#i also havent proofread this so sorry if theres mistakes
thisisegregiouuuus · 2 months
i love THE SHINING!!!!!!!!!! literally all week since saturday all ive been thinking abt is watching it again but since school started i made this little tradition that every saturday night id watch the shining on the tv while everyones asleep (im so cool) bc i love watching the shining on the tv (i only watch stuff on my laptop so getting to watch smth i love on the tv is rlly cool to me 😼)
ive come to a point where i dont mind watching the shining every day. like in the beginning it was all just 'oh, i havent watched the shining in a while, i feel like watching it now so im going to' that was like a month and a half ago or smth...ive never rlly had the shining as an actual interest before, but this one by far has lasted the longest, and its kind of different to any other interest i have in a way i cant explain!!!!
anyway, that little 'i wanna watch the shining tonight!" like 2 months ago sent me down a rabbit hole of youtube videos talking abt the making of the shining, theories abt the shining, and a bunch of other stuff, plus reading the actual book (which i love as much as the movie) and now here i am! when this silly little interest first started i was like 'oh i wanna pace myself, i dont want to watch the shining every night' bc i jsut didnt feel like it, but now i dont mind watching it every night or so, but i gotta wait until saturday now. at least it keeps me looking forward to smth!
dude i dont wanna sound crazy or anything, and i dont mean it in a crazy way, like i think im pretty normal abt my interest in the shining, but most of the time in my mind im just thinking abt the shining and waiting for someone to ask me if i know the shining or for someone to merely mention it bc the second they do i can just explode and finally tell SOMEONE how much i love the shining. like i kid u not i was having dinner today and while i was eating i was begging for my family to just ask me 'so are u watching any movies rn?' bc YES. YES I AM!!! and i have a lot to say abt it.... also at dinner i was thinking of all the lines from the shining i knew off by heart, reciting them to myself, i wanna quote them to someone so bad and i would to my closest friend but she wouldnt get it or find it funny, she doesnt like the shining and we kinda only quote things we find funny </3 so idk who to talk to abt the shining. thats why im on here writing abt it!
anyway thats all! im gonna post this publicly, just to try it out--i never post anything publicly but i wanna see what its like, ive been on tumblr for like a year or smth but i still dont rlly know it too well lol, so im still learning. if i like posting publicly i might post more, or ill just take this down. anyway sorry if theres any spelling mistakes or anything, this isnt proofread! :3
(also the title is a quote from the movie evan almighty in case u dont get it 😻)
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phanhowell · 4 years
Small details in JATP that I ✨love✨ Willex scene edition
People liked my Unsaid Emily details post so I’m back for part 2, this time using only scenes featuring my favourite ghost boyfriends.
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Starting off we have this brilliant screenshot from the first time they meet. Not much to say about it tbh but I think it’s super cool how Dave Hoge is the producer of the show and they found a way to include his name in such a creative way. It took me way too long to figure out that this wasn’t just a random name that they threw in there. 
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Next we have this. I’m fairly sure that those posters in the back are promoting the names of bands that Sunset Curve could’ve been (as in they were the draft names). It’s also hilarious to me that the band posters we see in this scene and in any other present day scene are the same bands that were being promoted at the orpheum in 1995. They thought we wouldn’t notice HA. Perhaps my favourite thing about this image however is the fact that Dog Costume man can be seen verryyyy slowly walking into the shot the entire time. Give that man a raise honestly he deserves an oscar for this performance. The bus numbers might mean something but I don’t live in Hollywood or know anything about buses so idk what. 
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Next we have this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rainbow bracelet!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAA I love. Don’t think about Alex nervously going into a store by himself in 1994 to buy this. Don’t think about him checking over his shoulder constantly to make sure nobody saw him buy it. Don’t think about him only wearing it when he’s alone at home and looking at himself crying in the mirror, trying desperately to accept himself. Absolutely don’t think about him eventually being proud enough to wear it around the boys, but before coming home having to take it off and shove it in his pocket, along with putting the small cross back on his chain. :)
Also peep that solid black ring. I’m not saying ace! alex but 👀we already know Willie has the Gay™️ earring so it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to assume the costume design is trying to say something. It’s on the right hand too, which after some research is apparently the one that means asexual. I’m not ace however so if this is completely wrong someone please come and yell at me. 
[EDIT AFTER POSTING: Fifi pointed out to me that an ace ring is typically worn on the middle finger of the right hand, while Alex wears his on his index finger. Because of this please ignore everything I just said.]
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Skateboard!!!! Pretty much all of the ideas in this bit are from @funsizearsonist​ so go follow them k? Firstly, it would not be far fetched to assume that Willie is an artist. He really strikes me as a guy who’d be into street art and who sometimes leaves graffiti in places just because he knows he can never be caught. Willie is creative, and probably designed his skateboard himself. That’s why he was so concerned that Alex dinged it. The design seen here is a flaming sword, which actually fits him perfectly. A flaming sword in literature and mythology typically means that whoever is holding it is a protector or guardian, with the fire representing supernatural abilities. That’s Willie!! In season 1 while he is the one that brings them to Caleb, he is also the one that tries to save them from being jolted out of existence. If it weren’t for him, the boys would be gone forever. On top of this, I really believe that next season Willie is going to play a much bigger part in the battle against Caleb. We’ve seen him use his powers already on the cops, but he 100% can do so much more that we haven’t seen yet. He’s going to be the boys’ saviour I’m telling ya.
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Nothing to say about this except look at the pictures on the walls. Caleb knows he’s an icon and I love it.
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ehehehehehe this one makes my heart go weeeeeee. Very hard to see, but Willie has his arm around Alex’s shoulders. If you missed my post I did a while ago, Willie touches Alex 14 whole times during this single song. If that isn’t love idk what is.
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Ok, this one isn’t so much about the screenshot as it is about what’s happening in the scene. If you’ve always found it weird how they were walking around while talking instead of just sitting down to have a conversation, you aren’t the only one. But the truth hurts. Willie is making the boys follow him to talk because he knows that Caleb is tracking him. By being with them, he’s putting them all in danger, but it’s a risk he’s willing to take for Alex. Willie can’t stay in one place for long, because if he does Caleb is going to catch him. I mean he literally says “if he even knew I was here talking to you, he would destroy me”. What I think is that Willie is only trying to protect the boys at this stage because he knows that Caleb is going to catch him no matter what. By changing locations constantly, at least he’s giving them a chance to live, even if it means he’s going to die again. 
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Last screenshot and you know I couldn’t leave the hug out. Just look at them :) They’re in love :) That’s all. 
I’m just kidding I wanna talk about Willie’s bracelets. Dang flabbit does he have a lot. I like to think that he had none of these when he was alive, but has collected them over the years of being a ghost. Maybe he steals them from stores, maybe he finds them in the many strange locations that he screams at. Maybe, just maybe, each one of them represents a different friend of his who has crossed over. If that last part is the case, then in this moment Willie could already be thinking about what bracelet he can make in Alex’s honour. 
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laurakinney · 4 years
what are your, "thoughts on," hickmans xmen books?
im not proofreading this and im typing it on my crappy phone so sorry for any mistakes
hm okay when i first started reading dox i was like. in the middle of getting into the xmen so i didnt really have a solid idea of their characters their relationship and their history so i Loved dox, like i went crazy reading new mutants nad *sigh* marauders cause like. at the time it was everything i needed u know like pretty island? all the characters in one place and not fighting? its really great at first glance but lucky for me time passed
now my thoughts are just. unclear. cause like as much as it pains me to say hickman is a good writer but hes a good writer in the sense that its interesting to read his books when its three years later and all the plot points and big reveals have become part of their universes landscape. and honestly comics make me so tired hickman is a good writer simply for... having good ideas....
but this has been said over and over (because its true) but hickman Does Not Know How To Write Character like legit... i havent read any of his other big runs but this is a Very big problem in hoxpox and dox... i cant tell u a single thing thats happened in xmen and it has had like all my favorite characters as the “main focus”, but even then theyre used more like pieces to the story cause the main focus will always be the plot and hickman setting up a bunch of things
theres also just. the blatantly bad stuff hickmans made a part of krakoa like the imperialism, the eugenics, the exclusionism and blatant disregard for the characters cultures and origin under the guise of New Mutant Nation (cult)
it also makes me ... scared for the future of the xmen and for the undertones it has like. the xmen are not the most liked group now more than ever and the way theyre treated in universe by the population And the superhero community has always been alwful like? the mutant population has been decimated so many times over the years and there are so many groups dedicated to murdering mutants for whatever reasons and anytime any of the xmen say “oh wait this is actually a really shit and opressive society mutants shouldnt be treated like this” they get viewed in universe as crazy and “too radical” 
i got off track here but basically im worried this has some “minorities are supposed to be opressed because this is the way it has always been and any kind of change to the status quo will only lead to worse things” undertones....
send some asks that are like “thoughts on ______”
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