lust and love, you flipped yourself over and kissed in back passionately.
He saw the glint in your eye as you pulled back and sent him that smile, he loves so much.
“ rog baby, can you please put a baby in me”
“ I thought you’d never ask love”
For the weeks after that every spare second you and Roger went at it. Not that either of you minded. The boys noticed that’s something was up. You both declined all the invitations to go out and rog never stayed any later than he needed to at the studio. None commented on it assuming you had just missed each other after the tour.
It was exactly a month after babysitting Charlotte that you sat in your bathroom waiting. You had checked your calendar, you were late. You were late for almost four days. You didn’t tell Roger. Not until you were sure. So while he went to the studio you had walked down to the nearby pharmacy and bought every test you could find.
Those were the longest their minutes of your life. You tried not to get excited, just in case. But as you turned over the first one and the little pink cross was stared you in the eye bright as ever you cried. You check the rest and all of gave you the same answer.
You were pregnant.
As much as you wanted to wait you had to call Roger.
It was Paul who answered the phone and you couldn’t have thought of a worse way to dull the mood.
“ I’m sorry y/n I can’t take the phone to him they’re working and must be interrupted” you were mad now. Really fucking mad.
“ so, help me god Prenter, if you don’t take the fucking phone to Roger this instant you won’t have a job tomorrow and you know I’m not lying” you heard him huff and rudely announce that you were off the phone and you refused to give him a message. Roger nearly punched him.
“Listen here asshole if my girl calls for me bring me the phone. I don’t care what I’m doing she’s more important than anything” his rant was crackly and through the phone, it made it hard to hear it but it wanted your heart like no tomorrow.
“ Hello baby is everything okay” you were still thinking about what he had said that you almost forgot why you were calling.
“ Oh, uh yeah everything perfect, how much longer do you think you’ll be today” Roger sighed, running his hands through his hair. Today was taking a long time, Freddie was being a perfectionist, and no one was doing anything right.
“ I’m sorry baby but I think today’s going to be a long one” you sighed, you needed to tell him but you also refused to do it over the phone.
“ Roger I really need to talk to you could you come home even just for an hour” you probably sounded pathetic
“ are you sure everything is okay love”
“ yes, rog please just come home”
“ I’ll be there in 15, I love you “
“ I love you too”. Relief washed over you. You had wanted this your whole life and you were so excited. You didn’t even want to wait the fifteen minutes until Roger got here.
Roger, on the other hand, was scared, what could possibly be so concerning that he had to come home to hear it. Had somebody died? Were you hurt and didn’t want to worry him? The boys were just as confused when he said he had to leave but he wasn’t sure why.
You were fluffing about. As silly as it was you quickly ran and put on a nice dress and fixed your hair. You were standing by the door when Roger Burst in.
“ what is it my love, are you sure everything is okay”
You had tears on your cheeks by a smile from ear to ear. You slowly moved your hand from behind your back, pregnancy tests in hand.
“ I’m pregnant” Roger stood their mouth wide open, shocking covering his face.
You yelled a little louder adrenaline running through your veins,
“ we fucking did it, baby, we made a baby” he practically runs to you pulling you into his arms. Your legs were wrapped around his waist and your lips smashed together. You pulled apart and your feet sat back on the ground.
“We really did make a baby” you had never heard Roger sound so proud. You could look at his face like this forever.
“ yeah rog, we made a baby” he pulled you into his arms again.
Once you both had calmed a bit, he Called the studio to let everyone know he couldn’t come back because something had come up. He couldn’t even be mad at the vulgar comments the boys made. He wanted to tell them so bad, but you wanted to see a doctor first. Just to be sure.
The next day when Roger was late to the studio everyone was worried. Maybe something had happened. The boys normally met at about 9am and it was 11 and no one had heard anything from either of you.
So, they started without Roger, and at 11:30 you two walked into the studio hand in hand and a smile on both your faces.
Freddie noticed you first.
“ decided to grace us with the presence I see” you knew he wasn’t too mad due to the cheeky smile.
“ sorry about this boy but I promise it was for a good reason” Roger just held you and nodded, looking like he was going to burst.
Freddie, Brian and John just kinda stared at you two. Surprisingly John spoke up
“ come on then out with it” they all watched expectedly.
“ y/n’s pregnant”
They all started cheering and throwing congratulations around like confetti.
As the weeks went on y/n’s belly grew as did the love for the little baby. You visited the studio almost every day and almost all anyone could talk about was your baby. At this point, you thought maybe they were more excited than you were.
Once the excitement died down reality sunk in. Of a morning, noon and night, you were almost always sick, at first you tried to hide it from Roger but when you almost threw up on his drums one day he was always a there to hold your hair.
The sickness eventually calmed down, but muscle aches and pains were there to replace it. Roger was the sweetest through your entire pregnancy. You hated putting your issues on him, but he was nothing but an angel.
“ baby you’re literally growing our child in your stomach for nine entire months, the least I can do is look after you”
From day one the boys wanted to know the name. You and Roger wanted to keep it as a surprise as well as the gender but that one got out a little early.
You and Roger had known the gender of your baby for almost two weeks and it was killing the rest of the band that they didn’t know.
You were sitting on the couch in the studio absentmindedly flipping through baby magazines. When Freddie came and sat beside you,
“ so y/n I want to throw you a baby shower but I need Colours”
You were too in your own world to even hear what Freddie was saying until he poked you and asked again,
“ pink Fred”
“ it’s a girl” you ears perked at that.
Freddie jumped up running into the studio shrieking “ it’s a girl”
Roger just laughed and nodded once Freddie explained how he found out.
It was now getting to the end of your pregnancy. It had been the longest 9 months of your life, but you wouldn’t change it for the world, you had been nesting intensely.
The nursery had been set up and your baby girl was set for life after the baby shower Freddie had thrown for you. It was almost as big as his usual parties and you didn’t even know half the people in the end, but you didn’t mind. You didn’t care who was there because you spent the entire time in Rogers arms surrounded by those you loved the most.
In the last few weeks before your due date, you had been skipping out on the studio and staying home. Roger had been trying to stay home but the album deadline was fast approaching, and your pregnancy had been a major distraction. Not that anyone cared.
It was exactly 3 weeks before your due date when you woke up in the middle of the night. It wasn’t unusual for you to wake to pee but something in your gut gave made you think tonight was different. You were right. As you stood up out of bed and took a step you felt the gush of liquid down your legs.
“ Roger” your voice was as quiet as a mouse and you heard him stirring, his raspy, sleep voice filled with concern.
“is everything okay”
“my water just broke”
“Oh, shit” Roger sat up and started moving so fast you could have sworn he was on something. All could do was try to get changed out of your saturated pyjama pants and make yourself mildly presentable. All while Roger ran around the house asking a million questions and freaking out. You called out to him and he came straight to you.
“is everything okay, I have the car packed do we go to the hospital” you cut him off with a kiss and you felt him relax into you.
“Roger relax, its fine we are going to get in the car and drive safely to the hospital. These things take hours okay” he nodded before his eyes lit up “I have to call Freddie, he would kill me if I don’t” you just laughed and told him you would make your way to the car.
You had never seen Roger drive so slow in his life, he was being so perfectly careful. Until you started groaning. The first contraction and it hurt like a bitch. Then it was like a switch had been flipped and he started driving so fast you were scared if he braked too hard the baby might just fall out.
By 9 am the next morning you were still weren’t fulling dilated. Freddie and Mary had come at about 7 and had been with you ever since. The doctors were due to come to check on you again any minute and you were begging and praying that they said it was time
At 9:56 That morning you heard the first ever cry of your baby girl. You had been squeezing Rogers’ hand so hard you thought it might be broken, the doctor placed your baby on your chest and you were an emotional wreck. Roger kissed you telling you how great you’ve done and when you looked up at him he kissed you again before mumbling, “marry me please Y/N I love you more than you could ever know, I want to give you the whole world” your sobs continued and you couldn’t stop nodding, you managed to gasp out a yes before kissing Roger again.
Once you and the baby were cleaned up roger went outside to get everyone. The tears started flowing again as you saw everyone walk in. Mary was holding a bunch of flowers, your favourite, of course, Freddie was carrying an entire basket of what looked like baby clothes, Brian was carrying a small pink teddy and deaky was carrying what looked like two coffees and a brown bag. You hoped it was a muffin. You were fucking starving.
They all congratulated you and Roger, and you looked at Roger who was holding the now sleeping newborn,
“Mary, boys please meet Violet Grace Taylor” they all started cheering before you shushed them and pointed to  Violet.
You couldn’t help but smile, Roger promised you the world, but you already had it.
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glowwormsmith · 6 years
Joseph seed fanfic please?
Sorry,this is late anon! I wish I could write faster, but I hope you like thisregardless.
 So,since you didn’t specify what type of story you wanted anon (except to have itfocus on Joseph, hooray), I just went self-indulgent as hell and did aplatonic, semi-AU with my OCs that may lead to a fix-it fic of ND, oops.
 Imay continue this, depends if you all like it or if I have any motivation/timeto do so (motivation what motivation? Also, I’m a grad student, there is notime anymore). Hope you guys enjoy!
 Warnings:Some language, some gore/violence, child endangerment
Everythingthat had led up to this point was a blur. The only clear memory was the finalstand between him and the Deputy, where he had fallen. The day was beautifuland clear, the air still. No wind, no animal cries. And then the sirens wailedand the bombs fell. He knew The Collapse had arrived in all its fury andrighteous fire, and only he knew of it. There was panicking, disbelief, cryingfrom all around him, except from him.
Hehad been shoved into a car, everything was red and ash and heat. He was betweenthe two girls, the younger one trembling like a leaf and the older screaming,eyes widened in shock as her shouts ranged from how they would all die toyelling for her aunt to keep driving. The Deputy was in the driver’s seat,driving erratically, the only sound from her were erratic mumbling of how hewas right and heavy breathing. Her superior was in the passenger, givingfrantic directions to the bunker.
Andthen they crashed. He awoke and let out a cough, the environment making itharder to breathe, his thoughts jumbled but forming faster as he looked around.The old sheriff had gone through the windshield, half his body still inside andthe rest on the hood, his skull split open and eyes glazed over. The driver’sseat was empty, the door open. He looked over. The older girl was unconscious,but alive, head bleeding and breathing slow. He heard a whimper to his rightand saw the little one curled up, eyes wide and form trembling hard as sheregarded him.
Therewas no sign of the Deputy, corpse or otherwise.
“Areyou alright, child?” he said, his voice soft and raspy from the ash. She didnot respond and he offered a weak smile. He saw the bunker in front of them. Heturned back. “We will head there. I will carry your sister and you’ll ride my back.We cannot stay out here long. Alright, Fern?”
Hespeaks gently to her. He knows she is the soft-spoken one, the one who will bemore likely to trust him. She nods, but does not speak. He crawls to the frontand exits the driver’s door. The world is on fire and the air is toxic. Itstings, the sky is black and it hurts to even look around. He has no time towaste.
Heopens her side and lifts the older girl—he remembers her name, Hazel—up withease, putting his weight to carrying her limp form. He goes to the other sideand Fern opens the door. He leans down, prepares his weight and she climbs ontohim, wrapping her arms around his neck. She dangles like a rag doll, but herlegs are useless and he struggles. He marches on. He wonders where the Deputyhas gone. Perhaps she has already entered the bunker, but it didn’t feellikely. She would have brought her nieces in and left him outside if that werethe case.
Hewas able to make it to the doors despite his struggle with the two bodies he wastransporting. He briefly put Hazel down and opened the bunker doors, slowly asthey creaked open. He could already hear the old man who had hidden away herecalling up from within. He helped the girls into the top steps and closed thedoors shut, muting the destruction outside and putting things in the dark.
Heturned to Fern, huddling close to her sister. “I’ll be right back, my child.Keep close to your sister.” It hurt his heart to see her timidly nod andshuffle closer to her sister, but it was better that she didn’t see what he wasabout to do.
Therehad been a struggle, but the old man had gone down quickly, even with hiscurrent state. All it took was a distraction from Fern’s cries to turn hisback, and Joseph swung a wrench down on his head, bringing it down a few moretimes.
It was for the best…he would nothave let me stayed otherwise. He looked around thesmall bedroom for anything useful. Among the supplies he found were a pair ofhandcuffs and the tattered remains of the Deputy’s worn uniform in a pile. Hegrabbed the cuffs and pocketed them as he moved.
Hesaw Fern stroking her sister’s hair as Hazel was coming to, emitting low groansand head lolling, but not regaining full consciousness.
Hepicked up Fern first, who let out a few cries of confusion and she begins toflail in his arms.
“It’salright. I’m taking you to a room where you will be more comfortable. I’llbring your sister soon.”
Shegave him a troubled stare but didn’t struggle as he brought her to the infirmaryand placed her on a cot. “Would you like a blanket? Some water? I could grabyou a book, though I’m not sure there’s much here that you would like.”
Shestayed quiet, but shook her head. She used her upper body to pull herself upand drew her legs to her, huddled close as her eyes looked around. “Where’sUncle Dutch?”
“Hewasn’t here.” She gives him a hard look before looking away, downward. He letout a soft sigh and began to head out. “I’ll be right back with your sister.”
Hethen went back to Hazel, lifted her up and checked her vitals. She had a minorhead wound and small lacerations from the crash, but nothing he couldn’t treat.He walked to the infirmary and placed her on a cot. After securing her wristswith the cuffs to the bed post, he treated her wounds.
“Why’dyou put handcuffs on her?” Fern said, an edge in her tone.
“Theminute she wakes up, she will no doubt attack me. I need her to listen firstand when I feel she won’t harm herself or me, then I’ll remove them. I won’t doanything to hurt you or her, I promise.”
Hethen left the room briefly to handle the old man, disposing of the body bybriefly opening the doors and then immediately throwing it out. He glancedbriefly outside, at the world he knew was coming, that the Lamb of God hadwrought…who had seemingly vanished into the flames.
Heshut the doors and headed for the small bedroom where a radio sat on a table.He observed it and began to see if there was anyone out there. Once the sevenyears were over, there would be no need for these machines, but for now he hadto make sure some members of his flock were safe. He had very few things leftand to think on it anymore would drive him mad.
Heheard the emergency broadcast system, but nothing else.
Itwas when he heard the distant rattling of the cuffs and Fern’s voice to hersister that he headed for the infirmary. He saw a struggling Hazel shiftingupward as she pulled on the cuffs and she turned to glare at Joseph. “Where’sAunt Layla and Dutch, you sonuvabitch!? Where are they?!”
“I’mglad you are awake, my child. We have much to discuss, the three of us.” Hepulled a chair forward and sat facing the girls, worry and fury on twoindividual faces. “The Collapse has come. The world as we know it is over. Weshall reside in this bunker for seven years and then step into the New Eden,the Paradise I had prepared my family for, and start again.”
“Saveyour fuckin’ prattling for your braindead sheep, I don’t give a fuck if youwere right!” Hazel shouted, eyes ablaze. “Where’s Dutch and Sheriff Whitehorseand Aunt Layla!?”
Josephclosed his eyes and swallowed his ire. These were children, confused and hurt.They needed guidance and care, otherwise he’d never reach them.
“SheriffWhitehorse was already dead in the car crash. Your friend Dutch…would nothave let me stay otherwise, so I removed him. As for the Deputy…Layla…Idon’t know what has happened to her.”
“Bullshit!Just a few hours ago, you held us hostage and fought with everyone! You killedDutch; who’s to say you didn’t kill the sheriff and Aunt Layla, too!” Hazelscreamed, tears brimming on her eyes as she fought against the cuffs, making anawful clamor.
“He’snot lying, Hazel.” Both Joseph and Hazel’s eyes turned to Fern, small and meek,looking at the sheets and picking her nails. “I woke first. Things were blurryand my eyes stung, but I saw Mr. Whitehorse…through the windshield. Josephand you were unconscious, I tried waking you, I thought you were all dead. ThenI saw Aunt Layla wake up…I called out to her and tried to reach for her. She,she just stared at me, didn’t say aword, and we stayed like this for what felt like forever…and then she ran outof the car and, and I couldn’t see where she went! She…I screamed for her!”Her strained voice suddenly began to break into a hysterical high-pitchedvoice, tears and sobbing threatening to spill over, “then Joseph came to a fewminutes after that. She…she just…”
Theair was heavy with tension with only Fern’s sobbing breaths the only noise asshe struggled to gain it under control. Hazel had stopped moving, and Josephcould have sworn she stopped breathing or blinking with how still she became.The fire in her eyes were extinguished, her very soul crumbling as her facefell with the realization that she may not trust Joseph’s word, but she couldtrust her sister’s. Any excuse or explanation would fall flat at this point andthere was only one thing to accept: Layla Rook had abandoned her nieces, notcaring if they were alive or not.
Josephstared at these lost lambs, realizing that everything that had unfolded waseverything that the Voice had told him would happen and yet he could feel thesame emptiness that these children felt now. He had waited so long for theprophecy that God told him would be fulfilled. He had prepared his family forthis and now his brothers, his Faith, and perhaps all of his flock were ash. Hefelt no victory or self-righteous over this, even if he did how could he gloatto these girls? They had lost their mother, a man—his older brother—whom theymight have called father, they had been thrown into senseless bloodshed, theirentire world had been cleansed by God’s fury, and now their aunt has abandonedthem, to her sworn enemy.
Itwas then that he saw a new purpose laid out of him, right in front of his eyes,now that the Voice had gone quiet with the prophecy fulfilled, as he awaitedthese seven years to leave the bunker and into New Eden. He knew God always hada plan; he had sacrificed his own daughter so many years ago to prove hisloyalty to God and to reward him, God had come full circle to give him thisgift, to begin anew.
Hisstoic face became warm, a soft smile gracing it as he drew closer to them.Hazel did not notice, too lost in her own thoughts, head bowed as herdisheveled light brown hair covered her face. Fern had settled down to noticethe change in him and her gaze looked warily on.
“Thereis no need to fear now. I am not going to hurt you. The sins of your aunt andof the Resistance against my family have nothing to do with you. You’re all Ihave left now. You’re my family. And when this world is ready to be borne anew,we will step into the light.”
Fern’sgaze widened with horror and realization while Hazel barely looked at him, hairrevealing her dark eyes as she gave him a tired, despair-ridden glare. Bloodwas drawn from her mouth as she bit into her lip and her fists were heldtightly together. Fern was trembling again, soft hiccups coming from her mouth.It would take much work to get them to trust and love him like a father, butJoseph Seed did not become the Father without putting any work into it. Heleaned back in his chair with a content smile, a newfound peace settling overhim after all the angry and despair the recent events had brought him.
“Iam your Father…and you are my children. And together, we will march to Eden’sGate.”
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Hunting Eggs.
Authors note: It was requested to write a few Easter related blurbs and I have no idea how to write them…. So I am sorry about this piece, it is far from the best… but I mean…. I gave it a shot. I am not the best with this children fluff, haha. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys their Easter festivities (If celebrated), and may everyone have a lovely and safe weekend!! Xx
All prompts/ Blurbs can be found HERE
At ten at night and the house is ultimately withdrawn, your little boy is fast asleep and out of trouble, no longer causing mischief and doing everything in his power to stress you out. Your little girl also fast asleep, cuddled up to the purple blanket Harry gave her before he left two weeks ago for many radio interviews and what not. 
You overhear the front door open and you smile to yourself, the butterflies rising in your stomach, the all too familiar footsteps echoing against the hard wood floors' 
“Hey, you’re still up.” Harry chimes, sliding his jacket off and throwing it over the couch, promptly bending down and kissing your cheek, 
“Yeah, the Easter Bunny needs to make his rounds.” You gesture towards the Easter eggs scattered around you and the two baskets that you got the children for their Easter egg hunt with the family. “How was the trip?” You grin as he sits down beside you, sneaking an arm around you. 
“So-so. Kinda sick of interviews at the moment,” he sighs, his hand playing with the ribbon that is meant to decorate Olivia’s basket with. “Need some help?” Harry proposes, observing as you’re rather drowsy and would much prefer to be tucked into bed, instead of having to get everything settled for when Olivia and Henry wake up in the morning. 
“Just scatter these eggs everywhere, I’m sure Olivia won’t even understand that the Easter Bunny came considering Henry will wake up before her and take all the eggs.” You sigh, knowing that Henry, who is five, is far more excited than his younger sister, who is three, about the Easter bunny. 
Olivia doesn’t fully understand and Henry is bound to take advantage of his little sister’s lack of comprehension. 
“Henry, he’s a little bugger.” Harry chuckles, “Olivia will have more fun at the egg hunt— which reminds me, Liam said to tell you that he’s got the Easter Bunny coming.” Harry yawns, continuing to play with the ribbon with his free hand.
 *** *** 
At first, you hear the patter of little feet scurrying across the floorboards’ and with a sluggish smile you reach over and pull yourself closer to Harry’s body, his soft snores humming as he mumbles a few incoherent words. You close your eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath as you try to wake yourself up, knowing that in less than five minutes your two children will be racing in with excited expressions. 
Your fingertips trace circles on Harry’s bare skin, the duvet draping over his lower back, leaving the rest of his torso exposed as he sleeps. He tucks his arm under his pillow, moving slightly within his sleep. “Baby…” you whisper, your fingers continuing to pursue his warm skin. 
He lets out a small groan, a tiny indication he’s gradually waking, but he’s not fully there yet. “Harry, baby, the kids are up.” You whisper, kissing his cheek and you hear a huff escape his dry lips before he moves and changes his position in the bed, going back to sleeping. 
You chuckle to yourself just as you overhear the door creaking open, “Daddy’s home!” Henry reveals rather noisily and excitedly, his sister sleepily behind him as she holds her purple blanket clasped in her small hand. Henry jumps on the bed and Harry instantly moans, his body feeling the bed dipping. 
“‘ey, buddy.” Harry drowsily mumbles, his eyes just now opening as Henry crawls closer to Harry. Harry positions himself on his back, allowing his son to sit on his legs, 
“daddy we missed you.” He bounces cheerfully, as you lean over your side of the bed to pick up Olivia who has been peaceful while patiently waiting for you to grab her. 
You set her down on the bed and she immediately crawls to her father, not giving you the sloppy kiss she usually does when she sees you first thing in the morning. “I missed you, too.” Harry presses a kiss to Henry’s forehead, “aw, darlin’ and you too, come love on daddy.” He opens his arm, allowing Olivia to crawl herself beside Harry, nestling into him. “Are we ready for the Easter hunt today?” Harry challenges, watching as Henry widely smiles and nods his head. 
*** ***
“Niall, Harry, stop yeh cheating! It’s for the children only.” Liam scolds the two as they help their little girls with collecting the scattered eggs. Niall scoffs and places another egg into his four-year-olds basket, peering over at Liam with a grin. 
“Mate, she’s three. Just helping her get some eggs.” Harry chuckles, as the other children scramble around frantically, shoving each other playfully to find the perfect eggs and to find the greatest one at that. 
Somewhere around the area, there’s the ultimate egg that every little kid wants to get their hands’ on. Every year the parents’ make playful banter over which little one will find the egg, typically the boys’ like to place bets on which one of the sons’ will end up with it. 
“Ye’ and Sofie’s Daddy wants some chocolate.” Niall jokes, holding his daughter’s peach coloured basket in his hand, encouraging her to seize the small trail of eggs at her feet. 
Niall and Harry currently being the ones with the youngest, both girls’ being just over the age of three, born only a month apart. To say the least what their little girls’ want, they definitely get, even friends’ and family dote on the two girls’ like they’re royalty. 
Of course, Niall and Harry love it. 
“Careful sweetie.” Harry benevolently clutches Olivia as she stumbles over her own feet, “don’t get your pretty dress dirty, mummy will get upset with me.” He continues, guiding Olivia away from the uneven grass. 
She swings her basket from side to side, gradually finding a few small eggs that the older children have neglected. 
“Oi, Harry. Wanna find that glorious egg? Heard it was caramel this year.” Niall picks up Sofie as she rubs her eyes, giving up on collecting Easter eggs, much preferring to take a nap on her Daddy’s shoulder. 
“You know that is frowned upon.” Harry glances over towards Niall, attempting to stop Olivia from dropping her eggs from her basket. 
“And?” Niall raises a brow, “mate, let’s have some fun. The girls’ would appreciate it more than the boys and ya know it.” Niall presses with a grin. Harry sighs and nods, knowing that the boys’ have already managed to take all the decent eggs, leaving the girls’ with the mini ones. 
Harry picks up Olivia, and she too nestles into Harry’s neck, just like Sofie is nestled into Niall’s. 
“Daddy, I’m sleepy.” Olivia mumbles, her little hand still holding her basket filled with a few small eggs. 
“I know sweetie, here sleep on daddy.” Harry presses a kiss to her rosy red cheek before tenderly taking the basket from her hand. “What are we even looking for?” Harry glances towards Niall as they both wander along the verdant area, watching as the other little ones spread around everywhere, searching high and low for the ultimate prize.
 Niall shrugs, “your wife said it was a bunny." 
"Y/N knows where it is, I figured,” Harry mumbles childishly, beginning to wonder just where exactly you slipped off too once the hunt began. Harry only assumed you went off with the other wives to grab a glass of wine or to gossip with his sister as she’s perched on the decking, observing everyone from the wooden chairs. 
Harry and Niall scope the area with their sleeping girls’ nestled into them, eventually giving up and leaving the egg hunt for the children. 
You place your wine glass down on the table, Harry’s Mum describing a story about her weekend shenanigans from last week. You smile over at Harry as he unobtrusively wanders over, showing off Olivia as she’s cuddled into him. 
“Aww did you bore her with your terrible egg hunting skills?” Gemma jokes, only causing Harry to roll his eyes at his sister’s playful banter. “I told you to let me help her get eggs.” Gemma pouts, opening her arms, desiring to hold her niece. Harry tenderly places Olivia in her arms, kissing Olivia’s cheek before stealing your glass of wine. 
“What we talkin’ about?” He smiles at his mother, taking a sip of your wine as Niall sits down, cradling Sofie. 
“We were discussing your mother’s story until you interrupted.” You smile while he takes the seat beside you, continuing to drink your wine. 
“Okay, so what is the story?” He curiously asks and you shake your head, his sister chuckling to herself. 
There are just some stories he does not need to hear. 
“We were just about to talk about you two collaborating.” Gemma gestures between Harry and Niall, bringing up the question that has been circulating for a while. 
“Me and him? Nah, don’t like the fella.” Niall shakes his head, 
“Feeling is mutual.” Harry agrees playfully, the two of them grinning, still refusing to tell anyone about their plans, even if there are any plans. The seem to relish in keeping people guessing and speculating, especially Harry, he does it constantly. “Can I have my daughter back yet?” Harry looks towards his sister and she shakes her head, her eyes staring down at her niece.
“Nope, I want to hold her forever.” She grins, just as the other parents join the small circle, bringing more wine and stories to share while the children play and hunt Easter eggs.
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ninavale · 6 years
So this is another bit of my “brainstorming” idea about silver eyes  I've talked with several people like @saradominists I had like back during volume 4. The lore is obviously  VERY different than the current canon one, not only because it was created back then but I simply sort of like this idea better. Ozpin’s still a bit of a liar tho tagging also 
Inna Forrester was humming under her breath as she organised the potions and herbal teas on the pantry shelf. The holy time of Magieve was coming soon, ok there was still around a week, but she could already feel the tingling sensation under her skin. And the forest felt it too. It was bristling with energy. She could almost touch it. 
She loved Magieve. It was the night between thirtieth of April and first of May, and it was one of the few nights, along with Forefathers Eve(or Halloween as it was more commonly known) Midsummer and Winter Solstice when magical energy and those who benefited from it was stronger. There would be bonfires, flower crowns and spellcasting. And of course the tributes and prayers to the two main deities of the night. The Lord of Light and Great Mother. Sun and Mother Nature. Inna was most partial to the latter. Sun was, of course, important and she acknowledged that but Great Mother was the mistress of both life and death, she was the goddess of harvest and winter, of war and peace. And perhaps most importantly in the face of the holiday, she was the patroness of magic and all those who used it. 
Suddenly Inna’s musings were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. She glanced at the clock and felt a twinge of fear. Did one of the women in town miscarry? Was a baby coming too early? Her mother’s midwife services were the only reason she could think of for someone to come to their door so late. As she made her way towards the front of the house more possibilities flashed through her mind. Maybe it was Raven? Her sister(or at least Inna regarded the woman as such. Not that it was reciprocated in any way) tended to come when she needed something and with everything that was going on in the world, it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility. 
However, all of these possibilities flew out of the window when she opened the door. She was so surprised, that she stepped back. On her porch, stood Qrow, accompanied by his nieces and their two friends. She was honestly sure they were in Mistral. Or at least that Qrow was heading there with Ruby and...it suddenly hit her that the girl has not been travelling with her team but with some other friends of hers. And she couldn’t see them anywhere. And then there were the faces. Everyone looked...just so broken for the lack of better term. 
“Little falcon what...” she trailed off when she saw some shifting in the background and a boy came forward. She immediately recognized him, and everything became both clear and more complicated at the same time. She sighed deeply and her shoulders sagged.
“Come on in, everyone,” she said “you can tell me everything when we sit down”
None of them said anything as they walked inside. Inna closed the door behind them before leading them into the kitchen. It had a long table with benches on both sides so everyone could fit in. They did so, again with this overwhelming, almost apathetic silence. In any other situation Inna would feel awkward and would have difficulties finding her words, but with Ozpin being there, she was just too tired and done to feel it. 
“Ok,” she said, “what has he done this time?”
At first nobody answered but finally, Yang spoke up.
“He lied,” she said through clenched teeth “he kept secrets” 
“Everything” answered the girl. Inna let out a breath. That was getting nowhere fast.
“Alright, but you’ve got to be more specific Miss Xiao-Long,” she said “because that’s kind of his thing”
“He lied about his curse and about Salem, about relics and about silver eyes,” said Weiss Schnee, her voice was calm but her eyes were hard as steel and cold as ice, “he told us he’d keep no more secrets and no more half-truths. Yet he still lied. He hasn’t told us what the relics can do. He never told us that the lamp we’ve obtained will attract Grimm. Nor that it has a spirit trapped in it, that you can ask questions”
“And then when we tried to obtain information he was trying to possess Oscar to stop us” added Yang, throwing a hateful glare towards the young boy “but Ruby did it anyway, and we found out he got cursed because of he basically let two major tragedies happen and let innocent people die because he was too much of a coward to act. He also didn’t tell is that the dammed woman can’t be killed” 
Inna’s own eyes widened. She had been progressively more and more shocked by these revelations. Alright, the siege and fall of Caer Gwynn, she could understand. It was human nature to try and hide memories that were loaded with guilt and shame, and as much as it pained her to admit...it was long ago. All- with two exceptions - that have been there to witness it, have been dead for a long time. It wasn’t anything too crucial. But relics and Salem being unkillable by regular methods? That was rather important. And it seemed like there was even more to come. She let out a grunt and put her hand to her forehead. She could already feel a headache coming. 
“And then there are silver eyes” continued Yang, clenching her fists “he..he failed to...no, he was insistent on trying to cover up that my sister can end up blind or mad or dead” 
“WHAT?” that question came a lot louder than expected. Inna’s head snapped up and she turned to Oscar or Ozpin “YOU HAVEN’T TOLD THEM ABOUT THAT?”
The young boy shifted uncomfortably and hung his head. 
“And he trained her in throwing punches instead” continued Yang, her tone bitter. 
Inna was speechless by this point. She just couldn’t find the words. For all her knowledge of Ozpin’s secrecy and want of thought, this was beyond anything. She didn’t even know how she felt right now, or what she should do. Part of her wanted to scream at him and curse him ten times over or trap him in a coin or something for eternity. Or drag him to Salem in chains for her to deal with him. 
Then her eyes fell on the children at the table, and on Qrow, and she remembered just how broken they’ve all been. She looked at Ruby Rose, the girl, whom she’d heard described as energetic and always optimistic was looking down at the table, completely forlorn. And then she looked at Oscar..there was too little time for the ritual to be completed. She’d be taking out anger on an innocent, who already had too much on his plate. And he was just a kid. And then it hit her, with all these revelations and shocks, she’s completely overlooked that. He was a kid. Now that she had better look at him, he couldn’t be more than fifteen years of age. She really, really had no strength to deal with all this. It was too late in the night for that and too much. She pinched her eyes with a deep sigh, before looking at the gathering again.
“Listen,” she said, forcing herself to keep calm. Someone had to be strong, and it seemed like this doubtful privilege fell on her. Again “ It’s late, we’re all tried and you all obviously had a hard time lately. We’re not going to find solutions today. It has no point really. I suggest we all go to sleep and return to it tomorrow morning. I’ll show you around the house and we’ll find you blankets and someplace to lie down” 
The teens looked at each other, before nodding. It was clear they were exhausted and just wanted to forget about all of this, even if for a couple of hours. They all got up from their seats. Inna was about to move when she noticed Qrow was still sitting at the table.
“Qrow” she had at least enough mind to call him by his name this time. 
He shook his head and looked at her, blinking several times. Like he just woke from a daze 
“Come on,” she said gently “time to go”
He sighed and picked himself up, slowly. Following after her and the kids. The tour was quick. The teens all decided they want to be in the same room, so they picked the big room on the first floor, that served as second living room, and a bit of library. Qrow didn’t say anything so she assumed he’d be staying in the same room he’d always stayed. She provided the kids with blankets and pillows and told them that if they should get hungry during the night, they were free to make something for themselves and told them where the Mellisa teas were if they had trouble falling asleep. She then wished them goodnight and watched Yang and Ruby hug their uncle, before leaving with him. They got to his room without saying a word. She silently set his bed up and opened the window to let some much needed fresh air. 
“I trusted him, you know,” he said, suddenly  “I was cursed. No one wanted me. Ozpin...gave me a place I could belong, a home, a new family. I thought I was finally doing some good, but it was all a sham and for nothing. My niece can die and it will be all for a bunch of lies and deceptions and what’s worst I got her into it. Meeting him was the worst luck of my life”
Inna turned to him. He looked like he was going to break down and cry. She didn’t blame him. He had been abused by his family, told he was a curse, bane on everyone’s existence. And here was someone who saw him differently, gave him a chance. So he gave his all. Like all those helpless and damaged by life. He was ready to die and fight anyone for Ozpin, even other allies..and it was all a lie. It really did look like Ozpin saw Qrow the same way everyone else did. A bad luck charm, you couldn’t trust. Even though she knew it wasn’t true, even tho she knew that Ozpin’s lies came from his own guilt, shame and often sheer lack of common sense(then again, the heck did she expect from an Emerald Wizard? Common sense had never been their forte. Truly, it was a miracle they survived as long as they did) she couldn’t forgive the old wizard for that. 
It was a quick decision. In an instant, she made her way across the room and wrapped her arms around Qrow’s waist, and held him for a while. She then pulled away and concentrated, and soon two vortexes of air, lifted her up, allowing her to stand a little higher than her 5′3 and comfortably run her fingers through his hair.
“You’re not cursed, little falcon,” she said gently “you have an inconvenient semblance, true but you are not cursed. Nor is what you do worthless or for nothing. Yes, Ozpin lied and it hurts” she paused “but still that doesn’t change what you’ve done. All the lives you have saved as a huntsman, they were real lives of real people. Would you rather be a bandit, and kill them?”
He shook his head “Of course not” 
“See?” she smiled “and you don’t regret meeting Summer and Tai, and having two nieces, and training these kids at Signal, right? Aura always said that you were one of her favourite teachers. That you treated them all seriously”
he smiled weakly “No, I don’t regret any of it” 
“And if it wasn’t for Ozpin meddling with both of our lives, I probably wouldn’t have met you either. I mean he was the one who sent you to me and told me to treat you and your sister like my own. I never regretted it. You’re like a brother I never had, and I wouldn’t change it for anything in this world. Gods could offer me power, they could offer me Caer Gwynn and all the knowledge it held, but I wouldn’t take that deal. And it’s true for Yang and Ruby and Tai too. There are people that want you and love you, and trust you”
She stayed silent for a moment, before smiling lightly. 
“I’ll give you a little advice. It’s a song, that Yas wrote for you some time ago...and it seemed he had some sort of divine inspiration. It’s a song about getting lost in a world filled with chaos, and how there seems to be no good path or choice...”
“You can say that again” muttered Qrow, looking away
“But” she held her finger up “the last verse is filled with hope, it’s a solution for the seemingly hopeless situation” she coughed and recited the words: 
The world is far too big
For you to save it
So at least try to guard
Those close to your heart
“So don’t fight for the great and powerful, don’t  fight for Ozpin. You fight under his leadership and on his side because the other option is much worse. Choose the lesser evil, and fight for those you love. Your home, your friends, your family”
She hugged him again, and this time he returned it. 
"And we’ll figure something out about Ruby. She’s not lost yet”
“Thanks” he muttered “I don’t think I’m going to be alright yet. It still hurts like hell, and I still don’t know what to do but...thanks”
“That’s what friends and family are for,” she said, pulling away with a smile “to be there for each other”
“Anyway, I meant what I said back in the kitchen,” she said “you’ve all been through some tough shit and you’re emotionally exhausted. Go to sleep, rest” 
With that, she plated a small kiss on his cheek and called the vortexes away and left the room, closing the door behind her. 
So, if there are any mistakes sorry. It’s sorta a brainstorming idea, I don’t know if I’ll go through with. In case I don’t. The backstory for Salem and Ozpin here is similar to my other story. Basically, Salem lived in a small community in the forest, and they were plagued by bandits and other hostile people and she asked Ozpin, who was her friend and a well-known wise man for help. He promised to come but due to his overly careful ways, and willing to see how things go, and maybe slight ‘runing from responsibility and pain’, he failed to appear. Her community was wiped out and she lost her family and watched it all burn before she died. She was s grieved she couldn’t move to the afterlife and as time passed by, her grief- as it is with restless spirit- wrapped her mind and she began hating Ozpin(especially after she learned more about him. a.k.a that he wasn’t as great as he was claimed to be. Yes, Ozpin has feet of clay is a running theme I have for him as character) and she also got a bit of resentment towards the living, and decided to repay him with the same pain she felt and destroyed the city of mages, he’d helped create.  
Caer Gwynn means White Fortress credit goes to @twicebornrepository for going through dictionaries and helping me brainstorm this name. It’s going to be used in the other fic I’m actually writing so it’s not gonna go to waste. 
Maginight/Eve is my translation of Czarodzielnica, Polish/Slavic equivalent for the Walpurgis Night/Beltaine. 
The song used is the 3rd verse of Percival Shuttebach song: Dobro i Zło/Good and Evil. Translation is mine
In both of my stories, I’m using deities based on Polish/Slavic ones. I just...love them very much, and I don’t see them in fiction outside of Poland and maybe Ukraine or Russia. Great Mother is based on Marzanna, who despite what pop culture claims wasn’t just goddess fo death and winter but more like Mother Earth. She was the dualistic goddess of both life and death, she was the goddess of harvest and winter, and held the key to all four seasons. she was also connected to waters. And because of dualism she’s both connected with Ceres and Hekate, hence my goddess is the patroness of magic as well. Also, she’s such a strong diety, because Marzanna in Poland got replaced with Virgin Mary and being raised in Poland Mary is REALLY important to me, personally. Like I’m not kidding you people. The cult of Mary is strong. We have like 40 days a year when there is at least ONE Holy Virgin of( insert: name/patronage/painting/place) we’re worshipping and sometimes. Sometimes there are three in one day. The most known are Our Lady of Berries, Our Lady of Herbs(Assumption of Mary), Our Lady of Candles(Candlemass), Our Lady of Sorrows. Our Lady of Częstochowa...and many others. As I said the 40 are just DAYS, and there can be much stuff held on these days for different Marys patronesses of different things. Oh, and did I mention she’s crowned as Queen of Poland. So yeah. She is important people. 
@sssn-neptune-vasilias (bc I think I once discussed the deities with you in regards to silver eyes. also you’re one of my faves on this hell site...and one of favourite smutt writers and writers in general) @northforwinter(bc Qrow needs a hug, we can agree) 
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oscarisaacestradas · 7 years
Untitled Third Person Narrative
He was spending the weekend at his Uncle Beto and Aunt Tammy’s house because he wanted to play with his cousins Luis and Richard. It was a sunny Saturday morning and they had just finished eating breakfast. Aunt Tammy made blueberry pancakes with eggs and bacon. After they finished eating, they all went upstairs to the loft to play Twisted Metal on Richard’s Play Station 2. Since only two remotes were available, they took turns playing against one another. He was playing with Richard and noticed that Luis had slipped away. “Where did Luis go?” he asked Richard. “I don’t know” Richard replied. He and Richard got up from their seats and looked around. He felt something soft hit him in the back. He turned around and looked down at what hit him and noticed a doll with a stitched up face, evil eyes, orange hair, overalls and a striped shirt on. He realized what it was: the Chucky doll Luis had that always scared him. He jumped and backed away quick. “Luis quit it!” he screamed out. Luis knew he hated that doll, so he grabbed it and ran toward him with it. He felt scared being chased around with this doll, as if it were really alive. “Aunt Tammy!” he called out. He ran downstairs and found his aunt cleaning up from breakfast. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Luis has the Chucky doll” he told her. “Luis stop it or else I’m throwing it away!” she told Luis. “Fine!” Luis responded and he left to put the doll back in his room. Aunt Tammy gave him a hug and told him “If he brings it out again tell me and I’ll throw it away.” “Okay” he responded. He absolutely hated that doll, but he felt safer knowing if that doll came out again, Aunt Tammy would protect him.
It was the day of his high school graduation and his stepdad drove him to the Cardinal’s Stadium where the ceremony would be so that he could check in. On the way over, he looked out the window feeling angry. His dad wasn’t going because he claimed he had no money to get to Arizona. Part of him wanted to believe his dad, but he had a hard time doing that knowing his dad had been traveling all year long for his martial arts tournaments. “He cares more about his martial arts than his own son” he kept thinking to himself. It made him mad, especially since his dad found a way to make it to his brother’s graduation a few years before, even when he was unemployed at the time. “Don’t let him ruin your special day” his mom told him the night before, but he couldn’t help it. “You’ll be alright buddy” his stepdad told him. “Just try to enjoy it. You only get one high school graduation.”
When his class walked out to the field, he looked up at the crowd. He saw all his friends’ parents shouting their names and holding up signs. His mom and her side of the family were there, but his dad was nowhere to be seen. His anger was elevated. Things got better though during the ceremony. He got to sit right next to his best friend Ciara since they both had the last name Garcia and she kept cracking witty jokes about the speakers. He also got to stand up when they called out the top 10% and also for National Honor Society. He could hear his mom and her side of the family, along with other people, cheering for him when he stood up and it made him feel a little bit better.
After the ceremony, the class headed outside of the stadium to meet up with their families. He walked past a sea of families all with their “Congratulations!” balloons, flowers and other gifts. He eventually found his family hogging up space around a giant #2 outside of the stadium that was meant to mark which corridor you were in. “Congratulations Mijo” his Aunt Nelda said as she gave him a lei. “Go celebrate with your friends later” his Uncle Juan said as he winked and handed him a bottle of Martinelli’s apple cider, as if it were an actual bottle of alcohol. He hugged all of his cousins, aunts and uncles who congratulated him and then he finally got to his stepdad and mom. He gave his stepdad a hug and his stepdad told him he was proud. Then, he hugged his mom who held him so tight and shed a tear that he felt drop on his neck. In that moment, his anger completely evaporated. That morning, all he wanted was for his dad to be there, but when he felt that tear drop on his neck it didn’t matter anymore.
           It was spring break during his sophomore year in college. That quarter had been busy for him and very stressful personally with his mom and stepdad undergoing a divorce back home. His mom would randomly call him crying with bad news after bad news and she would vent for hours on end about how she was going insane. Part of him didn’t want to go home for spring break and be around all of the negativity, but he knew he needed to in order to make sure everything was okay.
           “Phil wanted to pick you up from the airport. Is that okay?” his mom called the day before to ask. “Sure. I guess” he responded. He didn’t really want to see Phil, but he also didn’t want to start more drama. The next day when his flight arrived in Phoenix, Phil picked him up from the airport with his little sister. He felt a mixture of emotions seeing Phil for the first time in a while. He thought about what he did to his mom and it made him angry, but he knew Phil still saw him as his actual son and not just a stepson. Phil gave him a hug and they all went to dinner at New York Pizza Department. Dinner was quiet. Partly because he was tired and didn’t have the energy to talk, but mostly because he didn’t have much to say to Phil. “How’s work going?” Phil asked. “It’s alright. Same old same old” he responded. “What about your internship? Do you like it?” Phil continued, trying desperately to stir up conversation. “Yeah I like it a lot” he responded with no enthusiasm at all. Phil kept trying, but he just wasn’t in the mood. When their food finally came, they ate and all conversation ceased.
           After dinner, Phil dropped him off at his grandma’s house where his mom was staying since she wasn’t allowed at the house anymore. He was grabbing his luggage from the trunk when Phil came around and told him “I know things are awkward right now. I’m sorry.” “It’s alright” he responded. He went into the house with a bitter resentment toward Phil, he just couldn’t help it. He tried putting it aside for the time being though. When he went inside, he greeted his grandparents then he went upstairs to find his mom. She gave him a hug and asked how dinner with Phil was. “It was alright” he responded. “I’m really tired so I think I’m just going to go to sleep now. Where am I sleeping?” he asked his mom. “You can sleep on the floor in my room” she responded. This made him upset. “Great. First Phil kicks us out of the house and now I have to spend my break sleeping on the floor in my mom’s room” he thought to himself.
He and his mom laid blankets down on the floor together and he changed into pajamas. He was getting ready to turn off the lights and lay down when he heard the front door open. “Your sisters home” his mom told him. “Come say hi to her and the kids.” Between feeling tired and being angry at Phil he really just wanted to go to sleep, but he didn’t want to be rude and so he went down. When he went downstairs, he heard the sound of little voices screaming “Uncle Josh!” It was his niece Eva and his nephew Mikey. They both ran up to him to give him a hug. “They missed you!” his sister Vivianna told him. He cracked a smile and responded “I missed them too.” He looked down at his niece and nephew, both so young and full of innocence. Eva asked him to pick her up and so he did. With his niece in his arms, he felt at peace, relaxed and hopeful that one day everything will be alright.
           These days he lives away from home. He’s chasing his dreams of earning a PhD and becoming a professor at a university. Academia, he learned, was not an easy field to be in. It’s competitive, political and, at times, downright hostile toward people like him. Every now and then, he questions what it is he’s getting himself into. “Could I actually survive in this field?” he always asks. To this day, he doesn’t know. Whenever he gets these feelings of doubt and insecurity though, he always thinks back to his family. He thinks back to how they’ve protected him, how they’ve made him feel calmer and how they always remind him of what’s important throughout the years. With them in mind, nothing seems so insurmountable and he approaches the world with confidence and strength.
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