#i also have very strong opinions on the correct texture of milk and this most alternatives are Incorrect Texture
bosspigeon · 2 months
all rules are made up except for MY rules which were given to me directly from The Heavens (the little autism creature in my brain that tells me that chocolate flavored things have to be one of a limited palette of Correct Texture or else they are the devil's work) and are thus immutable as gravity
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shorilicious · 8 years
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♡Sweet Valentine’s Q&A♡ (part 2)
Q6. Who are you grateful for and would like to give chocolate to?
Kento: Arashi’s Ninomiya-kun! When we appeared together in „Arashi ni shiyagare“, I was able to demonstrate my character more easily thanks to him, so I was able to participate in the programme in a good shape. Thank you for creating a storm in my heart! (t/n: Kento made a pun with Arashi’s group name)
Fuma: Takeuchi Ryoma! He asked me twice „What are you doing today?“ after contacting me but unfortunately I couldn’t change my schedule. But I was so happy that he invited me, so I want to tell him „Let’s meet up soon“. If he’s that chill, it seems he would be happy if I give him chocolate (laughing).
Shori: Kishi Yuta! Kishi is a really nice guy and a proper person. I cannot believe that I am close to this guy! We’re a little bit different but that’s why it’s so funny, every time I am with you I laugh a lot. I’m always having a fun time.
Sou: My dad! There was a long time where I couldn’t speak up for some reasons but recently I finally was able to talk to him fairly. Now there’s many things that we mutually understand. Because I’m still too shy to say „Thank you“ directly, I would take this opportunity to express my honest feelings.
Marius: Our fans! For coming this far and being able to perform as five people I really want to thank everyone. From now on I want to cherish every moment as the years go by and I want to make lots of memories with everyone, so please take care of us!
Q7. To which sweets would you compare the members to?
Kento answers: Myself... I think I would be tiramisu. Since there are several layers, when you put it in your mouth, you will have a variety of textures. The taste is also profound, I also want to become this type of man. Fuma→Apple pie He has a faint sour taste like an apple. When you eat the pie the texture is kinda crispy, somehow it fits his image. Because his thoughts on certain things are always clear and he is the type who is able to make crisp decisions any time. Shori→Raspberry cake He has dark pink and pastel pink interweaving and also bright colours but now the dark purple colour of raspberry is more vivid than anything, I feel like he’s expressing the flames inside of his heart. Because only on stage he is expressing the ups and downs of his own life. I feel a strong and cool flame then. Sou→Cream puff He feels smooth like the cream of a cream puff and it reminds me of the part under Matsushima’s nose. The part under his nose somehow feels like a dog’s paw (laughing). I wonder if it can make me feel better too. The fluffy texture also fits his natural airhead personality. Marius→Marshmallow Marius likes various fashion styles. Marshmallows can be eaten with cheese or chocolate fondues, so I figured out it can be synced with Marius wearing fashion (laughing). Of course, marshmallows are easy to chew so it’s perfect for him.
Fuma answers: Myself... I cannot compare myself to anything~ Because I can’t decide, I’ll just choose my favourite sweets which is mille crepe. Why do I like it? It tastes good. That’s it (laughing)! Kento→Gateau au chocolat I think that it is extremely sweet because there is chocolate all over, but even though it’s that sweet, it also has an adult image. It has a rich flavour, the texture is moist and it even has a stylish name... it really reminds me of Nakajima’s aura. Shori→Shortcake Somehow Shori is like a shortcake. It has the image that it is always placed in the middle of a shop window. It is similar to Shori because everyone wants to pick up that cake and it leaves a popular impression just like him, the cream is white and the strawberries have a red colour, it also matches well with his cuteness. Sou→Mont Blanc It seems that Mont Blanc is becoming a standard sweet just like a shortcake but comparing it to Matsushima, it is pretty „quirky“ like him (laughing). Now that various sweets are getting popular, if you use sweet potatoes or it has an unique shape, he has an image that is quite different from others. Marius→Parfait Since parfait is being served in a tall glass, to me it feels like there’s „too much“ of it (laughing). Although the expression „too much“ might not be suitable for him, he’s not simple and somehow he stands out. He also has sides on him that would fit in a gorgeous category as sweets.
Shori answers: Myself... I would be a melon. Since I love melons (laughing). It’s the most delicious fruit, so I think it’s the king of fruits! So I will also try to do my best. Kento→Candy Although I say candy, I imagine a huge rainbow-coloured lollipop (laughing). Looking at his colourful colours is so pretty and he’s tasty because he has various kinds of flavours! I think it’s perfect for Kento-kun since you’re able to enjoy various things at once. Fuma→Mont Blanc With chestnuts he gives off a Japanese image but being Mont Blanc he’s still a Western confectionery. What I mean is, I think Fuma-kun’s performances resemble western performances, right? However, Fuma-kun is taking care of othres like an older brother and I feel like that’s the Japanese guy side inside of him. Sou→Jelly with coconut milk Matsushima seems like he’s not confident but surprisingly he’s strong to the core. Jelly with coconut milk is delicious as well because you can pull at the jelly and the coconut milk can be felt while being chewed, right? Matsushima has such a feeling (laughing). Marius→Cotton candy Because he looks like an angel, fluffy cotton candy suits him the most. The cotton candy grows bigger while it’s spinning around but Marius also absorbs other people’s opinions and gives his own opinion in the end (laughing). That part is also like cotton candy.
Sou answers: Myself... a Japanese-style Mont Blanc because I like that. I can tell everyone that it’s good, since I think others nowadays it seems to get populari(laughing)! Kento→Shortcake I think that everyone wants to get a shortcake for dessert. It’s exactly „the idol with the principles of royalty – Nakajima Kento“ image! The strawberries have a fresh red colour and the sweetness matches Kento-kun’s passionate character. Fuma→Toffee apple Instinctively I thought of apple pie when I thought of apples but I think the red may be missing. With a cool red colour and coated with sweetness you feel a sharp sense while eating it... Fuma-kun keeps a lot of components to himself. Shori→Lemonade with ice Because somehow his character is sour (laughing). Actually I realise this when I’m with him every day that even though he’s bitter, there’s a refreshing part about him and therefore he’s exactly like a lemon! Of course there is also a certain sweetness that is well balanced with some ice. Marius→Melon ice cream Somehow Marius has a certain freshness and he makes everyone go „lovestruck“ because of his sweetness (laughing). Considering that he also has some cool points the ice cream is perfect!
Marius answers: Myself... because I’m the youngest I guess I’m something that has a lot of sugar~ In particular, I have the image of chocolate melting in your mouth. Kento→Shortcake Because shortcake is like the leader of all sweets. The shape is pretty as well and the contrast between red and white is vivid and perfect. Also the image of the soft fluffy cream is good, it perfectly suits Kento-kun! Fuma→Bitter chocolate He has sides on him that are slightly bitter but of course he also has a certain sweetness, so he’s like bitter chocolate. I think that Fuma has those two sides. Also the smell of bitter chocolate cacao, it reminds me of the adult-like part of Fuma-kun. Shori→Candy Candy is hard at first but as the temperature rises it slowly melts and leaves a nice taste. Shori-kun is very shy, that’s why I think that process which takes time resembles him while he’s slowly opening up. Sou→Chewing gum Even if he’s a chewing gum he will be one where the taste doesn’t disappear. In order to taste good in your mouth all the time, Sou-chan is always shining bright. Even the pop of typical American chewing gum, it somehow reminds me of Sou-chan’s fashion and soul.
Keep in mind I am not a native speaker therefore there might be mistakes in my translations. Also I’m not exactly translating word for word. Feel free to correct me in my ask box any time you want, I’d appreciate it! I apologize if someone already translated something before me and I didn’t notice, I hope you don’t mind.
Credit goes to yoshiko_mama @ LJ for the scans, thank you!
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