#i also like jane/r0x/cal a lot
mossfig · 7 years
hey mossy what's your favorite ship?? :0
Aa probably jaderose! I really wanted them to have another conversation before hs ended and I think their relationship had a lot of potential that was never met. Like, if I rewrote homestuck that’s the first thing I would personally change, because Reddit has even ‘theorized’ that maybe they secretly hated each other? Which really bothers me lol. In the few conversations they had, I always read them as though they were obviously friends but, maybe with a bit of interesting tension. I guess I think if they didn’t like each other that would be even more boring than they already are in canon?? Like let them be more complicated. Let them be young, very different girls who like each other anyway despite it all. Or something. And also compliment the other’s personality besides the happy girl/scary girl & dog girl/cat girl dichotomies that they are so often simplified to. 
I also just want Jade to have ALL OF THE GIRLFRIENDS. Because she’s the best and her loving women is the best.
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