#i also should Not be your main source for fancasting as i do not watch enough television/films for that lmao
Re your fan cast: wasn’t Jude curvier in the books?
1) i'll point out that my fancasting is very much a "gun to my head" kind of fancasting. as i mentioned in that post, i actually don't want a film/tv series to be made at all.
2) curvy is always how i've read Jude! you'll be hard pressed to find a curvy latina actress that is currently famous and of the appropriate age range to fancast tho :/
3) if you know of any curvy actresses for Jude i am all ears, friend.
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aboveallarescuer · 3 years
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I just found this post on Dany’s tag and saw that it was made a day after I posted a Tamzin!Dany gifset, so I’d like to say a few things:
1) I do like Emilia as Dany a lot. There’s an interview where Emilia said that she suggested having Dany slouch down while she’s sitting, which would have been amazing: 1) It would have shown that she doesn’t enjoy being regal and made her character more similar to book!Dany, who sits on her bench with a foot underneath her; 2) It indicates to me that Emilia’s personality was similar to book!Dany’s. Indeed, I made a point of using her in a previous gifset right after I found an old interview where GRRM says that book!Dany is “very funny”. My intent was to show that yes, I think Emilia could’ve brought book!Dany to life on screen if she had been allowed to. She’s a good actress and a sweetheart and I love that she has a good grasp of Dany’s character and that she never stopped defending her even after that nonsensical dark turn. 
2) Using Tamzin!Dany in a gifset was never meant to throw shade on Emilia. If people can use Nicole Kidman (another actress that GRRM himself approved) as Cersei without being accused of hating on Lena Headey, why can’t I use Tamzin Merchant as Dany without being accused of hating on Emilia? I know, I know, some antis used to argue that Tamzin would’ve been a better Dany, but none of them truly appreciate Tamzin when you consider their arguments. I’ve seen some of them saying that she’d’ve been better as Dany because she “looks more inbred” (whatever the hell that means) than Emilia, which is gross and offensive. I’ve seen some of them saying that she’d’ve been better as Dany because she would’ve played Dany as a villain (without any proof to back up that claim). But if they had actually watched her work in The Tudors (which I really, really doubt any of them did because 1) they don’t really like Tamzin, they just hold on to any possible argument to hate on Dany and 2) they don’t even make edits and gifsets using her as Dany. I’ve only ever seen one before. And even if they used Tamzin, they wouldn’t be showcasing Dany’s cute and funny moments or making any content that paints Dany in a positive light like I did), they’d have to acknowledge that Tamzin’s character gives us footage to display how soft, playful, cute, funny and charismatic book!Dany is. THAT’S why I used Tamzin!Dany in that gifset. Her scenes in The Tudors perfectly illustrate GRRM’s quote about Dany being “very funny” (note that I used that quote in three gifsets with three different actresses - one with Emilia, one with Freya and one with Tamzin).
It’s so annoying that this even needs to be said (though I could’ve ignored that vague post if it hadn’t been posted in the main tags). Why can’t Tamzin be treated as a normal Dany fancast just like Elle or Freya? In fact, as much as I love Freya!Dany, Ciri tends to look dour and sullen in most scenes, so I’d argue that Tamzin brings out aspects of book!Dany’s personality that Freya in The Witcher can’t. Using different fancasts for different gifsets is a huge reason why gifmaking is fun. Should I have to add a disclaimer for every Tamzin!Dany gifset saying that I also like Emilia!Dany even though no one thinks that’s necessary for any other actress? I guess I also need to say that my book!Dany vs show!Dany gifsets aren’t meant to be anti-show!Dany, I just want to provide more content showcasing book!Dany scenes that make her villainous turn look even more ridiculous and to reiterate that D&D were screwing over Dany’s character way before S8 when one compares how she was portrayed vs. how Dany’s creator wrote her. Show!Dany definitely deserves to receive defense solely for herself too, but that’s outside the scope of a source blog called asoiafdaenerysdaily. 
In any case, there are hundreds of dark!Dany edits out there made by antis, why don’t you spend your energy complaining about that?
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donottouchredbutton · 4 years
aliit ori’shya tal’din
Part 2 - An Unlikely Alliance
Platonic pairing: Din Djarin x young OC 
Word count: 3k (whoops)
Summary: San helps Din find work so his lil trip isn’t a total bust, but Din is still confused as to why Cara would send him to a kid
A/N: Just as a side note, does anyone have any fancasts for Cara Dune? I still really like her character and she plays a pretty significant role in this, but I just don’t want to picture G*na every time I work on this story. If you do, please send them in!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading, and let me know what you think! x
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San always imagined the day she walked with a bounty hunter would be her last one. Now here she was with one, and she wasn’t even the bounty. She never thought she’d see the day. With a Mandalorian, no less. She had millions of questions - How did he know Cara? Why did she send him? Why did he do it? - however, there was one question that weighed the heaviest on her mind.
What in the world was he doing with a baby?
Maybe she just didn’t have much experience with kids, but she would suspect a parent would never want to travel to dangerous locations with their child. Especially when that parent was a bounty hunter. Did bounty hunters usually have children?
Whatever backstory the Mandalorian had, San wasn’t concerned. He had done his job to check on her, and she was returning the favor by finding him another job. A real job. She led him to the cantina nearby because that felt like the right place to take a hardened warrior and bounty hunter for work. There weren’t many people out in the streets, but the ones that were took one glance at the Mandalorian behind her and cleared the way. Maybe traveling with him would have its advantages. 
The doors to the cantina were always open at this time of day, and thankfully there were never many people around either. San walked in coolly and assumed Mando was following. She leaned her rifle against the nearest booth, gesturing for the Mandalorian to sit with his kid. She then started walking toward the back room behind the counter. 
“Hi, Jely,” San greeted as she went.
Jely was the woman who owned and ran the cantina. She also operated the landing hangar nearby, the main source of San’s income. The woman wasn’t much bigger than San, but her eyes showed age and experience, and her hair was grayed. She looked warily between San and the bounty hunter as he sat himself and the green child in a booth. 
Din was aware of the look Jely was giving him, one he wasn’t unfamiliar with. Most people looked at him with something akin to fear, and this time was no different. He watched as she stopped San before she could go any further, speaking in hushed whispers. He turned away to instead focus on the child. His big eyes stared up at him as he settled the kid into his seat. 
“We’ll be gone soon,” Din said. “Don’t worry.” Grogu cooed at him in response and smiled, and that was enough for him. 
Jely left San’s side and approached Din, San disappearing behind the counter. The wary look was gone now, replaced with a mannerly smile instead.
“Is there anything I can get for you two while you’re here?” the woman asked kindly. 
“Just something for the little one, please,” Din answered. She smiled again, and before she could leave Din spoke again. “Do you know where I can find work?” 
The old woman briefly looked behind her. “Well, there’s not much around here. We don’t get many bounty hunters out here, but we might have some spare pucks? Other than that, repairs, but even then, Reda takes care of most of those.” 
Din turned his head. “Reda?” 
Jely pointed behind her. “She’s looking for those pucks right now. I’ll go get that food ready for you while you wait.” 
Din sat rigid as he watched the woman walk away. She wasn’t telling the truth. To what extent he didn’t know, but he was determined to find out just who he was dealing with. 
When San sat before him, Din’s question was immediate. “Which one of us are you lying to?” 
Her brow furrowed. “Huh?” 
“Your name,” he pressed. “Why aren’t you telling the truth?” 
“I didn’t lie,” San said with a rough voice. “To either of you.”
“Then why don’t they match?” 
San sighed heavily and rubbed her eyes. “Sometimes you just need a second name, okay? But my name is San.”
“You don’t trust her?” 
“Of course I trust her. She knows my real name. It’s her who doesn’t trust people on my account,” San explained, leaning back heavily. “It’s better to have a second name so nobody recognizes you. It’s easy to feel unsafe when-“ 
Her mouth clamped shut. “Never mind.” 
Instead, she pulled a bounty puck out and tossed it onto the table, simultaneously gripping the string necklace she was wearing - something Din hadn’t noticed before. The puck showed a hologram of a rhodian with a hefty bounty that would earn enough money to last them a while.
“A bounty hunter came here one day looking for this person and never came back. Do you want it?” she asked.
Din was silent for a moment, not bothering to question why they hadn’t come back. But what was she going to say before? What did she mean? Rather than ask about something that wasn’t his business, he took the puck quietly. He got up and moved toward the counter, taking the small bowl that Jely held out to him. He placed it in front of the child. “I’ll pay you to watch him while I’m gone.”
Din turned to leave, ready to find the bounty and finally get some more money, but a tinny clunk rang through his ears. Something hard had hit the back of his helmet, and it took all of his self-control not to whip around and shoot on reflex. He stopped in his tracks instead, turning to see a wrench on the ground and San standing there with an incredulous look on her face. He was acutely aware of how close Jely was watching them as he walked forward.
“I’m not going to sit here and be your babysitter,” San nearly growled. “You broke into my house. You owe me some answers.” 
“I didn’t break in,” he said. He sat down again as San did the same. “The door was open.” 
She rolled her eyes in response and pointed to Grogu, who had been obliviously eating the entire time. “What’s with the baby?” 
“None of your business.” 
“Seems dangerous for a bounty hunter to be traveling with a baby.” 
“He’s seen worse.” 
San didn’t know what he meant by that, and frankly, she didn’t want to know. It was none of her business, and she wasn’t going to pry if he really didn’t want to tell her. Instead of dwelling on the small green child, she asked, “Why did Cara send you?” 
Din sighed. “To check on you.” 
“I don’t know. She wouldn’t tell me.” 
“Why wouldn’t she?” she asked quietly, but it sounded like she was talking to herself more than him. “It doesn’t make sense.” 
It didn’t, and Din wanted his own answers. “Where did you get that?” He pointed past her toward the long rifle.
San looked behind her before facing forward. “Stole it.”
“That’s an imperial rifle.”
“And?” she shrugged. “The Empire is finished. No one’s going to miss it.”
Din’s stomach turned, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to explain just how wrong she was. He sighed deeply. “Who are you? Really.” The words that tumbled out of his mouth made him feel heavy. He and the kid needed to take a day off soon. “How do you know Cara?”
She breathed out a chuckle, but Din thought she looked… sad. The corners of her lips were turned down, and a dejected look crossed over her features. It was gone before he could blink, though, and she straightened her back and looked at him. “I grew up on Alderaan, and after it was destroyed, I just… followed her around. She was kind of like my mentor.”
Din nodded slowly, starting to understand. “How did you end up here?”
“I left,” she shrugged. “I stay because I make money doing ship repairs.”
It was something about the way she said it, the way she looked. In that moment, she looked like the kid she was - doe eyes and slumped shoulders, she looked like she hadn’t known anything else. But Din knew the voice she was using, one he had used many times before. When he was young, training to walk the way of the Manda’lore, he was the same. By then he had been a foundling for years, and he had gotten used to it. And so did she, but the disappointment was clear, even if she didn’t mean it.
“I can pay you to repair my ship,” Din said after a short silence, causing San’s eyebrows to rise in interest. “It won’t be much, but you won’t have to watch the womp rat.”
“Um… thanks, uh…” San stuttered. She sounded like she wasn’t expecting it. She shook her head, though. “You don’t... have to pay me.” She got to her feet then and picked up the wrench from the ground. “I’ll get right to it.”
Before she could walk away, Din called out, “No droids.”
“No droids. Got it.” And then she was gone.
When she was gone, Din looked beside him to check on Grogu. The kid was still happily eating from his bowl, not a care in the world. He gave him a short pat on the head before standing up, approaching the counter. Jely, who he was sure had been listening, wiped her hands on a rag. He only had one question for the woman.
“What is she doing here?”
Jely sighed heavily, leaning against the counter. “Living. As best as she can out here.”
“Why doesn’t she leave?” he pressed.
“You think a kid can just up and leave whenever they want to here? Alone?”
“Why not?”
Jely rubbed her eyes in return. “Look mister,” she narrowed her eyes, and Din didn’t know why he suddenly felt uneasy, “things are... things are complicated. There are people here like me, most people, who have always been here, and then there is everyone else. San was the last person who ever decided to stay, and I’ve been working with her for three years. No one comes here, and no one leaves. I want her too, and she should want to, but it just won’t happen. This is a junk planet, a blip on a map. We can’t.”
The older woman finished with a stifled yawn, and Din could only imagine how much she worked. He was starting to understand a bit more, but things were still unclear to him. “How old is she? If she’s still a kid, why would she choose to come to a place like this?”
“I can’t tell you that,” Jely said immediately. “She’s still my responsibility, and while I’m sure your intentions are honest, it’s my responsibility to protect her. Can you understand that?”
“Yes.” And he could.
Din practically lugged the quarry back to the cantina, and the man hadn’t stopped struggling since he was first caught. The sight of Grogu sitting at the counter with Jely made some of the tension in his shoulders lift with the thought of almost being done. The kind woman had offered to look after him while Din was off finding the bounty, and he was utterly grateful for her. The rhodian had given him a good fight. There was a nasty bruise forming on his side that screamed whenever his beskar moved against it - meaning whenever he moved - and he had a cut on his elbow that had yet to stop bleeding. He could understand why the bounty had been forgotten. Now to get his kid, stick the crook in carbonite, and get the hell out of there.
The struggling of the bounty caught the attention of both the child and the older woman. A smile spread on Grogu’s face at the sight of his father. It always warmed Din despite his cold armor. He gave a nod of solidarity and gratitude to Jely as he shoved the bounty into one of the booths, one she returned with a warm smile.
“Thank you,” Din said earnestly, lifting his son who was awaiting him with open arms and that smile that made Din feel like his life was worth living. When he adjusted him in his arms, Din asked, “How can I repay you?”
Jely waved her hand dismissively. “No need. Truly.” She was quiet for a moment before speaking again, “Actually, if you wish to pay me in credits, you can just give those to San. She needs them more.”
The woman’s eyes stared into space almost longingly, Din thought. Her words carried more weight than he knew, and he did know that. He didn’t question her words, though, instead preparing to take the rhodian back to his ship.
“You’re always welcome here, Mandalorian,” Jely called after him. “We’re here to help, should you need it.”
Din nodded once again. “Thank you,” he repeated, but he back-tracked before he could leave. The rhodian groaned in annoyance, and Din simply tightened his already iron grip on the man’s shoulder to silence him. Din was hesitant to continue, but he pushed past it. “Keep her safe.”
Jely nodded firmly with a smile that spoke thousands, understanding what he was saying. “Always.”
When they reached the landing hangar, Din pushed the bounty enough to have him stumbling over his feet to the ground. The new noise must have caught San’s attention who sat on the ramp of the Razor Crest. Her head came up at the sound, goggles around her eyes and a mask over her mouth. Din could see her eyebrows raise as she pulled the goggles down around her neck, her mask going with it. She didn’t say anything until they approached.
“Be nicer to your ship!” Her voice was incredulous. She stared at him with wide eyes, but she didn’t seem at all concerned with the bound criminal that was with him. 
Like he did before, Din pushed the rhodian to sit on the ground before walking towards the young girl, adjusting the child in his arms. “What’s the damage?”
San huffed out a laugh as she stood from the ramp. She cast a softer smile at Grogu when she saw the baby in his arms. She then began what felt like a laundry list of repairs.
“For pre-empire, your ship is in good condition all things considered, but if you’re not more careful, it can’t take much more.”
“‘Careful’ isn’t really in my line of work,” Din said bluntly, but he nodded in understanding nonetheless. 
San gave him another wary look. “For my sake and your kid’s, I hope that changes.”
She was right, though. With the Razor Crest, repairs would only become more frequent and more expensive. He supposed it wouldn’t be so bad getting repairs from San. Which reminded him. “Where did you learn to do this?”
She shrugged. “I have a lot of spare time.”
“How old are you?”
“Stop asking me that.”
Din sighed. It was worth a shot.
Instead of dwelling on the question any longer than he already had, he pulled the pouch of credits from his belt and fished some out. Standing before the girl, he dropped them into her hand. He then set Grogu gently on the ground before walking back to the roughed up bounty and lifted him to his feet. He started dragging him to the carbonite freezer.
“Hey, Mando,” San called.
Din shoved the rhodian into the freezer, and once the shouting stopped he exited his ship again. San’s eyes were wide once again, and she held out the credits as if it was a thermal detonator. He didn’t say anything, though, waiting for her to continue.
“You don’t have to pay me.”
“Why not?” he asked, tilting his head.
“Because,” she started, “if you’re a friend of Cara’s it’s the least I can do.”
Din regarded her for a moment. He appreciated the intent, but he didn’t feel right about it. He couldn’t not pay, especially when she clearly needed it.
“Keep it,” he said simply.
“But it’s too much.”
“Keep it.”
Din’s tone didn’t leave any room for argument. She stared at him intently for a moment longer, similar to how she did inside her little house. Finally, she averted her eyes down and clutched the credits in her hand. She took a small step back and let out a quiet “thank you,” pocketing the money inside her jacket.
Perhaps for the first time since arriving on that planet, Din allowed himself to relax. He realized just how tired he was as he felt his muscles weigh him down. He was ready to leave.
He looked around for the child, and he found him reaching out to the young girl with them. The soft smile was back on her face as she watched him, but she shook her head at him. Grogu returned her smile and continued reaching for her, even taking small steps toward her. Din wasn’t used to this.
“No, kid. We have to go,” Din said. He picked Grogu up from the ground, who only stretched his small arms further as they got closer to the Crest. 
San chuckled quietly. “I guess he likes me.” She waved at the kid whose smile grew if that was even possible.
“He likes almost everyone,” Din responded, but he didn’t mean it with any ill intent.
Din halted in front of the girl once more, looking down at her. Her brown eyes almost black stared up at him in return. “Thank you for repairing my ship.”
“It’s no problem,” she replied. She hesitated a bit before shyly adding, “Sorry... for throwing a wrench at your head.”
Din had completely forgotten about it, actually. “It’s fine,” he nearly spluttered, but he cleared his throat.
“You can, uh, tell Cara that I’m doing fine, that I’m alive,” San said quietly. She turned to grab her tools before either of them could speak more, but Din understood. Her voice said it all.
Din walked up the ramp of the Razor Crest with the child, but he stopped again at the top. “Stay out of trouble, kid,” he called.
San nodded, the makings of a smile playing on her face. “If you’re ever in the sector and need help, I’m happy to help,” she said, followed by, “You take care of your dad, baby, and make sure he takes care of you.” Underneath his helmet, Din let himself smile.
Then, finally, he closed the doors of his ship, ready to leave, ready to report to Cara, and, despite what he was told, ready to not return.
Taglist: @emiliasaffron​
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oneirataxxiaa · 4 years
Demon Claws and Crossbow Bolts -- [chapter one]
chapter one is here ! hope you enjoy this little project of mine. i’ve fancast most of the young justice team as live action actors and actresses. this takes place in an alternate story after the end of young justice : season two. 
yes, i know bex is in the cw arrow series. yes I know she plays an established character. Yes, I know colton haynes also plays roy in that series. yes, I know this, and this doesn’t take place in that universe. 
warnings : swearing , violence , injuries , dark topics
rating : 16+
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Central city had been a disaster as far as she was concerned, but being honest, most things that happened with her could be considered as such. She kept a low profile as best she could. Riley walked through the streets of Gotham now, she’d been city hopping since her fight with the Inventor by hacking her way into the Justice Leagues Zeta Tubes. Sure, she wasn’t the best with tech, but having Fenris whisper in the back of her head about how to bypass the whitelist had its pros. It didn’t help however, that he was now complaining about being hungry. It was early evening, the darkening sky stating as much, and Riley hadn’t eaten since the day before, something she regretted at the moment, but it wasn’t like she could just walk into a diner and order whatever she wanted. Her stomach complained but her empty wallet just laughed at her mockingly.
The Barbarian suit - more of just a red army vest - was hidden under her jacket, the holster vest was in the bag slung over her shoulder, along with a few various necessities and the set of dull golden coloured brass knuckles that acted as her main weapon. The bag wasn’t heavy for her, though she had seen others have trouble with it, it was simply awkward to carry for such a long period of time. 
“food. now.” the growling voice had grown in anger inside her mind for the past few hours. 
“You’ll get food when I can find somewhere to eat for free” Riley grumbled to herself. A nearby lump on the ground, now revealing itself as a person sleeping on the side of the street, moved, the man looking up at her in confusion. He had bags under his eyes and a wild puff of black-grey hair that looked like it hadn’t been brushed in weeks. Which might of just been true.
“Steal. then Food” Fenris growled again. Riley tore her gaze away from the homeless man and continued her walk. 
“we can’t steal here, we’ll have the Bats on our ass if we do”. Riley didn’t hate the Batman and his little followers, but she would have rathered not to run into them while she was in Gotham, already on the run as was. Fenris seemed to go quiet for a moment after this, perhaps questioning whether he really wanted to deal with any more enemies after Central City.
“alright. Wait then.” The demon sounded reluctant, but it wasn’t like he had a choice in the moment. The Gotham streets were almost completely empty, which was good, Riley didn’t need people with a direct line to the news station to see her muttering to her hidden companion. She would be on the news within hours being branded as one of Gothams new crazies. “not happy” Fenris continued, and her stomach complained again. 
“I get it Fen, you’ll live, just give me a heads up if you start to feel murderous.”
Riley was in downtown Gotham now, more isolated, but certainly not quiet. Someone ahead of her, down the street and around the corner, was talking, loudly and in a mocking tone to someone else. The secondary party was silent, seeming to take the verbal abuse without any qualms. Curious, Riley walked closer to the corner, steadying her breath and peaking around the edge of the concrete. Riley didn’t recognise the villain, but as she looked at the second party, she certainly remembered seeing those colours before. It was a minute or so before Robin got tired of the villain talking, and moved in to fight. A quick silver staff hit with a crack against the villains knee, sending him down to the ground, then another hard tap on the mans head and he stopped moving, though the rhythmic movement of his chest betrayed that he was still breathing, simply not unconscious. 
Robin spun the metal bo staff around again, securing it on his back, bending down and nudging the villain with his hand. When there was no reaction, he deemed it safe and raised his hand to his ear, talking to someone unseen from Riley's eyes.
“Bats, I found Kite-Man trying to cause some trouble downtown, should I drop him off at Blackgate?” There was silence, but Riley assumed that someone was talking through a comm link. The woman moved slowly, walking from shadow to shadow to stay out of sight of the costumed hero. Fenris growled in the back of her mind to attack, but Riley didn’t exactly want trouble with boy wonder. He continued to talk, and Riley moved from the edge of the building, back into the almost empty Gotham streets.
Three minutes past of walking, her destination was the next known Zeta tube, down by the border line between Gotham and Bludhaven. She was heading to Starling City next, hopefully permanently. Riley turned another corner when she heard it. The faint scraping of metal on metal. A creak, a groan and some clicks. All faint, as if the source was keeping itself hidden on purpose. She turned her head.
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She couldn’t see anything for a moment, the shadows obscuring anything from view. Within seconds however, something large and metallic lurched out of the night. It was humanoid, giving homage to some old steampunk movie with pipes and steam and glowing clock like eyes.
“Oh for FUCKS SAKE” Riley yelled, turning and taking off down the road. Turning into an alleyway, she raised her hands, leaping and grabbing the base of a fire escape, hauling herself onto the landing and crawling up the stairs with haste. She was on the roof in a few moments, racing across the concrete landings. Riley reached her hand awkwardly into the bag on her back, shuffling through different things until she found the cold metal she was looking for. The woman pulled out the set of dull brass knuckles and secured them around her fists. 
As she passed another fire-escape, something grabbed at her from the edge, one of the machines trying to grasp at the bag on her back. It succeeded, snatching the fabric and tossing Riley back against the lip of the building with a thud. The breath knocked out of her, Riley pushed herself to her feet quickly, eyeing the creature crawl its way towards her. 
She let it strike first, slashing out with sharp metal fingers, Riley ducked to the left, loosing her arm in a quick jab, catching it across the jaw and sending it reeling to the side, a quick cross with the other hand and the machine tumbled back to the ground with a sharp and echoing clang. When it did, Riley looked up to see two more shuffling their way across the rooftops. 
“Come on man” she sighed, stepping back and dipping her hand into her pocket, and pressing her thumb on the ink pad located there. A quick wipe across her face, along her eyeline and she deemed that it was sufficient enough encase she ran into some unwanted attention. Not that this wasn’t unwanted. Barbarian raised her fists, Fenris growling in her head for blood - not that he was getting any from this fight - and she swung a punch at one of the approaching machines.
It was good fun, until the enemies she had put down, ripped apart, started to reassemble. Conglomerations of metal, welding themselves together like some sort of messed up surgeon. Barbarian stepped back, watching an awed horror as a metal husk grabbed a discarded arm from the ground, dented and bent the wrong way, and smashed it into it's empty shoulder socket. The arm wasn't even originally from that mech and was a much darker shade of silver, but she doubted it cared about appearances. Another of the metal monstrosities dragged itself along the ground, a leg bent the wrong way, causing the grinding metal-concrete sound to grow louder as it limped forwards, arms outstretched and a blank look on its metallic face.
It almost made it more unnerving, these things moved towards her with no sound apart from the scraping of metal and clicking of gears. Their footfall made no sound, and they made no effort to vocalise their mission. Just clicks, squeaks and scrapes. The city even seemed quiet, which was always a worry.
Barbarian had already taken a good beating from these things. Fresh bruises littered her skin like freckles, sliced scars were here and there. A well placed punch had left the young woman with a bloody nose and cracked lip. Her head hurt, most likely from being shoved into a wall a few minutes before, and she could hear the faint growls of Fenris in the back of her mind. She didn't look good was the point, Barbarian was sure she wasn't going to win any beauty awards in this state.
"I know I said zombie movies were cool, didn't mean I wanted to live in one!" making the connection between the robots undead-esque movements, and the films she watched as a early teen, Barbarian turned on her heel and started running towards and open gap between buildings. She was in Blüdhaven, as far as she could remember, having crossed the border a few minutes earlier. Ever since the fight in Central City she was moving, it became hard to keep track after a while. These things followed her, even able to recognise her in her civvies, which was never good. She barely turned up on the radar of high class villains, but if someone knew her identity, anyone would want it. Barbarian continued running, vaulting over an exposed air vent and sending a glance back at the crowd. It was moving faster now, chasing her. Where was Nightwing when you needed him? Not that she needed help, but it would be nice to take step back and watch someone else work. Wasn't this his city? Pick up the slack bird brain, there's killer robots in your city!
A rush of wind past her head made Barbarian stop and look at the crumbled concrete ground. One of the mechs heads was dented and laying at her feet. With a confused and accusatory look, the black haired vigilante addressed the moving crowd, her left hand seized, the muscles clenched and complained, leaving her with cramping pain up her arm as her arm morphed to a deep black, sharpening at the end of each finger.
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"ok! which one of you fuckers threw that?"
The response was a barrage of thrown metal limbs and body parts. There were six of the creatures now, each with their own collection of injuries and damages, and each finding a part of their kin to throw in her direction. Barbarian dodged a thrown arm, only to get hit across the top of the head with a metal hand. The blow sent her to the ground, couching and blinking, confused. The world started to spin and she realised to late that she was being dragged. Her movements sluggish now, she tried to fight against the creature pulling her to no avail. It took a split second to figure out what was happening. Her blood soaked hands tried and failed to grasp at the lip of the building before she was falling.
Fuck, the ground hurt. Especially when she had hit the metal fire escape on the way down. If Fenris hadn’t been inhabiting her body, she most likely would have died from the fall. 
Groaning as she lay in the bottom of the alleyway, Barbarian, tried to move her arms to support herself, only to cry out in pain from the stabbing feeling in her chest. 
“One broken rib, two cracked”
“Thank you Fenris, that’s so fucking helpful” Barbarian winced, clutching her chest carefully and leaning against the wall as she slowly rose to her feet. Lazily rolling her gaze over where she had landed, she found herself just where she wanted to be, the Zeta tube located just beyond the false wall. It was slow, moving along the wall so she had some support, Riley reached the door, easing it open and slamming it shut behind her. 
The crashing of metal against the door was ignored partially as she drapped herself over the control panel to give her legs a break. 
“god, I need to get a new job” 
“being beat up , not a job” Fenris added helpfully, making Riley scrunch up her nose and let out a long breath. She leaned up, imputing her destination of Starling City into the panel. 
“Just need to get out of here. get to the next city. no issue” each statement showed her growing delirious nature, her words became continually breathier, and more slurred as she stumbled towards the zeta platform, now lit up. 
Her last memory was landing on the platform, and a white light that passed her to her next destination. Remembering nothing afterwards.
hope you enjoyed I suppose? I needed something to upload today, so I split up chapter one of DCACB to make this and make the chapters a little shorter. 
cameos of characters and people are open! If you want to be seen in an episode, shoot me an ask.
requests are open! tag list : @silverdecepticon93​ @izzieg3987​  @starr60​ 
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