#i also love the idea of Dewey x Dot
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Me: What if ducktales had quadrants.
so enjoy Dewey Ducks quadrants according to me!
his matesprit (aka romantic partner) is of course Cecilia who belongs to @battlecry51
his moirail is gosalyn, i feel they would be a fantastic platonic duo with Gos being the more rational of the two.
I think Dot and Dewey being kismesis (aka Rival lovers) would work so well, completing for the spot light but never actualy trying to harm each other or their love of drama.
And Lena is the one the two go to when their little rivalry goes a bit to far (aka Auspisticism) she’s the one who has to separate the two and calm them own and mediate between them.
#Ducktales#Furious Revenge AU#What if#Quadrants#Dewey Duck#I may do others#Dewey i think might be one of the few that's full#i also love the idea of Dewey x Dot#dot warner#lena saberwing#gosalyn waddlemeyer
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My English Translation: German Donald Duck Comic: „Horror an Halloween"
Never forget the time I got so bored that I spent a week translating the entirety of the Donald Duck comic as featured in THIS video.
The completed version of my translation under the cut.
(Note that this is my key to how my translation works: DT = direct translation, word for word EQ = English equivalent, the sentence in English)
Erzähler: „Wenn Kinder in bester Gruselmanier durch die Straßen schrecken, um Süßes einzustreichen, dann ist die Nacht der Nächte: Halloween!" DT: „When children in best scary-fashion through the streets scare, in order sweets to pocket, then is the night of nights: Halloween!" EQ: "When children scare through the streets in their best scary-fashion in order to pocket sweets, then it is the night of nights: Halloween!" (NOTE: „Erzähler" or "Storyteller" is what I'm calling the Narrator/Scene Cues.)
Kinder: „Süßes oder Saures!" DT: „Sweets or sours!" EQ: "Trick or treat!"
Donald: „Was habt ihr für tolle Kostüme! Dafür kriegt ihr was Feines von mir!" DT: „What have you all for terrific costumes! Therefore get you all something fine/nice from me!" EQ: "What terrific costumes you all have! Therefore, you all get something fine/nice from me!" (NOTE: Donald Duck kept his name. And „was" here is being used basically the same as „etwas".)
Donald: „Tick! Trick! Track! Die anderen Kindern sind schon alle auf der Straße! Wollt ihr nicht auch langsam los?" DT: „Tick! Trick! Track! The other children are already all on the streets! Want you all not also slowly/already go?" EQ: "Tick! Trick! Track! All the other children are already on the streets! Don't you all want to go already?" (NOTE: Huey, Dewey, and Louie have become Tick, Trick, and Track, respectively.)
Donald: „Komisch! Kein Mucks zu hören. Was die drei wohl aushecken?" DT: „Comical! No words/sounds to hear. What the three possibly cooking up/plotting?" EQ: "Funny! Nothing to hear. What are those three possibly cooking up/plotting?"
Donald: „Jungs? Huch, keiner da..." DT/EQ: „"Boys? Huh, no-one there..."
Tick, Trick, und Track: „Buuuh!" DT/EQ: „"Booo!"
Donald: „Aaargh!" DT/EQ: „"Aaargh!"
Tick: „Hehe! Voll erwischt, Onkel Donald!" DT: „Hehe! Fully caught, Uncle Donald!" EQ: "Haha! Busted, Uncle Donald!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Trick: „Ganz schöne Gruselschocker unsere Kostüme, was?" DT: „All/quite pretty scary-shocker our costumes, what?" EQ: "Quite the shockers are costumes are, right?"
Donald: „Hmpf! Ein klein wenig! Aber warum verschanzt ihr euch noch hier oben?" DT: „Hmph! A little bit! But why entrenched you all yourselves still here above/upstairs?" EQ: "Hmph! A little bit! But why are you all still holed up here upstairs?"
Track: „Wir haben noch etwas über Halloween recherchiert!" DT: „We (x) still something about Halloween researched!" EQ: "We were researching something about Halloween!" (NOTE: The sentence is in conversational past.)
Tick: „Laut dieses Werks über Übernatürliches verlaufen überall auf der Erde mystische Kraftlinien!" DT: „According to this work about supernaturals run all-over on the earth mystical power-lines!" EQ: "According to this work about the supernatural, all over the earth run mystical lines of power!"
Trick: „Welche sich zum Teil auch überkreuzen." DT: „Which/that themselves to the part also cross-over." EQ: "That partly also cross over themselves."
Track: „Und an genau diesen Orten öffnet sich jedes Jahr am 31. Oktober eine Spalte zwischen unserer und einer Parallelwelt, der Anderwelt!" DT: „And on/in exactly these locations opens themselves every year on 31st October a chasm bewteen ours and a parallel-world, the Otherworld!" EQ: "And every year on the 31st of October, in exactly these locations, a chasm opens between our world and a parallel world, the Otherworld!"
Tick: „Nur in dieser einen Nacht ist es den Bewohnern der Anderwelt, Elfen, Feen und Trollen, möglich in unsere Welt hinüberzuhuschen!" DT: „Only on this one night is it the inhabitants of the Otherworld, elves, fairies, and trolls, potentially in our world over-to-scurry!" EQ: "Only on this one night are the inhabitants of the Otherworld- elves, fairies, and trolls- potentially able to scurry over to our world!"
Trick: „Ihnen gefällt Halloween! Vor allem wegen der Süßigkeiten!" DT: „To them appeals Halloween! Above all because (of) the sweets!" EQ: "They love Halloween! Especially because of the sweets!"
Track: „Allerdings müssen sie bis Mitternacht wieder in ihre Welt zurückkehren, denn dann verschließen sich die Durchgänge wieder!" DT: „However must they by midnight again to their world return, then for/because then closes themselves the passages again!" EQ: "However, they must return to their world by midnight because the passages close again!"
Tick: „Stell dir vor! Laut des Buchs gibt es sogar zwei davon in Entenhausen!" DT: „See for you before! According to the book there are even two thereof in Duck City!" EQ: "Go figure! According to the book, there are even two of them in Duck City!" (NOTE: Duckburg is Entenhausen, which can also mean "Duck Residence".)
Donald: „So ein Quatsch! Wer sich so was nur ausdenkt!" DT: „So a nonsense! Who themselves so what only thinks!" EQ: "Such nonsense! Who thinks of such things?!" (NOTE: Very idiomatic. If you think „Quatsch" here is funny, just wait until you see the fiasco it causes in "The Minish Cap".)
Trick: „Na ja, wir gehen jetzt jedenfalls auf Süßigkeitenjagd! Bis später, Onkel Donald!" DT: „Well indeed, we go now anyway to sweets-pursuit! Until later, Uncle Donald!" EQ: "Well, we're going on our pursuit of sweets anyway! See you later, Uncle Donald!"
Donald: „Dass ihr mir aber um Punkt neun Uhr wieder zu Hause seid, hört ihr!" DT: „That you all to me but on the dot nine hour again to home be, hear you all!" EQ: "Be back home at nine o'clock on the dot, you hear?!"
Erzähler: „So ziehen Tick, Trick und Track gemeinsam mit den Nachbarskindern von Tür zu Tür..." DT: „So wander Tick, Trick, and Track together with the neighbourhood-children from door to door..." EQ: "So, Tick, Trick, and Track wandered from door to door together with the neighbourhood kids..."
Track: „Das ist die mit Abstand beste Nacht des Jahres! Findet ihr nicht?" DT: „This is the with distance/far best night of the year! Find you all not?" EQ: "This is by far the best night of the year! Don't you all think so?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Kinder: „Süßes oder Saures!" DT: „Sweets or sours!" EQ: "Trick or treat!"
Erzähler: „...nur an eine traut sich keiner von ihnen zu klopfen! Nämlich an die des Geldspeichers..." DT: „only on one close itself no-one them to knock! Namely on to the Money-Storage..." EQ: "only no-one dares themself to knock! Now onto the Money-Storage..." (NOTE: Idiomatic. Again. And the Money Bin has become the Money-Storage.)
Erzähler: „Dagobert Duck ist schließlich bekannt für seine Abneigung gegenüber derlei Späßen! Um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen, hat er sogar auf Notbeleuchtung umgeschaltet..." DT: „Dagobert Duck is ultimately known/famous for his aversion towards such fun/pranks/jokes! In order on number safe to go, (x) he even to emergency-lighting switched..." EQ: "Dagobert Duck is ultimately known/famous for his aversion towards such fun/pranks/jokes! In order to be on the safe side, he even switched to emergency-lighting..." (NOTE: Dagobert Duck is Scrooge McDuck. And that second sentence is both in conversational past and is idiomatic.)
Dagobert: „Murmel!" DT/EQ: „"Mutter!"
Dagobert: „Halloween, pfff... Neumodischer Affentanz!" DT: „Halloween, pfft... Newfangled monkey-dance!" EQ: "Halloween, pfft... Newfangled tomfoolery!"
Dagobert: „Feiertage sind verlorene Arbeitstage! Basta!" DT/EQ: „"Holidays are lost working-days! Enough!"
Dagobert: „Und zur Krönung des Ganzen soll ich auch noch meine geliebten Taler für Süßkram hergeben! Niemals!" DT: „And to the culmination of the entire should I also still my beloved thalers/dollars for sweets-junk hand over! Never!" EQ: "And to top it all off, I should also hand over my beloved thalers/dollars for sweet junk! Never!" (NOTE: Random fun fact: thalers were a type of German coin used until the early 1900s. Also, more idioms.)
Dagobert: „Dieses Halloweengedöns ist völliger Humbug!" DT/EQ: „"This Halloween-fuss is complete humbug!"
Dagobert: „Wehe dem, der es heute wagt, hier anzuklopfen!" DT: „Woe (to) the, the it to-day dare, here to knock!" EQ: "Woe to he who dares knock here to-day!"
Erzähler: „Unterdessen..." DT/EQ: „"Meanwhile..."
Track: „Los, Brüder, lasst uns die Abkürzung durch den Stadtpark nach Pinkeburg nehmen!" DT: „Come on, brothers, let us (to) the shortcut through the city-park to Pinkeburg take!" EQ: "Come on, brothers, let's take the shortcut through the city-park to Pinkeburg!"
Tick: „Gute Idee!" DT/EQ: „Good idea!"
Tick: „Die im Villenviertel haben immer die beste Bonbons und das cremigste Karamell." DT: „The/those in the villa-quarter have always the best sweets and the creamiest caramel." EQ: "Those uptown always have the best sweets and the creamiest caramel."
Toneffekte: „KRACKS" DT/EQ: „CRACK" (NOTE: „Toneffekte", or basically, "Sound Effects", for when there is accompanying words that's not the Narrator.)
Trick: „Du sagst es. Die können sich so was leisten!" DT: „You said it. Those can themselves (something) what afford!" EQ: "You said it. They can afford things like that!"
Track: „Und uns damit die Bäuche füllen! Hehe!" DT: „And us therewith the bellies fill! Hehe!" EQ: "And we'll fill our bellies! Haha!"
Ungeheuer: „Heheheeee! Hehee!" DT/EQ: „Hahahaaaa! Hahaa!" (NOTE: These three imp-like creatures are unnamed, as far as I can tell, so I'm just calling them „Ungeheuer"- or "Monsters".)
Ungeheuer 1: „Kein Fauref!" DT: „No sourth!" EQ: "No trickth!" (NOTE: These monster guys speak with really thick lisps, so essentially, what he's saying here is "No sours", or "No tricks!")
Ungeheuer 2: „Füüüüfef!" DT: „Sweeeetth!" EQ: "Treeeeath!" (NOTE: Likewise, "Sweets" or "Treats", to keep up the "sweets or sours"/"trick or treat" pun.)
Ungeheuer 3: „Mjammm!" DT/EQ: „"Yummm!"
Frau: „Hier habt ihr eure Süßigkeiten, Kindern! Happy Halloween!" DT: „Here have you all your sweets, children! Happy Halloween!" EQ: "Here you all have your sweets, children! Happy Halloween!" (NOTE: Just "Woman". The one at the door.)
Tick: „Klasse! Vielen Dank!" DT/EQ: „"Great! Many thanks!"
Ungeheuer: „Heheee! Hehee!" DT/EQ: „"Hahaaa! Hahaa!"
Ungeheuer: „Heeee! Füüfef!" DT: „Heeee! Sweeeetth!" EQ: "Haaaa! Treeeath!"
Trick: „Holla! Was sind das denn für welche?" DT: „Well! What are the then for which?" EQ: "Well! What are they supposed to be?" (NOTE: Extremely idiomatic.)
Frau: „Ui! Bei eurer Verkleidung kann man ja richtig Angst kriegen! Was genau seid ihr denn? Kobolde? Na, egal! Hier habt ihr was!" DT: „Jeez! With your disguise can one indeed rightly/really fear get! What exactly are you all then? Goblins? Well, all the same! Here have you all something!" EQ: "Jeez! With your diguise, you can really get scared, indeed! What exactly are you all, then? Goblins? Ah, whatever. Here's something for you all!"
Ungeheuer: „Bääähhhh!" DT/EQ: „Pttthbthhh!" (NOTE: I have no idea how to translate this, since it's just the sound of blowing a raspberry.)
Frau: „He! Ihr kleinen Teufel, ihr zertrampelt mir meine schönen Blumen!" DT: „Hey! You little devils, you all trample (for me) my beautiful flowers!" EQ: "Hey! You little devils, you all trampled my beautiful flowers!"
Track: „Ziemlich drüber die drei, wenn ihr mich fragt!" DT: „Pretty chaotic the three, if you all me ask!" EQ: "Pretty chaotic, those three; if you all ask me!" (NOTE: Idiomatic, and I'm still not sure if this is right or not!)
Tick: „Ja, die vergrätzen uns noch all die großzügigen Süßigkeitenspender. Die behalten wir besser im Auge!" DT: „Indeed, the bothering us/our still all the generous sweets-givers. The keep we better in the eyes!" EQ: "Indeed, they're still bothering all of our generous sweet-givers. We'd better keep an eye on them!"
Ungeheuer 2: „Uuuh! Grofef Hauf!" DT/EQ: „"Wooow! Big houth!"
Ungeheuer 3: „Grofef Hauf, viel Füüüfef!" DT: „Big houth, many sweeetth!" EQ: "Big houth, many treeeath!"
Trick: „Oha! Die Bande hält direkt auf den Geldspeicher zu!" DT: „Whoa! The gang heads directly to the Money-Storage to!" EQ: "Whoa! The gang is heading straight for the Money-Storage!"
Ungeheuer 1: „Füüüfef! Fonft Fauref!" DT: „Sweeeatth! Elth sourth!" EQ: "Treeeath! Elth we trickth!" (NOTE: This is assuming that „fonft" is supposed to be "sonst".)
Toneffekte: „DING DONG" DT/EQ: „DING DONG"
Track: „Keine gute Idee! Die werden ihr saures Wunder erleben, wenn Onkel Dagobert ihnen aufmacht!" DT: „No good idea! The will their sours miracle experience, if Uncle Dagobert them up-opens!" EQ: "Not a good idea! They will experience a miraculous trick if Uncle Dagobert opens up for them!"
Tick: „Genau! Hehe! Wo doch jeder weiß, dass er Halloween nicht ausstehen kann." DT: „Exactly! Hehe! Where yet everyone know, that he Halloween not stand can." EQ: "Exactly! Haha! Everybody knows that he can't stand Halloween."
Dagobert: „Wer da? Wer wagt es, mich an diesem unerfreulichen Abend zu stören, hm?" DT: „Who there? Who dares it, me on this unpleasant evening to disturb, hm?" EQ: "Who's there? Who dares to disturb me on this unpleasant evening, hm?"
Dagobert: „Drei kleine verkleidete Rotzbengel, wie? Die nichts Besseres vorhaben, als hart arbeitende Leute auszunehmen?" DT: „Three little disguised brats, how? The nothing better planned, then hard working people to swindle?" EQ: "Three little disguised brats, eh? Who have nothing better to do than to swindle hard-working people?"
Ungeheuer: „Hu?" DT/EQ: „"Huh?"
Ungeheuer 1: „Rotfbengel?" DT/EQ: „"Brath?"
Ungeheuer 2: „Waf ift ein Rotfbengel?" DT/EQ: „"Whatth ith a brat?"
Dagobert: „Verwöhnte Halbwüchsige wir ihr, die glauben, sie könnten einen anständigen Bürger um seine Ersparnisse bringen! Gar nichts kriegt ihr! Nicht so viel!" DT: „Spoilt juveniles we you all, the believe, they can a decent citizen about his savings take! At all nothing get you all! Not so much!" EQ: "Spoilt juveniles who believe they can take away a decent citizen's savings! You all get nothing at all! Not at all!"
Ungeheuer 1: „Nicht Füüüüfef fu Halloween?" DT: „Not sweetth fo' Halloween?" EQ: "No sweetth fer Halloween?"
Ungeheuer 2: „Böfer Mann!" DT/EQ: „"Bad man!" (NOTE: Or to get a word that can be 'lisped' for it, an alternate translation could be "Nathty man!")
Ungeheuer: „Gaaaaarrrghhh!" DT/EQ: „"Grrrrrrrrrrr!"
Dagobert: „Schluck! Mir dünkt, diese Beißerchen sind nicht Teil eines klassischen Kinderkostüms." DT: „Swallow! To me seems, these pearly-whites are not part (of) a classical children-costume." EQ: "Gulp! Seems to me, these pearly-whites are not part of a classical children's costume..."
Dagobert: „Deren Saures will ich nicht erleben, besser ich verschanze mich!" DT: „Their sours want I not experience, better I entrench myself!" EQ: "I don't want to experience their tricks, I better hide!" (NOTE: Or another translation could be, "I better get lost!")
Ungeheuer: "Groar!" DT/EQ: „Roar!"
Dagobert: „Ächz! Diese Teufel lassen nicht locker! Und sie sind wesentlich stärker, als sie aussehen!" DT: „Groan! These devils let not loose! And they are considerably/much stronger, than they appear!" EQ: "Groan! These devils will not let up! And they are considerably/much stronger than they look!"
Dagobert: „Keuch! Ich kann sie nicht aufhalten!" DT: „Pant! I can them not stop!" EQ: "Pant! I can't stop them!"
Ungeheuer: „Hehe! Heee!" DT/EQ: „Haha! Haaa!"
Ungeheuer 2: „Böfer Mann!" DT/EQ: „"Bad man!"
Ungeheuer 1: „Dem feigen wir'f aber!" DT: „The cowardly we'f but!" EQ: "He'th but cowardly!" (NOTE: No clue.)
Toneffekte: „SCHEPPER" DT/EQ: „"CLATTER"
Ungeheuer 3: „Fnappt ihn euch!" DT: „Grab/get him you!" EQ: „Get him!" (NOTE: This is assuming „fnappt" is supposed to be "schnappt".)
Dagobert: „Liebe Güte, das ist ein Alptraum!" DT: „Lovely goodness, this is a nightnamare!" EQ: "Good grief, this is a nightmare!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Dagobert: „Der Tresor ist meine einzige Chance!" DT/EQ: „The vault is my single/only chance!"
Dagobert: „Uff! Geschafft! Hier bin ich sicher... Es sei denn, diese Biester können 40 Zentimeter harten Stahl durchdringen!" DT: „Ugh! Done! Here am I safe... It be then (unless), those beasts can can 40 centimetres hard steel penetrate!" EQ: "Ugh! Made it! Here, I am safe... Unless those beasts can penetrate 40 centimetres of hard steel!"
Toneffekte: „KLANG" DT/EQ: „CLANG"
Dagobert: „Besser ich verstecke mich zwischen meinen Talern, in der Geborgenheit meines Geldes." DT: „Better I hide myself between my thalers, in the security (of) my money." EQ: "I better hide between my thalers, in the security of my money."
Dagobert: „Kein Laut mehr zu hören? Ob sie aufgegeben haben?" DT: „No sound more to hear? If/whether they given up have?" EQ: "No more sound to hear? Have they given up?"
Dagobert: „Huch! Was kommt denn da?" DT: „Yikes! What comes then there?" EQ: "Yikes! What is there?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ungeheuer: „Überrafung!" DT/EQ: „Thurprithe!"
Dagobert: „Das glaub ich jetzt nicht!" DT: „This believe I now not!" EQ: "I don't believe this!"
Ungeheuer: „Groar!" DT/EQ: „"Roar!"
Dagobert: „Hilfeee!" DT/EQ: „Heeelllp!"
Erzähler: „Inzwischen..." DT/EQ: „"Meanwhile..."
Kinder: „Vielen Dank, Herr Duck, bis nächstes Jahr!" DT/EQ: „"Many thanks, Mr. Duck, until next year!"
Donald: „Hehe! Gern, Kinder! So, ein einsames Bonbon ist noch über! Damit ist Halloween vorbei!" DT: „Hehe! Gladly, children! So, a lone sweet is still about! Therewith is Halloween over!" EQ: "Haha! Gladly, children! So, not a sweet is still about! Therefore, Halloween is over!"
Erzähler: „Wenn Donald sich da mal nicht irrt..." DT: „If Donald himself there (softener) not wrong..." EQ: "If Donald there is not wrong..."
Donald: „Wie spät es wohl ist?" DT: „How late is well is?" EQ: "How late is it now?"
Donald: „Viertel nach neun? Typisch!" DT/EQ: „"Quarter past nine? Typical!"
Donald: „Die Jungs sollten um neun Uhr zu Hause sein! Es ist doch immer dasselbe!" DT: „The boys should at nine hour to home be! It is but always (the) same!" EQ: "The boys should've been home at nine o'clock! It's always the same!"
Donald: „Ungezogene Lümmel, denen werd ich die Lauscher langziehen, sobald ich sie erwische." DT: „Naughty louts, to those/them will I the ears stretch, as soon as I they catch." EQ: "Naughty louts, I'll give them an ear-full as soon as I catch them." (NOTE: Idiomatic??? ...B-b-but, Donald... None of you HAVE ears...)
Trick: „Habt ihr das auch gesehen? Die drei haben Onkel Dagobert in den Geldspeicher erfolgt, ja ihn geradezu gejagt!" DT: „Have you all that also seen? The three (x) Uncle Dagobert in the Money-Storage followed, indeed him literally hunted!" EQ: "Did you all see that, too? The three followed Uncle Dagobert into the Money-Storage and literally hunted him down!" (NOTE: Second sentence is in conversational past.)
Track: „Und sie sind noch immer dort drin!" DT: „And they are still always there in it!" EQ: "And they're still in there!"
Tick: „Glaubt ihr, Onkel Dagobert ist in Schwierigkeiten?" DT: „Believe you all, Uncle Dagobert is in trouble?" EQ: "Do you all believe Uncle Dagobert is in trouble?"
Trick: „Sehen wir lieber mal nach!" DT: „See we better (softener) to!" EQ: "We'd better take a look!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ungeheuer: „Heheeee!" DT/EQ: "Hahaaaa!"
Dagobert: „Stopp! Anhalten! Lass mich sofort runter!" DT: „Stop! Halt! Let me immediately down!" EQ: "Stop! Halt! Put me down immediately!"
Track: „W-was war das? Ein D-Zug?" DT/EQ: „"W-what was that? An express-train?" (NOTE: „D-Zug" is short for "Durchgangszug".)
Tick: „Nein, das waren diese drei Gruselgestalten und..." DT/EQ: „"No, that was those three scary-figures and..."
Trick: „...sie hatten Onkel Dagobert in ihrer Gewalt!" DT/EQ: „"...they had Uncle Dagobert in their control!"
Track: „Schnell hinterher! Sie laufen in Richtung Stadtpark! Wir dürfen Sie auf keinen Fall..." DT: „Quickly afterwards! They ran in direction City-park! We allow you not case..." EQ: "Quick, after them! They ran in the direction of the City Park! In any case, we can't..." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Tick: „...aus den Augen verlieren! Schon klar!" DT: „of the eyes lose! Already clear!" EQ: "...lose sight of them! Got it!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. Again. And it's really starting to wierd me out that Heuey, Dewey, and Louie always speak one after another in that same order every time...)
Donald: „Ah ja! Wenn das nicht meine drei Pappenheimer sind! Schamlos dahinschlendernd! Tz!" DT: „Ah yes! If those not my three rascals are! Shamelessly strolling/moseying! Tch!" EQ: "Ah, yes! If those aren't my three rascals! Shamelessly moseying about! Tch!" (NOTE: „Pappenheimer" are people that can be counted on to be naughty. Since I already used "brats" for „Rotzbengel", I just went with "rascals" for this one.)
Donald: „Stopp! Und Kehrtwende! Euer Weg führt nach Hause!" DT: „Stop! And about-turn! Your way leads to home!" EQ: "Stop! And about-face! Your path leads home!"
Trick: „Onkel Donald? Nicht jetzt! Es ist etwas passiert!" DT: „Uncle Donald? Not now! It is something happened!" EQ: "Uncle Donald? Not now! Something just happened!"
Track: „Onkel Dagobert! Er wurde entführt! Von... was auch immer für Wesen!" DT: „Uncle Dagobert! He was kidnapped! By... what also always for beings!" EQ: "Uncle Dagobert! He was kidnapped! By... whatever those beings are!"
Tick: „Leute! Seht euch das an!" DT: „People! Look yourselves that at!" EQ: "Guys! Look at that!"
Trick: „Sie... Sie verschwinden durch eine Art Portal!" DT: „They... They disappear through a kind (of) Portal!" EQ: "They... They're disappearing through a kind of Portal!"
Track: „O nein! Und Onkel Dagobert mit ihnen!" DT/EQ: „"Oh, no! And Uncle Dagobert with them!"
Tick: „Aber, na klar, das ist die Erklärung-- diese drei Horrorfratzen kommen aus der Anderwelt!" DT: „But, well clearly, that is the explanation-- those three horror-faces come from the Otherworld!" EQ: "But, of course, that is the explanation-- those three horror-faces come from the Otherworld!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Trick: „Und genau dorthin haben sie gerade den armen Onkel Dagobert verschleppt!" DT: „And exactly therein have they just the poor Uncle Dagobert kidnapped!" EQ: "And to exactly there, they've just kidnapped poor Uncle Dagobert!"
Donald: „Das ist doch lächerlich! Verrückte Fantastereien! Nichts weiter!" DT: „That is still laughable/ridiculous! Crazy fantasies! Nothing further!" EQ: "That's just laughable/ridiculous! Crazy fantasies! Nothing more!"
Track: „So? Und wie bitte erklärst du das eben Gesehene dann? Nun komm schon..." DT: „So? And how please explain you that simply sight then? Now come already..." EQ: "So? And, please, how do you simply explain what you saw, then? Now, come on..." (NOTE: Idiomatic. Yes.)
Tick: „Wir müssen Onkel Dagobert helfen! Und der einzige Weg, das zu tun, ist, ihnen in ihre Welt zu folgen!" DT: „We must Onkel Dagobert help! And the only way, that to do, is, them to their world to follow!" EQ: "We must help Uncle Dagobert! And the only way to do that is to follow them to their world!"
Donald: „Mir gefällt das nicht! Ganz und gar nicht!" DT: „To me appeals this not! Entirely and at all not!" EQ: "I don't like this! Absolutely not at all!"
Trick: „Durchhalten, Onkel Dagobert! Rettung naht!" DT: „Perservere, Uncle Dagobert! Rescue approaches!" EQ: "Hold on, Uncle Dagobert! Rescue approaches!"
Track: „Na prima, wir sind im Nichts gelandet!" DT: „Well great, we are in the nothing landed!" EQ: "Well, great; we landed in nothingness!"
Tick: „Dafür fühlt sich der Boden aber recht solide an!" DT: „For that feels itself the ground but right solid (x)!" EQ: "In return, the ground feels quite solid!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. And „an" is with „fühlen" as „anfühlen".)
Trick: „Pure pechschwarze Finsternis, wenn wir nur..." DT: „Pure pitch-black darkness, if we only..." EQ: "Pure pitch-black darkness; if only we..."
Track: „Augenblick, langsam zeichnen sich Umrisse im Dunkel ab!" DT: „Minute, slowly outlines themselves silhouettes in the dark (x)!" EQ: "Just a minute, silhouettes are slowly outlining themselves in the dark!" (NOTE: Likewise, „ab" goes with „zeichnen" as „abzeichnen".)
Tick: „Ja, sieht so aus, als wären wir in einer Art Tunnel!" DT: „Yes, appears so (x), as if are we in a sort (of) tunnel!" EQ: "Yes, it appears as if we're in a sort of tunnel!"
Trick: „Und das dort muss der Ausgang sein!" DT: „And that there must the exit be!" EQ: "And that there must be the exit!"
Donald: „Worauf warten wir dann noch? Nichts wie raus hier!" DT: „Whereupon/what wait we then still? Nothing how out here!" EQ: "What are we waiting for, then? Let's get out of here!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Track: „Wow! Das haut den härtesten Halloweenfan aus dem Kostüm!" DT: „Wow! This flays the toughest Halloween-fan out (of) the costume!" EQ: "Wow! This flays the toughest Halloween-fan out of their costume!" (NOTE: I have no clue.)
Tick: „Das muss die Anderwelt sein, und diese Höhle ist die Verbindung zu unserer!" DT: „This must the Otherworld be, and this cave is the connection to ours!" EQ: "This must be the Otherworld, and this cave is the connection to ours!"
Trick: „Der helle Wahnsinn! Abgefahrener als jeder Fantasy-Streifen." DT: „The bright madness! Totally as any fantasy-film." EQ: "Sheer madness! Totally like any fantasy film." (NOTE: Idiomatic. Also, I can't tell if it's Dewey or Donald speaking here. Oops.)
Track: „Irgendwo in diesem Irrgarten muss Onkel Dagobert sein!" DT: „Somewhere in this maze must Uncle Dagobert be!" EQ: "Uncle Dagobert must be somewhere in this maze!"
Tick: „Aber wie sollen wir ihn finden, und das ohne dabei aufzufliegen?" DT: „But how should we him find, and the without in the process exposed?" EQ: "But, how can we find him without being exposed in the process?"
Trick: „Keine Sorge! Dank unserer Aufmachungen dürften wir nicht weiter auffallen." DT: „No worries! Thank our presentations/get-up may/should we not further stand out." EQ: "No worries! Thanks to our get-up, we shouldn't stand out any further."
Track: „Wir vielleicht nicht, Onkel Donald in seinem albernen Jäckchen schon!" DT: „We possibly not, Uncle Donald in his silly little-jacket already/anyway!" EQ: "We probably won't, but Uncle Donald is still in his silly little jacket!" (NOTE: This is the closest I can make sense out of this sentence.)
Donald: „Derlei Beleidigungen verbitte ich mir! Ich liebe diesen Anzug!" DT: „These kind (of) insults forbid I (for) myself! I love this suit!" EQ: "I forbid these kinds of insults! I love this suit!"
Tick: „Trotzdem... wir müssen dich irgendwie tarnen!" DT: „Nevertheless... we must you somehow camouflage!" EQ: "Nevertheless... We must camouflage you somehow!"
Trick: „Perfekt! Unter all dem Schlamm und Gras erkennt dich niemand!" DT: „Perfect! Under all the mud and grass recognise you nobody!" EQ: "Perfect! Under all the mud and grass, nobody will recognise you!"
Donald: „Also, ich finde, ich seh zum Fürchten aus!" DT: „Also/well, I find, I appear to the fear (x)!" EQ: "Well, I think I look scary!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Track: „Genau das ist ja auch der Sinn! So fügst du dich perfekt ein!" DT: „Exactly that is indeed also the point! So fits you yourself perfectly (in)!" EQ: "Indeed, that's exactly the point! So you fit in perfectly!" (NOTE: „einfügen".)
Tick: „Jetzt aber los! Wir müssen uns beeilen!" DT: „Now but loose! We must ourselves hurry!" EQ: "Now, let's go! We must hurry!"
Verkäufer 1: „Leckere Molchaugen! Im Dutzend billiger!" DT: „Delicious newt-eyes! In the dozen cheaper!" EQ: "Delicious newt eyes! Cheaper by the dozen!" (NOTE: I'm just calling these two "Salesmen". Also, „Molch" can mean either "pig" or "newt", and judging by how the next item is bat-related, I'm going with "newt" for the typical witchy-potion theme.)
Verkäufer 2: „Fledermausflügel! Ganz frisch! Und knackig!" DT: „Bat-wings! Entirely fresh! And crisp!" EQ: "Bat wings! Very fresh! And crisp!"
Donald: „Börks! Nein, danke!" DT/EQ: „"Blech! No, thank you!"
Verkäufer 1: „He, schon gehört, die haben einen von der anderen Seite gefangen!" DT: „Hey, already heard, the (x) one of/from the other Side captured!" EQ: "Hey, have you heard, they captured one from the Other Side!" (NOTE: Conversational past.)
Verkäufer 2: „Jub! Soll in einer Palastzelle darauf warten, vom Obermotz abgeurteilt zu werden!" DT: „Yeah! Should in a palace-cell thereon wait, by the Boss sentecned to be!" EQ: "Yeah! Should be in a palace-cell, waiting to be sentenced by the Boss!"
Trick: „Onkel Donald, die meinen bestimmt Onkel Dagobert!" DT: „Uncle Donald, the mean certainly Uncle Dagobert!" EQ: "Uncle Donald, they certainly mean Uncle Dagobert!"
Donald: „Damit könntest du recht haben! Also los..." DT: „Therewith can you right have! So loosely..." EQ: "You might be right there! So, let's go..." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Track: „Hier muss es sein!" DT: „Here must it be!" EQ: "It must be here!"
Dagobert: „Du glaubst wohl, weil ich in der Ecke stehe, hast du gewonnen, wie? Kampflos ergebe ich mich jedenfalls nicht!" DT: „You believe well, because I in the corner stand, (x) you won, how? Peacefully/without a fight yield I myself in any case not!" EQ: "You truly believe that because I am in the corner, that you've won, eh? In any case, I'm not giving up without a fight!" (NOTE: Idiomatic and conversational past. Whee.)
Donald: „Oje, klingt als sei der alte Haudegen ernstlich in Gefahr! Beeilung, Jungs!" DT: „Oh dear, sounds as if is the old warhorse seriously in danger! Hurry up, boys!" EQ: "Oh, dear, it sounds as if the old warhorse is seriously in danger! Hurry up, boys!"
Donald: „Da ist er! Keiner sonst zu sehen... und ist das ein Schachbrett?" DT: „There is he! Nobody otherwise to see... and is that a chessboard?" EQ: "There he is! Nobody else to see... And is that a chessboard?"
Tick: „Aber gegen wen spielt er?" DT: „But against whom plays he?" EQ: "But, who's he playing against?"
Dagobert: „Was habe ich gesagt? Jetzt geht es deiner Königin an den Kragen! Hehe!" DT: „What have I said? Now goes it your queen on the collar! Haha!" EQ: "What did I say? Now, your queen is in for it! Haha!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. One of my favourite idioms, to be honest. Could also mean "in trouble".)
Dagobert: „Wusste ich's doch! Das war eine Falle!" DT: „Knew I it still! That was a trap!" EQ: "I knew it! That was a trap!"
Dagobert: „Hahaa! Und matt!" DT/EQ: „"Hahaa! Und checkmate!"
Donald: „Da wird doch der Hund in der Pfanne verrückt. Gegen sich selbst! Und natürlich gewinnt er!" DT: „Since shall still the dog in the pan crazy. Against you yourself! And naturally win he!" EQ: "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. Against yourself! And naturally, he wins!" (NOTE: Very idiomatic. And I have no clue who's speaking here, so I just assumed Donald.)
Trick: „Pssst! Onkel Dagobert!" DT/EQ: „"Pssst! Uncle Dagobert!"
Dagobert: „Wie? Donald? Kinder? Was macht ihr denn hier?" DT: „How? Donald? Children? What doing you all then here?" EQ: "What? Donald? Children? What are you all doing here?"
Donald: „Na, wir sind hier, um dich zu befreien!" DT: „Well, we are here, in order you to be-free!" EQ: "Well, we're here in order to free you!"
Trick: „Wieso hat man dich eingesperrt? Was hast du angestellt?" DT: „Why (x) man/you yourself locked up? What have you employ/get up to?" EQ: "Why did you get locked up? What have you done?"
Dagobert: „So genau weiß ich das auch nicht... Irgend so ein Unsinn wie Beleidigung des heiligen Halloweenfestes!" DT: „So exactly know I that also not... At all so a nonsense how insult(ing) of the holy Halloween festival!" EQ: "So, I do not know exactly, either... Some nonsense like insulting the holy Halloween festival!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Donald: „Ha, sicher, weil du dich weigerst Süßes zu verteilen!" DT: „Ha, sure, because you yourself refuse sweets to distribute/hand out!" EQ: "Ha, sure, because you refuse to hand out sweets!"
Tick: „Das ist doch jetzt erst mal völlig egal! Pack lieber mal mit an... ächz..." DT: „That is still now first/times completely the same! Pack better (softener) with to... Moan..." EQ: "That is not important right now! Better join with us... Moan..." (NOTE: Extremely idiomatic. These ones almost killed me.)
Toneffekte: „KLICK" DT/EQ: „CLICK"
Dagobert: „Zu spät, Kinder! Sie kommen mich holen!" DT: „Too late, children! They come me get!" EQ: "Too late, children! They've come to get me!"
Ungeheuer 1: „Böfer Mann, mitkommen!" DT: „Bad man, with-come!" EQ: "Bad man, come along!"
Ungeheuer: „Fu unferem Herrn! Hehee!" DT: „To our Mathter! Hahaa!" (NOTE: Funny. Of all the words for them NOT to lisp in German, it's "Master". Hmm.)
Erzähler: „Und so wird Onkel Dagobert vor den Obermotz geführt!" DT: „And so is Uncle Dagobert before the Boss led!" EQ: "And so, Uncle Dagobert is led before the Boss!"
Obermotz: „Ich, der Obermotz, bin Herr über die Anderwelt. Daher ist meine Aufgabe, über diesen Sterblichen zu richten!" DT: „I, the Boss, am Master over the Otherworld. Hence/that is why is my task, over this mortal to judge!" EQ: "I, the Boss, am Master of the Otherworld. That is why it is my task to judge over this mortal!"
Donald: „Ein wahrer Volksauflauf. Die Leute hier haben anscheinend zu viel Zeit!" DT: „A true people-casserole/crowd. The people here have apparently too much time!" EQ: "A true crowd. The people here apparently have too much time!"
Tick: „Apropos Zeit..." DT: „By the way time..." EQ: "Speaking of time..." (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Tick: „...ich will ja nicht hetzen, aber genau die läuft uns gerade davon!" DT: „...I want indeed not rush, but exactly the/that runs us just thereof!" EQ: "...I don't want to rush, but our time is running out!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. The idiom here is „die Zeit läuft uns davon", to be exact.)
Trick: „Du hast recht! Um Mitternacht schließt sich der Riss zwischen den Welten!" DT: „You have right! At midnight closes itself the rift between the worlds!" EQ: "You're right! At midnight, the rift between the worlds closes!"
Donald: „Und wenn wir bis dahin nicht zurück sind, sitzen wir hier fest! Üble Aussichten!" DT: „And if we by then not back are, sit/stuck we here firmly! Bad prospects!" EQ: "And if we aren't back by then, we're stuck here firmly! Bad prospects!"
Dagobert: „Über mich richten? Dann erzählen Sie mir doch erst einmal, wessen ich angeklagt bin!" DT: „Over me judge? Then tell you to me but first once, whose I accused am!" EQ: "Judge over me? Then you tell me what I'm accused of!" (NOTE: Eh. Idiomatic.)
Obermotz: „Der Missachtung von Halloween!" DT/EQ: „"The disregard for Halloween!"
Obermotz: „Sie haben sich Fremden gegenüber in keinster Weise gastfreundlich gezeigt! Und sich..." DT: „You (x) yourself strangers towards in (the) least/any way hospitable shown! And you..." EQ: "You have not shown hospitality towards strangers in any way! And..."
Obermotz: „...überdies geweigert anderen etwas Gutes zu tun!" DT: „...moreover refuse others something good to do!" EQ: "...moreover, you refuse to do something good for others!"
Donald: „Recht hat der gehörnte Riese! Das kann ich aus eigener Erfahrung nur bestätigen!" DT: „Right has the horned giant! That can I from own experience only confirm!" EQ: "The horned giant is right! I can only confirm that from my own experience!"
Track: „He, auf wessen Seite stehst du?" DT: „Hey, on whose side stand you?" EQ: "Hey, whose side are you on?"
Obermotz: „Was haben Sie zu Ihrer Verteidigung vorzubringen?" DT: „What have you to your defence on-to-call?" EQ: "What do you have to say in your defence?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Dagobert: „Einiges, Sie eingebildeter Kerl!" DT: „Some, you conceited man/bloke!" EQ: "Some things, you conceited man/bloke!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. That and other possible translations include, "You stuck-up fool/dolt/wretch/fellow/guy".)
Dagobert: „Wissen Sie, wie ich es nenne, wenn mich jemand dazu zwingen will, dass ich mein sauer verdientes Geld für Süßigkeiten ausgeben soll? Nötigung!" DT: „Know you, how I it call, when me someone to that force wants, that I my sour well-deserved money for sweets spend should? Coercion!" EQ: "Do you know what I call it, when someone wants to force me into spending my hard-earned money on sweets? Coercion!" (NOTE: The idiom here is „sauer verdientes Geld".)
Dagobert: „Da, wo ich herkomme, habe ich das Recht dazu, Feiertage nicht zu feiern, wenn ich es nicht will!" DT: „There, where I come-frome, have I the right to that, holidays not to celebrate, if I it not want!" EQ: "Where I come from, I have the right to not celebrate holidays if I do not want to!"
Obermotz: „Das mag sein, aber hier gelten andere Regeln!" DT: „That may be, but here apply other regulations!" EQ: "That may be, but other regulations apply here!"
Obermotz: „Ich erkläre den Angeklagten somit für schuldig und verurteile ihn zur... Resozialisierung!" DT: „I declare the accused thus for guilty and sentence him to (the)... Rehabilitation!" EQ: "I declare the accused guilty and sentence him to... Rehabilitation!"
Obermotz: „Eine ordentliche Portion Anderwelt-Feenstaub wird das Übrige tun!" DT: „A proper portion Otherworld-pixie-dust will the rest do!" EQ: "A proper portion of Otherworld pixie-dust will do the rest!"
Ungeheuer 4: „Gurk!" DT/EQ: „"Gah!"
Obermotz: „Jeder, der damit in Berührung kommt, erkennt die Regeln Halloweens an! Und zwar auf ewig!" DT: „Anyone, the therewith in contact comes, recognises the rules Hallowen (x)! And indeed to eternity!" EQ: "Anyone who comes in contact with it recognises the rules of Halloween! For eternity!" (NOTE: „anerkennen".)
Dagobert: „Nein! Nicht! Ich..." DT: „No! Nothing! I..." EQ: "No! Don't! I..."
Track: „Leute, die Uhr tickt! Wir müssen etwas tun!" DT: „People, the clock ticks! We must something do!" EQ: "People, the clock is ticking! We must do something!"
Donald: „Dann machen wir das doch! Attacke!" DT: „Then do we that still! Attack!" EQ: "Then, we'll do that! Attack!"
Tick: „Jetzt oder nie!" DT/EQ: „"Now or never!"
Trick: „Komm, Onkel Dagobert! Gib mir deine Hand!" DT/EQ: „Come, Uncle Dagobert! Give (to) me your hand!"
Dagobert: „M-meine Beine sind w-wie aus Gummi..." DT: „M-my legs are h-how from rubber..." EQ: "M-my legs are l-like rubber..."
Donald: „Reiß dich gefälligst zusammen! Es geht um unser Leben! Also lauf!" DT: „Pull yourself kindly together! It is about our lives! So run!" EQ: "Pull yourself together! It's about our lives! So, run!"
Obermotz: „Eindringlinge! Ergreift dieses unwürdige Gewürm!" DT/EQ: „"Intruders! Seize those unworthy vermin!"
Dagobert: „M-mir ist s-so schwummerig! Warum ist mir so schwummerig?" DT: „(For) m-me is s-so dizzy! Why is (for) me so dizzy?" EQ: "I-I am s-so dizzy! Why am I so dizzy?"
Track: „Das kommt von Feenstaub! Aber keine Angst, zusammen schaffen wir das!" DT: „That comes from (the) pixie-dust! But no fear, together accomplish we this!" EQ: "That comes from the pixie-dust! But, have no fear, together we can accomplish this!"
Donald: „Oder wir gehen gemeinsam unter! Seht mal hinter euch!" DT: „Or we go together under! See/look (softener) behind you!" EQ: "Or we go down together! Look behind you!"
Tick: „Heiliger Bimbam! Sieht fast so aus, als hätten wir die ganze Anderwelt auf den Fersen!" DT: „Holy smokes/cow! Looks almost so (x), as have we the entire Otherworld at the heel!" EQ: "Holy smokes/cow! Looks almost like we have the entirety of Otherworld at our heels!" (NOTE: Everyone in this panel is in silhouettes from far away. I'm just guessing at who the two speaking here are; especially considering that the next panel shows a completely different order of everyone running from the previous time we saw them not in shadows.)
Trick: „Und wenn wir nicht einen Gang zulegen, gehören wir bald dazu!" DT: „And if we not a gear get, belong we soon to that!" EQ: "And if we don't move up a gear, we'll soon belong here!" (NOTE: In the context of "we'll be stuck here"???)
Obermotz: „Lasst sie nicht entkommen!" DT: „Let them not escape!" EQ: "Do not let them escape!"
Donald: „Da vorn ist die Höhle, unser diesweltlicher Landeplatz!" DT/EQ: „"There in front is the cave, our earthly landing-place!"
Track: „Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass der Durchgang in beide Richtungen funktioniert!" DT: „Stay only to hope, that the passage in both directions functions!" EQ: "Let's hope that the passage functions in both directions!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Tick: „Los, gib dir 'nen Ruck, Onkel Dagobert!" DT: „Loose, give (to) you a jolt/jerk/tug, Uncle Dagobert!" EQ: "Quickly, give yourself a jolt/jerk/tug, Uncle Dagobert!"
Trick: „So ist gut! Ein kleines Stück noch, dann hast du es geschafft!" DT: „So is good! A little piece/bit yet, then (x) you it accomplished!" EQ: "This is good! A little bit more, then you've made it!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Donald: „Puh! War der Tunnel wirklich so lang?" DT/EQ: „"Phew! Was the tunnel really so long?"
Track: „Spar dir die Puste lieber fürs Laufen, Onkel Donald!" DT: „Save (for) you the breath rather for (the) running, Uncle Donald!" EQ: "Better save your breath for running, Uncle Donald!"
Ungeheuer: „Heeee! Heee! Greift fie!" DT: „Heeee! Heee! Attack them!" EQ: "Haaaa! Haaa! Attack 'em!" (NOTE: It's lisped here, so the closest thing I could get to that in translation was slang.)
Donald: „Keuch... Ich hatte ganz vergessen, wie dunkel es hier drin war! Wenn wir uns nun die Köpfe stoßen!" DT: „Gasp... I (x) entirely forgot, how dark it here in it was! If we us only the heads bump!" EQ: "Gasp... I completely forgot how dark it was in here! If we only bump our heads now!"
Track: „Lieber 'ne Beule als gebeutelt! Nicht langsamer werden!" DT: „Rather a bump than shaken/battered! Not slow become!" EQ: "Better a bump than being battered! Do not slow down!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Donald: „Ächz! Jetzt sehe ich gar nichts mehr! Nun ist alles aus!" DT: „Groan! Now see I really nothing more! Now is everything out!" EQ: "Goran! Now I really don't see anything anymore! Now, everything is over!"
Toneffekte: „ZUSCH" DT/EQ: "ZAP" (NOTE: I just guessed on this one.)
Donald: „Hurra! Entenhausen! Du Heimatstadt meines Herzen!" DT/EQ: „"Hooray! Duck City! You hometown (of) my heart!"
Toneffekte: „DONG" DT/EQ: „"DONG"
Tick: „Um Haaresbreite, Leute, um Haaresbreite." DT: „By hair's-breadth, people, by hair's-breadth." EQ: "By a hair's-breadth, people, by a hair's-breadth."
Trick: „O nein! Sie kommen hinterher! Wir..." DT: „Oh no! They come afterwards! We..." EQ: "Oh, no! They're coming afterwards! We..."
Track: „Das schaffen sie nicht, der zwölfte Schlag ertönt jeden Augenblick!" DT: „The accomplish it not, the twelfth stroke rings every moment!" EQ: "They can't accomplish that, the twelfth stroke is ringing this very moment!"
Toneffekte: „DONG" DT/EQ: „DONG"
Tick: „Da! Der Riss zwischen den Welten ist wieder verschlossen!" DT: „There! The rift between the worlds is again closed!" EQ: "There! The rift between the worlds is closed again!"
Donald: „Ein Glück! Das heißt, wir haben jetzt mindestens ein Jahr lang Ruhe!" DT: „A luck! That means, we have now at least a year long peace!" EQ: "What luck! That means we now have at least a year-long peace!"
Donald: „Hüstel... tja, ich muss mich wohl bei euch entschuldigen, Kinder!" DT: „Ahem... well, I must myself probably by/at you apologise, children!" EQ: "Ahem... Well, I probably must apologise to you, children!"
Tick: „Entschuldigen? Du? Aber wofür denn das?" DT: „Apologise? You? But for which then that?" EQ: "Apologise? You? But what for, then?"
Donald: „Wenn ich mal wieder etwas als Aberglaube abtue, was ihr mir erzählt, dann dürft ihr mir die Federn rupfen, einverstanden?" DT: „If I (softener) again something as superstition dismiss, what you (to) me tell, then may you all (for) me the feathers pluck, agreed?" EQ: "If I dismiss something that you told me as superstition ever again, then you all may pluck my feathers, agreed?"
Tick: „Ach, Onkel Donald! Vergiss es!" DT/EQ: „"Oh, Uncle Donald! Forget it!"
Track: „Hauptsache, wir sind alle heil davongekommen!" DT: „Main thing, we (x) all safely got away!" EQ: "The main thing is, we all got away safely!" (NOTE: Conversational past.)
Tick: „Und das bisschen Feenstaub, das Onkel Dagobert abbekommen, wird ihn schon nicht aus der Bahn werfen!" DT: „And that bit (of) pixie-dust, that Uncle Dagobert received, will him already not from the track/course throw!" EQ: "And that bit of pixie-dust that Uncle Dagobert received won't throw him off-course!"
Track: „Genau, das hat er mit Sicherheit bald verdaut!" DT: „Exactly, that has he with certainty soon digested!" EQ: "Exactly, he has certainly digested that soon!"
Trick: „Apropos... wo ist er eigentlich?" DT/EQ: „"By the way... where is he actually?"
Tick: „Unfassbar, er hat sich klammheimlich weggeschlichen!" DT: „Unbelievable, he has himself quietly slipped away!" EQ: "Unbelievable, he quietly slipped away!"
Donald: „Wenn er nur nichts anstellt! Er ist noch nicht wieder ganz bei sich!" DT: „If he only nothing carry out! He is still not again entirely by/at himself!" EQ: "If only he doesn't carry anything out! He's still not entirely himself again!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Toneffekte: „DONG DONG" DT/EQ: „"DONG DONG"
Dagobert: „Wacht auf, ihr guten Menschen! Schüttelt den Schlaf aus den Augen! Noch ist nicht Zeit zum Schlafen! Dagobert Duck hat euch etwas zu sagen!" DT: „Wake up, you all good people! Shake the sleep from the eyes! Now is not time to (the) sleep! Dagobert Duck has (to) you something to say!" EQ: "Wake up, all you good people! Shake the sleep from your eyes! Now is not the time for sleep! Dagobert Duck has something to say to you!"
Mann: „Was ist das für ein Lärm?" DT: „What is that for a noise?" EQ: "What's that noise?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Frau: „Der alte Duck. Er randaliert!" DT: „The old Duck. He rampages!" EQ: "The old Duck. He's rampaging!"
Kinder: „Gähn! Mama, warum schreit der Mann so?" DT: „Yawn! Mama, why screams the man so?" EQ: "Yawn! Mama, why's the man screaming so?"
Mutter: „Keine Ahnung, Spatz! Hören wir einfach mal hin!" DT: „No clue, Sparrow! Hear/listen we simply/just (softener) there!" EQ: "No clue, Sparrow! We'll just listen!" (NOTE: Idiomatic- and about that second sentence, I, too, have no clue, Sparrow.)
Dagobert: „Heute ist Halloween! Die Nacht, in der wir den Jüngsten mit Freunden etwas Gutes tun! Sollen sie nur alle zum Geldspeicher kommen!" DT: „To-day is Halloween! The night, in the we the recently with friends something good do! Should they only all to (the) Money-Storage come!" EQ: "To-day is Halloween! The night in which we recently do something good with friends! They all should come to the Money-Storage!"
Toneffekte: „DONG DONG" DT/EQ: „"DONG DONG"
Dagobert: „Ich möchte diese Nacht würdig begehen!" DT: „I would like this night worthily celebrate!" EQ: "I would like to celebrate this night worthily!"
Erzähler: „Und so..." DT/EQ: „"And so..."
Dagobert: „Hehe! Happy Halloween, euch allen!" DT/EQ: „"Haha! Happy Halloween, you all!"
Tick: „Ich schätze, die Wirkung des Feenstaubers hält noch etwas an!" DT: „I guess, the effect (of) the pixie-dust going/keep still something (on)!" EQ: "I guess the effect of the pixie-dust is still going on!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Donald: „Und morgen früh gibt es für Sankt Halloween dann ein böses Erwachen!" DT: „And to-morrow morning were is for Saint Halloween then a bad/rude awakening!" EQ: "And to-morrow morning, there will be a rude awakening for Saint Halloween!"
Erzähler: „ENDE DT/EQ: „"END"
#the bard of light rants#donald duck#German#translation#the bard of light translates#Halloween#huey dewey and louie#uncle scrooge#disney#also no formatting because fuck that#forget the bolds and italics
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Santa's Toy Monster Attacks (2011)
Merry Christmas, DA!
For my 2011 Christmas Card, I decided to go with a design involving Santa Claus sicking his toy monster on a naughty kid.
This piece was by far this most ambitious piece I've ever done. I looked back and saw that I posted my first draft of this piece in my DeviantArt scrapbook on June 29th, and I've just completed it finally on November 12th... Dang.
I am really proud of this piece, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
You can also view a progress video to see how this piece came together over on you tube: [link]
Thanks To: -- A Blanket of Snow by ~midnightstouchSTOCK (reference) -- frecklebrush by ~Dojang (PS freckle paintbrush) -- SNOW PS7 Brushes and IMG Pack by ~KeepWaiting (PS snow flake paintbrush) -- THe Valley of Childhood Toys by ~MGrigsbyArt (toy ideas... check this out. similar idea and AWESOME execution)
On the subject of the toys, after hours and HOURS of googling, wracking my brain, and soliciting ideas from friends and family I've incorporated the following 200 toys to make up Stanta's toy monster... Enjoy!
1. Adam Bomb (Garbage Pail Kid) 2. Aladdin (Disney) 3. Alf (Alf) 4. All-Star Snork (The Snorks) 5. Ang (Avatar) 6. Animal (Muppets) 7. Ariel (The Little Mermaid) 8. Atari Joystick (Atari) 9. Barbie (Mattel) 10. Barbie Dream Car (Mattel) 11. Bart Simsons (The Simpsons) 12. Baseball 13. Basketball 14. Batman (Batman: Animated Series) 15. Batmobile (Super Power Collection) 16. Battlecat (He-Man) 17. Beach Ball 18. Bebop (Ninja Turtles) 19. Bernie Kosar (Starting Line-Up) 20. Bert (Sesame Street) 21. Big Wheel Bike 22. Biker Scout (Return of the Jedi) 23. Brak (Space Ghost) 24. Bucky O'Haire (Bucky O'Haire) 25. Bumblelion (Wuzzles) 26. ButterCup (Powerpuff Girls) 27. Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story) 28. Cabage Patch Kid 29. Captain Planet (Captain Planet) 30. Castle Greyskull (He-Man) 31. Catwoman (Batman: Animated Series) 32. Cera (The Land Before Time) 33. Chatter Phone (Fisher Price) 34. Cheer Bear (The Care Bears) 35. Chip (Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers) 36. Cobra Commander (G.I. Joe) 37. Cookie Monster (Sesame Street) 38. Cooties (Milton Bradley Game) 39. Copper Kid (Silver Hawks) 40. Cowboy Boot 41. Cozy Coupe (Little Tikes) 42. Dale (Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers) 43. Donatello (Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles) 44. Doozer (Fraggle Rock) 45. Dr Zaius Bank (The Planet Of the Apes) 46. Dr. Zoidberg (Futurama) 47. Droll, the Bogglin (Bogglins) 48. Dump Truck (Tonka) 49. Edith (My dog) 50. Ernie (Sesame Street) 51. ET (ET: The Extra-Terrestrial) 52. Etch-A-Sketch (Ohio Art Company) 53. Figment (Disney's Epcot) 54. Foot Soldier (Ninja Turtles) 55. Gak (Nickelodean Toys) 56. Game Boy (Nintendo) 57. Gamorian Guard (Return of the Jedi) 58. Gargamel (Smurfs) 59. Genie (Aladdin) 60. Gizmo (Gremlins) 61. Glo Worm (Glo Worms) 62. Godzilla (Godzilla) 63. Great Garloo (Marx Toys) 64. Green 'Erin' Bear (Beanie Baby) 65. Gumbie (Gumbie) 66. Harry Potter Book (J.K Rowling) 67. He-Man (He-Man) 68 He-Man's Power Sword (He-Man) 69. Hello Kitty (Sanrio) 70. Huey, Dewey, & Louie (Duck Tales) 71. Hulk Hogan (WWF Wrestling Buddies) 72. Hypnotaod (Futurama) 73. Iron Giant (The Iron Giant) 74. Jabba the Hutt (Return of the Jedi) 75. Jack Skelington (Nightmare Before X-mas) 76. Jack-In-A-Box 77. Jem (Jem & the Holograms) 78. Kermit (Muppets) 79. Kermit With Stocking Ornament (Muppets) 80. Krang (Ninja Turtles) 81. Lady Lovely Locks (Lady Lovely Locks) 82. Laser Tag Gun & Chest Sensor 83. Leg Lamp (Christmas Story) 84. Lite Brite (Hasbro) 85. Little Foot (The Land Before Time) 86. Little Miss Sunshine (Roger Hargreaves) 87. Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3) 88. Magic 8-Ball (Alabe Crafts Company) 89. Max (Where the Wild Things Are) 90. Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 91. Micky Mouse (Disney) 92. Milton (Milton Bradley's Electronic Game) 93. Mojo Jojo (Powerpuff Girls) 94. Mr. Bill (SNL) 95. Mr. Bucket (Hasbro Game) 96. Mr. Potato Head (Hasbro) 97. Mr. T (The A Team) 98. Mumm-Ra (ThunderCats) 99. My Buddy Doll (Hasbro) 100. My Little Pony (My Little Pony Tails) 101. My Pet Monster (American Greetings) 102. Nerf Turbo Football (Nerf) 103. Nerf Vortex Football (Nerf) 104. Niddler (Pirates of Dark Waters) 105. NES (Nintendo) 106. Operation (Milton Bradley Game) 107. Optimus Prime (Transformers) 108. Orange 'Puzzle' Popple (The Popples) 109. Orcko (He-Man) 110. Paddington Bear Doll (Michael Bond) 111. Panthro (ThunderCats) 112. PeeWee Herman (PeeWee's Play House) 113. Peter Rabbit Doll (Beatrix Potter) 114. Pikachu (Pokémon) 115. Pink 'Pinky' Flamingo (Beanie Baby) 116. Pizza Planet Alien (Toy Story) 117. Play-Doh (Hasbro) 118. Poké Ball (Pokémon) 119. Polka-Dot Elephant (Rudolph Claymation) 120. Pound Puppy (The Pound Puppy) 121. Pull-a-Tune Xylophone (Fisher Price) 122. R2-D2 (Star Wars) 123. Rafiki (Lion King) 124. Raggedy Ann Doll (Johnny Gruelle) 125. Rainbow Brite (Hallmark Card Company) 126. Rancore (Return of the Jedi) 127. Raphael (Ninja Turtles) 128. Red (Fraggle Rock) 129. Red Ranger (The Power Rangers) 130. Red Rider BB Gun (Christmas Story) 131. Red Wagon (Fisher Price) 132. Ren (Pirates of Dark Water) 133. RoboCop Action Figure (RoboCop) 134. Robot 2000 (Millennium) 135. Rocking Horse 136. Rollar Blade 137. Rollar Skate 138. Rub-a-Dub Doggie (Ideal Toy Company) 139. Rubber Ducky (Sesame Street) 140. Rubber Shark (Safari) 141. Rubix Cube (Ideal Toy Company) 142. Sally (Nightmare Before X-mas) 143. ScrappyDoo (ScoobyDoo) 144. Sega Genesis Controller (Sega) 145. Seven Mystic Dragonballs (Dragonball Z) 146. She-Ra (She-Ra: Princess of Power) 147. Shredder (Ninja Turtles) 148. Simon (Milton Bradley) 149. Sister Bear (The Berenstain Bears) 150. Skeletor (He-Man) 151. Skip-It (Tiger Electronics) 152. Slimmer (The Real Ghostbusters) 153. Slobulus (Madballs) 154. Smurf (The Smurfs) 155. Snake Mountain (He-Man) 156. Snarf (ThunderCats) 157. Snoopy (Peanuts) 158. Snuggle-Soft Bear (Snuggle) 159. Soccor Ball 160. Sock Monkey 161. Sprite (Rainbow Brite) 162. Stacking Rings (Fisher Price) 163. Stay-Puft MarshmallowMan (Ghostbusters) 164. Stimpy (Ren & Stimpy) 165. Strawberry Shortcake (Hasbro) 166. Stretch Armstrong (Kenner) 167. Stuffed Wizard Doll (Delta Force) 168. Super Mario Bros. (NES) 169. Super Soaker 50 (Hasbro) 170. Superman (Superman: Animated Series) 171. T-Rex (Jurassic Park) 172. Talkboy (Home Alone 2: Lost In New York) 173. Tazmanian Devil (Looney Tunes) 174. Teddy Ruxpin (Worlds of Wonder) 175. The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein) 176. The Great Gonzo (Muppets) 177. Tickle Me Elmo (Sesame Street) 178. Toy Train (Hasbro) 179. Tricycle (Radio Flyer) 180. Troll Doll (Russ Toys) 181. Trunks (Dragonball Z) 182. Turtle Van (Ninja Turtles) 183. Twister Game-Spinner (Hasbro) 184. Two Alphabet Blocks 185. Ursula (The Little Mermaid) 186. Vampire Teddy (Nightmare Before X-mas) 187. Vegeta (Dragonball Z) 188. View Master 3D (Ideal Toy Company) 189. WALL.E (WALL.E) 190. Where the Sidewalk Ends (Shel Silverstein) 191. Wicket the Ewok (Return of the Jedi) 192. Wild Thing (Where the Wild Things Are) 193. Winnie-the-Pooh Doll (A. A. Milne) 194. Wolverine (X-men) 195. Woody (Toy Story) 196. Wooly Willy (Smethport Specialty Co.) 197. Yoda (Empire Strikes Back) 198. Zapper (Nintendo Gun) 199. Zero (Nightmare Before X-mas) 200. Zibbe Owl (Zibbes)
(Waldo is not included... Don't look for him)
Source: DeviantArt
#unofficial #Santa Claus #Star Wars #Stretch Armstrong #The Land Before Time #Popples #Sesame Street #Superman #Ren and Stimpy #Snuggle #Taz #Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer #Catwoman #Barbie #Muppets #Masters of the Universe #Bucky O'Hare #Last Airbender #Toy Story #Where the Wild Things Are #Strawberry Shortcake #Wall-E #Figment the Dragon #Futurama #Nightmare Before Christmas #Ghostbusters #ThunderCats #Hello Kitty #E.T. #Jem #Planet of the Apes #Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #Transformers #Peanuts #Chip 'n Dale #Raggedy Ann and Andy #Dragon Ball #Pokemon #My Buddy #Power Rangers #ALF #Peter Rabbit #Boglins #Batman #Space Ghost #WWF #Mickey Mouse #Huey, Dewey and Louie #Fraggle Rock #Iron Giant #Cabbage Patch Kids #A Christmas Story #Jurassic Park #Gremlins #Rainbow Brite #Mr. Potato Head #My Pet Monster #Winnie the Pooh #Madballs #PowerPuff Girls #Simpsons #Godzilla #Lady Lovely Locks #The Lion King #GI Joe #Scooby Doo #Captain Planet #Pound Puppies #Paddington Bear #Care Bears #Robocop #Wolverine #The Berenstain Bears #Snorks #Teddy Ruxpin #Troll Dolls #My Little Pony #Mr. Men and Little Miss #Glo Worm #Gumby #Mr. Bill #SilverHawks #Pee-wee's Playhouse #Aladdin #The Wuzzles #Little Mermaid #The A-Team #Mr. Bucket #The Pirates of Dark Water #The Great Garloo
#unofficial#Santa Claus#Star Wars#Stretch Armstrong#The Land Before Time#Popples#Sesame Street#Superman#Ren and Stimpy#Snuggle#Taz#Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer#Catwoman#Barbie#Muppets#Masters of the Universe#Bucky O'Hare#Last Airbender#Toy Story#Where the Wild Things Are#Strawberry Shortcake#Wall-E#Figment the Dragon#Futurama#Nightmare Before Christmas#Ghostbusters#ThunderCats#Hello Kitty#E.T.#Jem
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