#i also kind of think that you would do well with george weasley but i went for harry in the end
wisteria-lodge · 2 months
What do you think about Molly Weasley?
I have a lot of thoughts about Molly Weasley. I think she’s a fantastic character,  just not in the way that JKR intended. 
I think the intention was to make Molly kind of a mama bear. Fiercely loving, fiercely protective, hot tempered… but you know. In a cute way. In a warm way. I do think that Movie!Molly threads this needle. (I also think that her bear-ears hairstyle is perhaps intentional.) 
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Movie!Molly gets her big duel with Bellatrix, she gets (reasonably) annoyed at the boys for stealing the car. Her only spicy moment is the Howler… which is softened and made more comedic by 1) including a nice message for Ginny at the end 2) including a tongue-sticking-out moment, which turns the whole thing into more of a joke on Molly. Now it’s your mom being kind of weird and embarrassing… versus her public shaming you, toxic tik-tok mom style. The Howler is much worse in the book: “​​I THOUGHT YOUR FATHER WOULD DIE OF SHAME, WE DIDN’T BRING YOU UP TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS.”
So let’s talk Book!Molly, because there’s a lot there. She’s a Prewett, growing up in a more *typical* pure blood family as opposed to being a “blood traitor” Weasley. (Cedrella Black was disowned for marrying a Weasley, Lucretia Black married a Prewett no problem.)  Molly also married Arthur really young, and really quickly. It’s even lightly implied they married too quickly - 
“I just think [Bill and Fleur] have hurried into this engagement, that’s all!”  “They’ve known each other a year,” said Ron (...)   “Well, that’s not very long! I know why it’s happened, of course. It’s all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they’re rushing all sorts of decisions they’d normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and center —”  “Including you and Dad,” said Ginny slyly.  “Yes, well, your father and I were made for each other, what was the point in waiting?” said Mrs. Weasley.
There’s some psychological truth to that. (Also, Molly and Arthur were 100% hooking up while at Hogwarts:)
“[The Fat Lady] was here in my time,” said Mrs. Weasley. “She gave me such a telling off one night when I got back to the dormitory at four in the morning —”  “What were you doing out of your dormitory at four in the morning?” said Bill, surveying his mother with amazement. Mrs. Weasley grinned, her eyes twinkling.  “Your father and I had been for a nighttime stroll,” she said.
And the timeline’s too fuzzy to know for sure…  but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Molly getting pregnant with Bill was one of the reasons she and Arthur got married so fast. 
It’s hard to say, because you never get a great sense of their relationship, but I’m actually not sure how compatible the two of them are, or if they would have gotten married at all if it hadn't been for the war and all these external factors. There is an ongoing conflict between them: Arthur is a political radical who seems to enjoy upsetting the Malfoys - he’s not playing nice, he doesn't have a prestigious job, he’s not getting a promotion anytime soon, and he’s fine with this. His interest in muggles is fringe counterculture stuff, and his hobby is illegal. And Molly… is pretty establishment. She wants her sons to be Head Boys and Prefects, and then she wants them to get jobs at the Ministry:
“Mum went mad at [Fred and George after finding their prank candy.] Told them they weren’t allowed to make any more of it, and burned all the order forms. . . . She’s furious at them anyway. They didn’t get as many O.W.L.s as she expected.” “And then there was this big row,” Ginny said, “because Mum wants them to go into the Ministry of Magic like Dad, and they told her all they want to do is open a joke shop.”
Like we hear about this interaction secondhand, which softens the emotion, but I’m sorry? Molly burned their order forms? She wants them to do jobs they very clearly have no aptitude for, instead of being entrepreneurs? Arthur sides with the twins, and of course he does. They’re anarchists just like he is. But it *really* bothers Molly, and this conflict just keeps coming up. 
[sidenote. You cannot tell that Arthur Weasley, once he was in his late 20s/early 30s, once he had grown into himself a bit. Tell me that this man didn’t once think “you know, I really should have married a Muggle. That would’ve been perfect.”’]
But back to Molly Weasley, nee Prewett. She wants a big family, and there is no way this doesn't have something to do with the fact that both her brothers were just brutally killed. She’s trying to distract herself, fill some void, find some meaning. The fact that it doesn’t work (because how could it, she’s got just buckets of unprocessed trauma) is maybe why she is so set on having a girl. Maybe a little baby girl is what she needs. 
In the main timeline of the book, Molly 100% needs enrichment. She needs to start breeding alpacas or join a book club or get a job. (Job could be cool, especially since she has no kids at home and money is an issue.) Like come on, Molly is intense, Type A, and powerful. Possibly one of the best duelists in the entire series. She takes out Voldemort’s number two, and Bellatrix has already defeated Sirius - incredibly talented and powerful in his own right. I do think that the reason JKR made this choice (instead of letting Neville have a confrontation with Bellatrix, which would have been more narratively straightforward) is because (whether consciously or unconsciously) she doesn’t like the idea of one of her good-guy GUY characters hurting a woman. So Molly defeats Bellatrix with magic mom powers, which is the same reason Narcissia can lie to Voldemort’s face I guess.
What Molly definitely does NOT need to be doing is obsessing about her kids' significant others. Like take Fleur. (Who I think we as readers were meant to dislike more than we actually did?)  Fleur is great. So when Molly has a problem with her… then starts trying to matchmake Bill with Tonks… until Tonks (another fan favorite) also starts annoying her… it makes Molly looks really unreasonable. Also, let Bill have his long hair and earring. 
She gets weird about Hermione in Book 4, after she believes Rita Skeeter’s write-up that she's some sort of temptress playing Harry and Krum off each other. Instead of, idk, asking Harry (who she thinks of as a surrogate son) she sends Hermione a passive-agressive comically undersized chocolate egg. Harry and Ron get huge ones. That’s not cute, or funny.
Also, Percy and Penelope Clearwater. I know the real-world reason Percy hides his relationship in Book 2 is so he can be a red herring acting all suspicious… but in universe, I guess Percy just wants to date someone without his mom being weird about it? Like Penelope Clearwater is nice and normal and fine. Why is he hiding this relationship?
Then there’s Molly the disciplinarian, which we mostly see in the context of Fred and George (although there is also Ron being public-shamed by the Howler.) She is constantly giving the twins a hard time about their life choices, their jokes. Ron says “I remember Mum walloping Fred with her broomstick." Then yeah, she burns their order forms. She does feel bad about this later, and after the whole thing at the Quidditch World Cup hugs them and says, “What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn’t get enough O.W.L.s?” It’s meant to be a sweet moment, but this would annoy me just a little. It’s a little like saying, “I’m glad I don’t have to think of myself as being a bad mother.” 
I also want to point out Molly's pretty clear favoritism. Fred and George are the problem children, Ginny is the baby (although we almost never see her and her mother interact, so it’s actually very hard to say what their relationship is like), and Percy is the golden child. We see how this sort of sets him apart from all his siblings, how he's described as pompous and full of himself, but also how he’s secretive and hides things from his family. It’s kind of precarious being the golden child, and when he finally does stop pleasing his mother he falls hard. (Although I will always be a big believer in Daddy Issues!Percy. That has to be why he commits that hard to Barty Crouch Sr that fast, and then ignores that many red flags.) 
And of course Ron is the invisible child. Almost the first thing we hear him say is, “She always forgets I don’t like corned beef.” That one can slide. Molly’s got five kids at home, she made corn beef sandwiches, not everyone is going to be equally happy. But Ron’s clothes.  Molly makes her own clothes, she's defined by her facility with household magic. She knits Ron sweaters... but at least two of them are maroon despite the fact that Ron hates maroon. His room is  plastered top to bottom in bright orange Chudley Cannons merch. She couldn’t make him an orange sweater? There’s also the issue with the dress robes. Ron clearly doesn’t like them (“Mum, you’ve given me Ginny’s new dress.”) But he is the one who cuts off the lace trim later, and he doesn’t do an amazing job. I know that it's a joke, but like. That sounds like a job for Molly.
We do get Horcrux!Hermione telling Ron that he is the “Least loved, always, by the mother who craved a daughter,” so this idea of Molly picking favorites is *kind of* in the text. But Horcrux!Hermione is wrong about Harry/Hermione being a thing, so maybe we’re meant to read this as Ron’s baseless anxiety? It doesn’t feel like that though. What it actually feels like is an unresolved plot thread. 
So here’s my take on Molly Weasley. This is someone who is pretty high-powered, who suffered a period of emotional upheaval, then got married and started having kids because she kind of thought that was what you do - and it wasn’t as fulfilling as she thought it would be. I think a lot of her comments come off as *meaner* than JKR intended, because let’s face it - JKR has a kind of mean sense of humor. And if I want to speculate further… I think there are quite a few parallels between Molly Weasley and JKR. I don't think she put them there consciously.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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They're very protective of each other, that's for sure. Molly might be the first one to meet you, or the Weasley children at Hogwarts. Heck, you might not even be related to the Weasleys and they'll still think of you as one of their own when they see the chance to make you theirs for good, you're just too naive and innocent for this world. And no doubt Harry and Hermione would play roles in helping them with their obsession with you as well since they are yanderes for you after all
Arthur would LOVE to talk to you about your knowledge of Muggles if you know about them that is. But don't worry, there are still plenty of other things he'd LOVE to talk to you about. It's actually kind of nice and adorable seeing him get so excited whenever you bring up the topic of Muggles, the way his eyes shine and light up with excitement like as if he's some sort of kid in a toy shop. But Molly has to be there to rein him in in case he makes you feel too overwhelmed with his questions. Arthur doesn't care if you're pure blood, related to them or not, half blood, muggle or heck even if your dad is Voldy himself. Unless of course, you're good. He'll still look after you like his own and care for you, and of course, keep you far far away from the prying eyes of the evil Malfoys and dangerous things like Death Eaters and concerning yourself with the activities of the Dark Lord
Bill is the chill and easy going brother who'll understand how you're feeling since he's a pro at it and he's also the oldest Weasley, he's the brother to 6 siblings of his. He's a good listener and always has good advice for you whenever you need to ask him about something and he'll also love it if you talk to him about his work and stuff. And he'll also tell Fred and George to lay back off a bit if their pranks become too much to which they'll apologize instantly. They would never think of hurting you, not even in their worst nightmares. And if you were brought into their family by force, he'll know how you're feeling and he'll make sure to always be there for you no matter what. Oh, and no dating, NONE of the Weasleys would ever allow you to date someone at all. Nope, you're their precious little baby and they don't want some riff raff tainting your innocence
Molly is a really coddling and protective yandere for you. She'll always make you nice hot lunches and meals when you need them, she'll always give you the comfort and love you need from a mother and of course, she'll get jealous when you talk about your past family. You just can't seem to hate her no matter what since she's being so nice to you, hating her would literally be a crime. She looks after you so well and that's actually part of a plan she has in mind. Oh, yeah, she's crafty too. She wants to win over your love and affection by doing these sweet things and all that, but she does truly genuinely care for you. And if you ever mention the name of someone you like, I seriously pray for that poor schmuck, be it boy or girl since I believe in gender equality lol
Charlie loves you as well and he's the adorable nerd, who'll like talking to you about dragons and stuff. Like Bill he's also laid back and easy going, and trying to make you feel more comfortable with the family. He'll tell you funny stories from his time in Romania, some of the hilarious things his brothers and sisters have done, their embarrassing stories and stuff that'll be sure to have a smile on your face. He would literally cry if you wanted to enter his field, he'd be so freaking happy and pleased, no doubt he'd actually say "IN YOUR FACE!" to the rest lol
Percy Weasley is the uptight stick in the mud, the spoilsport and sometimes the killjoy but he truly does want what's best for you despite him being arrogant and pompous. He tries to be a good example for people and his family but it's frustrating when no one follows him or even strives to be like him. He'll try to get you under his wing before the twins try corrupting you. He'll help you with your homework, ask you how your day is going and if anyone's bothering you, he'll teach them a lesson. He knows he isn't supposed to use his status as Headboy for personal reasons but he won't tolerate it if someone decided to make his sibling feel bad about something. And if you guys are at Hogwarts, he'll make his duty to check in on you every single freaking day and act like some sort of pompous watchdog for you
The fun loving Weasley twins, who love pranking you and the others, but will never go too far with their pranks for you since they would never want to see you cry. They're the best to come to when you're having a bad day or when you feel like crying. In which case they'll cheer you up by some of their pranks and make you laugh since they can't stand to see you cry and be sad. And as for the person whoever made the mistake of making you sad... they'll be on the wrong end of their pranks and NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE wants to be on the wrong end of their pranks, trust me on this. And they'll even take your opinion for their products at their joke shop Weasley's Wizard's Wheezes, and go as far as naming something after you and giving you some of their stuff for free, low prices or discounts ESPECIALLY for you. Lol, they'd just rub it in Ron's face and he'd so freaking jealous
Ron would be the really overprotective type for you. Normally the Weasleys are just over protective of you but he's INSANELY over protective. And it's mentioned in canon too that he's really protective over Ginny when she starts dating Terry Boot, Dean and Harry. And if you think he's bad there, he's WAY worse when you're concerned since the way he sees it is NO ONE is worthy of being your s/o, you're the baby of the family and he will NOT allow someone to ruin you. He'll love to talk about Quidditch with you and maybe even show off some of his flying skills to you, to impress you. And he will not think twice to defend you if some prat like Malfoy decides to be a prick to you, and what'll make his blood boil even more is if Malfoy decides to take an interest in you. In which case the entire Gryffindor house would have to get involved in trying to hold him, the Weasley twins and Percy from literally punching the hell out of him. And of course, with the help of his trust y friends Harry and Hermione they follow you with the Marauder's map and keep tabs on what you're doing just for your safety of course
And last but not the least, Ginny, the youngest of the family but knows how to get something when she wants it. And that includes your attention. She's kinda crafty and demands for your attention regularly. And she will snatch you up like some feather if you're spending time with someone else, except for Molly of course. NO ONE has the guts to dare to go against Molly lol. And of course, she'll introduce you to Luna and even Luna would turn out to be very protective over you. For someone who looks so innocent and calm like her, she does know how to get rid of people who bother you and make you sad. There's always someone watching you no matter what, be it a Weasley, a Granger, a Potter, or a Lovegood... they're all there for you and they're at the back of you, scaring people off who they don't like seeing close to you since all they want is the best for you, that's all. They might not have much, but they have family and it's home...
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frenziedfireworks · 1 year
hello!! you’ve easily become one of my favorite writers<3 i have a request and it’s fred x reader :)
basically, fred wants to confess to the reader who is also his best friend, but has been too nervous actually say anything. the yule ball was just announced recently and he thought this could’ve been the perfect opportunity. he had a whole plan going on how he was going to ask them, but reader ends up getting asked to the yule ball by somebody else in front of fred. maybe he could quickly shut it down with a “she’s going with me” which results in a lot of confusion and then the confession (when they are alone)
if this is too specific i’m sorry❤️😭
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Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary : Fred ignores the existence of the ball until it's too late and his dear Y/N gets asked.
A/N : Thank you so much!! I hope this is what you wanted. It was such a lovely idea and I was actually working on another story with the Yule Ball. Great timing!!
Fred was your best friend. That was all. Or at least that is what you told yourself every night as you were plagued with romantic thoughts. It was torture really, and the upcoming ball did not help one bit.
“Y/N come join us.” Fred grinned and patted next to him. You rolled your eyes at his wild look and sat against the bench. You poured yourself water as Fred piled food onto your plate.
“You wouldn’t believe the night George and I had. Ridiculous really. Filch chased us halfway across the castle before giving up. Don’t know where the old coot gets the energy.” Fred nudged at George and they both nodded.
“Crazy. We plan to blow up his room as a little thanks in return.” George smirked and got back to his food. You only rolled your eyes at the comment.
A loud gasp was heard at the Gryffindor and you turned to the scene. One of your fellow classmates was getting asked to the ball. It was sweet and you couldn’t help but think about if Fred would ask you. It was a longshot with how popular he was but.. It couldn’t hurt to fantasize. 
“That’s cute.” You smile and Fred just groans.
“I swear there’s a couple getting together every five minutes.” You only snorted at Fred’s antics and got up.
“Well I think it’s nice. I’m off to class.” You said as you walked away. Part of you wanted to hint to Fred that you wished he would ask you but that was unheard of. You were best friends! You didn’t want to hold him back from finding a date.. Even if it hurt your heart to think about.
Later that day you sat outside as George and Fred played with fireworks. You had a lot of classwork to catch up on and the cool weather calmed your frantic mind.
“Y/N! Look at this!” Fred shouted as a firework zipped past your face. He moved it around in his hand before throwing it to George with a wink.
“Wow. So impressive Fred.” You rolled your eyes and went back to your book. It was always nice to hangout with the twins, even if you weren’t doing the same thing. Your fingers skimmed the reading material as a Dumstrang boy passed. You could feel his gaze and looked up. He gave you a small wave and wink before walking away. 
“What was that all about?” Fred questioned.
“Not a clue. I don’t know who that is.”
“Not a clue you say. Well obviously he knew you.” George wiggled his eyebrows and you scoffed.
“I’m sure he doesn’t. I’ve never seen that man in my life.”
Your mind raced with thoughts. Who was that guy? You had to assume he was messing with you or someone you had run across before. You could’ve sworn you had never talked to any of the Durmstrang boys though. A firework shot past your face and you jumped a bit.
“Sorry darling.” 
It had been two days since the boy had flirted with you. Since then he had decided to up the ante, sending you sweets and notes. It had shocked you that some random boy would go to those lengths for you. It was kind, really, but it would never be Fred. Speaking of which, he was currently clinging to your side for dear life.
“I don’t get why that guy keeps coming up to you. Are you lying about knowing him?” Fred narrowed his eyes as Durmstrang boys passed. 
“Why would I lie?” You smacked the ginger lightly and rolled your eyes. “Come on. I want to go eat.” You tugged him along towards George. 
“Hey you two.” George started. Fred stayed silent as he sulked and you gave him a wave. 
“Y/N!” You almost jumped at the sudden voice and looked up to see your admirer.
“Oh.. Hello!” You mustered up and could feel Fred’s sharp glare from a mile away.
“Yes hello. I would like to ask.. Would you accompany me to the ball?” He smiled and your heart sank. You didn’t have a date but some deep part of you really wanted to go with Fred. Not that he had bothered to ask you.
“Oh.. That’s very kind-”
“That’s very kind but they’re coming with me. Sorry mate.” Fred piped up and your eyes went wide. You.. were going with him?
“Oh right.” The boy bowed and began to walk off. 
“Why would you say that Fred! Nobody has asked me to the ball. That could’ve been my chance.” You growled and he groaned.
“He’s not the type of guy you want to go out with Y/N. Trust me.” Your body filled with rage at this comment and you stood up.
“How would you know? You don’t know what’s good for me or not!” You stomped your way out of the great hall, tears threatening to spill.
It had been a day since Fred and you had the argument. You had been very distraught and confused but didn’t want to go running back to him. After all, he was the one in the wrong.
“Y/N!” You hear George from behind you and you turn.
“What George?” You exasperate. You were not in the mood for his teasing antics with everything going on.
“Fred wants to talk to you. He’s in the old classroom.” George told you and left no room for conversation, running away.
“Great.” You mumbled to yourself as you turned. You had an abandoned classroom to get to.
Your hand pulled at the door and you were met with Fred pulling you into a hug.
“I’m so sorry dear. I really am.” He whispered against your ear. As you pulled away from the sudden embrace you noticed his red cheeks. You couldn’t help but think he was adorable when he was embarrassed which happened very rarely.
“Why Fred?” Your hand rubbed at his as you looked up.
“I.. I didn’t want you going with him. I want you to go with me. I know it was selfish and-”
“I want to go with you.” You interrupted and Fred’s mouth spread into a grin.
“You want to go with me?”
“Yes. That is what I just said.” You retorted and Fred launched himself into your arms.
“Oh Y/N.. I’m honored.” The boy gave you a smirk as his hand rubbed at your jaw. You could feel yourself grow nervous underneath his strong gaze. 
“Yes love?” The ginger’s hand rubbed at your lips, his face leaning in close to yours. You didn’t need to say anymore, closing the gap between you two. The kiss was desperate and messy, your mouths learning which angles and sides to use. That all quickly changed as Fred’s hand roamed down your torso and gripped at your hip.
“I don’t think best friends do this darling..” He teased and you could only snort.
“Good thing you’re all mine then.”
“Am I?” He pressed and you smacked his chest. His laughter was contagious and both of you sat enjoying the moment.
“I always have been.” He whispered and your heart melted.
“And I’ve always been yours.” Fred placed a delicate kiss against your forehead and hummed.
“I know. Who wouldn’t want to be mine?”
“Only joking love.”
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
George Weasley Sexcanons
Because im extremely sick, so im bored
Warnings? Sex sex sex and more sex. Along with some submissive Georgie baby~
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What gets his engine going
He’s more of the submissive type. Your definition of a service top. He loves to make sure his partner is feeling so good. Their comfort comes, heh, first before anything else. Mans has 100% just gotten off from eating out/rimming/sucking off
He’s….Hes got mommy issues. As much as we love Molly, you can not deny she was rather verbally abusive. Not to mention having seven kids means you’ll Never have one on one properly. I won’t rant, but mans got a serious mommy kink. Doesn’t matter if you are a man, he’s calling you mommy!
Is a sucker for risk taking. He’s gonna try and eat you out at a quidditch game, jerk you off at the leaky cauldron, he’s gonna rail you in an alley way. He’s an adrenaline junkie, and probably wouldn’t be to shy at the idea of actually doing it infront of people. He likes the rush of it all
If you get a tattoo with his name, or some kind of indication you are his? Oh that’s going to make him feral. He doesn’t actually believe in owning and such, but there is something so enjoyable about it in fantasy. Kink doesn’t equal reality! ((And obviously I don’t need to clarify what is off the table))
Let me say this once, mans has a MAJOR Breeding Kink. Doesn’t matter if you can get pregnant. He’s going to find a way to fuck a baby into you. He’s a Weasley. They love to prove the impossible
Like I said about mommy kink, he is so gonna be a brat. It’s not a number one go to, that’s Fred, but he loves being a menace to society. If he’s not being a brat, you calling him a bad boy might make him cry. That’s why it’s healthy to communicate in the bed room!
Spank him. Spank him nice and good.
Lingerie lingerie lingerie
He might be a size queen, but you didn’t hear it from me 🤭
Oh he just loves doing it in his office. There is something so hot about it. To have you sit in his office, as he eats you out. How you would pin him on the desk, and pound him so hard it starts to rattle. To have you casually come in, wearing nothing at all, and crawling over all the paper work to get to him. If he’s having a bad day, sneak into his office and remind him he’s the boss
Don’t think you won’t be shared with Fred. They are magical twins. They share everything together.
Don’t be shy of your body hair. He likes his bitches natural. There’s also something so romantic to him about it. That you can just be your truest self around him, and not need to panic about your looks. Just your true self, and such
Speaking of natural self, he likes his bitches a little thicc. Blame his dad for liking em big. Nothing like some love handles to grab onto, or some ear warmers to keep him trapped in place. But most importantly? The cuddles
Expect to be of ‘use’ during busy hours at work. Like sucking him off while he does paper work, or being stress relief after a Karen comes into town
Boobs? Butt? Mans a thigh guy. He loves himself a partner with thick thighs, long legs, and some well pedicured feet. Yes. He’s a feet guy. Thigh highs in orange will make him cream alright
Expect to be his partner in trying new sex shop items
Speaking of that, don’t be scared to try new things with him. You never know. Maybe your weird kink could be the next hottest item the shop!
AFAB Partner Shenanigans
His favorite position with you would be the mating press. He just loves having your legs over his shoulders, and getting a front row seat at your begging face
He is going to be that type to fill you full of cum, and make you walk around with it
Sundresses baby
Peg him silly boo boo. He will ride that strap on until sunrise don’t even question it
Expect lots of cock warming. Especially when busy at work
Your tits are his now. His favorite thing to play with, when it isn’t your pussy. Even not in a sexual sense. You’ll just wake up with a hand on the tibbie
AMAB Partner Shenanigans
His favorite position is cowgirl. To have his hands on your chest, as he pants. Whimpering and moaning, as you move in and out of him. To have you spank him to move faster. Gets him all kinds of work up
He’s gonna be a shit head and sneak under tables a lot and have his fun with you
You will wake up to him dealing with your morning wood
He is going to sit on your cock when he is doing work. He will be a bastard and spin his hips
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kmt123whatsthetea · 11 months
George weasley NSFW alphabet
Kinktober 2023
My laptop has finally been fixed and the fanfic finished. I haven’t been as active as I would like to have been for kinktober but maybe I’ll do some Christmas stuff closer to the time. Anyway, here’s a horny alphabet, have at it
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TW: Kind-dom George (I always imagine him being the softer twin, idk why), Breeding kink, implied marking (through biting and spanking etc), mentions of DDLG, choking, mention of sub George, thigh riding
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
George always holds you tight and gives you a million kisses. He’ll always let you know just how good you were and how much of a good girl you are. He will only get out of bed if you ask for something. He won’t let you lift a finger after sex.
B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners)
He loves your hips. He loves squeezing them when he stands behind you and he loves placing his hand on your hip when you both go out for the night. He also loves holding your hips when he's burying himself inside of you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s either cumming inside or he’s not cumming at all. He absolutely adores the idea of you being pregnant and the thought of you being swollen with milk leaking from your breasts will make him cum in his boxers like a horny teenager (and then he’ll be all pouty because he didnt cum inside you, but he’d definitely try to collect it on his fingers and stuff it inside of you)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I think his dirty secret would involve him being a bit rougher with you (he gets this idea after seeing you with Fred). He would love to mark you as his, whether it's through bite marks, hand prints, or body writing. If he tries it, he’ll be obsessed with tying you up and writing on your body. He’ll write things like “Dirty whore” “My Bunny” “Cum Dump” “Bite Me” “Breeding Bitch” and anything else that makes his dick hard
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s got quite a bit of experience. Being on the Quidditch team meant that the girls practically threw themselves at him, his brother, and other players. He fucked a few of these girls, picked up a few tricks on how to make a woman very happy. Luckily for you, he puts those tricks to good use every time you both go at it.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying)
Either missionary or cowgirl. He loves watching your face because he can't imagine a prettier sight, but he also loves when you randomly straddle him and start riding him. He will still be somewhat in control (if you haven’t taken control this time).
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He can be, but it all depends on his mood and your mood. There are times when he tries to be goofy to cheer you up and it leads to sex (it's not the same but it's close). There are times when he will crack a few jokes and make smart quips but he only really does this towards the end of having sex when you’re both coming down from your highs.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I feel like he prefers to keep it trimmed and neat. He won't fully shave but he will like to keep it clean and tidy. The carpet definitely doesn't match the drapes. It seems to be the opposite. His hair is long, his down there hair will be short, almost shaven. His hair is short, his down there hair will be about the same length.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Ginger Don Juan. This man is so romantic that his second job would be a poet. He loves taking you to dinner with rose petals and candles. Sex is the same, for sure. On anniversaries, he will go all out with silk sheets and dimmed lights while he slowly fucks into you. He’ll hold you close and make sure you feel so loved. (it doesn't even have to be an anniversary, just when he's in a romantic mood)
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He doesn't jerk off that much, surprisingly. Maybe twice or three times a week. He just doesn’t get turned on that much. But when he meets you, he stops jerking off all together (why would he need his hand when he has your perfect body to play with as he pleases.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Does a praise kink still count if he gets off on giving praise? If so, then he has a praise kink. He has a little bit of a dumbification kink. He loves making you so cock drunk and dumb. He has an edging and overstimulation kink. He adores the way you writhe from being too sensitive and the way you whine when he stops pleasuring you. Teasing, he loves it. It's more of a condescending teasing, like telling you how greedy your pussy is and that you're too dumb to take care of yourself so he has to do it for you. DDLG. he loves treating you like his innocent little girl while you call him daddy.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He isn't one for risks so he prefers anywhere in your flat. He prefers the bed or the bath or the sofa. Maybe he can be persuaded to fuck you against the window overlooking Diagon Alley (I know its risky, but he secretly casts a disillusionment charm and a silencing charm to make you both invisible and silent) poor guy just doesnt want anyone else seeing your tits with a fucked out look on your face
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you give him those innocent little doe eyes and say vulgar and dirty things. Coming back to the ddlg kink, he loves when you randomly walk up to him and call him daddy. So random yet so hot. He will drop everything he's doing and carry you to bed.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He's against overly hurting you. He’ll spank you and overstimulate you but he'd never slap you across the face or pull your hair too hard. I feel like he'd be against choking you too hard. He doesn't mind wrapping his fingers around your throat but he’ll never go as far as making you dizzy or oxygen starved.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s more of a giving man. He loves the sound you make and the way you feel on this tongue. He adores the feeling of your thighs against his ears and how your legs tremble after you cum against his mouth.
He doesn't mind receiving if it means that he gets to look at your teary eyes as you try to take him all. He’ll tease you by telling you that your mouth is just too small for his big cock and that you need him to train your throat.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be either fast or slow but there's always a sensual element to it. No matter what you guys are doing, he always wants you to feel loved by him. Sometimes he’ll make his pace slow and torturous just to tease you and make you beg.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn’t one for quickies. He prefers to take his time making love to you. Even if he has the time for a quickie, he’ll use that time to give you sweet kisses and promises for a passionate evening. He doesn’t like quickies because he doesn’t think that it's enough time to appreciate your beauty.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
No. even when there's a chance to take a risk, he just doesn't like risks. He's happy to experiment as long as it's not too public and stays within both of your comfort zones. Don't think that he’s predictable, he’ll always find new ways to keep things interesting and new.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
This man has stamina for days. He can last a pretty long time but he will adapt to his partner. Although he likes overstimulating you, he will stop immediately if you even let out the faintest pained sound. He’ll apologise and stop for the night.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He owns a vibrator and that's it. He likes using it on you while fucking you because of the way you feel around him and how wet you get. Sometimes he’ll use it to edge you, but only if he's in a playful mood. He doesn't really like using dildos because he likes how tight you are (it doesnt matter that he fucks you nearly every night, you still feel so tight to him).
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
It really depends on his mood. If he’s in a teasing mood, then you better be in for a long night of being edged and tortured by this ginger sweetheart. If he’s in a romantic mood, then it's completely the opposite and he’ll make you cum as much as you can.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Again, it depends. If you persuade him to be submissive, he will be a loud whiny boy. He is definitely the type who begs for you to touch him and pleads to cum. When he’s in charge, he grunts and lets out breathy sighs.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
If you ride his thigh, he will cum in his boxers. He adores the feeling of your thighs squeezing his and the wet feeling of your cunt soaking through the material. Whether his hands are on your hips guiding you or he’s letting you use his thigh, he’s happy and horny. If he’s wearing his work trousers and you ride his thigh before work, he won't change his trousers. He’s wearing the stains like a badge of honour.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Being a twin, his dick is identical to his brothers. But he does have a few defining characteristics (his dick does anyway). He has one vein that becomes prominent when he's being edged. When you give him oral and focus on that vein (trailing it with your tongue or sucking it) he gets loud.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a high yearning but he pretends that he doesn't so that he can tease you. He loves when you come to him all needy and beg him to touch you but he just carries on with what he was doing. Sometimes his sex drive will wane and he’ll be in more of a mood to cuddle than to fuck but apart from that he has a pretty high sex drive.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He falls asleep after you but there are some occasions where he will fall asleep first. If he’s been submissive and you’ve really taken a toll on him then he’ll be out like a light. But the majority of the time, he will only fall asleep after he’s tended to you.
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
Can Hermione x fem!reader (or any you’re comfortable with) exist where the reader’s a slytherin but actively a good person-
like she’s a pureblooded snake but like, the cute ones with big eyes and that smile at you
like she’s a super competitive quidditch captain, and has slytherin friends, but she also shows the nervous ravenclaw first years around and has study groups with her hufflepuff friends and eats at the gryffindor table sometimes??
ok bye I just think it could be cute
Study Group
My favorite kind of character to write for deadass.
Requested by: Anon
Hermione Granger x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
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Literally Reader ^^^
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“Slytherin wins!” the announcer shouts over the sounds coming from the stands on the quidditch field. A mixture of "boo"'s and cheering were heard, a conflict seemingly starting out in the Gryffindor stands.
(Y/N), a chaser and Slytherins quidditch team captain, flew over to her seeker, holding up the arm that held the snitch and cheering with everyone. Patting the seeker’s shoulder, (Y/N) smiled and congratulated him.
The team flew back to the ground, heading to the showers before being intercepted by the crowd.
“You fly better than Angelina!” Fred shouted, his arm going over the captain’s shoulder.
“Don’t let her hear you saying that,” George warned, arm going around (Y/N)’s other shoulder. 
The Weasleys were a family friend of the (L/N)’s so they'd grown up together like siblings. When they started at Hogwarts and (Y/N) was sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor they were disappointed, but got over it pretty soon after. Well, it took Ron a bit longer, but he got there. To make up for it, (Y/N) would sit at the Gryffindor table at dinner sometimes.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and ducked out of their hold, wiping the sweat from her brow.
“Thanks boys, we worked hard,” (Y/N) replied, patting George’s arm before going to walk away again.
She was startled when Ron was suddenly in her face, Harry and Hermione behind him.
“Bloody Hell, (Y/N)!” Ron shouted, grabbing her upper arms and shaking her around. “That catch, and the pass- and when you-!” He continued to stutter out incoherent praises.
“You did great out there,” Hermione congratulated for him as Harry tried to calm him down.
(Y/N) replied with a laugh, “Thanks Hermione. I’m really proud of my team, they really gave it their all. You should’ve seen how hard I’ve been working them, I’m surprised they don’t hate me.” She smiled jokingly at Hermione.
“No one could hate you,” Hermione responded seriously to the joke. (Y/N) seemed to soften at that, her exhaustion beginning to show.
“Thanks, ‘Mione.” She patted her shoulder.
(Y/N) would have hugged her but she didn’t want to get Hermione dirty.
“Mind helping me escape?” (Y/N) laughed, gesturing to the crowd surrounding them. Hermione laughed and nodded, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand and pulling her away.
When they got to the Quidditch showers, Hermione let go.
“Do you think we’re safe now?” (Y/N) whispered conspiratorially, a laugh lilting the end of her sentence. She tried to stop herself from reaching out for Hermione’s hand.
“I think we are,” Hermione laughed back. The Gryffindor herself was missing the warmth. 
There’d always been tension between them. When they’d first met Hermione was intimidated by (Y/N), seeing as she was in the year above her, and also a Slytherin. Hermione never had much luck with Slytherins.
Not to mention she was gorgeous, and it’s terrifying talking to beautiful people. (Y/N) had always sensed Hermione’s discomfort and was always trying to make ‘Mione feel comfortable. They’d grown closer over these past 5 years, but the tension was different than before.
“Well, I’d better shower before dinner,” (Y/N) lazily pointed behind herself to the door.
“Want me to save you a spot at the Gryffindor table? You know Wood will want to talk to you about Ravenclaw’s defeat.” Hermione really wanted her to say yes. They hardly spent enough time together as it is, and even if she doesn’t have a chance with (Y/N) she still enjoys her company.
“For sure, Granger. Make sure it’s next to you, yeah?” (Y/N) winked with a mischievous smirk. (Y/N) would often playfully flirt with Hermione to see her reaction, heat spreading up her neck and around her face.
And that’s exactly the reaction she got, Hermione’s gaze shy as she looked to her feet. She nodded and bit her lip, watching (Y/N) walk through the doorway.
At Dinner…
All of the Gryffindor’s were shouting over each other, the twins practically on the table as they argued with Oliver, their own captain. They’d already talked about the game, Wood practically interrogating the game plans they used from (Y/N). Now he was red in the face, scoffing at the twins.
(Y/N) and Hermione were on the sidelines, having a conversation about her study group. Ron and Harry would pop in every once in a while, but were also having a conversation about what Draco was up to this week.
“Lila, she’s from Hufflepuff- a third year- was having some trouble with Care of Magical Creatures. Something about nifflers? I don’t know, that girl is so quiet I have to have Becca translate for me.” (Y/N) shook her head sympathetically.
“Poor thing,” Hermione agreed, putting down her cup after having a sip. “Maybe I could come to the next one? It could be nice to have another person to help.”
“Sure, we’re meeting tomorrow in the library after lunch. Have you got a free period then?” (Y/N) asked, taking a bite of the food in front of her. Hermione hummed in confirmation, not trusting her voice.
She was so excited. Maybe she could start going to all of their study groups! She smiled to herself as she continued eating.
The Next Day…
Lunch was ending and Hermione stood up excitedly, practically buzzing.
“Someone’s excited,” Harry teased in a sing-song voice.
“It’s because she’s off to see her girlfriend~!” Fred and George replied.
“Oh, ‘Mione’s got a girlfriend now? Looks like I’ve got competition,” (Y/N) announced her presence, smiling at Hermione. She blushed at the quip and smiled back.
“Ignore them, they’re idiots.” Hermione shot the boys a glare.
“Trust me, I know. Shall we?” (Y/N) held up her arm, beckoning Hermione to wrap her arm around hers. Once she did they were off, leaving the boys behind.
When they got out into the corridor (Y/N) didn’t pull away like Hermione expected. They made small talk, (Y/N) waving to her friends when they passed. Hermione slowly trailed off her sentence when (Y/N) stopped walking.
“What’s wrong?” Hermione asked, looking around herself to assure they weren’t at their destination yet.
“Look.” (Y/N) pointed at a Ravenclaw, seemingly a first year. He was crying, sitting against the wall and shielding his face as his body shook. (Y/N) unhooked her arm from Hermione's and walked up to him, crouching down to his level.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” (Y/N) asked gently, but still frightened the first year. He flinched, uncovering his face to look at (Y/N). He seemed confused after he saw the color of her robes. Why would a Slytherin be nice to him?
He sniffled, “My classroom changed places and I can’t find it. I just got its new location memorized and then it moves! I’m gonna be late for Transfiguration and lose house points again.” He groaned in frustration, hands covering his face. (Y/N) gently took his hands and held them, giving him a comforting smile.
“Professor McGonagall can be very forgiving, as long as you tell her what happened. I’m (Y/N) (L/N), what's your name?”
“Conner,” he muttered through his tears. “Conner Wimble.”
“Well, Conner, I’ll walk you to Transfiguration. And teach you some tricks to find your classes. Is that okay?”
“Yes… thank you.”
Hermione shook herself from her thoughts, seeing (Y/N) being so kind to the first year did nothing to stifle her feelings. She rushed forward to join the conversation, crouching down as well.
“I know a spell that makes a string appear in the air that guides you to your classes. I could teach it to you,” she spoke gently to the Ravenclaw, bringing him to stand.
“Please, I need all the help I can get,” he sniffled out.
“Come on, let’s stand up now.” (Y/N), who still held his hands, pulled him to stand.
At the Library…
(Y/N) held open the door for Hermione, entering after her. She waved to Madam Pince before gently cupping Hermione’s elbow, guiding her to the study group.
“Look who decided to show up,” Becca giggled, a yellow ribbon holding her dark brown hair back.
“Yeah, sorry guys- got a bit distracted.” Her hand found the small of Hermione’s back. “This is Hermione-!” (Y/N) whispered before she was cut off.
“Everybody knows who she is. Harry Potter’s friend, right?” Suzie, a fourth year Ravenclaw, asked rhetorically. Her tone was a bit harsh, distaste following Harry’s name.
“Yes, but she has a name. Hermione will be joining us today, if that’s alright with everyone?” (Y/N) eyed Suzie with a warning gaze. After she got head nods from around the table she pulled out Hermione’s chair for her. Hermione blushed and gave (Y/N) a shy smile in thanks, earning a nod in return.
“So, how is everybody? Lila, how was Care of Magical Creatures today?” (Y/N) paid specific attention to the Hufflepuff as she pulled out her books. Lila murmured something nobody could hear, except for her best friend who sat right next to her.
“She said the niffler problem’s still got her stumped,” Becca repeated, going back to doodling on the corner of her parchment with her quill.
“We would have heard her if she would only speak up,” Suzie sassed as she rolled her eyes, playing with the end of her blond ponytail.
“Suzie!” (Y/N) scolded, looking concerned more than angry. “Please apologize.” She adopted a motherly look, eyebrows raised expectantly.
Suzie looked slightly ashamed, gaze lowering as she uncrossed her arms. She played with the edge of her blue sweater, the silver eagle on the sleeve catching the light. “Sorry Lila, that was mean.”
“It’s okay. You have a point,” Lila spoke a bit louder this time, giving Suzie a small smile.
“What’s going on?” (Y/N) gently asked Suzie, running a hand up and down her arm. Hermione watched with a bit of envy, but shook herself out of it when she realized her thoughts.
Suzie’s lip started trembling, her eyes blinking quickly to rid herself of the gathering tears. “David and I got into a fight. He’s been using one of the secrets I trusted him with against me in our arguments. It’s been going on all day.” She sniffled, sliding a bit of her sweater over her hand to wipe at her nose.
Lila, who was closest to her, put her hand on Suzie’s shoulder, rubbing it gently. Everyone sympathized and started helping her come up with solutions, and afterwards the studying quickly commenced.
One Hour Later…
Becca giggled at a joke (Y/N) whispered to her as they left the library, Lila smiling a bit. Hermione and Suzie were finishing a conversation while actively shoving books into their bags, trying to avoid the door swinging into them. Hermione almost got hit but (Y/N)’s hand stopped it, both of them looking surprised.
“Watch out there love, almost got hit.”
Hermione blushed at the pet name.
Suzie looked between the two of them for a second, sitting in their tension-filled silence.
Clearing her throat loudly, Suzie caught the girls’ attention, “I’m going to go talk to David now, I’ll see you two later?” Without waiting for an answer she walked off, waving behind her. She shouted goodbye to the two Hufflepuff’s and was gone.
“We’d best be off too. (Y/N), would you be a dear and ask Fred and George for more sugar quills? Lila and I have been craving them,” Becca laughed, joining hands with Lila.
“For sure! I’ll let you know what they say. Same time next week?” They nodded. “Make sure Suzie knows that too, please.” And they were off.
Hermione and (Y/N) looked at each other, still standing in front of the library. Taking in a breath, (Y/N) broke the silence.
“Would you like to come again next week? Suzie seemed to like having you around,” (Y/N) laughed a bit, smiling at the Gryffindor in front of her.
“Yes, I’m sure it was just Suzie,” Hermione giggled and nodded, not able to look away from (Y/N). Said Slytherin scoffed in surprise at the comment, her face heating up as she laughed in amusement.
“I’m glad we’re in agreement on that then.”
They smiled at each other for a bit longer, not wanting to part.
“Well, I think this makes you an official part of our group. What do you say?” (Y/N) stuck out her hand. “Want to join our study group?”
Hermione met her half way, shaking her hand.
“Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint Suzie, now would we?”
Ta-da! Sorry it took so long, Anon! But I'm pretty proud of this final product. (I actually think it sucks a lot but maybe you'll like it. I hope you do.)
-Author Max <3
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mycenalucentipes · 1 year
I'd like to request fred and george weasley head cannons! Specifically how they would go about dealing with their feelings and asking out a crush in each house. So how fred would deal with realizing he likes a girl in Slytherin/Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw/gryffindor and how he would ask them out. Same with george.
(Bonus points if you wanna do for Ron weasley, harry Potter, and/or draco Malfoy too)
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a/n: This seems fun, so I’ll give it a shot! I think I’ll do Hufflepuff and Slytherin for Fred and then Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for George. Sorry to split it up, but I get pretty carried away with writing^^’. These headcanons might be more like one shots, I apologise.  
a/n after writing some more: I’m sorry, these are definitely more like one shots. Umm, I'm not so good at headcanon stuff, so I hope you're not too disappointed! Also will try to get around to doing a Draco version of this over the next week???
Summary: Headcannons(err more like oneshots) on how Fred and George Weasley deal with falling head-over-heels for their crush! 
Warnings: Fluff I guess? A couple swears here and there, Fred and George and maybe you confessing your ever growing young love for each other
Fred Weasley x Hufflepuff!Reader
1.1k words
You were just a typical shy, kind hearted Hufflepuff girl. You wouldn’t throw an insult in anyone’s direction. Though you weren’t afraid to hex or charm someone. You tended to stay out of people’s way, ducking through the crowd and avoiding as many shoves as possible to get to your next class through the busy halls. 
It was in a 5th year Hufflepuff/Gryffindor Charms class that you shared with the Weasley twins. Professor Flitwick paired you and Fred up for an essay on your  two most recently learned charms. The Severing and Colour Change charms. 
It was during this duo effort that he found himself falling hard for you after an incident during the essay. 
You both decided to work in the Gryffindor common room one evening. Practising the charm as well as writing about the two. He cast the Severing Charm with too little caution or regard for his surroundings. 
Let’s just say, you ended up with a new haircut that night and were not too happy. Without skipping a beat after it happened, you shot the Colour Change Charm at him, turning his hair a bright indigo blue.
Fred didn’t even care that his hair was blue(well at that minute). He stared at you, awestruck that you had retaliated. Up until then, you were just the Hufflepuff that stayed out of everyone’s way. Never cursed or gossiped. Of course, Fred profusely apologised, all while laughing his head off. 
“You know, love. I must say, you look quite cute with that new haircut of yours.” He gave a cheeky smile before running away from your wand pointed at him, not wanting to see what else you might cast at him. 
Fred didn’t know why he never noticed you before. He wishes he would’ve. He loved seeing this new side of you and desperately wanted to get to know you more. 
Every Charms class, he would start sitting next to you, and distract you from lectures. He would write jokes to you on scraps of paper, or just nudge your arm or leg endlessly until you jokingly kicked him back. One time, you accidentally knocked him in the shin a little too hard that he yelped quite loudly in class. 
“Mr. Weasley, do you have something to share with the class?” Flitwick asked with a little bit of irritation in his voice.
“N-no sir, sorry!” He squeaked out, rubbing his shin under the desk. You shot him an apologetic look, then went back to listening to Flitwick continue on. 
George would tease him endlessly about his new little crush on the Hufflepuff girl. He noticed the lovesick daze his twin would be in during meals in the Great Hall. Fred would sometimes just get lost in staring at you while you joked around with your housemates. 
Occasionally, you would catch him staring, then smile a bit. He loved the way your eyes sparkled when he caught his gaze. Or how your smile would instantly brighten his whole world. 
Even after the project ended, he made every effort to try and hang out with you. Whether it be plopping himself next to you during meals or even following you to the library to study. Which, didn’t actually include much studying when he was around. He was far more fond of staring at you and joking around. 
You quickly grew accustomed to his constant attention, flirting, and shenanigans. You loved it all, but you would never dare be the first one to confess. So you quietly went along with him, watching and admiring, not having the confidence to believe he would like you back. Boy were you wrong. This man was whipped. For you. 
One abnormally normal Thursday, you sat through the regular same old charms class, ate the same meals, talked to the same friends, Fred pulled you outside to the courtyard after class was let out. He gently led you by holding your small hand in his larger one.
“Fred? Are you alright? Where are we going?” You asked, growing more concerned as Fred’s pace picked up. In all honesty, Fred was a tad nervous. Sure girls flirted with him here and there and he would sometimes reciprocate that. He was a charming guy, what can you say? 
Fred would not say a thing on the way to the courtyard. Heck, you still had no idea where this boy was taking you. You could sense a nervousness about Fred, which was quite odd to you. You’d never known him to be nervous about anything. Even in potions when Snape would drill him and Fred would just joke and laugh about it. So why was he so worked up today?
You both sat down at one of the corridors’s archways that bordered the school’s courtyard. You could finally see his face. He looked just the slightest bit flustered with a light pink dusting his cheeks. This is new. You thought nervously. Fred fiddled with your hand a bit, refusing to look into your eyes.
“Freddie, what is it? You’re scaring me…” You whispered out to him. He finally looked you straight in the eyes, guilt flashing through them. 
“Oh! No, please don’t be scared. Merlin, I’m so sorry, love, haha,” Fred apologized while grabbing your other hand now and facing directly towards you, “ Just a tad nervous, but I have to tell you now, I can’t wait any longer.” He began rambling on about how much you meant to him and how he couldn’t take his mind off of you. You lived rent free in this man’s head and he didn’t know how to contain his feelings any longer. 
“Fred, what are you on about?” You smiled, feeling giddy already. You had a suspicion of where this might be going. He stopped rambling, feeling his full confidence and charm return.
“Y/n, I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend? I quite fancy you. I really, really like you a lot!” He beamed with a wide grin. Even though you felt this might be what was happening, your face still turned into one of shock. Fred’s smile faltered for a second, but not for long. 
You flung yourself into him, giving him the warmest, sweetest bear hug you could manage. As you dove into him, he let out a small “oomf!” before returning the hug. 
“Yes, of course I’d love to go to Hogsmeade with you!” You happily cheered. “And I like you too!” Fred couldn’t have been more happy with the outcome. He was completely, utterly head over heels for you. 
Fred x Slytherin!Reader
877 words
I think even if the reader was a Slytherin, Fred would still be pretty outgoing and wouldn’t shy away from her. He also wouldn’t hesitate too much to finally confess his feelings. I feel that he wouldn’t be able to keep his feelings to himself for very long. Here’s another scenario of Fred slowly realising his ever growing crush on you. It hits him like a slap to the face and he can’t contain these feelings to himself anymore.
Fred wasn’t really sure how his crush started. Maybe back in his third year, whenever you cheered on one of his and George’s pranks? He was amazed he was able to catch your attention, because the whole “Gryffindors and Slytherins will never mesh” thing. Since then, he never really saw a reason to totally resist all Slytherins. You were different. 
You weren’t snobbish or all high and mighty about being a pureblood Slytherin. You never bullied anyone. Except for Pansy occasionally. She usually deserved it though as she often picked on some poor Hufflepuff girl or a non pureblood Slytherin. You also never put up with Draco’s shit. So you and Malfoy ended up with a mutual understanding that neither of you would mess with each other.
Another part to add to his growing feelings was 4th year, watching you stand up to Professor Snape after he picked on George a bit too harshly. Of course, the twins could’ve stood up for themselves, they could care less about Snape and that class. Something in you had just snapped that day. It cost you 20 Slytherin house points, but you couldn’t bear to see Snape bullying any more students that day. 
Now to the part we are at today, 5th year. You both became friends over the past couple years. You were currently in the middle of pulling off some prank with Fred and George. Fred and George had a plan that involved you since you had an in with the Slytherins. 
You were to “accidentally” trip and fall into Pansy. In the process you “accidentally” slop some Out to Lunch Fake Moustache lotion on Pansy’s face. While you had her distracted, Fred and George would slip some Dungbombs into Crabbe and Goyle’s robe pockets. 
The plan went off without a hitch. Pansy was screaming bloody murder when she started growing facial hair. She only found out when Draco started cackling at her as she approached the Slytherin table for lunch. The laughter didn’t laugh long whenever Crabbe and Goyle entered. Nearly everyone evacuated the Great Hall after this. 
The three of you made a run for it. Filch was close on your tails, too close. George sacrificed himself so you and Fred could get away together. He winked at Fred with a salute, then turned around and grinned at Filch, not a glint of fear in his face. Just pure humour and amusement. 
The two of you slipped into one of Hogwarts’ secret passageways that led all the way to Hogsmeade. You and Fred laughed the whole way there. 
“Man, I gotta thank your brother later for taking one for the team.” You laughed, nearly out of breath from your workout.
Fred laughed along too, excited to finally have you alone. As you both made your way to The Three Broomsticks, he grew a little nervous. What if you didn’t like him like that? What if you fancied George? Or didn’t even want to date a Gryffindor? Man, he needed to calm down. 
After sitting down at a table in the corner with your butterbeers, he noticed you looked a bit flushed. “Y/n, are you alright? Pansy didn’t hurt you, did she? Are you fevered?” His mouth rushed with questions.
“N-no! Silly, I’m good. I just… Fred, I need to tell you something.” You replied. A look of concern spread over his features, fearing for the worst. He was so in love that his mind was a little wonky about this. He would lose all sense of reality when he stared into your beautiful eyes. His mind and heart would race when you would accidentally brush hands or place a hand onto his forearm. 
Finally, you stared into his eyes, “I like you!!!” You loudly declared, standing up to further prove your point. You startled quite a few patrons surrounding you. Fred slightly startled too, eyes going wide as he was not expecting this. He didn’t think you would confess to him. You stood there breathing heavily, waiting for his response.
“Love, I really, really like you as well!” He exclaimed as he too stood up. He pulled you close and brought your faces close to each other. “May I?” You nodded a little shyly, closing the gap between your lips. Once again, you shocked him. It took a second for him to lean into the kiss. 
When you did break away you confessed, “I’ve fancied you since year two, Fred.” His eyes widened. “Year two!?” You giggled bashfully and nodded while looking away. Fred gently used his hand to guide your face to turn back to him. 
“I really should’ve realised sooner. I think I only realised a month back if I’m being honest.” He said, a blush clear on his cheeks and ears. “Although, I’ve always been quite fond of you. You’re my little snake now.” 
You laughed and hugged him once more. You were finally his, and him, yours.
George Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader
1.3k words
Now, I think George would try to be more subtle about it? It might take a bit more prodding from Fred to finally tell you directly. 
Though George never really took notice of you until third year of Hogwarts. You were mostly lost in your thoughts to yourself a lot and weren’t the most bold student. You were 11-13 though, that’s fair enough. 
It wasn’t until you made friends with the Golden Trio. Ron Weasley specifically. You and Ron became best buds in your third year and his first, like a sibling relationship. You met all three of them on the train. You had noticed Harry and Ron in one of the train compartments and asked if you could join them. Mostly because you figured the red head would be the Weasley’s younger brother! 
Ever since then you had been helping Ron with homework, attend quidditch matches with him, and even sneak him out to Hogsmeade. After a year of knowing them, during your 4th year, Ron invited you over to stay with them for winter break! So of course you had to go! 
It was wonderful there, with everyone, the atmosphere was warm, cosy, and overall felt like another home. 
When Ron introduced you to everyone, you definitely caught the attention of George Weasley, he was stunned to silence by your character and beauty. He thought you were the most beautiful thing to cross his path. He just had to get to know you better. Also because you meshed so well with his family! 
He was in awe at how much Ron looked up to you and how smart you were. You always helped Ron with his homework. Maybe you would help him too with his! Merlin knows he didn’t care much about his homework. Whenever meal times came around, you were always first to volunteer yourself to helping Mrs. Weasley out in the kitchen. You also could talk for hours on end about the muggle world with Mr. Weasley, being a half-blood yourself. You definitely had some information to share with him.
At some point during your stay, you decided you would try to befriend the Weasley twins. They were in your grade, so why not get to know them? George was elated by this. Falling in love was new to him and made him a little shy when it came to you.
Over the next week of break, you and the twins got very close. Often playing wizards chess, quidditch, or just pulling pranks on the others. You did accidentally give them both pig ears and pig tails with a prank formula gone wrong. They both found it hilarious and decided to try and make more of whatever it was you did.  
Since it would get cold, George would let you borrow his jumpers. He thought you looked absolutely adorable with how oversized they looked. He loved that they were his that you were wearing as well. You often would go to George and ask for a jumper to borrow when it would get cold. It was often rare to see you not wearing one of his jumpers around the house anymore.
Some nights, everyone would sit down by the fireplace and just share stories or jokes. You also situated yourself next to George, even leaning against him a few times (all of the time). His heart would flutter every time he felt your presence lean against him. He loved it, absolutely adored it. 
A couple times, you would fall asleep against him. He knew as soon as your weight would sink into him further along with the sound of your gentle breathing. He would then gently prod you awake once it got late enough and everyone had gone up to bed, leaving just the two of you. 
“Hmm…oh, hey George? Where did everyone go?” You pondered as you slowly sat up.
“Oh, they left for Ireland, said they’re not coming back for a couple days.” He shrugged as you gave him a look of ‘wtf’. He burst out laughing, “Kidding, kidding, I swear, they all went to bed. It’s past 11:00pm.”
You playfully smacked his arm, “Oh, you! Sorry for dozing off on you. Why didn’t you wake me?”
“You looked so enchanting in your sleep. I couldn’t bear to disturb your peaceful slumber, so why wake a pretty face?”
“Y-you don’t mean that. How can I look beautiful while sleeping? I know for a fact that I sleep-talk and drool occasionally!” You giggled while leaning back into his side, resting your head onto his chest.
“Okay, so maybe you drool, but it doesn’t take away from your cuteness!” 
No matter how you looked, George would always slip in a compliment to you. He would even spin your self doubts into compliments. 
Eventually, it was time to go back to school! It was a couple months before George came to terms with his feelings for you.
Whenever George realised his crush on you though, he would try to subtly flirt with you. He would always flatter you, never missing an opportunity, oftentimes he would or if you were walking down the hallways together, he would playfully nudge or bump shoulders with you during your odd conversations. 
You often talked about really random things. Like, what a chair’s scream might sound like if a desk chair suddenly gained sentience. Or what if frogs harmonised their croaks and ribbits to mate? 
If you both were through a crowded hallway, he would grab your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulders to keep you close and not be swept away by the bustling students. 
Whenever you got excited over something, for example, you aced your potions exam, you would run to George after class and throw your arms around him. He would instantly hug back. 
He loved the way your hair smelled, how it felt when you hugged him, how your laughter would ring through his ears. He loved it all, couldn’t get enough of it. 
He also loved when you would attend the quidditch matches and cheer him on. So he decided he would confess to you after a match one day.
“Hey Y/n, meet me after the quidditch match today!” 
“Why do you even ask,” You replied with a laugh, “I always do that anyways.” George just shrugs and runs off to catch up with his teammates.
Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff. Of course, Gryffindor came out on top! The Gryffindor stands cheered wildly, you included. You rushed down the stands to meet George. 
When things calmed down, he took you somewhere a little more private. 
“Y/n… I wanted to tell you that meeting you has been the most wonderful moment in my life. Hanging out with you has been an even more wonderful time.  You captivate my mind everyday. I can’t help but admire you!” 
“George, what are you on about?” You looked up at him questioningly. He sighed with a smile and ran his hand through his hair.
“God dammit Y/n, haha. What I suppose I’m trying to say is that these feelings have transformed into something more than just…friendship.” Oh. You blushed heavily, finally getting the hint. “I like you, like, like-like you, Y/n!” 
“Oh George! I like you too! I feel the same way! I-I never knew you felt this way.” You mumbled into his chest. As soon as he had confessed, you had thrown yourself into a hug with him. 
“I noticed,” He chuckled while hugging you back.
“I guess, looking back, a lot of our interactions like that make sense now.” You laughed at your own obliviousness. 
George would be so flustered and over the moon that you two were finally a thing, that he would forget to ask you out on a date. He sincerely meant to do so. So on your way back to the dorms, he would suddenly spin towards you and ask you to go out with him for lunch/dinner whatever you prefer! 
George Weasley x Ravenclaw!Reader
I profusely apologise for these becoming so long and like..kind of not headcanons again.
1.4k words
As a Ravenclaw, George would be drawn to your wit, sharp mind, and creativeness. You weren’t just a typical bookworm. No, you put your intellectual prowess to use. Often to cause mischief or shoot back sarcastic comebacks to any rude students or professors. 
At age 14, you became an animagus, a pine marten! You might be more of a shy and withdrawn Ravencalw, but people just seemed to gravitate towards you. You never had any problems getting along with people. (Minus a few Slytherins…) 
You and George had Transfiguration class together.  This was 5th year charms, so you were learning some vanishing spells as well as more of turning animals into inanimate objects. McGonagall had paired the two of you up for an essay presentation. You looked over to him with a small grin, and he of course, returned the gesture. 
You two would meet during evenings either right before dinner, or nights after dinner whenever George didn’t have quidditch practice. 
He always looked forward to these meetings. Conversing with you was so easy, it just felt so natural to him. He loved how well spoken you sounded. You were always researching something about a different charm or spell. You were always experimenting with some new charm or spell to get different reactions out of it.
A couple times you tried testing it out on him as you both worked together. You hadn’t meant for as many mishaps as you had, but George enjoyed them nonetheless. 
One time, you were attempting to give shoes a pair of wings. After hearing this fun fact, George offered up a pair of his shoes. Your spell went just a tad awry, giving his shoes a rat tail, ears, and four legs. His shoes scurried away down some drainage. They’re still wandering around the undergrounds of the castle to this day…
Another time, you were practising a transfiguration spell with George. This time it was actually for your project and not just some random experiment you conjured up. You turned him into a ferret. A bloody ferret. You were casting the spell, when someone knocked into your wand hand, thus redirecting the spell towards George instead of the wooden box that sat on the table in front of you. 
You had no clue what to do. You hurriedly picked him up and ran to McGonagall. She just sighed and turned him back as soon as you explained why in the world you came running to her with a ferret in your hands. 
“George, I am so so sorry!” You blushed while frantically apologising to him. He laughed and just said, “It’s all good love. No harm done!” You both ended up bonding over these little mishaps. George ended up loving so many of them he had you help implement some of your random charms into the Weasley twin tricks and sweets. 
Finally, the night before, you both finished the project. You just wrote about the importance of casting transfiguration spells correctly. As well as incorporating the charms that would turn people into animals. (Yes, he begged you to include the time you transformed into a ferret). Though you now knew how to undo that spell. You had to beg McGonagall for that one.
“Hey Y/n, wanna turn me into a ferret again?” George kept pestering you that night to do so. He wanted to show off your skills in class tomorrow. At first you heavily protested. What if you couldn't do it right again? (“That's the point of practice, silly!” George would retaliate. He loved getting you worked up. He also felt honoured that you cared so deeply for his safety.) 
You eventually caved, figuring it could be fun. You still had yet to show him your animagus form. Martens and ferrets happened to be of the same family, so why not? You sighed, casting the spell, and watched as he quickly shrank to the form of a ferret. He ran right up to your legs, running around in circles. You giggled at his playfulness and then transformed into your pine marten form. 
His little ferret form gave you a shocked face as if to say, “Wtf!? You’re an animagus!? Bloody hell that’s amazing!” He loved this. So. So. Much.
Your presentation went very well! A few times, you had to nudge George in the arm to keep speaking, he’d get lost in your words, listening to your voice. Once he got speaking though, he really did take over a lot. 
After this, he, like Fred, would insist that you keep hanging out. You would often join him for meals or trips to Hogsmeade, along with some other Gryffindor friends. 
George wanted to form a strong friendship bond with you. He did so, without even realising he fell for you, until Fred’s words hit him deep one time. 
He would always make sure to hold your hand and buy you a couple treats at Honeydukes. He knew all of your favourite candies by now. 
If it was cold, he would lend you his scarf and hold your hand inside his coat pocket. He rarely would leave your side for anything. 
Everytime your hand was in his, his heart would skip a beat. Or if you weren’t beside him, he found himself longing for your presence.
Fred would make fun of him endlessly, but lovingly, for how whipped he was for you. 
He would often sneak into your dorm/common room late at night and pester you to cast the ferret spell again, and have you run around with him in your pine marten form. He loved roaming the halls with you as a little animal. You wouldn’t get caught near as much unless McGonagall was roaming for some reason. It was much easier to hide away from authority. 
It was one fateful night, you both scurried your way up to the astronomy tower in your animal forms. Once you reached the top, you transformed back into your human form, and undid the ferret spell on George. You were both panting heavily, large grins spread across your faces, as Mrs. Norris had almost caught the two of you.
George stared into your eyes, admiring the starlight that reflected so beautifully in them. He could never get enough of your beauty. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat and summoned the courage to speak. “Y/n, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a little while now,” he began, a little shaky, but full of sincerity. 
You looked towards him, a blush rising to your ears already, “What is it, Georgie?” He smiled at the use of his nickname from you.
He grasped both of your hands, intertwining both of yours and his fingers together. “Well, ever since I’ve gotten to know you from our project, I’ve really come to appreciate and admire your brilliance, scheming, creativity, and the special feelings of the moments we spend together.” He confessed, a blush now covering his face.
“Oh really now?” A large smile grew on your face as you brought one of your hands up to softly caress the side of his face and into his hair. As if to urge him to continue.
“I-I’ve realised that my feelings for you are more than just friends. I really want to be something more than just good ol’ pals, y’know? You just, light up my whole world, brighten every day!” He paused as he was getting really excited. “I’ve fallen for you Y/n, and I cannot get up. I would really love for you, if you would take me as your boyfriend?” His face almost matched his hair colour. He was bright red, his heart was pounding twice as fast, waiting for your reply.
“Oh, Georgie, of course I would!” Your voice responded, full of love and tenderness. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to hear something like that from you. Your humour and kindness, how you see me for who I really am, it’s been amazing getting to spend time with you. So of course! As long as you’ll have me as your girlfriend!” You both laughed. He picked you up into a hug and spun you around. 
When he set you back down, you stayed in each other’s warm embrace for a while. Breathing in each other’s scents, you both appreciated the peacefulness and love that surrounded your atmosphere now.  
End a/n: I really hope this last one made sense xD. I lost my mind a little trying to write it out. Hope you enjoyed!
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
I saw you ask so….
Do you think you could do a George Weasley x male reader who has a fainting condition or got a quidditch injury?
If you’re comfortable obviously,
Or if not even headcannons on dating George?
Thank you ! <3
quidditch george literally has me drooling and sweating 🤭🤭 also, i’ve never done a male reader before, so i apologize if it’s weird. i wanna get more into writing for gender neutral and male readers tho — also i’m still doing the dating george headcanons, i’m just gonna do a separate post for those
Blood & Quaffles
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summary — ever catch a bludger to the face? now you have.
pairing — george weasley x male!reader
disclaimer — i do not own harry potter/the characters or the gif
warnings — blood, quidditch incident, as always i didn’t edit
Quidditch practice with Fred and George Weasley was more in line with a mythological fight than a friendly competition. It didn’t matter that the game wasn’t real, and that their opponents were on the same team as them; they were ruthless. And, unfortunately for George’s boyfriend, he’d been put against them.
“Merlin’s sake, Fred!” Ron shouted as a bludger whizzed past his head. As he ducked out of the way, it gave the perfect opening for Katie Bell to smack the quaffle through the highest post.
“Keep your eyes on the ball, Ron,” Fred yelled back, a wide smile adorning his lips.
“Try not to knock our heads off, would you?” (Y/n) groaned. He flew back to the center of the pitch as the team reset their positions. When the quaffle was tossed, he was able to get an immediate grip on it. He soared across the sky with the ball under his arm, dodging the opposing Chasers as well as Fred and George's attacks. That was until he was met in the face with a bludger.
It came from nowhere (actually, it came from Andrew Kirke, who was on the same team and trying to knock out a Chaser who was on (Y/N)'s tail). A whistle was blown from somewhere in the distance, but he'd already fallen from his broom and was barreling towards the ground. The words "aresto momentum" filled his ears, and right before he smacked the ground, he stopped, floating in mid-air for a moment, then hit the grass with a thud.
"Bloody hell, mate," Fred swooped to the ground beside him, "You aren't supposed to fall off your broom."
"Thanks for the advice," he scoffed, clutching his face. Blood trickled down his nose, and the throbbing of a fresh bruise stung between his eyes.
"I'm sorry!" Andrew landed on the grass, his face filled with fear, "I was trying to get Katie, not you, and I didn't mean to hit it that hard-"
"S'alright." He waved Andrew off, pulling himself up into a seated position. He let out a grunt as the pain washed over him. Before he could move any further, George was at his side, his face both utterly concerned and guiltily amused.
"Up with you," he said, placing his arms under his arms, "Let's get you to Pomfrey."
"I'm fine," (Y/N) protested, but another gush of fresh blood shut him up almost immediately. He could hear Andrew's voice behind him, shouting out remorseful apologies. They continued to walk along the pitch, George waving off the team members as they swarmed the two with concerned faces.
"We're just headed to the hospital wing, not the morgue," he announced, holding the boy under his arm a little tighter.
"Hey, you alright there?" George's voice was soft when the finally made it off the pitch, his eyes soft as he looked at his boyfriend.
"I'll survive," he responded, holding his head up as he pinched his nose. George nodded, rubbing soothing circles on his back. A small grin lit up on his face.
"Y'know, you look kind of hot with all that blood on your face," he chuckled.
"Sod off." (Y/N) rolled his eyes in return, though, a small smile lit up on his face.
When they'd finally made it to the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey rushed to them, taking (Y/N) from his arms and to a cot. As she fussed over him, groaning and complaining about how "horrifically dangerous" quidditch was, George silently watched from a few feet away. Luckily for him, she hadn't noticed he was still there, so he was able to watch without being kicked out.
"Is his face going to be permanently damaged? I can't have that," George spoke up, unable to contain his quips.
"Out with you, Mr. Weasley, get back to practice," Pomfrey replied distractedly, her attention focused on the injured boy in the cot below her.
"Keep that handsome nose intact for me," George laughed as he moved towards the exit of the wing. Though (Y/N) let out another exasperated groan, he couldn't help but grin -- even if George was a git.
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a/n — i never use y/n but i tried it out w this one and i really don’t know how i feel abt it
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waywardxrhea · 1 month
Part of Your World - George Weasley
Chapter 2
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pairing: George Weasley x fem!Muggle!reader (no use of y/n)
installment list / previous chapter / next chapter
word count: 2,267
content: fluff, kissing, protective George
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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That weekend, you and George met up at the tea shop once more. You both walked around the park playing the question game again while you gathered the nerve to ask, “Would you like to come over to my place for lunch and a movie?”
“Oh already at the ‘meeting the parents’ stage are we?” George asked with a chuckle. 
“No! I mean they’re hosting trivia all day at the pub so they won’t be there, I just-” you fumbled awkwardly. 
Sensing how flustered you were, George told you, “I would love to come over.” He made light of the situation by joking, “Just be warned that I grew up with some fantastic meals from Mum so it’ll be hard to compete with those.”
“Well good thing I was thinking of takeaway Chinese then,” you told him with a laugh as you directed the walk back toward your house so you could order the food to be delivered. 
Before you knew it, you and George were sitting on the floor against the bed in your room with boxes of Chinese food as well as popcorn to snack on during the movie. “What do you want to watch?” you asked.
“Oh, I’m good with whatever,” George told you, unsure really what a movie even was. 
“How about Pitch Perfect? It’s the perfect combination of comedy and singing. It’s a work of art, I think you’d like it!” you said before grabbing a skinny box off of a shelf and placing the contents into a machine. 
And so George discovered what a movie was and found out that you had a wicked sense of humour that was previously unknown to him. He also couldn’t help but admire your singing voice all over again as you sang along to every song in the movie. When the credits were rolling, you looked over and saw George staring, so you asked, “What?” with a tilt of your head. 
“Oh nothing, just admiring the work of art in front of me,” George replied with a wink, igniting a furious blush on your cheeks. 
“You flirt,” you said with a laugh as you tossed a piece of popcorn in his direction which he caught in his mouth with ease. 
“I try,” he said after swallowing the popcorn. 
“Do you have time for another movie?” you asked, selfishly wanting to spend more time with George. 
In reality he shouldn’t have even been gone from the shop for this long considering that the weekends were their busiest days for packing parcels to send off to Hogwarts, but time seemed to just slip away so fast when he was with you. George decided that he could face the wrath of his twin brother that evening when he returned to the flat, so he said, “I’ve got all the time in the world for you.” 
“You’re so sweet,” you told him with a smile. “Do you like horror movies?” you asked as you flicked through your movie collection. 
“Try me,” he challenged, unsure of what to expect from a movie of that kind. 
Halfway into the film, there was a scene that made you jump and George in turn wrapped an arm around your shoulders, asking, “Scared?”
“And if I am?” you asked.
“Then we’ll just have to do this,” he said while pulling you closer, practically into his lap. “Better?”
You looked up into his eyes and nodded with a small smile. Your eyes locked for a few moments before George’s eyes flicked to your lips. Within seconds he closed the gap between the two of you and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You felt an explosion of emotions run through your body, but at the forefront of those was happiness as you kissed him back. And for the next few minutes the movie was forgotten as you lost yourselves in each other’s embrace. 
The moment was interrupted suddenly though as you heard the front door downstairs close. Your dad’s voice rang up the stairs as he called your name and asked, “Do you know where those boxes of flags we use for trivia night are? There’s a bigger turn out than we expected and your mum and I are short a few!”
You pulled yourself off of George’s lap with eyes wide as you whispered quickly, “They don’t know I have company over! After Evan, Dad’s been super protective over me so if he knew I had a boy over I’ll be in so much trouble! I-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay!” George whispered, taking your hands in his reassuringly. He looked around and said, “I’ll just climb out the window, they’ll never know I was here.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, eyes flicking between George, the window, and your bedroom door. 
“Absolutely. You go help your dad and I’ll let myself out. I’ll see you next time,” he told you, stealing one more kiss before going to open the window while you exited your room to help your dad find what he was searching for. 
Once on the rooftop, George stepped behind the cover of the chimney and looked around to make sure the coast was clear. When he did, he turned on the spot and Disapparated to the Leaky Cauldron so he could head back to the shop for the rest of the day. When he got there, he found Fred in the flat packing orders like mad. “Nice of you to turn up mate,” Fred smarted off when he saw George enter. 
“Sorry, I just-” George tried. 
“Was busy snogging your girlfriend?” Fred asked with a smirk. 
“She’s not my girlfriend,” George told him matter-of-factly. 
“So you admit to snogging her?” he asked with a laugh. 
“Let’s get to work,” George said with a shake of his head, a smile on his face as he remembered his time with you. His smile faltered a bit as he remembered something you said right before he left, something about someone named Evan. He made a mental note to ask about that next time you saw each other…
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Over the next few weeks you and George didn’t see much of each other due to your rehearsal schedule which now ran late into the evening nearly every night leading up to opening night of Mary Poppins. When you finally did make time for each other at your usual spot one evening, you were waiting for George while still wearing the wig you wore for your role in the play. You hadn't taken it off because when you did you had awful wig hair and that was not something you wanted to have when meeting with George...
When George arrived at the cafe, he saw that only two tables were occupied at the late hour, but neither of them held you. You looked up from your heavily annotated libretto and saw George looking lost in the entryway of the cafe. So you snuck up on him and tapped him on the shoulders, saying, “Boo!” He made an odd motion reaching for something within his coat before you asked, “Are you looking for me?”
George relaxed and a smile made its way onto his face as he saw you. “Would you look at you!” he said.
“It’s different I know, but rehearsal ran late and I didn’t have time to make my hair presentable,” you said with a sheepish laugh as you took him to the table where you had his usual order waiting. “What do you think of it?”
“I think you look stunning, as usual,” George replied, admiring you in the pinned up hair. “Are you feeling good about the performance? Last one before you start auditions for uni right?”
“Last one best one,” you said with a nod and a small smile. “Although I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.”
“You’ll be amazing,” he told you before you both settled into chairs for the short date. 
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A few days later George attended the Saturday showing for Mary Poppins with Fred by his side. The show went by in a blur of songs, dances, laughter, and some feats that Fred and George wondered how the company accomplished without magic. They were thoroughly entertained though and George was completely blown away with your ability to sing so well while also dancing and giving such a wonderful performance. Throughout the show, George couldn’t help but get pangs of jealousy when you had scenes with the guy playing Bert, but he kept reminding himself, as you had reminded him so many times before, that it was all just acting. 
Once the show was over, the cast gave their final bows before dispersing into the crowd to greet friends and family. You were constantly surrounded by little kids wanting pictures so it took a while to finally get a word in with you. Before he made his way over to you though, George got distracted by Fred informing him that he was going to sneak off with one of the show’s dancers. 
When he turned back he saw you surrounded by castmates. “You were brilliant!” George told you as he approached. “Same for the rest of you!”
“Thank you so much!” you said, wrapping him in a hug. When you pulled away, you told the two girls standing beside you, “Abbie, Jaz, this is George!”
“Pleasure,” Abbie said sort of stiffly, reminding him a lot of Hermione Granger. 
“Very nice to meet you!” Jasmine said with a smile. “She talks about you all the time.”
Suddenly from behind them came a new voice saying, “Another amazing show, love!”
“Oh thank you Mum!” you said with a wide smile, separating yourself from George to give your mother a hug. 
The man standing beside your mum gave George a look of inquiry before asking, “Who’s this young man with you, kiddo?”
Your heart jumped as you told him, “Oh, Dad, Mum, this is George, he’s, uh…”
“Her boyfriend. Well, I’d like to be, if she’ll have me,” George said while sticking out his hand for your father to shake. He then turned to you to ask, “So what do you say?”
“I, uh, wow! Yes!” you stuttered out, your face breaking into a huge smile. 
Your dad raised his eyebrows in a sort of approval mixed with shock and shook George’s hand as he said, “That was smooth, kid.” 
“Gotta keep her on her toes, that’s how we keep our marriage fresh,” your mum said while shaking his hand as well. She gave George their names, calling your dad Mr.-I-Try-To-Be-Intimidating. “It’s lovely to meet you, George, and thank you for coming out to support her!”
“Very nice to meet you too,” George told her with a warm smile. 
“Well we’ll leave you kids alone for a minute, come find us when you’re ready!” your dad said as the two of them walked off to speak with the families now surrounding Jasmine and Abbie. 
You two wandered backstage so you could get ready to leave for the evening. When you were safely out of sight of the onlooking children, you stole a kiss before saying, “That was gutsy, Weasley.”
“Just part of my charm,” George told you with a wink. The interaction earned a chorus of wolf-whistles from some castmates wandering past.
“I see you’ve downgraded,” came a voice from behind you. 
“Oh piss off Evan!” Jasmine scolded him as she entered the room with Abbie by her side. “Anything’s an upgrade from a cheating manky skiver like you! Why don’t you go and celebrate the show with Tori? Oh right, you can’t because she broke up with your sorry arse!” 
George saw you suppress a laugh at your friend’s words before saying, “Let’s try and keep the peace yeah? We’ve got one more show to survive without going at each other like this!”
“Are you hearing yourself? It’s Evan we’re talking about! Or have you suddenly forgotten what he did to you?” Abbie asked as Evan stalked off muttering under his breath. 
“He doesn’t matter anymore,” you said while grabbing hold of George’s arm and leaning your head onto his shoulder. 
Not knowing what else to say, George said quietly, “You never told me you were cheated on, I’m so sorry...” His hand curled into a fist as he added, “If you want me to deal with that prat trust me I-”
“Trust me, we’ve tried that approach,” Jasmine told George. 
You shook your head, telling him, “Don’t worry about it! It’s a thing of the past! What matters is the here and now and that we’re together.”
“Fine, fine, but if you ever want me to, remember I’ve got a whole prank shop at my disposal! I can even test out new products on him!” George told you defiantly, even though he knew he shouldn’t do anything of the sort or else get in trouble with the Ministry. 
“It’s fine, really, although I do appreciate the offer,” you told him with a reassuring smile. You turned to the others and said, “Let's get out of these costumes girls. Wait here for me, George?”
“Of course,” he replied. When George thought he was totally alone, he pulled his wand out and whispered, “Orchideous!” and a small bouquet of flowers blossomed out of the end of the wand. 
When you returned a few minutes later, you graciously accepted the flowers, saying, “Oh these are beautiful! Where did they come from?”
“A good magician never reveals his secrets,” he told you with a wink as you turned and walked arm in arm out of the backstage area to meet your parents. 
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a/n: and we are official and have had the first kiss! these two are so cute and i love them so much! until i started writing this story i didn't realize how fun it would be to write George (we're ignoring the fic i wrote on wattpad when i was like 15), especially in the capacity of him being bold, funny, and charming but also sweet, thoughtful, and caring! before writing this i re-read all of my Potter books and marked every single time George was mentioned with a post-it and made notes on his behaviors, especially in comparison to Fred so i had a better grasp on the timeline but also on George himself! (if anyone wants to see my books i can post a picture of them it's actually insane lmao) but yeah! now George knows about Evan... how are we thinking this is gonna effect things?
xo, brooke <3
general taglist: @reidmarieprentiss
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numinously-yours · 8 months
Pick a Hippo: What do you need to hear?
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I know I say it all the time, but I DO want to do more readings for you all. Today's is a simple "what do you need to hear"?
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I know you may be finding it hard to define your life’s purpose, but don’t be hard on yourself because it’s taking longer than you thought it would/should. You are doing a lot of introspection and soul searching. Perhaps you are about to embark on a new adventure and having your sense of self makes you feel like you’ll do better. Having an open slate can be just as great a tool going into a new part of your life, though.  Keep holding on by Avril Lavigne came on at the end of the reading. Just keep believing in yourself and your journey. Trust that The Hermit’s lantern will light your path. You’re getting there!
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You got all kinds of songs with your reading! Starting with Fireworks - this is from Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix. In the scene that this song is in, Fred and George Weasley are officially embarking on their own adventure. They are no longer tolerating Dolores Umbridge’s regime or abiding by anyone else’s standards. They are making fun, bright, beautiful magic with their fireworks. Human by Christina Perri started once I was about to interpret the cards; it made me think that right now you may be subscribing to other’s wants of you. Since this song started after I began my notes, I think this cycle is ending and your magical side is about to burst through. Then the Brave soundtrack started… You are meant to start this individual journey!!
The first thing I read that resonated with me for your cards and for this reading is “don’t keep pushing forward”. You may be finding it difficult to trust your own intuition or to do your own thing without the comforts of the people you are used to following. But The Hanged Man tells me that separating yourself from the wants and needs of others is going to do you SO well. Continuing to push through the discomfort, anxiety, and unsureness that comes along with this is only doing to delay your progress. Your inner strength is going to propel you to the life you deserve.   
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My biggest piece of advice on this day is to be mindful about your intentions – especially concerning finances. You have a business opportunity or you’re planning a major event (trip, wedding, moving, something of the sort) and you need to be cognizant about how much money you’re putting into it. Be responsible with the spending habits. As I was reading keywords for the King of Wands, I read “you are inspired by long-term, sustainable success” and at the same time Eminem raps, “Success is your only mf-ing option.” There’s no better way to interpret this than Sustainable success is your only mf-ing option. You can absolutely invest in this venture, but do it smartly. Remember the long term affects and what will make the biggest (and most positive) impact.
If money is not on your mind, the cards can also be referring to relationships and the part you play within them. You are a strong leader and have a vision, but don’t make decisions which are paid for by the foundation of the relationship.
Lastly, music in general may be a good meditation tool for you. The main line of this song is "lose yourself in the music". Let yourself be lost <3
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callmesel · 11 days
So I was passing my Percy Weasley folder to another account because my main account has the memory full so I’m deleting stuff, right?
Well, I have found an interesting piece of fan art that I wanted to share.
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I’m too lazy to find the original so this is a picture of the fan art.
So, it’s a recreation of the Weasley siblings as the opposite gender, great, Charlie has a little dragon, Fred and George are beside Ginny, I think Ron is the one in green, Bill the one in blue and Percy the one in purple(because of the glasses). Nothing special, right? Well, you’re wrong!
Because you can clearly see and arm touching Percy’s chin as they are trying to take her attention away from the focus and to them. But she still is looking at the viewer as she is driving to somewhere else.
It’s a little detail but is interesting to me because it can mean a lot of things. Like, it can be a representation of how in the canon Percy left the family and this is the way the artist shows it or it can mean something else?
Maybe I’m too into it but you can see that only Percy’s dress is kind of more revealing that the rest and that Bill is kind of side-eyeing Percy, (or Ginny but this is about Percy) , maybe Bill is worrying about this mysterious person trying to take Percy. Charlie doesn’t look very happy either, so maybe that means something too.
But maybe is not anything of that, maybe is not a genderbender for all the Weasley siblings. Maybe the one in the middle is not male Ginny but is actually Bill because he looks too old to be Ginny because he looks older than the twins. That would change who is who but not the fact that Percy is the odd one out because of that mysterious hand.
Can it be that Percy is being taken away? That Ron (I assume is the one in blue) is noticing but doesn’t say anything? That Charlie is judging Bill for not doing anything to stop it?
Idk, maybe I’m just crazy.
I remember that when I made the screenshot it was with a pack of Percy Weasley fan art in a really sketchy website so it can also have another meaning or something. It has a date on the name of the file, 2011 - 06 - 07, so is from 2011.
I don’t even know why but it has being in my head for a while so idk I just find it interesting but at the same time I feel kind of stupid because there is not really anything to talk about but idk.
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sailtomarina · 3 months
I don’t want to be alone right now
fred weasley & hermione granger | friendship, fluff
He found her huddled in the garden, the curls a stark difference from the hydrangeas and rhododendrons flanking her on both sides. Ugly, gasping sobs rent the otherwise still space. It wasn’t yet midday, but rather that brief break after the morning bird calls and just before the afternoon drone of insects.
Fred didn’t know what had compelled him to walk out the back door. Call it a sixth sense, or whatever else. There was a tug; he followed.
Now, he stood watching her. Hermione. 
What is she doing here? he thought. Why is she crying?
Fred’s first impulse was to hunt down his baby brother and drag him outside. Surely he was the cause of all this, or, at the very least, knew what had happened. Fred could never figure out what it was that bound the two together aside from–and here, he scoffed–life and death. Without Harry Potter, without Hermione’s propensity to help, help, always help, the two shared very little in common.
He loved Ron, but he also knew Ron was a bit of a dunderhead.
“Hermione?” Crouching down, he tried to keep his voice soft. He didn’t want to scare her off.
She gasped anyway, face jerking up to reveal blotchy skin wet from distress. “F-Fred?”
He held both palms up in an entreaty. “What’s wrong? Is there anything I can do to help?”
He knew what her answer would be before she voiced it, because this was Hermione. She’d rather bear all the weight of her troubles until she collapsed rather than burden anybody else. She was like Harry, in that way. Maybe that was where Ron fit in–the only one of the three who sought help, and received their trust in kind.
“No, I-I’m fine. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have–” Now she stood, wiping at her face with the sleeve of her jumper. Her eyes darted around as if she was ashamed. He could tell she was looking for an avenue of escape.
“Don’t apologise. I come out here, too, sometimes.”
“You do?” There was so much hope in those two words.
“I do.” And he did. 
Of all his siblings, only he and Charlie seemed to take comfort in Mum’s garden. The others would rather sprint off to the fields for Quidditch, or to the orchard to get lost among the trunks and apple-laden branches. He did, as well, but when he wanted quiet–true quiet–he came here.
“It’s one of the only places where nobody thinks to look for me.” Except for George, of course. But George, unlike the rest, knew when to give him space without being told or asked for it. “Is that what you would prefer? For me to give you privacy?”
She chewed on her lip as she seemed to consider him. He observed her back, waiting patiently for her to reply. Moisture still clung to her lashes, framing her dark, gold-flecked eyes and making them appear even larger. They reminded Fred of fire sparks in the night.
“No. I don’t want to be alone right now, even though I did earlier.” The small smile she sent him felt like a win. Her cheeks flushed as he rewarded her with a grin of his own.
Almost shyly, she took his offered hand, biting her lip all the while. She allowed him to lead her over to the stone bench above which wisteria hung with its heavy perfume. She didn’t pull away when he continued to hold on.
“Now, who do I need to go and beat up?”
Her tinkling laughter was a balm that soothed as much as delighted. Fred didn’t know it yet, but this was the start of something lasting and beautiful, a connection that would save him when all seemed lost.
Written for Weasleys, Witches, & Writers 7.19.24 HumpDay prompt, “I don’t want to be alone right now
626 wc
Cross-posted on Facebook and Tumblr
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cassieb1617 · 2 years
Taking a lover‘s pain💌
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: Fred Weasley was a natural flirt, he flirted with girls, guys, strangers even teachers. Why was it a surprise to you though?
Warnings: unrequired feelings, insecurity, both Fred and reader feel bad at the end, no happy ending, language (swearing), mentions of bullying but it doesn‘t happen in this fic
A/N: this was so fun painful to write!
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Popularity. A concept that was appealing to the ones related to it. Popular people had it sometimes easier than most, they didn‘t know what it felt like to be on the other end of bullying or what it feels like to be invisible. Gaining popularity was the easiest through making fun of others which doesn‘t necessarily means every popular person is a bully, no. There were popular people that were actually kind like Harry Potter. The kid is one of the nicest people ever even after all he‘s gone through. Fred Weasley, despite his poor background, was popular too. He wasn‘t a famous infant who killed the dark Lord but he and his twin brother George were popular in Hogwarts nonetheless. The two ginger-haired pranksters weren‘t buööies but there were more than a handful of people who would openly say they aren‘t saints with their pranks either and those people aren‘t only Slytherins or Filch.
You don‘t really know how you and Fred met or how you became friends but it didn‘t really matter anyway. Somehow you became friends with him and George, a friendship that also made you popular. It wasn‘t truly a benefit but it was nice to be seen in your eyes. On a scale, you would have to admit that Fred was definitely more popular than his brother, everyone would agree with that statement. George was open too but in his own way, the ginger was shy. Fred was also a really big flirt, unintentional to him. He was a natural flirt, a characteristic that drew you in too. 
He was charming in every way, a gentleman that was funny but still made respectful jokes. He defended the ones who couldn‘t stand up for themselves. In other words, despite his flaws, Fred was a dream. A dream that you couldn‘t help but fall for as well. You flirted back every time he started, it was like your friendship was that way. Secretly whispering, hands brushing against each other or his on your back, it was a normal occurrence. And it certainly wasn‘t a surprise that you fell for his charms completely. 
Your friends that weren‘t the twins warned you and maybe, in that moment you realized, you should have listened. They told you he flirted with everyone and that, as ruse and unapologetic as it sounds, you weren‘t that special just because he flirted with you too. In your eyes, he made a move and returned the feelings you so dearly held for him. 
It started out as it normally did, you were at a party that Gryffindor was throwing to celebrate that the exams were over. In his defense, it wasn‘t his fault and neither was it yours. You both drank firewhiskey which probably helped to stop you thinking straight. You were outside in the halls with him alone, just getting back from your mid-party-snack in the kitchens when you kissed him. He kissed back and for a moment, you thought that he returned your feelings but then you saw his confused expression. 
„What was that for?“ You couldn‘t tell if it was the alcohol or his question that made your head spin after that but it didn‘t matter anyway. „I mean not that I‘m complaining but I didn‘t expect it.“ He was still slightly smiling, like he had just won a stupid debate about something.
„I- you don‘t feel the same way?“ His face dropped and so did yours after seeing his reaction. „Feel the same- what do you mean?“ His hand reached out for you when he saw tears forming in your eyes but you scrambled back, „I mean your flirting. Didn‘t it mean something? Or were you just fucking with me the whole time.“ 
He looked taken aback by your words, „I didn‘t flirt with you-“, he hesitated for a short moment after seeing the look of disbelief on your face, „did I?“ A few tears slipped from your eyes as you laughed humorlessly at the situation, „Yes- yes you did, every time, all the time. I-I thought you felt the same, I thought you loved me too!“ 
Fred looked truly shocked at your words. It was true, he did flirt but he didn‘t do it intentionally. „Oh, fuck, I- I‘m sorry, I truly am but I don‘t, fuck, I don‘t love you that way. I‘m sorry.“ Fred felt his heart aching at your heartbroken expression but he didn‘t want to lie to you. „I didn‘t even realize I was flirting with you.“ The redhead had tears of his own in his eyes, ones that fell as you flinched back from his touch. 
„I- I can‘t, I‘m sorry-“ Fred tried to interrupt you but you held your hand up to stop him, „Is that so hard to imagine? Us to imagine as more than friends? Am I so bad?“ He shook his head at your words, „No, no you‘re not in any way bad it‘s just- you‘re too good for me, for anyone, really. I- I wish I could tell you what you want to hear but I can‘t.“ You shook your head at his words and backed up a little. 
„Can you. Can you tell them that I wasn‘t feeling well if anyone asked, please? I- I can‘t be here right now.“ Fred called your name as you turned and speed-walked away from him, careful not to run into Filch, his cat or a professor. 
Days went by without contact between you or anyone really. After the party ended you went into your dorm and stayed there without talking to anyone. Your dorm mate tried talking to you but you said you felt sick and she just brought you food and water. Fred too felt bad. He didn‘t see you for days and that was the first time that you went this long without any contact since becoming friends with each other. He didn‘t mean for all of this to happen, he didn‘t want to hurt you in any way but it also wasn‘t his fault. He wanted to take all the pain away from you if that meant he got to see you again. 
The redhead was so far into his head that he almost missed it when you sneaked by. He jumped up, bumping forcefully into you, „Hey, can we talk?“ Fred noticed the bags under your eyes and the ways your eyes didn‘t meet Fred‘s but you nodded nonetheless. Once alone he quickly talked to you before you could say something. „Look, I know that this is not- I didn‘t want this to happen, OK? I‘m sorry but I- I hope we can go back to the way we were, back to best friends, please?“ 
Fred was sweet but not even his words could fix the burdened cloud that‘s roaming around your friendship. „Fred, I- I want that too but I- I can‘t. When I look at you all I want to do is kiss you but I can‘t and I‘m not OK, I just, Christ Fred, I just need a break. I can‘t be friends with you right now without it breaking my heart, I‘m sorry I wish I could.“ 
You walked away from him after that, both of you not knowing when you‘re going to talk to each other again. The two people involved staring at the other when they‘re not looking, one that consists of a friendship‘s longing for another and the other out of a heartbreak‘s agony. Fred may be popular but that doesn‘t mean it‘s a shield against the one things thaht nobody‘s ever saved from: love. 
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cherry-pop-elf · 15 days
Weasley Siblings Helping You Lose Weight
AN: I suffer a binge eating disorder, inflected from my mother. I also suffer with medical issues and medication that genuinely have made things so difficult. My mom refuses to help, so sometimes you just gotta be your own cheerleader. Call me crazy, but imagining George Weasley supporting me is what keeps me going sometimes. Maybe this can helps others in my shoes to. It’s scary, and isolating, but hey. I’m your cheerleader to!
Warnings: Binge eating disorder, weight loss, sensitive topic matter with food, diet culture, it’s just a trigger warning of weight topics in general
William ‘Bill’
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As the eldest sibling he’s had to try and be the best influence. He’s had to try and make sure his younger siblings ate and stayed health. Third parent syndrome. So he knows that this will be a journey, but one he’s happy to help with. Given his curse breaking job he often needs to keep himself in a very healthy mental space. So he would be more than happy to drag you in with yoga, tai chi, and simple mental work outs like that. It’s simple, but easy on the joints. A important part of weight loss is doing things that are enjoyable. Makes you want to do them more. His focus on mental health is very important, and often ignored when weight loss is involved. So this important step is going to make the journey so much easier. Slower? Maybe. But slower means it’ll STAY off easier. His focus on mental health is going to be a god send
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Since he works with dragons he knows how important it is to keep healthy. He’s constantly doing Manuel labor, and eats a pretty heavy diet of protein. This also means he’s going to be a great cheerleader to help you. Knowing all kinds of great work outs to help you, and finding useful tasks for you to do at the sanctuary. Not to mention he knows how to cook, and is more than happy to show you how as well. He is also a nice reminder that you can still be healthy will looking chubby. He’s made of heavy muscle. Muscle isn’t tense twenty four seven. That squishy is deadly. It’ll make losing weight a bit scary though. You’ll be developing muscle as you lose weight, so the number on the scale won’t really move. Don’t worry. Muscle burns a lot since you need a lot of calories to keep it. You are in safe hands. You need to trust the process. It takes time. You’ll do it! Charlie knows it!
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He’s not a jock. He doesn’t work out like crazy. Especially not like his siblings. But he does know how to cook. Every Weasley does. Eating healthier and cleaner is exteremly important. Most of weight loss relies on being under a calorie number. That’s, unfortunately, the harder parts to. So Percy will be more than happy to do a bunch of reading on the topic. To do his best to figure out the best meals for the day. To help trade out snacks for healthier alternatives. It’ll also give him a good excuse to try and repair the bond with his family. Practicing and learning family recipes. That’s so nice
Fred & George
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They run a joke shop full of candy, sweets, and pastries. Needless to say it’s a binge eaters worst nightmare. That’s going to cause so many trials and tribulation. The smells and scents, the new recipes, it’s just hell. They want to help so much, but they are shop owners. Not like they just take it all off the shelves. It’s truly going to be a test that you will fail, many times, but they will be there to pick up the pieces. They’ll be there for every crying session you have after you finish off so much that you feel inhuman. They’ll even use this as an excuse to try and invent new sweets that can be healthier. Children deserve to eat healthier too. Some kids are victims of obesity and need help. Diet culture makes them think they are bigger than they actually are. So to have healthier sweet alternatives helps everyone. Your struggles will be what help kids feel better. They’ll be more than happy to find alternatives to help. You won’t be treated as ‘different’ for needing to diet. You won’t feel like a burden because you need to eat different. Being a kid is being happy and whimsical. And by god they will help you make eating fun again! And help you through that toxic relationship with it!
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He can be the one person that understands the relationship dynamic of food. Sure he has a high metabolism, and is constantly working out, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how eating can just make everything feel better. Food can feel good, but it can also feel so damn bad. He knows that feeling. He knows that pain. He knows that horrible dance. He gets it, and knows it’s not as easy as just ‘eating less’ as everyone says. It’s not that easy. He knows. He knows you are trying your damn best, and he’s going to remind you that you have made successful steps. That because you relapse doesn’t make you any less of a person. Everyone falls down. The fact you get up again is what matters. He gets it, and will help you. You two can do it. TOGETHER
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As the youngest she’s seen her siblings trial and tribulations. As the saying goes ‘the oldest does everything the youngest shouldn’t’ and learns not to do that. She also over all has more life experience than people give her credit for. She understands that you are struggling, and is more than happy to help. Have you train with her before her quidditch seasons, and just try and make things fun. Just like her siblings ya gotta make it fun. She’s got that high energy spirit that will help you stay active. Morning runs, yoga, dancing, she has an energetic lifestyle that will help you be more active. Even if you both stay home all day. Her energy is infectious, and it’ll help motivate you to move more. She’s got your back, and has so many health programs to let you use. She’s a professional quidditch player. Everyone needs a specific diet plan for their needs. Especially since everyone works a different part. A seeker needs a different diet compared to a beater. She’s gonna help you, and her quidditch team has your back all the same. You won’t face this alone
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leajoyrambles · 2 months
okay so, for my fic series Without a Compass Rose, I have a character sheet (basically) where I list characters, their aspirations, a generalized personality type (ie "analytical thinker" and "caretaker"), etc etc
one of the things I list is their patronus, though not on all of them. There are now several things I would like to say about patronuses
(yes, I meant for the "several things I would like to say" bit to be read in McGonagall's voice)
-Number One: Percy Weasley's patronus is DEFINITELY a polecat. Direct quote from an article on patronus types ahead:
Despite its name, a polecat isn’t really a cat at all. It’s actually closer to a ferret or a weasel and is known to cripple its prey by piercing its brains with its teeth before storing it, alive, for a later meal.
-Number Two: There's this idea that Fred and George would have the same patronus, and it would reflect some incredibly obvious aspect of their shared personality. I absolutely hate that. What I settled on was very far from R*wling's idea of them having magpie patronuses (I think? going from memory here).
Fred - bloodhound George - ibizan hound
another quote:
Not only are they highly intelligent, but their temperament makes them a true family favorite as well. Your Patronus will never let you down and follow you to the end in any situation. A wizarding myth says that Bloodhound Patronuses have alerted their witch or wizard to the impending arrival of the Dementors, making this a one-of-a-kind Patronus to produce.
and another, this one about ibizan:
This is an intelligent and independent dog but is known to be a clown. For the most part, these dogs are quiet until they need to alert people of danger. They are known escape artists, so this Patronus can get you out of any sticky situation.
So, a few things here.
A bloodhound patronus will "follow you to the end in any situation." Now, I haven't decided whether or not I'm killing off Fred in this series (leaning towards no, but no promises), but either way, this patronus would highlight a non-obvious facet of his personality - him being protective.
An ibizan hound being "a clown" does feel a bit obvious for one of the twins, but the "known escape artists" bit was interesting to me. I like the idea that George is the one who gets them out of trouble, at least when they're actually trying to get out of it.
Essentially, Fred is driven to impulsive action because he's protective to the point of self-sacrifice, and George saves his ass because he knows how to escape, even if by a hair.
I REALLY like the dynamic this sets up. It doesn't have them working as a single mind, always doing the same things because they're so similar, but it rather has them acting as a a team. Fred is the one to take action; George is the one doing damage control. And since they've been doing this song and dance their entire lives, they play off of each other without even realizing it.
George doesn't know that he'd be so much less compassionate without Fred, and Fred doesn't realize how reckless he'd be without George. The only thing that actually reveals this dynamic is their patronuses.
...yeah, okay, moving on.
-Number Three: I don't like that Cho's patronus is a swan. It feels like a reduction of her character (though... her character isn't really treated well to begin with, but that's a whole other issue).
It feels like her patronus being a swan is derived from how other characters perceive her - graceful, emotional, a love interest, etc. Honestly? I think her "hidden self" is mostly that she's... kind of fearless.
Like, yes, on the surface, she's graceful and loving and social and loyal and wears her heart on her sleeve. All of those things are part of her true self, too, and that's great.
I don't know exactly what her patronus should be, but I do like the idea of it being something really, really big. I'm talking elephant big.
(I also just really like the mental image of everyone learning to cast a patronus and then the Room of Requirement suddenly expands to a ridiculous degree and everyone looks up and sees just the most massive patronus ever and when they look for the source it turns out to be this person that most of them have been thinking of as "emotionally fragile" or something and-)
I digress.
-Number Four: I really like the idea of Pansy Parkinson having a hyena patronus.
This isn't meant to be disparaging. I just think it works well for her character. Here's another quote:
Often given a bad reputation, hyenas are cunning hunters and scavengers that know what they have to do to survive in the animal kingdom. They live and hunt in packs/clans and are very social animals. They often communicate with those in their clans by making a variety of noises, including the “laughter” they are so famous for. Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce.
Now, I may not totally adhere to fandom-popular characterization, but for Pansy? I definitely like what the fandom has going for her.
She attaches herself to the strongest player in the game. It's always been about survival. She has to be in the best possible social position, no matter what it costs her, and people outside of her circle think of her as annoying and even repulsive.
She often acts out of fear, but that doesn't mean she's a coward - she just doesn't care about being brave.
The idea of her being the kind of person people read wrong, her being that kind of person all the way to her core, and even her patronus being an oft-villainized animal?
Heck yeah.
Now, you may have gotten to this point in the post and just sort of thought, "hey, Lea, why tf did you even make this post?"
To which I would answer, "my username has the word 'ramble' in it. Also, I would love to hear other people's opinions on these things."
So, yeah. Any points you disagree on? Anything you strongly agreed with? Anything, like, at all that you just really want to say for some reason or another? Have at it.
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into the dark pt 1 — f. w.
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Summary: Would you sacrifice your love for Fred to save the world, or would you join him into the dark together?
Words: 1,875 words
Warnings ⚠ : fem!reader, slytherin!fred, boyfriend!fred, fluff, a bit angst, mentions of bullying, mentions of harrassment, TW: DeathEaters
Disclaimer: Death Eater fred sounded so hot and i needed to write some dark things to quench my thirst so here we go! Hope ya'll enjoy because I sure damn did ;) also this collected dust in my drafts FOR SO LONGGGG lemme free this lil demonic bird
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“Hello, love,” His breath tickling your nape made you slightly flinch at the surprise. You relaxed as you realized it was Fred and smiled when his arms wrapped themselves around your waist. “Hello, Freddie,” you chuckled as you turned your head to kiss his cheek.
He was hugging you from behind, and you could see a soft grin on his lips as he slowly swayed you both left and right. You purse your lips trying to contain your smile. Fred never fails to make your heart flutter, no matter how small his action was. You leaned your head onto his shoulder, and he nuzzled his cheek with yours.
He had asked you to meet him in his room after dinner during breakfast at the Great Hall. You had always spent time in his room after dinner anyway, so you were curious about what he would like to talk about with you.
Fred laid soft kisses on your neck, causing you to sigh out gently. His lips always knew where to kiss and where to touch, it drove you almost crazy at how he’s so good at it. Before you could dive right into the pool of ecstasy, you were snapped out from it as he took your wrist and led you to the chair by the fireplace.
Even when he’s born into a big family, Fred and his siblings always had the choice to have their own room in Hogwarts or not. Perks of having a successful father in the ministry, perhaps. The Weasleys are always known as the rich, pretentious, pureblood family. Next to the Malfoys, of course. Bloody hell, they’re actually very good friends with the Malfoys, Draco is good friends with Fred’s younger brother, Ronald.
“I need to talk to you about something, darling,” He gently said as he sat down on the chair, and you followed, welcoming yourself to sit on his lap. “Is it so important that you even asked me about it during breakfast?” You teased, playing with his red hair at the back of his nape. He smiled at your tease, before it faded slowly, “Well, kind of.”
You paused, your movement halted altogether, “Why? Did something happen? Are you okay?” Fred looked hesitant; nervous, even. He took a deep breath and looked at you, “Remember that one time I was called home in the middle of class and didn’t return until like days after?”
You nodded, “Yeah, your whole family was gone. You said it’s because a relative died.” He nodded, remembering how worried you were the day he returned. He smiled at the fond memory, before realizing the reason why he brought it up in the first place.
“Well, that’s not what actually happened…” “What? What do you mean, Freddie?”
“I think it’s best to just show you, I can’t really explain it even if I want to,” he muttered, sighing as he began to fumble with his right sleeve, folding it in until his elbow to show you. You gasped at the dark symbol on your boyfriend’s arm, it’s the Death Eater symbol.
Holy shit.
“Fred! Is it-” “Yeah, got it with George since we’re already of age, and Ron would get it with Draco next year,” Fred nonchalantly said; as if he's talking about the weather. And yet his eyes were scanning your expression carefully.
“This happened… On the day you disappeared?” you asked, and he nodded wordlessly. Your eyes were glued to the tattoo, the dark snake wrapped around the skull slowly slithered, and in some wicked and twisted way, you found the symbol…. Enticing.
“… Aren't you afraid?” he slowly asked, half expecting the best or the worst-case scenario. You slowly looked at him, eyes blinking multiple times, “Do you want me to be?” Your question caused him to snort a laugh, he shook his head laughing at the bizarreness of the whole situation, “No, of course not.”
“The last thing I want is for you to be afraid of me.”
There it is. The flutter. You licked your lips, trying to digest the whole thing, “Well, to be honest, I-I had seen it coming… but I didn’t know it would be this soon…” Fred nodded understandingly, already satisfied that you’re not freaking out like he thought you would.
You from a year ago would beg to differ, though.
“So, um,” you trailed off, unsure if it’s the right question to ask. Fred; being the attentive boyfriend he is, saw right through you and reached out to cup your face with his hands gently. He painted a soft smile on his lips, and nodded supportively, “It’s okay, you can ask.”
“Promise you won’t get mad?” “Have I ever been mad at you, love?”
“No, but you had been upset, though. So it still counts,” you shrugged and he laughed wholeheartedly, “It was one time and I’ve apologized for that for like a million times already. Get to the point, woman.”
You huffed a smile at the sound of his laugh and cleared your throat to ask him. “Are you one of them now? The… The Death Eaters?” He looked away for a split second, before he shrugged idly, “Technically. We won’t be active until we graduate, though. Perhaps just do some small missions, I guess.”
“How do you feel about it?” “Not doing dangerous missions?” His question made you laugh and shook your head, “No, being one of them in general.”
“Well, pretty excited, actually,” that’s when a huge grin broke upon his face, and Fred was grinning ear to ear. You understood where he's coming from, Fred was raised in a pureblood family with a pureblood supremacy ideology going on for generations. And naturally, following the pureblood supremacy, is the loyal worshipping of The Dark Lord. Fred has been taught his whole life that purebloods are the only worthy wizards and witches to perform magic, and while he doesn't necessarily agree with them (considering that you're literally a half-blood), he still couldn't escape from the other things.
You've taught him a lot over the past year that blood purity does not equal more or less magic. A muggle wizard is as worthy of magic as a pureblood wizard, because if they're not, then the magic wouldn't have chosen them in the first place. And while there are things that he was willing to learn about and change his way from discriminating against innocent people just because of their blood status, the thought of being the Dark Lord's follower is still considered sacred to him.
Somehow, you couldn't find any reason to be shocked, or scared. Neither betrayed.
“You should’ve seen the whole thing. It was huge and everyone was there. Even the Dark Lord was there when he made me that mark-” “T-The Dark Lord? He made this mark himself?” You find yourself flinching at the mention of He Who Must Not Be Named. You glanced at the dark tattoo on your boyfriend’s arm, and shivers ran down your spine. There it is. That fear.
“Well yeah, he’s the only one who can do it-” Fred halted as he realized you were frozen. “Y/N?” He called cautiously, looking at you as if you’re a ticking time bomb. And then he noticed. He noticed how pale you were, and how you were slowly trembling.
Maybe it just dawned on you that your boyfriend is a Death Eater now.
Understanding that it was a lot to take in, Fred smiled guiltily, “Hey,” he called again, and that was when you were snapped out of your thoughts, “Huh?”
“It’s late, why don’t we get some sleep, hm?” He gently asked, caressing your arm comfortingly. When you slowly nodded as you began to zone out again, Fred picked you up easily and walked to his bed.
He laid you down gently, and kissed your forehead, “Get some sleep, I’ll be right here if you want me,” he whispered. You numbly nodded, causing him to sigh quietly. Fred started to walk away; he needed to finish his homework before going to bed but halted as your fingers suddenly got a hold of his wrist. “Wait, Freddie…”
“Hm?” He sat back beside you, caressing the strand of hair that fell across your face. You looked down for a moment, before looking back at him and intertwined your fingers together with his, “I won’t run away. I won’t leave you, so don’t start thinking that I will. I-I just… I needed time to digest it all…”
Fred’s inside warmed up at your words, he softly smiled in gratitude, “I know, darling. And I understand. Take all the time you need, love. I can wait; I’m good at waiting.”
You couldn't fall asleep that night, thousands of thoughts were running in and out of your head. Fred was already beside you, soundly sleeping with his mouth a bit agape. You had a faint smile on your lips as you watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful and quiet, contrary to him awake and with a crowd; loud and just a pure menace along with George. You looked down on his arm, the arm with the dark mark. Even with the lights out, the dark mark could be seen. You trailed your finger lightly on the mark, moving along with the snake slithering around the skull.
As much as you're worried about Fred being a Death Eater, you're more concerned that other students would find out sooner or later. Hogwarts is a boarding school with its majority of students originating from light or muggle families. Only a few students are from dark families, such as the Weasleys, Malfoys and the others are allowed to enroll here.
If the public finds out about this… Fred would be doomed.
"I don't know what you're thinking, Y/N, but if you're worried about me getting exposed in school, don't be."
You flinched as you heard Fred suddenly speak, I thought he's asleep? "How did you know?" You asked. He was smiling with his eyes closed, "You're tracing my mark and you're furrowing your eyebrows. You're too easy to read, love."
You felt heat traveling to your face as you slightly smacked his arm, "How can I not be? This is a big thing, Fred, and our headmaster is literally one of the greatest light wizards of all time!" Fred finally opened his eyes and looked at you fondly, his hand idly caressing the side of your face.
"Look at you getting all worked up for me. I'm so lucky. Who else is going to be worried for me like this?" Your insides went warm as you heard his words, and his voice was groggy and deeper than usual too. Ugh.
"Don't try to distract me, Weasley! I'm serious!" You shouted-whispered as you smacked his arm slightly. Fred finally opened his eyes and laughed, embracing you into his chest.
"I've been hiding this mark from you for the last few weeks, love. I think I can handle the rest of the year," He mumbled in your hair.
And with that, the whole conversation of him being a Death Eater ends just like that. Never to be brought up again. But your mind couldn’t help but worry for the worst.
Let's just hope Fred knows what he's doing.
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